#// Hope this is alright!
tinyowlet · 3 months
black lab emo/grunge puppyre w demon wings and horns for @foreverashapeshifting-autistic ! 🦇
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rusty-gloinks · 2 years
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Done! :D I hope this works!!
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With the chime jingles as it opens up, the shifting blue eyes of the large Dragonborn man glance around this shop, checking how busy and populated it is. So far it seems fair, regardless, this is where he needs to be for an enchantment for a tool on his belt. What is it? A shortsword, a bit closer to an arming blade but not his main weapon of choice. That was slung on his back, the face of his Axe facing outwards. Clearing his throat in a growl, his eyes scan over the place to look for the owner of this place for aid, setting down the sword on the wooden counter.
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nyf-archive · 10 months
@a-crookedtouch asked | ‘ i won’t ever forgive them, but i still want them to beg for it. ’
"Oh, they will. I'll be there to make sure of it." Colette smirked a little bit as she looks to the map, her mapping tools laid about all around her as she planned their journey forwards. "So...we kill him and then what? Do you go back and become a Magistrate again? Do you take up his estate and run it as your own?" The blonde half-elf snickered at the thought, her quill now marking all the areas they had explored already.
The Goblin Camp, the Grove, and even that Hag's hut. She marked it with a big red X and a frowny face before she brushes the feather in her opposite hand, wondering what path they should take next. "I think it would be funny if Szaar Estate was suddenly renamed and people left wondering." Another wicked grin, crimson orbs flickering across the mp with confidence. Dusting it with a bit of drying powder, the amnesiac would stand, her head tilting up to him as she pictures him sitting in a proper desk.
"I can see it. You deserve to be in a position of power like that after all these years." The map rolls quickly in her hand before it's tied and stowed in her backpack. "But first, we should try to figure out how to get to through the Cursed Lands like Halsin told us. And deal with this...Absolute bullshit." Pun intended. Stretching up with a bit of a hum, Colette would look to the rest of their tents in camp, hands rubbing together as she comes up with a plan.
"Underdark or Mountain Path? Both seem quite risky. What the the Githyanki on one and possible murderous creatures below. All in all, sounds like we're going to do some damage." She welcomed his opinion; one of the only ones, really. Great minds think alike and all.
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drawing-pomni-daily · 8 months
Pomni in Bloodborne??
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day 75!
i know nothing about bloodborne except that it's difficult...
and that this thing is apparently the first boss-!
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divine-valley · 4 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: CC-1010 | Fox, Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars), CC-5869 | Stone, Coruscant Guard Trooper Hound (Star Wars), CT-6116 | Kix, Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Coruscant Guard (Star Wars), Coruscant Guard Troopers-centric (Star Wars), a bit of slice of life, angst eventually, Polyamory, Polyamorous Character, they're all in love, Rating May Change, Cloneshipping | Clone Trooper/Clone Trooper Relationships (Star Wars) Summary:
To Fox's worry and horror the new Chief Medical Officer of the Coruscant Guard is shiny fresh from Kamino. He and the rest of his commanders are unsure of how their new shiny will be able to face the challenges that come with caring for the guard. Though they'll all be quick to learn not to underestimate the capabilities of a medic.
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hopeful-hellion · 6 months
@jadesigners continued from here X
Jackie's gaze was fixed on the shelf adjacent, looking for something sweet. They'd been hoping to find carrot cake or cheesecake that day but alas, the bakery had been sold out. So it looks like it was gonna be gummy worms this time. Shrugging to themselves, they pick up the bag and turn....walking right into someone. "Shit!" They manage to slow the fall just enough that they don't land on anything important. "I-I'm okay, thanks." They hop to their feet quickly. "Are you?"
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badxsshottiexllie · 7 months
Starter for @rayheroism / Captain Laserhawk Verse
Where did it all go wrong? She just did what she normally did and that was to save people. Someone in Eden had reached out to her because someone they knew was in trouble. Now how could she possibly turn down someone's cry for help? Of course, donning her heroine persona, The Rose Shield made things a cinch as she wore a type of power suit in order to get the job done.
Unfortunately, it was nothing more than a trap. There was no one to save. Just a group of police officers waiting for her. Apparently, someone had reported her to the police for suspicious activity. What could the ginger have possibly done in the week that she had been in this world to warrant such activity? Taking care of bad guys in a power suit? Saving innocent civilians? Ellie was so confused as she was taken into police custody.
The redhead tried to cooperate with the police as best as she could once she was brought into questioning. However, it would seem that no matter how hard she tried, they wouldn't listen to her. Not about the possibility that someone reported false information on her, and most certainly not the fact that she was from another world entirely.
Then it came time to pleading her case in court. If the heroine couldn't already tell by the police enforcement, it was rather obvious that the law system in Eden was crooked. No...it wasn't just the law...but Eden as a whole was a horrible place. Of course, Ellie had to open her big fat mouth and point out every single flaw that Eden had based on what she had observed. Which resulted in her getting put in jail....
But...something needed to be said...there was so much injustice in this world. Was she the only one that thought this way? The woman thought to herself as she laid down and stared at the ceiling. How would she be able to break free? Not to mention, her arm band, the very thing that allowed her to transform into her suit was confiscated and it's probably who knows where.
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selinswonderland · 2 months
Status: closed for @tejvirani Location: The Beach
People seemed to have made their way off the ship, but there were a lot of people scrambling. Even though there was the offer of a feast, and from what Selin saw, it truly lived up to that name, there was a small crowd of people who kept away. Not only that, it seemed as though a hasty plan was being hatched.
Selin wasn't sure how or why she got roped into it, perhaps it was her fault for staring. The group must have thought her curiosity was due to her desire to get out of here rather than confusion at their lack of preparation. Using a lifeboat from the cruise ship, they decided they'd easily be able to find help, get home, and believed surely it had to work.
At least they were kind enough to gather as many people as they could with them, anyone who wished to free was able to join. Selin wasn't interested in a plan that ignored any extra thought so she stayed back. She turned to a guy near her, also watching all of this unfold, curious about what his take on this was. "This seems a bit dangerous, don't you think? I don't necessarily want to be here either but...sailing blindly out into the open ocean like that..."
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achingisms · 11 days
location: crescent apartments tagged: @dxadmxnwxlking time: little after two in the evening
two years at the crescent apartments has flown by in how much her son has grown in those moments. his infectious giggling catching onto other's ears from the apartment she shared with him, catching onto him after scurrying around the small area to sweep him up in her arms. not an boisterous laughter where it can be heard outside the walls - but enough of the giggles to catch those around them as the apartment door were wide open for anyone to enter. not that it was an often occurrence to do this but it created a welcoming environment to other kids that may want to come wandering in and spend time with him. the little boy was out of her arms and rushing out into the hallway to pass through others and she's rushing after him with a bright smile on her lips. after she managed to catch up with him, she twirled with his little legs drifting in the air at the motion with giggles lingering off their lips - holding onto him with such a big smile. there times in those moments that she wished malachoy could be there with them, to experience their son and his personality and how he's going to grow into such a good man - something she is determined for him to be.
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artz16 · 7 months
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Here lies the dear prince in his slumber
My design for Taka in the SnowWhite!Taka AU by @brainfilehasstoppedworking and @emiko-chan-is-here
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@carlosreyeswrites gets a spotify starter /  ellie for any muse song:  say don't go - taylor swift
"Why did you have to lead me on?"
She can't quite force herself to look at him, worried her heart is going to break into a thousand little pieces if she does. Her fingers worry along the fabric of her skirt, tracing across some of the flowers before her shoulders slump, sniffling quietly.
"I would have stayed forever if you said don't go, but..I can see that's not going to happen now."
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savage-rhi · 25 days
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@nemo-of-house-hamartia Hope this answers your questions 😂
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location: downtown, kai's place
it had been strange to learn that she wasn’t what she thought she was – not that tallulah was complaining, in fact she thought there was an irony in not being what she appeared. so much of her life had been about projecting a false image of herself to please others, keeping what she truly felt and wanted to do leashed inside till the metal corroded and poisoned her. magic was wholly tallulah’s, and what she did with it entirely hers also. often at times, kai seems as moody as her, dark eyes watching him set up the familiar space where they practice together. it’s tempestuous deal, though when the two of them aren’t making snide comments they work well, tallulah a good student when the time calls for it. like now – she looks at the dead toad on the tarp, the thing they’re attempting to resurrect. “what if it like, comes back and tries to eat us?” she questions from where she’s sat, hands covered in chalk from drawing a near-perfect circle around it. “like –have you seen the last of us? what if this is patient 0. a toad,” there is humour laced in her voice that hides nerves – not worried but unsure what it means if it works. will they be hunted for such practices? tallulah doesn’t know about witches or their cultures, just that she can also manipulate whatever magic truly is. “don’t give me that look, i’m just saying, we’re fucking with forces that are probably not going to be forgiving,”
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mrsaltieri-real · 1 year
Could you please write Mickey as a Dad?
Of course! I did it as hc I hope that’s okay!
Mickey Altieri as a Dad Headcanons
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in my opinion, he’d be a fucking awesome dad
I feel like he’s definitely want a boy AND a girl
When he discovered you were pregnant with twins he was seriously SERIOUSLY excited
Especially when he found out they were a boy and a girl
Instantly started making a list of names, most of them based off of his favourite movie characters and directors
When they are born, he is completely mesmerised by them and grows instantly attached
He loved how they were the perfect combination of the two of you
As he held them for the first time, he decided he would try and change his life around but he definitely had a few slip ups
He genuinely enjoys spending time with his kids, feeding them, changing them, taking them on walks etc
It swelled your heart to see him this way, a strong contrast to how he was in college
He always wanted to have at least one of them in his arms and both of them always in his sight
He’d be fiercely protective of his daughter, whilst loving have a son he can teach and lead
God forbid his daughter ever gets a boyfriend when she’s older that hurts her in any way, shape or form
He’d be absolutely terrifing
It would be the last decision the poor kid would ever make
He’d be a very sweet and attentive father toward his kids, 100%
Completely different to how he is with other people (except for you, of course)
He’d demand family movie nights twice a week minimum and really get the kids into movies
Behind your back, he’d let them watch gory horror movies with him when they are far too young
You’d go absolutely mental at him but he’d just brush it off and basically say “but they love them!”
And they absolutely truly did, definitely getting that gene from him
Would absolutely let his daughter put makeup on him and style his hair in cute little bunches just to make her smile
Would go to all of his kids extra curricular events without fail, whether it is football, dance or his personal favourite, a school play
Would sit amongst the other parents with a huge smile and immense pride telling everyone “yeah, they’re my kids.”
Whenever you came home late from work, you’d usually find him fast asleep on the couch with movie credits rolling on the tv, one kid tucked under each arm, all of their mouth opened and snoring in the exact same way
You’d smile and leave them there, gently covering them with a blanket
Sometimes he’d sit in their room late at night and watch them sleep, terrified he was going to mess them up the same way he was
Would decide in that very moment that he’d protect them from what he knows is out there and completely reinvent himself
So basically, when he becomes a dad he will make sure all that bad shit he has done and there’s a LOT will never see the light of day
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“I wish that you knew when I said two sugars, actually I meant three.”
"I can't exactly read your mind," Sebastian said, "But if it comes up again, I'll be sure to remember and add three."
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