#& yes this is aimed towards a certain ship
ajaxv4mp · 1 year
why do antis say “i hate [ship name]” but then interact with posts involving that ship just to leave hate,,??
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mickandmusings · 5 months
feelings are fatal
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pairing: obi-wan kenobi x senator!f!reader
word count: 1.7k
summary: obi-wan has sworn to the life of the jedi, a life of service: no selfish acts, no materialistic wants, and most importantly, no attachments. he’s held on to these values in even the most trying of times, but when the senator he’s sworn to protect is injured during a battle, will he be able to manage his feelings?
based off this request! (I'm a little rusty on my star wars writings, but i'm working on it! I hope you love it! <3)
warnings: angst fluff, an overused senator x jedi trope, description of fighting, injury (nothing gory)
Blaster fire sounded in nearly every direction Obi-Wan turned. His lightsaber was ignited, washing him in a blue light. Obi-Wan was focused on dodging blaster fire with the blade, keeping himself protected, but he was more worried about the others in the room. Sure, the room was filled with a few other Jedi-he could sense Anakin's presence on the other side of the room, Ahsoka just to his left, both of their lightsabers could be heard deflecting shots of their own. Obi-Wan wasn't quite sure how this fight had started, or why, but he was determined to get everyone he cared about out of it: Anakin and Ahsoka, of course, but also Y/N-the Senator that had been put under his protection for nearly a full cycle. He found her presence in the force immediately, just to the other side of the room of Anakin, her own blaster drawn and firing. He found himself wanting to get to her first, and quickly.
"Senator!" Ahsoka's voice sounded over the noise, obviously directed at Y/N. "Get down!"
Obi-Wan deflected another shot, his sapphire eyes finding Y/N amongst the crowd of enemy and ally alike, her frame ducking down as Ahsoka had ordered. She was seemingly quick enough to dodge the blaster fire shot, but not without getting grazed, hissing as it burned her skin. She let down her guard as she looked at the injury, blaster shots hurling in her direction. Obi-Wan nearly lost all of his internal merits, swinging his blade wildly through blaster fire in an attempt to make his way to her. She spots him running towards her, her own eyebrows furrowing as she aimed and shot her blaster.
"Kenobi! What are you doing?! Get back with Anakin and Ahsoka!"
"You've been shot!"
Y/N's face was stern.
"I wasn't shot, I was grazed, I'm fine! Get these...things! Whatever they are get them out so we can get back! I'm fine, Obi, go!"
She was lying, Obi-Wan knew this immediately. Obi-Wan quickly notes the desperation in her eyes before making his way through the army of droids shooting at different positions in the room. The fight doesn't last long-with the teamwork of Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka paired with Y/N's impressive blaster skills, the group of them were back on a ship within minutes, making their way towards safety. The two latter Jedi sat in the ship's seats, navigating their way off the planet in tandem. Obi-Wan's focus was elsewhere, predominantly on a certain Senator sitting in the back hull of their ship. Wordlessly, Anakin made eye contact with him, nodding his head as if to say 'I've got this covered, go talk to her.'
Obi-Wan wasted no time making his way back to her, searching all over the ship for her figure, not finding her out and about the open space. That's when he heard her-a resounding painful hiss and a choked sob from behind the fresher door. Obi-Wan sighed, she had obviously been injured more gravely than she had let on. He knocked on the door lightly with a bruised fist, listening for her voice to call back to him. Her voice came out almost a whisper, obviously mutilated with pain.
Obi-Wan felt his heart race, slowly making his chest feel tight.
"It's me, can I come in?"
On the other side of the door, Y/N sat on the floor of the fresher, the layers of her clothing peeled off and tossed aside as she attempted to clean the burns on her arms and torso. The pain was immeasurable, something she hadn't experienced before. She knew she would need help dressing her wounds carefully, she wouldn't be able to apply the bacta spray alone. As she pressed her head against the wall, dizziness taking over, her only wish is that it would have been Ahsoka on the other side of the door. Obi-Wan's looks of disappointment and his calloused hands on her aching skin would provide her with emotional discomfort severe enough to compare to her physical pain. With a ridiculous amount of effort, she reaches up to press the button to open the door, hastily wiping tears from her eyes in the desperate hope that Obi-Wan won't notice.
He takes in her state immediately-her red-rimmed eyes from crying, her face reddening. Obi-Wan would have blushed and turned his eyes away at the sight of her nearly bare torso if it were not for the flaring blaster wound on her stomach. His eyes darted to her arm, where the graze still sat, needing to be cleaned. Obi-Wan's eyes were sympathetic.
"Y/N," his voice is quiet and low, albeit panicked. "You're hurt, you did get shot."
Y/N chuckled softly, then winced at the pain it caused. She looked up at Obi-Wan with teary eyes.
"Patch me up, Obi?" Her voice was shaky but laced with humor, kicking the med kit towards him with her foot. He sat down next to her on the floor, crouched over the med kit to find what he needed to treat her wounds. He gathered them wordlessly, spraying bacta on the open flesh. Her breath hitched, causing his eyes to meet hers to make sure she was okay. Between the stinging pain and the fireworks that erupted in her chest everytime Obi-Wan touched her, she wasn’t sure if she was breathing properly. She nodded and let him continue, watching as he finished with the spray and picked up the packet of bandages.
"This is a change isn't it? You're bandaging me up instead of the other way around." She chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
Obi-Wan nodded, lifting an accusing eyebrows as he spoke.
"You terrified me today, I thought you'd been hurt-and you had. You just didn't want me to know. Why?"
Y/N shifts her eyes away from him, biting her lip in an anxious manner before she speaks.
"You-You would've dropped everything to make sure I was okay. And while I appreciate the gesture, Anakin and Ahsoka couldn't have held them off alone. There were too many of them. Someone could have gotten hurt."
"Someone did get hurt, Y/N! You!" Obi-Wan's voice was sharp, but obviously laced with concern. Y/N's eyes go back to her lap, feeling as if he had chastised her like a child. Obi-Wan knew his attachment to the Senator, and his anger as a result of it, were both properties frowned upon by the Jedi Council, but he could not stop it.
"Obi?" Obi-Wan looks up at her as he closes her bandage off, making sure all of her wounds have been covered. Her eyes look at him, full of something he couldn't quite place. "A-Are you angry with me?"
Obi-Wan looks at her, his hand coming gentle-and shakily-to the side of her face. He had never held her like this, it felt, tender, intimate-forbidden. Despite the nagging voice in the back of his head saying this was wrong, he kept his hand on her face as he spoke.
"N-No, I am not angry with you, Y/N/N. Furthest from it, I am-I am angry with myself."
"Why? You have done nothing wrong, I was the one who got hurt in the crossfire, you couldn't have done-"
"I am not angry with myself about the fight, well, that's not the forefront issue. I am fighting feelings within myself that I cannot control, and even though I know it is wrong, my entire soul burns to give into them."
Y/N is rendered speechless. Surely he is not talking about...her? The Jedi Code forbade that sort of attachment. Obi-Wan would not throw all of this, his entire life, Anakin, Ahsoka-
"I love you."
Y/N's heart stops. She had to have been imagining this. She concluded she was-she was dreaming in her apartment on Coruscant, or, more likely, she was having a dying dream, she had been shot and killed during the fight.
“I-If you don’t feel the same way, I understand. I could not live with that burden on my chest, never getting to say that to you-“
Y/N looks up at him sheepishly, almost unsure if she believes him.
“Obi-Wan, are you certain? Your code, the Jedi-“
“I have never been more certain of anything. I knew when I took my oath that upholding it would be…difficult at the least. But I-I never expected to feel the way I do about you. You…Y/N I would give up galaxies for you. You, you mean everything.”
Y/N's heart soared, Obi-Wan's eyes staring at her as if she had placed the stars in the sky herself, as if she were some goddess. She knew every word he said was true, and in her heart, she knew she felt the same way, any oath or rule be damned.
"This will not be easy, Obi, we will have to hide-"
Obi-Wan cut her off, cupping her face with both hands to gaze into her eyes.
"I know, I won't deny it and say everything will go as smoothly as if we were regular citizens. But I cannot live with the regret of not knowing what it is like to be loved by you."
Y/N smiles broadly, her eyes watering as Obi-Wan closes the gap between the two, only pulling away when the need to breathe arose. Y/N chuckled as she rested her head against Obi-Wan's shoulder.
"Who knows, maybe after this war is over, you and I can be-" She tried to think of the most outrageous yet splendidly simple life she could think of. "We can be moisture farmers on Tatooine! No hiding, just, a normal couple."
Obi-Wan's heart ached a little at her optimism, his subconscious telling him no matter the outcome of this war, they'd always end up hiding. He simply smiled and pulled her in again, enjoying the splendor of her warm touch.
Back in the cockpit, Anakin and Ahsoka sat in relative silence, watching space pass them by. Some time had passed since Obi-Wan left to check on Y/N. Ahsoka looked over at her Master as she spoke:
"Should I go check on Master Kenobi and Senator Y/N? They've been back there for a while."
Anakin felt his cheeks heat up, already knowing with an almost definite suspicion that Obi-Wan hadn't escaped to the hull of the ship with the pure intentions of aiding the Senator with her wounds. Obi-Wan was a righteous man, a great leader, but he was human, too. He shuddered at what could possibly be happening before responding.
"Snips, I promise you don't want to go back there."
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summary: After being separated for a very long time, two lovers reunite under challenging circumstances on Teth.
pairing: Commander Wolffe x Reader
warnings: !SPOILERS!, fluff, angst, no happy ending
words: 1075
a/n: the return of the king (and my writing :)
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One second the laughter of Echo and Gregor fills the ship, then there is a desperate call for help coming through the comm. It‘s Rex, surrounded by imperial forces. He is with clone force 99 as well as other surviving clones. Right away, Echo turns the ship around and heads back to Teth as quickly as possible. Neither Gregor nor (Y/n) need a direct order to reach for their weapons and prepare for a risky exfiltration.
For a few seconds, (Y/n)s fingers linger on her vibro knife with a significant wolf engraved into it‘s hilt. Her heart burns at bittersweet memories of a certain Commander. Closing her eyes, she can still see him smiling after he gave her the knife. Other people, maybe even some of his brothers, considered him strict and bitter, but (Y/N) could always look behind his cold behaviour. But now, he is out of her reach, and she can‘t admire the glint in his eyes anymore.
“Are you alright?“, Gregor places a hand on (Y/n)s shoulder, tearing her out of her daydreams. There is a single tear running over her cheek and she quickly wipes it away, but the clone saw it. He tries to smile at her reassuringly. The smile on her lips doesn‘t reach her eyes, though.
“Yeah, thanks, Gregor“, (Y/n) tells him with a shaky voice and turns back towards her numerous weapons. The knife slides into the holster on her thigh, and it feels heavier than ever.
As she places her rifle over her shoulder, Echo announces that they are almost at the extraction point. Gregor and (Y/n) walk towards the ramp and get into position. Standing behind Gregor, (Y/n) aims her rifle towards the opening ramp. At first, she can‘t see much because Echo is still landing the ship, but then she catches a glimpse of Rex and other clones surrounded by imperial forces.
Her crosshair moves from the regular troops to a commando and finally to the Commander of this squad. The grey paint on his armor seems familiar and takes away (Y/n)s breath. It looks too familiar, she must be hallucinating. It can‘t be him. But the moment the Commander takes off his helmet, (Y/n) recognises him. It‘s Wolffe.
The rifle falls to the ground with a loud thump, attracting everyone’s attention. (Y/n) has to take a few steps forward to stand next to Gregor and be in view to everyone. To her in this very moment only one person matters. It‘s like everyone else disappears and leaves her reunited with her lost lover.
Wolffe is as baffled as never before. His cybernetic eye must be malfunctioning because how could his cyar‘ika be right here on Teth? She might look a bit different, but so does he. War changes people. In the past year, whenever her imagined her in his mind, he would always remember her carefree in the summer sun of Coruscant. Now she is wearing a heavy protective vest and many weapons, looking almost drained. But it‘s (Y/n), for sure.
“Wolffe“, she whispers his name before approaching him with fleet steps. Running past Rex, who understands the situation unlike the clones around him, (Y/n) reaches Wolffe quickly. Without a second thought, she wraps her arms around his neck and crashes against him, making him stumble a few steps backwards. His helmet falls to the ground, and he engulfs her in a tight hug.
There are smiles and tears as they part a few inches to take a better look at each other. (Y/n) places her hands just under Wolffes scrubby jaw, caressing his cheeks with her thumbs. “You‘re home“, she whispers and leans forward to connect their foreheads in a sweet keldabe kiss without helmets.
“Yes, I‘m home, cyar‘ika“, Wolffe returns and closes his eyes for some time. Then he remembers the situation they are in as his second in command shifts. Softly, he moves (Y/n) to his side but never actually parts from him. He still has to follow orders, right? But with his beloved girl and multiple of his brothers right here, he gets some doubts.
Most of the clones are already inside of the ship, only Rex and Gregor are still outside, waiting for (Y/n). The soldiers under Wolffe’s command are getting unsettled, not knowing what to do and what their orders are.
“Let them go“, their Commander orders and the troopers lower their blasters. A nod from Wolffe tells them to return to their ship. Turning his attention back on (Y/n), Wolffe can feel his heart ache. He pulls her into a tight hug once again, feeling one of her hands buried in his hair. Only when they part does (Y/n) realise this was a way of saying goodbye.
“No, I only just got you back, you can‘t leave me again. Please“, she whines and starts crying at the realisation. Wolffe takes her face in his rough hands and stops her from hiding her face in her own.
“Shh, don‘t cry. This is not a goodbye, we will see each other again. I promise. But I have to take care of a few things before we can see each other again. I have to take care of my squad. I‘m so sorry, cyar‘ika“, Wolffe tries to reassure his girl. He leans his forehead against hers, not caring what the remaining clones around them think. “We found each other once, we can do that a second time, I‘m sure of that.“
The moment Wolffe tries to take a step backwards and part from (Y/n), she presses herself as close to him as possible. Their lips meet in a teary and passionate kiss, showing their raw emotions. “I love you so much, please come back to me“, (Y/n) breathes against her lover’s lips and finally parts from him. He places one last kiss between her brows, strokes a hair strand behind her ear and whispers a declaration of love in Mando’a : Ni kar‘tayli gar darasuum.
Wiping away the tears from her face, (Y/n) approaches Rex and Gregor who look as downcast as her. They enter the ship after her, but only (Y/n) takes a look back and watches Wolffe enter the imperial ship. They get separated by the closing ramp.
But just like Wolffe said: They found each other once, they can do that a second time.
taglist: @gwenebear @skippyhopperwisdom @littlemisscare-all
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eyesforahead · 9 months
Mxtx x male reader
A cross over.
When a modern era young man transmigrated in PIDW that has crossovered with other Novel's such as MDZS & TGCF thing's are bound to be both fun & traumatizing!
Name & Description are different but originally this was on my ao3 some things are arranged to suit it being an X reader. My ao3 is Elijah_Ezra.
-- MAIN SHIPS WILL NOT HE CHANGED ( such as hualian , wangxian. )
shang qinghua is. I have favorite's.
-- Canon, what canon plot line?
-- Don't like, don't read.
-- Hate towards me or anyone is not tolerated.
-- This is a crossover.
-- A lot of spelling mistakes probably.
-- No upload schedule.
-- What Ships is reader in? I'm aiming for it to be a Liu Qingge X Reader however if this is not liked I take recommendations as well.
Shen (Name) groans and sighs before getting up from the chair to grab his sword Bǎohù
It was time for the Disciple selection..
He flew down and was immediately greeted by the peak lords he was well liked and loved unlike his elder brother Shen Jiu or also known as Shen Qingqiu.
That’s right he (Last name) ( First Name) , A lazy modern guy , died and transmigrated into PIDW not only that as an OC insert the scum villains younger brother!
Airplane , what kind of messed up tragic sad backstory did you need to give Jiu-Ge?!
Naturally they grew up together which meant his childhood sucked too!
Granted not that bad compared to him as that Qiu Jianluo took a very good liking to him and loved his naïve personality he was rarely beaten.
Which now knowing WHAT Qiu Jianluo liked and was thinking made him want to scream cry and rip off his skin to erase the feeling the skin that was touched by him.
What seemed liked innocent hugged were actually very much not innocent.
years later and after much trauma he became a peak lord!
So, that's that! Yippie hooray for you.
The (History of God's and Ghost's) "神与鬼的历史" (Shén yǔ guǐ de lìshǐ) peak lord!
It is the same ranking as Qing Jing Peak.
In this peak they learned about God’s and Ghost’s that are hidden and roaming around somewhere.
Their cultivation was communication with them.
Some Ghosts would occasionally help them when in need by lending them their strength.
In turn they would also help the ghost move on.
However, this is not safety assured as ghosts can be deceiving.
Shen (Name) would know himself, he’s half possessed by one called SYSTEM who forces him to do certain shit!
Shen (Name) grimaces remembering that memory when the SYSTEM took control of his body and just chopped off someone’s dick.
‘ You didn’t need to use my body! ‘
{ D: Then, who else would SYSTEM posses? Your brother? No, thanks. }
‘ Die. ‘
{ SYSTEM will die when HOST 002 dies. }
Ah, right. Did he mention the author transmigrated with him?
Airplane Shooting towards the sky transmigrated into Shang Qinghua.
“ Didi, are you alright? You’re frowning. “ Shen Qingqiu asked snapping him out of his thoughts.
He hummed and looked towards the disciples hoping that today he will meet the protagonist Luo Binghe .
Yue QingYuan nodded at him and asked if he will choose a disciple.
Right, He himself rarely accepted new disciples they had to be specific and needed to be blessed or gained the attention of a god or ghost.
But as he looks down no one seems to have the veins that are gold or red.
Gold means a god has noticed them.
Glowing Gold means they have been blessed by one.
Red means a ghost has either noticed them or blessed them.
It was surprising to learn ghosts can bless people.
A ghost’s blessing boosts up your QI similar to the gods blessing but a ghost blessing also gives you luck while God’s give you some protection but not luck that would be on you!
Suddenly again he heard Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu fighting which is normal. However, they were fighting over a disciple.
He didn’t feel like getting involved and zoomed out before Shang Qinghua whispered to him.
‘ Bro, Go with Shen QIngqiu that’s Luo Binghe he took! ‘
he glared at Shang Qinghua for not telling him sooner and ran after Shen Jiu.
THE man was beautiful with long brown hair and warm eyes.
The male wished he can help the poor soul yet, he is not allowed to interfere only drop some helpful information nothing more…
His peak was often described as a picturesque peak ( he was very proud of his peak ) adorned with tranquil ponds. The water is crystal clear, reflecting the beauty of the lily pads floating gracefully on the surface.
Koi fish gracefully glide through the water, their vibrant colors adding a touch of elegance.
The croaking of frogs adds a harmonious melody to the scene. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, and the sight of fluttering butterflies brings a sense of joy.
The overall ambiance feels inviting and pristine. Even the teachers and classes exude warmth and friendliness. It's a place where one can find solace and inspiration.
Near the peak lord's house you'll see a more beautiful building. The building is a shrine. Inside of it is a statue of the main god they learn about.
However, the statue isn't alone along with it is the God's husband.
The crown prince and also now heavenly emperor Xie Lian & his husband Crimson Rain Sought Flower Hua Cheng.
If you're lucky enough (or you're Shen (Name) ) you'll see silver butterflies flying around.
It make's a wonderful painting , silver Butterflies in the moonlight.
From the outside the shrine has an ornate and elaborate design, with intricate carvings.
Inside the shrine, you'll find a serene and reverent atmosphere. 
To the side inside the shrine is a long table where offerings and candle's are lit.
His peak is always calm and right now that's where he wants to be not in his olders brother bamboo house with tension so high he's surprised the kid Luo Binghe hasn't fainted.
' It's the tea scene where he pours hot boiling tea on him ' he thinks.
He wishes he can move from his brother's side yet he can't.
The tea is poured , the child gasps and the master leaves looking back once at his brother.
Shen (Name) immediately goes to the poor disciple.
He grabs the towel from the table and gently wipe away the hot tea.
"I'm sorry, please don't mind my brother."
The child looks up naive brown eyes shining at him.
"N-no shifu it was this Disciples fault."
The peak lord can't help how his heart melts.
Shen (Name) from the past hated this scene and didn't understand why Shen Qingqiu did this. The Shen (Name) who he is now understands.
Luo Binghe's eye's and hair are similiar to Qiu Jianluo.
The child's name make it even worse. Luo Binghe..Luo...
Ning Yingying didn't help either immediately calling him A-Luo...
... something Qiu Haitang used to call her brother Luo-Ge...
Still, it's no excuse to what happened to this child but he can be sympathetic.
He'll show him around himself and leave he can't be absent from his peak but he can visit his brother and this child.
Maybe, in the way he'll see his cute shidi Liu Qingge.
Dropping off Luo Binghe at his dorm's in which he knows he won't be staying there longer Shen (Name) leave's and goes to the shrine.
He needs some advice..
He knows the god probably won't respond but he'll feel his presence and that's enough.
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chicksmoothie · 1 year
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•Say it like you mean it — mingi
—you have a very hard time dealing with your nightmares, so your studiocolleague and hard crush mingi helps you out sleeping better
Pairing dom!Mingi x sub!fem!reader/Chick
Genre Smut & Romance, Music Studio AU. Includes fluff & kinks
WordCount 4K
Warnings +18 content, minors DNI, nightmares, sleep paralysis, dirty talk, really dirty sex (urophilia and anal as the kinkiest), cursing, a bit of a size kink, smile kink (??), and I think that’s it, please tell me if I am forgetting something!
This in no way aims to be a real depiction of Mingi, just a character based on him!!! Same goes for Wooyoung, who appears for a sec.
Firs of all, I would like to thank you for reading :) this is actually my first fic since I was a teenager so I am a little shy about sharing it, but a friend asked me to do it so here it is!
I must say three things that you might want to know:
I use Chick instead of y/n cos it helps me write
English is not my first language and although I am confident in my english skills there might be some typos, weird use of english or gramatical errors, so sorry in advance
This story will continue as independent chapters of the same AU, but it won’t follow any schedule
Say it like you mean it
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You are trying to stop moving throughtout your nightmare but it is kinda impossible, as always.
The night is getting longer and longer and this shitty dream doesn’t seem to end. You have always had this problem: you know you are sleeping, that it is a dream and you kinda control it till a certain point where it turns into a nightmare, and then you are unable to wake up. You try screaming, moving or opening your eyes but nothing works. You are trapped until your body is too tired to keep fighting against your wish to snap out of it, or someone wakes you up. The latter is what happens this time.
You blink a few times, trying to swipe the blur in your still sleepy eyes, just to guess a massive dark silhouette bending over you. “Hey, you alright Chick?” The silhouette asks “You were making a funny face” Your eyes finally focus. “Mingi” you manage to answer with a raspy voice, just awaken. “Yeah, thanks… I just need to get some water”. The guy immediatly hands you a bottle of cold water, which you thank and firstly put on your forehead to get rid of even the last bit of nightmare that might remain.
“Were you dreaming?” You open the bottle and drink a tiny zip. “Yes, nightmares, I get them quite a lot” You don’t know why you are telling this to Mingi. The guy could just be a random studiopartner who you sometimes help with lyrics and beats, but well, apart from that, he is the guy you secretly have a huge crush on and the same guy you draw every session day cos you can’t get over his profile, lips, adams apple or shiny eyes. His short pink hair has been printed in your brain along with his smile since the moment you first landed your eyes on him. You are totally delusional for him. And eventhough his mates are obssessed with shipping you together, you don’t get any sexy vibe from him towards you, so you just enjoy his company and, why not saying it, his sight too. You get along really well, and you don’t even think about fucking that up.
“Are they really bad? I mean, you seemed just upset while sleeping, but not enough for it to be a nightmare you couldn’t wake up from”. The next explanaition you give him surprises you even more, cos you spend the next good 10 minutes telling him about your whole problem with sleep paralysis, and this is something you normally avoid at all cost. And, oh my god, not him paying attention without saying a word until you finish, making you blush, cheeks beet red. “And that’s it I guess, not too deep”.
You don’t normally get knocked out like this at the studio, so it isn’t going to happen again anyway. You could just keep helping each other with your songs as you’ve been doing till now before this tiny shitty incident, end this conversation right here and keep going with your lifes, “Do you need someone to wake you up like I did just now?” until he asks this “I might be able to do that” and states this other thing.
“Sorry, I think I don’t get you” you are trying your best to brush off the thought of Mingi being next to you while sleeping before burning with the need of having that scene in real life, “As I said, I offer myself to stay next to you while you sleep just in case you need a hand to wake up” until he offers himself to…fuck, to actually do so.
“Yooooooooo…” you both jump in surprise, your conversation being interrupted by Wooyoung, one of Mingis teamates. “Flirting again I see” Mingi slightly blushing and flicking his tounge. “Fuck off Woyo” he turns to your direction and says “Give it some thought, I might be of help”. He tries hard to hide his nervous smile, dimple showing and eyes shining. And then he fucking leaves.
Woyo laughs while waving goodbye “Well, princess, it is getting late, you should go home”
What the fuck was that just now, you ask yourself.
Your dreams are getting not only worse, but also more frequent. The last nightmare with sleep paralysis was the fifth out of seven nights a week has. That is double as much as they were before, and this situation has been going on for another two weeks.
Your lack of quality sleep has you dozzing off during lesson and keeps your brain bottled up, unable to concentrate nor being creative on your music. It has reached to a point where you would get paranoid and afraid of the night itself, which implies being unable to sleep at all. You are tired both physically and mentally, and Mingi and the guys from the studio can tell.
This is why Mingi takes you to the studios kitchen, sits you on a chair and goes “You’re not sleeping shit”. You can only nod. “Why won’t you ask for help? I offered, but it doesn’t have to be me if you are not comfortable with that” you look up at him, doubting if you should tell him that no one knows about your nightmares. You bite your lip until you throw it: “I can’t tell just anyone cos it embarrasses me,” deep breath “so you are the only one who knows” Mingi is so shocked you can tell miles away, given the face he is making. After the shock comes the seriousness. “Okay, you are sleeping beside me tonight”. And all you can do is nod again, tired and surrendered.
You throw the key away in the desk by the door, hang your coat and make a gesture for Mingi to do the same. “I am sorry it isn’t tidy”. He wanders around with his eyes just to catch how full of paintings and drawings, sculptures and some other things he can not really classify this house of yours is.
“Your place is actually amazing. How come you have so much arty stuff?” You can tell he is genuinely interested “Oh, I majored in Fine Arts, currently writing my thesis, so this is research material you could say” He widen his eyes “Wait, I thought you were a singer, like, I’ve seen you live” Trying to supress your smile you say “Well, I do that too. I do a bit of everything, never good enough at anything to live on it” He automatically shakes his head in disapproval, “The fuck you saying, that doesn’t show on your songs or in all this, baby” You look at him, not sure about what you should be more shocked about: the fact that he was giving you credit on all of your work so fervently or the fact that he just casually called you baby.
Shit, you could get used to that. “I am going to order the pizza,” you shake it off quickly, “you can choose a movie or something. The TV is over there.” Is this a fucking date? Really? Pizza is okay but, girl, a movie? Bloody hell you are hooked.
After a while watching Inuyasha, chosen by you and accepted by him since not surprisingly he loves anime, you start to feel that new but already familiar feeling of not being able to keep your eyes open due to tiredness. Also not surprisingly, you don’t lose to paranoia and fear tonight, since Mingi is close enough to you to be able to feel his body heat. It makes you nervous in a totally different way, and also calm enough to finally fall asleep on his shoulder.
It is all pitch black, you can’t see a thing and you try to reach something around you but your hands keep slipping through cold air and emptyness. You feel you are too alone for it to even be possible, you feel such loneliness, such fear of what you can’t see. Everything around you is still cold and still empty and your hands are still slipping through the air and you can’t find anything or anyone to wake you up.
Thats it, you are dreaming. Another shitty fucking nightmare. Please someone wake me, please. You try to say it, your mouth opens up and maybe emits the sound but you can’t hear it. You also try to pull your own arm in a desperate attempt of inflicting yourself some pain that shakes you out of this dream, but fail. Your body blocks any kind of action you try to start. Cold drops of sweat rolling through your body outside the dream, you can feel it, you are right in between, why can’t you reach the surface?
It suddenly happens. A hand would gently caress your sweat away outside the dream, first thing you feel in what seemed ages. And that’s what it takes. You slowly open your eyes, also slowly focusing on a worried Mingi. “You alright?” You are suddenly so calm, everything just sets right.
You close your eyes again and rest for the first time in a long time.
When you wake up you are in your bed, fully covered with your 3k blankets (you are really not a cold person) and a fucking big and heavy arm. Mingi is right behind you, breathing soundly on your nape. Shut up. Shut the fuck up because this is not fucking happening. I am still dreaming. You tell yourself all that, but reality says otherwise, since Mingi wakes up to your tiniest move in order to wake you if needed, and he had just noticed how your body suddenly tensed.
“Chick? You awake?” Shit is his morning voice sexy “Good morning Mingi” you can’t even turn around from embarrassment “Good morning baby” BABY, againnnn?jeheodjeifhehehdjhd “Did you sleep any better?” You just manage to nod, unable to emit any sound or word since apparently you have forgotten your own language. “Why won’t you talk? Are you alright?”
His fingers start to have a stroll through your hair, drawing circles on your scalp. What is he up to? You wonder, cos this situation would normally lead to something you know far too well. But, as always, you’d rather die than admit that these things happen to you, that someone might be interested in you. You need more, a bit of a bigger proof. “Hey, Chick, please talk to me, do you need water or something?… Did you fall asleep again?” This last bit is nearly a whisper. Did he actually lower his voice just now just in case you had fallen asleep? You can’t take it. That is too fucking endearing. You break in laughter and turn around, smiling at him. “Thanks Mingi, I slept amazing”.
And there you are, facing each other closer than ever. Just a few centimeters away from his lips, as you had imagined too many times to even fucking count. So what do you do now, you beg someone to tell you. The hand that was previously caressing your head had, lets say naturally, landed on your waist when you abruptly turned around, and somehow it started moving with the same motion it had on your head, but now on its new location. “Yeah? I’m glad, and you are welcome” A bright smile on his lips, still so close to yours you could breathe his words in. You just can’t stop looking at him, he is too bright himself, so pretty. His smile is too much for you, fuck, you might actually cry.
But you don’t have time to do that, cos Mingi takes the chance of you looking at his lips to put on yours his pretty smile. It lasts a second, but when he moves his face away from you, your heart tightens and your eyes shut close to try to process the warmth in your chest. Where did all these overwhelming feelings come from? You never thought it was so deep. Was it this deep? Have you been cockblocking your own feelings for this guy as you always do just to avoid facing them? Hell yeah you have girl. When you open your eyes Mingi is looking at you, clearly puzzled since he thinks he might have gone overboard with the kiss. Your hands find his cheeks, pressing against them so hard his mouth turns into a fish face.
“I am in love with you” You look at him gently for a second, just settling your words altogether with your flaming chest. His face is a poem: the fish face now has his eyes wide open in surprise, and you break in laughter again. He slowly takes your hands away while his expression changes just to grab your chin with one of his own hands “You mean it? Say it like you mean it” his eyes are a bit narrowed, his new and unknown expression tainted in something dark that you can feel right in your lower half. He wants to know, he wants to hear you say it like you mean it.
You swallow, looking at him in the eyes while trying to catch your breath “Mingi I lov-“ And thats all you manage to say, cos next Mingi is full on pressing his lips against yours, your whole body against his, so much bigger than yours. It sounds so messy in your mouths you feel shy about it, but all you can do is give in to him, finally reaching each other as you both apparently wanted to. His hands are all over your body. Fuck you are needy. Fuck he also is.
So you move your hands near the “whatever cloth’s he has got” elastic and pull it down. He growls in your mouth, anticipating what you are about to do. And, although he wants you to do it, he also wants to pleasure you first.
“Baby, wait” you look at him, quite confused again both for him stopping you and also him calling you baby for the third time as if nothing. “Let me get on top, yeah?” As if you could fucking answer anything to that. He slips on top of you making it seem like he has done it every single day of his life, with such ease. When you feel him grind against you, you melt down and pant. You want him so much it’s insane.
In a second attempt to take action you stroke yourself against him, and again he stops you “Be a good girl, huh? Let me work you just right for a bit” you automatically stop and nod biting your lips, eyes full of needy tears, making his chin clench and tighten in lust at the sight of this undone under him you. He goes back to your mouth and kisses you, and this time he does it so damn slowly, as if he loved you back? His tongue going over your lips and making its way inside your mouth, finally eating your breath up in the sweetest kiss ever.
His hands are covering your cheeks and reaching behind your ears through your neck, and this could sound all too innocent and fluffy if he wasn’t grinding against your already soaked pussy so hard but at the same slow pace as the kiss. You moan between his lips, earning another one of his smiles, this time a bit cheeky. “Needy aren’t we?” He didn’t expect it, but you grin yourself and go back to his mouth and almost whispering you say “Yeah baby, so fucking needy for you”. Mingi tenses from head to toe, grinds one time just as a reflex and slaps you slightly on your cheek, “And what exactly is it that you need, needy girl?” “Mingi, please” your grin dropping and you cry while your arms wrap around his lower back just to pull him even closer, pressing your clit against his already rock hard dick, making you both moan.
“Words baby, wanna hear you say it” he growls while grinning and you cant help but obey without even thinking, “Mingi, really give it to me,pretty please? Fuck me stupid hm?” You know your slutty begging tone is effective, but not to this extent, cos one second after your last word is Mingi dragging your pants and panties down, lining his dick and pushing it slowly inside you. Slowly, very slowly, cos you are wetter than ever, but he is so, so, so big. You both sighing deep due to the sudden hit of his cock entering you.
“You feel amazing around me. Going so slow is torture” He is looking into your eyes, so when you push yourself up in order to take him whole in one go, you have the perfect sight of his eyelids flicking and his eyes rolling up to the back of his head, enjoying the pleasure it gives him. “Fuck, baby, so good” he bites his lips while now moving in and out of you, still slowly, still so sweet.
Your pussy clenching at the sound of his praising. “Mingi come closer, I wanna kiss you” “Because you love me?” You nod “Words baby” and he demands. “I love you Mingi, please let me kiss you” He smiles brightly. “I love you too” and so he’s got you. You’re done for.
The moment he bends down to kiss you you swallow his mouth, arch your back and make his cock enter you the fucking perfect angle that you both needed to finally lose it. Mingi starts to fuck you hard, taking your legs to roll them around his waist, making you push him deeper with each time he bangs. Your eyes crying and your voice crying too, your head falling back in pleasure, him growling your name and praising how good your pussy tastes for his cock, his body pressed so tightly to yours and every inch of your body feeling so full of him.
You start to feel that burning knot in your core, this hot sensation that you have never felt with a guy fucking you before and that you could only reach with your fingers.
“Mingi I think am gonna cum” you cry “Cum baby, drench me, yeah?” As if you were following his every order, the knot pulls you to your orgasm faster than it ever has before, but he doesn’t stop “You think you can take it a bit longer?” And for some reason you do. And not only that, being so overstimulated turns you on so much that you end up begging with your eyes still rolled back from the high of your orgasm and your body still shaking “Mingi don’t fucking stop, please”.
And he doesn’t, but he does bend you over the mattress, your face sunken in the pillow. He has your ass up to the sky and he can’t help but suck his thumb and then stroke its entrance in circles while still banging your pussy. When you feel his finger entering your ass and trying to find and press his own cock through your flesh inside you, all the overstimulation that has built up finally overcomes you. “Mingi…something different is coming!” You shout ridiculously still pressed against the pillow. He doesn’t stop, he knows what is gonna happen and he wants to see it from the front row. And this is not going to take long, you just need a little push. “Come on babygirl, let me see it” he gasps while rocking his hips.
All of a sudden this heat that comes along with the orgasm mixes with a burning feeling in your clit. Mingi takes his mostly free hand to go down to it and press on really fast and really hard. You scream his name as if it was the last thing you would say. Your legs so week you can’t even keep yourself in all fours, your pussy clamping and drenching the whole bed with your squirt. “Jesus Christ baby, that is so fucking sexy. You’re such a slut huh? Wetting your bed like that. And this is all for me.”
A growl followed by a slap on your ass, this time very hard, nothing to do with the previous one on your face, announce his own orgasm. This one slap is meant to mark you as his, make himself stamp his own pleasure for you on your skin as if he could’t stay still. And then he slows down, pouring all his cum inside your pussy, while still fucking your asshole with his thumb in the same slowing pace.
He pulls out and you whine, feeling too empty all of a sudden. You think it is over and somehow you feel kinda disappointed “I thought you were gonna fuck my ass too” he can’t even finish to lean beside you because he falls apart in laughing tears “Are you for real? After this?” “I don’t know” you say, eyes looking down at Mingis body lying just by your side, you still down faced and breathing irregularly “I was ready for everything”.
Mingi takes your face and kisses you dearly while, again, smliling through your mouth and making you smile too. “I am not gonna fuck your asshole...” you pout, he smiles even wider. “…today. But I am going to clean you up”. He starts kissing you again, then going down your neck with tiny little pecks, he stops for a minute on your chest, your nipples and down to your bellybutton.
The pleasure this time is different. You know you are unable to cum anymore after squirting so hard, at least not in a couple of minutes without any stimuli. But this pleasure is just pleasure for you to enjoy without the orgasm as the reward. Just Mingi feeding you full with attention like this is just right, just enough. You anticipate his next kissing stop, you know what he is about to do and you burn inside with desire. “Mingi…” You pull his short pink hair at the time you push his face between your legs for him to eat you out only as a fucking professional rapper like him would do. The thought of him sucking you clean of his own cum is driving you nuts. “Shit Mingi, so good…” You are too sensitive right now, but somehow it still feels good to have him gently sucking you.
Once he finishes, he is now hard again, and not that you are surprised. You look up at him, asking with your gaze what you should do. He grins “Stay still babe, lay towards the headboard for me” you obey and he gets closer to you, towering you under his huge body and leaning forward, just to have your face aligned with his dick.
He starts stroking in a slow motion at first, then hurrying the pace as he watches you open your mouth while looking at him in the eyes. “I wanna cum on your face” he sighs while closing his eyes “And then I wanna piss all over your body”. At this point this does only not surprise you, but you ache for it too.
Your eyes meet, he is waiting for your approval. Your only answer being gulping, licking your lips and opening your mouth again while looking at his cock pointing at you. “Fuck” he manages to say. And then he cums hard, fast, all on your face and making it drip to your tits. “I am gonna drench you baby, say you want it. Tell me” “Mingi” keep crying, “I do want it so fucking bad…” Right this instant, after coming down from his climax, does he start showering you in his piss, moaning hard with his low voice a bit pitched this time, looking down at you getting covered. Your body suffering because of the temperature difference between the fluid and your skin, and thus making you tremble until he finally finishes his load.
He falls over you and rolls down until he can rest on your lap. “You are incredible” he says. You smile, proud of yourself and also proud of him. “So are you, baby” and hearing yourself saying “baby” reminds you something you’ve been wondering. “Yo Mingi, how come you so casually started calling me baby out of nowhere?” He looked up at you and gave you that smile of his that you’ve spent hours drawing. “I’ve dreamt of it so many times it came out naturally”.
He takes you to the bathroom to get a very needed shower. And under the warm water you think about your next dreams being as normal as his, quiter and maybe safer since from now on you would be sleeping next to Mingi.
Part 2 whenever
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the-starship-athena · 8 months
Hey, guys! Welcome to the Q&A for Star Trek: Athena.
This will be the first of many Q&A’s for STA. I’ve gotten a few questions that I hope will clear up things. Let’s get started!
Q1: What is STA?
It’s pretty much what it says on the box.
In keeping with Star Trek tradition, I’ve named this project Star Trek: Athena. It’ll be following the adventures of the crew of the USS Athena over the course of their three year mission.
Q2: When does STA take place?
So…here’s the thing.
We know that Star Trek has two timeline, TOS (Prime timeline) and AOS (Kelvin timeline.) The relationship between fans and the timelines…well it’s complicated. You either love it or you hate it or you begrudging like both of them. I’ve been fan since I was kid thanks to me discovering Star Trek while bored during the summer and looking for something to watch.
The problem is the story that I wanted to tell didn’t fit into the prime timeline because there is already so much packed in there so I ultimately gave up on it but then when I watched the 2009 Star Trek movie I realise that maybe I could make my story but still keep it Star Trek. 
Thus, the idea for STA was born.
To answer everyone’s question, yes, it takes place in the Kelvin timeline. The story takes place in 2264 immediately after Star Trek Beyond.
Q3: Who is the crew?
Okay, so the crew is different. I kind of wanted a mix of both bridge crew and lower decks crew because I thought maybe it would be more interesting story wise. Star Trek Lower Decks did kind of influence a little bit of it but then so did The Next Generation.
I plan to release a crew profile soon so like you can get a preview of who is who and what their ranks are and what they do on the ship.
I had to do a lot of research both into the prime timeline and the Kelvin timeline about ldifferent ranks and ship classes and positions on the ship. So like I had a consult both memory alpha and beta, which was fun.  
Keep your eyes out in the future because I will post a full post about our new characters - 8 of them in total - and then the minor characters.
Q4: What do you mean by ‘episodes’ being released?
Okay, I think we’re all familiar here with the format of Star Trek so I aimed to do something similar but in a writing form. It’s not a script or a fan made movie or anything like that. Think more on the lines of the novelisation of certain episodes of TOS, kinda like that but in a shorter format.
It’s going to be a three-year mission, so I am dividing this up into three seasons. I have everything already planned out and drafts are written. Each season will most likely have 10 to 12 episodes and I’m thinking of adding like a little short mini episodes probably like in between seasons just know small little stories or maybe like deleted scenes that I didn’t think made the final cut.
The first episode of STA will be posted on April 10. Hopefully there will be no delays but I look forward to everyone reading this because I’m really excited.
Q5: Why did you start this project?
For fun.
I’ve always been a very big fan of Star Trek, ever since I was kid.
It’s the kind thing that shaped me as a person. So it’s natural that I want write something as a tribute towards it
So came up with the idea of here’s my little star starship crew and they go off into space and there’s all these cool adventures but then they also learn these important lessons… i wanted it to be in spirit of the original Star Trek while adapting some of the newer aspects of modern day trek.
But then I was like okay this might be a stretch and I realised, is this just like me day dreaming or is this something I actually wanna do and then I formed the idea of STA.
Then you know they came with the whole hammering out all the details and deciding what I wanted to do and then finally I realised let’s put this in the kelvin timeline because you know there’s a lot of unknown about this timeline so it makes sense to have this crew in this timeline.
I hope I haven’t lost anyone on this but you have question, dont be afraid to DM me.
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heliads · 8 months
everything is blue • conrisa space au • Chapter Nineteen: Call Up the Cavalry
Risa Ward escaped a shuttle destined for her certain, painful death. Connor Lassiter ran away from home before it was too late. Lev Calder was kidnapped. All of them were supposed to be dissected for parts, used to advance a declining galaxy, but as of right now, all of them are whole. Life will not stay the same way forever.
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Connor fears that this might be the moment at which he finally goes mad.
He’s undergone enough to make the snap happen, at least. How much bending can a mind take before it breaks? How many separations, how much running, how much death and chaos can one teenage boy undergo before he starts to lose himself? Connor wouldn’t be surprised if this is all a hallucination cooked up by a brain that doesn’t want to separate itself from its familiar skull.
However, just why Connor would hallucinate this tithe of all people, he can’t understand. He stands there, blinking at the blond kid, until the figure of Lev Calder sighs, cracks a grin, and says, “Hey, Connor. Long time, no see.”
This, truly, is how Connor knows this has got to be fake. “Since when have you been friendly?” Connor asks doubtfully.
One of the teenagers next to Connor chokes out a laugh. “Lev, I thought you said you were friends with this guy.”
“I am,” Lev says, flashing the stranger a dour glare so severe that Connor is immediately thrust into more than a year of memories. Yes, that’s Lev alright. No one can cast judgment quite like a boy who’s worn tithing whites all his life.
Lev clears his throat pretentiously and motions for Connor to continue into the house. “Surprised to see me?”
“Surprised would be an understatement,” Connor remarks. “Do I have a concussion or something?”
Lev grins again. “I would make a terrible figment of your imagination, but that’s beside the point. No, Connor, you’re not dreaming. I should hope not, it’s taken ages to track you down. Hasn’t anyone told you to stop moving around all the time?”
“Yeah, the Proactive Citizenry,” Connor says wryly. “The two of you can argue over custody claims for me.”
Lev’s face tightens. “Trust me, there’s nothing I’d like to do more than poke a fight with the PC. They’re no friends of ours.”
Connor arches a disbelieving brow. “Really? Because the last time I saw you, you couldn’t get to a harvest colony fast enough. I seem to remember you arguing with Risa and I in an effort to turn the ship around when we saved your ungrateful ass.”
It’s difficult to keep the bite out of his words. Even though it’s been more than a year, Connor still hasn’t forgiven the kid for the stunt he pulled back in the boundary checkpoint leaving the OH-10 sector. When Lev had sounded the alarm, Connor and Risa had been forced to go on the run again, requiring the help of a sympathetic checkpoint worker for them to escape undetected. Even so, they’d barely made it out alive, and no thanks to Lev.
One of Lev’s friends doesn’t seem to take kindly to Connor’s hostility. He starts to move towards Connor, but Lev waves him off with a small gesture of his hand. Connor watches all this with faint curiosity– since when has the short tithe been able to inspire this kind of loyalty– but doesn’t say a word.
Lev picks up on his lingering irritation. “I wouldn’t blame you for being annoyed with me for how things ended in OH-10. None of us do,” he says smoothly, aiming a pointed glare at his vocal friend before carrying on. “I was a different kid back then. I didn’t know the importance of staying alive. I thought distribution was saving the world. Then I learned otherwise.”
Connor sits forward in his seat, unable to disguise his curiosity. “What changed your mind?”
Lev smiles softly. “Actually, I started having second thoughts the moment I turned you guys in. I couldn’t shake the guilt I felt, thinking that I had sent you guys to your deaths. I slipped away in the chaos when the checkpoint cops were trying to find you, and ended up hitching a ride on a mass transit shuttle. It was going to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, which I figured would be a good way to start clearing my head. Along the way, I met up with these guys. They call themselves the Chancefolk.”
Connor glances at the assembled group. None of them seem to be from the same place, all different heights and builds, different complexions, but the same haunted look in their eyes. Whatever they’ve been through, it’s been just as long and winding a road to walk as Connor’s.
“The Chancefolk?” Connor repeats. “I’ve never heard that name before.”
“I would be surprised if you had,” Lev tells him. “The Chancefolk are the native people of the galaxy. The group you see before you is only a small fraction of their true number.”
Connor turns to face him, startled. “I thought the Collective wiped out all of the native species from the worlds they conquered. People, plants, animals, everything.”
“Think again,” says a woman from the back. “The Collective would love you to believe that they’re the supreme authority on everything, but they couldn’t be more wrong. They miscalculated and mishandled the galaxy, but we’ve been maintaining the worlds all along. There are pockets of us in every system if you know where to look. We may keep our heads low, but that doesn’t mean we can’t look around and see where we need to be.”
Connor nods slowly. “I can’t believe none of us ever knew about you.”
“The Collective’s got a pretty good propaganda blanket across the galaxy, but I have a feeling that times are changing,” Lev tells him. “For one thing, you’ve got a friend who’s pushing that boundary.”
Connor breaks into a grin despite himself. “Don’t tell me you’ve been tuning in to Radio Free Hayden? Even in your outer rim hideaway?”
Lev chuckles. For a moment, he looks younger again, more like the boy Connor remembers meeting, and then promptly abducting, all that time ago at the beginning of it all. “Of course we did. That’s how I knew you and Risa were still alive, actually. I turned to his frequency one day and heard the three of you joking around like you’d never had a care in the world.”
The smile lingers on Lev’s face for a moment longer, but then his expression sobers again. “Speaking of Risa, where is she? From the way you two used to talk on that radio show, I thought you were joined at the hip, but you showed up here by yourself. Did something happen?”
A wave of grief washes over Connor again, even stronger from its absence. “Something bad. We were ambushed by the PC. She sacrificed herself so I could get away.”
Lev closes his eyes momentarily in grief. “I’ll pray for her. In the meantime, what do you say we break her out of there? We were planning a raid anyway. I think it’s time to show the PC that they’re not nearly as strong as they think they are.”
Connor nods excitedly. “I can’t think of anything else I’d rather do. In the meantime, there are a few things you guys should know about the PC before we draft a plan.”
The Chancefolk draw closer as Connor tells them about Dorian Heartland. He sees the outrage in their expressions, the pain and agony of knowing that their centuries-old foe is still alive. Judging by the steely resolve in their eyes, though, Heartland’s over-extended life may not continue for that much longer. Not if Connor has anything to say about it.
In the end, they walk away from that meeting with a plan. To take on Heartland and the PC, they’ll need an army. However, between the Chancefolk scattered across the galaxy and a fair number of personal friends that Connor and Risa have made along the way, they’re halfway there, and that’s not a bad start. First, though, they’ll need someone capable of uniting the worlds behind their cause, and he’s imprisoned in a harvest colony waiting to die.
“You’re certain this is going to work?” Connor asks for the tenth time. They’re approaching the exterior of the harvest complex now, nearing a service entrance at the back with weapons drawn, but even though they’ve been through the plan many times, all Connor can imagine are possible avenues of error.
“It’ll be fine,” Lev assures him yet again. “Listen, you saved my life when we first met, even if I didn’t appreciate it then. Let me help you out now. I’ve been owing you that favor for a while.”
“Don’t I know it,” Connor mutters under his breath, but he shuts up and lets himself believe in the idea that this might work.
Una Jacali, one of Lev’s closest friends among the Chancefolk, is leading the expedition. She looks as if she might be ready to assassinate Dorian Heartland herself using nothing more than her bare hands and raw anger should they accidentally cross paths. Connor never thought he’d say this, but he actually feels bad for the guy. Having someone as unbreakable as Una on your tail can’t be good.
Una signals to them, counting down from three with a free hand. When she lowers her hand, the explosives they’ve placed on the far side of the harvest complex go up in a fiery rage, drawing the attention of all nearby cops far away from them. The group sneaks through the service entrance and into the shadowy halls. Una and Connor fire at guards when they need to, but their path to the harvest colony is surprisingly clear, likely thanks to the inferno distraction still sending wailing klaxons through the complex.
“They’ll all be in the dorms thanks to the alarm,” Lev tells them. “We should head there now.”
“Remember, Hayden is our first priority,” Connor urges them. “Get everyone out, of course, but we have to make sure he’s safe.”
“Or at least his voice box,” Una supplies. “He can be shot in the leg and be fine.”
Connor shoots her a dour look. “The whole body needs to be fine, Una. He’s our friend.”
Una doesn’t acknowledge this with anything more than a raised eyebrow, which makes Lev clap a hand to his mouth in an attempt to silence his bout of laughter. “We hear you, Connor,” the former tithe says when he manages to get himself under control. “Hayden Upchurch won’t be harmed.”
Connor would appreciate a little more confidence on that front than just the word of Lev, but then again, the boy’s done this well in getting them thus far, he might as well have a little more faith. If anything, the religious upbringing in the younger boy would appreciate some good honest hope.
The group of rescuers breaks into the central portion of the harvest complex when the service corridor ends. Immediately, shots break out as several guards notice them. Evidently not every soldier had been sent to check out the disturbance.
“Go on,” Una urges Connor and Lev. “We’ll hold them off.”
Connor shouts his thanks, then takes off towards the dorms, Lev just behind them. Surprisingly, Lev manages to keep up, even despite his shorter stature. “Since when did you learn to run this quickly?” Connor asks, unable to keep the surprise out of his voice.
Lev chuckles. “A lot happened in the Outer Rim. I’ll have to tell you sometime, but the stories would take a while.”
There’s a dark glint in Lev’s eyes, one Connor doesn’t quite recognize from the short window of time they’d spent together a lifetime ago on the stolen shuttle of a Juvey-cop. Connor makes a mental note to sit Lev down once they get out of here and ask him just what in sunfire happened in the year since they last saw each other.
That is, of course, assuming they do get out of here. It is not lost on Connor that Heartland brought all the AWOLs from the Graveyard here to trap Connor once and for all. Although Connor and Risa already sprung that trap in the synth-park, there’s no telling if Heartland had a backup scheme that could be playing out right now. All Connor can do is keep running, and hope to all the heavenly bodies that this, at last, is something the immortal murderer didn’t see coming.
The two of them reach the door to the dorms. A quick blast from Connor’s gun sears through the lock, and he kicks it open. The door surges forward on its hinges, and hasn’t even opened all the way before Connor sprints through it. Kids are everywhere inside– sitting in the corner, talking in quiet voices, poking their heads out of doors, all of them staring at Connor with these wide eyes. It occurs to him that they might be afraid of him. When did he become something worth their terror?
Then a girl near him stands up with a start. “Connor?”
He recognizes her vaguely from the Graveyard, and although they never personally met, Connor seizes this opportunity to get back control of the situation. “Yes,” he says as loudly as he can, “It’s me, Connor Lassiter. From the Graveyard. I’m here to get you guys to safety. There are some men and women outside, they’ll help you to our shuttle.”
Too afraid to believe their good luck, no one moves at first. Connor takes a few more steps inside. “Come on, hurry. Unless you guys want to wait around and get distributed?”
That does it. The girl who’d spoken to Connor earlier hastens to the door, pokes her head out, then quickly waves to the rest of the distributes to get going. “He’s right, none of the guards can get us. Hurry, everybody.”
The teenagers follow the girl, pouring out of the dorms in a shouting, cheering wave of kids. Connor can’t help a smile as he watches the life spark back into their eyes. They’ve got a shot again, and he helped to give it to them. Maybe, just maybe, he can finally make up for what he’s done. He can reverse the tides. Little by little, Connor Lassiter can get back into the good graces of the universe.
Connor pushes further into the crowd, checking each face as he passes for Hayden or, with pitifully shrinking hope, Risa. He doesn’t really think Risa will be here, if he was in the mood for being honest with himself. She’s too important a prisoner for Heartland to just toss her in here with the rest. Still, it would make his rescue attempt very efficient if he could get both Risa and Hayden out of here in only one shot. He’ll have to suggest to Heartland that he re-organize his method of exterminating teenagers so Connor is best served by it.
The ridiculousness of that thought makes Connor smirk to himself as he wades further inside. It’s a little difficult to get through as everyone inside does their damndest to get out as fast as they can. Painfully, it reminds Connor of the mass stampede inside the doomed Graveyard when they had been found out.
Just like back then, too, Connor looks up across the crowd to find someone lingering on the outskirts, someone blond and tall who makes eye contact with Connor and breaks into this wild, bright grin that Connor hasn’t seen except in his nightmares in a very long time.
Immediately, Connor throws himself against the crowd until he’s in front of the boy. For a moment, he just stares, and then he wraps his arms around his friend, squeezing him until he almost thinks he’s forced the air from the other boy’s lungs.
“Hayden,” he says emphatically.
Hayden Upchurch, because of course it is he, hugs Connor back so hard that he picks Connor off of the ground entirely before letting him back down again. “Connor! Suns, I heard a few of the religious kids talking about how they got guardian angels when they died, but I didn’t think I’d get such a heroic one. I’ve got a poster of you up on my wall, do you want to see it?”
Connor chokes out a laugh, eliciting a proud grin from Hayden when they finally break apart. “Yeah, I totally believe that the PC let you have an Akron AWOL poster in their harvest colony. That’s such a bad joke, man.”
Hayden snorts. “They only allowed me to put it up because I promised I’d get them a signed copy. Do you carry a pen with you, or should I get one of my own? You know I have to honor my promises.”
Connor just grins. “How about you keep your promise to shoot those starspawn in the legs if you ever saw them again?”
“That sounds good to me, too,” Hayden assures him. “Now come on, I want to get out of here. I don't fancy the idea of spending any more time, even in these fine living conditions.”
Connor casts one last glance over Hayden’s shoulder, but the throngs of AWOLs have already started to disperse, and he doesn’t see a particular brunette girl anywhere. “Hayden– you haven’t seen–” 
He can’t quite get the words out, but Hayden, careful as ever, figures out what he’s trying to say. He puts a sympathetic hand on Connor’s shoulder, gently but firmly steering him out of the dorms. “No, Connor. Risa isn’t here. I’ve been looking out for both of you in case either of you turned up, you know that, but she never showed. I’m sorry, man.”
“No problem,” Connor says with a heavy heart. “I didn’t really think she’d end up here, anyway.”
“The two of you split?” Hayden asks, surprised. “I thought you were together forever.”
Connor shoots him a questionable frown. “What in the stars are you talking about?”
Hayden chuckles, even as stray gunfire from the cops rakes towards them. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. The two of you were practically joined at the hip. It used to drive me crazy in the Graveyard, actually. Jeevan and I had a bet going on how long it would take the two of you to finally spill your lovesick little guts. Speaking of which, how long did it take?”
Hayden spares one quick glance at Connor’s face as the two of them run towards the exit and winces. “Don’t tell me you never said a thing. Connor, you’ve been leading that poor girl on for months.”
“It’s not that,” Connor protests. “And come on, seriously? A bet? I didn’t even realize I liked her until just recently.”
At the entrance to the service hallway, Lev joins them just early enough to hear the end of the conversation. “You’re talking about Risa, right? How they act like they’re supposed to be together forever?”
“Yes,” Hayden says emphatically. “Thank you.”
Connor sputters. “That’s absurd. Lev, Risa and I were arguing like crazy when you were there. Don’t join Hayden’s side, you have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You should absolutely join Hayden’s side,” Hayden says. “Hayden is always right.”
“He’s right about this,” Lev says as they race down the corridor. Then, to Hayden, “It’s the way they look at each other, right? They can’t stop staring. At first, I thought he had an eye problem or something.”
“Hey,” Connor complains, but Hayden just throws up his arms in victory.
“Exactly! The staring thing! Suns, they were hopeless. You’d think they got married years ago.”
“Can we please focus on getting out of here without dying?” Connor begs.
Were they anywhere but here, he’s certain he would have been ignored, but the rapid gunfire of Juvey-cops can derail any conversation. “Fine, but we’re definitely talking about this later,” Hayden warns.
“I’ll do my best to miss it,” Connor grumbles under his breath. Maybe he should have insisted that Lev stay back at the house, or told him that he wouldn’t ever get along with Hayden so he shouldn’t bother trying. Anything to avoid whatever surreal hell this is.
It takes a while to get all of the Graveyard AWOLs back to the house Lev’s friends are using as their hideout. The journey isn’t totally smooth, either:  two Chancefolk and three distributes get shot as they’re running. Although the wounds aren’t life-threatening, every person with an injury is out of the final rescue, and Connor needs every single soul he can get so they’re not totally outnumbered.
Once back inside, Connor and Lev sit Hayden down to explain their plan. At the end, Hayden stares at both of them, obviously baffled. “I’m sorry, you want me to do another radio show? And that’s going to save the galaxy?”
Lev nods. “You would be surprised how many people can be saved just by hearing one voice. Or how many already have. You’re well known in the groups of people protecting AWOLs. What you need is to reach everybody else. Sound the alarm so they know it’s time to come out of hiding.”
Hayden shakes his head in disbelief. “This plan makes no sense. If the galaxy can hear me, so can the Proactive Citizenry. They’ll know we’re coming, and they way outnumber us, especially if we tell them when and where we’re attacking.”
“They already know we’re going to attack,” Connor assures him. “They knew that the second they took Risa. The only thing they’re not expecting is how many people are going to show up. If they hear your broadcast, fine. Heartland is assuming that everyone is going to brush it off again like they have all this time.”
“And we’re sure that they won’t just brush it off again?” Hayden asks, clearly dubious.
“I’m sure,” Lev answers. “I’ve been traveling all over the world since Connor convinced me to abandon my tithing. I’ve seen a lot of people in a lot of places, but everywhere, they’re starting to wonder if distribution is really the right way to go. We’ve got a serious chance now of changing their minds.”
Connor nods in agreement. “That’s the problem with Heartland, he’s gotten overconfident. He assumes that things will be the same way they’ve always been, but that’s not the case anymore. Times are changing, even if he hasn’t realized it yet. The time of distribution is over. We get to live again.”
Hayden whistles under his breath. “Damn, nice speech. Are we sure you’re not the one who should be making this broadcast?”
Connor chuckles. “Trust me, man, you’re the one with the star power. It’s your show, we’re all just along for the ride.”
Hayden’s bright spark of a grin shines again. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard a better thing. Out of curiosity, how in sunfire is my broadcast reaching the entire galaxy? I mean, my old signal barely made it a few star systems over. There’s no way I can reach everybody on my old tech, plus it was all blown up when the Graveyard went nuclear. Unless the two of you went scavenger hunting around that wreck, we need more comms equipment.”
“Consider that settled,” Lev says. “I’ve got some stuff from an anonymous donor, really nice gear. They’ll be able to hear you from Centerworld all the way to the outer reaches.”
Hayden rubs his hands together excitedly. “In that case, I think it’s time for a show.”
Lev takes the two of them to the room where they’ve been storing the comms gear. He informs them that the Chancefolk have been using this place as a home base for technology and missions operations, hence why so much equipment has been stored up. Hayden’s eyes light up when he sees the new gear, and can’t contain his excitement as he rattles off all the specs of this top-notch equipment. Several times, he has to be reminded that he’s not just here to sightsee, but actually record something.
At last, after some quick tune-ups and test runs, Hayden finds his old frequency and starts to talk. He planned out a loose script with them beforehand, mainly just a few talking points, but they’re more than happy to let Hayden run wild with whatever he comes up with. So long as it gets to the main conclusion in the end, of course.
“I’m not dead,” Hayden announces dramatically to the microphone, “That may come as a surprise to some of you, given the recent lapse in broadcasts, but Radio Free Hayden is still alive, and so am I. So are runaway distributes across the galaxy, or so I hear. Personally, I have Connor Lassiter to thank for my survival. We’re still alive. AWOLs, if you’re listening, I hope you’re still out there, still whole. I’m glad to be back, but I need something from you.”
Hayden takes a deep breath before continuing. “The Collective wants your pieces. All we did was live, and yet total strangers are perfectly willing to tear us apart just because our parents and State Homes gave the say-so. I know this is wrong, and so do you, listeners. However, for once we’ve got a chance to fight back. I need you all to come to Dandrich-IV. Yes, in Centerworld. We’re making a stand against the Collective, and that means we have to go to their home base. I’ll relay the coordinates in time, but I need everyone to show up and be willing to fight. I’m sure all of you remember Risa Ward, a good friend of mine and Connor’s. We need to save her life, listeners, just as she saved your lives by proving that AWOLs could exist out there in the open sky. She’s our friend, and she’s your friend. Let’s get her back.”
Hayden sends a nervous glance Connor’s way, but Connor just responds with a single thumbs up. Hayden’s doing great, now he has to send it home. “We were never meant to survive for long, you know. The Graveyard proved otherwise. Connor and Risa and I, we did our best to show you that we’re real kids, worthy of living even if someone decided otherwise. I know that we deserve to live. We all know it. The Collective is trying to make you think that the fate of the galaxy depends on all of us dying for the cause, but that’s not true.”
“There is nothing any of us can do. We are children. We are kids. As a species, it takes us years to be able to tie our own shoelaces. We’re not even able to drive a hovercar until almost a fifth of our life has gone by. Why, then, is it that the burden of fixing an entire society falls to us? Maybe it’s because we’re the only ones left to care. We’re going to die anyway, listeners. We might as well die doing something worthwhile. Follow me to Dandrich-IV. We’re going to make a stand. We will be heard. And if we lose our lives out there, at least it’s more living than we would have done if we’d been distributed at the start.”
Connor’s heart is pounding in his chest. Surrounded by his equipment, Hayden’s lip curls. “Besides, our enemy won’t understand what it’s like to fear for his life. Did you know that the head of the Proactive Citizenry hasn’t been honoring his promise to only give distributed parts back to the galaxy? The CEO of the PC is a man named Dorian Heartland. If that name sounds familiar, it’s because he’s been around since old-Earth days. He’s been cheating death by swapping out his own rotting parts with fresh ones from kids. To all the adult listeners out there, do you think your children deserve to die so some rich guy out there can have eternal life? To the new generation, do you want your life to go to some man who’s already had more than his fair share of lifetimes?”
“We’re taking back our lives, listeners. We’re winning the war. I want to see you at the gates of the PC. I want you to make a change that generations after us will remember. I’m sending you the coordinates now. If you believe in life, I’ll meet you there. One last time, I’m signing off with everyone’s favorite tune. And remember– the truth will keep you whole.”
With that, Hayden decisively presses the button to end his recording. The grainy beats of some old-Earth song fills the room. Hayden closes his eyes, basking in the sound, his chest rising and falling dramatically. Connor, too, feels as if he’s undergone some great physical exertion, and all he was doing was listening.
When the last bars of the song fade from Connor’s ears, he breathes out unsteadily, not sure what to do in the face of this sudden stillness. “That was incredible,” he says.
Hayden cracks a tired grin. “Thanks. Good to know I haven’t lost my touch.”
Lev shakes his head in awe. “Not a chance. Man, if you hadn’t been slated for distribution– if you could have lived a normal life– you would have made a killing as an actor or something. You’ve got a knack for speeches.”
Hayden’s face twists. “A lot would have happened if we’d had normal lives. You’d still be with your families. I’d be with mine. They had a lot of rich actor friends. Maybe they would have sent me into that life. Who knows.”
Connor’s heart sinks at the grief plainly written on Hayden’s face. “A lot would have changed if we were never supposed to be distributed. We probably never would have met. I’d be a completely different person.”
“So would I,” Lev echoes hollowly.
“So would I,” Hayden repeats, his voice distant and toneless. All of a sudden, his head snaps up, and he makes eye contact with both of them in a row, quick and fierce. “I’m glad we met. I didn’t want to die, obviously, but I’m glad to have you guys. And Risa, and Jeevan, and everybody else. I wouldn’t trade this life for anything, but I do want to end the circumstances that brought us together. It doesn’t mean I like you guys any less, just that–”
His voice breaks off unevenly, but Connor can fill in the gaps. “Just that no one else should have to die even though we lived.”
“Exactly,” Hayden says.
Lev nods slowly. “We’ve got a chance to turn things around. All we have to do is wait and see how many people heard your signal.”
Although he hates to break the tentative peace that’s settled over them, Connor still has to ask:  “What if nobody comes?”
Lev looks at him with grim determination. “Then we go in alone, and save Risa or die trying. We won’t hide in the shadows anymore. And if we die in there, then our blood is on the hands of everyone who didn’t participate. Maybe that’ll move them even more than Hayden’s speech.”
The back of Connor’s throat is raw like acid, but he makes a sound of agreement. Lev is right. Whatever happens from here on out, Connor will still go into Dorian Heartland’s center, and he will find Risa. Maybe he’ll have an army at his back, maybe he’ll only have a couple of friends. But Risa will be found, and for once, Heartland won’t have the last laugh. That, at least, he can guarantee.
They allow themselves a couple of standard hours for everyone to show up. As it turns out, they don’t have to wait that long. Within half an hour, ships are already starting to tune up. Voices are popping up on Hayden’s frequency, different people chartering trips together or announcing that they’ll be meeting Hayden on Dandrich-IV. It occurs to Connor, listening to all of these strangers he’s never met saying that they’ll follow him to death or salvation, that he may have started a revolution, or at least helped build a spark into a blaze.
If this inferno consumes them all, at least Connor’s last hours will have been something bright, something beautiful. He’s had an awful lot of time to run and hide. At some point, he has to turn that restless energy into a fight. Now is the time.
He’s interrupted from his reverie by Lev running into the room. The younger boy can hardly manage a word, too excited by something outside. He gestures for Connor to follow, and Connor doesn’t need any extra encouragement, breaking into a run as the two boys hurry from the room.
Lev leads Connor to the door of the house, then pushes it open. Connor stands for a moment on the threshold, blinking in the light, staring in abject astonishment at all of the faces looking expectantly at him. Some are strangers. There are adults and children, bodies young and old. Some bear the wounds of previous fights. Others wear clothes so nice Connor is certain that they must have come from Centerworld itself. All in all, there are dozens of people scattered around the road leading to their hideout, maybe even hundreds, and more arrive by the minute.
“So many people,” he chokes out in a daze.
Hayden emerges from the house by his side, holding up a hand to wave to the gathered crowds with a dazzling grin. “Turns out a lot more people believe in the cause than you think. Still having trouble believing that we’ll win?”
“Not anymore,” Connor manages. “I mean, I didn’t even know that many strangers knew who I was.”
“They’re not just strangers,” Lev corrects.
And, looking out at the throngs of people, Connor realizes that he’s right. Shading his eyes from the sun, he recognizes Bam, Mai, Diego, and the rest of the group that had saved him when Heartland first tried to get to Connor. He leaves his friends at the doorstep, weaving through the crowds until he’s in front of them.
“You guys came,” he says in a daze.
Bam nods impatiently, although she can’t seem to hide a proud grin. “You kept your promise.”
“Plus, someone wanted to meet her hero,” Mai adds. Bam elbows her in the ribs, but the embarrassment on the girl’s face shows some truth to the statement.
“Go talk to him,” Connor encourages. “Hayden always likes meeting new people.”
He doesn’t stick around to see if Bam goes or not, distracted by another face in the crowds.
At first, he can’t quite place the old woman in the security uniform, but then she sighs deeply at the confusion on his face and the name instantly comes back to him. “Sonia?” Connor asks in astonishment. It’s the woman who rescued him and Risa at the OH-10 boundary checkpoint.
“Don’t look so surprised, boy,” Sonia says irritably. “I saved you once before, I assumed I’d have to do it again. Didn’t expect this sort of support, though.”
For once, the perpetual glower on her face lightens into a half smile. “I’m proud, Connor Lassiter. This change is a long time coming.”
“It is,” Connor agrees. Another figure emerging from the crowd calls his attention yet again, and he heads past Sonia to come to a stop in front of one particular cyborg that Connor never thought he’d see again.
At first, all of Connor’s systems go on high alert. Then, before Connor can even ask what in sunfire he’s doing here, Cam holds up a mechanical hand and answers the unspoken question, “I’m here for Risa, not for you. Trust me. She saved my life by getting me off the planet. I need to return the favor, and for real this time. In all honesty. To be completely genuine.”
Connor chuckles. “I think we’re in agreement there.”
He spins in a slow circle, still surprised by all of these faces smiling at him, ready to go to war so that he and every other teenager there can live. When he stops moving, another person has replaced Cam.
Connor’s heart lurches in his throat. “Grace,” he says. “I didn’t know you were coming.”
Grace Skinner taps her fingers together, her expression as practical as ever. “I didn’t know either,” she answers honestly. “I think it’s good, though. That man has to pay for what he did to Argie. He killed my brother. I want to be part of the group that kills him. It’s only fair.”
“That sounds good to me,” Connor admits. “And Grace– I’m sorry. Even still.”
“I know,” she tells him. “Let’s get our revenge, then.”
A careful smile rises to Connor’s lips. This emotion coasting over him in waves isn’t happiness, not exactly, but it feels pretty damn good, too. Looking around at all of these people, the Chancefolk talking to Lev, the crowds of old friends from the Graveyard, the AWOLs and adults who have united under this one banner, Connor realizes that he’s finally got his army. The only thing left, then, is to get his girl.
Dorian Heartland has no idea what’s about to hit him.
unwind tag list: @locke-writes, @reinekes-fox, @sirofreak
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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superfanficnatural · 29 days
The Son: Chapter 21
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Male!Reader (The Son)
Summary: You’ve finally broken free of the forces controlling you at a great cost, though the cost of doing so was even greater than you thought. Now, you fight for the antithesis of what you had been representing, and have to grapple with finding your own place in the galaxy while grappling with the person trying to find their way into your heart. Will The Son choose the light? Or the dark? Whatever the answer may be, may the force be with us.
A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long to get to you guys! A lot goes on so I hope that makes up for lost time. As always, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: A certain scene from the clone wars series is mentioned here in italics, yes it is straight from the script I did not add anything myself but it does mention drugging.
Word Count: 5,412
Italics are your thoughts
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“He knows we’re here? How?” Poe asked.
It took all of a second of looking at her to understand they most likely connected once more. Grabbing Poe’s hand and beginning to move, “The how doesn’t matter, we need to get out of here, now.”
You mentally beat yourself up slightly as you allowed yourself to lose focus and not understand that Kylo had connected with Rey again but knew it wasn’t the time. The group began to pick up the pace and run as fast as you could through the crowd, aiming towards where you had landed the ship.
As your team was running, “Freeze! Hold it right there.”
A stormtrooper with his gun held up towards you spoke, “I’ve located the Resistance fugitives. All units, report-”
He was suddenly cut short with an arrow through his eye, your group flinching as the arrow flew past. 
Turning to look behind, there was a humanoid figure wearing a helmet, a crossbow in his hands, “Follow me.”
Your group shared a small look before begrudgingly following the person who turned and began walking. There was a pill shaped land trawler with decorations hung up on all sides, the person making towards an opening in the side.
“Hurry,” they stepped up to another door inside that led to the front where the driver was, “Leia sent me a transmission.” They slid open an eyehole and spoke a foreign language temporarily with a creature beyond the door, seemingly operating the vehicle.
“How’d you find us?” Finn asked, regaining his breath.
They took off their helmet and revealed themselves to be… Lando Calrissian! You only recognized him through Leia’s memories but knew he was someone that you could trust.
“Wookies stand out in a crowd,” he smirked.
Chewbacca immediately let out a few noises and pushed forward to wrap him in a hug, reuniting with an old friend.
Lando laughed, “It’s good to see you too buddy!”
“This is General Lando Calrissian,” 3PO chimed in.
“We know who he is, 3PO,” Rey responded, turning toward the golden droid with a knowing look.
“It is an honor, General,” Finn said with admiration.
“General Calrissian, we’re looking for Exegol,” Poe got to business as you didn’t have much time before the First Order most likely swarmed the place.
He took a look at each of you before replying, “Of course you are.” He raised his arm to show his wrist, clicking a button on the device there to display a hologram of the Sith wayfinder, “Only two were made.”
“A Sith wayfinder,” Rey exclaimed. “Luke Skywalker came here to find one.”
He chuckled, “I know. I was with him. Luke and I were tailing an old Jedi hunter.” He clicked a button once more and displayed a pale looking fish-like man, “Ochi of Bestoon. He was carrying a clue that could lead to a wayfinder. We followed his ship halfway across the galaxy here. When we got to his ship, it was abandoned. No clue. No wayfinder.”
Rey’s eyebrow dropped in thought, “Is Ochi’s ship still here?”
“It’s out in the desert, where he left it.”
“We need to get to that ship, search it again,” Rey spoke with vigor.
Her trepidation worried you slightly but you understood her anxiety all the same.
After she had spoken, the sounds of transports began to fill your ears through the crowd, leading you and Calrissian to peek out the window of the machine you were in. To your annoyance, there were multiple TIE’s and troop transports flying overhead.
“I got a bad feeling about this,” Lando admitted. Turning to your team once more, “Ochi’s ship is out past Lurch Canyon, go.”
“Thank you, General,” you spoke, offering him a grateful smile as your team began to move out.
“You too, Chewie,” Lando responded to Chewbacca’s roar for him to keep safe.
“Leia needs pilots, General,” Rey turned at the door to face Lando one last time.
“My flying days are long gone. But do me a favor, give Leia my love,” he smiled.
“You should give it to her yourself. Thank you,” Rey finalized before she jumped out of the vehicle, you following after.
Your group began running the moment your feet hit the ground, curving around a stone structure for cover Poe shouted, “There! Those speeders.”
There were two speeders parked just on the outside of the crowd that your group veered over towards. When you arrived, Poe wasted no time getting on his back and underneath the speeder.
“We don’t have the ignition keys, we need to keep moving,” you commented, looking around to scout.
You barely got the words out before the speeder suddenly revved up and turned on, Poe popping out from under it and opening a side panel on the other one to snip some wires.
“How do you know how to do that?” Finn asked, an expectant look on his face.
You turned to face the speeder and approached as well, “Yeah, Poe, how do you know how to do that?”
Hotwiring was a skill Poe never told you he had and as far as you knew, was a skill he wouldn’t have just picked up in the Resistance.
“No need to worry, I made it!” C3PO finally approached as his frame didn’t allow him to have much mobility.
A group of the natives began shouting and moving in your direction and you realized you were most likely stealing their speeders. 
“We gotta go,” Poe cut both of your questions short and moved to get on the speeder.
With a sigh, you got on the speeder as well, making sure to remember to ask Poe about it later. You were on one of the speeders with Rey, Chewie, and BB-8 while Poe and Finn took up the other with 3PO. You rushed off into the desert, aiming towards Ochi’s ship that wasn’t quite in sight yet. To your dismay, within moments, lasers began flying past you and you turned to see troopers on the chase. Without wasting any time, Rey turned and began firing back with her pistol as Chewie began to shoot as well. Igniting your sabers, you focused on defense as throwing one of them at this speed and with such rough terrain would prove tremendously difficult. There were two speeders trailing you with two troopers on each one, soon to be only a singular trooper as the speeders suddenly tipped forward and launched the troopers on the back. They began flying as the jetpacks on their backs activated and you were soon being attacked on two fronts. 
“Oh! They fly now!” 3PO shouted.
“They fly now?” Finn also shouted, adding to the surprise.
“They fly now,” Poe affirmed, turning back to focus on driving.
Rey began evasive maneuvers as you now had to dodge from two different directions in a rather open area, your footing nearly coming loose as you attempted to deflect the laser bolts. 
“We can’t keep this up forever!” you yelled over the sounds of the chase.
As if the trooper could hear you and wanted to hammer the point home, one of the flying ones sent out missiles from his gun, flying overhead and landing just in front of your speeder to try and avoid your sabers and destroy your transport. Luckily for your group, while dodging you came across tall mountain structures that Finn and Poe were able to funnel through. Unfortunately, your speeder was separated from Poe’s but at the least they weren’t in open coverage any longer. 
Still trying to avoid the missiles from above and the blasts from the speeder behind you, BB-8 began chirping loudly, something about a gas canister.
“Not now, BB-8!” Rey managed to respond over her steering.
Managing a look from the corner of your eye as you deflected, BB-8 began to poke at the gas canister that was sitting in the back of the speeder. After a few attempts at prodding at it, it suddenly ignited and flew into the air, exploding into a yellow powder bomb that acted as a smokescreen. It wasn’t long before the trooper followed you out of the smoke but with his sight impeded so heavily, he ended up driving straight into a small rock that acted as a ramp, sending him up into the air.
With a yell, Rey hit the handbrake on the speeder and drifted you to the side, using her other arm to aim at the speeder that was now directly above you and fire underneath it at its engine. After a few laser bolts, the speeder exploded, a few parts being flung in your direction that you blocked with the force after throwing your arms up in defense. 
“Never underestimate a droid!” Rey said with a smile as she resumed steering.
The other transport was still presumably following Poe’s speeder as you had no sight of it, though now both of the flying troopers were on your tail. Thankfully, Chewie managed to get a shot off on one of them, his jetpack malfunctioning and sending him slamming against the ground. Now, a ship was finally visible, resting just atop a small stone structure in the middle of an open desert, other mid-sized mountain ranges scattered along the horizon. 
“Ochi’s ship! I’ve seen that ship before,” Rey called out.
“Rey! You get all of them?” Finn called out, making you look to your left to see them now riding alongside you.
“There’s still one-” you were in the middle of replying before the trooper once again sent missiles from his weapon.
Both missiles hit their targets as your group got launched by the explosion, both speeders destroyed and landing on a strange black colored pool of what seemed like rocks. After landing, you tried to get back up but found it to be slightly difficult as you heard the trooper flying overhead. He was about to make another pass but your group recovered, managing to aim and fire back even on your backs and knees. A few bolts whirred past you which you avoided before the collective blasting of your friends eventually hit the trooper. His jetpack also malfunctioned and sent him into a flurry, ending up with him crashing into a mountainside with a small explosion following. The shockwave made you among the others flinch backwards slightly and that’s when you felt yourself begin to sink.
“What the hell is this?” Poe scurried as he began to sink as well. 
“Sinking fields! Try to grab something!” Rey explained.
There were parts of the speeders scattered around but unfortunately for you, you had already placed your weight on your hands to pull yourself out before Rey explained where you were. Your hands were immobilized as the more you tried to pull them out, the more the rest of your body sank. 
“Poe!” you yelled, true fear striking you as his body was soon to be consumed before your eyes.
“Y/N-” his words were cut short as his head sank underneath.
Things were moving much too quickly and before you even had a chance to focus and use the force, you were also soon taken by the sinking sands. 
“BB-8!” you heard faintly over the muffled effect of the sand as you sank.
Father... sister... I’m sor-
Your final death woes were cut short as you heard cracking underneath you and before you knew it, you had a searing pain in your backside. 
“Ow,” you moaned, opening your eyes to see a small cave before you.
You had landed straight on your behind and before long you saw BB-8’s head pop out from another crack that had formed, his small metallic body slamming against the floor.
Just behind where he landed, you also noticed Poe strewn out across the ground, gaining his bearings as well, “Y/N?”
You got up and rushed to his side, helping him get up and bringing him into a hug immediately, “Maker, I thought I watched you die in front of me.”
You could feel his body sag with a sigh as he held you in return, “Me too, I’m glad you’re safe.”
Separating from each other, the both of you looked around, “Rey! Finn!”
“You didn’t say my name, sirs but I am alright,” C3PO made himself known behind you as he walked forward.
You seemed to be in a small cave system with many cavities carved throughout like small roads. You wondered if it was a natural cave or... something worse.
Crackling from above came from a few feet ahead of you and Poe rushed forward to anticipate another one of your companions falling through. Eventually, they broke through and Rey stumbled down into Poe’s arms, Poe helping her softly to the ground as she gained her bearings.
“You alright?” Poe asked.
“Yeah, where’s Finn?” she asked as well.
“Where’s Chewie?” you asked, standing next to them.
As you spoke, a loud crack came from behind you and Chewie’s large figure dropped down as well.
“That answers that,” you said simply.
“I’m good,” Finn made himself known, walking through one of the cavities carved out into the small clearing where you were congregated.
“Ah. Master Finn,” C3PO greeted him.
“What is this place?” Poe questioned.
“This isn’t the afterlife, is it? Are droids allowed here?” 3PO pondered.
Finn came up and put a hand on Rey and Finn’s shoulders, looking towards you, “I thought we were goners.”
“We might still be,” 3PO commented in the back.
“Which way out?” Finn continued.
Rey took her lightsaber out and ignited it for light, Poe glancing at it from the corner of his eye before he begrudgingly turned on his flashlight, producing much... less light than Rey.
You turned from the group and began to head down one of the passageways, “Let’s go.”
Rey turned first to follow, “We have to hurry.” Rey addressed Finn as she walked, “So what was it?”
“What you were gonna tell me,” she responded.
You continued walking and took notice of the strange shape the walls had. They were smooth yet had small continuous ripples throughout. It reminded you of when a rock fell into a pond and the waves emanated outwards. 
“When?” Finn asked.
“When you were sinking in the sand, you said, ‘I never told you...’” Rey tried to spark his memory.
“I’ll tell you later,” you heard him reply.
“You mean when Poe and Y/N’s not here?” Poe sassily approached them.
“Yeah, mhmm,” Finn affirmed.
“We’re gonna die in sand burrows and we’re all keeping secrets?” Poe pressed as he walked past them and towards you.
Deciding the light from behind you wasn’t enough after needing to strain your eyes enough, you ignited your white saber as well for lighting, “Is this really the time?”
“I’ll tell you as soon as you tell us about all that shifty stuff you do,” Finn pressed back.
“Actually, this might be exactly the time,” you admitted, still walking forward but wanting to hear Poe’s response.
The small passageway you were walking through once again opened up into a smaller room with a few other passageways leading in different directions when Poe spoke, “I do not wanna know what made these tunnels.”
His avoidance of explanation twice now began to gnaw at the back of your mind. Why is Poe intentionally keeping things from me? Is there a past he doesn’t want me to know about? Even after I told him everything about mine... 
“Judging by the circumference of the tunnel walls,” 3PO began to explain.
“I said I do not wanna know. Not,” Poe turned back to look at the droid and drive the point forward.
Your group trekked for a short while longer, the order of which led changing with 3PO somehow in the front. Poe was shortly behind him with BB-8 in front of him, his flashlight hitting a corner and illuminating something different than the sand walls. 
“Woah, what is that?” Poe directed toward 3PO, still not close enough to make it out while the golden droid was standing in front of it.
Finn was just behind Poe and after coming a bit closer, “Is that a speeder?”
“An old one,” Rey came up from the back of the group.
“Perhaps we will find the driver,” 3PO pondered.
BB-8 booped and beeped and Poe responded, “Yep, BB-8, I think dead too.”
You really wondered if he didn’t know how to speak droid or not because that was exactly what the small ball had said.
C3PO was inspecting the front of the speeder when he spoke, “Oh my. A hex charm.”
“A what?” Poe turned back from inspecting a tunnel.
“A common emblem of Sith loyalists,” he explained.
You came closer as well to inspect it and your brows came to knit together, “Why is it that I don’t recognize this?”
“Sith,” Rey muttered.
“This was Ochi’s?” Finn surmised.
“Luke sensed it, Ochi never left this place,” Rey walked around the vehicle.
“Why can’t I...” you muttered to yourself. 
Your fingers grazed over the emblem, holding your lightsaber as close as you could to ensure you could capture it in the light. Yet... nothing came to you. How was it that a Sith emblem was lost to you? You feared you weren’t quite as attuned to your dark nature as you once thought you were, and knew it meant nothing but bad news.
“And he ended up down here,” Finn continued off of Rey.
“He was headed for his ship,” Poe began to understand. “Same thing happened to us, happened to him.”
“So how did Ochi get out?” Finn wondered.
You noticed them begin to move down one of the passages and shook off your thoughts, moving to follow them as well.
“He didn’t,” Rey finished, stopping in her tracks.
The rest of you caught up and noticed a skeleton in the room in front of you.
“No he didn’t,” Finn put his hands on his hips.
“Bones, I don’t like bones,” Poe strained.
“Bones? Never a good sign,” C3PO managed to sound as dreaded as possible which didn't help at all.
BB-8 chirped and Rey, taking off her staff, said, “Yeah, I see it.”
She walked forward towards the corner that BB-8 rolled towards and reached for something that BB-8 blew some sand off of. As she removed it, your eyes landed on a unique designed dagger.
As Rey held it, she muttered, “Horrible things... have happened with this.”
You felt out for the dagger and felt the same pain and suffering Rey had, though not as concentrated as she did whilst holding it.
“There’s writing on it,” Poe noticed.
“Perhaps I can translate,” 3PO offered.
The golden droid held it up to his eyes after Rey handed it to him, “Oh! The location of the wayfinder has been inscribed upon this dagger. It’s the clue that Master Luke was looking for.
“Where’s the wayfinder?” Poe finished Finn’s question.
“I am afraid I cannot tell you,” 3PO lowered his arm and turned back towards you all.
“What?” you said, two seconds from grabbing the dagger and doing it yourself.
“20.3 fazillion languages, you can’t read that?” Poe accused.
“Oh, I have read it sir. I know exactly where the wayfinder is,” 3PO responded pridefully. “Unfortunately, it is written in the runic language of the Sith.”
“So what?” Rey fired.
“My programming forbids me from translating it,” he bit back.
“So, you’re telling us the one time we need you to talk, you can’t?” Poe looked at the droid with disappointment.
“Irony, sir,” 3PO responded, looking between the group before he walked over to the side.
“Give it here, I’ll do it, maker,” you muttered. 
“I am mechanically incapable of translating from Sith,” the droid appeased.
As he spoke, a small rumbling began to penetrate the ground and a large figure began to rise behind him. 
“I believe the rule was passed by the Senate of the Old Republic,” his explanation continued. Finn and Poe raised their guns while you and Rey raised your sabers in his direction which made him turn and scream as the large creature behind him opened its large mouth and screeched, “Serpent! Serpent! Serpent!” 
He rushed behind your group as you stood your ground and looked upon the large worm-like creature. It had six eyes, two large ones on each side of its face with two smaller ones joining them. It only had about fourteen teeth but they were large and menacing. While it snarled at you a few times, it hadn’t made a move to attack you at all, prompting you and Rey to put down Finn and Poe’s guns. You put a hand on Rey’s shoulder and she looked over to you, receiving a nod. You wanted her to try to connect with the creature, and you knew that she could do it. If it was truly violent, it would have already attacked your group several times over by then. She handed her saber to the side as she made eye contact with the serpent, Finn taking it out of her hands. 
“Rey,” Finn whispered.
The light from their flashlights and your sabers managed to pick up more than just the head of the creature. Its entire body was wrapped around the room in front of you, its long shafted body coiling around. Rey approached it and it snarled but still ultimately did nothing, allowing her to step over its body.
“Y/N,” Poe stressed, aiming his gun at the creature again.
“Don’t,” you whispered.
“Shh,” Finn shushed the group.
Rey was right in the middle of it now, the serpent's body circled around her multiple times with its head right above her and hissing.
“I’m gonna blast it,” Poe stated.
“Don’t blast it,” you and Finn said simultaneously.
Rey lowered herself to the ground and reached a soft and steady hand towards its body. The moment her hand came to touch its skin, it roared which made her stop in her tracks. She didn’t remove her hand however and it still did not attack her.
She closed her eyes and began to focus and that’s when you noticed. The serpent was hurt, scratched in some manner and was bleeding. Focusing her force energy, she managed to actually transfer some of it from her body into the serpent, effectively healing the damage the creature had taken. Poe slowly lowered his gun as he took notice of her actions as well. Before long, the bleeding was completely gone and the wound looked as if it were never there. The serpent blinked slowly and groaned in a contented tone before turning its head and beginning to slide through a separate tunnel. Rey removed her hand as if it were shocked statically and held her wrist while rubbing it slightly. Eventually, its entire body was gone and with it, a passageway crumbling open with light pouring inward. 
BB-8 was the first to roll forward and beeped at Rey, “I just transferred a bit of life. Force energy from me to him. You would have done the same.”
The last part she responded to the droid after he beeped back at her questionably. 
You came up to her while she was still in her kneeled position and helped her up with a hand on her shoulder, “When did you learn to do that?”
“I’m... not sure. I just, felt it,” she tried to explain.
You gave her a slight smile, wondering just how powerful she might be. Force heal was not an easy force technique, and it certainly wasn’t one anyone could do on a whim. Chewie picked up the dagger from where 3PO dropped it and brought it up to you, offering it carefully. You took the knife from his hands and looked over it, seeing the inscriptions along the blade. Though when you tried to read it, you came up blank.
“3PO are you sure this is Sith?” you questioned, turning it over in your hands.
“Of course, Master Y/N! That is the runic language of the Sith,” the robot replied.
“Then why can’t I read it?” you asked aloud, fervently focusing on it yet still not understanding the symbols.
“Wait, I thought you knew Sith?” Poe came up to you, shining his flashlight on the blade as well.
“I knew it better than I knew common, yet,” you sighed, “I can’t seem to understand a single symbol.”
First you weren’t able to recognize the Sith loyalist emblem, and now you had lost your ability to understand Sith. These developments were turning for the worst as you wondered what else you were suddenly incapable of. It didn’t make any sense. You knew Sith because of your former position but even then, you used the language for thousands of years. Even if somehow that power was lost to you, the language would have had to stick anyway right? Your thoughts were brought back to how your wayfinding ability was muddled and your future visions were no longer coming to you. If Snoke wasn’t the one blocking me, perhaps it’s been Palpatine all this time. Who knows what kind of power he has amassed over centuries.
“That’s weird, right?” Finn offered, standing at the now open passageway with light.
You continued to look at the dagger as if you would suddenly begin to recognize the language to no avail when Poe placed a hand on your shoulder, “We need to get out of here, sweetheart. We’ll figure this out later, together.”
You finally ripped your eyes from the blade and handed it back to Chewie who placed it in his bag, “Yeah, let’s go.”
Your group exited the underground to the surface to see Ochi’s ship not far from your position. This time as you walked, you made sure to avoid any and all of the small pools of sinking sands. Luckily they were colored a darker gray so it was easy to discern it from the normal sand. 
As your group got closer and began to scale the rock structure the ship was on, C3PO spoke up, “We cannot possibly fly in that old wreck.”
“We gotta keep moving. Find someone who can translate that dagger, like a helpful droid,” Poe pressed.
“Our ship is most definitely impounded or completely surrounded so this is our only way off this planet,” you added.
Hurt panged through you momentarily at your own incapability to read the language inscribed on the dagger. Your already precarious situation wouldn’t have been much more complicated if you could have just read what was written.
“Yeah they’ll throw us in the Pits of Griq,” Finn threatened.
“Yeah,” Poe chuckled. “And use you as a target droid.”
“You both make, excellent points. At times,” the golden droid admitted.
Finn was helping Poe get a leg up to keep climbing the rock when Rey turned off and walked towards the edge. You noticed it and slowly edged towards her, noticing her focusing on something in the distance.
Finn came up behind you, “What is it?”
Rey turned and handed her staff to Finn, “I’ll be right behind you.” She gave him her bag as well, “It’s ok.”
“Poe,” you called up to him a bit higher, telling him more with your eyes.
He looked back down with his hands on his hips and sighed, “Yeah, we’ll get the ship ready.”
With a nod, you clapped Finn’s shoulder and set back down the rock with Rey. You walked just a step behind her as the two of you began to walk slowly into the open desert. You weren’t quite far from the rock, but had put enough distance to hear the ships engines begin to fire up behind you. You walked with Rey a bit further then she came to a stop. You could feel him by now too, hear the roar of his ship's engine, it was Ren.
“Are you ready? I won’t be helping until I absolutely have to,” you attempted to strengthen her.
She turned to you and nodded once sharply before turning back towards the direction Kylo was flying towards you. You put the force energy into your hands and feet and pushed off as you ran toward the mountainside, launching yourself up sizeable high before sticking your lightsaber into the side of the cliff and hanging. For now, you would overlook their battle. It was entirely possible the nexus event was upon you here and now, but you couldn’t risk it if it wasn’t. Your mission was far greater than the risk of losing this current war, it was missing out on yet another millennium before being able to awaken, not the intention of your father and sister. 
Kylo leveled his TIE fighter at the same height as Rey, flying just along the surface of the sand. She ignited her saber in response and turned around! Facing the other direction, she had her back turned towards him and it seemed to enrage him further. His TIE picked up speed and was now beaming towards her quickly, and just as he was beginning to get closer, she began to run. 
She leaped just as Ren’s ship was about to run her through, with a yell, twisting her body and thrusting her saber through one of the wings, severing it from the ship. She landed back on the ground as Kylo’s ship began to wobble, unsteady with only one side pushing forward. The other wing separated and broke off, leaving only the center cockpit to remain as it crashed and scraped against the ground for hundreds of feet. As soon as it came to a crashing halt, the hull suddenly exploded!
“Rey! Rey!” Finn came shouting towards Rey.
You deactivated your blade and fell back down the mountainside, using the force to push with your hands and soften your fall. 
“They got Chewie! They got him!” he yelled just as a First Order transport ship took off behind him.
As you were running towards them, Rey reached out with the force and held the transport in place. Its engines were scrambling to take off yet she held it just the same and attempted to drag it back in. As you arrived finally, the three of you took notice of a Kylo Ren walking towards you from the direction his ship had just exploded in, completely unscathed. He began to reach out with the force as well and pull the ship out of Rey’s control. Deciding enough was enough, you reached your arm up to help Rey when you were struck concussed by a foreign object to your head.
“Y/N!” Finn yelled.
Fear struck through Rey as well, muddling the strength in her pull.
Before you knew it, you were on the ground with a stinging pain in the side of your head. Finn had come up to you and yanked whatever was there out and you could finally pull a breath into your lungs-
“Leaving so soon?” you mused, holding Ahsoka in a headlock in the back of their ship. You turned her back around to face you as you choked her, “Not without this you won’t.”
The drop hatch opened in front of you and Anakin stared in horror as you dropped her through it and dived through yourself, “Ahsoka!”
You metamorphosed into your large bat form and held her by your legs bringing her back to your citadel.
“You are alone now,” you walked slowly around a drugged Ahsoka in your small goblin form. “If you are to survive, you must forget your master.”
You pulled her by the hand as she brought her free one up to her head, “I don’t think I-”
Grabbing her further by the arm, you bit her forearm, injecting a dark poison. 
“Y/N! Y/N!” you were suddenly pulled back into reality on Ochi’s ship.
You grunted as a painful pulse went through your head, “What did they do to me?”
The ship was rocking slightly and you could just barely hear over the ringing in your ears the sounds of lasers firing. 
“Y/N! Baby, you better be ok, imma get us out of here,” Poe yelled over his shoulder while piloting the ship.
Finn was in front of you, “They hit you with some kind of electric bullet. I couldn’t tell what it was since we were in a-”
Another lapse of pain hurt so badly it knocked you right out.
Next Chapter
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god-usopps-preacher · 9 months
One Piece: Cat Verse
Romance Dawn (Part 1)
- Luffy is a cat that is determined to find the One Piece and become King of the Pirates (not just cats, every pirate). All devil fruit users still have their fruits as cats, so Luffy's a stretchy cat and still learns his fighting moves. Yes this cat throws punches often, no this is not normal even for the cats of this world.
- (he also has opposable thumbs! Just a little something I gave him to help him with his punches and fit him more as a 'freak')
- Dadan is a human in this AU that was made to look after two dangerous kittens, Ace and Luffy, by Garp (who is also human), and eventually the kitten Sabo too. Dadan and the bandits are the only humans that Luffy says a proper goodbye too before he leaves, since they raised him and he knows they won't stop him.
- Unlike in the original, no human (outside of the grand line at least) would think it was safe to let a cat travel by themselves out to sea on a boat, even a devil fruit powered cat. So Luffy leaves discreetly before any of the humans on his village see him go. The cats of the village, like Makino the bar cat, the Mayor's cat, and other village cats are the only ones to see him off.
- Since cats can't actually sail or row boats, Luffy mainly just let's the waters decide where he goes. He left on a windy day so that the waves could get him off the island and into the main sea. This also unfortunately, leads him to a whirlpool.
Enter Koby
- Koby was kidnapped as an older kitten by Alvida, since she wanted a cat on her crew to help her get to the Grand Line. Koby didn't know how to do this, since unlike what the rumours say cats don't have a built in sensor to where the One Piece is. She keeps him now as her property, but abuses him and doesn't let him leave until he proves himself to be useful to her.
- Koby tells Luffy that he wants to be a Marine. Because of the rise in Pirate cats, the Marines actually started recruiting and training cats themselves to combat this. There are certain things only cats in this world can do. For example, only cats can possess the will of D, and there are certain types of Haki that only cats can use, and for the other types cats can use them in ways more powerful than what people can access.
- Alvida finds Koby with this stray cat that she's never seen before, and unlike in the original she initially intends to keep Luffy trapped there with them. Some pirates believe the more cats you have on your crew the more powerful you are. Luffy however isn't a fan of being a pet, so when Alvida picks him up by the scruff of his neck to look at him more and intimidate him he bites her.
- She drops him and starts chasing him round the ship with her club to teach him a lesson for being disobedient. He's slippery and surprisingly bouncy though and keeps dodging her hits as she keeps wrecking her own ship.
- Since cats can only communicate directly with people in rare circumstances with haki, Koby doesn't make Alvida mad by insulting her this time. Seeing Luffy jumping around the ship being chased makes Koby unsure what to do, but in a moment before Alvida catches Luffy with her club, Koby jumps towards her and bites one of her ankles hard.
- Alvida kicks him off and he gets up after skidding across the ship, disorientated and confused at himself for acting against her. With nothing left to loose now, he hesitantly stands his ground and hisses at her as she stares at him with rage. She calls him a little traitor and aims her next hit with her club to him. Before it can get to him, Luffy knocks him out of the way and takes the hit. Luffy can't be seen from under the club, and for a brief moment, Koby and the crew think he's dead. Until the club bounces back towards Alvida, and a completely unharmed and inflated Luffy is standing there.
- Alvida, after being hit with her own club and furious over the fact that this stray cat survived her club, tells her crew to shoot him. Some of the crew are hesitant to shoot a cat, but a good few shoot immediately once they believe that this animal is a freak of nature. The bullets stretch through his flesh and bounce back to the crew. The crew are reasonably freaked out, and then to top it off Luffy stretches one of his front legs as far as he can, and as he's rounding it back he inflates the paw to the size of a human fist and knocks Alvida straight into the air and ocean.
- Luffy turns to the rest of the crew, who are stood in shock as far away from him as they can get. He jumps up onto the edge by one of the spare boats, and stares at the crew with a wide grin. They get the message, and soon a boat is prepared for Luffy and Koby and they set off, with one unlucky crew member being forced to row their boat for them.
Enter Zoro
- The pair enter the marine town, with their new friend/captive going with them to the local bar to get some food.
- The two cats start talking about a deadly feline, the pirate hunter Zoro, who's rumoured to have been caught in this town. Every cat in the bar jumps at the mention of his name, and the humans around them all look confused at the sudden reaction. This repeats when the Marine captain's name is mentioned too. Koby and Luffy leave to go find this 'Zoro', and their new friend is left with the large bill from Luffy's meal.
- They climb up and look over a wall, and there in the middle of the prison yard they see a green cat. His paws are clamped in metal casings and tied with rope into the ground, with more rope around his throat, body, and a muzzle around his mouth. He's tied down more in the way a dog would be than a cat. He's sitting perfectly still, but his aura of intimidation still radiates.
- a young human girl appears and climbs over the wall, a plate of rice balls with her. She goes up to the tied down cat, not at all intimidated. She crouches down in front of him and tells him she made him food. The cat just glares at her, not moving any closer even to sniff it.
- the gates open, and a snobby man walks through followed by Marines. He tells the girl that she's in trouble for interacting with a wanted criminal, and throws her food on the ground and stomps on it. He orders one of his men to throw her over the wall, and Luffy expands himself like a balloon in order to catch her before she hits the ground.
- The girl stays by the wall, trying to be quite so that the Marines don't know she's still there and trying to hold back angry tears. Luffy and Koby stay by her, and Luffy watches over the wall until the Marines leave. Koby lets the young girl pet him as an attempt to comfort her. Even if he's not used to being pet, he'd rather comfort the young girl than focus on his own comfort.
- Once the Marines leave, Luffy jumps the wall and goes towards Zoro. Luffy asks Zoro to join his pirate crew, but he declines, and says that he won't be tied up in this yard for much longer anyway as he's made a deal with the marine, Captain Morgan.
- Before Luffy leaves, Zoro tells him to scoop up what he can of the food on the floor with his paw and put it between the slots of his muzzle. After struggling to eat the mostly dirt covered food that was smooshed into his muzzle, he tells Luffy to let the little girl know that it was delicious. The young girl had already been watching though, just barely peeking over the wall, and was happy to see the cat eating the food she made for him.
- Once Luffy goes back over the wall to them, the young girl tells the two cats that she's gonna go back home and make some more food so that Zoro can enjoy some proper none dirt covered food, and so that he can actually taste the care she put into it. The two cats follow her back to town, Luffy excited at the prospect of food and Koby following behind.
- in the town, the little girl starts talking to the cats as she prepares the food. She tells them about how the green cat is actually good, since he saved her from Helmeppo's wild dogs. Even with his smaller size compared to them, he managed to kill one of them too.
- in the town, Helmeppo is already there. He's bragging about how awful cats are unlike his precious dogs, and how that mangy feline his father captured is going to be executed soon and rid the world of one more horrid cat. Luffy hears this, and with no hesitation goes up to Helmeppo and lunges at his face. After getting one clean swipe at his face, Luffy stands on top of a fallen Helmeppo glaring at him.
- Koby panics and grabs Luffy by his neck scruff with his teeth, dragging him off of Helmeppo and away from him before he cause anymore damage. Helmeppo yells at the cat as his Marines help him get up and leave, and tells him that he'll have his father put him down.
- Luffy goes back to Zoro and tries to recruit him again, and once again Zoro refuses. Luffy doesn't accept Zoro’s refusal, and tells him that he's gonna sneak into the base to get the key for Zoro’s paw locks and muzzle to free him.
- Captain Morgan is having a statue of himself hoisted up on the roof of the marine base. Luffy slingshots himself up there, and ends up breaking the statue after grabbing it and accidently snapping it in half. Captain Morgan tells his men to capture that cat and kill him. Luffy stretches out his tail and wraps it around Helmeppo, then drags him as a hostage while he runs into the marine base to look for the key.
- Meanwhile, Koby is with Zoro trying to bite through his ropes. Koby is telling Zoro about his dream to be a Marine and Luffy's dream to be king of the Pirates. He gets shot by one of the Marine's on the roof. Zoro tells Koby to leave, but he tells Zoro about what Helmeppo said on Zoro being put down and how Luffy attacked him for it.
- after dragging Helmeppo around, Luffy finds the key to Zoro’s locks, and looks out the window to see a firing squad aimed at Zoro and Koby with Captain Morgan leading them. Zoro thinks about how he can't die yet, because he still has a promise he needs to complete.
Zoro’s backstory
- as a cat, his 3 sword style is instead the fact that he uses his claws and Teeth as a unit in fighting, his claws becoming teeth and his teeth becoming claws.
- Zoro was a stray cat that lived near a dojo. As a kitten he'd often watch the kids train to be swordsman and he ended up picking up on their techniques. He would regularly challenge the other stray cats, and eventually started challenging the human kids that were training in the dojo. The owner of the Dojo found it interesting how passionate this kitten was in the art of swordsmanship, and made him an official member of the dojo. He wasn't too surprised, considering Zoro wasn't the first cat to enroll. That would be Kuina, the Dojo owners own cat who he'd been raising since she was born.
- When the Dojo owner picked Kuina from the litter, he picked her for the potential he saw. He wanted to train a pet to stand by his side as head of the Dojo, and trust that maybe a strong animal could help train his students in the same way a sheep dog excells at herding sheep. At the time, he hadn't realised she was a girl. He felt disappoint at the realisation since he saw a female cat an unfit example to guide young boys into strong men, but by then it was too late and he couldn't simply return a kitten that had bonded to him.
- Kuina was the only one who Zoro could never beat in a fight, despite how much he challenged her. She carries the same insecurities about being weaker as a girl, and they make the same promise that one of them will be the world's greatest Swordscat. Kuina still dies from 'falling down the stairs', and despite how much more it looks like she was thrown down, it's not bought up (yeah I believe the theory that her dad killed her tbh).
- In the past Zoro didn't use his claws as carefully as he should've, so they ended up breaking and he'd have to get replacements. For 'swordsman' cats, this isn't too uncommon, and some cats even choose to have their claws replaced for more powerful ones. The only ones he willingly replaced where two of his front fangs, which were originally Kuina's. He promised to use her fangs to become the greatest Swordscat for them after her death.
Back to the plot
- Luffy let's go of Helmeppo and slingshots himself out of the window to land right in front of Koby and Zoro. He stretches his body out long, flat and wide and catches the bullets that were aimed at them, then catapults them back at the Marines. He starts laughing as Zoro yells at him asking him what the hell he is??? Luffy just tells him he's the cat who's going to be king of the Pirates. Before Luffy frees Zoro, he mentions that if he does free him and Zoro chooses to fight, then he'll be an enemy of the navy. Zoro accepts those conditions, and also accepts Luffy's earlier request of joining him as a pirate.
- Luffy and Koby use the keys to unlock Zoro’s cuff and muzzle as quick as they can. The Marine's charge at them with swords and surround Zoro. Not a single scratch gets on him though, as he's blocked the hoard of swords just with four lots of long sharp claws on each front paw and his even sharper teeth. He starts growling lowly while holding this position, scaring the Marines with their swords still to him.
- Zoro talks to Luffy while holding his position, telling him that even if he's joining his crew he's still going to follow his own dream. Luffy wouldn't have it any other way.
- The two cats fight off the Marine's together, and Luffy even starts fighting Captain Morgan.
- Helmeppo yells at them to stop, as he's holding Koby by the scruff of his neck and pointing a gun at him. Koby yells at Luffy and tells him not to worry about him, he's not afraid. Helmeppo takes Koby's yowling as pleads for his life (as he can't speak cat) and starts mocking him.
- while Helmeppo is distracted, Luffy rounds up and stretches his front leg, and swings it at Helmeppo to hit him with a human sized fist, knocking him back and letting Koby land on the ground. Captain Morgan had been aiming to attack Luffy from behind, but before he could Zoro had slashed his back quickly and hard enough to knock him out.
- with Helmeppo and Morgan defeated, the Marine's cheer at their freedom from their horrible boss.
- Luffy, Koby and Zoro end up in the kitchen of the little girl, being served food on the house by her mother as a thanks for freeing their village. The three talk about the future, until the Marines show up at the door. They thank them, but ask them still to leave as they've been informed the cats are still pirates.
- Luffy and Zoro start to leave, and Koby is left by the table. The Marine asks Koby if he's with them, and Koby sits stock still as he shakes his head and refuses to look at the two heading out the door behind him, trying not to let his care for the two show.
- The marine that approached Koby has a Marine cat with him on his shoulder, one that couldn't show itself before as Helmeppo was a fan of dogs and didn't want to see any cats even if they were Marines.
- Luffy turns back around and starts asking Koby what he's talking about, and if he doesn't remember where he was before. The Marine cat perks up at this, but before Luffy can say Alvida's name Koby swipes at him to get him to shut up. Luffy smirks, and then gets into a cat fight with Koby.
- Zoro grabs Luffy by his neck scruff with his teeth and pulls him off of Koby, who's now lying on the floor. The marine declares that they clearly aren't friends and yells at them to get out of here.
- After they leave, Koby gets up and bows to the marine cat, asking to join them. The Marine cat tells Koby that he's hesitant to let someone with an unknown past enlist, so Koby yells with urgency that his dream is to be a Marine and he'd do anything to achieve it.
- The Marine cat gestures to the man who's shoulder he's on, and the man tells the young cat that they've already figured out his past as a pirate, but they'll allow him to enlist as long as he's ready for the training that he'll have to endure. Koby stands tall and yells 'YES SIR! THANK YOU SIR', which only the other cat hears, but the other Marines make a good guess of what he's yelling.
- Their friend/captive is already making plans to kill the two cats that forced him to go with them. He could just leave, but he's spiteful and his pride is at stake. He can't go back to his ship after fleeing from a couple of little cats! Once he sees them again, he notices that it's not the pink cat with the rubber one but a different green one instead. He decides to go through with it anyway since he's sick of cats in general at this point, but Zoro picks up on his killing intent and quickly intimidates him into abandoning his plan and getting back on the ship to sail them to their next location.
- Koby runs up to them before they leave, thanking Luffy for everything and saluting to him. The Marines follow behind, saluting to Luffy as well and thanking him for saving their town, as they sail off in their small boat.
End of Romance Dawn (Part 1)
Next up, Romance Dawn (Part 2), featuring Nami's entrance and Buggy's fight.
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maunderingvalse · 5 months
==> A Homestuck Post?
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You ever think back to the more simple times, perhaps when blogs like these used to overrun this place. Or perhaps you're like me and you're a vet of the Active-Time RP Blog side of the fandom.... ( Oh boy! /lh/s )
Well, this blog and its sideblogs, aim to blend together those two things in a wacky and fun multiversal experience! This is a No Character Off The Table Art Ask (and sometimes RP) Blog!
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But before you scroll any further lets set the ground rules of the house.
specify the character you want to talk to, come up with an anononym or a tag for yourself, and enjoy interactions with any and all characters from the Homestuck media and franchise. ( This includes timelines like Hiveswap, Meat vs Candy, Friendsim, Pesterquest, Dreambubbles, and more! )
Canon x OC
Ask and RP Blog interactions
Art Requests
Art Trades
Ask for a Commission
Mun/Mod DMs ( or to RP with me! )
Suggestive Asks ( These may or may not get art, but all will be tagged, spoiler-ed, barred and marked as such to make sure its obviously not for minors. I also wont take anons of this kind, so i can verify/ask an age. )
Proship stuff ( this includes anything from Stridercest and Vantascest, to minor x adult ships, etc )
Beastiality/Z//philia related anything ever
Discourse ( Please don't argue with me about my headcanons for certain characters, or bring OOC Drama at me. I just want to have fun drawing and answering silly asks! or even RPing )
Anything Immoral or Bad in general, just don't be stupid and try to have some common sense! /lh
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this already makes me sound old
My current level is over 21!
I work a regular job on the weekends, so I will go long periods without being able to talk from Friday to Monday. Please have patience with me! I am also very anxious and may not reply right away - or I may respond too fast! Please don't be intimidated either!
You can call me whatever you like but I am currently referring to myself as MV or MaunderMun! It doesn't matter as long as its respectful.
I am queer, identifying as a Jaspian Genderfaun Transneutral individual , and I use They/He/It pronouns in no real preferred order. I also use some Neos, though you can ask for those!
You might not be aware but I am happily married! Flirting with characters is a-okay but please keep any romantic comments towards me to yourself! I am a-okay with platonically lovey posts though, especially from Moots and Friends!!
I hold the right as the director of my own art and the owner of the blog to have my own headcanons for characters I portray. I have no interest in changing any explicitly canon facts ( queer identities, race traits inherent to characters, etc ), merely adding my own spice and ideas!
My personal tag: #maunderstuck
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John Jake
( more will be added in time!! )
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credit for banner from @cafekitsune !!
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psychewritesbs · 11 months
As someone that studied Japanese language for couple of years now, i can wholeheartedly say that the nuance of Gojo's dynamic with Utahime or even Nanami isn't as romantic as the western media portrays it to be, you can add StSg in that category too but that's another story. point is nuance is always gonna get lost in the translation, but then there are also stereotypes especially heteronorm AND queer pov that affects how one perceives certain relationships.
everyone's free to ship what they want, but going on from your previous ask the way you went on a tangent about ship wars and then proceeded to be hilariously sarcastic about the topic further proves the point of the entire topic, shot yourself in the foot unnecessarily because you thought someone asked you(?) that these dynamics can only be read in a romantic light. Also, it's called reading into something that's not there: delusion
But go off i guess 🤟
And here you have it folks. Proof that I was baited 😂. I am glad you found my answer hilariously sarcastic tho. I aim to please.
Topic: shipping Baity anon: Geto is the only likely romantic partner for Gojo Me: I mean yes and there's no reason to believe gjhm couldn't have been a romantic interest too You: You shot yourself on the foot unnecessarily because you thought someone asked you(?) that these dynamics can only be read in a romantic light
Are you baity anon?????????? You're kinda giving yourself away here.
Anon, your words towards me say a lot more about you than they say about me.
You are coming at me acting like you'e won some hard fought battle against me and I'm just over here like "this person is so insecure".
You're giving me too much power by being mad at me because you didn't like my answer.
ALSO, while I did think about this, I didn't mention this in my own answer, but this is such an AMAZING point about people shipping according to their sexuality a lot of the times. I am glad you mention it.
As a pansexual woman I ship according to the dynamic. A lot of queer people ship straight ships too, so I don't see how this has anything to do with baity anon wanting to gatekeep Gojo's relationships...
About the Japanese bit. すごい!私も!大学で日本語を勉強しました。I totally get it. I actually get really annoyed about how much nuance is lost in translation. For me its with Sukuna tho. I am sure you'll agree that how Gege uses kanji is nothing short of fucking linguistic genius!
Also, I am aware that it doesn't matter how much I agree with you, or how much I acknowledge your pov, or how much we have in common, I have experience talking with people like you, and you will continue to literalize and polarize anything I say... I don't even know what to say at this point because according to your logic, I'm supposed to just roll over and let you bully me.
But off I go, I guess?
I am choosing love baity anon 🫶🏼! I hope you will too. Hope you'll consider talking to me off anon next.
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humblemooncat · 1 year
lucky 7 for your songfic skip game?
I love Ki'to but yours are all awesome so...whoever it speaks to!
Aww, thank you friend! I'm happy you think so! And thank you for sending in a number! <3
Rolled a 7, so we're doing Vikesh! \o/
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Trust by Boy Epic (Lmao of course he got a love song. Can't even breathe without mentioning Ymir)
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They'd been on voyages like this before, competitive races to a newly-discovered cache. Never without their challenges, but well worth the trouble.
Especially now that they'd had a healer on board. Luck smiled upon them the day they'd taken in Ymir. A blessing from Llymlaen, Vikesh thought.
Apparently word had spread to other crews of their newer addition, though, as this boarding was different...
"Captain! They're below board!" a shout from the deck rang through the clang of steel and gunfire, "They're after the navigator!"
Two words. It only took those two words to turn the composed Captain to a predator whose only aim was to cut through the ship.
"Now now, where y'goin, Captain? Not keen on givin' up yer spoils, I'd wager" the opposing captain stepped towards him, "So why are yer eyes on th' horizon I wonder?"
"You'll get no spoils today, but I am feeling generous. Leave this ship and I'll spare you your life" Vikesh hefted his greataxe towards the Sea Wolf, a fire in his eyes.
The man let out a hearty, mocking laugh. "Y'hear that, men? The Captain's feelin' generous!"
Vikesh's ears flattened to his head, preparing to cut through the crowd if he had to.
"Unfortunately fer you, rabbit, we're not feelin' so giving today" he leered at Vikesh, "Yer valuables or yer life. Which'll it be?"
Vikesh dashed forward, greataxe readied to swing, and knocked through the captain and his men. Seeing one of his crew in the doorway, he beckoned him to come tie them up before they could retaliate, and off he ran towards the bow of the ship.
When he'd entered the frontmost room, he was met with a gang of men holding Ymir up by his collar.
"C'mon pretty bunny, we could give ye a better life at sea if ye'd only agree to be our healer instead" one cooed, a knife held to the viera's throat.
"He's not going anywhere with you" Vikesh growled, striding forward "Now set him down or I'll have your legs"
"Y'can't take a man's sea legs, that's just cruel!" the pirate joked, lowering the knife slightly from Ymir's neck.
Vikesh took the chance to leap in and wrangle Ymir free from his grip, holding him close as he bared his axe at the group.
"If you don't want to end up like your captain, I suggest you flee" he growled, "Now"
"What 'n the seven hells did ye do to the captain?" the man slowly stepped backwards, noticing the blood on the axe head.
"Took his sea legs" Vikesh smirked, "Cruel, perhaps, but he was warned"
"T' hells with it, I'm out of here!" the group dispersed back topside, leaving the viera in their wake.
Vikesh glowered after them until he was certain they weren't returning, then turned to Ymir, his expression softening to one of concern as he looked him over.
"Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" the panic in his voice was hard to disguise.
"I'm okay... thank you for your timely arrival" Ymir stuttered out, still shaken, "I figured I'd be safe down here... guess I was wrong"
"I will make it safe" Vikesh muttered, "This will never happen to you again, I swear it"
"You can't possibly-"
"I will make it safe"
"Okay. I trust you"
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When I mentioned that Vikesh would be on a warpath if anyone ever took or harmed Ymir, I do mean it. Especially in his pirating days, when he was more rowdy and Ymir was fresh from Sharlayan and skittish during battles.
He's grown more sure and able during skirmishes, but when he wasn't, Vikesh kept him by his side any time there was a battle after this.
Tbh, thinking back to those "Oh" moment tag games, I think this was Ymir's. Vikesh was enamored at first sight, but this solidified his protectiveness of him.
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priwenshallprevail · 8 months
respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
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( Picture optional )
ROLEPLAYER NAME: Mjodvitnir , or Wraith to some.
MUSE NAME: Geoffrey Aodhán McCullum
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: Tumblr messages, or even Discord if you'd prefer. If you want my discord, just ask. Whatever is easier for my partners.
EXPERIENCE: At the very least 20 years of experience in role playing. Back in the chatrooms of american online, or myspace. Am I showing my age yet ? I know, it's such cringe. I want to say my first three characters I ever role played was Rufus Shinra from Final Fantasy VII and two oc characters, one VtM relative , the other Werewolf. I'm wanting to say my character had been Tremere clan. Can't remember my generation I had him under, though. My werewolf was from the tribe Silver Fangs. An Ahroun if I can remember correctly.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: Well... absolutely everything! Dark, torturous gritty, gore-infested, action, combat, drama, comedy, angst, fast paced, slow paced, smut, fluff, one shots. I enjoy them all ! Hit me with all the above !
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: I don't have many, but the few I do hold -- are more toward general respect for your partners. Don't be a dick.
God moding/meta-ing the RP. Don't use any info your character wouldn't have the slightest clue on. Unless it was discussed on how they may have acquired it prior , or planned through other threads. What remains in a thought collective, stays in the mind. Unless your muse holds telepathy in some aspect. Then it's a different story.
Judgement of writing style. My writing is far from perfect, and I often have one hell of a time judging myself. I don't need others on top of that, adding to my horrendous insecurities. I like detailing things, from the environment, to facial expressions, or even course of actions. I sometimes hyper focus on one thing and become brief with another. I don't understand it myself, nor always catch myself doing it. I hold horrible habit of having issue with repeating a certain word when writing my own posts, and I do sometimes get carried away over different synonyms to these said words. To the point that not every definition becomes so literal. How, or when I developed this habit, I do not know. It's a tick that only happens on my own writing, never on any of my partners. I judge myself too harshly in everything, not just writing. However, if I flood you with a lot of paragraphs -- that usually just means you struck my muse in a massive way and I wish to shower you with love. That I want to engage with you at what my brain considers my best. No body ever has to match whatever length I spew out. Please remember that. Also note, that even if my muse is struck so highly for your muse. My brain can still muck it up. It's a fickle beast. But that is adhd in a nutshell.
Judgement over ships/shipping. ... This one, the more I think on it, is a big one. I have been judged on ships in the past. On several accounts, actually.. some more recent. That it has gotten me reluctant to approach anyone to ask " hey lets try to smoosh these two together ! ?" Judging someone's ship is a disgusting form of shaming someone because they didn't conform to your ideals of said characters. Judgement with narcissistic attempts to push stuff a certain way -- yeah, no. Don't do it. Also, don't try to force ships . I support McReid, but if a Reid does not ? You back the fuck off the suggestion. It's really that simple. Respect. Your. Partners. Not everything revolves around romance anyways. Plenty of other relationships they can aim for. Friendships are a beautiful thing too. I mean -- platonic is also a thing as well, you know. It can bloom just as heavenly.
Constructive feedback though is more than welcome.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Yes ! I enjoy everything you're willing to throw at me, and will happily plan entire story lines to multiple connectives we can later link if that's what you'd like.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: The in-betweeners. I love doing long replies when muse hits like a freight train, but if my muse isn't as strong -- or if my brain struggles to focus. Which it does, trust me. It'll be between that short and long range, or sometimes drop short all together. I don't ever expect you to match length if you don't wish to. That is not a requirement with me. As long as you can provide me with a paragraph to work with , I'm more than game.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: This is .. .. a tricky one for me. Cause my adhd makes it hard for me to write when everyone else is up in this household. So it would be somewhere between late night and early morn, for me. Eastern time.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: I'm honestly not sure if it's the we have similarities, or if my constant processing of what can be done to improve role play, suddenly bleeds into my own characteristics on a daily basis. Taking a bit of my characters with me every time. I'm a little withdrawn, keep a lot of my emotions on the inside, sometimes quick to become surly with forced authority types, described grumpy often , can be witty with the usual sarcastic bites -- if that accounts to anything.
Tagged by : I stolez it, but I don't remember from who. o.o;
Tagging : @fangsforhire , @coivi , @arcanescholxr , @anedendarkly , @undeadunalive , @astridnorddottir , @luposcainus
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
Hello lovely! Absolutely LOVE your writing, and I was hoping to get a BOB ship, if that's okay 🤭
I'm 5'4'' and have dark hair, tan skin, and dark blue eyes. I recently got curtain bangs that I really vibe with, and it feels like the beginning of a new era, because they gave me a lot of confidence lol. My pronouns are she/her. I'm an INTP-T and a taurus (who is super excited for her 21st next week hehehe)
In terms of personality, I've always been more of an introvert, but I'm learning to put myself out there more, speak up for myself, and set better boundaries as of recently. I'm loyal to those I care about, but as a double taurus, I'm pretty stubborn when I'm passionate or feel strongly about something. When I care about someone I do it wholeheartedly. And if I care about a subject, then get ready for an infodump lol.
As a kid I did ballet, gymnastics, archery, and played piano (as well as a few other instruments), but now that I'm older I focus mainly on running, weight lifting, and baking for fun. It helps to relieve the stress of being a history major, haha. History, writing, and beadwork are my jam, but I also live for outdoor activities like hiking and kayaking - anything that lets me be in the sun.
Yeahhhh, there's not a lot to me lol, I hope that was enough. Thank you so much in advance darling! 💕🕊️
Thank you so much for your request honey!! (i’m an INTP too omggg 😭🩵)
I ship you with…
Shifty Powers !
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Song recommendation: Hopelessly Devoted to You - Olivia Newton-John
- Reading your description, he just completely popped into my head and I think your personality would blend so nicely with his! Like you both like having fun outdoors, and are more on the introvert side but both of you are so friendly!
- I think you guys would start off as friends first, just getting to know each other and being around one another before a relationship ever sprouted, but the whole time he would have a super crush on you
- Like he would think you are so beautiful, inside and out, he gets major butterflies every time he sees you and talks to you it’s insane, It would be so hard for him to hide his feelings towards you without making a complete fool of himself because you just make him so nervous (in a good way ofc) every time you’re around
- He thinks your blue eyes are so beautiful, like he could stare into them for hours if he wanted too, he thinks they’re even gorgeous in the sunlight, really just everything about you is absolutely drop dead divine to him omg
- I think he would eventually ask you out after some major convincing by some of the other guys, he would go all out to ask you properly
- Like he would probably take you someone so unique, like a lakeside with a pretty view, or on a scenic hiking trail, and at the end of you guys talking/hanging out, he would ask you, and ofc you’d say yes
- Okay let me tell you how he LOVES your curtain bangs 🤭 like he never told you straight up how much he likes it but omg omg he finds it so dang attractive (also be prepared for him to play with your bangs when he’s sleepy too)
- Y’all’s dynamic is so cute together, like he’s more of a listener and he loves hearing you talk about what ever you’re interested in, and you like to talk about certain topics that you’re into and passionate about! He would be happy to listen to any of the stuff your interested in and would probably end up enjoying it too!
- He finds it so cool that you used to do archery, I mean like, who wouldn’t want to have a badass girlfriend that has the same aim as Katniss Everdeen? LOL but in all seriousness he thinks that’s super cool about you
- If you let him, he would totally enjoy listening to you play the piano or whatever instruments you would like to play, he just thinks you are super talented in general and whatever you are doing he know you will be so good at whatever it is, It’s so peaceful to him just listening to you play, (he thinks you are so gifted omg it’s so cute)
- Ugh and he would be such a good boyfriend to you, like he’s an absolute simp and just wants to make you happy in any way possible, plus he’s super thoughtful and makes every little thing he does for you meaningful
- For example, he would hear to talk with your friends about a cuisine you’ve been craving, and how you’ve been feeling down. He would take you out to dinner there, buying almost the whole menu from the restaurant, a big bouquet of your favorite flowers, and a trip to see a movie you’d been wanting to watch a the theater.
- And wait there’s more; at the end of the date, he would take you home and give you loves of cuddles and massages there, reminding you how much he loves you and how lucky he is for you, and making your favorite ice cream too!
- He is so good for your mental health too, like he’s such a gentleman at every little date (holding doors, kissing your hand, giving you his jacket, etc.) and he always respects your boundaries and how you feel. Like if someone is doing something that makes you uncomfortable, he’ll tell them to cut it out, with a total death stare, or if he did something that made you uncomfortable he would apologize and swear to never do it again
- He is the most sincere and genuine boyfriend you could ever ask for, like every little thing he does for you is so planned and thought out like, “Will she like if I say this?” or “Will she like if I do that?”
- He’s so cute, even down to little nicknames he calls he’ll try and really think hard of one that suits you or makes sense (he would come up with “Birdie” as your nickname because of your musical talent and bc you like being in nature) HES SO CUTE OMG. 😭
- You know what’s so cute, you and him baking together omg, He would be your helper the whole time, getting the ingredients out for you to bake, and stuff like that, bro is really just trying to get a recipe tho because he loves your baking so much
- I think he is also really into history!! Like you and him watching a historical documentary or something like that is a staple in y’all’s relationship
- He will LOVE to do anything outdoor with you, going to his hometown and kayaking and hiking he’d love it so much, that’s honestly one of his favorite places to be with you, and it’s the perfect combination of his two favorite things; nature and you ;)
- He loves seeing how much you care and how passionate you can get about something, he will be there to support you 100% if someone is objecting your thoughts and he just respects it so much on how vocal you can get about what you believe in (as long as he’s not on the other side of it all)
- You’re excited for your birthday? Well be ready because I could totally see him buying you a million gifts and dedicating the whole week prior to get you everything you want/need for your birthday!
- Overall He’s honestly the best boyfriend you could ever ask for, whatever you need, he’s got it for you, he’ll be there for you emotionally, physically, and spiritually 100%, he is so kind and generous and he just loves you so so much
Thank you again for your request lovely! I hope you enjoy bunches!! 🩷🩶
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
and, okay, to be fair- I aim to not hate ships, as a principle. it’s people’s opinions, and they don’t really hurt anyone.
that being said. I. have a very specific hatred towards certain. ships.
in newsies. these ships would be. denton/any of the newsies. pulitzer/any of the newsies. wiesel/any of the newsies.
(yes, these are real things, you can find them on ao3)
other examples from my other fandoms are. tony stark/peter parker. tony stark/harley keener. severus snape/harry potter. severus snape/hermione granger. pete mitchell/bradley bradshaw.
do we see where I’m going with this.
(ha, see @needtobemedicated? I know what that word means now.)
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spandamned · 2 years
step one ,, first meeting.
      He was not happy to be sent here. Not only had Thriller Bark been almost impossible to find, but the place was as creepy as they come. To think that this was actually a ship was hard to believe. Spandam looked out over a misty forest, the trees tall with crooked branches. A perfect ‘ haunted forest ‘, he’d say. At least the theme of Thriller Bark was on-point. He tried not to let a shiver run down his spine as a swarm of bats flew high above his head, their high-pitch screeches like tiny arrows through the still night air. It was mid-day, but the thick mist had covered this ship in eternal night. He was surprised anything would grow here.
      Spandam was walking first, leading an escort of marines. He would not have dared to head through this forest on his own. He’d been sent to talk with Gekko Moria on government business, as the chief of CP5. He was certain that some higher up bastard had lumped this onto him. That’s what he would’ve done if he had had a higher rank. He could hardly wait for his promotion. The group exited the forest, and soon they were standing in something that looked unmistakably like a graveyard. Spandam blinked and shivered. Are you kidding me, he thought to himself. A haunted forest and now a graveyard? What was next? He looked up and ahead. What was next was their destination. A large castle that looked even more haunted than the woods.
      “B-boss!” one of the marines stuttered, startling Spandam, who jumped around.
      “What? Don’t scare me like that!”
      “B-boss! Look!” all the marines had horror written all over their face. Spandam turned again, in confusion. He’d been looking up at the castle, not seeing what was closer to the ground. His men had not missed that though. He could see it now too. The ground was moving. Something was digging itself up from the dirty. Rotting hands. “Z-zombies!!” the marines yelled, terrified of what they were seeing. Spandam’s eyes were wide in shock. Then he remembered he was in charge.
      “S-shoot them! Shoot them dead!!” He ordered. Shakingly, the marines took aim, and fired at the zombies. Absolutely nothing happened. The walking corpses were now standing tall, remains of dirt falling from their stitched wounds. The marines fired again, and Spandam could tell that they hit their mark ( hard not to, the zombies were standing still ). Once again, there was no result. “R-run away!” Spandam ordered without thinking. The whole group began to run. They could hear groaning and moaning from the zombies behind them. The zombies could run too. The marines ( and Spandam ) all cried out in fear, and ran as fast as their legs would carry them. They sprinted across the graveyard, and jumped the fence with surprising athletics ( Spandam couldn’t remember ever having jumped that high before ). They ran towards the castle, but they all got winded, and had to stop. They did outrun the zombies though. Spandam supported his gloved hands on his knees and wheezed. Nobody had told him there were zombies here! You’d think that was a detail that should’ve been mentioned in the mission description! “Did we outrun them?” Spandam asked, looking behind.
       “I think so, boss.” said one of the marines, he too was out of breath. Of course the ones who had come with him had to be marines without proper training.. Why did he always have to work with the lowest scum? Again, he thought about how badly he wanted a promotion. They continued to walk. They were close to the castle now. They stepped into a large shadow cast from a creepy statue. Then they heard an eerie sound.
      “Chi-chi-chi-chi!” It was a laughter. They all froze, dead in their tracks. The group turned as one, towards the laugh, afraid of what they would see next. On top of the large statue - sat a person. His face was in shadows, but they could see his long legs.
      “Another zombie! Shoot it!” Spandam ordered as the silhouette jumped down to the ground. The marines did as ordered, all of them firing their bullets at the stranger. Yes, Spandam had already forgotten that zombies could not be killed by bullets.
      The faint light from the castle fell upon the man. He had bullet wounds all over him, and for a moment, Spandam expected him to fall. He could see blood trail down from the wounds.
      “Ouch.” the man said with a chuckle. “That hurt.” The bullet wounds slowly closed like crumbling maggot tunnels. The marines ( and Spandam ) were shaking in fear. The man before them was tall. Spandam was a tall man himself, but this person towered over him. He had pale skin with black tattoos on his arms, throat and forehead. His eyes were strangely square, and even in the faint light their red hue was obvious. His hair was blonde with red tips. Messy. He reminded Spandam or a scarecrow. He was dressed in a black shirt, with a red collar. He was very thin, and what made him look even leaner was the tight, red corset that he wore on his torso. Spandam wanted to run away again, like he’d done with the zombies, but his feet seemed to be glued to the ground in fear. 
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      His facial expression was one of total shock and horror. The way the bullet wounds just closed up like that --- Disgusting! Blood remained, trailing down the man’s face ( two of the bullets had hit his face ). The man grinned, showing off large, white teeth. “Chi-chi-chi-chi!” the man laughed again. “That’s a funny face you got there!” He was talking to Spandam, who was still too terrified to say anything. To make matters worse, it turned out they hadn’t outrun the zombies after all. They now came jumping over the fence. However, they abruptly stopped when they spotted the tall man. They stumbled over each other, like they couldn’t stop fast enough.
      “Pitchu-Sama!” one of the zombies said. Spandam had never thought zombies could speak, and - why was the zombie sounding afraid? Obviously ‘ Pitchu-sama ‘ was referring to the tall man.
      “Whaaat’s that? I’m pretty sure I told you to not show yourselves in front of me.” His voice was hoarse and playful, but there was an obvious danger to it. The zombies were now trembling.
      “Yes, yes! Pitchu-Sama! We’re terribly sorry!” said the zombie, and all of the zombies fell to the ground, bowing.
      “We’re terribly sorry!” they all repeated.
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      “Chi-chi-chi-chi!” the man laughed again. “I’m gonna count to three---” the Zombies quickly began to run away, back to the graveyard from which they came. The man turned his attention back to Spandam and the marines. “As I was saying. Your face is funny. Can I help you?” Spandam was one hundred percent sure that a man who could scare away zombies had zero intentions of being helpful. There had to be a reason why even the zombies were afraid of him. He snuffled and cleared his throat.
      “My name is Spandam, chief of CP5. I’m here to speak with Gekko Moria on behalf of the World Government.” he hoped that his title, and his capacity as a government official, would deter the man from harming him.
      “Ohhh! You’re here to see Moria? I’ll take you to him. Come, come.” the man gestured with a large hand. Spandam didn’t know what to do. His desire to follow the man was very low. At the same time... Perhaps not taking him up on the offer would anger him. He appeared to be in a pretty good mood, at least he was still grinning. Spandam slowly nodded.
      “T-thanks.. That’s kind of you.” He took a step, indicating that he’d follow the man. The marines followed. The man held up a large hand.
      “Only Spandam, ‘cause his face is funny. You -” he pointed towards the marines. “Are boring. I’m not escorting you. Don’t follow me.” What could Spandam do? He had even less desire to go with the man now that he’d be going alone. He had no choice though. Too afraid to turn down the offer, he followed. The two of them walked away from the marines, which were soon swallowed by the thick fog. “Spandam of CP5, huh? I’m Machi Pitchu. I’m a Thriller Bark Pirate.” the man introduced himself. Spandam had to walk in an up-tempo to keep up with him. Machi Pitchu. He looked younger than him, now that Spandam could take a closer look at him. Pitchu pushed the large, black door open, and held it open so that Spandam could walk inside. It creaked and almost slammed shut. Spandam swallowed.
      “I’m sorry about the... Shooting.” he said. His mouth felt dry.
      “Chi-chi-chi-chi!” Pitchu laughed. “Oh, don’t worry about that. It was funny! I’m a logia user, so bullets don’t bother me.” So he was a logia user. That explained why he was still alive. Spandam had never personally met a logia-user. He knew all the Admirals were. That’s how powerful a logia fruit was. “I ate the Ninjo-Ninjo-no-mi. I’m a gore-human.” Pitchu explained. How fitting that he lived here on this nightmare land, Spandam thought.
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