#// this is so late
yourlocaltiredartist · 11 months
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happy ace week!!
tap/click for better quality :)
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artastic-friend · 1 year
I don't care if the Meme is dead, I've been wanting to draw this for over a week now💀💀
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This was drawn on an aggie
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corynation · 8 months
From what i saw from greys he isnt dereks brother i think ??
Also... Mark slept with dereks sister in the show so i thought it was ok to ask?
Sorry if i didnt make myself clear tho 😂
But she can totally not be dereks sister
Anyway sorry for the confusion
New Beginnings
alex karev x reader
tags : angst, some fluff, uhhh more tags, this is a little everywhere but i hope its okay, not that sad but enough to need a part 2
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“Derek? Wha-“
“I need to stay here tonight.” He kept his head down as he shuffled his way through the door, water drops flowing off his hair.
“Is everything okay? Where’s Addison?” The look Derek gave you was almost enough to answer every question that was running through your head. You stood silently as he threw his duffel bag on the couch, his soaked jacket following. He plopped down in the arm chair, palms rubbing his face.
“I’ll get you some hot cocoa to warm up.”
“No don’t I’m fine.”
Your eyebrow raised at his poor attempt in deterring your concern.
“Oh god you look like mom.” Derek chuckled, lighting the heaviness in the room.
“What happened with Addison Derek? Why are you here?”
His face dropped once more almost immediately. The change drawing regret straight out of your core. “I found her sleeping with Sloan.”
“Mark!?” Hearing the most unexpected name come out your stomach churned in a way that made you swear you were about to hurl. The barriers around your emotions all crumbling at once.
“Are we really surprised.” Derek sighed, flattening himself out onto the couch.
“I mean? Yes? No? I don’t.. I mean he’s your best friend?” Surely it wasn’t out of character for Marks sexual.. tendencies to say the least. But still there was a part of you that couldn’t believe he’d sleep with the wife of the man he practically called a brother. Especially after growing so close to him in the past months. You shared everything together and nothing that was said or done could’ve prepared you for this. Your heart ached more then it ever did before, both for Derek but also yourself. Mark was your first, and you had naively convinced yourself he’d be the last. And though you wanted more than anything to curl up in a ball on the floor with Derek and sob your eyes out until the numb feeling that soared through your nerve endings disappeared, Derek didn’t know anything about you and Mark, and you sure as hell weren’t about to have this be the time he finds out. It took more then you thought you had in you to conceal your emotions. Fighting back the familiar sting of tears became a war for the first time, but you stood your ground against it. Sure you and Mark hadn’t taken the time to talk about making things exclusive, but really you didn’t think you needed to. What you felt with Mark was enough to flood your senses full, not able to even consider someone else entering the picture.
And maybe you were stupid to think he felt the same.
It felt futile to hide the burn in your chest, knowing it was evident in your face. But still you tried to mask your feelings, hoping it would be seen as nothing but compassion towards your brother. You’d drag the sun out by your bare hands to bring sunshine after a life of darkness if it meant the best for Derek.
“Yeah well obviously that doesn’t mean much.” The scene of Derek face down on the couch with his arms dangling at weird angles was almost comical enough to bring you out of your anger. In a sad attempt to stifle your laugh, a small giggle escaped your lips. Derek just looked up from his resting spot and gave you the warmest smile you’ve seen from him all night, the picture perfect resemblance of a child.
“Derek I don’t-“ You were cut off mid sentence by the ringing of Dereks phone. He was hesitant to pick it up, most likely praying to himself it wasn’t the two talks of the night.
“Hold that thought I have to take this.” He cleared his throat before answering the phone, his eyebrows stiffening. “Hi Richard, sorry for emailing so late..” Was all you caught as he stepped out of the room.
The anticipation building in you was almost enough to drive you mad. Derek had been on the phone for ten minutes now and you weren’t able to hear any of it. You had began your (what felt like at least) 100th lap around the room, as Derek finally stepped back in. The suspense in the room falling instantly as his demeanor brought nothing but a strange joy.
“Richard Webber from Seattle Grace just called.”
“Okay..?” You sat down on the couch, Derek following.
“He found us both a job, very well pay, I’d be head of neuro, and you’ll be a trauma attending ! It’s perfect! He said he could even throw in a sign on bonus for you for the sudden notice! We start Monday.”
“At Seattle Grace?”
“Well obviously.”
“Derek? Are you insane? Like are you actually going insane because if you are I can understand why.”
“Am I.. Are you going insane? Y/n this is the perfect job opportunity! It’s everything you’ve worked for come on!”
There was a shared silence between the two of you, you each studying the other trying to feel out the mix of emotions you both had been throwing out into the room. Derek looked at you with eyes of an insane man, his lips a curl of typical mischief.
“Derek. This job is in Seattle. Seattle Washington! We live in New York! You can not bring in a life changing job, and move, that I have to do in two days and expect me to jump at it! I know you want to get away from Addison right now but Seattle seriously? Don’t you think that’s taking it a little far?”
“Yes! That’s the point. Come with me or don’t but you’ll sure as hell look idiotic for not.” You let out a sigh at his words, your jaw tensing.
“Derek we’re talking about both of our whole lives right now. Our family is here, our homes, hell our jobs!”
“Y/n! welcome to Seattle Grace. I know the offer was a short notice but I appreciate you coming.” Richard Webber, the chief of Seattle Grace, greeted you at the entrance. A great smile plastered across his face as he reached out to shake your hand.
“Of course Richard. Thank you for the offer. I know you wanted me out sooner but like I told Derek, it was insane for me to do the move in two days. So I really do appreciate the exception, it was more than generous of you.” You smiled, accepting the greeting.
“Oh i know it was. But anything for an old friend’s family. And it would be great to have another genius on hand.”
“Old friend?”
“Oh yes, Dr. Shepherd and I have worked on a few cases together in the past. I’ve spent my fair share of time in New York.” Richard spoke as he began to walk through the hospital, his hand reaching behind him to motion for you to follow. “Now I know Derek has been working here for a week now, and could show you around, but I’m going to go ahead and assign you an intern for the day. Someone to show you around and have do all the unnecessary paperwork for you.”
“Oh no Dr. Webber, no need to do that. You’ve already accommodated so much around me. Surely I can find my way around today.”
“Absolutely no need for that Dr. Shepherd. Let me make the day easier for you please.” You smiled at Richard and nodded, fully appreciating the gesture. He nodded and turned around, his finger pointing to a shorter woman across the room at the nurses station.
“Bailey!” The woman whipped her head around, eyebrows raised and an unfazed expression spread on her face. She began walking towards you and Richard, five other doctors following her lead almost immediately. You giggled to yourself as they all looked like a scene of baby ducks following their mom; though these baby ducks did look particularly tired and worn.
“Can you give me one of your children please. I need someone to be with Dr. Shepherd for the day while she settles in. You know like show her around yada yada.”
“Karev go.” Dr. Bailey ordered turning around and beginning to walk back to what she was doing.
“Me? But I’ve got-“ One of the doctors that had been following Bailey began saying, walking backwards to keep up with her in order to plea.
“Karev. GO.”
He stood in the middle of the room, arms up in defeat. You almost felt bad for him until he turned to face you, eyes narrowed and lips pursed as if this was somehow your fault.
“Come on lets get this over with.” He snarled while walking back towards you.
“Hey don’t be pissed at me, I sure as hell didn’t want you to be the one showing me around.” Karev stopped to take a good look at you, almost completely dumbfounded after your response. He scanned your face, either trying to decide who you were to talk to him like that, or the opposite of the spectrum and he was just trying to hide his admiration.
Your grand hospital tour was finally coming to an end after almost two hours. Alex had taken the time to show you each wing, introduce you to each head of department, and even showed you the vending machines that are least likely to scam you. At first he had seemed like a nightmare to be around, almost like a brooding angsty teenager who didn’t like anyone, but after warming up to him (or maybe him warming up to you?) Alex actually seemed more then tolerable. He made you laugh more then you have in awhile. His presence lighting you more than you’ve felt since your first night with Mark, which in all honesty bewildered you more then you imagined. Questioning yourself on how, or why you had become so comfortable around Alex in such little of time.
Honestly he felt like Mark felt. But for some sick reason, that maybe was just a play on your emotions, the man you had just met three hours ago made you feel lighter then Mark had in 20 years. He felt like a flow of fresh rain water after a drought, cleansing you of all toxins and slowly making you new. He was rain and you were the starved flower.
Yet Mark felt like the water saved from the last rain. Still coursing through your veins and settling into your heart and soul. Something that once kept you alive, was once your everything, now something you couldn’t get out of your system without feeling like you were sucked dry, moments away from an inevitable end.
It hadn’t quite struck you how much the Mark situation had hit you before now. Really you hadn’t had time to feel how the situation made you feel. The thought of butterflies returning to you uncovered a deep empty void that was quick to cover your senses.
The sudden wave of emotions hit you hard, but still you tried to remain as unaffected by it as possible. Though you knew you had done quite the shitty job of that after you caught Alex glancing at you with concern from the corner of your eye.
“So,” he coughed, obviously trying to diffuse the odd tension that had began. “What department do you plan to work in after residency?”
“Well actually I’m a trauma attending.”
“Attending? You look younger than me!”
“Well I am 24.” You giggled at the widened eyes of Alex, his jaw practically on the floor.
“Yep! Baby of the family.”
“Baby of the entire hospital! I mean how’d you even get here?”
“Well Dr. Karev that is a long story we could discuss over coffee tomorrow morning.” It was out your mouth before you could even sit to consider it. Alex looked taken aback for a moment, obviously not expecting that just as much as you were.
“Deal.” Alex warmly smiled, his eyes gleaming with something more than before.
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okay hii!!! this req is so late im so sorry😭 also this isnt the og post but i cant find that one so I am using this!!! im gonna be honest ive wrote this little by little over the past few months so i really hope its all somewhat cohesive ????? idk atleast readable but im also crossing my fingers that this is okay cause its my first req :)
so without being said i hope you guys enjoyed and i will be making a part two trust 🙏🏻
and listen i know being 24 and being an attending is like damn near impossible but its greys. there was literally a unfazed bazooka in a guys chest.
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beelmons · 1 year
i’m begging on my knees for reader w/ a hand kink🙏🏻 i’m down bad for spencer reid’s hands
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"The buttons are just so small!" Spencer complained.
"And yet, you refuse to get an iPhone." JJ mocked him.
"And end up with no buttons? No thanks." he said as he continued to struggle writing a text message that Hotch needed.
You, few meters away, were delighted to see him still grapple with the device. The reason? the way his fingers moved was just a sight to behold.
Having a hand kink was hard when the person you wanted to bone the most had such gorgeous assets, it was even worse that he sat in front of you during work and you were forced to look at them almost every day.
Granted, you had learned to behave yourself, you were no animal, but when your hormones took control over you during an specific time of the month, it was impossible to control the way your body reacted.
Hence, why you had to push your legs together, trying to hide from the world the fact that you were pooling in between your legs. It was hard not to imagine his slender fingers trailing up your thighs as you sat in the conference room, teasingly slowl, painfully high. You always pictured him as a tease, the kind of man to drive you mad with want before even properly touching you.
You had dreamed of the day you finally were able to seduce him, to persuade him to do his will with your body, to have him so drunk on you he had no choice but to take at least one part you wherever you were.
You indulged in the unlikely scenario of being in a hidden corridor, one no other soul would visit, having your pussy defiled by the extremities of his hand, so velvety and uncomplicated, as if it had waited a lifetime for their presence.
You fantasized about his touch on your cheek, sweetly feeling the warmth you emitted, tender and loving, all before they slipped past your lips, ordering you to suck as he pounded into you with relentless hips. All while his other limb curled around your your throat, allowing you to have his ethereal digits as a collar.
"...okay?" you heard the faint echo of his voice, as you had many times when your vivid imagination took control.
"...are you okay?" okay, perhaps it was all too clear, all too real.
Your head darted out. Without realizing, you had hidden them behind folded arms on your desk.
"I've been calling your name." he clarified, with worry, as you looked at him "Are you alright? You look flushed."
Sort of pathetic to not be able to handle a single fantasy without turning into a mess. But, alas, reality was not a fanfic someone else could control to mash you together, was it?
"I'm alright." you managed to say.
"I think I should take you to the infirmary." as his hands darted out to touch your forehead you couldn't help but flinch.
"I'm okay, Spencer." you gently moved his arm away, if he touched you any longer you would have had to take care of it yourself, and the FBI bathroom was not exactly the cleanest, contrary to popular belief.
"If I can do anything to help..." he tried to reassure you.
'You could let me jump on your fingers' you thought, but that was certainly not an approved treatment for the cold he obviously thought you had. You did your best to put on a smile and grab at his forearm with gratitude.
"You know what? One of these days, I'll take you up on that and leave myself in your capabe hands." you teased, and he, of course, completely missed your inuendo.
"Can't wait!"
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isawthesainz · 5 months
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landonorris Solid couple of days at the factory, weekend off and then miaaaaammi
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starfinss · 2 years
Can you please do flirting HCs for Sukuna, Gojo, Nanami, Megumi? (I couldn’t find your rules so I’m not sure if you take more than one character per requests so just in case you do, I’ll restrict this to just Gojo).
Hi! Yes, I take more than one character, no worries. Also, my rules are pretty much only visible from the desktop view of my blog, so if you’re a mobile user, that’s probably why. No harm, no foul. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ They’re a selectable link in the drop down below my blog info, in the same section as my masterlist. Also, I’m adding Yuuji because I love him, hope you don’t mind! I love JJK, I wanna write more for it. I have a Megumi fic in the works, so stay tuned for that, if I can kick this horrible writer’s block. But it’s two in the morning and I can’t sleep, so here we are. 
There probably won’t be any blurbs, since these prompts alone could generate entire oneshots, I’m sorry! If you like any of these headcanons, though, I’d be happy to write some of those one shots for you. 
This also turned more into “how to pursue a crush” with Nanami, but I digress. 
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— 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘠𝘶𝘶𝘫𝘪, 𝘔𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘮𝘪, 𝘕𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪, 𝘎𝘰𝘫𝘰, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘚𝘶𝘬𝘶𝘯𝘢 𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘳𝘵.
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— 𝘐𝘵𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘪 𝘠𝘶𝘶𝘫𝘪
— Good lord.
— Yuuji is a very genuine person who often just says how he feels, so he has trouble being subtle, especially around someone he has strong feelings for. 
— If he’s into someone, he’d rather they know how much he cares instead of beating around the bush, but he does try. 
— Keyword try.
— Sometimes he says things that are just way too forward, royally embarrassing himself. 
— Or, he overthinks it and just stands there staring at you. 
— Or he just says something that doesn’t make any sense. 
— Most of the time, when he’s smooth, it’s completely on accident. 
— He’ll also give you small gifts. You offhandedly mention that you saw a toy you liked as a prize at the arcade? He’ll have it to you by the end of the day. You seem sad? He’ll bring you your favorite candy. 
— He’ll also just offhandedly mention that he thinks you look nice today. 
— He might compare you to Jennifer Lawrence. 
— Mostly, though, if you notice an uptick of compliments, Yuuji is probably flirting with you. He likes making you smile, and you’re gorgeous, so he has to make sure you know that and that he appreciates it. 
— It might take some time for him to work up the courage to actually ask you out, but it’ll probably involve flowers. 
“Yuuji, have you been flirting with me?”
“Oh, you finally noticed. Any guy would, with how pretty you are.”
— You know he states it like an absolute fact, sunshine smile firmly in place. 
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— 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘶 𝘔𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘮𝘪
— Megumi is not good at flirting. 
— He’s generally a pretty stoic person, and isn’t great at expressing outward emotion, so if he’s flirting, it’s going to be fumbling and awkward. 
— Or he just straight up doesn’t. Not in the traditional sense, that is. 
— Megumi’s version of flirting is compliments. Not even on your appearance, though that might happen. He might compliment you on your cursed technique, or the way you handle your weapon.
— It’s like how in Mulan, Li Shang says “ya fight good.”
— That’s Megumi. 
— You also might catch him staring, only to quickly look away when you see him, the tips of his ears bright red. 
— There also might be the occasional “your hair looks nice like that,” or “you should wear that color more often.”
— You’ll think you misheard him, and if you ask him to repeat himself, he will, genuinely thinking you didn’t hear him. He’s a bit dense when it comes to romantic feelings. 
— Will also occasionally say something smooth as fuck. 
— Give him time, but he’ll ask you out eventually. Knowing Megumi, it’ll be pretty casual, like, after you get back from a mission he just approaches you and straight up asks you to dinner. 
— If you flirt with him, he will turn scarlet red. It’s adorable. 
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— 𝘎𝘰𝘫𝘰 𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘶
— If Gojo is flirting with you, you will know. 
— This man is anything but subtle. He’s the guy who says shit like “that’s a nice dress, it would look even better on my floor.”
— He’s that mf. 
— He knows just what words to say in order to make you putty in his hands. Or frustrate you to the point of tears. It depends on if you also have feelings for him. 
— He also cares deeply for you, the feelings he has are disarming, so he hides behind his usual playful demeanor, but far flirtier.
— If you’re in danger, though, he will show everyone why he’s called the Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer. 
— Will point blank ask you on dates, and will not be dissuaded. 
— Brings you flowers, candy, stuffed animals, jewelry. 
— He’s peacocking, showing you everything he’s got. It’s a little overwhelming. 
— Compliments you every chance he gets, telling you how much he loves that color on you, or how pretty you look when your hair is done up that way, or how amazing your eyes look with that new eyeshadow. 
— With the way he treats you, people think you’re already dating.
— Cooing and compliments and gifts and so many flirty comments. He’s unrelenting. 
— Literally all the compliments and pet names under the sun. 
— Baby, honey, sweetie, my love, all of it. 
— You know he treats you like a queen, though. Never forget it. 
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— 𝘙𝘺𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯 𝘚𝘶𝘬𝘶𝘯𝘢
— I’m gonna be real with you, I don’t think Sukuna knows how to flirt. 
— He’s not really the type of guy who would try and woo a girl, more someone who takes what he wants when he wants it.
— The King of Curses doesn’t flirt. He takes. 
— He isn’t really a flowers and chocolate kind of guy. 
— His way of “flirting” is just suddenly referring to you as his. He sees something, he wants it, he takes it. 
— That’s how he does things. If you don’t like it, that isn’t his problem. 
— But he’d also slaughter anyone who crosses you.
— And straight up rob a store if you mentioned you wanted something. 
— Sukuna, no.
— Sukuna, yes.
— He isn’t really the cutesy type, but he is the chaotic type. 
— Might start calling you “pet” or “doll” or something like that. 
— Incredibly possessive. Sukuna doesn’t like when people touch his things. If someone steps a toe out of line around you, it’s nearly impossible for you to convince him not to maim or otherwise kill whoever wronged you. 
— I just can’t really imagine him as being flirty. He takes what he wants. 
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— 𝘕𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪 𝘒𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘰
— Nanami is more of a to-the-point kind of guy. 
— If he has interest in you, he’s going to be pretty blunt. 
— I think that when he first started to grow fond of you, he tried to ignore it until his feelings were too strong to put off anymore. Work is his first priority, and anything that gets in the way of that is a bit of a nuisance. 
— Buuuut he can put up with a few nuisances. 
— He’d probably start his courtship with just bringing you coffee every day all of a sudden. Maybe even a rose or two. He isn’t being subtle because Nanami isn’t a subtle man. 
— It’ll be obvious what he’s doing, and that’s how he likes it. 
— He won’t even deny the fact that he’s flirting if you point blank ask him. 
— He might ask you out to coffee, and try his best to woo you. Nanami isn’t great at being charming, so he’s just going to try and be himself, because that’s what you’re supposed to do when you like someone, right?
— He flirts with compliments and gifts, and they’re the type that matter. They’re personal and meaningful, and he pays close attention to what he thinks you’ll like to hear and receive. 
— The last thing he wants is to make you uncomfortable with his advances. Flirting is supposed to make the other person want to go out with you, not make them unhappy. That’s just common sense, right? So if you tell him to stop, he will without question. 
— He’s a little awkward if you flirt back in a normal person way instead of a Nanami way. He might play dumb or just clear his throat and change the subject. 
— Nobody says he doesn’t enjoy it, though. He’ll be thinking about that for the rest of the day. 
— When Nanami cares for someone in a romantic sense, he’ll do his best to let them know in his own sort of way. 
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harusaku001 · 3 months
a2 triage colopale es, i would like to see them having a good time once in a while.
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Day 2 🡆 Monsterfucking (Jinbei x afab!reader)
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summary: as the Madame to one of the most popular brothels in the Grand Line (no matter what Black Maria might claim), you've been in the business long enough to live by three rules.
no kissing.
never except less than what you're worth.
don't fall in love.
and in all this time, you have never broken these rules. well, except for Him, of course.
pairing: Jinbei x afab!reader, onesided!Kizaru x afab!reader
cw: Jinbei is probably so OOC and i'm sorry for that, reader is a sex worker and a Madame, also is in her mid/late 30s, so there's at least a ten year age gap between reader and Jinbei, reader has a name, gentle dom (mostly)!Jinbei, no use of y/n, she/her pronouns, afab reader, sexual content, reader also smokes, bit of a size kink, slight dumbification, blood mention, biting, Jinbei has two cocks and that's all you need to know, slightly possessive undertones, despite everything reader is pathetically (and secretly) in love with him, the feelings are implied to be mutual...but you know how One Piece men are when it comes to their FEELINGS
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his solid thighs slap into yours relentlessly, his tall body looming over yours as he groans in your ear.
“Hng, oh my god—!” he praises in his near whiny voice, clearly enjoying himself. “Your pussy’s so good after all these years, like silk, baby! Missed it so much!”
and you? well you just keep resting your head on your folded arms, eyes on the wall in front of you as you fight the urge to fall asleep. how long has he been here? your bored eyes dart to the clock hanging on the wall, and your painted lips curl into a sneer. too long.
with a sigh, you clench around his throbbing cock and roll your hips back to slap your lush ass against him, knowing that drives him insane. the old bastard’s been obsessed with your ass for years, and he gets absolutely ridiculous whenever he watches it move, whenever he even touches it.
“O-oh, oh fuck, baby...! Gonna make me cum!”
see what I mean?
hurry up then, you think, blowing a strand of hair from your face. there are more important things for you to do, more people to see. more money to make. the night is still young, after all, and you and your girls gotta eat and keep that roof over your heads steady—and quite frankly, you can only tolerate his presence for so long while remaining sober.
“—So good, so fucking good,” he finally chokes, and then he’s letting out that long groan, his greedy hands squeezing right at your ass as he tosses his head back. “Aw, yeah, take it all baby, yeaaaaah—”
you feel the warmth inside you, filling in the condom he’s wearing, and a bit of relief eases from your chest. 
Fucking finally, you think with a long sigh, barely noticing him pulling out and putting himself back together. I’m gonna need such a strong drink after this.
very quickly after, when your rather low cut kimono is back in place, you are leaning against your desk and counting the money he handed you. 
“All the belli should be there,” he assures you, still wearing his usual oily smirk—like you weren’t making him cry with your cunt minutes before—and adding in a low voice, “Along with an…extra donation.”
you raise your eyebrows in appraisal, despite still eyeing the money you count. once you see the amount originally promised to you, plus the extra he claims is there, you give him a nonplussed look.
“That’s rather generous of you, Admiral,” you tell him with a gracious nod, slyly reaching behind you to place the money in your lockbox. “We are grateful for your continuing patronage.” 
he stares at you, the lenses in his glasses flashing as his eyes narrow slightly.
“…Is that really all, my dear?”
“What else is there to discuss?”
he stares some more, then—with his cheeks slightly flushing—he clears his throat. “My proposal, perhaps…?”
the urge to roll your eyes is strong, but you manage to resist it—barely.
“Kizaru, I’ve told you already,” you tell him, as you have told him a million times prior. “I’m not marrying you.”
his expression falls slightly. “But why not?”
“I’ve told you why.”
“But you haven’t seen him in years, doll. You told me yourself. He’s probably dead by now,” Kizaru croons, his smirk widening as he reaches his long arm to offer you his palm, gold rings glinting under the light. “You’d benefit more if you come with me. I’ll take good care of you, promise…”
you raise one eyebrow, expression dry. then you nod to the door out of your office. “You should go back to your men, Admiral. They’re probably wondering where you are.”
Kizaru’s glasses glint again, just as the offered palm twitches. your gaze remains steady on him, the hand behind you grasping lightly at the hand canon you keep on you at all times.
but then Kizaru lets out a slow, but still chilled laugh.
“If you say so,” he says, adjusting his white coat along his shoulders. “But you really should reconsider, darling. I personally love your establishment and the services you offer—but Akainu will not be so forgiving if he finds out.”
your mouth settles into a frown. it’s not a threat, but the truth is undeniable. this meeting with Kizaru will not be the last—in fact, it will be necessary to keep you and your girls safe.
at least for now.
two pairs of feet are at the door, their steps so light, they might as well have been the wind. you lift a hand up in a gracious gesture.
“Good night, Admiral. Bella and Donna will walk you out.”
“Oh, no, that’s unnecessary. Thank you, of course, girls,” he says to the two masked young women dressed salaciously in red and black. “But I remember my way out…”
you shrug, resisting the urge to spit the spot on the ground he’d stood on—that carpet was a gift from a dignitary in Alabasta, and it would be a shame to have it ruined further—and then fold your arms across your chest. 
Suit yourself…prick.
and with a few steps, he is finally—finally— out of your sight. 
once he is gone, Donna turns to you. because her mask only covers her eyes and part of her nose, you can see how her painted lips twist in a disgusted sneer.
“Did he really offer marriage? Again? Does he not know what ‘no’ means?”
you take out a cigarette and, once it’s between your lips, quickly ignite the end with the flick of your lighter. 
“He’s a pig who answers to the World Government. Of course he doesn’t.” 
Bella frowns, a near pox on her soft face and then she lifts her hands to quickly sign, “Are we safe, mistress?”
“For now,” you reply gently while sitting down in your chair. “But be on your guard. We don’t know how long Kizaru’s ‘kindness’ will last.”
a pause.
“Well, pig or not, he’s pathetic—very much like every other man who’s proposed to you,” Donna sneers, hands on her hips. “Why don’t they all just move on?”
Because I’m good at what I do, part of you wants to answer, but you shrug instead. to make such a statement is unnecessary.  
“I wouldn’t put too much blame on them, really,” you say with a smirk while spinning your chair to face your window, seeing the full moon overlook the calm sea. just looking reminds you of the smell of salt, of drinking sake and talking, of him holding your hand, of his sharp teeth on your throat— 
after taking a slow drag of your cigarette, you release a smoke ring in the shape of a blazing sun. 
“Not their fault I was ruined for human men years ago.”
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The Return
weeks later, when you get news of his arrival on your island—of him heading towards your establishment—every inch of you bursts into flame. your hands start to shake and your skin is flushed from heat and longing and oh my god he's finally coming to see me after all this time.
no time to waste. you've got to get ready.
you leap to your closet to go through the dresses hanging in your closet, shifting until you come across a particularly lovely and salacious kimono—one you recall him liking quite a lot—and then snatch it off the hanger. the robes still fit you, thankfully, with the sleeves hanging slightly off the shoulder and your ample cleavage still covered but only enough to entice, to tease. 
turning to the mirror, you start to fix up your hair. memories inspire you to undo your bun and leave it flowing down your back, over your bare shoulders. you run a hand through your hair to give it some volume and check the mirror. Perfect, you think. he will be pleased to see your hair down; he is very fond of running his fingers through it.
(you are too, of course. there is little you would do for him.)
when you hear the knock, you leap back to your desk. you lean on the edge, lifting one leg through the part of your kimono to lean your foot against the mahogany, just enough to reveal one of your rather thick thighs through the parting, but still enough to maintain your modesty. you quickly grab your pipe and inhale the weed inside, to give yourself an air of nonchalance. of the aloof and mysterious madam running the best brothel on this side of the Grand Line. (no matter what Black Maria says.) you don't pine, let alone fall in love—much like your girls don't. you have not been eager to have him visit again, after all these years. aloof and mysterious Madam Spider Lily, they call you.
you imagine you’re quite a sight at the moment. any man would absolutely salivate at the sight of you. 
and that’s why you’re so nervous. because the truth is, he is not just any man. he is unlike any other man you will ever meet, in many ways.
still, despite your stomach fluttering—or perhaps because of it—you clear your throat and finally call, “Come in!”
slowly, the door opens. he steps inside carefully, ducking his head and leaning one palm against the doorway. when he’s fully inside, he stands at his full height—which would loom over three of you stacked together—and then stares down at you, his expression softening.
“Sayo,” he rumbles out your name, like the word itself was a prayer.
feeling weak, your expression begins to melt as your eyes widen and sparkle up at him.
God, has he always been this…massive?
trick question, of course he has. it was the first thing you noticed about him years ago, when you were twenty years old and just green enough to be feel uncertain about sleeping with a Fishman for the first time—let alone one close to Fisher Tiger, who wasn’t really known for being…kind to the girls you worked with at the time—but now? seeing him after two years?
your thighs squeeze together, trying to quell the wet heat gathering there, the ache slowly building. your tongue swipes across your mouth, just as your eyes turn dark.
“Jinbei,” you reply, making your voice like the softest, most expensive silk. while taking another puff of your pipe, you start to step away from your desk. “It’s been quite some time.”
“Two years,” he says.
And six months, two days, you add mentally while making a show of inspecting your nail, your fingers first curling into your palm and then stretching outward. 
“Oh, really?” you say. “I hadn’t noticed.”
Jinbei watches you, his head tilting slightly. then the side of his mouth quirks upwards as his brow twists to make his expression wry. he steps towards you slowly, almost like a prowl really, and gently places his palms on either side of your hips. and throughout all that time, you refuse to look up, even with the heat spreading across the back of your neck, even as you begin chewing your bottom lip. but then a cool hand cradles the side of your face, thumb stroking near your chin. then Jinbei is grasping your chin, gently turning your head, and then tilting it upward so you’re looking right into his eyes. your throat tightens, the eye contact is a lot, but you don’t fight him.
“…I missed you, dear,” Jinbei whispers.
heart fluttering, you reply, “Truly?”
the sound of his voice makes you melt, a smile spreading across your flushed face automatically as your eyes cloud over—but then you catch yourself in time. you sit upright, then move away from his grip to cross your arms over your chest, expression freezing over.
“Words are cheap,” you tell him. then, with a jerk of your head, a challenge in your expression, “Show me how much you missed me.”
Jinbei’s expression falters for a moment, the gaze in his dark eyes melting into something he is still afraid to name, even after fifteen years of this thing between you two—but again, only for a moment. you likely don’t catch it in time.
the hand previously cradling your face quickly moves to rest on the side of your torso, right under your arm. slightly stunned, you feel Jinbei’s other hand grasp your other side and with barely a struggle, he lifts you off the ground until you are at eye level with him. breathing harshly, you feel your heart hammer against your ribs, feel searing heat shoot right to your cunt. he stares at you for a moment, his gaze full of fire, before tossing you over one of his shoulders.
and you’re stunned, for a moment, before placing your palms against his back and glaring over at him.
“H-hey, this was not what I meant…!”
“Where’s your room again?” Jinbei mutters, looking around the room before he notices the door on the left of your desk. “Ah, there it is…”
before you can protest further, the door is practically kicked open and you’re thrown right onto the soft bed with crimson sheets. a yelp leaves you as you bounce, and you stare up at the ceiling to try to catch your breath.
How dare he—? Treating me like this, you think with a whimper. It’s hardly fair!
you barely sit up before one hand is on your throat to pin you down while the other is on the inside of your right thigh—spreading, exposing, claws digging slightly into your soft skin—and then, of course, Jinbei’s there. his breath is hot, his teeth nearly graze against your folds before his mouth opens and then his tongue delivers a fat lick along your slit, resulting in a weak moan leaving you, the pleasure tearing apart your resolve, reminding you just how badly you’ve been wanting him inside you, after so much disappointment from other men. how much you’ve been aching for his attention. a small, dreamy smile starts to spread across your lips as your cheeks flood with heat, as you lay back and let him have his way.
then, just as you start to relax, that tongue is thrusting inside your cunt, thick and twisting and relentless.
you let out another moan, shaky but deep from your throat, and then writhe against the bed, the only sensation grounding you is the feel of Jinbei’s giant hand tightening slightly around your neck, keeping you in place but giving you enough room to call out your safe word if the moment called for it—not that it crosses your mind, really, you’re too overcome with your desire for him. 
still, as Jinbei seems intent on eating you alive, you still can’t help but writhe on the bed, mind growing empty of all thought. you want more, it’s too much, it’s not enough, he should be more gentle with you it’s been so long, I want him to fuck me like a beast— 
embarrassingly (well, for you), it isn’t long before you fall apart at the seams, your eyes rolling back and your toes curling as you scream and scream, waves of pleasure spilling from you. he snarls against your cunt, satisfied at the slick gushing into his mouth, dripping onto the sheets. his long tongue continues to thrust inside you, to twist and swirl—anything to make sure every inch of you feels him—and then it’s curling right there, right where you’re reaching your peak. 
finally, as your lower stomach tightens and your teeth clench, the fire building inside you becomes impossible to control.
you press your palms at his shoulders, perhaps as an attempt to push him away, to tell him to be gentle with you—but he’s too big, too ravenous. your small hands probably feel like nothing to him right now. you try hard not to whimper at the thought, at imagining him looming over you and how his presence brings out something in you no other has. men like Kizaru are pigs. fucking them is barely business anymore, it’s a chore; something you do to make sure you and your girls stay fed. 
how can any man mean anything else to you, after He ruined you, so many years ago, when you were young yet had a heart full of cold steel?
“Jinbei, please…!”
he lets out another growl against you, mixed with a deep moan. he pulls up from you, swiping his tongue across his mouth, his eyes dark but full of warmth. no other man has ever looked at you like that, like you mean something. like you’re more than just another whore to throw money at when the deed is done.
seeing that, your heart trembles, even as the gaze in your eyes hardens. you refuse to hold back anymore.
your hands reach up for the collar of his kimono to pull him down to meet you. although Jinbei is much stronger than you—that even trying to pull him to do anything is like moving a stone—he still dips down to bring his mouth to yours. kissing him is a bit of a challenge—his mouth is full of sharp teeth, so your lips are never left without bruises or slight cuts, no matter how gently he always tries to handle you—but you don’t care. with a moan, you tangle your tongue with his; and with a needy mewl, you reach up to tangle your fingers through his hair and then rest your hands on his shoulders, the sides of your mouth stinging already as the kiss deepens.
you barely notice Jinbei undoing his kimono, or the fastens of his pants—but when you feel him, oh you feel him.
gasping, you eagerly look down to see both his cocks out and ready, and your body clenches with need. immediately, something feral and burning erupts from inside you, causing your hands to clench around his shoulders.
Jinbei swallows, watching your expression carefully. 
“H-how do you want…?”
“Both,” you answer instantly.
his brows rise to his hairline, eyes wide as he sputters out, “Both?”
licking your lips, you nod. your eyelids close to hood your gaze while you sneak a hand down to stroke one of his long, fat cocks. “I want all of you,” you purr out.
hearing that, Jinbei’s cheeks flood with color and there’s this odd sparkle in his eyes—and then, fire.
with a little squeal, you find yourself on your stomach, your bottom half lifted up so you’re kneeling on the plush bed. Jinbei crawls behind you to mount you, your ass right against the curve of his cocks and his thighs right behind yours, practically forcing them apart. the tips of them brush right against your entrances—the bottom one pressed right at the slick folds of your body, while the one on top is pressing right against the pucker of your ass—and you bite back a moan.
he looms over you then, growling against the shell of your ear. “Ready?”
you can barely speak, can only nod frantically, pressing your face against the bed as you hum out in a near whine, “Mm-hm, mm-hm…!”
then he’s pushing in and in and oh god—your mouth parts to let out a long, keening moan as your eyes go clouded, your mind empty. fuck, fuck, he’s still so big and with both cocks inside you, you’re left so full. you really shouldn’t try to take him. most sane women would have ran away. but your body only clenches and sucks him in deeper as he moves gently inside you, opens you up so you can take more of him. 
with a mewl, you start rolling your hips back to meet him, making Jinbei let out a choked groan behind you before he firmly places a hand to your lower back.
“Stay still,” he demands in a growl. 
“Jinbei,” you beg in a whine, squirming under his cool palm. “Need you…”
“Sayo, I won’t risk hurting you. So stop being a little brat,” Jinbei emphasizes with his webbed fingers grasping the roots of your long dark hair, the pressure still enough to keep you in place as he growls, “and do as I say.”
with that said, he shoves the rest of himself inside you, his fat cocks stuffing your holes instantly. your back arches as you let out a broken moan, your thighs trembling. Jinbei groans behind you, then looms over you to breathe hotly in your ear.
“Can I—?”
he huffs out a laugh but obeys instantly, proceeding to fuck you so hard and fast your eyes end up rolling back. it isn’t long before the only sounds in your bedroom are your moans bouncing off the walls, the sounds of your skin meeting his, and the soft but filthy words he whispers into your neck. 
“…Look how your body sucks me in so eagerly, darling,” Jinbei rasps, his grin widening at how you cry out wordlessly, your eyes glossy and tearing up with each drag of his cocks inside your body. “I forgot how greedy you are, how much of a whore you can turn into when I fuck you…”
you let out a moan, barely a string of words together. “…you!”
he hooks his hand under your chin and tilts your head up so he can bore into those wide eyes of yours. “What’s that, dear? I didn’t hear you.”
“Only for you,” you repeat, sounding clearer through your moans. you blink tears away and add, “Only for you, Jinbei!”
Jinbei pauses a second, his expression faltering a fraction—and then he’s snarling, a flush across his cheeks.
“Damn right!”
with that growl, he dips his face downward to the side of your neck and sinks his teeth into your shoulder, eagerly suckling at the little drops of blood that seep from the wound. as you let out another cry of his name, Jinbei increases the ardor in his thrusts, making sure to drag every inch of him against the spots inside you that make you see stars. while one hand remains under your chin, his free hand sneaks between your legs and begins stroking your pulsing clit to the rhythm of his thrusts.    
it isn’t long before your moans become longer, until your voice starts to tremble.
“J-Jinbei, I can’t, I can’t—”
Jinbei doesn’t respond beyond licking at the bite wounds he left on your neck and increasing the strokes of his fingers on your body. then, before you can even think to hold back, your whole world explodes in pleasure that gushes and gushes out of your cunt. you scream along with it, each wave of your orgasm hitting you and making your knees buckle into the bed—the only thing holding you up being Jinbei’s hands going to your waist and keeping you in place as he uses you to chase after his own orgasm. 
“Yes, darling, just like that. You’re so good, you always are,” he praises, his groans becoming choked. “I’m almost there, almost—!”
he suddenly moans, long and deep as his cum gushes inside your cunt and ass, dripping around his cocks and dribbling down the inside of your thighs. then Jinbei nearly collapses on top of you, turning his head to leave fervent kisses and bites along your neck and shoulders. 
although you’re practically a drooling, moaning mush of a woman, you can’t help but start grinning drunkenly as he leaves you an utter mess on the bed.
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zepancake · 6 months
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something happened
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dailywillwood · 11 months
Do you have the uncropped photo of Will Wood smirk? cropped version is purple sock erasure
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lyssatbqh · 4 months
‼ the beef tartare fandom is dying ‼
reblog if you love it raw
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isawthe-sign · 1 year
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Source: Rogan Shannon
[Image ID:
ASL handshapes spelling out nonbinary. Hands are all overlapping and translucent with white fingernails and alternating yellow, purple, and black.
End ID]
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golddust-if · 6 months
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Mateo/Melanie Olsen [male or female, 26] – The head chef of Inferno's Grill. They're a close acquaintance, always pleasant to talk to. They love seeing you, and asking how your day is going. But something's off. A strange aura fills their presence. They came to the city to gain experience in business but fell in love with cooking. You've noticed they don't enjoy talking about themselves and completely break off the conversation if it veers towards their family.
Appearance – Wavy midnight black hair that in certain light looks almost blue. Male M has his cut medium reaching near his eyes, and female M has hers cut mid-back. Black monolid eyes, tan skin, 5’7. In work retire; a uniform consisting of black pants, a shirt, and pulled back hair. Out of work they often enjoy wearing colorful outfits, mix-matched patterns, bold colors, and overall anything that makes a person look twice.
Ability – Blood Manipulation; shape, create, and manipulate blood.
Romance Route – They're thrilled you've walked into their life. You're perfect for each other, made to fit like pieces of a puzzle. You won't ever be alone again, not with them in your life. You'll go through everything together now. [Not all is as it seems. Obsession. Cooking sessions, hidden smiles, possessive kisses. You're the most important person.]
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number1yisuchongfan · 7 months
Happy (late) Valentine’s Day, have Incubus Scout dressed as a Cupid, he’s gonna beat the love outta Sniper’s limp body
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He fucking died
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Inspired by ittw @skittlescripts
Holidays, am I right 🤷‍♀️ better late then never
I wanted to draw everyone in cute rabbit outfits for Easter 🐣 🐰 🐵
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beetlemp3 · 2 years
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☕️ 🧇 💚🏰 Hare Square ✿Gallery ID: beetlemp3 ✿Cafe ✿  30x20  ✿  No CC
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