#//Roscoe the mun
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... and shall continue to be once I've gotten the rest of my sh*t together! I only now have finally had gotten back on Tumblr in.... gosh a long while. So many things I'll have to update you all on! Including updating Al's ask page. Wow it needs an upgrade to freshin' up the place. I just wanted to post that, yes, I'm alive and yes, I still want to get this show on the road! I'm still on Discord if anyone wants to bug me briefly and or wants to catch up! See you all at some point! Cause its going to get... slightly personal & also fun! - Roscoe the Mun
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sxs-a2 · 1 year
Get to know the Mun
What’s your phone wallpaper?
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Kid Loki and Gator!Loki
Last song you listened to?
Everything Changes - Pokemon
Currently reading?
The Adventures of Superboy (2023)
Last movie?
Disney's Sleeping Beauty
Teriyaki Chicken
What are you wearing right now?
White tee with a gamer controller on the middle and Blue jogger pants
How tall are you?
5'8 (yes, I am tall for a woman)
Two ear piercings, one on each earlobe.
Last thing you ate?
Vanilla cupcake with yellow frosting.
Favorite colors?
Pink and Purple
Current obsession?
Disney Princesses (mostly Little Mermaid) and InuYasha
Any pets?
Currently no. I did have a mutt named Rosco who passed in 2019.
Do you have a crush right now?
Aleks Le (Zenitsu's English VA) and Zeno Robinson (Genya's English VA)
Favorite fictional character?
Too many! But in KnY, I have to say the Shinazugawa Brothers.
Last place you traveled?
Alabama to visit my partner's family.
Tagged by: @dragvnsovl Tagging: Everyone who's looking
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quinnroscoe · 6 years
//headcanon time!!
quinn and wally both LOVE baseball.
quinn is a brooklyn dodgers fan.
...wally is a NY yankees fan.
and it's the one thing they can't agree on.
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by-my-brothers-side · 4 years
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And here we see the disgruntled Lucas in a most common predicament; at the mercy of his best friend’s electro-cuddle greeting~.
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lifcsupport · 4 years
lavendersenvelope → lifcsupport
tag drop – will add as i go
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dev-morey · 4 years
15, 16, 19, 20
15. What’s your proudest moment/accomplishment in BDRP?
Oh god, uh, this one’s hard.
I wanna say the Tian thread where Tony & Ian discussed Tony’s curse because it was a NOVEL and, also, really set up a real story for Tony. Direction and responsibility. Accountability, which is something Tony lacks.
I will also say as, like, an OOC thing: being accountable myself because, usually, when life gets really low and I start having issues posting I end up just dipping and I didn’t do that this time when my mental health got real bad. I just really love you all and don’t want to leave this group. When I was gone I couldn’t stop thinking about this group!
16. What thread that’s not your own do you remember watching closely?
Answered! (X)
19. Write some love for three Muns of your choice!
Gonna start with the obvious one: Z!! You have been my best friend since I joined this group. The hours we’ve spent not only plotting but just talking and getting to know each other have been amazing! I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to call you my friend. Your writing is fantastic and I cannot say enough nice things about you. Ian is the LOML and Edward is such a little goof that I just wanna squeeze his face and protect him from learning all the bad stuff in the world. Thank you for letting me interact with you and your writing!
Lauren, hope you didn’t think you were get away without some LOVE! Your characters are so vastly different but your homebound spin on them makes me incredibly soft. I’m in love with them all (yes, even Roscoe and Iago, the hooligans) and incredibly honored to be able to inject my crazy kids in their storylines. Plus, you and Z are my crazy Country People, living in Nonsense Places that my city-slicker ass could never handle.
Sav, I know we haven’t done much in the way of IC interactions yet but I am constantly in awe of the stuff you have up your sleeves and how (while they’re all Distinguished Gentlemen) all of your characters are so DISTINCT! Each one of them is entirely different and I’m just... oof... a HUGE FAN!
20. Write some love for three Muses of your choice!
Henry, our dumb little, stupid little, chivalrous boy! Honestly, I could wax poetic about how Emma writes Henry for hours. He’s, wow, so earnest and I just... wow. Devyn loves his (abrasive) friend a lot and Tony is so Concerned and Amused about/by Henry’s general wellbeing if that’s ACTUALLY what Henry is like (which, yes, Tony, it is) and I’m so thrilled to see every little thing Henry does.
Lachlann, you HIMBO SUPREME! I love you and your Dad-But-Like-A-Cool-Dad-Who-Is-Actually-Just-Your-Older-Brother-Or-Super-Chill-Uncle-Who-Feeds-The-Kids-Only-Candy-Before-Returning-Them-To-Their-Parents-LOL-Sorry-Sis man so much. Just, everything about him. Can’t get enough of this DUDE!!! I have so much to say, just, thanks for letting me interact with him, Jean!!!!
Pip, darling, glorious Pip, I’m obsessed with you. I honestly didn’t think him and Tony would click nearly as much as they do and I’m so fucking glad you you brought Pip here, Lauryl, because WOW! Tony loves his best friend. Pip Seville & Tony Rydinger were here 💖
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hngrylikethewoolf · 4 years
15 16 19 20
15. What’s your proudest moment/accomplishment in BDRP? WELL SHIT EMMA why you gotta hit me with this hard ass question ahahah buuuuuuuut shit I have to say when I was able to move Claude (rip) from the church to a laymen and allow him that ability to heal from his story. I was really proud of myself for being able to accomplish that. For characters in play currently, I suppose Seamus's whole arc growing into being around a family again and having that be a core part of his character. 
16. What thread that’s not your own do you remember watching closely? OOF probably...the Helle/Lou/Hera thread about...I think it was the twins? 
19. Write some love for three Muns of your choice! (real talk this was so hard) 
1. SID BB okay so, like, ya'll! Sid is amazing? She has such a RangeTM of characters and I continue to marvel at how she can write such a bitchy ass snob like Ratigan and then go to the hyper active bean that is Laszlo and Clara's sweet self. There is so, so much I love to see about her characters every time I see them on the dash and they always bring a smile to my face every time I see them, as does every interaction I have with her 
 2. PET! OKay so I love Pet, as I love everyone at this rp tbh but I always feel such a fun vibe from her. All of her characters are so fun and we have such a depth that I only wish I could have some days. You have been such a core piece of the roleplay since I have been here and I respect the shit out of that (and the other admins, but Pet this one is for you specifically bb) 
3. CHOLE!! yeah so it is no secret that I adore yah Chloe, but you're always so much fun to write with and to plot with and I always love talking to you about all of your wacky characters. It's always so much fun and so lovely and I cannot thank you enough for just being YOU bb, because we always need a Chloe
20. Write some love for three Muses of your choice!
(This was eaten so I am just gonna say the love went out to: Lachlann, Roscoe, and Drakken for many reasons but all of them involved the fact that they are wacky and hilarious and have amazing personalities) 
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The old stars as college students
(I got this idea earlier and I’m thinking about making it a full-scale fic series!)
Al: Gaming nerd who hosts a D&D club in the student center; has a tight-knit group of friends who are all as quirky as he is; English major and he’s 99.999% sure he wants to become a librarian
Buster: Everybody thinks he’s weird because he never talks in class but he’s actually got quite a few good friends; the one to initiate midnight McDonald’s runs; engineering major and is responsible for half the campus being renovated
Charlie: Has the biggest crush on Edna and everybody asks when they’re gonna start dating already; doesn’t like sports but loves the experience of going; history major with a focus on the ancient world (and for the record, no, it’s not aliens)
Chico: Throws all the biggest ragers on campus; nobody ever recalls seeing him in class but he’s always on the chancellor’s list; music major, and he’s always playing the piano in the student center
Curly: Kind of a recluse but he’s trying his best; president of the campus Jewish Students Association and is on the committee for organizing cultural education events; philosophy major but he’s not sure what to do with it (yet)
Edna: Member of the spirit squad and also manages the basketball team; volunteers with campus rec. and insists on getting everyone to sign up for yogalates; theater major and is on the Broadway track
Groucho: Giant bookworm who basically lives in the library; shows up to the parties that Chico invites him to but leaves after an hour; double-majoring in Economics and Public Affairs but don’t you dare ask him if he’s going into politics
Harold: Technically on the basketball team but he’s just happy when he gets time to play; been crushing on Edna since freshman year but he’s also best friends with Charlie so it’s weird; business major with a focus in marketing
Harpo: That one friend who drives everyone home from parties so they get home safe; he is the chillest dude on campus and everybody knows him even if they don’t know him; “majors” in sociology but he’s just going with the flow
Larry: Super smart kid in class but no one ever sees him outside of that setting (and the caf); always hangs out with the Howard Bros. and they roll in their own squad; studying mathematics with a goal to be a statistician
Mabel: Brings Starbucks to her 3 friends in her 8 AM class just because she wants to; voted Homecoming Queen one year even though she has no idea how; studying Eastern European studies and is on the MUN team with Zeppo
Minta: Sorority girl who sets up tables to give people positive messages between class; practically friends with everyone on campus; studying elementary education and wants to be a pre-school teacher
Moe: Volunteers doing stage set-up for campus productions; mostly hangs out with his brothers but he’s got some other random acquaintances; communications major but he doesn’t know if he wants to be a journalist or on TV
Ollie: Everybody thinks he’s mean when really he just always looks tired; has been roommates with Stan since freshman year because they can’t bare to be apart; biology major and currently studying obscure plant life in the local river
Roscoe: That one RA who feels just a little bit bad about being a party pooper but “c’mon guys it’s 3 AM on a Wednesday”; everybody thinks he and Minta are the cutest couple on campus; linguistics major and studies with Al all the time
Shemp: Works part-time at the history museum off-campus; super passionate about historical preservation and has led several landmark initiatives; studying anthropology and wants to become a museum curator
Stan: Super involved with student life and has a knack for organizing campus events; always hangs out with Ollie to the point that folks wonder if they’re ever separated; psychology major who wants to be a school counselor
Zeppo: Captain of the Model UN team; organizes voter registration events every year around election time; majors in international relations and never shuts up about that internship he had overseas one summer
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naughty-neo · 5 years
Moxxi: So how much did we make? *looks at the pile of money on her desk*
Mun: Well with the cost of the arena, paying the hunters, all the lab equipment for the chemical, paying the girls minus Gaige who i paid with all those wreaked Hyproin robots-
Moxxi: Why does she need all those?
-Gaige's work shop-
Gaige:It's alive it's alive, oh no wait it's dead, no it's ali-*explosion*, nope dead. *coughs up smoke*. Well back to the drawing broad. *looks at the plans on her desk that say 'Best Sexbot Ever'*
Mun: Who knows? Spare parts maybe. Oh and speaking of spare parts Hammerlock's arm amd the cameras you used. So in total we made $-1.5 million.
Moxxi:*spits out her drink* how did we lose so much?
Mun: you bought almost everything from Marcus. He charged double.
Moxxi: MotherFucker.
Mun: So we need to put on another show, but we dont know anymore badasses to help us.
Moxxi: What about Athena?
Mun: No we can't afford her, plus Springs will want the scrap rights to the robots we no longer have. We need someone cute, sexy and they can work perfectly together.
Moxxi: I know just the two.
-Captain Scarlet's ship-
Cap. Scarlet: Oh my~ thanks for the fun girls. I will tell Roscoe 2 you said hey. *purrs as she lays naked on her bed.*
??????: Anytime. * pets the head of a tired girl with cat ears. Her Echo rings*. Hello Moxxi. New job for us how can we say no.
?????: * jumps up after hearing who was calling* New job from Miss Moxxi? Yeah lets go. *runs out of the run, forgetting she is naked. Whistles could be heard from outside before she walks back in.* After we get dressed.
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Just a mini update. It will be slow on my end due to it becoming busy at my work. More work hours makes Mun more tired. I have a few things in the works as well as a few replies i’d like to tackle before starting something LONG overdue... it might have something to do with HITTING OVER 400 FOLLOWERS!!!!!
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thebadhorse-blog1 · 7 years
RPER Resolutions
Write your RPer Resolutions for 2018! (What are some goals for yourself as a writer? Improve descriptions? Plot with more members? Etc.
I want to do better at describing things and doing more action-based things. I feel like I’ve gotten really bad at that so I want to majorly improve that for sure. Add more detail and that kind of thing. I really really admire people who can do good action based plots or fighting or something like that. I want to be able to do those. I really do. So those are things that I definitely want to improve on. And of course I would love to plot with more people. I’m a tad awkward so it takes me some time to throw myself at people but I really would love that too.
Write at least one resolution, or “goal,” that you have as an RPer for your character(s)
I want to actually have Shego do her job. As a “henchwoman” or as a “thief” let Shego take from your character and get away with it. Let your character be frustrated with whatever was taken. Is it valuable? Sentimental? Even better. I also want to focus a bit more on the financial circumstances of my characters. Maximus and Shego both don’t have a lot of money, and neither of them have stable work right now, so my goal is to explore just what they do when the money gets really tight and stuff. Shit what else? I think I talked about my many goals for Maximus in an ask, but to summarize I want him to be more comfortable with his magic, and to actually be able to joke about it and see where he goes from there. Shego I want to actually do shady shit, and make really cool connections, and I want to honestly explore her backstory a bit and how it’s made her who she is. I want to do more one shots with that because there are still so many things about her, and it’s close to the chest cause she doesn’t share with anyone. She doesn’t trust people. So giving her a person to trust would be cool. As for Wilbur? He’s got his major quest to hunt down the stolen item, but I want him to get into other trouble. I want him to be manipulated by someone shady, or maybe have him jump into a situation he’s not well informed on and majorly fuck up.
Write at least one resolution IN CHARACTER for your characters. What do THEY want to accomplish or change in the New Year?
Shego: “Okay, so I really don’t buy the new year’s resolution thing. I think you should make up your mind to change whenever the fuck you want. But, I suppose my new year’s resolution is to at least not be in an empty bed on next new year’s. I plan on having a good lay for the next one. Oh is that a bad one? Fine, my new year’s resolution is to have a stable job with a sensible boss, so that I can do my job and not have to worry about him fucking up his or her side of things. I deserve a good boss fucking hell.”
Maximus: “I...well I’d like to make up for being gone. I want to show Gabe every day how much I missed him, how much I love him, and how much I want to spend every day with him if I can. Really all I can think about is making right for my past mistakes. I want to do better, and be the person that Gabe seems to think that I am.”
Wilbur: “I feel like I’m doing pretty good with this stuff. Last year I wanted to jump into the lake when it was winter and I did that so go me. This year...uh..let’s see. I want to start a food fight at school, learn a little more about kissing, FIND MY DAD’S INVENTION, learn how to drive, find a way to fly just once that’d be really fucking cool, pass my classes, do something wild in the nude, ride a horse in tandem (so like where me and a friend ride the same horse) because why not? also bareback would be rad, go cliff diving (i heard it’s awesome). meet a shapeshifter and ask them to do something cool, have a sorcerer cast a spell on me (yolo), fight a magical creature and not die (but you know just a friendly duel nothing serious) and uhhh....not tell my parents about any of this.”
List one or more characters you have never interacted with that you would like to do so:
Oh I have so many characters that I’d love to interact with. I’m going to go ahead and list at least one per mun cause I want a lot of things. Yep okay:
MK- Hercules largely
Lauryl - I want to meet Charlie, but also Merida I think would be interesting
Avarick - okay but imagine putting Shego and Jessica in a room together. Right? I’d love to write with Jessica, but also Alasdair and Terence.
Alex - Kim. Possible. Yes. Let me actually write with her properly this time that’d be great. I would love to write with Kim. Also really wanna meet Tito tbh. Tito seems great.
Andy - Jiminy and Mateo. Honestly all of my kids could use some therapy tbh. And Mateo...well he’s part of the Avalor squad and I want to meet them alllll. Let me at him.
Ashley - it’s in the works interacting and all, but I would love to meet Panic too, and Moana.
Bee - god damn let me interact with Sgt. Tibbs!!! I want to so badly! He seems so great! Also Judy or Marie would be rad for different reasons. Honestly just all of these. All.
Carter - I would happily interact more with Orville. He’s great. I really like him.
Chloe - okay so I’d love to put Mitte and Shego in a room together lol. But also I really really want to write with Perry. Come back soon so I can love them okay?
Dee - Miss Spider would be absolutely fascinating. Give me a chance to get to know her.
Emily - dude I want to meet the Huntsman. I think ooo him and Maximus could be a rad combination, but him and Shego could be great too.
Faith - um both of your characters. but damn WOODY! I wanna meet him. With my former cop, my criminal, or my troublemaker, any will do. Any.
Ginny - I mean I’ve got my hook into you already with Namine and Hook who I love. But I’d also enjoy meeting Thomas O’Malley, or perhaps Cornelia. She seems like she’d be a good time. I think she and Shego could theoretically see eye to eye.
Jaby - lol listen I always want to write with you and your characters. Particularly Tink, Soleil, -whispers Adam-. Honestly. I love all your babes. I will write with all your babes. Haven’t met Rita yet though so I’d love to interact with her for sure.
Kate - I am here for interacting with Tombo! Granted I know very little about his story, but I’d love to find out about it.
Katie - ugh omg I want to interact with so many of your babes. Why have I never had the honor? I’d love to be able to write with Celia or Dodger. They look like they’d be so fun to interact with.
Kiara - my god you have the incredibles babes, and I love them. I’d love to write with Dash. Dash and Wilbur maybe causing trouble. or who knows really. Yeah I’d love to be able to meet Dash.
Lauren - EEYORE pretty please!! He’s so precious! i have in fact gotten to interact with Roscoe a little teeny tiny bit i think. And I love him and want more chances. But my god Eeyore is a cutie patootie.
Lichi - Wendy is awesome, I love Peter Pan characters, and I’d love to throw my children at her. Possibly Maximus? I’m debating on what would work best.
Lily - Beau Dunn looks absolutely adorable and I’d love to meet your other babes Lily.
Macy - damn I want to interact with all the Adamsons tbh. But yeah Barrell. He could influence my youth Wilbur, or Shego could mess with him or idk. Either would be cool.
Mathew - it’s Nick Wilde! Yesss. Idk maybe throw Nick and Maximus together? lol they’d probably hate each other. But that’s always fun.
Mckala - well I’ve gotten lucky and been able to interact with two out of three of your children. So last left? I must interact with Will obviously. Not sure yet who would work best with them though.
Pet - all your babes. lol but real talk I’ve never met Lymantria or Dipper or Alana...or Callie even honestly. Any of those I’d love to write with. Dipper I think would be fun to put with Wilbur. Wilbur is just the kind of guy who would go along on an adventure with Dipper. Whatever that might entail.
Reanna - SHOCK! And Kovu!!! Pretty pretty please? Shock and Shego perhaps? Shogo? Shock and Go? Go Shock? lol idk but I think they’d be fun.
Sam - Jenny and Theo omg goals. Theo and Wilbur really should meet. They could both make terrible life decisions. Also they both have big families right? They can relate to each other sort of?
Sarah - I think I’m getting both of yours, so for now I shall say I look forward to getting to know both Cass and Penny <3 and to plotting more with them.
Sav - uh I want to write with both Shere and Frollo like wtf. VILLAINS. Everyone knows I love villains. Let Shego get close to both of them. My dream.
Sierra - Rapunzel! And Lock! I would love to have Rapunzel and Maximus meet or to discuss their stories some more. And my goal to interact with the Adamsons is real. Shego or Wilbur to get into trouble with there.
Silv - okay I really want to meet Goliath for very obvious reasons, and Jim cause he seems great. lol. Jim and Wilbur possibly, Goliath and Maximus or Goliath and Shego lmao. That would be incredible.
Plotting Exercise! Pick one of the resolutions/goals in #2 and plan a rough guideline to how you could accomplish it.
Shit okay...so for the one goal with Shego to steal stuff it’d be like
Part 1: Shego seeks out target
Part 2: With mun’s permission, Shego sneaks into place and takes item she wants (in a one shot or if you want your character can get a glimpse of a figure or a green glow idk)
Part 3: item is stolen and your character gets to go to the police or worry over the item and Shego gets to go try to pawn it off somewhere out of town for money.
For Maximus:
Part 1: Maximus connects with another person and gets comfortable being around them/friendship
Part 2: He shifts around said friend and the reaction to that etc.
Part 3: Maximus starts shifting more if said friend reacted well to part 2.
For Wilbur:
Part 1: Wilbur meets shady af character
Part 2: Shady af character convinces Wilbur to do something
Part 3: Wilbur does something hella sketch and gets busted
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✉ ♦☒
✉: Any RPers the Mun admires.
Same disclaimer as everyone lol I love all of you ofc
Lauryl: for putting up w me seriously she puts up w all my shit and idk how she does it with as much grace and patience as she has bc i can be a difficult person to get along with lmao ALSO just how well she develops her characters and how much time she puts into them and they all have different voices and just jump right off the page immediately. 
Pet: for always willing to be weird. seriously, i love that about you. we need to do more weird shit for reals. i love how introspective her characters are. i love her imagery, she has this quite melancholy voice that i really like because i wish i could write like that but it just makes my characters sound whiny but hers always sound so beautifully wistful like they’re wearing velvet gowns and looking over a sparkling city at night with a crystal wine glass in their hand.
Ginny: i am ?? constantly impressed by her insight. she has great characters and they’re all so different. i love. plus i feel like we have a great back and forth, i never feel like im stumbling through a para.
Beeeee: gosh my lil bumble beee her writing just fucks me up sometimes. she just shoots out these lines that im like wow right in the honey nut feelios god damn that was beautiful what the fuck. also i feel like she always picks up on my little cues that i put into my writing which i appreciate bc i like to think im subtle, esp with like toulouse who bee rps with a lot sry bee
Reanna: gosh i lvoe her babes i just rly love her characters i do i do i love lil ariel and kovu and vitani and alICE and even shock they’re just all so intriguing.
SAM: gosh for how young he is his characters are so sophisticated and different and have so much depth. he’s also someone i feel like i bounce off of really well and all our paras and relationships are so dynamic what a joy
Avarick: for his humor, always gotta shout out. we don’t do a whole lot but i love reading his stuff so much.
Sierra: always?? has ?? such good stuff?? she just has really lovable characters and she has really good instincts for how relationships can develop.
Ashleyyy: gosh she’s always game for stuff like percy and tina were so good during the apocalypse and i loved our hellrun so much. all our interactions ahve been so fun 
JABY: gosh why do our characters always end up fighting when i love u so? even tho they fight the dynamics are always still so complicated and i love that. and i love how much she lvoes her characters and embraces their flaws.
wow im writign about everyone i canT STOP
i admire LAUREN for letting roscoe be the glorious asshole that he is and not taking it to heart when everyone hates on him lmao and EMILY WITH HER GORGEOUS CHARCTERS WHO ARE SO DYNAMIC gosh also FAITH her one shot w woody and the girl w magic still fucks me up when i think about it and MARY i love buzz and reese they are sweethearts but in no way similiar and i love thattt im having so much fun w our reese/tina thread rn. gosh who am i missing MADDIE for perservering even with her hectic life SILV for her adorable group of boys and the thought she puts into background UHHH kirby’s writing will always blow me away goddamn. KATIE has such great beebs and her writing can be so funny sometimes like lottie is always just SCREAMING in my head i love it. alex’s one liners are just straight zingers i love them. 
gosh i love all of you so much thank you all for keeping me sane /sobs
☒: A NOTP with your Muse in it (if you have any). 
Belle: uhhhhhhh anyone who isn’t hades sry she loves him
Simba: NALA god no never in a million years
Toulouse: i dont have notps for him but i do have an endgame couple in mind tho guess who it is im not telling bc i want it to develop ~naturally
Bambi: girls. lmao. tbh critters is my notp bc if they ever got together it would be like ugly when shit goes bad as long as they just stay like hook up buddies we’re fine everything is FINE
Perdita: paulina bc then paul isn’t with perdy lmao
Sweet: tbh no? not really? 
Maui: celaui. do not ship celaui. how dare you. it is pure. 
Hercules: peg x herc -- sorry guys idk if anyone ships it but just no
Attina: tbh paulina it’s going to end in DISASTER but they’re also so cute that just makes it WORSE
Akela: bc apparently it NEEDS TO BE MENTIONED akela x mowgli how dare y’all (lowkey lowkey would ship like a young!akela x rama)
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weasel-teeth · 5 years
Mun over at inventor bby, aka roscoe, will literally kill anyone who says Fay is not valid, I wont hesitate-
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“Guys! I’m still valid! Roscoe says so too! Thank you, thank you!”
*Happy lil star bby squee-*
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mgrxves-blog · 6 years
🔶- Favorite color(s)?
Getting to Know You Questions for the Mun!
Rosco’s Roscolux #39: Skeleton Exotic Sangria
I also really like any sort of deep, earthy colours in the brown, grey, and green range.
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chiapony11 · 7 years
The descent of the Phœnix 😏🔥 Soon on wattpad!🤙 #thedescentofthephoenix Wattpad: @voidkuriia FOLLOW ME❤️❤️ . . . . #phoenix #kuriia #gabriél #val #maureen #newt #blue #johnny #ondal #scarlet #elize #luke #brice #ronnie #roscoe #sayurinne #niko #sophie #black #theresa #kan #fire #yuzinotesuto #hispe #ukkien #furora #sairen #sigma #mun #trasformazione #dungeon #oni #freeiwatobiswimclub #attackontitan #akatsukinoyona #nanatsunotaizai #kyoukainokanata #fairytail #anime #manga #book #books #wattpad #scrittoriemergenti #fantasy #fantasia #love #war #utopia
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Okay so... Something pretty serious came up regarding a very young family member, and with a busy two weeks of work coming up replies are going to take a little longer. I’d rather not push out poor quality replies so bare with me for a few weeks.  Thank you all for your patience. I’ll update soon when the situation is . . . well better.
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