#//please feed spinda more asks
spinda-draws · 1 year
Do you have voice-related heacanons?
Er… I’m not sure how to answer since everyone on the show already has a voice but I’ll give it a shot and you can tell me if you meant something else.
Originally sounded like Ada Lovelace since it was the first voice she ever heard, but has since collected more voices and created one of her own.
Has a trans-Atlantic accent like old American movie stars. 
A lot of weird stuff happens when she has the virus. She has a huge bank of voices inside her and sometimes she’ll accidentally open their files when she tries to speak and sounds completely different. When her language servers completely break she’ll just make the most horrendous 90s computer sound effects in protest.
When she’s bored and everyone forgets to put her in sleep mode she’ll just sing oldies from the early 20th century and keep everyone up. 
Has a proper British accent (the canon accent sounds fake but we’ll pretend it doesn’t).
Doesn’t mind Motherboard’s singing and will let her sing all night. Sometimes sings with her while falling asleep.
If this show had more room for celebrity actors, I would ask to consider Douglas Chamberlain (who is also Canadian btw). His performance as "a Modern Major-General" is the best out of all the versions I've seen.
Was created with a voice that had a trans-Atlantic accent. Eventually intentionally dropped this in favor of a more flexible way of speaking with colloquial terms.
Has a kind of wheezy evil laugh like a dolphin but his genuine laugh is much lighter and giddy. He subconsciously puts a hand near his mouth when he does this to block it out. 
Always goes an octave deeper when trying to sing because he’s imitating Elvis. 
Judge Trudy finds his mock western drawl offense but he doesn’t care.
Can’t stand Motherboard’s singing and wants to die at night. Why won't anyone turn her off?!
Loves singing with Motherboard. Really everyone does except Hacker.
Learned to imitate action movie stars to entertain Hacker. Hacker's favorites were Clint Eastwood, John Wayne and Harrison Ford. Also sometimes did Christopher Walken as a curve ball.
Motherboard sometimes asks him to do Humphrey Bogart.
The Wiz sounds like an evil Gopher from Winnie the Pooh (this clip made me realize that Owl would also be a great Dr. Marbles).
Isosceles Jones sounds like Rik Mayall on Blackadder (video is kind of inappropriate, lol).
The Conductor sounds like... the best I can come up with right now is Alastor from Hazbin Hotel, but that's honestly just because of the radio filter over his voice. Not sure how I picture the voice itself yet.
Rory is John Wayne.
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felswritingfire · 3 years
April Brain Rot #7
10. Caught
3. Surprise Hug
(Pokémon AU) Kalim Al Asim x Reader
Summery: It's almost time for your's and Kalim's one year anniversary and you're determined to get him that water type Pokémon he's been wanting for his team. Though, plans do change once in a while- even if they're in the form of saving a baby Oshawott from some crazy rapids.
TW: Fast moving water (?)
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Word count: 1,375
A note from Fel: FUCKING- OK- THIS WAS ONE OF MY FAVORITES HANDS D O W N. KALIM IS BABY AND I'D KILL FOR JAMIL'S ARBOK- Please, I love Pokémon AUs so much oml Also my gf liked this story a lot so like- *AGGRESSIVE FIST PUMP* ANYWAY! Enjoy!
You had been searching for hours, the tall grass having slapped you in the face one too many times and your pokemon becoming tired from the amount of stubborn pokémon who had jumped out at you. You were hoping that you’d be able to find the perfect pokemon for Kalim- he had been chattering to you about getting a water type pokémon to add to his team, but so far he had no luck. So, with that thought in mind and the looming day of your first anniversary of dating him, you gathered up your wits and continued to push, feeding Sauce, your partner Appletun (Kalim had given him to you as an Applin when he had confessed to you), an Oran Berry as you trudged on. He trilled and rubbed his head against your cheek, resting in your arms.
“We’ll go a little further and then we’ll call it a day- ok, bud?” You laugh as he answers with a happy cry.
The stream you’re following flows in a strong current: branches and leaves rushing down the flow of water. You really hoped a Buizel would come appearing- it would be a good match for Kalim’s performances. At least you think. You’ve never been one to participate in performances, your dream being a famous battle trainer from a young age. It wasn’t until Kalim waltzed into your life that you began to really pay attention to the contests. He always had a way of making a contest something even grander than it already was-
A sharp cry pulls you from your musings and you look to the rushing river to see a small white head bobbing along in the water: an Oshawott.
You frantically look around while you begin running and reach into the pouch that rests on the side of your hip for your Golduck, Delta. You feel the three lines that you etched into her pokéball and throw it; she comes out with a cry, already running alongside you on all fours. “Delta! We have to save the baby!” You point to the crying Oshawott that keeps going beneath the waves. Delta nodded and dove into the water, her strong body cutting through the water easily.
You continue to run, jumping over rocks and pushing tall grass out of your way. You catch sight of a giant log acting as a bridge to the other bank of the stream up ahead and you dart towards it. You set down Sauce before you climb it, it lets out a strained groan as you make your way across it. You wave to Delta, the little Oshawott on her back. She coos at you and brings herself to a stop in the water despite the speed and strength of the current. She takes the baby otter pokémon off of her back and holds them up towards you in her palms. You reach your hands down and loop them around the baby, cradling it towards your chest as you pull out her pokéball and call her back.
The log cracks and begins to give way as you rush back to Sauce, his tiny cry of relief as you hop off the collapsing log. You look at it with wide eyes and back to the Appletun and let out a strained laugh. “That was close, huh?”
He gives you a disgruntled whine.
“Sorry, sorry, bad joke.” You say, looking down at the baby who shivers in your arms, his big, watery eyes staring up at you. “You ok little guy?” You run your finger over the top of his head and he coos and lean into your touch.
You smile, a sudden idea hitting you. “Hey, would you like to meet someone? When we get you cleaned up that is.”
They tilt their head, before he nuzzles into your chest.
You share a look with Sauce before nodding. “I guess that’s a yes.”
Kalim had been waiting for you in the hotel you had rented, Jamil sitting in the corner petting his Arbok while he read one of the books you had recommended to him. “Do you think they’ll be back soon?” Kalim suddenly asked.
Jamil glances at him before shrugging. “I’m sure they’re fine.”
“I know but I miss them so much.”
“They’ve been gone for a little over an hour. Have patience, Kalim.”
The prince groans, squeezing his Spinda close to him. She chirps and pressed his face with her soft paws, pressing his cheeks together until his lips are puckered and he laughs. “I’m fine, Dizzy! I just miss my love is all.”
Kalim doesn’t notice the silent gag that Jamil does, hugging his Arbok when he catches him making the same face.
The door opens and you’re standing there with dirt on your cheeks and thin scratches littering your exposed skin. “I’m back!”
“(Y/N)!” Kalim cheers, placing Dizzy down and racing towards you.
“Hello, do you need any…” Jamil trails off seeing the towel swaddled… something in your arms (along with the plastic bag holding books). He catches Kalim by the back of the shirt, stopping him.
Kalim goes to ask him what’s wrong when he notices the towel as well. “What’s in it?” He asks.
“Well-” You let out a laugh as the Spinda hugs your leg, looking up at you with a bright smile and swirling eyes. You lean down, pushing the blanket into the crook of one arm, to pat her head before Sauce comes up and nuzzles up to her and she brings him into a hug. “He’s your early anniversary present.”
“He?” Kalim’s eyes begin to sparkle like rubies and Jamil steps closer to look as you tilt the towel towards them.
In the towel lays the baby Oshawott, light snores leaving him as his chest rises up and down. He digs further into the soft fabric, an unconscious sigh leaving him. It takes everything in Kalim not to squeal in delight at the sleeping baby. His hands itching to spoil him. “Where did you find him? He’s just as cute as when Tanzanite was a baby!”
Jamil scoffs. “No one’s as cute as Tanzanite-” he rubs the head of the Arbok who sniffs at the baby before nuzzling his head against the soft fur of the Oshawott’s head- “but he is a close second.”
Tanzanite releases a happy hiss.
“I found him when I was looking for a Floatzel for you.” You say, moving to place the plastic bag on the floor. “Me and Sauce heard him cry and saw him getting washed down the stream, so I sent out Delta to go get him. And, well, I couldn’t just leave the little guy. Also I couldn’t see a mama or anything while I was walking back, he was all alone.” You smile down at the baby as he stretches in your arms, slowly waking up to look at the faces peering at him. He sniffs at the Arbok who hovers in front of him, closing his hood slightly to make himself seem smaller (Jamil hoped the baby wouldn’t start crying, Tanzi always looked so sad when it happened and would hide in the back of the room to not upset them any more). Much to everyone’s delight, the baby cooed and patted his snout with his tiny paw, Tanzi hisses in delight and pressed closer to the happy otter. “I think he’ll be a good match, don’t you, Kali?”
Kalim nodded, jumping on the balls of his feet. “He’s perfect! I love him already!” He holds out his hand to the baby who immediately beams at him. You hand the baby over to Kalim who cradles him to his chest and presses a smooch onto his fuzzy head. He lets out a happy screech, patting at the prince’s chin. Kalim pulls you into a sudden hug with his other arm (that has you letting out a small yelp), the baby being squeezed between the two of you and he lets out happy clicks and snuggles against both of your bodies. “I love you!” Kalim says before he presses a kiss to your lips.
Jamil and Tanzi gag at the display. The trainer high fives Dizzy who copies them and Sauce shakes his head at the three.
<The Next Chosen Character>
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Thank you for reading!
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