#+abortion in the case of emergencies and heinous circumstances
drunkardsprayer · 2 years
In the shower thinking about ways i’ll have to defend my ideology while on vacation with my evangelical christian family
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drgluckenstein · 4 years
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Now we know...
The facts are misleading. Things were going on in there that were hidden from the public in order to protect their reputation. Abortion is what churns in profit for them, so they’re not doing anything to help reduce the number of those; if anything, they’re encouraging it. They have never been about your health or safety, only money. If they cared about your health and safety, their heinous deeds would not be seeping out of the walls and being discussed by ex-employees. They don’t have anything to gain, or much motivation to speak out against them for their own benefit; they really want people to know that this Planned Parenthood organization is not what it claims to be. 
Abortion is just a way to dismiss the responsibility of your actions so that you can continue to live your life in any way that you please. You must know that sex is for re-creation and is recreation for married couples. It’s a way to reproduce, and yes, it’s supposed to be pleasant, but don’t misuse it! Use sex for it’s intended purpose, in its intended way! That means a married couple, man and woman, in order to reproduce. If you do anything other than that, you’re going to have issues, inevitably! 
The farther we push our limits, the worse we’re going to make things for ourselves, creating dilemmas like this in which we are doing awful things in attempt to reverse the natural, God-intended consequences of our actions, all because we want to do things our way, when we want them, and how we want them. For some people, that alone is enough to justify doing things as horrible as ending a human life at its very start via dangerous and traumatizing means. 
If your body isn’t ready for a pregnancy and will not handle it, many times the fetus will miscarry. In the case of ectopic pregnancy, the only thing one would need is to receive emergency services, and definitely not any services provided by Planned Parenthood. They are not equipped to handle this special scenario, and is considered an emergency situation. Needless to say, if complications can’t be taken care of naturally, there are knowledgeable and well-equipped emergency medical services to give the necessary care and treatment. 
In cases of unwanted pregnancy, the best thing to do is to give the child up for adoption if you are unable to care for it yourself, with your family. Childbirth seems daunting, but it is one of the most common and natural things to happen to human women, a capability we all have in common, and thus has been well-studied over the years so that the process can be made as comfortable as possible, and as easy as possible. It’s far better to adopt out a child you can’t care for then to destroy and end its life, because the trauma you will live with will be unimaginable until you actually have to face it if you do abort. Adoption can save you immense trauma and heartache, and provide joy and a child to a couple or family that would otherwise be childless. Don’t let anyone fool you, there are tons of wonderful families who would want to adopt your child! According to American Adoptions, as many as 2 million couples waiting to adopt a child, meaning that for every 1 child placed for adoption, there are 36 families waiting to adopt!
There is hope, and you do not, for any reason, have to go through such a traumatic, defiling procedure to terminate your pregnancy in order for your life to be manageable, happy, and childless for the time being! 
If you are reading this and are pregnant and thinking of aborting, I urge you, desperately to consider the other options you have - keeping the child, if you’re able to, or placing it up for adoption. Children, no matter the circumstance are considered a blessing from God! You’d be surprised at just how much joy they would bring you, including many things you cannot even imagine right now, but you won’t understand until you make that choice! 
Peace of Christ be with you all! 💖
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