#//-Got a late start to the Noise update! It's really fun!!
bowsnbots · 6 months
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—No, yeah, don't mind him, he's just. He's just chilling. He'll be up in a few.
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cafterdark · 8 months
Posted 16:35, 12/5 to r/puppyplay
How do I get used to nerve integrating tail
So my gf a few weeks ago admitted she was into puppy play. Now I'm a pretty vanilla guy so I was a bit wary, but open to try it. We've gotten a collar and leash that I wear when we play, but I just got my Christmas bonus, so we splurged on a nerve integrating tail. It feels pretty weird to have it on, but my gf is ecstatic. It certainly has brightened up our bedroom life lately. I'm still not entirely into puppy play, especially when she calls me a "good boy" but I do admit it's quite fun. My only question is how do I get used to it.
Posted 22:51, 12/17 to r/puppyplay
Is it dangerous to wear NIT for more than two weeks?
Hello again,
Thanks for all the advice y'all gave me in the last post, I'm really used to the tail now. I love the wave it wags when I'm excited and so does my gf. It has come to the point I feel like I'm missing something when I take it off. I know the general advice is not to keep it on for more than two weeks but I kind of want to keep it on. I work from home so none of my coworkers know I'm wearing it. And when I do need to go out, it's really easy to hide it under some clothes. So is there any risk to having it on for more than two weeks?
Posted 08:11, 1/7 to r/puppyplay
Skin grown over NIT port
So I just woke up and looked at my NIT and saw that skin has grown over the port. Whenever I try to take the tail off it hurts like hell. What can I do?
Posted 09:12, 1/7 to r/medicaladvice
Any way to remove an overgrown nerve integrated prosthetic?
I wore a NIP longer than the recommended time and skin has grown over it, is there any way to take it off?
Posted 18:15 1/7 to r/puppyplay
Gf is okay with permanent NIT
It's been an eventful morning for me and my gf. I told her the news that I'm stuck with a NIT from now on. I expected my gf to leave me, but she's been nothing but supportive. I'm usually not one for being the little spoon, but she cradled me and comforted me. I love her so much. Thank y'all for your kind words and support. I know it's fairly common for people to have eccentric prosthetics nowadays, but as much as I love this tail, it's going to take a while to get used to it. I'll keep y'all updated.
Posted 13:43, 2/9 to r/puppyplay
Side effects of permanent NIT?
Hey again,
So I've gotten used to the NIT being permanent, but I've been having some things happen to me that I'm wondering if they're caused by it.
To start, when I was done with a workout, my gf noticed I was panting with my tongue out. I hadn't even realized I was doing that.
Another one is that my body and facial hair have stopped growing. Not that I miss them, but it's kind of weird. Weirder still, my hair has been growing rapidly. I was starting to bald before, but now it's down to my shoulders. It's gotten so long and full that my coworkers joked that it looked more like a woman's hair.
Are these side effects of the tail or am I just losing my mind?
Posted 12:21, 3/15 to r/puppyplay
More side effects of tail?
So I know y'all said that permanent tails don't have any mental or physical side effects, but I'm not so sure.
I'm not sure when it started, but I'm starting to make more dog like noises. When I'm excited I bark up a storm, whimper when sad, growl when angry. I'm not doing any of those on purpose, it's like the rise from my throat. When I see a squirrel, I feel the urge to chase after it now. My gf has joked that she needs to collar and leash me when we go out, but I'm a bit nervous.
Speaking of my gf, I used to tower over her. Yet today, she was my height, maybe even a bit taller.
Other strange things, my nipples is a bit swollen and puffy. It really hurts to touch them.
What's happening to me?
Posted 10:23, 3/30 to r/puppyplay
So I've been in denial for a while, but my tail is making me grow tits. I realized this when I was putting on a tight shirt and my boobs were really clearly visible. My gf nearly died when she saw them. After a bit of laughing/leering, she measured and found they're A cups. She gave me one of her bras to wear, which feels a bit itchy.
Posted 17:12, 3/31 to r/puppyplay
My tail is feminizing me
Hello again,
After looking at old photos of myself compared to me now. I'm certain my tail is feminizing me. I'm shorter than my gf, my skin is soft, I basically have no body hair, my hair is super long, I have tits, and um, my equipment is tiny now. I look better at least, but idk what to do.
Posted 15:35, 4/10 to r/asktransgender
Why does my GF calling me a "good girl" make me so excited.
So I'm a cis? guy. Due to a faulty prosthetic I'm wearing, it has slowly been feminizing me. Now, I'm having some mixed feelings about it and my gf asked if I liked being a guy. I really hadn't cared about my gender before so I said yeah. She then asked me how I felt about the phrase "good boy." When I told her it made me feel weird and awkward, she called me a good girl. I suddenly got so happy and my prosthetic went wild. My inside felt so warm and complete that I couldn't even try to hide how happy I was. What does this mean? Am I trans?
Posted 11:13, 4/19 to r/asktransgender
New Name!
After a week of introspection with my gf, I've realized I'm a trans woman. And to thank her for all the help she's done making me realize that, I let her pick my name.
So hi, I'm Bella
Posted 22:12, 4/21 to r/puppyplay
Gf acting weird
So me and my gf do a lot of puppy play and usually it stays in the bedroom. But lately it's been weird.
To start, she insists on cooking for me. It's such good food, but what's weird is that whenever I eat it, she clicks something. Weirder still, its the same click that I hear whenever I cum.
Also, she's gotten a lot more dominant lately. She's constantly telling me how cute and hot I am. How much she just wants to mark me up. She insists I wear my collar 24/7 so "Everyone knows who owns me." She even asks me to call her owner sometimes.
I get so flustered and my tail goes wild any time she acts like this but it's still weird. She never used to be this direct and dominant. I'm not against it but it's kind of weird.
Posted 16:37, 4/30 to r/asktransgender
Why do clothes feel weird?
So me and my gf have been clothes shopping for a new wardrobe lately and we've run into a brick wall. Every bit of clothes I've worn lately has felt tight and itchy. Even my old boy clothes.
Why is this?
Posted 18:15, 5/7 to r/puppyplay
Why can't I disobey my owner?
Um, so my owner has made some really big changes to my life lately. She's told me I'm not allowed to wear clothes anymore, sleep on the bed, eat on the table. She's gotten me a dog bed to sleep on and some labeled dog bowls for me to eat out of. I have to wear my collar 24/7 and whenever we go out I need to be leashed. I can't even walk on two legs anymore.
Yet I don't want to disobey her. It's not like she's abusive or anything, the opposite really. But my brain can't even think of not listening to her. Especially when I hear a click and every bit of my brain is filled with devotion to her.
What am I doing wrong, why can't I disobey her?
Posted 11:17, 6/5 to r/puppyplay
Y'all were right
Y'all were right. It's so much better being a good puppy for my owner. I don't have to worry about anything. She's so kind and sweet and wonderful and caring and ugh my tail is wagging so fast just talking about her. I'm so glad I've accepted my place. Thank you all so much for helping me realize this.
Posted 14:25, 12/5 to r/puppyplay
Gifts for a really good Puppygirl?
I'm the owner of a wonderful little puppygirl. She's had a big year of changes and I want to get her something wonderful to cap it off. Any suggestions?
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zmediaoutlet · 2 months
for @wincestwednesdays: performance
Dean’s heel won’t stop bouncing. He’s tried to cut it out a few times now but his head won’t stop bouncing, either, brain jerking around to ten different things like a car fishtailing on a gravel highway, and when he gets back to this universe again—there’s his damn knee, jogging like he’s had a triple red-eye and maybe some under the table adderall, too, just as a fun chaser. He leans forward, sets his palms heavy on his knees. Breathes in through his nose, out through his mouth. His heart thudding sick in his throat. Eight months to go.
Motel door opens. “They were out of El Sol but I got the other one,” Sam says, six pack under his arm and plastic bag dangling from his fingers and fumbling with keys, heeling the door closed behind himself, shaking night rain out of his hair. “And, yes, I got the jerky.”
“You’re a lifesaver, Sammy,” Dean says. Big grin. Sam rolls his eyes and doesn’t seem to notice how Dean jumped like a frickin b-horror starlet when he came in. His heart racing harder even though—god, what’s wrong with him. It’s Sam.
Sam, pulling a beer and tossing it to Dean, tapping his open laptop to see if there’s been any update to the police scanner since he left. Like Dean wouldn’t have noticed, and said. Although, given the fishtail— “Nothing,” Sam sighs, and okay. Okay, good. Or, not good, because they’re waiting for an update, so they can figure out who’s been killing random dudes, so they can kill that thing, so they can get out of this town and do something else, anything, except there’s nothing that really counts as doing anything because they can’t, because if they do Sam will—and then all of Dean’s whole life will mean exactly jack squat, all his purpose and hope and love drained out of him like blood pouring from a bullethole, and he already had that happen once, and he’s not doing it again. Sam will just have to live, and Dean will—he’ll—
“Dude, what’s with the fidgeting,” Sam says. He tips his beercan toward Dean’s jumpy fuckin’ knee. “You can go pee, I can watch the scanner.”
“Ha.” Dean stretches out his heels, ignores his racing heart. Smiles at Sam with everything he’s got. “Just bored. Don’t think our ghost’s gonna kill again tonight.”
“The ghoul, you mean?” Sam says, and Dean silently mouths the ghoul? with his most irritating face, and Sam—incredibly—doesn’t go for the same argument they’ve been having for three days, but maybe he’s bored, too, because instead he says, “Yeah, maybe not.”
Raining louder outside, some last hurrah of late-summer weather. Covers up traffic noise and the thudding in Dean’s ears, makes the motel room seem smaller. Maybe safer. Shelter, at least. Dean licks the point of his canine and gulps beer, washing bitter cold to the back of his throat, and Sam watches him do it across the dingy grey-brown carpet, thumbing the aluminum rim of his own can. Some expression in his eye Dean can’t quite pin down. He lowers his beer and Sam’s still looking at him, and then Sam’s face changes, the corner of his mouth curving down, and Dean’s whole chest seizes up because—no, they are not talking about—
“Turn up the scanner,” Dean says. Sam frowns, jarred, but he thumbs the volume on the laptop so they’re getting radio crackle. “Okay. So we won’t miss anything.”
“Why would we miss—” Sam starts, but Dean’s already gotten off the bed and rolled onto his knees between Sam’s spread legs and is grinning up at him before he can ask the dumb question. And, yeah, he gets another eyeroll, and he gets a scoff, but Sam’s legs spread out to accommodate his shoulders and he’s not exactly getting up, is he. “Dude, really?”
“What?” He knows just the right amount to lean into it—how to tip the grin filthy, how to look up under his eyelashes. “I’m bored, you’re bored. I know how we could change that.”
“Pretty sure of yourself?” Sam says, but he says it with red rising in the hollow of his cheeks, his thighs spreading lazily. Dean drags his hands up the soft-warm denim and touches his tongue to the gap between his teeth, the way that’s always worked, and sure enough sees Sam’s lips part and his eyes drop and—yeah, another tick in the win column. It’s so easy.
Sam drags his thumb over Dean’s lower lip, drags down to his chin. “Always am, little brother,” Dean says. He sits up higher on his knees and Sam’s hand drags down his throat, fingers tangling in the amulet he gave all those years ago. Will the hellhounds tear it from his shredded body, Dean wonders, and licks his lips wet and smiles wider. Makes Sam watch his mouth and not whatever might be in his eyes. “Want me to prove it?”
“Knock yourself out,” Sam says, wide open for whatever Dean wants to do, and Dean grips him by the front of that ugly bacon-stripe shirt and pulls him down for a kiss—wet, biting. The hundred dollar treatment, if Dean says so himself. Sam gets those huge hands on either side of Dean’s head and curls forward, knocking Dean’s mouth open and taking what’s on offer to distract them both from the night, and Dean’s heart sounds like the thunder rattling the motel walls. Eight months to go.
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belethlegwen · 5 months
General li'l update
So, things have done anything but slow down for me in the real world. To keep it as vague as possible, there's a chance I'll be losing my job within the next month or so, though we're all currently working on possible solutions to this. Hoping for the best.
I've already done my panicking and preemptive grieving. 18 years in a single career is a hell of a run for someone my age, and if it has to come to an end then I've made at least some peace with that idea.
Still though, working every day to find solutions. To fix things. To keep surviving. It's exhausting, I will not lie. We're doing what we can over here.
There's so, so much good to look forward to this year. These are just bumpy patches of road. And some of the bumpiest roads I've driven on have taken me to the best places I've ever been. I'll be alright. I know I'll be alright. I'll be more than alright, by the time this is all said and done.
Been doing more reading of late, which I've been loving. You all are putting out such amazing work and I love bouncing in to read even if it takes me 3 attempts and a couple of hours to get through a posted chapter. Lovely escapes, all around.
My sister turned me onto a game ("game" kind of seems like an odd word for it but either way) on steam called Spirit City: Lofi Sessions. You customize a character, you have a little room, it plays lofi music at you and you can poke at a few playlists, build soundscapes around it (rain noises, thunder, wind, birds chirping, crackling fire etc etc) while your character mills about in spots doing things as just a beautiful little vibe-generator. You can collect spirit pals to vibe with you. It's just really cozy and nice, I love it. Highly recommend.
It has an optioning for in-app journaling, and I've been meaning to get back into journaling regularly just for the sake of my memory and everything else. That's been a huge boon over the last 2-3 days. It's got a productivity timer, to-do list, daily task/habits tracker.
Anyway, I've been making progress on writing but it's slow, staggered. Hit a bit of a wall last night with some of The Stranding where I wrote 8.5 pages of a scene and then just felt... unhappy with it. I had clearly lost the thread of why I started writing it, and needed to walk away to see if a fresher mind could find a place to rewind to and pivot so I can salvage it, or if I'm just gonna carve the whole thing out and set it in the Cut Scenes doc. The other 20 pages I've got waiting? Fine. Good, even. Proud of those. This one, I'm proud of what I'm writing but again... just feels more like floating aimlessly and bouncing. It was clear I wrote it while heavily distracted or with gaps between focus, so it jumps.
I'll see what I can salvage. Can't promise an update and am avoiding making it feel like I'm 'back on schedule' just to find something I can reduce pressure from in my life for the time being. But: I love you all. The Kudos, the views, the comments, the everything. It means a lot. You're all great.
If I do any generic vent/vibe writing, not necessarily attached to anything, I'll consider sharing it here for y'all. You guys deserve a bit of fun and sunshine <3
Have a great time everyone, love y'all to bits <3
~ Belle
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Steddie Flower Shop / Tattoo Parlor AU
I am so floored by the response! It is absolutely so fun that y’all want to read my silly stories! This is a relatively short update but I am working on the rest! Hoping to post the full story by Valentine’s and I might also post an AO3 link at some point if anyone would like that I Part One I Part Two I Also on AO3!
Chrissy and Eddie had been taking bets about what type of business was opening up across the way. Eddie’s guesses had run the gamut from hipster coffee shop to hipster hairdresser to hipster high-end taxidermy while Chrissy had more or less stuck with her original guess of a speakeasy style bar. Eddie was starting to close up shop for the day when some guy in an honest-to-god sweater vest and jeans ran over.
“It’s too late to place any orders today. Sorry if you need to apologize to your wife and 2.5 kids and forgot until the last minute.” Eddie had to admit the guy was pretty infuriatingly handsome. If you were in to normie core, that is.
“What? I’m not- okay, uhm. I’m actually here because I just rented the place across the way and I wanted to ask about setting up a recurring weekly arrangement?” Steve asked.
“What?” Eddie yelled over Judas Priest.
“It’s a wonder you can ever hear anything over all this noise.” Steve gestured towards the speaker.
Chrissy had overheard the exchange from the backroom and cut Eddie off before he could start ranting about real music, “Yes, we are interested in setting up a recurring weekly bouquet arrangement for our new neighbors, Eddie.” 
Chrissy turned back around to lower the speaker's volume and pulled Eddie and Steve into the shop and onto stools by the workbench Eddie uses for arranging. Eddie glared at her but they’d just lost one of their regular accounts to some online service that was apparently way cheaper than what De Lucas’ could offer.
“Sure. What were you thinking, dude?” Eddie asked Steve.
“Just something nice for our front desk. Not too big and maybe nothing that people are commonly allergic to? But I’ve seen the arrangements you load up for delivery and I trust your eye. I’m not a live flower expert.”
“Of course, big boy.” Eddie noticed Steve flush a little bit at the pet name. Eddie reached behind Steve to grab one of the flyers Chrissy had made for company floral services. He purposely invaded Steve’s space a little more than necessary just to see if he could get the guy to flush a little deeper.
“Uhm, thanks, man. I’ll get out of your hair since it’s late. Sorry.”
“I’ve got time for you now if you want to talk through anything,” Eddie couldn’t resist biting his lip a little bit. Steve was apparently very easy to ruffle and Eddie sure did love antagonizing his hipster neighbor. “Tell me a little bit about your place?”
“Oh, yeah, it’s a tattoo studio? Just me and my friend’s helping run the, like, business part of it.” Steve responded
“You tattoo?”
“Yeah. Really fucking well actually,” Steve pushed back. It seemed like Eddie had hit a nerve.
“Shouldn’t you have like at least one tattoo?” Eddie’s brain to mouth filter had apparently stopped working. He shouldn’t be actively shitting on a potential customer.
“Who says I don’t?” Steve answered with a wink. It was Eddie’s turn to feel a little faint as his imagination took a little too much creative liberty thinking about where Steve’s tattoo might be.
Thankfully, Chrissy took the awkward silence as an opportunity to step in and work with Steve to confirm what level of floral arrangement he was looking for, how often he wanted a new arrangement, and if he wanted pick up or delivery.
“I can stop by and pick them up. Wouldn’t want you to go through the trouble of adding me to your schedule since I’m just across the way. Any chance I could pick one up tomorrow around lunch time? My first client is coming at two.” Steve asked.
“Noon’s great, Steve!” Chrissy reached out to shake Steve’s hand while Eddie was still working on slowing his heart rate back to a reasonable rhythm.
“Amazing, thanks so much guys!” Steve called as he headed out of De Lucas’ and back across the street.
“Woah, Eddie. Truly a masterclass in both flirting and getting new clients. I should have taken notes,” Chrissy said once Steve had made it halfway into the road.
“Hey, fuck you.” 
“He speaks!” Chrissy patted Eddie’s head and added, “You’ll have to get better at interacting with him since you’ll be seeing each other once a week now.”
Eddie dramatically sighed and laid his upper body across the workbench, getting little pieces of flower refuse stuck in his hair.
“I’m so screwed.”
You wish, babe,” Chrissy cackled as she grabbed her bag and headed out for the day.
Part 4 now available here!
Taglist: @maya-custodios-dionach @eboyawstenn @swimmingbirdrunningrock @sadcanadianwinter @thehumblefigtree @throwbackthrowaway @micheledawn1975
I think I caught everyone! I seriously am so genuinely amazed by the reception! 
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onboardsorasora · 1 year
Haven't had a whole lot of time to write lately, but I really wanted to hammer out a little update on these two idiots (affectionate). Moar Tennis AU!
Part 1 | Part 11 | Part 13
Part 12! - Figured a change in POV would be fun for this
Blake sighed and looked despondently over to an equally over it Mike. At least he had a partner in this chaos. Because clearly he was put here on this earth in this moment to suffer. 
Another breathless giggle punctuated the air and Blake watched as two grown men, two world class athletes at the top of their game in their respective sport giggle at dick jokes on a tennis court. 
“You’re kidding me, that wasn’t even funny.” Blake complained, reaching an exasperated arm out to point out the problem just in case Micheal forgot or wasn’t paying attention. The roll of his eyes was all Blake needed. 
The problems in question were on their knees in the service box, giggling so hard that they couldn’t breathe. To be fair, Blake expected this from Daniel. Daniel could hear the wind blow differently and start a chortle, sometimes (only sometimes) Blake wondered what went on between those ears. The mop of curls and bright smile disguised that the current world number one only had two modes; tennis and….whatever the fuck this was.
When they met Max, he seemed like a very straightforward fellow. Serious mostly, but clearly genial when he was ready. Unfortunately, he hadn’t anticipated that Max was truly the same brand of stupid. None of them did really. 
Scotty didn’t warn them, Mark didn’t warn them. Hell, Christian could have said something. But no… everyone said them getting together was a good thing and everyone noticed how happy they both were. Apparently Max was a lot more agreeable on the track some days, and less snappish with media on others. And that was great, truly it was. Honestly, Blake was happy for them.
But did no one care that for that to be a thing and a benefit, Blake had to put up with……..this?!
Micheal looked over unhelpfully, they watched from the covered benches, figuring it was best to just let them tire themselves out like toddlers. It was summer break for Formula 1, and tennis also had a bit of a break going as well. But Wimbledon was around the corner, so there wasn’t that much time to fuck around.
But Max had invited them all on vacation to a resort off the coast of Italy, as both a way to congratulate Daniel and his team for Daniel winning Roland Garros, taking home the whole thing. And also as a way for them to all relax a bit before everything started up again.
Daniel had been all too happy to flex his rudimentary Italian muscles. Blake had drank that first night to forget the heated look in Max’s eyes at hearing his boyfriend hold a conversation with an older lady in a different language. Apparently, that did it for him, who knew.
They spent the first two days chilling and partying and generally having a great time. That ultimately led them here, at the tennis court of the resort because dumb and dumber thought it was a great idea that Daniel teach Max how to play tennis. There wasn’t much teaching or tennis happening, between the groping and giggling. It was like watching two teenagers poorly try to hide that they were sexually aware. 
They haven’t even started drinking for the day yet and Blake felt like he already needed several shots. He wasn’t a babysitter damnit.
“What do you want me to do again?” Max called across the court, they seemed to be controlling themselves again.
“Just stand there and when I do this, you try to hit it back.” Daniel called back, mimicking a serve.
Max nodded, face focused. “Got it!”
They were quiet for a moment while Daniel presumably tried to regulate his serve to not actually kill or hurt Max when
“My name’s Jeff!” Max called out in a weird accent. The noise that Daniel released could only be constituted as a squawk, before he crumpled to the ground in tears. Again.
“The dick cannot be that good.” Michael muttered, which made Blake snort. He was massaging the bridge of his nose, not that it helped in any way, but it was useful to keep him from going over and strangling his friend slash client.
He cannot possibly suffer through any more of this. He wasn’t getting paid enough to. He wasn’t a babysitter, damnit!
“Hola todos!” Daniel screeched, which sent Max into another tizzy.
Michael and Blake released twin sighs of exasperation. They were totally babysitters because these grown ass men were children.
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butchsophiewalten · 1 year
Findjackwalten 07/14/23 Update Walkthrough
Last night Findjackwalten updated! We've got one page update and two new pages. Let's start:
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Our main page has updated! Jack and Rose's pictures are gone, and the whole page is greyed out now as opposed to being red. The shutdown text has changed to read "You just couldn't stay home, could you?". The play button here still works, with all new audio. It's a car radio, first it's an afternoon weather report, then just some talk radio intermission, and then it's music. There's also car noise, tires on asphalt, chair squeaks, turn signal, and general Car Creaking.
I've already seen some people theorize that this is audio from Felix's drive home after the crash, but that doesn't make a lot of sense to me since that's already what Guilty is. Feels redundant, as much as I love the idea of Felix driving home listening to Yummy Yummy Yummy by Ohio Express.
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This page's URL and title is in Spanish. It just means "Martin secret lair do not enter" and the title "q pasa tia" in this context is like, "whats up, girl?". Kinda gossipy. Meant to invoke a vibe that you're being let in on a secret.
The top of this page reads "92%", referring probably to the percentage of TWF4 that is completed. The rest of the page contains "3 funny walten facts" Which are:
"Bon the rabbit was originally called Bon the Dancing Hare by Jack, ultimately Felix vouched against that because Rabbit sounds friendlier."
This is so fun to me! I did always think Bon was pretty hare-like. Funny that Jack wanted Bon to be a Jackrabbit. Also I can't believe "Bon The Dancing Rabbit" is still real. It's been so long since I've heard anybody call him that I kinda figured it was retconned.
"During the late 70s, BSI expanded further than restaurant chains, the showstoppers became famous for way different products such as random merch, plushies, furniture, toys, watches, bed sheets, lanterns, masks, lamps, toilet seats. BSI most succesful product was "Showstopper's Comedy Extravaganza", a 1977 animated TV show that ran for 3 seasons and was cancelled in the 1979's to make room for a "bigger project". it is unknown what was the cause for BSI to milk the showstopper franchise to that extent, what was the money for?"
This is something we sorta already knew? Relocate Project implied this sort of thing But I guess we didn't really know how successful their merch ventures were until now. Turns out, they were pretty successful! The "Showstopper's Comedy Extravaganza" thing is crazy to me though, three seasons? That 'what was the money for?' comment is also very ominous. It makes me think of the planned relaunch of Bon's Burgers but considering how vague the comment is and how the Bon's Burgers relaunch was something we already knew about, I'm wondering if it's something else.
"Sophie lived on the back of a meat store for the better part of 3 years, she managed."
How do I even comment on this. This is just so fucked. It makes me sick to my stomach. She was homeless for three years? Homeless? For three years? As a teenager? I feel like i'm undergoing hitherto unexperienced Sophie Emotions. What the hell do I even say.
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Just a whole page of behind the scenes stuff! This is also hard to comment on, really. It'd be easiest if you just went and looked at everything yourself.
There's a little play button here with Anything Goes by Cole Porter, but I think it's been edited to sound more echo-y. Like it's being played in a big empty room, but also like the next room over? I've listened to a few versions of this song before but none that sound quite like this. This is also the song that's referenced lyrically in the new years 2022 version of /investigation1, with this bit of writing:
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A decent bit of the stuff on this page is from the old Patreon, but not all of it, or even like, half of it. And some stuff (like the blue and purple Felix drawing) is old concept art that had been shared in the Discord server before.
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tulipe-rose · 8 months
Updated Sayaki info post!
Name: Haga Sayaki
Age: 23
Favourite color: Maroon and Scarlet. (sorry Ron)
Height: 166 cms
Birthday: August 18
Favourite dish: Chankonabe and Shabushabu
Hobbies: Gardening and Reading.
Likes: Her loved ones, her mini library, psychology, her butterfly pin, and star gazing.
Dislikes: Being alone, the room being too quiet, getting disrespected, demons, oranges, and swimming.
Weird habit: She wakes up at 4 am to make herself some tea, mindlessly appreciating her garden until the sun starts to rise, (she's weirdly patient) then she waters her plants. She usually goes off to do some morning chores after that.
Her temperament: Sayaki does her best to avoid fights, but she is not a pushover, and will get down and dirty if she has to. She even dared to visit the Rengoku estate to scold the Shnijirou Rengoku for neglecting his children. He may be a deadbeat father, but he wouldn't hit a woman, especially if she's trying to protect his son from him. He ends up mumbling an unaudible apology before leaving, with his head bowd down. Sayaki didn't feel much guilt, but she hopes he learns. She can get passive aggressive, but that's rare, as she is quite open and straightforward with her feelings.
Favourite animal and pet: Well Sayaki really likes birds, she used to own a baby crow, unknown to her, it was a Kasugai crow. It strayed far from where they raise the crows, and got hurt. Ten year old Sayaki found it, and took it to get treated at the local vet. Sayaki deeply treasured the crow, and named it Tsuki. She took care of Tsuki for over a year before it just flew away one day, and never came back. She searched for days before branding it dead, and made a mini shrine for it. She continues to hold out hope to see Tsuki again.
Fun fact: Sayaki tries to avoid being too sentimental towards objects, but she finds herself cherishing the butterfly pin, lady Kochou (Kanae and Shinobu's mother) gave to her as a child, since their families were always quite close.
A sense she'd go insane if she lost: Hearing. Sayaki is the type of person that really loves music, and rhythmic noise. She loves listening to birds chirp in the morning, and she loves children's laughter, it makes her happy. She never spends too much time alone, and would unconsciously find herself making noises to keep herself from breaking something. She hates too much silence, which likely stems from her fear of being left behind by her loved ones. She might as well go insane, if she ever goes deaf.
Facts about her from the old info post: She got married when she was aged twenty years old. It was a happy marriage, but they've started to get distant lately. Her husband didn't like getting too involved in the corps, since he feared for his wife's well-being.
Sayaki deeply admires the demon slayers, but when Kanae suggested she become one as well, she declined, because she was well aware of her capabilities, and she knew she wouldn't stand the harsh training.
She's a city girl, but moved into the country after the battle. She used to work at a clinic in Tokyo, but after she heard the news of shinobu's death, she rushed over to attend her old friend's funeral. When she heard shinobu's will, she decided to quit working at the clinic she used to work at and become a helper at the mansion. She deeply regrets not visiting more often, and she wished she could've spent more time with Shinobu, but there's no changing the past.
She was able to form good friendships with the hashira, she likes to stroll through the estate gardens with Tomioka, and enjoys having silent tea time with Shinazugawa, it's very calming. Mitsuri and her were able to get close very quickly, they often try out new recipes and restaurants together.
Now that the Kochous were dead, she took it upon herself to take care of the butterfly Girls and the residents of the estate. She's quite furious on how young everyone is, and is ready to adopt the little caterpillars, she just needs an opening.
Sayaki has freckles on her shoulders, she got it from her foreign grandmother.
She'd love thriller mystery movies, and sugary coffee.
She'd enjoy Astronomy and Charms if she were to ever attend Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
Design info: Her hair and eye color would change if she were to be written in any other universe than kny. Her hair would be platinum blonde, and her eyes would be Auburn brown.
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miamochi-writes · 1 year
Daycare Snacks Vash AU Part 9
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A/n: Thanks for reading this series! I had so much fun writing this part! Please look forward to the next updates :)
After that night with Vash, your mind kept thinking about the beautiful blonde. When you went out for errands, you thought about him when you saw the donuts in the bakery area. When you checked out new games, you thought about him. Vash practically lived rent free in your mind. So much so that you stayed up a bit later at night when he sent you his usual Goodnight :) message to you. You would later come to regret it when you woke up slightly later than usual for work
“Hey Liz? It’s Y/n, I’m so sorry to do this to you but I’m running late!” you called your coworker.
“Hey y/n, everything okay? Where are you?” she asked.
“I kinda overslept, but I just got on the bus. I should be there in 15 minutes,” you explained.
“Sure, I’ll let the others know. Just come in slowly and help out with the crafts once you arrive,” Liz replied as you agreed before hanging up.
You cursed internally as you looked out the bus window. You then saw that outside was starting to look cloudy. The weather didn’t mention any rain today, but you hoped it would clear up since you were not prepared.
Once the bus arrived at your stop, you ran as fast as your legs could carry you to the daycare. You were already late to greet the kids, and they were probably getting ready for their morning lesson. You slowed down once you got to the front entrance, and opened the door slowly. You peaked in to see the kids were putting away the toys and about to start their arts and crafts.
“Hey Y/n is here!” Suki pointed out as you slightly waved at her. You closed the door as the other kids tried to get a good look at you.
“Sorry kids, I’ll join you in a bit soon. I just need to get ready,” you mentioned as you went to the employee lounge to put put away your belongings.
“Hey, everything okay? The kids were worried you wouldn’t show,” you heard a familiar voice ask as your heart started to race a bit.
“Hi Vash! Sorry for running late, didn’t really sleep well,” you explained as Vash looked a bit concern.
“Oh, is something bothering you? Do you need anything to drink or eat?” he asked. You appreciated the offer, but you couldn’t exactly tell him that he was the reason you were up so late at night.
“Thanks, I’m okay for now. But I’ll let you know if I need anything okay?” you said trying to ease his concern.
“Okay, I’ll hold you to that. Besides, I can’t handle the kids without my favorite partner,” Vash added as he gestured finger guns at you while pretending to sound like a cowboy at the last part. You couldn’t help but laugh at how silly he was.
“There’s that smile of yours,” Vash mentioned quietly as you regained your composure.
“Alright cowboy, come on. Those kids will start a riot if we don’t show up soon,” you replied gesturing him to follow you. Both of you made your way to the kids as they welcomed you. You made your way to the supplies and started prepping for their arts and crafts lesson. You then heard a noise in the distance coming from outside. You looked at the window and saw that the skies were much darker.
“Y/n? Vash? Is it going to rain today?” Zac asked.
“I’m not sure little buddy, but it does look like it outside,” Vash replied as you started setting down the materials at the table everyone gathered at.
“I hope it doesn’t, I want to play at the sandbox today,” Eri mentioned.
“We’ll see everyone, let’s just hope it doesn’t,” you mentioned.
You were only 20 minutes in before you all heard the sound of pitter patter. Everyone looked at the windows to see droplets of water covering the view.
“Look! It’s raining!” Mona pointed out as Eri groaned.
“So much for playing outside,” Marlo sighed.
“Hey don’t worry everyone, we can still have fun inside. We’ll just have to play outside another day,” Vash commented. You on the other hand cursed internally as you practically didn’t bring a rain coat, sweater, or umbrella for this weather.
“Okay everyone, continue coloring. We have another 25 minutes before we move on to our next thing planned okay?” you reminded them as the kids continued working. Over time, the rain  was stagnant as the kids continued their morning activities and lessons. By the time it was lunch time, you figured the rain would let up soon. You were setting up the table for lunch until Vash came towards you. 
“I’m going to help bring out the meals. Anything you want to drink?” he asked.
“Some lemonade if we still have any. Oh, and maybe some gummy bears for later?” you requested.
“I’ll see what I can do,” Vash said as he slightly nudged you while you thanked him. You and Liz agreed that it would be a good idea to watch some Sesame Street during lunch since some of the kids were still a bit anxious about the rain. You turned on the TV and found the channel for the kids show. Immediately, you could hear the kids get excited and point out their favorite characters. You then heard Liz and Vash come in with the lunches as the kids got excited to eat. Once they passed out their meals, you and Vash decided to grab your lunches and eat with the kids. Everyone was eating peacefully until you heard something grow louder. You checked outside once more and it was pouring. Now you really regretted waking up late as you went back to the kids. Before you could talk to Vash, you heard what might have been rumbling from outside. You froze in your tracks as you strained your ears for the sound.
‘Please don’t tell me there’s going to be thunder,’ you begged.
You didn’t hear the sound again and let out a small sigh of relief. You walked back to Vash, but before you could say anything-
Everyone heard the noise as the lights flickered. Some of the kids were startled as you and Vash started to panic with the kids. 
“Calm down everyone, we still have light,” Vash tried to reassure them. Then a flash of light appeared through the windows, with another low rumbling. The power went out as the kids started screaming.
“Oh no,” you panicked as you tried to get your eyes to adjust to the light.
“Y/n? Is that you?” Vash asked as you felt his hand brush on your arm.
“I’m right here Vash,” you answered as you reached for his shoulder and gave him a light squeeze.
“We gotta calm the kids,” you added as Vash agreed. Then Liz came out with a light candle in her hands.
“Okay, power is out. But luckily we have some extra candles. I’ll bring more out if everyone behaves,” Liz announced as she handed both you some candles. You could finally see the kids  as they had fear, panic, and tears in some of their faces.
“Kids, we’re safe. I promise nothing will harm you if we’re here. Come on follow me to the play area. We’re going to do story time,” you mentioned. Vash started gathering the kids and calming them down while you did the same. You placed your candle on a nearby table so there was enough light to see the room. Liz came out with more candle and started placing them in different parts of the area where the kids wouldn’t reach them. Once you and Vash got the kids to settle down in the play room, you and Vash sat down on the bean bags next to the book shelf.
“Okay everyone, we’re actually going to do story time with this weather. Ginger, it’s your turn to pick the story,” you called out. The little girl looked at her selection as you flashed a light in her direction so she can choose.
“I pick this one since it has Pooh bear!” she said excitedly as pointed at the book. You grabbed the book and opened the first page .
“Okay, everyone get comfy,” you started as Vash got up ready to act out some scenes. You started reading in your storytelling voice as you adjusted your pitch to match the character’s voices to the best of your ability. Meanwhile, Vash would jump up and down for Tiger, pretend to eat honey like Pooh, and so forth. Thankfully, reading a story helped calm the kids despite the unprecedented weather. Thankfully, the thunder quieted down and all everyone could hear was the ongoing rain droplets. Once you finished the story, you could see the kids yawning or have their eyes slowly getting heavy. 
“Alright everyone, let’s get ready for nap time,” you said in a soft voice as you put the book away. Vash was getting the yoga mats set up for everyone while you got the blankets and pillows ready. Each kid was getting comfortable, and by the time their heads landed on the pillows, they instantly drifted off.
“Good work,” you told Vash as you raised you hand motioning for a high five. Vash’s hand met yours slightly, but not loud enough to wake the kids.
“You too, I’m going to get their snacks ready along with your gummy bears. Let me know if you need anything,” Vash winked at you as he walked into the other room. You were about to sit down until you felt someone tug on your apron.
You turned to see that Suki was still awake. 
“Suki, what’s the matter?” you whispered after kneeling down to meet her eye level.
“I can’t sleep. I’m still nervous about the thunder. Can you sing me to sleep?” she asked with her puppy face. You sighed as you couldn’t say no to her cute little face.
“Okay, just this one time,” you agreed as you walked her back to her napping corner. You sat down in front of her and cleared your throat.
“This is one of my favorite songs to sing whenever it rains like this,” you told her before you started humming the melody.
“1 a.m, eyes closed, I’m slowly falling
To the music and the atmosphere,
Now and then, I feel lights fading softly
All over me and I remember last year
When I was alone in my bed
With all these thoughts in my head
And living silently inside
It’s so late in the night
My mind is drifting away~”
You then hummed the melody as you saw Suki’s growing heavy and stretching her arms. You continued until her eyes closed and her breathing slowed down. You then got up looking around to make sure none of the staff was around. You would have died from embarrassment if anyone heard you. Few minutes later, Vash came out from the other room and took a seat next to you.
“Your gummies as promised,” he said as he handed you the bag of sweets in your hand.
“Thanks Vash,” you told him as you quietly started eating the little gummies.
“How’s everything so far?” he asked.
“Everyone is sleeping like a baby, thankfully,” you told him as you gave him a small smile. You noticed the candle light highlighted some of his features. His orange glasses tinted his blue eyes that you’ve come to grow fond of. His messy hair always seemed to fall in place, and you couldn’t help but appreciate his little beauty mark.
“Is something on my face?” Vash asked as he pointed his finger at himself while you turned pink realizing what you did.
“Oh it’s nothing, my eyes are still adjusting to the light is all,” you mentioned trying to think of a good save. 
“Hopefully the power comes back once the kids wake up,” Vash added as he looked up.
“Yeah, I can’t really think of anything else to do for the next two hours inside with no power. Too bad we can’t play any music or movies with this outage. It’s perfect for this kind of weather,” you commented. 
“Tell me about it. If I had brought my Bluetooth speakers we could have listened to some music,” he continued. 
The power came back on as you and Vash covered your eyes from the brightness. You got up to turn the light switch off as the kids were still napping. Liz came out from the other room and approached you both.
“Good news! Power is back on! Let’s see if we can show the kids a movie and call it a day? I can make some popcorn before the kids wake up. Sound good?” Liz asked as you figured you might as well. After 30 minutes, you decided to wake the kids up and they were happy to find the power back on. You all decided to put on Curious George for the movie as it won the majority vote. Everyone was thrilled to eat some popcorn as the rain was starting to calm down. Eventually, it was time for the kids to be picked up. Parents came rushing in with raincoats and umbrellas as everyone tried to stay dry. Once the last kid was picked up, it was now time for you to figure out how you were going to get past the rain. 
You had gathered all your belongings and put away your apron. You looked at the front door to see the downpour of rain. You practically waited all day, and couldn’t believe the rain hasn’t stopped yet. Vash then came up to you and looked at where you were staring.
“Hm, still hasn’t let down huh?” he asked as you sighed.
“Unfortunately, no. Just my luck,” you muttered the last part. You didn’t know what to do at this point since waiting wouldn’t help.
Before you could think of anything else, you felt something land on the top of your head. As soon as you saw the red color, you knew it had to be Vash’s sweater. You looked at him in confusion as he flashed you a smile.
“Are you ready to run?” he asked.
“RUN???” you questioned. Vash then grabbed your hand and you both ran through the drizzling rain. You yelped at the sudden movement while Vash was chanting, “Go! Go! Go!” Despite being startled, you couldn’t help but laugh at him as his cheering. You then saw his car as Vash grabbed his car keys with his free hand to unlock the doors. You immediately got in as you and Vash were practically wet from outside.
“Made it!” Vash cheered as he wiped his glasses with a cloth he kept in the glove compartment.
“I can’t believe we just did that,” you managed to say while still laughing.
“Come on, it was fun! Now we’re in here and out of the rain,” he pointed out as he smiled a toothy grin.
“Yeah, let’s just hope we don’t catch a cold. The last thing I want for either of us is to get sick,” you pointed out as you felt your clothes cling to your skin from the rain despite having the sweater for coverage. 
“Okay, we can head to my place and dry off. It’s a lot closer to here,” he said as he put his arm behind your seat and put his car in reverse. Vash drove you to his apartment as you ran inside for cover. He went to the bathroom to grab some towels for you as you waited in the living room. Vash came out with two large towels for you as he headed back into his room to change. You started drying off your hair and face as much as possible before drying off the rest of yourself. You then heard Vash coming out from his room and walk towards you with clothes in his hand.
“I know it’s not much, but I have some extra clothes you can change into. I just don’t want you to stay soaked when you can dry off in these,” Vash insisted as he handed you his clothes.
“Oh Vash, thank you. I promise I’ll return these to you,” you said as he led you to the bathroom to change. Once you changed, you noticed you were wearing a loose gray long sleeves top and black sweat pants that you rolled up to your ankles since he was practically a tall person. You managed to dry your hair and folded your wet clothes. You came out to see Vash waiting for you on the couch. The minute he looked at you, he couldn’t look away as his cheeks were dusted with a pink blush.
“Do I look alright?” you asked.
“Yeah, no you look great! Glad those fit you. Those are the smallest sizes I own,” he answered as he went to go grab a bag to put your wet clothes in. 
“I appreciate you doing this for me Vash,” you thanked him.
“Anytime, I don’t want to send you home soaking wet you know?” he replied handing you your bag. 
“You’re very thoughtful,” you complimented him as you took the bag. You then felt your phone vibrate from your pocket. You grabbed it to see that Cora was asking where you are.
“Oh, I better get back home. I promised one of my friends we’d have a movie night,” you explained.
“No worries, we can always hang out another time. Maybe this weekend?” Vash offered.
“Just let me know a day and time and I’m down,” you answered as he smiled.
Vash drove you back to your apartment as the rain finally turned to drizzle. You gave him a quick hug before going inside and asked him to message you when he got home safely. Once you went inside, you didn’t notice Cora was already waiting for you. The minute she saw you in those clothes, you did not hear the end of it.
“Y/n, is that?” she asked.
“It’s not what it looks like! We were soaking in the rain!” you explained.
“Hey! You could have cancelled if you wanted to spend time with him. I would understand,” she argued as she smirked and nudged you playfully.
“Stop! You know I don’t break plans,” you reasoned as she grinned.
After putting your clothes in the laundry and spending time with Cora, you were laying on your bed. You still wore his clothes and couldn’t help but think of him after today. You then felt your phone go off and saw that Vash was calling you at night.
“Hello? Vash? What’s up?” you asked.
“Hey Y/n, nothing much. I made it back home earlier, but wanted to see if you’re still awake,” he replied.
“I mean I am if you can’t already tell,” you joked as he laughed.
“Right, well I thought of something that might help you sleep,” he continued. The fact that he remembered you telling him that made you blush. You were thankful that he couldn’t see you right now.
“Well I’m listening,” you told him, as you still thought how he was the cause of you staying up late.
“There’s a song I want you to listen to. It’s called Space Song by Beach House. It’s one of the songs that helps me go to sleep,” Vash said. You pulled up your laptop and searched the song on your spotify. You found it and started playing it. The melody felt soothing as it started to build up. It had beautiful and other wordly tones to it as you looked at the ceiling. Even the singer’s voice was so soothing that you were starting to feel your eyes get heavy.
“Vash, thank you for sharing that song with me. It’s really beautiful,” you told him as you smiled into the conversation.
“I’m glad you like it, I hope it helps you the way it helped me,” he answered.
“It is, I can feel myself getting tired. Oh before I forget, listen to Dreamy Night by Lilypichu. That’s one of my favorite songs that helps me sleep. It’s my way of saying thanks,” you said as you tried to suppress a yawn.
“Okay, I’ll do that. Thanks for that. Goodnight Y/n,” Vash said.
“Goodnight Vash, sweet dreams,” you said as you hung up and felt yourself get carried away by the song.
Once the call ended, Vash looked up the song you recommended. Once he saw the lyrics, he put away his phone and was laying on his bed. The blonde started to smile and hum a certain melody he heard earlier today. Vash thought about you and how you sang earlier. He could still feel his heart racing in that moment and awestruck by you. Vash closed his eyes and fell asleep looking forward to seeing you again.
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tearaway-untildawn · 4 months
I have never genuinely been kicked from a round of Team Fortress 2.
I started playing TF2 in 2017, kinda late to the considering how long it had been out. It was my first shooter. Despite my inexperience and horrendous lack of skill, I was never kicked off of a team while I learned to play.
Once I got comfortable and somewhat skilled, I started using voice chat. I am a girl, and all those years ago I had a much squeakier voice. I was never kicked from a game for either of those reasons. (In many other games I play now-a-days, I have been kicked from lobbies for both). I was usually treated very nicely in voice chat, and I had many fun experiences.
Well come 2021, and I start getting kicked from lobbies. Bot after bot after bot would call votes on me. Then, bot after bot after bot would vote "yes" and kick me from the round. In the past three years, I have spent more time trying to get into a lobby or kick bots from them than actually playing Team Fortress 2. My biggest wins of the year have been completely kicking every bot from my lobbies.
Of course, kicking people from lobbies isn't the worst things the only thing bots do. Now, every round of TF2 is filled with earrape noise and the foulest of language over vc. Text chat is unreadable from the slurs and dox links.
I have never witnessed a major update to Team Fortress 2 in the entire time I've played. I never participated in the Saxxys. I've never even had my favorite weapon nerfed. I don't really care though. Team Fortress 2 is the most fun I've had gaming. If Valve decides to never update it again, I'll still keep having fun. All I want of Valve is to leave Team Fortress 2 in a playable state!!
Every round of TF2 promises that the server is VAC secured, and that cheating will result in a permanent ban.
Make this reality, Valve. Kill the bots and save this game. Don't let this become the legacy of one of your most successful and impactful games.
And you! Yes, you there! If you like any online games at all, help us yell at Valve! Bots won't just stop with TF2. If they can get away with what they're doing with us, they'll definitely try it with other games. Helping us solve our problem goes directly to protecting other multi-player games on steam that use VAC. I believe it'll help all multiplplayer games in the long run too.
You can sign the Save TF2 petition here:
Godspeed o7
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pikespendragon67 · 2 months
Pikes Summer Check-Up 2024 Edition
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Started to go “hm I still have to unlearn the don’t speak unless spoken to mindset that I have” but remembered I could do a checkup post instead!
Current life updates:
Right now I’m saving up for conventions happening this August, though plushie collecting & Steam summer sales miiiight have interfered. Whoops. (…and I wonder if I should get back to my FE Cipher card collection). My next big-ish trip is visiting my middle school best friend with another high school friend. I’m also hoping for my next big trip this year to be Boston in late September to meet with a friend. After that, it should be a trip with my middle school best friend to a farm, something Halloween related with IRL friends depending on what they want to do, no clue for November, and seeing relatives for New Year’s.
Gonna see if I can reorganize my closet since everything in my room got reassembled when we got new flooring. Feels cluttered as a result. Hopefully my back won’t kill me.
Might have jury duty next week too OTL
What I’m watching:
Current schedule for watching anime is as follows:
Mondays - Digimon rewatch along with Spice & Wolf 2024. I really like Lawrence and Holo’s banter. For Digimon I just got to where Mimi obtains her Crest. Man adult me really just became Joe, huh.
Tuesdays are filler at the moment since I need to wait for Pokemon Horizons to update on Nettingtonflix (I watch the dub) and I finished Kakuriyo. Part 2 of Kakuriyo was…eh, I guess? I noticed stiff animation a lot and I didn’t really get the sense of drama/urgency that I was expecting. Might throw in some more Digimon episodes until Horizons updates. (I’m liking it so far, though it’s not something I’d shout to the heavens about)
Wednesdays - Baccano finally. I might need to rewatch some parts because they retell events from different perspectives, but I see repeats and get confused if I already watched the episode or not because of that.
Thursdays - Moribito. I’ve heard this show was good, though I think I need to rewatch this one as well since I miss important info when something dramatic’s not happening. The curse of having a show as background noise during your lunch break at work.
Fridays - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure rewatch. Friends were talking about watching it so it got me interested in rewatching once more. I’m still on Phantom Blood but I’m excited for the rewatch until I hit Stardust Crusaders. Unfortunately it’s not my favorite part and it’s the longest.
Saturdays - My Hero Academia and Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin. I’m gonna see if I end up liking Sakuna more as an anime or as a game. As for Hero Academia, I’m really liking how this current season’s hyping up the finale. And with the manga ending next month, I kind of hope Vigilantes can be animated
Sundays - Tower of God season 2 and My Deer Friend Nokotan. Nokotan kind of reminds me of Lucky Star, but I’m hoping the shitposts aren’t just making fun Koshitan. Tower of God season 2 looks pretty promising. Though I lament that God of High School had to rush everything into 1 season.
I’m getting hyped for TYBW part 3 subconsciously and also hope the light novels get covered.
In terms of stuff on Youtube, it’s mostly let’s plays for games that I want to see if I want to play them myself. I appreciate that SMT 5 Vengeance fleshed out certain characters more, but damn. I also finished watching the ProZD Plays Ace Attorney 2. Franziska is wonderful, I wish she was in a different game. I liked case 2 the most in spite of Hotti’s mere existence.
What I’m Playing:
Stopped TTYD in the middle of chapter 6 since I didn’t want to deal with the turning platform section. So now it’s back to 428 Shibuya Scramble. I’m in the 3 PM section of the game now and things are getting spicy. So far my rankings of the routes are Tama > Minorikawa > Osawa/Achi > Kano.
I also have quite a few fighting games in my Steam library now! I still only button mash, but I’ve been playing with some folks in the Granblue community and my friend Merlin. My “don’t speak unless spoken to” mindset unfortunately kicks in when it comes to inviting people to play games, though. Like granted people are busy and I don’t want to bother them but aaaaaaa (so if you wanna play with me on Steam I’m free most weekends. Though my wrist may fatigue itself too. F)
I’m also contemplating if I want to have various small fics in a collection or add alternate endings in my main Bleach fic
AND NOW, I end asking how ny’all are you doing. Any cool things on your end?
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npwd hours. have some fun facts
(this will definitely be added to/updated later)
Raph (Red) (he/she)
literally the only one who doesn't wear clothes (outside of his shorts/mask)
still does the Red Angel of Preventing Harm thing
splinter... wasn't doing great for a good while after the mutation happened (esp since on top of everything in canon he ALSO lost three of his kids)
when raph was around eight or so though he got very very sick and almost died. she tried to take care of herself because she assumed splinter wouldn't, but could only do so much. thankfully splinter found out before it was too late and was able to save her. it was a pretty good wakeup call and while he's still super depressed he's been much more present since then
Leo (Leon) (he/him)
growing up with hypno (and eventually warren) did nothing but increase his flair for the dramatic and love of magic
he was 100% hypno's assistant for shows a lot of the time. the turtle thing was passed off as a 'costume'
knows ALL the best magic tricks
warren came along when leo was around five or six
when hypno and warren got mutated they (obviously) couldn't keep their jobs so they took to doing crimes to get money. small crimes because they don't want to be a bad influence on leo but they also do need the money to put a roof over his head
they do try to hide the fact that they do crimes from leo. he absolutely knows but he lets them think he doesn't
they have thrown hands with raph on more than one occasion. raph did start going a bit easier on them after one of them mentioned at some point they had a kid at home. raph Does Not Know that said kid is leo
Donnie (Othello) (he/they)
lives in an apartment. No Space for a lab. he wants one SO BAD.
still tinkers a lot and fixes things around the house with what he can find
the o'neils have the best wifi in the state of new york
they did create shelldon! he's stuck in donnie's computer though - not enough resources to build a body
likes fashion and dresses up for fun sometimes but wears the hoodie most of the time bc it's familiar/safe
no battle shell really... they do have a fake shell but it's more for storage than anything else since they don't get in fights. like a backpack basically
no gauntlet thingy, no magic goggles - he does have noise cancelling headphones he keeps in his shellpack
they do have goggles for work (for eye protection) just not the 3d glasses lookin goggles they have in canon
Mikey (Mike) (he/she/they)
VERY in tune with his mystics (trained by draxum)
LOVES skateboarding. badgered draxum into having a skate ramp installed for them
doesn't hate humanity (and has even managed to soften draxum up a bit. not much but a bit) and actually thinks a lot of their stuff is super cool
mutating the humans was the compromise she and draxum came to rather than killing them. she doesn't see a problem with it bc 'it's better than killing all of them'
morals are a bit... looser than canon mikey's due to draxum's influence
take your kid to work day more like [draxum voice] someone will die. [mikey voice] of fun!
But Also: aww little guy - oh he's a bit fucked up actually
sneaks up to the surface sometimes to do graffiti. has ABSOLUTELY been seen more than once but thinks she's so sneaky
draxum wasn't the best at first (treated mikey like a warrior rather than a kid) but he got better. he's a good dad now
hugin and munin would both kill for her without question
mikey talks about their internet friends enough that draxum is eventually like. ok i will make an exception for three (3) humans because my child likes them
they got their colors bc lou jitsu tied scraps of fabric onto them to be able to tell them apart
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Here's chapter 5! Sorry for the late update but I work full-time and am getting ready to move so I've been super busy! But this chapter is extra long to make up for it 😁
I would like to apologize in advance for Uncle Wayne 😔 he is one of my favorite parents to come out of Stranger Things, but I honestly really love making my characters feel so much pain only to make them heal and become stronger later. There's probably a term for that 🤷🏼‍♀️
As always leave any suggestions or comments as you please and here's chapter 4 if you missed it :)
The case was closed after three days in Nebraska and the team was quickly packing up files and papers at Quantico to hand in to Hotch and take the next two days off.
Spencer hadn't mentioned the radio to Eddie or the voice on the other end, and she hadn't either. He had watched her the next day and she didn't seem tired or worse off for most likely having spent a night up and talking to someone else.
She didn't bring the radio out in the day time and so Spencer let the matter drop, who was he to say someone was acting weird?
"I'm thinking a night out with drinks and dancing to decompress, anyone else in?" Emily was asking as the agents were crowding in the bullpen to leave. JJ, Derek, and Penelope all quickly agreed and they looked to Spencer and their newest member for their answers.
"Ah, no thanks, crowds and flashing lights aren't really my thing." Eddie sheepishly grinned at the boos that were starting.
"Besides ive still got an apartment to unpack and that is taking ages." Penelope seemed to perk up at that and grinned brightly.
"We can help! It'll go a lot faster with more hands helping!" Everyone else around her started making noises of consent, making Eddie start to protest, "No, you guys go have fun, I can handle the unpacking myself." But they fell on deaf ears, "I'll bring pizza!" Derek said as he started calling someone on his phone, "And I'll bring the drinks!" JJ threw her hand up to volunteer.
Spencer gave Eddie a small grin, "There's no point in arguing, but we are rather efficient. If this FBI thing doesn't work out we could definitely start a moving company." His grin got wider as Eddie let out a quiet laugh, "You all just want to snoop don't you?"
She gave everyone her address and they all dispersed in the parking lot, walking to different cars.
"Do you mind if I just catch a ride to your place? I don't see the point in riding the metro twice tonight." Eddie told him to hop in and they were smoothly driving out of the parking lot.
The ride was silent for a while before Spencer started to talk, "So what made you join the task force? You said you joined right out of high school, right?" Eddie's grip on the wheel tightened before she deliberately relaxed her hands.
"It wasn't my decision, not really. The other members of the team were my friends. We were all approached and recruited together and they decided to join up so I followed them."
Spencer was pretty shocked by her answer but before he could ask anything else she was pulling in to a parking lot, "You live in the sister building to mine!" Spencer exclaimed before he could help himself.
"Yeah? The taller one right there?" He nodded at the building she was pointing at.
"Seems silly for you to keep riding the metro everyday then."
"Oh, you dont-"
"Spence, literally it takes no extra time in my commute, your building shares a parking lot with mine." He blushed as she laughed brightly and began the trek up her stairs.
Not even an hour later and JJ, Penelope, Derek, and Emily were in various parts of her living room organizing and unpacking from boxes, asking questions about things they found and laughing through their own guesses if Eddie pretended she couldn't hear them.
Penelope opened a new box and let out a large gasp, "Guys! I found the nerd box!" Everyone gathered around her to look at the contents. Figurines and banners and tshirts from multiple different franchises spilled out and on top was a large stack of DnD Manuel's, notebooks, loose paper drawings, etc.
"Munson, you weren't kidding about the DnD stuff, what is all of this?" Derek whistled as he started leafing thru the large stack.
"Hey I never kid about Dungeons and Dragons. I was DM for the club I started in my highschool. I met some really good people thru that group." Eddie explained shuffling thru the pile and smiling slightly.
Garcia gasped and dove her hand in the box pulling out a stack of frames with various people in them.
"Look! Baby Eddie!" She cheered and showed the group the top picture of Eddie surrounded by a large group of people, are varying ages. They were all smiling but it seemed that most of everyone had been crying right before the picture was taken.
"Who are all these people?" Emily asked her, touching the faces of a couple of them.
"That's my family. That was the day we left for training for the force." Eddie whispered, smiling gently at the picture.
She cleared her throat abruptly, "This is Jonathon, Steve, Robin, and Nancy" she pointed to each individual person, "they were in the task force with me."
The group looked thru the other three pictures, the same people sprinkled thru each one except the last, the last one was just a selfie type picture with a teenage Eddie and an older, greying man that hadn't been in any of the other photos.
When Penelope uncovered it, Eddie took it gently from her.
"That's my Uncle Wayne, he took me in when i was 11 after my dad got sent to federal lock up for the last time."
"Is he still in Hawkins?" JJ asked her, noticing the sad smile on her colleagues face.
"No. No, he died my senior year, earthquake took out the trailer park we lived in and he was home, got caught up in the rubble." Everyone looked away to give her some privacy to wipe the tears gathering in her eyes.
The crackle of a radio turning on broke the atmosphere of the apartment and made everyone look at the dining room table.
~Jonathon and Steve requesting roll call.~
The voice on the other end sounded strained and tired, making Eddie walk over to it immediately and put the speaker to her mouth, but she paused before she said anything.
One by one different voiced came over saying different names, obviously replying to the roll call.
Finally Eddie clicked her button
At that the radio went silent, until Eddie started talking into it again.
~He's okay. It was another terror, but I brought him out and he wanted a roll call. He's back asleep already, I gave him some medicine so hopefully we can avoid a migraine in the next couple days.~ the answering voice was tired, it was the same man who had requested the roll call but it was whispered now, trying to be quiet for someone.
~Okay, let me know if he needs anything.~
~Will do.~
When Eddie turned around to face her team she had to turn back around so she wouldn't cry again.
They were silently unpacking boxes again, not one person looking at her confused, waiting for an explanation, but letting her have her moment with her family, as strange as it was.
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totowlff · 2 years
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extra — you can’t shift the tide
➝ after a long day, what toto wants most is to get to his room and rest. but he has one more unfinished business to take care of.
➝ word count: 1,1k
➝ warnings: none
➝ author’s note: double update today, with an extra and a new chapter. by the way, we already have two unpublished chapters ready and they are amazing! enjoy this extra!
JUNE, 2015
Toto rubbed his eyes and checked the clock on his phone. 
It was getting late — probably well past time for him to head back to the hotel for the evening, but it was so easy to get caught up in his work sometimes. But, he needed to force himself to stop — his son, Benedict, was waiting in the garage for him, after he’d asked to stay behind to watch the mechanics working on Lewis’ car after qualifying today. Benedict was probably wanting to go back to the hotel sooner than later.
Toto gathered up his things, turned off the light in his motorhome office, and headed downstairs. He waved goodnight to the cleaning staff that were getting everything ready for tomorrow, and headed out across the paddock to the garages. 
He spotted Benedict in the back of the garage. He was exactly where Toto left him, in a seat behind the mechanic workbay. It looked like he was dozing off a little. He had his head propped up on his hand. His hand kept slipping, allowing his head to dip, which would rouse him briefly, until the cycle would repeat again. 
“He must be tired”, Toto thought, chuckling a little. “Dozing off with all of this noise”.
He crossed the garage, nodding hello to a few of the mechanics, and softly jostled his son’s shoulder a bit. 
Ben jolted with a start, despite Toto’s attempt to wake him gently. He looked up at his father and blinked, momentarily confused. 
— It’s time to go — Toto said — I know it’s been a long day, so let’s go back to the hotel and get some sleep. We have an early day tomorrow.
Ben stretched and yawned before standing up, and followed his dad out of the garage, waving goodbye to the mechanics still busy at work on Lewis’ car. It would be time for curfew soon, anyway, and the cars would be covered with their blankets for the night, not to be touched until the next morning. 
They walked back to Toto’s car in silence.
— Did you have a good day today? I’m sorry that I ended up being so busy and didn’t get to spend very much time with you — Toto said, as they settled in, and Toto started the car. 
— Yeah, I had a really good day — Ben said — Watching the mechanics work was fun, and I liked seeing the cars. I’m glad Elisabeth brought me to see the McLaren MP4/2B. Those old cars are so cool, and they’re so different from the ones now. And it was nice to see Niki again.
Toto couldn’t help but feel a bit of excitement when his son mentioned Elisabeth, unprompted, like he had. He knew that she had been nervous about whether or not his kids liked her. As confident as he was that they did like her, there was still a nugget of doubt at the back of his mind. It was normal to be worried about it, he assured himself. He’d even spoken to his therapist about it, and she assured him that it was expected that he’d feel a bit of apprehension when introducing them to someone new. Elisabeth wasn’t new to them, per se, but her and Toto’s relationship was getting serious — almost “this is your new stepmom” serious. 
His kids meant a lot to him. They were the most important people in the world to him, other than Elisabeth. The kids liking her as his friend from work was a different matter altogether than them liking her as a possible future stepmother. 
Ben and Rosi had met Elisabeth long before they started dating. After the relative disaster of introducing his kids to Aurélie, the woman he dated for about eight months before he and Elisabeth got together, he knew he needed to treat this situation with some delicacy. 
He’d never wished that he could read his son’s mind more than he did now, because he was so curious as to what Ben’s thoughts were on the matter. 
In most cases, he preferred to take the direct approach to resolving problems and asking questions, but it felt a bit different with his kids, at least with something like this, since the direct approach had failed so spectacularly when he’d introduced Aurélie as his girlfriend. He didn’t want to repeat the same mistake twice in such a relatively short span of time.
— So, did you like hanging out with Elisabeth and your sister for the day?
— I did — the boy said — Elisabeth is nice to talk to. She knows a lot about cars, and… I don’t know, I guess it seems like she likes talking to Rosi and me. Like, she asked me about my F1 in Schools project, and most people don’t even know what that is.
Toto relaxed a little. That seemed like an endorsement, a step in the right direction. Toto trusted his son’s judgment. He liked to joke sometimes that Ben was his junior advisor, but at the core of it, he meant it. Ben may have only been fourteen, but his entire childhood was shaped by Toto’s parenting missteps and his divorce from Stephanie, Ben and Rosi’s mother. He’d gone through a lot, but Toto always marveled at how emotionally intelligent his son was because of it. There was never any way to hide his feelings from Benedict.
For that reason, he tried to shield his kids from as many of his personal dramas as possible after the separation and subsequent divorce. He dated a few women, even before Aurélie. He cringed whenever photos of himself with whatever woman he’d been out on a few dates with ended up in business and social magazines in Vienna, but there wasn’t much to be done about that. He never introduced any of the other women he was dating to his kids. Not before Aurélie, and what happened with Aurélie was exactly why.
He took them all out to dinner. They’d gone out to a pizza place in Vienna’s Innere Stadt near Toto’s penthouse called Trattoria Santo Stefano. The kids loved pizza, he thought, and there were lots of lighter options if Aurélie didn’t want the carbs. She was a fashion model, and she had to pay attention to what she ate, and she usually declined most of the restaurants suggested, with the fare being too rich. It hadn’t bothered Toto at first — he liked eating healthy, but he still liked the experience of dining.
Their outing didn't go badly, he thought. However, during dinner, Ben and Rosi were very obviously bored and indifferent to her presence, and Toto struggled to keep conversation flowing between his children and his girlfriend. It wasn’t surprising — she didn’t really make much of an attempt to interact with either of the kids. Toto tried not to fault her for it, because he knew that Aurélie hadn’t been around pre-teens very much and probably just didn’t know what to talk about. But, still, it did bother him that she more or less treated them like wallpaper, and would look startled whenever Ben tried to participate in their conversation. Rosi mostly ignored them and focused on her dinner. 
After that dinner, Toto asked his kids what they thought of his girlfriend directly, eager to get their opinions.
Rosi didn’t have much to say, and said that she wasn’t really paying attention, and that she was a bit bored. 
Ben’s response, however, was more lengthy. 
— I don’t know why she didn’t want to talk to us. I kept trying to respond to her questions, but she kept looking at me funny. I feel like she didn’t really want us there. I don’t know why you like her so much, dad.
It stunned him at the time, and it was why he was a bit cagier about asking now. He’d underestimated how smart and perceptive Ben was, and should have realized then that his relationship with Aurélie was going nowhere, but at the time, he convinced himself that they’d all come along to like each other. 
— It will just take some time, but you’ll see, she’s wonderful — he told them.
Toto realized now that he was just trying to convince himself, more than he was trying to convince his children.
Silence hung in the air in the car between them for a few more minutes, with nothing but the hum of the engine as Toto drove down the Spielbergstrasse. He was keeping his eyes focused on the road, watching for the shine of eyes from the roadside, just in case a deer or some other critter would try to cross. It wasn’t something he ever had to worry about in Vienna. 
— Is Elisabeth going to be there tomorrow? — Ben asked, quietly. 
Toto furrowed his brow at the question. 
— Of course she will be, Benedict. She’s part of the team. Did you not want her to come?
— No! No, that’s not it. I… Can I ask you a question?
— Of course — Toto’s hands gripped the steering wheel tighter as he snuck a quick sidelong glance at his son, but he tried to remain composed. He was probably just as nervous as Ben seemed to be.
— Is Elisabeth your girlfriend?
Toto felt his face blanch and his stomach lurch. 
— Why are you asking? — Toto said. He was trying to keep his voice even.
— Well… You were working in your office one day when Rosi and I were at your place. Your phone was in the living room, and it rang. Rosi went to bring it to you, but the call went to voicemail. We saw that your wallpaper had changed, and we know you don’t know how to change it. And it was a picture of two wine glasses, and I noticed one of the glasses had lipstick on it, so… We figured out that you had a girlfriend.
Toto’s head felt like it had been replaced with a balloon, filled with helium, trying to float away from his neck. Guilty as charged — he definitely didn’t know how to change his phone’s wallpaper. Elisabeth had done it for him because she thought it was cute.
— We’ve noticed some other things, too. Like the furniture being rearranged in your apartment. You haven’t moved your furniture since you first moved in. And the way you talk to Elisabeth… We’ve been around people on the team a lot, and we’ve never seen you talk to anybody else you work with like you talk to her. And that song you were playing on the trip up from Vienna. Rosi and I were sure it was because of her.
Toto sighed. He and Elisabeth had tried so hard to hide it from the kids, because of how things went with Aurélie. Toto didn’t want to bring someone new into their little family so soon, and Elisabeth didn’t feel ready, either. 
And yet, they Ben and Rosi had seen right through it.
— Yes, Benedict. Elisabeth is my girlfriend.
More silence in the car. 
— Are… You upset with me? For not telling you?
Toto could see Ben turn his head.
— No, dad. Rosi and I like her, and both of us want you to be happy. Plus, she’s nice to us, and doesn’t ignore us like the last lady did. And you’ve been a lot happier lately, too.
Something warm bloomed in Toto’s chest. He couldn’t help but smile. 
— I’m glad you like her, Ben. You and your sister are… You’re the most important people in my life, and I wouldn’t want to be with anyone that you two didn’t like.
— Is that why you broke up with the last woman? — Benedict asked.
— Well — Toto started to say, but Ben continued.
— Because… You didn’t seem all that happy when you were with her. Not like you do now, at least. You really like Elisabeth a lot, don’t you?
Toto couldn’t get the smile off his face all of a sudden.
— I love her, Ben.
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regentbison · 2 years
Things that happened today (October 6th) at Beetlejuice broadway:
For starters. The makeup. Alex’s makeup was pretty bad ngl, his face was completely bleach white while you could see his hands and they were skin white. Also his beard and his wig being different colors pisses me off
Leslie stuttered a tiny bit during a line but nothing really more worthy
There were lines here and there when Alex seemed like he was trying to remember what he was supposed to say. Maybe it was on purpose tho
Alex have so many thumbs up during the first act especially. He was throwing them around like one would think Beetlejuice would throw gang signs
Kerry seemed tired at the beginning of the show, it gave Barbara a more “oh my god I am so over this shit” fell and I was kind of there for it
I think something was wrong with the mixer or some of the mics? Kerry’s especially. There was a bit of an interference noise whenever she sang especially and all of the girls sounded a lot quieter than the boys for some reason
The book came down a little bit late, and the fire started up a little bit early. I think there were just some technical issues tonight
But the head worked! It didn’t jump out the second Alex opened the crate like it usually does but once Alex stomped his leg it came up. Very fitting.
There were some improve lines here and there by Alex (like usual)
When he threw the book into the fire (I don’t remember the words exactly) he said smth about the book being only fifteen and got getting to see life
“Dress like a baby” “what the shit Adam”
Elizabeth is as much on a dork on stage as she seems to be backstage. When she came down for the suffer party she struck a little ballet pose and then did a jump with her leg up like she was someone who knew nothing about ballet pretending to be a ballerina
During the part where Adam (Charles) throws “lettuce” out of the bowl during Day-O Elizabeth coauthor two pieces, seemed very proud of herself, looked around to see if anyone noticed, then played with them a little before dropping them again
Kerry laughed a couple of times when I don’t think she was supposed to XD it was adorable
During the bouquet toss in creepy old guy Kerry threw it so high it went right over everyone and Adam (Charles) fought it instead of Leslie
Alex ✨spit ✨
He spit one time right in Elizabeth’s face and I don’t think she even noticed
When burning the suicide note, Alex let go of it a little bit late and it nearly singed his wig
Also the book nearly fell in the trap door, it bounced a few times before landing near/under the little table
Leslie broke. It was during the part where Beetlejuice says it’s time for him to go. She laughed out loud then turned around for a full minute or two. Probably to compose herself
Alex made fun of Elizabeth here and there and used a British accent for some lines
Can’t forget to mention the bow. Fucking amazing
“Skeleton ballerina baby debut!”
That’s all for now I think. If I remember anything else I’ll update
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tentacolegaming · 1 year
Late-Night Pizza Tower Progress Update | World 3 Complete...Somehow
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Good lord, was the 3rd floor of Pizza Tower HARD! I think the difficulty is REALLY starting to ramp up...
The barrel controls in Crust Cove were really tight... I kept getting stuck bouncing off walls! Not only that, the maze-like layout of Deep Dish 9 was REALLY confusing. And those portals were pretty annoying too.
At least Gnome Forest and GOLF were easier to balance things out. Playing as Gustavo was a fun twist on things, but I kept forgetting his controls. I was glad the Toppins were laid out basically on the path in the Forest, otherwise I would've been stuck there a lot longer... XD
Now, I'm sure you noticed the C rank against The Noise... That fight was NOT hard; his attacks were easy to dodge. But every time I dodged one, he'd blindside me with his next one! This is a good segue into another point: I went back to floor 2 on Thursday (not too long after I posted that update); got an A rank on Oregano Desert; and P-ranked The Vigilante. It was in that play session that I discovered how good parrying can really be! I pretty much HAD to parry The Noise's balloon bombs to succeed.
I do wanna go back and get a better ranking on The Noise in the distant future... Maybe I'll do it after I beat the game. I'm considering taking a break from Pizza Tower for a few days though; this is starting to get kinda stressful. (Still having fun though!)
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