#// i cannot believe that i typed this
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The hesitation. The flag. The parody law of it all. 10/10, Brennan Lee Mulligan. Absolutely bringing the energy The Shirt requires.
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the-woman-upstairs · 7 months
Many reasons why I love Hoffman but one thing that tops the list is him sending Strahm to a Saw trap equivalent of a “Do you like me? Check Yes or No” note.
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In goofy David Tennant/Michael Sheen Loud news, my husband stumbled upon an edit with David Tennant and Michael Sheen about how they’re In Love ® and he’s been solidly on the ‘Yeah, they’re prob fuckin’ train because of me & he was like, “I don’t get it, they’re not physically compatible at all, one is really skinny and the other is cherubic—“ and I was like bruh you literally described the one who plays an angel on TV as cherubic 💀 💀 💀 certifyibly Good ™️ casting big rare W to Neil Gaiman
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deep, long-suffering sigh
hey do you guys think that grian has gone a bit too f-aha-r with fishing this season? i mean it's become a problem by now, it's pretty bad, boys. it seems like he's really raised the b-aha-r with commitment to a bit, which i gotta admit is pretty rad boys
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peeledstrawberry · 3 months
I'd like to imagine that Danny finds John Constantine absolutely delightful and Constantine is just like "dang it it's this worm-off-the-string dude again :/"
Danny's all "wowow it's the cool magic man who found a loophole for immortality! He has a cool magic house too"
And Connie is just "does it LOOK like I'm running a daycare?? Go home"
I also want Vlad to be enamored with him and Ellie is just like "yea that's my wet cat of a father figure. Neat"
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slythereen · 7 months
Hello, I am new to F1 and Charles is my favorite driver. Today I saw many people mentioning Charles' personal fashion CLACE. This project was blocked by Ferrari? But why? Do other drivers have a personal brand? Can they do what they want? I'm very curious about this. What does it mean now that Charles can wear his own clothes? I would be very grateful if you could reply to me<3
not me scrambling to tumblr to scream about the clace photos only to discover this. anon i am so sorry in advance if this goes off the rails but charles wear his own merch again IS kind of a big deal !!
1. why was clace blocked by ferrari?
i believe charles may have started working on clace and the concept of it while he was still with sauber. i’m not 100% on that timeline. regardless, he stopped developing it while at ferrari and once got asked about it. he said something to the effect that it just wasn’t a good time, but sebastian take-no-shit vettel revealed that actually, ferrari won’t let him (or any driver) have his own clothing line. (note to self: come back to link this interview video) so we know that is the true reason.
as to why, it’s because ferrari has an exclusive clothing partnership with puma. the drivers are allowed to design their “own” shirts for special races (like charles’ monza merch), but they are all still produced and sold by puma. the issue with clace, for ferrari/puma, is that it would not be produced by puma and therefore violates that exclusivity clause.
2. do other drivers have their own brands?
yes! not every team has a fully exclusive partnership. and given the individual contracts of drivers and unique brand circumstances (drivers have their own not-team sponsors as well as team sponsors, who sometimes sponsor them as a driver as well), it can vary. so it may be that ferrari as a team has an exclusive arrangement, but charles as a driver and independent contract may develop his own brand line on the side. that was not the case before (and still, theoretically) but just as an example.
off the top of my head: lando has quadrant, which is his own company/esports that sells merch. he also sells LN4 merch. quadrant is technically independent of him. i actually can’t remember if mclaren has a clothing sponsorship tbh, but he’s been able to have his own brand. similarly, max has vestappendotcom and team redline, both of which are independent organizations (and i believe redline has merch). daniel launched enchanté recently. sebastian didn’t start his good-causes t-shirts until after he retired but he has that brand. so yes, personal branding is also big for drivers are they start to develop their reputation as drivers apart from their teams.
as to whether or not they can do what they want… it really will vary based on the individual contract, but not really. i think lewis probably has the greatest freedom over his reputation and personal brand (he does a LOT outside of racing and is globally famous, “beyond” f1), but he likely still has certain clauses relating to his conduct and how it reflects on mercedes. plus, all of the drivers are bound by the fia’s rules (notably, the non-political stance that all drivers have to abide by).
one example along these lines are the driver’s personal cars. not all of them are really bound to have their own team’s constructor’s cars, i don’t think, but it seems like most drivers either do or they have a car from a related partner or sponsor. i know less about the personal cars tbh. charles has his ferrari pista which he mostly drivers, but he also has several other brands. max has several aston martins (which, while being a distinct team, as a Brand is one of red bull’s sponsors). i don’t know what the haas drivers drive, but i wouldn’t be surprised if they have ferraris (because haas uses ferrari engines).
3. so what does it mean that charles is wearing clace?
it means CHANGE. something is afoot that has changed his contractual obligations regarding puma. this can mean a LOT of things, especially because he just signed with a big talent management company (WME) and because he is wearing clace noticeably and publicly. a lot of his fans know it got shut down by ferrari, so he had to know that people who notice and realize this Means Something.
what does it mean? at the very least, in all of my theories, it means charles’ negotiating power has grown significantly. his personal brand and reputation has power. he is able to get a contract that entitles him to greater personal freedoms and branding outside of his team. that’s mega.
what contract, though? my main theories:
he has resigned with ferrari already with a very favorable contract (that immediately modified his current) that entitles him to greater liberties and likely has several clauses requiring more preferential treatment with car development etc
he has signed with rbr, who are less strict on personal brands (as an energy drink, they can achieve their marketing power based on putting a can in their hand regardless of what they are wearing. their brand is built more on vibes and emotion than on Stuff). this also likely means his contract kicks in sooner than, say, 2025… because otherwise, he’d likely still have to abide by his remaining year on the ferrari contract.
puma is ending their partnership with ferrari and/or ferrari’s sponsorships are shuffling around a bit, so it’s no longer a limitation on the drivers.
i’m sure there could be many other explanations. im sure wondering about what it all means is going to drive me insane.
also: welcome to f1 hell!!! ❤️💙
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gordonsicedcoffee · 4 months
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mans got that clickbait youtube video kinda-face
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glassamphibians · 2 years
still waiting for someone to do that meme w/ percabeth & o’leary
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words-after-midnight · 7 months
as a writer of very dark, ✨️Highly Cancellable✨️ fiction myself, i really don't think it's that difficult to understand that suggesting it might be advisable for writers to put actual thought into the ways in which they portray sensitive topics in fiction, and to do appropriate research where it's needed to make sure they're not writing shitty caricatures and/or perpetuating harmful stigma and stereotypes (eg. "people with X mental illness are violent monsters" or "domestic abuse is romantic" or "trans people are predators"), doesn't automatically equate to "supporting censorship" or wanting to burn "problematic" books at the stake, but I keep forgetting we're on the Allergic to Nuance website.
Reserving the right to criticize lazy or irresponsible portrayals of complex issues that affect real people =/= demanding that said materials not exist, trying to stop anyone from creating or engaging with them, or otherwise advocating for their censorship. Being opposed to censorship also means allowing readers to form their own opinions and engage critically with the media they're consuming, no?
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finhere · 3 months
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feverishly drawing connections here
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the i believe in you spike speech i am not crying you are but also the you are a better man you may not see it but i do... i do (the voice as she repeated i do my heart can't do this) i love s7 spuffy
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gasstationpopcorn · 7 months
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? - 2023
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yesokayiknow · 2 months
entering a new fandom to discover most of them hates your favourite character 500 dead 2000 injured
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exhaustedwerewolf · 1 year
when the dnd session was so insane you’re like “damn I want to rewatch that bit” but you can’t because it was not an incredible fantasy film but just you playing make believe with your friends
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kelpermoosee · 7 months
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I need to draw Booigi real soon, the lack of them is making me itchy
#kelperambles#uhhh pic is unrelated but I thought the paper luigi was cute 💖#anyways I just wanted to ramble about how much I love booigi LMAO#but like I need the very specific type of booigi that has been rotting in my brain in order to be satisfied#OKAY OKAY. picture this: Names are such an important thing to Luigi. Many people don’t tend to remember the bare minimum about him#so he really appreciates the few people who take enough time to remember his actual name or small things about him#then when King Boo pulls up he’s literally yelling Luigi’s name and cursing him out#sure while Luigi is still scared of him he can’t help but feel flattered that King Boo subconsciously respects him enough to call him Luigi#not green mario. not the man in green. just him…truly him.#and while Luigi might not want an designated enemy (like what Mario and bowser have)#the fact that king boo believes that Luigi is significant enough to be his enemy is something Luigi cannot ignore#King Boo acknowledges Luigi for his strengths in his weird theater kid way#but I can really see them growing closer together once Luigi discovers that King Boos plays everything up just to be DRAMATIC ✨✨#king boo WANTS luigi to react. and if he doesn’t get that he more or less just lets go of the act#like what’s the point of setting everything up if Luigi’s not even going to match his high energy?#honestly they just need to both RELAX for a second and they would really hit it off#it’s actually embarrassing. they’re so embarrassing.
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san-aria · 6 months
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I can't wait for her <3 (my favorite harbinger)
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