#// heavily implied alpha and omega dynamics
staylovesmiley · 2 months
Going Dumb~ Chapter 5
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ᯓᡣ𐭩Pairing; Kim Seungmin x Fem!reader
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩Summary; It had been over a decade since you had last seen each other, having met in choir when Seungmin was living with his grandparents in LA and you with your Aunt. Now that you are both presented adults, how will he handle a change to the reality of you he had made in his mind in your absence over the years?
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 Notes; This is an ABO!AU. in this world when someone reaches puberty they will present with one of three sub genders; alpha, beta, or omega. Due to Alphas and Omegas experiencing rut and heat, some jobs are restrictive as to what sub genders they will hire, specifically singling out omegas as heat suppressants are harder to obtain than rut suppressants. Scent glands are located near the pressure points on the neck and small hormonal patches called scent blockers can be placed over them to reduce or rid an individual of their scent for a period of time depending on the strength of the hormones in the patch.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩ᯓᡣ𐭩Warnings; abo!au, beta!kim seungmin, almost all alpha!straykids, female!reader, poly!pack dynamics, angst, mild violence, mentions of sexual harassment/assault and discrimination, smut, enemies to lovers, Kim seungmin is kind of an ass I’m so sorry dandy boy, she/her pronouns used for reader, jealous seungmin, I have only ever wrote one abo story before but it is one of my favorite genres so I hope I can do this justice~
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 specific chapter TW; sexual harassment in the work place, heavily implied SA but nothing too graphic, sexism in a way but it’s revolving their sub genders- if this is something that will make you uncomfortable skip from the first pink text to the last
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You walked the inkigayo halls, arms hugging yourself tightly as you were lead by a staff member to the stray kids green room at one of the many music shows they performed during comebacks.
Having been invited to come support them at their last performance, you didn’t want to miss it despite feeling completely out of place as you followed the staff past multiple different idols and their own staff members tending to different matters or filming dance challenges together in locations you had only ever seen on the small screen of your phone via social media.
Once at the green room, the staff knocked before pushing the door open and motioning for you to go in first. At the sight of you, the members perked up where they were getting ready. Minho made his way to you, batting off the stylist who began glaring at him for stopping her in the middle of touching up his makeup. “Bunny! You made it here okay, yeah? Wasn’t too confusing?” The alpha questioned, pulling you into his arms which you accepted happily. “Mhm the staff was very nice helping me find the way here, thank you for sending them to get me.” You giggled, nuzzling into his embrace though both of you wore scent blockers so neither were able to properly scent each other.
From his place on the edge of the couch, Seungmin put his phone down and walked over to greet you. “Hyung if you don’t let the stylist noona finish she’s gonna scold you….again.” With that, the alpha’s eyes widened and he quickly made his way back over to where the stylist was waiting to finish applying the final touches to her work.
Seungmin chuckled at the older male before turning to you with a shy, awkward smile. “I’m glad you could make it, Bunny.” You returned the smile, nodding to him as you gave him a brief hug. “I’m happy you guys invited me.”
The others watched fondly, happy to see the two of you getting along. It had been a little over a week since the two of you had your talk and made up and the other members were thrilled to hear that all was well.
“Wait a minute, so you really had a badass bodyguard and you thought she was just being annoying?!” Changbin had asked with wide eyes when Seungmin had relayed the truth of what you had told him. “Yeah I guess so….I didn’t realize people were trying to bully me- Bunny really was looking out for me…”
Minho shook his head at him, arms crossed over his chest as he had leaned against the wall of the living room. “If you didn’t have such a huge stick up your ass then you could have had this cleared up a lot sooner.” Seungmin sighed, looking down at his lap. “I know, hyung….I’m really sorry to you all too for how I was acting- I really don’t get why I was being so stubborn..” with a pout on his face he looked to his pack members for forgiveness, which they granted easily. Minho even came over and pulled the younger into a tight embrace.
“We can’t be mad at you forever, puppy. What matters is you’ve realized you were in the wrong and you are working to make it right now.” The Alpha gave him a squeeze before sending him a sharp look. “Besides, if you start acting up again you’ll wish the only punishment you receive is a slap to the face and a scolding.” The beta nodded frantically, eyes wide as he knew not to challenge the older’s threats.
In the week leading up to this finale music show performance you had been added to a group chat with all of the members who kept tabs on you during your stay at the hotel to make sure all was well. You had bonded with them, shared a few late meals during their free time while promoting.
Since they were so busy with their schedules and you with your own job you didn’t get to see them as often as they would have liked, as often as they would if you were still living at the dorm, but nonetheless you had all gotten close.
Seungmin pulled away, nodding back to you. There was still a slightly awkward air around the two of you as guilt still clung to the beta over his behavior towards you, and you were unsure where exactly you stood in terms of friendship with him after your reality of your youth from his per was shattered by the knowledge of how he had seen you all these years.
Once Minho had finished getting his makeup done he made his way over to the couch in the middle of the room and patted the spot next to him. Despite how rocky your friendship with Seungmin was, you’d say you had gotten to be pretty close with the second oldest.
His kindness to you in the first days of your arrival had stuck with you and he seemed to bring this sense of calm over you when you needed it most. Through talks with Jisung you learned he did the same for him, that it was just something about the Alpha that gave off a calming presence that helped the younger with his anxiety a lot especially during their trainee and pre-debut days.
You made your way over but before you could sit on the couch beside him, Minho pulled you down into his lap causing a pink blush to flood your cheeks and if it weren’t for the scent blockers you currently had on the entire building would be aware of your flustered state no doubt.
The alpha gave you an innocent smile, bunny teeth on display causing you to flush deeper and hide your face behind your hands. “Awe bunny’s shy, boys.” He teased, poking at your sides. “Cut it out, Min- I didn’t know you were gonna pull me on you like that.” You groaned, batting his hands away and laughing lightly at his prodding.
Jisung came to sit in the seat you were originally planning to take and quickly pulled you away from the dancer with his strong arms. “Leave her alone, hyung. Look how red you’ve made her.” He laughed, fanning at your face with his free hand while the other rested at your waist. The attention only served to feed your flustered state and cause you to bury your face in the crook of the young alpha’s neck. “Han not you too-“
Everyone erupted in laughter at the two teasing you, finding it unbelievably adorable how easily it was to rile you up. From across the room, Seungmin watched you carefully with a slight flush of his own. He felt his chest tighten slightly as he watched the way you interacted with his pack. At this point, Hyunjin had joined in the teasing and was currently trying to coax you into lifting your head from the rapper’s neck and come sit with him instead for a cuddle, whining that you were showing favoritism for the pair on the couch.
You raised your head only enough to look over at Seungmin with pleading eyes, the relentless attention from the pack causing your face to remain a light shade of pink and you let out a slight whimper of distress at the embarrassment that the others didn’t seem to catch over the laughter and teasing of the trio surrounding you. “Okay that’s enough- give her some space.”
The beta came to your rescue, carefully helping you out of Han’s lap and into a single seat beside the couch. “Thank you-“ you said softly, nodding to him. Seungmin nodded back, rubbing your back gently before moving back to his spot in the stylist’s chair.
The rest of the time in the green room was spent chatting with Felix about a new banana bread recipe he wanted you to try whenever they got a break long enough for him to bake it for you, helping Jeongin with a caption he wanted in english for a new Instagram post, and watching at they goofed off for the cameras filming behind the scenes content for their YouTube.
Before you knew it they were being called to stage, each of the boys giving you a smile or a wave as they lined up to head out the door. Minho sent you a wink, causing Seungmin to huff a bit under his breath before going and patting the top of your head where you still sat in the chair he had helped you to earlier. “You’ll watch on the screen from here, yeah? I’d send you out to the crowd but it can get a little crazy and I don’t want anyone giving you a hard time.” He explained, an apologetic expression on his face. “Of course, it’s okay I don’t mind. I’m just glad I could be here to support you!” You said with a bright smile, leaning up to give him a kiss to the cheek before you could overthink whether the gesture was appropriate with your current standing with one another.
The action caused the others to squeal or tease as the beta flushed a deep shade of pink and left with a nod to you, hurrying to the stage with the other members. His mind was moving a mile a minute, his heart threatening to beat out of his chest as a hand came to gently touch where you had kissed it the second one of the members looked over to see he pretended to be rubbing it off with a false look of disgust on his features.
You sat back in your chair and tried to relax while the staff around you busied themselves preparing for when the pack returned from the stage. You felt like there was something you should be doing to help but also weren’t sure if you would get in the way or not.
Suddenly one of the staff was turning the volume up on the tv as everyone settled down to watch the performance.
The stage lights shown a bright red, casting a hue over the members clad in all black military style outfits for the stage. Once the music began, you felt yourself sit up a bit straighter as your attention locked onto the performance on the screen.
They were incredible. You had seen their performances online plenty of times while keeping up with Seungmin from afar. Even though it was still through a screen, something about knowing they were just outside the green rooms and down the corridor performing seemed to make you beam with pride for them.
You felt entranced, watching them glide across the stage, unable to decide who to focus on as they danced with such passion you felt as if they were shaking the ground even back in the room you were hidden away in to watch them.
As the last part of the music played, you felt your cheeks grow a bit hot as Seungmin took center stage. His gaze was intense and you felt your cheeks heating up slightly as if he were staring into your soul through the screen. Suddenly the camera shifted to Chan for his falsetto and you felt a smile come to your face to match the one he wore, and then it was Minho in center as he belted out the final lines of the song.
There was a slight growl laced in his voice, the rasp of it causing butterflies to erupt in your chest and a hand to cover your face instinctively as if here were there beside you still teasing you like he had been earlier.
As the stage ended your hands slid back into your lap, and you watched as the camera showed a very smiley Chan making cute gestures before switching to Felix who did the same as the older alpha, causing you to giggle at their actions.
Suddenly the room was back into action as staff moved to finish everything for the members return. Just as you were standing to offer your help the door burst open and the loud sounds of the pack could be heard entering through it. Your head whipped around to face them and you swore you probably looked like a deer caught in headlights.
Some of the members were already sans parts of their costumes, having taken off jackets and other smaller accessories and handed them off to a stylist who had followed them to the stage. You watched as sweat slowly dripped down Hyunjin’s neck and bit your lower lip, willing yourself to look away just as Felix came into view with Jisung in tow. “So? What did you think? I know it wasn’t the best view most likely but we are still glad you could come!” Felix cheered, his voice more high pitched than usual to match his energy as he bounced lightly on the heels of his feet in front of you.
With a softly laugh, amused by the alpha, you shook your head at him. “It was fine, really- you guys did so well I felt like I was right at the edge of the stage cheering you on.” You said with honesty as you replayed the performance in your mind. Felix beamed, along with Jisung, and the two quickly pulled you over to the couch to sit between them while the others began getting out of their performance clothes and into things comfortable.
Felix laid his head on your shoulder, causing the beta across the room to growl lightly startling the three of you on the couch. Chan swatted at the back of his head when he growled at the alphas on either side of you. “Stop being like that, pup.” The three of your couldn’t help but giggle as the second youngest got scolded, watching as he pouted and made his way to the room to change out of his stage clothes.
As he passed by, he heard a low voice saying “If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were an alpha how you’re trying to stake some kind of claim on her.” It was Hyunjin, teasing from where he came out of the restroom and walked by on his way into the main part of the green room.
This statement made the younger blush, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. “I just think it’s a bit much for you guys to be all over her like that when you barely know her is all….”
Back on the couch, Jisung bid a temporary farewell as he left to get changed. The space he once occupied was quickly replaced as Hyunjin stole the seat and soon you were deep in conversation with the two alphas about how work had been for you lately.
“Honestly it’s been pretty nice so far. Most of my students are easy, diligent, and extremely bright. I think I lucked out there-“ you said with a sigh, thinking of some of the horror stories you had heard from other teachers. “Any more issues with your coworkers?” Minho spoke up from behind you as he made his way over and leaned over you from the back of the couch to make eye contact.
You hesitated, the alpha watching you intently with a quirked brow and a look that told you that you better be honest with him or he’d find out the truth anyways. “Yeah, a little…but it’s nothing too serious really just some looks-“ the alpha glared, his look pointed and digging for more from you. “A-And maybe a comment or two?”
Minho blinked slowly before letting out a soft sigh. “Bunny I told you that you need to go to your boss if they continued to give you trouble…you promised” you frowned, gaze falling to your lap as you felt ashamed you hadn’t kept your promise. “I know and I’m sorry- I just don’t feel like it’s worth making a big deal of you know? It’s nothing I can’t handle….people are going to be ignorant.”
To your right, Felix placed a hand on your knee to get your attention. Once you looked up to meet his eyes he gave a warm smile and nodded towards where Minho still stood looming behind you. “Hyung has a point….it’s better to be safe than sorry. You could always just bring it up casually with your boss the next time you see them? Just bring it to their attention so there is record of it…”
Nodding, you bit your tongue as you neglected to tell them that your boss had been present for multiple incidents where an alpha coworker made a comment about your subgender or even your body. All she had done was chuckled or even agreed with their comments. You had also felt her eyes lingering on you from time to time as you left a room she was in or walked past her in the hall. It made it feel impossible to broach the topic with her and feel like anything would be done, and you couldn’t risk losing this job already.
The topic was forgotten once all the members were changed and all the staff had packed up the room. A manager soon came in to round them up and bring them out to the cars. “Are you coming back with us?” Chan asked, walking up to where you were standing with Seungmin and Changbin by the entrance and making sure you had everything you had brought with you. “I don’t know…am I allowed?” You questioned back, looking up slightly at the pack alpha as the smell of the ocean washed over you. He wasn’t wearing any blockers and it had you wondering if that was because of his rank or something else as you swore he wasn’t wearing them earlier either.
Chan nodded, a bright smile on his lips as he nudged you lightly. “Always. We’ve missed having you at the dorm, you know…we can order some food once we get there and have a night in to celebrate the end of our music show promotions.” You nodded, returning his smile before following them out into the hall. “Ride with me?” Seungmin leaned down and whispered in your ear. Your eyes widened slightly, still not used to the beta being polite with you after everything when you had first arrived. “Yeah um if you want me to?” He nodded, giving you a shy smile just before the doors opened leading to where the cars were parked at the side of the building.
Once outside you felt a bit taken aback by the cameras flashing and the people shouting things to the kids, trying desperately to get their attention. From time to time you would hear or see one of them respond or give a heart and a smile to the crowd as they made their way into one of the two cars waiting for them. As you tried to put distance between you and the boys, attempting to blend in with the staff as to not cause them any trouble should the fans or press get the wrong idea, Seungmin frowned and took hold of your arm to pull you closer to his side.
Your eyes widened, head snapping to look up at him with a questioning look as if to silently ask of this was okay. The last thing you wanted to do was get him in trouble with the company after he was so hellbent on you causing issues for him when you had first arrived. All he did was smile at you in return, his hand slipping down from where it held your arm to intertwine his fingers with your own and give a gentle squeeze. “Minnie?” You asked, just loud enough for him to hear.
The beta only shrugged before raising his other hand to wave to stays who were suddenly erupting with questions as to who was at his side, holding hands with their beloved idol. Your face began to heat up at all of the attention, but you tried to shake it off as you were ushered into the suv and into a seat in the back with Seungmin and Felix.
As Minho and Jeongin entered the car their manager hopped in the passenger seat and soon they were on their way back to the dorm. “What the fuck was that all about, pup?” Minho questioned, looking over his shoulder to the back seat where Seungmin sat beside you. “What do you mean? I was just making sure bunny got to the car safely.” He said with a another shrug of his shoulders like he had earlier when you had questioned him. “Yeah while also making a scene out of it. Stay are gonna be going crazy online about this, you know…”
Wincing, you placed your head in your hands but Seungmin seemed proud of himself. “And? I’m not aloud to have friends outside the seven of you?” Minho scoffed, rolling his eyes. “They won’t take it that way and you know it. Besides- our bunny isn’t in the idol world. Did you stop to think what that could do to her personal life?” That caused Seungmin’s expression to falter and his face to fall. “No- I didn’t…”
You sighed, shaking your head before laying your head on Felix shoulder to the other side of you and causing Seungmin to feel a slight pang in his chest. “I’ll be okay…I just hope you don’t get any backlash from that.” Minho calling you theirs hadn’t slipped by you, and it caused your heart to flutter and a blush to creep up your neck to your cheeks and the tips of your ears but you didn’t feel it was anything worth dwelling on and just more of the older alpha’s lighthearted teasing.
“I’ll be fine. Sure I keep some things private but you are a part of our lives now, so everyone can just get used to it.” You nodded at Seungmin’s words, though you felt there was deeper meaning behind his actions that he himself may not even be fully aware of. He was so smart yet could be so oblivious about himself you were learning.
Back at the dorm, the time you had to spend with the pack was unfortunately cut short as you had work early the next morning. Just as you were about to call a car service for a ride back to your hotel, Minho stepped up and began slipping on his shoes and grabbed a set of keys from a bowl in the entry way table. “Don’t bother, I’ll drive you.” He said, leaving no room for arguments. “Um, okay? As long as you’re sure.” He nodded and soon you were following him to the garage and sliding into the passenger seat of his car.
The drive was mostly quiet, the car radio playing softly and creating a comfortable atmosphere as you were surrounded by the smell of warm caramel. “I’m sorry about the puppy earlier…” he said suddenly, clearing his throat.
You looked over at him slightly puzzled. “What, the hand holding thing? Seungmin didn’t mean anything bad by it-“ you responded softly, shrugging your shoulders as you relaxed back into your seat. “He may not have meant anything bad but…you didn’t asked to be put in the spotlight like that and you had no time to prepare.” He said with a sigh.
As the reality sunk in, you realized what he was trying to say. “Oh….I don’t think I thought of it really- I’m not on social media much anyways so I doubt they’d be able to find me?” He shook his head, pulling into the parking garage of the hotel. “You’d be surprised…just- stay off any socials for a bit until we can figure out something to say? I don’t want you to see anything bad some of our uh- fans might say. If you can call people like that fans…”
You giggled a bit at the disgusted face he made, unbuckling your seatbelt before leaning over the center console to give the alpha a hug. “I’ll be okay, Min. Text me when you get back?” He nodded, returning the hug before letting go and watching you enter the building. Once he was sure you were inside safely, Minho drove off and back to the dorms while smiling at how your scent lingered in his car since you had taken off your blockers while at the dorm at his and the others insistence.
The next day at work started as normal as it had been since you had began teaching there. You had almost completely forgotten about the incident while leaving inkigayo where Seungmin had unintentionally placed an invisible target on your back.
By lunch a few students had come up to you, none from your class fortunately, to ask you if that was you they had seen pictures of with Stray Kids. You weren’t sure if you we’re allowed to say, since Minho had implied they were going to make some sort of statement, so you simply shook your head and told them to go back to their class.
Later, while walking to a supply closet down the hall to get something you needed for a lesson the next day, you felt as someone quite a bit taller than you approached from behind. As you started to turn to see who it was and what they may need since they were walking so close to you you felt your body being slammed against the wall to your left. You winced, a hand flying to hold where your head had hit the hard surface with a decent amount of force fearing you may have a slight concussion from the impact. As you looked to see who it was who had pushed you, your eyes widened as you were face to face with one of the main coworkers who had been giving you trouble recently.
-stop here and pick up again at the next pink text to skip TW listed at the beginning of the chapter-
Kim Hanseo was one of the alphas they warn you about when you present as an omega, the ones who are stuck in the times where rank meant more than just your biology and alphas were allowed to practically do whatever they wanted without consequence as they were seen to be above everyone else.
From the moment he found out that they had hired an omega foreigner to teach at the school, he felt he had some sort of power over you because of his subgender. He would constantly make his advances on you known even though you dismissed them every time.
Because of the blockers you wore he couldn’t smell any alpha’s scent on you but he had assumed that you belonged to one since you were so adamantly rejecting him and what available omega in their right might would turn down an alpha’s advances he thought.
Of course, this didn’t stop the comments or hungry eyes watching your every move. Maybe you’d see what a better alpha he was than whoever you returned home to at the end of the day and come crawling begging for him to take you as his.
That’s why when he saw you plastered all over social media hand in hand with a lowly beta he felt a rage boil inside of him. You had been denying him because of someone of a lesser rank? How dare you do that to him, to place someone below him at your side when you should belong to him.
When he saw you exiting your classroom that afternoon he couldn’t stop himself before he was trailing after to confront you.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, omega?!” The man growled as his face was mere inches from your own. “All over that filthy beta when you should be mine.”
You looked at him with anger starting to flood your expression. “What are you even talking about? look I’ve tried to be polite but I don’t know how many times I have to tell you I’m not interested for you to understa-“ before you could finish your words his mouth was pressed to yours in a sloppy miscalculated kiss.
Everything felt wrong as the alpha pressed his full body up against your own, effectively pinning you to the wall. Immediately you began to push him away with both palms flat against his chest. “Get the fuck away from me!” You shouted, hoping the sound of your voice so loud and in distress would alert others in the building to come to your aid.
Hanseo only chuckled darkly and began kissing and sucking at your neck causing you to hit at his shoulders and chest as hard as you could until his hands grabbed your wrists and pinned them to the wall by your head. “Stop fighting what you know you want. It’s in your nature to submit to me, omega. Give. In.” He growled into your ear, grinding up against your pinned body and letting out a low moan.
You began thrashing around, trying to get away as you saw another coworker coming down the hall and started shouting for them to help. The coworker in question was another alpha, Choi Juwon, and you hoped that with his help you’d be able to get away from Hanseo and be able to lock yourself in your classroom until you could get in touch with the principal or superintendent to make them aware of the situation.
However you were sorely mistaken, and instead of helping the other alpha simply smirked at the two of you as he approached. “What do we have here, hyung?” Juwon asked the man on top of you, tilting his head in a mockingly cute way and causing your stomach to turn at the disgusting smile he wore. “This omega here thinks she doesn’t belong to me. She’s been hanging around some beta just cause he’s famous and thinks he’s better than us.”
The younger of the two alphas scoffed. “Is that so?” He asked, eyes locked with yours as you pleaded with him still to help you. “Gonna show her that only a real alpha can ever make her feel good. Help me get her to the bathroom.” Juwon nodded and despite your kicking and screaming they were able to grab hold of your arms and legs and start carrying you towards the closest restroom on that floor just a few feet down the hallway you had been stopped in.
“Please stop! Put me down! Get away from me!!” You started to cry, still attempting to kick and scratch at them while screaming so loud your voice was starting to give out. Your cries seemed to fall on deaf ears as no one came, and as soon as the bathroom door closed behind the three of you your fate was unfortunately sealed.
-TW over though the rest of this chapter contains the aftermath and so a mild TW is still in place, proceed with caution though I will be vague about what happened and will only be calling it “the attack”-
As your attackers left the restroom, door slamming closed behind them, you crawled from your spot slumped on the floor against the wall and reached up to lock it.
You were alone, shivering and unable to speak above a whisper due to your constant screaming for help over the course of the attack. You found your phone when it had fallen out of the pocket of your skirt and with shaky hands called the first contact you could think of.
As you sat listening to the line ring a few times you avoided looking at yourself in the mirror, wincing as you pulled your legs to your chest in search of some form of comfort. As soon as you heard his voice, you felt tears sting at the corners of your eyes. “Bunny? Is everything okay? Shouldn’t you be in class-“
Seungmin was currently heading to the convenience store with Jeongin before vocal lessons, wanting to get something small to eat knowing that things usually ran late with their vocal coach and it would be a while before they could eat dinner. You struggled to speak, throat incredibly sore and unable to say what exactly had happened to you. “M-Minnie please….I need you to come get me.” His hand fell from where it was about to open the door to the 7/11 and he turned to look at Jeongin with eyes full of worry. The sound of your voice so small and the tears he could hear were threatening to spill set him on edge as he took hold of the maknae’s hand and turned to start walking back to the company to get to a car.
“Bunny what happened? Are you okay? Are you safe?” His voice gave away his panic, unable to mask how worried he was while frantically searching the parking garage for either his or Jeongin’s cars. “M’safe for now but please hurry….I’m- I don’t think I can stand on my own right now.” You didn’t mean to scare him but your words only caused him to panic more as he grabbed the keys from his pocket and threw them to Jeongin, mouthing for him to drive to the school where you worked.
You listened on the line as you heard the sound of the car starting up, Jeongin asking what was wrong and for a second you thought of asking for the beta to come alone but decided against it for fear that one of your attackers would see him and if he were alone do something to hurt him as well. “Stay on the phone until I get there, okay? I’ll be there soon.”
The entire ride Seungmin felt as if he was going to burst into flames from how fast his mind was going with the worry and anxiety flooding over him. He’s sure if he wasn’t wearing scent blockers others would feel nauseous at the scent of him. Jeongin stayed silent, not sure what was going on but he had a feeling whatever it is he needed to keep a level head for both your sake and Seungmin’s.
Once they had arrived, Seungmin barely waited for the car to slow down before he was opening the door and making a mad dash for the entrance. “Hyung wait- fuck-“ Jeongin quickly put the car in park, praying in his head that he wouldn’t be towed as he took off after the other.
The singers made their way through the halls while you gave directions to Seungmin as best as you could with your voice straining to speak at a level loud enough to be heard over the sounds of their foot steps running through the halls to get to you.
Soon you heard banging both on the door to the restroom you were in as well as over the phone and so you moved out of the way of the door with a wince and reached up to unlock it. “Come in-“ you said as loudly as you could, hoping they could hear. It must have been loud enough or they heard the click of the lock because soon the door was pushed open and you didn’t think you’d ever been so happy to see anyone before.
“Minnie-“ you whispered as tears started to roll down your cheeks. The beta was on his knees in front of you before he could even process what he was doing, the smell of bitter orange and two scents unfamiliar to him but undoubtedly alpha made his stomach wretch but instead of pulling away he took your hands into his and began looking you over.
Parts of your top were torn and exposed parts of your bra underneath, the rest of your clothes crumpled and he swore there were stains that looked like blood on your skirt. Bruises littered your body and he felt his blood boil at the thought that someone had done all of this to you.
Jeongin stood by the door, watching from a distance as Seungmin pulled you close to rest his forehead against yours. A low growl rumbling from his chest at the smells in the room and it took everything within him not to track down whoever’s scent that was and rip their throats out himself.
You sniffled, looking up into Seungmin’s eyes as he rested your foreheads against each other and gave a gentle squeeze to your hands. “Who did this to you?” His voice dropped with venom though his demeanor came off as gentle and comforting to you, nose nudging yours softly as he waited for you to respond. All you did was shake your head and whisper shakily. “Please take me home…I don’t want to be here anymore.”
The beta raised his head and gave Jeongin a look, nodding towards you before turning back to meet you questioning stare. “Innie is gonna carry you down to the car, is that okay?” After looking up at where the young alpha stood now beside Seungmin, you gave him a weak smile before nodding in agreement. “Okay-“
Seungmin moved out of the way to make room for the youngest, standing up and looking around the room while rubbing his palms again his thighs anxiously as he thought of the next course of action. Jeongin was careful to scoop you up and into his arms bridal style, holding you close for a moment before standing and adjusting his hold to be more secure. “Hyung, take my blocker off and put it on Bunny.” He said, baring his neck to the other singer who was quick to do as asked.
“What? Why?” You spoke softly, looking up at the youngest with still tearful eyes that made his heart pinch painfully in his chest. “So no one can smell you while we make it to the car, Bun.” He said as he pushed out more of his scent purposefully to help mask whatever scent lingered on your clothes. “Just until we are safely outside, yeah?” He knew based on the bruises covering the skin near your scent glands that wearing the adhesive blocking patch would not be the most comfortable but he felt it was necessary to protect you and it seemed Seungmin agreed.
The two made their way out to the car with you still held in the youngest’s arms as quickly and as quietly as possible, stopping only briefly in your fortunately empty classroom so seungmin could gather your things and then before you knew it you were being tucked into the backseat with Jeongin still holding onto you while Seungmin took the keys back from him and peeled out of the parking lot as fast as he could without fear of being pulled over.
You felt exhausted, eyes threatening to close as your rested your head against the maknae’s chest. “Hey, we are almost there okay? Seungmin is bringing you back to the dorm and we will get you taken care of…they hyungs will know what to do.” You wanted to argue that you would be okay now that you were away from the school but instead you only nodded and let yourself drift off for the remainder of the drive.
Once they had gotten back to the dorms Seungmin held the door for Jeongin as he carried you inside. “Where the hell have you two been? We got a call from your vocal coach saying you never showed up and we have all been blowing up your phones for-“ Minho started, storming up to the two youngest members ready to chew their heads off before he registered you in the alpha’s arms and in a state he never thought he’d see anyone in let alone the omega he had come to be so fond of.
He didn’t know what to say or what question to ask first but before he could say anything Seungmin gave him a look that said they would talk later. “Can I please take a shower?” You whispered to Jeongin, looking up at him with pleading eyes. Seungmin shook his head over the alphas shoulder, setting your things down and moving to take you from the younger. “Bunny if you take a shower now then we can’t go to the police. You’ll wash away any evidence against them.”
You nuzzled closer to the beta as he held you against his chest, letting out a small yelp in pain as Jeongin carefully pulled off the blockers he had placed on you earlier. “Please Minnie I just want to feel clean again….please-“ At your words and the tears he saw threatening to spill over once more he reluctantly agreed and carried you over to the bathroom. Even if he felt you shouldn’t, your comfort was all that mattered in that moment.
He sat you down on the closed toilet seat while he turned on the shower to as hot as his hand could withstand per your instructions, moving to leave the room once he was finished but your hand shot out to grab his wrist. “C-Could you stay….please?” Seungmin looked down at you, now that the adrenaline had work off he felt the awkwardness from before creeping back. “I don’t know, Bunny-“ Your grip on his wrist tightened and he could see the desperation and fear behind your eyes. With a sigh, Seungmin gave into you once again and moved to sit cross legged on the floor with his back resting against the door.
The beta averted his eyes while you took off your disheveled clothes and carefully stood to enter the shower. The hot water stung your skin but the thought of water anything less than scalding at this moment was completely unacceptable to you. As you stood letting the water wash over you Seungmin closed his eyes and rested his head back against the cool wood of the bathroom door while steam began to fog up the room around him.
After a while of standing under the spray of water you furiously you began scrubbing at your skin, your scent spiking and causing the beta to shoot up and rush to throw open the shower door. He was met with the sight of you rubbing a wash cloth against your arms, neck and torso until the skin turned a fiery red and looked painful to touch. Tears were spilling from your eyes and as your gaze met his you choked on a sob. “I-I can still smell them-“ Was all you said and without a second thought, Seungmin peeled the blockers off of his scent gland and stripped down to his boxers. Stepping into the shower beside you, the singer hissed as the scalding spray hit his skin but beyond that he didn’t pay the heat any mind and instead pulled you against his bare chest so your skin would be flush together.
As his mind caught up with him, he worried that maybe this was going too far given recent events and how intimate of a gesture this was but once he felt your body practically melt against him he knew this was the right call, as if something deep within him had known what you needed. “It’s gonna be okay, you’re safe. I’ve got you now….” He spoke in a soft, almost hushed tone as he held your body against his own. The warm smell of a freshwater stream with floral undertones surrounded you and brought a sense of calm and peace to your mind.
Outside the bathroom, the smell of fresh laundry and orange juice filled the dorm and caused the other inhabitants to look towards where you and their beta were locked away with questioning eyes but no one uttered a word about it as Jeongin spoke in a hushed tone to update the pack on what had happened as far as he knew.
Chan looked to Minho, whose face was blank but he knew that behind the dead stare he wore his right hand was thinking something that would likely end with him incarcerated. “Min, you know where Bunny has been staying right?” The second oldest nodded, looking up at the pack alpha with his blank stare remaining. “Go and get her things….and check her out of there. She might protest a bit but she is staying here until further notice.” Minho nodded and made his way to the door to slip on his shoes and grab his keys.
Next, the leader turned towards Jisung and nodded his head towards the retreating alpha. “Hannie, go with him to make sure he doesn’t go and do something stupid.” The rapper nodded in understanding and hurried to follow after the second oldest so he wouldn’t be left behind.
Back in the bathroom, Seungmin worked carefully to wash your hair and body without causing anymore harm. His touches were gentle, cautious, and laced with care as he made sure to leave his scent behind as he got rid of the stench that covered you before.
Once he was sure the only scent remaining was yours and his own, the beta nodded to himself and turned off the water. He stepped out to grab a towel from the shelf and wrapped it around you carefully before doing the same to himself and pulling off his now soak boxers in the process. You thanked him the entire time, every move he made to wash you, to wrap you in the towel, and now to lead you down the hall and into his room, you kept whispering small thank you’s that he didn’t acknowledge as he felt them unnecessary.
Seungmin sat you on the bed before turning to rummage through his drawers. After a while he turned and handed you a pair of boxers, a tshirt, and some sweatpants before he grabbed some of his own and made his way to leave the room. “I’m gonna go change in Felix’s room next door, you can change in here and rest if you want.” Just as he was about to leave, you whispered another thank you and he felt a frown fall on his face.
“Stop that.” He huffed, moving to face you again. “Stop thanking me for stuff I don’t deserve to be thanked for.” It was your turn to frown up at the beta as you held his clothes to your chest. “But you do deserve to be thanked. You could have came and got me just to drop me back at the hotel, or the hospital, or you could have ignored my call and not come at all- but you didn’t.”
Seungmin blinked, about to argue when you cut him off before he could. “Instead you came and you got me, you brought me to your home, you bathed me and now you’re giving me your clothes to wear and telling me to sleep in your room when we both know there is a perfectly fine unoccupied room down the hall. So yes, I’m going to thank you.” Once you were finished, the beta could help but smile slightly. Seeing that the fire inside you hadn’t been put out, that you could still argue with him and still had the strong will he was used to let him know that you would in fact be okay.
“You’re welcome.” Was all he said, giving you a small bow before backing out of the room and going next door to do as he said and change in Felix room.
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author’s note: I hope everyone is okay after this chapter- I tried to tone it down as much as possible but I am kinda numb to the topic (cptsd be like heh) please feedback is appreciated and I hope you enjoyed the chapter despite the darker tones….
taglist; (pink users were unable to be tagged) @coastinglove @skzswife @maisyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy @doitforbangchan @chartrucewhore @sebastianswhore13 @finnydraws
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ao3feed-xicheng · 2 months
Love Like Mine
by Anonymous And the idiot's mate is there, too, because Lan Wangji is always a step behind Wei Wuxian. Jiang Cheng's own brother-in-law. (Aternatively: Jiang Cheng is in an open marriage and tries dating so he doesn't end up falling in love with his husband.) Words: 5923, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Nie Huaisang, Lan Huan | Lan Xichen Relationships: Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin/Everyone, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin/Lan Huan | Lan Xichen, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin/Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin/Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Heavily Implied Xiyao - Relationship Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Complicated Relationships, Marriage of Convenience, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin & Nie Huaisang Friendship, Open Marriage via https://ift.tt/8MNBIzP
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
Princess & Bunny, Chapter 10
Word Count:  1.8k
Warnings: mentions of knotting, manipulation, mentions of being drugged, a/b/o dynamics, slight breeding kink, implied unprotected sex, foreplay, smut, mentions of triple penetration.
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“Hey-hey, relax there, omega.”
Princess whimpered at the strong voice of the alpha as she opened her eyes.  While the light agitated them, she moaned as her nose caught the scent of the room. 
Her eyes shot open once again as she felt the bed shift.
“Mate…” she replied softly, yet again. 
The alpha in question chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck, “good to see that the instant heat pill that Bobby slipped you didn’t do any real damage…”
Her thighs clenched as he sat on the edge of the bed and handed her a steaming mug, “I made some coffee…and breakfast on the desk…then there’s a bottle of water so we can work on getting you rehydrated.”
She frowned when she didn’t see a mark on his  neck. 
“I didn’t…”
“I’m not your mate, sweetheart,” the alpha chuckled dryly, “I’m just watching over you to make sure you’re okay.”
Her heart felt like it plummeted into the pit of her stomach, “oh…but-but the scent?”
“Jake’s!” the alpha said with a sad smile, “he’s your actual mate…last week at the party…when that mark showed up…the two of you-“
“You know who my mate is?”
Andy chuckled at how surprised she sounded.  Placing the coffee on the night table, she turned all of her attention towards him as he agreed, “I do…like I said, you’re in his room.”
“Wh-where is he?  I mean…he must be-“
“He’s almost feral,” Andy admitted sadly, “once the two of you mated…he got nervous and backed out by morning…”
“M-my alpha doesn’t want me?”
While Andy wasn’t her alpha, he felt a sadness tugging at his stomach from the way she spoke, and he violently shook his head, “no-no!  It’s not that Jake doesn’t want you.  Trust me…he does.  He’s just afraid that you’ll reject him!”
She was unable to keep the shock from her features, “Wh-what are you talking about?  He-he’s my alpha.  I have to find him.  Where is he?”
“The rut rooms,” Andy sighed sadly, “he-he’s not in good shape, Princess…I have to let you know that.  Being without you for nearly a week…well that would be enough to drive anyone to mate sickness and becoming feral.”
“Please…I-I have to see him!”
Andy sighed heavily once more, and nodded, before standing from the bed.  He went to the door, but stopped when he didn’t hear her behind him, “are you coming?”
She nodded, quickly making up in her mind that she had to figure out who her ate was.  That she had to see him. 
The house was abnormally quiet as they made their way down to the main floor. 
“W-where is everyone?”
“Classes…” Andy shrugged, “spring break is all but over, after all…”
“And Jake…m-my mate?”
“Like I said,” Andy admitted, “I locked him down here once he started getting sick.  He didn’t want to risk hurting anyone-“
“But he didn’t come for me…”
“Your step-brother’s told all of us a lot about you and your sister,” Andy answered,  “Jake’s not…he’s not your typical fare…and well…you’ve never acknowledged him the entire time you’ve been here…like I said…he was afraid that you’d reject him.”
She nodded, another pang of guilt burying itself in her stomach as Andy led her down to the basement where the rut rooms were.  Most of the doors remained open, a reminder that Jake must have been truly alone in the week that she’d been sleeping around. 
Another pang of guilt. 
But her mind snapped out of it when she heard the door opening.
“Don’t worry…he-he’s bolted to the floor,” Andy called as he let her into the room, “just stay behind the white line on the floor and you’ll be fine…”
“Y-you aren’t coming in with me?”
“I’m another alpha, sweetheart,” he reminded her, “if I go in there-if he sees me with his omega…never mind the fact that he’s the most gentle guy I’ve known…he’s an alpha…and an alpha sick for his omega…he’d shred me to bits…it’s better if just you go in…you’ve been wearing his scent…if anything it will calm him down.”
“And if it doesn’t?”
“You’re his mate!” Andy replied with a shrug, “if there’s one person that’ll bring him down from this…it’s you…”
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Her eyes met his as he burst into the room, his aura making it feel like the room was on fire.  Johnny pushed her forward onto Colin’s length once again, but the timid alpha was already pulling his frat brother away from the omega, a roar tearing itself from his throat.
“What the fuck, Jensen?”
“Mine!” Jake roared, pushing Colin out of the way.  He stormed towards Lance and Johnny, Johnny still actively fucking her.  Colin went to grab at Jake, but he turned around as soon as his hand landed on his shoulder and he punched Colin. 
A sickening crack filled the room and Colin fell to the floor, cradling his face.
“Wait your turn, Jensen,” Lance groaned from beneath the omega as his knot locked into place in her.  She moaned, fucking herself on it even more as her eyes met Jake’s once again.  Her lips parted and she reached forward, pulling the alpha to her with the flick of her wrist.  Jake groaned, torn between the heaven of smelling his mate’s scent, and the hell of knowing two other cocks were still inside of her, “Fucking hell, Jensen, get your cock out of my face.”
His eyes snapped open and he pushed himself away from her lips. 
She needily whined, reaching forward again as Jake grabbed her by her hips, “MINE!”
With a harsh tug he pulled her from both men, the pop of Lance’s knot making the alpha howl in pain as it tugged against her omega’s ridge.
“What gives, Jensen?” Johnny spat, already moving himself from the bed.  Jake pulled his shirt off and put it on Princess.
She nuzzled it, before turning her attention back to the man the shirt belonged to.  Her nails scraped playfully along his chest and she nipped at his toned pec.
“Mate,” she whimpered, cozying up to him, “mmm, fuck me, mate.”
Jake’s eyes snapped to hers. 
What had once been slight amber rings had tainted the whole of his iris, making them a full golden color.  Princess gasped. 
“Mate…” The huskiness in his voice made her whimper, thighs instinctively clenching together as a wave of slick collected at her entrance.  Jake’s eyes closed as he sniffed at the air.  He licked his lips and gave a shuddery breath, “wh-what are you doing here?”
“A-Andy…” The alpha growled at the mention of another alpha, “he-he stopped Bobby from doing it again.”
“I’ll kill that son of a bitch for doing it in the first place!” Jake growled.  Princess took a step forward.  She felt the instinctive pull from the mating mark, and wanted to comfort him, but he held his hands up to her, “Wh-what are you doing?  Stay back!”
Jake moaned, hearing her calling him by his designation, “omega…I-I’m dangerous…an-and I can’t promise what’ll happen if-“
“You’re my mate,” she said firmly, stepping over the line, “you won’t hurt me.”
Jake’s jaw clenched as he tried to ignore her scent, tried to ignore the fact that he could smell the slick practically dripping down her thighs.  He growled at her, “mate…get behind the line.”
“That wasn’t an alpha command!” she smirked, admiring the alpha’s bare chest as she stepped further into the room, “which means that you must really not want me to leave…I bet you want me to get closer…don’t you?”
“Omega…if you get any closer…”
“You’ll what,” she teased, knowing that she was playing with fire, “you’ll knot me?”
“I-I need to-you need to shower,” the nervous alpha growled as the playful omega reached forward and stroked him over his boxers, “om-omega…stop.”
“That wasn’t an alpha command,” she giggled drunkenly as she palmed the alpha’s hard cock, “you don’t really want me to stop…do you?”
Jake moaned as she cupped his manhood, “Omega…”
“Come with me alpha,” she begged, dropping to her knees.  Jake gasped as she nuzzled his thigh and her lips started kissing closer and closer to his hardened length, “I don’t want to go anywhere without you.”
“Omega, stop,” Jake repeated as he lifted her from the floor.  With one arm wrapped around her waist he turned to turn the shower on, and she distracted herself by nuzzling against his chest and nipping at his pec, “omega…fuck.”
He stumbled back slightly, his back hitting the wall.  She leaned up, nipping at his neck, licking over the swollen mating gland, “my alpha…my mate…so muscular…so sexy…I want your knot alpha…knot me…”
“Y-you don’t mean that!” Jake said nervously as her hand slid into his boxers and she started stroking him.  Jake shifted and she bit down on his shoulder, “PRINCESS!”
“Take me alpha…claim me…knot me…”
“Wanna…” he moaned softly as his hands began to wander her body.  He growled when the shirt blocked his access, and he tore it from her like it was tissue paper.  She moaned again when Jake pulled her to his chest, her frame taut against his as their lips met once more.  He felt her hands slipping down to his boxers before they slid down his thighs and hit the ground with a soft thud, “Princess.”
“Come with me alpha!” she purred, backing away from him.  Jake growled as he watched his naughty little panther slink into the shower.  The water cascaded down her frame and Jake felt another growl pull itself from his throat.  She motioned for him and turned around, bending over ever so slightly so that she was presenting for him, “come take your naughty little omega, alpha…”
“Fuck!” Jake hissed as he started towards his mate, “omega…I’m going to make you mine…”
“Take me…”
“Take me…” she moaned softly against his throat. 
Jake was using every ounce of his willpower to ignore the begging omega in front of him.  He was on his knees, licking his lips like the hungry wolf that he was.  And there she was, teasing him.  Presenting on her hands and knees.  The most seductive of looks on her face as she looked over her shoulder at him. 
He could see her wetness glazing her petals. 
And he wanted a taste.
“Omega…” he growled, stalking towards her on his on hands and knees.  Another wave of slick came to her entrance, and a shiver ran down her spine at the sound of his voice, “you’re not going to leave this room until I’m positive there’s a pup in you…I’ll give you one more chance to walk away…”
“I’m  not going anywhere alpha,” she teased, wiggling her ass in front of him.  She leaned down, arching her back even more so that her core was practically in his face, “take your mate alpha…claim me all over again!”
Chapter 11
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @prokey16, @magnificentsaladllama
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aeghina · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @a-little-bit-of-ravioli
1. How many works do you have on A03?
31! Wow! Not even counting my FF.net and Spirit (portuguese site) fics too. I think adding them would be around 50? I know for sure I have much more than that in my drive.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
739.765 Whaaaaat? That's so many! And it's mostly the ones I write in english!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Inuyasha, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, My Hero Academia and Legend of Zelda, more specifically LU!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
A Link in a chain . My first LU fic! My baby <3 Modern day, soulmate marking and platonic soulmates. The main focus is Wild getting to know them, then Legend accepting the others and finally Spirit joining them.
All Might said 'No'. This was a prompt for a MHA server and I had a lot of fun! All Might is the literal quirk, like a ghost protecting the Midoriyas.
Alpha and Omega. That was a challenge! In almost every way possible. Omegaverse, Toshinko
Merman. Also from a prompt. Merperson au, Toshinko.
Soul clock. Also from a prompt. Soulmate au where there's a clock counting down the time until you meet your soulmate. Toshinko and some platonic relationships mentioned too
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always! I love to receive comments. Even key-smashing make my day a lot better when I check the email
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably The Sacred Trees. It's more like a happy ending with heavy consequences. I live for happy ending, not sorry about that. They will suffer but they will be happy eventually.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them? I'd dare say the happiest was Took You Long Enough, a Midlink reunion during LU and then afterwards. From the concluded, that's the happiest one but there's an even better one coming from a different fic not posted yet :D
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not recently, but I did in the Inuyasha and Katekyo fandom! I usually say a simple "thank you for your critique" because this usually throw people off enough that they leave me alone.
9. Do you write smut?
No! There's some heavily implied things, but nothing graphic or very descriptive (by very heavily, I'm counting the omegaverse fic too; I liked the concept but wanted something with less sex)
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not oftenly, but yes! The last one I wrote was a MHA and LU crossover when the brain was divided between them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Once! The person copied one of my biggest series in portuguese, changed the name of the characters and some physical descriptions but it was basically the same. I asked them to put down, but had to dm some of the site's admin to make sure it was deleted.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Once by a friend from the MHA fandom and they encouraged me a lot to write more in english and give it a try. I'm here now so thanks to her!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! It will never see the light of day though, but my bestie and I created a whole novel about a couple and how the wife slowly got mad and then killed him in the end.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Hmm, that's too hard! I have many favorites!
Probably Zelink. LoZ is my old new obsession, it always go back and forth between the games as they are released or as I play again and the animes I'm watching. BotW and TotK gave me so much shipping material I'll be happily reading it until the next game is released.
A close second would be Kyoya/Chrome from KHR. I just love their dynamic, specially when they help each other to grow (and Mukuro being a gremlin jealous older sibling, that's the cherry on top)
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A fanfic for the Grand Chase game when I played it. Ryan almost dies when they cross a desert, Ronan is sent to another world and needs to complete some quests to do that (he's my fav alright? I just needed a reason to send him to another world and do quests by himself, maybe question his faith and all that). I wrote maybe 30k? The idea is lovely and taunts me from a distance but I've never come back to writing it
16. What are your writing strengths?
A very good question... I'd say creating AUs. I love world building and leaving small details that have significance for the story later, I think I do an okay job at balacing dialogue and descriptions. My beta says I'm good at leaving crumbles in the story to solve the problem in the end too
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Punctuation in any language! Ugh, I just love commas sooooo much!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
English punctuation doesn't make much sense for me until now! I'm relying heavily on the corrector and trying to read more to see if I can absorb the info.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
I'm very self indulgent when writing so I like most of them. I'd say the longest time favorite in portuguese is Librarian, a Toshinko fic where Inko is the hero and Toshinori is a librarian she meets because her son is a book geek. In english is A Link in a chain.
Wow, that was a lot! Alright, lemme tag @musical-chan , @arecaceae175 and anyone else interested in doing! :D
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stardustspell · 2 years
A Shadow in the South
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Chapter 5: Secrets
Fandom: The Rings of Power Rating: E Word Count: 30960 Tags: Galbrand,Haladriel,homophobic cops,Homophobic Language,Graphic depictions of violence - Freeform,Monster Slayer AU,Smut,just FYI,galadriel is a witch,elrond is bi,how many lotr nods does it take to inspire violence, i guess we'll find out, Cunnilingus, There will be sex, halbrand is a mechanic, You're Welcome, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Werewolves, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Sex, takes place in louisiana mostly, galadriel worked in finance, circa 2008, CONTENT WARNING: Culty Baptist Church, lite ABO dynamics (I continue to be the worst tagger on the face of the planet.)
Chapter summary: In which Gail experiences the consequences of undercasting a powerful healing spell in her urgency to save Ed, discovers the werewolf's hideout, and says farewell to Hal.
Notes: I'm so sorry this took a while, but I made this chapter extra long to make up for it!
I'm adding new tags to this fic for this chapter since I fully wasn't expecting to have lite ABO dynamics in here-they're heavily implied, but not explicit (e.g. I never use the terms Alpha or Omega, or any of the typical parlons). I kind of put my own spin on it. Just to be safe, if you're not a fan of ABO generally, this chapter may not be for you.
If you want to risk it for the smut, be my guest and continue reading. WARNING!! HERE THERE BE LITE ABO SMUT.
She moved on to the next room—a bedroom, and found the four-poster bed a mess. The room itself was plastered with floral wallpaper that seemed far too feminine and vintage for its current inhabitant. A pair of Levis with a brown belt with a metal buckle still threaded through the loops lay discarded on the hardwood floor—as did a few basic crumpled t-shirts, and three flannel shirts—each in different colors.
Anticipation started to itch at the back of her brain and her nose, the point on the back of her neck throbbing almost painfully, but she muscled through it. Gail took the thick red plaid shirt from its perch on the back of a beanbag chair in the corner of the room and lifted it to her nose. Spicy cologne, deodorant, and cedar—probably from having to hike all this way, and something else that smelled warm, inviting, and… delicious ? Gail recoiled, pulling the shirt away from her nose to scowl at it in disgust, before huffing a sigh and pressing the warm flannel to her face again to place the scent. It smelled like breakfast. 
Gail licked her lips and raised the shirt to her nose again.
It wasn’t unfamiliar.
She knew who this scent belonged to and she could almost feel their mouth on her neck.
“Fucking shit,” she growled in frustration at the annoying coil twisting up her insides. It made her stuff the shirt into her pack and moved to the closet. There, she found a few folded pairs of jeans, two nice shirts, two nondescript black suits, and a wool camel jacket. She felt her entire body lock into place. It looked just like the coat Hal had worn last night. 
You can read chapter 5 here, or start at the beginning here!
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fire-for-you · 1 year
this is where the rest of our life begins - PART SIX
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pairing - l. fitz x g. ward
rating - teen and up (for part six: mpreg, boys in love, alpha grant ward, omega leo fitz, a/b/o dynamics, aos season 1, established relationship, fluff, domestic fluff, implied sexual content, possessive grant?, a little angsty)
word count - 4,067
summary - fitzward and a little vaycay!! whooo! plus a surprise...maybe two surprises??
how far along is fitz - 20 weeks
The next day...
Grant rapped his knuckles against Coulson's office door, Leo shuffling up behind him. "Come in!" The Omega inside called. Ward slid through the doorway, holding the door open for his boyfriend. They both sat in front of his desk, Grant crossing his legs. "Yes?" Coulson asked, slowly dragging his eyes up from his paperwork. 
The Alpha's eyebrows twitched down for a moment. "Leo and I were wondering if we could get some time off to go on a trip. Like, three days?" He started. 
Coulson leaned forward on his desk, crossing his arms. "Why?"
"I think Leo needs a change of scenery. He's couped up in the Bus all day and has developed an-" Grant paused, glancing at his Omega. "An aversion to blood."
Leo nods, looking at their superior. "Well, I never really liked it in the first place, but now that I'm pregnant, seeing blood just makes me sick."
Coulson didn't say anything for a beat. "Where were you thinking?" Grant spoke excitedly about a destination as Coulson grabbed a sheet of paper from a drawer. He filled out the form before sliding it over to Leo and Grant. They both initialed the bottom before Leo excused himself and rushed to the bathroom. 
"He alright?" The Omega asked, taking the handed-back form. 
"Just fine. Random urges to pee. At least I know he's drinking water." Grant stood, ironing out the wrinkles in his dark jeans.
The older man nodded. "When are you leaving?" 
"As soon as possible, I suppose. A rented car should be here in a few hours."
"Alright, well, have fun. Keep Leo safe and stay out of trouble." Coulson warned, his inner Omega still worried for Leo's safety with this older Alpha. 
Grant nodded, "Yes, sir." He pushed in his chair slightly and walked out of the room. 
A day and a half later...
Grant opened the cabin door, heaving heavily. He went straight to the fridge, grasping a cold water bottle and chugging it. His heartbeat slowed, and the brunette wiped his mouth with a sweaty hand. A bump from the bedroom made him pause, calling out, "Leo?"
The hairs on his neck stood straight in the cold silence before a weak "Help" was the reply. 
"Oh my god," Ward said, forcefully setting down the bottle before rushing down the hall. He found Leo sitting on the bedroom floor, his t-shirt riding up and tears falling down his pale cheeks. 
The Omega sniffed and put his hands in the air. "I slipped off the bed." This claim was confirmed by the bed scarf half on the carpet. "My back hurts." Fitz rubbed his eyes, lip trembling. "And now I can't get up!" He wailed. 
"Oh, baby." Grant cooed, grabbing some tissues from the nightstand and crouching before his boyfriend. The Alpha wiped at his tears, whispering sweet nothings to calm the scientist down. Leo sniffled again as he looked into Ward's deep brown eyes. The other smiled, tilting up the shorter's chin and kissing him. Grant licked his lips when he pulled away. "Mmm. Flavor?" 
"Cherry." The younger held up a tube of red chapstick pulled from his pocket. 
The Alpha hummed. "Makes you even more delicious." He got up, reaching down his hands for Leo's and pulling. 
They both worked Leo to his feet, Grant pulling Leo in for a hug. "Ah, Grant, you're too sweet. And sweaty." Leo wrinkled his nose, pushing Grant away. "God, take a shower." 
Ward dropped his mouth open in mock offense. "Hey, you used to like me like this. I saw you before we started dating. All the staring." Ward gripped the hem of his shirt, pulling it off. 
"Just...couldn't...help...myself." Leo swooned as his boyfriend stripped down to his boxers, looking at all of him. "How do you think I got this way?" He asked, gesturing to the growing bump of his belly. 
"Am I just that," Grant paused, striking a pose. "Irresistible?" 
Leo sat gingerly on the bed, giggling to himself, "I'm just here for the muscles; sorry, babe." He grabbed a book from the side table, shifting more into the center of the mattress. 
The brunette made an offended sound from the connected bathroom as the shower started. "Tell that to the 'I love you' you said earlier." 
"That was just because you made me a sandwich!" Fitz shouted over the running water. Eventually, the handle turned, and the pitter-patter ceased. Grant walked out, a towel around his middle and one in his hand, drying his hair, droplets of moisture dripping between his abs. 
Leo groaned when he looked up, "Okay, can you stop being sexy for, like, six months, please? Seriously the next time we have sex, I will get pregnant again, just because you're so damn attractive."
The Alpha laughed, "While I appreciate the compliments, babe, I'm sure the only reason you got pregnant this time is because the condom broke." 
Leo's face screwed up into one of confusion. "What? No, we didn't even have a condom. I also told you I hadn't gotten another birth control prescription yet. But you said it was fine." He stopped looking at Grant, rambling. "Yeah, we definitely had too much wine that night. Wow, you really 'knocked me up,' huh? How have we not had this conversation earlier?" 
Grant shrugged. "I guess we were talking about different encounters." 
Leo shook his head, sipping on a cup of decaf tea. 
Ward finished drying his hair and hung up the small towel on a hook. "Hey, um, I need to talk to you about something." 
"Alright, but you need to put on some clothes first." 
Grant rolled his eyes as he pulled on a shirt and basketball shorts, sitting beside his boyfriend on the bed. "I-" He stopped, taking a breath. "I really don't know how to say this." 
The Omega frowned, setting his tea and book down. "Are you breaking up with me?" 
"What, no. No! I'm not. It's worse than that. Just- don't interrupt, please?" Grant took a deep breath. "Do you know what Hydra is?" 
Leo's eyes narrowed, and ever the educated student, responded, "A terrorist organization from Nazi Garmany. Found the Tesseract and fought Captain America, yeah. Why?" 
"Well, Captain America destroyed it, right? During the end of World War Two?" 
The younger was growing uncomfortable. "Yes? Grant, what is going on? You're scaring me." 
Grant just blurted it out all at once. "S.H.I.E.L.D. is a lie. It's really Hydra, and I became Hydra when my old mentor, John Garrett, recruited me. I'm part of Hydra, Leo."
The cabin was silent for a good seven seconds. "What. What!" Leo picked up his book again and started hitting Ward over the head with it. The hardcover impacted with the other's skull loudly. "Why would you tell me that!" 
"I wanted to tell you before I told Coulson and the rest of the team!" He managed between hits. "Ow. Ow! Stop, Leo! I want to get rid of them!" 
Leo's eyes widened dangerously, and he increased the force of his beratement. "You want to get rid of the team?!"
"No, no. Baby, please listen!" Grant grabbed Leo's wrists, roughly pinning them above his head with great Alpha strength. He tossed the book to the side and knelt over his Omega. "I went to juvie for trying to burn my parent's house down. They abused me and my brothers. Christian-"
Ward's face turned to one of rage, releasing his boyfriend's hands and sliding off the bed. He faced the window, leaning against the wood-paneled wall. "My older brother would make me beat up my younger brother Thomas and- and- They sent me to a military academy. I was so mad I stole a car and drove home. I lit the place up, not knowing Christian was inside, and he almost burned to death. It's what he deserved. I got arrested, and he wanted me tried as an adult for the maximum sentence." Grant turned back to Leo, his eyes watery. "John came to the prison and talked to me, eventually breaking me out, to teach me 'how to be a man.'
"He took me out to the woods and then just left me there. For two months to survive on my own. He didn't come back for six." The Alpha glanced down at his wringing hands. 
"Oh, Grant." Leo pressed a hand over his rapidly beating heart, the conflicting feelings of anger and sorrow confusing the Omega. 
"Anyway, he came back and then taught me to be a cold-hearted killer. And I became loyal to him, and still am, I guess. But not Hydra. You softened me up, Leopold." Grant returned to the bed, cupping Leo's face and kissing him gently. "I'm loyal to you, my Omega, and now I'm loyal to our pup. And that outweighs everything. I love you, and I want to take down Hydra with you." 
The brunette's tears fell against Fitz's cheeks as Leo pulled him in again, gripping Ward's wrists to press their mouths back together. 
"God, sure, sure, baby." 
Leo wetted his lips as Grant set the pizza box on the table. He sat opposite the dirty blonde. "Hey, how about the zoo tomorrow?" 
"The zoo?" Leo asked, the box already open and a large slice in his mouth. 
The Alpha chuckled quietly, pulling a piece of pizza onto his plate. "Yeah, I never got to go as a kid, and I've always wanted to see a polar bear." He twirled some of the stringy cheese on his finger. Leo looked at him disgustedly as his partner picked up a fork and knife, cutting into a slice. 
"What?" Grant said around a bite. 
"Why are you eating it so..." The Omega struggled to find a word. "Properly?" 
"What are you talking about?" The brunette's eyebrows pulled together. 
"You are one of the least-mannered people I know, and you're eating your pizza with a fork and knife." Leo crossed his arms as he sat back in his chair, a smile playing on his lips.
Grant set down his silverware. "Am I not allowed to have some class occasionally?" 
Leo snorted. "Class? For one, not one minute ago, you were talking with a full mouth. And, two, we're not in a fancy restaurant. There is no reason to do that if we're the only ones here." 
"I don't like the grease, okay?" He sounded embarrassed. Leo snickered across the table when Grant's eyes narrowed, and he tapped a napkin across the surface of the pizza. He started full-out laughing when Ward picked a piece of pepperoni off it. "Stop laughing!" Grant tried around a hard-to-fight smile. 
Later, after Leo had laughed at Grant while he ate half the pizza, after they got into a pepperoni fight, and after the dirty blonde curled up to his partner in the queen-sized bed, Leo brought up the zoo. "So, the zoo?"
Grant was tracing figure-eights into his Omega's skin. "Yeah, I know there's one around here somewhere. Could be fun." He replied quietly. 
Leo closed his eyes after a long day. "Okay. I want to look in the gift shop for one of those giant giraffes for her. I always wanted one when I went with my mom." His voice became more gruff as sleep seeped into it. 
The Alpha stopped listening after he heard, "Her?" 
Leo's eyes snapped open as he realized what he had said. "Oh- yeah. I looked at the letter." His face flooded with guilt. "I couldn't wait. I'm so sorry, Grant." He shifted to sit against the headboard, turning on the lamp before laying a hand on his bump.
Ward broke a smile, pushing the covers back and kneeling on the bed. "Sorry?" He said in bewilderment. "A girl? We're having a baby girl?" He whispered, pressing his palms against his Omega's womb. 
"Yeah," Leo nodded, his eyes welling up with tears. Ward sat up to hug him, kissing the side of his neck. "I can't wait." 
They held the embrace for a while, with Leo stroking his partner's back in comfort. "I guess we should get some sleep." Grant groaned, pulling away slowly. 
"Well, here." The dirty blonde reached to shut off the light and laid back flat on the bed, pulling Grant with him to lay on his chest. From this angle, the Alpha could hear his heartbeat, and in the deep quiet, he faintly heard their pup's as well. He shut his eyes and hummed in contentment.
"I guess it's kinda weird for just two adults to go to the zoo," Grant said to Leo as he smiled at the attendant and walked on. 
Leo scoffed. "Nah, zoos aren't just for kids. Some of them have those ski-lift thingys." 
"'Thingys?' Did Doctor Leopold Fitz just use the word 'thingys?'" 
Grant laughed as his Omega lightly hit him on the chest. "What would you rather I say? Apparatus? Mechanism? Phenomenon?" 
"Alright, alright." The brunette's hand slid into Leo's as they walked toward the first exhibit. "Let's go see the elephants." 
The pair looked at all sorts of exotic animals - flamingos from the Middle East, giraffes from South Africa, lemurs from Madagascar - and took pictures with all of them. Leo was struggling to keep his lunch down from the smell, so they cut the visit short and headed to the gift shop. 
"Hey, I'm gonna go find the bathroom. Are you alright?" Grant checked in with his boyfriend, some of the color returning to Leo's face after coming inside. 
The dirty blonde took a few careful sips of water, nodding. "Yeah, yeah, go ahead." His Alpha gently kissed his temple before walking away. Leo slowly explored the shop, searching for the one thing he had come for. Although the shop was small, it was packed with souvenirs. Leo passed T-shirts, small metal tokens, a half-broken set of matching coffee mugs, and finally, the stuffed animals. He crouches to look at the bottom shelf where the stuffed giraffes sit motionless. In the row of various sizes, he chooses the largest one. The seated giraffe is about two feet tall and soft as fur. The Omega snuggles it immediately and returns to standing. 
Leo hears muffled talking on the other side of the shop, recognizing his boyfriend's voice. He travels toward it and finds Grant and an older woman holding hands with a young pup. The pup is turned away from his grandma and is sucking on a lollipop. "Hey, babe," Leo says as he reaches the small group. 
Grant lights up when he sees his Omega and turns to the woman to introduce them. "Marge, this is my Omega. Leo, meet Marge-" Marge and Leo shake hands, exchanging knowing Omega smiles. "And Marge's grandson, Jason." The pup swivels his head at the sound of his name. The Alpha continues to talk to the woman as Leo squats down to Jason's level. 
"Hi, Jason, I'm Leo." The Omega puts on his best friendly smile, watching Jason fidget where he stands. 
Jason shyly smiles back, taking the stuffed monkey off his shoulder to play with it. "Leo." He says. 
"Yeah. How old are you, Jason?" The pup thinks for a moment before holding up six fingers. Leo gasps loudly. "Six?! I thought you were five!" Jason giggles, his bright blue eyes shining. 
Soon enough, Jason and Marge leave, the older woman wishing them luck and handing Grant a gift. In the car, Leo grabs the gift bag. "What did she give you?" He asks. 
Grant hits the turn signal, slowing down for a stop sign. "It's called 'Letters to My Baby.' It's full of prompts to write to your pup. I thought we could try it out. It sounds fun." 
"Okay." Leo flips through the horizontal book. He stops at the sixth prompt. "'Your first home was like this...' Oh, Grant. This is amazing."
The Alpha throws a smile at the passenger seat and laces their fingers together on the center console. "You're amazing." 
"Leo, honey!" Grant called, adjusting his dress collar in the hallway mirror. "We're going to be late!" He can hear shuffling from the bedroom and then a whispered swear. Leo steps into the living room, his hair slightly ruffled and hands on his hips. The dirty blonde's button-up is half done, and he looks mildly disheveled. 
"Damn. Grant, have you seen my sweater? I swear I left it on a chair in the bedroom." Leo continues talking, moving around the small cabin and pulling up couch cushions. The Alpha has long stopped listening, only paying attention to the window of Leo's skin on display and how the tight fabric hugs his boyfriend's body: Leo's thin waist and starting-to-swell belly. The brunette's mouth has dropped open, and saliva floods it quickly. "Grant!" Leo shouts across the room, confused and worried about his Alpha's rigid stance. 
Grant very suddenly strides towards the other, sliding a strong hand into Leo's hair and pulling him in for a bruising kiss. Leo, startled, slowly reciprocates, grasping onto Grant's suit jacket. The Alpha backs them up, pushing his Omega's back against the wall. "What has gotten into you?" Leo whispers breathlessly when Grant breaks away. 
"Fuck, fuck," Is all Grant manages, desperately breathing in Leo's scent as he kisses down the Omega's pale neck. "Baby," He tries. "Baby, you look so hot. My pup in you- growing by the day." Grant sticks his leg between the shorter's thighs, rutting against Leo's warm figure. "So fucking... hot-"
Leo's jaw slacks, and his eyes roll back in his head. "G- Grant. Alpha-" 
The brunette growls, biting the skin by Leo's clavicle. "Say it again." 
Leo whimpers, his Omega's submissive side roaring up. "Alpha, Alpha, Alpha!" He chants. Grant grins, his canine teeth shining in the low light. 
A few minutes later, both pairs of men's pants had been changed, and Leo ran a hand through his hair, only adding to the mess of his curls. Despite their effort, the dirty blond's lips are still ruby red and kiss-bitten, a few hickeys now decorating his throat. Grant shows no evidence that anything happened besides a wrinkled shirt and a smirk.
When they approach the hostess's stand, her eyebrows raise, and her eyes widen. Grant laces his fingers with Leo's, smiling wider. "Reservation for Ward?" 
"U-um. Yes, sirs, please follow me." 
"Ah, the lovebirds return!" Jemma exclaims when Grant and Leo enter the Bus. Leo sighs, having missed his best friend. Grant leaves them with a kiss to Leo's temple and a wave to Jemma, making his way upstairs. "So," she starts, throwing an arm over her friend's shoulders and leaning in. "Did you get laid?" 
"Jemma! Oh my god!" 
She grins, holding up her hands in mock surrender. "Hey, I'm just asking!" 
"You are so gross!" Leo continues. He sighs again, not able to keep from telling the Alpha everything. "Actually, yeah, I kinda did." 
Jemma squeals, pulling Leo into a chair and whispering, "Tell me everything." 
Meanwhile, Ward is upstairs trying to find Coulson. Looking up from her spot on the couch, Skye says, "Hey, how was your vacation?" 
Grant smiles, blushing slightly. "It was perfect. I-um. I think Leo and I really grew closer." 
"That's great, Grant; I'm so glad you're happy." 
"I am. Do you know where Coulson is?" Ward asks. 
"His office, why?" 
"Just need to talk to him. Thanks." 
Grant walks toward the Alpha's office, wringing his hands nervously. He sees Coulson as a father figure, just as anyone else, and he knows news like this could break Phil's trust. The door is ajar when Ward steps into the hall. He is just about to knock on the door frame when a voice calls into the silence. "Come in, Agent Ward." The brunette does, entering the office and standing awkwardly. 
"Sit, son." 
Grant slides into the nearest chair. "How did you know it was me, sir?" 
"Old man wisdom." Grant narrows his eyes and opens his mouth to disprove that theory. "I'm just kidding. May told me you two were back. How was your vacation? How is Leo?" 
The young Alpha breathes a sigh of relief, some tension sliding from his shoulders. "It was good. Leo is great. We went to dinner and the zoo. It was really nice." 
"That's good. I'm glad. Is there any reason you came up here, Agent Ward?" 
Ah, the inevitable. Grant shifts in his seat. "Yeah, to tell you we're back- and- S.H.I.E.L.D. is Hydra!" He exclaims. 
The room is silent for a beat. 
"I-I'm sorry, what was that?" 
"S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't S.H.I.E.L.D., it's Hydra. The Nazi organization, from y'know, World War Two?" 
Coulson's expression doesn't change. "Why are you telling me this?" 
Oh, right. Ward pauses. "Well, because, I'm part of Hydra, and we're kind of planning to take over the world." 
Coulson rises from his seat and walks around the desk. "So, you're telling me that a terrorist organization from over seventy years ago is planning to take over the world, and you're somehow part of it." 
"Yes, sir, and I know-" 
The Omega's fist connects with Ward's face, and he falls to the floor, unconscious.
Hours later, Leo is getting ready for bed and realizes he hasn't seen his boyfriend for the better part of the day. "Hey, Skye," He knocks on the doorframe to her cabin. "Have you seen Grant?" She shakes her head, and Leo moves to leave. 
"Ask May or Coulson." Leo sticks his head back in the door. "They probably know." He smiles, waving at the Beta as he walks away. 
He finds May up in the cockpit, reading up on some thug they just dropped off. "Hey, May, do you know where Grant is? I haven't seen him all day." She slowly looks up from her tablet, leveling him with an emotionless stare.
"Welcome back, Fitz. Agent Grant is in the Cage with Coulson." The Alpha turns back to her tablet, clearly done with the conversation. 
The dirty blonde exits the cockpit, his eyebrows drawing together. "Okay," he whispers to himself, holding the "o" for a moment. Leo makes his way towards the back of the plane. He pulls open the large door to find Coulson sitting across from a roughed-up Grant. 
Leo's head cocks, and he lets the door slip closed, trying to connect the dots. He rushes to his partner's side, gently turning his Alpha's bruised face towards his own. "My god, what did you do to him?!"
Coulson sits back in the metal chair, crossing his arms. "He is a traitor, Agent Fitz; he does not deserve any other treatment." 
The Omega blinks at him, appalled by the team leader's behavior. Pulling out a loose tissue from his jeans, Leo dabs at Grant's sliced lip. "He told you about Hydra, didn't he." 
"Something like that." The other Omega responds, the smell of anger filling the air. 
"You better stop that 'cause I can only imagine he didn't get to tell you the full story." Leo turns back to Grant, silently asking for permission to tell Coulson. Grant nods slowly, which doesn't help the pounding in his ears. "Grant had a... rough childhood." Leo flits his fingers over the other's swollen eye with a feather-light touch. With sorrow and gentle rage in his eyes, the Omega continues, "His older brother bullied him and his younger brother. His just-as-awful parents sent him to a military academy. And in a fit of I'd say justified rage, he went AWOL and burned his family home down. As Leo kept talking, but Grant could only focus on the love and acceptance of his past in Leo's eyes. 
When Leo finishes, Coulson asks, "And you believe him?" The Omega whips his head toward the brunette, as if the idea of not believing his boyfriend had never occurred to him. 
"Agent Fitz, if he's Hydra, he could easily have just fabricated that whole story." Coulson leans in, gesturing at Grant like he's a piece of meat.
Leo is silent, turning to his Alpha. Grant sees the small question on his face and breaks eye contact. "No. No, it's the truth. I believe him." Leo presses a chaste kiss to his partner's lips. 
Coulson sighs, narrowing his eyes and shaking his head. "Alright. If you believe Ward, I believe him too." Leo's face brightens, and their team leader moves to stand. "Let's get this party started."
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masterlist & other such things
MCU masterlist
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hey all, and welcome to my bestie bonanza(Young Justice, DC Comics, Dragon Ball Z, Hunter x Hunter, and Detective Conan)! I have a serious hankering for some best friend ships and I'd love to find a partner that loves dynamic duos just as much as I do! It'd be super appreciated if you were 21+, patient with reply times, and had an inclination towards being a more descriptive writer! 🍪Doesn't have to be included, however, it is heavily implied for quite a few of these! And before it comes up, please no bottom or sub only roleplayers! My top fatigue is unreal right now, and I'm tired of always having to carry stories despite promises of equal effort. I'll gladly write with switches and tops, just be aware that most of my muses tend to be assertive and enjoy a challenge. On to the bestie duos...
Wally West x Dick Grayson - I'm primarily looking for Young Justice verse, and I'd absolutely kill for an opportunity to write a crossdressing for justice plot wherein Wally unknowingly stumbles upon Dick in the midst of an undercover mission. Whether he realizes this is Dick or not is entirely up to you, and to be clear, I'm interested in writing as Dick.
Jonathan Kent x Damian Wayne - Anything with omegaverse is a yes, but please note I'm looking to write Damian as an omega or a broken alpha(I'll be glad to elaborate in DMs) with a very slight preference for writing him as a broken alpha. I don't care what Jon's caste is. I'm also interested in mythological AUs(ex. Damian is intended to be a human sacrifice for Jon who is a local deity). Another note, but Damian is likely to be the most aggressive, assertive, dominant, or whatever you want to call it, muse on this list. He's more than happy to take advantage of what he presumes to be a naive Jon for his personal benefit.
Trunks Briefs x Goten Son - Anything with omegaverse is a yes, but please note I'm exclusively looking to write Goten as an omega. I'd also love to write them stuck together on a space expedition. Maybe in a smaller, one bedroom model ship with limited resources and understanding on how to navigate despite Trunks' initial confidence.
Gon Freecs x Killua Zoldyck - I'd love to write Killua opposite of a feral boy Gon, perhaps even nonverbal if you believe you can pull it off. I'm honestly open to any kind of AU with these two. Wolfboy!Gon x Hunter!Killua. A roommates AU where Killua naively believes that Gon is far too stupid or innocent to realize that he cams for his half of the rent, only to realize he's been a viewer this entire time. Rich boy and country bumpkin dynamics!
Heiji Hattori x Shinichi Kudo - So, because this is such a rare ship, I'm open to playing either character. I'm not looking to write against Conan, so ideally, he'll have either regained access to his real body or never lost it in the first place. I'm thinking something geared towards a complex mystery that results in them either having to share close quarters over an extended period of time, or them being trapped together for an extended period of time. Fuck or Die situations are strongly encouraged.
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ao3feed-larry · 2 years
You've Got A New Life (Am I Bothering you?)
by LilyBlue28
In the middle of his relaxing day off one of their neighbors, a young couple who had moved in below them a few months ago, began fighting. Louis hadn’t even been able to hear them that well, couldn’t tell what they were screaming at each other. But he could tell they were screaming, and the omega was crying too. It shouldn’t matter, Louis knew. It didn’t matter. It wasn’t his business, it wasn't his life. 
Not anymore.
 ***or the one where Louis is an omega who suffers from PTSD and is triggered one day. He doesn't know how to ask for help from his doting alpha, doesn't think he deserves it, and tries to handle it on his own. It doesn't work out, but Harry is there to help, even if Louis can't ask him for it.
Words: 5451, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Original Male Character(s)
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, No Smut, Past Abuse, Domestic Violence, Louis suffers from PTSD, Louis blames himself, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Harry Styles, Omega Louis Tomlinson, Nesting, Scenting, Nightmares, mentions of rape/non-con, mentions of physical abuse, in a past relationship, not between h and l, Harry is a loving alpha, Harry takes care of Louis, No explicit details on the non-con, Heavily implied though, some explicit details on the physical abuse, please be mindful of the tags and the trigger warnings in the notes
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/3OWt20T
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ao3feed-ateez · 21 hours
Lovestruck and Milk-Drunk
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/FxnJGQf by Writiny “Here?” Wooyoung asked softly, his thumb brushing over the spot on Yeosang's chest that the elder had been rubbing. Yeosang nodded, his eyes fluttering shut as the younger's hand moved over the area, easing some of the tension, “Yeah, right there,” he murmured, leaning more heavily into Wooyoung’s chest. But then Wooyoung felt it, a small, hard lump beneath the soft flesh. He paused, his fingers stilling for a moment as a wave of concern washed over him. He pressed a little more firmly, just to be sure, his heart skipping a beat when the lump didn’t go away. “Baby,” he said quietly, his voice tight with worry, “There’s… something here.” OR Yeosang’s dealing with a clogged milk duct, and quickly realizes he's not a fan of the pump he's supposed to use. So Wooyoung being the ever-devoted husband he is, sees it as a challenge. He’s determined to help in the most “hands-on” way possible, which, of course, includes using his mouth too. Words: 8663, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Kang Yeosang, Park Seonghwa Relationships: Jung Wooyoung/Kang Yeosang Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Author Yapping In Notes, Implied Mpreg, Doctors & Physicians, Breastfeeding, Domestic Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Omega Kang Yeosang, Male Lactation, Lactation Kink, Breast Fucking, Blow Jobs, Married Life, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Facials, Spit Kink, Dirty Talk, Nipple Play, Jung Wooyoung is Whipped (ATEEZ), Shopping, Slice of Life read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/FxnJGQf
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zhancheng-ao3feed · 2 months
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ao3feed-toshinko · 1 year
All These Stupid Rules
by dragondrawerip
Shigaraki is a petty criminal, in a world where he grew up loathing all these stupid rules that make up society. Unfortunately, he was caught red-handed and now has to choose between being sent to an Alpha correction institution or working with an adorable omega, heavily relying on therapy work. The latter option until now has been unheard of or unsuccessful for alphas in the past, but Izuku is dedicated to working to make a positive change!
The head of this newest recruit to this new therapy organization is Izuku Midoriya, a social worker committed to helping Alphas, Betas, and other Omegas in times of need. Seeing that society would benefit greatly from positive reinforcement rather than cold, hard walls and arbitrary, outdated rules.
Or - Izuku is a nerdy ray or sunshine that even petty criminals have a soft spot for?
Words: 6099, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Toga Himiko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Inko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Shindou You, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Ashido Mina/Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: Aged-Up Character(s), Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Slow Burn, Happy Ending, Alpha Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Omega Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Protective Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Needs a Hug, Oral Sex, Minor Violence, Knotting, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Handcuffs, Muzzles, Everyone Is Gay, My first fic, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Eating Disorders, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Psychological Trauma, Sexual Tension, Explicit Sexual Content, Blood and Violence, Gang Violence, Yakuza, Tattoos, Piercings
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
FFT: nature adores a virgin [m]; jon moxley
And here it is. The final part of this little drabble series. And it’s smut. Filth. Knotting, mate bites, etc are at play here, so.. yeah. I had to transfer this over because honestly, it’s one of few times I’ve really felt proud of anything sexual I’ve written. spared but not forgiven can be found here
{ wanna send in one of these? here’s how | masterlist of fake fic titles }
Grace and Jon have come to an understanding. And both are eager to cement their mate bond. Which is what happens here. Feeelth.
Jon Moxley x OFC, Grace
uhh... heavily implied alpha x omega dynamics. body fluids, biting, sexual themes at play.
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The whole thing had been a whirlwind. Mox hadn’t really had time to stop; to process.. To figure out his next move. They’d been driving for hours, neither of them not really saying much. Mox was starting to get exhausted. So, he pulled into a parking lot and started to search for a hotel for the night.
Grace stirred and when her face rubbed against his jean clad thigh and she gave a quiet -and needy, whimper, Mox actually noticed something about her scent.. Something he hadn’t really stopped to consider before, but given her actions and reactions to some things thus far, his suspicion made perfect sense.
Her scent was pure… Almost totally unbridled and easily enough to overwhelm. Now that any remnant of Spears had worn off, Mox could really smell her. As in, for miles. The thought of what he suspected had him giving a quiet growl as he bucked in his seat and gripped the phone in his hand tight, lest he suddenly go butter fingered.
Grace was sitting up now, rubbing her eyes and looking around. Mox stared at her intently, trying to figure out just what to say -and do, about his suspicions. The last thing he wanted to do was let that animal within out too much, come on too strong and scare the hell out of her. Grace eyed her Alpha with a concerned raised brow and stifling a yawn, she asked quietly, “We stopped. Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine, doll. Nothin to worry ya pretty little head over. Just tryin to find a hotel.”
Just as he said it, he found one about a quarter mile down the interstate. He pulled up the directions and hit start on his phone’s navigation and Grace leaned herself against him, wiggling around until she was at least a little comfortable again. Mox barely stopped the growl threatening to spill from his mouth. He took an arm off the wheel, slipped it around her and she gave this soft little whimper.
He only thought he was hard enough to break before. Now, he was well past that.
He shifted in his seat and pulled out of the parking lot, merging with traffic. Grace leaned her head against his shoulder and the scent of her filled his nose, at least partially calming him for the time being.
Now he had a whole other set of concerns.
Was she going to want to room with him? They barely knew one another and given how skittish she seemed to be, would asking her to do that for their own good be fair? She’d just been through god knew what with that other bastard.
For as much as he seemed to be letting it overwhelm, Grace, he noticed, seemed calm. She seemed to pick up on his being in his own head and she reached out, lowering the volume on the radio.
“Yeah, doll?” his tone came out husky, and as the slick gathered on her thighs even more, Grace swallowed hard, trying to put her thoughts together. She could tell he was overthinking pretty much everything and… She was worried herself, because she was picking up on the root of his worries.
Something about her… Being untouched.
Even more about whether sharing a room would be pushing too far and moving too fast.
“Nothing, I just.. You seemed like you were really thinking about somethin and worried. You’re not…. Like… changing your mind?” she asked the question and held her breath, only taking a deep and ragged one when the SUV coasted to a stop beneath a red light just as they were in front of the hotel and Mox chuckled quietly, shaking his head, fixing his gaze on her.
“No, not at all, kitten… Ya not… changin yours, right?” Mox caught his breath, staring intently as he waited on an answer.
“Not at all.” and it didn’t even take her half a second to answer. She met his intent gaze with this cute little shy smile and he gave a smirk in response, nodding as he took a few deep breaths.
He’d be the last to admit it, but even the half second gave him way too much time and space to over think and as a result, to panic.
“Good. Cos ya not gettin rid of me anytime soon, kitten. I mean that, okay?”
“I know.” She answered through a yawn, cuddling into his side even more. The SUV came to a stop in front of the doors leading into the hotel and Mox leaned down, sort of nuzzling his nose into the top of her head, mumbling in a quiet and growly voice that had her nearly purring out a response. “Gonna go get us a room, kitten. If you don’t wanna share a room, say somethin.” he muttered quietly, Grace lifting her head to look up at him, swallowing hard.
“I.. I wanna share a room with you.”
Mox nearly choked on the breath he’d been holding when she answered. He eyed her, as if to ask her if she were sure.
“I’m… being serious, Mox. I want to share a room with you.”
It went without saying that Grace was having thoughts of her own currently, and whether she realized it or not, those thoughts were almost transparent to her Alpha and they were putting him into quite a state of uproar. Her scent’s pure and unfiltered sweetness suddenly amplified and Mox wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand, clearing his throat.
He felt like he ought to say something, but absolutely no words were coming. “Ya.. ya sure, right?”
“I said it, didn’t I?”
…. Mine, all mine and when I’m done, nobody else is gonna touch her or even fuckin look at her… gonna take real, real good care of her, so help me… the thought was fragmented but when Grace picked up on it -and it’s unintended double meaning, she whimpered, squeezing his thigh with her hand. Mox tensed, biting back a groan. They couldn’t just sit in the parking lot all night.
But he didn’t wanna leave her at the moment, either.
Grace bit down on her lip when she felt that rough hand of his creeping up the inside of her thigh, stopping just below the hem of her dress, keeping things safe and tame. She whimpered again and Mox sucked in a breath, turning to the side and pressing into her, greedily tackling her mouth in a deep kiss that left her breathless and dizzy when it broke. A kiss full of groping and his quiet groans, her answering whimpers and moans all swallowed up by his mouth, the way his tongue parted her lips and took total control of the kiss. His other hand tangled in her hair, tugging her deeper into the kiss. When he sank his teeth into her lower lip and tugged, she tried to rub herself against his hand clumsily.
“Gotta go… Inside..”
“I know, just… Hurry back, please?”
“Believe me, doll.. I intend to.” he took a few long and shaky deep breaths as they pulled apart and after adjusting himself as best as he could, he got out of the SUV, walking into the lobby quickly, almost dizzy from lack of oxygen and the sheer fucking heavy sweetness of his mate’s scent. He had to have looked drunk as all fuck to the desk clerk, who looked up when he dinged on the bell at the desk for assistance.
The desk clerk made his way over and Mox checked them into a room. As he walked back out into the parking lot, he had to stop, collect himself a few seconds. After doing so, he got back into the SUV, pulling around to the side of the building their room was.
He’d gotten a room on the special wing after explaining the situation to the desk clerk in a very hushed tone.
Grace swallowed hard, still reeling from his hands and mouth just seconds ago. Her heart was hammering against her chest so hard she thought it might just explode. As Mox killed the engine, she leaned in, intending to brush her lips to his stubble lined jaw, but instead, he turned to face her at the same time and their lips brushed and… Something in both of them snapped. Mox was pulling her over the console and into the driver seat, into his lap. Grace sucked in a sharp breath as soon as she felt the way he strained at the denim covering his lower body. She dug her nails into his shoulders and Mox gripped her hips, trying not to push too far, beyond aware that his suspicions had to be correct. They had to be, she’d blushed all over when he dared to slip his hand beneath her little sundress a few seconds ago.. And then there was her scent.. The way every single little touch sent slick rushing down her thighs and amped up it up, Mox had barely touched her a few minutes before, he’d been keeping it relatively tame and she was dripping already.
“Goddamn.” he gasped as her head fell back and she clumsily rubbed her throbbing soaked silk covered cunt right against the growing and aching bulge strained at his favorite pair of ratty jeans. He squeezed her hips, almost as if to warn her, but her neck… Exposed like that… He was trailing his mouth down it before he could bother stopping himself, feeling the prick of his fangs at his gums, mouth watering, lust hazing his thoughts and driving him to keep it up.
“Mox..” she breathed his name against his neck as she nipped at it. Mox growled quietly, nuzzling against her, bucking into her from below, his hands moving around and squeezing her ass to grind her against him even more. The steering wheel had to be digging into her back, but she didn’t mention it until the horn blew when he accidentally pressed her back against it. It was enough to stop them mid kissing session and him to mutter quietly, “The hotel room, doll… “
“Y-yeah.” the word came out as a whimper and she clung to him as he opened the driver side door and stepped out, not bothering to untangle her from his body, opting instead to carry her up to the room, pressing her back against the wall as he stopped to fumble in his pocket for the key card he’d been given at the front desk while also trying to kiss and touch her as much as he could manage to do. After fumbling with the lock for a little bit, he managed to get the door open and he stepped inside the room. Grace’s body rubbed against his with each step he took and she nuzzled her lips against his neck, making him groan and tense up, gripping her tighter just so he didn’t drop her.
“Kitten.. Fuck.” he gasped quietly as he got her sat down on the top of the dresser in the room. They needed their bags from the SUV, but honestly, Mox was only focused on one thing.
His sweet little Omega.
“Fuck it, the bags can wait.” he growled against her throat as her head fell back and her legs fell apart, allowing him to step between them. His teeth ghosted along the side of her throat as his hand gripped her thighs, squeezing, trying yet again to stop himself from going too far too fast.
“Mox, oh.. Higher..” Grace’s legs opened wider and she swallowed hard, licking her lips. Her nails dug into his shoulders and he mumbled huskily, “Ya sure?”
“ Yes.. fuck… Need you touchin me.. Now.” Grace’s lips against his own again accentuated each word and he ventured his hand higher, fingertips brushing against soaked silk.  She rocked herself against the cautious movements of his fingertips and Mox growled, breaking his mouth away from hers, ghosting it back up her neck. His teeth lingered over her scent glands and her pulse and he swallowed hard, catching his breath a few seconds.
“Do it. I want your bite.” Grace urged him gently, her hand moving from his chest, down to the hand he had between her thighs, guiding his palm even closer. He rubbed her cunt harder and faster, fangs piercing through his gum line and his mouth watering, dying to taste her, mark her and make her his own.
“Ya do, hmm?” Mox hummed distractedly as he started to sink his fangs into her skin. She gasped, tightening her grip and he muttered quietly, “Gonna… do somethin to take ya mind off the pain… don’t let me… hurt ya.”
Rough and thick fingertips brushed her panties to the side and as his finger trailed over her dripping slit, he dug his teeth into her neck deeper. His finger grazed her clit and Grace whimpered, tensing just a little, a quiet hiss following the whimper. “Not hurtin…”
“It did at first… The bite I mean.” Grace moaned out as he started to rub her clit a little faster, trailing his finger down, carefully working her open. He pulled himself away from her neck, staring at her, wild and lust filled gleam in his eyes, pressing his forehead against her forehead. “Gotta ask y’ somethin, kitten.”
“Mhmm?” Grace stared up at her Alpha, able to catch her breath for a few seconds.
Mox swallowed hard and pressed into her completely, sliding her forward on the dresser top, unable to resist it.
Close wasn’t close enough. He couldn’t possibly ever touch her too much.
Rut was taking over and it was almost impossible now for him to reign in that animal inside.
“You a virgin, kitten?”
Grace nodded, about to glance down, afraid that was going to make him slam on the brakes. Surely he’d want someone who stood a better chance of actually satisfying him.
Mox tilted her chin with one hand, continuing to work his finger in and out of her cunt with his other hand. “Nothin t’ be ashamed of, kitten, I just wanted to know.. So none of this hurts ya.”
Oh god, his voice.. So low and gravelly and raw. Grace sucked in a harsh breath as she finally managed to mumble a quiet “Yeah. I’m sorry, I just…”
Mox chuckled a little, brow raising, wondering why she’d be sorry about it. People made too much of a big deal about things. He shook his head, pulling her jaw to pull her mouth into his again as he muttered quietly, “No reason to be sorry at all. Not.A.Single.One.. just means ya really mine now.. In every way I can have ya.”
He worked a second finger into her cunt, Grace bit his lip and moaned into his mouth, rocking her hips against his hand as she started to get used to the way it felt. “So goddamn wet, doll. Fuck. And I’m only just gettin started with ya.”
“Oh, Mox.” her voice rose slightly, breaking through their heavy breathing and the noises of their kissing. He slowly slipped his fingers out, passing them between his lips, holding them to her. “Don’t ya wanna taste how sweet ya are, kitten?”
As his fingers slipped between her lips, he groaned, stepping close, pulling her off the top of the dresser, stepping over to the bed and laying her against the mattress, following her body down. Feeling her pinned beneath him had him growling, his hands all over her, his mouth making a trail full of gentle bites and nips to her skin as he spread her legs and slid his fingers back into her cunt deep. Grace gripped at his back, the comforter on the bed, anything she could get a hold of as his mouth ventured lower and lower. He rose up to tear the sundress off, tossing it back behind him into the room. His tee shirt followed, settling onto the floor. Her bra didn’t stand a chance and it followed, shredded. His mouth continued to venture lower and Grace sucked in a breath as his stubble brushed against her bare skin and his tongue continued to lazily trail over her skin. “Mox, oh god..” she was fidgeting all over, trying to get used to the way this all felt.
“Relax, kitten. Your Alpha’s gonna take real good care of ya.. And I’m gonna start by lickin you clean.” he breathed the words into her skin as he tugged at her panties with his teeth, stopping to gaze up at her, catch his breath. And then he was back to it, her hand dragging over his scalp as she fought to both get accustomed to how it felt, someone… Doing these things to her.. And to keep from bursting into laughter on the occasion that his rough stubble did rub against her skin, tickling. When she’d try to cover herself, he’d raise up and lower her hands, shaking his head as he stared down at her. “Don’t do that, baby girl. I wanna see you. All of you.”
He lowered himself again, going back to what he’d been doing. He hooked his arm beneath her thighs, pulling her cunt against his mouth. Grace’s breath caught in her throat as he gave 4 strokes of his tongue tracing an M into her folds. Her fingers dug into the comforter and his shoulder and she arched her hips upward, making him groan as he inhaled the scent of her as deep as he could. He stopped to stare up at her, note the expression of her face and the way her skin was slick with light sweat, the way her tits bounced with every little fidgeting move her body made. Taking a deep breath, he trailed his tongue in a circular motion, connecting the O just over her clit, then lazily trailing his tongue around the circular bundle of nerves as his fingers dipped into her dripping heat even deeper. “Oh.. Oh.. Mmm..”
“ Feel good, doll?”
“Oh.. Oh yeah..” Grace could feel her stomach fluttering lazily as a slow burning heat settled into the pit of it. Her body felt hot all over and yet somehow cool at the same time. As he trailed the X into her skin, his tongue joined his fingers deep in her cunt and she rocked her hips against his face, speeding up when he encouraged her to move faster, slowing down to let him breathe. His nose bumped against her pelvic mound at one point and she moaned quietly.
Mox could feel her nails really digging into his shoulders and it only drove him to plunge his tongue in and out faster. He stopped and stared up at her, licking his lips, making his way up her body and leaning down to conquer her mouth in a deep kiss. “Goddamn, kitten..” he mumbled into her mouth as she kissed back greedily.
“Now, please?”
“Ya sure.”
“Mox, I need you.” she whimpered, an unabashed begging tone to her voice that had Mox both smirking and bucking himself against her, drawing a gasp. “Gonna have t’ go real slow.”
Grace nodded. Mox rose up, stepping away to tug down his jeans slowly. His boots were discarded and he kicked away his jeans. His boxers followed suit and Grace swallowed hard at the sheer size of him, blushing all over.
“Ready for me, kitten? Because I can’t fuckin wait to bury my cock in you.” that gleam in his eye sent a pleasurable shiver all through her body and she found herself begging again as Mox settled himself on top of her, pulling her forward on the bed slightly. Grace hissed as he wrapped his hand around his cock, trailing it between her slit, teasing her with the tip. He sank into her slowly, not moving for a few seconds because he felt her tensing up. Their foreheads bumped when he went in for a kiss at the same time as she did and they both laughed quietly. “Ya good, doll?”
Her hips moving against his own in a desperate attempt to get him moving, had him smirking, chuckling into her skin as he dipped his mouth, trailing his tongue slowly over her nipples, staring up at her with a teasing smirk as he did so. She wrapped her legs around him and tried to use her heels to push him deeper inside and he groaned as he started to fuck into her slowly, carefully. Grace tensed as she felt the knot slipping into her, locking them together and her fingertips dug into his shoulders as her heels dug into his ass to drive him in even deeper. It felt so good. She barely realized that she was moaning as loudly as she was over being totally caught up in the moment, but each little moan Mox managed to coax from her had him smirking into her skin and her mouth, or digging his hands into her hips, arching them a little more so he could drive into her cunt even deeper.
Oh, he was going to make sure she remembered tonight vividly. This may not have been the scenario he’d have chosen, especially not given the weight of it all, but he was going to do his best to make it memorable for her.
“Mox, please.. Faster.”
“Ya sure, kitten?”
“Y-yes.” she managed to gasp as she bit into his neck and clung to him, her hips snapping to meet his with each thrust.
He sped up, nearly bottoming out as a result. A quiet growl fell from his lips as he tried to control himself, slow down a little, peppering kisses along her collarbone and leaving little bite marks everywhere he could manage to do so. “Mine.. all mine. Ya feel so goddamn good wrapped around my cock, kitten.” he encouraged, barely managing to hide a pleased with himself smirk when she whimpered and moaned and she was so loud that he had a feeling anyone in the next room could plainly hear her. “Gonna cum for me again, hmm? C’mon.. Give it all to me.”
Her orgasm burst through her, leaving her limp and cllinging to him as he fucked into her harder, faster and deeper, kissing her tenderly all over her face. “Ready to feel me?”
“Oh… Oh fuck.. Yeah, Mox.. Wanna… feel you.”
“Anything ya want, doll. And I mean anything.” Mox grunted as he felt her walls really clench his cock, the remainder of her orgasm coating his length and driving him straight into his own orgasm. He pressed against her carefully, kissing her all over, touching her, staring down at her as he worked to wrap his head around everything that had taken place between them so far. His lips pressed against the fresh mate bite in the side of her neck and he worked on catching his breath, not bothering to pull himself out or untangle her body from his.
His hand rested against her forehead and he let out a deep breath when he realized that the fever she’d had earlier seemed to have vanished. And his own was gone as well. He collapsed against the mattress, spent, pulling her partially on top of him.
“We need to get up and order food.”
“I don’t wanna move.”
“Me either, kitten.” Mox muttered as he stifled a yawn and cuddled her against him, his eyes starting to get heavy from sleep.
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snarkwrites · 4 years
wild winter | slippery when wet;bucky barnes [m]
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Location: Shower
Situation : Broken air conditioning + Omega at the start of her heat cycle.
Dialogue: “I saw that. You just checked me out.”
Position: [ click here ]
WARNINGS: Uhm… This was originally going to be an all human au but apparently, my muses thought “I thinketh the entire fuck not.” so it turned into alpha x omega [ mate bites, knotting, the usual ] and in addition to the heavy alpha x omega dynamics present here, there is body fluids, unprotected sex, shower sex, biting / marking, and that’s about it. Nobody under 18 in this bitch, got it?
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x OFC, Talia
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He could smell her before he even got the doors to the communal shower open and a growl ripped up from the depths of his chest as he hesitated in doing so. His cock was already beyond strained at his sweats, - no thanks to Steve and Sam who thought it’d be funny to pair him with his Omega in a sparring match, and any further contact with Talia for today was definitely not a good idea and yet… His feet weren’t carrying him away from the communal showering area. He’d made not one single attempt to move.
All he could do was stand there with his hand on the door handle and sniff the air. If anyone saw him right now, they’d probably piss themselves laughing and the thought of it had Bucky scowling to himself a little. He took another deep breath after lamenting under his breath about how fucking hot the compound was because the buildings central heat and air unit was on the fritz. Then he stepped inside the room and shut the door behind him firmly.
Talia’s scent was heavier and he picked up on her current mood easily. It was similar to his own although, if the scraps of thought he got were anything to go by, she was probably one hell of a lot hornier than him.
Her scent thickened and he picked up on the exact second that she picked up on him. He swore quietly when she emerged from the back row of showers completely bare-ass naked and walked right past him to a locker lining the wall, turning the key and pulling it open. Grabbing for shampoo and conditioner gave Bucky entirely too much time to gaze at her uninterrupted.
“I can see you checking me out, Lieutenant Barnes. Never seen a naked girl before?” Talia teased, poking her tongue out at him in the reflection of a little magnetized mirror stuck on the inside of the door. Bucky coughed and his fists clenched as he tried to keep a totally neutral facial expression. He fidgeted and shuffled his feet against the floor and Talia’s eyes widened as the shampoo and conditioner clutched in her arms crashed to the floor noisily.
Bucky was standing in front of her now, bending to retrieve the fallen products from the floor and as he straightened, she swallowed hard, staring up at him for seconds that seemed to stretch into hours somehow. He reached out, sitting the products she’d dropped on the floor onto a counter.
“I saw that. You were checking me out.” Bucky mocked her teasing statement from a few seconds before as he sighed and his shoulders seemed to droop. He couldn’t fucking take it anymore, all he was really doing by putting a healthy amount of distance between himself and his mate was torturing them both. And Talia did need him, even if she seemed to pretend and boldly claim otherwise. His hands lowered, brushing against the bare skin of her hips and he couldn’t help but feel the shiver as it crawled slowly through her body. Talia’s teeth cinched her lower lip between them and called attention to just how badly Bucky wanted to kiss her.
Among a growing list of other things.
She grimaced at the bruising on strong and stubbled jaws and her hand raised, fingertips gently pressing against his skin. She honestly thought Bucky would damn near fall over trying to get away from her or give her an angry look like he always seemed to, but instead, a cold metal hand closed around her hand and he took a deep breath.
“You’re not going to deny it, hm?” he finally broke the silence between them and with her little sly smirk and the half shrug she gave as she gazed up at him, her eyes nearly black with lust, something primal in Bucky Barnes snapped.
He was hauling her totally against him, his hands going straight for her ass. The first thing he did was to rub her against the bulge straining at baggy gray sweats as his mouth dipped down, crashing against hers almost hungrily and definitely filled with need. Talia started out with her palm down against the white tank top he was wearing but that quickly turned to her, tugging at it, raising to her tiptoes. “This isn’t helping either of us, you know.” she muttered the comment lazily against his deepening and desperate kisses. Her fingertips ventured down his chest, stopping at the waistband of his sweats. He pulled away so they could catch their breaths, staring down at her in a lust filled haze as she started to tug down boxers and sweats at once. He kicked them to the side and tugged up his shirt, tossing that onto the floor also. He met her gaze once again and boldly licked his lips, chuckling quietly. “You’re right.” he chuckled as she rubbed herself against him and with a soft giggle, she started to go down to her knees only to have Bucky shake his head and pull her up off the floor quickly. “Not as bad as I fucking want you right now, doll.”
He slid her up his body, one of her legs hooked over each one of his arms, spreading her open. She was practically dripping already, he inhaled sharp, dipping his head to bury his nose into the crook of her neck as he gave a quiet growl at the heightened sweetness in her scent.He didn’t even bother with putting her back against a wall, instead he started to carry her straight for the nearest shower, grateful for a frosted glass door to close behind them. It was already bad enough that anyone who wandered in was going to get a literal ear full, he mused to himself, at least they wouldn’t be openly watching a free show. But he had to have Talia right then, there was no more waiting. The animal buried down deep inside of Bucky Barnes normally was clawing it’s way to the surface and taking over as if this were as natural as breathing. The more he thought about finally allowing himself to have his sexy teasing little mate, the more his heart fluttered and raced wild against his chest in excitement.
Talia reached down, turning on the water overhead, sending a rush of cold over their bodies. “Maybe this will help us cool off.” she mumbled softly as she took his face in her hands, pulling his mouth against her own desperately, a needy whine blending in with the rush of running water overhead as she felt his cock tease against her throbbing cunt. “Bucky.” the quiet whimper of his name was drowned out by an almost primal growl as it disappeared into the kiss. “I recall you saying earlier,” his breath came in short pants as he muttered against her neck, “you didn’t believe I could pick you up.”
“And I was..oh.. Fuck.. yeah.. C’mon.” Talia’s head lightly hit the shower wall as it fell back and to the side, giving Bucky free access to her neck, her other half needy and beyond ready to be taken & claimed. “I was wrong.” she gasped quietly as Bucky’s teeth grazed against the skin covering her scent glands. His mouth watered and his fangs pricked at his gums. He could feel her juices dripping, rolling down the length of his member and he gripped hold of her tighter, driving his cock to the hilt into her core, staying still as he nipped at her neck and gave her a long and deep almost bruising kiss. Talia was trying to rock her hips but it wasn’t working and he chuckled. “Not only can I hold ya up, doll.. I’m in control.”
“Fuck.” Talia moaned as he started to thrust slowly and shallowly. She bit down on his shoulder to keep herself from screaming like she wanted and Bucky grunted as he picked up his bruising pace just a bit more. The way he stretched and filled her had her trying to curl her toes because she could feel the formed knot brushing against her opening with each thrust. Once he was fully buried inside her, she groaned because she’d never felt so full and stretched. “Shit.”
The door to the room creaked and for a few seconds, the pair went still, Bucky using the time to smirk and lick his lips, his eyes fixed on that sweet spot on the side of her neck. The one that if he bit it, it officially branded her his mate.
“Do it. Please.. Bucky, I need you to claim me.” Talia was begging and Bucky couldn’t resist her, so he sank his teeth in, growling as everything she felt or thought flooded his conscious and he felt her going limp, only her fingertips digging into his shoulders to suggest that the whole moment in itself hadn’t been overpowering for her in any way and her teeth still firmly clutched to the spot she’d chosen to leave her mark in on him, just above his collarbone. Footsteps hurried away from the door to the shower and Talia sucked in several sharp breaths, laughing against his skin. “That was so close.”
Bucky laughed too, nodding in agreement as he started to drive into her all over again, his ironclad grip on her body tightening to a point where he knew she’d have several bruises on that soft skin of hers for days after the fact. The knot was fully formed now, locking them together and the harder he fucked into her, the more slick she released. “So sweet and so wet.. Looks like I caved just in time, hmm?” he eyed her, anxious that he’d done the right thing in doing this, needing affirmation. Talia’s hand wound in his hair, tugging his mouth back against hers as he continued to fuck into her slow and hard and deep. “You did. I was… it was starting to make me think you didn’t want me.”
“Doll, no…” he pulled her deeper into the lingering breathless kiss and stared down into her eyes as he continued to plow into her slow and steady. Her breath caught in her throat and Bucky continued to speak, “I was just… worried.”
“I know. But I was starting to wonder.” Talia’s breathing hitched and her nails dug into his back, dragging down and drawing a hiss from him as the water made contact with the newly broken skin. She gave a sheepish squeak and he chuckled, muttering against her mouth calmly, “Fuck I’m gonna enjoy this if you’re always leavin marks behind, doll.”
“Oh?” Talia bit her lip, locking eyes with him. Their breathing was starting to sync up and his thrusts were becoming deeper but sloppier and the sound of skin smacking against skin echoed off of the shower wall. The icy cold water spilling down onto their bodies went ignored as Bucky continued to fuck her straight into an orgasm that made her have to bite down again just to keep from screaming louder this time. As her walls clenched his cock tight, he growled and slammed into her harder and faster, his eyes firmly fixed on hers, lust turning their color from a baby blue to almost navy. “C’mon.. I know you’re close, baby doll.”
“Oh.. oh.. Mmmm.” Talia moaned, his name shattering through the noise of the shower and their bodies making contact with each thrust. Her juices coated his throbbing cock and his own orgasm spilled over, Bucky continuing to slam her up and down on his cock as he filled her up, the excess seeping down, washing down the drain. “Feels so fuckin good, princess. So fuckin good.” he groaned over and over against her mouth as he pulled her into a kiss just to keep them both from making too much noise. Someone had come into the communal shower area and nearby, a shower started. As they both came down from the high of a shared orgasm, Bucky’s lips trailed lazily over her neck and pressed against her own, muttering softly, “Think you’re okay to walk?”
“Honestly? I doubt.” Talia clung to him, not wanting to break the contact of their bodies. “But we can shower and then you can carry me down the hall…” she gave him a pleading look that turned to a bright smile and a giggle when Bucky laughed and pretended to have to think it over.
“Yeah… You need rest anyway.”
“Mhmm.” Talia muttered, climbing down from his body, taking some soap and squeezing it into a sponge as she started to lather his body up….
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holylulusworld · 3 years
God of Thunder - Kinktober 9
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Title: God of Thunder
Square Filled for @marvelfluffbingo: Soulmate au
Kinktober Special: Keraunophilia
Summary: He set his eyes on you. You want to keep him waiting…
Ship: Alpha!Thor Odinson x Omega!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: angst, language, chasing, chasing, outdoor sex, light smut, unprotected sex, a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics, implied claiming, soulmate au
Word count: 1,3 k
Kinktober 2021
Marvel Fluff Bingo 2021
Divider by @writeyourmindaway
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He’s coming for you. The day has finally come. The moment you have been waiting for for the longest time.
Since you laid eyes on the alpha for the first time, you wanted him to break, to chase after you, and lay claim on your body and soul.
It was a difficult task to not only get his attention but to keep it too. Alphas are easily bored. They want passion, sex, and the chase, but no responsibility.
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Thor is a cocky alpha himself, an arrogant one. All the omegas seem to always seek his closeness. He had plenty of them, loves to show off his latest fling only to lose interest a few weeks later. Or days. Or hours. Depends on the omega.
No wonder he has a way with the ladies. Thor is a tall and potent alpha out of this world. A half-God himself. He rules thunder and lightning and likes to give any willing omega a good show.
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You hide behind a large tree in the forest. You chose this place, not the alpha chasing after you, and it makes you smile.
His deep voice calls your name now, sings a song of lust, power, and need. 
“Omega, my sweet dove,” he purrs, sniffing in all directions to catch your scent. “Come to your mate. We are meant to be, Y/N. The all-father said we must unite soon.”
“No,” you poke your head around the tree to glance at the tall man. He’s an impressive sight. Broad shoulders, strong hands, and thighs you’d like to ride one day too. “I will not be one of your random omegas.”
“OMEGA,” he’s breathing heavily, and you can’t deny your eyes drift toward the impressive bulge in his pants. “Come here and be good. I will be gentle, little one.”
You smile to yourself when the alpha slowly walks toward your position. He tries to approach you as carefully as possible, but you already dash toward a clearing, giggling at his pained groan.
“Last warning, Y/N,” he growls like a feral wolf now. “I will feel you around my knot tonight, and no one is going to stop me from taking you.”
“Rude,” you scrunch up your nose at his crudeness. “How can you talk like that to me? I’m your chosen omega and soul mate. You shouldn’t be so—”
“Aw, sweet girl,” Thor runs after you, tries to capture you. “You will be mine tonight. Don’t deny me!”
“Nope,” you squeak when he almost touches your back with his fingertips. “No man will ever tame me. Not even you, God of thunder.”
“I will tame you, my wild beast,” he chuckles as you don’t have the slightest chance to get away from him. “The God of thunder can scent you, little one. Come here and give in.”
“I can’t,” it’s a matter of fact your stubbornness won’t let you give in. “I will not become a footnote of your legend. Choose someone else tonight and come back when you want more than a night full of lust.”
Thor doesn’t know you want to see him fight for his prize. There is no denying the god, but this doesn’t mean you can’t let him work hard for his pleasure and yours.
While you race through the usually silent forest, Thor picks up the pace. He runs faster, now chasing you for real. “OMEGA!” it’s a command. 
His alpha voice lets a shiver run down your body, but you can’t give in now. If you let Thor have you that easily, he’ll forget about you in the morning. Just like he did with all the other omegas before.
He doesn’t let up. Thor smirks when you giggle behind a tree, ready to run away once again. You must admit, getting away from Thor is not an easy task, but you try your hardest.
He changes tactics. Instead of dashing after you, he tries to slowly sneak toward you, using his alpha voice to lure you in.
His scent hits you out of a sudden and you feel your legs give in.
You stop in your tracks for a second to find orientation. Mistake. He tackles you the moment you try to start running again. “I’ve got you, sweet dove.”
“Get off me,” you wiggle underneath the tall alpha, but it’s no use. He’s strong and heavy, presses your smaller body into the muddy ground. “I’m warning you, Thor.”
“You’re mine. Meant to be my mate,” you struggle against his strength, fight his dominance. “Stop wiggling, mega.”
“I’m not one of your one-nighters, God of Thunder,” you squeak when he bites your neck, not deep enough to break the skin but to make sure you know he wants to claim you. “Don’t you dare to touch me!”
“I will show you how much I want you,” he leaves you, takes away the warmth of his body to tower over you. “Look at me, Y/N.” you roll onto your back to watch him lift his hand to the sky. It almost looks like he touches the stars when he sends lightning to the ground.
“Thor,” you whimper, feeling your panties dampen. Something about the way he looks at you while thunder and lightning illuminate the night sky makes you want to give in, no matter if he makes you his mate.
“Little one,” he watches you get up to touch his chest with trembling hands. “Give in and I’ll make you mine. Be good now, Y/N.”
“My king,” you whisper, mesmerized by his intense gaze and the pure energy running through his body. “I’m yours.” You slide the thin robe you wore tonight to lure Thor in down your shoulders, let the fabric pool around your ankles.
“So beautiful,” he cups your cheek, gently running his thumb over your lips, “and all mine now,” his lips press a surprisingly soft kiss to your lips whilst one of his large hands palms your breast. “You are going to look so pretty with my mark on your neck.”
“I will,” you reply, looking up at Thor in adoration, but a smirk on your lips, “as your queen and mate.”
Thor becomes impatient, wants to mate you right here, under the sky in the mud. He growls at your words, hands pawing at your flesh. “You’re mine.”
You end up in the mud, the God on top of you. How his clothes ended up on the ground is lost to you, but this doesn’t matter now. He’s nudging your thighs apart to slip the tip in.
“Fuck,” you moan as his girth slowly splits you open. While you claw at his shoulders, he wiggles his hips to slide deeper into you. “Thor.”
“It’s alright, dove,” he purrs, nose buried in your neck to inhale your scent deeply. “Just let me in.” you cry out his name, nails biting deep into his flesh when he snaps his hips against yours to fill you completely. “So good for me.”
The rest of the night is a mixture of your bodies grind against each other, dirty promises, and Thor’s voice telling you all the things you want to hear. “You will be my perfect mate.”
“I hope you will be a perfect mate too,” you wrap your legs around his waistline to cage the alpha inside your body.
He’s determined to make you fall over the edge, but you want him to admit he wants more than your body.
“I will,” he promises against your lips as his hips begin to move faster. “Now, open up for me, dove.”
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“Just as I thought,” Thor runs his hand over your back, tickles your skin with his fingertips. “You look pretty with my mark on your neck.”
“Hmm…,” you let him wrap you in his arms, give in for tonight. “My mark on your neck will look even prettier, alpha.”
“What?” he grunts in your neck.
“We will get there, Thor,” you pat his hand. “Don’t worry, alpha. I know how to tame a wild beast. You will get used to having an omega.”
“Oh, sweet omega,” he whispers in your ear. “I can’t wait…”
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kpopomegaverse · 3 years
Hi!! I just read your DC imagine where the reader was the only omega in the dorm (which was great btw❤️) I was wondering if you could do one where the reader is the only alpha in the dorm?
A/n SOOOOO i changed it because of logistical reasons. I dont think an alpha is capable of of sating 7 omegas not even in a spread out amount of time. Plus the longer the omegas wait it would be painful. I just feel like it would cause the alpha ALOT of pain. Physically from too much sexual activity and emotional from seeing the other omegas hurt while they help out the omega there with at that moment. HOWEVER, i came up with a mixed pack idea including every dynamic so hopefully that helps? Enjoy ig!
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Pack Roles;
(Alpha) Jiu; Pack leader - Pack leaders are at the top of the chain of command of their pack. Every pack has one. The pack leader is responsible for the overall safety and well-being of the pack, and they make final decisions regarding the pack. Pack leaders do not have to be alphas; they can be omegas and betas as well.
(Alpha) You; Right Hand #1 - The leader’s right hand is the member of the pack the leader trusts the most. Should something happen to the pack leader, the right hand would take over. Right hands also assist in strategic decisions for the pack. In modern days, this ranges from finances, to the pack’s pups’ education, to living situations. A pack may have more than one right hand.
(Omega) Sua; Pack Mom - The mother figure for the entire pack. The pack may go to this individual for guidance, emotional comfort, and protection. Pack mothers are heavily involved in every day life to keep the pack running smoothly. In larger packs, pack mothers are extremely valuable.
(Omega) Siyeon; Left Hand - The pack leader’s left hand is involved in physical protection.
(Beta) Handong; Peace Keeper - Peace keepers do exactly as their name implies: they settle arguments in the pack before it reaches the pack leader.
(Omega) Yoohyeon; Right Hand #2 - The leader’s right hand is the member of the pack the leader trusts the most. Should something happen to the pack leader, the right hand would take over. Right hands also assist in strategic decisions for the pack. In modern days, this ranges from finances, to the pack’s pups’ education, to living situations. A pack may have more than one right hand.
(Beta) Dami; Peace Keeper - Peace keepers do exactly as their name implies: they settle arguments in the pack before it reaches the pack leader.
(Beta) Gahyeon; Caretaker - Caretakers work under the pack mother to take care of the pack. Caretakers are involved with meals, cleaning, socialization of the pack, and managing the pups. In some packs, it is common for pack members that have recently aged out of the “pup” role to become caretakers so the pack mother can teach them how to take care of a pack, whether they stay in their current pack or leave for a different one.
Pack Members scents;
Alpha Jiu - Cinnamon or Mixed Spice
Alpha You - Pick one ;)
Omega Sua - Fresh Linen or Ironed Laundry
Omega Siyeon - Lavender
Beta Handong - Fresh / Morning Rain
Omega Yoohyeon - Forest or Pine
Beta Dami - Old Books or Fresh Ink
Beta Gahyeon - Toasted Marshmallows or Chocolate
Handling the girls in heat;
- Hardest to sate.
- needs to be knotted at least 3-4 times
- needy before her heat
- clingy af during
- drags you or jiu to her room and doesnt let u leave until shes no longer aching for an alpha
- claws into your back
- sucks on your neck the WHOLE time your knotted
- probably grinds into your knot
- constant begging to be breed.
- The calmest of the 2
- kinda a massive squirter
- fuck her into the mattress and rub her clit
- squirts almost instantly
- knot her and keep playing with her clit and her tits and she starts shaking
- begs for anything you’ll give her
- falls against u after sex
- “breed me, breed me, breed me”
- the BIGGEST cum slut
- sated with one knot but loves to be filled
- often enjoys being tag teamed by u and jiu
- “fuck me, take me, fill me with ur fucking knots”
- breathy whines and gaspy moans
- god if u cum in her a few times before knotting her
- GOD she loves it
- seeing the bulge of ur cock and cum
- ugh
Bonding with the Betas;
- betas are usually ignored or seen as lesser than so the betas would be wary if a pack with so many omegas and alphas
- they’d often feel left out or unwanted if u didn’t make the same effort as u do with the omegas.
- sex is also a harder subject due to size difference and not knotting them
- they feel shy n scared about getting a litter from you since they could miscarry and it’s physically tasking
- enjoys quiet time
- watching tv with her or reading
- cuddles + reading sessions are a MUST
- make sure to let her sit on ur lap if she wants too
- she wont ever ask again if u show signs of getting annoyed at her
- v worried to get things wrong and shy about affection
- move carefully and slowly with her and url be fine :)
- once ur bonded n close the softest babie
- nuzzles into u
- when shes stressed the room fills with her scent and usually pulling her inti your arms and rubbing her back will help.
- shes also quite an introverted and shy person
- doesn’t initiate physical contact
- LOVES if u read to her
- esp it shes sleepy
- play with her hair
- she will do the exact same and read to u while your heads in her lap
- take her to quiet cafés and librarys
- soft back hugs
- once she’s comfy she initiates things sometimes
- you can always tell if shes horny cause her scent goes wild
- gets embarrassed by it but u find it SO CUTE
- shy clingy baby
- give her hugs and kisses
- feels less deserving of attention than the omegas
- so makes sure she knows shes just as deserving
- pamper her as much as possible
- make a show of affection for her infront of the others
- it’ll make her shy and blushy
- Makes her feel so loved and wanted
- hides in your neck and chest whining
Jius Rut;
- who she goes to depends on her mood
- if she wants to have her ass filled while she covers someone in cum
- she goes to u and rides the f outta u
- then knots ur ass
- if shes feeling like knotting lots of times
- she will fuck the shit out of sua
- like wise if she wants relaxed sex she can go to the other omegas
- usually just gets the betas to suck her off sometimes
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fizzydrink698 · 3 years
instinct 07 | chan
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series masterlist
pairing: bang chan/reader
word count: 5.3k
genre: romance, a/b/o, slowburn, college au, and they were roommates
warnings: swearing, unprotected sex, implied masturbation, canon-typical a/b/o consent complications (although consent is very explicitly asked for and given, no worries there, reader’s just also supernaturally horny), unhealthy guilty thoughts, cold showers, mentions of sex-toy-related injuries, implied mild d/s dynamics
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This is supposed to be something to share with someone.
And now that the thought has entered your mind, you can’t give it up.
You need to make someone feel good, make them happy, to put all your thoughts and energy into.
You need someone.
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Friday – Day 1 of Rut
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It’s the first day of my rut tomorrow. Any advice? – [18yo M, alpha]
> Idk dude, enjoy?
> Dm me, bby ;)
> don’t go outside, do you know how threatening it can be to omegas just smelling rut pheromones? Keep all your doors and windows locked
> don’t do something dumb like propose to your omega mid-nut…not that i would know anything about that
> you got food? A partner? Yeah, then just enjoy yourself
> get that omega pussyyy. or dick, I guess, idk what you’re into
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Chan is on his knees, staring up at you.
His hair is a mess, skin damp with sweat, shirt partially unbuttoned and collar askew. He’s breathing heavily, lips parted, pupils blown.
He’s beautiful.
“Let me…please…” he’s begging, and you realise that his fingers are digging into your thighs, leaving little crescent-moon indents in the skin.
Is he crying? You don’t think so, not quite. But his eyes are shining, and you think there are definitely tears on the way.
You watch your own hand reach down and cup his face, stroking his cheekbone with the pad of your thumb. He leans into the touch, whimpering as the hands on your thighs grip harder. It’s almost like he’s in pain, like your touch is physically hurting him–
He turns his head and presses a wet kiss to your hand, and you can feel the brush of his tongue over the lines of your palm.
Your eyes are drawn down to his neck, as the turn of his head has extended it, the muscles  visibly tensing under his skin from the strain.
He’s wearing a collar. Had that been there this whole time?
You can’t help it. You run your fingers over the rough black leather, slipping your index and middle finger under the collar, testing its tightness. You feel Chan’s breath ghost over your skin at the sensation, and you fixate on his face as you tug.
He chokes, his breathing cut off for just a fraction of a second, before he groans and presses his mouth to your hand again. “Please. Let me…”
Your voice comes out in a rasp, barely above a whisper. “Do you…do you want to?”
Chan looks back up at you, big brown eyes blinking. “I want whatever you want.”
As he shifts, the light catches the metal plating on his collar, the tag at the base of his throat. The lettering is delicate, ornate calligraphy – shit, it looks so expensive, this is what you give to spoil someone – but the word isn’t a name. It isn’t Chan or Chris or Christopher.
It’s omega.
It seizes something deep within you, twisting and squeezing. It’s not pleasant.
“I don’t…” you trail off, because you’re looking at Chan now – really looking at him for the first time – and you’re seeing the emptiness in his lust-fogged gaze, the blankness in his expression. He tilts his head even further, and you realise he’s offering his neck up to you.
It’s perfect, smooth, untouched.
You frown, brows pinching together, because…that wasn’t right. Was it? “This is…”
“It’ll make you feel so much better,” Chan says, and you’re sure he’s going to leave bruises by the way he’s gripping your thighs. “If you just let me.”
“I-I want to,” you admit, making no move to push his hands away, because you deserve it. “But not…not this, it’s not meant to be this…”
“But you like this. I can tell,” Chan asks, his gaze dipping. You flush when you realise what he’s staring at. “Don’t you?”
“Don’t you?”
Do you?
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And so it begins.
You wake up on the first morning of your rut, limbs tangled in your sheets, skin on fire.
Everything is so sensitive. You wince multiple times just extracting yourself from your sheets, kicking them to the foot of your bed as you just…lie there. Sweating.
Thinking about that dream.
You keep trying not to, but your thoughts are scattered, drifting in and out. Trying to concentrate on something – on not thinking something – is like trying to climb up a smooth, featureless wall. No handholds to support yourself, and sheer force of will can only do so much.
You close your eyes.
It doesn’t help that it might just have been the hottest thing you’d seen in months.
It’s hard to say. Maybe? Chan on his knees, hands on your thighs, begging you so nicely…
But there had been something…off. Hadn’t there?
You don’t know. You’re too exhausted and horny to think this deeply. You just…
Your hands are trailing up and down your thighs, lingering over the areas that dream-Chan had gripped so tightly.
You know exactly what you want to do right now.
Your fingertips draw circles in your skin, slowly travelling higher and higher and higher–
Until you gulp, and ball your hands into fists, knuckles whitening.
You know it’s inevitable. That’s what a rut’s all about. The desire’s only going to build and build, and your hand’s going to drift down without thinking, and then it will feel too good to stop.
But not yet.
Keep Reading
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