#life is a mess and boy am I too tired to clean
belethlegwen · 2 months
General li'l update
So, things have done anything but slow down for me in the real world. To keep it as vague as possible, there's a chance I'll be losing my job within the next month or so, though we're all currently working on possible solutions to this. Hoping for the best.
I've already done my panicking and preemptive grieving. 18 years in a single career is a hell of a run for someone my age, and if it has to come to an end then I've made at least some peace with that idea.
Still though, working every day to find solutions. To fix things. To keep surviving. It's exhausting, I will not lie. We're doing what we can over here.
There's so, so much good to look forward to this year. These are just bumpy patches of road. And some of the bumpiest roads I've driven on have taken me to the best places I've ever been. I'll be alright. I know I'll be alright. I'll be more than alright, by the time this is all said and done.
Been doing more reading of late, which I've been loving. You all are putting out such amazing work and I love bouncing in to read even if it takes me 3 attempts and a couple of hours to get through a posted chapter. Lovely escapes, all around.
My sister turned me onto a game ("game" kind of seems like an odd word for it but either way) on steam called Spirit City: Lofi Sessions. You customize a character, you have a little room, it plays lofi music at you and you can poke at a few playlists, build soundscapes around it (rain noises, thunder, wind, birds chirping, crackling fire etc etc) while your character mills about in spots doing things as just a beautiful little vibe-generator. You can collect spirit pals to vibe with you. It's just really cozy and nice, I love it. Highly recommend.
It has an optioning for in-app journaling, and I've been meaning to get back into journaling regularly just for the sake of my memory and everything else. That's been a huge boon over the last 2-3 days. It's got a productivity timer, to-do list, daily task/habits tracker.
Anyway, I've been making progress on writing but it's slow, staggered. Hit a bit of a wall last night with some of The Stranding where I wrote 8.5 pages of a scene and then just felt... unhappy with it. I had clearly lost the thread of why I started writing it, and needed to walk away to see if a fresher mind could find a place to rewind to and pivot so I can salvage it, or if I'm just gonna carve the whole thing out and set it in the Cut Scenes doc. The other 20 pages I've got waiting? Fine. Good, even. Proud of those. This one, I'm proud of what I'm writing but again... just feels more like floating aimlessly and bouncing. It was clear I wrote it while heavily distracted or with gaps between focus, so it jumps.
I'll see what I can salvage. Can't promise an update and am avoiding making it feel like I'm 'back on schedule' just to find something I can reduce pressure from in my life for the time being. But: I love you all. The Kudos, the views, the comments, the everything. It means a lot. You're all great.
If I do any generic vent/vibe writing, not necessarily attached to anything, I'll consider sharing it here for y'all. You guys deserve a bit of fun and sunshine <3
Have a great time everyone, love y'all to bits <3
~ Belle
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danieyells · 24 days
Could I pretty please ask for any Haru stuff you found? 🥺 I've been afflicted with the Haru simp disease and only information/content of him can cure me 🛐
HARU'S CHANGED MY FEELINGS ON HIM not that i disliked him at all before but like. . .you know how he acts like the team mom? His voicelines make this worse. I thought he was more like a meddlesome but chill guy with a lot of energy. The truth is this poor man is a single mother with two unruly kids, a house full of animals, and VIRTUALLY NO HELP BESIDES YOU. No wonder he drinks nearly every fucking night. I get why Jabberwock doesn't have ordinary students but jesus christ please get some helpers in here. My man is overworked.
I ended up putting almost all of them in because. . .he is struggling poor boy.
Affinity 4:
"Towa's off to that hill again? I was gonna ask him to hold down the fort...
Guess I'll have to stay put tonight."
Affinity 5:
"Am I tired? Nah, don't worry, if there's two things I have confidence in it's my stamina and my bad luck!"
Affinity 6:
"The Sinostra folks are causing a kerfuffle again...
I don't need any of that! You should take care not to get dragged into their mess too, you hear?"
Affinity 7:
"You wanna know how to get the animals to like you? You just gotta show how much you love them, like this—
Ow! Don't bite me, Peekaboo!"
Affinity 8:
"None of our critters have warmed to Ren at all, even though he spends all day with them... Guess that handsome face only works on humans."
Affinity 11:
"I went to wake that sleepyhead Ren up this morning, but it was like he couldn't see me even though he was looking straight at me.
Reckon his eyesight's bad?"
Affinity 12:
"Course I eat, don't worry about that! Just earlier I pinched some of Peekaboo's veggies when I was making his lunch and had them with a piece of bread!"
Please eat food. . . .
Affinity 13:
"So much to do... Gotta take in the washing and get the shopping done...
Argh! There's not enough hours in the day!"
Affinity 14:
"This? It's an energy drink. Don't feel like the day's started till I have one.
(gulp) (gulp) Pwaaah!"
PLEASE EAT FOOD. . . . . . . . .
Affinity 15:
"Ah man, there's soap all over the walls again! You're so good at playing with the animals Towa, if you could just learn how to clean up after you'd get full marks..."
Towa i love you but please help your mother boyfriend captain. . . .
Affinity 16:
"Ah! I can't do dogs! How'd you get in here?! Towa!! Come here!! No!! Don't bite me!!"
He is terrified of dogs????? Towa absolutely electrocuted the shit out of that dog. Rip in pieces. That dog truly fucked around and found out. It will never go in the dorm again.
Affinity 18:
"You reckon I look like an acrobat when I'm using my stigma?
Gahaha! Maybe I'll practice balancing on a ball then!"
Baby no you are not a clown please what if you break something again--
Affinity 19:
"...(gasp) Crap, I fell asleep...
Did you put this blanket on me? Cheers... Maybe I'll grab a few more minutes..."
Affinity 20:
"I swore I'd take responsibility for protecting all the lives in this park. I can't let anyone die on my watch."
Affinity 21:
"I don't know where I'd be without all the critters in this place if I'm honest with you.
Well, gotta be my animal magnetism that's keeping them here anyway! Gahaha!"
Affinity 22:
"Hm? There's some critters whose nails were getting dangerously long so I was giving them a clip.
Come here, I'll do yours too if you want!"
Affinity 23:
"Oh, off for a cheeky night out? Gahaha!
I know a good place, want me to take you?"
Affinity 24:
"A soft bed to lie down in and someone to chat with till I drift off... I'm really living the high life here."
He's a simple man. . .it's easy to imagine him holding your hand here while he dozes off. . . .
"Bucket, check. Trowel, check.
Me and Towa are heading to the mountains to pick some veggies. You wanna come?"
"It's hot so I invited Ren to go fishing, but his face screwed up like a prune and he yelled at me.
What's he got against fish?"
Probably the same thing you have against dogs. . . .
"Lotta bugs around this time of year... But they're important for the food chain, so I've gotta take care of them...
Argh!! Give it a rest with the buzzing!"
"Hey, nice timing! I'm about to make a fire with the dead leaves I collected so I can bake some potatoes, take a seat!"
"I like the Jabberwock uniforms. They're made out of high-performance fabric that keeps you warm when it's cold out and safe when you're handling venomous critters!"
"The hibernation squad's gonna start eating us out of house and home this month... The food bill's gonna be rough...
"You reckon that's a rabbit on the moon? No way, it's a toad!
C'mon, look closer!"
"Rounds are quicker in winter since some of the critters hibernate. Makes things a little easie—
Why's the kitchen on fire?!"
"Nice and toasty...
Hm? I'm talking about Peekaboo! He's better than a hot water bottle in this weather!"
Haru putting Peekaboo on your tummy when you're having cramps or just in pain in general is a cute mental image, especially since Peekaboo likes you lol
"It's cold outside so some of the critters have been sneaking into our rooms at night.
You heard Ren scream just now, right?"
Haru's birthday(September 20th):
"It's my birthday?! Oops, totally slipped my mind...
Thanks for remembering!"
New Years:
"Happy New Year!
How'd I ring it in? I was milking the cow and when I looked up I'd totally missed the first sunrise! Gahaha!"
April Fool's Day:
"Can you believe this? Ren got up early, and Towa fed everyone for me!
...Tried to make a joke for April Fools but it just made me feel empty inside..."
Day or more(?) without logging in:
"Phew, that's a relief... I was worried one of ours ate you...
Glad to see you back."
Once again. . .an absolute sweetheart. And a single mother who is desperately in need of some help around the house. That April Fool's line really got me lolol poor guy. All of his have a lot of energy to them so i feel like i posted more than Haku, who's kind of a more low key guy lol. . . .
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Emotions sequel to Lust
Sebastian Sallow x f!Reader
Summary - Anon request for "I will give you my soul and both kidneys for more Sebastian smut 🥲🙏🏻 The day he calls me a “good girl”, I can die peacefully 😂"
Word Count - 1,736
Warnings - 18 + smut, characters aged up, dark!Sebastian, angst, slightly non-consenual consent scenario
A/N - I can die peacefully 😂" okay i messed myself up writing this one 🔥🔥
Sebastian felt the guilt and anger building up now that he felt sober, there were battling it out in his gut. He felt guilty about his intentions behind the potion, but at the same time he still felt angry that that was what it took. Angry at himself for not being more forward and angry at you for the same.
Your legs were relaxed around him as he layed on top of you, you forced him to look at you, "What is it Sebastian?" Your voice was soft and tired.
He sucked in his bottom lip and had a hard time making eye contact, "The potion. I - I crafted it for you and got too wasted and drank it myself."
In your post-sex brain it took you a few moments to process what it was he had just said. You felt the wind get knocked out of you and you felt completely betrayed. You let him make you vulnerable and it was all basically a lie.
You sat up quickly, shoving him off of you and clutching the bed sheets to your chest, not caring that his cum was getting all over it.
"No, Y/N, wait," he grabbed your first as you attempted to get away, but he tugged you to keep you in place.
"I still - I still wanted this. I know you did too. Merlin, you come here every day and it's all I can do not to ravish you. You walk across town like that every morning for me." You could see the arousal returning to his face. He was all pupils and flushed cheeks.
You tore your arm from his grip and stood up with tears dampening your eyes, "Then why didn't you ever? Why use some stupid position, trying to take advantage like that? I am a person Sebastian. In case you haven't noticed I'm the only one you've had for a long time."
Your voice was bitter as you left the room to scavenge for a new set of clothing and clean up the mess that you were. You couldn't decide if you were mad, hurt, scared, or all of the above. The saddest part was it's not like you couldn't have guesses the whole thing was a setup on his part. And you just stupidly fell right for it.
You collected yourself in a hurry and rushed out back to where you lodged with Sirona. You didn't want to think about Sebastian or be near him or talk about any of it.
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You woke up the next morning after having spent a long day battling with yourself over what had happened. At this point you honestly hoped things would shift back to the normal they had been, where he's just busy drinking and leaving you alone. If you were being honest, that probably started the second that you left and he wouldn't even remember what happened.
So, you decided to approach the day like normal. You did take a second look at the reflection of yourself in your mirror before stepping out though. He is still a man, not an animal, he had seen other women in his life in sleeping clothes and not acted like it was anything to blush at.
Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on who asked, Sebastian had layed in his bed for the rest of the day without a drop of alcohol. He felt like he was losing his mind because he couldn't stop thinking about you. He felt like a 13 year old boy again, rubbing one out every hour as images of you flashed through his mind. But the images were certainly not as innocent as they used to be.
You seemed so upset with him, but you weren't complaining at all as he dragged you around the house, tearing through your clothes and ravaging your body. You weren't the innocent player you thought yourself to be and he refused to accept it.
You said to him that he should have made a move and just been up front from the start, so that's what he was going to do. He was going to unleash his deepest, darkest desires on you.
He slept restlessly that night with his new plan in mind unable to focus on anything else. He had never craved someone in the way he craved you and after having had a taste with you, he was ruined without you.
He knew Sirona always let you stay at her home she kept here and it wasn't hard to find. It was always possible to find out someone's business here if you wanted to.
He rose early in the morning, probably way earlier than he'd been awake in months if not years. He knew you always came to him just before the sun started coming up so that it would be light by the time you did make it.
Everything in Feldcroft was spread out and people liked their space. Sebastian's home was located on a reasonable little plot of land that offered privacy with the wild shrubbery and trees taking root wherever they pleased.
He decided that he would wait for you in a private spot at the front of the property. He had taken to cleaning himself up and putting on simple thin night clothes just so nobody found him wandering around indecent if they were snooping.
An old oak with a thick base was where he waited for you, it was just private enough for his dirty thoughts.
You were sleepy walking up to the familiar scene before you and that's how you got taken off guard. A hand came down over your mouth and you had no time to react before being carried off with someone pressed against your backside.
You felt the rough bark of the tree as Sebstian pressed you up against it, rubbing himself against your backside and talking low into your ear, "I told you you were begging for it coming over like that. This is what you wanted from me right?"
He bunched up the skirt of your gown and wasted no time dipping his hand between your thighs causing you to cry out in surprise.
"I see you didn't change anything. There's still nothing beneath here but a needy cunt," he used his fingers to spread your lips and your vagina open, betraying you with wetness, "see? You're much too empty, there's a leak we have to do something about."
He pulled his hand back to spit on it before not-so-delicately applying pressure to your clit. His other hand had remained clamped to your mouth so you hadn't had the chance to say a word, but he whispered to you as he removed it, "You're going to be a good girl for me and be quiet right? You don't need everyone to know you're letting the town disgrace fuck you."
Your breathing was heavy as he removed his hand you drew blood from your lip biting it and trying to stay quiet. He let you rest for just a moment while he used both hands to pull the dress over your head discarded it on the ground.
You whimpered when he continued his assault on your sensitive spot, being unable to deny how good it felt and how turned on you were. He placed kisses on the soft skin of your neck before he took a good look at your full exposed figure.
He inhaled sharply, "Fuck, everything about you is perfect. And you're all mine out here, so exposed and engulfed in the pleasure of it."
You felt a bit ashamed at how close you were to the brink of an orgasm, but couldn't stop yourself from begging quietly, "Sebsatian, please don't stop. Please - "
He sunk his teeth into your shoulder and everything felt like it was too much; the rough bark on the tree, the pleasurable pain of his bite, the white hot feeling bubbling over form his rough finger tips.
Sebastian pulled you into his body, away from the tree as he clamped a hand over your mouth to cover your cries of ecstasy. You fell apart on him whether you wanted to or not, eyes squeezed shut tightly while he holds you close enough to force you to feel his solid cock.
"That's right, just like that. So quick for me today, you understand the urgency since the sun's about to come up right? You can't let anyone see you like this."
He let go of you and you stumbled forward, catching yourself on the tree to find steady ground. Sebastian wasted no time pulling his pants down to start stroking his swollen cock, wrapping a hand around his balls and squeezing them.
"Would you prefer to my balls slapping against your ass with every thrust or do you want to look at me while I ruin you."
You sheepishly turned around to meet the wet sounds of him jerking off. His cock was red and swollen and you couldn't keep your eyes off of it every time he pulled towards himself and the head peaked out of his foreskin.
He approached you and squeeze your backside, indicating for you to jump so he could pick you up and fit impale you between himself and the tree.
You wrapped your legs around him and he kept his eyes glued to your face the whole time he rubbed himself across your entrance. He entered you slowly at first, shuddering at the sensation of how good you felt.
"I love you, Y/N," his words were low and husky before he crashed his lips into yours with desperation and started fucking you at a much more aggressive pace.
You could feel him stretching you out and his pelvis was bumping against your still sensitive clit with every buck of his hips. Your arms were wrapped around his neck and you met his lips, tongue, and teeth mirroring his intense desire.
"F-fuck, Y/N,"
"Cum for me Sebastian, please," you whined, "finish making me yours,"
"I - I'm close - just for you. You're such a good girl, such a good little hole," with that he finished inside of you, fucking you until he couldn't catch his breath.
He rested his cheek against your shoulder as he continued to hold you up against him.
"That's what you wanted right? I told you I couldn't stand it anymore. So I took you."
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littleadaline · 3 months
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Hold Me [P.G8]
Warnings: academic overwhelm, reader isn’t coping well with the stress, Pedri being a (hopefully) helpful partner. Fluuuuuff ✨
A/N: wrote this during my midterms, basically how I felt going through the sleepless nights of studying, keep in mind I have ✨ADHD✨, so my retention can often be resumed to….shit 😽😽
A/N (again): I’m publishing this at 1:12 AM, clearly shouldn’t, but I’ve been too eager lmaoo. Um.. I haven’t written in a year or two, so bear with me. I’ll try to post on a somewhat regular basis, but being a Uni student, my schedule is a bit hectic. Love 😽
Everything felt dull. The birds had stopped singing, the sky wasn’t as bright, the wind was colder. You huffed as you woke up, not ready to go through another day of this. Pedri had already left for training, leaving you alone in the flat. You sighed, turning over to grab your phone, chuckling as you saw the messages he had sent you while you were asleep.
[Mi amor:]
Thinking of you 😘 Good luck with studying today! I’ll grab us food on the way back xx
You answer his message before making your way to the bathroom, ready to get on with your day. As you take a quick glance in the mirror, you can’t help but notice your sulked face, your tired eyes from hours of staring at your computer, tirelessly trying to understand the concept of your class. You were currently studying for your finals, something that had been consuming your entire life, barely leaving space for extracurricular activities or just, breathing. Pedri had noticed the toll it had taken on you, on your couple, seeing your date nights pushed aside for a quick study attempt. You couldn’t lie, some days you had regretted pursuing a higher education degree. A notification from your phone pulled you away from your thoughts.
[Mi amor:]
Training is done, but I’m gonna go out with the boys for a bit. I should be back in 3 hours. Are you in the mood for a poke bowl, cariño?
You let him know before heading to the kitchen for a quick breakfast. As you bit through your toast, you glanced around the room. Your books and textbooks were splattered across the dining table, your pencils scattered around the room, either having fell down the table or thrown in a fit of rage. You sighed, putting down your coffee mug on the table. You knew you had to clean up your mess, not wanting Pedri to see the flat in this state. But something was preventing you from picking up your books, your scattered pencils, and the hundreds-if not thousands of Post It’s on the floor. In an attempt to pump yourself up, you sat down on the dinner table, a twinkle of hope in your eyes. You opened up your computer, your eyes glancing at the revision document. Word after word, after word, after word. Your brain barely read out the sentences, before you felt a ball in your throat, a feeling of helplessness overcoming you. Overwhelmed, you sat down on the cold floor of the flat, defeated. Why? “Why can’t I pick up after myself? Why am I so shut down?”, you muttered to yourself. You were nervously playing with the hem of your sweater, clenching and unclenching your fists, your breathing rapidly increasing. You found yourself overwhelmed; by the repetitive clinging of the washing machine you had previously started, the neighbours’ crying baby, the children playing in the park below the apartment. Everything felt too bright, too loud, too much. Exhausted, you let the tears out, longing for some sort of relief, more emotional than physical. You rolled yourself into a ball, sobs hidden by the noise of your neighbourhood.
Outside this flat, no one knew about the mental exhaustion you had pushed yourself to. The restless nights, staring at the ceiling while Pedri snored peacefully next to you; the times you silently cried in the shower as your soul broke from the pressure. There was no denying it, the academic pressure had broken your soul, left it torn into shreds, your confidence down the drain. Between the sobs, you didn’t hear the front door open. You quickly wiped down the tears before scurrying to the bathroom, locking the door behind you.
“Cariño, I’m home!”, a soft knock came from the door. You sniffled, rather loudly. “Is everything alright?”, his voice grew concerned.
You looked in the mirror, your eyes widening in horror as you saw how red they were. “Shit, shit shit,” you said dabbing some cold water around your eyes. Pedri knocked a second time, harder. “Open the door please, I’m concerned about you.”
Left without a choice, you reluctantly opened the door. Pedri was standing there, his figure towering over you, his eyebrows were knitted in worry, his lips slightly agape. His hair was slightly stuck to his forehead, most probably due to the sweat from training.
“Nena, what’s going on? Did something happen?”, he said as he took your hand and led you out of the bathroom. “C’mere.”
Settling down on the couch, your body over his, you closed your eyes; for fear of breaking down in front of him. You felt one hand settle on your back, while the other settled on top of your head. In an attempt to soothe you, he began stroking your back. You felt your body relax to his touch, your worries melting away into nothingness. Pedri was your anchor, in all the aspects possible. Whenever you were sick, or tired, overwhelmed or angry, you knew you could find solace in his arms. You don’t remember what exactly happened after sitting on the couch, but you woke up to a different scenery. The sun had set down, leaving Barcelona enveloped by a cold darkness. The apartment had been tidied up, windows closed, blinds drawn, your books neatly packed on the bookshelf, your Post It’s picked up from the floor, your pencils back into their container. All the lights were turned off, the only source of luminosity being the candle Pedri had lit up in the kitchen; almond vanilla, your favorite. Confused, you sat up.
“Pepi?”, you said, rubbing the sleep off from your eyes.
Footsteps made you turn around, a freshly showered Pedri looking at you. You saw him disappear into the bathroom before coming back out again, fully dressed and dried up. Before you were able to say anything, he sat down on the spot next to yours. His hand found yours as he fiddled with your fingers.
“Nena…I think I know what’s going on with you.”, he started.
You held your breath, afraid to hear the truth coming out of his mouth, a truth you had tried so hard to suppress and deny.
“You’ve overworked yourself, haven’t you?”, he said, lovingly stroking your hair. “You’d think all this tossing and turning at night would go unnoticed?”, he chuckled. “I have taken into account how you started biting your nails again, how little time you have to rest. Your water bottle is always sitting empty, unless I refill it for you. The snack basket’s content hasn’t moved either, unless I break your study trance and feed you. You are sitting in front of your computer every waking second you get. I’m worried about you, and your mental health.”, he said in one breath. Pedri was right. Your day was filled with dread, to have to spend hour after hour trying to memorize concepts for your degree, your mind feeling like a hole-filled sponge, never able to retain anything. Exhausted, you let the dam break. Your shoulders shaking with sobs, soaking Pedri’s shirt as well. Pedri tightened his hold on you, bringing you closer to his chest.
“You won’t go through this alone. With the upcoming international break and my injury, I will be home for the next week and a half. I have also booked you an appointment with a therapist, so you can establish coping mechanisms together… also to talk it out. And after all of this is over, I booked us a flight to your hometown.”
You looked at him in confusion.
“I think being away from your family isn’t helping you much either,” he let out. “You’ve been in Barcelona barely a year, and I believe a part of your soul is still in your hometown. I believe the beach and your grandmothers’ cooking is exactly what you need in order to come back stronger.” He said, kissing the top of your head.
You didn’t know what to say, nor how to thank him. Unable to say anything, you just let yourself crawl onto him, your head peacefully resting on his shoulder. His body wash -a mixture of sweet and spice- filled up your nostrils, as you hummed in peace. You would always be grateful for the day Pedri appeared in your life. The relationship you had built was one out of fairytales, a story of love and resilience, considering you had survived doing long distance in the early stages. You balanced out each other in more ways you could think of.
“I love you”, was the only thing you mustered up to say.
“Te quiero también, nena.” He said, leaving a kiss on your forehead.
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makethatelevenrings · 10 months
Angel By the Wing - Twenty Eight
chapter warnings: pregnancy, alcohol (it's a bar so)
Series Masterlist (Mobile Masterlist)
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Despite the fact that this had never been your plan, that you were pregnant and couldn’t even drink, and you were bone tired, the Hard Deck seemed to be your happy place. The dark wood stained with rings from years of cold beer bottles enveloped you the moment you walked in. The walls were lined with memorabilia and photos of patrons, both civilians and servicemembers. Penny bought this place from a couple who opened it back in the 80s. The classic old bar feel was attributed to the fact that it truly was a classic old bar. The jukebox had been replaced so it could still play, but the music was usually rock from the past few decades.
There was something about this place that made you feel alive. You loved it here.
“How are you feeling?” Chelsea asked once you slid behind the bar to help her with the day’s prep.
“I am fine. Baby is fine. The boys literally pouted this morning when they realized they weren’t going to be able to come with me to the doctor,” you recounted. The bar had just opened at four and only a few customers were here. They were the typical crowd who wanted the bar experience but didn’t want to be here when it was a raucous mess.
A few orders for burgers and some appetizers were being worked on in the kitchen, so that left you to help Chelsea fix up the bar and take inventory of what bottles you had for the night.
“Oh, how far along are you?” A soft voice interrupted your counting. You looked up to find a woman seated at the bar. She was older, around Penny’s age, with a soft, plump face and bright green eyes. You offered her a polite smile, figuring she had just stopped off the plane considering she had a suitcase leaning up against her.
“Almost ten weeks.”
Her nose wrinkled up and she let out a hiss between her teeth. “First trimester is the worst, in my opinion. The nausea is always brutal.”
“Oh, my morning sickness hasn’t been too bad. It’s the fatigue that gets me.”
She nodded. “It’s as if the more you sleep, the more tired you are.”
“So it’s not just me? Thank god, it feels like I’m being drained of all energy.”
She laughed and shook her head. “No, it’s common. So this is your first?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Your smile softened at the thought of the ultrasound photo pinned to the fridge in your apartment. You don’t know when it shifted from “Jake’s place” to your place. From Bradley’s inability to put his shoes away to Jake’s propensity to strip off his sweaty workout clothes the second he walked in the front door to your collection of random pens ending up strewn across any and all surfaces in the house. The townhome with its two bedrooms, one for the three of you packed in tightly in the king sized bed and one that was a guest room for now but the soft whispers in the morning about what color should you paint the walls for the nursery was changing things.
“You must be very excited,” she continued.
“And nervous. Can I get you anything to drink? Eat?”
“A Long Island ice tea would be fantastic.”
Quick and simple. You placed the drink in front of her on top of a napkin and smiled. “What brings you to San Diego?”
She took a sip from her drink and waved her hand in the air. “Oh, you don’t need to listen to my life story. I’m sure you have to do this all night.”
Maybe so, but she was a lot nicer and more sober than your usual customers who slurred through sobbing tales about cheating exes and shitty bosses. You shrugged and grabbed a clean rag to work on wiping down the counter.
“If I didn’t want to hear about people’s lives, I would become an accountant or something.” Your smile grew. “So if you don’t tell me, I’m just going to have to come up with ideas. You’re a billionaire boss lady in town for a huge investment meeting. You’re a CIA agent who is trying to get information out of me, but I gotta warn you that I don’t know anything of importance. Or maybe you’re a travel blogger on the hunt for the best beaches in the world.”
She chuckled and shook her head. “No, no. Nothing like that. I’m just here to visit family.”
“And your first stop was a bar? Jeez, is your family that bad?”
Her smile fell slightly and you paused in your cleaning. “No. My son is amazing. Both of my kids are the absolute fucking light of my life. But I don’t know if this will be a happy trip.”
“Why’s that?”
She considered you for a moment, her head tilting to the side in a way that reminded you of Jake in the morning when he woke up too early and couldn’t process any words you said. Her lips curved up into a soft smile and she sighed.
“I’m not drunk enough yet for that conversation. Tell me about you. How are you feeling about becoming a mom?”
The words spilled out of you before you could stop them. You were a mixture of fear and elation, but you were starting to truly believe in this little family you had created. Two men saw the flaws in you and pushed past them. Penny and Sarah were the mothers you had craved your whole life. Natasha, Sofia, and Amelia were your sisters that you always dreamed of having.
Your cheeks ached from the smile that clung to your lips and you brightened as the door opened. Waving in greeting, Natasha and Sofia made their entrance and then went to claim their usual table. Their presence meant that the rest of the Dagger Squad would be on their way. Thanks to Sofia working as a medical receptionist on base, the couple carpooled to work and back.
“Give me one sec,” you told your faithful listener and turned to grab a beer for Natasha and a mojito for Sofia. You were finishing off the garnish on the mojito when two arms wrapped around your middle. Lips peppered your cheeks and the rough, scratchy beard immediately clued you into who it was.
“Hey, you two are not supposed to be behind the bar!” you chided. Bradley ignored your protests and instead buried his face against your neck. You sighed and shuffled yourself around so you could see the infamous Jake Seresin smirk.
“What is wrong with him?” you deadpanned.
“Sorry for missing you, darlin’. How’s you and baby doing?” The stitches on your arm stung when you pulled your arm to the side, but everything else was perfectly fine. When you told them as such, the relief on their faces was instant.
“C’mere, Tex,” you hummed. He settled his hands on your waist and bent his head down to lay a kiss on Bradley’s curls and then to your lips. You stopped him before he could deepen the kiss and shook your head with a laugh.
“Grab some beers, take these over to the others, and shoo. Go. Let me do my job.”
“Can you blame us for wanting to be with our girls all the time?” Bradley teased but he untangled himself from you. You rolled your eyes but the smile never left your face.
Until Jake turned around and met the eyes of the woman you spent the better part of an hour chatting with. He stilled and nearly dropped the beer he was holding if you hadn’t reached out and grabbed it.
“Mom?” Jake blurted out.
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
Please, baby boy deserves all the kindness in the world
All My Heart
Summary: You welcome Tup home after a long deployment.
Pairing: Clone Trooper Tup x F!Reader
Word Count: 1052
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I hope this is soft and fluffy enough!
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You flutter from one side of your apartment to the other, straightening pillows that don’t need to be straightened, and adjusting flowers that don’t need to be adjusting. 
You’re not nervous or anxious.
That would imply that you haven’t been looking forward to this day since the day that Tup told you that he was being deployed. 
You do, however, want home to be perfect. You don’t want him to have to worry about anything.
Which means the house is spotless (it’s never been so clean in all your life), and dinner is cooking (a thick stew, using a recipe that Tup gave you when you started dating) and you’re dressed in a new dress that you hope he’ll like.
Now it’s just a waiting game. 
Honestly, you’d have gone to the port to wait for him, if he wanted you to. But Tup has been kind of funny about introducing you to his brothers. Not because he’s ashamed of you, but because he wants to keep you all to himself, at least for a little while.
Your head snaps to the side when you hear someone at the door, and excited delight washes through you as the door slides open and family footsteps, lighter than you’d expect from someone wearing 80 pounds of armor, enter the hallway.
You toss the pillow you’re messing with carelessly on the couch, and ignore it as it bounces to the floor, as you step into the hallway.
And there he is.
Your Tup.
He sets his helmet on the shelf you bought for him, and you note that he looks exhausted, and you instantly start changing plans. If your Tup needs a break then he’ll have you. You can draw a bath for him-
You adjust your weight, causing the floor to squeak, and Tup looks up from where he’s tugging off his armor. 
A broad smile crosses his handsome face, “Cyare,”
“Welcome home, Tup!” You step closer to him, but wait until he removes his chest piece, before you fling your arms around his neck. “Missed you.”
Tup buries his face in your neck and inhales deeply, “Missed you too.” His arms tighten around you. As though the idea of letting you go is too heartbreaking to consider. 
You pull back so you’re able to look at his face, one of your hands coming up to lightly cradle his cheek, “You look tired, love.”
“I am tired.” Tup confirms before he bumps his forehead against yours, and slides a hand over the soft material of your dress, “This is new.”
“Do you like it?”
He laughs softly, “Mesh’la, you could wear a trashbag and still be the most stunning woman on any planet.”
Your face heats, “You’re so sweet, Tup.”
“You deserve a lot more than just sweet.” Tup murmurs, ducking his head to catch your lips with his own. “Is that curry I smell?”
“Yeah. Your favorite.” You smile at him, “But you don’t have to push yourself, Tup. If you’re exhausted I can run a shower for you-”
His arms tighten around you, “You had plans?”
“Just to spend time with you. That’s all.” You press your hand against his chest, “Finish getting out of your armor, love, and get yourself comfortable. I need to go back into the kitchen.”
He kisses you one more time, and then slowly releases you. You squeeze his hands gently, and then turn back into the kitchen. You turn the heat down slightly, to give Tup some more time to decompress before he has to do anything more complicated than just exist, and then you step into the living room, and turn on some soft music.
You hear Tup in the bedroom, and you peek into the hallway to make sure his armor is stowed properly. Not that you expect him not to, but you like making sure that nothing will fall during the night.
There’s quiet noise behind you, and you turn a small grin crossing your face when you see Tup. He’s dressed down, clad in dark blue sleep pants and nothing else, while his hair is loose around his head.
He looks gorgeous.
“Well now, it looks like I’m overdressed,” You tease as you turn to face him fully. 
“You look amazing,” Tup replies, his gaze warm and soft, “I just don’t want to wear anything more.”
You cross the room to him and press a feather light kiss against his collar, “You don’t have to wear more if you don’t want to.”
“You’re the best.”
A bright grin crosses your face, “I do try.” You slide your arms around his waist and lean your head against his shoulder. He smells like him. Like gun oil and the fire retardant of his blacks and the cheap shampoo that the GAR gives them, and something so uniquely Tup that you would drown yourself in it if given half the chance.
His strong hands tightly grip your hips, and you pull back to look up at him, “Something wrong?”
“It occurs to me,” Tup murmurs, the exhaustion fading slightly as he walks you into the living room properly, “That we haven’t danced in months.”
“You’ve been deployed.” You reply with a fond smile.
“Well that’s no excuse,” There’s something like mischief on his face, as he starts swaying with you to the music playing from your radio. “I should dance with  you every night.”
Your hands slide from his waist to settle against his chest, “Oh? You intend to smuggle me onto the Resolute the next time you’re deployed? Hide me in your foot locker?”
His eyes sparkle with mischief, “Don’t tempt me.” His arm tightens around your waist, while his free hand comes up to caress your cheek, “I love you so much.” He whispers.
“I love you too.” You whisper back, “With everything that I am. With all of my heart.”
“You deserve more.”
“I don’t want more. I want you.”
Something akin to adoration crosses his face and he bumps his forehead against yours, “Someday, when this war is over, we’re going to move someplace better. Someplace greener.” Tup promises, “And then I’m going to marry you and give you a squad’s worth of kids.”
“That sounds like a plan to me.” You reply with a delighted smile. “I can’t wait.”
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
hi !! can i make a request for domestic fluff with our stevie boy. i’m craving it so bad rn, literally anything from like waking up in the morning with him after moving in together to doing household chores with him - i just NEED.
also just a quick like, thank you for putting your time into this blog, i love your writing so much i think you and upsidedownwithsteve are like my top two writers for steve on this app, i cannot get enough. i dabble in writing here and there but my adhd never lets me finish my wip’s but going through and reading both of your blogs always gets me in the writing mood and i’m pretty sure you guys are the reason i’ve improved too if im being honest. anyways sorry for rambling lolz, just wanted to thank you and praise you for your work bc it’s actually amazing and im love with it <333
wow!! you are so kind to say all of those nice things!!!! <3 u r wonderful. i loooooove this idea, too! thank you for your patience <3 i just wanted to get it right, so here is folding laundry w steve! | 1.2k, fluff fluff fluff, fem!reader
Chore days with Steve are maybe your favorite days. The small apartment you're renting takes quite a bit of elbow grease to keep clean, so you tend to split up the responsibilities and tackle it all at once. Today Steve is cleaning the floors and on kitchen duty while you're handling the bathroom, dusting, and the laundry.
You've hardly seen him -- most of the morning has been you yelling back and forth from different rooms when you sneeze and he says bless you, and singing along to the radio. Every time you pass each other in the hallway Steve pauses to kiss you quick and hard, delighted as if he had no idea you'd be there.
"What're you doing here looking so pretty?" he says. "Unbelievable." In short, your chore days are full of laughter and love. After the bathroom has been scrubbed and the kitchen has been wiped and there's no more dust and Stave has swept and mopped and you've helped him vacuum you find yourself on the floor of your small living room with the basket of fresh, unfolded laundry, just waiting for him.
Okay, this is actually your favorite part: folding the laundry together. Even when Steve does the wash when you're at work or you do it in the middle of the week you both save the folding until you're together. Even if it causes some wrinkles, but who cares -- you just love to sit on the floor and talk while you do it.
"Are you waiting for me?" Steve says, folding the chord of the vacuum and shoving it into the small hall closet.
"'Course I am. But no rush."
"I've been looking forward to this all day, baby. Nothing hotter than pairing up your socks." He grins at you as he fights with the door, giving it a shove that's a little harder than necessary in his need to be on the floor with you.
"Yeah, since you just end up stealing so many of them!" He winks at you and you laugh.
"Shit, I'm so hungry." He plops down on the other side of the basket, the pile of clothes between you as he reaches for a shirt of yours and starts folding. "Cleaning is hard work."
"You say that every time we have chore day, Steve." He smirks and starts to tell you about something Robin did at work this week. Obviously talking to him is great, but you love this routine because you get to just look at him for most of it. Steve looks divine, as always, tired but happy, glowing in the afternoon light of your home. Your chest is a mess of fondness and warmth, your happiness so strong you think it must be shining out of you like sunbeams. Your fingers brush every once in a while and your cheeks heat like it's the first time. Steve wiggles his eyebrows at you whenever he finds a pair of your underwear or a bra, but he folds them tenderly the way you like even as you roll your eyes at him.
It's just laundry, but it's peaceful, it's soft, and it's your life. You're folding clothes that belong to the boy you love in the home you have together. Sometimes it feels like a dream.
"I was serious about being hungry. What do you want for dinner?" Steve asks when you reach the bottom of the basket.
"Well, I don't want us to ruin the spotless kitchen you worked so hard on." You finish off the last pair of socks -- Steve's, with cats on them.
"We could go for a drive and get some burgers. And maybe milkshakes?" He stands and stretches, the soft skin of his stomach and the dark trail of hair exposed. You don't even pretend you aren't staring. He catches you and looks down at himself. "We should probably change first."
He's in mismatched socks and boxers and a t-shirt that's been shrunk and is a little too short for him. You love him so much.
"No, I like you like that."
"Oh, you do, do you? Like me with my belly button out? I see how it is."
"I mean, I look like I got dressed in the dark." Steve reaches down to pull you up, spreading your arms over the laundry basket to look at your outfit. You're in pj pants and a t-shirt that was clearly a gas station buy -- you think Robin bought it and Steve stole it -- and no socks at all. He's looking at you like you're magic.
"Don't even get me started on how you look," he says, his voice deep and gravelly, bright eyes trailing over you. You never feel more beautiful, more wanted, more loved, than when Steve is looking at you.
"Well, good thing we have all these clean clothes," you say, pulling your hands from his to grab a pair of jeans from one of the piles for him. "Put these on. They make your ass look good. Keep the shirt, though." He flushes, flicking his hair back as he takes the Levi's from you.
"My ass always looks good!" He's pouting and you want to kiss him. You just laugh, even though he's right. He snags a pair of jean shorts for you and hands them over before he pulls on his own pants. You shed your bottoms right there in the living room and tug on the clean ones. You can feel his eyes on you the entire time, a gaze you're used to and crave even though as makes you shiver.
"Eyes to yourself, Harrington," you say sternly. "I want a burger and you will not get in my way."
"You sure about that?" He steps around the empty basket and over the piles of folded clothes to slide his palms into your back pockets. "Standing there in a shirt that's probably mine --"
"I think it's Robin's actually, Steve," you interrupt.
"--and taking your pants off in front of me?" he continues over you. "It's like you're trying to seduce me. In my own home!"
"Well, is it working?"
"It's always working, baby." You slide your hands onto his exposed midriff and feel his warm skin, the edges of the scars he no longer hides. Steve leans in to kiss you and you're smiling so wide, unable to contain the happiness. It feels impossible that you're going to spend the rest of your life this happy.
"Food, Steve!" you say against his mouth. He pulls away, a thumb coming to brush against your lower lip.
"Yeah, yeah. There are like, a million dirty things I could say right now, you know?"
"I'm sure there are, baby," you say, patting his cheek. "C'mon." You extract yourself from his hold to put your shoes on, leaving the laundry to be put away for when you're back.
"Hey," Steve says, grabbing his keys and sliding into his sneakers. He just looks at you for a second, face soft and his lips quirked into a small smile. "I love you."
"Hey," you say. "I love you back."
tags: @cheerupbarry @srrybutno @97soroka @sunlitide @gloryofroses19 @carpediem1219 @themarvelousbee @sunshinehollandd @katsukis1wife @imherefortea @spideyboipete @lonelywidow @louderfortheback @actual-mom-steve-harrington @steveharringtonscarkeys @pennyllanne
want to be added to my tag list? send me a message and specify for steve, eddie, or both!
reblog, send feedback, requests open, masterlist here!
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tboybuck · 1 year
I am always always thinking about different scenarios where Eddie could have gotten mixed up in The Mess (tm), and I just think that season 2 would have been great for that tw: reference to kidnapping and child murder
Hawkins has always been a weird fuckin’ place, even before the Byers kid went missing last year. Eddie’s never really been able to put his finger on what it is, but he sees it on the periphery of everything Hawkins touches. It’s not something you can see if you look at it head on, like a migraine aura or one of those floaty things you get in your eyes sometimes.
A couple of days after Halloween, though, Eddie plummets headfirst into the weird that makes the town of Hawkins churn.
He’s skipping school, because O’Donnell has it out for him, swear to god, and he’s flying up a back road on the outskirts of town when the weird comes striding out of the woods to his right. 
It’s a fucking kid, and he’s driving too fucking fast to be able to stop in time but he slams hard on the brakes of his van anyway. The back fishtails and the brakes screech and the air smells like burning rubber, but he comes to a halt, and he didn’t feel the sickening thump-thump that he’s been bracing for. His heart is in his fucking throat, his head pounding, hands sweating, and he is trembling from head to toe.
Eddie launches himself out of the driver’s seat. The kid - the girl, middle school aged, curly hair that falls just to her ears, flannel and jeans - is standing there with her hand out toward the van. She’s posed like a comic book superhero, feet planted, shoulders back, and… her nose is bleeding. The van’s grille is dented like… Eddie can’t even bring himself to think about it. It’s like she stopped the fuckin’ thing with her mind ro some shit.
He definitely needs to cool it on the weed.
Eddie scrambles for something to say, but all he can come up with is a choked out, “Holy shit, kid.”
And that’s how he ends up with ‘Jane’ in the passenger seat of his van. That’s not her real name. Eddie’s not sure how he knows it but he knows it. She says she’s going to see her mother, and Eddie’s not good with silence so he tries to ask her questions, make conversation. She does what she can, but her grasp of language isn’t… great, and Eddie finds himself trying to fill in the blanks and coming up short.
He thinks she must be a runaway who's finally grown tired of not being home. She’s clean, though, and she looks fed, but she looks like she doesn’t sleep all that much, and Eddie wonders what it was about her home life that made her run in the first place. And the further and further they get outside of Hawkins, the more he wonders how she ended up in his little town anyway.
“Hey, kid, uh,” Eddie begins, unsure how to even say what he’s thinking. “You’re not, like, a kidnapping victim or anything, are you? You didn’t escape from, like…” At the word escape, Jane draws in an anxious breath. 
Eddie hears about it in the news sometimes, about kids that are snatched and murdered and the awful, awful things people do to them. He remembers Adam Walsh in eighty one.
“Kid, are you safe?”
“I am safe,” says the girl, but she doesn’t seem so sure.
When they pull up in front of the little house, the last name Ives painted in swooping curls on the mailbox, Eddie puts the van in park and shuts it off.
“I should probably, uh, talk to an adult,” he says. “This is very weird, Jane, and I just want to make sure, uh…”
He doesn’t know what he wants to make sure. Make sure he’s not dropping this kid off into a death trap? Make sure there’s an actual human person behind the door of this house, and that that person isn’t some weirdo who wants to hurt the kid he almost ran over with his van? If she’s just a runaway, though, pulling up at home alongside an eighteen year old boy with long hair that smells like weed will just get the cops called on him.
“No,” Jane says when Eddie unbuckles his seatbelt. “It is okay. You do not have to come with me. Thank you for the ride.”
It might be the most she’s said at one time, the whole way over here. The urgency in her voice just makes Eddie even more anxious to leave her. 
“I really, really should. There’s some sketchy people out there, okay? I just need to make sure this is someplace safe for you.”
Why the fuck does he even care? She’s just some weird kid that he almost hit with his van on the outskirts of his very weird town. He might as well just drop her here and go, get the hell out of dodge and away from whatever brand of weird he’s just stumbled his way into.
But if he sees this kid’s face on the news in two days, Eddie will never fucking forgive himself.
“Wait here, then,” Jane says. “And once I go inside, you can go. This is a safe place. My mother is inside. Please.”
“Fine. Fine. Go ahead, then.”
She goes. She’s walking slow up to the house, like she’s nervous too, and it makes Eddie all the more uneasy about letting her walk away.
She knocks (at her own house?) and then there’s a woman behind the door. There’s no recognition in the woman’s expression, and she closes the door in Jane’s face again. And just as Eddie is about to get out of the van and go up there, Jane puts her arm out toward the door, just like she’d done with his van, and the door swings inward.
What. The fuck. 
He must be hallucinating. Right? The woman who answered the door before must have just opened it back up again. Right? Because that’s not possible. Magic isn’t real. This is real life. …Right?
Eddie sits there, trying to make sense of what he’s just seen, but he convinces himself he must have just been seeing things wrong. It must have been someone inside the house opening the door for Jane.
And if that's not the case? If this kid has magic fucking powers, if she can stop Eddie's van and open up the front door of a house she is clearly not welcome in, why shouldn't he want to fucking hightail it in the other direction? He's no hero. This isn't a Hellfire campaign. Maybe Jane isn't the one that's in danger, here. Maybe Jane is the dangerous one.
Eddie goes, but after about five minutes his paranoia and worry for this little kid gets the better of him, and he turns around.
He’s just gonna drive past, just circle the block to see if everything looks okay. One more time won’t hurt. Maybe he got a fucked up bag of weed, making him more paranoid than usual, but Hawkins is a weird goddamn place, and this doesn’t seem like your usual run of the mill kind of weird. It feels a little dark, a little sinister. 
That girl had a bloody nose when Eddie got out of his van. The grille did not look like that this morning when he left the trailer. (Did it?) The way she talks, the body language, the way she really stood there and faced down Eddie’s van with her hand out like she knew she would be able to stop it. It’s weird. And if nothing else, now Eddie’s a little bit fucking curious, okay? 
So he circles the block where the Ives house sits, and as he drives past, the fucking lights in the front room are flickering.
So he sits. And he waits. And it’s dark outside by the time the front door swings open again and fucking Jane comes striding out clutching a wad of cash in her fist. What the fuck. She spots Eddie and glares at him, but then she wrenches open the passenger side door and gets in.
“Drive,” she says, and Eddie does. “We’re going to Chicago.”
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xflippinfrogx · 10 months
Hear me out hear me out
remus and james fic
lee remus
idk the prompt but maybe remus overworking himself idk take it however you’d like but there isn’t enough james and remus fics
Don’t be so hard on yourself~
A/N~ EEEEEE I am so happy you requested this I love this pairing more than life itself and there is not nearly enough content of them!!! Hope you like the fic and thank you for the ask!!< 33
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ LEE: Remus
LER: James. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
You know that burning feeling you get in your eyes sometimes from reading for too long? Normally you’d stop reading at that point right? Yeah that’s not how Remus Lupin works.
The OWL’s were coming up in a few weeks and he was determined to do his very best on every exam. Only problem was that he was so tired that he couldn’t make sense of what he was currently writing down. He didn’t think it was that big of a deal that he had worked all through the night. It was now 6:00pm and all his friends had gone down to dinner. He was running off coffee and leftover honey dukes sweets.
If he could just get through this last chapter and finish his notes he’d be fine. He just needs to concentrate.
Well there goes that plan.
James burst into the dorm looking for his friend and immediately became concerned at the state of him.
His hair was a mess, he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday and there were books and papers strewn all over his bed.
“Moony, aren’t you coming down for dinner? Everyone’s looking for you.” James asked softly. He could tell Remus was stressed and he wanted to make sure he remembered to eat.
“No no I’m busy, I need to finish this essay.” He replied, his words slightly slurring together.
“Remus, I hate to break it to you mate but that book you’re using is kind of… upside down.” James had to refrain from laughing as a sleepy Remus became really embarrassed.
“I uh I knew that, I needed it that way to do the.. the spell.” Remus was literally talking nonsense at this point but James is a pretty good translator. He does live with Sirius after all.
“C’mon, why don’t we leave the studying for a while? Take a break, get some food, maybe sleep?? It’ll do you good mate.” James said trying to stack some of the paper on Remus’ bed into a pile.
“No I need- put that down James! I need to work the exams are soon.” He was trying to stop James’ attempt of cleaning, which is hard when your hands don’t want to cooperate with your brain.
The tussled for a moment with James trying to clear away the papers and Remus being petty by knocking over his pile.
“Right that’s it, if you aren’t going to take a break willingly then we’re just gonna have to do this the hard way.” James said, a mischievous glint in his eye as he grabbed Remus’ hands pinning them to the bed.
If he hadn’t been so tired he probably would’ve fought it, but at this point Remus was so done that he let himself lay there exposed. he totally knew what was going to happen and he was really looking forward too it
“James c’mon just let me study it’s not gonna kill me-” he was cut off by James beginning his attack.
He was right, studying wasn’t going to kill him.. James and his fingers were.
He ran his skilled fingers nimbly over the already giggling boys ribs.
“Prohohongs cuhut it ouhut!” Remus threw his head back laughing but that was a mistake as it left his neck completely open for attack.
James took his chance and blew a massive raspberry just below his ear and Remus completely lost control of himself.
He thrashed from side to side, laughter frantic and bubbly. Streams of half hearted pleading poured from his mouth as James continued exploring each spot illiciting even more noises from his friend.
His goal was simple, make Moony laugh so hard he tires himself out and FINALLY falls asleep.
Spoiler, it works.
“Okahahay okaayy, I gihive!! EEK JAHAHAMES I SAHAHAID I GIHIHIVE!!!” He squealed as James blew a final raspberry into the crook of his neck.
He let up, leaving Remus a sleepy giggly mess. James magicked him a glass of water and encouraged that he drink some.
They lay side by side for a few moments in comfortable silence until Remus calmed his giggling down.
“Thanks Prongs.. I really needed that.” A blush spread across his cheeks as he spoke softly.
“I’m always happy to help Moony, just promise me something ok?” He sat up looking down at Remus. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re really smart, the exams will be a breeze!!” Remus smiled. James was right it was going to be fine, he seriously needed to stop being so obsessed about his school work. There’s more important things in life.. Like SLEEP!!
They both stayed there talking for a little while until Remus fell asleep. James covered him with a blanket and began clearing away his books seeing as there was no one to stop him now.
It wasn’t long before Sirius and Peter returned to the dorm confused as to why both of them had now missed dinner. James told them with great pride that he had finally gotten Remus to relax and the three gryffindors spent the evening in the common room giving their friend his space to recharge in peace.
Remus was never more glad to find sleep in his life and he was definitely never staying awake that long again.
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rosietaeyongswife · 2 years
always tought i was hard to love till you made it seem so easy |yuta nakamoto
GENRE: angst, fluff WC: 3416 SUMMARY: you and yuta had to go back together. feeling of lovesick is too much.
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  month has passed without yuta by your side, and it was one of the hardest times of your life so far. living without yuta was so complicated, and you felt like other part of you was taken away by leaving yuta. by the time you felt only worse, and thinking that pain will go away with time was dumb in your opinion. few days were bad but not the worst, but day after first few were worse day by day. realization hit you when you didn’t have any notifications or no one was checkin up on you. boys tried to contact you but you texted them saying that you can not be in touch with them for a while. they understood, of course they did. jaehyun told them everything, and it felt like punch straight to their heart knowing what had happened. his friend lost his girlfriend, and they lost their close friend almost like sister to them. 
  yuta also didn’t feel well nor he wanted to see his best friends. he couldn’t describe feeling he had even since you two broke up. it felt like history was repeating again, but this time he felt like worst person out here. he knew it was his fault this time and this time was harsher. sakura cheated on him, and took best part of him away and now he did quite the same. he couldn’t just understand why he felt so drained.
  last meal he ate was like two days ago.
  last time he drank something was day ago.
  last time he talked with someone was a week ago.
  he showered three days ago.
  life felt empty without you by his side. little sunshine who made his days better. someone who understood or tried to understand him. yuta wasn’t aware how much he needed you by his side or how much he cared for you. 
“are you going to spend your whole life like this?” haechan asked his hyung, when he stormed into his house. “i am not going to tolerate my friend acting like dumbass.”
“why are you here?” yuta’s voice sounds so tired it made haechan worried even more. “i didn’t invite you and taeyong.”
“we don’t need invitation for such a occasions. your whole place is a mess, and you stinks and look like hell. oh my god. ew. “haechan had to look at the the other side. “go take a shower or something. stink.”
“really, i can’t believe he let himself make mess out of his place. i can’t understnd him for shit. he didn’t care for y/n, and now he acts like heartbroken asshole.” taeyong hissed. “oh really, it’s stinks so much here i can’t even think straight.”
“i know right. he just didn’t take care of this place while he is the person who takes care of it so much.” haechan went for some paper to clean. “i think he really is affected by break up.”
“i am surprised he is.” taeyong was wiping the floor. “i tought he doesn’t like her like that. i mean, he really stood her up so many times, and now this. impossible.”
“i wish i knew what was going through his head.”
“yeah me too.”
  yuta was busy to care for their words. he showered finaly, and again didn’t know what to do with himself. he wished you were there making some dumb ass, not funny jokes and making him laugh because of your reactions. it was really getting on him - tought of loving you. what if his heart wasn’t empty, but he made himself believe it is? what if he really loved you?
  jaehyun was with doyoung talking about their jobs, and suddenly they spotted you buying some cheap ass books. they tried to hide, and watch you from afar. it’s seems like you didn’t care much about your appearance since you have comfy clothes on you, being without makeup and hair were up in ponytail. doyoung just could shake his head.
“she is a mess.”
“i see.” jaehyun nodded. “only if yuta wasn’t so selfish.”
“i think yuta love her.”
  jaehyun almost choked on his saliva.
“he is living mess right now. right after break up. i think he convinced himself he doesn’t love y/n to not be hurt again. but in the end he fell for her.”
“do you think so?” jaehyun asked with hopes. “i mean, they are made for each other. that’s sure. i guess they are soulmates or something. they are each other’s halfs, but it doesn’t change a thing. the way he treated her is awful.”
“i just point out fact. yuta must have feel horrible. he didn’t contact us at all for a week straight. it’s weird of him. it must be break up that affects him so much.”
  as you were looking at books you just bought, someone approach you. it was a girl with a child in a stroller. she was little bit older than you, and was looking very clean. what made it weird, was the fact she was looking directly at you. 
“excuse me?” she spoke. “y/n?”
“what?” you turned to look at her. “who are you?”
“i am sakura.”
  your heart skipped a beat when you get to know her name. words from boys came to your mind, and suddenly you felt dizzy.
“it’s you.” she nodded. “what do you want?”
“let’s just go grab a coffe, and take a sit. i think it’s going to be kinda long conversation.”
  as she said, both of you were sitting in small restaurant in a mall. her child was sleeping in the stroller, and this kid looked so peacful it made you feel calm. she is a mother. she must be a good person or at least be responsible.
“so, may i know why are we here?”
“i am not sure if yuta had even menitoned me.” she looked at you with small smile. “i bet he didn’t.”
“no, he had never menioned any sakura. only his friends.”
“they must tell you i am crazy.” she giggled, and you nodded nervous. “i expected that to be honest. i mean, i am not surpirsed either. i am sakura. min sakura. i am ex girlfriend of yuta.” your eyes widened. “i know why yuta had never told you about me, and i respect that. it’s obious after all the things that happened. i think i need to talk with you to make things clear, and have peace at mind.”
“i have never known yuta had a girlfriend. we were talking a lot but he never told me about you or your child.” you looked at the child again. “is it his?”
  sakura just laughed loudly, and excuses herself.
“no, of course no! i am married right now. it’s my husband’s kid. yuta wouldn’t like to child so fast like me right now.” she smiled. “i just wanted to meet you because i feel like i own this to yuta or something. he hates me from the bottom of his heart, but i still see him as a friend. as  a person i should check on or take care at least. i have done so many mistakes while being in relationship with him, and i regret all of it. even tho a year or more passed, i still have toughts that are keeping me up at night.”
‘wait, wait. i am a little bit lost. when both of you have dated?”
“year and half ago. for a four years we have been in relationship. i think i should tell you this since yuta is very complicated person, and both of you may had some issues with comunication, and-”
“we broke up. i am no longer his girlfriend.”
  she looked at you with surprised face.
“what do you mean?” she asked with curiosity. “don’t you mind to tell me? i think i may help.”
“yuta is very closed person inside. i have never known what was going on through his mind. he is walking question mark. he has never spoke about this feeling or worries which made me sad, because i wanted to try and help him but he never let me.” you looked at your hands while remembering all the tmes with him. “also, he just didn’t care. it felt like i am in relationship with his friends instead. he stood me up a lot of times. he just wasn’t there when i needed him, but i was always next to him while he needed support. i was with him. i tried to do best of me, but apperantly..” few tears appeared in your eyes. “he didn’t love me. he wasn’t sure.of us, and needed space.”
  sakura looked at you with real sincerity, and worried expression.
“yuta. it’s not like him.”
“yup, it was yuta. i guess we just weren’t meant to be. he was cold to me, and i guess he was your amazing boyfried.”
“oh y/n.” she tried to smile. “you see i have done so much damage to him i should be burning in hell. yuta was always like this. he had trust issues his whole life as guys told me about him, and his past. he is mysterious person, because had never anyone to vent to. yuta had been alone most of the time when he first came to south korea. you see, his parents are stuck in tokyo and had never made any attempts to come to see his son in korea. he had never told me but it was obvious he missed them, and wanted them to be with him.”
“that’s why he doesn’t speak about his parents.” you admited, and she nodded.
“yeah. it took him awhile to be finaly able to leave here comfortably. ever since i got to know him, he had troubles with showing his emotions, and he had never open up to anyone but to his friends. they are like his brothes. then we started dating, and after a yearr he told me he love me. it took him a whole ass year to say it.”
“you seem like really colected person, and i don’t uderstand why both of you broken up. you seem like his ideal type.”
“oh y/n. i am monster for what i have done. and please listen to me untl the end.” she sighed. “i was cheating on him.” you choked on your saliva. “after two years together i had an affair. for four years of dating, i was seeying another guy. this guy is yoongi, and he is my husband and faher of my son. you see, yuta gave me everything and i appreciated that. he was person i was the closest to but i don’t think this bond was romantic from my side.” she was busy thinking. “i saw him as a friend. best friend. and i realized that after few months of dates with yoongi. i felt so shameful, and disgusted. i am still. me having family now doesn’t erase my past.”
“wow, i have never imagined he was getting cheated on, and you also doesn’t look like a girl who would do it.”
“of course. i know right. i know what i have done was selfish, and bad. but you know now about it, so you might know why there was lack of comunication. i just got his trust, and destroyed it. and i know few things from few people about it, and let me tell you.” she smiled. “i am sure he loves you. he tries to act like he doesn’t but he does. believe me.”
“so you’re telling me he was affected by you and that’s why our relationship looked like that.”
“yes. he didn’t tell you a lot of things, and he still don’t know about trust in you. i guess both of you have to talk.”
“do you really think he loves me? i mean i heard what he said-”
“yuta is person who loves truly. he might not show it, but he does. i am sure. both of you should talk. i know from jungwoo’s sister that yuta is living mess since both of you broken up. he is going through heartbreak. and i guess he noticed he loved you all the way from the beginning.”
“oh my god thank you sakura.” you stood up. “i need to talk with him. thing you have done was really bad, and me as yuta wouldn’t be pleased with you being around but you try to make it up, and it’s awesome. i appreciate that. thank you for advice, and story of his past. thank you!” she smiled, and you were about to leave. “ah and. i hope you, and your husband will have calm lifes with your son. he lookes adorable, and i am sure both of you are happy parents with your kid. thank you once again.”
  conversation with sakura gave you a little bit of hope that you, and yuta should just talk with each other.
  yuta just ended his shower, and came back to living room to see clear place. they literally cleaned his place and make something to eat. taeyong was showing something on his phone to haechan when yuta took sit next to them on the coach.
“you look instantly better than before.” taeyong praised him. “doesn’t it look good? clean space for you.”
“ah yes. thank you guys.” yuta smiled softly. “you didn’t have to do it at all since it’s my place and i am the one responsible for it.”
“you good dude.” haechan laughed. “but since we were kind enough to clean your area, can we talk about last events?”
  yuta was stressed because of this topic even tho he knew this day will come sooner or later. his friends were also your friends and both of you have broken up which gave them right to ask questions. they wanted their best for yuta. 
“what do you want to know?” he asked with head down. “i guess jaehyun told you everything.”
“i want to know why you act like you don’t love her. why you convinced yourself to act like heartless boyfriend.”
  taeyong was quick to ask his question since it was trapping him for a longest time ever. everyone tought yuta just simply doesn’t have feelings for you but at the end of the day it’s him who goes through it the most. even you had better well being than he.
“because i -” he had to find words. “i don’t know. i don’t have feelings for her, and i will never have, she was justy person in my life and-” he stopped, because it’s seems like he was just trying to convince himself with his own words. “we just didn’t work out. we are done.”
“you yourself doesn’t believe in your own words yuta.” haechan said annoyed. “i think you should for once be honest with us and yourself.”
“how the fuck? i don’t know. i just.” yuta was lost in his words. “i am just scared of this feelings, and love or whatever. i didn’t want to get hurt again so i tought ignoring her would be the best for us, me.” taeyong just sighed. “i know it sounds so fucked but i am honest. i was sure i don’t like her in that way, and now i am stuck in here. feels like i am lovesick.”
“you are lovesick, and you’re the dumbest person i have ever met nakamoto yuta.” taeyong could only stare at him blankly. “be honest. do you miss her?”
“of course. it feels like part of me was taken away. i still check if she text me or something.”
“would you like to talk with her? spend time with her?”
“my wish. i’d like to talk.”
“do you love her?”
 doors of his flat was open, and you just run to his living room. out of breath, tired and excited. yuta could look at you, and his friends smiled warmly when they saw you.
“yuta. stop.” you said. “we should talk a little bit.”
“i think you’re right y/n.”
  haechan and taeyong got up, and left.
“sit please.” yuta said so you did. “i also wanted to talk with you about our break up and mess i’ve caused.”
“i met sakura.”
  yuta tought he heard wrong. so many toughts gathered in his head, and it felt like dream. it was impossible how could you do it.
“what the fuck?” he said angrily. “how did she find you? what this bitch wanted from you? tell me and i will handle things well. did she blackmail you or was rude, you can tell me so i-”
“she wasn’t. she was actually very nice, and put together. she gave me few advices about us, and tell me things you have never tried-”
“my past is just very complicated to me, and i didn’t feel like you have to know.”
“but i wanted to know. i wanted to be by your side and support you with everyhting. that’s what i hate about you. gosh. why couldn’t you talk with me? i trusted you and i told you everything while you were holding it in yourself. i was ready for anything. i wish you could told me about your parents or sakura.”
“these topics brings only pain to me, and i didn’t want you to see me as sensitive asshole or something.”
“i would never see you like this. i really put my all into our relationship when you gave least of you. i wish you could see me as real girlfriend. you have no idea what you put me trough thinking you’d protect me.” yuta couldn’t hold eye contact because of this words. “i know sakura really fucked up, and cheating is the worst thing in a relationship but i was there for you. i had hoped you see me as a lover. i know i was wrong, and you don’t or never will see me as one which is fine. i am not even your type considering sakura, and type of girls you must like.” you laughed. “gosh, it’s seems like i don’t know you at all.”
  yuta could feel like his heart was breaking in half. he had no idea it’s what you felt whole time.
“what the fuck? i saw you as lover, and i still do, i swear. no one is better than you, and you are my type. of course you are. and god, the things you know about me not other know. even guys doesn’t know what you do or sakura. you’re the one who was the closest to me. i fucked up. i really did, because i was scared i fell for you hard but i guess it was destiny.” he giggled. “life without you simply sucks. my body aches for you, and i miss you. i want to have you in my arms, and treat you good. i want to kiss you, and talk about some nonsens. please y/n.”
“i am not sure of what you’re talking. past few months you weren’t the nicest, and-”
“it was my mistake. i didn’t appreciate the woman i have besides me. please come back. i will never do such a things. i will be the most amazing boyfriend you could ever have. i do everything to make you the happiest. just come back.” he said almost crying. “my bedroom feels empty withouth you, and space here is too much just for me.”
  yuta’s hands was now on your face.
“i don’t know. you were really upsetting me majority of time, and-”
  you didn’t get to end what you were about to say since yuta kissed you hard. suddenly you forget about all the surrending, and only thing that matters was yuta kissing you. all the emotions went through this kiss, and it was the best feeling ever. as if someone brought your other half to you. part of you were found in this kiss.
“please. i can’t go on this long without you.” yuta was holding your face. “i love you. i love you y/n, and i wish to spend rest of my life next to you.”
“i think i love you too.”
  you couldn’t look at yuta, but he touched your chin to look at him.
“don’t be shy. we will work things out. we are good, right?” you nodded. “god how much i missed you. i feel full finally.”
“me too. like part of me is back.”
“exactly. i am so thanful to you.”
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shittyrpmusing · 1 year
Feel free to change as needed!
"What am I to do with all this beauty?"
"I'm chemical, that's all."
"Come touch me, too."
"I'm in my prime."
"Capture me, or at least take my picture."
"If I am not yours, what am I?"
"What do I need?"
"There is a light that I can see, but only, it seems, when there's darkness in me."
"There is a light, I feel it in me."
"There is a dream, and it sleeps in me."
"Set me free."
"Honey, what'd you take?"
"I think my brain is rotting in places."
"I think my heart is ready to die."
"I think my body is falling in pieces.
"Honey, look at me."
"Tell me what you took."
"I think my fate is losing its patience."
"I think my life is losing momentum."
"I think my ways are wearing me down."
"If I gave up on being pretty, I wouldn't know how to be alive."
"I should move to a brand new city and teach myself how to die."
"You like control, well, I do too."
"You can come closer."
"I'll let you hurt me how you choose."
"How long can we play this way?"
"I'm tired of not loving you."
"My heart wants to hold you."
"I know the rules."
"I'll sell my heart to you."
"What's my price?"
"I'm all used up, pretty boy."
"See my hands, pretty boy, what do they tell you?"
"Would you please spare me tonight?"
"I'm tired of this searching."
"Would you let me let go?"
"I know my room is a mess."
"I tell myself I'll clean tomorrow."
"Do what you came here to do."
"I hope you leave right before the sun comes up."
"Let's shake the poet out of this beast."
"How could I have lost it?"
"A hopeless, a violence, I named it love."
"The light of the world is fading."
"Your body's lost all feeling."
"Don't fear them or their hunger."
"If you didn't want the beautiful so badly, perhaps you would've found it in your spirit singing softly."
"You were human, don't forget it."
"I'll live without you, though the struggle will be daily."
"Real men don't need other people."
"Real men don't flinch or bleed in public."
"Oh, I think I'm a real man."
"Well done girl, you're looking good."
"Real men keep cool in the face of a fire."
"Go down with the ship."
"Real men don't eat, 'cause they're above that, damn it."
"Give me your love for being so good."
"Praise me, make me feel lovely."
"Say you want me."
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alicethemasked · 1 year
Alice’s adventures on Cheshire Farm. Entry 1 (Minors do not interact)
Spring 1st year 1
I decided to make a weekly journal for my new adventure, but as I write into it I am about to pass out.
My name is Alice and I just moved into Cheshire farm, which once belonged to my grandfather who sadly passed away a few years ago… now I’m a city girl trough and trough but I was so tired of life there, stuck under the heavy restraints of capitalism, working day and night slaving away, I needed to escape and I remembered that my grandfather left me this place
Now I am rambling, in text form at that, I guess today really took it out of me. Anyway, today I can be proud of myself, I managed to chop down some trees and clean up an area of this 
overgrown mess this farm has become, maybe I should’ve come here earlier? And managed to plant a little. The Mayor, Lewis, gave me some parsnip seeds which was such a nice welcome gift. This community seems to be really nice from what I’ve seen… well mostly
Now after I almost broke my back cleaning up around the farm I went into Pelican Town, the town that is just right of the farm, I mean Lewis needs to be the mayor of somewhere after all. And the people I’ve met so far are… mostly… fine. 
I met a boy around my age named Sam, who seems like a nice dude to befriend. I also met 
what i can only describe as the most stereotypical Jock I’ve ever seen, I believe he leered at me as I approached, but I might just be judging him too hard. I decided to enter the local store owned by some dude named Pierre, which… he is the only normal looking person in his family, his wife who’s name I didn’t get and his daughter Abigail have funky coloured hair, the Wife’s hair is green and Abigails is purple, though I think I saw some roots in her hair honestly I didn’t know they lived together I wouldn’t guess they were family. 
After buying some extra seeds, all parsnips for the sake of ease, I ran into a man my age who looked at me with recognition. now note I had never seen this dude in my life so I was uncomfortable. His name is Harvey and he talked about how we were lovers in a past life and all that stuff and… I guess every town has its weirdos. This is hopefully just a passing fancy, I mean he might’ve just dreamt about a blue haired woman or something, but I will be avoiding him for a while.
This entry is getting way too long, wow, but yea, I planted some of the seeds and watered them to the point I had to crawl back home and write this, now I feel the sleep take over me so, see you next week.
- Alice, city girl turned farmer
(so this is my first post of a playthrough with all of the yandere mods available, I as I finish a week in game I will be posting a new entry in the journal of our heroine [or victim] Alice I hope all of you will be happy with this adventure :) )
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
i may have lost uno and been teamed up against five times at three oclock this morining, but i am one happy girl. i’m so inlove with two brunette, light eyes, atleast 6 inches taller, funny sweet boys. and they’re both a massive part of my life. AND ONE OF THEM IS CHARLES MF LECLERC.
race started, sam bullying me (redbull fan and im ferrari gal). felt sick to my stomach. last ten laps. felt sick to my stomach. when he came second - crying. actually jumping up and down crying. the donuts with max - sobbing my heart out on the floor lay like a starfish being laughed at. seb’s dotd and speech - do no get me started.
charles fucking killed it and he deserves all the head pats and snuggles in the world. that’s all he wants tonight. he knows he didn’t win. but who the fuck cares. he won his own battle and did it fair and square. not to mention he did it looking amazing too. so yeah - tonight is a soft, tired night. just lay together watching some sappy film you both love. him lay with his back to your chest just happily talking away. buzzing whilst eating the room service you ordered. and just to tire him out one last time before bed - a lazy, sloppy, cute handjob where he just keeps moaning at the praise being whispered in his ears. then falling asleep just wrapped around eachother.
(side note, he’d have your name on his helmet also)
You’re so right about this!!!! I also love your description of your race experience, you’re so valid for that. But yes yes anyway let’s talk about Charles!!
The team things charles wants to go out and celebrate and while he is excited, he’s mostly just relieved? The season really took its tole and then some on him and he hasn’t been able to actually relax in so long, hasn’t been able to have a movie night without stressing or be your giggly little boy or make you lunch or cuddle with you for hours.
He’s just… he’s missed all the calm moments between the two of you. Sure he’s had some of them, but they’ve always been you trying to calm Charles down and look after. He just wants an evening where you can both chill together. That’s what he wants for his celebration (and okay yeah a bottle of champagne can be split between you two).
He does, however, pay for the entire team to go out? He wants everyone who wants to go out and have a good time to do it free of charge because they’ve all more than earned it.
But as for himself… it’s straight back to the hotel.
You and him order far too much room service, none of which is on his diet but that’s fine because the season is finally over.
Originally Charles wanted to do a movie night, but then he was cuddled in bed with you, sharing the food you ordered and suddenly all he wanted was just to chat? He can’t remember the last time he was relaxed enough to talk shit with you for hours and it’s exactly what he wants.
The only topic not talked about is F1. There is zero motorsport talk whatsoever.
And to be honest half of what’s discussed is nonsense (because no Charles, penguins are not birds of pray), but it’s just the nicest thing. And of course he’s always cuddled close to you, giggling whenever you slip your hand under his soft shirt to tickle or pinch him.
He gets a little hard towards the ends of the night, a result of being so relaxed and so close to you. You’re more than happy to slip your hand into his boxers and give him a slow hand job until he makes a mess in his boxers.
He’s so sweet the entire time, letting out little gasps and whines as he slowly rocks his hips into your hand. You praise him too of course, which only makes it more intense.
And then you remove his boxers, using the fabric to clean off any cum that’s on him and then throw them off the bed to be dealt with in the morning because Charles is now ready to sleep.
He sleeps against your chest of course, and when he wakes he can’t wait to get out of there and on holiday.
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mariesocuniverse · 2 years
Mae comes home
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A/N: Hello I’m back! This is a little thing of Mae “returning from hiatus”, which is basically just of post of me coming back to my acc. 
Mae was buzzing with nerves as the car got closer to the NCT dorms.
She had taken a minor hiatus because of burnout and had been staying at her parents’ place for a bit. It was a nice break from idol life, not having to deal with pressure of performance and the public’s eye, but she still missed her members.
Sure, she still facetimed them and met up occasionally, but Mae didn’t feel like there was enough time. It wasn’t the same as living with them and hanging out with them.
So, she made a decision to go back to the dorms a week earlier than she planned. 
“You nervous?” Her manager asked, snapping her out of her daydream.
“A little bit?”
Mae didn’t know why. Maybe it’s because she hadn’t been in the dorm for so long or it was the surprise aspect of it. None of the boys knew she was coming back early so she didn’t know how they’d react.
“You’ll be fine,” Her manager said chuckling, “They miss you a lot too.”
Mae knew that, but her brain thought otherwise. Before she could dwell more into her worries, she had arrived at the dorm.
Her original plan was to arrive at the dorm while the others were at practice, with time to put her stuff back into her closet. 
When she entered the dorm room, she let out a breath of relief. Nothing seemed to have changed much, despite a little mess in the living room.
“They really can’t do much without me, can they?” Mae thought amused. Sometimes Mae wondered if the boys were still the kids she met when she first entered SM. After she put her stuff in her room, she immediately starting fixing things around.
Right as she put the cups back in cupboard, Mae heard the click of the door open. She quickly ducked behind the kitchen counter, hoping she’ll be able to surprise the others.
“Did auntie come over already?” She could hear Chenle ask.
“She’s probably tired of cleaning after your mess.” Jisung replied, footsteps heading towards the kitchen.
“Yah! I’m not the only one who-”
Mae popped out in front of Jisung when he got close enough, effectingly scaring the poor boy. She giggled when she saw the boy hold his heart in surprise.
“I’m not that scary, am I Jisung?” Mae said, watching the boy’s eyes widen at the sight of her.
“Mae hyung?!?!?”
Mae heard a stampede of footsteps before the entirety of NCT Dream appeared in front of her, with varying looks of shock on their faces. 
“I’m back everyone!” Mae said with a smile.
Almost immediately, she was tackled into a hug, nearly losing her footing as several bodies crashed into her. Their voices overlapped, but the message was still the same.
She was home.
A/N: Wow it was hard to adjust back into doing this. It might take a while to adjust to things but hopefully I’ll be able to write a lot! I might not start with full on one shots and work my way up to that so please be patient with me!
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astrajinn · 10 months
The Angel and The Slave
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"How?" she shook her head and replied. "I'm just a kid."
"But I heard intergalactic pilots talk about them. They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe and they live on the moon of Iego, I believe."
"You're very sweet. Have you been to that planet?"
"No, but I listen to the pilots and traders who pass through here. I'm a pilot too, and someday I'll fly away from this planet."
"If you ever manage to, you can come visit me. There's a planet I want to go to," he watched her as she cleaned a piece.
"You'll see, I will."
"How long have you been a pilot?" she asked, trying to sit beside him, but not being able to; she had already decided not to use her abilities, which made it difficult for her to climb onto the counter.
"My whole life," he stepped down and helped her up by holding her waist.
"How long have you been here?"
"I don't remember exactly, I was very little, I was 3, I think," he climbed back up and sat down beside her. "My mom and I belonged to Gardulla the Hutt, but we were lost in a podrace bet."
"Are you a slave?" she asked, puzzled.
"I am a person, and my name is Anakin," he scolded, annoyed.
"I'm sorry, it's just that this planet is very strange to me. Where I come from, everything is very different."
Everything was quiet until a clatter was heard, and from a corner, a small droid emerged, followed by Jar Jar, whose antics made Padme laugh when he grabbed the droid by its "neck."
"Hey, press its nose," I informed obviously.
"Would you help me find a tool? I need it to fix my speeder."
"Of course," I said and helped him down. "Follow me, I wouldn't have lasted this long here if I weren't good at building things."
"We're leaving," he announced, walking towards the door. "Jar Jar, leave that."
"I still haven't found my tool."
"We'll look somewhere else, bring your speeder."
"As you wish," he muttered and took his speeder, holding it under his arm. "I'm very glad to have met you, Anakin."
"It was my pleasure too."
Before leaving, Astra waved her hand and the things Jar Jar had knocked over returned to their places. They went to look with other traders, but no one had what they needed, so they walked to an alley and Qui-Gon took out his communication device to call Obi-Wan.
"Are you sure there's nothing left aboard?"
"Just some supply crates and the queen's wardrobe, but it's not enough for a trade, not for the amount she's talking about."
"Have you been able to contact Paraddle?"
"What good would that do?" he asked, puzzled.
"Adora would help us, but she would send transmissions, it's still very dangerous," he complained.
"What if we sell Astra?"
"No jokes. We'll try to find a solution, we'll call you later."
"Don't do it, don't do it, the inhabitants here are crazy, they'll rob us and crash."
"I doubt it, I have nothing of value, that's the problem," he left, and Astra stood by his side.
"Daddy, if we don't find a way to pay. Will we stay here forever?"
"You'll see, we'll find a way, don't worry. We'll get out of here."
They were a little ahead when he heard Jar Jar screaming and a creature, which Astra couldn't identify, was choking him with its legs. It probably would have killed him if Anakin hadn't arrived and helped.
"Hello," he greeted.
"Hello," Qui-Gon replied.
"Your friend almost turned into Gungan pulp, provoked a very dangerous Dug named Sebulba," he helped him up.
"Meesa no like hits, that's the last thing meesa want."
"The boy's right," Astra pointed out, tired. "Sebulba almost killed you. Thanks, young friend."
"But, but I didn't do anything."
"That's the problem, you never do anything," the girl scolded. "You're a walking disaster. Cause another mess, and I'll solve the trade problem by selling you as a slave."
"You know we don't do those things."
"Supposedly we own him."
They kept walking to the outskirts of the village with Anakin following them and commenting on things about the place. They arrived at the stall of a sweet old woman selling some kind of fruits.
"You'll like these sticks," she handed one to Qui-Gon and looked for a larger one to give to Astra. "This one's for you, take it."
"Thank you," she said and they stored them, Qui-Gon in his belt and hers in her pocket.
"My bones hurt a lot, it must be a storm, Ani, you should go home."
"Do you have shelter?"
"We'll go back to the ship," he answered simply.
"And where is it?" he tried to follow them.
"Far from here."
"Like 30 or 40 minutes away," he added.
"You won't make it in time, sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come, I'll take you to my house."
Anakin guided them to his house, and just as he said, the storm caught up with them halfway. So, they could advance by covering their faces with their arms to avoid as much sand in their eyes as possible until they reached the house.
"Mom," he calls her. "Mom, I'm back, these are my friends, Mom."
"I'm Qui-Gon Jinn," he introduces, "this is Padme, Jar Jar, Astra, and R2-D2," but since Anakin was busy talking, he didn't hear.
"I'm building a droid. Do you want to see it?"
"Of course," she follows him out.
"Her son was very kind to offer us shelter in their house."
"Come, I'll show you C-3PO," she led her past her mother, with R2 following them.
"Isn't it great? It's not finished yet."
"Did you make it? It's impressive," she comments excitedly, examining some parts.
"Do you really like it?" he earns a nod. "It's a droid that will help Mom. Look," he presses a button and it turns on.
"Ah, where is everyone?" she asks, getting up, unable to see due to lack of an eye.
"Oops," he places it back.
"Hello, I'm C-3PO, human-cyber relations. How may I serve you?"
"Perfect function."
"When the storm passes, I'll show you something. I built a racing ship," the droid walks to the entrance, where it meets R2.
"If you keep showing me things like this, I'll steal you to repair ships in Coruscant."
"Excuse me, but what do you mean by 'naked'?" it emitted a beep that caused laughter from Astra.
"That my circuits are showing, how embarrassing."
"What do you do for fun?" he asks her.
"Usually, I play with my speeder, but I need a tool to fix it."
"In that case, I'll help you. You didn't tell me, what's your name?"
"Most people call me Astra, you can call me that too."
"Did your father give you that name?" he asks interestedly.
"He's not my father, but I wish he were."
"Who is he then?" he looks at him questioningly. "Your father or your mother."
"He's not my father, I don't have one. He and Adora say I was born out of nowhere. He says the Force made me be born, and she says the gods gave her a gift. I don't know who to believe."
"Did you also feel it?"
"What thing?"
"When we met," he takes her hand and measures it against his own.
"Yes, I felt it. It was warm and calm," she traces her palm, murmuring. "It imprinted me at dawn on the hills of Paraddle, like the most beautiful place in the galaxy."
"It reminded me of the races," this time, he plays with her hand. "When the sun is high, and the wind blows strong, when I feel free."
—Astra, why are you so quiet?" she entered and saw them holding hands.
—Padme, Qui-Gon—she named them, turning to look at them.
—We were talking—Anakin replied.
—You haven't spoken in at least 5 minutes, the last thing Astra said was that she didn't know whether to believe Adora or me—Qui-Gon laughed.
—No, the last thing they said was.
—It was that, the food is ready, come out.
The children left the room, and Qui-Gon paused for a minute. The girl's discomfort had disappeared since they met the boy, and they claimed to be talking when they hadn't really said anything. Astra had claimed to feel the same thing as Anakin when they first met.
A doubt grew in him. There were two prophecies, and because of his birth, he always believed Astra was the guide, thinking that in a few years, the Chosen One would come. But perhaps the Chosen One was born before her. Perhaps he was here. Perhaps it was this boy. Perhaps the path had led them to him, and perhaps that same path would eventually separate him from the girl he had loved as a daughter against all codes since Adora handed her over.
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Chut Chut Pateesa, I hope you are doing well.
As always, I apologize for disappearing again. This time, I had to take care of the new Younglings who arrived at the temple. I know it's not an excuse, but I seriously considered using tape to stick them to their beds when it was time to sleep. (For a moment, I thought it was my karma for having made Obi-Wan suffer so much in my Youngling days)
And as compensation for being off the radar, I will publish another chapter for all of you tomorrow. As always, please like, comment, and follow me to know when I post.
Until tomorrow, sleep well, beware of the Sith, my dear Padawans, remember "your ability to speak does not make you intelligent," and may the Force be with you.
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augment-techs · 10 months
Six-Word Starter Prompts (part I)
Watching quietly from every door frame.
Catholic school backfired. Sin is in!
Savior complex makes for many disappointments.
Nobody cared, then they did. Why?
Some cross-eyed kid, forgotten then found.
Born in the desert. Still thirsty.
I asked. They answered. I wrote.
No future, no past. Not lost.
Joined army. Came out. Got booted.
Almost a victim of my family.
The psychic said I'd be richer.
Painful nerd kid, happy nerd adult.
Fourteen years old, story untold.
One long train ride to darkness.
Wolf! She cried. No one listened.
I'm my mother and I'm fine.
All day I dream about sex.
I still make coffee for two.
I like girls. Girls like boys.
Never should have bought that ring.
Stranded by ten-thousand-mile crush.
Time heals all wounds? Not quite.
Made a mess. Cleaned it up.
Says deaf boyfriend: You're too quiet.
My family is overflowing with therapists.
Boy, if I had a hammer.
Followed white rabbit, became black sheep.
Followed Yellow Brick Road. Disappointment ensued.
Nerdy girl smutmonger. Now, baby fever.
Recent doctorate means overeducated and underemployed.
Taking a lifetime to grow up.
Bad breaks discovered at high speed.
In the office. It smells here.
I am trying, in every regard.
Happiest when ignoring huge financial debt.
Not pretty enough, so now unemployed.
Mistakes were made, but smarter now.
Likes everything too much to choose.
Curly haired sad kid chose fun.
Now I blog and drink wine.
Egomaniac with inferiority complex defies odds.
I thought I was someone else.
Dancing for now, one day farming.
I grew and grew and grew.
Starving artist. Lucky break. Life downhill.
The Hustle: turn champion into sucker.
I was born 'some assembly required.'
I drank to much last night.
Took scenic route, got a date.
I like big butts, can't lie.
I'm enjoying even this downward dance.
Without ideas, intelligence could not exist!
I hope I outlive my regrets.
All night phone calls complete me.
Tragic childhood can lead to wisdom.
Which comes first: tequila or accident?
A sundress will solve life's woes.
I recognize red flags faster, now.
I sucked even the lobster legs.
Nothing profound, I just sat around.
Others left early: he continued cooking.
Quiet guy; please pay closer attention.
I sell hamburgers and french fries.
the shit invariably hits the fan
and he nerded as never before
tow truck drivers are my psychiatrists
should have used condom that time
infinite calm beset with emotional architecture
won the fight; lost the girl
slightly psychotic, in a good way
found true love after nine months
Afraid of everything. Did it anyway.
I wrote it all down somewhere
lost and found, rescued by dog
afraid of becoming like my mother
What the hell. Might as well.
Hexed: curse of the happy childhood.
Can't tonight, watching Law & Order
my life's a bunch of almosts
It's not you. It's me. Honest.
Thought I would have more impact
this is aggression in pink, bitch
oh, to have just one puff!
at the end of Normal Street
found great happiness in insignificant details
spent life looking for dead people
enjoying my fuck ups too much
an unusual turn of gender circumstances
hiding in apartment knitting against depression
they kissed me and said yes!
always dreamt of kissing pretty girls
everyone who loved me is dead
it was embarrassing, don't ask
Verbal hemophilia. Why can't I clot?
the car accident changed my life
burned my bridges and my britches
Batteries are cheap. Who needs men?
Clueless meets Ophelia, without the suicide.
anything possible--but I was tired
I ate, drank, and was hairy
still have not learned to swim
glass half full; pockets half empty
you are all in my imagination
school geek married a luscious cheerleader
I couldn't protect me from myself
aspiring lady pirate, disillusioned, sells boat
I was and now I'm not.
oh sweet nectar of life, coffee
no shit I'm critical--you're flawed
It's pretty high. You go first.
Wasn't noticed so I painted trains.
running away: best decision I made
when she proposed, I said yes
Nobody knows how I have suffered.
Dweeb, pussy...stronger than anyone knows.
too many lovers--too little time
couldn't cope so I wrote songs
long lost girl recently found, unharmed
born a twin, died a loner
It was worth it, I think.
Dorothy Gale had the right idea
take a left turn, then fly
I was never the pretty one
born at 23, childhood doesn't count
memory was my drug of choice
gay physician designed life-saving AIDS drugs
never lived up to my potential
never really finished anything, except cake
cursed with cancer; blessed with friends
crappy parents killed my self esteem
lonely artist turned waitress in love
my life is just like yours
lucky in everything else except love
I'm just here for the beer
With three cats I'm never unloved
came, saw, conquered, had second thoughts
the weather up here is better
baby dyke now raising two babies
Stoned. Boned. Where am I now?
town car, tailored suit, dirty nails
I fell far from the tree
the image was large with silence
after you jump, the net appears
I colored outside the lines
should not have eaten those mushrooms
Wanked furiously. Married. Furious no more.
even the quietest sounds make noise
many hands have kept me afloat
all of my students hate me
I managed not to destroy anything.
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