#//massive sarcasm quotes
fnord888 · 10 months
Child abuse is a big problem, so it's important that we don't let children communicate with adults except their parents and other official authority figures. Everyone knows the best way to prevent child abuse is to keep children isolated and ensure all their communications are controlled.
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castelias-cat-queen · 10 months
my passcode is "eatmyass" and my social security is 69
How very believable and mature.
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I don't know that I've ever mentioned this before, but finding that quote by Ruth Pointer about the Pointer Sisters' Break Out album reminded me that I have also never really liked its title (even though it's one of my all-time favorite albums). I get that whoever suggested that title (why do I assume it's their producer? Richard Perry, to be specific?) thought it was going to be like their 'break out' album and apparently confidently named it accordingly, but I also think it did a disservice to the Pointer Sisters, suggesting that their material for the past ten years was never good enough to warrant "true" hits of a 'break out' status. I feel that kind of title, for that album at that time, greatly discredited the work they'd done thus far and the effort they'd put into getting to where they were; PLUS, seemingly based on the concept of being a self-fulfilling prophecy, it also seemed to suggest (by popularity, and by quality) that they'd peaked, as none of their albums following Break Out were able to surpass, much less match, the success (chart-wise) of Break Out. I just think it was a shitty move, naming the album that, and the Pointer Sisters deserved better.
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gcldfanged · 6 months
My idiot aunt: *crying because her asshole husband who stole from my parent's business has dementia now* it's just SO HARD- Me: If you had helped take care of your father when he needed you, then it might have helped prepare you for this, it was definitely hard for me at the time since it was just me and my stepmother doing all the work *LOUDLY SIPS COFFEE*
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mxcomedy · 7 months
Petition to stop associating crime to brain profiles pls and ty
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atrociousgargamelitis · 3 months
Alrighty folks come around for I have gathered every moment that Broke Me™ in Apology Tour and boy oh boy were there a lot of those. THIS IS PART 1 (I will reblog this post with part 2 and 3)
When Blitzø said that he "ends shit before it gets serious cause relationships are boring" and Stolas FINALLY doesn't hold back on the sarcasm and tries to get through to Blitzø's THICK FUCKING SKULL that he's either a massive hypocrite or a huge idiot or perhaps a pinnacle combination of both. BUT HE DOES SO WITH SUCH PETTINESS AND SMUGNESS THAT OH GOD HAS ME FUCKING DYING. Cause now we realise that Stolas CHOSE kindness this whole time but now HE'S LETTING IT ALL OUT AND I'M HERE FOR IT
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Stolas being so FLABBERGASTED that Blitzø would even DARE think that he looks down on him while he literally idolised him that HIS FUCKING IRISES SHOWED UP
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He said it. He fucking said it. He gained consciousness. He knows. He's self aware.
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2 things here: First, Blitzø has him saved as "Stols". Not "Stolas". Not "Bird guy I fucked once" or "One night stand" like in the pilot. "Stols". Second, all throughout the episode, even while doing the other fake apologies he was ONLY thinking of Stolas. He knew he deserved an apology. He was trying to come up with the right words. But he just COULDN'T.
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Verosika being super welcoming to Stolas, even kissing his cheek. That shows that Verosika is not actually jealous of Blitzø's exes or something but that she genuinely just despises him. She recognises another hurt soul because she's been through that. And the juxtaposition of Stolas seeing her as competition for Blitzø's hand the last time they met? Chills.
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very loosely based off that one exchange from episode 6 of the dhmis show
words: 4,444
“Closing shift again, Harrington?”
Eddie watches as Steve’s face shifts from muted disinterest to something like annoyance. “Unfortunately for both of us, yeah,” he mutters, a little red in the face as he rips that stupid little sailor hat off his head and tosses it over his shoulder into the Scoops Ahoy break room. Eddie snorts as it misses the table. Steve runs a hand through his hair and cocks a hip so that he’s leaning against the doorframe. “So, what’ve you got for me?”
Patting the massive tubs of ice cream beside him, Eddie gives Steve as wolfish of a grin as he can muster. “For your beloved freezer,” he says with a low bow, and he glances up just in time to watch Steve roll his eyes. Eddie kicks up the dolly the tubs are stacked on and nods at Steve, to the doorway behind him. “Lemme roll these in.”
“You got it?” Steve asks, stepping aside but hovering at the side of the dolly as Eddie wheels it into the back of Scoops. A couple of the tubs wobble—the ones at the top, because Eddie’s stacked it ten high. He’s not making multiple trips. Steve hisses out a curse under his breath and outstretches his hands by the ice cream, as if he’ll be able to save all of them as long as they fall in his general vicinity. “Careful, careful! Jesus, Munson, these are gonna fall on top of you if you’re not careful, ruin that fantastic hair of yours.”
Eddie huffs out a laugh at the definite sarcasm as he wheels the ice cream into the freezer and sighs contentedly at the feeling of cold air on his skin. He started working at Starcourt a little over a month ago, and the summer’s only gotten hotter. It’s ridiculously hard work, carting around shit to different stores and helping out when security’s short-staffed, and Eddie’s not exactly the most fit person around. Years of smoking and skipping gym class will do that to a guy.
But what makes it all worth it, in Eddie’s humble opinion, is that he gets to spend his summer tormenting King Steve, Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington, Steve from Scoops Ahoy. It’s a fun little dive into Eddie’s favorite pastime—enacting sweet, sweet revenge. Sure, Steve might not have done anything to him directly, more preferring to stare down his nose at people like Eddie while his lackeys—namely Hagan—did the dirty work for him. Nonetheless, Eddie hates the guy. Well, maybe hate is a bit of a strong word, but he still can’t stand Steve and his stupid hair and his dumb little sailor uniform that has shorts that are way too tight and his dashing smile and his long lashes and his sparkly laugh and—
Bottom line is that Eddie can’t stand the guy. No amount of pretty can fix past slights.
“So,” Eddie says, drawing the word out as Steve heaves the cardboard tubs onto the shelves, and he lets his eyes linger over the cord of taut muscle in Steve’s biceps. Sue him, the guy’s nice to look at. “You got any big plans tonight, Harrington?”
Steve makes a sound that’s about halfway between a scoff and a laugh, with a little bit of contrition mixed in. “Not unless you count sitting on my couch with a lukewarm beer and watching reruns of shitty sitcoms as ‘big plans,’” he says, shifting the tub in his hands to one arm so he can do some sarcastic air quotes, and Eddie blinks. Steve raises a brow at him. “Why, are you offering?”
Willing the heat that’s rushing to his cheeks to screw off, Eddie squints. “To make plans with you? Maybe when hell freezes over, Harrington,” he says, coming off a little more biting than he’d really intended, and Steve’s shoulders tense. A minute change, but a noticeable one. Eddie taps his hands on the now-empty dolly and gives Steve a shit-eating grin. “Well, see you tomorrow, sailor.”
“Can’t wait,” Steve says.
Just as Eddie turns to wheel the dolly towards the freezer door, the power goes out. Shit.
“Jesus H. Christ, can’t catch one goddamn break,” he mutters, fidgeting with the flashlight clipped to his belt until it turns on, and Steve groans beside him. Eddie waves the flashlight around the freezer until he shines it at Steve, who squints and throws his hands up in front of his face, and he snickers. “Looking good, Harrington.”
“Shut up,” Steve huffs, cheeks flushed, and he smacks Eddie’s flashlight until the beam’s directed away from his face. It’s hard to see him now that he’s not directly in the light, but Eddie can still see the way his eyes dart around the freezer, can hear the way his breathing picks up. “Shit. Shit, d’you think—it’s probably just a power outage. Right?”
Eddie snorts. “What else would it be?”
Steve levels a glare at him, and Eddie makes a face back, because he hasn’t said anything wrong, and Steve’s just being a dick. “Okay, well, let’s just…get the hell out of here so we can go home,” Steve says, and Eddie couldn’t agree more, actually. He moves past Eddie to get to the door, and Eddie half-expects him to shove past, shoulder him or something, but he doesn’t; he makes himself small, even, shrinking back and around him. Steve tugs on the handle, but the door doesn’t budge. Uh oh. Steve tugs at it some more. “Wh—oh, you gotta be shittin’ me.”
“Are we locked in here?” Eddie asks, and it comes out as an embarrassing squeak. Steve’s answering groan doesn’t exactly inspire confidence. “Why the hell didn’t you prop it open if it locks from the outside?!”
Sighing as he rattles the door some more, Steve glances back at Eddie over his shoulder. “I didn’t know the power would go out while we were in here, man,” he huffs. “Starcourt uses these fancy electronic locks for all the freezers in the building to keep the cold in them as much as possible, helps keep all the stuff in ’em from going bad, but they’re only supposed to go off after hours.”
“So we’re stuck?!” Eddie asks, and Steve gives the door one last yank before giving up.
“Just ’til the power comes back on,” he says, and Eddie can’t think of anything he’d rather avoid more than being stuck with Steve Harrington for an indeterminate amount of time.
That can’t be true. There’s gotta be a failsafe or something, right? That’s a total fire hazard if it doesn’t have one, and the mall wouldn’t cut corners, would it? Oh, who’s Eddie kidding? A corporation cutting corners is, like, a given. Shit. Shit! “For fuck’s sake,” he hisses, doing some yanking of his own on the door handle, flashlight pointed down at the floor, dangling from his belt, but it doesn’t budge. “Fuck! Shit! Son of a fuckin’ bitch, man!”
“Alright, woah,” Steve says with a nervous laugh, “calm down, man—”
“I’m not gonna calm down, we’re fuckin’ trapped!” Eddie snaps, and Steve winces.
“I mean…could be worse? We could be stuck out there, in the heat…?” he offers, and Eddie affixes him with the most supremely unamused look he can muster. “At least we’ve got each other for company, right?”
He can’t make out a lot of Steve’s face in the dark like this, but just looking in the guy’s direction is enough to annoy him. “I’d get heatstroke in a heartbeat if it meant I’d have the ability to be further than five feet from you,” Eddie tells him.
Whatever expression that garners from Steve, Eddie can’t see. “Harsh,” Steve mumbles, and Eddie barks out a laugh.
“Yeah, okay, pardon me for being pissed off that you didn’t do your job and prop the damn door open!” Eddie snaps, and Steve puts his hands up. That, Eddie can see, can make out the gestures in the way his silhouette moves.
“Dude, how was I supposed to know the power would go out?” Steve asks, clearly exasperated, and Eddie hates that that’s a fair point.
He gestures out, all flappy hands and uncoordinated limbs, and he’s pretty sure he smacks a couple of ice cream tubs in his dramatics. “Because it’s common sense! You don’t let a freezer close behind you, man, haven’t you ever worked a food service job before?!” he asks, and Steve is quiet for a while. Eddie huffs out a humorless laugh. “Of course. Of course you haven’t, because Daddy Harrington probably has enough money to—”
“I’m cut off,” Steve interrupts. “Been cut off for years. He sent me money for basic groceries when I was still in school, but he forced me to get this stupid job when I graduated. Since I didn’t get into any colleges, he wants to teach me a lesson about being too dumb for higher education or some shit. I don’t have his money.”
“Oh,” Eddie says.
“Yeah, ‘oh,’” Steve echoes. “And besides, just because I haven’t worked a job before doesn’t mean you have to be a dick about it. It’s not like the training Scoops gave me was, like, good. Even without a manager, I'm pretty sure we’re not supposed to leave the freezer open.”
That’s…pretty fair, actually. Eddie’s kinda certain he hasn’t seen a manager at Scoops Ahoy since the day the mall opened. And most of his food service job knowledge is based off of sitcoms and movies made for TV that have someone getting trapped in a freezer as a plot device anyway, so who is he to talk?
Still, though, he kind of doesn’t want to give Steve the satisfaction of being right. “Alright, there’s gotta be some way out,” he mutters, grabbing his flashlight to aim it at the doorframe, but there doesn’t seem to be anything. If there is, he certainly doesn’t know what it is. “Shit, shit!”
“Dude,” Steve says, and he sounds a little farther than he’d just been, “chill out. The power’s probably gonna come back any minute now.”
Eddie whirls around, and Steve is sitting on the floor, twirling that stupid sailor hat around his pointer finger. He squints a bit in the beam of light, and Eddie hates that it makes his nose scrunch up all cute and shit. He can’t stand the guy. “You’re infuriating,” he tells Steve, “you know that?”
Lips quirking up in what Eddie’s pretty sure is a sad little smile, Steve shrugs. “So I’ve heard,” he says, and Eddie’s eye twitches. Steve pats the empty spot next to him. “You can sit down, y’know.”
Eddie sits where he is. He doesn’t feel like getting closer to Steve Harrington than strictly necessary, thanks very much. Steve just shrugs, tossing his hat from one pointer finger to the other, and Eddie redirects his flashlight. There’s the soft thump of something hitting the ground, followed by a quiet swear. Eddie snorts. “You drop your hat?”
“Maybe,” Steve says. “You wanna lend me some light?”
“Not particularly,” Eddie says dryly.
Steve just hums. It drives Eddie a little crazy. “Wanna play twenty questions?” Steve asks him, and it’s so goddamn bizarre that Eddie busts out laughing.
“Are you—you’re not serious,” Eddie cackles. “What, like we’re at a high school party? C’mon, man, why the hell do you wanna play twenty questions with me in an ice cream freezer?”
A short pause. “To pass the time, I guess,” Steve says. “You got a better idea? ’Cuz I’m all ears, Munson, really.”
Eddie doesn’t have a better idea.
“Okay, fine,” he sighs, “what’s your first question?”
There’s some shuffling, like Steve is sitting up properly, and it’s not endearing, it’s not. If anything, it should be pathetic that he’s so excited to play some dumb party game in the freezer of a nautical-themed ice cream parlor. “What’s your favorite hobby?” Steve asks him. “Like, not the one you do most often, or the one you’re best at, but the one you think is the most fun.”
Eddie makes a face. “You have hobbies that aren’t fun?”
He moves his flashlight over to shine at Steve, who nods. “Yeah, man. Like, I don’t hate them, but they’re not fun. Just something to do to pass the time, or something I do with my dad and his business partners, like golfing,” he says with a shrug. “Go on, answer, what’s your favorite hobby?”
Eddie’s having a hard time getting past the idea that Steve isn’t passionate about his hobbies, but only does them to have something to do for the sake of doing something. Or for the sake of someone else, someone that had apparently cut him off. “Uh,” he says eloquently, “I don’t know. I like all my hobbies.”
Steve tilts his head like a confused dog. It’s dumb. “Really? Huh. Alright, lemme change my question, then. What are your hobbies?”
“I play guitar for my band, I run Dungeons and Dragons campaigns—”
“Oh, shit, really? That’s cool, the kids I babysit play that game, too,” Steve says, and Eddie’s brain screeches to a halt. Steve’s head-tilt gets a little tiltier, and he snaps his fingers. “That’s right, you run the club at the high school, don’t you? Hotfire or something?”
“Hellfire,” Eddie corrects hollowly, and Steve winces apologetically.
“Sorry. Shit gets mixed up in my brain sometimes. Buncha concussions, you know how it is,” he dismisses, and Eddie very much does not know how it is. Steve perks up. “Your turn.”
Eddie is, admittedly, kind of dumbfounded. “Uh, what’s your dream job?”
Frowning, Steve glares down at the tile. “Hm. I don’t know.”
At that, Eddie scoffs. “Oh, c’mon, you can’t be serious,” he says. “Everybody’s got a dream job, man, even if it’s totally outlandish. I mean, I wanna be a bigshot metal guitarist for a world-famous band—preferrably mine—even though I know there’s, like, an almost-zero chance of that happening.”
Steve just shrugs. “Maybe, like, be a teacher or something? But I couldn’t get into college, so…not likely,” he says. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Yellow,” Eddie says, “yours?”
“Swear you won’t laugh,” Steve says, and Eddie blinks at him. Steve crosses his arms. “Munson, swear it.”
“Okay, okay, I promise I won’t laugh,” Eddie says. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Tiffany blue,” Steve answers finally, and, come on, Eddie can’t help it if he chuckles just a little. “You said you wouldn’t laugh!”
Eddie snickers, trying and failing to hide it behind his hand. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s just—that’s such a snooty color to pick,” he wheezes, and Steve glares at him.
He drags his hat around in circles on the ground with one finger and pointedly doesn’t look at Eddie. “Yeah, well, I like it ’cuz it’s my mom’s favorite,” Steve mumbles, brows drawn together, and now Eddie feels kinda bad for laughing. Only a tiny bit, though. Steve glances up at him. “If you had to pick a movie world to live the rest of your life in, which would it be?”
That’s…actually a pretty cool question. Not that Eddie would tell him that.
“Um…my favorite movies are horror movies, so those are a no-go,” he says, and Steve laughs. It’s good-natured and nice, stupid and sparkly. Eddie clears his throat. “But, uh, I’d probably go with Star Wars.”
“No way, me too!” Steve says, and Eddie blinks. Steve grins. “I like the one with the little teddy bear guys, you know the…”
He trails off into an impression of the ewoks, and it’s painfully charming. Annoying. Annoying, not charming. “You know those are called ewoks, not ‘little teddy bears,’ right?” Eddie asks, because he’s nothing if not a pedantic asshole, and Steve just smiles at him.
“Eh, tomato, to-mah-to,” he says. “Your turn.”
Eddie tilts his head back. “Who was your first kiss?” he asks, and Steve doesn’t answer for a while, which is weird. There’s this pained look on his face, and he won’t quite meet Eddie’s eye. “What, is it, like, someone you’ve deemed ‘embarrassing?’”
“That’s…not it,” Steve sighs. “It’s just—I don’t want you to, like, flip out and punch me or some shit, man.”
At that, Eddie laughs, but his curiosity is piqued. “Have you seen me, Harrington? I’m a total toothpick. I’m, like, pretty sure if I tried to punch you, I’d break my own arm,” he says. “Who was it, seriously? Some dorky chick you think I know? Is that why you think I’ll flip out?”
“No,” Steve tells him, “it was, um…it was at camp, summer after fifth grade.”
“I asked you who, not when or where,” Eddie says.
“And I don’t know who it was,” Steve shoots back.
Eddie makes a face. “Oh, bullshit, dude, you were at camp with this girl and you didn’t know who she was?” he scoffs. “I mean, I wouldn’t put it past you to forget, but just say you forgot her name, then.”
“I didn’t forget,” Steve tells him, “I don’t know.”
Crossing his arms, Eddie points his flashlight right at Steve’s eyes. “Be so serious. You gotta know. Why else would you think I’d flip out?”
“Because—! It doesn’t matter.”
“Just tell me! You’re not honoring the rules of the game, Harrington, you’re the one who wanted to play—”
“I keep telling you, I don’t know who it was!”
“I never got his name!”
Record scratch.
Steve’s face goes bright red, and he ducks his head so that Eddie can’t see his expression. It’s just as well, because the flashlight clatters to the ground when Eddie drops it, and he hurries to scoop it back up, eyes as wide as humanly possible. There’s no way. There’s no way, right? He’s just doing this to fuck with Eddie, he has to be, that’s—that has to be what it is. It’s eerily silent, and Eddie shines the flashlight at Steve again, swallowing.
It’s audible. It toes the line between gross and annoying.
Eddie toes that line often.
“It was a dude?” Eddie asks, because he really needs some clarification here. “Your first kiss was with another guy?”
There must be something in his tone that he hadn’t intended to put in there, because Steve’s whole posture shifts. His shoulders square, his jaw goes tight, and he looks down his nose at Eddie, even though they’re both sitting on the ground, like it’s a challenge, like it’s a dare. “You got a problem with that, you keep it to yourself,” Steve says, voice carefully even. “We’re gonna sit here and—and we’re not gonna say anything ’til the power comes back on. Game’s over.”
He looks away again. Eddie’s flashlight flickers, and he turns it off, because it they might need it to get out of the mall once the power comes back, in case the timed lights turn off by the time it does. It’s silent for a long while, and Eddie’s kicking himself. He shouldn’t have pried. Shit, now Steve probably thinks he’s a total asshole.
“Sorry for ruining the game,” Eddie says after a while. “My bad, man, really.”
A long stretch of nothing. Eddie calls Steve’s name after another couple of minutes.
“It’s fine,” Steve says quietly. “I don’t know why I didn’t just, like, lie. I usually do, y’know, when that question comes up.”
“If it, um, makes you feel any better, I’m—I haven’t had one,” Eddie offers. “A first kiss, I mean.”
More silence.
“Are you messing with me?” Steve asks, several long moments later, and Eddie shakes his head, even though they’re bathed in darkness, and Steve can’t see him.
He scoots closer, close enough that he can feel the body heat radiating off of Steve without the two of them touching. “Nope. Cross my heart, hope to die, all that good stuff. Haven’t kissed anybody. Not for lack of trying, mind you, but, uh, pretty sure nobody’s exactly jumping at the chance to kiss the town freak, and it’s not like it’d be any good if they did, because, like I said, zero prior kisses,” Eddie rambles. “I’d probably suck at it.”
A light chuckle. Thank fuck. “Probably,” Steve agrees.
“Probably,” Eddie echoes.
They sit in silence for a while longer, though it isn’t uncomfortable this time, which Eddie supposes is a plus. The freezer is just barely less cold, which means the power’s still out, which sucks. How long are they gonna be trapped in here? It’s chilly as hell. How long is Eddie supposed to be trapped in a freezer with Steve Harrington, armed with the knowledge that he’s apparently kissed one whole boy before?
Eddie definitely isn’t straining to see the time on his watch. He definitely doesn’t watch it tick for fifteen whole fucking minutes before Steve speaks up again. “Hey, uh, what happened to your flashlight?” he asks.
“I’m saving the batteries,” Eddie tells him.
A beat. “Saving the batteries…for what?” Steve asks.
“Oh, I was planning on putting them in my Walkman, actually,” Eddie snaps, a little on the sarcastic side, because they’ve been trapped in here for a while, and the freezer is steadily dropping in temperature. Embarrassed, though, because Steve should arguably be the only really upset person in this freezer right now, Eddie barrels on. “Anyway, we may as well get used to being in the dark.”
“Yeah…” Steve murmurs, trailing off, like there’s another thought accompanying it that he just isn’t saying.
Eddie’s brows furrow. “What?”
“Well, it’s just not that great, is it?” Steve hums. “I wouldn’t mind looking at the mall again, and…maybe…looking at you.”
Eddie snorts. “Really? You like looking at me?” he scoffs.
“Uh…yeah,” Steve admits, voice soft. “I suppose I do.”
Eddie feels his face go hot. “Well, I like looking at you, too,” he confesses under the cover of darkness, because it feels a lot safer than it would if he could see the pitying wince that’s probably on Steve’s face right now.
“Oh, yeah?” Steve asks, sounding vaguely pleased, and Eddie doesn’t get him. He doesn’t understand King Steve, Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington, Steve from Scoops Ahoy, who apparently babysits D&D-playing kids and likes the ewoks in Star Wars and kissed a boy at camp. Steve’s shoulder presses against his own. “Thanks. For that.”
Eddie swallows. It’s audible again, and he really wishes he knew how to cut that shit out, because it does a hell of a job of giving him away. “Yeah, man, no—um, no problem.”
“You know,” Steve starts, “I could be your first kiss. For practice.”
“For practice,” Eddie repeats flatly.
What an asshole. He should’ve known this was some elaborate setup to get Eddie to admit that all the rumors about him are true, to humiliate him or some shit.
Steve laughs, but it isn’t cruel like Eddie’s expecting. It’s soft, almost embarrassed. “Sorry, I just—that’s how the boy at camp got me to kiss him, figured I’d try the line out,” he says. “Guess I still don’t have my game back.”
“Your game?” Eddie asks, because what the hell is happening right now?
“You know, how I, like, suck at flirting lately,” Steve says. “I mean, I’ve been flirting with you all summer, and it took us getting stuck in a freezer for you to be even a little nice to me. Well, to get you to admit you don’t hate looking at my face, but I’ll take it.”
Record scratch number two.
“I—sorry, what?” Eddie asks, eyes practically bugging out of his head, and Steve shrugs with a quiet laugh. Eddie shakes his head. “Not fucking funny, man, you can’t just—you can’t say shit like that.”
“What, I can’t be honest with you?”
“You’re not—! You aren’t being honest, you’re fucking with me!”
Another little laugh. “Well, I’d like to be, but you don’t seem to like me very much,” Steve tells him. “What’d you say again? ‘When hell freezes over?’ Robin’s gonna have a field day with that ‘You Suck’ board of hers when I tell her I got rejected again.”
Eddie rethinks his entire summer.
Come to think of it, if he doesn’t consider a lot of Steve’s comments to be sarcastic, it actually does come across as incessant flirting.
Son of a bitch.
“How—why are you—what makes you so confident I won’t be an asshole about this?” Eddie asks, utterly bewildered.
Steve tilts his head—the shadows move, he sees the silhouette of Steve’s annoyingly perfect hair sway with the movement. “I mean, considering you apologized for ruining the game after I told you my first kiss was with a dude, figured I’d have nothing to lose except for my pride, of which I have remarkably little,” he says. “I’m pretty much shameless, man. And besides, your whole thing is, like, standing on tables and shitting on everyone else for conforming to society’s expectations, so…it’d be pretty weird if you were homophobic.”
This shit just gets crazier and crazier. “You paid attention to me in high school?” Eddie asks, and his eyes are adjusting to the light now. He can make out the faint, nostalgic smile on Steve’s face.
“Oh, I had the biggest crush on you my freshman year,” Steve tells him. “But, y’know, you made it very apparent you weren’t the biggest fan of jocks, and I’d already joined, like, a bunch of different teams, so—”
Eddie cuts him off by practically smashing his mouth against Steve’s, all jittery nerves. He’s not a very good kisser, but Steve lets out a tiny, pleased hum anyway as he lifts his hands to Eddie’s waist, tugging him closer just slightly. It’s insane. It’s bizarre. By all rules of both basic logic and the Munson Doctrine, this should not be happening. Steve Harrington should not be carefully and softly moving his lips against Eddie’s, but here they are.
“I’m sorry,” Eddie breathes, pulling back, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“You’re kind of an asshole,” Steve tells him, and Eddie can’t really argue with that, “but, uh, I’m sorry, too. The whole pigtail-pulling strategy really doesn’t work with you, huh?”
The mental image of Steve tugging his hair does something to Eddie that he’s a little too ashamed to admit. “Um,” he manages, “yeah.”
“Sorry about all of high school, then,” Steve says, and he kisses Eddie again.
And just as Steve’s hand snakes underneath Eddie’s shirt, the lights in the freezer come back on, and cold air begins to blast through the vents.
Once again, son of a bitch.
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Absolutely banger content!! Love it! When Kaz calls Inej "treasure of my heart" he's cheapening an otherwise meaningful phrase. Do you think he is being totally sarcastic or is he deadpanning his feelings to a degree? Because a little later he describes another time he said something cold-blooded to Inej and says to himself "in moments like that he thought she might hate him." Can the second quote be used as context to explain the "treasure of my heart" quote?
Hi, thank you so much!
I definitely think that this is a prime example of using sarcasm as a defence mechanism, so although he comes across completely sarcastic - as confirmed by Inej’s reaction, which is to look pointedly at his cane and wish him a long trip down the stairs before she herself slides down the bannister - I would agree that to some degree he is voicing his genuine feelings. It could be viewed in a somewhat self-destructive nature, because by voicing these feelings in a manner that he knows will elicit a negative response from Inej he can use it as evidence for her not returning his affection and therefore use it as a reason not express his feelings in any real way - claiming that she won’t be interested, when actually he simply has a massively debilitating fear of being vulnerable bred in him by Rollins and the general attitudes/environment of the gangs in the Barrel (and arguably to some degree Jordie as well; by trying to protect his younger brother he doesn’t necessarily convey the full severity of their situation when they first arrive in Ketterdam, inadvertently leading to the belief that such vulnerabilities should never be spoken of or discussed becoming a highly complex and difficult aspect of Kaz’s character)
When Kaz comments “in moments like that, he thought she might hate him” it’s coming off the back of him effectively defending the appropriation of Inej’s culture. She is horrified to see the Suli Jackal masks on sale and being worn by pleasure seekers in Ketterdam, because they should only be worn by Suli seers and are “sacred symbols”. In return, Kaz says that he’s seen the seers “ply their trade on party boats and in pleasure houses” and that “they didn’t seem very holy”, and when she says that “they are pretenders” and “they’re laughing at you behind those masks” he responds coolly that he would never pay to have his fortune told, whether it was from a conman or a holy man. When Inej is visibly upset by this conversation, he comments that he wonders if she hates him, and I think that a large aspect of this is because he is the only person who knows what she went through to its fullest extent. And the specifically relevant aspect of what he knows here, is that Inej was forced to appropriate her culture herself when she was at the Menagerie (slight tangent, but so was Nina, it’s very interesting, I’ve mentioned it in a post before). Inej describes her room at the Menagerie to be a farcical mockery of a Suli caravan, she was forced to “donn false Suli silks”, and it’s even mentioned that the only reason she was ‘the lynx’ is that the Jackal masks were seen as unattractive - “but what man would want to bed a Jackal? So instead, the Suli girl - and the Menagerie always stocked a Suli girl - wore the lynx”. What a quote. What. A. Quote. Starting with the Jackal, it makes it clear that there are no lines that won’t be crossed, and that’s emphasised by other girls at the Menagerie wearing animals sacred to their countries such as the Fjerdan woman being the wolf, and that the only reason Inej didn’t have to wear an outfit similar to the one she’s so horrified by here is that it couldn’t be sexualised and exploited the same way the lynx could. And then we have “and the Menagerie always stocked a Suli girl”. Wow. That gets me every time I read it. There are two main things I want to comment on in this quote, so I’ll start with “stocked”. This singular world is so dehumanising; the idea that the women and girls at the Menagerie are seen as stock, produce, literal consumables that can be bought and traded and sold. There’s also the point that Inej herself is the one using this word, and I think it’s left purposefully ambiguous as to whether this is a satirical usage of the word on her behalf as a criticism of the culture surrounding pleasure houses and cultural appropriation in Kerch (although more specifically Ketterdam), or if it’s the product of indoctrination to this toxic culture - similar to Nina’s horror at releasing that the appropriation and disdain for foreigners she’s been surrounded by has actually led her to judge traditional Ravkan dress as old-fashioned in Crooked Kingdom (I think it’s chapter 13). The second thing about this quote I want to mention is “always”. “Always”. It so subtly introduces so early on in the books the deeply ingrained over-sexualisation of Suli culture, which is evidenced time and time again but most specifically in the ‘Rare Spices’ billboard that Inej describes un Crooked Kingdom. I could talk about that billboard for DAYS so I won’t go into it here because this is already a long post.
But I think it’s incredibly important that Kaz knows all of this when he makes these comments, every time he mocks her gods or her “depressing Suli wisdom”, he knows that he is part of a culture that dehumanises and sexualises and appropriates and reduces everything about who she is, and he knows that it’s hurting her, of course it would hurt her anyway, but especially hurting her because she was forced to do it herself as a cherry on top of the worst year in Inej’s life, a year made of unending pain and terror. But arguably this is once again all that self-destructive nature; the pushing her away, similarly to the sarcasm as a defence mechanism, because it is easier to hate than to love, and because if she hates him then he never has to be vulnerable with her.
Oh wow I just looked at that and realised it’s way longer than I thought, sorry about that… Thank you for reading it, and thank you so much for the question this was really interesting to think about! :)
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lonely-soul-02 · 1 year
I have thoughts on the interview where Noel says that Liam is deeply in love with him. 4:37
Thanks @devilsrefugee for providing the source. And thank you @lily-bluey for translating. I have looked for it for ages! Up to now, I thought it might have been an Oasis myth-quote. Is there also a source for the other quote where he says that Liam has always loved him and loves him even more now than when Noel was in Oasis?
Anyway, we could put this comment down to Noel being sarcastic and/or a massive cunt. Which he is.
But there is sarcasm and dry humour, and then there is saying that your brother is deeply in love with you. Twice. As if that wasn't a punchy enough statement to make, Noel pushes it further by saying his brother is upset about the fact that he is deeply in love with him.
Had he left it at the first one, we might have been able to file it under 'batshit crazy things Noel says' albeit with a distinct sense of 'that's not how brothers should talk about one another'. But drawing attention to Liam being very, very upset by it was extra. It hints at something else beneath the humorous surface. Even if it's not true, this is something that Noel had in his head? For how long? It's tempting to reflect on Oasis history and how the band ended, beyond the usual power struggles.
I mean, those two weaponising the fears and insecurities of each other is nothing new, but weaponising romantic attraction in your brotherly power struggle is not normal no matter how it’s spun.
If it's not true that Liam was in love with Noel, the fact that he used a universal taboo against Liam is a worryingly disturbed head space for Noel to have been in. If it is true, then it's almost worse, because Noel was hurting Liam in the cruellest way, not by exposing Liam's fears or insecurities, but by exposing his love.
Whatever the case, his comment strongly suggests romantic attraction was either at play or threatening to be, for one or both of them. After all, you don't just pull 'incest' out of your sarcasm and dry humour arsenal.
Oddly, when he was asked on twitter if it was true (since made private) Liam didn't exactly deny it. He could have said Noel was full of shit like he usually does, but he didn't. And there could be no mistaking the nature of the question/statement.
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I'm not saying this proves that they had a sexual relationship or that they desired one another in a sexual way - it doesn't - but it does indicate that their relationship was much more complicated than most Oasis fans would care to admit. And when you contextualise this quote with the vast library of similar quotes, song lyrics, all the video clips, the multiple photos of them kissing, it's not a stretch to say that something else was going on, at least on an emotional level.
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chryza · 11 days
Presidential debate SICK ASS REACTIONS.
“The microphones will only be turned on during their turn to speak” thank the lord they finally learned
“VP Harris you and President Trump (sic.) were elected four years ago” I hope to god that it was a slip and not an omen.
Harris coming right out and attacking project 2025 is pretty pog anyway I hope she kills him. I’m still skeptical about her in a lot of ways and I’m not a fan of the continuing imperialist military industrial complex ie genocide. but fuck me she’s not a raving lunatic or a decrepit dude with dementia so like. Fuck man I’ll take it.
he keeps saying “as she knows” to try and ruin her credibility which might be effective if he didn’t immediately then verbally veer off the road and crash into a tree
I hope Kamala kills him. I’m obsessed with the way she keeps laughing at him. KILL HIM.
“She’s a marxist” this is the only time in my life I wish trump was right I fucking wish Kamala Harris was that cool.
[on abortion] “When the baby is born they will decide what to do with the baby and they will EXECUTE the baby” i don’t even have a quip to add the quote speaks for itself
Live Kamala Reaction your opponent just said Tim Walz wants to “Execute Babies”
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The MODERATOR being like “there is no state where it’s legal to kill a baby after it’s born” is KILLING ME
Harris does sound legitimately incensed about abortion rights which is a massive W for her, I fully believe she would crack down on restrictions to women’s healthcare
Harris “I invite you to attend one of trump’s rallies and what you’ll hear is him talking about fictional characters like Hannibal Lector, how windmills cause cancer, and you’ll see people leaving early out of exhaustion and boredom” YES. BLOOD. BLOOD.
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Shown: watching Trump take the bait hook line and sinker
My mom sent me memes so I knew about this beforehand but
*further trixie bird noises*
[Harris] “This is why I have the endorsement of former Vice President Dick Cheney” that’s NOT A GOOD THINGGGGG I don’t know if it’s like trying to be bipartisan but girl this is NOT the way
I need them to stop turning on Trumps microphone. Just leave it off
“Strength as a leader is not about beating people down it’s about lifting people up” Bold words from a woman who is actively delighting in mocking her opponent, to be clear I think it is an objectively good thing, I simply think this is a hilarious thing to say ten minutes post Live Kamala Reaction
Most of what trump says is just bloviating nonsense but I am noticing that Kamala Harris is very good at making her words sound nice while not actually saying much of substance. This is not a specific indictment against her because it’s a very Politician thing, but she isn’t actually saying much here.
[moderator] So do you acknowledge now that you lost the 2020 election
[trump] No it was obviously sarcasm
[moderator] I did watch all of the videos where you said that and I didn’t detect the sarcasm.
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Trump, on Biden: I’ll let you in on a little secret, [Biden] hates her *pointing to Harris*
Okay so Harris is a proponent of a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine and is opposed to civilian mass-murder. I don’t even know how to begin to touch that with a ten foot pole and the whole situation feels so confusing to me in general. Overall she seems Anti-Civilians-Being-Slaughtered in the name of self-defense but then in the same breath assures that Israel needs support to defend itself from Iran so. Wow sounds like a whole mess of colonization practices that have deliberately destabilized a region that can’t easily be nuanced in a single answer
[Trump] “If she becomes President Israel won’t exist within two years” God I wish Harris was half as cool as he makes her out to be.
Kamala Harris PUTIN WOULD EAT TRUMP FOR LUNCH put that on a check and take it to the bank I love national television
I love Harris essentially dishing the hot goss on Trump negotiating with the Taliban. Is this the platform to do it? No. But this is practically kayfabe at this point anyway. Do I even care
What a shitshow. Harris has zero high horse here, she refused to answer basic questions about position in an attempt to remain bipartisan, Trump endlessly blathered about nonsense. Kamala Harris won the debate, but to be frank, trump could lose to a mildly literate dog.
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fnord888 · 2 years
The United States, the Republic of France, and 15 other Nations have acceded to the Hague Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters...This Convention — sometimes referred to as the "Hague Convention"
Yep, that’s definitely what I think of when I hear the “Hague Convention”.
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jorvikzelda · 1 year
Also, I think one really weird part of SSO marketing themselves as a "girls' game" and sticking to that really really hard is their rock hard refusal to let the player character be a boy.
TL;DR because this got long: It is not progressive to, in a game about horse riding (a very stereotypically girly hobby), exclude boys.
(Spoilers for Saving Concorde and the Light Ride, but only in the first paragraph.)
We all know SSO's decision to only allow for girl player characters isn't about being Aideen reborn or the game being about sisterhood or only women being Soul Riders. Had that been the only problem, it would've been solved the second Rhiannon explained how Concorde could've been reborn as a mare - I quote, "A soul is not defined by the gender it's born into".
I absolutely do not mean to through this post make it seem like boys' inclusion in SSO is a priority over gender equality in gaming, and obviously I understand that women and girls have historically been excluded from gaming and have not had games catered to them. However, a) (as other people have pointed out) that isn't even NEARLY as much the case today as it was 10-15 years ago. b) I would honestly argue that not allowing the player character to be any other gender than a girl in SSO furthers that inequality. Also, this post doesn't even really touch on the full consequences of not having truly diverse body shape options and some variety of pronoun customization in a game that's "for girls", but in short: if you exclude all non-girls, you also cannot include all girls.
I've seen the (mostly community, to be fair) argument that "boy characters would lead to more problems with romancing", and that's bullshit. People already do that. Start reporting the daily weddings happening in Silverglade if you're seriously concerned about that.
I've seen SSO's argument that "in many games, girls are forced to play as boys", and I would really buy that argument if this was a single-player game with a premade player character, but do you know what games never ever do that except for SSO? Massive-multiplayer online games. That's right: that thing SSO is (or at least calls itself, but that's a topic for another post).
I've seen SSO's argument that boys can play Star Stable, they can play with the girl avatar just fine, but do you know which demographic of children interested in horses isn't going to look at SSO's website and go, "oh, that's all right, I'll play as a girl and it'll be fine and fun!"? That's right: preteen boys.
That's where we get to the next part of this conundrum: there are horses involved. Yeah, you know, that hobby that boys have never been shamed or bullied for partaking in! /sarcasm, obviously. If a boy is interested enough in horses to want to play a video game centered around them, it is more than likely he's been mocked and more than likely that mocking included insults aimed at his perceived femininity for partaking in equestrian sport and/or insulting him for enjoying a "girly" hobby. No 12 year old boy, especially not if he is being bullied a little bit, is going to look at SSO's character creation screen and go, "Oh, what a great feminist initiative! I feel just fine and dandy leaning into the perceived traits that I am being mocked for".
Horse riding is not traditionally seen as a "boys' hobby", and SSE is only furthering that perspective by actively choosing time and time again to not allow SSO's player characters to have physically masculine attributes or for SSO's players to choose their pronouns in game.
It's weird. I don't understand why they're doing it.
Part of me earnestly suspects it's a coding limitation: if SSE wanted to properly include non-girls in SSO, they would have to work for an amount of time ranging from many months to several years to change the way quest text and pronouns work.
I never truly expected them to care about true inclusivity enough to do that. I shouldn't be disappointed. It's easier to keep up the image of this being a grand feminist mission than to say, we would like to do this but our code is flawed and it would take so long and it's just. not. important. enough.
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batmanego · 6 months
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i was going to make a point about how zionists make sweeping claims and assumptions with very little research to back it up but i actually think a better point that im more equipped to make is that zionists seem to hold the idea of morality above actual morality. the idea behind why someone is doing something as opposed to why they may actually be doing it and the consequences that has. personally i am less interested in the question of "was the US on the right side of the vietnam war" than i am the question of "what were the material outcomes of the vietnam war". which were, like. mass death and irreparable damage. i don't think we should give commendations to an entity for "trying to do the right thing" when that attempt ultimately resulted in massive swathes of violence across a civilian population in a war that american leadership knew was incredibly unlikely to be won thereby making it carnage for carnage's sake and little more. which i mean you can see that ideology in zionist rhetoric. israel is "doing the right thing" by "defending itself from attackers" (heavy quotes and sarcasm there), consequences be, if not damned, then excused after the fact as an inevitable tragedy
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probablyahazard · 1 year
Tagged by @nuclear-cowboy my beloved to do 15 questions, 15 mutuals so here we go
Were you named after anyone? My first name is stolen from a dnd character and a podcast character. My middle name is veeeery technically from a kpop idol? (its an english name tho, latin origin) a friend called me by his name as a joke once. I proceeded to ignore the massive amount of gender euphoria it gave me for like a year in a half. But the name means lucky so I was like 'ha yeah I'll keep it'
When was the last time cried? Idk dude like 24 hours ago? will probably cry later tho. I cry a lot.
Do you have kids? Ha, fuck no. I'm a baby. Also for other......reasons.
Do you use sarcasm alot? Yes? I think? Enough that people used to comment on how sarcastic I was?
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Is it cheating if I just say vibes? idk if i had to hazard (ha) a guess I'd say like either the way they carry themselves or how much they speak.
What’s your eye colour? Brown but like deep brown almost black looking brown type shit.
Any special talents? I'm one of those bitches who's just super good at memorizing quotes. is it practically useful? no. But it's fun. I memorize whole movies for funsies.
Scary movies or happy endings? Both? It depends on my mood? As a kid i was very into scary movies but as I get older and the world happens I appreciate happy endings more which.....ahhh.... ya know?
Where were you born? Aotearoa
What are your hobbies? Reading (so much fucking reading), drawing, writing, dnd and dming (tho that actually happens once in a blue moon), imagining little scenarios. idk dude existing
Do you have any pets? Not currently, I used to have a cat.
What sports do you play/have played? I did fencing for like 5 years, that was my main thing. Idk not really a sports person. as a kid I did miniball, touch rugby, and gym but not of those ever stuck. I always wanted to play football (soccer not the other one) but eh.
How tall are you? short.... (*whispers* like 5'1)
Favourite subject in school? Classics my beloved <3333 also drama and english. and like in theory I liked the content for my art history class but I hated the way we were taught so
Dream job? I do not dream of labor. also I have a lot of fears about not being able to hold a full time job without destroying myself for...Reasons. But like hypothetically I'd love to be a classicist or a graphic designer. or an actor but like ahhhh no.
Tagging the mutuals, sorry. This is probably not like 15 and obviously you don’t have to do this, it’s chill if you just ignore this. anyways, ur all really cool and I hope ur having a good day <3
@ghostgrrll @badfaithbanana @raemae-15 @nightlynymph @watermelon-converse @coffeeshopghost @future-banned-book-recipient @confused-wizard @angelic-flower-universe @merriweather-underground
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rainbowbarnacle · 2 years
For the ask meme: Emet-Selch
The love meme: put something in my inbox (an activity, a fictional character, a food, a time of day, anything you can think of) and i’ll tell you something i love about it
Aaalrighty, for those of you who don't know, this is Emet-Selch:
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He's one of the main baddies for the Shadowbringers expansion.
To sum up: There was once a wonderful world where Ascians lived in peace, experimenting with creation magic and being philosophical, and then tragedy struck and that planet was sundered into fourteen reflections of itself.
When that happened, everybody with the exception of three Ascians (Emet-Selch being one of them) was also sundered into fourteen reflections, including you. What Ascians want to do is combine the reflection planets into one big planet again, so they can have their home back.
Unfortunately, in order to do this, Ascians have to induce a rejoining on each of the reflection planets, which not only destroys that planet but also creates a calamity event on the Source planet, (which is where you're from) and since there's people (sundered people, but people) living on all of these planets, it's not exactly great for them, but the Ascians have decided they don't care: you have to crack a few eggs to make a utopia, after all.
Emet-Selch has been trying to do this for a good few eons now, and he's a little bit tired. Right now, he'd rather see what you'll do next. Maybe there's a way that his goals and your goals can coincide.
Also remember when I mentioned up there that you got sundered? It turns out the unsundered version of you is someone he knew and deeply misses. His way of dealing with this is to follow you around on your quests, being profoundly unhelpful and making snarky remarks and wistfully wishing that you'd remember your unsundered existence, because he sure does.
Incidentally, that's also what the fic series I've been working on is about: he's trying to make you remember, and it's actually sort of working.
So, all caught up? GOOD, now:
What do I like so much about Emet-Selch. There's lots of things, he's amazing fun to write! But if I were to pick one, it's that he's a bitter old drama queen who loves theater. The devs even threw in a Lauren Bacall quote for him, which implies that he sits around in his pajamas watching old black-and-white movies when he's not trying to bring about the end of several worlds.
His personality is very Theater-y, fluctuating between glorious, gleeful biting sarcasm, childish displays of prickly peevishness, and occasional moments of soppy fondness. He emotes and gestures and postures all over the place like he's performing something. This is a man who is incapable of being embarrassed. He simply does not care. He has done everything, he has seen everything, he is bitter as 90% cacao chocolate about it, and now he's going to monologue to you about your old life that you don't remember because he's feeling maudlin.
People tend to compare him to Cruella Deville a lot, because they have a similar shamelessly evil, vain, selfish energy, and also they look alike, what with the hair and the big coat and flamboyant mannerisms:
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But what fandom might not know is that Cruella Deville was a caricature of my favorite silver screen era hollywood trainwreck: TALLULAH BANKHEAD! :D
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There is a beautiful correlation between Emet-Selch's justification of his actions later in the game and Tallulah declaring "DON'T THINK THIS HAS TAUGHT ME A LESSON!!!" as she strolled out of the hospital after receiving an emergency hysterectomy due to gonorrhea.
Anywho, this post got long didn't it? X)
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blood-falling · 2 years
❝ When I said deadly neurotoxin, the ‘deadly’ was in massive sarcasm quotes. @murderinthemaking
Pitch is not impressed, to say the least. They never enjoy mortal attempts on their life. Too much improvising. Play dead, or explain living. This time is hardly different.
"And... Why am I hear again?" they sigh impatiently, cracking their neck.
At least they look human this time. And they consider it very polite to remain restrained, when it is ultimately meaningless.
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