#basically almost all of the popular cartoons
ajaxv4mp · 1 year
why do antis say “i hate [ship name]” but then interact with posts involving that ship just to leave hate,,??
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solar-sunnyside-up · 8 months
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Community gardens-
Community gardens are a piece of land gardened or cultivated by a group of people, which you can do individually or collectively. So they can be done on private or public land. 
Community gardens are not only a testament to community care and mutual aid, it's also almost a radical act of protest and activism. You're combining and sharing resources, which is inherently anti-capitalist, and you're actively protesting climate change by cultivating the land and bringing back native plants. They exist in various forms, it can be located in the proximity of neighborhoods or on balconies and rooftops. They are far from a one size fits all, they are built to meet the needs of the people cultivating them.
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this is gunna be a long one yall--
1890s-- Rapid urbanization in Europe and North America lead to community ran gardens to supplement food stocks that the city couldn't maintain causing an obscene cost of food. Thus lead to cities across the world attempting in their own ways to handle the problem-
1893 - Detroit Mayor Hazen S. Pingree took office with citizens even calling for “bread or blood”. In the mist of this crisis the city establishes a program that required vacant lots to be used as gardens and farms for the unemployed citizens have access to food. The deal the city basically makes is 'we will provide the land for you to farm, you feed yourself by farming it!' Later called "Potato Patches" would convert thousands of acres of vacant and idle land in the city for subsistence gardens, then cultivated by the unemployed in order to ensure citizens access to food regardless of the employment or economic status. At its peak, 1563 families participating over 430 acres of donated or City land. This would become so successful that later other cities like Boston and Buffalo would later adopt similar programs.
In England, “allotment” gardens were created to improve working-class people’s food provision, living conditions, and overall health of people living in suddenly crowded city centers.
Marseille in 1896, “les jardins d’ouvriers”, or ‘the workers’ gardens’, were created by a clergyman, with the purpose of reducing the misery of the working class and improving living condition.
1917- The War Gardens Commission was established to call on citizens to become, "Soldiers of the soil," planting gardens to meet some of their own domestic need for food as well as solider rations. (talk about abandoning your citizens for the sake of war >.>) Providing booklets, cartoons, and plenty of propaganda to teach everyone able to grow and preserve their own food supplies. War and Victory Gardens running well through the 1920s into the 50s. Often communties would have a vacant lot or shared spaces to also fullfill any need that wouldnt fit on private land. By 1944, between 18 to 20 million families with victory gardens were providing up to 40% of the vegetables in America.
1970s - In major cities that were fighting both economic crisis and urban decay as a result of white flight to the suburbs. Bringing rise to community groups like The Green Guerillas-  built of horticulturalists, gardeners, botanists, and planners who work to turn abandoned or empty spaces in New York City into gardens. The group threw "seed grenades" into derelict lots and developed community gardens, often without going through official channels. It became especially popular after the concerted redevelopment of a dangerous, trash-filled space at the corner of Houston Street and Bowery in Manhattan.  That first and now oldest recognized community garden in New York City on a street corner, grew to be over an acre and remains active as of 2023 now named the Liz Christy Garden after its founder who wanted a safe space and good food for children in her community.
Millions of community gardens spanning across the entire world have been reestablished. Particularly over the course of 2012 on wards in order to get back to connecting with the soil and feeding low income housing. Many of the gardens today also hold other community functions like yoga and woodworking classes, socializing centers, holding events, and act as a 3rd space where there are so few these days. Becoming more like a community hub over just a simple source of food.
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How do I join or create a community garden?
Join an existing garden- look up one in your area here
To create your own, you will need to do your own research on your city or towns bylaws but generally you'll need a few things-
Gather friends/group to garden with
Secure a place to garden, as well as access to water
Gardening Equipment
Happy Gardening!!
Also @solarpunkani this is for you!!!
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ecoterrorist-katara · 21 days
love love love ur parentification analysis on sokka and katara especially katara’s section! it puzzles me so when KA’s say ZK’s do not understand the show nor katara when to me it’s so obvious we do 😭
thank you so much anon! I’m so happy that my post resonated with you!
A while back I saw a Tumblr survey about favourite characters and ships. It basically showed that for people whose favourite character is Katara, Zutara is the most popular ship. Obviously the Venn diagram between Zutara shippers and Katara fans isn’t a circle, but I think the overlap contributes to why so many ZKs are passionate about Katara. Also, ZKs who are Katara fans tend to be pretty flexible with Katara ships: many people like Harutara / Jiangtara / Yuetara / Sukitara / Azutara (though most shippers of Azutara tend to be Azula stans first and Katara stans second). What’s really funny and a little sad to me is that non-ZK Katara fans who dislike her canon arc get accused of being ZKs by antis (this happens weirdly often to @sapphic-agent). It’s like some antis can’t comprehend the idea that people might just love Katara without the ship war.
I generally like reading POVs from Katara fans of all ships, but I recently discovered that I tend to disagree with POVs from Zukka shippers. They often try to defend Katara’s “childhood” by pointing out that Katara sometimes goofs off and Sokka also takes responsibility, so she’s not just the “mom friend.” To be clear I’m not disagreeing with those points, but I don’t think downplaying her parentification trauma is defending her childhood, especially since goofing off & being impulsive make her parentification more realistic, not less. It feels kind of disingenuous to accuse the fandom of being the ones to parentify her when The Runaway exists, especially since they downplay Katara’s parentification in order to play up Sokka’s parentification. There’s nothing feminist about ignoring the invisible labour performed by a woman in a cartoon, not when brave women IRL have been agitating to recognize care work for literal decades. I wrote my undergrad thesis on invisible labour performed by women, especially women of colour, in radical activist spaces…so I feel really strongly about this.
I think it’s interesting that a lot of ATLA fans claim Katara shouldn’t be with Zuko on the grounds of her colonial trauma, but refuse to entertain the notion that maybe she shouldn’t be with Aang (a kid who evades responsibility) because of her parentification trauma. The murder of her mother stems from imperialist violence, but her subsequent parentification stems from patriarchal gender norms around divisions of labour and assignations of responsibility. The patriarchy is a thing in ATLA, and it’s canonically something that Katara hates almost as much as the Fire Nation (incidentally, reason 27363729 why the fic Southern Lights is so special to me is how it deftly explores both anger at a colonial apparatus & anger at your own people for their patriarchal oppression).
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
I might be wrong but I figured you'd be the person to ask: Someone in a Discord server I'm in was talking about the "popular fanon idea of Cass learning ASL and sometimes preferring it to speech." And I... don't think this is fanon? Doesn't she canonically know ASL? I know she learned English and (I believe) Mandarin but I'm almost positive there are also lots of canon instances of her signing.
Okay so I'm going to split this ask into two questions:
Does Cass know American Sign Language (ASL), canonically?
Could Cass learn ASL?
The answer to #1 is no, Cass doesn't canonically know ASL to my knowledge (caveat: this does not, apparently, apply to the Young Justice cartoon universe; Cassandra Wu-San does appear to know some form of legitimate sign language). Canon!Cass, on the other hand, knows some basic signs and does use them, but it's more charades, 'loud gesturing,' and basic hand signals than it is ASL. The reasons Cass knowing ASL is such a popular fanon misperception are rather complex, but it largely comes down to two things: misunderstanding how ASL works and misunderstanding what Cass's disability actually is.
ASL isn't just some fancy hand gestures that translate one-to-one into spoken English; that would be "baby sign" or spell signing at best. ASL is a language, with all of the complex grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and sentence structure that implies. It takes years of learning and immersion to understand, learn, and utilize properly, just like any other language. Treating it as anything else is a form of ableism.
Someone like Cass who has difficulty processing language is going to have just as much trouble learning ASL as she would English, Mandarin, or any other language, because her problem isn't that she just "doesn't know English." Cass's disability is not that she can't read or communicate verbally: it's that her brain is literally built different because of how Cain raised her, and that affects how she processes language (and thus how she communicates with other people):
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"David Cain…had some unusal ideas about combat. He experimented with infants. Trained them in isolation and deprived them of human speech. The goal was to adapt the language center of the brain to interpret physical movement as a language. She can…read you. Your body. That's why she understands what you're saying when she doesn't know the words. It's why in combat, she knows what you're going to do before you do it." -Batgirl (2000) #1
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"The language centers of your brain are all over both hemispheres. Not centralized like with most people. When you try to read or write, your brain doesn't know how to keep it cohesive. But the good news is--you can learn. It's just a matter of figuring out how." -Batgirl #67
It's actually specified somewhere (I don't have the panel on hand, unfortunately) that she doesn't know sign language; Cain wanted her to read natural body language and nuance, not artificial hand gestures. Cass's primary "language" (and thus form of communication) until her brain was semi-rewired was body language.
But body language isn't actually a language; it's a form of non-verbal communication that functions through the (largely subconscious) 'reading' of both conscious and unconscious physical movement. Cass's childhood and training simply elevated that ability to ridiculous heights:
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"A special ability to predict my opponent's moves. That doesn't begin to describe it. Time...ran together. The future...blending...into the moment. A blink of an eye...the knife thrust that follows...both one. It was like...like I could predict my opponent's moves. Okay, that does describe it. But it doesn't do it justice. All this knowledge. No substitute for knowing." -Batgirl (2000) #7
We see explicitly how this ability plays out on several occasions throughout her Batgirl run and the Detective Comics Rebirth run, and it's pretty clear she's reading subconscious feelings, thoughts, and movement, not language:
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Cass absolutely communicates via hand gestures before and after Batgirl #4, but it's not any form of cohesive language, much less ASL. It's effectively advanced charades mixed with some universal non-verbal gestures:
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"You don't speak any language, do you? Except violence." -Detective Comics (1937) #734
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"Is he giving you any trouble?" *Cass flaps her hand to indicate the guy is a blabbermouth* "Got you. He talks too much." -Batman: Family (2002) #7
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*Cass gestures to Jason's heart, Tim's mind, and Dick's voice to indicate she understands how they work as a team*-Batman and Robin Eternal (2015) #3
People learning a English as a second language already have an understanding of how language works, but Cass doesn’t have that foundation. Her primary language isn't sign language, it's body reading. Thus, she struggles to speak, read, and write in English not because it's a different language than she's used to communicating with but because it's the first actual language she's ever learned. Fanon largely projects ASL fluency onto Cass because they fundamentally don't understand how her abilities work (and thus don't understand how her disability works either).
Does Cass have the ability to learn ASL? Absolutely! Would ASL be a really cool way of depicting Cass communicating with other people and an interesting way to showcase language learning difficulties and communication disabilities in the visual medium that is comics? Absolutely! I would actually be genuinely thrilled if canon and the fandom actually worked with what a physical, visual-based language like ASL might mean for Cass's ability to communicate given her childhood training. But as it stands, "Cass knowing ASL" is a well-meaning but misguided fanon attempt to showcase inclusivity while being...well, frankly kind of offensive.
(As for why she would theoretically "know" Mandarin, it's a product of the incredibly racist and ableist writing that defined the "Evil Cass Era." This culminated in DC putting her on a bus and shipping her off to Hong Kong because "Asian girl knows Asian languages, right? Brilliant! Send her off!" while ignoring literally everything about Cass ever. She's never actually shown speaking Mandarin, Cantonese, or any other dialect of Chinese on-panel, but we can reasonably infer she probably picked up SOME level of comprehension while living there.)
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bloodsbane · 6 months
man. yeah. i really try not to talk about the SU crit shit too much these days, because it's been ages and most people have moved on and (hopefully) grown up. but finally getting some idea of what these 'SU is garbage' youtube videos were actually SAYING is just reminding me of how fucking weird the level of hate and vitriol directed at this show really was. i honestly, truly believe that the SU Crit scene that sprang up in mid-to-late era of the show had almost nothing to do with people actually caring about the show/fans/criticising art. imo it mostly had everything to do with the fact that SU had peaked in terms of popularity, which meant the Inevitable Backlash was due, but because of how CN mishandled the show, this severely exacerbated some of its issues (pacing, ability to tell the story as intended due to cancellation, etc).
like, to me, SU crit was always a movement of people who didn't actually give a shit about the show or making good points in critiquing it. surely some of them did make some worthy arguments, probably, somewhere, but anything relevant was always going to be lost in the deluge of petty cinemasins DING level gripes about shit that either didn't matter or a child with even the most basic level of media literacy could understand. the truth of the matter is that SU simply became The Show To Shit On. i wouldn't even argue that it was an easy target, but that it was the most popular one, which meant a huge group who could circlejerk about all the petty reasons they didn't like the show
i could go on but i wont lol, i need to be working, but man hearing these dumbass arguments interspersed with such blindingly obvious bigotry and knowing that millions of people unironically watched and AGREED with it just because someone was validating their hatred of this cartoon is like... kind of depressing ;lsdkjf;ljlkfj could yall not have been normal. anyways this is why i don't fucking respect people who 100% genuinely think SU is a bad show
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measlyfurball13 · 1 month
Seeing as your one of the only people I know who is into Transformers, would you mind info dumping about it?
I know very little of anything about it besides the old "Micheal Bay!" Joke, and that it was initially made to sell toys, but that doesn't really mean anything.
So tell me, is there "more than meets the eye" to this franchise?
The single most important thing to know about Transformers is that there is no singular canon. Rather, there's a TON of different continuities, or basically alternate versions of the same universe. Transformers is a franchise that basically tells the same story over and over again, altering each time while keeping some very basic core themes and characters.
Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots. Megatron is the leader of the Decepticons. The Autobots are the good guys, the Decepticons are the bad guys, and they have been fighting a war for millions of years. It is rare for continuities to change these core facts. They might be modified, but they will never be unrecognizable.
In one continuity, Optimus might be a younger, more inexperienced leader. In another, he may be old, wise, and powerful. In some continuities, Optimus and Megatron have personal beef with each other through their backstories, making them almost lost brothers of a sort. In others, Megatron is a stranger and Optimus is an impersonal victim of his cruelty. Each time this story, the story of Transformers, is told, little details like this change.
Generally, continuities try to keep a certain "feel" to them. While sometimes a continuity will completely reinvent a character, most of the time it will try to keep a character within a few (arbitrarily chosen) character traits and/or role.
So, if this story has been told over and over again, and there's certain established expectations for characters, what was this all based on? The answer is the original 1984 animated cartoon! This cartoon is referred to as "Generation 1", or just "G1" for short. This is the cartoon made to sell toys. The animation quality is poor, the dialogue and music are cheesy, and I absolutely love it to pieces. I would highly, highly recommend that you watch the first three episodes, which basically acts as the pilot for the whole show. It really writes the characters at their most iconic and introduces the setting.
Now that you understand that G1 is the base, you can go from there and explore other continuities! Remember, continuities don't connect across different mediums (with the very distinct exception of one specific continuity, which I'll get to right after this) so feel free to find one that interests you. In general, each cartoon (or close series of cartoons) is a continuity. Allow me to list some of the more popular ones:
Transformers Beast Wars. This is arguably the continuity that follows the established G1 pattern the least, since this is the cartoon that followed right after it. In this one, the transformers turn into animals and battle on a prehistoric earth. This one is well-renowned for its surprisingly deep character writing, but the antique 3D animation is the biggest hurdle to enjoyment. It's kinda the continuity that's the most forgotten.
Transformers Armada, Energon, and Cybertron. Also known as the Unicron Trilogy (no, not "unicorn"!), this one was made in Japan and then dubbed and exported. They introduce a lot of anime-inspired features into the lore such as powerups and the like. Armada is regarded very highly with good writing, the other two not so much. The continuity between them is fairly loose. You could absolutely get away with watching just that one. Here's a link to Armada.
The Michael Bay films. You already know this one. These live action films are in a continuity of their own. In all absolutely fairness, the first movie is pretty good, barring Bay's more childish flairs. If you don't mind the U.S. military being portrayed as the absolute good guys, I think you'll genuinely like it.
The Bumblebee movie. Special shoutout to this one! This live action movie is in its own continuity that's really fun. This is an excellent movie and I love it so much, please watch it at some point.
Transformers Animated. This is one of the most widely beloved continuities in the entire franchise. People really, really like this show. It takes the franchise in a refreshing new direction, with the first season feeling almost a bit more like a superhero cartoon than a "traditional" transformers cartoon. The Autobots are the absolute underdogs in this one and it's hard not to root for them. Here's a link. This one's a good one to start with.
Transformers Cyberverse. This one is a web series that was focused for a younger audience for the first season, gets decent in the second but then gets absolutely and insanely fucking unhinged in season 3. I. . . don't recommend this one for any beginners? It's a trip. That first season is pretty unbearable. The second season starts out feeling like you missed something, and then gradually gets kinda better. Season 3 is insane. Look, just tackle this one after you've tackled the others. Don't start here.
Transformers Earthspark. The newest of the bunch, this one is releasing on Paramount Plus. I've really enjoyed what I've seen of it! It's a much more down-to-earth approach to the story. It changes some characters but in interesting ways. The new characters are excellent as well. You can definitely start with this one.
And finally, without further ado:
Transformers Prime.
I fucking LOVE this one.
This one is my favorite and was what really got me into the Transformers fandom. This cartoon takes the good innovations from the Michael Bay movies and then actually tells an amazingly competent story with it. It's the Transformers cartoon with the darkest tone by a long shot, and it really sells that this story is about a war. Characters die! The serialization is suuuuuuuper tight- one of my favorite examples is that injured characters have to spend time onscreen healing back up.
This cartoon also gives a significant amount of focus and exploration of the Decepticons as a faction as well, which is rare for the franchise. Both the Autobot and Decepticon characters will charm their way into your heart.
This show is equivalent in quality to Avatar the Last Airbender to me. I know that's probably overhyping it. You may not like it as much. But I really really really love it.
Here is a link to the first season.
But wait! There's more. Welcome to the Aligned Continuity!
Transformers Prime is actually part of the franchise's first attempt to really connect a story across media platforms. The result was. . . mostly successful? Definitely a lot of plot holes/errors, and some of the continuity is trash, but I want to highlight two videogames specifically:
Transformers: War for Cybertron. This game is a third-person shooter by High Moon studios. They do an absolutely stellar job with this one. Taking place on Cybertron, the home planet of the transformers, this one acts as the first part of an indirect prequel to Transformers Prime.
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. If the first game is good, then this game is amazing. The devs layer on more amazing mechanics to those introduced in the first game, with some of my absolute most favorite moments in all of gaming happening in this one. It acts as a second part of the prequel to Transformers Prime.
The writing in both of these games is so amazing, and the gameplay is so much fun. I know you love videogames, so that's why I'm recommending these two you. HOWEVER, the cost is that these games are stupid difficult to get ahold of. You'll most likely have to sail the high seas, yo-ho-ho, if you catch my drift. I play these on my Xbox 360. Best of luck to you!
Anyways, there are other entries into the Aligned Continuity. There's a set of three novels that I've heard are stellar. If you're looking for a show for young kids but that is also fun for you to watch, you could always check out Transformers: Rescue Bots. That one has a small but devoted fanbase of older fans.
But do NOT touch the cartoon in this continuity called Robots in Disguise. Do not. It's marketed as a sequel to Transformers Prime. It is not. Not really. It's like the Halo 5 of Transformers. Every day I am reminded that it exists I am in pain.
And there lies the end of my introduction! If you actually did read all of this, congrats to you. Ironically, I'm not sure that you've really ended up more knowledgeable than you started. I didn't really go over anything specific about characters or plot or lore or anything. But I hope I've illustrated my point that to do so would be fruitless- this story exists in so many different iterations that you just have to go out and find the one that resonates the most with you, y'know?
My recommendation for getting acquainted with the franchise is to start with those first three G1 episodes, then move on to either Animated or Prime. You could also pick Beast Wars if you're looking for something with a more retro 90s charm, which I know you like from Marathon.
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
You know how i cope with the fact that Helluva Boss is "wasted potential: the show"? By gaslighting myself into tinking thats not an actual cartoon, but a fanfic of one better adult cartoon from another universe:
In some other paralel universe, there is an aclaimed adult Cartoon that aired in adult swim from the early 2000's, called "Helluva Job", wich follows the wacky adventures or 4 demons, all very different in personalities and have a hard time working together, triying to get out of their miserable life as the lowest class of demons in hell by working on killing humans in exchange of money from those who commision them those murders.
Every episode its about them trying to get their new target, a premise thats kinda repetitive but the show manages to make it fresh avaery episode with its creativity.
It had a wacky absurd humor that doesnt take itself seriously, sometimes based on very silly and cartoony things happening to the protagonists, it also had a very, VERY dark humor that would make kinda fucked out jokes about taboo themes (kinda like drawn together), wich made many people belive that the show "didnt age well" despite still being hilarous. It also had some sexual humor, but it was very limited and always with clever jokes that arent just the characters screaming the names of genitals.
Robo-Fizz, The Cherubs and Verosika are some of the recurring villains that where remembered for having neat designs very charismatic personalities. Even the people that never saw the show know them and loves them.
The show was also know for having a lot of criticism of capitalism and rich people hidden behind clever dark humor, that didnt distract from the sillines of its show.
Stolas is just a recurring joke of "that one creepy old man Blitzo sleep with because he is rich and has to do it to keep his job", he never gets more than 4 minutes on screen and its always him being an steriotypical rich asshole who abuses his power and makes gross comments to Blitzo (and he is very classist and racist). Stella is just the woman thats married to him and she tries to be a decent wife, but she is clearly annoyed with him and clearly she just waiting for him to ask divorce.
Stolas also dies in the finale of the show when a metor falls over him, Blitzo celebrates this in the most childish and exagerated (but also extremely funny) way possible.
The art style was like a combination between Clone High and Dexter's laboratory, with the use of exagerated shapes to form its cgaracters. And the animation was just decent, but its praised over the character designs, wich are simple yet efective and creative
The show got 2 seasons and those were enough, it was remembered as one of the darkerst yet funniest cartoons that ever aired on adult swim, and how people still rewatching it years later.
Meanwhile, Vivziepop is some popular artist in the fandom of that show thats know because, for some reason, she got obsessed with Stolas fucking Blitzo, and she insist that their relationship is the most beautiful thing ever, and hates Stella for some headcanons she created about her.
She wrote the know fanfic "Helluva Boss" wich is basically her mischaracterising every character into becoming this really boring, flavourless version of themselves and get reducted to one aspect of their personality. And her trying to gaslight us into thinking that Blitzo and Stola's relationship was some misunderstood tragic wholesome romance, because "Stolas actually loved him!". Almost everyone in the fandom makes fun of this fanfic.
Extremely valid, Anon. To get by in this bitch of a world, sometimes you've just got to gaslight yourself a little.
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octavianstar · 1 year
MC Concepts?
ok, so even before the Au I had in mind, I had a couple of ideas upon what would MC would be like or based upon the character and even had some weird plot idea a few years back.
So let's begin upon the first idea concept, the first idea upon how I would imagine Mc in the AU (or even in the main thing) would be of a familiar someone that would kinda makes sense in context, a Disney character rather so underrated that he's rarely seen in Disney.
That is being, this guy...
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Basically from what I know at least I haven't seen anyone making a MC or a Oc version of him since there were rather easy clues in Twisted Wonderland that had some deja vu in Epic Mickey (blots, Mickey from the other side of the mirror, rarely has much interractions, and some more evidence that I'll add later) and I would want to have Oswald to have some light and popularity again, even if it's just a minor thing since I had found out he was cancelled out of the content for a kingdom hearts game.
And I would also think it would particularly work since of this rather particularly scenes in Epic Mickey comparison to Twisted Wonderland.
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Notice how in Twisted Wonderland, Mickey looks like from the old cartoon of his and not his iconic one.
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The image you seen in Twisted Wonderland is not only a reference to a Mickey Short "Thru the Mirror", but also the beginning scene to the Epic Mickey game. And with some evidence I had mentioned, it would mainly make sense there would be referencing to the actual game, but few things particularly had me questioned. What about Oswald? What ever happened to him?
So upon theory that MC can secretly Is a Twst Oswald (even if it's not canon sadly, at least in a headcannon) who needed to fix something that Mickey could not (or is trying to do but failing). Of Why Crowley would particularly needed MC to begin with despite with the possible pretending he's making of him trying to send them home and meeting them for the first time, believing it was another student. Or Rather in Chapter Seven..
Before we continue, I suggest that you may want to move past down or don't read this part cause it has some contain spoilers of part 2. Just know, SPOILERS AHEAD!
. . .
Are we good..? ..good!
Anyways, or like in Chapter Seven of where Malleus had said "You will all become the protagonist of this fairytale" after he overblotted and cast everyone, even Yuu/MC to sleep/kidnap them in thorns? Likely how Maleficint comes to Philip's prison cell to taunt him of how he's the valiant hero of a fairytale come true. And I would think upon the theory MC's dreams would be either similar to Oswald's or what would had it been like if Oswald was still with Disney/Mickey never exist, of what shorts and movies that Mickey made would become Oswald's instead.
And perhaps then, maybe, Mickey might have been the one to take Oswald's place. Of where everyone knows and loves Oswald and Mickey became a forgotten toon just like many others.
To have the dream that Oswald never had achieved because of what happened between Universal and Disney years ago that he cannot easily control. That he was once happy before he was then ripped away from Disney's arms. Just like in this video.
(Thinking about it, it's almost a similar backstory to Lotso's from Toy Story 3 but didn't turn evil)
Actually speaking of which, from what I also remember Oswald was supposed to be in the antagonist in the original Epic Mickey game thanks to some concept art of it. Which they had a plan but decided to scrap most of the main idea of him being the villain but would still act a bit mean and jealous over Mickey since he was replaced by him and both Mickey and Oswald technically didn't know each other at the beginning until both warmed up for each other. Despite his flaws, he's still a good person that is helping around the forgotten toons to have a place they feel belonged and is rather devastated after loosing Ortensia to The Blot after sending it away.
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Which there is a potential chance that this would be a Overblot version of MC/Yuu if pushed comes to shove.
But thinking throughout upon Twisted Wonderland, Yuu/MC becomes cleared and clever throughout the other chapters of how to attempt to stop the "villian" and save the day though luck and planning. Not to mention in part 1 of chapter seven, Yuu/MC immediately recognized who Maleficint was and headed to the plaza where her statue was where Yuu/MC would be both conflicted upon their dream but also finding clues how to try and prevent another overblot. of course Yuu/MC would have some antagonistics upon them of where they had been stressed and almost died mutiple times (or more likely wanting to kill their/her/his friends after many stupid shenanigans they dragged them in or Crowley gaslights them so he wouldn't be the one in trouble. This is why we prefer Mr. Crewel as a father figure, Crowley.)
Ok..hopefully with Concept idea #1 out of the way, here's Concept idea #2.
So for the other concept of mine is Mc/Yuu being another Disney Character but this time in a obviously well known movie you all probably would know or already watched Encanto. That MC/Yuu being a Twst Mirabel.
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Hopefully this will be a lot shorter but I'll try my best to clear some things out. To not be confused, the concept idea is Yuu/MC being twst Mirabel, not Yuu/MC being a part of the Madrigals or Mirabel in Twisted Wonderland thought I like the concept upon those ideas since they were creative.
So upon context that I would believe that Mirabel wanted to belong in the Family Madrigal despite her having no gift and how some of her family members (Mainly Alma and Isabela) sees her as a sort of outcast of the family like her uncle, Bruno, who's painted as the villain but is actually a nice guy. When she suddenly sees the cracks from the house, she's trying to find answers of what is happening and how to save the Miracle. Going onto a adventure and talking to the other family members in hope of any information, luckily thanks to Luisa, she finds out that there was a vision that Bruno left behind that of her having two possible outcomes, either her destroying or saving Casita. That the reason why Bruno left because he wanted to protect her from making Mirabel having more of a worse outcome than it already is with her. Soon Mirabel and Bruno found a way to help the candle by hugging her sister, Isabela which at first doesn't want to and thinks it's pointless to try but needed to given a chance. Also promising that she will help Bruno come back home. Of course Isabela and Mirabel talk it out, shared a moment, hugged and shown how Isabela was forced to become perfect in the daily based until she realized she didn't needed to be perfect, she needed to be herself.
Every seemed fine until Alma came and blames on Mirabel for Bruno leaving, Isabela out of control, the cracks from the house, Luisa losing magic, having no gift when she was litterally five years old person and basically saying that Mirabel is the one who is hurting this family, concidering that she wasn't apart of this family to begin with. Mirabel rightfully lashes out of how neither of the family wouldn't be good enough to Alma's standards and how Alma is the reason why the magic was dying to begin with because of her fear and standards pushed to far upon the family that without their gifts, they are nothing because she expected perfection of everyone and leaving Mirabel out of it as if she's never considered as family. Soon the Cracks got worse, house got destroyed and Mirabel runs off where the others are looking for her. And Alma confronts Mirabel who's apologizing but Alma sits by her, admitting her faults and her actual story, knowing now that it is her fault and Mirabel becomes to understand and forgives her, they hug out and returned home with Bruno to fix the house and having the family repairing, the magic returns with everyone in the family included. (Minor Critique that I would think Mirabel wouldn't completely forgive Alma, but would need a bit of time to forgive her but still does understand like in the deleted scene without the mom dying but I would think in time she and Bruno would eventually forgive Alma. But i think the reason they forgive her immediately or didn't question about it because it's Disney and wanted everyone to have a happy ending and it was almost over.)
While Yuu/MC is isekaied into another world filled with magic, who is magicless and must solve and stop the incidents and overblots that are happening to NRC. Having to involve/dragged themself/herself/himself into this scenarios of life and death from the overblots, some bullying that had been into or had gotten into with either the dormleaders or dorm students, Crowley gaslighting, neglect and blackmail, and which would eventually lead them into PTSD after the shit they had been through and eventually needed a therapist of their own, but does and can relate through the people that Yuu/MC are close to and to learn upon their mistakes to make up what they have done while trying to find a way back home.
of course some of it's similarities between Yuu/MC and Mirabel that both are magicless, needing some therapy and is helping people getting through their problems and their mistakes to become a better person. And I would especially think we would need to get Yuu/MC's Backstory since the Manga's MCs/Yuus are different each time (most likely) and I would think Yuu/MC having a very similar scenerio with Mirabel would probably be a compelling way of a backstory since both with Mirabel and Oswald are overlooked and wanted to be belonged, showing them that they got what it takes to be a somebody to them.
Though of course both of them are vastly different but I would think either of them might work for at least my version (Either Aus or headcannon) of Yuu/MC, regardless of what gender or race they are.
And now, hopefully for the most rather weird plot/backstory idea of what I would think could be interesting but not exactly sure due to how unsure how it's going to work since it would work for another Au where Twisted Wonderland is in a more Fantasy Era.
So to Kinda keep it short as possible, Yuu/MC is cursed by a unfamiliar source that endangers both their/her/his home and Twisted Wonderland where they are "the outcast" upon their family and noticed something was going on due to a black marking on their hand, like a cut that's dripping down a drop of black ink mixed with blood, having the cracks seen as a sign of danger. They talked to their/her/his family to see what's going on, realizing some of them knew about something that they won't tell Yuu/MC.
Eventually some disaster insurance after finding a mysterious spell book, glowing green-glass shards and paintbrush and eventually Yuu/MC in a angered state decided if their/her/his family won't tell them/her/him about the mysterious curse, they'll have to find out themself.
As they were just about to leave their home, they spotted something from the distance that calls to them to follow. They do, leading upto where they see the very thing falling into a rabbit hole that looks like a very deep well. They fell into the well's water before a few spects of magic began surrounding them as they became a shooting star before suddenly falling down to Twisted Wonderland, or at least the gateway towards it.
They are tested to pass through the gate and succeeded, Confronting either some of the RSA or NRC students in the Fantasy AU where they believe Yuu/ MC is the powerful magician that was gifted upon one of the most powerful artifacts that along with it's guardian was lost centuries ago along with the one whom had possessed the very two rare artifacts.
The mysterious spellbook is not only a book full of almost every spell but actually a storybook of all Disney Characters posing a sort of prophecies coming to life into an alternate retelling that can change fate, ending, and how they became to be, that being called The Book of Legacies, and with the Paintbrush of Imaginations, it can create living beings, pathways to worlds, even items that seemed to be lost.
The second being a candle that granted a miracle that can provide or in case help the adventurer upon what they would need to set things right and save the day. And to prove whom is worthy and whom is not, or more likely who can be redeemed and who cannot.
There will be more Lore with the Book and the Candle upon the Pomfiore Arc, which it would possibility merged with the Glorious Mascarade event.
However when the students and Yuu/MC opens the Book to Ambrose the Wizard, (Since he's possibly Merlin from the Sword and the Stone). Where they shown of a story of how their/his/her ancestor who was a student of the eldest sorceror (Yen-Sid) who lives upon the farthest star, the second star to the right, whom locks away a powerful god that was cursed away, never dared to be freed for he's the eternal ruler of evil that brings death and destruction to all, (That being Chernobog from Fantasia)
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However Yuu/MC told them that they're/She's/He's not their ancestor and ended up there by accident because they follow something glowing from the distance and showed the marking that they had on their hand. Of course most of them were surprised, afraid and shocked of the very marking.
For it was a marking of a dark prophecy, a curse that would come to Twisted Wonderland and release Chernobog with the Seven Crystals of Darkness alongside "the Great Seven" returning back from the dead and would receive their "gracious gift" to whomever is the one who's with/brings the Cursed Chosen to it's destination and release him from his eternal cage upon the highest mountain. And in order for them find out how to break the cursed is to find their family member that too was in Twisted Wonderland years ago but had been captured into a far kingdom where no one could have or dare to find them because they were the only one who knows how to break it.
And it is up to Yuu/MC to find clues of where their/his/her family member is and rescue them and hopefully save everyone.
As for the Non-Disney School Au, I would think Yuu is particularly a mix of being Non/Disney that is stuck in a world of magic. They would be tricked into staying their for a while because they thought the headmistress would understand and be the one to promise their way back home. Or at least that's the jift of things.
But like I said these are just some concepts of my version of MC/Yuu and probably can eventually figure out the full version of it. But I did not expected to be this long than I wanted to be. So I'm very sorry if it's already too confusing as much but hopefully, hopefully we might have a more clear viewing upon the Au. Of course I'm still looking up a few Non Disney movies to intell and I know I'll add DreamWorks in it, but if you want to tell me any other non disney villians that I can see added in (besides DreamWorks since it's more likely going to be added in). Let me know, but remember it has to be a animated film that isn't Disney so sadly no live-action ones. Until then, hope you guys have a very lucky day! (And hopefully some images/videos pop up normally and not randomly missing, but if somethings up in this post, let me know.)
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awakefor48hours · 1 month
As I'm rewatching TADC, I'm beginning to realize that in the near future, we're probably going to see more indie projects and I actually think that it has the potential to be good for the entertainment industry as a whole.
As time goes on, more people are pretty much only using streaming services but streaming services have a lot of problems with their platforms. The subscriptions are getting more expensive, there's so many of them, and a lot of the shows are getting cancelled in their infancy (some after being greenlit for more) despite their popularity.
Since 2019, Netflix alone has cancelled dozens of shows such as Dead End Paranormal Park, Julie and the Phantoms, Inside Job, Lockwood and Co, Warrior Nun, The Baby-Sitters Club, Raising Dion, Shadow and Bone, The Oa, I Am Not Okay With, A Typical, Anne with E, and much more.
This list doesn't even touch on other streaming platforms but I'm choosing to focus on these shows from Netflix (probably the most well respected streaming service) because I feel like it gets to the root of the problem. A lot of these shows were cancelled in their infancy despite having had high ratings (once again, some of them were even greenlit for more seasons). I almost never hear about shows ending anymore, I only hear about how they get cancelled after a season or two.
With both streaming services and cable not really giving creators the most certain platform, doing indie projects seems like the best bet and it works really well for both the creator and the audience.
To go back to streaming services, the amount of streaming services in the world are only growing and not everyone has the ability to pay for all of them but even the people that do pay for a lot of streaming services can't watch everything. I've mentioned this once but my parents are subscribed to 5 different streaming services, that's so many but they still ask me for help to pirate about once a month because they want to watch a show that isn't available on the streaming platform they use. That is ridiculous and I fully believe my parents should be allowed to watch whatever they want. (Just like my parents, I'll gladly share the piracy sites I use but it's through DMs only, I promise I'm not scary I cry watching kids cartoons).
But when it comes to shows on YouTube, it's available to basically everyone with a Wi-Fi connection and I fully believe it's the main reason why shows like TADC, Lackadaisy, Helluva Boss, RWBY, RvB, and more were able to get their level of popularity. They're on a free to use platform and can be shared to other people just as easily. Also when creators post their show on YouTube, it's much easier for people to make gifs and edits (which, let's be honest, are the real advertisers of a show) because YouTube lets people take screenshots/screen record without any hassle.
*If you want to know how to screenshot/screen record DRM content (things like Netflix, Hulu, CrunchyRoll, etc), I do have a post about here.
Along with the fact that it's more available to the public, it's also more available to the crew and creators. A few years ago, Dana Terrace (creator of The Owl House) made a tweet introducing a new character to the show but the tweet got popular because admitted that she had to pirate The Owl House in order to watch it.
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(Since it's cropped in this screenshot, in the top right corner is a watermark of a well-known piracy site for The Owl House).
Imagine working for a company like Disney and not have the ability to watch your own show. They couldn't even give her complimentary mp4 files or even a subscription to Disney+ despite the fact that without her the show wouldn't exist. It's really annoying to see this but when it comes to shows like TADC, that problem doesn't really exist. You can just watch the episodes for free on YouTube.
Also, the fact that the episodes take a while to come out really makes the fandom feel a lot more united. The wait time between episode really kills the binging aspect of TV and I'm in full support of that. Ever since streaming services started to become the default way to watch TV, binging culture has gotten really bad and it can be pretty isolating to people who have busy lives.
Take me for an example. Someone like me, a single adult who has no kids and a terrible sleep schedule (ignore username), can stay up until 3 in the morning binging shows without too many negative consequences. But I have friends who are married/getting married and have kids/planning on having kids, meaning that they don't have the same amount of time as me. I can finish binging shows in a day or two which isn't a pleasure my friends have and it also mean I can't talk to them about it because they're only on episode 2.
I also feel a lot more comfortable donating to these indie projects because the money goes directly towards the creators and crew. When the WGA strike happened, creators explained how they got paid (you can watch the whole video here), and the quick version of it is, they only get paid the amount of times someone watches and episode, they get paid thee residuals from the subscriptions which is so little that it almost feels criminal. When you really put it into perspective, donating to 2 dollars to a GoFundMe and watching the show three times on YouTube is going to do more for a show then paying for a 15 dollar subscription and watching it 10 times.
YouTube definitely has it's problems, I've been subjected to whole ass adults saying "seggy" for nearly a decade, but when you compare it to the current state of streaming and cable, it seems like the best option for both the creators and fans.
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decepti-thots · 1 year
Wait explain to me the transformers nezha thing you mean one of the most famous deities in Chinese culture???
Ahhh, Nezha is an interesting one!
Nezha: Transformers was intended to be a collaboration with the intent of making a sub-franchise that was specifically for the Chinese market. It was going to be a Cyberverse-style spinoff of some kind using those assets and possibly being in the same continuity. (Maybe? That part has never been totally clear to me, but the format and animation were gonna be the same regardless.)
The Nezha part is because it was a crossover series. "The Legend of Nezha" was a Chinese cartoon from the 00s that I gather was quite popular? (There's not a lot of information in English about it beyond the basics I could find.) So this was going to be a continuity crossover between Transformers and that series which, yes, is about the deity Nezha!
It was seemingly pretty damn far in production when a trailer came out in 2019. But then, well, COVID hit, and of course it hit China first and hard, and everything seemingly went out the window distribution wise. For all we know the series is mostly done somewhere and just... hasn't come out. The trailer below shows all sorts of clips of new animation, looking fully polished:
We know a little bit about the rest of the cast, partly from the very truncated toyline that did make it to Chinese shelves. Several new robot characters were designed: Xiaolong Nu, Lei Zhenzi, Tu Xingsun, and Shi Ji Niangniang. (So, we have more stuff from classical Chinese literature etc here. Theming!)
The toyline was very brief and infamously hard to get ahold of even in mainlaind China. Very little of it seems to have made it to shelves stock wise; the most common items seem to be the lego-style toys and the smaller scale three pack?
There was almost certainly never any intention of Nezha being marketed to any other region, and certainly no marketing material etc ever came out in English- which makes perfect sense given the crossover element, and anyway, as TF is very popular in China, it can easily support a cartoon and toyline as market size etc goes. I doubt we would have gotten even fansubs tbh. But I want to see it so bad knowing it exists! It really seems like it might have been far into production. And like. It's a CROSSOVER SERIES. That is such a wild thing to me, a full TF cartoon that is a crossover with something else. The franchise has really never. Done that for any extended piece of fiction bar Hasbro's own stuff. So...
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its-cunt-dracula · 1 year
Scott Cawthon vs J K Rowling
@horrorfem tagged me in a post where I mentioned hating Scott Cawthon in the tags and she asked me to explain. I decided not to piggyback off that post and just make my own cause I got a lot to say.
For those of you not in the know Scott Cawthon is the guy who made Five Nights at Freddy's (FNaF for short cause I don't have all day). I super popular, super successful video game from 2014 that shaped the indie horror scene to this day. Every other indie horror is just people trying to recreate Scott's success. I used to babysit a kid who was obsessed with the first game so I know a little too much about the franchise considering I never played any of the games. I don't like jump scares, I consider them cheap. But this is not a review.
Anyway, in 2021 someone shared online this man's donations (which were publicly available) and they trended on Twitter. Almost all of his donations were to republicans, including Donald Trump. So he basically came out as a republican on Reddit where he played the victim because people were mean to him online. God, men get criticism for their hurtful ideology and actions once and act like they're the most opressed of them all. He also particularly mentioned that he was pro-life (i e anti-women). Which really irks me the wrong way when I see he has 6 kids. Did his wife want all of them? Did she have any choice?
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You can google the post and read it all online pretty easily. What I wanted to point out was how people reacted to finding out their favourite game dev is a piece of shit.
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Notice how they're all so understanding and nice? Obviously there were people mad back then too, but the backlash he faced for donating money to fucking Donald Trump was so tame compared to JK for stating sex is real and immutable.
A few people were at most silently boycotting him and not buying the new game, Security Breach (the 8th game in the series not counting the spin off. I can imagine this man with little money bags for eyes like a cartoon character) But nobody was intentionally spoiling the game so that people don't buy it or pester everyone who did. The youtubers covering the game weren't repenting for their sins by donating money to Planned Parenthood or pro LGBT organisations. Some of them acknowledged the controversy before playing and theorising about the game like no tomorrow. I'm curious if fucking MatPat is gonna cover Hogwarts Legacy and just shrug off when people talk about JK. Doubtful.
And look at how many awards his fucking post got. It infuriated me to no end.
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For those not in the know, reddit awards cost real money. People were throwing real money at this guy for saying he thinks "Donald Trump was the best man to fuel a strong economy and stand up to America's enemies abroad". That's a direct quote from his post. He tries to placate by saying I donated to black people, women, gay people... but he just think a straight, white man is the best for the job tho. I wanna fight him.
He would never in a hundred years have gotten such a mild reaction if he were a woman. Especially since he was a game dev, he didn't just own the universe the game was set in.
People act as if for every new purchase of Hogwarts Legacy JK Rowling personally strangles a trans woman to death.
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girlwithwolftatoo · 2 years
Moon boys + a turned into a child reader
Someone asked me this hc some time ago (sorry for the delay!) and here it is!
Marc Spector:
*Shocked as hell. Weren't you a grown adult last night? Is this a dirty move from Khonshu to make him obey some stupid thing or what?
*0% sure of how to take care of children, 100% sure he want to jump from a peak.
*But hey, you're there and you need help and he'll provide whatever it takes.
*He's basically a confused parent, the fact that you're in a child body doesn't mean your mind had gotten younger so he'll follow your instructions. "And... breakfast? Coffee and toast?" "I want cereal... the one that's rings of colours"
*He's protective but doesn't know where to draw the line. You're at the playground in the park because you wanted to use the swing and if a bigger boy approaches you and try to steal your swing, he'll go and force the boy to stay back. "It's (Y/N)'s turn, search someone else to bother".
Steven Grant:
*First reaction: laughs, he thinks this is a joke and the little one is a nephew/niece of yours. Second reaction: realizes this isn't a joke. Panics so hard he almost faints.
*Something Steven doesn't know about himself is he's a natural to take care of people, including children. He gets ready to help you the best he can, and he actually does it very well.
*Maybe he exagerates a little while going with you to the supermarket and read every food label to be sure it's healthy for you. "Uh, you remember I don't actually have 7, right?" "Usually, but today you are, so -uh uh, not this cookies, too much sugar"
*Takes you to fun places and sometimes, he seems to forget this "child" situation isn't the rule, and if you're at the museum he acts all giggly and happy while explaining fun or not popular facts about everything.
*He'll sush away other kids who may be bothering you. He'll brush your hair. He'll watch cartoons with you. He'll leave you one of his shirts as a pajama. He thinks you're the cutest little one on Earth.
Jake Lockley:
*Deep inside, Jake craves for a normal life, a loving family and all that stuff he despises in public. Having you in this body feels like a chance to see if he actually can carry on with that, and he'll take it very seriously...
*For about five minutes. After that, you're like a plaything and he'll take you to a long spree across London to do crimes (stealing a bag of chocolates for you) and kick ass (in one of those gaming places).
*Takes you to visit Harrow and, to bother him, he makes you call him "uncle Arthur"
*He may, and will beat a child if he's being gruesome with you. I mean, it's just a simple push or a small boop on the forehead but -yes, Jake is like a guard dog with you at any situation.
*Buys you clothes with his limo driver money. He's so fascinated because this is probably the first time he goes with you for shopping everyone around thinks he's an intense dad admiring his daughter. "Are those boots comfy? Walk... yes, una vueltita (turn around), te queda muy bien, you look amazing"
*Falls asleep with you in his arms. Nothing and nobody is going to touch you while he's around.
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arceespinkgun · 1 year
Jazz is much more interesting and multifaceted than people give him credit for. And it's super disappointing to see how the fandom interacts with him, especially as a black-coded character. The sheer amount of casual racism and fetishization is distressing, especially because it's mainly dispersed by his so-called "fans"
Jazz's interpersonal relationships are very fascinating and could be an important part of his character. However people seem to be unable to properly handle or understand that aspect of him; both official creators and fans. While I don't claim I know the character better than anyone else, I also don't think it's that hard NOT to write anti-black content and fetishize the character
An opinion I have which could almost be called controversial, is that I don't think Jazz and Prowl should get along at all. I would like them to be dysfunctional, I love them as worsties. I don't want them to have a bonding moment where they suddenly understand each other and work in tandem harmonically. I want them to retain that conflict of clashing ideologies and methods. I want them to agree to disagree, rather than meet each other halfway
I really feel this—at this point, I've seen most of the media Jazz appears in, and there's so much to his character that just doesn't seem to be engaged with at all. For example, how social is Jazz really? This is the guy who just stood in a field and let snow completely cover him in one episode of the Sunbow cartoon... and he often comes across as isolated from the people around him. How much of this is because he won't open up, and how much of it is because he is just a very independent person? Could he be a secret introvert? How deep are his friendships with others when many of them seem to amount to "the person Jazz hangs out with" and there are often fewer interactions between him and his friends than you'd think? These are just a few fascinating questions about the character that people rarely ask.
The rest of my response got really long so I'm putting it under a cut:
While I'm Asian and not Black (and I don't want to speak over the voices of Black fans) the racist, anti-Black tropes found in a lot of fandom writing about Jazz truly do seem like they could be so easily avoided. Basically every single one of them involves interpreting the character in the exact opposite way that multiple different series portray him! One example is how many people write him as being lazy/trying to get out of work constantly—no version of Jazz has EVER been portrayed this way in ANY series, so wouldn't it be so easy to just not?! I'm 90% certain that this is due to a mix of people's racist biases showing through in their fanwork, and also the uncritical replication of other people's racist fanwork without actually stopping to look at who this character really is (also largely caused by racist biases).
I'm not letting racist tropes in actual TF series off the hook, but I'd really wish that as transformative media the creations of fandom would be attempting to address and improve these issues instead of making them 10,000x worse by adding racist tropes that weren't even present in canon. For example, how is the Sunbow cartoon—the show so racist it had fucking Carbomya in it—one of the best portrayals of Jazz there is? I feel sad that the continuities most often discussed are some of the ones that serve the character the worst, actually. Like basically nobody's going to talk about how Jazz bravely fought Galvatron one-on-one in the Marvel comics or anything.
When it comes to Jazz and Prowl—I have very mixed feelings. I took no issue with them being longtime friends in some earlier media like the Marvel UK comics run or the Dreamwave comics, and I felt like it made a lot of sense with how they're characterized. But it doesn't seem like people examined or explored it. Instead, what's popular is layer upon layer of racist tropes (and other gross, strangely essentialist ones—why are fanfic writers so weird about characters from Praxus?) and in later canon media (with IDW2 being the worst in its messaging), Prowl has been so linked to police brutality and more issues than I can even go into here that it feels deeply inappropriate for these characters to be friends now. Because of these issues, I even feel uncomfortable having acknowledged that they were friends in any media, and while normally I'd analyze this dynamic in more detail or show excerpts that highlight it, I don't feel like I can because I can't trust people to not be gross in response.
I also remember the whiplash between IDW's Spotlight: Jazz (very underrated story by the way) in which Prowl is maybe the kindest anybody has ever been to Jazz, versus a couple years later, Prowl thinking it's a good idea to POINT A GUN TO JAZZ'S HEAD to get his attention. It's bad enough that the character the Autobot logo is depicting is horribly stained in this way—very disturbing—but I feel even worse knowing that something that was once nice for Jazz has been so ruined in both canon and fandom. I think this situation is beyond the scope of fans to tackle and that TF just needs to get its shit together regarding social issues. That being said, I feel like this makes it even more important that fans stop replicating racist tropes in their fanwork, since that's making the situation even worse.
TL;DR Jazz is great and if I see one more fic in which Prowl stops Jazz for speeding I'm going to explode
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A very old draft but idk where I was going with it so I’m just gonna post it #yolo
Ok but imagine an MC that’s an a social otaku…
Like they’re definitely an otaku but you really wouldn’t know unless you knew them really well. Like it’s not their whole personality. So basically imagine Leviathan/Mc/Asmodeus
Although their social personality put Leviathan off at first eventually they grow close due to their similar interests.
Them and Asmo becoming close quickly because of their compatible personalities.
Not much would come of it until Mc slowly reveals they’re an otaku to Asmo as they spend more time together.
They probably pull the classic weeb move of trying to suggest an anime to him or he notices an anime figure sitting on their shelf.
Asmo is quick to tease you about it, tell you he had no idea you were such a nerd. It’s all for fun tho he knows your not a total shut in like Levi.
But you insist he doesn’t know he won’t like it if he’s never tried. Asmo pushes back that Levi’s tried to get other to watch his weird cartoons too but it’s never worked. That only because Levi didn’t take into account his brother’s taste.
You however suggest something you genuinely believe he’ll enjoy. Probably something cute and funny that’s just a little horny maybe Ouran Highschool Host Club, Kami-Sama Kiss, Yamaba’s First Time, oh what about My Dress Up Darling!?
Ultimately Asmo just loves spending time with you so he’ll watch them all if it means being with you. And honestly he enjoys the one you suggest!
Eventually he finds him self watching with out you.
And ever wondering if ones you hadn’t shown him are any good
Oh this game looks cute!
But what really gets him is cosplay. Obviously he’d be the most popular cosplayer ever!
This mostly stay between you and him until one night Levi busts into your room to rant about a new anime he just hates while your watching said a new anime Asmo had wanted to try because he wanted to cosplay one of the characters he thought was cute (not as cute as him of course but he liked the design)
Levi almost doesn’t process what’s happening. He knew you like anime despite your personality you had proved your otakuness to him. Asmo however!? Unacceptable.
Anime was you and Levi’s thing!! You can betray him to watch it with some normie poser like Asmo, he’s like the king of normies.
You try to explain that there are some anime you and Asmo like that he refuses to watch and vice-verso.
Levi will hear nothing of it. He refuses to expect Asmo as an otaku. He’s just to popular and preppy to like anime and video games. If Asmo can be an otaku and popular what does that say about him?
That is until a new season on an anime all three of you enjoy gets announced.
Walking to dinner Levi over hears you and Asmo talking about it. He tries to ignore you both until Asmo brings up something he just has to give his opinion on.
Although it seems like they’re just arguing, Levi comes to respect that maybe a normie like Asmo can be turned to the dark side.
Even if their taste is very different they discover there’s two genres they both can enjoy, echhi and horror
They even start to watch anime together with out you especially if it one that’s just not your thing.
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beevean · 7 months
My very, very first Sonic game was Boom: Shattered Crystal (only after I managed to get myself over the fact I found Boom!Knuckles look terrible in a terrifying way XD XD), and I must say, it's quite a surprise to me how they managed to have such differences between SC and RoL despite the two games being part of the same spin-off. Like you said in your earlier post, RoL had an entirely failed attempt to make Sonic a lone wolf kind of dude, who had to learn to rely on his friends and who got (not even that correctly) vilified by the World of Jerkass about him releasing Lyric... after getting in that situation in a bid to protect his friends he apparently didn't value (aka, the situation doesn't even hold. Unless you want to make a case that Sonic deems them not strong enough to tackle an easily-winnable fight and doesn't value them in that way, but it's been so long that I can't really recall all the details of that scene). Meanwhile, I checked out the SC script real quick, and there Sonic seems so much more like a happy-go-lucky "we can rescue Amy together with the four of us!! Teamwork! :D Power of friendship!!! :D :D :D" kind of dude. And those sentiments are mostly returned by everyone else! That doesn't even touch on the fact they meet Lyric for the first time in both games, or the fact that the Ancients are, from the top of my head, hardly if ever mentioned in the tv show. Sure, a few of their technologies like the Enerbeam were made use of, but with such a strong focus on the Ancients in both games, it feels off to me that I can't even recall if they played a role in the TV show, despite me religiously following season 1 at the time. I feel like it's not that good a sign if your fancy new spin-off series has three entirely different stories in the various media produced for it, but I also wonder why they didn't try to make it more streamlined? To me, this whole situation with all the discrepancies makes it come across a little bit as if Boom truly wasn't so important to Sega after all.
What an introduction 😂
SC is like... the middle child of the Boom games. Everyone knows how bad RoL is, and FaI gained notoriety for being surprisignly decent. I don't know one thing about SC, except that it had a brainwashed Shadow (in RoL he fights Sonic because he's a prick lmao). Oh, and apparently Stick is in SC, but Amy was kidnapped? While in RoL Stick wasn't even mentioned because it took place before the cartoon.
I watched almost every episode of Boom (I think I only skipped the Misery parody). I can confirm that the show has zero lore, and the only connection to the games is the Enerbeam thing.
It's odd. SEGA clearly invested in Boom and wanted it to be a solid spinoff, RoL was one of the three exclusive WiiU games and between 2014 and 2016 nothing but Boom products came out. I remember even theories that the Avatar in Forces was supposed to be Boom Sonic! (notice the lanky build and the use of something similar to the Enerbeam) But there was no way it would become popular (it was basically Sonic in name only), so after the failure of RoL, they just... let it quietly die, both the games, and the cartoon that was aired at ungodly hours until it was cancelled.
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lizzienoodles · 3 months
17 and 50 (tell me everything lol)
17. Any OC OTPs?
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Um. Them !!!!! Loki isn't technically my oc but at this point i've diverged so far from comics canon I basically consider him my own version of the character LOL!!! (And since Marvel took him from mythology I have every right. Anyway. Almost zero resemblance to the mcu too, i dont consider them even remotely the same character 🤷‍♀️) I could talk about them like. hours. I don't know what to put here in a text post. Send any questions to my inbox (that's a demand)
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
Okay HMM I guess I'll use this question to do a very broad overview of my stories! Maybe that should be its own post?? LOL
My main focus is on my Marvel fan characters:
Gail and Erica, twin sisters yoinked from my webcomic and all grown up, Valentine, the Valentine Crew (Crash, Red, Hands, Roux, Fuse), Keegan, Brightgene (mutant) kids (Brianna, Edwin, Luiz, Ali), tenants/residents at Gail and Loki's mansion (Eunice, Elenari, Avril ), my own AU version of the Guardians of the Galaxy... That's most of them.
I also have a few DC characters (Breeze, Doomscroller, a digital Batgirl, Paisley and Siren)
My original stories:
Fledge Fighters (webcomic, mostly technically finished), Characters from that are Gail and Erica (as kids), Pace, Rae, Michael, JD, Stephen, Nathan, Beck, Perri, Agent Jay, Flare Pants Man. Teen superhero hijinks on a "crime free" island.
Sketch Ninja (maybe someday webcomic): Rye, Kytton, Ciela, Kizzy, Dex, Nova: Ninjas have the ability to turn drawings into weapons. Popular Machinery (pitching this to publishers ideally): Kaiya, Aalex, Ripflick, Olivia, Juliet, various robots: Influencers with mechs. Need I say more?
Danger Spoon (WAY on the backburner) Tyler, Jamie, Lillith, Becca, Ruth: Boy from the big city moves to conservative small town and ends up as the front singer of a girl band.
Daisy's patience: Daisy, Sugar, Soap, Loafcat: kids fight giant robots. Probably won't do anything big with this unless I get a chance to pitch as a cartoon.
Honey and the Bee (Raina, Maple, Forrest) and Journey of Hearts (Kyo, Mimi, Oliver) Both very underdeveloped romances that I'll never write but the characters stick around in my head so they might get repurposed into something else later.
Edit: i can't even begin to list my one-off fan characters ahaha!! but honorable mention to Tomo my TMNT oc who already has like 3 iterations
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