#//around. rifp
demonwind · 5 months
Hi, im semi - here, but trying to find my desktop mouse. So I can scratch the fallo.ut itch. mutuals can vibe with me on disco !
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raitrolling · 2 years
⏰ Miki Lusus
(CW: Animal death)
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"Mikiel, is everything okay?"
There was a knock at the door.
Mikiel did not answer. The person knocked a second time.
"I heard a strange noise, like a bang? Are you okay, Mikiel?"
A long pause. Then the door handle started to turn. Mikiel had neglected to lock the door earlier.
"I'm- I'm coming in. It'll be quick, don't worry."
The door opens with an agonisingly slow creak. The guest is apprehensive, afraid to know what he will find inside the apartment. His neighbour leans his head inside to take a peek.
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Mikiel didn't understand why this happened either.
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oceansmotion · 1 year
The sleepy town of Wormwood
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A powerful witch has cast a spell over the town, isolating it from the rest of the world. Perpetually 1956, it exists in a stasis, unchanging over the years. No one has ever questioned the way things are, never thought about why nothing seems to change from year to year. Will anyone ever break free of the curse and bring Wormwood into the present or will it forever remain the same? I really love this hood and despite having so many issues with it, I still love playing it (and so does @nonsensical-pixels who is the one that inspired me to dig around to get most of the original files back because she was making me jealous). It's a little more silly but there are some pretty dark undertones as well. I know there's a couple issues but they really aren't a problem if you play the hood as a standalone or with non-PV subhoods. There is an overarching mystery/plot :) Who really is Moira and...is she really that bad? Is she actually evil or is there more to it? What's going on in the Moore house and why is there a strange smell wafting from it? The Tegan's sure are an odd bunch, is the picture perfect family of blonde hair and blues eyes a coincidence or something more sinister? Will Olive Specter finally find some good luck and love in Ocean Grisly? Sam Spyers is determined to figure out what's happening in Wormwood, but can she figure it out before it's too late?
There are 3 files included: Required, Highly Suggested, and Wormwood itself. The Required folder contains various CC that I used, almost entirely from Michelle's recolors from MTS (merged) + the Bespoke build set (merged), the (optional) Prison mod from Simlogical is not required but sort of ruins the immersion for two families, there are various plants from Parsimonious, fences from Smug Tomato Basket, more plants from the Castaway conversion site, the Sims 2 store sets, and unfortunately a really old merged buy mode folder that I genuinely do not remember what's in it other than a ton of Veranka's stuff. I don't think I used too much from this folder and most of it has the creator in the item descriptions. In all, it's about 1GB of CC, so it's not exactly that much. CC lite, I guess? Most of it is just to get the general vibe of the hood and can be replaced and even then, the bulk of it is simply recolors or bespoke wallpapers. I used this template from enchantedw0lf on MTS to create the hood. Townies may or may not be bald. No, I will not explain. As the first hood I've ever made, it has been through hell and back. I actually completely finished a more complex and involved version of it before managing to corrupt it due to a simple misclick in simpe and thinking I had a backup but not actually :):):) Then entirely remade it from scratch again but it was a hacked down version with fewer sims and simpler plot lines (rifp cowboy farmer who secretly wanted to be a pretty ballerina and had a room full of mannequins facing a stage where he'd dance for them). All this to say that I didn't make this hood 100% correctly and it has some...quirks. When I remade it, I forgot to disable stealth hoods (you'd think I'd have learned my lesson from this when I decided to make Natosi later lol), and I simply can't be bothered to delete townies n stuff. I don't have the energy or willpower to clean it up. The hood itself is still very pretty and fun to play, I think the odd quirks actually fit in perfectly and helps give the vibes I wanted for it!
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leedee013 · 3 months
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ILU have fun!!!!
AFTG ask game
all my answers are going to be under the "read more" because hoo boy.
When did you first read aftg?
I first read AFTG by listening to the first audiobook while riding around the bus and trains in Germany, then Seth died, I immediately needed to finish the series, and then I read the entire series in less than 48 hours rifp.
2. All For The Game or The Sunshine Court?
All For the Game. The Sunshine Court is about my son, Jean, but also... because he's my son I have a lot of points where I simply like what I wrote better! and a fair number of complaints with TSC, since a lot of the way Jean's trauma rears its head is far less realistic than how Neil's trauma rears its head.
3. Favourite scene(s)?
I won't lie, one of my favorite scenes is when Neil gets back from his father's home and the Foxes all sleep on the floor together. I'm a huge sucker for found family and hurt/comfort and MAN that scene ticked off all my boxes. It's the one that I'll actually go back every now and then to reread. Wymack's joke about "Wesninski" and that feeling of finally having a family gets to me literally every time. And blah blah yeah I also really love the mentality of Andrew dragging Wymack behind him as he crashes through everything just so he can get back to Neil's side.
4. If you could choose to make one fictional place from the books real, which one?
That place they go to when they get ice cream/milkshakes before going to Eden's Twilight! It sounds amazing
5. A character you think deserves to be more present in the books?
Hngh this is difficult because I do believe that, at least as far as AFTG goes (aka excluding TSC) the characters are all as present as they need to be. Neil is very tunnel-visioned, and I think that it's a solid amount of screentime for each character, so to say. Like my first thought was Seth, but it wouldn't have fit Neil's character for Seth to haunt him at all. Therefore, I think overall I'd liked to have seen more of Jean for purely selfish reasons. Also more Renee!
6. A non-canon ship you love?
Jean/Renee, Jean/Jeremy, Jean/Kevin, Renee/Riko, and then any mix and match of those characters in throuples/quoples/poly ships! I'm also a big fan of Dan/Renee because woooo enemies to lovers?
7. A part of the extra content you whole-heartedly agree with
Andreil never say "I love you" or get married. Also that Dan gets to take over the Foxes when Wymack retires. Also Sir and King but like. Who doesn't agree with that.
8. A crackship/crackships you've come to love
Rinee (Riko/Renee), I adore it so much okay. I love the healing energy of it all and also the way that Renee attracts the most strange and unhinged people to her.
9. Underrated aftg fanartist / fic writer (tag them!)(link if they're not on tumblr)
well obviously @capcavan @jtl-fics and @emry-stars-art can never be OVERrated. But I think the true underrated AFTG fanartist is @noomyart <3
10. A villain you think is fucking hot
well. uh. villain I guess would be Nathan. Antagonist? Riko
11. A side character you love and/or appreciate
NICKY, I love him so much. Also Renee. And Dan. And Matt. I'm so mad I can't just say Jean anymore since he's not really a side character anymore GAH
12. Favourite narrative foil?
I adore the Riko/Neil narrative foil. Both the sons that were not wanted, both having their lives attached to Exy and using it as a way to solidify their freedom/independence, while Neil had someone who tried to save him and Riko could only ever try to save himself.
13. Favourite narrative symbolism?
In general my favorite narrative symbolism are the keys; how they unlock opportunities for Neil; how they are signs of trust that others put in him; how they are something I don't think he ever thought he'd have (solidity/a home). I also love how much symbolism they hold for him, as well.
14. A character you would actually get along with in real life
Nicky (we'd bond over escaping our parents by running to Germany and using each other as an excuse to practice German) or Matt (because he's chill he's fun and he reminds me a lot of some of my actual friends from college).
15. A character you love but would deck in real life
Neil lmao
16. How did you even get here?? How did you discover AFTG?
I was browsing the Banana Fish tag and saw a post that was like "hey! do you wish that you had a series that was everything you loved about Banana Fish but with way more of Eiji pole-vaulting? then you should check out All for the Game for its mafia-infused sports anime vibes! and huzzah I haven't gotten off the hook yet
17. Would you play exy?
I feel like I'd be pretty good at it if I'd put my mind to it. It seems like fun and also I'm a bit of a masochist so I think the rougher plays would be really fun!
18. A fancast you will never let go of
Tbh I don't really have a fancast for any of the characters
19. A fancast you love that is super silly
I did see a guy the other day who made me double take and go KEVIN???? in my head if that counts
20. Which character would be the last to die in a actual zombie apocalypse?
Probably Renee tbh because she's unsuspecting, can broker peace between people who are fighting, and has absolutely no issue wielding and using knives in fights.
21. Would andrew minyard have beef with you?
Idk I feel like we'd vibe really well but wouldn't necessarily be close. He might get annoyed at how go-with-the-flow I am, though
22. Hyperspecific aro and or ace kevin headcanon?
I enjoy these headcanons and seeing people write them but I personally don't ever write him as either aro or ace. All the power to those who do though <3
23. Something you are very sure will happen in TSC2
Trojans win and 2. Jean meets the Foxes again before/after a game and it's emotional
24. Nicky or Allison? (Character wise and personality wise seperate)
I'm biased but Nicky. I relate way too hard to his story to not be biased here. But also I relate heavily to Allison and love her as well. I think she's also a lot more underappreciated out of the two, and gets a lot of unfair hate.
25. You're now only allowed to ship Kevin with one person (1) who is it?
man you're really out here discriminating against me and my poly ship here /t, but if it's only one person then I'd say Jean because again, I'm biased.
26. A 2000s song any one/ship/group of character would listen to
I feel like Andrew would secretly adore Lady Gaga's Poker Face and know all the lyrics even if he'd never sing along.
27. A detail or element from an older draft you would've loved to see in the final draft
LMAO so. I'm personally a fan of the version where Riko shot Kevin because Neil dodged/Kevin dove in front of him. I don't think I would have swapped the ending that we got for it instead, but I did think that it would have been an interesting change.
Also Riko and Kevin with longer hair
28. If you had to kill a fox. (Seth doesnt count.)
Aaron, because oh boy that poor medical student is probably already begging for some anvil to drop on him from the heavens
Question 29 for jean! Name a favorite Jean dialogue/quote
All of them because Jean is my favorite but also I think I'm going to go with "I will endure. I will endure. I will endure" because it's the first one I found while flipping through my copy of TSC and skimming for lines I thought were powerful. A classic is "Did a week away from the court damage your ball-battered brain?" (TSC 24), though. And then of course, as a Jeanee fan, the entire conversation between Jean and Renee on pages 68-69 where they talk about finding the joy in small things in life and taking a chance on himself and and
anyway hello thank you for coming to my TED talk
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marlowethelibrarian · 4 months
Oh fuck im gonna need honorifics and titles lmfao. Rifp.
Doing a lot of worldbuilding in secondary world fantasy really is a lot of onboarding.
I'm not starting on the draft yet, just noodling around with writing excerpts of character backstory, and it's bringing up holes.
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shatterthefragments · 3 months
okay is it hot as balls where you live right now, or did you manage to dodge the heat wave???? because I'm borderline dying over here
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rest in fucking pieces western canada, smh
It is indeed hot as balls (but (and I’m going to sound exactly like people saying “back in the blizzard of x”) not as overwhelmingly hot as the heat dome of ‘21.)
*hugs you with ice blankets!!!!!!!!* I hope it passes soon for you and it’s tolerable soon!! 🫂🧊
RIFP western Canada indeed 🪦
Honestly I am SO PRIVILEGED bc my workplace is kept pretty cool (it’s a grocery store) (I am 🤏 this close to demanding a fight to the death to the next customer who says it’s nice out (to be fair at 7am it is still nice)) and I have a nice setup to keep cool on my break outside/in the car (it’s nearly a shade box and I have ice packs and a mini fan) even if I still get very warm doing my job. (I am taking it slowly so that I hopefully don’t overdo it)
And I drive. And I can usually get going quick enough that the wind from the open windows isn’t too bad. (I try to park where there’s going to be shade over the car when I get off) and bc mum and I aren’t good in the heat we have many fans already so we have several fans going and with the furnace “cool air fan” as well. the house isn’t that bad either with all the fans going (not about to do more than absolutely necessary or bake anything though)
Like. Tbh. At 6-8 degrees cooler. I felt way hotter last week when I got my new tattoo bc I was walking around in high humidity SWEATING SO MUCH and it couldn’t evaporate until I got a long time to sit under strong cool air. Bc I wasn’t just inside all the time like im making a concerted effort to stay inside right now.
But uh. After the heat dome of ‘21. Definitely got Even More fans. (Some rechargeable portable ones) More cooling bandanas. More ice packs.
Despite the horrors, that is still an adorable picture of you 😁 🥰 May the shade cloak you in coolness soon!!
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It’s me!! (With enough fans and access to the concrete floored basement that I can lay on as needed - or sleep on if desperate so far it’s tolerable indoors at least :) …I say as if I haven’t had at least a bit of a headache most days DESPITE holding up at least two of the food/water/sleep triangle of helping to prevent but the Tylenol and Advil are mostly keeping it from getting too bad so far. ) but uh. I’m managing alright as long as I can mostly stay inside I think
(I uh. Totally answered the door in a mesh bra and just the shorts. Oops 🤷🏻‍♂️) it’s. Just about 30 which. Is awful and horrible and Should Not Be. (I remember when 25 was a BIG DEAL bc it wasn’t normal) but at least it hasn’t crossed above 30 yet. And it shouldn’t based on my shitty weather apps’ latest forecast update? We’ll see but I am HOPEFUL!!
Im. Physically. Physically I’m doing better than expected to be honest. But I’ve feared the heat of the summer for a while and EVEN MORE bc of how I had to try to hold it together during the heat dome and how I really couldn’t but had to help mum survive it. I’m mentally not doing great because I am so stressed out and kinda panicking (even though mentally I’m not even panicking im jsut resigned) over it even though I know I’m as prepared as I can reasonably be and I have lots of stuff to help keep cool.
My sister (THE FUCKER) is enjoying it and is actively going outside to lay in the sun 😭 (she wears sunscreen at least)
Uhhhh venty TW for uh. A whole bunch of shit/anything you can think of probably tbh. (Stress, panic, suicide, disordered eating, weight are the big things) Under the cut 😬 (but seriously as long as I survive the heat (and hopefully don’t catch Covid again even though I have to sometimes drink a little bit at work and probably won’t wear a mask (as I do in all indoor spaces) on my ship when I sail tbh) I’ll be okay :))
Like the stress and panic is. Like I don’t mentally feel like I’m panicking. But my body certainly feels like it. It’s awful and horrible and I can’t wait for fall to come. Or the cold wind on the sailboat. Or at least just. Low 20s as the high again.
BC despite what everything in me is saying. I WILL fucking survive this. The alternative doesn’t let me talk to my friends and make silly doodles.
But it’s been a while since I’ve felt so like. Suicidal. but strangely so disconnected from it. (Don’t worry I’ll survive The Thoughts,they’re just an old friend at this point that comes back every once in a while like “STILL? 🙄” even though for the most part I actually like. Want to live and am the happiest I’ve been in my life.
But more than that (bc that’s tolerable and I’m the Most Familiar with that) it’s the fucking. I’m having trouble eating bc of the stress and heat. (I was able to eat my after work dinner though which is good bc I have a board meeting soon)
And with certain people being harder on my food choices than normal I’m just “just lose weight. 50 pounds and nobody could say shit” is PREVALENT and echoing but. I don’t really have the energy to devote to that. And while it may be important to build my strength back up to Portaging again (bc I want to do more paddling) but the thing is there are only two valid reasons right now for me to seek to lose weight (my doctor (who to be fair I rarely see but at least once a year lately for various complaints) hasn’t said anything)
One reason is bc I’d probably fare better in the heat if I were smaller. (The other is maybe I wouldn’t wear out the thighs of my pants so quickly).
But the only two times I tend to ALLEGEDLY lose weight are if I’m stress free walking around on vacation for a While or if I’m basically relapsed into an eating disorder, not otherwise specified. (Nobody knew nobody figured it out but I live i got through it I’m fucking amazing bc I live. And I give myself the fuel to keep going bc fuck it never really worked bc I needed nobody to know so badly that I still needed to eat a bit but even still now even knowing how much harm it could’ve done I’m still fucking proud of the fact that I’ve gone 48 hours without eating anything at all. And I hate that I am. (Or after sailing and then getting covid I did end up losing at least 10, but I don’t keep very good track of my weight generally for my own sanity and wellness)
But unfortunately I don’t have the kind of money to quit my job or reduce hours to part time and just walk everywhere without regard to time.
So I’m at a bit of an impasse.
Im. Mostly okay with my body. It hurts a lot. But generally speaking I can do everything I want or need it to do if I haven’t reached my limit that day.
Im striving for body neutrality and positivity on better days.
Like fuck. Someone else I’d find cute with my body. But because it’s *me*
But it’s fine.
I’ll survive. I’ll read some stuff to cathart.
Hopefully I’ll get some time once it cools down to SHAKE MY ASS to some of the cool new music that I’ve been sent bc tbh I think honestly it would help a LOT. (Finding the joy in movement to letting the music take over FUCK YEAH)
I’ll be okay. It just kinda sucks and the heat just. Seeps in and makes everything worse. Like I’m cooking in all my own insecurities and issues and throwing it on the fire just. Does not help. But I’ll be okay. (I always end up okay)
The scariest part is that I’m not even on any medication that increases heat intolerance. (I probably should be but. Alas)
I’ll be ok.
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jamietwat · 8 months
It’s a scene where I know exactly what happens but I’ve gone around in so many circles trying to decide how much of it to write and whose povs all to use for it kind of thing. Like I don’t want it to be super long and boring but I also don’t want to glaze over it and it’s complicated to write and requires brainpower because it needs to make very specific references to things from earlier on in the story
So this one had been my main writer’s block for this chapter for the entire time I’ve been on it in a how specifically to execute it best to do it in a not boring and annoying kind of way
But then there are also several other parts of this chapter that I had indecision about and are now a different version of the scene than I began with and the old version tucked away in a different file somewhere
I was going to say RIFP to the version of part of this chapter where Roy wakes up Jamie by reaching past Keeley to pinch his nose to cut off his breathing because he’s bitter that Jamie’s peacefully sleeping while he’s lying awake haunted by thoughts about having a threesome and then has to lie and pretend that it was Jamie’s snoring keeping him up and not Jamie’s whole existence when Jamie wakes up like are you actually trying to murder me… But now I reread them with more distance from writing them and I’m not convinced that I’m not going to swap that back in and the other version out or combine them so really I’m just out here confusing myself on the regular
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830poll · 11 months
(Happy Saturday! I'm absolutely losing it that not even one person wanted to come back to life. RIFP, board game guy.
Anywho, the intermission will be wrapping up quite early next week. Either one more poll, or just some closing comments. I've never, like, actually had to write an update without a poll before. Feels cursed.
After that, there'll be a few days break as i try to remember what the fuck y'all were doing with the tv crew and then probably back to business the following Monday!
I'll be around in the meantime, of course. Not sure what I'll fill the void with. Doodles? Q&A? Commentary on some of the choices that never came to be? Guess we'll see.
See ya Monday!)
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squirreltastic · 1 year
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[START ID: two traditional drawings. They are colored with colored pencils.
Top one has Mimete kissing Papillon's cheek. Papillion has her arms wrapped around Mimete's waist.
Mimite has orange lipstick and is wearing a a string choker, a fitted strapless pale orange top remincent of a fashion corset, a white fit and flare skit, orange tights with black stars and black ankle boots.
Papillon has yellow, blue, pink eye shadow, pink tear drop earrings, pink lipstick, she has a butterfly blue halter dress with butterfly wing hem a dew spots are yellow. She has long blue square nails and a bracelet with tiny pink beads. Her shoes are very tall with pink ankle straps and toe box. Other parts are yellow gold and white.
The second photo is of Papillon with her arm up to hold her white sun hat in place, she has a strapless pink top and a black choker. Her hat has white butterflies on it and her sun glasses are pink hearts.
Next is Papillion's unamed child, depicted here wearing blue butterfly wing sun glasses. She has her blue hair in pony tails to look like butterflies. She is giving a peace sign and is wearing a pink top.
Mimite has freckles here and is wearing yellow star shaped sun glasses and a black top. END ID]
Hey random ship but how about mimete x HM Papillon?
More info under cut
It started because of this merch
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Her little black butterflies. I'm not sure if she ever used them or if it was an aesthetic choice for the card but hey it works as inspo.
The two of them are dramatic apparently. Papillon described as having "fragile tears". Mimite wants to be famous and Papillion is a professional samba dancer on her home planet, I like to imagine she was very famous!
For the top picture I tried to mimic the manga style but the bottom is more my regular style.
Also yeah HM Papillion has a kid! Had a kid? Such a random detail but with sad implications. I wonder if that played into her choice to betray the original Sailor Papillion. Anyway yeah so no canon design for the kid rifp.
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recolourrhys · 1 year
Truly living in note hell rn I've been in online spaces around 20yrs since I was a preteen and have not before gotten this sorta attention, but this is a delight lmao (rifp I might have to turn off the push notifications though I promise you I am Reading Every Tag thank u💙💙💙💙)
If you meet the following criteria you are getting blocked and reported as spam immediately:
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I've been online, and tumblr specifically, long enough that I ain't playing that game lmao begging u to change ur shit in some capacity I'm not playing devil's advocate or weighing benefit of the doubt if u are not IMMEDIATELY obviously a human and not a bot ur ass is getting blocked n reported✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
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fantasycorrupted-a · 2 years
unlike kamael, fí at least tries to pretend she’s confident before she actually gets there - but if there’s one thing that all my characters are similar in, it is that they cannot at all easily keep a straight face around someone they have feelings for (whether positive or negative ones). rifp
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eriswrites · 4 months
i wanted to make a cool edit for my friends for best friends day but apparently it's today and i ... never got around to making anything rifp
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cryptidsdad · 4 months
drinking at 4am? - from angelboy, rifp
The question was enough to make Robert pause for a second. The wheels turning in his head.
It was a bit later than when they usually decided to turn in. The night had been a bit uneventful, more chill than anything, as the pair had simply settled into the bed of Robert's truck for the majority of it. There had been a couple of beers, whatever radio station Angel had landed on before they had gotten to the spot playing softly and Betsy snuggled between them. No exhausting runs through the trees or poking around some creepy, abandoned house on the edge of town.
It had seemed more like just two 'friends' hanging out than looking for cryptids.
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And, of course, Robert was not exhausted enough to fall asleep just yet. Another beer after he had gotten back home was not all too uncommon, anyway.
"Do you want one?" The neck of the bottle was pointed toward Angel. "Or are you just statin' the obvious now?"
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vicemirrored-a · 2 years
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independent & selective 𝐃𝐑. 𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐘 𝐉𝐄𝐊𝐘𝐋𝐋, of robert louis stevenson’s strange case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde (1886)  /   penned by 𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐒.   /   mun & muse 20+.   /   due to the graphic nature of the original story, content warnings (gore, blood, death, etc) apply.   /   multiple aus & verses available, including modern, regency, fallout, assassin’s creed, and more.
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witchofthescions · 3 years
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((This couldn’t have been more perfectly timed lmfao))
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hellchanged · 3 years
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@dementedstatic​ asked: An arm, almost vine-like in the way it wraps around her shoulder and yet does not touch; looms between them as Alastor peers down at the ethereal-haired woman. Smile creasing along the edges to bring his lips into an 'Oh'-like structure as he began to speak his monologue. "Charlie seems to think we have some conflict of interests, you and I! And has expressed her concern that we 'talk it out' so to speak. Now, I enjoy a good conversation as much as the next person! It was my bread and butter, after all! So tell me, my dear. What really seems to be troubling you about me that you haven't already expressed fervently in my arrival, hm? A gal doesn't spit fire and brimstone without a mighty belief system to back up her claims! I'm rather curious about that part." /For you know who :)
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she isn’t pleased about him intruding her personal space, but he hasn’t tried anything demeaning yet -- a surprise, really! -- so she only lets a growl of warning rumble in her chest with a baring of teeth be her reaction to him stepping close. 
she knows exactly what charlie thinks, knows how badly they want the two of them to get along, knows how excited they are that someone approached them with support when no others have. so vaggie keeps her temper leashed, glaring up at the radio demon. 
‘ oh, where do i even start? ‘ she asks sarcastically, cocking a hip and counting off on her fingers, ‘ you constantly touch me without consent, treat me like a funny little toy, have already made threats against myself and charlie, you’re not at all remorseful about the heinous shit you’ve done for fun, and you have no plans on being even a slightly better person while you work with us. or even behaving any better than you do with the rest of hell. need i go on? ‘
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