#//i apologize if i already made a similar post i don’t remember but if i did i missed the finally free one
rinisbowen · 2 years
ricky x nini x book metaphors for their journeys in their songs
a chapter begins the pages turn in the wind, the story’s so unpredictable (you never know)
give me empty pages, just give me something new (finally free)
close the book before it turns to tragedy… (let you go)
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Hey angels! I’m still on break but I wanted to show you guys how powerful the law is, and how it’s in effect with everything even when we don’t notice!
Here’s everything I’ve manifested in this year alone !
🌸70,000$ in school scholarships. My tuition does not even cost that much so most of it will be coming back to my credit card shortly
🌸an older sister. I’m the oldest child in my household, and as any older sibling knows it’s so hard. You have to lead, yet have no one to look up to for advice yourself. Anyways my dad got in touch with his old wife, and my mom who was once reluctant to let my half siblings in my life, now encouraged it! My older half sister is literally just like me. We now FaceTime, she defends me when I’m scared, she buys me stuff all the time because she has hella money, and I go to her apartment for sleep overs. I am very lucky and happy to finally have the older sister I’ve always wanted.
🌸an old friendship! I remember in 2020 I was friends with this girl and we were both super depressed, had similar circumstances, and were into manifesting+astrology. I’m sure she’s one my twin flame, and the friendship ended over the dumbest thing ever. Anyways for a year I used dumb methods like the 333 method, sp methods to get her to text me, stuff like that. I ended up giving up but earlier this year I was thinking about her, yanno just wondering where she is. She sent me a heart felt apology the next day. I manifested her without even trying!
🌸All As in school without trying.
🌸losing weight the more I eat. Y’all I’m 5’5 and 112 pounds, yet I eat like an Olympic gold medalists. I don’t even eat healthy and knowing myself.. well that’s something that’s not going to change lol. Anytime I would eat a lot, I would just say the more I eat, the more I lose and the healthier I am…and I never gained a single pound. Only lost! Don’t worry I’m still healthy and my doctors say I’m in a healthy range still, so as long as that continues healthily I’m fine.
🌸my family winning the lottery through the void state. I won’t say specific numbers but it’s in the 7 figure range, and was my first void success! I’m going to keep manifesting and exploring the void to have more stuff in the future!
🌸(dumb) but clearing my name in the unique situation. i remember just affirming the truth always comes out and she got exposed a few hours later. aside from the hate from her anons, I left the situation unscathed for the most part 😮‍💨
🌸not having seasonal depression this year. I did not manifest my depression or anxiety away for personal reasons, before anyone starts! But due to the combination of manifesting and just having a better overall life, it honestly did not affect me much this year.
🌸getting results from subliminals without even listening to them. I left my subliminal era a couple of years ago, and I don’t really use them anymore. But sometimes I come across a really cool one with dope benefits, and I want to use it bc.. why not lol. But I don’t really like listening to them, so I just wrote down that I can listen to it once and after that my brain memorizes the sequence and it works it out repeatedly even when it’s not playing and I’ve definitely noticed results.
🌸manifesting my best friend’s cancer away! I already made a post about this, but this was my favorite manifestation of this year.
🌸every single one of my shifts
🌸so many free things!
🌸and so much more, but these are my favorites!
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severalforraelee · 10 months
The Girls Part 12: Charles Leclerc x Reader
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Photo credit to LAT Images
Word count: 3,446
Written by raelee / Posted August 15
Formula 1 Masterlist
The Girls Masterlist
“They can’t FaceTime for very long, they have a doctor’s appointment early tomorrow morning so they need to go to bed early tonight,” I warn Charles as soon as I accept the call.
“What’s going on, are they okay?” He instantly questions.
“They’re fine, it’s just a checkup. Girls, come say hi to your dad.”
Ada and Lucy run over at the mention of their father. It surprised me how quickly they’ve welcomed him into their lives and normalized him being in it. That’s definitely an advantage of him coming back while the girls are so young, they’re not aware of the entire situation so they don’t have any conflicting emotions about their father’s absence, they just know the love and admiration they feel for him and that he feels for them. And growing up, they won’t really have any memories from before he entered their lives.
“Hi dad,” Ada grins widely, showing off her growing teeth.
“Where are you?” Lucy inquires.
“I’m in Singapore right now,” he tells them. “I can see the ocean. Look, see the water?”
He flips his camera to show the view from his hotel room, palm trees lined up neatly before it cuts off at the sandy beach.
“Ocean,” Ada cheers.
“I’ll take you girls to see the ocean someday, I promise.”
They chat some more, Charles having to ask them what they’re saying a couple of times to fully understand, but then immediately responding with enthusiasm. He takes genuine interest in what they’re saying, even if it’s arguing over who found a bigger leaf at the park today. The way his hazel eyes gleam at the two toddlers through the screen says it all- he loves those girls with his entire heart.
The conversation wraps up after about twenty minutes, the tiredness becoming apparent in Ada and Lucy.
“I love you girls. I know I’m not the best at times, but I try my hardest to be there for you to support you through everything,” Charles’ words are said to Ada and Lucy, but I know they’re really directed at me.
He’s trying to apologize to me without actually apologizing to me. By explaining his actions without saying sorry for how they made me feel, it’s apparent that he feels bad for attempting to pressure me into moving but doesn’t feel bad enough, or maybe he just feels too scared to say the words ‘I’m sorry’ directly. Plus, it’s a little off-putting to give a message to me through our daughters.
“Mommy, I’m going to play with Barbie,” Lucy announces, taking off to her bedroom to play with the new doll Lando sent her.
“Me too,” Ada follows her to play with the similar Barbie that Lando sent her.
“What?” Charles questions as I give him an annoyed look through the screen.
“If you’re apologetic for your actions, just say it. Don’t do this round-a-bout thing where you tell the girls how hard you try to support them. They know that, although they can’t understand it yet, they can feel your love and support. By indirectly apologizing and not actually using those words, though, you’re not supporting them in emotional growth by showing that it’s okay to be apologetic and that it’s okay to show your emotions,” I inform him.
He blinks at me, clearly processing the speech that I just gave.
“Yeah,” he starts, “Yeah, you’re right. To be honest, I feel like I’m not there to help with the girls as much as I should be and then I feel guilty about it, so I thought the solution would be to move in together so that it would be easier. And I thought I was already compromising because we would be moving in together in London instead of in Monaco-””Monaco, Charles? You wanted us to move to Monaco?” I can’t help but interrupt him.
“I did, for a brief second, before I remembered that you have a support system and school in London,” he defends himself, “Anyways, I guess I also wanted you to move in to something more… up to my standards. But I should’ve asked you about it before making such a big decision by myself. I’m sorry.”
“Thank you for your apology and the explanation. Now that I’m aware of this, I’m sorry for not hearing you out on why you wanted to move in to a bigger apartment and for not recognizing your emotions sooner.”
“Thank you for your apology,” he says. It’s quiet, but his smile slowly grows.
“What? Why are you smiling?”
“You snapped at me,” a laugh accompanies his words.
“Did I? Sorry, I didn’t mean to be so hostile,” I frown, thinking back on my tone. “No, it’s great, it’s always nice to be reminded of where Lucy gets her fire from.”
I roll my eyes, but my heart flutters in my chest at his admiration.
As soon as I set my phone down on the coffee table after the call has ended, it starts to buzz. I peer at it curiously, wondering if the call is from Charles trying to contact me to tell me something that he forgot. It isn’t. It’s from my sister, Flo.
I watch as it buzzes and buzzes. I adore Flo- besides Lando, she’s been the only one to treat me semi-normally since having my daughters. She sends me requests for pictures of the girls every once in a while, she’ll call me to hear about their adventures of the week, and she’ll like all of my posts on social media, even just the stories.
But… I can’t help but feel some resentment towards her. Maybe it’s because she’s the one who encouraged me to attend the race, just to inform me that the whole family bailed, or because she never defended me in front of our family. I just can’t shake the negative feelings no matter how much I know that this situation that I’m in is not her fault. This has grown a very apparent distance in our relationship.
So I watch as her contact picture disappears from the screen, showing that I missed a call from her.
“And lights out, and away we go,” the announcer cheers as the race in Singapore begins.
My eyes flicker to Ada and Lucy who are sitting in front of the TV, dolls laying on the floor in front of them but their eyes are attached to the screen where the fast cars zoom past.
It’s so interesting to see their love for Formula 1 at such a young age. It’s subtle- they don’t pick out orange McClaren hats gifted from Lando or red Ferrari shirts from Charles to wear.
But they’ll put their Barbies in the miniature Alpine cars from Pierre. And they’ll perk up at the sound of the Formula 1 theme song.
“Daddy,” Lucy cheers, pointing as the camera focuses on the red car. Ada looks on in awe.
Truthfully, I can’t tell if it’s Charles or Carlos, it’s always been difficult for me to tell the difference between two drivers in the same car, but I nod.
“Yeah, there’s daddy,” I agree softly.
My heart starts to yearn at the sight of him, which I confirm it is once I see the number on the side of the car, even if he is covered in a helmet and a race suit. I quickly push the feeling down, trying my best to focus on the screen in front of me.
I can’t start feeling romantic feelings for Charles, we just started getting along again. Developing romantic feelings for him would complicate everything. With two toddlers in the picture, what they need right now is stability, not for their mom deciding to ‘go for it.’
So I take a deep breath, watching as the Singapore grand prix goes on and on.
“Let me take a picture to send to daddy, first,” I request of the girls.
They stare at me warily, melting ice cream cones in their hands.
“It’ll be real quick, I promise,” I reassure them. “Smile!”
They smile as I quickly snap the photo, digging into their ice cream messily as I set my phone down. After it buzzes for the third time, I pick it up curiously, knowing that it’s not just Charles responding to the photos because he already informed me that he would be doing media all day for Ferrari.
My eyebrows raise in shock when I see three missed texts from my brother, Oliver.
Oliver: Hey, haven’t heard from you in a while, wondering if you’d be up for a chat later.
Oliver: Flo just told me that she called you the other day and you didn’t answer or call her back. Is everything okay?
Oliver: Here if you need anything
I sigh at the texts. I thought Flo wouldn't really notice or care that I didn’t respond to her call, but she must have if she’s getting Oliver involved. I click on the bubble to text, watching as it blinks.
Truthfully, I don’t know what to say. I don’t want to commit to a phone call with Oliver because I don’t want to talk about what’s wrong. I always talk about what’s wrong- sometimes, I just want space to think about how valid my feelings are without having to talk about them and get them validated by other people.
And the issues with my family are a sensitive topic with Oliver, since he is involved in the situation.
“Uh oh,” Ada’s words snap my focus to her and I see chocolate ice cream dripping out of the cone and onto her tiny fingers.
“Here, let’s wipe it off,” I tell her, locking my phone and reaching in my bag for a wet wipe.
The texts remain forgotten and not responded to.
I think I like Charles Leclerc. I mean like like- like I fancy him.
I haven’t seen him in person in almost three weeks because of him needing to be at the factory and then back to back race weekends, which I think makes seeing him through the screen all the more special. He grins widely on the podium, spraying the champagne at Max Verstappen and Sergio Perez.
Of course this season it’s not rare to see him up on the podium, but everytime it happens sparks erupt in my stomach in pride of how much success he’s having and how proud he must be of himself.
I like seeing that gleam in his eye and that cheeky smile that he only reserves for the camera.
I can’t help but smile myself.
My phone vibrates on the couch next to me and I glance over at it, frowning as Lando’s contact picture pops up.
I know I should answer. I’ve already left Flo’s call and Oliver’s texts unresponded to, and with Lando being my favorite sibling, I should have a soft enough spot to respond to him.
He’s probably confused on why I haven’t been as talkative as I usually am with him lately. Usually before races, I send him a text wishing him luck, but I haven’t done that for this race or last race. And I know I should answer to congratulate him on his P10- a great result for this year's McClaren, but I’m unsure of how the rest of the conversation will go.
I’m sure Oliver and Flo have already told him about how unresponsive I’ve been to them, he’ll probably press me for answers of why that is. But… Lando is the last person I would want to talk about these problems with.
And truthfully, between having to readjust to being a single mom again for these past three weeks and recognizing and dealing with my feelings for Charles, I don’t want to add my baggage with my family onto the stack of things for me to deal with.
So I leave my phone to buzz.
“Go play in your room,” I encourage the girls, watching them run into their bedroom.
My attention returns to my phone screen where Charles’ smile from seeing his two daughters has slowly faded.
“What’s up?” I question, sensing a slightly bothered vibe from his end.
“I can’t be home by tomorrow night anymore,” he informs me, “They told me that if I went from the race straight to the factory for a couple of days, I could have more time off, which means more time to spend with my family.”
I try to take in his words, I truly do, but my brain pauses at two parts. 
My family.
We’re his home, we’re his family.
But once his words process, my heart starts to break. Mainly for Ada and Lucy, who have been so excited to see their dad since he left. Although they see him in the car and understand that it’s his job to race, they don’t understand why he’s gone so long and often, and it breaks my heart to have to explain it to them before every race weekend.
Tears start to pool in their eyes and their noses scrunch up, sniffling. Every. Single. Time.
“Oh, it’s okay, I understand,” I tell him. I can’t hide the shake in my voice, showing that although I might understand, I’m still upset by it.
He sighs. “Y/N-””Really, Charles, I get it,” I try my best to stabilize my voice. “Go rest, you must have a long day tomorrow. Have a nice sleep.”
I hang up before he can respond, not wanting to hear whatever he has to say. I know that whatever he has to say will pull at my heart, which will strengthen my feelings for him even more.
And I can’t have my feelings for him strengthened. I need those feelings to dissolve.
My phone buzzes with a text, and then another one. I think it’s from the same person, but when I check my phone I’m surprised that it’s not.
Charles: I’ll be there as soon as I can, I promise.
Cisca: Oliver, Lando, and Flo told me that you’re avoiding their calls and texts. At least let us know that you’re alright.
I inhale a deep, shaky breath, trying to stabilize my emotions so that I don’t break down. 
I respond to one of those texts.
Y/N: I know, Charles.
I snap a picture of the two toddlers resting their hands against the glass, staring up at the sea creatures passing above them in awe. After tagging the aquarium’s location, I post it to my private story, locking the phone and sliding it back into my pocket.
“You see that one, girls?” I kneel next to them, pointing at a whale above our heads. “That’s a beluga whale. They can live up to 50 years old.”
“Scary,” Ada comments, watching it swim past the glass.
“No, no, they’re only scary if you’re mean to them,” I reassure the girls. “Come on, let’s go look at the starfish.”
The girls go to sleep easy and fast that night, exhausted from the day at the aquarium. I’ve curled myself up in a blanket on the couch, some crappy reality TV on in the background when I get the chance to open Instagram again.
A message from Alex Albon is waiting in my DMs. He had responded to my story of the girls at the aquarium.
Alex: They’re so cute! Did they have a nice time? I haven’t been to an aquarium in ages.
Y/N: They had a great time! Next time you’re in town we’ll go 🙂
To my surprise, he responds almost instantly.
Alex: I’d love that. Or you could bring them to see the aquarium in Monaco 😉 
I giggle at the message.
Y/N: You’ve been talking to Charles too much
Alex: I have. I’d love to talk to you, Ada, and Lucy more. You should come to Monaco so that we can have a conversation
Y/N: Nice try, Albon
I feel happy about the conversation that I just had with Alex. I was really close to him and a few other drivers when I was a constant presence on the grid, and when I became pregnant and left, I severed all of those connections so that I could hide my secret from Charles more easily.
Now that my secret’s been revealed and I’ll be even more of a presence in the paddock, because I have Ada and Lucy with me now, I’d love to fix those connections. I don’t know where to start, but small conversations like this help, I guess.
My finger taps on the discover page, scrolling through casually. I freeze at a familiar image, tapping on it.
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Spill_the_f1_tea: More information has been revealed about Charles Leclerc and Y/N Norris’ supposed twin daughters! An unofficial source has confirmed that they are the Ferrari driver’s children, Lucy on the second slide and Ada on the third slide. The first photo is taken from Y/N’s Instagram story today. The source close to the pair is unable to provide photos of the toddlers faces at this moment. What do you think about this reveal?
My finger swipes between the three photos in disbelief. Who would do such a thing? I know from what I’ve been telling everyone and what Charles has been telling everyone, we’ve wanted to keep this situation as on the down low as possible so that we could figure out how to co-parent before announcing the news and going public with it over winter break.
Tears start to well up in my eyes at the lack of respect towards my children’s privacy. I can’t stop reading the line The source close to the pair is unable to provide photos of the toddlers faces at this moment.
How can a person genuinely type that out and think that it’s an appropriate thing to post? If the parents aren’t posting pictures of the children’s faces, or of the children in general, why would a random person do that?
I sniffle, opening the viewers from my Instagram story that I posted today and taking screenshots so that I can hopefully connect the dots. But I have no clue when those other photos were taken, or where, or by who.
Heck, it could’ve been me who took the photos and posted them two months ago and I’ve just forgotten about it. And now I have no record of who viewed it or screenshotted those photos.
“Hello?” I answer the incoming phone call from Charles, my voice cracking.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asks softly.
“A gossip blog just made a post about the girls. It’s information from an unofficial source, Charles, I have no clue who it could be,” I admit, choking on a sob. My chest hurts at the utter betrayal from a friend or family member close to me.
“What account?” Charles asks.
I tell him and it’s quiet as he looks at the post.
“I’m so sorry, Charles.”
“Hey, it’s not your fault,” he reassures me, “You trusted the people closest to you, the fact that they turned around and stabbed you in the back is not on you, it’s on them and reflects poorly on them as a person. We will find out who sent those photos in, okay?”
I nod, then remember that he can’t see me. “Okay.”
“Are you okay if I make a post? Just to confirm that I am the father of the twins. That’s all I say, I won’t confirm their names or show their faces. I just want to stop the speculation of paternity so that we can hopefully have less prying eyes in the future,” he requests.
“Yeah, yeah I’m okay with that.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. Just… don’t reveal all of them to the whole world, yet. Let them make that decision.”
“Of course,” he immediately agrees, “At least this unofficial source didn’t send in pictures showing their faces.”
“Yeah,” I agree.
The phone call ends and I’m left to just sit back, twiddling my fingers and watch Kim hit Kourtney with her purse until Charles does whatever he wants to do for damage control.
My phone pings with a notification of being tagged in a post on Instagram.
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charles_leclerc: Hi everyone, Y/N and I share wonderful twin daughters together. Out of respect for their privacy and our own, that is all the information that we are willing to share at this point in time. Please respect that and treat everyone, including the amazing mother of my children, with kindness. Thank you.
Tears begin to escape my eyes again. But they’re not anxious tears, they’re not sad tears, they’re happy tears. I’m happy because of Charles.
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alphawolfstabs · 7 months
ahem- y’all remember that post I made about Sam turning 18 and going to find Billy? Listen to this shit- [apologies if I can’t write Sams character well- I will be trying here though.] [Survivor au so Billy and stu are like.. kinda popular, blame River for that idea.]
Sam stares out the taxi window, blinking slowly. She made the decision to come here, but now that she was here all she wanted to do was run away.
The taxi driver was talking, but the words faded in the background and Sam couldn’t hear them. She just fumbled with her money, gave it to him as she muttered a thanks and stepped out the car.
She stood in front of the house for a good minute before walking up the path that leads to the door.
It was a beautiful house, with a fence in the back. It looked like the kind of house she would see in the movie ‘Stab’, but it was really pretty.
She breathed out slowly as she knocked on the door. There was barking inside for a moment, and she didn’t have to wait long for the door to open.
“Can I help you?” She looked at him, her dad. Billy Loomis- she’s seen pictures of him before, but now that she was actually here in person she could see a few similarities between them.. it was.. strange, to say the least.
“You’re.. Billy Loomis, right?”
He sighs, and leans his head on the doorframe. “Listen kid, I don’t do autographs, I’m not giving you some free shirt-”
Sam shakes her head. “What? No- no I’m..” she pauses, for a soft moment before finishing, “I’m Samantha? Sam Carpenter. You’re my dad.”
Billys brown pinch together and he shakes his head. “Uh huh- nice try.”
“You fucked my mother! You’re my dad, she talked about you a lot. We can get a dna test if-”
“Did I just hear you have a daughter?” Someone else pops up behind Billy, holding a cat in his arms. Sam recognizes him, that’s Stu. Stu Loomis, Billys husband and friend during the murders of ‘96.
Billy elbow Stu in the stomach carefully, “go away” he mutters softly.
Sam looks between them both, and then she sighs. “My mom was Christina Carpenter, you don’t remember her?”
“Not in the slightest.” Billy sounds almost like he’s hissing it at her, but it doesn’t want to make her back down in any regard. Instead, it makes her want to stand taller.
“Wait-” Stu talks, and he looks at her now. “Christina Christina.. Dude!” He looks at Billy. “You don’t remember her? You guys had sex at my party- pretty sure it was like.. roughly around September?”
Billy blinks at him, then shrugs. “I wouldn’t know, pretty sure I was drunk that entire time.”
Sam feels something curling in her stomach when she fully realized he had no idea about her. She doesn’t know why, but it makes her feels almost sad. Maybe she should’ve expected that, but she still had a little hope that maybe.. maybe he would know.
“You were in fact very drunk, now that I think about it,” Stu confirms with a nod, then he’s looking at Sam.
Sam looks at him back, and he seems nice enough. At least, he seems nicer than Billy.
“You here by yourself?”
Sam nods. “It’s like.. kinda my birthday? And I wanted to know who my dad was- I can probably just” she makes a slightly annoyed gesture with her hands. “Call another taxi and leave though-”
“Absolutely not.” Billy shakes his head. “No way- look..” Billy sighs, rubbing his face. “You can stay for a while, if you want- we have the room and I guess..” Billy does a hand gesture as well, and Sam realizes that’s something she does a lot. She must’ve gotten that from him. “It might be nice to get to know you.”
Stu smiles. “I get to be a dad!”
“Aren’t you already a dad?” Sam and Billy say together, both pointing to the cat. Then they’re looking at each other, before Billy laughs.
“Oh I see. You’re both going to Gang up on me now.” Stu shakes his head. “That’s gotta be a Loomis thing.”
Billy looks at Sam with a hum, “Whatdya think? Team Loomis?”
Sam smiles just a little and nods. “Team Loomis..” she almost whispers it, not being used to say Loomis in reference to herself. But something about this feels.. right. It feels like a home, something she rarely experienced back with her mom.
"Happy birthday, by the way."
She smiles just a little more. "Thank you," She utters, and she feels a warmth in her chest. Maybe this time, she'll be able to feel like she belongs in a place. A place to call home.
AHHHHH. I cannot stop thinking about a different au where they meet, it makes me bonkers.
Anyways- Tag list for all my cool friends !!
@koyarkive [ik you don't know scream 5 but its writing so here cap'n] @smashlovesscream @fantasylandbitch @blackwolfstabs
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starplusfourletters · 4 months
I read vision of the future (hand of thrawn book 2 aka Who Scams the Scammers)
(spoilers) and once again it turned into a liveblog, apologies
Hold up are we doing Warrior Cats? Is this Warrior Cats Planet??
What base is “arm around your waist to serve as a psychic translator conduit”
Omigod I WISH my Warrior Cat name were “Jaded of Mara”
Everything I know about Soontir Fel I learned from x wing but I would not have guessed his primary motivation to be "dirt"
@ luke and mara: the girls are talkingggggg
North Barris Spaceport has me twitching
Ghent not remembering who the president is and just assuming it’s probably Leia. I mean fair
What base is "holding hands to brace yourselves over a swarm of flesh eating insects"
So we’re finally asking why Mara ISN’T actually dark side and the answer is… shrug emoji?
Man Zahn really is stuck on “character bonding hike” as a device huh. But consider I eat that shit up
Oh No Lando is racist
LMAO at “so oblivious you need a child pterodactyl to tell you to just kiss already” to “besides I don’t want my life to be like spiderman three I hated that movie” to “kissing with dubious consent” ALL ON THE SAME PAGE like Zahn finally realized he really needed to get this show on the road
LMAO at Ghent getting a free pass from Pellaeon to hack the empire. Like you’re just going to get the thing you need and not steal all of our military and political secrets right? Riiiight? Even more LMAO at the fact that that would probably not even occur to Ghent
When everyone assumes they're the protagonist so finding this one macguffin is their job personally. Like guys I like the energy but maybe we've got enough different plans to do the same thing (the exception, hilariously, being Luke) (and Oh No it turns out Luke is the one to find the macguffin because You Have to Follow Your Heart and Let the MacGuffin Come to You. I eat that shit up also)
Mara’s just... So great.
Not to make everything about my blorbo but absolutely to make everything about my blorbo I do wonder to what extent Ahsoka’s characterization post-Rebels doesn’t click for me is because a lot of the more obvious directions for Oldsoka overlap with Mara, and the powers that be didn’t want to reinvent the Mara Jade wheel. Not to say they have similar characterization – Mara has terminal sam coded dean girl syndrome – but idk, in dynamic range maybe? Calling out bullshit, weaponizing her own abrasiveness, covering insecurity with humor, being Kind of a Lot with a side of trust issues at any given moment – there are modes Mara and Youngsoka share that didn’t pass to Oldsoka apparently. Idk possibly all this is just me wanting them to TALK
Establishing that you can do evil things for selfless reasons without necessarily being in any danger of falling to the dark side is... Philosophically interesting
We interrupt this tale of political espionage to bring you Jedi Relationship Counseling (spoiler alert: communication is key)
"That part of her life [Mara’s time with Palpatine] had died unmourned" I mean mourned a little bit. Mourned for at least a book and a half
I've been willing to suspend my disbelief on everything in this book until "both Luke and Mara forget that ysalamiri exist"
I will never not be a sucker for The Movements and Transferred Ownership of Emotionally Significant Weapons
Oh No thrawn made a second foundation
The Aing-Tii seem OP but whatever
Oh No the second foundation forgot to close the garage doors
(Re: The Jade’s Fire) I know Mara’s having a Moment, and I promise I’m taking it seriously, but when the warrior cat asked “What is it you want, Mara Jade” my WHOLE BRAIN responded with "I want Hermione Granger! And a rocket ship!"
Moranda has real Kevin from home alone energy and I'm living for it
Is it bad that I’m actually kinda happy the Imperials’ Bothawui shield plan worked? Like, they had a really interesting plan and I’m happy for them. They earned it
What base is “full mind meld while you’re fighting for your lives”
Who would win: ~1.5 Jedi, 2 sentinel droids droidekas, or Artoo with a sauntering gun
If I had a nickel for every time this duology explicitly established Jedi can’t go completely without oxygen, even when in a trance, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but which makes me feel like the Ahsoka show had a weirdly specific axe to grind with the source material
Luke’s proposal to Mara is Just. The. Funniest. Thing. That’s some Anakin-level cringe and the prequels aren’t even out yet. He truly is his father’s son.
I mean POV there’s this guy and for a couple years you want to kill him, and then you realize that’s more of a You Problem, so then you’re friendquaitances for a decade mostly because you don’t approve of the shit he’s getting into, and then you have one (1) honest conversation and get caught in a death trap and he’s like “so I think the next step for us is marriage”
LEIAAAAAA! Full Jedi Knight Leia is both terrifying and hot. I would run.
“So it is treason” – Some random guy
Lando needs to be on the New Republic payroll simply for being willing to speak to any of the other characters and also he needs a raise. This poor guy getting called on to command the entire New Republic fleet mid-battle and he’s like “I’ve been a civilian for 15 years and also I knew you would pull some horse piss like this steve”
Mara Jade, Imperial protege. Skills include: Identifying load-bearing walls. (Now all I want is Property Brothers: Sith Edition)
Mara please. Luke please. These absolute idiots. This is some pear scene shit. I hope nothing bad happens to them ever
The whole back half of this book has been an emotional rollercoaster for me specifically because I wanted Flim to be Thrawn FR soooooo baddddd. And now I’m sad. His name literally means scam don’t do this to me Zahn
I’ve been amused by all the Star Wars universe idioms but I gotta take a moment to specifically showcase “burned your sky-arches.” Karrde is a delight to have in class
Having an independent intelligence agency that’s supposed to work for both the New Republic and the Empire seems absolutely unhinged but go off I guess
When the New Republic and Empire sign peace accords and Luke can’t even be bothered to show up
Mara is great and her arc is fuckin hilarious to me. The narrative has identified her as The Damaged One and I’m like???? She came to terms with her troubled past, drew her own boundaries regarding the Dark Side, recognized that there are people who care about her instead of pre-emptively pushing them away, and resolved to form deeper emotional connections. Smash cut to ROTS Anakin whose physical and psychic damage has literally turned his brain into oatmeal
Again I know this was before the prequels Mad points for explicitly saying Mara needed to form attachments to become a Jedi. Zahn being pretty gangsta there
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torakan · 1 month
it’s a bit short, but i’ll try to post the next one soonish ^^
part two
I didn’t really hesitate out there, to be completely honest. My goal was to satisfy my curiosity as fast as possible and if feasible, avoid troubles, so I just went straight to the box and took the paper, trying to hold my saliva inside. That piece of chocolate still smelled pretty damn good… so with no thoughts about food I took that note and, collecting all the knowledge I had about letters and spelling, I read: “I’m sorry I saw you. Hope ur okay now. This is for you.”
An apology? That thing was for me? And now he’s been hoping that I was okay? Are you freaking serious? That was creepy… nice, but still very creepy. Even now I couldn’t stop myself from comparing what I heard about humans before with everything that was happening to me at this very moment and it was… actually, yeah, it was nice. A thought crossed my mind: maybe it was a trap? Maybe this bean was trying to make me think I’m safe, but in fact he just needed me to let my guard down? But then what? Would he catch me and expose me to the local news? And after that humans would’ve been aware of our existence, and it would’ve been completely my fault. Or perhaps he wanted to keep me as his pet? Not a much better option, but I still would’ve preferred this to being a traitor.
I caught myself on overthinking again and shook my head. This was one of the flaws I had and needed to work on – less thinking, more acting. And I don’t mean like not to think at all, which even if I wanted to I could not have ever… nevermind.
With that, I thought to fuck all my thoughts and do what my gut feeling tells me to. You know, a borrower may not be as academically smart or whatever as human, if only he’s not interested in educating himself, but our intuition truly never fails. I opened my handmade bag (I am pretty proud to tell you all that I made it myself and it was the second thing that I’ve sewed in my life) and took a pencil lead I once found abandoned on the guy’s desk and a piece of paper, similar to the one he left, but a bit more worn out. I didn’t really care though as long as the human was able to read what I wrote.
When I was a child, my dad and older brother both tried to teach me how to write, but I wasn’t the plodding type of kid, and it was always more fun to wander around running my mom’s errands or looking for ass adventures. I did manage to remember how to write some words, so here is how my response turned out: “I m fine dont wory. Please dont tell other beans about me. And dont bother. Rules.”
I was quite fond of it even though my handwriting looked a bit unsteady, but I did it. There wasn’t enough space to write everything I wanted, but I thought it was understandable. If anything, the guy didn’t seem stupid to me, so he should get it.
To be completely honest, I was filled with anxiety the moment I looked at everything that was going on at that moment. However, it was already too late to chicken out, so I just put both papers back with strongly shaking hands and hurried to vanish from there as quickly as possible. The human had already left the kitchen, and I could hear the sound of the water flowing in the bathroom, so I assumed that the guy was giving me the opportunity to get home safely. Or maybe it was just a coincidence, who knows?
@gtzel @smallsday
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HC+NV relationship and career
DISCLAIMER: If you will send me an Anon, I will answer in the same tone as your ask, opinion is written.
All information and statements made in this reading or any other post of mine are all alleged until proven to be fact and for entertainment purposes & usage only. All information stated is based on my intuition and my tarot cards. Opinion only. The readings have no intention to cause any harm to the individuals, people featured in it.
DISCLAIMER II :  This reading contains very heavy topics, so be careful. I’ve decided to put it after the cut, the KEEP READING. Cards pulled today: 09/04/2023
After a meditation session, I felt I had to do this reading.
So I have barely thought about HC when The Fool flight out. Anyone who is here long enough knows that The Fool is HC so I saw this as a good sign that I am on track with this reading. But since there was no question attached to this card I put it back.
I felt I have to publish this ASAP, so if there are any errors, or typos etc, apologies.
HC relationship
4 of Wands, 9 of Swords.
This combination is anything but hopeful or joyous. The 4 of W card is a traditional wedding, celebration and marriage card and since this is about a relationship I think this is what the means for them. Engagement, wedding etc. However, the 9 of Sw is the nightmare card. On the card the man wakes up from a nightmare, his hands covering his face, maybe he is crying. 
The less negative option here is that HC is happy but has some serious fear that he will lose this current happiness.
The more negative option and this was my first thought when I saw this combo that he made up his mind and decided to marry NV, maybe we are past engagement already but he realised he made a mistake or he will after the wedding. We all have those jokes about runaway brides…well runaway groom is a thing too. 
And this combo is baffling because the 4ofW is one of the happiest, most stable card and the 9 of Sw is one of the darkest, dealing with depression and serious negative thoughts, and feelings. The imagery is the complete opposite. 4ofW’s background is bright, sunny yellow, the 9ofSw’s are black as night. For me, this is stuck with the idea of marriage and married life. A thing he must do, like a chore but he doesn’t want to do it, the whole idea makes him sweat from fear. 
So I wouldn’t be surprised if we would hear of an engagement from a reliable source aka on his IG or something. (and other things are coming in this reading, so keep reading)
HC’s career and finance
Ace of Pentacles rx, Knight of Pentacles, The Moon
Ace of P is lack or loss of money, poor investments. Stability is gone, someone is better at spending money than earning it. This also means not rushing into any investments. I could  not think of his Warhammer project… Knight of P is holding a pentacle in his hand, the image is awfully similar to the Ace of P. And it looks like he is handling the pentacle (the money) to The Moon card. KnofP means he has to accept and takes responsibility but with The Moon card and the Aof P rx I think he is delusional about his career and financial projects. This Knight is also kinda boring in terms of career and branding so it is not the best. 
The Moon is also a powerful imagination. So a less negative option is if he is hard-working, persistent, responsible and uses his ideas in a proper way he has a chance to turn his current financially negative situation into something better. But I won’t lie, I don’t really see this. 
When I was checking my notes on The Moon card I found that someone suggested that this card could mean a job as a sailor. I don’t know where this comes from but I remembered his new movie (with Guy Ritchie) something has to do with sailors based on a picture I saw. And this has given to me a different perspective. I think his hopes career-wise lie in this movie. Maybe he is involved financially in it. Maybe he has a contract that if the movie succeeds he will earn extra money, have a second part etc. 
I’ve decided to draw 2-2 cards for NV and HC as individuals in this current citation they are in. I suggest when you read this section keep in your mind the cards I got in the relationship section and try to interpret them together. 
2 of cups rx, Ace of cups rx
I won’t sugarcoat it, I will tell you what was my thought immediately.
That she is pregnant and she is not happy. Here, I’ve said it…
Let’s start with the AofC rx and why this is a pregnancy card. If this card is upright, the water is flowing undisturbed. If it’s RX there is no flow, meaning no period meaning…pregnancy. 
2 of C rx is an imbalance, unhappy couple, separation, divorce etc. My feeling is that she was unhappy in this relationship anyway but the potential pregnancy doubled it. 2 of C rx could mean a broken engagement or an attraction for someone other than our partner. I feel she was not happy anyway with or without pregnancy. I think the overflowing emotions, the pink glass slowly wore off and what remained is the harsh truth, that his relationship is not so dream-like as she imagined. 
The Emperor, Queen of Swords rx
When I saw the QofSw rx my first thought was: this kid possibly won’t be born. This could mean abortion or miscarriage both aligned with the rx QofSw
The Emperor is the ultimate father card, the one who cares but gives structure, boundaries, discipline, and rules to follow. He is also a strong, authoritative figure, a patriarch. With the QofSw rx I think he is imbalanced at least his thoughts are. He is cold, maybe argumentative. Swords are thoughts and in rx those are cold-hearted, negative and mean. I feel he is ready to manipulate to get what he wants. I think he is sharped tongued and not the most gentle with NV. It also could mean he is questioning his own ability to be a father and reflects his relationship with his own father. 
So I have this feeling that neither of them wants this pregnancy or is just very confused about it because their relationship is not a good foundation for having a family. I think HC is traditional enough not to want a child without wedlock so if the pregnancy happens I think he would say he doesn’t want the kid at all or say let’s get married then. This depends on the woman who delivers the news to him. Since NV is his official gf I think the marriage is more likely.
I have decided to pull an outcome card for the whole reading and the Judgment felt off horizontally exactly on the Ace of Cups RX card. You already know I pay attention to those details. How and where a card lands. Horizontally means it’s between the rx and the upright, it means to struggle. For me, that means the future of this possible pregnancy is undecided yet. They (or she) struggle to see clearly. Maybe she wants to have a kid just not from him. It’s a point of no return either way and she has to be very careful what decision she makes because it will be final. The imagery of the card is an Angel blowing a horn and people are rising from their graves. This is Judgement Day. It’s pretty heavy considering the topic, right? 
This was a heavy reading I know but that is what I saw. 
Take care of yourself, be blessed. 
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The Photo Album
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Eddie Munson x OC, Minor Angst, Heavy Fluff
Summary: Eddie and Lucy are helping Wayne move only for Lucy to find an old album.
Inspired by this post
A/N: This was written on my phone in a frenzy at work. I don’t control when the inspiration strikes. So apologies for any spelling errors/typos, yada yada we die like men.
Word Count: 932
“Mr. Munson, what’s this?”
It was such an innocent question, Eddie didn’t even bother to look up to see what exactly Lucy was talking about.
The pair of them had come over to help Wayne unpack the boxes Hawkin’s lab had been able to salvage from the trailer. The lab had the good graces to help in the relocation process making the moving of a few boxes feel trivial compared to the rest.
He vaguely heard his uncle move towards the front room and a low chuckle follow.
“I was worried about this one,” Wayne answered. “That’s Eddie when he was around three.”
Eddie’s back straightened and in the next moment he had jumped to his feet and sprinted to the living room.
His worst fears were confined as Lucy had made herself comfortable on the couch holding a familiar photo album in her lap with Wayne sitting right next to her.
“We don’t need to look at those,” Eddie croaked, already feeling his ears beginning to burn.
“But you’re so cute!” she exclaimed.
Were to anybody else Eddie would have taken the comment as sarcastic or at least teasing, but he knew Lucy could only mean it in the most sincere way possible.
The blush was now making its way down his neck.
She continued to look at the photos, her eyes soft and her lips curved into doting smile.
“What about this one?” she asked, turning to Wayne.
“Christmas ‘72,” Wayne explained. “Nearly drove me and Joan crazy with that thing, but he loved it.”
Eddie didn’t need to look over the couch to know what photo they were talking about. That was the Christmas Wayne had gotten him a toy guitar. It could hardly make any kind of music, but he had loved that thing. It also happened to be one of the Christmases Al had been absent meaning he and his mother could enjoy it in relative peace.
He felt his stomach lurch a little as it always did when he caught a glimpse of her in one of the photos. Wayne said he looked like her and while he was grateful to know he and Al had little to nothing in common he wasn’t sure being compared to his mother was much better.
His eyes turned to Lucy.
She was still smiling, each photo only seeming to bring her more joy like she was being let in on a secret. He supposed she was. That unpleasant twisting in his gut loosened at the thought replaced with something warm and a little buzzing.
He took a seat on the other side glancing down at the album.
“Shit you kept that one?” Eddie said, staring in horror at his four year old self.
There wasn’t any real organization to the photos. Besides pictures of Christmases past and a handful of summer moment. In the middle of one of them was Eddie looking very proud at the fort of mud complete with moat. He was absolutely filthy and absolutely beaming.
“I think it’s sweet,” Lucy said. “Very telling of things to come.”
Eddie had to laugh, pressing a kiss on her temple.
“You’re being mean,” he grumbled.
She only scrunched her nose in that way that said “maybe but I’m being cute about it”. He couldn’t argue with that nose.
She pointed to another photo and another until the three of them had spent nearly an hour going through the whole thing.
Some part of Eddie felt something akin to loss when they were forced to close the album.
It wasn’t that big all things considered. Most of the photos cut off after his eight birthday, the same year his mother finally had enough and bailed. Al wasn’t one for photos. Wayne took a handful when he could, but it wasn’t the same.
He remembered easily enough the afternoon Mrs. Henderson had roped him and Lucy into a similar situation.
She had photo albums, plural, all of them filled to bursting with memories and moments. The only pause was the year Lucy’s dad had died and even then the photos had come back with a vengeance as if to make up for lost time.
He felt the absence of his own in that moment. He wanted to share more. He wanted to watch Lucy as she laugh and smiled and indulged feeling the same satisfaction he had, like he knew her just a little better.
Wayne got up from the couch saying something about stepping out for a smoke leaving the two of them alone.
“Please tell me there are more of these laying around,” Lucy said, grinning as she said it.
Eddie shook his head. “‘Fraid not, these are limited edition baby photos. Can’t risk flooding the market.”
Something flashed behind Lucy’s eyes mirroring his own disappointment, but she smiled all the same deciding to keep it light as he had.
“Understandable, too much of these and you’d run all the other cute babies out of business.”
“Okay you gotta stop calling me cute or I’ll start to take it personal.”
“I’m sorry,” she said patting his thigh reassuringly. “You’re a very attractive and virile man.”
“Thank you.”
“Who also happened to be an adorable toddler.”
Eddie gave a groan of frustration burying his face into her neck as he pulled her closer.
“Aww, poor baby,” she cooed.
Lucy only laughed, petting his hair as she held him right back.
Christ he loved her. First thing tomorrow he was buying a camera. God damn it if he wasn’t going to capture every second of this while he could.
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ao3screenshotss · 1 year
if it's possible could you please rec your favourite bungou stray dogs fics??
update now that i've finally finished compiling them: this was so fun to do but a nightmare to choose (there are too many good fics) - thank you so much anon for asking it was so nice to go through my bookmarks again!!! but these are only a few of some of my favourite bsd fics.
i've got 25 here (i'll need to put them underneath a read more it's so so long omg) but if you'd like anymore, my primary blog is the same as my ao3 username and i have a lot of bookmarks there!!! they're all wonderful and i'd recommend all of them. anyways, i hope you enjoy!!
(side note: i tried to post this before the latest and last bsd episode came out and i hope i made it just in time)
And if I'm blinded, will my eyes become the planets? by Yui_Kuromori (5k) - not rated
- I need to leave for a few weeks.
He tells the president in a particularly sunny afternoon. There, with the sunlight filtering through the window, the man’s hair seems to glow golden, and the lines on his face are even more pronounced. Atsushi swallows nervously and does his best not to back off. He looks up, and meets Fukuzawa’s somber eyes and feels a bit of sweat trickle down his neck.
The president sighs and closes his eyes for a second. Runs his hands through his hair, and Atsushi already feels bad about all the problems he’s causing the man. He’s about to apologize, really, when Fukuzawa pronounces tiredly.
- I understand.
They leave to get to know themselves.
( the soft whimsical road trip AU no one asked for)
I am genuinely so in love with this fic you don’t even understand - i find it really quiet and comforting. DEFINITELY underrated - it’s one of the fics i’ll always recommend
TIP: read in the middle of the night before you go to bed!! i’ve read it so many times and this personally was my favourite time to read it
yokohama bay hotel by spirallings (9k) - teen
Ryuunosuke started his channel, originally, as a means to make his sister smile and laugh when they lived in that oppressive house. It grew far beyond that and allowed them to escape, and now it's his means of income: but he has always kept a tight lid on his privacy, separating his personal life from the persona he puts on YouTube and social media accounts.
While struggling to come up with ideas, he clicks on a video on his recommended feed and it leads him to the work of a reclusive musician under the penname Byakko Chain. All Ryuunosuke knows about him at first is his singing voice, his hands, and his guitar.
And those walls come tumbling down.
this fic i think is one i didn't expect to love as much as i did - i actually just reread it, but the comment i wrote before was that i didn't remember what happened in the fic, i just clearly remember how much i loved it - the first half was amazing but it's definitely the second half that ties it altogether
also i think the way the author writes makes it so easy to imagine - like,, the imagery isn't overdone but you can kinda see what it's like and it's so sweet (it actually reminds me of one of my favourite study with me's set in yokohama - also a rec!!)
TIP: id just say somewhere quiet where you can listen to music - i could easily read it during the day but i just prefer comforting fics late at night cause they make me feel like when i wake up i can actually live out what happens in the fic (obviously i can't but it's nice to dream)
An Awkward Encounter by SapphireSunstone (4k) - teen
Imagine you're trying to leave your secret boyfriend's place only to be met with your co-worker who is also trying to leave his secret boyfriend's place and in the middle of arguing you see your secret boyfriend's co-worker and you see a glimpse of his secret-boyfriend.
Chuuya and Akutagawa's walks of shame seem to follow a similar path.
fluff and crack, what else could you ask for? side note: it also reminded me of a post i saw a while back by @hoshiumiumi (please look at their latest poe art it’s so pretty!!)
TIP: no tip, read whenever!!! might smile though so don’t read in front of your parents/friends if they’re the type of people who ask ‘oh what are you smiling at? are you texting someone?’and you don’t wanna tell them that you read fanfic
Into Your World by leedonghyucks (110k) - teen
A case gone wrong had caused Atsushi and Akutagawa to be transported to an unknown universe set 200 years into the future, where Abilities (now known as Quirks) were as rampant as ever. The renowned new Double Black have faced many fearsome enemies but can they survive the trials and tribulations of hero high school?
Spoiler alert: Barely.
a bsd and bnha crossover!! i actually remember a few of my screenshots from this - it’s a bit long compared to my other recs so far but very good
Plate :( by forest_raccoon (4k) - teen
It's an accident, for once. He was actually following the Official Household Chore Schedule and doing the dishes while Chuuya was out getting groceries. But one of the plates was slipperier than he expected, and as he attempted to dry it, it fumbled just enough out of his grip to crack against the countertop, chipping a bit off the edge.
It isn’t one of Chuuya’s fancy plates. Dazai is fairly certain that Chuuya has no particular attachment to this dish at all, actually. It’s plain white and utilitarian, part of a larger set.
So Dazai can’t explain why he’s frozen in place, rooted to the floor by some welling emotion he can’t quite pinpoint.
(Alternatively: local brilliant strategist has a slight meltdown over small uncontrollable part of everyday life)
by @sensitiveheartless!! a wonderful artist and author - definitely recommend reading other fics of theirs. this one hurt me but it was so good - they also made a comic/drawing for this!!
Interest Check by featherx (12k) - teen
“I read your work in the school paper!”
“O-Oh?” Poe fixes his posture a little, and resists the urge to straighten his ribbon. He knew he should’ve tied it a little tighter than he usually does this morning. “Er… W-What did you think?” If there’s anything he takes pride in, it’s his writing; most people are turned off easily by the horror themes he likes to use so much, but on the occasion someone does appreciate them, it gives him a feeling not unlike butterflies in his stomach. If Ranpo, of all people, is the latter…
“I figured out who the murderer was in two paragraphs,” Ranpo says, holding up two fingers, like he really needs to drive the nail in deeper.
—Or, Poe writes a whole musical in an effort to impress Ranpo.
this one i recently read and fell in love with it was so adorable!!! they're both ridiculous and i love them for it <333
life's like an hourglass, glued to the table by ephemerality (2k) - teen
Outside, there are sirens.
"I called the police," the helpful cashier announces from the storage room.
very hilarious - imagining what is going on in this fic may or may not make you wheeze - it definitely made me wheeze
playing the hero by FallenNiji (118k) - teen
“How’s U.A.? Does it live up to the general public’s expectations?” Ranpo, walking with his hands crossed behind his head, wondered.
“I literally witnessed an attempted murder, discrimination, bullying and experienced a Villain attack in the first month here, Ranpo-senpai,” Kyouka deadpanned.
“Is that a yes?”
(or: izumi kyouka, reformed assassin turned detective, infiltrates u.a. and more or less willingly surrounds herself with well-known pro-heroes and other such law-abiding citizens. what could possibly go wrong?)
i will admit that i can't remember much about this fic apart from i love the character interactions as well as the characterisations and i'm always looking forward to reading the new chapter - i've also posted a lot of screenshots from this fic if yall want like a taste or something
I Was Screaming Your Name Through The Radio by ElectricSplatter (256k) - mature
“Four months from now will be the seven year anniversary of when you and Osamu Dazai released your hugely successful first and only album Double Black and its diamond single Corruption. After performing with Dazai earlier this year, are you planning anything special to celebrate?”
“Corruption is insanely overrated, and I would prefer to never hear Dazai’s voice for the rest of my fucking life.”
i don't think i can bring myself to go through the pain this fic put me in again but it's really really popular for a very good reason - you definitely have to read it at least once
O expectations, stale and dismal airs, leave this body of mine! by aptlydapper (20k) - teen
Apparently, Chuuya has a signature(s).
Apparently, removing that signature(s) renders Chuuya basically unrecognizable.
Apparently, this works on everyone.
Chuuya would have liked to know this before getting accidentally recruited.
this one is WONDERFUL - i love the story in general it's such a cool concept and it's such a cool ada chuuya au - please read it at least once
love at first sight: coffee shop edition by setosdarkness (2k) - teen
Dazai and Chuuya get stuck in the rain, and end up sharing the only available table at a busy coffee shop.
[or, plot twists in my meet-cute coffee shop AU? it’s more likely than you think]
literally anything by setosdarkness is good - they're a complete icon - one of the backbones of the bsd fandom. i won't spoil it but it was very good - also recommend all 951 (!!!!!) fics of theirs
S(he) Came In Through the Bathroom Window by PocketsizedDinosaur (2k) - teen
Atsushi deals with Akutagawa's unusual (and inconvenient) habit of not using the door.
i don't really remember what happens in this fic but i remember loving it very much and that it also hurt me very much - double hit but perfect
360 degrees by setosdarkness (11k) - teen
Chuuya gets cursed by an Ability that forces him to eternally live out his biggest regret. Unlike the other victims who end up killing themselves or hurting others, Chuuya goes into a coma.
For his biggest regret is—
[groundhog day AU with a twist, where Chuuya relives the day Dazai leaves the Port Mafia over and over and over and over—]
The Next Day by psychodaog (10k) - general
Atsushi wakes up in filthy rags and dried blood. He remembers the cage so vividly and it feels real.
It looks like the place he used to call "home".
(Atsushi travels back in time AU)
a WONDERFUL atsushi travels back in time au - i need to read more of these!! if anyone has some recs please send them in!!!
Striped by AliceinHyruleBastion (8k) - teen
Atsushi found his soulmate. No big deal. Until he comes into work one day with soulmarks on his face and the office demands an explanation.
SSKK soulmate AU shenanigans with a dash of battle, sass, and angst on the side!
sskk soulmate au!! so so wonderful - i also loved part 2
pull the trigger tighter and watch our distances explode by niwakaame (oolongteas) (8k) - teen
The world looks like a big spider's web, colorful, and bright and full of light.
In which Nakajima Atsushi sees the strings of fate, and beyond that.
i forgot to bookmark this and looked for it for AGES it was absolutely amazing i loved it
You're All I ever Wanted by iheartryuu (2k) - teen
“Chuuya,” Dazai mumbles, nudging the side of his face into his partner's neck. The redhead doesn’t move, doesn’t talk. He doesn’t make a single sound. He just needs this moment to last. He doesn’t want to face what will happen when he lets go and is forced to look into Dazai’s face.
“Chuuya.” Dazai speaks with a gentle voice. “Break my chains.” Chuuya shakes his head. He rests his forehead against Dazai’s shoulder. The brunette sighs, taking a gulp. His next words almost come out as a desperate whisper. “Break my chains so I can hug you back.”
Chuuya feels his throat tighten. He didn’t expect his partner to say that. So he shakes his head once again. His voice fans against Daza’s ear, sounding smooth. “If I let you hug me back, I don’t think I’d ever be able to let go.”
— aka, what should've happened when they met again for the first time in four years.
i think this nearly made me cry - or actually did - it was so so good
The Weretiger's New Houseguest by xxSoliusxx (31k) - teen
After a misunderstanding and surveillance tape proof, Akutagawa is faced with the daunting threat of the Port Mafia. He finds himself wounded in the pouring rain, standing on Atsushi's doorstep.
i only remember some parts of this very clearly but i remember it was all wonderful!!!
Dazai Undercover by Bibliophile109 (6k) - teen
“I thought the new employee was recommended by the Special Abilities Department,” Kunikida says weakly.
The man waves his hand carelessly. “Yes, yes, Father knows someone there, it’s all very convenient. Say, would you happen to know when the lunch break is?”
Dazai puts a bit more effort into hiding his Mafia background from the ADA, and ends up pretending to be a spoiled rich kid.
to build a home by lonelydoctors (5k) - general
”You have got to stop looking so shocked every time I visit, Poe-kun,” Ranpo says with a grin.
“N–no, but…I thought–I guess I just–“ Poe takes a deep breath and starts again, “I thought the Agency is supposed to be on a work trip in Shinagawa today. How did you even get here by yourself?”
Ranpo straightens his posture and shrugs casually, “Why, I took the train of course, Poe-kun.”
“You what?”
this one was SO adorable - according to my bookmarks i wrote "my GOD they own MY ENTIRE HEART"
This Color Ain't It by justcallmedude (108k) - not rated
“President, I understand Tanizaki, but Kenji?” Kunikida looked about ready to snap his pen in half as he, along with most of the people in the room, stared at their head. “Kenji’s methods are anything but ideal for an undercover mission! Please reconsider!”
“It is true that Kenji’s way of handling cases is unusual,” Fukuzawa agreed. “However, it is because of his ability to talk to people that I feel comfortable assigning him as our undercover agent with Tanizaki.”
- - -
Kenji Miyazawa is the ADA's naive detective given his possibly most difficult task to date: infiltrate UA and find the student spy before the heroes become aware that there is a traitor amongst them.
earlier in this post i included a kyouka goes to ua au, this one's a kenji goes to ua au and i loved them both very much!! i love kenji's characterisation in this it's so cool
Kiss My Wounds by bloodyinspiring (62k) - teen
The mafioso inhaled deeply, chewing the inside of his lip as he formulated his thoughts together before speaking, and looked the detective in the eyes. Gin told him to go for it, and when push comes to shove, bribe the guy. But money might not fix this if he mortified himself for eternity to come when he uttered the words...
“Marry me.” ~
A lot can happen within the three months of summer... Some people get the dream job they wanted, some graduate from school, and maybe others take on a new hobby with all the excess downtime they received (or thrown in jail like Dazai).
In Atsushi's case, he didn't expect to be proposed into a fake marriage with the one and only: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
(Occasionally on hiatus due to university but ongoing!)
pull out your pen and write down your memory by Seito (75k) - teen
Instantly three things occurred to Shirusu.
First, fuck, this was the world of Bungou Stray Dogs. Second, given the appearance of Dazai Osamu standing in front of her, she had landed some time relatively close to the Dark Era. And third, these words slipped out before she could stop them.
“You’re asking me out on a date?! But you don’t even like women?!” Shirusu blurted out.
And Dazai blinked back at her in surprise.
Ah fuck.
im a sucker for isekai sometimes and this is one of my favourite ones
ataraxis by lurochu (46k) - teen
For the first time in his life, Chuuya wished Dazai was there. With one touch, he could quiet Arahabaki and give Chuuya peace of mind, peace of mind that Chuuya desperately craved. But that bastard never was there when he needed him anyways.
Chuuya's slowly killing himself and Dazai's half to blame. (discontinued)
as you can see in the summary this one's unfortunately discontinued but i remember reading and loving this so much
All hail our lord and savior Chuuya Nakahara by BlowingYourMind
a series with just a lot of chuuya fics and they're all wonderful! my personal favourites are Let me help you - His dark eyes got a little lighter - Baby Executive - The worth of a subordinate in Chuuya Nakahara's eyes - Yokohama public High School- almost as crazy as their pep rallies - Learning experiences - Chuuya Nakahara's issue with Black Coffee - "You stole my wisdom?!", and Don't break the honeycomb. although these are just the ones that i've read recently or remember really well!! i think all of the fics in this series are worth reading
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kasienda · 7 months
So you reblogged a post recently about how you should never give unsolicited cc on ao3 fics and I 100% agree but I want to hear your thoughts on something.
Once several months ago I read a fic where the main characters were very misogynistic and the narrative was justifying their misogyny. I went into the comments and there were a few other people who pointed out the misogyny in the work. I replied agreeing and said it was kind of uncomfortable. The author replied basically saying "don't like don't read".
Ever since then I've wondered if I was being a jerk for making that comment. Is unsolicited cc justified if the author is misogynistic? Or should I have just ignored it and moved on to a different story? I've been wanting to ask someone else for a while now but I've felt kind of guilty about it
Hey anon!!
I don’t know if I’m an authority on this topic, but I’ve actually been in similar situations, and here are my few thoughts.
1) I don’t think the rules are different when I come across stories that don’t agree with my values. And I think that criticism will still come off as rude. And I think it’s up to YOU to decide if it’s something you care about enough to not care if it’s rude or not. And if it’s something you care about then, I don’t think you need to worry about hurting that author’s feelings. It’s definitely not worth your guilt for days or longer after the fact. Like it’s a can I live with being rude? Can I live with myself for NOT saying something even if it is rude?
2) on the other hand, saying something in the comments is not really going to change anything. There’s lots of people who are prejudice in some way and that’s always going to come out in their artwork. That’s the world they live in in their head. And hearing from a stranger on the internet is not likely going to change their minds or make this person suddenly reflective and self aware.
I have learned (by making a lot of mistakes! Haha!) usually that if I’m reading a story that I don’t like because the author and I clearly have very very different values, that I’m better off just not engaging. I hit that back button. Because if I do say something, and the author responds we usually just get in a back and forth and I get all worked up and angry, and they get all worked up and angry and double down, and it’s just not worth it.
Now I have made an exception before when it felt like the writer wasn’t aware of how it was coming across, and would want to know. But even then, I don’t phrase it as criticism! I usually say something like, “omg! This is so good! I have so many feelings! I can’t believe character x didn’t respect character Y’s no!! I can’t wait for Y to kick them into the sun!” And this works because a lot of the time the author DID mean to write it that way and this comes across as me engaging with their story instead of criticizing the story! And if they didn’t intend for x to be unlikeable in that scene, well, now they know that it landed that way anyway!
I will tell you that if someone has already commented about my issue, and the author has responded defensively or reflectively, I don’t need to say anything.
It also helps me to remember that stuff I find awful is always going to exist! Always! And it being awful is not a reason for it not to exist! Because there’s someone out there who is going to find some of my stuff just as awful! (I’ve even heard from some of them!). My comments and values are not going to stop that kind of stuff from existing. I respond by creating stuff that I wish existed instead. I call that spite fic! Haha!
I also want you to know that I’ve messed up before, I’ve been rude on purpose before (usually in defense of writers, but not always), I’ve apologized for my impact before when something didn’t land as positively as intended, and I’ve not commented on stuff that I abhored before. I’ve done it all! And from that, I’ve learned how I want to engage with fic and fandom. And I have gotten to a point where I almost never comment criticism to a writer I don’t know. But it wasn’t always this way. I LEARNED that by doing it other ways and it blowing up in my face. Mistakes are awesome like that because they are the biggest opportunities to learn.
So if you take one thing from this, I hope it’s this - your guilt is not needed. If it was a mistake, learn from it and move on. But only you can decide if it was actually a mistake or not.
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megumi 🤝🏽 yuuji
dying even if it’s only for a good minute only to be brought back to life bc fate realizes if they died for real then they would need to find someone else to fuck over. those two are like fates favorite barbie dolls.
apologies if this post is going to seem all over the place, just bear with me. i don’t even know if you’re going to see this BUT it’s okay bc i need to get this out my system 😭.
starting off — god, imagine the chaos that will ensue when megumi tells nobara & yuuji about his very tragic history with the zenins. but like he wouldn’t even tell them straight up, he’ll just make a little deadpan joke (my sarcastic, sassy son) & the others would look at him like : ??? wtf do you mean by that sea urchin head???
like imagine itafushikugi going shopping for like traditional japanese clothes for a little festival or some shit (megumi was dragged by his spikes to come along) & nobara is having the time of her life finding outfits for her & the boys. like it got to the point where she’s dressing them herself & she shows megumi an outfit that looked similar to the robe he was forced to wear bc of the zenin (it’s obviously not the same) & megumi just refuses to wear a robe with similar color patterns to the zenin robe.
megumi: that looks like the outfit the zenin forced me to wear. i wonder what happened to it, cause the last thing i know, i got blood all over it. so as the second member of the zenin hate club, im not wearing that….
megumi: wait that blue one looks decent. i’m going to try it on.
nobara: …did he really leave without giving us the “ getting blood on a zenin’s robe” story?
imagine maki complaining about naoya in front of the first years, & maki just brings up naoya’s onesided beef with megumi & her stories of how naoya was so petty back in his childhood made him remember who tf naoya is (megs have selective memory, it’s okay)
megumi: ugh, he was so annoying. i remember when he came to my middle school back when gojo was busy dealing with the aftermath of his evil ex boyfriend evil plan & he basically kidnapped me. i was stuck in a car with that man for 40 minutes..you would hate him nobara.
maki: yeah you would hate him nobara.
yuuji: i’m sorry he kidnapped you??? why did you say that so casually?
nobara: fuck that. megumi is a disney princess, we know this already. BUT we’re just gonna gloss over gojo had an evil boyfriend?
& imagine when megumi finally tells his friends about the zenin clan was when yuuji just came back from the dead & they were asking how tf that’s possible. & somewhere in that conversation megumi just let it slip that his heart stopped beating once & itakugi looks at him in silence:
megumi: yeah the zenin clan basically forced me to exorcise some curses & complete a ritual to get a snake — that snake fucking bit me. it was my least favorite. but yeah i basically died. then yuuta brought me back. then i was blind for a good minute.
nobara, yuuji, & even sukuna:
megumi: it was a terrible time for me. gojo was even more clingier & protective. it got to a point where he started treating me like i was 6 again… reading me bedtime stories, singing me lullabies & describing the pictures in the stories since i was…yknow blind.
cue itakugi & even sukuna wanting to burn down the zenin but ofc they can’t do that…so they settle for pulling pranks on the members & traumatizing them ofc.
IM ALSO imagining how funny it would be for yuuji to be jealous of yuuta. like bro is basically living yuuji’s fantasy world. i’m giggling at the idea of yuuji fighting for his life to be either megumi favorite or nanami’s favorite.
you also opened my eye to the potential of maki & tsumiki… like i also like to imagine that in a happier world, they would understand each other on such a deep level. but they would also find parts of the other that they wished they had. but on a happier note i like to imagine that megumi would suffer whenever it was brought up that his aunt is basically dating his step sister. like maki would be a menace to megumi. every little thing he do? maki is texting tsumiki in a corner.
maki watching itafushi cook together in the kitchen: i can’t believe megumi has a boyfriend. it’s so cute that he thinks that he can hide this from me. lemme go snitch to tsumiki.
maki listening to megumi describe his fight with sukuna, a cursed spirit who apparently has a stripping problem: oh my god. megumi is truly yuuta’s boy. they both got cursed spirits obsessed with them…i need to tell tsumiki.
maki to megumi after witnessing his suicidal tendencies: don’t make me tell tsumiki.
i honestly love your story. the way you added so much more to megumi childhood is beautiful. it just make soooo much sense. but also your characterization of gojo is so precious to me. i’m waiting for gojo to go apeshit on the zenin. i’m also giggling in anticipation at gojo finding out about yuuta attachment to megumi. i like to imagine him to be kind of worried about it actually, bc that’s not fucking healthy. but i imagine him getting used to it since megumi will have a protector in the form of yuuta & his power of love.
i’m also curious to see mai’s role in this story since.
*sighs in disappointment at gege writing choices*
since she had a crush on megumi…yeah. but imma just interpret that as she wants to be his family. it keeps me sane
i also wanted to ask if there’s a chance that you would write a megumi POV of what happened in the zenin clan? ofc i would understand if you wouldn’t since it leaves a much more ominous feeling to the events. plus yuuta running commentary is a good mix of angst & humor so ofc i understand.
Yuuji: man fushiguro almost checks the boxes for a Disney princess. except he was never kidnapped or enslaved
Megumi, sold to the Zenin clan, who later kidnapped him: *sweating*
Nobara and Yuuji would be the co-vice presidents of the "fuck the Zenin clan" club if they knew what happened. They would be the presidents but yuuta and maki are already in a death match for the position and they're trying to avoid the bloodshed. they are not allowed to be treasurer because neither of them know how money works.
megumi is unaware that a formal club has been formed.
Megumi is suffering SO HARD in any world where maki and tsumiki are together. they won't stop ganging up on him when it comes to his love life and general wellbeing and holding hands where he has to see it. maki lectures him about his suicidal tendencies in the field, holds up one finger, calls tsumiki, and lets her pick up where she left off. maki tries to talk to him about relationships one (1) time and he tries to drown himself.
see i'm pretty open to writing a megumi POV but it, like most of my stories, falls in this nebulous category of "if i have the time." like, i've thought about writing megumi's pov before, there's a lot of stuff that happened that exists as like, background knowledge for me that will never make it through yuuta's pov because it doesn't make sense for yuuta to find out about it. It would be very tonally different, but if i did write it, it would be a different work entirely and i'd be making sea glass gardens into a series.
i'm eternally tempted by the siren call of making my works into a series. If i did it with sea glass gardens, i would want to add a one shot of Megumi's pov during the time leading up to sea glass gardens and a short multi-chapter of the gojo, nanami, shoko teen parenting trio. If I have the time, it will exist; if i don't, it won't.
#ironically the one thing that WOULD endear yuuta to yuuji is finding out about all of this#yuuji would instantly love him for all he did for Their Boy. it's the only way i see megumi actually fessing up to what happened#i think megumi's just someone who's really private and uncomfortable with people knowing a lot about him and he would try to hide this from#itakugi for as long as he could. it probably eats at him that the second years all saw him like this. i think he just hates feeling vulnera#megumi gives him the /extremely/ abridged version of events to get yuuji and nobara to chill about yuuta and how he acts (yuuji is convince#that there's no one who could be that perfect nobara keeps looking for homosexual explanations) and they instantly veer hard into finding#out everything there is to know about the zenin and how to hurt them and also yuuta's like. beloved in their eyes. megumi is their boy.#they love their boy. yuuta saved their boy. ergo they love yuuta now. it's simple math.#tonal shift is a huge sort of struggle with me as a writer just because i change my styles with every narrator#which is why it's kind of hard to flip between works if the tone is too different. i was trying to juggle sea glass gardens and toy rosarie#and i was just internally screaming b/c yuuta and jack could NOT be more different with narration styles and i was like 'fuckkkkkkkkk'#with yuuta i structure sentences with a lot of 'space' in them. i don't have a better word for it i'm not actually trained in writing so#it's all just whatever shit i made up along the way i have no officially terms. anyway. Yuuta's sentences are structured to have this sort#of detached distance between the actual message and the start of the sentence. So we end up with a lot of sentences that start w/ structure#like “yuuta thinks” and Yuuta feels“ b/c I think of yuuta as a very detached person because of how he lived. it's a survival mechanism.#a lot of the meat of what he feels has to come in almost absentmindedly. So you end up with Yuuta's suicide scene and losing the knife and#him having a line like “He swears he never meant any of the bad things he did” and the fact that he thinks his own survival is a bad thing#/he's/ to blame for is almost backdoor'd in as a given premise. it's assumed. it's not even the point of the sentence. he's been living wit#jack murdock meanwhile is an intensively retrospective character that's meant to make you almost feel claustrophobic from how “close” his#narration style is. a lot of the actual message is conveyed through imagined scenarios and emotional recollection. he's a character steeped#in regret who has been torturing himself with it for years. yuuta's survival mechanism is isolation but jacks been yearning to get back wha#he lost for so long and dreaming of it that he's steeped in really vivid internal imaginings.#with jack you have multipage lamentations remembering his son buying cereal with him but yuuta drops the fact that his parents stopped#loving him at some point and it's not even the most important thing in the sentence. it's included as a qualifier because yuuta has accepte#so much of the bad things that happened to him when he shouldn't have whereas jack hasn't accepted ANYTHING that happened.#Yuuta uses a lot of very clean cut grammatically correct narration and jacks is riddled with a bunch of “ain't's” and grammatical errors.#he has an accent for lack of a better term. so you end up w/ two characters who convey information in different ways prioritize different#info in their sentences use different sentence structures etc. so megumi would have a /very different/ style and tone from yuutas that woul#sort of shape any fic that came through him because all of my fics are primarily shaped through the narrator's voice. it's also why I set#kind of hard lines about whether a fic can have any narrator or just specific narrators b/c it determines the whole tone.
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bigjimbopickens · 1 year
For me personally, I won't be watching Kevin's stuff for a while to come. It is less about him though and more about the community he's brought to him, a community that now thinks he is one of them. A community that will likely stick around now as well. I don't remember reading anything in his apology regarding the vitriol he allowed to spread (though turning the comments off was the right thing to do), and I'm still soured by the lack of response to you regarding the p*** claims.
In any case I'm heavily disappointed. I love Kevin. He's the only YouTuber I have any merch from. And while I saw this coming I'm anguished. It sucks.
- also an autistic trans man
When I said I wouldn’t talk about this anymore I lied I wanna respond to this. I am contributing more to the convo with this though.
I feel the same way as I’m sure many others do too. And I’m glad you brought up the previous bs that happened just 2 or so months prior to all this because I was going to but felt like it wasn’t necessary as the post was already long enough.
For those unaware, in November 2022 Kevin posted a sims 4 video where he recreated the original sims 4 cult, which the fandom mimicked in a way. He changed the rules in that one to ban werewolves, which was interpreted as “ban furries.”
I made a joke response to it using the fursuit I made of werewolf Jim Pickens and people took it wayyyy too seriously. I was harassed quite a bit for that because people take what Kevin says too seriously. And of course I was called a p*do over it too. That situation scared off a-lot of people from the community but my naive self thought that was as bad as it gets and wanted to fix it. I believed it was my fault. So I organized a raid to bring the positivity back and it worked. Until Kevin fucked it up again 2 months later. I’m not organizing another. I’m not fixing his community again, he broke it and I had no involvement this time.
I sorta let that one slide when really I shouldn’t have because it was just one user who was really causing an issue for me. And it also wasn’t Kevin’s fault that guy had issues. I heard that Kevin did vaguely mention it on stream but I didn’t catch it because I was flying that day. Coincidentally he did post his “I almost quit in 2022” video on the day of the raid, which I came across again and said half-jokingly “You should’ve.”
There is another situation similar that happened to me back in April 2021 that is somewhat related as well. It was during the first NoPixel stream when I did fanart of Grognak and people started getting mad over their pronouns in my replies. So out of spite me and another artist drew them with the non binary pride flag and people became horribly transphobic towards us. Other artists joined us and the mods banned whoever was being transphobic in the replies. So transphobia has always been an issue in the community unfortunately, I just didn’t realize it was that fucking bad.
I joined the community shortly after the pandemic started when the Tomodachi Life series had started and I wish we could go back to those days. It was so much fun. Kevin never does videos anymore about his characters and when he does they’re more challenge-based rather than lore/character focused. That’s a big reason why his sims series fell off so hard. Jim went from being this evil idiot yet genius cult leader to asexually reproducing 100 babies. With the last sims 4 video being one that started a fight in his community I have no idea how he’s going to continue it. I don’t even know if he’s aware of what happened to me. I know he saw the fursuit, he liked the tweet I made about it.
Oh man another long post. Damn I ramble a lot. But I think it needs to be said regardless. I have got to be the user of the community who got fucked over the most amount of times simply for existing haha. I am the embodiment of what the community seems to hate. Thankfully two other communities have already welcomed me so I don’t have to rely on this one as much anymore. I’m still thankful for all the good it’s done for me but I’ve never been in a fandom more toxic than the Call Me Kevin community.
I hope you’re also doing well, anonymous stranger.
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thedeathlysallows · 11 months
memento mori
Warnings: Sexism (I guess this counts? Felix has shitty thoughts and opinions), dub con, choking, murder, language, oral sex (female receiving), please remember and keep in mind that this is a dark fic. This chapter did go through a rewrite (or several) and one of the teasers I posted didn’t make the final cut. I’m sorry about that.
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Ch.7: Mars
           Demetri saunters up to me with a wicked grin plastered on his face, perfectly white teeth on full display. “I heard through the grape vine that your little darling has been cast out from The Society.”
           My mood sours in an instant. “What?”
           “She’s been stripped of rank and power according to this letter that arrived while you were in Canada.” He produces a thick manilla envelope from his jacket. “Aro says it’s standard protocol. A similar letter has been sent to various other powerful, important beings.”
           I take the envelope before he can say more, ripping into it until my fingers come into contact with smooth paper. It’s handwritten. Signed by each member of the Camarilla, The Society’s governing body. I read it through once, twice, a third time. The verbiage is simple and to the point. Roseanna Swan is no longer under the protection of The Society.
           But there’s something else in the letter.
           Something Demetri was leaving out.
           “They’ve filed a complaint against me for compromising her?”
           Demetri nods. “So it seems.”
           I fold the letter and put it in the breast pocket of my suit. “What does Aro have to say?”
           “Clearly he doesn’t take it seriously if he never called you back from your mission with Santiago.” He gives me a sly look. “How is our sweet Swan?”
           “Angry. It makes sense now.”
           When I went to Canada I happened to make a convenient pit stop in Charleston. Finding Roseanna, and by extension The Society, was altogether too simple. After all, I had promised her our game wasn’t over, and I had every intention of making good on that. I still do. On my way back to Volterra I made the exact same pit stop and found my little poison ivy practically steaming from the ears with anger. She was stomping around her apartment, yelling at her neighbors when they told her to cut the noise. It was adorable. I wanted desperately to go to her, but I knew Aro was expecting me back in a timely manner.
           “You’re wanted in the throne room,” Demetri says before I can get too deep into my thoughts.
           I don’t want to face Aro. The idea leaves an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. He’ll see it all. See her. I don’t want him to. Roseanna is mine. Mine to fight with, to argue with, to kill if that’s what I decide I want to do with her. Neither of us are stupid enough to believe there’s love between us, but whatever it is, whatever we have between us, is for us and us alone. Aro has no business in it, but I have no options. I have to go when called upon.
           Fleetingly, I wonder about Roseanna and her sudden freedom. What is she doing with it? Does she blame me for it? No, there’s not even a question about that. Of course she blames me. The better question is: how is she planning to kill me? I know her just as well as I know myself, and if someone took everything from me they wouldn’t make it to the next sunrise. Is she already on her way to Italy?
           I glance at Demetri out of the corner of my eye as we walk to the throne room. “Can you sense her now?”
           “Where is she?”
           He pauses. “Her tenor is… still faint. Perhaps because I only ever met her as an Agent and not as Roseanna, the human girl-”
           “Woman,” I interrupt him. “There’s nothing girlish about her.”
           “Certainly, my apologies. I never met the woman, only the Agent. I’ve been trying to keep an eye on her, but the flavor of her isn’t as strong as it should be.”
           “But you have a general idea?”
           “Yes. She’s in London.”
           London. My body floods with excitement. “She’ll be here soon.”
           Demetri tilts his head to the side. “You seem certain she’s coming for you.”
           “Of course she is. She knows we’re destined to destroy each other. It’s thrilling, don’t you think?” I know he agrees with me. His own toy is locked away in their shared room. I’m not certain why he keeps her so closely guarded. It’s not as if he couldn’t track her if she ran.
           “I think she’ll make a lovely snack for you and you’ll lose interest just like always.”
           I shake my head. “This time is different.”
           Demetri stops outside the throne room and takes a long look at me. “Let’s hope so.”
           He flings the heavy wooden doors open and we step inside, shocked to see Aro is the only one of the kings present. He doesn’t often make decisions or pass judgement without his brothers as witnesses at the very least. It sets me on edge.
           “Ah, Felix!” Aro walks up to me and takes my hand before a sound can even escape me, eyes growing distant and unfocused. “I see the mission went well.”
           “Yes, sir.”
           Aro hums noncommittally. We both know he isn’t the least bit interested in Canada and whatever did or didn’t take place there. It’s a strange sensation, feeling Aro flip through my memories as a human would flip through a magazine. I’ve never been able to grow accustomed to it. The invasive, almost predatory feeling is unnerving on a good day and horrifying on a bad day.
           “Well, it certainly seems you’ve been busy, Felix,” Aro says as he releases my hand. “It’s a wonder The Society didn’t come for you themselves given what a… remarkable… relationship it seems you have with their best and brightest.”
           “She isn’t theirs anymore.”
           “No. She isn’t, is she?” Aro strolls back to his throne, taking a seat and sighing heavily. “So we must ask ourselves: what will become of her now? She knows too much. She’s seen too much. It seems curiosity is unable to kill a Swan.”
           Dread washes over me. Roseanna will never consent to becoming one of us, but I know without a doubt that Aro will not allow her to live out her days peacefully as a human. No matter how I beg or plead.
           Aro continues, “I’ve made many concessions for Carlisle over the years, but where do I stop? Where do I draw the line? I saved his sister, taking her in as my own, teaching her to control her gift. I allow Edward to come and go as he pleases in order to see his own sister. Even now… I’ve let them do with Bella as they so desired until my hand was forced. But this? I must do what needs to be done to protect our kind.”
           I step forward. “Master, please, Roseanna is only after me. She cares about nothing but revenge. Once she has it she’ll be a threat to no one.”
           “Will she ever be satisfied? She can’t kill you, not as a human.”
           Images of Roseanna, old and fragile fill my mind. I know without a doubt that: “She’ll never stop trying.”
           “So you play cat and mouse until she dies?”
           I nod. “With your approval.”
           Aro’s eyes bore into mine as he says, “Even poison ivy will wither with time, Felix.”
           “Of course.”
           He narrows his eyes before nodding as if satisfied with something. “Go. I’m postponing your missions for a week in order to satisfy The Society’s ridiculous complaint. Enjoy your time off.”
           I bow from the waist before exiting the throne room, Demetri just behind me. “Where is she now?”
           Demetri tilts his head to the side. “Just over Bern, Switzerland.”
           “Tell me when she lands.”
           He says nothing, simply nods before slipping away to do whatever it is Demetri does when he has time off. Probably Kit. If she even lets him touch her this week. Usually when Edward and his family pop up she shuts down for at least a month afterwards, only speaking to Anne. There are times when I envy their relationship. Demetri is the closest thing I have to a true friend, but even then I know it’s because of forced proximity. If life had dealt us a different hand who knows if we would even speak to one another.
           Loneliness isn’t my favorite thing to think about, but I find myself pondering over the feeling more and more with Roseanna’s absence. She lit something inside me that I thought had been dead for years, and now it can’t be put out by anything but her. If I were a better man I would feel pity for the poor little thing, attracting the attention of a monster like me, but then I recall the heady scent of the blood rushing through her veins and the guilt passes in a violent wave, replaced with lust.
           I want her.
           I need her.
           I need her to want me, fear me, love me, hate me. I need her to be as obsessed with me as I am with her.
           That’s why I blame her for my blind rage when Demetri tells me later in the evening that she’s here in Volterra, but doesn’t seem to be looking for me. She’s at a nightclub, completely shit faced. And all I can do is watch as she grinds against some blond fucker who looks a little too much like Jasper Whitlock.
           They’ve been talking off and on for hours now. She even made a joke about following an ex-lover here to kill him. He wasn’t even phased. He laughed like she told the funniest joke. Drunk bastard.
           “The kid’s just lost her job,” Kit warns me in a voice that says not to start anything in front of the humans. “Leave her be.”
           “She lost her job, not her purpose.”
           “And what would her purpose be?”
           I turn to her, squaring my shoulders to stand at my full height. Her nostrils flare briefly as she moves closer to Demetri. “Me. I am her purpose. I am her God.”
           Kit snorts. “Men and your fucking god complexes. I’m leaving.”
           “I’ll follow soon,” Demetri tells her. His eyes follow her figure until she’s out of the club and I can tell from the look in his eye he’s keeping tabs on her location in the back of his mind.
           “Just go,” I tell him as I lean back against the bar. “On the one hand, you’re much more in line with the executioner lifestyle when you and Kit are fighting. On the other hand, I want to take care of this myself.”
           “What will you do?”
           “Nothing too risky.”
           Demetri smirks. “Don’t break your new toy before you’re finished playing with it.”
           I feign shock and innocence. “I would never!”
           “Of course not. See you in the morning.”
           I tilt my glass of scotch toward him in a sort of goodbye before turning my full attention back to Roseanna. I’d been keeping an eye on the two of them throughout my conversation with Demetri, trying to reign in the monster lurking under my skin, begging to be released. She’s just so… pretty. I can’t blame the sad fuck for wanting her or dancing with her, but I can’t have her thinking there are no consequences in our little game. He’ll have to die and she’ll have to know it’s all her fault.
           I watch as he bends down to whisper in her ear. “Do you want to get out of here?”
           Roseanna blushes a bright pink, looking up at him and batting her lashes. She nods shyly. A small smile plays at her lips and I can’t tell whether it’s real or an act. The Roseanna I know would never be so coy. My poison ivy wouldn’t act like some simpering, airheaded bimbo.
           There’s a tap on my shoulder drawing me out of my thoughts and I turn to see a woman around the same age as Roseanna with dark brown hair. She smiles at me with too white teeth. “Whatcha drinking? I’ll buy the next round.”
           Her hand finds its way to my bicep and I push it away, careful not to snap her wrist. “No, you won’t.”
           I turn my attention back to Roseanna and the girl by my side follows my gaze.
“Oh, I get it now. You and your girl over there are in a fight, right? I can help you make her jealous.” Her hand travels down to my thigh as she speaks and I turn to her, my hand wrapping around her slim neck.
“I was nice earlier, but if you keep pushing your luck I’m afraid you’ll find it’s run out. Go back to your friends and leave me alone.”
When I release her she sputters in disbelief, calling me every name she can think of. I simply tune her out and turn back to Roseanna’s spot on the dance floor only to find her gone.
“Fuck!” I slam my drink on the bar top and throw down some cash before running out of the club.
I can smell Roseanna in the air, the scent of her blood and arousal leading me to a hotel that- ironically- isn’t far from the castle. No one stops me when I walk inside. No one asks any questions. Those who live here know better, and those who visit either learn quickly or suffer for their idiocy.
I find her on the top floor in one of the nicer suites. Before I even open the door I hear a soft, feminine moan and my vision turns red. I push the door open, the locks giving easily beneath my strength. In a movement too fast for humans to detect I rip him away from my poison ivy and snap his neck. His body drops to the bed, limp and lifeless.
Roseanna’s mouth falls open and she scrambles off the bed, grabbing a knife from her bag. It’s nothing even close to the weapon she once wielded but I imagine The Society took all of their things back like some jilted ex in a bad breakup.
"What will you do, darling?" I stalk towards her. One step, two steps, three, four, until her back is pressed against the wall of the hotel room. "You've lost everything that made you interesting. Now you're nothing but a bug to be crushed under the sole of my boot."
Roseanna tilts her chin up in defiance but I can feel her body trembling against mine. I can smell her fear. It drips off her, blurring my senses until all that's left is the thirst inside me. I'm free to sample the goods this time, as they say, and with how fast her heart is beating I'm growing more and more tempted.
"Isn't this what you wanted?" I twist a thick strand of her soft hair around my hand and tug until she cries out in pain. Tears well in her eyes, but she doesn't cry. Not yet.
"Didn't you want to find me? To kill me? That's what you told him," I jerk my chin over to her bed where whatever-his-name-was lays lifeless. "Here I am, darling."
She still doesn't speak. She knows she's weaker now and needs to be smarter. Unfortunately, she seems to have forgotten that she's mine and I would hunt her down to the farthest corner of the world before she even had a chance to start looking for me.
With my free hand I grasp her throat and slide her up the wall so we're face to face. She's still blinking back tears, but one manages to roll down her cheek. I lap it up with my tongue, savoring the salty tang of the tear and the sweat on her skin. Roseanna whimpers, thighs clenching together like I won't notice. I do notice. I notice everything about this little human. To the point I would destroy everything to keep her. Whether she wants to be kept or not.
Roseanna kicks out at me pathetically, wailing out in pure rage when she can’t make contact. The knife clatters to the floor as she claws at my hands in a sad attempt to get them away from her neck.
“Poor little poison ivy. You’ve lost your bite, haven’t you?” I nip at her earlobe, enjoying the shiver that rockets through her body.
“Fuck you,” she says through gritted teeth.
“Well,” I muse outloud, looking back at the dead human, “if only one of us getting his dick wet tonight, you should be glad it’s me, darling.”
I let go of her throat and she drops to the floor, gasping for breath.
“On the bed,” I tell her.”
She glares daggers at me. “Make me.”
I heave a dramatic sigh and grab a fistful of her hair, tossing her on the bed with ease. Roseanna’s eyes widen when she lands beside her former dance partner and she recoils in disgust. I kick his body away and pull her back towards the edge of the bed by her ankle. Her tight red dress rides up to expose the lace panties she was wearing.
“I prefer silk for you, darling.” I shed my heavy coat and start working on the buttons of my shirt. She watches carefully and I can see the internal fight she’s having.
Roseanna finally looks up at me. “You think I give a fuck what you prefer?”
“Not right now maybe. But I promise you after tonight you’ll be in silk the next time I see you.”
“You’re a bast-” She cuts herself off when I let my shirt drift to the floor, my torso exposed to the cool air of the room.
“What was that?” I smirk down at her.
“I hate you.” There’s a tinge of fear in her scent now, but it’s still overshadowed by her arousal. I’m practically choking on the smell of her. It fills all my senses.
I pop open the button of my pants, dragging them down my thighs before discarding them on the floor and doing the same with my boxers. Roseanna, despite an initial sound of protest, follows my movements closely. Her breath comes in shallow pants and her eyes are blown wide with lust when she takes in the sight of me naked.
“I hate you,” she repeats, but there’s less conviction in her words this time.
“Strip,” I tell her. She doesn’t move. “Either you do it or I will. You’ll be naked for me one way or another.”
This seems to shock her into action. Roseanna shimmies out of her dress and panties, wrapping an arm around her chest to hide her breasts and crossing her legs to hide her cunt. I easily move her arm and part her legs and she whimpers beneath me. Her heart is pounding so loudly it’s all I can hear.
“You’ve been a very bad girl tonight. I keep telling you I don’t like when other men touch what’s mine, and now you’re little friend had to pay for your bad decisions.” I grip her jaw and turn her head, forcing her to look over at the body on the ground. “And now here you are. Dripping wet for the man who murdered him.”
“I’m not-”
“Don’t even think of lying about how turned on you are. I can smell it. You reek of it. And you know something?”
She shakes her head.
“It’s almost as good as the smell of your blood.” I press my lips to hers, meeting nothing but resistance at first. Then, slowly, she gives in. Her body relaxes and she melts into me. “Tell me how much you hate me, darling.”
Roseanna moans and stretches out beneath me, tangling her fingers in my hair as I kiss down her body, my tongue exploring each dip and curve until I come to the apex of her thighs. She lets out a shaky breath.
“Fuck… God, I hate you…” She yanks on my hair when I lap at her folds with my tongue.
“What do you hate? Tell me.”
“I hate…” Roseanna sighs softly and spreads her legs wider for me, grinding against my face. “I hate your stupid face.”
I can’t help the laugh that escapes me. “You seem partial to my face at the moment.”
“Shut the fuck-” she cries out in pleasure when my tongue delves inside her, biting on her lower lip. I pull back only to slip two fingers inside her and move my mouth to her clit. “Felix!”
“Come on my face, darling.” I follow the movements of her body, bringing her to her high before pulling back so I can watch her face as she falls apart. Her head is thrown back, eyes shut while her body relaxes. She looks so beautiful.
“I can feel you staring, ya know.” Roseanna opens her eyes and sits up.
“Mmm.” I study her closely, committing the sight of her like this to memory.
She tilts her head to the side, a look of frustration on her face. “I’d be lying if I said this changes anything. You still fucked me over.”
“I don’t expect this to change anything. It just adds another level of excitement, don’t you think? What will they do next: fight or fuck?” I gather my clothes and slowly redress, taking my time and flexing when Roseanna examines a muscle extra closely. “If you make this next week fun for me, you can have my cock inside you next time.”
She flushes a deep red and glares at me. “Get out of my room. And fix my door!”
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painttoolyamanaka · 1 year
consider: shino sai friendship. the autism bros.. their parallel play would be incredible
YOU ARE SOSO RIGHT ANON and even though I made a post about them already, I’m willing to say it SO MANY TIMES, they’d be incredible friends to each other.
And NOW, I have an excuse to expand on my Shino-Sai friendship ideas, thank you anon 🫶
shino 🤝 sai
younger brothers with tragically young deceased brothers who they miss a lot
I like to think their relationship really progressed after the war, when Shino learned about Torune and ROOT. He could vaguely remember the masked men taking Torune away in his place but Shibi refused to talk much about it because of the grief of losing a child. There was only one ROOT member that might have anything to tell him about his brother before he died and it was Sai.
Sai didn’t know much, but he attempted to tell Shino everything he did know. At first, it was just the basic shinobi report/rundown. Then, he talked about Torune and Fuu and their relationship from what he saw. Sai didn't know much because Danzō made sure to keep the ROOT soldiers apart but he went on a mission or two with Torune and he seemed to genuinely be a good guy, even if he was a bit withdrawn. Sai apologized for not knowing much but Shino cried and told him it was enough. Just knowing his brother wasn't completely broken-in and emotionless, that even if it was terrible, Torune still had the ability to love made him break down. Sai tried his best to comfort him through it.
And that's when they became friends. I think after that, they hung out a LOT. Sai would randomly show up in Shino's house (you know how people headcanon that Kakashi just shows up through the window. well, I think all ANBU do that and Kakashi is the only one polite enough to slam open your window as a warning. Sai and Yamato are just 🧍‍♂️ in your living room).
I think Shino never really got many guests, especially since the Aburames are like the reserved bug family, so he's absolutely delighted to have another friend over that's not his team. He can show Sai his clan's huge bug collection and Sai will not bat an eye at a giant spider in the living room. He'll probably say hello to it.
Shino, pointing at a giant spider in the corner: This is Fluffy she's very sweet but people are scared of her a lot so just don't scream and you'll be fine. Sai, internally: How does one befriend big spider? Hmm...
I also think that after the war, Sai moved from the apartment Danzō gave him and into a small house or something, as a fresh start now that ROOT was disbanded. I know in my heart that Shino is the friend you would call on to help you move.
They try their best to make everything match but then Sai’s house ends up monochrome and Ino has to step in 😭
I think a big part of their relationship is just them understanding each other. Autism parallel play is real!!
Shino can tell on some level that Sai is like him. They’re strangely similar actually, I think they resemble each other more than Sai ever resembled Sasuke, especially later in life.
Shino, standing nearby Sai, waiting for him to start a conversation:
Sai, knowing Shino is right there and waiting for him to start a conversation:
Shino: You’re just like me :)
Sometimes they’ll just talk about every niche topic under the sun, and sometimes they just accompany each other. Shino will be walking around and then see Sai following him, and then ask Sai if he wants to help him do whatever mundane thing he’s doing. And Sai will do the same for Shino.
Imagine like two baby ducks following each other around all day, that’s them.
I also think in Boruto, Shino asks Sai to teach art lessons often. Sometimes his students need a break, and other times he just wants Sai to teach for a bit, because he can see how much Sai enjoys sharing his craft.
Shino: And now a special guest for class…
Inojin and Sumire, internally: please don’t let it be dad please don’t let it be dad please
Shino: Sai!
Sai: Hello! :D
Inojin and Sumire:
(The class loves him but he is still a Dad. Very embarrassing at times, and his Dad jokes are either out of pocket or horribly cheesy)
so, YEAH, anon is very right, those two are best friends and I think they’re really close after the war! It took me sometime to make this so have a little doodle of these two trying to pick a carpet! 💖
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pyxalicious · 1 year
My statement.
Hello everyone, I am PYX - some of you know me as Eve. I know that you have seen recent posts about me regarding some racist behavior amongst other accusations, and I am here to respond to that.
I am sorry I took a while to address these issues, but it was very out of the blue for me, and I didn’t think it was wise for me to respond immediately when I was in a state of shock.
First of all, regarding the racist allegations, I own up to what I said that time and I am terribly sorry for it. I didn’t think twice before sending it and wasn’t aware how I had put things across. I am sorry I have hurt and confused people in the process and I know no amount of justification can prove that coming across racist was not my intention. However, there was context behind the messages, and whilst I would love to provide screenshots, the server’s moderators have already removed the channel that this conversation happened in and I am unable to retrieve them.
Basically, another member had asked if she should take down her Black OC’s pfp (which was her tumblr pfp) because there seemed to be cancel culture amongst the Simblr community when they would find out that POC character’s creator is, in fact, White. Because I had a similar train of thought as her, I shared my two cents. I could have worded things a lot differently, and I still look back and regret this. After this happened, two of the moderators came forward to talk to me about it personally, and it made me understand how my words came across as offensive. I also had a conversation with Coloursul about this and yes, they provided screenshots about it, but I felt it was a very one-sided view of our conversation. (The blurred part is them talking about their mental health, and I am not trying to invalidate them because of it.)
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I am keeping the conversation with the other two moderators private out of respect for them. Besides apologies being made, I have also promised that I would be more mindful moving forward; and I don’t really know what anyone else expects me to do after that, because obviously, words that have already afflicted the hurt cannot be taken back. I wish I never said those things, of course, but I did, and I can only promise to do better. Which I am still learning and trying to do.
Idobmm has never approached me about this matter besides her response in the server, and I understood that the mods, who have spoken to me, had urged her at one point to do so as well. I was under the impression that the mods have cleared things up with everyone regarding this issue and it had come to a close after our conversation.
Regarding my jealousy towards the friendship between Idobmm and Coloursul, I wasn’t sure why exactly anyone was under the impression that I was, and I could only think of one incident that probably set the tone for that statement. Earlier on in the server, before the above stated incident, I remembered that I was irked by Idobmm and Coloursul discussing about their OC’s relationship in detail and at length within the “main” chat of the server. As it was a main chat, I didn’t feel it was appropriate for them to do that as it breaks the flow of conversation between other members. I was nothing but supportive of their OC’s relationship with each other, but it didn’t seem tactful that they were doing it in a channel that wasn’t meant for discussing what they were, so I told them to take it up somewhere else.
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I have tried to speak with Idobmm privately about this but she never replied - we both ended up deleting our messages in the server for the sake of others. I wasn’t aware of the misunderstanding that was created since my OC Yuni was in a “relationship” with Coloursul’s OC (Aleck) at that point in time. I would like to reiterate that I wasn’t jealous of anybody or anything, I made that statement simply because it was out of place for them to discuss their OCs in detail on a channel that was made for OOC chatting and banter.
As for the naming my CC after them, I have always named my CC after my friends, it was my own little way of honoring them and the impact they had in my life. In the server, I also shared my WIP actively with everyone and let them know that I was naming CC after them, since they were my most valued friends at that point in time. In fact, they have responded positively to it multiple times. In the screenshots provided, you can clearly see the dates and that it occurred before any CC with their names was published.
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I wasn’t aware that they were uncomfortable and shouldn’t they have said something instead of cheering me on whilst I was doing that? Regarding the paywalling of the CC named after them, yes, they were blender files which was why I paywalled them - however, all of them also got the CC files sent to them. It didn’t cross my mind to take down the items named after them after everyone had fallen out. If you were offended by this, I apologize. I will make the blender items public as I don’t want any more issues to rise out of this - I will take them down if necessary.
Another thing that was being said was about how my friends “enabled” me. I want to let it be known that the “friends” they were talking about were the only ones who approached me and cleared things up with me privately, and educated me about what I have done. Is it enabling if they did that?
Idobmm and Coloursul have also both come forward about how I was being manipulative about their OOC friendship with each other and have perhaps provided screenshots of the last conversation I had with Coloursul before our friendship broke apart. I was hurt by the, then ongoing, situation and have let my emotions get the better of me. I am not sure if I should provide context, because what happened that led to the conversation was initially a private dispute between them and our mutual friend. I will only speak on this if my friend is comfortable about sharing this experience - otherwise, I will choose not to, out of respect for their privacy. However, I will say that what transpired to the entire friend group falling apart, was due to that matter, and it is not my place to comment on anything besides what they have accused me of. The fact that this issue only came up after my friend has decided to exit the community to take care of their own mental health seems deplorable to me of what the people - they once called friends - are doing.
Again, I am deeply sorry for what I said, and there is no excuse for racism. I am here to assure you that what I have said did not come with any intention of putting anybody down. Moving forward, I can only promise to do better. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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A list of mobs and their insectoid counterparts
And, happy fiftieth post. This is the collection that I have deliberated on in regards to what mobs will be made into what as I progress with the resource pack. One such example has already come to fruition, though it is up to you to determine which, until I have more to show for this.
As of yet, this list is incomplete, as it does not officially include the new mobs of 1.19. I will need to review the additions to 1.19 and see what other ideas evolve. Based on everything else, I may consider a lifeblood butterfly for the allay and heavy fool or somesuch for the warden. I don’t have ideas for frogs yet, and I don’t remember if there were other new mobs aside from those three. If there are other non-1.19 mobs that I am missing, please let me know.
I am open to suggestions and feedback on ALL OF THESE IDEAS! Especially the ones with question marks or multiple options. Or, if you have questions about my thought process, I would be more than happy to answer.
It means I am indecisive but am also not sure what else I could do. I’m confident about most of these, but there are also a number that I’ve simply pulled out of a hat. Otherwise, the mobs may or may not be exactly like their Hallownester counterparts, but rather inspired by their design. I can simply make more stuff up if it comes to it, but please allow me to pick your brains first before it reaches that point.
I apologize, as I did intend to add links to every mob and enemy together for quick reference, but Tumblr took issue with it. Please note the focus is on creatures that are in or were supposed to be in Hollow Knight and nothing from Silksong.
The full list is under the cut!
Axolotl -> ???
Bat -> Belfly
Bee -> Hiveling
Blaze -> Either Grimmkin Master or Grimmkin Nightmare, depending on the palette
Cat -> Grub
Cave spider -> Deepling or Deephunter
Chicken -> Grounded vengefly or grounded crystal hunter
Cod -> Flukemon lower half
Cow -> Boofly
Creeper -> Volatile mosskin, fungified husk, or violent husk, again depending on palette and unique features from the other mobs
Dolphin -> Pilflip?
Donkey -> Blundering Obelisk
Drowned -> Flukemon
Elder Guardian -> Uumuu
Enderman -> Void construct, soul twister, or soul warrior
Endermite -> Shadow creeper or Mistake
Evoker -> Volt Twister
Fox -> Tiktik or Crawlid
Ghast -> Fungoon
Glow squid -> Ooma
Goat -> Great Hopper
Guardian -> Charged lumaflies
Hoglin -> Moss charger or flukemunga
Horse -> Great Stag
Husk -> Entombed Husk
Llama -> Giraffe weevil
Magma cube -> Infected balloon
Mooshroom -> Fungified elder baldur
Mule -> Some kind of horned beetle that looks similar to Stag but isn’t Stag
Ocelot -> Grub mimic
Panda -> ???
Parrot -> Maskfly
Phantom -> Vengefly King? Aluba?
Pig -> Golden jewel scarab beetle
Piglin -> Generic godseeker (Meaning, not the character of Godseeker, but a godseeker)
Piglin Brute -> Void-touched generic godseeker
Pillager -> Sturdy fool
Polar Bear -> Glimback
Pufferfish -> Hwurmp
Rabbit -> Hopper
Ravager -> God tamer’s Beast
Salmon -> Flukemon upper half
Sheep -> Large mosscreep
Shulker -> Sporg
Silverfish -> Dirtcarver
Skeleton -> Leaping husk
Skeleton horse -> Void-touched Stag
Slime -> Lifeblood balloon
Spider -> Corpse creeper or little weaver
Squid -> Uoma
Stray -> Slobbering husk
Strider -> Durandoo
Trader Llama -> Grimmsteed
Tropical fish -> Flukefey
Turtle -> Bluggsac
Vex -> Aspid hunter
Villager -> Various NPC characters ie cartographer -> Cornifer etc
Vindicator -> Shielded fool
Wandering Trader -> Brumm
Witch -> Salubra, Seer, or Jiji
Wither Skeleton -> Siblings
Wolf -> ????
Zoglin -> Infected moss charger or flukemunga
Zombie -> Wandering Husk
Zombie Horse -> Infected Stag
Zombie Villager -> Infected NPCs (or infected elderbug if I can’t do variants. Sorry elderbug, I love you, but you Are the face of generic villager types, and basic husks are already in use elsewhere. :( )
Zombified Piglin -> Infected generic godseeker
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