#//In my heart; that random in the middle sat there thinking they were not together
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11~ Wet Dream
Warnings ⚠️: Masturbation, wet dreams, reader getting caught
Not Proofread
This didn’t turn out as good as I had hoped and kind of hope you guys like it anyway, but my mind is making me think this was absolute garbage…
Translation Station
Yawntutsyìp: Darling; Little Loved One
Syulang: Flower
Tawtute: Sky Person (Human)
Word Count: 2.2k
The comets of Pandora usually came around once every ten years. Today marked the day that Ri’nela, Nor, Teylan, and Aha’ri’s sister could finally join in a tradition their clan usually did by holding a gathering to witness the beauty of what today held.
The four of them had decided to invite the tawtute scientists for this occasion to watch it together as a group. A lot of them had sat scattered in their own little world but enough for one of us to stand near them in case they needed protecting from the wildlife that was active throughout the night.
I’d been stuck with one who decided to be off on her own, she was often quiet and off in her own world, never really bothering me or any of the others and I never knew what was going on in her mind, but she had managed to get comfortable enough to fall asleep.
A couple of her tawtute companions had come by, giggling to themselves as they begun drawing random and obscure objects, when I’d asked them what they were doing they stated it was a tradition they often did whenever someone fell asleep first during a gathering, it made no sense to me but I shrugged it off and believed if they hadn’t been doing anything to harm her, she would be fine.
The ironic thing is that all tawtute had fallen asleep and the comets were due to come within the next hour, I was tempted to draw on their masks in retaliation but believed it to be childish and probably something Y/n wasn’t willing to do either way, yet I wasn’t sure as I didn’t know her.
The sights the forest of Pandora had to offer were mesmerizing indeed, but as always the sun being out caused a heat that made me feel sticky, I raised an arm to wipe the sweat off my brow- as I always did whenever I was outside too long- and come in contact with my own face. I pause for a second as it takes me some time to come to the realization that I had been outside and was able to touch my face, meaning I was outside in the ambience of Pandora without the protection of my mask, I take a few more seconds to collect my thoughts and decide that since I had been breathing well before, I should be fine, right?
I blink and suddenly find myself in the meeting room with Alma, Priya, So’lek, Teylan, Nor, Ri’nela, and Aha’ri’s sister, everyone seems to be in a great mood judging by the smiles plastered all over their faces, I can feel the smile tugging on my lips as well and feel like this victory couldn’t have been done without Aha’ri’s sister doing a bunch of the heavy lifting. I hear someone clearing their throat and find myself looking up toward So’lek, who happened to already be looking back at me and I could feel my face growing hotter the longer he looked at me.
It’s like we had a silent conversation as I knew he wanted me to follow him yet I have no idea what words had been shared between us. Whatever corridor we were currently walking in made me feel as though I was being tugged to follow him, his back moving in such a way that I knew he was walking slowly because of me. I could see his tanhì glowing on his backside as he continued to block whatever light was being offered by the poorly lit corridor, which is why I knew where to keep going as I followed him.
I blink and again am shifted into the middle of the forest at night, the sky glowing a brilliant shade of black as the stars littered amongst the sky lit up the world above me, the bioluminescent plants lighting the world below me, and So’lek standing with his back against a tree. More words are shared again and just like before I’m unsure of what words were spoken, I could just tell based off of a feeling, my heart beating faster and suddenly I can feel myself with my hands and knee’s on the forest floor just as his rough voice finally speaks words I can hear.
“Are you ready yawntutsyìp?” He asks in a heavy voice and all I could do was stay in silence, half of me tempted to agree with being ready to whatever it was he was proposing, and another part of me being scared, although I didn’t have time to figure anything out as my own voice had spoken toward him.
“Yes-“ A breathy moan passes my tongue and I can slightly feel a bit of pressure on my cunt, I hadn’t even realized I had been wet and ready for him until a minuscule breeze blew by and I could feel a coolness on my own thighs right as he pushes the tip in and I can feel myself stretching to accommodate to him.
“You are very tiny, tawtute.” He groans, sounding as though he was struggling to get those words out, I could feel more pressure at my entrance and could tell he was starting to push in deeper, a whine coming from me as I struggled to fit what he was barely pushing in.
“So’lek w-wait,” I nearly shouted as I could feel his movements falter to my requests, my eyes having shut as the pressure grew, I could feel him reaching down past my breast and my stomach and toward my cunt, collecting whatever bits of moisture he could and beginning to rub my clit lightly, sliding back out slowly and thrusting whatever bit of length he had back in.
“Is this better?” He asks and all I could do was let out a low moan, not even a proper answer, and I wasn’t even ashamed of it.
I had grown to like the way So’lek looked and could appreciate the little intricate patterns of his stripes and the way his tanhì were littered around his body as if precisely placed by the great mother herself. I had harbored these feelings for quite a while now but had never said anything in fear of my feelings not being reciprocated and being left heart broken, but at this very moment my heart- amongst other things- had felt full.
“Fuck, So’lek, go faster-“ I mumbled as the strokes on my clit were starting to feel dull and I was growing used to the length he had pushed inside of me, ready to take on more of whatever he had to offer, knowing he wasn’t pushed in to the hilt.
“So’lek w-wait,”
My ears perk up at the sound of my name being mumbled from her lips, I turn my head to look at her to see if she had woken up, but her plump lips had been closed as she lied on her stomach, her head facing me, her eyes still closed. She must have been dreaming, but I wonder what she was seeing behind her eye lids as she had called out my name, curiosity gets the better of me as I sniff the air around her to ensure she was fine. Having had her straying further from her peers whenever she settled on this place meant I had to stray far as well to ensure she was safe.
My ears perk up once more and wonder if she had been injured and was too weak to rouse from sleep, a part of me growing worried and wondering if one of our snakes had managed to sneak up and bite her, its venom spreading through her body as I sat idly by without taking care of the situation. I lean down closer and sniff the air around her, wondering if she was injured in any way, careful to not sniff too close to tickle her and wake her. My brows pinched together when I caught a light floral scent instead, having never smelled that whenever I’d walked past her, wondering why that scent had been emanating from her.
I see as she grinds her hips toward the ground and lets out another moan, my eyes widen at the action as I now realize the kind of dream she had been having, but considering she had spoken my name earlier meant I was involved with it. Had she been harboring feelings for me that I had been blind to?
I turn my head to look for Ri’nela who had been the closest Na’Vi to me but I still had to squint my eyes to get a good look at her. To my surprise she too had been lying down, her back facing me, and from the looks of it she had been breathing evenly which meant she had fallen asleep around the humans she was near and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.
“Fuck, So’lek-“ My head turns at the mention of my name and I couldn’t help but shamefully look at her pleasuring herself as she humped the ground below her.
“Go faster,” She mumbles her next words with a moan, her tiny hips moving faster and I couldn’t help but look back at Ri’nela to see her back was still toward me, asking the great mother for forgiveness as I turn for my back to face the tawtute before me, staring right at her and taking a breath before sliding my tewng over to the side.
It hadn’t taken long for him to push his cock all the way in and I could feel as though I was full in a good way, the tip of his cock barely kissing the tip of my cervix as he thrusts in slowly, making sure I was comfortable with such a length. I started to feel minimal pressure building in my belly and bucked my hips back to meet his thrust feeling the pressure on my clit as he pushed against my nub harder.
“Oh my God-“
“God is not present here, just me.” He speaks while slamming into me and I couldn’t help but hite my lip and closed my eyes harshly, seeing stars as he pounded relentlessly, I felt my brows knit at an upright position as he continues to pleasure me and my moans starting to become unstoppable.
“You sound like you’re close, syulang, do you want to come?” I asked as I huffed in her ear hearing a high pitched whine before she nods her head and I grin. I continued gliding my hand over my shaft at the rate of her actions and felt myself getting close as well.
“Use your words like the good girl you are,” I whispered in her ear, allowing myself to lick the shell of her ear and hearing another moan ripping through her beautiful pouty lips.
“Y-yes puh-please,” Her movements become more erratic as she digs her hips down to the floor and her nose crinkles lightly, puffs of air coming out rapidly and lightly dusting the inside of her mask with fog with every breath she takes.
“Come for me sweet girl,” I mumble as I feel my cock ready to blow, her gasps of air just before she came having sent me over the edge as rope after rope of my come leaks out of my abused cock, the tip had been a darker blue -almost purple- in color and I watch as her hips still, I bite my own lip and curse in Na’Vi, I’ve never felt that way before, especially with a tawtute.
I place my slowly softening cock back into my loincloth as I attempt to catch my breath, I look up to the sky to thank the great mother for this opportunity- and also to check if the comets have decided to make their appearance but haven’t seen anything- turning my head back down and freeze upon seeing her eyes wide open.
“Did I just-“ She pauses as she looks at me, her eyes crossing for a second before looking around her mask, the drawings probably becoming more visible to her in this state.
“What the fuck,” She whispers to herself and I stare in awe of her use of the language, never being one to have heard her cuss in the first place.
“To answer your question, you did.” I rip her out of her thoughts and watch as her focus returns to me, eyes widening as her pout returns.
“But I did too,” I respond honestly and watch as her eyes widen, finally lifting her head from the forest floor to look down and see the evidence I had yet to cover up, her eyes going toward my clothed member and quickly moving back up to meet mine, embarrassment filling her eyes.
“Did I talk out loud?” She questions quietly, body molding to sit with her legs crossed as she shyly stares at the floor, I can only place my hand underneath her chin and picked it up slightly to make her look back at me.
“You did, but I did not mind, I enjoyed myself as well.” I stated but she stays quiet and a thought flashes in my mind.
“Would you like to draw on your companions masks as well? I know where they hid the marker.” I offer and watch as her face shoots up quickly, a giant smile spreading on her lips as she nods enthusiastically.
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dutybcrne · 29 days
The art that makes me so fucken weepy
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
quiet!choso who has no problem being out by himself, but refuses to talk in any other way than a hushed tone in public. only using his regular voice at home or with family, but he still barely spoke in full sentences.
quiet!choso always looks to you to order for him. voice too deep and quiet for waiters and drive threw workers to hear him so he always just lets you do it.
“i’ll take the number five with fruit punch as the drink pleaseee.” you chirped into the receiver. pretty skirt riding up your thighs as you leaned halfway over the center console to order your food.
“okay! anything else?” the employee asked. you looked at choso, who stared deep in thought at the menu before moving his lips towards your ear. “same thing…please” you smiled at how soft spoken he was, giving him a quick peck on the cheek for his cuteness before giving the woman his order.
quiet!choso who not only speaks quietly, but moves in silence as well. there has been too many times where your soul has left your body because this man has come home from work without making a sound. just quietly changing his clothes before sitting on the couch to watch his shows.
you were in the main bathroom, just getting done with some cleaning. your earphones were playing sza softly in your ears as you hummed along to her voice. as you walked from the toilet to the shower, you glanced out the door and your heart dropped to your ass. there was a man on your couch, hood on his head as he sat comfortably watching tv. you covered your mouth from the scream that you wanted to release before quietly reaching for your phone to call your boyfriend.
since you hid in the tub, you missed the part where choso pulled his phone from his pocket, giving it a confused look before answering it. ‘why is she calling me if i’m home?’ he thought as he quietly spoke to you through the receiver. “hello?” he instantly grew worried at your shaky breaths, quietly getting up from the couch before slowly walking to where he saw you cleaning. “t-there’s a man in the house”
choso stopped in his tracks, turning around before looked around the empty living room and kitchen. “where?” he said softly walking towards the small black pistol he kept deep in the cushion of his recliner. he slowly pulled the weapon out, being as quiet as possible before walking towards your bedroom to further his inspection. “h-he in the living room. got a black hoodie on with his hood up. looks pretty big too.” choso took a deep breath, rolling his eyes as he realized his mistake. you always told him to let you know when he’s home if he doesn’t see you when he walks in the door, but of course he forgot. “mama that’s me. i’m home from work” before he could say anything else you hung up, standing up from the tub before walking out into the living room with your arms crossed.
“choso bring your ass over here right now boy!”
quiet!choso who even though is seen as an antisocial guy, goes out with you to parties and get togethers. always giving you the same quiet speech about how “a man doesn’t need a voice to keep his woman safe”.
quiet!choso who doesn’t really care what people think of him, letting his brothers and friends call him all types of names without getting irritated in the slightest.
“she already do the talking so i’m guessing she be doing to fucking too” his middle brother sukuna said with a chuckle. choso, yuji, and sukuna agreed to have “bro bonding” (clearly yuji made the name) every other weekend to “keep their relationship strong”. this time it was being held at sukuna’s cave house where the three of them ate takeout and played on the game. “kuna leave em aloneee. there’s nothing wrong with letting your woman have control” his youngest brother said, large hand outstretched on choso’s back as he gave it a small rub.
“man cut the bullshit. even yuji don’t let bitches do that shit. you should hear the sounds that be comin outta my guest room when he crashes here wit a some random broad from a party.” yuji covered his face in embarrassment, making his older brothers chuckle. choso felt if he were to tell anyone how life was at home, it would be the two knuckleheads he was raised with. a small smirk planted on his face, tattooed hands gripping his controller a little tighter as he spoke.
“if my girl ‘ran’ me, don’t you think she’d be doing whatever she wanted? when we go out, why do you think she rather sit by me than go shake her ass with her friends like she usually used t’do?” sukuna and yuji’s eyes widened, giving choso a shocked look before the two of them looked at each other.
quiet!choso who doesn’t need to talk for you to know what he’s trying to say. settling for stern looks and a tap on your thigh, ass if nobody’s looking, as a warning to get you to act right.
quiet!choso who sometimes had to use rougher tactics to correct you when you’re out of line.
“say it again” choso groaned, long girthy dick rearranging your guts as he held you up by your hair. “i w–won’t cuss at daddy” you moaned, back grazing his broad tattooed chest. wrists bound together by fuzzy grey cuffs as you dug your nails into your palms. you were so frustrated earlier that you may have let a couple curse words slip into your vocabulary while texting choso, but regardless of your instant apology, he told you to be stripped and ready for him in the bed by the time he got home from work. now you were paying for your disrespect through taking all 8.5 inches of him without complaint.
“say it louder mama. daddy can’t hear you clearly through all that moaning” choso chuckled as he listened to you whine, pretty breasts bouncing with every thrust as you tried to speak clearly for the fifth time tonight. “i won’t c-cuss at daddy ever again! fuck m’gonna cummm” he rolled his eyes, pace never faltering as he fucked you through your third orgasm of the night. choso’s inked hand abruptly let go of your hair, making a chuckle slip as he watched you fall to the bed with a huff, hands not able to stop you.
“now you cursing right at me. gon be here all night if you don’t clean it up princess”
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strangerxperv · 8 months
Random Eddie Munson HeadCanons
Some are NSFW so minors don't interact
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Eddie is openly pansexual when it comes to sex but demisexual for relationships.
He likes sex and believes that people bring different things to the table.
Relationships are difficult for him and I think he has low-key commitment issues.
So he takes relationships pretty slowly because he wants to know you (or Steve...and?).
Eddie wants to be sure his heart won't be broken because he's honestly a romantic.
If you want a serious relationship with him I suggest not jumping into bed with him.
Become his friend first and slowly begin to flirt, let tension build.
Eddie has intrusive thoughts and if he trusts you then they become your thoughts too.
"Hey, babe? When you think of me being a mechanic what pops into your head?"
If you answer "Hot" or "Strong hands" you will have a smug man for the rest of the day.
"Will you join me in the show? I just realized we haven't had shower sex in awhile and I'm hard as fuck." This is said while you're in the middle of styling your head for bed.
His intrusive thoughts range from innocent, random, to dangerous.
One time I decided to make a baked potato without holes in the microwave (he knew what he was doing). Now he's buying a new one.
His last year only high school is when you meet because you are his tutor.
You get to see all sides of Eddie that most are privy to.
You see the proud, depressed, defeated, eager, happy, and sappy sides of him. And eventually you see the side of him that loves you.
Your relationship with him is slow and at one point it's complicated. You go from friend to best friend and then to best friends with tension. He's not proud of the next step: best friends with benefits.
At this point you're practically a couple but he's not ready to admit it. Everyone thinks of you guys as a couple, most everyone. Busy if someone asks you two you both say, "no" and sometimes "just really close best friends."
It's one of those events that Jason has the balls to say, "Good. Guess that means I can take you out some time. How's this Friday at five?"
Who are you to say no? Especially when Eddie is within earshot.
Agreeing to the date causes a huge fight between you and Eddie that lasts the rest of the week.
It's Thursday when he coldly asks if you're coming to his place Friday night.
"You know I can't. I have a date." Slam your car door closed to drive away.
But he stops you, "No, you don't. I told him you aren't coming cause you'll be too busy cuming on my dick."
His words make your jaw unhinge with surprise before sputtering out, "You can't just say that! What if someone hears you saying something like that when we aren't even together? They'll think I'm a slut!"
Eddie grins and leans in close as his lips ghost along your ear to your lips. "Don't care. You're mine."
And that's all you need to hear. It takes a few months of going steady for him to actually call you his girlfriend.
Until then it's: baby doll, his girl, my nerd, and (you guessed it) his slut.
He hates sleeping alone and even when you were benefits you slept over, except for that one week. He drives you to work, your place, his place, basically wherever he can.
I head canon this man to be very clingy in a relationship.
Eddie is a switch with the right person but I think he's leaning hard Dom for reader.
When you were his tutor he convinced you to pay his correct answers with a small kiss.
He has you help him when he's training to become a licensed mechanic. The only difference is that you're sat on his dick when quizzing him.
Every right answer you HAVE to give him a kiss, an innocent kiss, a soft lil peck on the lips.
Near the end of this session he's unbelievably throbbing and softly thrusting up into you every so often. But don't think for a moment you're the dominant one while on top.
He might be the one whimpering under you but if you act up, it's your ass.
Seriously, he will fuck your ass and spank you at the same time.
If you want to hear more about this Eddie please let me know!
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sleep-drunk-kitten · 21 days
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pairing: Husband!Jake x gn!reader
genre: sickening fluff, drabble
content warnings: could give u toothache idk
summary: some fluffy thoughts about husband Jake, that is all
notes: just a lil sumin inspired by yet another delulu conversation with the one and only @nar-nia
Everything below the cut is NOT proofread
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
♡ I am fully convinced that Jake would be the type of lover who doesn't compute what shyness is when it comes to expressing how much he loves you
♡ and that would be fine, welcomed even
♡ except he's so corny about it 😭
♡ even when you're married and living together, he'll continue to use the most clichéd pickup lines on you, at the most random times
♡ "hey, my name’s Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight?"
♡ "we live together Jake"
♡ "if I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together."
♡ "it's a whole bowl of alphabet pasta, good luck"
♡ "I'd say God bless you, but it seems like he already did!"
♡ you don't respond, you have a cold and it's difficult to not smile and continue pretending to be grumpy after he made you take that god awful medicine
♡ your snarky replies and feigned annoyance never does much tho, he thinks it's cute when you scrunch up your nose in mock disgust, you're incredibly sexy when you remind him how smart and quick witted you are, and he loves to hear you laugh knowing he's the reason behind it
♡ there's no winning, but you wouldn't trade what you have with him for anything
♡ you'll be standing in the kitchen late one night, tiredly waiting for the light on the kettle to indicate that your water's ready and you can make yourself that cup of coffee you so desperately need
♡ when a pair of arms wrap round your middle, a warm body resting against your back
♡ Jake doesn't need to say anything for you to know it's him
♡ after all, nobody else fits against you so perfectly, no one could possibly know how to hold you in a way that makes you feel so safe and secure
♡ naturally, your frame melts into his
♡ you can feel Jake smiling into your neck as he presses soft kisses against your skin, knowing you're very ticklish
♡ you try to shove him off, but to no avail. It just makes him more determined. He'd dig his fingers into your sides, relishing your yelp of surprise and the high pitched giggles that follow
♡ he doesn't let up till you manage to twist yourself round, grabbing his wrists and resting your forehead against his
♡ you're both out of breath, grinning like idiots as you lightly kick his shin, informing him that he's absolutely evil
♡ he just snickers, kissing your nose and telling you he loves you too
♡ "life without you would be like a broken pencil... totally pointless"
♡ you groan, kicking him again, resting your head on his shoulder now, and whining about how he ruined the moment
♡ Jake just laughs softly, wriggling his wrists out of your slackened hold to weave his fingers through your own
♡ pressing a kiss to the side of your head, he says nothing, just starts humming a song you recognise as the one you both listened to together on your first date, when the movie you'd wanted to see was suddenly cancelled and Jake had dragged you to a park in all your sulky disappointment
♡ pulling you down to snuggle against his chest while you both sat on the edge of a slide, he'd passed you his phone and an earbud so you could both trade songs back and forth while telling each other what you loved about each one
♡ with his arms around your waist, your back tucked into his warm chest, his voice filling the quiet space, you were suddenly grateful for the "failed" movie date
♡ and you were grateful for Jake now, as he slow danced with you to music only the two of you could hear in your dimly lit kitchen
♡ with your cheek pressed into his shoulder, you tell him that you love him, and that
♡ "if I were a cat... I'd spend all nine of my lives with you..."
♡ Jake didn't know his heart could feel any bigger in his chest, but he swears it's almost suffocating, how much he loves you too
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gloxk · 9 months
“Mary Jane.”
Gojo satoru ~
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Summary: Your best friend was a snake. She slept with your boyfriend at a party. Everything shattered when you saw them. Your heart broke, leaving you with hatered and resentment. But two can play that game. Didn't she know? Karma’s a bitch.
W/C : 2k+. READING TIME: 10 minutes.
Setting: Modern Au, Reader is in their 20’s.
Song inspo:The best I ever had (Limi)/ Birthday S*X (Jeremih)/Drunk in love (The weekends version)/What you need(the weekend.)
A/N: Happy kinktober. It’s been a minute. (I've returned just for this years kinktober) idk i’ve just been busy fr. I haven’t been writing at all 😭. But I was on tik tok right, and i saw this lil video abt a story. So yall know those reddit stories? Bro this story was fucking outrageous, i tell ya. So boom bro got cheated on by his gf and she slept w his best friend. I was like damnnnnn 💀 ain’t no way. So bro turned around n fcked his ex best friends sister. The crazy thing is HE RECORDED IT. AND HE SENT IT TO BRO. I got carried away w this one. (I was high asf.) But anyway please enjoy! My grammar might be fucked up i didn’t feel like prof reading. Mdni/ageless blogs you will be blocked. 17+.
Warnings: F/M relations,Jealousy, angst if you squint, friend dumping, lewd behavior, DRUGS & alcohol. (mary J) mentions of Ex, BJ’s, Male receiving, unprotected sex (I got a little nasty w this one)
You sat there disappointed in your dry phone. It was like looking at a blank screen. The night was cold, dark, and quiet. Everything was different now that you cut off your toxic-ass best friend. Deleting all the pictures and videos of you two. All the happiness and laughter y’all had shared just for it to be ruined in a few hours. The incident only happened a few days ago.
You decide to scroll through your alt account’s Instagram feed hoping to see something interesting. Something interesting indeed popped up. A little green circle around your ex-best friend’s profile picture. “Curiosity killed the cat ya’know?”, It surely killed you as soon as you clicked it. She was with your Ex. Your face scrunched in disbelief. You couldn’t help but muster up a pitiful laugh. What was going through her goddamn mind? Did she know the alt belong to you? Was the random pinterest boy profile picture not convincing enough? You nearly tossed your phone to the ground you felt tears bubbling up in your eyes. You remember the whole thing like it was yesterday. The horrible things you said to each other. But one thing she said in particular stuck in your head. “You aren’t even together anymore! Why the fuck do you care Y/n?”, Those were the last words she said to you, the last words you needed to hear to leave her alone. It hurt you so much, the girl you known from middle school betrayed you.
It was late maybe around 11 pm. Your mind was filled with anger. You couldn’t stop thinking about it. You told her everything and she did the same. You two grew up together. When you introduced your boyfriend and best friend they hit it off. They were so cool with each other that it seemed like a dream come true. Having your best friend actually like your boyfriend was extremely rare to come by. Your dream came short-lived after you found them fucking in a bathroom at a party. It hurt so fucking bad. You clenched your shirt trying not to cry. That night broke you, you lost everything in 4 hours. All it took was a couple of shots and one blunt to have your whole world crash. In a fit of rage, you decided to go through her entire Instagram feed. Scrolling through every single post. In a recent post from earlier today, you saw a dump of her stepbrother. All of the pictures were silly, cute pictures of him. You couldn’t lie, he was fine as fuck. You saw her stepbrother a couple of times when y'all were younger, but god did puberty hit him good. He was tall and muscular with a sharp jawline. He has white hair and beautiful ocean-colored eyes. He had a couple of arm tattoos as well. You sat there trying to remember his name. You looked over the caption trying to find something leading to him, the caption read: “HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY @satoruxgxjo! I hope 19 treats you good lil, bro :).” That was his name! You finally remembered him. Satoru gojo, it was definitely moan-able. You DM’D him almost immediately.
(Y/n): “Hey! I saw your birthday was earlier and I wanted to wish you a happy 19th birthday!” You didn’t know what you expected him to say back to that. You didn’t know if you wanted him to immediately block you or text you back. Maybe if he blocked you would be able to move on and heal. But all you wanted was revenge. After two minutes you got a notification from Instagram. (satoruxgxjo): “Yo, I appreciate it. it’s been a minute. How have you been?” A smug smile arose on your face. You instantly texted him back. (Y/n): “I’ve been amazing. Recently I had just got some za from a friend and since it’s your birthday maybe we can roll up?” You watch as your text goes from Sent to Seen. Your heart immediately went faster.(satoruxgxjo): “Lmao? That was quick but sure. I don’t mind. Addy?” Your face was sinister. If he could see your face right here probably think twice about his current decision. You sent him your location, (Y/n): “I mean it’s not like we don’t know each other Saturo, just pull up :) We can catch up!”, You were so happy that this was gonna work out perfectly. (satoruxgxjo): “Who is Saturo? It’s Satoru* n I’m otw.” That happiness quickly faded into embarrassment. How could you forget his name already? You repeated it 10x to remember it, while repeating his name you quickly got up and rushed upstairs.
You dressed yourself in a loose shirt that hung off your shoulders, your chest was the only thing holding it up. Underneath you made sure to treat your guests to an easy reveal no bra and pink Victoria's Secret lace panties. Your hair was messy letting little strands of hair frame your face. You rushed downstairs to set everything up, you grabbed an open bottle of Hennessy and accompanied it with a jar of bud including a pack of Raw’s. Everything was set for the most part. You dimmed the lights and played some sensual music. You turned your TV on to some random Netflix show to make it seem casual. You soon turned your attention to the door as the doorbell rang. A wicked smile placed on your face, your hips swaying to the music. You opened the door and smiled at your victim—I mean visitor. “Heyy~.” Your voice filled with a welcoming tone. Luring him in like a fisherman. “Hey, Y/n.” He had a basic white shirt on, and his muscular body filled it out nicely. His lower half was hidden behind grey sweatpants, He had on white cross that were no longer white. His tall frame continued to tower over you. He sounded so nonchalant, but his blue eyes told a different story. He couldn’t stop looking at your bare shoulders. “Come in hun.” You moved out of his way and motioned him to the couch. The table caught his attention immediately. You made your way to the kitchen swaying to the beat of the music. “Henny? Whatcha got this for?” He picked up the bottle with an eager smile. “Why else Satoru?” You winked at him. Watching him open the bottle and pour himself a shot. “Well, Hopefully, it’s not for little ole me. God, you wouldn’t make such a silly mistake and give an underage boy Hennessy? Right?” He asked mocking you. A smug expression on his face. You couldn’t wait to wipe it off. “Oh of course not! I would never do such a disgraceful thing. But..I won’t tell if you won’t.” He threw his head back and he gulped down the shot of liquor. The burning sensation only made him crave it more. “You know I don’t kiss and tell.” He chuckled as he watched you sit down on the couch. He soon followed you and plopped down beside you. “You ever rolled before?” You looked at him as you picked up the grinder. “Nah, I’m more of a pipe or hookah person. Ya’know?” You giggled at him. He was falling into your trap without even knowing. “Lemme show you how to roll then.”. You took him through the basic steps. Letting your hands guide his. After a few attempts, he was able to get a good enough roll for a beginner. “And now ya gotta lick it.” You bent over his lap using his muscular arm to hold yourself up. You dragged your tongue over the paper making sure to seal it. You took the joint from him and began to light it. His eyes watched you dangerously. After a couple of pulls, you handed it back over to him. He pulled a heavy hit making him cough. You poured another shot for the both of you. Handing him a glass of liquor. “Oh? Is that for me? How kind.” Your hand sat between his thighs. “Of course.” He took the glass and knocked it back, and you followed his lead.
You weren’t slightly drunk nor were you high. But you couldn’t say the same for Satoru. He almost finished your bottle of Hennessy. His head was between your neck and shoulder. He was mumbling incoherent nonsense, you didn’t particularly care what he was babbling about. He was lying between your legs using your chest to keep him propped up. His hands rubbing your thigh, “Mm..please.” He mumbled desperately. “I told you not to drink too much Gojo. Now look at you.” You laughed as you rubbed his head. “.. I know. m’ sorry. Please y/n. Please.” You were confused you didn’t know what he was asking for to be quite frank. “You should get an Uber to take you home.” You nudged him to get off of you. He didn’t budge at all. His eyes looked up at you pleading with you. “I don’t wanna go. I wanna stay with you. lemme stay.” He was so whiny while he was drunk it was pissing you off. “Okay, you can stay.” He hummed softly in response. “upstairs?” You whispered in his ear, he nodded his head. You moved off the couch pulling him off with you. You walked him up the stairs to your bedroom. He was stumbling up the stairs you had to hold him up. Making it to your room in one piece was the hardest part. Opening the door his hands never left your body, If anything they became more needy. His fingers roamed around your back as he began to tug at your shirt.
You grabbed his hands telling him to stop. “I don’t know...if we should do this...I’m sure your sister wouldn’t like this.” You smiled as you pushed him on the bed. Of course, she wouldn’t like her brother sleeping with her ex-best friend. But that made it more exhilarating. Satoru groaned at your words. Bringing up what you and his sister had going on at a time like this was a low blow. “Don’t fuck with me Y/n. You’ve been touching me all night. Saying little shit to me. I’m ready now, and you’re gonna act like this?” You heard the frustration in his voice, looking down at his gray sweats pants you saw what else was frustrated. You laughed at him. “Oh look who’s mad at me. I’m just trying to respect you and your sister's relationship.” Your hands go under his shirt and rub his abs. He laughed as his arm covered his face. “Ah, so I understand why she called you a conniving bitch now.” Your smug face was quickly wiped with confusion. “Oh…Yeah? She gonna think I’m more than conniving after this.” You grabbed him by his hair pulling him closer. Your lips clashed against his, you could taste the intoxication on his tongue. The kiss became sloppy fairly quickly. His hands continued to roam over your back. He followed your lead not allowing your mouth to leave his. He yanked at your shirt, he wanted to pull it off of you. Sitting on his lap, you took off your shirt and tossed it to the side. His hands went up to cup your breasts. His fingers ran over your hardened nipples, his expression was darkened with lust. “So fckin pretty.” He sat up leaving kisses on your neck and chest. You assisted him in taking off his shirt and tossed it over to yours. Leaving kisses on his neck and slowly moving downward to his chest. Taking your precious time with him. He was so impatient, whining if you didn’t kiss him. You used your finger to trace his v-line teasing him enough to push him. You got up and slowly removed his sweatpants leaving him in his tight boxers. Licking your lips at the sight, it was a delectable sight indeed. Tracing the bulging print through his Ethikas. “Oh my god…” You stuttered in disbelief, this man was packing. Satoru felt you tugging his boxers, he lifted his hips and allowed you to yank them off of him. The cold air hit him drawing out a long sigh. Those blue eyes watching you with a dangerous glint, those eyes screaming out for you. “don’t play with me Y/n.” He whispered, almost as if he was begging you to make him feel something. You seated yourself between his thighs, looking at him with awe. Your hands running up and down his hardened dick. You gave him kitten licks on his tip, licking away any pre-cum. He growled at the teasing, “C'mon.” his hand caressingyour cheeks. You smiled as you quickly put your mouth around the tip and bobbed your head up and down.
His tip hits the back of your throat every time. Satoru’s hand pushed your head down so he could feel you deep-throat him, “Fuuucckk, just like that.” You pulled your head back with an angry expression. “Nobody likes a head pusher.”, You glared at him. “Nobody likes a fucking teaser.” He mumbled. You laughed at his audacity as if he was the one in control. You slipped off your underwear and climbed on top of him. Letting him slide in slowly, inch by inch. You threw your head backward, rolling your neck. Low moans escaped your mouth as you felt his hips grinning against yours. “Go faster.” His tone completely shifted from whiny and desperate to frustration. He wanted more, He needed more. It wasn’t enough for him. You looked so pretty going up and down on him. His eyes watched your body lift itself off of him and right back down. Your nails dug holes in his chest, “That fuckin’ hurts Y/n.” He gave you a sadistic smile as he dug his nails into your hips. You shrieked in pain. You could quite literally feel his nails penetrate your skin. That didn’t stop you though, you couldn’t care less about anything other than cumming. Your mind became foggy and filled with a certain haze. “Mm. Keep going. Dnt stop.”, Those words left Satoru’s mouth, his thrusts were sloppy and no longer had rhythm. His fingers found their way to your clit and played with you to make sure you came before him. Your moans filled the room as you were so close. You stopped as you finally reached the bliss you been begging for, panting heavily trying to regain the breath you once had. The feeling of warm liquid filling you was a slap in the face. You soon realized you didn’t use protection. You looked down at Satoru whose eyes were closed with a smile of his face. “Oops, m’sorry i’ll get you a Plan B in the morning.” His hand gripped your ass while you sat there in disbelief. How could you fuck up this bad? You smiled as you seen him cover his face once again, “Don’t worry about it. I have some in the bathroom.”. You got off of him and made your way to the bathroom.
When you came back you saw sleeping Satoru, under your sheets wrapped around your blanket. It was a cute sight to see him so vulnerable, you were about to fuck up his life. You crawled into bed next to him, cuddling him. He turned around and placed his head between your breast, his arm wrapped around your lower back pulling you close. You took out your phone and took a couple of pictures. This bitch was gonna know “Fuck my man, I fuck your brother.”. You unblocked her number to send her a little treat. “When Satoru comes home tomorrow tell him I had a wonderful time. (3 attachments sent).”.
You turned off your phone and cuddled the sleeping boy, kissing his forehead and cheeks. “Mm, she's gonna fuck you up when you get home.” You whispered in his ear. His phone was soon blowing up, From his mom and sister. “I don't care, you don't know how long I've been waiting to fuck you.” He muttered under his breath. You laughed, He wasn’t going anywhere. Not just yet.
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ham-st4r · 1 year
𝕊𝕦𝕣𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕖 - 𝕃. ℍ𝕖𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕦𝕟𝕘
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ᓚᘏᗢ Pairing: heeseung + female reader!
ᓚᘏᗢ Warnings: none.
ᓚᘏᗢ Genre: fluff
ᓚᘏᗢ Summary: heeseung gets jealous of your new kitten.
ᓚᘏᗢ Number of words: 2,6k
Find your way around!
Posting more fluff cause why not road-trip pt.4 coming next week!. (Most likely)
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“Baby, come over. I have a surprise for you👀”
You were walking home from school when you got a text from your boyfriend, heeseung.
You smiled as you read his message and replied. “On my way,” his house was literally right next to yours, so it didn’t even take five minutes to get there.
“Come here, little one,” heeseung crouched down and grabbed his little surprise out of its box. “We have to get you all dressed up to meet Mommy” he kissed the little kitten on his nose and set him down on the ground. “You’re so cute,” he smiled while tying a bow around his teeny neck. “All done”
Heeseung’s head snapped in the direction of his front door when he heard you ringing the bell.
He quickly grabbed the kitten and faced his back towards the door so you wouldn’t see him. “Baby, what’s th-“ You stopped mid-sentence when you saw your boyfriend awkwardly standing in the middle of his living room.
“Hi, babe” he turned his head and smiled at you.
“Hi?” You chuckled as you closed his door.
“How was school?” He asked while putting the kitten underneath his sweater so you wouldn’t see him.
“Good, but what are you doing?” You laughed and walked over to him.
“Wait! Don’t come any closer” he was struggling to fit the small cat inside his sweater, especially cause his nails kept getting stuck in the fuzzy material.
He really wasn’t really expecting you to be here so soon, let alone welcome yourself in, and now he was stuck in a little predicament.
You flinched at the sound of his frantic tone. “Okay….” You whispered, getting confused more and more by the second.
Heeseung finally got everything under control and turned around. “Okay,” he took a minute to catch his breath. “So, are you ready for your surprise?” He said while smiling at you brightly.
“I think so” You smiled just as brightly, but you were a bit apprehensive about what he was up to.
“Surprise!” He cheered as he lifted up his sweater revealing the fuzzy little creature under his garment.
You gasped and covered your mouth with your hands as your eyes widened at the sight of the cute little kitten.
You ran towards heeseung and grabbed the kitty from his hands, and the smile on your face never left while you inspected his cute little furry face. “He’s so cute!” You squeal in excitement, petting his head softly. “And soft!”
“I take it you like the surprise” heeseung chuckled and smiled at you playing with your new friend as he put his hands inside his pants pockets.
“I love the surprise. Is he ours? can we keep him?” He smiled at you fondly and nodded his head.
“Of course, baby, I bought him just for you” You had been talking about wanting a kitten for the past couple of months now, so he took it upon himself to finally buy one for you, and he was already feeling like this was his best decision ever when saw how happy you were.
“Yay!” You hugged his little body in your arms and sat down on the carpet with him. You couldn’t help but smile when you saw him taking tiny steps towards you, and your heart melted when he fell over on his side. “I already love you so much!” You kicked your feet excitedly.
Heeseung sat on the couch and watched you two play together. “We still have to go shopping for like literally everything, but I wanted to wait for you so we could go together.”
You smiled briefly at Heeseung before turning your attention back to the kitten. “I wanna name him.”
“Go for it, babe,” heeseung laughed.
“How about jr heeseung or baby hee or tiny lee?” You threw out a bunch of different random names.
He laughed incredulously when he heard all the names you thought of though it was adorable that you wanted to name the kitten after him. Those names weren’t exactly suited for the tiny critter. Besides, you called him all those nicknames already, so they were off-limits. “Try again, babe.”
“Okay…. Then how about Max?” You said while playing with the bow, he had on around his neck.
“It’s cute. I like it,” heeseung agreed on the name.
“So max it is,” you smiled fondly at the kitty.
You spent the rest of the day playing with max, and it was starting to get on heeseung’s nerves. He knew he was being childish, but he couldn’t help but feel salty cause the whole time since you came over, you hadn’t even barely glanced his way. You didn’t kiss him when you came in, no hug. No, I love you, no thank you, no nothing.
Even at the pet store, all he heard was Max, this Max, that Max, Max, Max. He wishes he didn’t even wait for you to go shopping cause if he heard you say max one more time, he thought his ears would bleed.
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He was tired of it. Six hours had passed, and you still didn’t pay any attention to him.
He couldn’t believe you’d pick a stupid kitten over your own boyfriend, like who does that?
And if it couldn’t get any worse, you were giving Max his thousandth kiss of the evening, yet he still hadn’t received his yet.
It was preposterous.
To him, anyway.
He couldn’t take it anymore. “Babe, I’m gonna go play some games in my room,” he said to you and got up from the couch.
He sighed and slammed his door in annoyance when you didn’t bother to reply.
Truthfully he didn’t even know why he was acting like this. He was your boyfriend, not Max, so he doesn’t know why he felt jealous. It’s not like the dumb little animal was gonna take you from him, but still, that’s what it felt like.
You had probably kissed Max more times in one day than you had kissed him in your guy's whole three-year relationship. That cat did nothing to deserve all your kisses.
He angrily pressed the on button to his computer and put his headphones on so he wouldn’t have to hear you in the other room squealing about some stupid cat that HE bought for you.
But that’s okay. You could stay in the living room with your precious little Max, and he’d play games and ignore you the same way you were ignoring him and see how you like it.
After the first ten minutes, he was feeling okay, a little annoyed but okay after half hour, the agitation started to kick in, and after the two-hour mark, he was about to lose it cause you weren’t coming to check in on him like you usually did cause you were too occupied with that rat.
But before he could throw his tantrum, you came into his room.
Finally, she’s paying attention to me. He thought. “Hi, baby,” he said excitedly and gave you a warm smile while he took off his headset.
“Hey, could you watch him for a bit while I use the restroom?”
His smile instantly faded, and he had to use every muscle in his body to stop himself from slamming his keyboard against the wall. “Of course, love,” he said in the sweetest tone and fake smiled as he stood up to take Max from your arms.
“Thank you, baby, you’re the best!” You kissed heeseung’s cheek and went to use the restroom.
“You see that? She kissed my cheek, not yours,” he whispered to Max so you wouldn’t hear. “She doesn’t love you the way she loves me, and she’ll never be yours because she’s mine, and I’m hers, got it?” He pointed his finger in Max's face so he could get the point, but the poor little thing just meowed in response, completely clueless as to what was even being said to him. “If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have met her, so you should show me some respect” A few seconds went by, and suddenly he felt a warmth in his lap. He looked down only to see that Max was peeing on him.
He had the right mind to just take it back to the shelter and get a refund cause this rodent wasn’t worth the hundreds of dollars he spent on it, but since he made you happy, he couldn’t do that.
“Hey, was he good while I was gone?” You asked your boyfriend, not knowing the atrocity that had just taken place on your bathroom break.
“Define good” heeseung tried his best to mask his anger, but it was getting harder and harder.
“What do you mean?” You said confusedly.
“He just peed on me!” Heeseung exclaimed, and you were a bit taken back by his sudden outburst, but you couldn’t help but chuckle cause he was cute even when he was angry.
“Sorry baby, I’ll clean him up here. Let me take him to the sink” You walked out of heeseung’s room and shut his door.
“Him?! What about me?! I need to be cleaned, too,” heeseung pouted and went to the bathroom to change his clothes. “Heeseung needs love, too,” he mumbles while putting on a fresh t shirt.
Once you had gotten Max all cleaned up, you came back into the living room to see your boyfriend with a pouty expression and his arms folded.
You felt bad cause it was your fault why the incident happened to begin with, but you knew he’d get over it sooner or later. After all, it was just cat pee. It’s not like it couldn’t be cleaned.
You sat down next to heeseung and patted Max's fur till it was fully dry.
Heeseung scooted further away from you on the couch and rested his cheek in his palm. “Baby, you should have seen it. Max did such a goo-“Heeseung sat up abruptly and left to his room.
You frowned and got up from your spot, taking baby Max with you while you went to heeseung’s room. “Baby are you oka-“ You stopped in your tracks when you saw him lying in bed facing the wall.
He pulled the blanket over his head and ignored you.
You made your way over to his bed and pulled back his blanket. “Baby, what’s the matter?” You crouched down and said to him, but he just turned to the other side, still ignoring you. “Talk to me, hee,” you said worriedly.
Oh, now you wanted to know what was wrong? Eight hours later, and you’re only now just asking what’s wrong.
But his heart was too weak to ignore you for any longer after he heard your worrisome tone.
He turned to face you, and he pouted as he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head in your lap.
“Baby,” you called him as you stroked his head comfortingly.
“I’m sorry for ignoring you,” his voice came out muffled cause his head was still tucked away in your lap.
“Baby, is everything alright?” You set Max in the middle of the bed and rubbed heeseung’s back lightly.
“Yeah, I’m fine” You cupped his cheeks and made him look up at you. He looked so adorable with his puppy eyes and pouty lips.
“Aww come here, you” You leaned in and pecked his little pout away. “Are you sure you’re doing okay”
he wrapped you up in his arms and pecked you all over your face, nuzzling his head into your neck. “You still love me, right?” You giggled from the little vibrations of his voice tickling your skin.
“What has gotten into you today, baby? Of course, I love you. I love you so much” You kissed his cheeks all over.
When you leaned back, his face was completely red, and he was blushing like crazy with a wide smile on his face. “I love you too,” he whispered shyly and looked down at his lap.
“Wanna tell me what’s wrong?” You pried. You knew he’s been a little off all day, but you thought he might just be tired or something.
“No,” he shook his head back and forth. You gave him a look, and he knew you weren’t going to give in, so he told you. “It’s just you didn’t pay attention to me at all today” he avoided eye contact with you cause now that he said it out loud, it sounded completely ridiculous.
You gasped at the realization, and he was right. You were so caught up with Max that you really hadn’t spent any time with him all day. “Baby, I’m so sorry” You tackled him in a hug and pressed kisses all over his face making him giggle cutely.
“It’s okay as long as you give me more kisses than Max,” he said with a huge grin on his face, and then it all slowly came together. He was jealous of Max cause you spent more time with him today than with your own boyfriend.
“Deal!” By the time you gave him all his kisses, he could barely even breathe, but he wouldn’t have it any other way cause he absolutely adored it when you showered him in your love.
“Ha!” He stuck his tongue out at Max, who was peacefully lying beside you two on his bed.
“Oh my god, baby, you’re so mean. You can’t seriously be jealous of a cat” You rolled your eyes playfully as you lay next to your boyfriend and rest your head on his chest.
“I’m not! I don’t know where you came up with that, but I’m definitely not jealous,” he flat out lied to you.
But he wasn’t going to get off that easily, so you put him to the test. “Okay,” you said innocently and sat up to play with Max some more.
Heeseung pouted immediately when he felt your warmth disappear from his side. He folded his arms in annoyance as his mood soured.
“Who’s the bestest boy ever?” You teased. You knew heeseung loved when you called him that, and you knew you were bound to get a reaction from him.
His ears perked up right away, and he poked your back to get your attention. “Y/n, I thought I was already your bestest boy.”
You stifled a giggle, and you kinda felt bad you didn’t know he’d actually get sad about it, but that was heeseung for you. “You are my bestest boy. I was just playing with you, baby” You pecked his lips sweetly. “But now you must admit that you’re jealous,” you smile teasingly.
“Can you blame me, though? You’re over there smooching on him all day. It’s nearly midnight, and I’m just now getting my smooches. It’s not fair.”
“I suppose you’re right. I’m sorry, baby, I’ll spend all day with you tomorrow, I promise” You laid down next to him and put Max on his chest. “My boys are so handsome,” you squealed.
“I’m sorry too for being jealous. I’m stupid,” he pouted.
“You’re not stupid, baby. I probably would have felt the same way” You rested your head on his chest again. “Okay, maybe not jealous, but I would have missed you.”
“Hey!” he grumbled, and you laughed. “I suppose you do have a right. He is pretty cute,” he said as he stroked Max on the head with his thumb. “I’m sorry to you too, max.”
“What are you apologizing to him for?” You inquired.
“I may or may not have threatened him when you left to the restroom.” He cut his eyes at you, but you both just laughed off his silliness.
Both of you played with Max for the rest of the night until you got sleepy. “Since you ignored me all day, cuddle me to sleep,” heeseung said while turning on his side with his back facing you, not giving you any time to protest, not to say you would have though you loved spooning your big baby.
“Okay, my jealous boy” You kissed the back of his neck and wrapped your arms around him while his were wrapped around Max.
“Baby!” He whined cause you were still teasing him.
“Go to sleep, my sweetheart,” you giggle cause you knew as soon as he fell asleep, you were going to spend more time with Max.
Sorry babe, you thought as you exchanged your goodnights with each other and cuddled him to sleep.
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Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate each and every one of you who made it to the end. - 🐹
If anyone wants to be added to a permanent tag list, please let me know. Thanks for reading. Please reblog and leave feedback.
Permanent taglist!🔖 @heeseungssidechick @yumispky @sxurgrapes @seuomo @seungjiseyo @hee-pster @prettydiane @syamamas @heedeungieluvbot @simpplee @j4eyunz @enmayz @saikikusouswife @fictional-waste @kimochiloveshee @heej43
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steveshairychest · 1 year
Eddie who grew up on 'Bewitched' reruns and now is a bit of witchcraft geek. He knows different herbs and a couple of Latin words and jokingly puts mystic references in his songs. High school jock Steve heard the rumors about Munson boy being satanic cult leader but didn't believe it until feels like Eddie is bewitched' him after they share a joint at some random party.
anon I love this im giggling and kicking my feet
Steve's heard the rumours about Eddie, he's seen the Latin words scribbled on the one notebook he uses in every class, he's felt something akin to lightning under his skin whenever he looks at Eddie.
These things have Steve convinced the rumours are true. Some people say he's a witch, some say he sold his soul to the devil and others think he's not human at all. Steve knows there's definitely something up. He can't stop thinking about him; the way he smiles, the way he winks at Steve in the hallway. It all makes his heart race and his cheeks heat up. It has to be some sort of spell.
And then the party happens. Eddie holds a joint out to him with a raised brow and, unable to say no, Steve takes it from him; trying not to think about the fact that Eddie's lips were just in the same spot he's putting his own. They pass it back and forth until Eddie squashes the butt out under his boot.
Steve feels floaty, relaxed enough to sit a bit closer to Eddie on the cramped couch they sat on. He radiates a comforting warmth and the way their shoulders press together makes him sigh. He likes being close to Eddie.
"You've put a spell on me." Steve says seriously while staring at Eddie's side profile.
Eddie leans his head on the back of the couch and laughs, it's a beautiful sound that drowns out the trashy top 40 song playing around them. "What?"
Steve leans his head back on the couch as well but turns his head to face Eddie, who mirrors his movement, their noses almost touching as they stare at each other. "You've bewitched me." He whispers. "I can't stop thinking about you. Whatever spell you've put on me, it's made me crazy about you."
Eddie's eyes go wide, his mouth forming a surprised 'o' shape, then it's gone, replaced with a lazy smirk as he leans even closer to Steve. "That's a funny way to say you've got a crush on me, Harrington."
"But I don't." He's searching Eddie's face for something, anything, any sign that he's not crazy. That this is more than him having a crush on someone he shouldn't. "You've done something. I know it."
"Trust me, Steve, we would have kissed by now if I'd put a spell on you."
"Oh." Steve's eyes drop to Eddie's lips. "Maybe it is just a crush."
"Does that scare you?" Eddie whispers. Steve's very aware that they are sitting on the couch in the middle of a crowded party but all of the people around them seem so far away. He wants to lean that tiny bit further and taste the beer on Eddie's lips.
"It terrifies me." He whispers back honestly. "But, like, in a good way."
Eddie smiles, seemingly satisfied with Steve's answer.
Steve leans back so that he can take in the beauty of Eddie properly. His eyes trail over the scar on his top lip, the freckles on his nose, the way his eyes crease with his smile and the blush that stain his cheeks. The more he looks, the more beauty he finds. Eddie really has bewitched him.
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vintagevict0ria · 2 months
𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞
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Chapter 3 "But what would you do if I went to touch you now?"
pairing: Adam Driver x f!reader content: Alcohol consumption, fingering, handjob, close proximity trope, smut, MDNI!! a/n: omg- all time my favorite chapter ive written so far. I've also planned to have around 6-7 chapters!! Its been so fun to write this and sometimes I can never stop. When i said this would come out on saturday- I was fully convinced I would have it done by friday and have it out this morning. BUT last night I was at a party and didn't get back till midnight. So this morning i cranked out this chapter on dunkin coffee and a donut. ALSO first sex chapter??!!! IDK if its too soon but who cares! we love a good close proximity trope!!!! I am so excited for yall to read this!! The love and support for this series has been amazing and Im so grateful!! LOVE YOU ALL!! xoxo
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“It was mine.”
The wine glass, suddenly and slowly, was taken away and set back down on the table. Your heart was jumping out of your chest but Adam could be far from affected. His eyes were locked in on the menu in front of him. “What do you think you're going to get?” He glanced up at you. You were captivated by him. His eyes. His nose. His smile. It was all beautiful. You wondered if he thought about you as much as you did him. The call of your name shook you out of your trance. “Huh? Oh yeah um- I was thinking of the Ribeye with a lobster tail aaand a side salad.” You placed your menu back down and grabbed your glass. Adam nodded, looking back down at the menu. 
“Are we ready to order?” The waiter walked back over and Adam gestured for you to go ahead. After a while of Adam going back and forth on what to get, he finally ordered. 
It didn't take long for the food to arrive, but you had already drank half a bottle of wine and had no appetite. In order to push away your feelings for the man in front of you, you stupidly assumed alcohol was the answer. “Yeah an’ then he kiss her!” Your mind was a blur. Words slurring together as you spoke. Adam had eaten his food and ordered for yours to be taken to-go. Laughing, you poured yourself another glass but Adam grabbed the bottle of Screaming Eagle Cabernet before you could finish. “Heyyyyyy!” Your attempt to fight back was useless as he pulled back and placed it out of your reach. “Here, let's get you some water, okay?” Adam raises his eyebrow at the passing waiter- he knew instantly when he looked quickly at you- taking a heavy sip of what you did pour into your glass- and then at Adam who had the expression of ’help.’ all over him. This is the last thing you remember- that was until your vision was black.
You weren't sure what time it was. Your head pounded and your world was spinning around you. Slowly, you sat up. You squeezed your eyes shut before rubbing them open with the palms of your hands. Setting your hands beside you, you realized something- you aren't in your bed. Or your room. At this realization, you jumped off the bed and stood in the middle of the room. You looked around the dark, monochromatic, room around you. You listened closely to see if you could hear anything that gave you clues to where you were. Then you heard the faint sound of water running in the room adjacent to you. But for some reason, something still felt off. You went to adjust your dress when you realized that you weren't wearing the red dress you had put on. At this point, panic set in. Not only were you in a random ass room, but your kidnapper had taken off your dress and replaced it with an oversize ‘budweiser’ t-shirt. Then the sound of water stopped. Glancing around the room, you tried to find somewhere to hide but it was too late. The bathroom door swong open. A dark mysterious figure stood there, a white towel around its waist. You weren't sure if it was the hangover, but you couldn't make out the face of your abductor. The figure then turned on the light, revealing themselves. It was Adam. You immediately found comfort in knowing you indeed had not been kidnapped. His towel was loosely tied around his hips, his full chest and abs on full display. “Good morning.” Adam spoke as he grabbed a smaller towel to dry his dark locks. “Good morning.” You were now back on the bed. You laid down and hit the bed with a groan. “So, how bad was I?” Adam let out a chuckle, turning to you.
“Well, you had about a bottle and a half of wine, passed out at the restaurant. Carried you to the cab and back here. I wasn't really sure what to do so I put you on the couch. Then you threw up all over your dress, and I gave you a spare shirt I had.” You couldn't help but laugh. As you sat up, you continued to laugh but the uncomfortableness sat in and the laughing turned to tears- you were sobbing-. At Adam's realization, he ran over to you, squatting down. “Hey hey hey, it's okay! What's wrong?” You were on the edge of his bed, head in your hands. Adam, who was in front of you, placed a hand on your knee and said your name. “God, I'm so sorry! This is so embarrassing! It was just supposed to be a nice dinner but I had to be stupid and now I'm here! In your bed! In your clothes! God what is wrong with me!” Adam- who mind you, was shirtless, and with wet hair, had this look of deep concern on his face. “There's nothing to be embarrassed about.” He laughed, running his hand through his hair. “Here, let's get you in the shower and I’ll get Carolina to pick you up. Sounds good?” Wiping the remainder of your tears, you nodded. Adam smiled. Taking your hand and guiding you go to the bathroom. His bathroom was modern but mostly dark. Black and white tiles plastered the shower walls.Once you had gotten out of the shower, you put  Adam's shirt back on. It smelled like Sauvage by Dior. Adams' scent was surrounding you and it was intoxicating. Adam walked you to the door but grabbed your wrist before you walked out and spun you around to face him. You both held eye contact for at least 5 seconds before clashing into each other with a kiss. It was a slight peck but it drove this euphoric feeling to your core. When Adam pulled back, his face was flushed and quietly whispered “God i'm so sorry i just-” You shushed him “No it's okay, I’ll see you tomorrow Driver.” A few minutes later, Carolina came to pick you up. Entering the car you gave her a stern look “No questions. Nothing. Do you hear me?” She laughed, “Okay okay” Before the car drove off you realized you had left your wallet and keys in Adam's room.
You jumped out of the car and ran inside. “Hey sorry! I left my wal-” You didn't get to finish your sentence because Adam's mouth was on yours. Then his hands grabbed ahold of your waist, bringing you closer to him. Your hands followed but went up to his beautiful hair. His mouth was intoxicating and this feeling was new to you. “Fuck im so sorry Ive just been wanting to do that for a while.” You shut him up by kissing him. “Shut up Driver” Adam moaned into your mouth, the grip on your waist tightened as he pushed you into the living room and laid you on the couch. A million thoughts were running through your mind- was this really happening? You were on Adam Driver's couch and he was on top of you???!?!?!??! But there was no time for thinking- His hands were already in your pants- well your underwear because the only thing you had on was his shirt. “Wait wait wait” Adam pulled back- face flushed red. “Are you sure you want to do this Adam?” He paused before replying, “I mean we have to practice for the scene in the movie, don't we?” His words were echoing in your head and all you could do was nod your head. When he started to kiss you again, his rough and large fingers started to linger over your sex. When two of his fingers entered your shopping hole, your back arched against the couch. “oh my-'' you let out a moan of his name as he began to curl and pulse his fingers against the spongy spot that made your vision go blurry. Your free hand that wasn't tangled in his hair- traveled down his chest and down to his sweats where he was rock solid. The second your hand started to brush against him, his body contracted and shivered under your touch. The mix of a moan and a whisper of your name left his mouth. His fingers were speeding up and you weren't sure how much longer he would last. Your hand, finally in his pants, started stroking him and matched the pace of his fingers inside you. “Shit- Adam im-” He was now going faster than before, attending to get you to reach you high as soon as possible. His thumb began to rub slow and hard circles on your clit and you were gone. Your hips matched bucked against him and loud moans and whines left your voice. “C’mon, you can do it. Cum for me.” His soft spoken words took you over the edge. The living room reverberated the sounds of both you and Adams moans as you both reached your climax.
Now panting, you realized Carolina was still waiting on you. “Shit shit I have to go! Where are my keys?” You maneuvered yourself out from under Adam and adjusted yourself. “On the table-” Once you saw them you grabbed them and were out of the house before Adam could say anything else.You appoligized to Carolina when you sat in the passenger seat. “Sorry, me and Adam were uh… talking. Got distracted.” Your friend raised an eyebrow at you. “Oh that makes sense. So how did your hair get messy and why are you painting and sweating?”
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p1nkprincess444 · 1 month
⋆༺𓆩 𝓢𝓾𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓮 - 𝓒𝓵𝓪𝔂 𝓡𝓸𝓪𝓬𝓱 𓆪༻⋆
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i didn't proof read so hopefully there aren't too many errors
gn!reader x clay roach
word count: 1,527
contents: angst, suicide, drugs
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The first night you met Clay it was a simple exchange of him sharing a joint with you after you came home from a long day of work. Little did you know this is the decision that would end your life. Clay and yourself made this a nightly habit of sharing a joint together and talking about your days. He didn’t quite understand what it was about you that made him so attracted to you but he didn’t mind it.
It was reaching winter time so Clay moved your meetings into his house. It was cluttered and messy but you didn’t mind if you were with him. You rested your head in his lap as you guys sat on his couch while sharing a joint. He mindlessly played with your hair as you guys babbled on about random things. You shifted in his lap as you talked, until you noticed a syringe with a small baggy full of a substance you didn’t recognize. 
“ Mm’ Clay what’s that,” I asked as I pointed at the syringe and baggy set aside on a small table in the corner of the room. 
Clay’s smile fades as he looks over at the heroin. He never wanted to get you involved in that. He knew he was a scummy asshole, but things were different with you. “ Sunshine.. Don’t- don’t worry about that, okay? ” 
You paid it no mind as you went back to talking to him. As you slept in his lap but all he could think about was the heroin across the room sitting on the table. He gently moved you from his lap and snatched it off the table as he plopped back down onto the couch next to you. He contemplated whether he should wait to do this, but he didn’t pay it much thought as he started tightening his belt around his arm as he rolled up his sleeve. You squirmed slightly in your sleep making Clay freeze in fear as he thought he might ruin what you had. You mumbled something softly in your sleep before settling again. Clay watched you before pushing the needle into his arm. He let out a soft satisfied moan as the heroin shot into his veins. He leaned back against the couch enjoying the rush he got before he saw you waking up. It took him too long to realize what was happening as you sat up rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“ Clay.. what- what are you doing, ” my voice cracked as I took in the scene of him with the needle in his arm with the belt pulled snug around his bicep. 
“ Sunshine- I-, ” Clay didn’t know what to say, he knew he’d been caught but he couldn’t lose you. “ I’m… sorry I-I’m so sorry, ” he mumbled as he pulled you into a tight hug.
You cried against his neck out of confusion and betrayal. After you had calmed down a bit he just held you as he rode out his high. You didn’t know what to do. On one hand you were falling in love with him but on the other you knew you couldn’t get involved with someone like this. You fell back asleep as he held you, but after you woke up you knew you had to make a choice. You woke Clay up as you sat next to him.
“ You- you have to get clean, If you want me to stay, ” I was serious about this but I knew deep down that I’d stay even if he wasn’t clean.
He agreed immediately but had no real plans on following through. He started to hide his stash better from you as you both began to spend more time together. 
You woke up in the middle of the night feeling around in your bed for Clay but all you felt were cold sheets underneath your fingers. You trailed down your staircase wearing one of his sweaters only to find your kitchen light on. You carefully crept towards the dim light to find Clay at your kitchen table needle in hand. Your heart shattered as you saw him shooting up.
Clay’s eyes locked on yours as he immediately dropped the empty needle to the floor. “ Shit- sunny I- I thought you were asleep, ” he quickly got up as you stood there like a scared child. “ Say something Sunshine… please , ” he begged.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I stood there, “ why, ” was the only thing I managed to choke out.
Clay shook his head as he wrapped his arms around me. You both sank down to the floor as he held you. This is about how it went every time you caught him using heroin. Until it changed… you found yourself on his couch as he tied the belt around your arm. 
“ What- What will it feel like, ” I asked as my eyes nervously met his.
“ It’s going to feel like a hot shower for cold bones, " he said as a slight smirk graced his lips before pressing the needle into your arm.
You let out a soft moan as you shut your eyes before relaxing against his couch. After Clay saw that you were out he shot himself up and sat down on the couch holding your hand as he enjoyed his high. He fell asleep after you but yet woke up before you. He nudged you but all that moved was your head rolling to the side. Panic set in as he checked if you were still breathing, you were but you wouldn’t wake up for another few hours. 
“ Shit.. sunshine you scared me, ” he held you tight against him as he stroked your hair. “ I’m so sorry sunny, ” Clay said as he peppered your head with kisses.
Clay promised he’d stay clean this time but as soon as he started getting withdrawals you caught him shooting up in your bathroom. Your heart broke a little more every time you caught him, until you just expected it of him.  He started to get you high with him each time, he said it made us “ closer ".
“ I love you, ” Clay mumbled as he kissed you while you were both high out of your minds.
You used to love him until he turned you into this. You were a complete mess. You hadn’t slept a whole night in weeks as you spent most of your time high or crying. Heroin was your only escape, but you wanted to escape that as well. You couldn’t reciprocate his words as you sat next to him. He stared at you taken in your unbrushed hair, your puffy and swollen now empty eyes that used to light up with joy when you saw him. He thought about when he first met you, when you were happy telling him a new story every time you saw him, but now you sat broken in front of him. 
“ Smile for me again.. I’ll do anything to see that smile back on your face.. ” he cupped your face in his shaky hands but you couldn’t muster up a smile as you stared into his eyes. It broke him knowing he did this to you. 
You two curled up in his bed together as he held onto you clinging to you desperately. You managed to slip away from him as he slept, you knew that this was your chance to escape, you had to. You walked calmly into his bathroom as you slid the medicine cabinet open and pulled out the sleeping pills. You poured the bottle into your hands as you stared at the white capsules in your hand. You threw your head back and swallowed them. You curled back up to Clay as you waited for the pills to take effect. Your eyes began to flutter shut and you knew this was the last time you’d see Clay. You kissed his lips gently before you let your eyelids fall shut. 
Clay woke up smiling softly as he saw you asleep, but when he tried to wake you you rolled over limply as he nudged you. He checked to see if you were breathing but he felt nothing. He began to panic, he shook you as he begged desperately for you to wake up.
“ Y/n please! J- Just wake up.. Open those pretty y/e/c eyes for me, ” Clay began to cry as he held your lifeless body.
Clay pulled away from you before shooting up a syringe full of heroin, followed by another before he tumbled into bed next to you. He held you close as he began to fade out. He lost consciousness as he held your lifeless corpse. In his final moments he thought about what if he had never offered you that joint. Would you be a lifeless corpse in his bed?
He used to call you his sunshine because you lit up his day with your smile and now you’d never smile for him or anyone again.
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jacobsbigmelons · 11 months
Can I request Jacob with a bf who really like to hold his hands and hug Jacob but he's too insecure to ask for it.
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Safe Embrace
Jacob Custos x Male Reader
cw: fluff fluff and fluff my god i love some fluff with Jacob, oh and Emma and Jacob don’t like each other here if that wasn’t clear
sorry i haven’t been posting the soop for y’all, i’ve been fighting the worst illness (writers block)
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You walked out of your cabin, the sounds of crickets chirping entered your ears but just as quick the familiar body was walking up the steps to the door that led to said cabin. Unfortunately the door blocked your view enough before you realized it was Jacob who was making his way up. The thump of the door hit Jacob as your heart raced before quickly moving around the door to grab his arm incase the door pushed him back enough to fall.
You grabbed one of his forearms even though the other hand grabbed onto the rail which kept him steady. “Oh- are you okay? I didn’t see you, sorry about that.” You said concerned as Jacob readjusted his hat, “Almost died, nothing to worry about. Nah i’m fucking with you, it’s fine” Jacob wrapped an arm around your shoulder as he kissed your lips, you wrapped your arms around his torso since he initiated the hug after all.
“What’re you up to? Everyone’s at the campfire, minus Ryan, and Katherine he’s being mysterious and I guess she’s with him…who knows what they’re getting into.” You giggled at his sentence as you let him go while twiddling your hands together. “Just went to go get a warmer hoodie, the one I had on wasn’t working out so.” You shrugged while swaying your arms, you wanted to hold his hand but it felt like there was a mental blockage there, you want to go for it but you also didn’t want him to think you were extremely needy for him.
“Alright, sick uh let’s go before we get bitched at.” Jacob casually closed the door behind you as he began to walk down the stairs quickly. “Hey uh- could you um…my-my hands are um, pretty cold so could you potentially…not make them cold?” You said, mentally bashing yourself by how awkward and clunky that sentence came out to be. “You wanna hold hands?” Jacob blatantly stated, his hand slightly extended out for you to take it. You inhaled sharply as you pressed your lips into a line while looking away. Seems he figured that out pretty quick. You nodded as you found your fingers intertwined together as you two made your way to the fire.
Your guys’ footsteps became louder as the sound of nick making the stereotypical cat call whistle as you two held hands to the fire. “Hello lovebirds, glad you can join us” Nick teased as Jacob blew a middle finger kiss to him as you both sat down. Honestly you could care less, you didn’t mind the teasing as long as it wasn’t anything personal. Emma and Abby were having their own little conversation as Nick, Jacob and Dylan were shooting random topics at each other. Your hands still together, you really wanted his arm around you once again, his arm felt nice when it was around you.
You slowly tried to take your hand out of his to try and give some sign without it being weird or awkward, you were pretty content with just staring up at the stars as the fire crackled near you. Jacob turned in your direction while also looking back at your hand for a second as he replied to the boys’ questions. You looked back at him with a slight smile as Jacob eventually took his hand out instead and maneuvered it near your waist to pull you closer as he kept it there and returned eye contact to the boys.
“I really like it when you wrap your arms around me” you said not expecting an immediate answer since he was still speaking. You laid your head on his shoulder as your arm wrapped around his waist as well. “Aw look, the boys are so cute.” Abby shamelessly chimed in as her hands rested on her chest, a smile plastered on her face. “Uh yeah, not everyday you see a couple like this” Jacob quickly replied “oh and I also like wrapping my arms around you too” Jacob quickly replied to your previous statement to him.
“So what, you guys are officially making it a thing and not dancing around the bush and just being fwb’s? (friends with benefits)” You both scoffed at her question, you were so thrown off you felt the need to cough from just how surprising it was, yeah you two weren’t super upfront about your relationship whether it was when you two would sneak off and get frisky or if it was just to cuddle up in bed together. “I mean- yeah I guess it’s official I’d say.” you replied after you got over your coughing fit, “Uh yeah what he said, and for the record Emma, no one was dancing around any bush” he pointed at her playfully with his free hand.
The fire crackled as the group laughed together, crickets chirping in the background as you two sat in peace with one another, both yours and Jacobs arms around one another’s waist as you kissed once more and took in the calming nighttime ambience.
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st4rr-girrl · 1 year
If it’s totally okay with you, do you think you could do a fic with Patrick Hockstetter that he like meets a girl just as unhinged as him, like she’s always lighting fires and just down bad crazy, laughing like a maniac, and he falls for her, believing she’s a god too. Only if you would like, you’re writing truly is something else<3<3 it’s beautiful 💗
[of course honey. i love taking requests <33 and thank you sm 🥰💕]
thank you to my dear anonnie 💕
Sorry this took me so long lmfao
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warnings: cussing, bullying, mental illness, lighting stuff on fire, underage drinking/drugs, sadism/ masochism.
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He first noticed you from afar, smirking as you told off the teacher, or as you pushed the middle schoolers around.
But when he really talked to you, was when he saw you in the forest just beside the road.
The air was crisp, and the sky was dark. The moonlit sky enhanced your features just enough that you could be recognized by any passers by.
Not that there would be, since the forest was heavily abandoned by the townspeople.
He watched as you pulled out a shiny zippo, and lit something on fire. He couldn’t see what it was, but it’s not like he cared or anything. He just stared— as the flames lit up and brightened your previously shaded features.
He smirked, slowly walking up to you in hopes of scaring the fuck out of you.
“Hey there.” He said, smirking, while watching as panic spread across your face like wildfire at the thought of him being and adult— or someone that could get you in trouble.
“You dick!” You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “I should’ve lit your ass on fire instead.” You rolled your eyes at the handsome stranger.
“I probably would’ve liked it.” He winked, smiling seductively.
“Oh?” You smirked back, “You aren’t the only one.” You turned around and slapped your hands on your thighs, poking your ass out jokingly, before laughing like a maniac and running away from him. (Evie from thirteen vibes)
He shook his head with a smirk, watching your figure get smaller and smaller until it disappeared in a whole.
The next day at school, you caught him staring repeatedly, those green eyes filled with curiosity and fondness directed specifically towards you.
You winked at him just before the bell rung, and he didn’t see you until the next class you two had together.
Each day he saw you, and exchanged those glances and sneaky winks, he started to like you even more.
He started to actually be excited for school at the thought of seeing you again. His heart raced at every glance you two exchanged.
Neither of you made any moves.
Until, Patrick came to class and was met with a note on his desk. “Meet me in the woods at 1:00 am.”
He immediately looked over to you, with hope swirling in his chest.
You immediately smirked at him, and gave him a quick little wink before paying attention to the teacher.
The only thing that was on his minder afterwards was what you two were gonna do in the woods. Set animals on fire? Burn each-other and get matching scars? Get high? Drink vodka?
He was excited. Really excited.
He excused himself from the gang since they were supposed to be hanging out that night. But he has other plans now.
You waited in the woods, impatiently fiddling with a random stick you found on the ground. It was a darker night than expected, giving a creepy vibe as the moon didn’t have its usual bright hue.
You sat with your knees up, and your back against a tree. The wind howled loudly as you waited.
Soon you saw a tall, lanky figure approach you. Your guard was immediately up, thinking of a scenario where it wasn’t the boy you planned on meeting.
But once he was close enough, you could see it was just the boy you wanted to see. Your shoulders dropped in relief.
You smirked, opening your backpack and pulling out a joint and a lighter. “Wanna join me?” You asked the black haired boy.
“Is that even a question?” He said sarcastically. You rolled your eyes and lit the joint.
“I never caught your name.” You said curiously, staring intently at the boy as you took a puff of your joint, passing it to him after. You inhaled to plant, holding it there for a few seconds before blowing the remaining smoke out of your lungs.
He mirrored your actions, saying “Patrick.” While smoke blew out of his mouth.
“Y/n.” You smirked back.
This when on for a few weeks. You two would mingle in the woods at night, and your feelings grew each time.
Until you eventually got into a relationship. A chaotic one. You’d push around the middle schoolers with him, light shit on fire with him, and lots of other things that will not be named.
People feared you. They also feared your relationship. Which wasn’t particularly… healthy. He wasn’t in love. He was obsessed with you. That was far from love. But it’s okay, because you felt the same way. Almost to the point of killing other people for even looking at one another.
He believes you and him are the only real people on earth, and that you two are the rulers of the chess game called reality. Everyone else are pawns while you two are the rulers.
And for the first time in your life; you felt as if soulmates were real. You’d never admit this to him, because it was corny. But you felt as if he was made for you. That he was truly the one.
And this was just the beginning of what would be your downfall. But you enjoyed it. You were a masochist. ;)
Masterlist: here
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
Someone great 💚P7💚
Loki x Divorced! Female Reader
18+ | Contains swearing, smut, angst, ex husband, alcohol, probably some more please let me know if I leave anything major out x - also a random gif because this post was flagged 😂
Previous Part Next Part
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You were a stranger to sleep the whole night. How could you have relaxed knowing Bucky was only a few doors down. You heard him trudging up the stairs before the door to the spare bedroom opened and closed. A plethora of hidden emotions came rising to the surface leaving you feeling almost drowned by them. You felt nauseous. Bucky didn’t deserve your kindness in the slightest but he was still Olivia’s dad and you respected that. You didn’t care if Bucky wondered the streets half drunk in the middle of the night but you did care if Olivia’s dad did it considering anyone could have seen him. You just hoped that by morning he’d have sobered up and left.
Surprisingly, you did manage to fall asleep before being woken up about an hour later by a light tapping on your bedroom door. Opening your eyes, you squinted as the sun came pouring in.
“Come in.” You called before Bucky opened the door as you sat up.
“Y/n I’m sorry.” He spoke quietly, unable to meet your eyes.
“Sorry?” You scoffed, clearly you weren’t as calm as you thought you were “you fucked somebody in our bed James.” You deadpanned. Hearing the use of his actual name fall from your lips, Bucky finally met your eyes. It stung him to hear it; it sounded foreign from you. “And don’t you ever think there’s an us, you broke us.” You added.
“I know.” Bucky answered, barely above a whisper.
“And now you’re trying to break you and Alexis. If you don’t want to be with her, fine, but you tell her that. She doesn’t deserve to be strung along and I WONT be the other woman to my ex husband.” You insisted.
“I understand” he nodded “and thanks for letting me stay, I was so drunk but you can blame Loki for that.” He tried to add to lighten the mood but it did nothing to settle you. Your eyes rounded at the mention of Lokis name and suddenly the memories of the night you spent together came rushing in.
“W-what?” You asked, clearing your throat.
“I was with Loki and a few other from the gang and we had some drinks and then Loki was talking and it made me think of you hence why I decided to come here last night.”
“What?” You gasped, heart rate increasing “how did Loki talking make you think of me?”
“I don’t actually remember.”
“So you remember nothing Loki said?”
“Nah.” He answered, shaking his head. Great, hopefully Loki wasn’t drunk and didn’t manage to let it slip that you and him were fuc— “why?” Bucky questioned.
“Just wondering.” You answered as you stood up before making your way to the bathroom. Whilst you were in there, Bucky shouted a goodbye before he left and you exited the bathroom. You debated on whether or not you should call Loki and ask if he remembers saying anything to Bucky. After this thirty second debate, you picked up your phone before calling Loki.
“Hello.” Loki answered groggily after a few rings.
As if his voice couldn’t get any hotter.
“Hey, just wondering if you mentioned anything about what we did to Bucky last night.”
Right on the nose y/n, perfect.
“No.” He answered making you release a breath of relief, a breath that Loki heard and that caused him to smirk.
That was amazing. Considering how worried you were that Bucky did somehow find out, you realised you couldn’t live with the secret. It was better to just never do that with Loki ever again.
“Great because that is never ever happening ever again.”
Who knew that eating pussy cured hangovers? Speaking with Loki on the phone, you realised that he was probably quite hungover and so you offered to pick him up breakfast, as friends of course, but when he answered the door to his apartment shirtless, his trousers hanging low, dangerously low, your breath hitched. Your eyes roamed over his body as your lips parted. Loki watched you, lips curling up into a smile. Was this on purpose?
“Eyes up here darling.” He spoke causing you to quickly meet his piercing gaze. Lord he was sexy, so, so sexy. Wasting no time, you placed the bag onto the floor as you stepped in, pressing your lips to Lokis and kissing him. He wasted no time deepening the kiss as his arms wrapped around you, pulling you inside as he closed the door behind you. Loki walked backwards towards his bedroom, lips still moving against yours as he helped rid you of your clothes, beginning with your jacket.
Loki trailed kisses across your neck as he nudged your legs apart with his knee. You rutted against his knee as it pressed against your core, Lokis attack on your neck continuing. Beginning to move lower, you felt his lips against the valley of your breasts as you writhed underneath him. When he reached the hem of the joggers you had thrown on in your haste, he kissed your hipbone before hooking his thumbs underneath the elastic and tugging them down as well as your underwear; he had no desire to tease today.
Your head fell back against the pillow as Loki licked a firm stripe from your entrance to your clit. And then another, humming approvingly at your taste. Your legs were thrown over his shoulders as he gripped your thighs tightly, tongue working through your folds as your back arched off the bed. You felt his lips wrap around your clit before he sucked it leaving you thrashing against the bed as his name fell from your lips. He continued his assault, alternating between licking and sucking the bundle of nerves as your legs tightened around him. You could feel your orgasm approaching as your hand tightly gripped the sheet. You were panting, moaning as Loki began circling your clit with his fingers as he entered you with his tongue, pushing it in as far as it could go, your eyes rolling back as pleasure consumed you.
“Fuck fuck FUCK” you exclaimed, near sobbing as you reached your climax, Loki pressing his tongue to your clit as you came.
“Taste so good.” He murmured, lapping up your arousal as you sauntered through your high but Loki wasn’t done, far from it. You gasped as he entered you with two fingers, curling them inside you before nudging your clit with his tongue. You were quickly back to moaning lewdly as Loki sucked your clit, his fingers moving in and out of you at a steady pace beckoning you towards another climax.
“Don’t stopp.” You begged, one hand tightly gripping the sheet below you whilst the other one remained in his hair, holding him against you. Your hips rose as you moved against his mouth, eagerly chasing another release. Loki wrapped his lips around your clit one more time, fingers thrusting in and out of you perfectly as you came again, screaming his name before you collapsed back down against his bed.
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That you are my friend, that you are 🤣
@mischief2sarawr @el-zef @michelleleewise @mochie85 @lokisninerealms @lokisgoodgirl @lokiprompts @vickie5446 @trickster-maiden @lovingchoices14 @itsybitchylittlewitchy @lucylaufeyson3 @salempoe @lulubelle814
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shinekocreator · 11 months
Based on this post
a/n: tw mention of discussion of ab*rtion, hurt and comfort
Leaving was hard, but you knew staying would be much harder.
You loved your work, and all the spider people you got to hang out with, but you had to get away from Miguel, so without anyone noticing, you replaced your watch with a day pass, and used the "go home" machine to return to your universe, knowing Miguel was too preoccupied to find out.
You had to disappear, you knew that much, so you got a new place and left no contact info.
The next part was harder, you had to quit being Spider Woman altogether. You got rid of the costume in a random dumpster, you changed your name, you made sure all information regarding the name change was gone.
After all was done, you sat on your bed and wept.
You had a conversation with yourself about whether or not you should get an abortion, but decided against it. You thought you'd have to deal with the pregnancy alone, luckily for you, you had much help from your neighbours, and couldn't be happier about the place you moved to.
Four years passed. your daughter was already three years old when you finally met him, Michael John Watson, and boy, was he everything you could want in a man, sweet, kind, funny, intelligent, emotionally stable and very accepting of your daughter.
Three more years and you were happily married, Michael absolutely adored your daughter, Isabella, who was now already six years old, and she absolutely loved him as well.
Two years passed, and you couldn't be happier, when he finally found you.
It was a calm day, in the middle of spring when you heard a knock on the door. You hated being interrupted during movie time with your family, but you cared for your neighbours, and if one of them needed help, you would be more than happy to.
When you saw Miguel at the door, you hurried to close it, but he was quick enough to stop you.
Michael and Isabella had no idea what was going on at the door, but when Isabella heard you bark "NO!" she knew she had to investigate. So she came to the door to see who you were talking to.
As soon as she saw Miguel she asked "Mommy, who is that?"
Miguel nearly choked when he saw Isabella, she was clearly his daughter and he wanted to get explanation. Knowing this, you dragged Miguel away from your house.
"Explain" was all Miguel said to you.
You laughed bitterly, "There's nothing to explain here".
"The child is clearly mine, I demand an explanation"
"You might be her sperm donor, but you're not her father, I don't want you near her EVER!"
Miguel looked furious "I DEMAND TO MEET OUR CHILD!"
You looked at him with a hardened expression "Not your daughter, and I would like to keep her away from harm"
Miguel looked hurt at that "Please, babe, I miss you, I want to be with you, and our daughter. I promise to cause her no harm." He pleaded, but you were deaf to his pleas.
"You're a heartless man Miguel O'Hara, and I refuse to be with a heartless man. I'm finally happy and I very much love my husband. I don't need you back. Now leave!"
All arguments died on Miguel's lips at the mention of a husband and he just left.
You breathed out in relief and returned to your house, finally at ease now that you got closure over that part of your life.
Miguel returned to his universe, and headed straight to his office, for three weeks he stayed alone, replaying moments of you two together on his screen and crying, he stayed isolated and pushed out everyone.
This was it for him, no more chances for a happy ending.
Thank you to anyone who reads this,I hope you enjoyed it. and especially thank you to @sillyblues for the amazing base I had to work with.
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george228732 · 9 months
Fylass Through the Looking Glass - Chapter Two EX - Loose Threads
The woods at night couldn’t be more uneasy, and maybe dangerous, with the Jabberwocky probably being around, but Dero needed answers for that letter; Dolly seemingly didn’t get the true meaning of the letter, for she didn’t  recognize her writing; he remembered how Dolly said to him that she would hope her mother would be proud of her for this accomplishment of getting to be Queen, and he would’ve just assumed that Dolly was just a random orphan that was somehow able to get into this position of power, but after his assumptions, theories, and experiences that came into fruition thanks to the Club, he couldn’t be so sure about that anymore. "...What am I even doing anymore?" He stopped, looking at the dark forest bestowed upon him. "I am just chasing down delusions; there is no way she is here anymore… That darn Moon Suit got rid of her long ago…" He sat down in the middle of the path, thinking and remembering…
"I just want to see her beautiful eyes, once more…"
Dero closed his eyes, and started to enter into yet another train of thought.
His first memory in Wonderland was when he woke up, it was in the middle of the forest, being woken up by the heat and sunlight; he was an adult, and was already able to speak, walk, and have basic social skills; which would be weird on itself, as if he was just born.
When trying to get up, he noticed five swords that were stuck to the ground, and each had a different symbol resembling a card suit, Diamond, Heart, Club, Spade, and Moon; Dero felt oddly drawn to them, and when all of them were picked, they transformed into a much longer and powerful sword. The creature of Dark Matter, without anything else to do, decided to walk further into a dark forest, to see if they can find someone to guide them in this world they didn’t know. He couldn’t see any other way around, so he had no choice.
Questions invaded his head; it just felt like he was brought up to existence out of thin air, and of course, this made Dero very distracted, and thanks to that, he was quickly swarmed by wild creatures all over the place, but they seemed… distorted; in fact, they looked like pieces of a mirror, doing its best to be put back together, failing mid-through; these creatures were vile, only planning to attack whoever gets on their way, and quickly were able to outmatch him, but before those things could harm Dero even further, they were quickly destroyed by being pierced with a Golden Heart Spear, and as such, those creatures shattered into a million pieces.
"Oh, dear! Are you okay?!" A voice spoke up in the same direction where the spear was thrown, and when Dero looked at the source of it, he saw a blonde woman in particular; her clothes were all red, black, and pink, with a top hat, which seemed to be a crown of some sort, ironically enough, and golden accessories everywhere, including a heart shaped ruby, right on her chest, which seemed to resemble a bowtie. What made him confused though, was her eyes, having heart shaped pupils on her cherry pink irises.
Dero quickly stood up by the mere shock of what just happened, but was clearly wounded, and slowly bleeding, so he couldn’t take more than a few steps, before tripping, and falling back to the ground. 
The lady ran towards him, to check if he was okay, and when she saw the wounds, she quickly picked some bandages which seemed to be of… yarn? Either way, the bandages surprisingly worked, stopping all the bleeding. The lady in question was pretty relieved, and talked to Dero.
"Sweet wonders, are you feeling better?"
"...I-Indeed… Thank you, miss." 
"It’s no problem; it is my job as Queen to protect my civilians." Dero was quite surprised by that statement; she was a Queen? She seemed like a very selfless one too…
"I should escort you to the Castle, quick; those beings could still be around."
"E-Excuse me? What are you talking about, miss?"
"Don’t worry, we can discuss things better there; the other civilians are in there, so you won’t be alone. The guards are waiting right outside this place, so there’s not too many things that we should worry about."
Dero was appalled by her kindness, as it felt that it came out of nowhere.
The path was dark and gloomy, and it brought dread to Dero; he was lost, confused, anxious, hungry, hurt, among even more things, but at least, he didn’t feel alone, thanks to this lady’s presence, which seemed to make the world slightly brighter, but he still felt like he had nothing to go for. That’s when they both heard it; a growl, followed by many of those distorted creatures, coming right for the lady.
Dero felt as if the world was moving slowly, seeing how one of these creatures would probably hurt her badly thanks to her not being prepared, would be a thing that Dero wouldn’t allow, so he grabbed his sword, and quickly slashed the creature in half, following the rest; it was so fast that the Queen that accompanied him couldn’t believe it at all, one second she blinked, and the other, she was already seeing rows and rows of reflectionless glass around her, and the person she was escorting to the castle for aid, and the Dark Matter creature was able to do all of this, even when being wounded by these same individuals.
"Are you okay, miss?" 
"...Y-Yes, I am. Thank you, dearly…" She smiled gently, as she walked along with Dero to go to the Castle.
The woods weren’t as dark as before, with the sun seeping through, and other voices being heard towards the bright exit seen in the distance by both. 
"My Queen! Are you there?!" 
"Yes, Yes! I am here, do not fret; I brought someone with me, if you’re wondering." The Queen and Dero finally got out of the place they were in, revealing many knights and guards on the other side, being relieved that their Queen was safe and sound, with a wounded person right next to her.
The conversation was fuzzy for Dero’s ears, so he couldn’t remember much of it, only being able to hear some snippets of conversations regarding the moon, or seeing clearly some of the guards, one of them being Pleiades, which seemed to be the Leader of the Royal Guard back then.
Soon enough, all of them were walking towards the Card Castle, which seemed much simpler than the Castle Dero knows now, and yet, it seemed much more welcoming, and it was even more when looking at the inside.
There were a lot of people inside, some wounded, some sleeping, some others just happy to be in here, but Dero felt welcome. 
"Please, relax. Those creatures could follow us."
"Excuse me, but what is happening? I am confused, since I just came here, I think…"
"Oh. Let me explain, we have some time. You see, those creatures were sent by a traitor Suit, who wants to destroy this realm, for reasons I can’t comprehend; his name is Cosmounse, or you can refer to him as the Joker Suit, The Moon of Despair, or the Traitor. He’s dressed as a jester, with blue, red, and gray clothing, green eyes, and twisted motivations, so be wary and run if you see him."
"Suit? Sorry, I don’t get it."
"In this realm, we are organized by five suits; the Diamond, Heart, Spade, Club and Moon, and you can recognize them when you look at their eyes, which will have the symbols of the suits mentioned. Suits are able to become Kings or Queens if those positions are available, and in need. You would think that the Moon would try to get the throne by doing all of this, but he confessed that he wasn’t interested in that position at all, and just wants to destroy it."
Dero was quite impressed by what she was saying; how could there be something as vile as the person she was describing? Was she exaggerating, or were things just that bad?
"Wow. Such a vile creature you’re describing. I am going to assume you are the Heart Suit, if I understood this well?"
"...Where are the other suits?" 
"Oh, Vibrato, Tenebra, and Pleiades, you mean? They are safe, waiting for me at the Heart Door. I must leave, I’ll check on all of you when the reunion between us Suits ends, I promise." The lady was about to leave, but Dero wanted to say one last thing to her.
"...What is your name? I would like to refer to you as such, as a way to thank you for your help, back then."
"Oh. My name is Giselle, how about yours? Sorry, I don’t remember seeing you around these lands, so it would be convenient for me to call you by your name."
"...My name is Dero, Queen Giselle. Thank you for helping me." Giselle smiled gently, as she left the room, to go upstairs with the other suits.
Dero felt intrigued by her, and seemingly started to harbor feelings towards the Queen; he knew that a relationship like that couldn’t be done, but he at least wanted to be the one that could protect her when any dangerous situation might happen; he wanted to be her knight in shining armor, out of love, but specially loyalty, and as a way to repay her for saving his life.
He waited for a while, a while where the only things he could hear were the sounds of whispers, echoing through the room, at the point where Dero started to feel overwhelmed by the sound, and got into a nearby room where less people were there; a coincidence that this room was connected to the staircase leading to the story and room where the reunion was taking place, and much more of a coincidence that Ades was going down those same stairs.
"Hey, sir!" Dero pointed towards Ades to catch his attention.
"Hm? Oh, hello there, is there anything that I can help you with?" The Dark Matter creature could see the diamond jewel embedded in one of Ades’ hands, and so, he put two and two together.
"Are you the Diamond?"
"Yes, I am. Is there something going on?"
"...I wanted to ask, if there were any available spots on the Royal Guard, for me to take." Ades was quite surprised to hear that.
"...Do you want to become part of the Royal Guard? Are you experienced in any sort of fighting?" He was saying this jokingly, but he didn’t know that Dero’s request was genuine.
"Yes, I am. This sword is… mine, and I used it to defend the Queen when she was about to be attacked by one of those… things."
"Wait, so what Giselle was saying was true? She usually jokes about these sorts of things, but it seems that this one is real… huh. Well, there are available spots, yes, but I will have to test you if you have the requirements to be part of this. Those creatures seem to have stopped coming, so I am sure that there won’t be many complications." 
"Yes! I would appreciate that, dearly!"
"Alright then, follow me outside, and let’s see how capable you are."
Days and days happened, and Dero had successfully outdone every single test Ades threw at him, from simple sword fighting exercises, from practices with actual people at the scene, and for sure, Dero had outdone himself even more; to the point that Dero and Ades met so much, and so, they became friends, which would sometimes be seen drinking beer together, or trying to solve some problems around Wonderland together; Ades usually wouldn’t be this friendly towards a Wonderlander, but Dero had gained his respect a long time ago.
Two months had already passed, and Dero was exceptional, as if he was born with the purpose of protecting the Queen, and his day of ceremony as a guard had finally come. 
"You did well, Dero. Are you ready for your ceremony?"
"Indeed, I am. I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long, and it’s finally here."
"Well, then. Go through this door; The Queen is waiting for you."
Dero crossed the door, which was filled with other knights and guards, all of them celebrating and praising Dero for his accomplishment. He walked towards the other end of the room, seeing Giselle, holding what seemingly is a cape.
He was happy, and was even happier when the conversation between both came to a start and close; he still remembers the last words of the conversation.
"Dero of Wonderland, here, I declare you, Royal Guard of the Heart."
Afterwards, Dero used his sword to grab the cape, and after some struggle, and help of his comrades, he had it on, as he heard the sound of a lot of cheers coming down his way, and the only thing he did was bow down to his Queen.
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"...If only she was still here…" Dero stopped with that memory train of his, and was again, standing at the dark, gloomy forest at night. He was starting to tear up, and was about to go to the Tarot Village, to at least have some hope that she was there, when he heard a voice.
"You never give up, do you?" Dero didn’t know where the voice was coming from, but he knew exactly who was the one saying those words, and it all culminated when Dero looked above, seeing the moon in all its glory, but it emanated a dark light, and an eye was starting to make itself visible in the illusion.
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"I was expecting a lot from you, but you are still hurt, even to the point that you don’t even dare to use the sword that represents me."
"..." Dero was silent, only being in shock.
"...How does it feel to be this pathetic?"
Dero blinked, and like if nothing happened, the moon looked just as normal.
"...Am I going crazy?"
"Sir Dero!" Dolly’s voice could be heard from behind, and this time, it didn’t seem like it was another delusion; he looked back, and sure enough, Dolly was running towards him, along with Ades.
"Oh, Queen Dolly, you should be asleep."
"Dolly couldn’t sleep! She was worried about you, and Ades was too! Where were you going?!"
"Yeah, Dero, what’s the matter?"
"...I am sorry, I just thought I had heard someone, and decided to investigate…" He lied, since he didn’t want to alert these two at midnight.
"O-Oh. Dolly is relieved… Now, can we go to the Castle? Dolly doesn’t feel safe around this place…"
"...Yes, My Queen." It seems that Dero needs to postpone Giselle’s search for tomorrow, for he knew that Dolly wouldn’t let him go that easily. Dero, Ades and Dolly walked towards the Castle yet again, but Dero’s mind was being filled to the brim with doubts.
"...Why do I feel that Giselle should’ve acted a lot differently like the one I remember? It’s as if I knew that there’s a horrible Giselle out there, but yet, I don’t know how to feel…" Dero thought to himself. "Even with her gone, Ades had to be declared King, for he was the Diamond, and we wouldn’t want to have a Jabberwocky as a king, even when being domesticated, and the Club died in battle too…"
He looked at Dolly, who was feeling scared due to the darkness.
"...My Queen."
"O-Oh, something happens, Sir Dero?"
"...How was your mother like?"
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@monsterhatdoodles (CREATOR OF THE DRAWINGS)
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lostdreamr-blog1 · 2 years
A Ghost Playing Hangman {J.Seresin} Part 4
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Warnings: Not too many, Swearing, Hangman being Hangman
Word Count: 1.9k
Summary: Ghost was one of the most recent graduates from Top Gun quickly making a name for herself. When she gets recalled with the best of the best, she realizes her work is cut out for her if she wants to make the team. And one of her biggest obstacles is a blonde hair pilot with the world’s most annoying smirk. Will she make the team? And if so, at what cost?
A/N:Part 4 is here! Thank you all for the love and feedback I received on the other parts! Excited to share this all with you!
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9
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It had been a week of the early wake up calls and you were getting close to nailing the course. Maverick voiced his concern early on, but knew it was a losing battle and settled for watching on the side. Even though the group trained together, it still seemed like it was everyone for themselves. Things between Bradley and Hangman only seemed to worsen, and Maverick was at his wits end. Today was the last straw for everyone.
Phoenix, Bob, and Coyote were up running through training while the rest of you sat in the room watching the simulation. You were falling asleep sitting up in a chair until Bradley nudged you. “Maybe you should take a break for a few days and get some actual rest. You look shit.”
“Wow, Rooster. Way to make a girl feel good about herself. And I almost have everything down. A few more training days aren’t going to make a difference.” You heard someone scoff from the other side of the room and didn’t have to look to figure out who it was. Bradley was all over it.
“I don’t know what you said to her, but you are the reason she’s doing this. So do us all a favor and keep your mouth shut for once.” You tipped your head back and closed your eyes, not wanting to get into any of that.
“All I said was that she wasn’t ready. Same thing I said to you except she actually realizes she needed to do something and not just mope around like a kicked puppy.” Hangman didn’t know when to stop, and you mentally noted that it was his biggest downfall. You opened your eyes when you heard a chair get knocked over and saw Bradley red in the face.
“And you are ready for this? Because the only thing I’ve seen you do is leave your team behind and still not make the time. You should be the one out there working to get better, not Ghost.”
You stood up to leave when Bradley asked where you were going. “We have a job to do and sitting around here pointing the finger isn’t going to fix it. Say what you want about each other, but the last time I wasn’t prepared for something, my WSO died.” Both froze when you said that and decided now was the best time walk away. Nearly running into Maverick on the way out, he stopped you and asked what was going on. “Dumb and dumber are at it again. Didn’t feel like playing the middle child.”
The look on his face told you he was done with everyone’s shit. “Grab stuff for a workout. We are getting off base.” Trying your hardest not to groan at his choice of words, you walked off to your locked to get changed.
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Maverick took us to the beach and refused to say why until we were all there. You all carpooled with each other, but there were seldom any conversations. Bob, bless his heart, tried to talk about something he saw on TV the other night to lighten the mood. It was more of him awkwardly talking to himself about it, but you appreciated his attempt.
The group of you were at the beach in front of the Hard Deck. Maverick very clearly had a thing for Penny, and you didn’t think this spot was chosen at random. He began to explain what the hell you were doing out here and it didn’t take long for you to label him as crazy. Dogfight football was the team building exercise Maverick deemed would work. Everyone was split into two teams, both playing offence and defense at the same time. From the outside looking in, it looked like a whole cluster of a mess.
But thank God for sunglasses because all these guys with their shirts off was a much welcome distraction. You had to keep reminding yourself to keep your eyes off Hangman, because it would do you zero good if he caught you looking. It should be a sin for someone to look that good but have the personality of a teenager on steroids.
Teams were spilt up and you of course had to be on opposing sides of Hangman. The smirk he gave you when he lined up in front of you made you shake your head. “Better stay focused, darlin’. Wouldn’t want your feelings to get hurt when you lose.”
Even though you tried your hardest not to, a smile broke through. “My only goal is to make sure Mr. All American gets his ass handed to him by a girl.”
Surprising you both, he full heartedly laughed. “Good luck with that, sweetheart.”
The game started and it took a few rounds of all of you to grasp the concept. Maverick played the first bit with you, showing off that he still had it after all these years. Him and Bradley exchanged a few laughs, making most of the tension from the last week dissipate. The California sun was beating down on you and you needed to cool off if you wanted to keep playing. You didn’t want to admit it quite yet, but this was a pretty good idea on Mav’s part. A whistling sound caught your attention as you took your shirt off, leaving you in a sports bra and shorts. Phoenix wasn’t too far behind you and the pair of you smirked when you realized most of the eyes were on you.
You snuck a quick glance at Hangman and the butterflies erupted in your stomach when you saw he was staring right at you, taking you all in. “Thought it was a bit of an unfair advantage for you boys and decided you needed a distraction.” You walked back over to the group and got in position in front of Hangman again.
In the most ridiculous southern accent you said, “Better stay focused, darlin’. Wouldn’t want to hurt your ego.” The pair of you smiled at each other and a spark of competitiveness took over.
Hondo blew the whistle, and you side stepped Hangman, successfully getting around him. The sudden quickness caught him off guard and gave you a few second advantage to get near the end zone. You knew he was hot on your tail when you made eye contact with Rooster to throw you the ball. Putting everything you had into it, you jumped up in the air to grab the ball that was sailing your way. The figure behind you did the same thing and grabbed your waist to try and pull you away from the football. Somehow you managed to get a hold of it and landed on the ground with a thud. The breath was knocked out of you, and it didn’t help that Hangman was kneeling over you with his hand on side.
“Shit, Ghost. Are you okay?”
You caught your breath and nodded your head. “Does it hurt?”
He looked down at you confused. “Does what hurt?”
A smirk appeared on your face as you asked, “Your ego?”
He tipped his head back and laughed then reached forward to help you up. You took the offered hand, and it was nearly comical watching your hand disappear in his. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
You looked up at him as he said that. “Sports may not be my thing, but I don’t like being second best.”
The rest of the afternoon was spent playing Maverick’s made-up game and all tension was gone from the group. You all knew it was back to work in the morning, but for once you put that worry to the side and enjoyed the moment.
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The excitement and carefree attitude were long gone when you woke up from a nightmare. Memories from the past riddled your dreams and dread was the only thing you felt as you got out of bed. It was only 3 in the morning, but you knew there was no chance you could get back to sleep. It had been months since the last time this happened, and you foolishly thought you were getting better.
You decided to start getting ready for the day, maybe getting away with starting your morning training earlier. Your body went through the motions as your mind seemed to be trapped in the past, struggling to find its way back. Throwing yourself into training was the only solution you had, even though it wasn’t the healthiest.
Within the hour, you were walking through the familiar halls of Top Gun and starting to feel a bit more like yourself. It was quiet, peaceful almost, as the base wasn’t yet awake. You slipped into the locker room and grabbed your flight suit, pausing when you saw the picture tapped on the inside of your locker. The nightmare hit you with full force and you could feel the beginnings of a panic attack setting in. You had pushed these feelings off for so long that you had no choice but to give into the spiraling terror.
Hangman got to base early to try and get in a few laps before the others. Rooster was right when he said he had no room to talk. He had no idea when Ghost would get in, only knowing the spitfire pilot was always here and done before the rest of the group. The base was nearly silent except for a noise he heard in the locker room. It was close to 5am and it honestly didn’t surprise him that Ghost would already be getting ready. He quietly opened the door and froze with what he saw. The normally put together girl he’s come to admire was sitting on the floor against the lockers, struggling to catch her breath.
It took him a second to snap out of the initial shock and quickly walked over to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder, kneeling in front of her, but she either didn’t care or didn’t feel it. “Ghost, hey I need you to look at me.” She was focused on the floor, tears streaming down her face.
He squeezed her shoulder to try to get through to her, “Darlin’ I need you to breathe for me. You’re going to pass out if you keep this up.” She seemed to understand that someone else was here with her, but that state of panic didn’t let up.
He took her face in his hands and forced her to look at him, “Sweetheart look at me. You need to mirror my breathing.” He placed one of her hands on his chest and watched her eyes follow the movement. “Good girl. Deep breath in with me and then out.” The blonde pilot overexaggerated the movements for her to follow them. He kept it up until her voice broke through the silence.
“I should’ve been better. I was the reason he was killed.” And in that moment, Hangman had never felt more heartbroken in his life.  
A/N: Likes? Dislikes? I’ve had so much fun writing this story so far and cannot wait to share the rest with you!! Thank you so much for reading!!
Tag List: @blue-aconite @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @rosiahills22 @dempy @broosters
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