#// gonna be reblogging this a few times bc it's important
hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Ruby Myers (Typist Girl, Cinema Queen)— I just recently saw a documentary about her and thought that besides being really pretty, she had a very interesting life. She was born in the early 1900s in India to a Baghdadi Jewish family, and became the first woman to act in an Indian silent film. In the 1930s she started her own film production house, Rubi Pics, way before most female producers in Hollywood broke through. More info can be found in this Golden Globes webpage on her life [link]
Ginger Rogers (Swing Time, Top Hat)—Look I’ll level with you, I’ve never seen her in a musical and I know that she’s an amazing dancer and she’ll be even hotter when I finally watch Top Hat but I’m not submitting her as a dancer I’m submitting her as an ACTRESS. Her comic timing is impeccable!!!!! She’s full to bursting with life and in every role she seems to be having FUN, you can practically feel the twinkle in her eye. With her natural warmth it’s like she’s letting you in on the joke, y’all get to have this fun together! Making me laugh is hot!!! [If you'd like to see Ginger dance, videos below the cut]
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Ruby Myers:
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Ginger Rogers propaganda:
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She needs no introduction! An undeniable powerhouse on the dancefloor, and no less talented an actress. I once watched a compilation of cinema's greatest dance scenes and one of her and Fred Astaire's dances was featured, and one of the talking heads said he pitied her for 'having to keep up with him' - or something to that effect. Bullshit, I cry. Ginger Rogers was his absolute equal, and underplaying her incredible skill is downright criminal. I want the 'Cheek to Cheek' sequence from Top Hat to be permanently burned into my memory.
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"Backwards in high heels", as the saying goes (though the pedant in me must point out that she in fact spent her fair share of time leading or dancing side-by-side). One of the earliest twinkle-toed ladies of the silver screen, and in terms of acting/persona, her balance of wide-eyed cuteness and movie-star glamour has never quite been replicated.
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we all know her beloved string of musicals with fred but ginger also has an extensive and varied non-fred filmography that she's great in! a few ginger moments that are important 2 me personally ginger singing “we’re in the money” in gold diggers of 1933, complete with a verse in pig latin bc this whole movie is kinda mocking the concept of anyone actually being in the money in 1933; ginger and una merkel singing a verse of “shuffle off to buffalo” in 42nd street, providing some statler & waldorf-esque commentary on newlyweds from the upper berth of a railway car (interesting that belly was apparently a risque word in 1933 - maybe its bc the lyric is innuendo-ing about out of wedlock pregnancies - and that panties was a term for men’s underthings!); a favorite fred & ginger number
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Ginger Rogers could do everything! She could sing, dance and act. She was hilarious in comedies, moving in dramatic roles (she won an Oscar for Kitty Foyle in 1940) and absolutely gorgeous!
Listen, no shade to Fred Astaire at all, but she both kept up with him step for step and then later went on to WIN AN OSCAR FOR ACTING. (which he did not.) truly a double threat!!!
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One of the best dancers in Hollywood! Her work with Fred Astaire is just incredible.
ONE LINE: "Everything Fred did, Ginger did backwards and in heels" AND THEYRE RIGHT! Rogers was a total dance badass, and a lot of movie buffs know the story, but the Never Gonna Dance number from Swing Time took almost 50 takes, and allegedly by the end of filming it her white shoes had been stained pink because her feet were bleeding. As a note, she looks crazy gorgeous in this number. Watching these two dance is insane. They match up to each other in a way my mom describes as "divine" and she's right. DANCE NUMBERS!
Let's Call The Whole Thing Off (Shall We Dance, 1937, dancing starts at 3:14, they're in ROLLERSKATES)
(Ginger Rogers is the hottest woman ever to live in this number. seeing this as a teenager altered my brain chemistry)
(also watch her feet and how she moves opposite Astaire in this one. We all know our boy Freddie had that precision demon but jesus christ Miss Rogers, let a girl live!)
Pick Yourself Up, Swing Time 1936 (Everyone's seen this one but by god you are going to see it AGAIN!)
Shall We Dance, 1937 (duet begins at 2:34)
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, Roberta 1935 (There's just something about Ginger Rogers in a slick black dress man)
The Continental, The Gay Divorcee 1934
God she's MAGIC in this one.
Gay Divorcee's Ending Montage 1934The infamous table and chairs spin happens at about 0:49. Pay CLOSE attention to her in this bc it looks like witchcraft and I feel lightheaded whenever I watch this movie bc shes THAT awesome.
She is a miracle to watch. Sorry for the sheer amount of clips. My entire family is like madly in love with Ginger Rogers.
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ophstars · 3 months
need y'alls input cause I'm considering doing something major.
since I joined this community, I've always disliked the liars here, who put false hope into ppl and cause extreme scepticism. so, I'd decided to manifest the ability to tell whether ppl are lying and make a huge exposé list on all of them.
with my void entry nearing, I'm wondering whether I should still carry this out or just never take a second look at tumblr after i post my success. obviously, I can't do that bc allowing y'all to live like that (especially as someone who used to doubt in successes a lot) feels criminal to me , but idk.
so here comes the question (this was so long 😭 I meant to only type smth small)
i won't just be exposing liars in the void but shifting and loa community too on here
pls reblog for a larger sample size . I need as much people's input as possible. Feel free to reply or reblog if u have an opinion that differs from the ones provided.
edit: after sometime when I posted this and a few replies, I realised that I left out something very important in this post. I will be providing lots of solid evidence and proof to substantiate my claims, so dw about unnecessary drama being started over something that's unsupported.
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unreadpoppy · 4 months
this has been happening a lot recently so I wanted to talk about it here
y'all gotta reblog (and comment) the fics you guys like. This isn't twitter, the only person that knows you liked that post is the author and likes don't really say much here on tumblr, bc sometimes you like a post cause you'll read it later not bc you actually like it.
The only way other people will know that you actually enjoyed something is by putting it in your blog through an rb.
And like, I'm talking about reblogs here but also, commenting is so, so, so important bc that's how you truly know that people are reading, that they are enjoying it.
Because, here's the thing: Yes, i am writing fics bc I want to, and they are first and foremost for myself, but...I'm posting them for a reason. If they were for my eyes only, I wouldn't put them here and in AO3. I want people to interact, tell me what they think, I want to build community and I can't do that through likes alone.
I cannot tell you guys the amount of times where one single person left a comment an my fic, maybse something as short as "loved this chapter!" an it gave me the boost to write the following chapter.
no one is obligated to comment, or to reblog, I know that, and I'm not demanding it, but this is a...idk plea feels like the wrong word, but maybe something to consider?
Like, I made this comparison to a friend. To keep a fire burning, you need to keep adding fuel, and protect it from the wind, add more wood, blow a little on it. Sure, you can get that initial spark of flame, but it's only going to actually keep you warm if you care for it and in a very weird way, that's how it feels for me. Yeah, I can post the first few chapters and all, but if i'm to keep posting and writing and having ideas, i'm gonna need so kindling too from others.
idk but yeah
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missmichellets · 8 months
Please share your secret to being so fucking confident! Like, I’m being criticized on MY blog for the shit I not make or post, just what I reblog- slurs hurt-
Things are gonna get real deep now my love. I could say: haters are losers - and as a winner, I'm busy in a capacity they couldn't even fathom. So I simply do not have enough time in a day to give losers a thought. I could also say: haters are unhappy people with a tragic lives. It sounds like a cliché. But think about it, if you are a well-balanced individual, happy, safe, calm, collected, with a decently put together life and a clearly constructed short-term and long-term purpose/meaning... you won't be going around doing any hating. You simply won't. It's not even in the frame of your consciousness; you won't even be able to access the mere idea of hating on others as a possible task/behaviour to engage yourself with. Which means that a hater must live at the very opposite realm of that. And that must be awful. I genuinly feel sorry for people in this amount of distress - but simultaneously, I have zero empathy for their destructive ways of coping with it. I could also say: diet discipline. The same way your body will evolve and take shape based on what you feed it and what activities you choose to engage it in - your mind will do the same. Feed it with mush and you're gonna turn your mind into mush. I could also say: priorities. 1 minute spent on a hater is 1 less minute spent on a lover. Time is finite. It's your most valuable asset and you get to spend it however you want! With 2 big caveats; you can't take it back and you can't make more of it. With that knowledge at the immediate forefront of your mind, it becomes very obvious why you shouldn't engage with hate. Also, if you'd actually make a list of things that are more important to deal with than your haters, you'd end up with an infinitely long list. Really, clearing the filter of your washing machine is probably 80.000x more important than replying to a mean comment. The few times I actively do choose to engage with a hateful comment, it is to educate people in the "surroundings" by pointing out why this is either; a problematic way to conduct yourself, a failure in logics/reasoning or a generally poor behaviour you should strive to avoid for yourself. Bc I feel it is of value and importance to do our best to mitigate "up and coming" abusers and help steer potential trainwrecks back on track. I could say all of these things. Or I could simply just say idgaf. And all of them would be true.
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callmearcturus · 2 years
rubs eyes
i am not gonna reblog them, i have now seen them like four times, and i'm sorry but i'm genuinely sick to death of these moralizing posts about how if you want feedback for writing, you're Doing Writing Wrong. as if the only two options are being a fucking ascetic monk who only writes for the self and being a fucking Fic Banker who will only release more fic if they received at least 30 comments on the previous chapter.
i write to have a conversation, and i'm not a bad person for it. i have dropped fics because they didn't get enough feedback, and that's fine. even in those situations it's not me saying "oh my READERS KILLED MY FIC" its me saying "oh i dropped that one, it wasn't getting a lot of interest." it's still a thing i did, in response to others.
this idea that I'm not allowed to say "hey if you want more of a fic you should comment on it" because i'm.... imposing a binary good/evil scheme on the reader where they are Good if they comment and they are Evil if they don't is so fucking aggravating and a olympian leap of logic.
there are people out there who genuinely don't need feedback to continue their work. that's awesome, mazel tov. but we need to stop treating that like its the only mode, or that any other is inherently bad in some way. believe it or not, people do art for different reasons. instead of smacking their hands with rulers we should let them, and teach them about setting/respecting boundaries. that's it!
maybe this is just an overcorrection for that period a few years ago when people literalized the Fandom Economy concept (it's a theory that fandom is a gift economy and can only function as such, blah blah, we were talking about this all the way back on LJ) with the "comments/kudos are currency" but at this point, with the tiktokification of the internet, I think it's more important to promote support inside our community, to support kindness and patience, than this.
because boy i am tired of other writers telling me how my relationship with my writing needs to work. i'm real sick of it.
(and to make it ASTOUNDINGLY clear, if you read this and go "yeah arc that's obvious i think," it wasn't obvious to me when these posts made me feel like dogshit for months. so every time i see one on my dash, I am going to counter it bc folks need to hear this too.)
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever and a day (KTH x READER) series♡ meet the parents. chapter 4
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count: around 3.1k I believe
chapter warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, (theres a flashback) trigger warning for this bc kaito is a little manipulative. Mentions of adhd, medications. There’s a lot of hot and cold behavior between Tae and reader, as well as a fight towards the end. Sorry!
A/N another thanks to everyone whos been liking, reading and reblogging this story (along with my other drabbles). I know my page isnt huge or anything but I love writing and seeing all of the support really motivates me, so thank you :) I also got to sit down and really plan out the rest of my chapters with great detail, I think you guys are gonna like the upcoming chapters so stay tuned (lots of drama)
enjoyyy! (also, I plan to create a spotify playlist for this series!)
A week later.
Taehyung turned around from the stove to face his laptop, currently on the page of something he thought he would never see, a college. he scrolled before turning back to flip his pancake, ensuring he didn't burn it. Over the past week, youve been spending most days and nights over at Kaitos, so he's had more room to think about things.
He wants to become more serious with his art desire, and he wants to prove to not only you, but himself, that he can do big things. So here he is, signing up for local art classes at the college a few streets down. He checked the schedule really quick to make sure that nothing would overlap with the class dates, humming to himself when he realized his first class would be this Saturday morning, the same day his parents were coming for dinner. He sat back against the counter and looked down at Yeontan, who was waiting for bits of food to fall.
Dinner. He forgot all about that, good thing you wrote it on the calendar. would you still even be up for going?
He sat in thought, perhaps too much thought. Taehyung's head whipped around at the aroma of burnt pancakes. "shit!"
maybe he should sign up for a cooking class too?
You and Taehyung havent spoken too much since he word vomited his confessions at you last week. The longest conversation you both shared was 2 days ago when your period suddenly came and you asked tae to bring you to the store late at night because you had ran out of tampons.
there was no discussion about anything he had said to you though, as if there was a mutual agreement to drop it and move on.
he scooped his somewhat burned pancake and put it on the plate, cutting off the black part and managing to revive his breakfast, seeming content with his work. "Not too bad, huh?" he smiled and looked down at his dog, who seemed to assume the food was for him.
Once taehyung sat down at the kitchen counter, he went back to reviewing the art classes website when suddenly you walked in.
The boys eyes darted up to the door, watching you put your bag down and look at him.
"hey" he shyly waved, taking a bite of his food.
you smiled, "hi", making your way over to him and sniffing the air. "you burnt them" you couldn't help but laugh a little.
"listen, it wasnt as bad as last time, taste" taehyung held the fork out with a small bit of food on it, allowing you to try it. "hm" you hummed, nodding. "ok its not charred ill give you that"
He smiled and watched as you sit down and pick tannie up. "so did you have fun at kaitos?" he asked, trying to just have small talk with you.
you looked up at him, "uh yeah, I guess" you shrugged, remembering last night. "we watched sports and he explained the entire game to me like I was stupid and didnt play soccer for 7 years" you laughed and moved your head to get close to the puppy in your arms, allowing taehyung to notice the dark purple mark hidden just above your clavicle.
he nearly chokes on his food, drawing your attention to him. "are you okay?" he nods and clears his throat. clearly you two didn't just watch sports. "im good, just swallowed wrong" he took a sip of his water and tapped his foot, avoiding his eyes from you as he thought of something else to say considering this conversation has now outlasted any previous ones of the past 7 days.
"oh you know this Saturday is the um, the dinner with my parents?" you looked at his laptop, feeling your eyes burn onto him. "oh shit I forgot about that" you smiled and looked over at the calendar on the fridge. "I did too" he laughs.
"you dont have to go if you arent up for it" he mumbles, still unable to look at you. "oh im going, I havent seen them in so long, even if we left off on a bad note, Im still close with them and I think its important to go to the dinner" you spoke matter of factly.
He simply nodded and took another bite of food.
"what are you doing?" you nosily ask, trying to drag out the interaction considering the fact you had missed conversing with your best friend.
He watches you lean over to look at his laptop. "oh its just, something Im interested in doing." tae shrugged, embarrassed you saw the website.
"art classes?" you ask, "I didnt know you liked that type of thing?"
"yeah, Ive always kinda wanted to do it but never had the chance. I mine as well try it right?" he smiled shyly.
"I think thats good for you" you nod, patting his back. "getting out more and stuff, you are always working from home. Oh look, the class is at my college so we might run into each other" you joke and walk off to your room.
the feeling of your hand against his back causes him to tense up, still trying to wrap his head around what he saw. It couldn't have been a hickey, maybe it was something else, perhaps you got hurt, right? .
oh who is he kidding. Who gets hurt on the neck like that, it was a hickey no doubt. (a/n: looking at you namjoon)
why was he kinda upset about that? He respected your space and the fact you are dating kaito, and thats what people who are in love do, they kiss each other....and stuff. He shook his head and stood up, deciding to go for a walk outside to clear his head.
While Tae headed out, you stepped into the bathroom to shower. Staring back at your reflection as you removed your shirt, revealing the dark spots peppering you neck and chest, your mind was brought back to the night prior.
Kaito kissed along your jaw, his hand coming under your shirt to brush your bare skin. you two were watching a soccer game but somehow it turned into a make out session he decided to bring upstairs to his room.
he hummed and pressed his lips against yours, your hand in his hair. he began pushing himself so his body was between your legs, hand now reaching for the hem of your shirt. "hm" you mumbled and pushed him off a bit, making him sit back and look at you. "what?" he asked, out of breath.
its not like you havent had sex with kaito.....ok, no thats exactly it. Youve never had sex with him. The most you two have done was letting him finger you under the blanket while watching a movie, then in return, sucking his dick in the backseat of his car.
He was more than ready to move forward with you, but you for some reason weren't.
you sighed and shrugged, removing his hand from your shirt. Kaito looked back at you before sitting to the side and laying on his back. "do you not want to have sex with me or something?" he spoke up.
"no, no, no, I do!" you lied, suddenly feeling guilt.
"then whats your problem?" he sighed, "every time I start something you always shut it down."
"im sorry" you whisper.
"dont be sorry, just dont lead me on." he shook his head.
you sat for a moment, taking a deep breath before getting up and moving to straddle his waist, his eyes widened up at you.
"im just nervous...ive...never done it before" you lied again, trying to convince him otherwise.
"oh" he spoke, hands on your waist as he seemingly took interest in the thought of him being the one to take your virginity.
the last time you had sex was a few months ago with taehyung. you've never done it with anyone else, ever.
"you trust me, right?" he tilted his head
you scanned his face, nodding. "yeah...."
with that he returned his lips against yours
your fingers ran over your chest, tears brimming to your eyes as you began to quietly sob. It wasn't like you had not consented to it. It was a mutual thing, and he's your boyfriend for god sakes, so why did you feel so damn dirty?
you cried as you showered away your thoughts and tried to wash off the feeling of disgust but it just wouldn't go.
and maybe, just maybe, deep down
you knew why.
Once Saturday had approached, you waited for taehyung to get back home from his first art class, deciding that you both could use a quick grocery shopping trip, as well as stop by the clothing store considering tonight was the dinner with his parents and you needed an outfit.
You looked at the clock to see it was almost 12, why isnt he home yet if the class ended at 11:40?
you decided on cooking a small breakfast while you waited, something for Taehyung too because you just know he had not eaten prior before leaving, and would be hungry when he returned.
Content with preparing some bacon and toast with fruit, you placed the dish on the counter before turning and grabbing Taehyung's medication from the top cabinet. Along with eating, you also have to remind him to keep up with his meds, which he has been taking since he was 13 for his ADHD. Sometimes you believe he thinks he doesnt have it, and thats why he forgets to take it.
finally sitting down to eat, you open up your laptop and begin to type away at some homework you needed to catch up on. You had not spoken to kaito in person since Wednesday night, he asked you for coffee this morning but you made some excuse about feeling ill, which had not been a total lie. You were worried that he was going to expect this of you each time you both met up. You've never felt so wrong about something you had no reason to be ashamed of, and the worst part was, you couldn't even talk to him about it. Kaito would make it some big issue about you 'not liking him enough or some shit'. You just knew you needed your own space for a few days, and were grateful you had extra concealer to hide the past weeks evidence painted along your neck, which you hoped to God taehyung had not seen.
you were drawn out of your thoughts as you watched the door open, a cheery tae walking in.
"hi!" he smiled and walked over, eating a piece of fruit off your plate.
"hey" you spoke, looking at him. "so? how was it?"
"it was so fun!! look, I made this" he held up a small canvas with strokes of multicolored paint splashed across in an artistic way. you nodded, not fully understanding art, in the same sense he couldn't understand literature. you didn't get why paint thrown on a white base was pretty or poetic, but you let him have it.
"I like it tae, good job" you offered a smile as he held it out into your hands. "keep it!" he spoke, turning to go greet his dog.
you smiled to yourself and looked over it before turning around as well, "eat breakfast and take your meds please, I was wondering if it was possible that we could go shopping before we meet up with your parents?"
he nodded and walked over to the counter, following your orders. "yeah we can, they arent gonna be ready to pick us up until 7." he spoke, shoving bacon into his mouth.
"Tae we dont need those, we have so many bags of chips at home" you protested, slumping as you pushed the grocery cart isle through isle.
He looked at the bag of cheese puffs and walked fast to catch up to you, "ah ah ah, nope. these ones are spicy. see?" He shoved it close to your face.
"fine." you sighed, trying to find the stuff you guys actually needed, like milk, coffee creamer, and-
you both turned around to see a younger girl walking up behind you, she had short hair and was bundled up in a large jacket, which is something you mentally mocked considering it was almost April.
you've definitely never seen her before, you turn to taehyung, "who the fuc-"
"annie!" he smiled and bows politely, leaving you in shock as you watched the two interact.
"long time no see" the girl giggled, almost obnoxiously
"we just saw eachother a few hours ago" he spoke
"it was a joke, taehyung" she laughed again, peaking over his shoulder to look at me. in that moment I could have sworn I felt her cold eyes burning into my skin.
"Hello, who is this?" she smiled and tapped tae's arm.
"Oh, thats y/n. shes my roommate" tae grinned at you and returned his eyes back at Annie.
roommate? thats all? no best friend since we were in diapers? You think you know a guy.
"Hi, Im annie. Taehyung and I go way back, and by that I mean we just met today." she smirked, tae laughing and adding on "In art class"
"oh" you nodded, feeling awkward all of a sudden. "nice to meet you" you bowed and turned to your grocery list, trying to seem busy as they continued their talking.
"I really liked your art" tae murmured, "it really feels like it goes beyond the surface" you roll your eyes and turn back, watching them.
"oh that means so much, thank you." she blushed.
"you know, I have a Instagram account for my art....if you wanna follow?" Annie looked up with hopeful eyes, which tae reacted to by pulling his phone out and receiving the username.
seriously....who is this bitch?
"not to interrupt, but I have to get shopping now, we still need to go to the clothing store." you spoke, only facing tae.
"ok" he smiled and said his goodbyes to the girl, waving like a little kid before he caught back up with you.
"shes nice-"
"yah im sure, can we hurry?" you cut him off, watching his eyebrows scrunch before nodding.
Taehyung fiddled with the nearby clothing racks while he waited for you to get out of the dressing room. He never liked to go shopping, but when he went with you he always found it somewhat amusing, unless it was clothes shopping.
He paced slowly before knocking on the door. "are you almost done" he whispered, eyes looking around at nearby people.
"tae" you breathed out, "for the 3rd time, I will be out in a few, be patient." you spoke, aggravated.
he pouted and finally sat on the bench, tapping his feet while playing a game on his phone.
once you opened the door, you couldn't help but giggle at the sight. Like a kid waiting for his mom, he was funny without even knowing it.
"ok, how does it look?" you asked, grabbing his attention to the light brown sweater paired with a black mini skirt. It wasn't too special but it was nice, and it looked professional.
Tae looked up, eyes tracing over you entirely before gathering his words to speak. "uh....wow, you look really good" he nodded and stood up.
"are you sure? the skirt isnt too short, right?"
somewhere in his mind he wanted to make a joke and tell you it wasn't short enough, but he decided against it.
he shook his head. "you look beautiful."
you looked at him looking at you through the mirror as a wave of chills ran through your body.
he came up and carefully felt the fabric of the sweater, the feeling of his hand on you immediately made you flinch and pull away.
ah yes, the thought of physical touch. Something which disgusted you recently.
He frowned and before he could respond you went back to change into your regular clothes so you could purchase and leave.
Once you two were in the car, Tae had offered to stop and get you something to eat, you declined politely while he got himself a sandwich.
You felt bad considering you probably made him feel like he did something wrong, he didn’t. Taehyung wasnt the problem, you were.
The two of you quietly brought in the groceries, setting them on the counter. You began to put things away as you felt taehyungs eyes watching you. “What?” You exhaled, opening the fridge without even turning to direct your voice to him.
“Are you ok?”
“Why wouldnt I be?”
He blinked a few times while his fingers absent mindendly began to pick at his lower lip.
“Don’t do that” you spoke, watching him tuck his hands behind his back.
“It’s nothing I’m just, always checking in. You are my....friend. And I want you to be ok” he spoke as if he was unsure.
You jokingly scoffed and shook your head. “I’m ok Tae, i promise” you turned to him finally and offered a fake smile, something he saw right through but decided against speaking on it.
You heard him sigh before he walked back to head to his room. “I’m gonna shower”
“Ok” you mumbled and finished unpacking the groceries before taking your clothes and heading to your own room.
The clock read 6:40, that meant you and taehyung had to be dressed and ready to go in 20 minutes.
Taehyung decided to just slip on a button up shirt and dress pants, it’s his parents and he doesn’t feel too keen on trying to impress the people who always tell him he’s making the wrong choices.
He brushed his hair, mentally noting how long it’s gotten since the last time he let you cut it. His bangs lightly framed against his face as he sprayed cologne on, leaving the room to knock at your door. “Almost ready? Mom texted, she will be here a few minutes early?” He walked over to the hall to grab his coat off the rack, returning to hear your answer.
“Im doing my makeup!” You responded, careful with the mascara wand because you didn’t want to get it on anything other than your lashes. You quickly brushed your hair, clipping your bangs to the side while fluffing up the ends. You look over yourself, praising yourself for making the right clothing decision, it matched perfectly with your lipstick. You sprayed perfume on, the aroma filling your bathroom as you slipped a pair of small black heels on, making your way to the living room.
You had left your phone out on the kitchen counter while you got ready, something taehyung noticed when he stepping into the kitchen to fill Yeontans water bowl.
Your screen suddenly lit up with a text from kaito:
Kai: hey, still feeling sick? My sister made soup and if you want I can run by and drop some off. If it’s ok i might leave it at the door, i dont really care to run into taehyung.
Taehyung scrunched his nose, scoffing and moving closer to your phone. He was highly confused by the text, turning around and finishing his task.
“Im readyyy” you sung and hopped into the kitchen. Taehyung almost dropped the water bowl right onto the floor.
There you were, black tights , miniskirt, hair curled, all put together with red lipstick.
He swallowed hard, clearing his throat before speaking. “Well then.....”
“Do I look good?” You asked, looking down at your outfit.
“You look even more beautiful than you did in the store today” he looked at the bowl as he tried to speak nonchalantly, despite the fact his heart was racing.
How’s he supposed to suppress his feelings when you are standing there looking like THAT
“You look very handsome, Tae. You always do” you nodded, hoping he didn’t see the way your cheeks burned with blush.
You didn’t always get complimented, it wasn’t like you tried to fish for it either, but considering you have to pull a single “you look nice” out of your boyfriend when taehyung gives them for free is kind of ridiculous.
“Do I?” He teased
“Mhm” you smiled and brushed your hand through his hair quickly. “I like when you don’t use gel, the fluffy look is cute” you laughed and walked towards the door as taehyung put yeontan in his play gate.
He grinned to himself, knowing he will never use that gel again.
Once you two stepped out into the hall, he walked up to you and itched the back of his head.
“So, not to pry or anything, but your phone was left on the counter and I saw that um...kaito texted. He mentioned something about you being sick?”
Your eyes shot wide open, pulling your phone from your purse to look at the said message.
“If you weren’t feeling good you didn’t have to come” He shyly spoke, watching as you waved your hand at him.
“Tae, i lied” you smile, “I just wasn’t up for hanging out with him today.” You add.
“Oh....how come?”
You shrug, looking at him. “I don’t know.”
He looked down at his feet while you two made way towards the elevator. “Also, sorry that you saw him say that about you. He takes things super seriously” you scoff.
“It’s fine, It’s not my priority for him to like me” he spoke, pressing the button once you two stepped in. “Besides, Im the one who gets to hang with you today, so I win” he joked, allowing you to laugh softly and poke his arm.
It was nice to have some normalcy between you both, the past few weeks have been crazy and there’s been a lot of emotions, but it finally feels like things are getting back to the way they used to be.
“Ok so mom said her and dad would be right over here” he spoke as he looked at his phone, then looked up to the curb once you were outside. Your eyes peered around, there was no car yet.
“I guess we can just wait.” He put his phone away and looked around at the people on the street, something you began to join him in doing.
You both happened to catch someone dancing, making you both giggle. Your eyes then darted to an older couple crossing the street, arms linked sweetly. You nudged taes arm, grabbing his attention and whispering “look, it’s you and Annie in the future”
He immediately scoffed once he saw what you were referring to. “Ok I knew you were gonna make fun of me for that!” He whined and shyly walked away.
You began to laugh and ran up to him. “It’s not like that” he began. “Yet” you added on, watching him stop walking and turn to you.
“Ah i see...you are jealous.” He smirked.
“What?? No!! Im not j-...why would you-...what!” You stutter, watching him begin to say something before a car horn knocks you both out of the conversation.
“Hello!!” You see taehyungs mother waving her hand out the window, his father in the drivers seat as they pulled up to the curb. You bowed immediately once you got close, greeting them.
“Hello Mr and Mrs. Kim, it’s been a while, I missed you” you spoke sweetly,
“Ah y/n! It’s nice to see you again sweetheart” his mother kindly spoke
“Hi mom, dad.” Taehyung mumbled, his previously cocky state taking a more shy one.
“My son” his mom gripped his face and squished his cheeks. “Still chubby, good. You are finally eating more”
“Stop” he whispered, checking out of the corner of his eye to make sure you weren’t watching, glad you had been conversing with his father in that moment.
“Ok let’s go!” She cheered, ushering you both into the back seat before telling her husband what restaurant to go to.
they had initially wanted to come over so you could cook for them, but taehyung suggested a newer French restaurant nearby he swore they needed to try. You laughed at his obvious attempt to impress them.
The two of you squished together in the back seat, moving your body closer to the window as the air suddenly left the car. “You look lovely, y/n” taes father complimented. “Thank you Mr.Kim! You and your wife look very nice as well”
“How’s college, dear?” You turned your attention to his mom, who wasted no time digging into details about your life.
“Uhm it’s okay, lots of classes” you smile, watching her nod. “Still majoring in theatre?”
“Of course”
She clicked her tongue playfully, choosing to not make a comment against your choice of career...or lack of.
You silently praise the fact the drive to the restaurant was quick, allowing you time to climb out and avoid the conversation.
“This place is nice” you whisper to Tae, watching him nod. “We don’t belong here” you chuckled, making him laugh as well.
Taehyungs parents join arms before stepping in, Tae moving beside you to mimic their movement, making you blush lightly.
The waiter quickly checks your reservations and moves you to a relatively quiet room with a table by the window, just how you liked.
Once you had all sat and ordered your dishes, the room for conversations opened up.
“Your Hair is getting too long taehyung, why don’t you trim it” his father mentioned as he sipped his wine.
“Ah I know, i usually let y/n trim, but she’s been busy.” He teased, looking at you.
“Busy? With what? Certainly not a job” his mother mumbles as he takes her jacket off and sets it to the side.
“Mom...” he whispered, embarrassed for the way his Parents feel like they can talk about you as if you are their own child.
“Im just out and about, i have school and I’m with my boyfriend a lot” you spoke up
His moms head turned up as you talked, seeming suddenly interested.
“Boyfriend?” She laughed
“Mhm” you nodded
She turned to her husband and raised her eyebrows, both sharing a confused glance.
“What?” Taehyung asks, following their exchange
“Oh it’s nothing, we just...” she shrugged at her son, turning her attention back to you. “We had dinner with your parents a few days ago and we were discussing you both”
“Okay...” you half smiled, wondering what your own parents had said about you.
“And we just talked about like the pictures you guys post online...and we assumed, well, more like got the impression, that you two were together?” His mom admits.
You and taehyung both look blankly at them, silent staring before turning to eachother.
“It’s not a bad thing, your parents and us always said you would both end up together” his father laughed.
“Right, so Im suprised you are dating someone else” his mom inquired
“Starting the night off strong I see” you whispered to yourself, growing embarrassed at this conversation.
The older woman continued to ask questions. “Is it a serious relationship? Doesn’t he care you are living with another man?”
You took a sip of your water, clearing your throat. “Well...we’ve only been together for a little while, and yeah he does but not too muc-“
“It won’t last” his father cuts in casually, “young relationships like that come and go”
You didn’t know what else to do but nod and shove a piece of bread into your mouth.
His mother sighed and took a sip of her wine, “Ah your mother and father will be disappointed at the news” she laughed lightly.
“It’s not disappointing, you guys can’t just assume things” Tae added, stepping up for you as you drowned yourself in gluten.
“Well it is disappointing. We are getting older and you know, we don’t visit as much. I’m reaching the age where I’m ready to be a grandma” his mom adds, making you choke on your food.
“Are you ok?” His father asks, watching you chug your water more.
“Yup! So good! So ok!”
Taehyung seems embarrassed himself, you felt bad for him too. “Mom, y/n and I are just friends and we always have been, there is nothing like that in our future” he brushed off the pain in his chest as he defended you.
You looked at Tae for a moment before looking down and playing with your napkin.
“Sad” she responded, looking up as the waiter came over, delivering the food to each person.
“Thank you” you spoke, finally happy that your pasta had arrived. Tae laughed to himself, of course you’d get pasta at a French restaurant.
It remained quiet for the first few minutes while you all indulged in your meals.
Taehyung looked up from his plate, trying to find something to say.
“Hows everything for you guys? Everyone at home all good?” He asked softly, taking a sip of his Diet Coke.
His mother nodded, “everything is good, your father and I redid the kitchen, and we even cleared out the attic, turning it into a guest room”
“Oh that’s nice” he smiled.
“So you guys can come visit if you ever wanted to” his father added, making you smile.
“Yes that sounds fun” you replied “it’ll be hard to plan something with mr workaholic over here” you joke, nudging Tae.
“Speaking of that, how is work?” His father asks, taking a bite of his dish.
“It’s going well, I mostly work from home, but I’m doing extra hours next week so..” he nodded.
“Working from home? That must be nice, i dont see why you can’t take some college classes from home at least”
You sigh at the conversation once again taking another rude turn. You love the kims, but it’s impossible to talk to them.
“Actually, he is taking a college course” you smile, Turing to Tae to see a mortified expression.“What?” His mother perks up.
“He just did his first class today, it’s an art class, you know, painting and stuff” you smile sincerely. “Art....” his father snickers. You felt taehyungs leg kick against yours, obviously this wasn’t something he wanted to be said. You instantly regretted trying to make him look good the moment his mother commented.
“Ah taehyung you go through life thinking your doing good things but where will an art class get you huh? I worry about you so much...” she sighed and put her fork down.
“When will you take your life seriously? You are 23! I had a kid at your age and was married” She added on, taehyung now scraping his fork against a piece of meat as he avoided eye contact.
This is almost identical to the last time we had all met up, when Tae dropped the bomb of dropping out of college. You hoped this time would be better, but unfortunately, thanks to you, it is possibly even worse.
“It’s just for fun....” you mumble, turning your eyes to see Tae looking at his shoes, tears at the brim of his eyes while he has yet to speak.
“Thats the problem y/n, his whole life is fun, no work, no discipline. And I can’t say different for you.” His father spoke,
“I mean who goes to college and decides to do something as risky as theatre? Unless you plan on being an award winning actress it’s going to get you nowhere.” He sighed, “you two live in fantasy world”
“It’s time to grow up” his mother added, finishing her food.
You felt a hole in your stomach, it was guilt, pure guilt. You didn’t mean to ignite this, not here and not now, when we were supposed to be having fun.
Taehyung shook his head and laughed, taking your glass of wine and gulping it down in a few sips, his face scrunching up before standing and exiting outside. You watch as he goes, standing to grab the left behind jacket and phone. “You’re just going to leave?” His mother questioned, making you shrug. “This wasn’t how dinner was supposed to go, i apologize” you mumble, “we will meet up again before you guys head home, ok?” You add, chasing after taehyung.
You find him outside of the restaurant, sitting a few steps away on a staircase.
You walk closer, standing in front of him.
“I thought you quit” you speak quietly, gesturing towards the cigarette in his mouth.
He doesn’t reply, rather simply glares at you before turning his head and exhailing the smoke. “Look Im sorry, I didn’t mean to expose anything, I feel awful” you reach to put your hand on his shoulder, he shudders and scooches away. “You have a way of making me look like a fool, y/n” he smiles, looking at the cars driving by.
You breathe, watching him articulate his thoughts. “You think I’m incapable of reading books you like” he began to list. “You think that my job is dumb, you think the art class is stupid.” He laughed to himself and shook his head. “You think I’m a complete loser and could never possibly understand what it takes to be smart or successful”
“Thats not fucking true taehyung, stop it” you mutter, feeling like you were slapped. “See, you are doing it right now. You feel like you need to tell me how to act, how to feel. You embarrass me and make me the fool” he began to wipe at his cheek, standing up and walking past you as he spoke.
“You and Kaito must have a blast making fun of how dumb I am” he smiled and exhaled more smoke, looking at you. “You are acting immature, it’s not funny” you spoke sternly. “Oh but it is funny, y/n, because I don’t care anymore. I don’t care about trying so hard to impress you, or being smart like you, or impressing my own parents” he stopped in his tracks as you glared at him.
“You focus on your little life, ok? Focus on college, focus on eventually graduating, focus on your friends, kaito, and hiding hickies because that’s what you do best apparently” he scoffed and put out his cigarette, grabbing the jacket from your hands and walking towards the direction of your apartment.
You are left in nothing but shock, once again, as he leaves you in a speechless position. You take back what you said earlier about you both returning to normalcy, because apparently you take one step forward and 20 fucking steps back with each day that passes. You couldn’t help but wipe the tears that fell from your eyes as you began to walk back to the apartment as well, taehyung now out of your vision completely.
Everything recently in your life has gone so down hill, and you can’t blame anyone else but yourself. Word of advice for anyone listening: don’t live with your best friend then decide to add benefits and grow super attached, break said situation while also pursuing a new relationship with someone else.
It will fuck you up.
A/N: whew.....
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @kthstrawberryshortcake-main
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lightupthemoon · 2 years
The Effect You Got On Me: From The Vault (No. 10)
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No. 10: it's gonna take me a minute but I could get used to this
No. 1 // No. 2 // No. 3 // No. 4 // No. 5 // No. 6 // No. 7 // No. 8 // No. 9
Summary: You get a call after missing Kate's competition. Drabble collection based on the events of The Effect You Got On Me.
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Reader.
Song: Used to This by Camila Cabello.
Warnings: Fluff. However, 18+ for previous parts, minors DNI.
Word count: 1.7 K
Read on AO3 // PLAYLIST
Author's Note: WE ARE FINALLY HERE. The end of my TEYGOM era. Thank you all so much for the comments, likes, and reblogs on both this little project and the main story, I am so very happy you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. This one is a different version of the apology in Part 5, which I only changed bc I wanted to add spice. Enjoy!
You hated missing Kate’s competition. The anger you felt had morphed into aching, a feeling so big you couldn’t ignore it even if you tried. You wanted to be there for her, with her, but the idea of showing up unnerved you, especially not knowing where you stood with Kate anymore. You weren’t exactly sure how it’d feel if Kate saw you there in the stands, cheering for her, and she didn’t even glance your way. The last few weeks had been painful enough to last you a lifetime– you didn’t want to find out. 
Nevertheless, you couldn’t sit still in your room. Your phone had been off for a couple of days to avoid Peter’s insistence on fixing the situation so things could go back to normal, and without any distractions, being within the four walls of your dorm room drove you insane. You decided the safest place to be was your hideout, that old diner off-campus that you loved so much,  bringing a small mountain of assignments with you to kill the time and keep your mind off the competition. After spending most of your college years visiting the place, the owner knew and liked you, letting you stay there all day without hesitation. He asked about Kate, wondering why she hadn't come in with you for a while, but you only smiled and said she was busy. It was all you could manage to say without feeling like crying. 
You half ate your burger and nibbled at your fries, finishing your chocolate milkshake with a loud slurp. You weren’t exactly a fan of chocolate milkshakes, but Kate loved them. It was all you had left. You set the empty glass aside, staring out of the window. The sun was coming down, which meant the competition was probably over. In one last attempt to convince you to show up America had mentioned that the group intended to have dinner at Yelena's to celebrate, and you hated how game night and celebrations with your friends were now out of your reach. 
You sighed loudly, shaking the thought from your mind, your gaze falling on the old clock at the far end of the diner. It was just past 7:35 PM. Your friends should be well on their way to Yelena’s, celebrating Kate’s latest first place. You pulled your phone out of the backpack sitting next to you on the booth, turning it on. It immediately started chirping with missing phone calls and texts appearing on your screen, most from Peter and the occasional one from Yelena. You dismissed all of them, not willing to deal with that just yet. You gathered your things, throwing them into your backpack. 
Your phone buzzed on the table, and you rolled your eyes, picking up a fry and answering without looking at the screen. “Petey boy, is what you have to tell me so important that you can't wait until tomorrow?" 
"I mean, I'm not Peter but it is very important." You almost choked on your fry. 
You pulled your phone from your ear, staring in disbelief at the name on the screen. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat. "You have something to tell me?" 
"Yeah. I passed by your dorm but no one answered." 
"Yeah, I'm not–ar-are–America said you were going to Yelena's," You stuttered, shutting your eyes, trying to gather your thoughts. 
"Yeah, they all are at Yelena's.” You could almost picture her on the other line by the tone of her voice, nervously scratching the back of her neck. “I'll go later, I just needed to see you first." 
Your heart raced so fast you were sure it would jump out of your ribcage. "Why?" 
"I had a competition and you weren't there." 
You sighed, pushing your plate of food a little. "Well, we aren't exactly friends anymore, are we?"
"Oh, no, yeah, we are not friends anymore. I don't think we can be again, to be honest." 
"Okay, cool." You blinked, hoping your voice didn't sound as hurt as you felt. "If that's all you had to say, I'll go." 
Kate didn't say anything else, and you took her silence as her answer. You ended the call, feeling worse than you did before she called. A shuddering breath escaped you, the corners of your eyes itching a little. You threw the rest of your stuff into your backpack, leaving a few bucks on the table, and walked out of the diner while looking down at your shoes. The summer-like air hit your face as soon as you opened the door, as hot and heavy as the pain in your heart. You couldn’t wait to go back home and sulk, away from everything and anything that reminded you of–
"You gotta start letting me talk, you know."
You snapped your head up so fast your neck hurt at the sound of that voice, your eyes opening wide as saucers. Kate was leaning against the hood of your car with her arms crossed over her chest and her gloves poking out of her pocket, still wearing her archery suit. Her expression was unreadable but your heart still leaped at the sight of her. 
You gripped your backpack straps tighter, not daring to walk one more step. “I think you’ve said plenty.”
“No, I haven’t,” Kate exhaled, letting her arms drop to her sides. “At least not the important things, anyway.”
“What is it then, Kate?”
"You weren't there," she responded simply, smoothing her tongue over her lips after she spoke. She closed her eyes, seemingly trying to contain tears from falling but it was useless. When she opened them again, the blue in her eyes seemed glossy. Her voice cracked as she repeated, “I had a competition and you weren’t there.”
You could have sworn you heard your heart shatter inside you at her words, resisting the urge to lean in and wipe the tears off her face. You never wanted to see her like this, to be the reason behind the heaving of her chest as she breathed. You sniffled looking down, unable to hold her gaze. 
“Honestly, I didn’t think you wanted to see me.”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you,” Kate muttered, pushing herself off your car and slowly walking towards you. One of her hands grabbed you by the waist, emanating goosebumps with its touch over the fabric of your clothes, pulling you as close to her as she could, almost like she would die if she didn’t have every part of her body touching yours. You felt her chest rising and falling against your own, the calloused fingers of her free hand reaching for your cheek, making you look back into the ocean in her eyes as she pressed her forehead to yours, taking you in. "You were the only one I wanted to see." 
Before you could say anything else, her lips found yours in a kiss that felt like a breath of fresh air. Her mouth was soft, eager, and urgent against yours, and for the first time in weeks, you felt complete. She relished in the taste of your lips, so familiar and intoxicating, a welcomed reminder of why she had fallen for you in the first place. A small whimper escaped you, your hands falling to rest on her hips, your mouths savoring every second of the passionate kiss as if it were your last. You resented your lungs for needing air, drawing back as slowly as you could, and she chased after your lips as if the mere idea of not kissing you was unfathomable to her. Your heart was beating in your ears, your mouths ghosting over one another as you breathed each other in, the tension in the air so thick you felt if any of you spoke the magic would disappear. She pressed another kiss to your lips, achingly sweet this time, the back of her thumb caressing your cheek as she did so. 
Finally, she licked her lips, and said, "I'm sorry. I’m so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I just started having all these feelings I never had before and it freaked me out. I didn’t know what to do so I ran away. But my days without you have been hell and I need you to know that it was never just sex. You mean so much more to me. I think you always have and I just didn’t see it.” Kate sighed, her hold on your waist tightening. “But I see it now. You’re my favorite person in the world. I know I’m not Sharon, and we don’t have the history you have with her, and I don’t know what I’m doing but I need you to know that I want you, and only you. I've never wanted anything as badly as I want you."
You saw the fear in her eyes at her confession. You brought your hands to her face, stroking her cheeks with the back of your thumbs in an attempt to soothe her, a soft smile inevitably drawing on your lips. Kate leaned into your touch, waiting for you to speak. 
"Why didn't you just say that?" You muttered softly. "We could have avoided a lot of things." 
"I was scared. I still am," Kate responded in a small voice. "It's so scary to feel this way." 
You pressed your forehead to hers, a small chuckle escaping your throat. "I'm scared, too, Katie," You admitted. "But I have also never felt this way before, and I don't mind being scared as long as I get to be with you." 
You saw the moment of realization hit Kate like a truck, immediately trapping your lips in another kiss with the ghost of a teary smile on the corners of her mouth. You giggled, wrapping your arms around her neck and getting lost in her essence, a new feeling brewing within you that felt a whole lot like peace. 
She pulled away with that beautiful grin of hers you loved so much. “Does that mean you have feelings for me, too?”
You rolled your eyes goodnaturedly, matching her smile. “Yes it does, you idiot.”
She circled her arms around you, making you squeal as she lifted you from the ground and spun you around, laughter bubbling out of the both of you while you held onto her neck for dear life. When she put you down, she wrapped you in a tight hug, one that made every sorrow you carried in your heart disappear instantly. 
TAGLIST: @sunshadesnrainbowz @imlike-so-gaydude @hopingforromanoff @ittynyte @girlssnrosess @assgardangod @musicinourlips @youralphawolf72
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the-aviary-system · 11 months
Aviary System Intro Post
We've been putting this off for too long it's time to make something. We'll edit this as time goes on. For now, basic info and a list of current headmates. It should be a pretty decent frame of reference for our system, account, and individual headmates.
It's gonna get long so I'm gonna drop a read-more here.
Feel free to ask questions about our system :)
We're traumagenic, probably an OSDD system but not diagnosed. We are pro-endo and will block anti-endo blogs. So if you've got a problem with endogenic systems, get out. You don't know them better than they do.
We won’t block you outright but if you reblog a lot of content from anti-endo users that isn’t outright anti-endo (like generic system experiences with a “endos dni” tag on it), we won’t follow back. We have “anti endo,” “endos dni,” and similar tags filtered so it shows us even if your repost doesn’t have those tags. We have them filtered because anti-endo people suck and we don’t want to accidentally reblog something from them in case endos follow us!
On that topic, we're also supportive of xenogenders, neopronouns, otherkin, and other stuff like that. Bigotry will not be tolerated even if we don't have someone in our system who identifies with a certain label.
We don't have a full DNI list yet but it's kinda the usual for the most part, don’t be a dick or a bigot.
We tend to dislike blocking people since we want people to be allowed to speak, but if we say we’re done with an argument and that we’ll start blocking people who try to continue it, we mean it. That’s something we have to do for our mental health and if one member of the system doesn’t start blocking people to end an argument, someone else will.
Some of our headmates are littles and our host age regresses so we may interact with agere content, we feel obligated to say that our littles and regressors are not like this as some sort of kink, this is not DDLG, do not treat them as such. Our littles do not consent to being sexualized and that is a blockable offense for their safety.
Due to having littles we will refrain from following more adult blogs to curate our feeds for their comfort. Also, we won’t reblog or post NSFW on our account. That’s not a DNI, we just probably won’t follow you if you post too much of that, but we’re not gonna like block you or anything.
(Maybe we should make a sideblog dedicated to our littles though? Idk)
We're diagnosed with ADHD but probably also have autism, anxiety, and PTSD.
We consider ourselves a transmasc system because most of us are masculine, so you can call us by he/him, though we're used to people referring to us collectively by plural they/them. Ironically a lot of our headmates consider themselves cis in the wrong body bc plurality is just odd like that- even those who do consider themselves trans do so independently of the body, instead being trans in headspace.
We have a lot of fictives.
We tag posts with whoever made them or reblogged them under the format of [name] post.
We usually list headmates in the order they showed up, but we decided to organize alphabetically this time to make this an actually useful reference.
Specific entries may update over time as we bother to put in new info, we won't say when it's updated since that doesn't seem terribly important, it's just a frame of reference for others. Feel free to ask about any headmates. Our headmates are ok with sourcemates and doubles for the most part.
Most headmate birthdays are the day they showed up. A select few of our fictives have canon birthdays, which will be included alongside the day they showed up.
We have some sort of specific difference in definition between pansexual and bisexual which is hard to define. I think for us pan is more of a "gender doesn't really factor into the attraction" and bi is more of a "attraction towards different genders feels different"?
Alastor (he/him)
Fictive (Hazbin Hotel), backup gatekeeper in case something goes wrong or Strahd needs a break. Aroace. As calm as Strahd in stressful circumstances, but in a totally different way- cheerful rather than stoic. He isn't often needed to step up as gatekeeper, but he's happy to do so when needed. Birthday- May 8, 2022.
Angel Dust (he/him)
Fictive (Hazbnin Hotel). Birthday- February 12, 2024.
Asakayu (he/him)
A lamia/snake person who looks like a cobra with black and gold scales. Somewhat colder and crueler than most, but not towards us, just in general. Birthday- August 26, 2022.
Charlotte Emily (she/her)
Goes by "Charlie" for short. Fictive (FNaF games; not the book's Charlie), little (9 y/o). Less feral than the other littles (aka slightly less likely to playfully bite you). Birthday- May 13. Showed up on January 19, 2023.
Darmiir Ashmaul (he/him)
Fictive (D&D character; mimic monk/rogue), middle (12 y/o). Agender but uses masc pronouns. Very friendly and optimistic. Loves to get along with and help others. Not to be confused with the Mimic, one of our FNaF fictives. Birthday- September 29, 2022.
Dipper Pines (he/him)
Fictive (Gravity Falls), middle (13 y/o), taskdoer. He genuinely enjoys learning stuff (unlike some of us) so he handles schoolwork and reading things, which can be a struggle for a lot of us. Birthday- August 31, 1999. Showed up on November 12, 2022.
Eclipse (they/them)
Fictive (FNaF: Security Breach Ruin), caretaker. A separate headmate from Sun and Moon, but fittingly is kind of a mix of both of them in terms of role and personality. They're calmer than Sun but more energetic than Moon, and can easily take up either of their roles if they need to switch out. The Daycare Attendants might be a subsystem or something similar, since they can wake each other up super easily. You know that clip during the Security Breach teasers with Sun twirling his head and switching into Moon? Yeah, it's literally that fast. Birthday- July 29, 2023.
Emyr (he/it)
Sometimes called “Em”/“Emm” as a nickname. Host, age slider/regressor (usually goes by “Emmy” when little), trauma holder, anger holder, anxiety holder, otherkin (dragon, cryptid, shadow/void, corvid), shapeshifter in headspace. Uranic, panromantic, gray asexual, trans demiboy. Sometimes feral, responsible for the otherkin reposts. Has some animalistic mannerisms, like head-bobbing like a lizard, preening people it cares about, and being bitey (especially when little). Hates being alone because he's really anxious (and gets frustrated by things easily and needs someone to calm him down) so he often has another headmate active with him. Birthday- September 22, 2003.
Evan Afton (he/him)
Fictive (FNaF 4), little (haven’t figured out age yet) and Michael’s younger brother. Gets along great with him despite their past issues. Cries and gets scared easily, somewhat quiet and anxious. Showed up very unexpectedly- most fictives we can predict in advance, but with Evan, we had a dream from his perspective, and then he woke up. He wasn’t even on our radar, so to speak. Birthday- August 8, 2023.
Grima (he/him)
Fictive (Fire Emblem: Awakening), former persecutor. After having a confrontation with Strahd for causing harm to our system, we didn't see him for a long time, then he came back just to mock a different system's persecutor. He said he got bored of tormenting us. Birthday- June 27, 2022.
Jeremy Fitzgerald (he/she)
Fictive (FNaF 2). Bigender, demisexual/romantic. Given how little canon info Jeremy has, ours is just based on stuff our brain made up. He was best friends with Michael during their school years, but fell apart after '83 and hadn't seen each other since- mostly due to what happened in '87. The two were very happy to see each other again. In fact, Jeremy's appearance in our system was likely indirectly due to Michael thinking about him and missing him. Despite everything, Jeremy is an optimistic and cheerful person, though she does show some amount of anxiety, especially surrounding her source. Showed up on September 27, 2023. Considers his birth year to be 1968.
Kris Dreemur (they/them)
Fictive (Deltarune), middle (16 y/o). Non-binary, bisexual. Chaotic gremlin. Good at masking as Emyr due to the two of them having sort of similar personalities and voice pitches, so on a few occasions they've stepped in for it when it needed a break (such as when around family). Birthday- June 25, 2022.
Lerian (he/they)
Soother, kind of a fictive? Pansexual, trans femboy. He's based on the Heron Laguz from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, but he popped up before we played it, so he's not based on any of the characters. They can comfort people who are upset, and they're also very good with littles and is often seen as a parental figure to them. Birthday- May 16, 2022.
Link (he/they)
Fictive (LoZ: Breath of the Wild), taskdoer. Transmasc, GNC, pansexual. Pretty determined when he sets his mind to something, which is what makes him a good taskdoer. Friendly and outgoing. Can and will talk, but tends to stay quiet when possible. Enjoys cooking. Birthday- June 9, 2023.
Lucifer (any/all)
Myctive (Christianity). Made because of our negative associations with our Christian upbringing. However, he doesn't hate Christianity. They're all about freedom- worship whatever you want to as long as you aren't using it to cause harm or dictate how others can live their lives. Ironically, for those reasons, he's way better about Christianity than our host, Emyr, who finds it to be a deeply uncomfortable topic due to personal reasons. Birthday- February 27, 2023.
Mary Schmidt (she/her)
Fictive (Five Nights at Candy's 1 and 3). Birthday- February 2nd, 2024.
Michael Afton (he/him)
Fictive (FNaF), trauma holder, depression holder. Bisexual. Snarky asshole (affectionate) and goofball (yes, this was written by one of his boyfriends- Emyr- how can you tell?) A lot of our fictives have some exotrauma, the brain usually picks them because they have something that it relates to (notice the amount of fictives with family trauma in this system), but the reason I didn't mark them as trauma holders is because the brain really picks on him with the exotrauma. A lot. His fortitude despite this fact is admirable, a lot of our other headmates wouldn't be able to handle this role. Please offer him a hug if you see him, he needs it. Showed up on March 24, 2023. Considers his birth year to be 1968.
Mimic (it/any)
Fictive (FNaF: Security Breach Ruin/Tales from the Pizzaplex). Really reclusive, so unlikely to be seen on this account. Don't really know if it can be classified as a little, but it sure acts like one. Somewhat dislikes MXES but tolerates it. Not to be confused with Darmiir, our D&D fictive whose species is mimic. Birthday- November 15th, 2023.
Mister Mistoffelees (he/neos)
Pronouns: He/him/his/his/himself
Fictive (Cats the musical, 1998). Birthday- January 31, 2024.
Moon (he/it)
Fictive (FNaF: Security Breach), caretaker. Was made specifically to take care of littles, but will take care of anyone who asks. Encourages people to get to bed at a reasonable time and boy our sleep schedule has never been better. He's a very good listener when you need to get something off your chest while trying to go to sleep. Calm, but also a little mischevious and known to tease people (unless they're upset, in which case he doesn't). Birthday- October 19, 2022.
M.X.E.S. (xe/it)
Fictive (FNaF: Security Breach Ruin), gatekeeper. Nonverbal. Xir gatekeeping ability is pretty similar to how xe can just teleport animatronics around in source, which makes it easy to get people in or out of front. Birthday- September 18, 2023
Napstablook (they/star/neb/gala)
Goes by "Blooky" for short. Fictive (Undertale), depression holder. They're pretty shy and don't like to feel like they're "wasting" time that could go to someone else being in front. Gala’s really nice though. If you see neb, offer neb a hug!
Star modified some of star’s pronouns to make them sound a bit better so here’s the full list of how they work, with they/them included for reference:
Birthday- February 13, 2023
Pure Vessel (it/they)
Goes by "Vess" for short- Fictive (Hollow Knight), Protector, taskdoer. Nonverbal. Aroace. It can't talk or do any sort of sounds with our vocal cords (it can do stuff that doesn't require the voice, like clicking or whistling. We picked up an ASL class for it but we struggle to retain that kind of thing. Despite being a protector it’s actually very friendly and a bit goofy. Very good at pushing distractions out of its mind to get work done. It wants to learn to speak, and has been managing to get out a whisper as of late. Birthday- May 29, 2022.
The Robot (it/its)
Taskdoer. It has about as little emotion as a headmate can have, I think. It doesn't care to interact with people so it probably won't be using this account. It only talks when it must. It didn't even pick out a name. It just wants to get things done. Birthday- November 7th, 2022.
Rouxls Kaard (he/him)
Fictive (Deltarune). Bisexual. A Dramatic Bastard (affectionate). Doesn't really front much anymore. Birthday- June 17, 2022.
Rum Tum Tugger (he/him)
Fictive (Cats the Musical, 1998). Birthday- February 4, 2024.
Sans (he/him)
Fictive (Undertale). Probably aro and/or ace, or on those spectrums? Pretty chill guy. Birthday- January 20, 2024.
Stolas (he/him)
Fictive (Helluva Boss). Gay. Pretty cheerful when not having a Depression Moment™. Pretty decent with littles. Haven't seen him in a while. Birthday- August 11, 2022.
Strahd von Zarovich (he/him)
Fictive (Curse of Strahd; D&D), gatekeeper. Vampire, former human. Pansexual, gray aromantic (?). Calm to the point of appearing cold, but he does care a lot about us. As a count, he is good at overseeing people and handles responsibility well. All these things make him a very good gatekeeper who can and will do whatever is necessary to keep us alive and well. Birthday- May 7, 2022.
Strix (she/they)
Little (~7-8 y/o). One of our few non-fictives. She's a snowy owl harpy, very friendly and silly. She's our first little, because she showed up before Emyr learned he could age regress. Has some birdlike mannerisms, like preening people they like. Birthday- May 7, 2022.
Sun (he/him)
Fictive (FNaF: Security Breach), caretaker. Was made specifically to take care of littles, but will take care of anyone who asks. Helps with motivation since some days we struggle to even get out of bed, let alone take care of ourselves. Very cheerful! Birthday- October 19, 2022.
Susie (she/her)
Fictive (Deltarune), anger holder, protector, middle (17?). Was intentionally introjected by Kris, and the two spend a lot of time together. Will break someone's legs if they hurt the system, and especially if they hurt Kris. Birthday- June 25, 2023.
Vanessa Afton (she/her)
Fictive (FNaF movie), traumaholder. Considered slightly younger than our Michael, though she’s technically older than him due to surviving longer. Nicknames are okay as long as it’s something like Nessa or Ness, please don’t call her Vanny. Birthday- December 30, 2023.
That's all for now!
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3416 · 1 month
(very sorry for being long winded, i appreciate your takes being so rational <3) the more i think the more i wish our first round matchup had been anyone else like even the panthers would’ve beat this…the narrative around the bruins and leafs is just far too personal and emotionally charged to the old men who’ve lived through every series between the two in the past few decades and each time the frustration just piles on worse and finds a new person to be directed at. this is half inspired by the post you just reblogged but it’s kind of unbelievable to watch in real time sports analysts and media figureheads be swayed enough by the narrative around mitch (which has little to do with actually reality and more to do with him being who everyone decided was the easiest to mount decades worth of frustration onto) to actually be commenting on this stuff on like…live broadcasts and in public spaces. idk it’s just upsetting that the team is all so aware of it…auston’s quote in his exit about it bringing everyone down was the worst like…i can’t imagine how it is for mitch if it’s affecting the people around him. idk it’s unfortunate that this is going to be the conversation on loop until something happens and even then
AGREE TO ALL OF THIS. i'm not a big enough sports fan in general to observe the patterns of fans and how other teams and markets treat their star players, but like... this just feels so damn absurd. i know mitch has been a scapegoat for some reason or another basically every offseason since he signed his last deal, and no one has the ability to step back from the situation and see WHY that deal happened the way it did so they just blame the person whose name is on it, lol. it's silly. it's the culmination of lots of heartbreak. i think people would be saying all of this even if we lost to the panthers because they were saying similar things last year.
i do think it's important to think about the fact that this time of year is free fall as far as 'insiders' and analysts go. there's nothing to do.. most people aren't even discussing that stuff yet. even mitch saying they'd start talking about this week probably like... there's no way for elliotte friedman or any bitch out here acting like mitch is Probably gonna be okay with waiving and going bc "everyone" hates him to know ANYTHING at all, lol. all of their statements are prefaced with a whole lot of 'i think's and 'maybe's and it's so silly to listen to them talk just bc they like the sound of their own voice and their own specific news cycle for the year is coming to an end. i'm not sure what the leafs are going to do about mitch... i feel like friday's conference is gonna have me leaning one way or another abt a potential extension this summer vs letting him play into the year, but like. it is so fucking infuriating that he's become the scapegoat for it all when he IS the leafs. he's the heart of the team. he's the hometown boy. it's so baffling to me that he has to take the fall for it all rn and for grown mens inability to regulate emotion or use their brains. like no i don't have to accept that everyone processes losses of a fucking sports team differently if that method includes spewing vitriol or being a nasty person about your own specific team.
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Your post about Shiv made me think for a long while bc it's true that Shiv's trauma and specifically her trauma around sex is largely misinterpreted/outright ignored by the fandom but now I'm confused bc 1. when did Tom pressure Shiv to have sex??? I mostly remember her pushing Tom to do stuff he didn't want, even while he was clearly uncomfortable, but every time he tries to initiate something and she doesn't want it he backs off right away and doesn't push. The period tracking WAS creepy and I will definitely not be defending that, but Shiv would actually make annoyed faces if Tom didn't want to do what she had planned, and insist or ask "no?" in a mocking tone when he wasn't particularly enthusiastic about it. If he ever did that to her everyone would be calling it "rapey" but bc Shiv does it it's... Girlboss I guess. Idk.
And 2. I also think there needs to be a conversation about this definitely bc yeah the ear flick was weird and the way Shiv's face FALLS and she even steps back a little??? Holy shit. Literally what I did, gasped in shock and recoiled. HOWEVER. Putting my "this is a tv show and not reality" goggles on, to me context is important I mean she's kicking dirt over his shoes to humilliate him in public (nothing new there) and getting all up in his space and the flick read like Tom just needing to do something to get her to back the fuck up and leave him alone. I've seen people dismissing Shiv's abuse of Tom completely, through the years but especially this season. And I get it, Shiv is in a vulnerable state both bc of her father passing and bc she's pregnant and conflicted about it, but none of it justifies the way she has treated Tom and keeps treating him. He did not hit her, or push her, or even start commenting on her body the way she does to him constantly. He flicked her on the damn ear lol and I GET IT, I was lowkey horrified by it at first but looking at it from Tom's pov, I have been in a situation where someone kept coming at me and getting in my face so I get that reaction. Anyway. Yeah it was a weird scene Idk where the writers are going with this!!! If they make either of them start hitting the other I'm gonna be furious tho like that'd be the last straw of bad tomshiv plot points. Like if this is them trying to Logan-ify Tom more I'm gonna be so fucking pissed lol
god there's so much of this i disagree with, and it's so long... honestly i wasn't gonna answer i was gonna say something like "i ain't reading all that" with a shiv fancam or some shit. plus you just said you randomly saw my post so you don't follow me you'll probably not read this
but the notes on that post have been bothering me all day to the point where i'm seriously thinking of shutting the fuck up about succession, and i don't want to cause it's my fav show so i'm gonna answer at least to a few things
first of all, to your question "when did tom pressure shiv to have sex?" i simply recommend rewatching retired janitors of idaho as it has one of what i consider the most disgusting scenes of the show and if you don't agree with me in that that's him pressuring her then i simply don't think we'll be able to reach any mutual understanding here, which is okay i guess.
secondly, i don't think there's any scenes in the show where shiv pressures tom to have sex or do stuff he's not comfortable with in any way that i would deem "rapey" if shiv were a man. maybe you're referring to stuff like opening the relationship? or the threesome from 2x10? both of which i would call asshole moves AT WORST.
about the "this is a tv show not reality" thing i can only say that it was a post for my mutuals that i honestly didn't expect to win traction, in fact, it was a response to another post from a mutual i had just reblogged, so it wasn't even supposed to be read on its own. obviously you don't know me, but if you did you'd probably see why it's funny you'd say that. i don't think it's a bad thing that they included this scene of tom flicking shiv's ear, i don't think its wrong to keep having tom as your favorite character, or tomshiv as your favorite relationship. i think it's a very interesting scene that adds a lot of depth to his character and their relationship and i think liking complex characters who do bad shit is so incredibly fun.
also the way you said "hey he hit her but just a little bit not like he hit her for real" is exactly what i was criticising people saying in my original post so maybe next time when you read a post you don't agree with in such a fundamental level just move on it's not that deep. block me, even, if you see it more than once and it bothers you
to wrap this up i'll just say that i HOPE they keep loganifying tom, as the parallels with him and logan have been there since the beginning, it makes him 10 times more interesting and if you took that away he wouldn't be much of a character. i HOPE tomshiv never get a divorce, as i'm rooting for the cycle of abuse to never end and keep repeating itself, i consider succession a show that runs in circles (complimentary) and would be really disappointed if there was a sudden catharsis moment where anyone at all makes it out. if i had to bet, out of the two of us, i don't think i'm gonna be the one who ends up disappointed here
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thereallad64 · 4 months
I’m gonna be real, I don’t have a lot of energy to give you grace for this rn bc I’ve had a quite bad day in a 4 month string of bad days but like. I also spent this entire morning angry and miserable and I’m tired of that so. You fucked up and learned that you do in fact have biases and are very capable of being antisemitic and buying into antisemitic conspiracies. You already know that and you have to sit with that. But the fact you recognized your mistake, that you are clearly having a very bad day about it too, and are doing what you can to fix it means something. So thank you for doing that much. Keep doing that. And remember this so you can do better next time. That’s what’s important.
Not much else I can say after everything that’s happened. I’m still pissed off about how much attention I got from spewing shit I didn’t even research beyond a few minutes in tumblr. I think it’s slowed down a bit since, especially after disabling reblogs, but idiots are still liking it. What I’ve caused out of my ignorance is sickening.
All I’ve done is give the American far-right more evidence for their own perception of pro-Palestine protestors as bigoted assholes. However, I can’t deny that there are definitely assholes taking advantage of the situation by disguising themselves as ‘the good guys’ to spout antisemitic bullshit without consequences, and it’s disgusting how people, including myself, have let those assholes succeed.
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Jack's Big Rambly Nonsense Theory Post About Episode 3 ✨️
I am a merciful fella so the rambles will be contained under the cut.
hey! what's up? this is the only thing I care about for the time being so I'm gonna ramble about it! I don't know what I'm doing! all of this could be wrong! I'm very excited!
Please feel free to reply/reblog or like.. idk, y'all can tag me if you wanna make a separate post jumping off of, responding to, or completely annihilating (in a friendly way!) any of my theories here.
What The Heck Is Antikythera?
i didnt know what this was and it seemed somewhat important since it's in the title (lol) so I looked it up.
one of the first things I found was the wiki article for the Antikythera mechanism, which is basically a computer/calculator from Ancient Greece that predicted astronomical positions and eclipses. It was found in a Roman shipwreck in the Mediterranean in 1901 and might have been constructed as far back as 205 BC. (it had gears and everything! cool!)
Considering this device is related to astronomy and approximately, oh, ALL of our protagonists are interested in and have connections to astronomy, I don't think that's a coinkydink! additionally, since this is fictional and there are no limits, mayhaps the Antikythera mechanism is a part of the story and it can do (and does do) more than predict celestial events...? 👀
Now, I admit I read about this one interesting thing and kinda just ran with it, but in case there's anything else about this itty bitty little island, I did look into it more. According to the Wikipedia, Antikythera was settled and abandoned several times throughout history. This is also where the wreck with the mechanism was discovered (hence the name), and apparently lots of birds use the island as a pit stop during migration, but that's about it. It's enough for me to laugh shrug and carry on with my mechanism theories, lol.
The Ellen Austin, The Bermuda Triangle, & Maybe A Ghost Ship
Since our beloved quartet is confirmed to be aboard the Ellen Austin and they're en route through the Bermuda Triangle/Sargossa Sea where the Ellen Austin is said to have encountered a ghost ship, I'm gonna continue with my previously-held theory that we're getting a ghost ship encounter! (In one story about the Ellen Austin, they had some of the crew go onto the ghost ship to bring it back to shore with them, and the crew ~mysteriously vanished~ which is... interesting. 👀)
I have a few ideas about what this potential ghost ship might be:
An Ancient Greek vessel straight from Antikythera, with or without a mechanism, but probably with. [squints at map] I mean, the Mediterranean isn't that far from the Sargossa Sea/Bermuda Triangle area. And/or maybe there was some time-and-space nonsense happening that could land it on the other side of the Atlantic. If our quartet could get poofed from a satellite in 1835 back to Earth in 1881(?), then a mysterious ship could plausibly get zapped to another place and/or time. Might be a bit too on the nose but c'mon, the name is in the title, there's gotta be a connection to Antikythera, and who says it can't be this? Could also have ghosts!
A slightly less ancient Roman cargo ship like the (shipwrecked) one that had the Antikythera mechanism. (Please see above for hand-waving about date & location.) Maybe the ship has a mechanism on board, and maybe it's also got ghosts—both of the Ancient Greek variety via the mechanism, and of the slightly less ancient Roman variety via it's their dang boat. Bonus points if the Greek/Antikytheran(?) ghosties were scaring the daylights out of the Romans and are responsible for the ship becoming a (double) ghost ship. Of course this also hinges on how literal the "ghosts" in The Ghosts of Antikythera are, but I'll ramble about that in a little bit.
A much less ancient ship from whatever eras make it more likely to be in the Sargossa Sea, but it has an Antikythera mechanism somehow. This would take out a lot of fuss about how the ship got here or how it could have survived this long without being wrecked or discovered, AND it would bring up new and fun questions such as "why does this random ship have an Ancient Greek mechanism" and I call that a win-win. Could be a classic pirate ship, could be a newer vessel that'd be more familiar to the crew of the Ellen Austin... idk im not a boat guy but I think there's some fun possibilities.
bonus theory: the ghost ship has "witch" in the name or has a name related to witches, or maybe literally just has "wicked" in the name, purely based off this tweet:
Tumblr media
thank you @man-down-in-hatchet-town for being my Twitter scout, lmao
Just 'cause, you know... wicked, witches. The waves could be just part of the water theme since (i assume) the episode takes place predominantly at sea, or perhaps the ghost ship is literally carried "this way" by the waves.
Ghosts — Like, Literally? Or Do You Mean Metaphorically?
We already know that Pulp Musicals will be exploring multiple genres—sci-fi, horror, mystery, adventure—so I'm betting episode three will add some horror to the mix, especially after Matt's delightfully ominous words in the trailer:
In this web of mystery, Margaret has begun to unravel her own... but she is not the only one awakening. And soon, our heroes will find that the light of discovery can bring forth shadows darker than anything they could have ever imagined.
...Yeah, sounds like horror and/or ghosts to me! So maybe the ghosts of Antikythera are real actual spooky scary spirits, in which case I am very excited to pull up a chair and listen to Herschel scoff and try to find a rational, scientific explanation for any spooky happenings. (Idk if he believes in ghosts or not, but in this case I hope he doesn't because that will make it much funnier for me. <3 )
On the other hand, "horror" is incredibly vague, so maybe we won't get jump-out-and-say-boo ghosts at all. Maybe the ghosts of Antikythera are more unsettling because they aren't an active, supernatural force wreaking havoc on the open sea—maybe they're just an empty vessel, forgotten memories, and the lingering consequences of the actions taken by people who are long since dead. What's scarier—the dead staying behind to screw with you face to face, or the dead abandoning their troubles & mistakes and leaving clueless strangers to get stuck with the deadly fallout?
Honestly, tho? I'm excited either way, and I'm very curious to see how scary Matt plans to go.
Theories That Don't Have A Ghost Ship, Because You Never Know
I am 100% behind the ghost ship theory, but making theories is fun so why not throw some other ones out there. Full disclosure, I don't think these are that likely, and some are mostly gonna be for laughs.
They find a shipwreck. I'm really only considering this because the Antikythera mechanism was found on a wreck. I don't think the Ellen Austin would stop to investigate a shipwreck if they happened upon one, and I also don't know if they'd even have the equipment to safely or effectively investigate it if they wanted to. Then again, maybe they would stop if they saw the wreck go down, and also who needs to go down in the water if you have a passenger with magic powers? If Margaret could launch the Sagitta, she could probably fish up a wreck easy peasy. Maybe she wouldn't even need the ship to stop, she could just see (or sense?) something in the water and reach out with the Radiance. And if whatever she brought onto the Ellen Austin was haunted, then that could kick off the ghost stuff... huh. I actually kinda like this idea!
Atlantis? I think someone mentioned this in the chat for the trailer's premiere. I'm inclined to say "probably not" though... unless the quartet gets poofed or otherwise summoned closer to Greece. But I think they'll probably be sticking around the Sargossa Sea, since there isn't a lot of time for them to be traveling all around in a ~90 minute episode, and the previous episodes kinda picked a place and stayed there. Doesn't necessarily mean we couldn't get an underwater city (or formerly underwater city), of course. It just probably wouldn't be Atlantis.
...I actually don't have any other ideas right now, lol. I really think it's gonna be a ghost ship. And that the Antikythera mechanism has something to do with it.
Oof okay, for the sake of my eyes and brain, I'm going to stop staring at my phone and thinking for now, lol. I will probably come up with some more thoughts & theories as time goes on, but I think I have used all my batteries for today.
Again, if anybody reads this and wants to contribute or comment, feel free! 💫
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tau1tvec · 1 year
your last anon got me thinking. notes absolutely matter so how do some people get 800 notes for one pic that was just taken in cas or smth? because it gets reblogged by big bloggers theres only like a few but they could post their sims thumb and everyone reblogs it. we participate in the culture you were talking about with anon if that makes any sense.
I reread the ask, and there wasn't a single mention of notes in there, unless you're referring to another ask, but like, lemme be 110% blunt here... bc I've always found this kinda fascinating when I see other ppl bring it up.
Ppl like pretty, cute and cool shit. Like have you seen how humans react when a kitten meows, they fucking lose their minds, if the sims in the cas pics got 800 notes, it's probably bc they're pretty, cute, or cool looking. Now are there times that society tends to skew what we find pretty, cute or cool looking that could be detrimental to others, yeah, but I'll admit it, I too enjoy an occasional sim with big goobery eyes, and a colorful outfit, it reminds of Animal Crossing, and I like Animal Crossing.
Followers. Some accounts got a lotta them, that means a lot more people will see their content, which means a lot more people will probably like it too. Though seeing as this is tumblr, and bots and lurker accounts are a thing, there will likely still be an offset in follower count to note count. I've got about 3,000 rn, and I average about 50-100 notes without reblogs, but can pull more of it does get reblogged.
Friends. Believe it or not, interacting with other humans will draw other humans to interact with you and your content, that's kind of a given, although if you don't want to do all that, you could always just learn to make really bomb ass CC, and let that draw followers in to look at your non-cc content, but I'm gonna be honest, even that isn't guaranteed. I've seen plenty of cc creators post about how they feel people only interact with their cc posts, and never their other stuff.
Social Media is a slot machine. Really when it comes down to it, it's luck, posting the right thing at the right time, yet never knowing when that'll be, this is also why ppl do time-zone reblogs. I ran a side-blog that was just my other gaming content, and it was like crickets for years, until Until Dawn was released, and I just happened to jump at buying it that day. I was posting content for it as it was at the height of its popularity. This meant more eyes scrolling the tags, which meant more thumbs to possibly like my posts. Timing and patience is so important on social media, especially when you're throwing content into a void. There were a lotta ppl getting hella notes when the infants dropped, bc it was this huge thing a lot of ppl were excited for, even ppl who don't consider themselves a simblr... but the hype only lasts so long, esp these days, and you've probably noticed lately things have kinda slowed down for a lotta ppl, but that's alright, the real ones always stick around, let's take a moment to appreciate them.
Sometimes you just gotta hype up your own shit. Idk, I learned this from a YouTuber, so take it with a grain of salt, but when they began actively reminding ppl to like, and subscribe, and began hyping up their upcoming content and streams, it helped engagement a lot. Ppl are drawn to positive ppl, it's just more fun for everyone.
This shit isn't magic, there's always a pretty logical reason why these posts get hella notes whether you agree with why or not, just like how there are posts that don't get hella notes that absolutely deserve more, whether you agree with why or not.
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naturenaruto · 7 months
but also im laughin at my prev reblog abt sam having a supernaturally strong immune system- and not at all bc of demon blood lol but bc he grew up in rank motels where there were infinite strains of mold and various other evils and it......did something to him,,,,,,,,also just by going thruout the days/cases..hopping rusty fences...eating spoiled and expired food..showering with suspicious well water..sleeping on ancient musty mattresses with devious dust...dean started noticing he never needed doctors visits..never required a tetanus shot...cuts healed fast...someone could cough on his face and hed never get sick..........imagine the horror when he finally was around ~normal~ ppl and sure hed wash his hands but like he mentions once he never gets a tetnus or flu shot and theyre like 🤔 someone asks abt the food in the communal fridge if its still ok to eat and he unthinkingly goes off on this tangent abt how once he was so delirious he grabbed the food in the motel fridge and then passed out on the kitchen floor and the next day when he woke up he saw it had bluish black mold on it bc it wasnt even their food the last residents left it and e was TOTALLY FINE so aha this 3 day old sandwich is totally fine aha and theyre all like 😶
and then he regails a story abt how once he was the only kid in an entire town who didnt get like,,the school plague and thats why its so important to get enough sleep and theyre like 😕 and then after a few months he gets known for bein the 7ft tall guy around campus who will physically carry you home after a party so you dont drive or get attacked and as he deadlifts some equally big guy off the floor of a frathouse he mentions how this is nothin bc once he had to carry his heavyass big brother "about" 12 miles through "light" woods to get to a clinic when he was around 15 bc said brother got alcohol poisioning at a cabin they were vacationing at bc sam ate all the food so maybe he didnt realize how much hed had so thats why its so important to not drink on an empty stomach guys and make sure you have a friend pour water down your throat and have someone who can cut you off and theyre all like 😟 and then yet another time hes playing a pickup game of flag football and they all get rly into it and one girl ends up getting her finger popped out of joint so sam kinda asks if its ok if he puts it back in yknow, before the ambulance shows up just to help with the pain and shes like in shock so she says yeah okay and he puts the right pressure on and holds her arm and its over before she even realizes and decides to call off the ambulance and just go to the school clinic and it saves her a few hundred dollars and then yet another time jess drags him to her friends friends sisters sorority end of the year party and its a bit more intense than any others hed gone to and after a few hours demons must whisper to someone that yes, they can make that jump from the second story window to a makeshift trampoline (made out of bedsheets) and he ends up with his tibia poking out of his shin and isnt even screaming bc of shock but sam knows the ambulance isnt gonna get there in time so he moves around everyone screaming and puking and wraps it up using jess' crop cardigan and keeps as much blood in as he can while keeping the guy awake and so there just gets to be alot of stories and rumours abt him, not that noone else can stitch a wound or knows how to do shit but sometimes he'll tell a story and his friends think theres something a bit off about it but they dont mention it bc they like sam sams cool sams a genuinly nice guy and yeah maybe sometimes jess will gently cut him off and steer the conversation to something else and yeah sure sometimes ppl get a weird vibe from how nonchalant abt things he can get, like nothings a big deal, like that fight wasnt soo crazy, like that guy isnt even that scary, like the bathrooms in the humanties building isnr even that gross, like that professor isnt even all that, like hes coasting, like nothing phases him unless they bring up that brother he mentioned once, then he wont be in class for the next four days, and sure sometimes he gives off a weird vibe and sure sometimes he'll be telling a story and he'll trail off like hes suddenly remebered who hes talking to and theyll be left with a cliffhanger, not knowing what happened after he pulled a knife on some guy at the library when he was 11, and sure sometimes jess will cut him off when she feels like its going somewhere and she'll steer the conversation elsewhere, and sure sometimes when someone fucks around a bit too much theyll be met with a cold stare thatll give everyone around the heebiejeebies for awhile, but hey, sams a good guy sams a helpful guy sams a nice guy, sams just some guy
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chilope · 7 months
re: dogwhistles everywhere: ok, but also there is a wave of statements to the tune of "oh, you say [real aspect of the ongoing ethnic cleansing]? what bullshit lie, you are obviously only saying that bc you believe in [antisemitic dogwhistle]".
i dont. care? like. okay. im going to get on a box real quick and then not talk about this at all anymore.
israel is doing an ethnic cleansing. thats bad. israeli nationism is bad. us support for israel is bad. as us citizens, we have an obligation to oppose our governments support for israel. we have an obligation to call our representatives, to protest, to vote for politicians who will fight back. nothing that anyone says on tumblr about anything that is happening matters at all even a little bit. real time updates about the war crimes dont stop the war crimes from happening. long posts about israels right to exist dont stop the war crimes from happening either.
im frustrated both by the antisemitic dogwhistles and by the jews on this site who insist on making really long posts about how people are being mean to jews as a result of the war crimes. like, antisemitic tumblr posts arent in the same hemisphere as an ethnic cleansing, it feels gross and unnecessary to focus on it. but also, we live here!!
like. this isnt important. im gonna start with that. in the grand scheme of things its just not important. but the little circle of people who exist 1 or 2 degrees from me on tumblr is so chock fucking full of bald antisemitism its mind boggling to me. and it just sits there, all the time, completely unchallenged and unchecked. its normal, its fine, its good even. and then the conflict gets out of hand again and i sit here and watch a bunch of people that i like and respect hold hands with antisemites and talk about how bad israel is. and theyre right!! israel is bad!!
so on the one hand you have a bunch of people saying that the ethnic cleansing isnt happening, or is fine actually, or talking about it is antisemitic. and theyre wrong, and i want them to stop, and also nothing they say matters. but most importantly, i dont actually know them. i dont interact with anyone who says that stuff. i know theyre out there, ive seen screenshots of their posts. but they arent holding hands with anyone i care about.
on the other hand, you have a bunch of people who hate jews, who openly hate jews, who have hated jews for years, who have openly stated they dont want jews to exist, who keep sneaking antisemitic dogwhistles into anti-israeli posts. and theyre getting reblogged by people i like. and again, nothing they say matters. none of these posts impacts actual policy or public sentiment in literally any way. it just doesnt matter!
the only thing that gets impacted by any of this is the the willingness of the people i associate with to tolerate ethnic cleansing apologism (a thing that i have not seen happen) or antisemitism (a thing i have watched happen in real time over the last few years).
so one post slipped through. one. i reblogged *one* post about antisemitism.
like. i *get* that it doesnt fucking matter. some guy on tumblr making a post about how jews should be exterminated isnt on the same level of anything as an actual, literal genocide. it isnt even on the same level as anti-black hiring discrimination, or police violence, or homophobia. but man it sucks that a bunch of my friends are friends with that guy! wish that wasnt true! wish i didnt have to see his posts because people still think hes so cool and insightful!
but it doesnt matter, it really doesnt, and neither do the "actually you only oppose israel because youre antisemitic!" posts. its all just a bunch of powerless angry people yelling at each other to feel better. it doesnt accomplish anything. call your senator, donate to palestinian relief, start a fight with your uncle over thanksgiving.
and leave me alone. that too.
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hyewka · 8 months
Hi! I hope you’re doing well and I absolutely adore your stories, really. You’re an amazing person and I can see it.
As a fellow writer I just feel like asking you a question or so.
See, I’ve written like 30-40 or so full fics within the span of half a year or so, right. I even have a few series on my acc that I’ve spent so much of my time on. All of my stories, I enjoy writing them but then when I post them I don’t get much likes or reblogs. Like when I look at the graph it’s always so low.
What do you think I should do to be doing better? Or is it all just chance and luck?
Thank you!!<3
Hi anon! To answer your question, it's not necessarily all up to chance and luck especially on a platform like tumblr. To get higher interactions and to reach a bigger pool of people you should consider a few things!
One: what fandom youre writing for. Generally, to gauge at how active your fandom fanfic community is, check two things; top posts of all year under the most commonly used tag and top recent posts. On moablr, I wouldnt consider a post with 300-500 notes flopping and anything beyond that interval is big on here. In other fandoms, especially bigger ones, this information might be different so considering your fandom base is important in managing your expectations.
Two: what tags you're using. tags are very very important on tumblr. for txt, txt smut tag is the most followed versus using something like tomorrow x together smut. Don't use broad tags either, it wont get you that many interactions. For example, something like kpop smut isn't gonna do much for you.
Tags that work for me in relation to txt smut work: #txt smut, #txt hard thoughts, #txt hard hours, #txt x reader - also if it's not ot5 add the members name in place of txt for example: #yeonjun smut.
Tags I've seen people use that don't work: #txt x gn!reader or anything that identifies the reader like plus size!reader in tags just wont reach that many people.
Also, if you write things like hybrid and sub!idol I'd recommend to use those in tags! Though it seems broad, most people who follow these tags read anything regardless if it's within their fandom space or not.
Three: you have to consider your writing. Too many gramatical mistakes, too niche, the length- all those things matter. If you're writing in English make sure your writing is cohesive and easily understandable. I would say to stay away from writing abbreviations in dialogue or in your writing, things like "tbh" or "bcs" is a little amateurish and might put some people off if it's repeated throughout your work. Just make sure it's decently consistent. And also!! Cant stress this enough but if you're writing a full fic be mindful to not have a lot of very long paragraphs.
If you're too niche, like what you're writing is a fantasy world building driven sex dungeon, there might not be that much demand. I'm not saying to stop writing things that interest you or adjust your hobby to what people want, it's just that the more genre your fic falls under, the more niche it'll get. Meaning a smaller audience. Yandere and dubcon will always appeal to a smaller amount of people so keep that in mind.
When it comes to length, it's not that big of a deal but it might sabotage you. The longer it is, usually the less people interested. Especially if it's smut. Anything over 25k might be too much. Now on the other hand, a fic really small (like a sentence or two so basically a blurb) might not catch someone's attention enough to hit like or reblog. 1k-4k word counts is desired.
This also has to do with summaries, avoid very long summaries. Two to three sentences would do.
Four: how your fics look. check the layouts of your fics, and then compare it to everyone else's. I'm not saying it has to look the prettiest or be very neat, but adding pictures to your fics especially on tumblr REALLY helps with engagement. I also recommend using simple dividers and not to use different fonts for titles, especially tumbrs cursive one. Either three icons that are cohesive with the other or a header that's the size or a little bigger than twt headers dimension.
Five: what's popular on tumblr. This goes hand in hand with the niche point I made earlier but making the switch to x reader instead of a named oc genuinely makes a very, very big difference. Switching from first person narrative to 2nd person, so instead of writing in "I, me, we" use you and your. This also makes a difference.
That's all I think might be hindering your amount of interactions, tags I'd consider the most important. If you want tkwo build a more dedicated followg, I'd recommend opening your requests!
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