#//She doesn’t mind letting them have their fill of fun; she rlly Likes their smirks & chuckles
intcrastra · 4 months
Love the idea of the little wings at Robin’s waist and head fluttering whenever she’s flustered.
#✮┆ ( .ooc. );#hc; robin#//Love the idea of her little wings at her waist fluttering whenever she kisses a much taller partner; like they’re thing to help her reach#//Love the idea of them being a little sensitive to the touch; so she really makes a point to keep people from touching them#//Not even really in a suggestive way for the most part; it’s kinda like how cats don’t like being touched on the pads of their paws#//Nerve receptors and all that—however she will give her partner leeway; bc she knows they wouldn’t hurt her#//Plus she thinks they might like seeing her flustered—she might find it embarrassing; but if THEY like it#//She doesn’t mind letting them have their fill of fun; she rlly Likes their smirks & chuckles#//If they get a real kick out of seeing her flustered; she gets a kick out of seeing THEM smug#//Thinks it’s sooo attractive#//Whoops veered a little lol#//If her partner likes her wings; she would actually tend to let them unfurl and flutter more for them to see and touch#//She Knows how to show off and would utterly THRIVE under their attention; esp any admiration/compliments to her wings#//she takes V good care of them; after all. Also; partners who volunteer to help her preen them? she would ADORE them#hc; sunday#//Bc he too has that same habit with his wings. All the above. Basically applies EXCEPT#//Sunday is even MORE particular about touch on his wings; HATES having them mussed up even the slightest bit#//Only a VERY trusted partner is allowed to touch them (or him at ALL); anybody else might trigger him a bit#//He’ll keep himself together until he’s out of sight; then immediately lose his gottdam mind & need a Moment#//When he DOES allow touch; he gets a little overwhelmed with it. Mans is SO touch starved#//But at the same time; can’t stomach it half the time. And don’t get me started on how Weak he is for cocky partners#//Drives him NUTS; both in terms of being attracted to them but also Annoyed with them lmao#//he is just as proud of his wings as his sister is; perhaps even MORE so#//Might posture and show them off unprompted the Instant he knows his partner likes them (when one-on-one)#//You can practically see him GLOWING at any compliments he gets over them and how neat his feathers are; how glossy and lovely#//Preening; though: he is EXTREMELY particular abt it. He never trusts anyone outside himself but Robin to do it (bc she has them too)#//His partner has to be VERY close & trusted to even be allowed to SEE him preening; much less be allowed to do it FOR him#//He’s so v particular abt his presentation; he will NOT want them to see him (&his wings) anything but perfect#//Which is why he’s got such mixed feelings abt his partner teasing & riling him up; losing that control/composure over himself#//For them to have him like that; SEE him that flustered & Vulnerable—it leaves him quite Uneasy; but it is also undeniably Exciting
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stigma-dream · 7 years
1 | Try me [ College! AU ]
Pairing : BTS X Reader
Word Count : 6,802
Summary : Remember how in your teen years you use to fantasize how good it must feel being surrounded by the local bad boys, all trying to impress you one way or another trying to gain your attention? Well, this isn’t what you had in mind, nor would you had imagined that it would’ve started with a stupid alcohol-influenced bet.  
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Wednesday 11:41 p.m
“Must I really go…?
Not even a week in into the second semester and they were already planning to throw a party by the weekend. “Yes, of course you have to be there! It wouldn’t be the same without you. If I didn’t have my best girl, it’ll be like Batman without Robin!” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, already being able to see the large toothy grinned he has always flashed.
“Hobi, that was a fail attempt at trying to butter me up you know? Plus we both know that’s not why you want me to go. You just want me to bring your drunk ass home while I won’t be able to take a single sip of alcohol. Why would I voluntarily torture myself like that?” A soft groan left pass your lips as you leaned back into the softness of your living room couch. Kicking both legs up at the already collapsing mess of a coffee table you and your roommate shared.
“C’mon (Y/N), trust me when I say It’ll be fun. Hell - I’ll even try to convince the boys at making the party a bit more… small, so there won’t be much of a mess, alright?” Raising a brow questioningly as if he were there, you reached over for the remote controller and flipped through the channels until you could find something you could settle down to watch for the mean time. “How would my existence being present at such a place  benefit me, hm?“ You heard a loud smack soon followed by a groan as Hobi began to speak again. “It’ll make all seven of us happy, you know you love us too~.” You could practically see the smirk spread against his lips. “Oh dear god no - forget about it. Not leaving my cocoon to interact with other humans.”
You tilted your head to the side, eying the blanket folded neatly on the opposite arm rest. Leaning yourself across the couch only for your fingertips to slightly caress the fabric. “I did not just slap myself once for nothing (Y/N), you’re coming to the party and that’s that.” Before you could deny the offer again, you heard a mumble on the other end of the line before it cut off.
“More like a get together now..”
Frowning at the words he had slipped out, you groaned loudly and threw the phone onto the coffee table, flipping face up at the laying spot you had found yourself in. Complete forgetting about the blanket now. Staring up at the ceiling as the TV made background noise, not letting the death silence of the apartment overcome you with solitude. “Why is he insisting so much…” You mumbled, reaching up to your hair and moving some loose strands away from your field of vision. It didn’t take much that you got lost in your thoughts and sleep had taken it’s toll on you - your eyelids getting heavier by the second as you laid there on the couch and not too long after you found yourself slowly easing into a nice slumber.
Friday 2:38 p.m
Horse babe : hey hey (y/n)
Horse babe : do you already have your outfit ready?
Horse babe : well don’t wear whatever you were gonna bring
Horse babe : we decided to move the party next month as it seemed more appropriate
Horse babe : actually scratch that
Horse babe : everyone spread the rumor so fast that they prohibited us from throwing a party until next month lmao
Horse babe : but you still have to come over tomorrow, just bring something more laid back as it’ll just be the boys and I
“Who the fuck is spamming me” you muttered under your breath, reaching into your backpack that laid in the chair beside you and pulling out your cellphone. The vibration only continued in your hand as you got another harsh shush from the librarian at the front desk. Smiling at her apologetically and bowing your head slightly, you immediately unlocked your phone and put it in silent mode. Seeing the various notifications from Hoseok. Scanning the messages, a giggle past your lips at the thought of the news spreading like wildfire among the student body of the upcoming party. Only to get immediately shut down.
(Y/N) : omg hobi rlly?
(Y/N) : that must’ve suck
(Y/N) : but why must I still go? It’s not like we haven’t seen each other in years
Locking the screen and placing your phone beside you, you looked back up at your surroundings. Luckily, the library was the closest you’ve ever seen it to being empty. There was always half of the room filled with various students trying to cram a full semester worth of information into their heads all at once. In other cases, couples spread around the library goofing around and being all lovey dovey with each other. Groups of friends just storming in and messing around knowing the librarians just didn’t have the energy to even scoul them anymore. This time it was only you and a small group of students at the corner across the room - seeming to be trying to hide away from the eye of anyone. A red flickering light caught your attention and made you glance back down only to see Hoseok has replied.  
Horse babe : lmao ikr like y
Horse babe : and because (y/n) ~
Horse babe : we miss you!  
Eying the text suspiciously, you brought your bottom lip between your teeth unconsciously, beginning to slowly chew at it as you typed away a reply.
(Y/N) : oh wow yea sure
(Y/N) : what’s up with this sudden burst of love y'all have for me?
(Y/N) I swear if it is some sort of prank or joke y'all want to play on me I’ll rip all of your heads off and feed them to Ms. Scott’s snake.
Horse babe : omg stop no
Horse babe : we honestly have nothing better to do this weekend and we managed to find 8 nerf guns in the janitor room
Horse babe : don’t ask why we were there
Horse babe : but even more conveniently, four are one color and the other four another color
(Y/N) : so basically two teams?
Horse babe : bingo
Humming softly you brought your elbow up at the table and rested your head against your palm, debating if you should go or not. If you were absolutely free, you would have immediately agreed to meeting up with them already. But you have already planned on catching up on a series you took a small break from and cleaning around the apartment. Since your roommate is almost never home (due to her spending most of her time with her boyfriend) - you have had the whole place to yourself. Leaving clothes scattered everywhere, having unwashed dishes at the sink from probably weeks old now, and being able to roam around the apartment in nothing but your underwear freely. Though at first it felt like a small heaven having all this freedom to yourself - the dirtiness of the place was finally starting to gross you out.
(Y/N) : under one condition
Horse babe : which is?
(Y/N) : you all have to help me clean up my apartment and binge watch AHS with me
(Y/N) :  beginning from end.
(Y/N) :  all of you - and no dozing off during the middle or chickening out that it’s too creepy for you.
Horse babe : …
Horse babe : How am I friends with you again?
(Y/N) : Your lost ass was roaming around the halls whining for someone to help you get to class the first day
(Y/N) : and as if a cruel punishment you chose me as your victim and we somehow had first period together
(Y/N) : and from then on you clinged onto me for everything
Horse babe : YAH! (Y/N)! That’s no way to talk to your hyung!
Horse babe : plus you make it sound so uncool…
Horse babe : doesn’t matter, now you know how cool I truly am ;)
(Y/N) : lmao you? cool? you’re funny buddy
Horse babe : mk gb
(Y/N) : no bb wait im joking
(Y/N) : you’re so cool you broke the coolness-o-meter
Horse babe : …hell yeh I did
Horse babe : i’m so cool i probably threw yoongi down from his swag throne
(Y/N) : okay that’s enough of that
(Y/N) : so do you agree to coming or nah?
Horse babe : yea sure
(Y/N) : okay goodie well ttyl gotta blast
Horse babe : lmao ight
Gathering your stuff you had spread around the table, you quickly rushed out of the library - you were done for the day anyways so you’re absolutely free to go to your apartment. Walking down to the parking lot to find your car - you were a bit too late to claim a dorm at campus, so you had no other choice but to rent an apartment nearby.
To your surprise you found Taehyung and Jimin leaning against your car seeming deep in conversation within themselves. A small smirk creep onto your lips as you decided to scare the two - having have been leaning against your precious baby you had just clean yesterday. Taking much lighter steps and focusing on your breathing, you strode over to the backside of the automobile, peeking your head only to see that they haven’t noticed your presence
“Why do you think she doesn’t wanna join us tomorrow?” Jimins voice was the first to reach your ears, perking up more, now curious about their conversation. At this angle you could perfectly see how the sunlight hit his vermilion hair, giving an appearance of a soft gold gentle aura around him. His sharp jawline facing you as he tilted his head towards Taehyung, his back leaning against your precious baby as you noticed he raised a leg to press against it - eyes darting to the ground as he began to scratch the back of his neck, seeming to go deep in thought. Seconds later to think his own question further, you noticed how his eyebrows furrow up ever so slightly, a small pout forming on his devilishly full plump lips. “You don’t think…she has started to avoid us, do you?”
Being to caught up in your own thoughts about how he even dared to raise his dirty shoe against the car door, you almost missed what he had said. Your own eyebrows scrunching up, why would he even asked that? There’s nothing that they’ve done to make you dislike them…much less avoid. “ I don’t see a reason to.” Taehyung shrugged, pulling at the sleeves of his rather large jumper and crossing his arms in front of him, mindlessly playing with a loose strand of his black ripped jeans. “Knowing her, she’s probably already stressing about studying or something…” the brunette mumbled, turning to face the shorter male. Jimin cocked an eyebrow at Taehyung but shrugged, nodding as a sigh escaped his lips. “You’re probably right. She always overworks herself too much…it’s not healthy. She should just, i don’t know… lay back and enjoy the moment you know?” Taehyung nodded, chuckling softly as a small grin formed on his features “Like us?”. Jimin looked questioningly at him, taking him a second to understand what he meant. Shaking his head with a mocking laugh he punched Tae’s shoulder teasingly. “Of course not! Could you imagine though? She’ll probably have an heart attack seeing her grades drop and attendance start to stagger it’s perfect record.”
Short laughs were exchanged between the two, not before you pulled out your car keys and sounded the alarm. Watching as both men jumped away startled from the vehicle, both their eyes blown wide like deers caught in the headlight. Noticing how Jimin was clutching at his denim jacket tightly, chest heaving trying to catch his breath seeming to have been knocked out of his lungs. Flashing a mischievous grin at the boys as you arose from your hiding spot. “ I beg to differ, you seem to be the one who’s going to get a heart attack, pretty boy.”
Heads snapped toward your direction as Jimin’s chocolate brown orbs seem to have widen even more, sighing deeply and throwing his head back as he raised a hand to comb his bangs in a nervous manner. “ I swear to god (Y/N) I will get you back for this.”
Smiling even wider now, you turn to look at Taehyung only to see him kneeled down holding his stomach, his hand trying to muffle his laughs. Not helping yourself now you began to laugh yourself, raising hand in the same manner as Tae to cover your fit of giggles. Hearing your laugh was the final straw for Taehyung to let his rich laugh bang against your eardrums, his balance failing him as he fell back clutching his sides. “ o-oh my god! You should have seen your expression! It was absolutely priceless! I couldn’t imagine his eyes going wider, they almost popped out!”
Jimin clicked his tongue as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket, snapping his head towards the younger one. “Yah! Quiet!” Jimin roared, his cheeks flushing as he kicked Taehyung, only kicking the air threateningly. Taehyung rolled over his side and arose from the floor, throwing his arm over Jimins shoulder as he chuckled softly.
“Aish, don’t get all pissy now~ we’re just joking around, right (Y/N)?” Tae turned to you, flashing you a cocky wink as a smirk played along his rose lips. You only shook your head, giggling softly as you walked over to the boys. Filling up Jimins other shoulder with your arm now - but due to your shorter height you only managed to bring down both boys. “Yeh, just horsing around buddy old pal.” Making eye contact with Tae, you both grinned widely, turning back to Jimin who was only frowning, his eyebrows scrunching up as his brown orbs pierced at the both of you disapprovingly.”You will be hearing from my lawyer soon, this is harassment I have the right to sue you.”
Rolling your eyes at the vermilion haired boy, you stepped back, Taehyung taking your spot and wrapping his arms around Jimin, resting his head on his shoulder as he began to hum softly. Jimin shook his head he pushed away and fixed his shirt - tucking the striped fabric back into his jeans as he scoffed. “Whatever. Hobi sent us to warn you if you don’t come tomorrow he’ll expose your double chin pictures”. You raised a brow at him, sighing softly as you pulled out your phone - showing him the text you had exchanged with Hoseok earlier. Watching him as he read the text, Taehyung peering over his shoulder and doing the same. Jimin’s lips then formed a small ‘o’, looking back up to meet your gaze. “Why do we have to help you clean? I didn’t sign up for this” Taehyung nodded agreeing with the male. Only seconds later he pulled Jimin back to whisper something in his ear - a mischievous smile forming on both of their faces. “I take it back, we’ll help you clean.”
Friday 8:30 p.m
The second you had arrived to your apartment, you had collapsed onto the sofa and passed out. Ignoring any plans you had later that day. A annoying vibration and light flashing had startled you awake from your peaceful slumber. Groaning as you opened your heavy eyelids, flinching at the bright light hitting your dazed vision. Reaching out to your phone laying in front of you, sliding the button across the screen not even bothering to see who it was. Throwing your head back into the warmth of the sofa - refusing to look at the screen.
“Ah! I won! She was asleep!”
“Jungkook stop shouting!”
A smack could be heard soon followed by a whine, peering your eyelids open again you noticed that Jungkook had called you over FaceTime, seeing him sit at the familiar sofa of their dorm - Jin sitting on the armrest laying across the top of the sofa trying to show up on screen.
“But hyung you told me if I won this bet you’ll do the dishes tonight!” Jungkook turned to Seokjin, his doe eyes seeming to play with Seokjins emotions as you heard the elders breath hitch - sighing and shaking his head.
“Aish you and your puppy eyes…”
Jungkook smiled mischievously, wiggling his eyebrows teasingly.
Puffing out your cheeks at the scene playing out, you hummed softly and that seem to have caught the boy’s attention. “May I know why you woke me up?” you mumbled out, rolling off the sofa. Reaching out to position your phone to lay against a pillow, hoping you’ll look somewhat decent at this angle. Your eyes flicking over at the right corner of the screen, seeing your bird nest of hair. Sitting on the floor across your cellphone you began to run your fingers through your hair, smoothing out some knots.
“He didn’t want to wash the dishes so he made this dumb bet that if you were asleep i’ll have to wash them. Now, if you both will excuse me, since I am not a whiny baby about having responsibilities I shall go do my part of the bet.” Seokjin arose from his spot in the couch, walking off to what you assumed the kitchen. Now being alone with Jungkook, you raised a brow questioningly at him. “Really?” Jungkook chuckled nervously, shrugging as his hand went to rub his arm. “I usually don’t mind washing them, it’s just…Yoongi hyung didn’t like something Taehyung and I hid in his food…causing him to, y’know.” He let a sheepish smile spread across his lips, glancing at you before he turned to look at something else suddenly more interesting. Clicking your tongue you shook your head, sitting up more now as you began to stretch, a long yawn soon following. “Well that’s none of my business. Anyways since you’re already here help me choose an outfit for tomorrow.”
“What, why?” he questioned, seeing the screen going all blurry as you walked across the apartment going to your bedroom. “Just because, no real reason” you replied, setting your phone against your mirror. “…considering we’re just gonna horse around tomorrow I recommend something you’ll be able to move around freely. Oh! And possibly something you can sleep in? Yoongi-hyung is bringing beer, saying you should relax tomorrow.” He flashed you another smile, the creases around his eyes deepening adorably. “Like for example what i’m wearing right now.” Jungkook pulled at his white shirt, bringing his leg up and holding against his chest smoothly to reveal his sweatpants. Frowning at him you rolled your eyes, pointing at the camera “Stop that, I know you’re showing off how flexible you are…blah”  Frowning further hearing him go into a fit of laughs, shaking his head. “Sorry - can’t help that i’ve been blessed”.
Saturday 10:00 a.m
After having have chosen your outfit for today with the help of Jungkook last night, you both didn’t notice how late it had gotten. Immediately entering the realm of fantasies soon after hanging up the call. Now you sat at the corner of your bed, turning off your alarm. Sighing tiredly you began to get ready, going to go take a quick shower soon after having breakfast and before you knew it, you were already out the door heading towards campus to the boys dorm.
Walking up to the large wooden door, you removed your earbuds and twisted the knob - knowing the boys didn’t bother to lock the door knowing you’ll come. Stepping inside you were greeted by the sight of seeing a shirtless Yoongi with nothing else but his boxers and socks, laying on the couch fast asleep. Sighing you walked over to him, kneeling to his side. There really was a huge difference to awake Yoongi and fast asleep Yoongi. His usually scornful expression added unnecessary wrinkles to his youthful face. His rose tinted lips parted slightly seeming so natural unlike their usual straight line. A soft aura surrounding him - contrary to the cold and intimidating one he usually gave to strangers. You knew Yoongi long enough to know he was neither this or that. Yes, he seemed cold at first glance and his sarcasm can cause holes in your self-esteem but he isn’t always like that. It’s almost like a trial - if you overcome and endure Yoongi’s ruthless personality he’ll take off his cunning mask and show you his genuine self. If you really think about it, it’s like a defense mechanism. You haven’t yet shattered that metaphorical mask but you have noticed he seem more laid back then from the first few times meeting him. That alone seeing him slowly become more open towards you gave you the determination to fully get rid of his mask. Smiling to yourself, you didn’t take note to when you subconsciously moved his raven hair out of his face. Immediately retracted your hand, feeling your cheeks burn up in embarrassment. Glancing the living room you spotted a large blanket and brought it over to let it drape over Yoongi’s semi-nude state. Walking over to the kitchen to grab a cup of water, you heard yawning and groaning coming from the end of the corridor. Raising an eyebrow honestly not expecting anyone to be awake after seeing Yoongi on the couch, you made your over to the tall white door. Knocking gently you soon heard a raspy “come in“, swinging the door open.
Namjoon sat on the edge of his bed, massaging his throat while his free hand holded a couple of pills. Since the room was divided in half, he had his bed up against the wall. A nightstand along with a desk and a large shared bookshelf only for the same set up to be replicated on the other side of the room - connecting all furniture with the large bookshelf. A green rug spread across the middle of the room, bean bag chairs spread out across the rug. Though only the furniture and rug was the thing both had in common - for as decoration they were quiet opposites. Namjoon’s side consisted of a repeated plushie in different colors and poses, neatly aligned on shelf’s he must have put up himself. All of his textbooks and supplies nicely put in their own little containers. While the other side had many figurines, mostly consisted of Mario and Luigi. Posters of said characters adorning the pale white walls. The side of their bookcase, unlike Namjoon, consisted of Wii and 3DS games - along with a few smaller figurines. A few cookbooks and random personal choice novels on the next shelf. While finally the last shelf holded the precious campus textbooks.
Jin’s rather loud snore snapped you out of your own thoughts, blinking and bringing your attention back at the blonde haired man. “What’s wrong?” you questioned, walking over and sitting beside him. “The boys managed to bring a karaoke machine not to long ago and they decided last night-” Hearing him struggle to speak along with the heavy raspiness, you brought a finger to press against his lips you shook your head and glanced into his almond orbs, “don’t talk too much, it’ll hurt your throat even more”. Taken aback a bit, he slowly nodded and cleared his throat, wincing a bit. “I joined them in a screamo song and I seem to be loosing l my voice or something.”
“….why did you join in- actually, never mind.” You sighed, shaking your head. “Just rest today, though I already imagined you were planning on skipping, hm?” Smiling sheepishly he nodded slowly and laid back down, pulling the covers over himself. Turning off the lamp on the night stand, he reached out and gently grabbed your wrist.
“Hey, Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok are all at their classes right now. None of us are planning to wake up until noon or even later, so why not rest along with me? I swear I won’t try anything funny.”
“are you sure..? I mean, your throat and all I imagine you’ll be tossing and turning in your bed so..” Blinking in realization knowing of his messy way of sleeping with any type of uncomfortableness, he nodded slowly and motioned his head over to Jin. “Touche, how about Jin-hyung then?” Turning your head to the oldest one in the room, you nodded and gave Namjoon a smile. Reaching out and pinching his nose as you made your way over to Jin’s side of the room.
“Alright, get some rest now.”
4:42 p.m
All the boys seemed to have gotten home before you had waken up, finding yourself neatly tucked in Jin’s bed. The roaring of laughter and stomping across the dorm was the thing that had managed to wake you up. Sitting up slowly, you rubbed at your eyes and glanced around your surroundings. Namjoon seem to have already gotten up and Jin was gone too. “How rude, they didn’t even bother to wake me up…” mumbling to yourself, you quickly got out of bed and down to the cold floor. Hissing softly, you spotted Jin’s bunny slippers one of the members had gotten him as a gag gift and immediately rush to slip them on. Wiggling your toes in the warm fabric, you headed towards the door and down the corridor where the noise was coming from. Peaking your head only to see all seven men sitting at the couch and floor, seeming to be playing some sort of video game.
Hoseok was the first to notice you, jumping out of his seat and skipping his way towards you. “(Y/N)! Everyone, sleeping beauty has awoken!”
He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and brought you in for a short hug, kissing the top of you head as well. Giggling at his boldness, you wrapped your arms around his waist, tilting your head up to meet his gaze. “Yeah, yeah whatever. Happy to see me here? I couldn’t risk the chance of you showing everyone my true nature.” Chuckling he only shrugged and glances up behind you, retracting his arms and stepping back.
“He’s not the only one happy to see you, y'know?” A smooth velvety voice reached your ears and you didn’t even need to look twice to know who it was. Feeling him snake his arms around your waist and lift you up, you squeaked softly and gripped onto his firm arms. “Taehyung!” You laughed, throwing your head back onto his shoulder as he began to swing the both of you around. A fit of giggles and laughed erupted from you two only to be stopped.
“Ah c’mon, you always want her to yourself Taehyung-hyung.” Being set down, you glance up only to be meet with a white shirt, tilting your head further up you saw how Jungkook pressed his tongue into the inside of his cheek, crossing his arms across his chest in a spoiled manner.
“Aish, sorry sorry, we haven’t talk in a while. I only saw her briefly yesterday ~” Taehyung cooed, resting his chin on top of your head and tightening his grip on your waist. Jungkook scoffed “and? I haven’t seen her in over a week.” Frowning, you pushed Taehyung’s arms off of you only to feel another set of strong arms slide under your legs and another to support your back, being lift up by the younger one. A proud smirk appearing on his fine lips as he held you against his chest. “Guys. You’re acting as if I’m some priced possession or something.” you groaned out, knowing your physical strength was nothing compared to theirs. Letting yourself loose and to lay limbless in Jungkook’s arms.
“Isn’t that obvious?”
“Pretty much, yeah”
Scrunching your eyebrows up, you sighed loudly again and only shook your head.
Yoongi’s voice made the three of you snap your heads towards his direction. Seeing him sitting at the end of the couch, arm propped up against the armrest as he rested his head on the palm of his hand - his eyes staring back blankly. “Set the poor girl down, you both are all up in her personal bubble.” he mumbled, turning his attention back to the large screen. Jungkook immediately sets you down mumbling an apology - only to hear Jimin cry out in defeat as his character seemed to have lost. Jungkook striding over to take up the losers spot and go up against his hyung, Hoseok.
“(Y/N)” Jin called out, motioning you over to the spot between him and Namjoon. Squeezing yourselfs between them, you smiled sweetly at both. Jin sighed and shook his head, chuckling softly as he gently rubbed your back. “I must say, you really managed to stir those three over there up pretty good. I don’t know if it’s because of their ego not letting them cry defeat at losing a damsel to another or because of pure spoiledness, but damn.” Raising a brow at him questioningly, you tilted your head. “Three of them?” you questioned, only to receive another nod from the man. “Yeah, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin. I’m surprised Jungkook is even managing talking to you way more comfortably than Jimin, probably because he’s older than you?”
“Wait, I’m sorry, Jimin?” you asked, Jin chuckling once again and nodding towards Jimin’s direction, your gaze following and sure enough Jimin sat across, squeezed between Yoongi and Taehyung but his gaze seem to be focused on you. Making brief eye contact he sheepishly looked down, raising his hand to comb out his bangs as he lets them drape across his features, seeming to be trying to hide away from your gaze. Though at his failed attempt of hiding his face - you could see pink beginning to tint at the tips of his ears. Biting your lip trying to stop yourself from smiling at his adorable ways, you turned back to Jin only to see him gone and being replaced by Hoseok.
“They’re not the only ones” Namjoon’s hot breath reached your neck, making you shiver feeling goosebumps starting to form. Jumping slightly in surprise, you didn’t even dare to turn your head to look at him - keeping your gaze locked on the screen. “Oh? How so?”
Feeling his chest vibrate against your back as he chuckled, leaning in closer - his hair starting to tickle at your skin. “Well, you already know about the three younger ones, but what about the three eldest? Jin-hyung, Yoongi-hyung and Hoseok. Though they are much better at hiding it, I’ve known them long enough too to know when there’s something going on.” he stated. “Someone’s got their voice back,” you joked, pulling back a bit to turn to look at him questioningly. “but - what do you mean? I’m sure they’re not attracted to me in any other way than platonically so-”
“There you are right, I believe the same. But knowing them, it didn’t just come out of nowhere. There’s something going on between them all.” Namjoon pulled back now, resting against the couch. You looked at Namjoon still, various thoughts running through your head as a certain male called out your name.
“(Y/N)!” Jungkook called out, motioning you over to the empty seat beside me. “Try and beat me in this round!”
Much later that afternoon everyone has gathered around in the living room - all eight sitting in a circle facing each other. Panting and heaving filled up the room, the smell of sweat and alcohol being the only aroma present. Having have already played with the nerf guns as promised, Yoongi bringing out the beer and Taehyung soon after pulling the karaoke machine out you swear your body couldn’t take any other physical activity to do. Having had screamed your lungs out while singing a duet with Jungkook and running around the whole dorm trying to escape Hoseok’s and Jimin’s nerf hits - all while having alcohol running through your system.  
“Guys, Guys, Guys” Taehyung spoke into the mic, licking his lips as he took a deep breath, his eyes fluttering trying to stay awake as the alcohol threatened to play effect - pausing before speaking again. “Let’s play some more. Spin the bottle anyone?” Hoseok was the first to react, nodding ecstatically. “Yeah! Here,” he gripped the bottle beside him and took a swing at it, gulping down the remainder of the liquid. Sighing contently as he lays the bottle in the middle of the circle. Everyone wiggled in closer, Jimin the first to reach out for the bottle. Spinning it only for it to go flying over to Jungkook, making both males laugh.
“Nice one Jimin-hyung,” Jungkook cooed, glancing down at the bottle and pointing over at Jin “but it looks like Jin-hyung is our first victim.” Jin perked up, hearing his name bringing him out of his train of thoughts. Jimin grinned widely, deep creases appearing under his eyes. “ Truth or Dare?” Jin hummed in thought, rotating the bottle in his hand, observing as the liquid splash around. “Truth”
Audible sighs and groans could be heard, shaking your head at the groups immature behavior. “Guys, come on now”
“Alright, let’s see hmm…did you use cheats to win earlier?” Jimin questioned, raising a brow at the elder one.
“Yeah! That was totally unfair how you won!” Hoseok cried out, Namjoon nodding agreeing with him.
Jungkook snorts and shrugged, looking over at Hoseok. “But I was able to beat his ‘impossible ways’ “. adding air quotes to his statement. “But you’re also Mr. Good at Everything I do.” Yoongi spoke up, taking a swing from his beer. Before Jungkook could respond, Jin spoke up. “No, I didn’t cheat - just many years of training.” Everyone seem to just drop the topic and nod, Jin reaching out for the bottle and spinning it. Yoongi chuckled softly as the bottle landed on him, looking at Jin. “Dare.” he said, Taehyung’s cackling could be heard. A few other guys chuckling softly to themselves. “Chug down two beers in a minute or less, take even a second longer and we all would take a turn at slapping you across the face.”
It went out like this for a while - asking dumb questions and making idiotic dares. For example when Taehyung dared Jungkook to jump from the top floor only to land in a bucket. Of course the rest of the guys had to stop Jungkook from actually doing it claiming that if he didn’t it’ll hurt his pride - all while Taehyung was busy filling a bucket up with water. Or when Namjoon had to rip apart one of his plushies being dared from Yoongi. Being left close to tears and clutching at his ‘son’. Hoseok had to come clean that he was absolutely terrified of any bondage play. Jimin giving Jungkook a lap dance that only ended up in a playful fight.
“Ah! It landed on you Yoongi!” Hoseok exclaimed, clapping as he saw how hard Yoongi was trying to remain conscious, his head keep bouncing as he went into short naps. Snapping up hearing  Hoseok and nodding, waving his hand as he ruffled his hair in a form of distraction. “Yeah, yeah. Dare.”
Namjoon pulled Jin over, whispering something into his ear as Jin nodded, crawling over to Hoseok and whispering it into his ear. A large smile spread across his features, nodding quickly and clapping once again to gain everyone’s attention. “Yoongi! I dare you to kiss (Y/N)!”
Choking on a sip you were taking from your beverage you turned to Hoseok wide-eyed. “I’m sorry what?” Hoseok only winked at you, nodding over to Yoongi’s direction only to see him already crawling over to you. “Don’t I have any say in this?” you questioned and before you know it Yoongi tugged at your wrist - making you turn your head in his direction. “No.” Acting fast he cupped your face in his hands - though his touch was cold you could feel how gently he was trying to be, his skin smooth and soft. His eyes narrowed as he observed your features, unconsciously licking his lips as he slowly began to lean in. “I’m sorry” he mumbled softly, the kiss fast and chaste. It only lasted a few second to the others, but to you, it lasted minutes. Not because of how amazing the kiss was or because how you felt sparks, but because you could feel how hard Yoongi tried to shove his tongue down your throat. Plus, he reeked of alcohol - being the one who had drank the most.
Pulling apart from each other you could help but scrunch up your nose in disgust, rubbing your mouth with the sleeve of your hoodie. Taehyung took notice and raised a brow, pointing a finger up at Yoongi who hasn’t moved from his spot. “His kisses suck don’t they.” he claimed, gaining everyone’s attention. You shook your head immediately as a blush started to tint your cheeks “no it’s not that”
Jungkook pulled at your wrist forcefully causing you to tumble over into his lap, his free hand moving to tilt your chin up “I’ll show you what a real kiss is~” he cooed, his lips dangerously close to yours. Before you had time to even react, you were being pulled again only to fall into another lap. Strong arms wrapping themselves around you protectively. “No!” Jimin whined, the alcohol playing with him. Jimin nuzzles down into your shoulder and breathed in your scent, giggling happily to himself as he held you close. “Mine.” He said, kissing at your neck lovingly.
“Woah, woah! Calm down there!” Jin shouted, pulling you out of Jimins grip and setting you beside him. “We do not treat a lady like that! As if she’s an object you could easily claim, hah. Right Hoseok?” Jin turned to Hoseok, receiving his approving nod only to nod himself as well. “That’s what I thought, now -”
“But what if she wants to be claimed?” Taehyung chirped up, tilting his head innocently.
Jin narrowed his eyes at the brunette and raised an eyebrow “what do you mean?”
“I meant what I said - what if she wants to be claimed by one of us? The one who can win her heart the first. Whoever she falls for has the right to completly claim (Y/N) as their own.” He stated, the attention of the rest of the boys turning to Taehyung.
“Wait then, like a bet?” Questioned Jimin
“What if no one can swoon her?” Added Hoseok, perking up curiously.
“Yeah like a bet. We all have a month to see who can win her over and if we can’t.” He paused to think for a moment. “Then, she has the choice to completely forget about us and leave or stay. But, if you’re asking me, knowing how dirty some of you play she’ll want to leave.”
“I’m in.” Jungkook spoke, scooting over to Taehyung’s side.
“Me too.” Hoseok spoke, joining the other two across from him.
Yoongi only silently crawled over, sitting beside Hoseok and nodding at Taehyung.
Jimin only leaned against Jungkook already having being sat beside Taehyung and raised his hand up in the air proudly. “I shall join as well.”
Jin looked at all five men and shook his head, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and hugging you to his side. “This is ridiculous, I can’t even believe you-”
“Hyung. If you play, you could save (Y/N) from all of our little tricks at winning her over you know? Playing as well and all.” Taehyung added, a visible smirk spreading to his lips as he raised his eyebrows at the elder.
Jin looked at you worriedly and squeezed your shoulder, sighing as he brought his head down to debate with himself to accept the offer or not. Finally he nodded and slowly let’s go of your shoulder, mumbling a small apology as he went over to join the rest.
“Don’t I have any say in this?”you groaned, honestly not surprised by their behavior. Taehyung shook his head and turned to Namjoon who had sat himself on the couch. “What about you hyung?”
Namjoon shook his head and smiled “I can’t, I view (Y/N) as a little sister so if I joined - it’ll be kinda weird. Plus, she’ll need the help of someone who’s actually capable of having some information of you all.”
Taehyung nodded and shrugged, turning back to face you with a large boxy smile. “Alright well! Do you wanna play along with this bet, (Y/N)?” Taehyung questioned, his arm reaching out. Rolling your eyed you immediately took his hand into yours and shook it, a mischievous smirk plastered against your face. “Try me.”
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skeletorific · 7 years
all of the usual skelebros (that is, ut, uf, us, and sf) reactions to their S/O making pie or ice cream sundaes or whatever, and they "accidentally" squirt a lil bit of whipped cream on their boyfriend's face and try to kiss and/or lick it off. not in, like, a dirty sexual way tho. S/O is just rlly rlly shy and wants an excuse to smooch their cute skeleton man ;;
(I don’t have emojis on PC, sooo….)
THIS *clap* CUTE *clap* SHIT *clap* IS  *clap* MY *clap* JAM. Also this might be toeing a lil closer to nsfw than usual but then again, its me.
Also also, this got kinda long because I was in a mood for fluff, so some under the cut. A lot under the cut. 
UT!Sans: “sweet of you to cook.” He grinned from his spot leaning on the counter.
You roll your eyes.”That was barely a pun, dude.”
The grin widened and he came up behind you. “come on, I’m pie-ing here.”
That one gets a small smile out of you and you turn back to the pastry. He reaches from behind you. “hang on, think it needs a test-”
You smack him away. “Phalanges off, its not done.” You gesture the can in your hand. “I abjectly refuse to let you eat pie without whipped cream, I’m a good person. So just sit tight.”
He smirked, holding his hands up and backing away. “alright, alright. normally i’d argue but you’ve got me whipped, babe.”
Your dramatic sigh draws out a full laugh from him, and you can’t help but grin. Stars he was cute. You still weren’t totally adjusted to the idea that he was yours. You started filling that familiar urge to kiss him, but as usual you had no idea how to initiate it. Good night kisses were easy (well, getting easier), but stuff like spontaneous affection didn’t exactly come naturally to you. Suddenly you became aware of the can in your hand. A bit cheesy, maybe, but….
You started shaking the can, presumably to get it ready, when your finger “slipped” and sprayed it back directly at his face. He spluttered slightly, some having fallen directly  into his laughing mouth. “oh, shit, sorry, let me get that off. “You step closer, helping him wipe away what’s on his sweatshirt. Then, your eyes zero in on the glob by his cheekbone and you lean in, kissing it away.
When you pull away, his cheeks are flushed BRIGHT blue and his eyelights have vanished. For a brief moment you’re worried you overstepped your boundaries. “Uh…got it.” You turn back to your work. Half a seond you feel a par of arms wrapping around your waist and a small skelekiss on your cheek.
“heh. didn’t need to make an excuse. already know you’re sweet on me.”
“Not a chance” you say, stubbornly holding the can behind you to keep it away from your boyfriend’s impossibly long arms. “Whipped cream can not go on spaghetti, this where I draw the line.”
“Come on, kid, dessert pasta is the way of the future!” Undyne said. “You humans already have dessert pizza, this is just the next step!”
“DATEMATE!” Papyrus stomped his foot, looking put out. “YOU ARE BEING EXTREMELY DIFFICULT!”
You grin. You couldn’t help it. For as much as you loved your boyfriend’s general positivity, he was oddly adorable when he was frustrated. Still, you wanted a quick way to cheer him back up. Impulsively, you say “Alright, want the whipped cream?” You squirt some on his face. Undyne, despite wanting it back as much as he did, cackled with laughter at the sight of a miffed skeleton covered in dessert topping. He wipes it off, looking more annoyed than ever. But he missed one single glob in the corner of his mandible. 
Still running on impulse, you lean over and kiss him, catching it in your mouth.
Undyne laughs harder while Papyrus grows startled. He stares at you for a full minute before a huge smile spreads across his face. “AH, I SEE WHAT’S HAPPENING HERE!” He put a hand on top of your head. “OBVIOUSLY I HAVE BEEN NEGLECTING MY DUTIES AS YOUR GREAT BOYFRIEND AND YOU FELT THE NEED TO RESORT TO CHILDISH JAPES IN ORDER TO GET AFFECTION!”
“Um,” you blush slightly at his sweet but somewhat embarrassing conclusion. “Well, that wasn’t exactly what I-”
All told, its a good kiss, only slightly marred by Undyne making exaggerated gagging noises in the background. You still don’t give them the whipped cream after though.
UF!Sans: A door slam and a low trail of mutters signal your boyfriend’s arrival long before he storms into the kitchen and plops himself down at the counter. You look up from the sundae you were making yourself. “Hey.”
He grumbles something by way of greeting and lets his head collapse into his arms. 
“They kept you late?” You start spreading whipped cream on the top of the ice cream.
“i don’t know why the fuck frisk keeps dragging me to this ambassador’s shit. buncha stuffed shirt assholes talkin for hours about nothin in particular. almost fired a damn blaster off in the room just to break the fuckin monotony.”
“Well, that would’ve done wonders for monster-human relationships.” You say, taking a spoonful in your mouth.
He mumbles something unintelligible, not raising his head. 
You sigh internally. On the one hand his mood is pretty justifiable, but on the other he’s not much fun like this and you suck at just basic comfort. You need a quick fix, but you’re not sure what……
This is either going to go really well or 100% blow up in your face, but dating Red was never for the faint of heart anyways. You walk over to him. “Hey, could you look up for a second?” 
He groans and doesn’t move.
“Come on, just for a second.”
A long pause and he reluctantly turns to look at you….only to be greeted by a faceful of whipped cream. He splutters, shaking most of it off. “what the hell?!”
You lean in and lick off whatever hasn’t been shook free. 
He stares for a bit, cheekbones faintly tinted red. Finally he sighed and pulled you into his lap. “you’re lucky you’re cute.”
You grin and kiss his cheekbone. “Aren’t I just.”
UF!Papyrus: You know, for someone reputed (at least by himself) to be one of the sharpest minds of the Underground, Pyrus could be remarkably oblivious. 
You’d finally done it. After almost a year of unending nagging, pleading, and cooking together, you’d gotten him to trust you with full control of his precious kitchen. You were planning on making this something of a special night, getting dressed in a cute outfit and sauntering around cooking like the kitchen gods/goddesses of commercials. You were hoping that this might get one of the rare breaks in your boyfriend’s formal front to show.
And he was doing the stars-damned paperwork!
“Dessert will be ready soon!” You said, hoping to draw his eyes up. 
“OKAY” he said distractedly, eyes buried in his work. 
“I made apple pie. Your favorite.”
“THAT’S NICE.” He says, not even glancing up.
You sigh as you start putting on the whipped cream. You’re not a particular needy person about affection, generally. Its pretty much a requirement for dating Pyrus. But even your meter had been feeling a little low lately. The problem was initiating it though. Edge was usually a little repelled by obvious attempts at cuddles. He preferred to be led into it a little more naturally. Unfortunately, it seems like subtle isn’t exactly cutting it right now. 
The idea comes to you as you’re walking over to deliver the pie, and you smile uncontrollably. You pass the plate dangerously close to his cheekbone before setting it down on the table in front of him “Here~”
Finally, finally  he looks you in the eyes. ‘THANK YOU.” 
“No problem. Oh, whoops.”  you put a hand to the side of his face, just under the glob. “Got a bit of whipped cream on your cheekbone.” His hand moves to wipe it off, but your mouth got there first, and you kissed it off. “Got it.”
He turns bright red. Its as you walk away that he notices what you’re wearing and chases after you to give you the affection you’ve been looking for. 
US!Sans: “I think we’ve covered this sundae.” You say, backing away.
“NONSENSE, WE DON’T HAVE NEARLY ENOUGH!” Sans took the can from your hand and kept squirted higher and higher mounds.
You smile and shake your head, throwing more and more sprinkles on. “Your brother’s gonna kill us for using this much of his sweets stash.” 
There was a mischievious glint in his blue eyes as he grinned. “PAPY DOESN’T HAVE TO KNOW EVERYTHING. BESIDES,” he giggled and dabbed some topping on your nose. “THE MAGNIFICENT SANS ONLY MAKES THE BEST SUNDAES”
You blush faintly and laugh. As you keep working you can’t really tear your eyes off of him. His mischievious side is something Sans has only recently started showing to you, and you can’t help but be entranced by it. This short little bundle of joy, normally so responsible and so concerned with following the rules, has a pranking streak to rival his brother’s and a grin that nears a smirk. Its thrilling, in a way, and throw you off blanace in the best way possible.
Yet it also has you feeling uncharateristically.shy around him. You’ve been dating for a few months, but this side him feels….oddly out of your league. Like you’re not quite fast enough on your mental feet for him. You’re oddly blushy and praying he doesn’t notice. Still, you need to do something to take back a little control. Fortunately, he’s justgiven you the perfect idea. 
You manage to flick some whipped cream onto his cheek, and as he’s turning to ask why you lean over and suck it off.
He grins. “DATEMATE, IF YOU WANTED A KISS, YOU COULD’VE JUST ASKED.” He kisses you sweetly on the mouth and gets back to work.
So much for getting control of the blush.
US!Papyrus: “Spider pie should really not be this good to me.”
“heh, don’t let Muffet here you saying that.” Pap took a swig from his honey bottle. “but yeah, she’s the best.”
“Seriously, this is a little unnerving.” You soaked another bite in melting whipped ream and ate it. “Maybe I’ve just had a secret taste for spider carcasses this entire time.”
He grinned. “can I pick a date spot or can i?”
You duck into your food to hide your oncoming blush. You had almost forgotten this was a date. Officialy. Of course, the two of you had been seeing each other for months now, with some definite chemistry underneath, but this was teh first time he had proposed hanging out by saying “wanna go out on a date?” Nothing external had really been different, but somehow that rhetoric shift had completely thrown you off. 
And you wanted to do something, something that set this apart, showed him you were ready for this relationship to mean more than two friends with some kind of  undefined slow burn between you. Finally, something occurred to you. “Here, try a bit of this.”
He shook his head. “Nah, pie’s not really my thing.”
“Come on.” You shove the bite on your fork against his teeth, the whipped cream squishing out around it. 
He rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to accept the food. He swallowed it and shrugged. “its aight.”
You leaned in and licked off the whipped cream.
He looked surprised when you pulled back and you looked to the side, blushing. “Uh….had some on your…
“come here for a sec”
You turn your face slightly and his teeth crash against you, pulling you into a deep kiss. You’re startled, but relax into it, enjoying the moment.
Finally, he breaks off, smirking faintly. “i was right.”
You raise an eyebrow. “About what?”
He grinned. “it does taste better in your mouth.”
You blush and shove his shoulder. 
You sighed. “Look, I’m following the recipe to the letter, okay?”
“Well, maybe this pie is different.” You say, handing him two slices. “Make yourself useful and put some topping on this.”
“I’M ALWAYS USEFUL.” Still, he started applying some. 
You can’t help but grin at his intense focus. It didn’t matter what it was, Sans always gave his 110% to it. He seemed to be trying to spell your names on your separate slices, but kept having to start over beause he made the letters too big. He was getting frustrated, but it was kind of cute. 
You felt an overwhelming urge to kiss him, but Sans didn’t really like you initiating PDA. Technically this was the house, but Papyrus was still around. You would need a good cover story. Fortunately, opportunity presented itself momentarily.
“THIS CAN’S OUT.” He said. 
“Hang on, I’ll get another one. “ You pulled out a new can and brought it to him, your finger pressing on the top a split second before he grabbed it. He shrieked slightly in annoyance.
“Oh, sorry, sweetie, my finger slipped.” You set the can aside and kissed it off. “There.”
His cheekbones flushed and glared at you for a minute. Just as you’re about to chalk it up as a failure and turn aside he suddenly shoves some whipped cream in your face. 
SF!Papyrus: A hand on your collar dragged you away from the table. “hands off.”
“I’m telling you, you’ll love it.” You say, brandishing the whipped cream can.
“i gotta tie you down?” Papyrus tossed you on the couch before returning to his food.
“But its good on pancakes!”
“certain things are sacred, kid. don’t mess with a perfectly good plate of pancakes.”
You roll your eyes, waiting a few minutes before attempting to sneak up on him, slowly reaching your hand around his head, poised to squirt-
His hand catches your wrist and he tugs you into his laps, using one arm to pin your arms to your sides He chuckled and leaned by your ear. “sorry about the confinement, but its the one way i know you’ll behave.” He then resumed eating one-handed.
You huff impatiently, but you’re blushing. You and Papyrus hadn’t been dating that long, you still weren’t really used to him touching you like this. Not to say that you were complaining. In fact, you wanted more, but you weren’t quite bold enough to take it for yourself. At least, not just by kissing him. Blushing furiously, you pressed down on the can top, shooting whipped cream up into his face.
He paused, then sighed, deeply, wiping at his face “seriously, wha-”
You lean over abruptly and kiss off some small globs. When you leaned back he was frozen in place. 
“Uh….I’m gonna get some water. “ You jumped off his lap and move to run out when the hand still on your wrist tightens. You feel yourself being tugged back again and his arms wrap around  you.  One hand tilts your chin up toward his face and he smiles.
“on second thought maybe i will have a taste of that…”
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