#/ int: anastasia.
cxpectopatronum · 3 months
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—¿Te apetece otra copa? —Preguntó al mirar a la cuarta joven presentada. No quería atraer viejos recuerdos, pero pensaba que era tan ridículo como hace años, y lo seguiría siendo... para siempre. Como era usual, pensó en perderse con un poco de alcohol, así soportaría hasta el final de la noche. / @kealpie
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starstcff · 4 months
tag drop 2
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brckensocietyarch · 2 years
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tag drop | anastasia nightingale
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soylent-crocodile · 3 months
Faller (Monster)
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(ISOPOD by Anastasia Berseneva)
CR9 TN Medium Monstrous Humanoid HD12
(As the name may suggest, these were built from the ground up as an terrestrial whalefall specialists, with the various giant beasties of pathfinder substituting for whales. I actually used fallers as a placeholder name but got attached to it, so here they are! They're up there in CR so that a caravan of five of them puts up a genuine threat for someone who might fight an Adult Red Dragon.
Also I don't love this art for fallers, but it was the most buggy of the bipedal isopods i could find.)
Fallers are wandering nomads who specialize in feeding on the carcasses of great beasts, such as giants, dragons, and large dinosaurs. They live in family groups of up to a dozen individuals and have no leader, employing an anarchic decision making process that may see these groups splitting and reforming as different individuals take different paths. A faller caravan’s lifestyle consists of divining the location to various monster falls and then traveling, possibly hundreds of miles, to such a banquet. Upon reaching such a corpse, they will claim it, defend it, and slowly harvest and feed off it until such a time as it grows thin and they must move on to fresher falls. It’s noteworthy that, due to their powerful innate divination magic, a group of fallers may set camp for a death before it occurs. Generally, these divinations hold true, and fallers find a warm corpse at their destination, but twists of fate are not unheard of, and fallers are generally prepared for battle if need be. Fallers are frequently seen ushering giant flies, which serve as a combination of pet and mount, enabling them to engage flying enemies and scout high-up or hard to reach places. These flys are surprisingly docile and loyal in a faller’s hands. 
Fallers are known to come into conflict with adventuring parties over the spoils of the latter’s conflicts; adventurers regularly stake claim to the loot and parts of a particularly dangerous foe, but fallers consider themselves owed the rewards of such a struggle, and practically speaking, are often unable to relocate to a new corpse before the threat of starvation looms. Unfortunately for many adventurers, fallers are trained combatants, and a particularly undiplomatic group of them may spell doom for an adventuring party soon after a proud triumph. Finally, fallers have been known to come into conflict with the cultures dragons and similar great beings surround themselves with; claiming the corpse of a lone dinosaur is one thing, but disassembling and eating a corpse may be less welcome when it’s the corpse of an important leader or respected member of a community. For this reason, cultures led by dragons frequently adopt a kill-on-sight principle for fallers, and kobolds in particular are known to litter a faller’s anticipated path with the most lethal and cruel traps they can manage. 
Despite this, faller’s oracular abilities are also known to a few peoples, and some cultures seek out such beings to ask questions, sometimes deliberately luring them by killing a large animal. Fallers are a practical and isolationist type, however, and must be provided some benefit to expend their divining abilities; especially since such abilities are necessary for their way of life.
Fallers' endonym is a series of rasps and hisses unpronounceable to the average mammal or reptile.
This hunched over biped has a hard, segmented shell on its back, a number of segmented limbs, and large black eyes.
Misc- CR9 TN Medium Monstrous Humanoid HD12 Init:+4 Senses: Perception:+22 Scent, Darkvision 60ft Stats- Str:22(+6) Dex:19(+4) Con:23(+6) Int:15(+2) Wis:24(+7) Cha:16(+3) BAB:+12/+7/+2 Space:5ft Reach:5ft Defense- HP:138(12d10+54) AC:24(+4 Dex, +2 Armor, +8 Natural) Fort:+12 Ref:+12 Will:+15 CMD:38 Resist: Acid 10, Cold 10 Immunity: Disease Special Defenses: DR2/Bludgeoning Offense- mwk Glaive +19/+14/+9(1d10+9/x3) or Net +18(Entangle, 10ft) or 2 Claw +16(1d6+6 plus trip) CMB:+18 (+2 Racial bonus to trip) Speed:30ft Special Attacks: Studied Target +3 (Attack, Damage, Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival; Move or Swift Action) Feats- Great Fortitude, Endurance, Point-Blank Shot, Vital Strike, Power Attack (-4/+8), Quick Draw Skills- Climb +15, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +14, Knowledge (Geography) +14, Knowledge (Nature) +14, Perception +22, Ride +13, Survival +22 Spell-like Abilities- (Caster Level 11, Concentration +14) Augury, Invisibility Purge, Sanctify Corpse 3/day Dispel Magic, Find the Path 1/day Divination 1/week Special Qualities- Ferocity Ecology- Environment- Any Languages- Faller Organization- Pair (2), Caravan (4-6 Fallers, 0-3 Giant Horseflies) Treasure- Standard Special Abilities- Studied Target (Ex)- A faller may use the Studied Target ability as a 10th level Slayer.
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chaoticspeedrun · 3 months
Hey, I cannot thank you enough for the Anastasia!Au, I've literally had the same thought in my head for the past two years now. When I saw you even had a interactive game for I literally levitated out of my chair, ngl. I am on my hands and knees for you. It's just, ugh, SO GOOD. Cannot wait for the next chapter!!!!
Gaaaahh! Really?? That's so cool! the fact that others have thought of this combination is because it's a great idea, I really love all three of these things (Int fics, Anastasia and Rottmnt) and it was one of those moments of "Fine, I'll do it myself" The motivation just smacked me in the face and I am so happy my "niche" interests aren't niche enough to not have a public, I am glad so many people are enjoying the story so much!
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gingersnappe-9 · 1 year
In a Crowd of Thousands: Reality (14)
Din Djarin/Mando X Fem!OC || Star Wars/The Mandalorian Universe
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Warnings: intense description of grief/personal loss
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The wayward star had been discovered at last. Her Royal Highness, Grand Duchess Aurelia Organa was her real name. Luke and Leia were her brother and sister. Her mother and father were Queen Breha and Senator Bail Organa. She had a family. She had a name. Everything was as it should be. So why did she feel so broken? 
As quickly as the course of her life shifted, Ava suddenly felt like she was standing still watching from the distance as people moved around her. Luke’s staff quickly packed up what few belongings she had and ushered her and Leia over to her sister’s estate. The short ride over, Ava couldn’t even comprehend what Leia was saying as she spoke to what looked like a personal assistant, something about logistics and planning an announcement. She didn’t even have the capacity to note how much bigger the house was, or how there were easily a dozen more maids and butlers flitting around asking her nonsense questions. 
What kind of sheets do you prefer, Princess? What dietary needs do you have so that the chef may prepare you a late dinner, my Lady. Would you care for a nightcap – whatever that was – your Highness? Everyone addressed her by a name that wasn’t her own, not even Aurelia. Wasn’t that supposed to be her name? 
Before Ava even realized, her luggage had been brought in with haste and was already being hoisted up the stairs and up to what she could only assume was her new suite. It felt that from the moment of her arrival, everyone around her was tending to a task or chore while she stood there bleary and confused. Yes, she finally knew who she was, but at what cost? Betrayal from the one person in the galaxy she had begun to open herself up to? The tears came fast after that thought, creating hot trails down her cheeks and spotting the neckline of her pristine gown. She wiped away at her eyes, but when she pulled her hand back, it was smeared with the black from her eyelashes. She’d just ruined the beautiful makeup that Luke had so carefully applied for her only a few hours before. Everyone moved too quickly. There were too many bodies around her. It was too loud and too much. Silent tears continued to spill down her face as Ava reached out for comfort, only to find a void in the back of her mind. Right. Little Grogu stayed at Luke’s. Fett would return in a matter of days to collect, then split the bounty for her return and they would be gone. She would never see him again. Mando would be nothing but a memory. 
Tears turned into soft sobs. Leia came into her perception and gently took a hold of Ava’s shoulders, with every ounce of tenderness, and wiped the tears from her sister’s eyes. “I’m sorry, Sweetie. I’m sorry.” She held Ava close and dismissed all unnecessary staff for the evening. The room’s dull roar waned as Leia softly shushed and stroked Ava’s back. “Why don’t we have you take a nice, hot bath and get you into something more comfortable, okay?” 
Ava nodded meekly and let her sister and primary maid, Elvira, guide her upstairs quietly. Even after nearly a decade of being apart, Leia was still as attentive and loving as ever and all Ava could do at that realization was cry a little more. 
The trio walked up the stairs, with either woman at Ava’s side, to a large ensuite bathroom. There was a wall to wall sink and vanity, a beautiful circle window above them detailed with delicate mullions trailing over frosted glass. An impossible large soaking tub sat in the center of the room with clawed feet and brass fixtures to match the rest of the hardware. Leia kept the lights low and walked over to a cabinet lined with a multitude of different products and objects. After Elvira turned on the water, a rushing sound erupted in the room. Leia had selected two vials of scented oils that she dropped into the rushing water. The room filled with steam and the gentle aroma of what Leia called ylang-ylang and sandalwood.
“They’re supposed to be a homeopathic type of remedy. But if anything, they smell nice and I find them relaxing.” Leia finished with a warm smile. Ava could only stand there feeling like a poorly carved statue – useless and unappealing – Her sister once again had to guide her by the shoulders to a corner of the bathroom with a small chaise lounge and a foldable screen for privacy. Ava felt instantly childish and ridiculous and shuffled back in quiet embarrassment at her neediness and insecurities. Ava changed slowly, letting the garment fall from her body in a glittering puddle at her feet. It had felt foolish to wear such nice undergarments now – at the insistence of the stylist, but something else in the deepest, and most salacious parts of Ava’s mind wished there might’ve been another reason for her undressing – She pushed the thought from her mind as Leia passed her a luscious bathrobe from the other side of the changing screen. It was obviously expensive and it did indeed feel quite comfortable, but there was something else Ava wanted to wrap herself in entirely.
“You can reheat the water as much as you’d like, all you have to do is use the control pad I’ve left on the table. I had some cookies next to the tea in your room in case you wanted something to eat afterwards. Just let me or Elvira know if you need anything else.” Leia added softly before shutting the door. 
After a moment to ensure she was completely alone, Ava crept out from behind the screen to look around the room once more. The mirrors had the slightest hint of condensation clinging to the pristine glass. Ava swiped her hand across the surface to reveal a clearer reflection of her face behind the beaded water. She knew by the time she had arrived at Leia’s estate that her eyes were puffy and swollen, her makeup most likely a mess, and her face pink with fury and regret. Before that, Ava felt like the prettiest girl in the room for a whole second. Now whoever was staring back at her with wavering lines trailing down from her tear stained eyes felt just as lost and lonely as the little girl who woke up on a dusty planet all those years ago. The longer she stood gazing and pondering, Ava felt the cool tile beneath her feet sending chills up her legs that crept into her spine. She set a repeating timer for the tub heater, let the thick fabric fall to the floor, and gingerly lifted one foot after the other and sank into the aromatic water. 
Her head fell back onto the pillow just on the edge of the tub and Ava allowed her eyes to shut. The only sounds in the room were those of her heavy sighs and the gentle lapping of water against fine porcelain. The steam swirled around her face, helping to clear out the congestion and lingering pain from crying. Ava hadn’t cried that much in her life before. It hurt to furrow her brow as waves of emotions came and went. A pressure had formed behind her skull. It felt like there were too many emotions happening all at once in her head, so many in fact, she began to feel numb. So, Ava let herself sink further into the warm embrace of the water – a sensation she was sure would never be short of amazing as long as she lived – and allowed her hair to fan out like a deep, dark halo as her eyes closed. She stayed there for however long it took for her fingers and toes to wrinkle. The water reheated itself for however many times it took for her head to stop throbbing, for her thoughts to stop being so loud and feeling to return to her soul. Then, and only then, did Ava open her eyes. 
Ava let the water drained before pulling herself up and out. She took her time gently patting a warm towel against her skin till she was perfectly dry. The robe was pulled over her shoulders and wrapped around her waist tightly. She padded over to the door and walked into her suite to finally admire the sophistication and elegance of Leia’s house. 
It was almost exactly like Luke’s – understated yet comfortable, but with enough presence to command subtle luxury – it was astonishing how alike the two siblings were. All around, there were fixtures on the wall that glowed softly with the warmth of the late evening light of Tatooine’s suns. She quietly walked past the preposterously plush bed with more pillows than Ava could imagine ever necessary. She ran her fingers over the brocade bedding noting the fine needlework and quality of the materials. As she ventured further she finally noticed a sitting area to the far side with a sofa, sitting chairs, and large double doors that led out onto a private balcony. In the center was a low table with a reflective tray holding a teapot, a cup and a small plate of cookies.
Ava paused for a moment and let her head tilt back. She was in awe of her life. This new life. The more she focused, she picked up on the smell of the scented oiled wafting in from the bathroom. She could hear the oh-so-quiet thrum of electricity pulsing through the heating mechanism of the tea saucer. The carpets were so plush, her feet seemed to melt into them even as she stood perfectly still. Ava just continued to stand there, savoring the smells and sensation of her new existence. She would never be wanting for anything ever again. She was a princess after all. And yet, it all felt so strange. Ava complained a great deal but she loved working on old wrecks with Peli. She found it immensely satisfying to scrub away the hydraulic fluid and various mechanical residues from her hands. There was something gratifying about a hard day's work, seeing the outcome for one’s labor. She’d never do that again. She would become the lady she was born to be.  
Ava would attend lavish parties and events like the one from tonight. She would rub elbows and laugh with the rich and famous. She would participate in democracy and diplomacy like her sister. She would hone her skills and put them towards the improvement of the galaxy. But would it be enough? Would she ever be enough? 
In the solace of her room, Ava heard a distant voice. You’re a star too bright to miss… Jate'kara.  
After a moment of pondering, she stared down at the cup, and the little tea bag bobbing up and down. The cookies on the plate were round and thick in texture. They had a warm and appetizing aroma to them that was familiar. Taking a baked good in one hand, and the cup of tea in the other, Ava brought them to her lips one after the other. 
The tea was chamomile with honey and dashes of cinnamon. The cookie was oatmeal and morsel chips. Two of her absolute favorite things in the entire galaxy. Leia remembered after all their time apart, but worst of all, she could only imagine what Mando might’ve thought of the subtle sweetness, how her parents used to say that she looked like a small mouse with her cheeks puffed out mid chew. The combination set her off again. Fat tears began to tumble down her cheeks still chewing the soft cookie. A weak moan escaped her lips, which turned into sobs that echoed off the walls, amplifying her misery. 
Finding her family was not the happy experience she thought it was going to be. It was bittersweetness that clung to her soul like a growth that eventually overtakes its host. 
Leia burst in from the doors. “Aurelia, what’s wrong?” 
All she found was Ava crying while clutching the half eaten cookie, a crumb or two coating her lips, and the teacup close to her chest. “Mama used to love this tea. She never got mad at me when I put too much cinnamon in,” her words were broken with gasps for air and heavy sniffles, “Papa would always sneak me an extra cookie when she wasn’t looking.” It was a rather pathetic sight. But nevertheless, Leia’s face fell to a similar, but far more contained, expression of sadness. She walked the short distance to her sister, put her things back down on the table and brought the younger girl’s head to her shoulder.
It never occurred to Ava that discovering who she was, or finding her family, would mean she would mourn for them. The reality of her and her sister’s situation was a heavy burden. Their parents were gone, Ava had so little time with them, she couldn’t hardly remember their faces. Deep sadness tumbled over her like a rogue wave crashes upon the shore, wiping out whatever lies on the sand, and pulling the remnants out to sea till there was nothing left but a barren wasteland.
“I want Mommy and Daddy.” 
Leia tensed and turned her face further away from Ava’s but held her tighter. The reality of the words cut deep. Ava didn’t mean to say it, it just spilled out. She knew there was nothing her sister could do for either of them. It was the cruelty of life. The finality of death. 
“I know, Aurie, I want them too.” 
It was probably the first time Leia admitted to the pain in her heart since she was a child. But both of them were children no more. 
The two stood there for a few minutes more, crying with one another and the loss of their parents and their world.
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gurgin-blog · 11 months
En hyllning till våra olydiga fyrbenta vänner
Vad gör era hundar som kanske betraktas som "bråkiga", "olydiga" eller konstiga av andra människor?
Detta avsnitt är en kärleksförklaring till våra fantastiska "olydiga" fyrbenta vänner och en påminnelse om att vi kan lära oss mycket genom att förstå deras naturliga beteende och behov. Vi tar oss tid att reflektera över vad det innebär när våra hundar betraktas som bråkiga eller konstiga av andra människor. Med oss för att få oss att tänka annorlunda om den olydiga hunden är Anastasia Milutinović Topalović från @paegentass (paegentass.se). Anastasia är hundbeteendeutredare, hundinstruktör och berikningsinstruktör. Vi får höra Anastasias syn på hundars "olydighet" och varför hon ser det som något positivt och naturligt.
Vi börjar med att utforska den fascinerande varelsen som hunden är, fylld av instinkter, känslor och en medfödd längtan att utforska och förstå världen omkring sig. Vi belyser hundarnas rika arvsmassa av gener som har format deras beteende genom århundraden av domesticering och anpassning till människans sällskap Anastasia berättar om sitt eget uppskattande av hundars naturliga beteende, inklusive hoppande, skällande av glädje och "hundigt" uppförande. Hon delar med sig av hur detta beteende kan vara positivt och berikande för både hundar och deras ägare.
Vi utforskar också behovet av balans mellan att uppskatta hundars "olydighet" och att träna och forma deras beteende för att vara mer anpassat till vardagliga situationer. Avsnittet avslutas med Anastasias personliga upplevelser och erfarenheter. Hon delar med sig av situationer där hon har uppskattat och accepterat "olydigt" beteende hos hundar och hur det har bidragit till en positiv relation mellan hund och ägare.
Utan dig, ingen podd! Podden är inte låst bakom en betalvägg eftersom att jag vägrar gömma kunskap bakom betalväggar. För att alla, oavsett ekonomisk situation, ska få tillgång till VBV:s evidensbaserade samtal med fokus på relationen med Sveriges ledande hundexperter så utgår jag ifrån "pay what you want"-filosofin.
Ditt bidrag beskattar jag och gör att jag på heltid kan folkbilda hundsverige. 
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ensomheterjohan · 1 year
Är du i Örebro på tisdag (massarinernas dag)? Kul för dig i så fall! Jag är inte där, men ryktet säger att en av låtarna ur tick, tick… BOOM! ingår i denna konsert. Med andra ord en låt översatt av mig, Gunnar och Walfrid.
Konserten sätter igång klockan 19 på Kulturkvarteret. På https://www.orebronyheter.com/musikalkonsert-pa-kulturkvarteret/ och https://www.facebook.com/events/649332383596302 hittar du mer information.
Och om du förresten inte alls är i Örebro på tisdag, så kan du se konserten ändå. På https://seelive.solidtango.com/live/musikalkonsert-pa-kulturkvarteret kan du det.
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aliciaphen · 1 year
Hi. I've consumed more media this month than I have this entire year. Happy New Year everyone - I hope we all make the best of what's to come.
Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (2022) dir. Guillermo del Toro, Mark Gustafson: I was really excited to watch this after seeing the trailer but I wasn't expecting it to be a musical. I loved that they used a biblically accurate angel for the Blue Angel rather than the traditional look. I can't believe it took like 15 years to make it.
Split (2016) dir. M. Night Shyamalan: I rewatched this because I needed Anya Taylor Joy content and I couldn't get through the first episode of The Queen's Gambit. It's still a pretty great movie, but I hate that cheesy ending line lol.
Anastasia (1997) dir. Don Bluth, Gary Goldman: I grew up watching this movie throughout my childhood, so I already have a huge bias toward it. It's so great. The characters and their dynamic is so likable and the songs are so GOOD.
The Mummy (1999) dir. Stephen Sommers: Another film I grew up watching. It's a lot more problematic than I remember T_T. Also cheesy but it was the 90s so you could kind of get away with it.
Emily, The Criminal (2022) dir. John Patton Ford: I was surprised by how much I liked this one. It's fast-paced, which is good for my pea brain. They make the character Emily easy to empathize with. Especially now when it's hard to afford to live, vulnerable people are targeted for these "get rich, quick" scams. I remember seeing so many of those ads whenever I went on YouTube for quite some time. Idk, I liked this one.
Bo Burnham: Inside (2021) dir. Bo Burnham: I always heard people talking about how great Bo Burnham was. I remember seeing his vines, but I never got into watching his stuff. I feel like the humour doesn't quite suit my taste, but I appreciate his work ethic and his capacity for making such a high-quality musical comedy. He's pretty fucking awesome.
Dreams (1990) dir. Akira Kurosawa: In a quest to research the Japanese folklore of fox weddings during sun showers, I watched this movie. It's just so pretty. I love the last story, where it's the small village and the funeral is more of a celebration. Just a gorgeous film.
Incantation (2022) dir. Kevin Ko: Heard from my roommate that this film was really scary. And I can confirm that it was. I watched half of it from between my fingers. Story wise, though, it was quite interesting. It’d be a fun watch for a group.
Atonement (2007) dir. Joe Wright: Another gorgeous film. I’ve always seen screen caps of it and have even watched Mina Le’s breakdown of the costuming from the film. I think the visuals are stronger than the story. Emotion wise, it feels like a less hard-hitting titanic.
Extreme Job (2019) dir Lee Byeong-heon: I watched this with my roommate! It’s a fun, chill watch. Just overall a good time.
The Volcano: Rescue From Whakaari (2022) dir. Rory Kennedy: Some time earlier this year I remember seeing volcanic scarring that looked like the most intense, painful thing someone could ever experience. And I read up about the victim and they were hurt during the volcanic eruption in New Zealand a few years ago. The documentary is quite tragic, and interesting if anybody is up to watch it.
Klaus (2019) dir. Sergio Pablos: Such a cute movie. The scene where the mailman is giving paper and pencils and stamps out like it’s a drug deal actually made me audibly laugh. I’m surprised its 2D animation. It’s a really great Christmas movie for the whole family.
Brave (2012) dir. Brenda Chapman, Mark Andrews: AH. I still love this movie after so many years. I first watched it when I was in grade 5 as an “end of year” trip. It’s so good, story wise. As a young adult, I feel like I can’t relate to it as much - to my surprise. I think my older sister could probably relate to it more. I have a good relationship with my mom, which I’m super grateful for. I want to make a film about ME. Lmfao.
The Wonder (2022) dir. Sebastian Lelio: I wasn’t as interested in this film. It’s rather a frustrating watch to be honest. If you want visuals of Ireland and Florence Pugh, I’d give this one a go.
Marriage Story (2019) dir. Noah Baumbach: Ever since watching this film I’ve been seeing Adam Driver everywhere, it seems. I didn’t expect to feel for this movie as much as I did. I think the pacing was done very well. The letter reading at the end is what got me. :’(
Alice in Borderland, Season 2 (2022): Season 2 was better than season 1. Because this world and its rules are already established, I think the show got to focus more on the characters and their relationships. The action sequences were quite fun and I am SO surprised that they didn’t end it in a shitty way. I’m happy the characters got their happy ending but that there’s still room for exploration into this world. The last challenge, though was a little TOO LONG. DAMN.
Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) dir. James Cameron: Okay so I wasn’t excited or looking forward to this sequel at all. I was quite indifferent toward it and wasn’t planning on watching it in theatres. But I ended up watching it with my family and it’s literally my new hyperfixation. I’m actually listening to the original motion picture soundtrack as I’m writing - and that’s not a joke. I’ve heard people say that the story is simple, and I suppose I can agree - its basically the family having to escape from the war and a revenge plot from the enemy side. And I’ve seen people wonder why its 3 hours long. And, it definitely felt like the film would never fucking end but, then again… did I really want it to…? In that time, I felt like I could actually get attached to the characters and this new family. I often really like media that makes me go through a lot of emotions and this was one of them. I need Avatar 3, 4, 5, & 6 and whatever else James Cameron is planning. I need to go visit Pandora in Disney World, even. Zoe Saldana, I love you.
Avatar (2009) dir. James Cameron: I ended up rewatching Avatar right after coming back from watching The Way of Water. I first watched this when I was 8 years old. I never really got to appreciate the absolutely insane world building that was put into this film, but now, as a student that wants to try pursuing film and maybe (?) visdev, I’m just astounded by the creatures and the religion and the plant life of the Na’vi people and how it’s been expanded on in Avatar 2. Again, a simple story, but I felt all the emotions so I love it.
Logan (2017) dir. James Mangold: Probably one of the best superhero movies I’ve seen. It still holds up today. Another emotional ride, so I’m inclined to say it’s a favourite. It’s almost… quiet. Like - it doesn’t do too much. All the marvel movies these days are doing too much. It’s kind of embarrassing. Can you tell I’m getting a little tired of writing about all the things I’ve watched? And I’m only on visual media. Anyways - this, the original Spider-Man movies, the last Spider-Man movie from MCU, and the Spiderverse movies and maybe Winter Soldier are the only superhero movies I have the patience to watch anymore.
Knives Out (2019) dir. Rian Johnson: It was so fun! Something I don’t have to pay that much attention to because I know I’ll likely never be able to solve it. I know they spent most of the budget of this film on the cast because everyone in there is fucking crazy.
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022) dir. Rian Johnson: I think the first one is better.
Lead Me Home (2021) dir. Pedro Kos, Jon Shenk: It’s only about 40 minutes, so it’s a quick documentary. It’s eye opening. Makes me feel bad because I’m one of those people that don’t look homeless people in the eye when I walk past them. But I don’t think that’s the point of the doc. There’s obviously something very wrong with the housing system and to see that anybody could end up in such an unfortunate situation is scary. It’s especially sad seeing the people who have family that could help them, but I also understand their point of not wanting to be a burden on their friends or family.
Music: December 2022 Spotify Playlist
Selfish - YooA: I saw people making fun of this song but I’m actually addicted to it. YooA in that one stage where she’s wearing that fringe shirt and pink pants with her hair in a bun looks so good.
Blood Moon - YooA: I feel like I’m in a mystery movie?? Like I’m a detective trying to solve a mystery.
In My Dreams - Christy Altomare: One of the best things to come out of the Anastasia Broadway production.
Ditto - NewJeans: The girls have done it again. This time, enjoy three minutes of teenage loneliness.
Nothing Is Lost (You Give Me Strength) - The Weeknd: I wasn’t joking when I said I’m listening to the Avatar: The Way of Water soundtrack.
Into the Water - Simon Franglen: SO BEAUTIFUL. If you’re going to listen to any song from the soundtrack listen to this one.
Avatar: The Way of Water (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - Simon Franglen, The Weeknd: Linking the album for good measure.
Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon: I’ve finished reading this book and it has inclined me to be better at consistently drawing in my sketchbook and journal.
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynn’s Jones: I plan on finishing this book this month. I’ll update you at the end of January.
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{ closed starter | @thexmuzesx​ }
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As she headed into the lounge room of her family home, wearing just some shorts and a tank top the blonde paused, spotting a not so familiar face. “Oh shit..” Anastasia mumbled to herself before giving them a wave. “I’m guessing you’re Josephine’s new partner, right? I recall she mentioned you dropping by.” Her sister had definitely mentioned it, but she’d forgotten given she never really melded well with her sister let alone her partners.
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ladybebbanburg · 2 years
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╳┊The lady of Bebbanburg presents... formerly with Anastasia & Regulus feat @itstimetoroll​​​
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⌜—           Lo observó en espera de una respuesta pero al final comprendió que no ocurriera, tan solo esperaba que se diera cuenta de ese hecho, sin embargo, no insistió más en eso a lo que terminó por separarse para dar un paso e irse. “Suerte con eso” expresó con una media sonrisa. “Alcánzame, el primero en llegar pone las reglas” expresó riendo terminando por salir corriendo, era demasiado por llegar debido a que se encontraban en la torre de astronomía pero eso no la desanimó en lo más mínimo, salió corriendo para dirigirse hacía las canchas de Quidditch, esquivaba a la gente mientras corría para lograrlo.              ⸥
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maliswriting · 4 years
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{ @solemnlyiswear​ / continued from here }
Leaning back in, sitting on her heels, Anastasia didn’t know how things could have gotten this far. She would have felt bad if he was an innocent bystander who didn’t know the people who were involved but he was in the thick of it. Right there with her, but she didn’t know why he stayed and she never cared to ask. It wasn’t because of her “cold Russian heart” as her best friend liked to claim whenever Anya didn’t get excited over some measly wedding detail.
Looking over at the motionless figure laying on the ground, Anastasia let out the breath she seemed to be holding onto. “She’s still breathing. She might have a black eye in the morning, though.” She couldn’t handle the constant reminders of what the girl and her father knew about her, the secret she kept close to her heart. “How much did you hear?”
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fserendipity · 5 years
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                “Buenos días, bienvenido a Kacey’s” saludó al oír la campanilla de la pastelería sin levantar la vista del cuaderno donde anotaba las ventas del día. Sonrisa pintándos en sus carmesíes antes de buscar con la mirada al cliente, sus anteojos descansando sobre el puente de su nariz, observando al mismo a través de los cristales. “¿En qué puedo ayudarte?” su voz aterciopelada y simpática a tono con el aroma dulce que siempre inundaba la tienda, ambas manos apoyadas sobre el mostrador, notando cierto familiar en las facciones ajenas. ( @crvelsvmmcr )
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mercyvelazquez · 5 years
(( ~ @stasidyatlov ~ ))
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“Huh,” Mercy said, slowly turning her head as she saw the blonde walk into her foyer through the double doors from her sitting room. The older girl was draped over a chair, happily losing track of how long she’s lain there. Her mind was devoid of thoughts and she looked radiantly dead as her chest no longer rose and fell to keep her heart beating. “I am actually excited to see you. Must be love, my dear little Stasi. Do you love me, too?” A wicked little smile started to form on her face, Mercy slowly waking up from her relaxed state. She waved her hand, dismissing her waitstaff off. “Oh, my apologies, did you want something? I can get little Harold to grab you a fresh glass of blood. You don’t visit me anymore. I forgot what it was like to be a host.”
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refcrmist · 5 years
@anvrchiist continued from here !!
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reese isn’t keen on the idea of fighting her so much as he is on the idea of them sharing dinner, which just may make this worth it. he teased back, “you’re on. be warned, i’m not going to go easy on you.”
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sitpwgs · 7 years
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there’s a light at the end of a hall
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