#+sins or youre a poor lost soul who’s going to hell
s0apmactav1sh · 7 months
Its literally 4am where I am and I just had this thought.
Widowed!King!Price x Devoted!Knight!Reader.
King Price who lost his husband recently and is now going through the motion of the Royal Selection to find a suitor that's fit enough to become the kings consort of England. But Price is quickly bored of this believing he will never find anyone as loving and caring as his late husband was.
Knight!Reader who has so graciously taken the role as Prices offical guard and notices the way his king is faltering while sitting upon his throne. But he just cant have that. The man he has devoted himself to, mind body and soul, looking so defeated in a chair that hes usually so highly pearched in.
Knight!Reader who somehow convinces King!Price to rest for the night. Leading him from the throne room to the large chambers where the kings bed is perfectly made up and right in the middle of the room. Price who climbs into bed before looking over at his guard and asking the very simple question of:
"Do you have someone waiting for you in your chambers?"
King!Price who waits for an answer not knowing the mini battle of demons knight!reader is facing in his head. There was never anyone waiting for him. No wife or husband, not even a pet. How could there be? All of his devotion goes towards his king, the only man that matters because in Knight!Readers eyes his only purpose is to live and die for his king. And so it shocks Prices when his answer is:
"There is no one, your highness. My only purpose in this life is to serve you. And if it comes to it, die for you aswell"
Of course Price is fasinated with this. Not believe that his knight had never held someone, never had anyone for himself. But he cant help the small grin that comes to his face as he feels the same as him, without his husband he had no one. And in that moment he couldnt help but continue with small jabs at the poor knight who was only trying to do his job:
"So you've never had anyone? Do you not wish for it? The comfort of another, the touch of skin off skin? Why is that you have no one, tell me soldier."
Its an order to knight!reader. To reveal to his king the darkest truth about him. But to reader its an oath he lived by and under no circumstances would he ever betray it. Because betraying the oath would be like walking in the firey pits of hell as a man full of sins.
"I am bruised and burned. Scratched and scarred. Devoted to the crown and loyal to its king. There isnt a soul out there that would want a man like me. I am merely a soldier with nothing else but my title as the kings guard to live off of"
And that set of words has Price crumbling. Just knowing how devoted he truly was underneath the layers of seriousness and gruffness. It was like he had managed to pull away the toughest layer of dirt, grime and blood and reveal the mans real skin underneath. The skin of which was littered with the bruises, burns scars and scratched he spoke of. But also the skin of the man who was the perfect fit to the king.
I have no clue what this is, and if its any good but hopefully it is. I am aware this is an alex keller blog but this idea was to perfect for Price.
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unboundprompts · 1 year
Pirate Prompts Inspired by Songs
-> writing prompts from the lyrics of songs that give off pirate vibes. feel free to edit as you see fit.
"You ain't welcome 'round here anymore. You might as well go." - Hell's Comin' with Me by Poor Man's Poison
"Kick him in the head and throw him over." - Drunken Sailor by aeseaes
"Tear this place apart and leave not but a single shred. Tonight we'll be much richer men, tonight they'll all be dead!" - Side Quest by The dread Crew of Oddwood
"So, you want to be immortal with a loaded gun?" - Start a War by Klergy, Valerie Broussard
"He wiped the blood from his face as he slowly came to his knees. He said, 'I'll be back when you least expect it. And hell's coming with me."' - Hell's Comin' with Me by Poor Man's Poison
"I sold my soul to the calling." - Fire by Barns Courtney
"Abandon everything you know, sail with us and we'll show you what it means to be alive" - Abandon Ship by fin
"No second life, no second try." - Side by Side by Storm Seeker
"You line your pockets full of money that you steal from the poor." - Hell's Comin' with Me by Poor Man's Poison
"Dance my dear like the raging seas. Sway my ship until the sun rises. Spin like the wind like there was no tomorrow and the end was near." - Into The Night by Firkin
"Whisper your siren's song to every girl who comes along." - Vixen by Destroy Boys
"So much I have lost and so much I resent." - Only Us by Miracle Of Sound
"They didn't know him by his face, but by the gun around his waist." - Hell's Comin' with Me by Poor Man's Poison
"Pain is what you desire." - Start a War by Klergy, Valerie Broussard
"We've drunk a couple bottles and set our grief aside." - As the World Caves In by Matt Maltese
"Sold my soul to the barrel and the devil set me free." - Into The Night by Firkin
"I am the devil that you forgot." - Hell's Comin' with Me by Poor Man's Poison
"This is our ship, and we're your crew." - Abandon Ship by fin
"Let the sin we swim in drown us." - Only Us by Miracle Of Sound
"You sail among liars." - Start a War by Klergy, Valerie Broussard
"I'm dying to feel again, anything at all. But I feel nothing." - Gold by Imagine Dragons
"I know you're out there in the shadows." - Dear Fellow Traveller by Sea Wolf
"A pirate's life is hard to live, but the treasure will help, no doubt." - Side by Side by Storm Seeker
"Glory and gore go hand in hand." - Glory And Gore by Lorde
"We've got nothing left to lose." - The Captain's Dead by Paddy And The Rats
"Don't ask for me to lie then beg for forgiveness for making you cry." - Human by Rag'nBone Man
"If they think they're better still, I'll bring them to their knees." - Sticks and Stones by Ye Banished Privateers
"We lost a good ship to the depths." - The Voyage of the James Caird by Graeme James
"The rain and sea and storm winds crashed against our ship with wrath." - The Flying Dutchman by The Jolly Rogers
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
It's that time of the year where right before my exams, I get the most amazing story idea, so here it goes:
You guys have heard about how the Devil is bad because his sole purpose is to come and guide the believers to the wrong path? To make them commit sins? Like how he whispered in Eve's ear to eat the forbidden fruit?
So imagine the Devil coming down to earth for his next target to cause chaos- you!
Now usually, the devil has no problem persuading people to do wrong things but you- you're a stubborn one. A devout follower who refuses to cause anyone harm or even swear (even when you're all alone).
The devil is irritated by you, more so when he reveals his true identity and you have the nerve to chuckle and tell him that you know. You fucking knew he was the devil, and yet here you are, welcoming him into your home and offering him tea.
From there on, the devil is even more compelled to make God's favourite little believer come to the dark side. He loves a challenge after all. But eventually, the inevitable happens-
He falls in love.
And so do you. Not with him though, with another mortal.
You're so happy that you make the devil dance with you as you reveal to him how your parents have set the wedding date! And the devil... he simply cannot bare it, especially when he actually confesses to you and you still turn him down, albeit gently.
"Oh Lucifer... I'm afraid we can't. We're not supposed to be together, God wouldn't allow it!"
Oh so you think you're far too good and pure for him? That's he's far too filthy and damned for you?
In a rage, he returns to Hell and wreacks havoc upon the poor souls there, until a demon finally gathers up the courage to ask him what he should do to please their dark king.
But Lucifer doesn't say a word. Not that it mattered, because the demon who had been following his king around already knew you were the thorn in his side. And so, in an effort to please Lucifer, the demon had decided to find you.
You're the target he needs to break down.
A week later, Lucifer had finally cooled down a bit to go to Earth again. He'd missed you a lot, not that he would say it out loud, but be wanted to see you again.
What he didn't expect was to find you dead in your home.
He didn't believe it at first when he found you, tucked away in your bed, looking like a complete angel with your eyes closed. However, when he caressed your cheek, it alarmed him how cold your skin was. And when he pulled the covers off your body, he felt like hell froze over when he saw crimson, a dagger lying by your side.
Lucifer didn't get that you'd killed yourself, not initially. His first thought was that fiance of yours had done this, but that suspicion was dismissed when he saw your fiance come to check on you and look heartbroken at your state.
As Lucifer attended your funeral from afar, all he could focus was on who had murdered you.
And then it him. The demon.
In an instant, Lucifer had returned to Hell to find the demon, going to the lowest level where the said demon worked on punishing the worst sinners.
What he did not expect to see was the demon drowning you in hot lava, over and over again as you screamed so painfully that Lucifer actually doubted if God had indeed given him a heart.
"STOP!" Immeadiately, the entire hell came to a halt as they looked at their king. The demon bowed "My King-" but Lucifer had already threw him away as he pulled you out of the hot lava, yet you continued to scream as you were still covered in that burning liquid.
With a wave of his hand, all the lava had cleared off you and youd lost unconscious. Wrapping his cloak around you, Lucifer took you to his chambers where he laid you on his bed, using his powers to heal whatever burns and marks remained on your body. It was only then that it it him-
What are you doing here?
As glad as he was to see you, he couldn't figure out how the kindest soul he'd encountered had somehow ended up in his lair.
He left his room and called for the demon who was tormenting you, demanding an explanation.
The demon smirked. "I took care of the one who was troubling you, my King. Since she was too good to commit any sin, I just... pushed her a little until she broke down."
"What did you do?" Lucifer asked, patience evidently running thin.
"I defiled her."
"I defiled her, against her will. Took her sweet little virginity and then told her how no one will want her now, not her fiance, not her family and not even God will forgive her for being a whore." The demon chuckled. "With continuous reminders of how much of a disgusting thing she is now, she finally killed herself a week later. And since taking your own life is a major sin, she ended up here, for me and my King to torment forever and ever. It's the perfect plan-" The demon never got to finish because the torture that had followed then was a sight far too horrible to describe.
By the end of it, all that was left behind were the demon's remains.
Lucifer will deal with him again when he resurrects him again to punish him for the rest of eternity.
For now, Lucifer needs to hold you again. He cant- he can't believe what you'd gone through. To end up in hell despite being a good soul was bad enough, but the reason why you had ended up there- the hell you'd already gone through on Earth- it was far worse.
He never wanted you to go through all of that. He'd rather cut off his own wings than to let anything happen to you. And yet... he couldn't help but feel a little happy that you did end up in hell. You're here now, for the rest of eternity and he'll spend all of that time picking up pieces of yourself and building you up again.
Lucifer strokes your cheek again, his head already hurting from trying to figure out how he's going to convince you that what happened to you- on earth and in hell, were not his orders. He'd never force himself on you, why would he have someone else force themselves on his object of all affections and desires.
I must remain calm. Lucifer tells himself, rubbing soothing circles to your cheek. For you, I will become worthy. I will make you happy again, Y/n. My queen✨️
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I got exams in 3 days bro I need to stop daydreaming sm
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hells-sirenqueen · 2 months
:Return of Lilith ~ Post God's Judgement:
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For hours, Lilith was lost in a sea of darkness, screams and voices yelling at her. Even from the beginning of her life, voices were raised against her.
Was it a fault of hers that she was independent? That she had a voice that demanded to be heard above the suppression forced upon her?
If she was meant to represent humanity, the Seraphim - God Himself, had a piss poor design plan. She wasn't going to let anyone stop her from being heard.
The only one who truly seemed to listen to her was Lucifer. Oh Lucifer..
Her darling husband. Recalling her last moments, she felt a pang of regret for the pain she inflicted upon him. She never enjoyed the idea of hurting him on purpose in ways that were not enjoyable for both parties. However, what was done was done. Lilith could barely remain standing most days. Taking what chances she could to lay down or sit upon the lap of a contact to allow her catch her breath; masking her need to rest behind flirtatious advancements. No one wanted to see a Queen of Hell crumbling near the eve of battle. She had to put on a brave face.
So many key moments in her life replayed over and over as she heard the voice of God utter his judgement. After so many frequent visits, his voice only mildly amuse him as he recounted her sins. A part of her wanted to cackle like a gremlin. She held no remorse for anything he uttered.
Oh the time for judgement is upon Lilith. Let us see what her sins may be. Oh this list is quite long, longer than most. Oh let’s see, notable ones on the list. Over one hundred counts of sexual acts with persons not wedded to you. Oh dear, not the saintly type I see. Oh, you have cursed my name 1,567,899 times in your life. Bravo! Oh! This one is my favorite, shall we look and see? Defying the Holy Creator’s word. There is so much more but let us put that aside for now. You have a body to get back to, hmm? I believe we both know where that soul is going. I would say what a shame to see you go, but balance is balance. The First Man an Angel, The First Woman a Sinner. Poetry.
Yeah right. Poetry her ass.
But she already knew from their previous encounters - their very first one, in fact, that she was created to be the counter balance of Heaven when it came to the human souls. He was telling her nothing new. Nothing she didn't already know.
She came to terms centuries ago that Hell was her home. It was where she belonged. There were no gags on her voice. Restrictions to her actions. Hell, to Lilith, was freedom.
Hell...was home.
Her soul was Hell bound and she embraced it, welcomed her fate. She had kept her beloved waiting long enough.
Surrounded by shadow, Lilith embraced her sins. She was a Queen of Hell. There was no shame, no regret in her words nor actions.
She had often been called the Queen of Monsters by God.
Is that how he saw her? Well, so be it. What's more title?
Lilith Morningstar, the Queen of Hell, Queen of Monsters, Mother of Sinners, Wife of Lucifer Morningstar and Mother of Charlotte Morningstar.
All titles she held close to her heart as she stepped forward from the shadows. Golden hues glowing as she gazed over Hell from above.
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Her new demonic form mimicking her admiration towards serpents as she admired her new lavender skin tone. Interesting. She wore her favorite color. How kind of Hell to give her a shade that she adored.
Giving one glance around to get her barrings; Lilith noted that she was in the Cannibal District. Vines from flesh eating plants were spotted all along the sidewalks, cannibals preparing for battle while the grand hall behind her had doors that were rattling. Tendrils of flesh eating Eldritch beasts barely being kept in place. As much as she would love to help her people at the moment, Lilith had only one thing, well one person, on her mind.
Flying upward, she makes haste back to their home, taking full advantage that the shadows increased her movement speed until she was close enough to the palace. She paused by the door. A little hesitant to enter but she pushed it open to see that Lucifer was curled up at her side of the bed.
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Poor thing.
He was really going through it, wasn't he?
Well, she would ease his mind as best she could now. Crawling onto the bed beside Lucifer, she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, "My darling sweet love dove. Don't weep. I am here."
ll @hells-greatestdad ll
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lucifersresources · 6 months
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conan gray // found heaven rp lyrics meme.
edit/alter/change pronouns etc as you see fit!
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found heaven.
can we repent this sin?
no soul is innocent.
everybody wants to love.
you walk alone into the darkest night.
you'll never sleep until you're satisfied.
you need love.
you need him.
you'll never get your momma's wedding ring.
father always said you ruined everything.
don't be scared.
you're no demon.
don't be frightened now.
you're in love.
you found heaven.
you're in love, you found heaven.
your heart is breaking.
you never meant to start this holy war.
you're trapped.
don't look back.
never ending song.
i apologise for calling.
too late, all my tears already falling.
our story wasn't stopping.
it goes on and on and on, like a never ending song.
you and i sacrificed my adolescence.
we've grown too close.
i can hear your voice in the music on the radio.
can you make us stay forever?
are we done?
fainted love.
you're losing your mind tonight.
calm down.
don't you get yourself down.
we're nothing.
i'm the worst if you want it.
when your heart aches and it's dead in the night, don't you worry for me.
don't you worry for me.
it's enough to survive.
i want your fainted love.
that's enough.
you take all the pain that you think you deserve.
it's easy to hurt.
say you'll love me for life.
say you'll never leave.
kiss me till i almost believe.
lonely dancers.
join me for the night.
dance with me so we don't cry.
there's no need to hide.
i know the answer.
your lover left you.
my lover's busy kissing other guys.
we're both alone now.
i know the perfect way to waste our time.
forget that guy.
he don't know love.
i hope he dies.
get back up, we'll be alright.
tonight, you're mine.
alley rose.
so much you'd change since you were born.
the way you kissed me, hot and fast, i knew it'd be the last.
don't leave me hanging alone.
where'd you go?
i'm just so nervous dear.
how the hell do you think i feel?
i waited all year at your feet like maybe you'd love me.
maybe you'd love me.
i don't even care if it makes me sound insane.
i thanked god to touch the flame.
i swore necks were made for bruising.
i swore lips were made for lies.
i thought if you'd ever leave me, that i'd be the reason why.
i don't care even if it's just a summer fling.
it's all experimental.
you go back to safer things.
i swore hands were made for fighting.
i swore eyes were made to cry.
you're the first person that i've seen who's proven that might be a lie.
that might be a lie.
the final fight.
i didn't fight the feeling.
i wanted you to see it.
i believed your lies.
i just stood and cried.
i just stood and cried for the lost time.
i just stood and cries for the love that died.
all i wanted was the final fight.
all i needed was to make it right.
there's nothing left to do but finally tell you what you put me through.
made a whole new life.
i came right back after growing.
you're still the same.
though it's me who may be broken, it was you to blame.
it was you to blame.
miss you.
is it wrong to now decide?
you know i'm a wicked man.
i bit the hand that was feeding me.
the fear of love is my tendency.
i never meant to break your heart.
i'll be gone because you love me.
i miss you.
didn't think you would understand after all that i put you through.
i came back only wanting you.
the rich are wrong.
i'm a low-class guy.
the men at war, they draft the poor.
no time to mourn.
i don't need that, i need a maserati.
forever with me.
in this lifetime, we did it wrong.
i guess that you could argue we survived.
after all this time, i wonder why you're still with me.
you're still with me, well, at least in all my memories.
i ain't sorry.
i wouldn't change a thing.
it'll take a lifetime to get better.
i think i'm gonna love you.
i think i'm gonna love you, you're forever with me.
you're forever with me.
you are the reason i learned to love.
you are the reason i learned to love, also, the reason that i cry.
still, i think of all the bloodshed.
i'm even smiling now.
anger does replace the pain.
who am i to blame?
who am i to blame? i broke your heart the same.
i broke your heart the same.
eye of the night.
you're here, you're haunting me.
you're haunting me.
i always feel like i am not alone.
i hear a voice that tells me where to go.
i hear your heartbeat bleeding through the door.
the memories that i cannot ignore.
fight for my life inside a silent war.
boys & girls.
you don't know me.
you wouldn't care if i fell over and died.
he wants ya.
you don't even see me.
she wants ya.
there's no point competing.
nobody cares that you're psychotic.
i don't know much about love.
come find me in the crowd.
killing me.
got the curious feeling you're fiending for love.
we haven't spoken for weeks.
i love you bad.
i love you bad, that's the problem.
better love i deserve.
i'm hurting.
but sadly i worship every moment we meet.
i worship every moment we meet.
you take and you take coz you know you can.
i chase as you're chasing another.
you're killing me.
you're not making it easy.
too busy deceiving and cheating and lying and competing to know how lucky you are.
i just want you.
i just want you to free me.
i can't let go of your heart.
you lie to me.
you lie to me faster and faster, you're such a good actor.
you're such a good actor.
i don't wanna talk, just go away.
you claw at the locks till i let you invade.
i wanna die.
i wanna die but you keep me alive.
fight to survive.
oh love of my life, you're killing me.
packed my bags at fourteen.
packed my bags at fourteen, i hadn't planned on leaving, but you haven't been back home for days.
i hadn't planned on leaving.
they shudder at your name.
you don't really want to hear the truth, do you?
it's obvious to anyone who ever knew you that all you ever want is to be right.
all you ever want is to be right.
all you ever want is to be right, even if that means you gotta lie to do it.
there's no one who ever has done better at making me feel worse.
now you really are the winner.
there's nothing that ever did quite kill me more than what you did.
take a bow, coz you're the winner.
my heart that once was beating-- bleeding in the palm of your hand.
you have the nerve to miss me.
how do i somehow feel guilty when you're the one who let it get this bad?
you're the one who let it get this bad.
all you ever wanted was to fight.
i was only trying to survive your chaos.
look at how it's paid off.
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v3nusxsky · 2 years
helloh, i love ur fanfic so much, huh i’m in a really sad mood lately and larissa is my comf character, can i ask some larissa x r fluff of just larissa being cute while comforting reader (reader just lost one of the most important person in their life and they are really sad and cries a lot recently / the person they’ve lost is not dead!), u can choose if larissa and reader are in a relation or nop
it’s oki if u don’t want to write it
:’ have a lovely trip! ily~
Hey lovely, I’m sorry you’ve been feeling sad recently but I’m glad that you are finding comfort in my fics.
Gone. Just like that.
*Authors note~ I'm in the mood for some angst so here we go*
Trigger warnings~ abandonment issues coming out
Prompt~ see ask^^
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Coming out is single handedly the hardest thing you would ever have to do. You knew that it would be hard, that most people probably wouldn't accept who and what you were. The feeling of fear is the soul reason why it has taken you so long to finally admit the truth. Your parents were absolutely disgusted by you, they told you that. And if you were honest you were expecting that reaction from them, that's why you told them at parents weekend. You were safe at Nevermore, the worst they could do is leave.
But what you weren't expecting was for your twin sister Melissa to react in such a manner. She told you just how disappointed and disgusted she was to be your sister. That really hurt. She was literally the other half of you and now she was rejecting you too. Your parents, sure you'd expected it but your Isa? No you never in your wildest dreams imagined she'd react like this. So when she left with your parents your heart shattered. The tears streaming down your face as you replayed her words over and over again.
"It's disgusting, unnatural, you aren't any sister of mine let alone my twin. I want nothing to do with you ever again and I hope you burn in hell for your sins"  the venom in her words really cutting you deep every time you went over her words. How could she say such hateful things? You were her other half quite literally, identical twins. Yet here she was abandoning you too. As of today you had no family and that fact made you want to disappear. Maybe then everyone would be happier.
For days you locked yourself in your dorm room, crying out all the pain you felt. It was an uncontrollable pain one that felt like it would never go away. Your worst fear had come true. Being alone. Truly you were alone now, no family, not any friends and hell you had no support system. That is why you had gotten away with hiding for so long. After all did anyone actually care to check on you? No. They didn't, which is why you had lost everyone, because you deserved to be alone.
You had no idea just how worried the principal of Nevermore is about you. The poor women was going mad with worry. She had began checking all of your usual hang out spots, the food hall and your attendance records. None of which, gave her any information. Which is why after a few days and a few reports of hearing sobs coming from your dorm, she made her way to check.
Wanting to respect your privacy, yet not quite being able to make herself leave without seeing you, she knocked on your dorm. When there was no sign of any movement from inside the room, she reached into her pockets and unlocked the door. The sight that met her was absolutely heartbreaking.
You lay curled up in bed, all photo frames had been smashed, the room trashed and you curled up into the fetal position sobbing. Your shoulder were shaking violently yet the sound had long since stopped coming. This was so out of character for you and she had to help somehow. She made her way to sit on the edge of your bed, calling for you hoping to break through your state.
You shook and fought to wipe your falling tears, "p-pr-inciple- w-eems?"you whispered brokenly, your voice hoarse from all the crying. When you peaked out from your blankets she saw just how red raw your eyes were. How long had you been in this state?  "Oh my darling, I'm here can you tell me what's upsetting you little one?" Her tone was light and motherly and all you could do is throw yourself into her body. Instantly, she wrapped her arms around you and started to rock you gently.
You managed to stutter out an incoherent explanation of what had happened. Surprisingly, she  understood everything you said and responded by stroking your back and whispering words of reassurance and comfort. Reminding you that although the situation sucks, and it was really unfair your family couldn't see just how amazing you were.
She shared her stories of her own coming out and how that had been similar to your experience, the point to make you feel less alone and remind you that it's okay for you to be who you are and not feel guilty. There was nothing wrong with you, we love who we love and that's okay. For the first time in days, you finally felt at peace, snuggled into the older women's arms. Her calming actions and words never ceased. You told her stories of Isa and how much you loved your twin sister, how much it hurt you that she had left you too. She listened eagerly and reassured you that maybe Isa was struggling with her own issues, after all you had escaped to Nevermore while Isa hadn't. It was rare for one twin to be an outcast while another was a Normie which is why you often felt like an outsider in your own family.
Larissa made sure to remind you she was always here for you and Nevermore will always be your home. You don't have to hide here, be who you are freely and remember her door is always open to you. Day or night, if you need her she wanted you to come and find her. You nodded in response to her kind words and snuggled further into her.
Word count ~ 1056
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fireflykaizoku · 2 years
Demon!Killer x Angel!Reader | Angels Like You
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it is a bit long because i did everything i could not turn this into a multichapter
anyway, no thoughts rn, just demon!killer
It was well known that demons and angels have been in battles for over thousands of years now. Although things got quiet once in a while, there was always hate and rivalry between the two worlds. Most of the time, there was even a small competition between angels and demons.
When a soul was sent to the Purgatory, it was your task as an angel to help them and bring them to heaven no matter what. And of course, demons were sent to try to bring that soul to hell. And there was one demon that you knew way too well.
He was an angel once, of course, all demons used to be angels. That would explain his angelic appearance, the opposite of his cruel behavior. His long blonde hair and blue eyes were heavenly, like you’d imagine an angel to be. However, his strong arms and merciless attitude were probably part of his demon side.
Not that you looked at him often, both of you just met at the Purgatory a lot. Ever since you met for the first time, it was weird and annoying the power he had over you somehow. At first, you just assumed it was because of how strong he was.
But was it all? Usually, you won the battle. People used to surrender easily to angels and the beauty of heaven, but it wasn’t rare to see people taking the devil’s hand and going to hell, a place full of promises of everything a human could desire.
That morning wasn’t different. You had the task to save another soul, and in that dark place of suffering, a tall figure with a blonde mane caught your attention. And then while looking at you with his mocking smile, the demon approached you.
— Did it hurt when you fell from heaven, pretty? — he asked while crossing his arms, bringing attention to his chest. The ridiculous joke and the nickname made you roll your eyes. Having no response, he continued. — What an innocent, gentle and fragile little thing like you are doing here? This isn’t a place for angels.
— You know what I’m doing here. — you flew by Killer, taking a look around. — I’m here to save a soul, unlike you, that likes to manipulate people into believing that hell is a good place. This is cruel of you.
The man followed you while he never stopped smiling. You spotted the new soul, as lost as anyone would be in the Purgatory. The light that surrounded you made the person look with eyes full of hope.
— Don’t worry. — you whispered, looking at them with kindness. — If you’re willing to be saved, we have a place in heaven for you. If you’re willing to regret and pray for your sins, you won’t stay here for much longer.
The demon let out a laugh that almost echoed through the whole space, making you shiver as he approached the poor man in front of you.
— Don’t listen to them. — he started. — Just come with me. You don’t have to do these silly little tasks to get salvation in return. Plus, you can have everything that your soul desires. For free.
It didn’t take the new soul too long to choose. After all, Killer and his proposals were too good for him to refuse. The poor man followed the demon, who smiled victoriously at you. 
— Don’t worry, I’ll save him like I saved many others. — you said. — You just wait and see. I won’t let you take another soul.
After a week, you decided to go to hell after a very long time. Hell. A place that almost every angel avoided and just the thought made some of them shiver. But it was for a bigger purpose. It was a matter of pride to save that man. It was a matter of pride not letting Killer win again.
But could angels have pride?
Hell was an awful place, but among ugly demons, Killer stood out as always with his unexplainable beauty. It wasn’t hard to find him torturing another soul.
— Well, well… — he started without even turning his back to look at you. It seemed like Killer could sense your presence from far. — What do we have here? The little angel decided to pay me a visit after so long?
— You know why I’m here. — you moved closer, feeling as brave as ever. — I’m here to do my job, which you usually make very difficult.
He raised an eyebrow, smiling and walking towards you. You tried to walk back, but at some point, you were cornered between the blonde demon and the dark walls. For a second, it felt like hell was empty and you were the only two creatures there. And maybe it was the warmth of the place, but you could feel a wave of heat all over your body.
Your eyes moved from the leather straps on his chest to his leather pants, making you gulp. Demons wore such attire for a reason, you believed.
— Why don’t you confess that you like to come here not only for the damned souls, but because you enjoy this mice and cat game as much as I do? — Killer’s unusual gentle fingers touched your chin, lifting your face up to make your eyes meet. 
The short distance between the two of you was making it hard to breathe. You were so lost in his blue eyes and warm breath, that you forgot any funny comeback and any snarky remark.
It felt like your mind went blank, and the only thing that you could think about was how good he looked for a demon. And right after, kicking yourself for having such thoughts.
Such lewd and sinful thoughts.
— That’s not true. — you whispered, stuttering. — I… I…
— What happened, pretty? — Killer had to hold back a giggle. — Demon got your tongue?
Before you could respond, the blonde let go of you, turning his back and going back to where he belonged. You decided it wasn’t the best moment to do your job, and still feeling your legs weak after what happened, you flew back to heaven, leaving one white feather as a souvenir of your presence there.
Ever since that day, not only you felt shy, embarrassed even, in front of Killer, but whenever you saw the demon, you got a weird sensation on your stomach. Just his presence next to you was enough to make your cheeks feel warm, and even forget what you had to do in the Purgatory in the first place.
It was unsettling, it was confusing. It was a foreign sensation, that not even once in your whole lifetime, you felt before. It was hard to understand if you were being punished by heaven for having unholy thoughts with a demon for less than a second, or if it was something good. After all, you liked the feeling somehow.
Killer noticed how uneasy you got around him, and the blonde took advantage of this. And when you noticed, Killer got way too bold. The demon passed by you touching your shoulder with an unusual gentleness, or got so close that you could feel his warm breath on your neck.
He found it amusing how you went from a brave little angel to a vulnerable little creature whenever you were around him. Killer found it cute, thrilling, exciting… Hot even.
After that, things were such a blur. Maybe you were so mesmerized, so numb and drunk in passion, that you couldn’t even recall why or how you surrendered to such an evil creature. Your rival.
No, your nemesis. 
How could you sneak out of heaven to meet Killer? How could you betray heaven and angels like this? But it was hard to think whenever you were in his strong arms and his tinted lips kissed you while whispering things that made your heart stop.
Maybe it was the evil in you speaking louder, maybe you simply wanted more and more of the sensation you had whenever you were incredibly closer to Killer. You didn’t want to think, though. You wanted to enjoy the feeling that heaven couldn’t give you.
Maybe demons were good at manipulating people. But you weren’t so naive, you could spot a lie from afar. Even when you went to hell to meet him, even when Killer had so much power over you, it was easy to tell that he was being genuine.
The blonde devil didn’t simply want to corrupt you, to see you fall and lose your wings and halo just like he lost his. You knew that he wanted the same thing as you wanted. He wanted to enjoy the passion, the exciting sensation and maybe even more than that.
This had been happening for months now, and sometimes, you were afraid that someone would get suspicious of your constant trips to Hell with the purpose of saving souls while no soul was actually being saved at this point.
— Why don’t you try to go back to heaven? — you suggested, resting your head against his muscular chest. — Why don’t you try to be saved so we don’t have to hide from our leaders?
— You know very well that angels can fall, but demons don’t ever rise, (Y/N). I can’t and I don’t want to be saved. — Killer whispered, caressing your cheek and making you look at him. — And if they find out that you’ve been coming down here to see me instead of “saving the poor lost souls”, you know what’s going to happen to both of us. Especially to you.
— They’ll pluck every feather from my wings. I know, I know… — you sighed. — But you know that I wouldn’t mind losing my powers to be here with you. I’m willing to.
The blonde looked at you with what seemed like pity or sympathy. 
— Hell isn’t a place for someone as graceful as you. — he shook his head. — I don’t want you to be in a place like this. Even though angels witness cruelty, I would never want you to see this every day for the rest of your life.
You couldn’t help giggling, which made the blonde raise an eyebrow. What was so funny?
— You sound too merciful for a demon. — you whispered, running your hand through his hair.
— And you sound too sinful for an angel.
You shook your head, still giggling. After a second, you took a deep breath.
There was a bit of good in Killer, just like there was evil in you too. You were both loyal to your job and beliefs, but were willing to break the main rules of heaven and hell for each other. In the end, demons and angels had a lot in common.
— Maybe we’ll be the ones turning into lost souls in Purgatory. — you closed your eyes, feeling weirdly safe in the arms of a demon.
— We do know that place well enough. — Killer agreed. — Or maybe we can take over hell and turn it into our own place.
And while you couldn’t find a solution for your forbidden relationship, there was nothing to worry for now. You had the whole eternity to find an agreement anyway, hoping that until then, no other creature would find out about your scandalous secret.
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twobruhsinahottub · 3 months
Trigger warnings for following text post:
Mention of rape
The following text assumes reader is also Christian, however anyone who is curious is more than welcome to read, and I would never intentionally force anyone into believing, so you are safe here!
Just a reminder that canon Jesus was a chill guy who hung out with the unhoused and sex workers, and queer people. Canon Jesus spent His time with those who society didnt love. He was a (likely) queer, Black, Jewish, poor, working class man who was born in Palestine. He stood up for the working class and the undesirable. He preached love and tolerance. He preached the word of the creator through His actions. He was not what modern day "Christians" preach. Fanon Jesus is completely different. Jesus was not homophobic. He did not hate sex workers. He would never blame someone for having a necessary abortion for their own health. He would not be threatening people with hell if they did not repent. He would not be yelling slurs at the people in the pride parade. No. He would be IN the pride parade, He would be spreading the word of God through love and acceptance and through action. Through showing Gods love, through doing as God says we all should. He would be at the abortion clinic, not to protest, but to hold the hands of r victims as they go through the horrific process of an abortion. He would be at the drug clinic supplying clean needles and support for those wishing to get clean. He would be advocating for trans healthcare because GOD MADE THEM THAT WAY! HE MADE THEM THAT WAY! Jesus was an ally, if not a queer person Himself. He loves His creations, and that includes queer people, and sex workers, and poor people, and people who have had or will have an abortion. He loves sinners and He love saints. He died for sinners. He forgives and He loves. There is nothing you can do that will stop His love for you. There is a reason God is called The Father. Because a father (should) love His children unconditionally and forgive them for anything. A father should support and love His children. Jesus is the Son of God, He is the only one without sin, He is God as man, and therefore he LOVES UNCONDITIONALLY. Also, must I remind you, that anything in the Bible against homosexuality, was not against homosexuality at all? It has been translated so many times that the true meaning of a lot of passages has been lost in the English translation. Most verses people use against queer people are truly condemning assault. Not homosexuality. There is nothing against trans people either. Yes, a man should not act/dress as a woman, but must I remind you that gender is a human construct? God did not create the binary. Man did. God created our soul and our spirit and our bodies and He made us in His image. He made is how we were meant to be. Also, in modern times, there are no "womens clothes" and "mans clothes" clothes are simply clothes. We also do not have gender roles in society. Those things are not necessary in modern day. In modern day we are equal in our roles in society. Therefore no man can act or dress as a woman, and no woman can act or dress as a man, because how can you or dress as something that doesn't exist outside of your personal experience? AND btw, transwomen are women and transmen are men, so that verse doesnt even apply 🤷
And lastly, on the topic of things that are condemned, the Bible states that pretty much any sin is not considered a sin if it is committed to save a life. You can eat pork if youre starving. You can work on Shabbos to perform life savinf surgery. Etc etc. The Bible also values the current life over the potential life, so yes, abortion is ok in the Bible if it saves a life, because the life of the carrier is ranked as higher than the life of the fetus. And at the end of the day, you could commit a grave sin, and Jesus will still love you dearly. He will be there when you return to Him. Repent with true intentions and He will forgive.
*please note that it is not my personal belief that true, unnecessary harm, should ever be forgiven by man, I do believe Christ will forgive, just as a loving parent would, but I do not believe He would be proud, He would be heartbroken but His love never ends. And I do not believe a truly evil person would ever truly repent therefore would never be forgiven or enter paradise. These are my personal beliefs. I am not wanting to start discourse on ANY of this.
**please also note, my opinions and beliefs come from someone of my specific experience with God / Christ. My experience is unique and so is yours. My word is the word of one man. Do not ever let it speak over the word of Christ or your understanding of God. But if you are truly Christian, you will love anyone, including non believers and sinners, because THAT is the word of God.
*** for those curious about my experience, I was raised with reform Judaism, and in recent times have begun to follow Christianity. I am no longer Jewish religiously, but a lot of my understanding of the Bible comes from many years of Hebrew school. And no, I am not "messianic". I am Jewish in blood and culture/upbringing and a Christian in faith. I do not support messianics. They are simply culture vultures lmao.
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peachymilkandcream · 6 months
Ready Or Not|Part 5|Yandere Levi x Evelyn
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(A/N: I am loving hardened military Levi, he's so out there and off his rocker I love it!)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, graphic depictions of violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
Levi followed his troops to the home of one of the city's wealthy families. An older woman who often chatted and gossiped around the town, people like these he couldn't stand normally, but a gossip like this would know more than he would about Evelyn's whereabouts.
He dismounted and marched straight towards her, time was money and he continually found himself in short supply as of late.
"Speak, and if I find that you've wasted my time woman you'll be sorely paid back for it."
Her smug smile never left her face, happy to have something to make Humanity's Strongest indebted to her. As a man who declined invitations to parties and visitations something like this would surely get her and her worthless husband in his favour.
"Captain Ackerman, just the man I wanted to see. You might remember me, I was at Commander Pixis' little get together to commemorate all his years of service. It's such an honor to meet the man who keeps us safe."
His expression is unchanging, the lighting casting dark shadows onto his face, giving him a more menacing appearance.
She clears her throat, uncomfortable, but continues. "I hope this information puts us in a good light for you, always eager to help out those in our class. It's a shame with your wife, why if I were you-"
"Cut to the chase woman, I don't have time for your empty flattery and nonsense."
A little offended she presses on. "Right, well, I saw Mrs. Ackerman running this way with dear little Furlan on her hip. The poor thing was frightened half to death at being taken from his home. She seemed frantic and headed towards the docks."
"What time was this?"
"I'd say about, two in the afternoon? Clearly trying to sneak away before you came home."
"Good." He turns to a soldier. "I want you to look up ship records, who was in port at that time or the hour after for good measure. That'll narrow it down."
"I'm glad to be of help." Her smile still smug.
"And you," He motions to another. "Make sure this woman and her husband understand the meaning of keeping her lips shut."
"Yes sir."
"Wait what are you doing? Not even a thank you?"
Levi continues to return to his horse, ignoring the pleading from the lady as his soldiers show her what will happen if this turns into gossip as well.
He's renewed with a sense of vigor, another lead. Her location was being narrowed down with each passing day, soon he would find her.
"Now to show someone else what happens if they don't talk."
"Fired? What do you mean fired?"
"I mean you're done, look your kid broke a lamp the other day and I know you sure as hell can't afford to pay me back."
"I will eventually, please, just give me another chance."
"If I gave every sob story a chance I'd be broke. Go talk to the man who knocked you up for support."
Evelyn's expression darkened. "Come on Furlan."
"Yeah get lost, find someone else to steal from."
Evelyn had survived with much less, but rent was going up and she was running out of employers. All of them found some reason to fire her.
When they returned home she set Furlan down for a nap while dealing with the dead body in her house. Her former employer, Mrs. Price, the poor soul had been badmouthing Evelyn to everyone looking for work in this city. All because she believed that Evelyn was being punished for the sin of being a single mother and that helping her would only give her a means to have more pre-marital sex.
She had it coming to her.
Evelyn Glass Ackerman, a murderer. It was in times like these she referred to herself by her married name, since it was fitting to accompany the two. Levi had made her this way, he had forced her to do things she never would have done. All because of his selfishness.
Thankfully for her he always taught her how to clean up the mess afterwards. In all his years alive Levi had never been caught and charged with a single crime although he committed more than she wanted to think about. He was a vile human being, but he taught her how to survive. For that and only that would she be forever grateful.
She had to find another income soon, with a child on the way soon she would have another mouth to feed. And without Levi's money she wasn't sure how she could do it. Everyone here believed that she was the product of her own making and that one could damage their reputation by associating with a whore.
Some people never changed.
She'd find a way, somehow, to survive. She couldn't go back, not now, she was too far into this. Who knows what Levi would do if she came crawling back now? He could actually kill her, lose control and everything she still loved of this world would be gone. No, she had to keep running.
He controlled her once, he'd never do it again.
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Living Dangerously - Chapter 27
Jurassic Park’s animal handlers: none of them ever mentioned by name in Michael Crichton’s original novel. Who were they? What were their lives like on Isla Nublar? Did any of them survive the disaster?
A year in the life of those responsible for the care of the dinosaurs. Many people would kill to have their jobs.
But would they die for it?
Jurassic Park novel/Jurassic Park film (1993)
Viewpoint: 3rd person female oc
Warnings: alcoholism and consequences thereof, animal abuse in a circus context
Tagging: @heresthefanfiction @ocappreciation @wordspin-shares @howlingmadlady @arrthurpendragon @themaradwrites @starryeyes2000 (please lmk if you would like informed of my sporadic updates)
Read on Ao3
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Chapter 26 | Chapter 28
The King of Wishful Thinking - Go West
Lizzy still remembered the very first real elephant she ever saw. Tragically, not a majestic wild creature roaming the savannah.  That particular elephant was a heavily scarred, cowering soul with a chain around her neck, from when she and her siblings had gone to visit the Kelvin Hall Circus that had descended upon Glasgow in the early 1970s. 
Lizzy was still a kid, she honestly didn’t know any better, how cruel it was. The poor animal was entertainment. They all were, the lions, zebras and hyenas. And of course, the stars. The Big Attraction. The elephants. 
Halfway through the act Lizzy had gotten the uneasy feeling something was wrong. The old elephant was twisting her trunk up in distress as she moved around the ring, the whites of her eyes showing. And God, the smell seeping through from the pachyderm lodgings at the back of the building was sickening, the heavy scent of ammonia and manure burning in her nostrils.  They definitely hadn’t smelled like healthy animals. 
The ringmaster had ignored the creatures’ discomfort and cracked his whip, the elephant mounting the step to begin her most impressive trick, walking the tightrope. 
Lizzy’s heart had been in her mouth the entire time, the crowd had whooped and cheered, and then the old beast had collapsed, toppled to the sawdust-covered floor while coming off the platform at the other end of the tightrope, crashing limply to the ground and lying motionless. 
The ringmaster had sworn, and struck the animal with his whip, over and over, but the elephant wouldn’t get up. 
The audience had eventually been ushered out early. No money back. 
She remembered covering her youngest brother’s ears as the twin bang-bang of the shotgun had risen over the jaunty pipe organ music, following them out of the door. 
Lizzy lost her appetite for the circus after that.
As it turned out, a collapsing elephant and a collapsing Tyrannosaur made a very similar sound.
Isla Nublar, present day. The Rex had begun to sway drunkenly, worse by the second. Lizzy had gotten as far as pointing while stammering “T-tom…” before the dinosaur disappeared from view behind the fence with a long-drawn out grunt. There was an almighty racket of splintering wood as she crashed straight through a grove of monkey puzzle trees before she hit the deck, then ominous silence. 
“Oh, Hell…I think my radio’s dead!” Lizzy clicked the call button on the side before whacking it with her open palm ineffectually. “Give me yours!”
”Dude, I haven’t got one…”
They stared at each other. The tyrannosaur groaned.
Going to have to run. 
”I’m faster.” Tom took off through the trees like a hare before hounds, hurdling tree trunks and roots while Lizzy ran to the paddock fence.
Well, just beat my seven minute mile. Tom thought upon stumbling into the staff lodge. His calves were on fire. He began hammering on doors and yelling for the veterinarian. Someone had to be here, anyone.
Then he heard Muldoon and Baker answering him. Oh thank you Lord. Thank you Father for I have sinned. 
“Really wrong?” Kathy quoted with raised eyebrows once he located the both of them. “What do you mean?”
“I dunno man, she just went down like a Goodyear blimp!” He leaned against the wall for support. “We might need the strong stuff.”
”The ‘strong’ stuff?” Muldoon raised an eyebrow.
Tom nodded. “The more permanent stuff.”
His frame of reference was old farm horses whose legs went out from underneath them, and seldom got up again. Tommy, got get the shotgun-
As far as he was concerned, the Rex was toast. 
Meanwhile, Gerry Harding had emerged from his own room, blinking. “Someone call for a doc?”
“Emergency-“ Tom wheezed like an eighty-year-old asthmatic. 
Gotta quit smoking. 
“Exciting!” Harding instantly became more animated. “Let me go grab my kit!”
“Do you know where Lizzy is?” Kathy asked Tom quietly.
“With the Rex.” 
Muldoon’s head snapped around nearly fast enough to give himself whiplash. She’s where?! “Not in the paddock with her?!” Kathy was alarmed.
”Well…huh-” Tom shrugged. “She wasn’t when I left…”
“Let’s hope that’s still the case.” Muldoon said glumly. 
“What’s all this racket, then?” Richardson added to the chorus of voices in the hall. 
“Mr Richardson, Rexy’s down. C’mon, help us.” Tom beckoned him out of his room. 
“We clocked off at five today.” The animal supervisor didn’t seem enthused. 
“Yeah, so?” He didn’t see the issue.
“Going into the park out of hours, and especially at night is not my business, Thomas.” The shorter man said irately. “It’s not yours either.” 
Tom’s lip curled in irritation. He didn’t have time for this bullshit. An animal was suffering, and his boss didn’t even seem to care.
He couldn’t take it anymore.
“Hey, screw you, man.” He turned his back to leave.
”Thomas, if you go back out there with that lot tonight, I’m not giving you any more chances.”
Kathy overheard them.
Huh? What does that mean?
But her thought was forgotten quickly, gone in the flurry of activity as doors opened and yet more animal handlers flooded the corridor, all wanting to lend a hand as word spread quickly. She quickly tried to brief them all on a vague plan.
Rexy was a popular girl, it seemed.
“So be it.” Richardson muttered as he shut his door on the ruckus. 
“Meet you guys out front. Hey!” Kathy snatched the car keys straight from Muldoon’s hand. She wasn’t forgetting the state he was in earlier in a hurry. “You can’t drive!”
”It’s a stick shift, neither can you, Baker!”
His voice followed her out into the night as Kathy sprinted for the garage. 
“All right, folks. I think…-“ Gerry Harding concluded, removing the stethoscope from his ears and patting the scaly skin of the prone Tyrannosaur. “-she has a heart murmur.”
“Reptiles can have heart murmurs?” Kathy queried, extremely worried about the fate of one of her biggest charges. She’d honestly thought the big girl was a goner. 
”They’re birds though, aren’t they? Dinosaurs.” Isaac nudged her. 
”I presume anything with a heart can.” Harding said casually. “In the meantime, don’t be alarmed if it happens again.”
”So, if she collapses, just let her come around by herself?”
“Yep. I treated a Hyacinth Macaw for a heart murmur back in San Diego Zoo.” Harding recalled. “Sometimes he’d just fall off his perch. The keepers had to modify the enclosure for him.”
“We now have a fainting Tyrannosaur as one of our visitor attractions?” Muldoon couldn't believe it. “Oh, good. Hammond will be so very pleased.”
Harding was still mid-anecdote, undeterred. “Anyway, prescribed him beta blockers and he was still alive when I left the place, so I must have been right. Damn bird made sure to bite me on my last day, in fact.”
Muldoon made an unhappy noise.
”What’s wrong, buddy?”
“Harding, if you put the Rex on beta blockers, I’m going to have to be beyond careful if the damn thing needs tranquillised at short notice ever again.”  “You aren’t beyond careful with that stuff anyway?” Harding sounded amused. 
“I could end up killing it. Quite easily, in fact.”
Better not drink, then Lizzy thought bitterly. If it’s delicate work.
“We’ll weigh up the pros and cons in the morning.” Harding brushed worries aside with a huge yawn. “But, my professional diagnosis? Heart murmur. Needs meds. Got some math to do.” 
“Dosage?” Lizzy asked. 
”Mhhm.” He smiled at her grimly. “They’re usually in pill form, and I’m unsure if blockers come in such a thing as thousand-packs.”’
“That’s InGen’s problem to solve, not yours.”
”Yeah, but I hate having to ask the big bosses for things I might not get.” 
Gerry missed his state-of-the-art veterinary clinic on the California mainland where he could send his staff out to collect obscure medications, and have them waiting on the desk in his office later that same afternoon. San Diego had the Good Drugs.
“You should know she doesn’t always eat every day either.” Lizzy pointed out. “And that, my darling, is yours and Muldoon’s problem to solve, not mine.” Harding countered sarcastically. “Maybe you can hide the pills in some peanut butter.”
And he chuckled at the thought of the small woman lobbing a soccer ball-sized lump of Jif into the Tyrannosaurus enclosure.
The team dispersed, but the vet motioned at Lizzy to help him carry his kit out of the enclosure.
Something was off, about the way she was acting around Muldoon, and she’d looked decidedly shifty when he’d left the responsibility of getting meds into Rexy up to the pair of them. 
The ethologist did a double take when she noticed Harding was watching her intensely as they made their way back up the hill.  
“What?” She demanded. “Why are you staring at me?”
”Did you and the big man have a falling out?” Harding asked matter-of-factly. “You haven’t said a word to him all night.”
”None of your business!” Her voice was an octave higher than usual. 
Harding smiled knowledgeably. “That’s a yes. So, you’re free for dinner tomorrow?”
“I’d sooner contract malaria than be related to your daughter, Mister-Sarah’s-Dad.”
They reached the veterinarian’s Jeep. 
“I am nothing if not persistent.”
”Pestilent, more like.”
“Seriously though, Liz, I’ve been thinking.”
”Well, that’s never good.”
“I did some research. You know how selective breeding for desirable characteristics in dogs can lead to certain health conditions?”
”I didn’t really, but I’ll take your word for it.” Lizzy had never owned a dog, despite desperately wanting one, especially when she’d lived in New York. She’d have been happy with a mongrel. But both Simon and their landlord had denied her. Allergies, Simon had claimed, sniffling for effect.
“Hip dysplasia in German Shepherds, dermatitis in Dalmatians, and blood clotting disorders in Bassett Hounds. Pre-disposal to cancer, leukaemia, brain tumours. Orthopaedic problems and hearing loss.”
”Jesus. Okay.” Lizzy frowned. Maybe her ex had done her a favour by refusing to become a dog owner. “Where are you heading with this?”
There was a faint cheer from the animal handlers. 
“Gerry, she’s up!” Kathy called over from near the fence.
The veterinarian graced her with a nod and a wave. ”I also read that the Mesozoic had much higher concentrations of oxygen in the atmosphere than the present-day. And I got to thinking, these animals were made in the lab, right?”
“They’re poorly suited to live on a Costa Rican island in 1992? They’re all effectively asthmatic?”
“Maybe. If we consider them as birds, that animal is built all wrong. Look at her legs, the way she walks. She’s been selectively bred, like a pedigree dog. She looks like she’s skipped a few generations and gone straight to inbreeding depression. I don’t think real dinosaurs looked like that, at all.”
“Which I’m guessing is a problem, physiologically-speaking?”
”The problem is, this island is severely lacking in ethics.” Harding told her, as if the word tasted bad. “And heart murmurs are usually congenital.”
”You think Rexy has genetically-engineered hip dysplasia?” 
“I think she’s in pain.” Harding said. “She doesn’t know any different, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it hurts her to exist.” 
When the cavalry had arrived on the scene at the Tyrannosaur paddock with a screech of brakes, fortunately, Armstrong had not already scaled the fence into the paddock, Muldoon noted with relief. 
Instead, she was hopping foot to foot near the gate, desperate to get inside.  Yes, she was still breathing. No, she hasn’t gotten to her feet yet the ethologist confirmed. It was not more than ten minutes since Kennedy had raised the alarm. The boy was fast.
But of course, Muldoon couldn’t allow neither Armstrong nor Harding to do their jobs until he had done his. 
Insurance shot. Not as dramatic, but it meant the dinosaur wouldn’t be waking up to surprise them all anytime soon. 
Kathy and Lizzy had swapped glances while they were waiting for the gate to be opened, a wordless exchange.  You with me? Team?
I’m with you. Team.
Guilty, tired grins and relief from both sides. Their falling out remedied with a single look. 
They were going to be alright.
But Muldoon wouldn’t have her forgiveness quite so easy, Lizzy had already decided. 
The Rex lay prone, blood slowly oozing out of her jaws from biting her own tongue as she’d fallen.
Flies were still buzzing in a black cloud, despite the temperature dropping and wisps of fog beginning to drift in off the sea as Harding began his examination, wrinkling his nose at the odour that followed the dinosaur around as closely as a shadow.
Now, panic over, the Rex up and on her feet again, Armstrong was still staying far away, helping Harding to pack his kit back into the Jeep, not even glancing up at him in passing.
Muldoon wasn’t a fan of the silent treatment. Not at all. The irony just made it sting more.
Now she stops talking. Of course. 
“Armstrong?” She kept her head down, as if she’d heard nothing. Bloody woman was deliberately ignoring him. “Armstrong. Can we sort this out?”
Oh jeez. Here we go she thought. 
“Sort what out?” Lizzy tried acting nonchalant when she finally spoke. “There’s nothing to sort. Everything’s fine.”
She still wouldn’t look at him, pottering around, mouthing numbers as she pretended to count hypodermic needles. He could tell she was faking it. 
Lizzy soon realised her act wasn’t convincing enough and quickly turned to leave, hoping to slip away. But Muldoon’s arm shot out to stop her, blocking her escape route with his hand firm against the Jeep door.
“What are you doing?” She asked flatly. 
”Five minutes.” He’d had just about enough of the selective muteness. “You’re being immature.”
“I am being professional.” She insisted. “I’m no longer mixing my work and my private life. They stay separate from now on. I should have done that from the start. Maybe Richardson had a point, for once.”
“Well, I don’t like it.”
“What you like is no long-…eh…none of my concern. I only want to talk about the dinosaurs while we’re at work, please.”
Her voice was getting increasingly louder. People were starting to stare. 
Muldoon glanced at Kathy for help, who just shrugged and mouthed you got this.
Well, if Armstrong wasn’t above dirty tactics, neither was he.
Last resort.
“As you wish.” He paused. “Elizabeth.”
The ethologist froze.
Muldoon continued. “If you want to be professional, then it’s alright to use your full name, isn’t it?”
Kathy and Isaac, open-mouthed, began edging slowly backwards away from the epicentre.
“Oh, you-“ When Lizzy finally looked straight at him, her face was screwed up in annoyance. 
Eye contact. At last.
“Five minutes. That’s all. Sort this out.” He dared her. “Come on, let’s have it.” 
“On one condition.” She agreed frostily.
“Which is?”
She took a few deep breaths before she spoke, practically burning a hole in the ground with an intense stare. Most likely counting to ten, he imagined. 
“My name is Lizzy. Not Elizabeth. Not Armstrong. Lizzy. Lih-zee.”
”I’m aware of that, yes.”
”Then use it.” She demanded. “Say my name.”
“Oh, snap.” Kathy breathed.
Isaac whispered “What’s going on?”
”I’ll explain later, hun. Just- shhh.”
“Alright. Lizzy-“ It’s fine. Got to compromise. It’s fine. “Can we please  go somewhere else to discuss this?”
“Hm. Better.” One corner of her mouth turned up. “Okay, you’ve got five minutes.”
“Oh…my…God…” Kathy was beside herself. 
”What just happened?” Isaac was stumped. “What’s the big deal?”
”Muldoon has used her actual first name, that I know of, exactly once before.” She checked side-to-side to see if anyone else had picked up on the significance. “That was the second time. Do you know how many times he’s called me Kathy?”
”Uh…never?” He hazarded. 
”Correct!” Kathy pointed at the heavens triumphantly. ”Certainly never in front of the other guys. Ugh, I wish I’d snuck into the back seat. This is huge. Mega, even.”
“If you say so.” Isaac shrugged. He clearly didn’t care as much about behavioural nuances. “She kind of made him do it.”
”Mega!” Kathy announced again.
“Hey, want to go get a popsicle before we turn in?” Tom cheerfully appeared over her left shoulder. “Got a hankering for something cold.”
“I-…” Kathy nearly refused, given their shared history, but since truces seemed to be the theme of the night she decided to go along with it. And she never said no to ice cream. “Sure?”
“Well, I’m listening.” Lizzy stared straight ahead through the recently-mended Jeep windscreen.
“I am painfully aware of that.” Muldoon sounded anything but enthusiastic. “Makes a nice change.”
“Yeah, right. You lasted, what, four hours? Clearly missed me talking to you.”
“At me.” He corrected. 
“At you.” She agreed. “Your turn.”  
Just silence. Nothing happened.
Lizzy had just about had enough of him closing himself off at a time like this. 
“Talk.” She prompted. “For once. Just talk. It’s me, for Christ’s sake.”
Muldoon honestly wanted to tell her everything, but where to begin? The words weren’t coming liked he’d assumed, hoped, they would, now they were alone. 
Lizzy sighed, realising she was being a tad callous. 
She saw how much he was struggling, and she felt bad for him. She’d been there herself. A long time ago. A mixture of too shy and too stubborn to say what was wrong.
She picked at the stitching on the Jeep’s seat covers under her legs.
God, she really didn’t want to be here, didn’t want to do this. It was so awkward. But she figured it was time. There was no point in him trying to explain his story if she wasn’t willing to share hers. She wanted him to understand why it hurt so much.
More than that, Lizzy did want to move on.  She wanted him back.
She needed him. 
Their relationship, professional or otherwise, could never be the same as before. But maybe it had potential to still work, somehow.
She’d have to put the effort in. They both would. 
And now she had to swallow her pride and lead the way. Jeff would be so disappointed in her if she didn’t at least try.
Lizzy had been given so many second chances in life, she knew it absolutely made her a hypocrite to be unwilling to pay it forward. 
“Would it help-“ she offered. “-if I went first?”
“First?” He seemed surprised at her offer. “Only if you’re sure.”
”I think I need to. I’ve been putting it off for a long time, you may have noticed.” She fidgeted in the seat, bouncing her leg. “Don’t say anything until I’m done. If I stop talking, just…give me a minute.”
Breathe. Just breathe.
Lizzy started in Govan. Not long after that fateful visit to the circus.  This time around, every moment she felt the wall threatening to come up, she fought it back down, almost running out of air with how desperate she was to keep her momentum going. 
As promised, Muldoon just listened. 
She explained why she wanted; no, rather needed to be called Lizzy so badly. It was the name her dad had chosen for her. My wee Busy-Lizzy. All that she had left of him now except memories. Not even a photograph. 
How every time she was called Elizabeth, as she elaborated with a sly glance sideways, it felt like someone was sticking a pin in her ribs.
Elizabeth, like her mother had insisted on calling her. Or the school writing home when she was in trouble. The hospital admission band on her wrist when she found out she wasn’t pregnant anymore.
She left that last part out, thinking it might have been a bit much for the park warden.
”Well?” She finished abruptly. “What’s the verdict?”
He nodded slowly. “A lot of things make sense now.”
Massive understatement. Why she had been cagey and stand-offish around her birthday. Why she shot from her right, instead of her dominant side. Why she had quite rightly wanted nothing to do with him anymore outside of work.
He understood. 
She’d be well within her rights to be on a ferry bound for the mainland the following evening and never want to see him again. 
Lizzy’s leg stopped bouncing, the flight or fight ebbing away with each breath. But the emotion need to go somewhere and was threatening to manifest in the form of tears.
Don’t cry. Do not cry. We’re not done yet. 
Her shoulder ached. 
“Now you.” Lizzy’s voice wobbled. “Come on, you were the one who wanted to sort this out.” 
“I know.”
Muldoon was far from happy.
This sort of talk warranted a few measures of Scotch beforehand.
But that’s what got us in this sorry mess in the first place. 
He started more than four thousand miles South-East from Govan, and not quite as many years ago. He finished with the offer that he couldn’t refuse from InGen that felt like a lifeline, and the decision to leave his daughter in Kenya with her maternal grandparents until things had settled down.
“It wasn’t supposed to be this long.” He admitted. “But I thought she might be better off without me, for a while.”
“No!” Lizzy insisted. “A girl needs her dad. I could have told you that twenty years ago.”
“I have considered bringing her out here.”
As long as it’s safe. 
“You’ve got to!” Lizzy nodded excitedly. “Come on, it takes a village.”
”It’s her schoolwork that’s the issue…I’ll think about it. Maybe next summer.”
“I’d love to meet her.” She offered sincerely. “María can teach her French, Rico can teach her Spanish. I’ve got Biology covered.”
“We’ll see.” It was a nice thought, but Muldoon didn’t want to get too optimistic just yet. “So, how do we move forward from here?”
“You’re still on your own with the, uh…drinking, I’m afraid.” She smiled sadly. “That is the one thing I can’t get involved with. Just can’t. Sorry.”
Lizzy genuinely was sorry. She would have done her best to be supportive, but for the sake of her own well-being, it was beyond her. 
“Not true.” Muldoon insisted. “Not on my own.”
“Baker tells me she’ll help.” He paused. “Not quite sure how she’s going to manage that.”
That made a rather large difference to Lizzy. Her own mother hadn’t felt the need to change. Tom’s dad didn’t either. But this was different, though foreign to her. Muldoon clearly wanted to turn matters around.
It felt a little early for hope, but still…
“If Kathy says she will, then she’ll find a way.” Lizzy agreed. “She’s the best. I’m going to miss her, if she gets that job. ”
“Makes two of us. I got very lucky with my team here, that they do as I say.” She smirked when he turned to look at her. “Most of the time.”
“It’s showing initiative!” Lizzy exclaimed. “Thinking outside the box!”
”The box is there for a reason.” He replied, completely deadpan. 
She laughed, even though she was torn two ways. Instinctively wanting to trust him, but knowing there was a very good reason she couldn’t just yet. 
“I appreciate how difficult this is.”
”Haven’t even started.” Muldoon grimly wondered what ideas Baker had up her sleeve. 
“Not that.” She elaborated. “I meant talking about things that obviously make you very uncomfortable.”
“It’s better with you.” Lizzy noticed he seemed surprised with himself at being so forthcoming. “You’re easier to talk to.”
“Good. I’m glad.”
There was a long pause. Fifteen seconds, or five minutes. It could have been either. Lizzy didn’t feel the need to break it. 
“I like having you around.” Muldoon eventually said gruffly.
“I like being around- ” She started before she could stop herself.
You. I like being around you. Or at least I did.
”What do you mean by that?”
“I mean-“ Lizzy hesitated. “Eh…I don’t know what I mean, actually.” 
She deliberated, playing with the end of her braid before she answered him. “ The closest I can put into words is that…the silences are comfortable. Or maybe I’m just comfortable with the silence. That doesn’t happen very often.”
“Hm. I agree.”
“It’s loud up here, sometimes.” She tapped just above where the metal arm of her glasses sat against her temple. “I have shout to hear myself.”
Muldoon was suddenly struck with a horrible thought. 
“You’re not thinking of leaving, are you?”
“Kathy did try to talk me into it.” Lizzy admitted. 
“Already booked my flight out of here.” She winked. “Nah, I’m not going anywhere. But don’t you be giving me reasons to start looking.”
“Would you go back to Africa?”
“Namibia?” Would she consider Kenya? 
“I…don’t know, I haven’t really thought that far-…Hey, what’s with the questions? I already told you, I’m not leaving!”
“Hm. Good.”
Baker’s words echoed. It’s just a job. You’ll get another one. 
“Unless you call me the E-word again.” She said sternly. “That really is unforgivable.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it…Lizzy.”
If Kathy had been present she would have lost her shit. The third time. Twice in one night. “Uh…shoot, it’s been longer than five minutes. Way longer.” Lizzy pointed out, glancing at her watch. “Not long until we’re back at work again, actually. We should go home.”  That wasn’t what Muldoon wanted. He felt like driving further into the park, into a more isolated corner where it really felt like The Wild. Staying up until the sun rose over the East side of the island. Finding out more about her. There had to be more to her story than a miserable childhood. 
Why had Blacklaw decided to take her under his wing? Given this scrawny little city-slicker the benefit of the doubt in a place like Africa, that should have, quite literally, eaten her alive? 
Why was she still standing, after no less than ten years of living in the wild? 
She’d overcome the tremendously bad hand she’d been dealt in life. But Muldoon felt she hadn’t quite told him everything yet.
“Better get you back to the lodge.” Was what he mumbled instead.
”Yeah.” Could have been wishful thinking, but she sounded disappointed too.
When they pulled up he saw the curtains in Baker’s room twitch. Still awake. Checking they were both back safe. 
Muldoon was about to let her go without another word. But he needed to know.
“Yes?” She was already jumping down from the passenger side. 
”We’re alright now? You and I?”
Back to Armstrong. Back to some kind of normality. Lizzy was honestly glad of it.  Haven’t even started the difficult part yet. Her conscience reminded her.
”We’re alright. But…”
“But?” He was expecting bad news. 
”We could be better than alright again.” She grinned as she slammed the door, leaning back through the open window on her forearms. “That depends on how badly you want it. Good luck!”
The she tapped the Jeep door twice, and was gone without looking back.
Muldoon leaned back in the driver’s seat, thinking for a moment.
”That bloody woman.” 
Thanks for reading!
Yay, a Princess Bride reference!
But Muldoon saying “as you wish” to Lizzy has me wanting to skip ahead several chapters O.o
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maximwtf · 2 years
“Not afraid of father’s creations”
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Lucifer Morningstar x deity reader
words: 2070
google docs pages: 4
request by: @stardewey​
warnings: bad selfimage, mentions of a body and blood
opening: Reader is the deity of lost souls in Purgatory, but one of the souls escapes to earth. While looking for the lost soul, you come across Lucifer.
AN// Thank you for the request! My requests are open for any character I’ve already written for! (think I forgot to mention that earlier) I can do most likely anything for x reader except smut ^^ Reader uses she/her
                  “Not afraid of father’s creations”
You were floating calmly in your space, sorting out the souls of passed humans. You had done this for eons, so every day was the same for you. You only guided the souls so their sins could burn away before entering heaven. Though anyone else might have complained about this, you didn’t. You had been here for so long that the angels and even the demons down in hell had started to call you Jane Doe, mixing you with the Jane and Joe Doe’s you guided as your job. But not that this all hurt you anymore, you rarely ever saw anyone so it was rare that you’d even hear anyone call you by the name. You internally still knew who you were, and that had been enough for you so far.
The space in Purgatory felt timeless to you. It was night when you decided so and day when you decided that. It was yet again another day and you knew the souls that were supposed to come in today. You had so far one by one guided them all safely onward, and so far all the souls that were supposed to come in had come. You started to wait for the next one but they never appeared. You looked around but the soul wasn’t there, it was almost like they never even entered the Purgatory in the first place. You allowed yourself to land on the flames, and walk towards the entrance, to see if the soul was near. The flames went around your clothes, not being able to burn you as you walked away from them. It almost looked like they were bowing at you. You looked over the edge carefully, seeing if the soul had fallen back on earth. Your gaze waltzed back and forth for a while and you had begun to wonder if the soul was even coming in the first place. Just before you were about to leave, you noticed something floating back down on earth. You had seen enough souls in your time to know even from far away that it was the soul that had never entered Purgatory. It was on its way back down on earth. You couldn’t have a ghost walk around on earth like this!
Your immediate thought was to go after the soul and bring it back up here, but you stopped yourself before you could act on the thought. You had rarely ever been on earth, and when you had been created for your job, God had made sure that you would never even have the urge to go down there. Your form might not have looked bad up here, but to the human eye you looked horrid. You would give permanent scars to any human who saw you outside of Purgatory. This was the first time something like this had happened, which was why you had no idea what to do. Would anything bad happen if you just went down for a moment and took the soul with you. You had no human form, so you couldn’t say for long. 
You didn’t want to think about your plan any further so you wouldn't overthink it. You exited the Purgatory and headed down on earth. After getting closer you saw that it was nighttime. That was good, since your clothes were black as well, so you could mix in the darkness. 
You landed on the ground, straight away feeling asphalt under your feet. You saw a police car labeled LAPD go past you with speed and another fancier car go after the police car. You tilted your head at this and started to follow the cars. 
After following them you found a crime scene, and multiple people on there, examining what had happened. You got closer so you could see better, but not so close that anyone could see you. You saw the body on the ground, and soon the soul appeared next to the body as well. Poor thing seemed to be confused and probably because of that it hadn’t been strong enough to make it all the way up. You didn’t dare to call out for the soul because someone would hear you and there were way too many humans around you right now. 
You stared at the soul for another moment, before something pulled you from your hiding spot and pushed you against a wall in the darkness. “Who are you!-” A British voice asked, before easing their grip. “Please let me go.” You whined before the man dropped you back on the ground. “What are you doing here? Jane Doe?” The man asked. You couldn’t really see him in the dark, but he for some reason knew who you were, only by the wrong name but that wasn’t a surprise. “Y/n.” You corrected him. “How are you not afraid of me?” You asked, looking at him from behind your broken mask, only one of your eyes really showing. “I’m Lucifer Morningstar.” He introduced himself, only now the puzzle pieces connecting. “How are you here, and why are you helping the humans?” You tilted your head. The devil had definitely chosen a completely different form from what you had been told he looked after his fall. “It’s a long story. I live here now.” He explained briefly. You nodded slightly. “I’m with the LAPD now. Now, what are you doing here?” Lucifer asked, examining you with his gaze. “One of the souls fell back here. I need to get it back before they start causing trouble that the living can see.” You explained your situation. “Well that’s easy enough, where is this soul?” Lucifer asked. “It’s the soul from this case. The soul is around even now.” You said, pointing at the body where you had last seen the soul. “You’ll have to come back later. These people won’t leave until they have all the info they need, even I can’t control that.” Lucifer said before a shout interrupted him. “Lucifer? Who are you talking to?” A woman’s voice asked. “Hide! Hide!” Lucifer whispered to you, pushing you to the shadows. “Phone! I’ll have to go for a moment, I'll be back!” You watched as he charismatically handled the situation. “Now come, they can’t see you.” He hurried over to you and pulled you with him to his car. “Push your head down.” He said shortly, and got behind the wheel. Before anyone  could see you he began to drive away. 
He drove for a while before stopping the car and getting you out. You saw a sign that said “Lux.” before Lucifer pulled you in the building. There wasn't anyone you could see in there, but he didn’t give you much time to even look anyway. He pulled you to an elevator and when the doors opened again you saw a beautiful room with a shiny piano straight away from the elevator. “Nice house you’ve chosen for yourself.” You commented as you walked further. “We’ll wait here until they leave the scene and then go back.” Lucifer said, while pouring himself a drink from the huge shelf. You sat down on one of the couches, carefully looking at Lucifer. He didn’t seem to mind how you looked, which surprised you. Even some of the angels looked at you with unpleasant faces when they had come across you by accident. “Do you want a drink?” His voice rang out again after you hadn’t said anything to his plan of waiting. You stared at him in pure confusion. “Yes, sure…” Was all you could mutter out. 
When the glass of whiskey hit the glass table in front of you, you finally opened your mouth. “Do you not see how I look?” Your voice asked through the shattered mask. Lucifer only hummed at first, before looking at you. “I’m not afraid of any of my father’s creations. He casted me to hell with horrendous looks and even took that away from me and gave me my wings back as a punishment.” Lucifer scuffed, clearly spitting venom at his father, God. You understood him though. God hadn’t blessed either of you with beauty, only on earth could Lucifer’s old angelic futures shine a little again. You on the other hand looked like this every second of every day. “I’m sorry he did that. Though, I’ve seen and heard everything about me. I do not hold any anger towards him anymore.” You explained to him, seeing him huff at this. He was still clearly filled with hate towards his father. You took the glass he had handed you in your hand and took a sip of it. It had been a while since you’d had anything to eat or drink since you didn’t have to do any of that in Purgatory. “But I’m glad you didn’t look down on me.” You said, after putting the glass back down. “Of course, I think I’ve seen worse in hell.” Lucifer said, while looking out the window that led to the balcony. “We might want to leave soon.” He added, walking to the balcony. “I’ll fly us there so we’ll make it there quicker.” Lucifer kept talking to you and before you could reply with anything you saw two huge wings appear from his back, both of them radiating some light from them. “You’re gorgeous.” You commented quietly as you stepped closer to him. “That’s what they say. Now come one.” He held his hands out for you. You blushed a little but didn’t say anything. You walked into his arms and after getting a good hold of you he jumped in the air and began to fly towards the spot where the body had been in. 
By flying it didn’t take you long to get there, and soon Lucifer had already landed and the wings were gone just as fast as they had appeared. You walked closer to the spot where you still saw some blood. It was all taped out by the police but Lucifer showed you a way to get there without leaving marks that someone had been there. “How do we get the soul here?” Lucifer asked, walking behind you. “I assumed they would be wandering around here. Poor thing was confused.” You mumbled deep in your thoughts as you tried to get the soul to appear. You turned to look at Lucifer and sure enough, the ghost was walking behind him. “There.” You said quietly in victory. Lucifer turned to look at it. He had seen many souls in hell but none walking on earth like this. “You need to come with me.” You said calmly, offering a hand to the soul. The person looked at you quietly and took steps towards you. “You got a little lost huh?” You hummed. Lucifer followed your work, walking away from the soul so it could get to you. After catching the soul your gaze moved to Lucifer again. 
“Thank you for helping me, really.” You smiled at him from under the mask. “I didn’t do much.” Lucifer started. You began to get ready to leave. “And do not assume everyone thinks the same of you, You’re far prettier than the demons down in hell.” His comment made you smile again. He really was charming. “I’ll keep that in mind. We might meet again, since you work with the dead, and so do I.” You replied before leaving. 
The lights of LA started to disappear as you went further up. You made your way back to Purgatory, and released the soul in the right direction. After that, you looked down from the edge again. Lucifer had been the first one in ages to see anything in you. You wanted to go back and spend more time with him, but you couldn't do that now. Maybe another soul would get loose and you’d have to find it, maybe that way you’d bump into him again. Until then…
AN// I hope this was good! It’s been a little bit since I finished Lucifer so I hope I could catch some of this persona even after some time, and overall I hope this fulfilled the request! I feel like I could have continued this a little for more in depth contact but it would have gotten to long^^” pt 2 maybe??
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spade-riddles · 6 months
Hi, Spade! I’m the anon who asked about Jack-o-lantern a few days ago. I’m so thrilled to see all the replies. Very interesting ideas, indeed.
Thanks, everyone! I love all the ideas and def think taking another look at the two things can be true or two things at once is a great idea. And that ball python?? 👀👀
So, I had some things to share…
Poor Jack’s soul is doomed to wander around aimlessly, with no place to rest his head. Having tricked the devil twice and for his sins, he isn’t allowed in heaven or hell. Pleading with the devil to not take his soul, the devil agreed, but cursed Jack to wander and be lost for eternity. Not only that, it was dark and Jack had no light! The devil gave him a piece of burning coal and Jack used it to make a lantern to light his way…
I’m not sure about 🎃 being Jack A. The story shared felt personal and they end it by saying they are evolving or going through a transformation. I mean in one of the last pumpkin anon messages. They will one day be the person the are meant to be. Kinda like the little mermaid getting legs and regaining her voice. And we all saw this reference in the KK pics spade just reblogged!!! 🤯 Maybe a woman at the end finally going home to her family? Wandering aimlessly without a home, but having a small light of hope to guide you. Epiphany?
Eventually facing your demons and issues is like shedding your old skin and transforming. Maybe allowing the real you to see the light after hiding and pretending your whole life. Removing your own mask.
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minixor · 1 day
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The play is about a widowed farmer who lives alone on a gigantic estate. Him and his aging wife used to tend to it together every day–they had a deep love that had lasted for 70 years. They were high school sweethearts. During the final of their rare fights, the farmer locks her in the barn, but fearing the shouting the animals run about and knock over a lantern. The barn burns to the ground, but the farmer cannot find the right key with which to save his wife. He’s thrown into a deep sorrow, neglecting the farm, and every animal inside dies, except for his wife’s favorite cow.
One evening as he’s churning milk, he hears his wife’s voice come out as his arm moves. She tells him that their love has allowed her to continue to hold onto him, and she tells him her death was the universe sparing her from the cancerous tumor she wasn’t aware of. She tells him she doesn’t have the strength to hold on any longer, but that she will be watching over him and protecting him. It is not enough for the farmer, though, and after a few weeks of no further divine appearances, he is lost in a depression. He frequently rambles at and yells at the poor cow as if it is his wife. As he stays awake long into the night, he churns and milks obsessively, but ends up milking the animal to death.
He is brought to the afterlife to sacrifice the cow’s spirit to his wife as recompense, and comes face to face with both God and Satan. They both claim the wife is in their respective domain, and the farmer isn’t sure which one to grant the cow’s soul to. One agrees that if he performs a trial back on earth, they will show him a glimpse of his wife to prove their jurisdiction, but as soon as he finishes the other offers the same. As God disperses more clouds or Satan quells more flames, he sees her striped in the golden glow of heaven’s gates, and the crimson glow of hell’s.
At the end he is viewing his wife standing before him, and there are no trials left–he has to make a choice.  He finally decides, but as he tries to open the gate to the crossroads, to heaven and hell, he finds he can’t unlock it. He awakens inside of his barn, which he rebuilt during one of his trials. In fact, every trial was part of resuscitating his farm, which is now in perfect condition.
“Let the spirit of this poor creature graze in heaven, where it belongs. Your mistress worked night and day to tend to the beasts on your farm, but now each and every one is gone along with her,” mourned god. “It was I who blessed the churner so that you could be wished farewell, but your greed consumed you, just as it did during her years with the living. It is an unfathomable sin to mistreat one’s wife. For each of your seventy years betrothed, she was unhappy, and on her final day alive, she was unprotected. She is safe now, in my court, but bestow upon me her milch cow and she need not be lonely. With this act, you may earn her love again.”
“You musn’t, for she is with me,” spoke Satan. “For half of your seventy years betrothed, she was unhappy, and for the other, she was unfaithful. You were unable to please her and it was I who struck her down with my flames to end this plight. The fires inside her heart were uncontrollable. Within them, she departed from your world, and now she must toil in mine. She suffers in the pit cs of hell, but bestow upon me her milch cow and she need not go thirsty. With this act, you may earn her love again.”
God shows his wife as young and beautiful, but satan as old and withered in their stripes
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thewahookid · 6 months
In the revelations of Saint Bridget, we read that there was a certain rich man who, as a result of his sinful habits, had given himself up by an express compact to be a slave to the devil.
For sixty years he had served Satan, leading a most vicious life and never approaching the sacraments. Now this nobleman lay dying. To show mercy to him, Our Redeemer commanded Saint Bridget to tell her confessor to go and visit him and exhort him to confess his sins.
The confessor went but the sick man replied that he had no need to confess his sins since he had frequently gone to confession. The priest went a second time, but the poor slave of the devil remained obdurate in his determination not to go to confession.
Jesus once more told the saint to have her confessor go and see him. He did so. On the third occasion he told the dying man about the revelation made to the saint and said that he had come back repeatedly because Our Lord wished to show mercy to him and had told him to come.
On hearing this the dying man was touched and began to weep: “How can I be saved?” he asked. “For sixty years I have been a slave of the devil and my soul is black with innumerable sins.” “Do not be afraid,” answered the confessor; “if you are sorry for your sins I can promise you pardon on the part of God.” The man began to grow confident.
“Father,” he said, “I had regarded myself as lost and had despaired of my salvation because of my sins; but now I feel real sorrow and this gives me hope.
Since God has apparently not yet abandoned me, I will go to confession.”He made his confession with the greatest fervor. The following morning he received holy Communion. Soon after, contrite and resigned, he died.
Some time later, Our Lord again spoke to Saint Bridget and told her that the sinner was saved and was in purgatory. He revealed that it was to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin that the man owed his salvation.
Even though he had led a wicked life, he had nevertheless always preserved a devotion to Mary’s sorrows and whenever he thought of them he had always said a prayer to her.
O sorrowful Mother! You wept so bitterly over your son who died for my salvation; but what good will all those tears do me if I am lost? By the merits of your sorrows, obtain for me true contrition for my sins and a genuine amendment of my life, together with a constant and tender compassion for the sufferings of Jesus and your own sorrows.
Since Jesus and you, innocent as you both are, have suffered so much for love of me, help me,who am deserving of hell, to suffer something for love of you.
O Lady, I will say with Saint Bonaventure, if I have offended you, wound my heart in all justice.If I have served you, I now ask for wounds as my reward. I am ashamed to see my Jesus wounded,and you wounded along with him, and myself without a wound.
In short, O my Mother, by the grief you experienced in seeing your son bow down his head and expire on the cross in the midst of so many torments, I beseech you to obtain for me a good death.
Be on hand, O advocate of sinners, to aid my afflicted soul in the combat it will have to engage in as it passes into eternity. Since at that hour I will probably be unable to speak and unable to call upon your name and that of Jesus, who are my only hope, I do so now. I call upon your son and you to come to my help during my last moments. And to you, O Jesus and Mary, I commend my soul. Amen.
--𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐺𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑦
𝑆𝑡. 𝐴𝑙𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑠 𝐿𝑖𝑔𝑢𝑜𝑟𝑖
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lifedemandsanswer · 1 year
In these last days Better know what Jesus says in the bible or be deceived by the anti Christ. Cause deception is here. I’m a bitch. I bitch about such thing cause I’m a wretch. I rather listen to Jesus than what the world says.
I’m not unkind or show no Grace, hear me out, Grace is not freely sin without repentance of heart. A real christian knows what is wrong and what is right because the Holy Spirit will teach us.
In the first place, Christian without showing any remorse is a monster, claiming to be a Christian is a pseudo behaviour. By keeping on sinning without feeling any sense of guilt, is just monster hiding in disguise and I don’t care how handsome you think you are, or how pretty you think you are.
If you are on the flip side, you have sold yourself to Satan.
I don’t even want to play along with you.
You whom practice the witchcraft, you whom practice black magic, you whom practice crystals, horoscope, everything you know deep down is dark, having no cheeks of repentance. Letting your pride rule over. None of this makes any sense of righteousness in Christ.
You who knows and kept on intentionally sin, promote more and more and lead more to sins.
Goodbye my old life. I’m turnover by Christ, no longer looking back to your ways just because of your capitalism, many lost become more lost. Many depressed become more suicidal. Your high and hype life was only destroying more soul to go along with you to hell.
I have no partaking of sin to follow and continue this way. I’m gonna live knowing whom am I serving. Not looking to left and right. I choose Jesus. Unashamed about it, Jesus wasn’t ashamed of me when He chose the cross at Calvary, why should I be ashamed of Him.
I serve a Living God, Lord Christ Jesus of Nazareth.
I’m not brainwashed, I’m sanctified by the blood of Jesus. I’m love and so very loved by Jesus. Nobody knows how much I suffered, but Jesus knows it all.
He knows us from our mother’s womb, where can I go and where can I hide that Jesus don’t know me?
He knows it all yet walk through everything with me with His gentle assurance my heart transform from the inside out knowing who Holds my tomorrow in the palm of His Hand, Yahweh, Elohim! He reign forever and ever! Yeshua Reign!!
Don’t you ever lie to me! I know who I am in Christ!
I may be weak, but I am strong because of Christ!
I may be poor, but I’m rich in Christ!
My heart was transform and healed by Yeshua!!
I know who is seated at the right hand throne of God, it’s King Jesus!! For all praises, glory and honour goes back to Him, only Truly by the Grace of God, I am who I am today!
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m-l1999 · 1 year
Religion (Reference: Bible, other religious texts, mythology, History about Nicene Creed, Martin Luther’s books, CS Lewis’s pilgrim regress), Science, Etc
Before the birth of religions
Foolish humanity worshiped nature
For fear of her natural disasters
One Day
He said, “Enough is enough for this ignorance”
So He chose a tribe of humble origin
For the divine revelation of His commandments
“ 1. There is only One God - It is Me
2. Stop worshipping nature who disgusts me; I am jealous over the one I say Holy; I will forgive when his time is over
3. Stop pretending you are God, and say my name in Vain
4. Remember the suffering on the 7th day, and keep it Holy
5. Honor your Father and Mother, or you go back to Earth
6. Violence is what turns you into despicable creatures with dark souls
7. Adulterous desire - the original sin, gives birth to humans
8. No stealing
9. No false witness in my final judgment of the world
10. No envy of others’ possessions, for I hate communism”
The chosen people prophesied
“ For unto us a child is born,
unto us a son is given:
and the government shall be upon his shoulder:
and his name shall be called 1 Wonderful Counsellor,
2 The mighty God,
5 3 The everlasting Father,
4 The Prince of Peace”.
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With this tale, He came with his teaching for His people *1
She came in His mother’s dream and proclaimed
“In Christ name he came
The Holy One in Hebrew
Jesus you will call him
For it means God save”
But his chosen people expected an earthly king with worldly ambitions
He said,
“This world I have forsaken
My kingdom is not of this world”
The wisemen he chose for his church before he died on the cross
But church dog-ma
Her lies being told that
Some are destined for hell
Paradox of freewill and predestination
“Oh Peter, you sold my church for two or three bucks”
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“Oh Peter, what dark spirit of you to bring the fire from heaven”
To curse eternal suffering in my name
For your useless St Peter Basilica made of cold hearts of stones
He named him stone
He built his church on the rock that He is God
“Oh Peter, you don’t recognize me in his time”
He said
“Give up your wealth
To buy your own salvation and forgiveness
For you hide my generous treasure underground”
No more money from the poor
For useless buildings made of heartless stones
But that useless Peter
Cursed a couple to death for their possessions
In the name of communism
Even before Carl Marx sold his soul
To the dark Prince in his dark poems
the pale maiden and the fiddler
There is no price you can pay for a perfect Heavenly Father’s love
Salvation by grace
St Paul and Martin Luther said
But whom can be saved?
The gate of heaven is open to all
With the freewill to choose good
Not a short bath with the deception of Nicene Creed
In the name of one or three ?
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A new religion was born
With the mark of moon and star
“God is One”
“Baptism is futile”
That is all she said.
She was the messenger and helper in spirit He prophesied
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The freewill to choose good over evil by her people *3
With worldly ambitions
The wise she chose gave her immortal regret
The abhorrent violence in the name of “religion” that she didn’t foresee
Unholy quest of crusades in the name of three
The bloody battles to conquer
“ God is one, we savage your temples of Gods”
They said in the name of “religion”
“God is omnipresent in all creatures who deserve our worship”
They replied…
“All you need is vegetables *4
Nature is bountiful”
Peace or violence at cross roads for men
From age of time
Expelled from Eden out of violence with brothers murdering brothers
The misled watchmen waged violence in her sanctuary
Zion was lost and turned into wasteland
The happy tune of Zion became the dirge of the past
She breathed her last breath on the hands of murders
Who hold the key to the heaven
Responsible for such treachery
He said, “
You who are evil
I never knew you
You are not ready for heaven
If you choose evil in freewill”
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Martin Luther rolling in his grave
Reformation is not over
The bondage of freewill
“Does one have freewill
If destined for hell
If I only knew of his love
No more fear”
No more denial of Him because of the fear
Ages of enlightenment and scientific revolution
To observe His wisdom outside of dogma
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“God is dead
It is the age of science”
Foolish Nietzsche said
Observers of nature in scientific experiments who turned science into scientology
A new priesthood was born with themselves on the altar
For the foolish ego of men
“This world is all you can see and all you can prove”
A far imperfect world deprived of perfect truth
Become their deity
Natural disaster has a new scientific name
Global warming as you know
Let’s go back in time to worship nature
Like barbaric pre-historic men
Animal nature is the nature of men
Nature’s selection is the best
The cleverest survive
Soulless creature is your new name
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a meaningless life
And then you die
To eternal darkness reduced to her dust
Is it better than eternal hell?”
The smart or clever men *5
Full of folly and deception
What a dark mockery and irony
A bleak universe in science
Lost its beauty and imagination
The self destructive nature of men
With the help of science
The ultimate hatred and destruction to
Destroy nature along with all humanity
To end seemingly endless cycles of life
In a forsaken world
Who are so destructive and self destructive?
Full of such double polar of love and hate
The wasted intellect for intelligent rebels with no cause
“Let’s revenge
In this hopeless world with hopeless fates
Destroy nature and ourselves once for all”
St Paul yelled from his grave
Your fool,
He said he will be back
With her trumpet call
He proclaims
In love He celebrates”
He did say in four gospels
“The tribulation will be cut short
There will be no life left on earth
And no one to save
For my chosen ones
I will not be too late”
For tomorrow
She will awake as a new moon rising in the horizon
To the wasteland, she proclaims
CS Lewis and his pilgrim regress
A true philosopher
Smiling in His triumph
Yes, He marked His heart
In every star of the universe with the metaphysical metaphor of Pi *6
Goat on His left, Alone
Lambs on His right as He said
Heavenly love and blessings to ALL creatures big and small
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