#// just realized uh...happy...april fools????
pierce-walker · 1 year
self-para  \  the sand runs out. men’s bathroom, rhee’s bar and grill. approximately 11:20 pm.
trigger warnings: knives, blood, murder, death.
i’m falling through the hourglass and i don’t think i’ll ever make it back so i throw stones at walls i’ll never climb, victim to the sands of time i’m falling through the hourglass, the hourglass.
Pierce would be lying if he said he hadn’t been distracted lately. His father had grown increasingly pushy in the last few months, begging and pleading for money. It was honestly pathetic, but the constant harassment was starting to wear him down. It was getting to the point where he felt he had only two options: either give him the change or cut him off. In addition to that, self-publishing his music had turned out to be a lot more complicated than he was expecting. But he was tired of keeping it to himself, tired of only showing his craft to Kahlan, to Emi, to Adee. It was beyond time for him to finally take the leap.
His phone buzzed again, and he jolted, his leg crashing into the surface before him. The glass of beer resting untouched on the table tumbled, spilling amber liquid all over him. He sighed, staring at the mess for a moment. The beer slowly rolled across the table like a wave, dripping over the side when it reached it, directly onto his jeans—just his luck.
Before cleaning it up, he tugged his phone out of his pocket. The number he’d expected flashed on-screen and he rolled his eyes, setting it on the other side of the table, away from the beer puddle. Slowly, Pierce got to his feet, moving towards the bathrooms as quickly as he could. Hopefully, no one was in there, and he could clean up before anybody noticed he was gone…or saw the mess on the table.
The bathroom was indeed deserted, and he sighed in relief as he moved toward the paper towel dispenser, grabbing a couple to begin the hopeless task of cleaning the alcohol off of his jeans. He patted off his pockets, feeling something stiff below the fabric.
Quickly, he dug out a small, folded-up piece of paper. Unfolding it, he realized it was an old draft of one of his songs. With a small laugh, he dumped it and the paper towels into the trash can. He didn’t need that draft anymore—the final was sitting on his kitchen table, waiting for him to finally deal with it tomorrow.
Grabbing a couple of extra paper towels, he moved to the sink, running the water to wash his hands. He also splashed some on the denim, hoping it would help rid the already-forming stain. As he did, he heard the door click open behind him. 
“Sorry,” he said instinctively, not looking up, “I’ll just be a sec. Those tables are super easy to jiggle, eh?” Pierce chuckled. Whoever it was didn’t deign to give him a reply.
Eyebrows knitting together momentarily, he turned off the sink faucet, dabbing the last of the water from his jeans. Perhaps the recent events in the town just had him on edge, but something about the idea of being alone with someone in an enclosed area didn’t sit quite right with him. Pierce took a deep breath, stepping to the left to throw away the towels in his hand.
He never got the chance to step back.
Shooting pain drilled through the back of his abdomen, harsh enough for him to stumble forward, catching himself on the sink. His eyes darted down, red viscosity already mixing into the beer stain on his jeans. He should've trusted his instincts more.
Mouth open in a wordless O, he looked back in horror at his assailant. The masked figure was standing across from him in silence, silence as sharp as their blade; still in their hand, blood dripping from its point. Pierce could already feel the burn in his side, his arm snaking around to press a hand over the gaping hole. The knife hadn't come out cleanly, leaving a ragged tear in his shirt—the edges were already stained dark brown with blood. 
Suddenly, urgency ripped through him. If he didn't move, he was going to die in this bathroom. Jerking into motion, Pierce clumsily whipped backward, using his momentum to stagger into the killer—because that's who they were, he was certain. They didn't seem to expect it, stumbling up against the wall. Immediately, he pushed towards the door, trying to put as much distance between himself and the other person as possible.
Foot slipping on the tile quickly slickening with his blood, he fell against the door, banging on the bottom. Somehow, it had been locked—the wood barely moved under his fist. A muffled cheer went up from outside. No one could hear him, and Pierce's heart sank at the realization.
Sharp pain tore a cry out of him as his assailant caught him messily on the leg once more. He blinked, trying to see through tears of pain. He could feel his heart thumping weakly against his chest, his breath coming in shallow gasps, and all he could think was this is it. I'm going to die here.
Pangs of regret began to numb the pain from his wounds, closing like a fist around his heart as he lay panting on the tile floor of the bathroom. Regret that he’d never be able to publish a song, and regret that he’d been selfish enough to keep them to himself. Regret that he’d never told Finley he still loved her, and regret that he’d never moved on. Regret that he’d never looked into his birth family, and regret that he’d never cut them off—too much regret for too little time.
The world was already flickering, and he screamed as another jolt of pain ran through his leg, though no noise came out. Through his dim and blurry vision, he could just barely make out the figure in front of him, pulling his leg towards them. They were trying to get him away from the door. He reached out an arm helplessly, every muscle shuddering before it dropped to the ground, the sheer strength needed to lift it already gone. 
There was nothing he could do.
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humanityinahandbag · 1 year
Eddie's April Fools joke would be him bringing Steve a baby that he's watching while he volunteers at the foster center (because kids aren't as judgemental as adults and he can actually do some good without getting nasty looks or whispers about satanism and murder behind his back).
He'd show up at Steve's door and hold out a wide eyed, rosy cheeked, somewhat confused baby like, "Steven, I know it's been a few months since our night of passion, but she's yours. I'm taking you for all you're worth!"
And it's such an obvious joke. Such an obvious prank. He'd just been taking this kid out for a walk and getting some fresh air.
But jokes on Eddie, because Steve wouldn't even think before lighting up, reaching out, and snatching the baby to his chest like oh aren't you so sweet, do you want to come inside? Yes you do!
Eddie tries to explain that it's a joke, but Steve just grabs his hand and squeezes it tight and the words die on his tongue.
"Bah phhhfp," said the baby, giving Eddie a look like, dude, you've got it bad.
Steve didn't drop his hand. His fingers were warm and strong against Eddie's. "Where'd you find her?"
"... foster?" Says Eddie. "I'm uh. I'm watching her?"
"And you brought her here?" Steve's eyes crinkled at the corners. His smile was sunshine.
Eddie opened his mouth. Closed it. Nodded. And then nearly fell backwards when Steve brought the hand to his mouth and pressed a kiss to his knuckles.
"Glooof," said the baby, staring at Eddie. You're an idiot if you don't make a move right now.
Thankfully, he didn't have to. Not when Steve was giving him a tug over the threshold.
"C'mon. Let's get you both inside. I think she needs to be changed. You got a diaper bag hiding somewhere under all that leather?"
It was meant to be a joke. It doesn't land as one. Because somewhere in Steve's head, the paternal switch is cheering, lit up so brightly. Free baby? And the person he liked brought him the baby?
Well. Then there's only one real solution to the problem.
(For Eddie, that solution hits him just as quickly. Especially when the guy he's been in love with since the sixth grade is holding a baby to his chest, shirt speckled in spitup and drool, making coffee the next morning, smiling across the kitchen at Eddie so softly and sweetly. Well. He was done for long ago. Might as well fall all the way.)
Ten years later, Eddie and Steve are sitting on a park bench watching their daughter April try to sacrifice her stuffed bunny on top of the jungle gym.
"You do realize that she was supposed to be a joke, right?" He'd say to Steve, a little teary eyed and so unbelievably happy.
"Jokes on you," Steve would reply easily. "Because I kept you both."
Jokes on him indeed.
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emerxshiu · 6 months
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i forgot it was april fools lol. i definitly did not end up sprinkling in a bunch of memes in there, nope, not at all.
I havent checked my dashboard until a few minutes earlier, but now im booping everyone i find in there, its just so damm fun! its kinda sad that its just for april fools, i wish the booping stayed forever like its way too silly i love it.
Oh yeah the drawing yep aight. So uh, i had the idea yesterday and this looks NOTHING like what i had planned, it was just going to be a plain white backgroung, and i was trying to make it look like a pencil sketch (kinda). and simple coloring. but i had a lot of problems and drawing this ended up being really frustrating but im kinda happy with the result even if it difers so much from the og idea.
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also here is a clean version (aka no memes)
i tend to change my idea as im drawing so after i realized this was not going to look like i thought, i tried some effects and i came up with the idea of making it look...off.
Backgrounf with saturated colors consisting of red and blue and a fecto elfilis who looks rather dreamy, wich is totally not kinda inspired by isolated isles and high school musical 2 believe it or not (im confused as to how that was present in my mind as inspiration but i guess anything works as a reference) and contrasting with the darker background from how light and glowy i made him.
Fun fact: when i drew elfilis here, they were reminding me of a bunny, so you could kinda count this as a bit of an easter post since im probably going to forget to do something for that.
fun fact 2: this image is based on a fanfic im writing right now, i havent posted it yet, and when i do im pretty sure i'll put it into the Anonymous collection, since what im writing is very different from my usual, i tend to write about my splatoon ocs or sometimes about kirby characters, most of these fics tend to be general with not a lot of archieve warnings and stuff (save for one but that one was very very tame and just had an implication of a character dying at the end) and they're oneshots, most of them, this one is also a oneshot. i just enjoy writing that, but its a little bit....how to say it? bloody, i just have like the start made and its probably going to take me a while to finish, im also thinking of reading it multiple times since most of my works are usually just the first draft. but uh since its quite different and has that im quite scared of the reception it might have when i post it, in fact a lot of times i dont post stuff since even tho i know i shouldnt worry about others, i still do like an idiot, i just cant help caring about what other people think of me. and yeah basically its just not like the usual fluff i write.
next post might be splatoon related since im redesigning some ocs i had, or it might be princess peach showtime because my father got me the game and im loving it
Thank you for listening to my unnecesarily long rambles and Jambuhbye!
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theknightmarket · 2 years
Okay uh...this is the first time I'm requesting any egos but I just have to. You're the best writer for them I've ever had the pleasure of reading from. So I'm thinking maybe some Yancy and reader (preferably if they're from Heist) pulling some shenanigans around Happy Trails and slowly Yancy realizing his feelings? The shenanigans can involve the guards, Yancy's friends, or even the warden!
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"Came for the accent, stayed for the crisis."
In which Yancy and a convicted thief run their own April Fools' Day. 
TW: cursing
Pages: 20 – Words: 8,500
[Requests: OPEN]
The sounds coming from the corridor may have made any outsider think this was a theme park, which, while not all that different in context, was incorrect - if only for the fact that the rollercoasters, ring-toss games, and Ferris wheel were swapped out for sticky tables, rusty metal bars, and subpar plumbing. These may not have been mutually exclusive, but in Happy Trails Penitentiary, you would have better luck tracking down a perfectly innocent prisoner than a waffle. Or, for that matter, someone who wanted to be free. 
Happy Trails was notorious for being one of the only prisons in all of America that nobody wanted to leave. It wasn’t any different, there was still a fair amount of police brutality and a difficultly established hierarchy, but there was one thing that no other jail had that this one did. 
And that was not a something, but a someone: a young man who went by the name Yancy. 
Despite him having spent the majority of his life in a cell, nobody knew if that was his real name, or just a random thing someone had given him once. By the accent, he definitely wasn’t an Englishman, but that, too, was up to interpretation. Some said he was from Ohio, some said from Boston, but all agreed that it didn’t matter anymore. He was in Happy Trails Penitentiary, now, so who cared where he was born? 
Thus, this became his home. Yancy spent his days and nights in the confines of the walls, and he cherished the moments he spent with his friends, hell, family. It didn’t matter that he couldn’t leave, nor that his choices were limited in a lot of things, because he was with the people that he loved doing the things that he loved. It was a difficult task to imagine life outside, and it only sweetened the deal when you arrived. 
You knew next to nothing about prison-life when you first got kicked up the ass here, which, granted, was a lot more than he could say for your friend. You were a confusing pair, to say the least, but he wasn’t sure if you would adjust well. At first, admittedly, you didn’t; you picked fights and messed with the guards, and when your friend disappeared? Hell had no fury like you scorned. Yancy didn’t even know if you were still at the prison with how often you were chucked in solitary. 
Eventually, though, you settled down. You seemed to realize that this was where you were, and there was no changing that. You chilled out, got better, tried making conversation. Yancy was the first to welcome you properly, because he’d been where you were. A freshly-sixteen high school dropout was like early Christmas for the prisoners, until he found his group and made the place more homely. There was no denying the stray convicts who could make your life hard if you got on their bad side, but the vast majority were small time criminals who just didn’t want to leave. 
After your botched heist, you fit right in. 
And, yeah, you might be asking how this whole origin story resulted in yourself and Yancy getting chased down the hallway by the prison’s Warden, himself adorned in a pink afro, sunglasses, and the loudest shirt on the market. You weren’t exactly sure, either, but that didn’t stop you from squeezing Yancy’s hand and pulling him through a doorway. Your state-issued shoes clacked against tile, squeaking giving you away in a heartbeat. The sleeve of your jacket whipped past the Warden’s hand, and yet, against the prospect of being caught, a smile dashed across your face. It matched the one on Yancy’s mouth, soon to be interrupted by an accented laugh. 
You nearly let out a ‘woohoo’ in excitement, but you considered that too far, and you needed to catch your breath enough to get back to the Warden’s office. That thing was a fort right now, both of your faces were beet red from the running, amongst other reasons, and you were becoming awkwardly aware of your grip on Yancy’s hand. Getting caught was not an option, lest you wanted to face a month of solitary for this stunt – even though it was probably warranted. 
It all began at the very start of this morning when the sun barely peaked past your barred window and the guards had yet to wake everyone else up. You treasured this period, because it was the only time you were given free reign of what to do. Sure, during free time you had things to do, but you had to be doing things, whereas now was the perfect time to lay in bed, staring up at the top bunk and be at peace. A yawn broke the silence from that very place, but you considered the source to be the only thing that made a shorter rest worth it. 
“G’morning,” Yancy called sleepily. Even as early as this, his drawl was still present. 
Your response was more chirpy than usual, “Good morning, Yancy.”
His eyebrow’s rose unwittingly as he swung his legs over the side of your bed. “What’s got youse all hyped up?” He couldn’t think what made this day special. It wasn’t visitation day, it wasn’t Christmas, and it definitely wasn’t your birthday – so what was he missing? 
“Because,” you practically sang, strapping on your shoes and tying your jacket around your waist, “today is the first of April.”
Before Yancy’s feet could touch the ground, you secured your hands on his shoulders and grinned. He might have been scared had he not trusted you with his life, so he just returned the smile in appreciation of your mood and rolled up his own sleeves. 
For a second, you were confused. You didn’t expect much, maybe a laugh or a little sound of realization, but Yancy didn’t seem to know anything about what you were talking about. 
“April Fool’s Day,” you stated. 
His expression only shifted into concern. 
You, albeit overdramatically, gasped and moved your hands from his shoulders to cradle his jawline. “Yancy, have you never heard of April Fool’s?”
Not giving him time to respond, you assumed he hadn’t and knocked your forehead against his. With your eyes closed, you failed to notice the flush that exploded across his cheeks, the color blooming like a flower where your breath touched his skin. 
“What are we going to do with you,” you muttered, and by this time, Yancy’s entire face was beet red. He could say the same to you because this was not entirely out of character for you. You always had been touchy with him after becoming friends, and five months was enough time for this to be habit. 
He was stuck in this purgatory until you finally stepped back, not removing your hands however, and exclaimed, “You’re coming with me!” 
Bluntly, he replied, “What?”
“You’re coming with me.” Although you didn’t expand on that idea, you still took Yancy by the elbow and tugged him towards your corner. A while ago, you had designated the two available corners of the room for personal belongings, and yours had stayed concealed by a blanket for the past week. It had worried him slightly, but the guards were unperturbed, so he thought it fine to not ask any questions. Coming towards it now, though, he wished he had. 
“Prepare to be amazed,” you whispered, and you grabbed a corner of the fabric. 
In one, fluid movement, you ripped it away and threw it back onto your bed, revealing below what could only be described as an armada of materials. Yancy was stunned, and he stood completely still with his arms hanging limp for the next few seconds while he took in the pile. 
Multiple folded bedsheets made the foundation - some spotted, some plain, some covered in either blood or grenadine from the kitchen – followed by cans of neon paint and bags of fake moustaches on top. This, accompanied by a worrying number of handy tools, gave him pause and reason to ask, “Was’ all this for?”
Your grin grew manic in the short amount of time for you to remove a paint can without everything clattering to the ground. “This,” you lugged it to the desk, “is what we’ll need to enact the best pranks anyone could think of in a prison.” By the blank look on his face, Yancy still hadn’t a clue what you were talking about, so you started to explain.
“April Fool’s Day is celebrated by, uh, not a lot of people,” you admitted, “on the first of April every year. Nobody really knows where it came from, but that doesn’t stop it from being one of the most fun holidays in the year or me from going all out.” You removed a paintbrush from the stack of tools sitting next to the mismatched pile, and, after peeling the can open, dipped it in.
Yancy edged into view, slotting between the bunk bed and the desk, to ask, “Don’t you think we’re gonna get in trouble for dis?” 
You laughed, looked at him, and he quickly found comfort in your reassuring smile. It was like a tender fire sparking in the dark, a campfire that he could curl up next to and fall asleep until the next day. This tended to happen a lot, and it’d picked up recently, like the wind warning of the future. He didn’t want it to be a bad sign, so he stuck with what he knew; it made him happy to see you smile, he liked being happy, so he liked you, and there was nothing more to it. 
“We might.”
His smile wavered. 
“But you don’t have to worry about that.” You bounced towards him and tapped his jaw. “I’m an expert at this.” 
He had to trust you, it wasn’t as though he had a choice in the matter, anyway. A long time ago, he had decided that whatever you were doing, it would be fine in the end. Letting his shoulders and smile relax into a more natural one, he teased, “Like you were an expert at heists?” 
“Hey—” you flicked neon paint onto his shirt, staining it a slight green, “—I am an expert at heists, I got that part down to a T, I just don’t know how to pilot a helicopter.” 
“I think that’s part of the heist.”
“Nah,” you shrugged and did your best to reseal the paint can, mostly hitting it with your fist until it was in the rough shape it had been at the beginning but with a brush sticking through a hole. 
Yancy let one last, boisterous laugh through his lips, before you started to delve into the plan. 
You would admit that your plan seemed farfetched when you first brought it up to your cellmate and ironing out the details and getting the logistics down was a chore, but Yancy was quick to offer up his help. You appreciated it, trying to not let it slip that he lowered the risk of you getting caught a significant amount, and you reconstructed the plot to include the favors of his connections. Your improv skills had degraded since getting incarcerated, but that heist was a thing of beauty if you considered the need for thinking on your feet – which, you did. Half of that thing didn’t even have a plan, it was just ‘get in, get out, go home’. You faltered at the ‘go home’ part, of course, but you digressed. Your improvisation skills were needed now, and you had employed them well by the time of the breakfast bell. 
Keeping maniacal giggles to a minimum, you were the one to pull Yancy towards his main table, where his group of friends met you. None of them had the full picture, except for yourself and the ringleader, so they were all giddy with anticipation. They asked questions about who the victim was, why you’d chosen them, and you tried your best to answer them without giving too much away. Yancy, meanwhile, was somewhere else. 
Conducting the plan had been like a script – it was easy, efficient, and only needed muscle-memory from him to work fine – and that meant his mind was left to its own devices as his body helped you out. Every time you turned to him or asked him over your shoulder to pass him a screwdriver, he couldn’t take his eyes of you. He flailed his hand for the tool and handed it to you soon after grasping it, just so that he could watch you work. It was a reward for a duty he was unaware he had performed, but he must have done it well, because what a reward you were. Your company alone made his heart flutter, and he considered a doctor’s visit when your hands brushed. He ignored that they were breaking a lot of the prison’s rules, and, instead, the only thought at the front of his mind was that this, spending time with you… it was nice. 
“You ready, Yancy?” 
He blinked. Returning to the present, he waved away those feelings and moved his attention to his friends, including you, who were looking at him in excitement. 
Not sure what he was agreeing to but placing all trust in you, he nodded. 
Immediately, you pounced off the table, a tiger on the hunt, and everyone else watched on. Your shoes skidded against the tile as you carved a path to a particular guard. He stood alone, and, just as you had arranged, next to the breaker. Poor choice of the prison to put the box in the cafeteria of all places, but you weren’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth, so you nodded to the man and twisted on your heel to watch the hall. 
Chatter dropped, rose, and then dropped again, as if in sync with the flickering of the lights, before it flipped on its head – the fluorescent bulbs completely cut out, but a panic swirled. Guards, prisoners, even Warden Murder-Slaughter himself came out of his office and exclaimed some southern curse. It didn’t demand all of the attention, though, because that belonged rightfully to the spider-webbed convict leaning against one of the walls, helpfully, in the center of the room.
Jimmy the Pickle was your victim, and to answer Tiny’s question, he deserved your first prank of the day for punching one of your only friends through a goddamn wall. You would have done worse, but then you’d never have met Yancy and the gang, so you had some things to thank him for. Not enough to get him completely off the hook, of course, so a little neon paint was light punishment. 
A myriad of doodles and names adorned his body – more befitting of a graffitied high school yearbook – but the swirly mustache, horns and ‘nerd!’ worked here, too. 
From his seat atop the plastic table, Yancy could only watch the Jimmy’s reaction, mainly of confusion and then immediate rage as he stomped off to find whoever did this to him. Luckily, it was in the opposite direction to you, who was rushing over in quick step to slide next to him. Even coated in shadows, you were unabashedly red, and, when you turned to meet Yancy’s gaze, grinning ear to ear. If you weren’t in public, you’d be laughing like a maniac. The hushed chortles were evidence of this. 
“That was amazing,” you sighed, once the lights crackled to life and the restless gossip of the prisoners returned to normal. 
“We doing another one?”
Yancy’s eagerness caught you off guard, as did his sudden proximity to you. You didn’t know why he was so ready to pull another prank, but you decided that, if he was having fun, who were you to put a stop to that? All he was asking was to pick up the pace, and to deny the sparkle in his shimmering eyes was to deserve the death sentence. 
“Sure,” you conceded, “gimme a second to grab the blankets.” With that, you sprinted off again, almost stumbling over your own feet to get back to your cell.
His eyes trailed after you, fighting back the instinct to catch you with how many times you nearly tripped. You were worryingly similar a newborn deer – no control over your feet and even less knowledge of your surroundings. It was a strange and unfamiliar impulse that pushed him to lean forward on his seat, but a well-known pressure on his shoulder kept him down. 
Sparkles McGee peeked into view on his left. “You sure know how to pick ‘em, boss,” he joked, though there was the underlying tone of not joking. 
“Whady’a mean?”
“I mean, your new ‘pal’.” 
Having been practically raised inside the confines of a prison, Yancy wasn’t all that good at social cues. Sarcasm was difficult for him, bluntly told jokes he had a hard time figuring out, but the jumping of Sparkles’ eyebrows and the wink upon saying ‘pal’ didn’t leave much up to interpretation. That blush from earlier returned tenfold when he realized what his friend was insinuating. 
“I-It ain’t like that,” he responded quickly, but he didn’t entirely believe the words coming out of his mouth. 
“Uh-huh,” Bam-Bam joined in with a poorly disguised giggle, “and you don’t look at them like a love-sick puppy.” 
“I don’t!” It came out much more defensive that he had meant, but it was still the truth, wasn’t it? 
Tiny’s hand came to rest on his upper arm before she whispered, “Yancy, it’s okay.” 
“We’re just friends, guys,” Yancy still persisted, and he took off from the surface before they could think to stop him. Standing tall in front of his group, shoulders levelled and voice as sturdy as he could get it, he wished them a good breakfast and all but fled the cafeteria, hands tucked in his pockets and a scowl on his face. 
For the better half of an hour, he took to wandering around Happy Trails. He trusted his feet to take him wherever they felt he should go, while his mind relayed the conversation. He wouldn’t lie to himself, right? What point was there to convincing himself that he didn’t have feelings for someone – there wasn’t one, so, clearly, he didn’t have any to hide in the first place. To him, that made the most sense. Of course, his stomach flipped, and his heart pounded whenever you were around, he would risk ten years of solitary to stand close to you, and he was pretty sure he saw heaven in your eyes, but that didn’t mean anything special, right? Just plain old friends.
Why did it hurt to say that?
“Hey, Yancy!” 
Ordinarily, he would be annoyed at someone interrupting his brooding, but tilting on his heel revealed it was you who called his name. 
Yancy let a grin spread across his mouth while you bounded up to him. If anything, you’d be the puppy in the relationship – but you weren’t, because it wasn’t like that.
Skidding to a stop, you looked out of breath. A sudden fear of you running a fever toppled him, and he brought a hand to your forehead with little forethought. You weren’t too hot, but you should have gone to the medical bay, all the same.
“I’ve been looking for you,” you huffed, one half out of fatigue and the other out of annoyance.
“Ah, sorry,” he muttered. He didn’t expand on it, and you didn’t press, so you just moved on to shoving a pile of blankets into his arms. They were surprisingly soft for being in a prison, but, then again, he hadn’t a clue where you had gotten them from.
“I took them from the Warden’s office.”
Oh. Well, that was that. It explained where you got them, but it also made fear flicker about in his mind. The Warden would surely notice they were gone, what if you were caught, taken to solitary confinement, chucked out of the prison altogether? Just the thought shocked him to his core, and he stayed completely paralyzed while his thoughts ran wild. 
As if you could sense his inner turmoil, you pressed your hands against his jawline – a habit you’d long since picked up to calm him down. 
“Yancy, we’ll be fine,” you promised, “it’s just a bit of fun, we’re not gonna do any serious damage to the place. It’ll all be back to normal tomorrow, so the Warden won’t have anything to be mad at us for.”
Goddamn your reassuring smile, there it was again! Saving him like a knight in shining armor in his time of need. 
After taking a few deep breaths, he nodded back to you, making eye contact and avoiding biting his lip. 
Another laugh from you. “There you go, Yancy!” Another knocking of your foreheads. Another blush. 
There was a moment in the day when everyone was on edge. For the past few hours, a group of people were protected at all times. Now, however, nobody was safe. They’d glance up at the ceiling, waiting for the tiles to give way and unleash hell – they’d train their eyes on every exit and entrance as if daring a biblical flood to rush through – they’d mutter to themselves about who they thought the next victim would be, and send pitiful looks to the poor soul. 
The blindless a thief experienced was burned into his memory, his assumed death playing heavy before he had been able to throw the bedsheets off of himself. One of the guards still stared scrutinizingly at her fellows for any sign of them actually being a prisoner in disguise, and the general consensus of treating this like an infiltrated war base had been reached after the guard dogs were released on the officers’ private quarters. Any trust between each other had crumbled to the ground due to the actions of two wayward convicts. Yancy and yourself became names to fear amongst most of the occupying forces, to the point that Yancy’s gang had been separated and sent to their cells to stop them from conspiring with you. It was havoc, and there was just one more idea bouncing around that would be the end-all-be-all of the night. 
“Yancy, I have a plan—” you swung yourself up to his bunk, “—and it’s gonna be amazing.” 
While you made yourself comfortable, your cellmate leaned against the wall with his arms behind his head, trying his best to appear relaxed. The events of the day took a toll on his heart rate, but that wasn’t exactly a bad thing. His first attempt in April Fools’ Day had been a raging success, not only in the pranking department, but in the, well, you department. Nearly every second had been spent with you, laughing about people’s reactions, and plotting your next mission, you leaning in just close enough that he could feel your breath on his ear as you whispered the best ideas. What made it all better was the fact that, even though you both knew you could do this alone, you had chosen to do it with him. A grin stretched across his face as he thought back on how many times that you’d asked him to do the little things, like passing him items or giving him a leg up. All those times that you could have just improvised, but you didn’t; you chose him.  
However, as much as he was still trying to appear relaxed, it was becoming considerably harder to do so when you found that the comfiest place to be was slotted between his legs and looking up at him from his lap. You didn’t seem to mind the proximity, going so far as to push yourself further up him, but Yancy was certainly aware of your arms resting beside his thighs and the pressure of your head on his stomach. Now, it was a harder venture not to flush. 
“So,” you began, and he was suddenly reminded of why you were in this position in the first place, “this is me spit balling, feel free to chime in with stuff, but I think we should go after the Warden.” 
A grimace overtook his face. He usually loved your ideas, but the Warden? Number one, it was unimaginably dangerous, and, number two, he had his own reservations over risking his relationship with the man. It was no secret that he was the closest thing Yancy had to a father figure, and, as much as he hated to admit it, he relied on the Warden as a backbone. Take away him, and all of his confidence would go down the drain in a second. On the other hand, though, this was you. Yancy could trust you, he was certain of that, and what reason did you have to put him in the line of fire? 
The internal conflict must have been visible on his face because you were quick to bring your hands to his jawline and smoothen out the stubble. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” you pointed out in the softest tone you could muster, “I just think it would be nice to go out with a bang. It’s your choice.” 
It was at that second that - with you staring up at him, calloused hands pressing down on his jaw, the assuring twitch of your mouth, and the gleam of rigid determination in your irises – Yancy came to a revelation. It wasn’t sudden or surprising, it was more like when you zone out in a car and then notice that an hour has passed and you’re already there. Like expected clarity. 
Yancy would do anything, as long as it meant being with you. 
Now, he wasn’t entirely sure what that meant in relation to anything else, but this was an undeniable truth as stark as a glistening geode surrounded by rock. If that was all it was, then it was good enough for him, but if that meant something more, he wouldn’t fight it. How could he when it was someone like you?
This conclusion settled in his mind, he leaned forward barely an inch and pecked your forehead. “Youse is gonna be the death of me.” 
Despite the dusting along your cheeks, you laughed. The metal of the bunk bed almost seemed to get warmer with your unadulterated joy, and Yancy found himself unable to resist giggling along with you. His shoulders bounced, you smiled wider, and you only began to calm yourself down when you realized you hadn’t even told him the plan yet. 
“First of all, we’ll probably have to haggle for the stuff, but I think putting the Warden into 80s clothing would be a great time for everyone.” It was anyone’s guess as to where you came up with this stuff, but he nodded along anyway. “We could go for a wig, those stupidly curly ones that you can stick a comb in—oh, and if we can, we should try and get a pair of roller-skates on his feet, ‘cause it’d be really funny, and—” 
Your mouth was moving, and sound was coming out of it, and you were making your plan up on the spot, but Yancy paid it little mind. He was focused on the way that you shifted as you talked; your hands moved centimeters at a time, like you were subconsciously acting it out as you went, your fingertips pattering along his skin as you did so. While you spoke at a normal pace, the cogs in your head visibly spun a mile a minute behind your eyes. The determined gleam had shifted into passion, a look he’d only seen once before, and yet it was a very recent occasion. 
You’d been laying side-by-side in the air duct, waiting for an unsuspecting victim to walk underneath your blanket trap, when you’d filled him in on the traditions of other holidays not widely celebrated. Guy Fawkes Day, a lot of independence days, and pancake day, which was the only self-explanatory one out of the bunch you told him. All of these, you had inane knowledge on, but the look in your eye when you ranted about them had him drifting off, just like now, only to inspect the way it danced along the black and white ridges, disappeared under your eyelashes and…
He probably should have been paying attention. 
He only snapped back to reality when you were interrupted by a yawn. Your hand disappeared from his cheek, a sensation he felt his eyebrows fold in at, and covered your mouth. An attempt to continue was, again, cut off, and it only succeeded at making you more annoyed. 
“Youse, uh, youse sleepy?”
You shook your head, opened your mouth, and promptly yawned again. Yancy raised an eyebrow. You huffed.
“Nope,” you replied, and he waited for another sign of your tiredness. 
It came, and you were forced to accept that you may have been a bit fatigued by the day’s events. 
“We can go to sleep, if you want?” he offered. 
“But you don’t do pranks on the day after April Fool’s. It’s tasteless.” 
“Just a nap, then?”
“Yancy,” your tone was pleading but the intent wasn’t there. It dismantled seconds after he pulled those puppy-dog eyes, a tactic you were certainly familiar with after the many times you fell to it. 
And now would be no exception. 
Huffing, you slouched in your makeshift seat. Yancy’s striped sweatpants were surprisingly comfy for a prison uniform – or maybe that was just him. Either way, you were content to slip into a dream then and there, completely forgetting that you were still on Yancy’s bunk and him holding you up. Not that he minded; he, too, was happy to relax into the cushion, trying to avoid jolting you too much in your slept. Technically, it wasn’t lights out just yet, but your pranking had thrown everything into disarray. It would take a week to get it all back to normal, and the guards would probably stick you in solitary next year just to save themselves the pain. 
He laughed to himself, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek. You were pleasantly warm against the cool air of the cell. What a panic you’d made – his little imp. 
He drifted off without pausing to think. 
To say that you were startled awake would be an understatement; your eyes blew wide, you fumbled in surprise, and your face almost made great friends with the concrete floor. If it hadn’t been for Yancy gripping your waist before you could fully fall out, the scheme from earlier would have all been for naught. Heart racing and breath still rapid, your gaze flitted from wall to wall, checking your supplies and wondering what the hell woke you up in the first place. 
Your answer came not a minute later, when an officer came strutting down the hallway with a baton that he was helpfully clacking against the bars with. The hallway was dim, and the rest of the prison was silent in your sector – it must’ve been lights out, if the guard yelling, “Lights out!” wasn’t anything to go by. 
Internally, you groaned. Had you missed your chance? God, and it would’ve been so fun, too. All people had were the memories of you two vaguely terrorizing the prison, not the big blow-out you had wanted. Your hair dusted against the wall as you flopped backwards. 
“It’s too late,” you muttered, disdain evident and disappointment lacing it all. 
In another scenario, Yancy would have grimaced and tried to raise your spirits. He would have told you about the songs he’d practiced, or the up-and-coming movie night the prison was planning. However, this was not another scenario. 
Instead of letting you wallow, Yancy dragged you with an arm around your shoulder down the ladder and onto stable ground. You moved like a fluid, as you always did when you were annoyed, and simply watched as he got to his knees and checked underneath your own bed. 
“I don’t think dust bunnies will help us,” you tried to joke, but it fell on deaf ears. Instead, Yancy was fixated on bringing forward the small lockbox he had stored down there since before you had arrived. He’d never had to use it before, leading it to be shoved right at the back. Even now he was having trouble finding it with the darkness of a sheltered hiding place. 
While Yancy ran his fingertips at the edge of the wall, you inspected your stash of equipment. This plan was a spur of the moment kind of thing, so none of what you had would be helpful, but the nap would have given someone time to steal what you rightfully bartered for. A quick glance over suggested nothing was off, though you didn’t remember getting pink paint, and you checked off your mental inventory as you went. 
“Ah,” Yancy mumbled, pushing himself out of the space and towing a medium sized box with him. Time must have meddled with his memory, because it felt slightly bigger in his hands than it had before. Then again, people had the poor habit of growing. Brushing the thought aside, he sat back on his haunches and clicked it open. 
Yancy wasn’t always this unsure, as if bravado was in his blood, but this definitely knocked him off his high horse. What should have been an unassuming lockbox with nothing but a few lighters, combs, and a jagged, old key, was, instead, full to bursting with bright clothes and accessories. If that wasn’t weird enough, it was exactly as you had described during your plotting phase; a curly wig, practically doused in pink, a flamboyant, open-chested t-shirt, and roller-skates. Sweat dripped down his back when he considered the implications, but you merely dashed forward and removed the afro. 
“This is great!” you exclaimed, swiveling to Yancy and wrapping your arms around him.
Yes, you were aware this meant someone had broken into your cell while you were sleeping, and, yes, you recognised someone overheard your entire plan, but did you care? Hell no! You had all the materials you needed to pull off your best prank yet, and if you found the person who provided them, you’d probably shake their hand and spare them from future endeavors. The best clue you had was the small, bright pink mustache painted on the inside wood.
A manic grin blazed across the bottom of your face, and you squeezed slightly tighter in excitement. He patted your back, less enthusiastic but happy that you were. He was more concerned with an intruder hearing last night’s – or this night’s – moment. Lips pursing and hands coming to rest on your waist as you pulled back, he wondered why he held it so close to the chest. 
“Come on,” you whispered. Your hand collected his, and, with the key in your other hand, you escaped your cell to wreak even more havoc.
A ticking of a clock pricked up the hair on his arms, the slow patter of rain outside the window tapping the inside of his ear, and every other little sound sending off warning bells in his mind. Warden Murder-Slaughter stared at the front door, as if his glare alone would keep him safe. It was the only defense he had – except for the wooden planks bolted to the windows and the dozens of locks on the single entrance. He couldn’t be blamed for his paranoia, if it could even have been considered that, as he’d seen with his own two eyes the consequences of not being vigilant, and he did not like what he saw. 
So, his eyes drying from not blinking, the Warden accepted having to be awake for the night, just to see himself make it to the next day. It would be the April 2nd, then, and he would be free to wander the halls of the prison like he owned the place, which he did, and it was shameful that he was forced into hiding in his own goddamn office. 
The burning embarrassment wavering in his chest didn’t stop him from flinched when knocks arose on the door. His hand twitched, he fought back blinking, and with the most confidence he could muster, the Warden called out, “Who’s there?”
A pair of shadows cast from underneath the door shifted. “Uh, just me, sir.”
The Warden wasn’t stupid; he knew that when people said ‘just me’ that it probably wasn’t just them. It did sound like one of his lackeys, but he wasn’t willing to take any chances with wayward prisoners on the loose. 
“And you would be?”
They made a sound of disappointment, like most of his staff did when he didn’t recall their name, though they answered all the same. “Jacob Dalt?”
“Middle name.”
Unseen, Jacob shook his head. The Warden had never been so paranoid, and yet, there he was, cornered into his office with the fear of God in his heart. "Markus."
“First pet’s name.”
“Social security number.” 
“Sir!” The handle rattled and the door shook, but Jacob stayed behind the door. “Look, sir, if you don’t want to come out, that’s fine – but it’s getting late, and we’re all worried about you. You’ve been in there for the entire day, you haven’t even shouted at the guys upstairs for the lights, yet, and we know how much you love doing that. Just,” there was a vague fist hitting the door, “are you okay?” 
The Warden was pretty sure he could trust the boy, nobody could mimic the overzealous care of that guard, so he rose from his chair with a huff and dismantled all the checks and balanced he had installed to keep himself safe. It was a full minute before he swung the door open and waved him in. 
“Yes, I am fine,” he replied as he re-did all of the locks, “I’m just on edge.”
“I can see that.” 
Jacob flipped around with a concerned smile, while the Warden focused all of his energy on getting the door secured once more. Both of their backs were turned to the rest of the room, which meant more than a few things; the swiveling chair was unoccupied, the window was clear to the outside, and the vent above the desk was out of their view. It was flawless timing, and you didn’t even need to bribe a guard.
Encouraged by your descriptive hand gestures, Yancy dropped as subtle as he could to the worktop, hoping that his shoes wouldn’t make a sound and sprung to hide behind the fake plant in the corner. You pushed yourself out seconds after him, and, lucky for you, the clicks of metal against metal distracted the two others enough for you to hop to the ground and crouch in the leg hole. The sight of your partner was worryingly familiar to you, causing a twitch in your attention, but the spark of adrenaline burst through you in the next moment. 
After gently shoving the chair further away from you, you were able to listen in to the conversation. Nothing stood out to you much – the guard was talking about the Warden’s health and that of the prisoners – until all of the security measures had been returned and the boy offered a single piece of advice. Take a nap. It was perfect, almost too perfect, really, but as said before, you weren’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth, and it appeared neither would the Warden. 
The man, sighed, waved the officer away, and was forced to fiddle with the locks for a fourth time when he realized he had no way out. It only worked in your favor, because he was slowly getting more pissed off at the situation you’d worked to create. Proud was swelling in you, and you tried to remind yourself where you were so you wouldn’t get swept up in it all. You were in the middle of a mission, the chance of getting caught and Yancy’s reputation on the line. 
All the pieces lining up bolstered your confidence so much so that, when the Warden came to sit back in his chair, you didn’t move. Instead, you stayed flat against the wooden panel and steadied your breath as he flopped into the comfortable hold of old leather. You were tempted to grab ahold of his feet and yank, but the sane side of you told you it was beyond stupid. 
Yancy, meanwhile, was panicking. You weren’t even supposed to be out of your cell, much less the Warden’s office. If he were to find you, there would be hell to pay, and sweat dripped down his neck as he thought what would become of you. Solitary was a granted, but you might get kicked out onto the streets of normal society! He couldn’t imagine anything worse – although, he also couldn’t figure out why. He liked you, he knew that, but why did the mere possibility of being separated shake him so much? He had half a mind to rush out and distract him so you could escape, and it irked him that he didn’t know why it seemed natural, like there was no other choice for him. 
“Yancy,” a voice hissed at him. Heart thudding in the chest, he glared through the leaves only to see you waving at him from the side of the desk. The Warden had fallen asleep quickly, and, based on him sleeping through frequent rehearsals late at night, would continue to be until you woke him. 
Doing your best not to giggle too loudly, you withdrew the pink afro and sunglasses from your shirt, a moment for which Yancy made sure not to look. There it was again, something had changed and, for some reason, even though he’d seen you get changed plenty of times right in front of him, it was awkward to spot a single inch of your collarbone. Was he sick? Had he caught something from last night’s food? His mulling over left him dazed and delirious when you snapped your fingers to get his attention. 
“You okay there, Yancy?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he muttered, squatting to get on your level, “jus’ think I’m, uh, comin’ down with somin’.”
“As soon as we get back to our cell, you are sleeping for the next day and a half.” 
With tentative hands, he removed the Warden’s shoes and replaced them with the pair of roller-skates. It probably should have concerned him how well they fit, but he had learned not to ask questions by now. 
“And youse’d take care of me?” 
“Of course.”
Once everything had been properly settled onto the still-sleeping man, the two of you stood from the ground and stashed whatever he had been wearing before into the document cabinet. Your masterpiece was complete, and, now, it was just a matter of waiting until he woke up and left the room for the entire prison to see. You could get out the way you came in, so he wouldn’t be worried by any broken locks, and the sunglasses were the same weight and shape of his reading ones. This was perfect, this was the grand finale you had wanted, and you couldn’t have done it without Yancy’s help. 
You turned to him with a grin sweeping across your face. “Thank you,” you whispered, and leaned forward to lay a kiss across his cheek. 
Yancy’s heart thundered, his breath caught, and he almost felt his hands shake. 
But not from the kiss. 
It was from the Warden’s eyes snapping open with a look furious enough to frighten a crazed bull. It was maddened, inconsolable, and pointed straight at the both of you. 
Keeping the locks unbroken was thrown out in favor of bursting through the door shoulder first and flinging yourself down the hallway. It hurt like hell, sure, but the adrenaline lighting your veins told you to ignore it and just run, so you grabbed onto Yancy’s hand and did just that. 
The situation was manic, a feeding frenzy in an ocean of sharks. You tripped past the kitchen and the storage room, curbed through the washroom, and soon enough, found yourselves in your wing of the prison. It was nice to see Yancy’s friends as you ran by, Sparkless calling out your names like a commentator at a racetrack, and Tiny helpfully pointing to the man gaining on you. Bam-Bam made certain gestures towards you that Yancy caught, which both made him smile and explode in a furious red. 
The cafeteria was next on your hit-list, as you skidded between benches and leapt over tables. The Warden’s enraged shouts propelled you forward, though you didn’t miss yelling back remarks that only made him more annoyed. Your partner was just along for the ride, at this point, but he tugged you out of the way of a food cart as you ran. After sending him an appreciative glance, you made it out of the hall. 
A few guards peeked out of the staff room when you passed, the squeaking of your shoes making it difficult to be stealthy about this, but they preferred to exchange looks than interrupt… whatever it was that you were doing. They gathered it was something to do with the pranks, but the gleams in your eyes told a different story. 
With a final burst of energy, you swung Yancy into the Warden’s office and shoved the door closed behind you. The locks were useless, now, so you settled for vaulting over the desk and maneuvering it into a barricade. Yancy jumped to help, and you were quickly safe in the make-shift bunker. 
Flopping into one of the chairs, you sighed. That was… more eventful than you had expected, but it was good. Great, in fact! Reliving the glory days granted you the adventure you had been missing. 
From his spot leaning against the table, Yancy chuckled lightly, which turned into small laughs and then full-blown chortles. Never in his life had he imagined he’d be getting into pranking his surrogate-father, with you, no less. 
“That was…” he started, only to continue with giggles. 
You nodded before letting your head fall backwards. You might just join Yancy for the day and a half nap. 
After a few seconds, he regained his breath and spoke again, “I, uh, really enjoyed doin’ dat with you.”
“I enjoyed it too, Yancy.”
Your head propped up, wavering side to side, that feeling returned full throttle. It was the feeling when you’d been chased, sure, but there was something different about it. The warm wasn’t from his blood running through him, but a fuzzy, comfortable feeling – it was an emotion he wasn’t familiar with, and not being able to put a name to it was, well, annoying. He wanted to tell you how he felt, but describing it would be inefficient and, he feared, inaccurate. It was like a bunch of small emotions bundled into one, messy glob. Caring, joy, a little bit of worry. It made his heart sing and his face flush and his throat swell with all of the words he wanted to say but couldn’t. 
Coughing, he spoke, “And thank youse for doing it with me.” 
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I think dis’ is the best April Fools’ Day I’ve ever done, and youse didn’t have to take me along with it so, thank you.”
With a near-silent laugh, you made your way to sit next to him on the desk. The wood was kind of hard, but it made wrapping an arm around him that much easier. After the run, he was warm and stable.
“I should be the one thanking you,” you admitted, making Yancy look at you with confusion, “When I first came here, I was dead set on getting out. I thought that if I didn’t, then I’d be wasting away my life and betraying everything I’d worked for – and then I met you. You made it home, y’know. Now, eh, I’d much rather be here than in the outside world.” 
Yancy blinked, though, really, he wanted to jump and dance with you around the room. You wanted to stay for him. Not for the songs, or the free healthcare, for him. It might’ve been April Fool’s, but he was pretty sure it doubled as Christmas for him.
“Really?” he mumbled, and his eyes met yours. They were practically pools of sincerity, so vivid that there was a sheen of vulnerability over your irises. 
“Come on,” you pulled him close, “I came for the accent, stayed for the crisis.” 
It was a happy moment, so, so happy, that Yancy was furious he couldn’t express it with words. His mouth dried up and his mind flurried about like birds’ wings. You weren’t talking anymore, and it looked like you were about to pull away for a second. 
So, Yancy did the only thing he could think to do. 
The bone of your jaw was firm, the strands of your hair were soft, and the skin of your lips was delicate. Kissing you was something he had never imagined, and yet he couldn’t help but wonder why he ever held back. Carding one hand across the nape of your neck and the other secured around your waist, he poured all of his attention into the feeling of you against him. You pushed forward, and he did, too. It might’ve been the pounding of his heart or the banging of the Warden against the door, but he didn’t care! This perfect moment surrounded by chaos nestled into his memory, added to by the feeling of you smiling against his own mouth. Yancy held back a chuckle himself, before once more becoming engrossed in dancing with your lips.
It was in this moment that Yancy put a name to the emotion that had been stirring in him since the morning. Love – and the admission only had him leaning further in. 
You only broke apart because of the fatal flaw of human design – needing to breath, but even then, you went back in for another kiss milliseconds after catching air. Yancy was all but overjoyed to, not feeling bad about ignoring the Warden for the first time in his life. He had something better to attend to. 
However, that stance was changed slightly when the boards that used to be covering the windows crashed to the ground in splinters, followed by a body. Just one look at the wig and jacket, and Yancy was jumping to his feet and onto the chair you had abandoned. Thankfully, you had neglected to refit the vent, meaning it was easy for him to grab your hand and lift you towards the ceiling. When you were securely inside, he brought himself up, and you latched onto his arm to pull him towards you, barely missing the Warden’s hand by an inch. 
“So, again next year, then?” Yancy joked, to which you responded with a laugh and another short kiss on his lips, leaving the Warden’s southern curses to echo behind you. 
[Again, sorry for the lateness – I still hope you enjoyed this and our cute lil’ boy being all confused about emotions. I’m still not over him losing to Dark in the poll. I mean, yeah, I get it, but c’mon, how could they do this to the Boston boy??]
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wallspikes · 1 year
Chapter 4
hiiii everyone happy APRIL FOOLS! but this isn't a joke... its a whole new chapter... 3k words of my guys. still no name for this -- worlds worst title creator here. i might call it on the wrong foot BUT idunno. i cant post this to ao3 until i get a title </3. ANYWAY no warnings for this i don't thinkkkk... HAVE FUN! if you have any title ideas tell me in the notes.. please...
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
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Gio, no doubt sitting in the ruins of a sand dune beyond the lengths of repair, and more than likely covered in a plethora of various bug bites, felt that he was building more bridges than he had burned in the past day. The little man hadn’t sprinted off towards the closest patch of grass the minute he’d sat down to make himself comfortable — though, they still looked ready to jump away at the first sign of danger. They warily planted their feet and chewed on oversized oats just a few feet away from his outstretched calf. Gio counted that as a win, in his book.
The time on his phone was a little after twelve-thirty. He finished off the last of the granola bar, tucking the wrapper into his back pocket as he stared at the little man in a halfhearted contest that he was sure to lose. The expression on their face was uncertain, their eyebrows upturned in worried arches, their cheeks a blotchy red; Gio felt bad for making them stand there. “You can leave if you want,” he shrugged, “I’m not trying to keep you here… but, that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate this, of course!” 
Gio leaned into his palms and fixed them with a thankful grin, “I felt like I was going insane last night, thinking about whether you were real or not. Like, everything felt real, but it was so unreal that I didn’t know if I was imagining it somehow.” His smile turned toothy, “So, thanks for talking to me— or, uh… standing with me. It's nice to not feel crazy.”
The little man shifted in their spot, awkwardly kicking sand to cover their feet and shaking it off again. It almost seemed like they were going to speak, but the words never came. Instead, they ran their hand through their beard, fingers catching on sticky knots matted by honey from the granola bar. 
When he still failed to coax a word from the little man, Gio listlessly shrugged. He watched them tug at their beard, wincing slightly each time their neck jerked from a particularly stubborn clump until the secondhand pain became too much to bear and he realized he had the means to help. “Do you want some water?“ He asked, leaning over to pull a bottle from his backpack, “It might help get rid of the honey before you tear out all your hair first.”
The little man quailed as Gio reached behind himself, the movement far too sudden. Gio turned back to see the man had leaped a few steps away from his calf, the granola bar clutched tightly to their chest as they eyed the nearby brambles of bamboo. Their expression had quickly changed to something more frantic, a content pinkness that had grown on their cheeks from the chance at a good meal draining to frightened paleness while their already-upturned eyebrows nearly met with their hairline. “Woah, sorry,” Gio whispered, and held his hands up in surrender, grasping his water bottle in a fist, “I won’t move so fast anymore. Sorry,” he apologized again, slowly pouring a capful of water and placing it where the man once stood, “I wasn’t really thinking.” 
It took a few moments of bated breath, but eventually, the little man found the courage to reach forward, pull the cap back towards themself, and gingerly pour some water through their beard, making sure to catch a few drops in their mouth in the process as well. Gio watched, satisfied, but wished still that he could get a closer look at his little midnight guest. He slowly pulled his legs into himself, making sure the man was watching him warily before hunching over and digging his elbows into the sand as if studying a particularly interesting insect.
The little man shrunk under his stare, worrying the granola bar between their hands as Gio propped his head in his palm. As they found themselves locked in a one-sided staring contest, Gio couldn’t help himself from absorbing each little detail, from the way the man’s hair bristled as he looked over them to the worried curve of their brows that hadn’t seemed to relax. Their hair was thick and full, and out from it stuck two large, round ears that twitched back at every move Gio made, no matter how slow. “I hope you don’t mind me being here so much,” he mumbled, “I can’t really tell…”
Again, there was no response — it wasn’t like he really expected one from the man, though there was a faraway part of himself that held out hope for a simple nod, or even more daringly, a word, even if it never came. A wide-eyed stare and the occasional nod of the head proved to be his only consistent partner in conversation. Gio studied them a few moments longer while he hovered overhead, watching their Adam’s apple bob and their feet shuffle in place as their fingers bore holes in the oats of the granola bar, held tightly in a white-knuckled grip. Fascinated as he was by the man’s features, Gio was beginning to worry all this studying might kill them. He sat back on his heels, reached to check for the time, and felt the weight of his eyelids double the second the number ticked on screen. 
Gio yawned, exhaustion beginning to catch up with him as the night continued in its standing lull. He turned his head up to the night sky, past the tall bushes and the bamboo to stare at the stars, and sighed. “I should probably go home.” More of a statement than a suggestion, he reached behind himself for his backpack. “Are you headed home soon?”
The redhead straightened up a bit at being addressed, and responded with a quick nod. They took a few steps towards the bushes. 
“Cool.” Gio craned his neck over the bushes, then through their lower brambles. He wasn’t sure what exactly he was looking for — a small, dollhouse-like structure beneath the leaves, or a glimmer of light? — but he saw nothing. He tugged on his backpack. “Do you want a walk back?” He tried.
They looked uncomfortable with the suggestion, slightly curling in on themself while they bared a set of awkwardly grimacing yellowing teeth. They shook their head for good measure, though Gio had already gotten the message. Understanding, but disappointed, he nodded. “Well, what if we meet up again sometime…?” Gio held out hope for another shot.
No harsh reaction immediately followed the inquiry, which Gio took for a good sign, though the long pauses of blank stares were equally just as unnerving. He held his breath while he waited for an answer, watching the little man thoughtfully square their jaw as their eyes quickly snapped to meet his, like they were searching for the source of an ulterior motive there. For some reason, Gio felt himself getting nervous — was he hiding something? He didn’t think so. Regardless, he did his best not to show it. 
When the little man found nothing in his eyes, they subtly let their jaw relax and rumbled an exhausted growl of relief. Their expression betrayed the sound, their brow still pulled tightly to their nose, upturned with worry — Gio had half a mind to ask if they always looked like that, though he was beginning to become more unsure if the question would be answered with a ‘no.’ But, even so, as they hesitantly shrugged — a response that could realistically be a polite decline, had the little man meant it that way — Gio was ecstatic. “That’s great!” He exclaimed, the cold nervousness that had seized him just moments before making way for a giddy feeling of enthusiasm. “What’s best for you? Should I come here, or do you want to start coming to me…?”
Shellshocked, but too reserved to correct Gio if their attention had been to deny, they slowly pointed at him. The man seemed fairly settled in his decision, though Gio was still a bit unsure of the agreement. “You want to come to me?” The little man nodded. “Okay, yeah! That works fine.”
He knelt on the boardwalk and leaned over the lip until he spotted the little red-headed man slightly tucked away into the foliage. “I live on Pacific, if that means anything,” he grinned, pointing through the trees and bushes, “It’s two walks over, just skip the first one — the gray house with the deck on the left is mine. I’m there pretty often, if you need anything. Or if you just want to say hi…?”
The little man glanced in the direction he was pointing, as if to politely consider the offer before giving their answer — then nodded. Gio, hovering upside down over the edge of the boardwalk, gave an excited thumbs up, “Great! My family’s fine, so if you see them, don’t get too concerned. But, uh, I’ll try to find time out there at night for myself, so you can talk to just me, if you want.”
The man didn’t respond this time, their expression only tightening a bit — an expression Gio couldn’t quite get the read on he would have liked. He left the conversation at that. “I hope you… feel better. Sorry, again, about everything.” A pause. “Yeah,” he added, “I’ll see you later… Have a good night, man.”
Gio stood, dusted off his knees and knocked the sand from his shoes, gave the tattered net a grim once-over, and had half a mind to break the thing over his knee — but, ultimately, decided against it after remembering the last time he was whacked from the recoil of a fishing pole. 
As he walked home, suddenly more aware of each footfall with the knowledge of the man who lived beneath the boardwalk, Gio let his mind wander to his family — how would they react to seeing a man a fraction of their size? Living, breathing, thinking? Would they take it well?
Should he even tell them…?
Gio let the thought ruminate. There was no guarantee they’d even see the little guy if he never told them about them. If the stranger showed up at their doorstep looking for a conversation, Gio was certain they’d hide from unknown family members, whether they knew about them or not — though, they’d probably appreciate it to hide without peering eyes… Gio shrugged to himself. He wouldn’t tell his family, to save everyone the hassle.
Plus, he wasn’t sure he had taken the news so well himself.
Sure, stumbling across the little guy in the gully left him fascinated and even more curious by the bizarre discovery, but he thought back to the feeling of the man in his palm… they couldn’t have weighed more than a few ounces — not even a pound — and when they stood before him for their silent conversation, Gio couldn’t help but notice how pale and thin their body was. 
Gio slowed his pace as he thought. Was the stranger hungry? Sick? He wished they had taken more food, if that was the case. He could spare it easily, though, with the way the little guy struggled to carry their cargo after the hopefully generous-enough offering, the issue seemed not to come in the offering, but in receiving. There was no way they could have comfortably brought more food home. Maybe he could bring some more interesting things next time he planned to look for the stranger again. Or, he could wrap a few provisions in some napkins and leave them on the little man’s doorstep, once he knew where it was. He just hoped the man was eating comfortably.
The idea that they weren’t bothered him. He’d never seen a person like that before, but the fact that there was one meant that there had to be more — were they all so thin? Hanging so closely to the threat of starvation that their skin pales and pulls tight to the bone? He hoped not. He hoped his little stranger was just an outlier. 
Gio realized, as he found himself a few paces from his doorstep, that he hadn’t been watching his feet while he was lost in thought about the nutrition of the little man. In a heart-wrenching panic, he glanced back at the boardwalk, dreading to find any unfortunate soul who’d wandered into his path, but thankfully found nothing in the dim reflection of moonlight off the wooden slats. He sighed, and resigned himself to his screen-paneled front door — where he made sure not to let it slam behind him, or let the hinges squeak too loudly.
As his phone’s clock turned past one-thirty in the morning, he turned its flashlight to the floor, kicked off his sneakers, and softly found his way up the stairs, around the bend of the hallway and—
Gio jumped, nearly dropping his phone, but catching it before it could make a parent-waking clatter. Shining his flashlight down the hallway, Nicolette poked her head from her open bedroom door. “Nico!” he hissed, narrowing his eyes at her through the darkness, “What?! Why are you even awake?!”
“It’s not that late. Plus, I heard you sneak out at eleven-thirty and wanted to know where you headed off to without inviting me.” Nicolette leaned against her doorway, “Were you hanging out with Monty again?”
Gio shrugged — it seemed as good a coverup as any, “Yeah. They wanted to sit over by the bay.”
“Why’d you have a net?”
Gio’s flashlight slightly faltered. He could feel this conversation twist itself into an interrogation as the moments passed and the questions became more detailed. It was rare that a Clark sibling conversation could last more than a few minutes without turning into some kind of debate, and it seemed Gio couldn’t save this one’s meager life. “How did you know I had a net?”
Nicolette gestured into her room with a shrug of her shoulders, “You’re not the only one with a window.”
He grit his teeth, “We were catching crabs.”
“What’re you?” Nicolette scoffed, “Seven?”
Gio turned back down the hallway to his own bedroom door and slid his bag inside before he whispered again, his voice exasperated, “Whatever! If you wanna keep talking, come over here. We’re gonna wake up mom and dad.”
His sister huffed, but pushed herself off her doorway nonetheless. She made herself comfortable on the foot of her brother’s bed and leaned her back against the neighboring wall as Gio closed the door behind them — making sure to give the hallway a quick, cursory glance, just in case.
Gio flicked on a lamp and shook some of the long-clinging sand from the legs of his pants — Nicolette fixed him with a studious gaze. He paused. “What?”
She narrowed her eyes, “What’s going on with you?”
“Nothing’s going on with me,” Gio lied.
Nicolette ignored him. She pointed to the band-aid on his hand, “First, you come home with your hand mauled. Then, you wander off at night with a net, and won’t tell me where you went. What are you really trying to catch?”
“I told you already,” Gio shrugged, turning to rummage through his dresser for a set of pajamas, “it was a fly. And I was catching crabs with Monty.”
“Yeah, you know that’s not true,” Nicolette called his bluff, a triumphant smirk in her voice, “Plus, I can see your face getting red from here.”
She was right. Gio could feel his face getting warm, too. That always happened when he lied or started to get nervous. Usually, he’d find the chance to hide the pinkness of his cheeks before it got too obvious — his most common solution was to run away — but with his sister sitting so firmly on his only hope for safe haven, he’d have to resign himself to embarrassment. “Fine,” he rolled his eyes, “That’s not true.”
Nicolette perked up. “Okay… then tell me what is!”
Gio crossed his arms. He loved his sister, but he wasn’t going to let her strongarm him into giving up all his secrets so easily this time. Maybe he didn’t want to tell her. “Well, y’know, maybe I don’t want to tell you,” he echoed his own thoughts, “Why do you always need to know everything?”
She thunked her head against the wall, “It can’t be that serious.”
He shrugged, doing his best to keep his cheeks from turning red. He was lying in every way — not only verbally, to his sister, but to himself. It was that serious. “I don’t know. Maybe it is.”
“Ugh! Gio!” she exclaimed, her voice still a whisper, “Just tell me!”
He wanted to tell her badly. Gio took a deep breath, and he held it for a moment, trying to keep himself from spilling the entire story of the stranger right then and there — but, as he opened his mouth to exhale, the dam broke. “It’s a… little man?!” Gio could have shouted with all the pent-up bewilderment of the nights before, if not for his parents’ room just a few doors down, “Like, really little. I saw them and they bit me and then I just couldn’t… stop thinking about it! I think they live under the boardwalk.”
The room was silent. Nicolette fixed him with an incredulous stare, her eyes tinged with a softness of worry after her brother’s seemingly nonsensical story. “A little man…?”
“A little man.”
“Okay…” she started slowly, then cocked her head, “You're sure you’re not sick?”
Gio wiped a hand down his face with a tired groan as his cheeks turned even redder for a different, embarrassed reason. “Whatever,” he mumbled, and strictly pointed at the door, “Get out so I can go to sleep. If you want to actually listen, find me in the morning.”
Nicolette rolled onto her feet, resigning to let whatever tall-tale Gio was telling settle for the night. “Fine, fine.” She shrugged and pulled the door open, stepping into the hallway — but not without turning in a sharp about-face to leave her brother with a final threat, “Expect to hear from me tomorrow.”
He closed the door behind her, an unamused expression atop his still-rosy cheeks. With the quiet click of the door handle closing, he flopped heavily onto his mattress. For a moment, he stared blankly at the ceiling, an image of the little man forming in his memory to play back the motions of the night. He wanted to laugh. Sharing a granola bar with a stranger past midnight is a novelty story to begin with, but for that stranger to be a fraction of Gio’s own height was taking the story to an even further, funnier degree. 
He could feel his smile crack. It was funny. Gio quietly laughed to himself as he changed into his pajamas and began his nightly routine — silently down the hall, so as to not alert his parents, or possibly his sister again, who uncharacteristically kept her door open a crack as if to listen for any suspicious, brotherly noises. He thought of the little man in their home, wherever that may be, following a routine just the same as Gio’s as they prepared for bed. He hoped they enjoyed the peanut. And he hoped the chunk of granola bar would hold them over for a while, since it looked like a Thanksgiving turkey in their arms. 
He kicked up his bedsheets and slid beneath them, finally placing his glasses on the bedside table for the night with an exhausted sigh. Tomorrow, he’d have to find time in the night when he could convince his family to give him some space as he sat on the deck.
That was, if the little stranger even came to visit.
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randowriters · 1 year
In Heart
D&F: Here is the last of the three fics! Hope you enjoy it!
Lily: And happy April Fools!
Map bot never minds helping DJ and Freddy with their romance. Heck, she’s a sucker for the whole thing. Even when it’s a secret affair. Fazbear Entertainment’s policy forbids romance because of how nasty the altercations can be when something goes wrong. She’s seen some of them: the notorious Romeo and Juliet employees whose “quiet” relationship blew up into a fierce argument that divided the human staff for a few weeks. The food employees whose subtle romance at the food court turned sour one day and begin sabotaging each other’s stations. Oh, and there was also the music department’s fiasco that was a “war” between employees! All of it dating back to two humans who were in a relationship “on the down low”, and one of them decided to steal the other’s work for a raise.
Map finds them interesting, more so than the ones that the humans watch in the break room. She loves watching the affection, the caring nature that blossoms between lovers, and the cute little things they do for one another. The bot even got to play a part of them. Mostly delivering, covering…and cleaning.
So…so much cleaning.
Although Map bot isn’t one for disasters, seeing the disasters of these romances were fascination. The ripple effects they had on the work force, the destruction it creates, all to suddenly fade away as if they never happen. Love is a complicated thing that can either become a beautiful scenery, or a violent spiral. So, for DJ to reveal that he and Freddy confessed to each other. Well…she has done EVERYTHING to keep such a sweet relationship safe and whole.
One of them is helping these two with their long distance problem.
Map had researched everything on long distance relationships. The chances of them being successful are…not particularly high. In fact they have a very…VERY low percentage. From higher chances of cheating to occur to simply falling out of love. While neither Freddy or DJ will ever cheat on each other, or stop being in love, it was something the bot didn’t want to leave to chance.
The S.T.A.F.F. Bot stares up at the grinning music man. The disc jockey had been working on a new song, humming out certain parts to see which instrumental tune would fit best. Even playing it over to the staff animatronic for opinions. Map bot had been leaning against the stage, pondering for a while. “Freddy is going to love this one!” Map bot’s eyes widen. Of course! “WAIT.” She gazes up at the robotic spider, “WHY NOT ADD SOMETHING ELSE TO IT?” DJ tilts his head, “Add something else?”
“A GIFT CARRIER!” suggests the bot. The animatronic spider blinks, “Gift carrier?”
Map remembers seeing those carriers coming in the megaplex, bringing gifts and handing them to the one of the employees with a song and a smile. “Neat, but uh…” The music man hesitantly scratches his cheek, “I can just send the song I made through text.”
“BUT THAT IS WHAT YOU ALWAYS DO!” Map bot raised her voice. Her hands animate as she continues, “YOU SHOULD MAKE THIS MORE INTERESTING THAT WILL DAZZLE FREDDY!” Seeing the surprise on the giant animatronic’s face made the S.T.A.F.F. Bot calm down. “A-AT LEAST FOR TODAY!” She added. DJ rubs his chin as he thinks on it. “Yeah…I guess I should!” He smiles, “Here’s the music!”
The worker animatronic receives a message with the music attached. Yes! Now to get this in motion! “I WILL ALSO MAKE SURE HE RECEIVES IT IN THE MOST ROMANTIC WAY WITHOUT DRAWING ATTENTION.” Map bot promised. The disc jockey chuckles as he watches her rolls away with a thumbs up. He then pause as he realize something.
“Just remember not to draw attention to yourself!”
Map bot understands to keep things on “the down low”. As a S.T.A.F.F. Bot, staying out of everyone’s attention is simple. No one pays that much attention to the staff animatronics, they are basically invisible. Anything they do go unnoticed, unless one does something serious enough to warrant that attention. Like glitching out, getting destroyed, ruining anything, things that don’t happened too often…Well the “destroyed” part does, but that’s totally different topic. Point blank, a S.T.A.F.F. Bot can easily get away with doing anything without drawing any gazes to them.
Which is why she rolls along to Fazerblaster with six heart shaped balloons in each hand.
Freddy happened to turn around just in time to notice her. “Oh! Hello, Map bot!” The orange glamrock greets, “Are you delivering all of this to someone?” The bot may not have a mouth to visibly show it, but her happiness just radiates from her. “YES.” She beamed. “TO A VERY SPECIAL BEAR, FROM A LOVING ADMIRER!” The animatronic worker even did the twirl she remembered seeing a carrier do one time. To add a bit more to the flare, she decides to play the gift for the lead singer.
He gasps, “This music!” His ears wiggle as excitement sparkle in his stare. Now to finish it off by giving the robotic bear his gift via text message. “FOR YOU!” Map said. The look on Freddy’s face as his cheeks flush, she couldn’t help but feel pride. “This is so sweet!” The bot’s chest puffs up the more she listens, “Although…” Her eyes opens, catching the hint of confusion on his expression.
“He could have just sent the song to me through text.”
The S.T.A.F.F. Bot’s eye twitches. “HE WANTED TO DO SOMETHING INTERESTING.” She answered with annoyance. The glamrock bear quickly raises his hands, “I know, and I appreciate it!” He then begin fiddling with his fingers. “I am a bit more…simple, is all.” admits the bear animatronic. All Map bot could do is stare at him. All that hard work…gathering spare balloons, finding the machine to blow them up, even the strings used to tie the balloons took a while to obtained. Yet, the lead singer still prefers simplicity. Her shoulders slump.
Freddy blinks, “Map?” The bot doesn’t reply. Instead, she shoves the balloons into his hands. “ENJOY.” She said. Dejected, the staff animatronic heads out. “Wait.” Map bot stops. She glances back at the concerned glamrock. “Is something wrong?” He asked. The S.T.A.F.F. Bot wonders if she should tell him the reason. What if it ends up causing the animatronic bear to feel insecure about the relationship? Then again, she didn’t want him to continue worrying about her…“I WAS THE ONE WHO SUGGESTED IT.” Map bot reveals, “AS A WAY TO HELP.”
“Help?” Freddy tilts his head. Sighing, the animatronic worker turns to him. “ONLY THIRTY-ONE PERCENT OF LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS ARE SUCCESSFUL. MEANING THAT THERE IS A SIXTY-NINE PERCENT CHANCE OF FALIURE.” She explained. The bot drops her head in shame, the one time she decides to fully insert herself in a relationship willingly and she messes up. A hand gently pats her shoulder. Surprise, she gazes up at him.
“Map bot, thank you for your concern.” The robotic bear warmly smiles at the staff animatronic, “However, I can assure you that our relationship will not fall apart so easily.” A sad expression appears on Map bot’s face, “I AM SORRY…” The glamrock leader chuckles, “Do not be sorry! It was actually a very interesting gesture to suggest!” Seeing the happiness radiate from Freddy gave the robotic worker assurance that things are still well.
“In fact…” the orange glamrock smiles, “If you do not mind, I wish to use your service for today as well.”
“No way!”
DJ couldn't help but be happily surprise at the sight. Map bot had returned to the DJ Arena, wearing the space gear from Freddy's attraction as requested from the glamrock leader himself. She even has the fazer-blaster in hand! “FROM THE INTERSTELLAR DELIVERY SERVICE, YOU HAVE A MESSAGE FROM THE SPACE RANGER HIMSELF!” says the staff animatronic as she poses. She then plays it out loud:
“Thank you for sending me such a lovely gift, my dear Titan! I hope that you enjoy mine!”
The music man burst into laughter as his hands covers his deep red face. It’s the first time the bot has ever seen him like this! A warm feeling within her swells. Once the laughter dies down, the disc jockey lowers his hands for her to see his bashful gaze. “Maybe doing this wasn’t so bad, after all!” He chuckled.
In the end, the two animatronics came to an agreement to let Map bot do her gift carrier idea. Albeit, only under special occasions and for them to be minimal. She gladly did so whenever the opportunity arrives. Though, with how extravagant the Pizzaplex tends to be on the holidays, she finds herself going a bit overboard during those times. Still, the S.T.A.F.F. Bot is thankful to be able to help the two romantics in any way she can.
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judesmoonbeauty · 6 months
Ikémen Villains: Surprise Bag Prologue (April Fools Day Story)
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. Note: This is the prologue of a story yet that is not yet available. The story set will most likely not be purchased, but this was too funny not to translate the prologue at least. Dividers: @/natimiles
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I think I've developed a tolerance for the extraordinary since I became a fairy tale keeper.
However, there are things that happen in Crown that easily surpass even my experience level.
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Jude: Good morning, Kate. I'll make you happy today.
Kate: Jude, did you hit your head?
Jude: What? I haven't been hit anywhere. I'm fine.
Kate: What happened to your usual prickly attitude? A cold? An Injury? Let’s go to the hospital anyway!
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Ellis: Damn, what the hell is going on here?
Jude: Oh, Jude. 
Jude: Huh? Why is Jude me?
Ellis: That's my line. Why did you become me?
Kate: Uh, what?
Elbert: Ah, well! That was very amusing, wasn't it?
Kate: Al….. eh, Elbert?
Kate: Then you don't mean to say that Alfons in the back...
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Alfons: I looked in the mirror and saw Al.
Elbert: It's interesting to look at yourself objectively in this way.
Elbert: Oh, Elle. Please speak with more energy, because it’s creepy to me.
Alfons: More….energy?
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Alfons: Aha……!
Elbert: I was wrong to ask you to cheer me up. 
Kate: Maybe, maybe not. 
Kate: Jude and Ellis have switched places, and Elbert with Alphonse!
Kate: How did you get into such a weird situation? 
Ellis: It was probably caused by that quack doctor.
When the entire Crown gathered to pursue the matter with Mr. Roger, he laughed teasingly.
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Roger: Sorry, sorry. I didn't realize the effect would be so great. Aren’t I a genius?
Victor: Roger, this isn’t good! How could something so cute...be such a big deal?
Liam: Victor, your thoughts are leaking out and your words don't match your expression.
Roger: I've been researching whether the curse can be passed on by replacing a cursed person with a normal person.
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William: Your insatiable inquisitive spirit is astounding. But then shouldn't we experiment with humans and cursed people?
Roger: It would be dangerous if something happened to them other than the cursed ones. We need to experiment with these guys first.
Harrison: What do you think we are? We die normally too.
Elbert: It's time to sink these muscular glasses into the Thames.
Ellis: That's right. If we put a weight on it and dump it in the water, that's the end of it.
Kate: Hey, please stop saying such disturbing things with Elbert’s and Ellis’ faces!”
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Jude: But Roger is amazing, isn't he? He can make such an amazing medicine.
Liam: Jude is being so fluffy. No, it's confusing!
Roger: Don't worry. If you let me take your data, I'll make you a proper antidote.
Roger: If I make an antidote, I can try it on someone else later, I guess…..
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Harrison: Did you just say something disturbing?
Roger: No?
Elbert: I mean, how can I negotiate with you? I'm too speechless, please die.
Harrison: Wow, eh…….Liam? Hey. Are you sleeping?
Jude: Sorry, it’s my fault for poking him on the forehead. I was just wondering if I could use Jude's ability.
Roger: Oh, so you've inherited the ability too? Aren’t I a genius after all?
(It’s getting hard to keep up!)
Kate: And, in the meantime, please give them the antidote, Roger!
Kate: I can only imagine what would happen if Her Majesty were to hear about this.
Roger: You’re right. I might be fired.
Roger: So, keep an eye on them to make sure they don't snitch on me, little lady.
Kate: Huh, Roger? Wait!
Ellis: Tch……good for nothing. Get carelessly fired.
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Jude: Oh, Jude. No smoking in my body. 
Ellis: *Cough*…first of all. Ellis, you should at least smoke one of those cigarettes and train yourself.
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Elbert: Don't you think this face would make up for any wrongdoing?
Alfons: Kate, is this spoon beautiful?
Kate: Oh, I think I'm going crazy..!
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I hope this is a bad lie on April 1st. But the scene in front of me tells me it is true.
At this time I still do not know. That more comedy awaits us in the future. To be continued…..if you purchase the story set once available.
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[Master List]
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3d-wifey · 2 years
Living in Devotion
Pairing: JFK X Reader
Synopsis: Truth was, you were always counting down the seconds until you could be with him again, and you were sure he knew that.
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: Smut, infidelity, slight angst, h*ndjobs
A/N: Uh, happy late April Fools. This was kind of based off of this tiktok. This is kind of like crack treated very seriously. 🧍🏾‍♀️Enjoy ig.
AO3: Living in Devotion
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You never really realized how thick the walls of your dressing room were. Not until the sound of the band playing at full swing was nothing more than muffled background noise. Not until the loudest thing in the room was the sound of the door clicking open.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, Mr. President?" You didn't bother turning around, electing to look at him through the mirror as you touched up your lipstick. You would be called on stage in twenty minutes and you didn't have any time to waste. He closed and locked the door before walking around the room.
"So, it's Mr. President now?" He inquired, picking up a framed photo of you and your little sisters.
"It's always been Mr. President. Don't act like we're closer than we actually are, Jack." You scolded, but the smile you barely held back betrayed your amusement.
Truth was, you were always counting down the seconds until you could be with him again and you were sure he knew that.
"I can't come listen to my favorite bird sing?"
"Your favorite, huh?" You drummed your fingers along your wooden vanity as you looked at the clock, fifteen minutes, "What's that there behind your back?"
You turned towards him as he placed the photo face down and you couldn't wipe the grin off your face as he approached you with a swagger.
He brought the hand he had hidden behind his back forward and presented a bouquet to you with a flourish. He gave them to you, red chrysanthemums, white lilies, and purple irises.
You had been given flowers before, but never from him, and you never expected them either. You had mentioned offhandedly the kinds of flowers you preferred, but you were surprised he even remembered.
"How did you know I was performing tonight?" You hadn't told him about this show like you usually did with your others.
He pulled a folded piece of paper out of his breast pocket that you recognized as a flyer for tonight's performance with you listed as the main act.
"I've never missed one of your shows before, I don't plan on starting now." And then he smiled, placid and brilliant, and you couldn't fight the urge to pull him down into a kiss.
You would never be his wife, that position was already filled by Jackie. You'd always just be one of the many people to sate John's appetite. That's what you had to tell yourself, a reminder not to fall too deep. But you already knew it was too late for that.
Because when he did things like this: bringing you your favorite flowers, showing an interest your family, supporting your career; it made it hard for you to remember who you both were.
Between these four walls, you were no longer a socialite and he was no longer the president. Neither of you was burdened by the responsibilities that hung over your heads. He was just Jack and you were just the woman in love with him.
His lips were warm and a little chapped. They parted slightly, allowing your tongue to slip in. You could feel the soft puffs of his breath tickle beneath your nose as you carded your fingers through his hair.
The wrapping around the flowers crinkled and brought you out of your trance. You pulled back and didn't mention the tint of red you left behind on his lips.
"A bouquet of my favorite flowers, huh. Now, which poor intern did you make buy these?"
"I'll have you know I got these myself." You turned back to face your mirror, your back to his front.
"Is that right," you moaned as his lips trailed a lazy path down your throat, "Color me surprised." He trailed his hand down your stomach and hiked your dress up enough for him to reach the apex of your thighs. You gasped as a callused finger rubbed your slit through your panties, barely managing to refrain from humping his hand like a dog in heat.
"God," he groaned into your neck, "You're practically dripping already." It was true. Your arousal had started soaking through the cotton of your underwear before he even touched you.
"Be that as it may, we have less than te—" you yelped as he began rubbing slow circles against your clit, "ten minutes before they expect me on stage." You could feel the hard bulge in his slacks press into your ass.
Was it odd that you were a little touched that he came all this way to seek you out, rather than getting help from a working girl? Yes, but you've long since accepted the oddity that was your relationship with the president.
"We obviously can't get much done in," you checked the clock again, "eight minutes. But I'll indulge you if you go sit." He pulled himself off your back with a reluctant grunt that made you chuckle.
John settled himself down on the bed in the corner that you only ever used for particularly late nights, and as it seemed, late-night visitors. He reclined back onto a pillow against the wall, a perfectly polished black shoe tettered on the edge of the bed as you stood in front of him.
"I take it there are guards stationed outside the door," the only reply you got was a smirk as he began to unbutton his slacks, you sighed, "At least we won't be disturbed." Though it definitely won't do anything for you both in terms of gossip. As you lowered yourself to your knees, you wondered what the rumor mill would be saying about you in the morning.
"This is all you'll get for now," you wouldn't take him into your mouth, you needed your voice to be intact for your performance after all, "but if you stick around after my set, I may be inclined to be more giving."
You did crave it; the taste of him on your tongue and coated on the back of your throat. You often felt it manifest like an itch only his presence could scratch. You were one of the most prominent singers on this side of the United States, yet he always managed to make you feel like a common whore in his presence.
Precum dribbled into the snatch of brown hair at the base of his cock. He hissed as you took him in hand, tightening and loosening your grip as you moved your hand up and down.
"I've missed this," he cursed as you left red-stained kisses along the length of him, "Missed you."
His hips jerked without rhythm the quicker you moved your hand. He clenched his teeth around a moan, nails digging into the bedsheets.
"Don't hold out on me now," he grunted as you ran your thumb over the weeping slit, "You know I love it when you sing for me, Jack."
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oreomonsterhunter · 3 years
Best Friends to Lovers —Jaehyun
Ok so hear me out
Jaehyun is such a classically romantic guy, but falling in love with someone is a different matter for him entirely
He can’t wait to be a sap and sweep someone off their feet, but it’s kinda hard for him to develop feels if he doesn’t really like the other person
Plus he takes forever to open up to friends, forget about opening up to a potential partner
So basically he’s 100000000% the type to fall for his best friend
I mean, he loves you but one day he figures out he Loves you
It probably hits him like a truck, too
One night you’re both sitting on the floor of your apartment—you ordered takeout but your table is Too Small for him, as he’s complained on multiple occasions
And he’s just said something funny to make you laugh, but you were unfortunate enough to be taking a sip of your drink at the same time
So you end up snorting some up your nose, and now you’re coughing and cursing at him, and he’s just sitting there smiling like a dimpled idiot
And suddenly it hits him
He’s always thought you were beautiful, but he was surrounded by beautiful people every day, so that wasn’t the important thing, you know?
But there you are, sitting cross legged on the floor in an old pair of sweats with holes you’ve sewn up like ten times. Your hair slung back in one of his favorite hair bands that you either stole or he forgot at your place (he can’t even be mad, since you got him a pack of ten for his birthday). And your cheeks are fire truck red now, after hacking up a lung and yelling at him
And he loves every single part of you
And he’s been falling for you since the very beginning, one step at a time
Just like you tbh
Only you weren’t quite as clueless about your own feelings. You’d known you had a big old crush on him for a while now, you’d just refused to acknowledge it
You were still in shock that you’d somehow befriended the sweetest, most talented guy (and he happened to be drop dead gorgeous) so forget about some silly crush
You couldn’t even comprehend the embarrassment if he ever found out and didn’t feel the same way
What neither of you realized was that you both had the same reason for not confessing: you wanted to save the friendship
Because you both fell for your best friend, how could you risk messing it up? (Or maybe you became best friends with your crush, hard to tell the order tbh)
So how on earth were you going to realize your mutual feelings?
It would take a miracle, or divine intervention. Or maybe Johnny getting the two of you hella drunk and locking you in a closet
Jkjk he wouldn’t
…..or would he 👀
Yeah he totally would
Johnny can absolutely see through jaehyun, he’s known something was up since basically the beginning
And now that he’s hung out with you a few times he can read the room—the feeling is very obviously mutual. To everyone but the two of you 🙄 so he takes matters into his own hands
You’re busy grabbing extra snacks from the pantry when you hear the door slam. When you turn around you find jaehyun staring at you wide eyed
And then he starts banging on the door and yelling at Johnny, so you can put two and two together
“I’m not letting you two out until the repressed feelings stop being so repressed. Call me when you’ve made out or something”
Silence. Absolute silence in the pantry. Your heart is racing fast enough you’re kinda concerned about a heart attack
And jaehyun can’t even look at you, he’s blushing so hard his ears look like they’d burn you
So you just sit there in awkward silence until you can’t take it anymore
“I’m afraid of butterflies”
Now he’s looking at you, and the expression on his face is a little less “I want to die”
So you follow it up with another confession; you’re on a roll now
“I ate way too many of those snack cakes when you bought them, so I pretended I hated chocolate so you’d stop getting them so often”
And now he’s smiling at you, and the dimples loosen your tongue more than is probably safe
“You’re literally the most attractive person I know, inside and out”
Scratch that, definitely more than is safe
“You like me?”
And suddenly he’s staring at you and you realize what came out of your mouth and the world is spinning a little so you backtrack 😅
“Uh what no I didn’t say that I totally said ‘I’ll fight you’ not ‘I like you’. Damn jae, get your ears checked”
And the dimples are back. Frick frack you’re weak for the dimples. He’s leaning against the door and smiling at you, just a little hint of a smile. That only makes you babble more
“Stop looking at me like that, gosh I hate when you do that face I have butterflies all the freaking time, dammit” and oh no did you seriously just say that
“Uhh please stop approaching me with the dimples and the flirty face. I know that face. I don’t want it near me. Nope totally not”
Unfortunately for you, you’re a terrible liar and he knows all your tells
Now he’s got a cocky smile, something you’ve only ever seen when he’s on set or sending a selfie with the boys in the back. And your tummy is tumbling faster than an Olympic gymnast by the time he cages you in between his arms
He props both hands on either side of your shoulders, leaning in with that intimidating (and oh so gorgeous) eye contact
“I wish you’d told me sooner,” he says softly
And then he’s KISSING YOU
And you have NO IDEA what you’re doing or what’s going on and you wish your brain would turn off so you could enjoy this perfect moment while it lasts but it Won’t
So when jaehyun finally pulls away, looking like sex on a stick with those lips and his eyes all dark and smoldering, you just make a fool of yourself
“Haha what’s happening? Is this a dare? April fools?”
But jaehyun just smiles, knowing you too well. The humor is just a deflection anyway
So he brushes a strand of hair behind your ear, watching you with the softest expression
“It’s just me thinking you’re the most beautiful person, inside and out,” he tells you, completely serious as he echoes your earlier words
And those butterflies are back. Or perhaps they never left. Because you’re reminded that this is jaehyun, your best friend, the one you can always count on. The one who listens to all the stupid shit you say and takes it to heart. The one who will always come when you call, always help when you ask, always smile when you laugh
And he likes you too *wiggle* imagine that
He doesn’t kiss you again. No, instead he stays there, just a few inches away, looking into your eyes the way he couldn’t before
And he’d be happy to stay there like that forever, but you get impatient and get on your tiptoes to steal a second kiss. And then a third because the second was too quick and you needed to remember what it felt like
And jaehyun just grins against you, since that was his plan all along
The man is a master of letting you come to him
Those teasing stares? Intentional af
He figured you’d get the hint that he was flirting eventually
Apparently the flowers and chocolates weren’t enough for your dense self
So after this he only gets more obnoxious with his flirting, since apparently you never got the message lol
But when it comes to turning your friendship into something more intimate, he’s happy to take it as slow as you need
Which basically means teasing you until you jump his bones
He’s a big fan of that saying “you catch more flies with honey” and has every intention of catching you, and keeping you for good
But for right now......you need out of the pantry
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mcheang · 4 years
Alya decides to ask Lila for more details on Ladybug saving her, and Lila (being too vain to look at anything on the Ladyblog that isn't about her), makes up a story about having a been captured by an akuma whose rampage she didn't realize was witnessed and/or well-documented by Alya, and/or was one of her classmates or related to one to the classmates.
Alya asks how Ladybug saved Lila
Lila had watched the videos on the Ladyblog and had to choose a small, inconsequential akuma to base her story on
Lila: oh it was Mr Pigeon. I think he was angry at some tourists for shooing away his pigeons because they wanted a nice photo. So he started targeting newcomers like myself. I was just walking out of the airport when (she snaps her fingers) just like that, I was floating in a cloud of pigeons.
I was terrified I would fall to my death when the pigeons vanished with the akuma. But it wasn’t the miraculous cure that saved me, it was Ladybug! She swung by on her yo-yo and reached out a hand to grab me while I was falling and screaming like crazy.
Mr Ramier was so sorry he offered us all ice cream. Ladybug and I just clicked over ice cream cones and she said we should hang out again.
Alya: uh huh. And when was the attack?
Lila: the 2nd of April
Alix, who had been listening with the others, frowned. “That can’t be right. That was a Saturday, correct?”
Lila nodded. “Yup. I had the weekend to settle before attending school.”
Alix was still frowning. “But Mr Ramier couldn’t have attacked you then. We would have known about it.”
Alya: not exactly. Mr Pigeon is so common nowadays that even I have to rely on videos from the public instead of rushing over there myself. There’s not much point in remembering when he was akumatized at that point.
Alix: no, he can’t have been akumatized because we were with him when the Owl decided to arrange a Pigeon-friendly zone in the park.
Kim: oh yeah, we just tried to argue with Sabrina’s dad to let the man have his Pigeon corner.
Max: I remember!
Mylène: me too
Ivan: me three
Lila: it was a night attack, so that’s why you didn’t know.
Max: you don’t know how stubborn Mr Damocles is. He refused to let anyone leave until he won the argument, which lasted till 9pm. By then even Mr Ramier was so sleepy, I doubt he would have noticed tourists
Lila: he’s very sensitive to Pigeon matters
Ivan: he also was sent home by Sabrina’s dad because he and the Owl sent all of us home when he saw how tired we all were. I was there to see Mr Ramier enter his home, promising to go straight to bed
Lila: he must have seen the incident happen from his window
Max: there is no way. Mr Ramier’s home isn’t near any popular tourist attractions. And his window only looks out on the empty road.
Lila: maybe you got the dates mixed up
Alix: no. I specifically remember those first few days of April. First was April Fool’s. Second was Mr Ramier and the Owl. Third was a studying cram session since I couldn’t study the day before. Fourth was when you arrived.
Lila: then it must have been Mr Ramier’s twin brother. Why else is he akumatized so often? It’s because his twin is just as Pigeon nuts as he is.
But even that excuse was sounding ridiculous by now.
Alya: you’re a liar
Lila: no, I’m not!
Alya: prove it. The next time an akuma is defeated, I’ll wave Ladybug over and ask her if she knows you
Lila: she wouldn’t reveal our friendship. She wants to protect me.
Nino: then why did you brag about it on Alya’s blog, and didn’t even try to take it back
Lila: I...I...
Marinette: as happy as I am that you all finally opened your eyes, we don’t want another akuma. So just ignore Lila until she says she’s sorry. Oh, and Lila, i’d try to stay calm if I were you. If you do turn into an akuma, and when Ladybug defeats you, Alya will probably question her about your relationship. Do you want to be called out as a liar on the Ladyblog?
Lila did not and could only hope Alya would not remember her by the time the next one showed up
Alya deleted her interview and posted an apology, referencing to deleting posts where she did not do proper research. While Lila was not mentioned, some followers immediately connected the dots.
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timbertumbr · 3 years
PRANKED (Chase Brody X Reader X Marvin) An Early April Fools Special
First Oneshot with the egos shall be SAD DAD and The Magnificent Magician. 
Warning: Wholesome Pranks Ahead. ;)
It was April Fools and you decided to hide at the egos’ house. Unfortunately, the pranks didn't stop. Fortunately, they were orchestrated by Chase and Marvin.
"TRICK SHOT!" Chase yelled while throwing a Teddy bear over the couch. It lands in your lap and you flinch, not expecting the extra weight in the bear. 
You pick it up and examine it, finding a zipper in the back. You pull the zipper and inside the bear was wrapped chocolates. 
"Aww, that's sweet of you guys," Marvin started snickering while Chase was still celebrating over his amazing trick shot.
"Mind if I join the festivities?" 
"Oh heck yeah! We need someone to pin it on," Chase joked, you laughed.
"I'm glad you guys are doing the pranking this year,"
"Yeah, it's WAY more fun to juke people out with something wholesome with something even MORE wholesome! The reactions are the best!" Chase exclaimed.
"Yeah and Anti was banned to do any pranks after the uh, 'body' incident," Marvin pointed out, you nodded. 
"True. Welp, I'll get the silent party poppers!" You announce, turning to walk to your bag.
"THEY MAKE THOSE?" Chase exclaimed in surprise.
"Yeah, you just got to ask the right people,"
First victim on your list, Henrik. He's once again overworking himself, so you three decided to gently remind him he needs a break. 
You count down from 3 with your hand before you all pulled the strings on the silent party poppers, confetti raining down on the good doctor and his office.
"Vhat zhe-" He's cut off from swearing up a storm by the confetti moving on its own and turning into a mini confetti tornado. The confetti disappears, replaced by a large bouquet that landed on the doctor’s desk. The doctor stared at it before shaking his head with a small smile.
"Alright, you got me," He admitted while the two egos high-fived each other and you approached the doctor with a big ole teddy bear.
"You gotta take a break doc," Henrik raised a brow. 
"But zink of all zhe injures! April Fools is full of dangerous pranks and-" You cut him off by giving him the bear.
"Breaks are good though. Can't have ze good doctor all stressed out," He takes the bear and looks at you before sighing.
"Excellent! Onward, to our next victim!" 
"Whoo!" And with that, the three of you leave the office. Henrik watches as you leave before hugging the bear, a smile appearing on the doctor’s face.
Anti stared at the bear with a neutral expression while you three watched from a distance. You had given him a teddy bear with a little knife while his back was turned and he's been staring at it ever since. Sure, he may not be allowed to prank on April fools but that doesn't mean he shouldn't get a wholesome prank either.
"Is he… okay?" You ask slightly concerned.
"Knowing him he's trying to figure out how it's a trap," Marvin muttered, Chase nodded in agreement.
"Let's just leave him be. He'll realize it one way or another," You nod and sneak away from the suspicious demon.
Throughout the day, the trio had pranked everyone. Jackie got a thank you card from someone he saved and nearly crushed Marvin while hugging him and thanking him profusely. Robbie got another stuffed animal and he was hugging it all day. Marvin got Jamesons watch to work again and the mute man was ecstatic.
Shawn got Cuphead and Mugman plushies, he hugged the crap out of all of you. Bingsepticeye got an upgrade and was SOOO happy! There are so many others to list but they ended up becoming really happy.
"Phew, that's all of em. Who knew wholesome pranks would be so tiring?" You couldn't help but agree with Chase who collapsed onto the couch. 
"Well at least everyone’s happy, at least, I think Anti's happy?" Marvin wondered, Chase suddenly sat up.
"Aw crap! I forgot to record their reactions! Maaan…" Chase muttered disappointed, Marvin frowning. The reactions would've been a good memory to keep.
"Well, you're in luck," You take out your phone and hand it to Chase. While Chase and Marvin watched the recorded reactions of their fellow egos, you ran off to grab something from your car. 
"Haha! We should have a movie night where we just show this," Chase suggests, Marvin smirks.
"That sounds great," As soon as Marvin said that, you came back with a pretty old book and handed it to Marvin. He took one glance at the cover and stood up surprised.
"Where'd you get this?" He asked bewildered.
"Illinois gave it to me, said the previous owner didn't need it anymore," You explained, Marvin grinned, put down the book, and hugged you. Chase saw an opportunity and took it, hugging both you and Marvin. 
"Thank you Y/N," 
"Yeah, you're the best!"
"Hey, you're the one who came up with the wholesome pranking idea, not me. Now, who wants to eat chocolate and watch comedy shows?" You ask, pointing to the teddy full of chocolate. They agreed and you ended up watching comedy shows all day, that's one way to spend April fools.
Want to Request? Please Read this before you do so.
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thedipster · 3 years
Coffee and Conspiracies || Sink Demo
All Dipper could think about since the April Fools debacle was Bill: When? Why? What? Where? Who? How?
Hadn’t he been vanquished? Hadn’t they done this whole song and dance before? Hadn’t he gotten in trouble for it? Damnit! He should’ve noticed this all sooner, except he didn’t, except he’d been so preoccupied with his own feelings that he’d failed to notice that Mabel was dealing with Bill.
He wished she stayed.
He understood why she didn’t.
Mabel was brave and she was good and she was not the type of person to be possessed by a demon and then commit one’s life to figuring out why and how it had happened. She deserved to finish school somewhere peaceful and get a good job and ten boyfriends and everything she wanted.
Dipper, meanwhile, had dumped a bunch of newspaper clippings from his thesis work on his dining room table of all the past reported Swynlake alternate universes and was trying to see if any one of them indicated people possibly realizing it was a dream – had Bill just been in Swynlake all along? Had there been a part of him hiding in the wake and was the remnant in Dipper’s head just fueled by it? Did this have something to do with the inherent make-up of the town?
His head was spinning. He almost didn’t notice the knock on the door, but thankfully he did, and he answered it, eyes glimmering with theories, theories, theories, theories.
“Merida!” he exclaimed, truly happy to see the one person in town he felt he confide this theory too. “Thanks for coming – I know I was probably not super, uh, clear on the phone but uh – do you want a drink?” He realized maybe he should be a decent host before Merida caught sight of the mess that was the dining table right now.  
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lovelyteng · 3 years
Haunted Corruption Chapter 8 - Truth of Reformed Part 3: Two Corruptors
(Fade as cut to Astro-Wonder Room where place with astronomy design and astrology supplies while pan to Leo, Emma, and Cal walk and then they looking around.)
Cal: (narrating) Meanwhile... Leo, Emma, and I went to the haunted room of astronomy in Haunted Funhouse called Astro-Wonder Room! I looked a whole room... until... I'd found the something special...
(Cal stopped as looking at something in amazed, then Leo and Emma walk to Cal.)
Emma: Checkered King, did you something to looking at?
Cal: (amazed; quietly) Just looks this.
(Leo and Emma looking as join Cal, then they gasp in amazed. Cut to Wheel of Twelve Zodiac's Signs along Poster of Twelve Zodiac's Names and Dates who one have covered the dates with dust to and old chest on the small desk. Cut back to Leo, Emma, and Cal.)
Cal: I always remembered about me and my friends are remind of this. (While he speaking, Leo looks Poster of Twelve Zodiac's Names and Dates.)
Leo: Yeah, King. How'd you known about them and you as same to Twelve Zodiac?
Cal: (offscreen) I read Natural Science Book Chapter 5: Astronomy! Any pages about Zodiac's personality as my favorite! (Leo wipes the dust as he quietly gasps in realized was Twelve Zodiac's Dates while Cal speaking.) Well, my birthday was November 1st as after Halloween. (Leo looks Scorpio's Dates in puzzlement while he look Emma and Cal.)
Emma: Well, we're known our friends' birthdays! (Cal nods in happily as hums.) Scarecrow was December 26th as after Christmas, Seagazer was July 5th, Bugsy was February 15th as after Valentine's Day, Skygazer was October 15th, Watcher of the Woods was May 2nd as after May Day, Clocktower Kid was August 5th, Lady of the Midnight Sun was November 30th as sometimes have special one as you are opposite of the order day in November as she and your age was same, Checkered King.
Cal: Exactly, Fighter! While I still wouldn't figured out about me and my friends was chosen of Twelve Zodiac... (Leo looks him and Emma, then back looks to Poster of Twelve Zodiac's Names and Dates while barely surprising to it.)
Emma: Let's continues about birthdays. Pensive Pierrot was June 2nd, Madam of the Mansion was March 18th, Sentinel of the City was March 28th, and Invisible Custodian was September 20th...
(Cut to Leo looking Cal and Emma, then looks to Poster of Twelve Zodiac's Names and Dates in surprised shocking.)
Leo: (agitated as surprised shocking) Uh...guys...?
Cal: ...And your birthday was April 2nd as after April Fool's Day we're outside of Wonderworld as you went to your mansion when we're been balanced, and Streetbeat was January 2nd as after New Year!
Leo: Guys!
Emma and Cal: Huh? Yes, Streetbeat?
Leo: Did you realized while I looking the dates as you talking about birthday?
Cal: Yes, why. (Leo points at Poster of Twelve Zodiac's Names and Dates, he and Emma join Leo as look Poster of Twelve Zodiac's Names and Dates.) Something... figured out about... this... (Thinking until his eyes was glowing indigo as gasps in realized.) I have a figured out!
Emma: (shocking) What is it?! Say it, Checkered King!
Cal: (in his head with past thought) Well, my birthday was November 1st as after Halloween.
Emma: (in Cal's head) Scarecrow was December 26th as after Christmas, Seagazer was July 5th, Bugsy was February 15th as after Valentine's Day, Skygazer was October 15th, Watcher of the Woods was May 2nd as after May Day, Clocktower Kid was August 5th, Lady of the Midnight Sun was November 30th as sometimes have special one as you are opposite of the order day in November as she and your age was same, Checkered King. (Cal looks up to down at Poster of Twelve Zodiac's Names and Dates in realized shocking while the voices of past in his thought was speaking.) Pensive Pierrot was June 2nd, Madam of the Mansion was March 18th, Sentinel of the City was March 28th, and Invisible Custodian was September 20th... (Cal stopped glowing of his eyes in realized.)
Cal: (in speaking out) I got finally me and my friends was reminded of Twelve Zodiac! Scarecrow was Capricorn, Seagazer was Cancer, Bugsy was Aquarius, Skygazer was Libra, Watcher of the Woods was Taurus, Clocktower Kid was Leo, Lady of the Midnight Sun was Sagittarius, Pensive Pierrot was Gemini, Madam of the Mansion was Pisces, Sentinel of the City was Aries, Invisible Custodian was Virgo, and I am Scorpio!
Leo: That's what I'm trying tell you, Checkered King.
Emma: Then let's go as find them!
(Leo, Emma, and Cal running away of Astro-Wonder Room as on the hallway.)
Cal: I wonder them to happen then?
(Cut to pitched black screen, then fade to dark violet background with floating items likes 11 Inhabitants' memories called was Void of Consciousness, pan to Inhabitants who have normal form without Vision Goggles and Voice Collar while they whispering in normal voices as walks on the black path while they looking in horrible.)
Jose: We're need finding to get out of our consciousness...
Fiona: I knows get out of our consciousness was... wake up.
Yuri: Yes, Fiona.
Haoyu: We're just walking around in our consciousness together with our items floating on the sky like our memories.
Sana: Oh, my brother Cal was continued to find us.
Cass: Yet, he still heartbreak about his horrible past.
Iben: But he still have a friends as never alone.
Attilio: Like us.
Lucy: Leo and Emma joined him as they helping him to find us.
Eis: Like... A true happiness... Our deepest destiny...
Bruce: We're told Nega Bosses about common but one missing of part. Costume Leaders gave us... Our Combined Costume Keys... (He and 10 Inhabitants hear muttered arguement of Nega Bosses.) You guys hear that?
Attilio: It was Nega Bosses! (He looks big dark violet doors as he points at.) They're inside the room!
(11 Inhabitants runs inside the room was Master Negative Lobby where Nega Bosses looking Lance in scared as Lance angrily as he along Two Unknown Nega Bosses who covered the coat as hood. Cut to 11 Inhabitants walks slowly and then hide the behind of box as they peek and listen to Lance and Nega Bosses. Cut to Nega Bosses looks at Lance and Two Unknown Nega Bosses in worried.)
Lance: (angrily) ...You guys are completely failure as you're side of your "family"!
Pink Hooded Nega Boss: (in female voice) But dad, they're all removed negavity moralities by Inhabitants with say about a true happiness from last years!
Blue Hooded Nega Boss: (in male voice) She's right, dad! Inhabitants did to them! (Points at Nega Bosses who started shocked surprising.)
Fortstopher IV: (calmly) To be honest... (Panicking) They're did to us! (Fortie VI pops out of his chest.)
Fortie VI: (nods) Uh-huh! They're did even Cal Suresh to me and Fortstopher IV!
Lance and Two Unknown Nega Bosses: Cal Suresh?
Pink Hooded Nega Boss: You means the intellectual and competitive one?
Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI: (nods) Yes.
Fortstopher IV: He was devotional of his feelings as changed of mind as represented of his first name meaning.
Fortie VI: As he always attentiveness as pay attention to his friends with two major personals!
Nega Bosses: He was leader and brains of Inhabitants!
Lance and Two Unknown Nega Bosses: (shocked) He was what?!
(Cut to 10 Inhabitants shocked surprising. Cut back to Lance, Nega Bosses, and Two Unknown Nega Bosses)
Nega Bosses: Yes, he is!
Lance: (frustrated) How'd he become a leader of Inhabitants?!
Nega Bosses: (nervous) Uh...
Lance: (stomps in hard as Nega Bosses shake in scared; irritated) Say it!
Princess Marey: (worried) I thinks his friends to help him as always truth him!
Worville Wright: (nervous) And-and he has a plans while he writing it with ideas as sometimes theory about happen! (Laughs nervously.)
Inkabelle: These two was right about Cal was leader of Inhabitants!
Lance: Then he get destroying by these two. (Points at Two Unknown Nega Bosses.)
(Cut to group grids of everyone as Nega Bosses on left grid, 11 Inhabitants on right grid, Lance and Two Unknown Nega Bosses. 11 Inhabitants and Nega Bosses gasp in terrible.)
11 Inhabitants and Nega Bosses: (shocked shouting) WHAT?!
Lance: (irritated) Hey! Who are you?! And what doing in the lobby?!
(Pans as full scene of 11 Inhabitants covered their mouth with hands in shocked.)
Eis: (scared; quietly) We're SO dead!
(Cut back to Lance, Nega Bosses, and Two Unknown Nega Bosses as Lance looks the box in suspicious and walking to it while 11 Inhabitants and Nega Bosses started feeling scared as Lance uses power as loading as 11 Inhabitants and Nega Bosses close their eyes and take covered from Lance throws negative ball to the box as it destroyed as nothing behind the box as 11 Inhabitants wasn't here.)
Lance: Okay there. That's echo of your voices. (Nega Bosses sigh in relief.) But I'll back here as my children take caring Cal. (Nega Bosses gasp in horror as to Two Unknown Nega Bosses.) Then go to him, my children.
Two Unknown Nega Bosses: (bow in respect) Yes, dad. (Disappeared as turns dark violet magic.)
Lance: (frustrated) You guys being absorbed as you knows... negative moralities! (Nega Bosses feeling scared.) They're destroy Cal and his friends for good! (Evil laughing.)
Nega Bosses: (worried) Don't do to them, Lance!
Lance: It's too late for now! (Disappeared as turns dark violet magic as fading out of laughs evilly.)
Nega Bosses: (worried) NO! (Started crying as sobs.)
Fortstopher IV: (sobs) Oh! This is all my fault! Just like Sir Suresh!
Fortie VI: (crying) Me too!
Bruce: (offscreen) It's not your fault, Royal Chess. It's our fault.
Nega Bosses: (stopped crying as wipe the tears) Huh?
Hooverton: Master Bruce? You're here?
(Cut to 11 Inhabitants was appeared with invisible power from Bruce who he and his friends holds closer them and then released them while Nega Bosses gasp.)
Barktholomew: (shocked) You're here in the lobby of this whole time?!
Jose: (agitated as his eyes widened) Yes... That's right. (Calmly as his eyes normal.) Then you all guys are finally removed negativity mortalities by our true happiness words from last years...
Fortstopher IV: And now... We're finally a truth of reformed as always be friends!
Eis: Yeah. But we're heard about Cal is gets trouble by those newest two who created by Lance.
The Hydrac: Yes. Those two was... Leo and Emma's Nega Bosses.
11 Inhabitants: (shocked) WHAT?!
Eis: (shocked) They're Leo and Emma's Nega Bosses?!
Iben: (shocked) But... But Leo and Emma never corrupted from last years!
The Grim Creeper: Actually they're corrupted as started one year ago...
Lucy: What are you guys talking about them?
Inkabelle: Explain about them, Fort Boys?
Fortstopher IV: One year ago, Leo and Emma are going to Wonderworld as Balan have a special gifts to them... It was... their own costumes.
11 Inhabitants: Wow...
Fortie VI: One day, Leo and Emma was erased of whole memories by Lance, they feeling worse about bad happened before enter Wonderworld like last years... Then they're got corrupted as turned Nega Bosses!
11 Inhabitants: (gasp in horror) Oh no...!
Fortstopher IV: Leo's Nega Boss named Kylemera and Emma's Nega Boss named Wilmatiger! They're expert masters of Lance's creations!
Fortie VI: Unlike me, brother, and friends. They're composed parts of all costumes of stage set expect Act 3 Costumes, they're powerful as rest of us as they're hits 18 times as 3 times each chapter! (11 Inhabitants more gasp in horror then before.)
Cass: What's happened next?
Fortstopher IV: Balan sends Cal to visit Wonderworld as he needed help him.
11 Inhabitants: (impressive) Woah...
Haoyu: Like everyone always need help to him for their problem.
Fortie VI: Exactly! Cal is went a journey of special location of all chapter stages! Right for special spots of Chapters' Act 3!
11 Inhabitants: (amazed) Wow!
Fortstopher IV: Cal made it to Boss Act of All Chapters' Act 3 as he battle them with Leo and Emma's costumes! As Kylemera battle in Act 3 of Chapter 1, 4, 7, 9, 11, and 12, then Wilmatiger battle in Act 3 of Chapter 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 10! (11 Inhabitants gasp in shocked.) Then they're defeated by Cal with Leo and Emma's costumes as Leo and Emma was freed from their corrupted!
11 Inhabitants: (applause as clapping the hands) Wow!
Yuri: That's good story!
Wormsworth: But not finished story yet, Little Butterfly.
Fortie VI: For now, they're got revenge to Cal since they're still haunted to Leo and Emma.
11 Inhabitants: (gasp in horror, then looking each other in worried) Oh no... It was all our fault..
Fortstopher IV: Yes, it is...
Sana: Hey guys, where Cal going to... (She and 10 Inhabitants shocked as heard from anywhere of voice in the lobby.)
Thought Cal: (in echoes) I never trust Leo and Emma about my ways...
Cass: Is that Cal?
Purrla: Well, yeah. But he speaking in his thought of in your consciousness.
Fiona: Then why he never trust about Leo and Emma?
Thought Cal: Because Kylemera and Wilmatiger controlling Leo and Emma...
11 Inhabitants: (shocked) WHAT?!
Sana: (shocked) They're been controlled Leo and Emma?!
Cuckoo: (nods) Exactly! Even Leo and Emma controlling humans when been got infected! (11 Inhabitants gasp in horrible and realized.)
Eis: To reason why, Flint and my teammates are getting us as knocked out by my teammates! They're been controlled!
Anjellica: Which means... they're after Cal and all of you to defeat! (11 Inhabitants gasp in horror as Fortress Brothers/Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI are start fade of disappear.) Fort Boys, you started wake up!
Royal Fortress Brothers: Thank you, all of us! You always be our friends! (Fade out as disappeared with red and dark violet sparkles while 11 Inhabitants and 11 Nega Bosses watch them in bittersweet, then 11 Nega Bosses looking 11 Inhabitants in sadly.)
Barktholomew: I'm so sorry about you as I did, Jo-Jo...
Anjellica: I'm in for this to you, Mermaid...
Wormsworth: I'm in for this to you, Little Butterfly...
Worville Wright: I'm in for this to you, Bro Bro...
Cuckoo: I'm in for this to you, Bird Lady...
Purrla: I'm in for this to you, Little Princess...
The Grim Creeper: I'm in for this to you, Team Mom...
Princess Marey: I'm in for this to you, Atti
Inkabelle: I'm in for this to you, Lady Wong
The Hydrac: I'm in for this to you, Hot Hero...
Hooverton: I'm in for this to you, Master Bruce...
11 Nega Bosses: I'm sorry about you to mocking you as ruining your life in whole time... You are forgive me?
11 Inhabitants: Yes, I forgive you.
11 Nega Bosses: (bittersweet as smiling) Thank you! (Hug to their own Inhabitants who hop on them in bittersweet as forgiveness as released of hug.)
Inkabelle: Inhabitants, bring your Corruption Source. (11 Inhabitants hold up their Corruption Source.)
Lucy: Okay, got it!
Hooverton: Inhabitants, holding still as me and my friends going hold Corruption Sources. (Rise up his plug hand; To 10 Nega Bosses.) You guys ready? (10 Nega Bosses nod and rise their hand even The Hydrac rises up with right head, to Inhabitants.) Ready, Inhabitants?
11 Inhabitants: (nod in determined) Ready!
Barktholomew: On three! One... Two... Three!
(11 Nega Bosses hold 11 Inhabitants' Corruption Sources along 11 Inhabitants as they glowing mix of 11 Nega Bosses' main colors as Corruption Sources into something darker with Nega Bosses' theme color as Jose's Survival Corn into Dirty Corn, Fiona's Picture into Dark Picture, Yuri's Dome of Bug Case with Bugs into Cobweb Dome of Bug Case with Cocoon Bugs, Haoyu's Paper Airplane into Broken Paper Airplane, Sana's Birdhouse into Broken Birdhouse, Cass' Paula's Daisy into Dead Daisy, Iben's Wedding Ring into Frozen Wedding Ring, Attilio's Clown Mask into Two-Faced Clown Mask, Lucy's Black-and-White Painting of Distorted Herself into Colored Painting of Distorted Herself, Eis' Firefighter Hat into Motor Heat Firefighter Hat, and Bruce's Cleaning Cane into Rusty Cleaning Cane. They float and then flashes of light explode as screen pitched white as fades into screen pitched black. Screen shown like someone's view was open as kind of blurred, then focus to normal view was the blue room as with plants even fruits, vegetables, flowers, trees, and grass, chess pieces, and painting called Stronger of Destiny Room. Cut to Jose, Sana, and Lucy wake up with Nega Bosses' eyes and stand up as no longer wearing Vision Goggles and Voice Collars.)
Jose: (in semi-corrupted voice) What this in place? (Covered mouth with left hand as right hand touches his neck and face as his Vision Goggles and Voice Collar wasn't here; shocked.) Ah! Vision Goggles and Voice Collar! They're gone!
Sana and Lucy: (in semi-corrupted voices) What?! (Covered mouth with left hand as right hand touches their neck and face as their Vision Goggles and Voice Collar wasn't here; shocked.) They're gone!
(Jose, Sana, and Lucy looks each in shocked and then screams, then pans up to Leo, Emma, and Cal running on Abandoned Music Room until Cal hears echo screaming of Jose, Sana, and Lucy as he stopped of run and turns around away from Leo and Emma who stopped run and look Cal, then Two Unknown Nega Bosses in same size of Leo and Emma as they walk to them from dark doorway as Leo and Emma turn around Two Unknown Nega Bosses. Cut to Cal started worried.)
Cal: (scared as runs to any musical instruments each name call) Oh no! Scarecrow! Watcher of the Woods! Madam of the Mansion!
Leo and Emma: (in semi-corrupted voice; offscreen as calmly) Hey, Checkered King...!
(Cal shocked as his eyes widened as he turns slowly with closed his eyes to Leo and Emma in cautiously as whining in fear until he opens right eye as looks to them, then yells in shocked fear to Leo and Emma who smiling with closed their eyes as dazes their powers around as covered them as the energy wave pushes as Cal shielding and then looking in shocking horror to them as revealed was their semi-corrupted forms as Leo for Semi-Corrupted Form of Kylemera and Emma for Semi-Corrupted Form of Wilmatiger as open their eyes with smiling to Cal who screaming in horror.)
Cal: Oh no!
(Cut to Leo and Emma as Two Unknown Nega Bosses walks to them as removed the coats as revealed was Kylemera and Wilmatiger in their human forms as look alike of Leo and Emma. Cut to Cal gasps in shocked.)
Cal: No! It's can't be!
Kylemera: That's right, Checkered King!
Wilmatiger: We're revived as thank for Streetbeat's argument and Fighter's worried with Lance's dark magic.
Kylemera and Wilmatiger: Then we're getting revenge on you, Checkered King! (Laugh evilly, to Leo and Emma.) Streetbeat, Fighter! Get him!
(Leo and Emma run to Cal who yelling until he runs with Super Speed as same power of Speedy Cheetah as missed him as everyone else shocked to Cal's Super Speed.)
Leo, Emma, Kylemera, and Wilmatiger: (along Cal's says; shocked) What?! He's got a Speedy Cheetah's power?!
Cal: (along Leo, Emma, Kylemera, and Wilmatiger' say; shocked) What?! I've got a Speedy Cheetah's power?!
Kylemera and Wilmatiger: Catch him!
(Leo and Emma continue run to Cal but he runs with Super Speed as Leo and Emma misses him until he jumps and falls into hole from music notes floor as Leo, Emma, Kylemera, and Wilmatiger look to Cal who smiling and waves to them in mocking while on the slide.)
Cal: (happily mocking) Hey, Troublemarking Duo! Your puppet siblings chase me to I'm falls and onto the slide as find my friends! (Blows raspberry to Kylemera and Wilmatiger who growls angrily to him.) Thank you very much, Troublemarking Duo! (Laughs sneering as fade out while sliding down.)
(Cut to Leo, Emma, Kylemera, and Wilmatiger as Kylemera and Wilmatiger growls angrily.)
Kylemera: (angrily) Oh, I hates Cal's mocking with egotistical!
Wilmatiger: (angrily) Me too!
Leo: As your plans getting bad idea for him, guys!
Emma: Be patience, guys! Rewrite about plans as we're care you from Lance who thinking you tricked him.
Wilmatiger: I knows, sis! But we're finding Inhabitants from infected humans, Negatis, and then Lance!
Kylemera: Then let's go before Lance was here to us! (He, Leo, Emma, and Wilmatiger runs away of Abandoned Music Room while Balan watching in happily.)
Balan: Good luck, my children...
(Pans down to Jose, Sana, and Lucy who back to their semi-corrupted forms as walking on Stronger of Destiny Room, then they heard Cal's yelling in happily.)
Jose: You guys heard that?
Sana: Where?
(Wooden Door with Chess Designs was comes and busts out with dust as Cal muttered coughing while Jose, Sana, and Lucy looking shocked to the door as Cal opens and come out the door with dust as he coughs and waves from dust. Then he, Jose, Sana, and Lucy looking each other for moment and then they're cheering and group hug.)
Jose: Checkered King! You're here!
Sana: You're okay!
Lucy: We're so worried about you! (She, Jose, Sana, and Cal get off of group hug.)
Cal: What's happened to you, guys?
Jose: Eis' teammates knocked out along your brothers!
Cal: (gasps) Oh no!
Sana: During knocked out as in Void of Consciousness for together in one!
Lucy: Then we're told Nega Bosses for common but one part, like Inkabelle, she has art blocked to her paintings.
Cal: (his eyes widened) Wow...
Jose: There's more! Costume Leaders gave us with our Combined Costume Keys!
Sana: We're heard Lance talking about you as he along Kylemera and Wilmatiger...
Lucy: Then Nega Bosses are finally removed negavite moralities by our true happiness words! As we're forgiven them...
Cal: After my brothers telling story of Kylemera and Wilmatiger as you're knows them.
Jose: Wow, girls. He knows everything with his Past Visions.
Cal: Now, where's my brothers and your siblings, guys?
Fortstopher IV: (offscreen) You means about us, Sir Suresh?
(Jose, Sana, Cal, and Lucy looking in shocked to five silhouette people as two silhouette people walks into light as revealed was Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI in human forms while Jose, Sana, Cal, and Lucy gasp in surprised.)
Cal: Fortstopher and Fortie?
Fortstopher IV: Yes, it's us, My Bishop.
Fortie VI: Hey, Scarecrow, Watcher, and Madam? We have a special for you... (To three silhouette people) Barktholomew, Cuckoo, and Inkabelle, come to your human form as they see you.
(Barktholomew, Cuckoo, and Inkabelle walks into light as revealed as join to Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI was their human forms while Jose, Sana, Cal, and Lucy gasp in more surprised than before.)
Barktholomew, Cuckoo, and Inkabelle: (confused) What? You like our human form?
(Jose, Sana, Cal, and Lucy runs and hugs to own Nega Bosses in happily.)
Fortie VI: Hey, everyone! What's wrong with you?
Cal: Oh! We're worried about you!
Sana: He's right! We're thought you for getting lost you!
Jose: We're really missed you!
Lucy: Me too! But where's our friends, guys?
Barktholomew: We're taken you from infected humans.
Cuckoo: If we're accidentally fell you into one hole as split as into three different ways in one hole!
Inkabelle: Then we're getting out of separated room as together as all of friends here. As Vision Goggles and Voice Collar fall apart while you fell into separated room.
Cal: Then let's go as get out as find our friends! (He, Jose, Sana, Lucy, Barktholomew, Cuckoo, Fortstopher IV, Fortie VI, and Inkabelle runs on Stronger of Destiny Room, he barely glowing indigo of eyes as started worried; quietly.) They're rewrite the plans...
Lucy: What are you says, Checkered King?
Cal: (stopped glowing as his eyes back to green in shocked as realized) That's my Past Visions but barely see it, Madam of the Mansion.
Lucy: Oh, okay then...
(Jose, Sana, Cal, Lucy, Barktholomew, Cuckoo, Fortstopher IV, Fortie VI, and Inkabelle runs on Stronger of Destiny Room. Fade out as pitched black screen.)
To be continued.
List of Chapters
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sb-sratss-obsession · 3 years
SRaTSS Episode Transcript: Ep. 1 - Star Sheriff Round-up
This is a tentative transcription of the dialogues of the first episode of “Saber Rider and The Star Sheriffs”. If you spot mistakes feel free to warn me about it, I would love to make it perfect!
Episode: 1 - Star Sheriff Round-up
Transmitted: September 14, 1987
Japanese version: 1 - "The Space Adventurers" (宇宙の冒険野郎 ‘Uchū no bōken yarō’)
Saber Rider... Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs, In the sky!
Can you feel the thunder inside? Saber Rider! Make the lightning crack as you ride! Saber Rider!
(guitar solo)
Saber Rider...
Saber Rider... Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs, In the sky!
EP. 1
by Marc Handler
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Saber Rider: “It was not so long ago that we, Star Sheriffs, first assembled our Special Freedom Fighting Unit. We nicknamed him Ramrod, a peacekeeping vehicle shaped like a huge cowboy. We used him to protect the settlers out here on the New Frontier. We needed the Ramrod vehicle to help stop the lightning attacks of the Outrider bandits. They were evil creatures who crossed into our dimension and raided our Cavalry Outposts. They used battalions of Dimension Jumpers and Vapor Beings who moved freely from their world to ours. We thought that Ramrod was our only chance to stop them, but in the end it was not the Ramrod vehicle but the human Star Sheriffs themselves, who really made the difference. I should know, I'm their leader. I remember when it all began; my orders were to find Vanquo, an Outrider with ghostly eyes and a long pale face. I knew they were bounty hunters seeking him so I alerted the head of operation Ramrod, a very special operative named April. Her father was the leader of the Western Sector of Cavalry Command.
Commander Eagle: What's your report, April?
April: Bad news, daddy. We think the Outriders found out about Ramrod.
Commander Eagle: Ah! But how?
April: A spy named Vanquo. I'll have to go to Planet Yuma at once.
Commander Eagle: Good luck, April.
Saber Rider: “April arrived on planet Yuma at the same time I did. Neither of us realized that we had come in the middle of their most celebrated auto race, the Yuma Grand Prix. A young driver nicknamed Fireball was leading the way in his Red Fury Racer.”
Fireball: The biggest race on planet Yuma and it’s in the bag. The other cars are so far behind I get close to the finish line smooth as a supercharged skateboard. Hey, what's that shadow? That fool! What's he doing? He's coming back around! And he set straight at me! Oh! Ah!
Colt: He's not the one I’m after.
Fireball: What’s the matter with you? You crazy?
Colt: Sorry, pardner. Afraid I got you mixed up with somebody else.
Fireball: Oh-oh. Here come the other turbochargers.
Colt: So, Vanquo sent me off on a wild goose chase. Well, that Outrider just double-crossed the wrong fella. There's a price on his head and the reward is gonna be mine.
Fireball: I had this race iced. Now I’m gonna have to fight for it.
Speaker: Ladies and gentlemen, we can see two turbochargers approaching the finish line and they’re neck and neck. Here he comes, ladies and gentlemen. He’s done it! In 23:18, a new speed record for the Red Fury Racer! What an incredible race! The crowd is going wild for Fireball, the youngest champion of all times!
Fireball: Oh, yeah, thanks!
Guy: Look out! Get those bandits!
Woman: No, stop!
Airport guard: Hold your fire!
Man: What a shoot!
Man: Get him!
Woman: They saved my little girl!
Man: But who did the fancy shooting?
Woman: It could only be one person.
Man: It has to be the legendary…
Everyone: Saber Rider!
Saber Rider: If you would be so kind, please give him a lube job. Oh, and a lump of sugar. I'd like a suite, please, overlooking the lobby if possible.
Desk Clerk: Sorry, all our rooms are full. Lots of people here to see the race, you know.
Saber Rider: Race? What race?
Desk Clerk: Why, the Grand Prix, of course. There's the winner right now.
Fireball: Hey, thank you. Thanks a lot!
Saber Rider: Where is he staying?
Desk Clerk: Way up on the 25th floor. Quite the guy, huh?
Man: Hey, Fireball, can I get your picture?
Woman: He's giving away his wreath!
Saber Rider: I’m afraid I must take his room. My mission here is urgent!
Desk Clerk: But he's got a reservation, I can't give his room away!
Fireball: Excuse me, can I have my key, please?
Desk clerk: Of course, Mr. Fireball, your room is all ready… and congratulations!
Saber Rider: Hold it right there. I'm afraid I must have this key.
Fireball: Huh? Hey, what's your trip?
Saber Rider: I'm on a mission of utmost importance!
Fireball: What? That's your problem, bud!
Saber Rider: I'm afraid it's your problem now. Let go of this key.
Fireball: Ah!
Saber Rider: Eh?
Fireball: Give me back that key!
Colt: No dice, kemosabe.
Fireball: Hey, I know who you are! You're that cowboy who almost made me lose the race!
Colt: Sorry about that, dude, but I'm on a big hunt, savvy?
Fireball: You wanna hunt? Try the jungle, savvy? And don't bother coming back.
Colt: Afraid I'm not hunting tigers, race boy. I'm looking for an Outrider with ghostly eyes and a long pale face.
Bonnie May: Colt? Has anyone seen a cowboy around here? Oh!
Colt: What?
Bonnie May: Colt! He found out about the square dance!
Colt: Who?
Bonnie May: My father, who else?
Colt: Father? You didn't tell me you had a father!
Bonnie May’s father: Don't move an inch, you slippery poisoning carpetbagging bandido.
Colt: It was just a square dance, honest!
Bonnie May’s father: You like to dance? Then you can dance the Winchester waltz. You stay away from my little Bonnie May or else.
Colt: I think I’ve used this disguise enough. Time for a change.
Bonnie May’s father: And you stay clear of bounty hunters!
Bonnie May: But daddy!
Bonnie May’s father: No buts, now come on!
Fireball: Well, so much for the fearless cowboy.
Saber Rider: I thought I might have to take a few shots to him myself, just to get his attention.
Fireball: Hmm. Yeah, sure, whatever you say.
Saber Rider: Listen, chum, I don't really want to force you out of your room.
Fireball: You don’t, uh? Well, hey, you're a sport.
Saber Rider: Look, I have an idea.
Fireball: Why do I feel like you're gonna tell me this whether I want to hear it or not?
Saber Rider: It's simple: why don't we just share the room?
Fireball: Cuz it's my room!
Saber Rider: Just a gentle suggestion.
Fireball: I think everyone around here is trigger-happy.
Saber Rider: Do we have a deal or don't we?
Fireball: You can sleep on the floor, that's it!
Saber Rider: Fine, let's shake on it.
Fireball: Huh. I'm going along with this but I don't have to like it.
Saber Rider: Incidentally, chum, about the Outrider that cowboy mentioned, if you run into him, let me know, won't you? I'm afraid if I don't find him soon this planet will probably be blown to bits.
Fireball: Are you serious?
Saber Rider: Do I sound like I'm joking?
Colt: Good thing I was wearing that sombrero and drifter outfit. The Bounty Hunter's got to have a lot of tricks and disguises, and a good disguise can come in mighty handy. Now I better get down to business; track down that Outrider. That bushwhacker gotta be around here somewhere. I just gotta make sure I find him before he finds me.
Vanquo: Let me talk to Nemesis! Oh, I know. Yes, I discovered where this Ramrod contraption is hidden; it's a sitting duck.
Colt: So are you, hombre.
Vanquo: It’s at the Frontier Outpost , just right for plucking.
Colt: Alright, dude, from vapor you came and to vapor you shall return.
Vanquo: Ah!
Saber Rider: It’s him! Vanquo!
Vanquo: I’ll be back!
Saber & Fireball: Oh!
Fireball: That Outrider just turned into vapor!
Colt: Yes, that’s what they're made out of. Nasty, aren't they?
Saber Rider: You sent him back to his own dimension, which means I can't get the information I need.
Fireball: What information? Who was he?
Saber Rider: A spy who knew about a secret defense system called Ramrod.
Colt: Right, he said something about that Ramrod. Said it was at the Frontier Outpost, like a sitting duck.
Saber Rider: Are you planning to go out there and investigate?
Colt: You kidding? I'm a bounty hunter, pardner, I got a reward to claim.
Fireball: Strange guy, huh?
Saber Rider: Totally undisciplined, no sense of etiquette whatsoever.
Fireball: Cowboys!
Saber Rider: Well, I guess I'll go and take a little rest.
Fireball: Yeah, I think I'll go for a walk, just to clear my head, you know?
Saber Rider: Alright.
Fireball: See you later. I'm going out to that Frontier Base fast!
Saber Rider: I got to get out to that Frontier Base quickly. Steed! There you are! Let’s go, boy! Up, into the sky!
Fireball: Red Fury Turbo on! Somebody's gotta warn those settlers and nobody can get out there quicker than I can!
Desk Clerk: I can't get a hold of the Outpost.
Colt: What?
Desk Clerk: I’m sorry, sir, it seems to be some sort of emergency.
Colt: I’d better head out there!
Fireball: Ah! Oh, no! The attack is already underway!
Outrider: Find the Ramrod Equalizer Unit and destroy it!
Soldier: We can’t hold them out much longer! Here they come again! We need help!
Saber Rider: You've got it, chum!
Soldier: It’s Saber Rider!
Saber Rider: Right up here, mate!
Fireball: Well, look at who’s here! Those guys aren't playing around. I’ll better get out the artillery! Ah! I can’t escape now!
Colt: Look like you need a little help there, hey, race boy?
Fireball: There are two more straight ahead!
Colt: Not anymore!
Fireball: That must be Ramrod!
April: Over here! Hurry! Did the Star Sheriffs send you?
Fireball: Star Sheriffs? Who are they?
April: Never mind. If you can drive a racecar you can help with Ramrod. It's an experimental frontier fighter system. I'm afraid it's never been tested but it's the only chance we've got.
Fireball: Hop in!
April: Right.
Colt: Hey, don't forget about me!
April: Look out! You got them! This is it, the Ramrod Equalizer Vehicle.
Fireball: Wow!
Saber Rider: I'll take charge from here!
Fireball: The lady invited me.
Colt: That's cause she didn't know I was here.
April: There's no time to argue, I'll need all three of you when we go to challenge phase.
Colt: Challenge phase, that's fancy! How fast does this puppy go?
April: Fast enough. Come on, this way to the control room. Hurry!
Fireball: It's cool!
Colt: I bet this baby packs a lot of horsepower!
April: You better believe it. These three saddle units are interactive, but the center is especially for land operations. Since you're a race car driver, well…
Fireball: They call me Fireball!
April: All right, Fireball, you take the reins!
Fireball: Right!
April: That one is for the quick draw control.
Colt: That's gotta be mine, yeah.
Fireball: Now we know what two of the systems are for. What about the third one?
Saber Rider: Maverick flight dynamics. I was already briefed back a Cavalry Command.
Fireball: Cavalry Command? What's that?
April: Headquarters of the Star Sheriffs. I'll ride shotgun over here. You'll all have to listen up. Hey, wait a minute, there's something coming at us. It's big! The Outriders have built another Renegade. We are finished if it catches us here, we've got to take off and we've got to do it fast!
Fireball: Okay, hang on your seats. We’re moving out!
Colt: It’s working!
Saber Rider: We’re accelerating to mach 4 and closing!
Colt: Yahoo! We’re out of there!
Fireball: What's that?
April: It's a Renegade Desperado Unit!
Fireball: Watch out for that claw!
April: Oh!
Fireball: You all right, April?
April: Yes, keep moving!
Colt: Well, we know that he can dish it out. Now let’s see if he can take it.
April: Look out!
Fireball: It’s following us!
April: We got to go into challenge phase.
Fireball: What's that?
April: There's no time to explain! Activate the rods above your key compartment, hurry!
Fireball: Okay, let's see what happens!
April: When the rods are clear, hit the flashing red light. Saber Rider, you give the signal.
Saber: Okay. Get ready. Not yet. Hold it. Now!
April: All right. Ramrod will now take navigational control.
Ramrod: Acknowledge, April. Navigational control on, Ramrod challenge phase, one. Head ‘em up, move ‘em out. Power stride, and ready to ride.
April: Here he comes!
Colt: Block!
Fireball: Look out! It’s doubled back!
April: Duck!
Colt: Alright, boys, let’s laser rope this Renegade dupe. If you liked the left, you’ll love the right.
Saber Rider: Nice move, cowboy. Now shall we follow up with a soccer kick?
Colt: Take it away!
Everyone: On target!
Fireball: Let's vaporize this viper!
Colt: Good thinking, pard. I'd like the feel of this shooter.
Saber Rider: We may only have one shot so let's use all the firepower we have.
Colt: All right, amigo. You want firepower? You got it.
Saber Rider: Ready? Aim. Blast them!
Colt: Well, it looks like those Outriders have seen their last round-up.
Fireball: Yeah, but what if they come back?
Colt: After that little lesson? No way.
Saber Rider: You're wrong about that. They'll definitely return
Colt: How do you know so much about it? You got an inside line on this thing, pardner?
April: He knows because he's one of us. A special agent of the secret Star Sheriffs. With these Outriders still on the loose we could use your help too, if you want to join us.
Colt: Star Sheriffs, huh? I always wanted one of those shiny silver stars.
April: Afraid we don't have many badges left since the Outriders took over the silver mines but we use these E.B.U., electronic badge units.
Saber Rider: It usually takes years to train a Star Sheriff but this is an emergency. We'll have to issue your E.B.U. right away.
Colt: No badge? I don't know, pard.
Fireball: I'm not sure about this either. What about my racing career?
April: You'll have to quit for a while but remember: Ramrod is faster than any racecar you'll ever see.
Fireball: Yeah, you've got a point there!
April: And about those badges… I'll see if I can special-order some from headquarters. What do you say, boys?
Colt: Can you picture it, pard? Riding high, fighting out with the Outriders! Paw!
Saber Rider: “And that’s how all began. The bounty hunter, a racecar driver and a beautiful girl from Cavalry Command. Together we've made a commitment to the spirit of the frontier freedom fighters. Wherever danger leads us, wherever the people need us, that's where you'll find… the Star Sheriffs!”
Saber Rider... Your destiny will lead you, To wherever people need you, Though danger may have found you, You have your friends around you now, Now! Now! Now! Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs! Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs, In the sky!
Saber Rider!
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randomly-a-fan · 3 years
A Surprise on April Fools Day
Pennywise was just coming back to the Neibolt House after a long morning of hunting for both him and Aquarius’s prey, since she’s been a little sick for the past few months. As Pennywise removes his blood-covered outfit, he realized that his spare one is still in the wash. “Star! Is my spare suit still in the wash?” Pennywise called out.
Aquarius came in with a fake frown on her face. “Sorry hon... But I accidentally used hot water...” Then she held up a baby outfit of his adult uniform. “What?!” Pennywise gasped as he took the little outfit to observe it. That’s when Aquarius burst out laughing. “APRIL FOOLS Penny!” Aquarius laughed. “That’s not for you... that’s actually for the new baby that’s coming in the next seven months...” Aquarius explained. Pennywise was shocked, until he realized that it could be another trick. “That’s a lie, you’re not having a baby.” Pennywise smirked. “I thought you might say that, which is why I’m going to take a home pregnancy's test right now” Aquarius said as she entered the bathroom. 
Pennywise still has doubt that she’s pregnant, then again... what if she’s not kidding? what if she’s actually expecting a baby? Pennywise’s mind is racing, hoping for an actual answer. Pennywise heard Aquarius exit out of the bathroom and looked at the stick. “It’s positive; that means I’m pregnant.” Aquarius informed, Pennywise took the stick to look at it more closely. “Uh Penny... you do know that it has my pee on it, right?” Aquarius informed. After hearing Aquarius’s statement, he dropped the stick and rushed to the bathroom. “Eww! I thought you put that thing in your mouth like a thermometer!” Pennywise exclaimed while Aquarius bursts out laughing again.
After Pennywise finishes washes his hands, Aquarius lays her head against Pennywise’s side while staring into the mirror. “So, how does it feel to become a daddy, Daddywise?” Aquarius asked. Pennywise didn’t smile, instead, he just departed the snuggle and head towards the bathroom door with a sigh, “Fine I guess... I don’t know... I think I’ll go and feast on that chubby kid before it spoils...” Pennywise said as he walked out. Aquarius’s heart broke, she thought Pennywise would be excited; being called daddy in a non sexual way, and have someone to look up to him. She thought he’d be happy. As Aquarius was about to cry, Pennywise knocked. “Uh, sorry my love, I just have one more thing to say to you... April Fools my love.” Pennywise laughed. Aquarius gave Pennywise a playful punch in the arm while laughing along with him. “Does this mean you’re actually excited about being a parent?” Aquarius asked. Pennywise smiled big, “Of course I am; all I ever wanted in the world is to become a dad and seeing you becoming a mom.” Pennywise expressed with a fond smile. Aquarius teared up with a smile before she kissed Pennywise passionately.
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endexe · 3 years
Whew, okay, uh, ya star child, Mori, here whipped out a fucking long ass essay just regarding to the things I realized while writing Zero and how much Zero means to me, especially on the personal level. Some heavy areas are to be touched as warned ahead in the sixth paragraph, but I promise I’m okay! I simply have a lot of thoughts and emotions whirling around in me that I need to place somewhere! But to summarize: Thank you all so, so, so much for loving Zero Orez, my one and only bestest foolish glitch child, and for giving me the safe and gentle space where I can be at my most joy and comfort having him here. <3
So the concept of Zero was created this month on April’s Fool, which is the second most ironic thing to happen with him ( the first is honestly  the fact that within the same month, Zero have interacted with five muses who share the same faceclaim as him, like lmfao poor Zero, he’s just not having it --- shoutout to Mercy ( maskeraide ), River ( wxrldkiller ), Oli ( teletropic ), Vi ( heartbetween ), and Grace ( evermxre ) for having me so delighted and entertained by this concept, it makes my experiences writing with Zero so much more fun ). I created him for this episodic novel series Let There Be with Noble and Grim, the angel and demon respectively, who are private investigators. I had the concept of how there would be eldritch monsters trying to take over Earth by using the elements of the horror genre, which created mundane appearing but still supernatural linked cases that Noble and Grim had to solve when no other ordinary humans could, and the monsters were linked to their respective tarot card. Zero was considered to be the Fool.
I was excited to make Zero be a side character of the novel, the foolish and childish character who would constantly help and betray both sides of the series, one side being Noble and Grim, and another the Arcane. But I didn’t know what more to expect from him. I was reading the tag within the post I made in Noble’s and Grim’s blog that was the NPC introduction of Zero. It’s so funny that I said I didn’t know if I’d end up writing him on here because I thought Noble and Grim, my impossible lights, would end up taking all of the muse from him. BUT IN THE END... They were the ones who I set up the indefinite hiatus note few days ago while Zero’s still thriving, and I find that so bizarre because I thought Noble and Grim were the ONES who I’d always have the muse for. You know how you’d have that thing where you’d expect something to happen with your muse, but they would do the exact opposite as you least expected? Zero’s like that ALWAYS, but the fact he pulled the UNO reverse card on my impossible lights? Truly wild and now here I am, writing him for almost a month!
And... creating him, writing him is the BEST choice I had ever made in my entire life. Yes, Noble and Grim had helped me a lot, especially I do face a lot of struggles when it comes to the matters of hope and despair, what Noble and Grim embody of respectively but Zero eventually become so many things to me. The vent character, the comfort character, the character who I can channel my childish and curious energy into when I was rarely given the chance to let them out in the real world when I was younger, the character who is a learner but as slow and easily frustrated as me and a lover of life like me despite everything / anything. I realize also that I have so much fun and easier times writing him than I had with Noble and Grim, I won’t lie about this. Noble’s and Grim’s aesthetic and energy seem to attract more of an urge to write a bit more purple prosey with a hint of seriousness to it, and... it was so time and energy consuming to write them with these expectations I had on myself. And for some reason, I sometimes had trouble plotting with them, maybe because, again, I felt like they had to be these serious characters having to be put in serious situations. Few of the things I love about Zero is he have bare limits to his character as he can be anything and anyone I want him to be. He has about everything that I can use to develop and have fun with. I love how ultimately, Zero is ever unbound to labels and he is ever changing.
I’m just amazed realizing how many writings and developments I have done with Zero within a month than I had with those two, but that’s because with Zero? He is truly... all over the place. He is so messy, chaotic, flawed, but also, he is loud and open and FREE. Having to get into his energy makes me feel my most self where I can be too loud and loving, and not care too much about how I write and format my posts, unlike with Noble and Grim. He makes me so so SO happy and comfortable, and there is a lot of times I’d think about him and sometimes with my friends’ muses, and it’s a lot more than I had thought of Noble and Grim. The love I have for Zero is endless and beyond, always. He reminds me that original characters are so fucking important when they can be anything and anyone you want them to be, and as long as it’s nothing of harm to others and yourself, whoever and whatever they are, they are more than good enough when they provide you so much joy and comfort.
[ trigger warning: mentions of ( child ) abuse and traumas ] Zero have... about about everything I’ve ever loved in general from my interests to tropes ( adorkable, the fool, fourth wall breaking, etcetera ) to my love of aesthetics ( such as glitchcore / cybercore / kidcore / weirdcore ), and so many more. As well as he have learning disability, hypersexuality, tendency to be so distracted and forgettable like me. Along with he does these things that I do as stimming like he’d just rock or always love to touch blankets that have very soft materials. As well as he have experienced so many traumas that resulted him having so much trouble remembering and wanting to be childish as hating to be responsible, which is what I have. I don’t remember anything of my childhood or honestly, majority of my life but traumas. I don’t remember much of what I did yesterday. I don’t even remember if I had breakfast yesterday or what I ate if I did because I had been through so much mainly involving abuse from my own mother, still do unfortunately as I live with her, that makes my brain shut down, which also makes me have so much trouble being in deep thoughts when my brain is just. Numb. When I’m going to be more real here, despite how I appear online here, I do have trouble experiencing and expressing much emotions because, again, of the traumas I have dealt with for so long.
From all of these things I had gone through in life, I have dealt a lot with these concepts of who I am, what I am, like Zero does, and having him, I eventually realize how extremely important he is to me, so much more than any characters I ever created. He is my biggest coping mechanism and my gentlest reminder that it’s never too late to be... free. Just enjoy everything that I’m so fortunate to get from life. Draw clumsily, listen to music loudly, love too much and just let my heart be louder than the thunderstorms and crashing sea waves combined. Just be free and happy, despite everything, anything. I said before with Noble and Grim that I hadn’t been this happy before writing them, but I was so wrong. With Zero, I am so much more happier than I could ever be, and there are so many people on here who I am beyond lucky and grateful to be friends with who let me have him with no judgement like over how ridiculously overpowered he is or how much I self projected myself into him. And all of the connections Zero made on here so far are very touching and wonderful. I didn’t know what to really expect when I decided to give Zero his own blog, but having him for a month, this decision brought me so many beautiful things that I will always cherish.
I also wanna give a quick shoutout to River for. Fuck, everything. They’re truly the biggest reason why I decided to keep writing Zero and even make me love him more. They had made me talk about so many things with Zero I probably would’ve never thought, or wouldn’t have thought about so soon. I always extremely enjoy everything River and I would go over about together, and... literally, River, if you see this, know that you’re truly a wonder to have. I am so beyond thankful to have you as, honestly, already my close friend. Thank you so much for giving me that extra push to keep Zero and one of the most meaningful reasons why Zero still exist today, and for being just an amazing friend.
Just thank you all so much, to those we had known each other from the other blog and those we just became mutuals, for giving me and Zero a chance to be a bit more free and happier at least when our life won’t let us have that so often. Just thank you, thank you, thank you.
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