#//sorry i kinda just drabbled an idea i had >w<
bruinescence · 11 months
do whatever you need to do ,  hurry .
He could see why one might take the lapse in action as hesitance on his part, especially after the golden flash of light that so often foretold of a coming transformation settled heavy in the wood elf's guarded gaze. Only this time, instead of the transitional phase of gnarled limbs and the cracking and resetting of bone structure- only subtle as it was brief, Halsin remained rooted to the spot he'd taken up in one of the four doorways leading from the temple corridor to one of what he could only assume was of many inner sanctums. Four entry points on roughly the same plane with no discernable exit point from behind seemed a rather odd choice as far as architecture went, though it was not his place to ponder on the meanings behind ancient, Sharran dwellings. Granted, he wouldn't have the means to ponder on the idea much longer even if it would have settled in like the dust about the place after they'd made a hasty retreat into the odd nook once the then floor (now ceiling) had crumbled beneath their feet.
Well...'their' as in both he and the unfortunate tail-end of their line of explorers, and 'unfortunate' if only because the front of the brigade had possession of the moon-lantern whose light did not seem to want to follow the two that the earth had swallowed. The shadows would not complain about that. "Quickly-our backs to the enclosure!" He had not delayed a moment in stirring upon impact even while still finding his footing in the rubble of the lower floor, knowing too well how quickly the shadows of the curse could take hold like roots pushed up from the ground and eager to snag any attempt at retreat. From what he recalled upon their plunge into the shadow-cursed lands thus far, it was Shadowheart who seemed thoroughly unbothered by the dark hunger within the curse most, and yet for all of her grace, it would not serve to shelter the storm of the shadows that wished for his blood to finally join those he had failed to bring home some odd century ago. "-I must shut them out before they take hold-" The others would find them, to that he had little doubt...but there simply was no time to wait on a rescue mission lest he be torn to shreds from darkness that would seep into veins and then painfully razor outwards.
Once within the enclave of many doors, he briefly focused on her command that stood out amongst the emptiness he'd welcomed to invite full concentration to the matter at hand. There was a temporary way to protect himself from the curse outside of the light...the same manner in which his misguided successor had sought to shield the grove in her delusions, though on a less permanent scale thanks to him being the only druid in the room. Doing so alone and with no guarantee of rescue would be a death sentence. A steady exhale and a twitch of shoulders was about the only response he could muster to the cleric as his eyes continued to glow golden in the dark like the many flashing gazes of nocturnal beasts. The ground rumbled questionably, but he remained rooted to the spot as the magic within his chest swelled with each concentrated effort. Think of nothing...be nothing - nothing but a way of closing this space off from the world. Hide it from everything and hide within it. The druid's thoughts pulsed as mindless as a heartbeat that from one final, throbbing pulse- emerged a great row of thorns and vines erupting from the cracks in the floor about his feet and spreading into a wall that spanned all four doors.
"Spinae rituale-"
Though, unlike a regular wall of thorns, this particular wall kept spreading wider and thickening to fill each door frame twice over and more with vines as thick as the Archdruid's arms. Together, they wound round each other in intricate knots that sought to choke out every bit of air and space and hints of light between them. There was no stepping back from the spreading Oaken Father's embrace either seeing as its source of evocation had already sealed his feet to the floor with the first layer of vines. Though, when the stake like thorns began to erupt about to help solidify the room's defenses, Halsin did not move even when sharp edges speared at him and ripped parts of his druid gear with wooden daggers. The portions of flesh revealed along with the journey from his neck to his jawline were of a stiff, oakish gray bark that only further helped stabilize him in the midst of the thorn rite.
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By the time the burning, black flames of the curse had begun nibbling away at the outside of the barricade of thorns, Halsin was already fully integrated into the living wall, though the glow in his gaze dulled ever so slightly as he stared ahead at some fixated point beyond the gleam of her armor. Until the others came with the lantern, he could hold steady against the curse eating through to him as an apple core did against an inchworm. Perhaps the rite would outlast a short rest or even two.
The vines continued to squeeze tight and wrench against themselves to the creaking and grinding whisper of a thought grown over and sealed in a thicket's shadows: 'who am I in your temple?'
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phyrestartr · 6 months
Icarus, I Am Devoted | Sukuna x M!Reader
Main Fic W/C: 5.9k Bonus Drabbles W/C: 1.6k
[#Modern AU, ABO dynamics, bottom!reader, top!sukuna, Mob Boss!Sukuna, Alpha!Sukuna, Street Doctor!Reader, Omega!Reader, toxic relationships, age gap, sukuna is mid 30s, yuuji gang and reader are mid 20s, sukuna and yuuji are brothers, sukuna has FEELINGS, but he is BAD AT FEELINGS, nsfw, fluff, hurt/comfort, I KINDA EDITED BUT I JUST WANT THIS TO BE YEETED INTO THE OPEN OK BYE SORRY IF PARTS ARE CLUNKY]
@better-imagination-9 I summon thee
Sukuna didn't like Yuuji getting caught up in his business. 
He was too brash, thought himself too badass for the world to take down, thought gang life wasn't as bad as it was made out to be, just because his older brother was involved. Sukuna didn't know where the fuck he got that idea–the tattooed menace had killed people, stolen money, sold shit that ruined lives. It was fun for him, sure, but not so much for bystanders. 
“You're an idiot,” Sukuna growled as he dragged his brother into his office and threw him at the chaise lounge while they waited for their doctor on demand. 
“H-hey, come on, man! It's, uh, it's not even that bad–” Yuuji grimaced, though, holding at the wound gushing blood from his arm. “You've had worse!”
Sukuna laughed bitterly as his henchmen flooded the room and made necessary preparations for their aid's arrival. “You and I are fucking built different, Yuuji--you’re too damn soft for–”
“I'm not,” Yuuji snapped, honeyed eyes blazing. “I'm not.” 
Sukuna laughed again, then ripped his plush, leather chair across the room, sending it hurtling into the expensive ebony walls he encased his place of business in. He roared in overwhelming fury as it clattered to the floor. 
“How hard is it for you to listen? How come you can never just fucking–” 
“Yelling won't solve things,” your cool voice interrupted as you hurried into the room, medical bag in hand. “I thought you learned that by now.” 
Sukuna whirled on his heel. His hands were still fisted in his hair and his blood boiled, but now, there existed an explosive tension with you in the room. 
You, his pretty little omega. The one he chased away. The one he still craved. The one that drove him insane. 
“Uraume,” Sukuna growled, crimson eyes locking onto his most devoted. 
“My apologies,” they said with a pensive look and deep bow, “he was the only one willing to come.” 
“So mind your manners, or I'll let your brother bleed out,” you said airily, so haughty and bitchy and annoying. But Sukuna knew you wouldn't let Yuuji die. You wouldn't let him suffer with a wound like that–you were too fond of the little brat. 
Sukuna snarled in frustration and fixed his jacket with sharp tugs. “Just fix him.”
He stalked away, ignoring the way Yuuji yelled at him before preening at you as you tended to him. Sukuna knew his brother had a bit of a thing for you, his bitch, which caused more than a handful of problems with the two arguing and fighting for your affections. Naturally, you chose Sukuna. Of course you would.
The alpha's frustrations boiled, reducing the rage in his gut into simmering desire. He leaned his head back against the elevator mirror with a sigh as it shot up toward the penthouse--the one you, too, used to occupy. The one where you'd spread your legs for him, drowning in expensive, black silk sheets while he bred you like the good little thing you were. The one where you'd cook for him if (when) you woke up before him the morning after. The one where you first whispered I love you against his skin when you thought he was asleep.
The elevator doors dinged open, and he stormed out, eager to rid himself of the tightness pulling at his slacks. A cigar and a drink sounded good, too. 
He knew it was you. It had to be you. You were a good person, willing to let Uraume rest while you gave your ex the update he needed about his brother. After all, you didn't fear him, nor did you yearn to please him. You were more than capable of delivering shit news and getting off scotch free. 
“So?” Sukuna took a deep puff from his cigar and leaned further into the balcony railing as you approached. 
You hummed as you sidled up next to him, tucking some of your hair behind your ear as the breeze tugged at it. “He'll be fine. Yuuji's tough. He's a bit shaken up now that the adrenaline’s worn off, though.” 
“Maybe that'll teach that idiot not to get shot.” 
“Probably not.” 
“Probably not,” Sukuna sighed, tapping off a dash of ash from the butt of his cigar just before it was plucked from his hands. “Oi.” 
“These things'll kill you,” you scolded airily. “So will that.” You tried reaching for the crystalline glass of amber, too, when Sukuna scoffed and took a sip to spite you. 
“Don't,” he snarled. Any normal omega would have backed away. Any normal omega would have keened. Any normal omega would have tried to please him up with a sweet scent of submission. But you were a different breed entirely. 
“Don't growl at me–” you gaped as Sukuna downed the expensive liquor before whipping the glass at the skyline. “Sukuna.”
He stalked back into his penthouse with heavy steps as he ran his hands through his hair. He had to busy his fingers, his palms, just so he wasn't tempted to touch you, to grab you like he was used to. It'd been years since you were properly together–properly engaged in fact–but he still couldn't shake those infuriating fucking habits. You were a cancer in his mind, plaguing his body and thoughts. 
But he didn't want you to leave. Maybe he liked the chase. Maybe he just liked how his entire, explosive world narrowed down to just one infuriating thing that he wanted so badly. He didn't know. Maybe he didn't need to know. 
Sukuna poured himself another drink and collapsed onto his soft leather couch with a deep sigh. His arms draped along the back, one hand still holding the glass by the rim. He let his head fall back, and stared at the ceiling. 
Thankfully, you wandered in. And you wandered toward him, not to the door like you usually did when his temper flared and he acted out. Something small and pathetic in him uncoiled and settled down, purring in content when you took a seat beside him. 
“What's going on?” you asked quietly. Your fingertips singed sparks of pleasure against his skin where you touched: his cheekbones, his hairline, his furrowed brow.
He lolled his head to the side to look at you, his stupid pretty boy. “Nothing.” Not even Sukuna believed that.
You brushed his hair back, and the stupid alpha in him rose to the surface and moaned. “Yuuji’s not behaving?” Your warm palm cupped his cheek, and he leaned into it. 
“That little shit never behaves,” he mumbled through the vibrato of purrs rumbling from his chest. “Gonna make me die young.” 
“Hm. Is that why you haven't slept?” 
“I'm sleeping.”
“How much?”
“I said–” 
“You and I have different definitions of ‘enough,’” you chided lightly, like you were scolding one of your cats. “You look tired.” 
“Maybe it's because my mate scampered off in the middle of the night.” 
“Don't blame this on me.” 
“Why not?” Wine-red eyes glowered at you, deciding whether he should dominate or decimate you. “It's your fault.” 
You recoiled the slightest bit, your top lip twitching in that oh-so familiar way it did whenever you were close to snarling and snapping at him. You had such a temper for such a calm thing. Sukuna would be lying if he said he didn't try to rile you up on purpose. 
“Ho? What,” he started, grinning wickedly when you made a move to get up, but his arms snaked around you and held like wrought iron. “Feelin’ guilty?” 
“No,” you hissed, half-pissed by his drink spilling on you, half-pissed by his accusation. “Let go. I'm leaving.” 
“Leaving?” He crooned. “You always get so pissy when I don't wanna talk, ‘n now that I'm in the mood, you're tryna leave? Come on, sweetheart, that's not fair.” 
“I don't feel like fucking fighting tonight,” you snapped, and Sukuna stayed quiet for a change. “Yuuji got shot. You look like shit. And we--I haven't–” you took a deep breath. “Can't we just be civil for a night? Can't we just talk about–”
“About what?”
“About whatever.” 
“Alright. Okay.” 
Somewhere behind the haze of alcohol, Sukuna's consciousness celebrated–this could be his shot at starting to fix things. This was his moment to rebuild that lost relationship and maybe clean up a space in his life for you to sit safely in. Your expectant expression agreed with him. You looked quite cute, what with your big eyes and the way you leaned into him. But instead–
“Was it a boy or a girl?” Sukuna asked before taking a sip of whatever remained in his glass. 
You blinked and shook your head, eyes narrowing the slightest as you looked over his face. “What?” You asked. 
Sukuna snorted and turned to face you, one arm gesturing with his scotch glass while the other arm stayed slung across the back of the couch. “I said,” he started, gesturing to your stomach and chuckling through his low, bassy words, “boy or girl? If it was a girl, then maybe the world did you a favour. You know how it is for women in this day and age.” 
You stared blankly like you were shellshocked, and Sukuna bubbled with near-manic, reedy laughter until you got up and walked to the door. 
“Oi, where the hell are you going, huh?” He got up and followed you, hastening his steps when he saw you b-line for the door. “Omega.” He grabbed your wrist and pulled you back, purring into your ear as he pressed his chest to your back. “Come on, we can make another one. You'd like that, huh?” 
“Get off,” you barked, ripping his arms away from you. But he grabbed you again and spun you back to face him. You shoved him back, your mind whirling in a chaotic waltz drenched with grey thoughts and crimson rain that almost drowned out the words he barked at you until–
He hit you. Backhanded, fingers adorned with thick, bulky rings and knuckles that'd seen too many fights. A natural disaster contained in the vessel of a mortal man–sometimes, he didn't know his own capabilities.
“Shit,” Sukuna mumbled, scrambling to set down his glass to, what, tend to you? Rewind time? Sure. “Babe–” 
But you, too, were a natural disaster. The tsunami that came after an earthquake, raising tides high and staring down at split earth with a taunt: you think you're bad? Watch this.
You snatched up that bottle of fancy scotch and hit a home run, watching Sukuna collapse to the floor.
Sukuna woke up with a concussion, his wallet missing, and one of his favourite cars torched. 
It got him riled up. He was too ready to hunt you down and make you rectify your mistakes–that is, until he remembered why you did what you did. 
Boy or girl?
Maybe the world did you a favour.
Fuck. He flew way too close to the sun this time.
He watched you stack up expenses on his card instead of hunting you. Your little rage-filled crime spree was kind of funny anyway, and he couldn’t help but hope it made you feel at least a little better. 
Though he knew it could never. Nothing could make it better. 
“You should quit messing around with him,” Ieiri said as she tended to the half-dead gangster laying on her operating table. “He's bad news. A kid like you shouldn’t be getting involved.” 
The one little, wiggly lucid part of Sukuna wanted to strangle Ieiri; you were young, sure, but not stupid. Sukuna wouldn't go so far as to say you were mature for your age, no, but you'd been beaten down by life and forced into the role of an adult for long enough that it'd changed your way of thinking, of perceiving the world. You could make your own choices–just as long as it involved him. 
“You're not the first person to tell me that,” you said softly, words rising with a small, warm chuckle. “Good guys try way too hard to put on a show, to hide how garbage they can be.” You squeezed Sukuna's hand and ran your thumb over his split knuckles. “Guys like him show you who they really are right away. Then, you get to figure out what his good side is like.” 
You were there again. In the elevator, looking a little pensive beyond your cool exterior. 
Sukuna took a drag from his cigarette as he stepped in beside you. The button for his penthouse leered at him and whispered, “you have time.” 
All he had to do was think of what to say. The right course of action was obvious, but–well, was it really his fault? He couldn't accept that 100%. You clocked him upside the head with a fucking glass bottle and stole his– 
“Those things'll kill you.” Your fingers snatched the smoke from his lips before he realized it. He caught you butting it out on the fancy gold railings. 
“I like things that can kill me,” he hummed, lighting another cigarette and chuckling when you snatched that one too. “What, scared of a little competition?” 
Oh. Sukuna liked that.
“I, uh,” you started, fumbling with your pockets before handing something over. “Found this.” 
Sukuna glanced your way finally. He couldn't help but laugh as he plucked the wallet from your hands. 
“Found it, huh?” 
“Such a benevolent, pious thing. I would've kept it.” 
“Yeah, well. You're a dick. ‘Course you would.” 
“Where'd you find it?” 
“My pocket.” 
“No shit.” 
“Yeah. Weird.” 
The elevator doors dinged open, revealing the empty hall leading to the penthouse. He glanced down at the door before looking back down at you. 
“Have a drink with me.”
Your expression soured. 
Sukuna threw his arm against the doors to keep them open. “Coffee?” 
Your brows lifted, the creases smoothing from your face. “Coffee.” 
Sukuna's alpha bloomed with pleased content. He sidled up next to you and rested his broad hand on the small of your back, leading you down the hall. 
“With a bit of Baileys.”
“No Baileys.”
He let you try to sooth his stress while you waited for your favourite, poor-person coffee to brew. 
You straddled his thick thighs as you kissed at his neck. Your hands roamed and threaded through his gelled hair, your blunt nails dragged along his scalp, coaxing rumbling purrs out of your alpha.
“Shit,” he moaned, leaning back into your hands, digging his head into your digits and grumbling like an old dog. You hummed in sympathy, and gave him harsher scritches, making his knee bounce in double time like a dog getting the spot scratched.
You weren’t done, though. You licked at his neck’s scent gland and coaxed more of his natural musk to the surface to mix with yours–a classic way to get one’s partner to calm down. You were methodical as fuck about it, too, knowing how Sukuna’s stress abruptly blocked any good scents in favour of excreting foul, angry odors into the air when he was pissed. Or, sometimes, he’d shut down completely, the only scent coming from what clung to his skin and clothes. 
And so, he needed a little more TLC to get things flowing again, to make his body disarm and let the good vibes flow. 
You nipped the swollen spot lightly, eliciting a strangled growl from the man. “Too rough?” Your tongue pressed at the spot again, and pulled more of that deep purring out of him. “Maybe not.” 
“By all means, rough me up.” That was as close to a warning as you would get from a greedy bastard like Sukuna. He wanted you to bite harder, to break skin and set the wild tornado of a mating rut into motion. You were careful to avoid him when your unholy heats crashed down on you, but being in the presence of your estranged man when he was set off–well, it’d jumpstart your sex-crazed frenzy, too. 
“Raincheck,” you murmured. 
He huffed and rubbed circles in your hips before grabbing your ass and squeezing. “When's the last time–” 
The coffee maker sang a tune and you got off, saved from your warm, fuzzy marking daze. “Does it matter?”
Sukuna got up and stalked after you, rubbing the ache out of his shoulder. “Like it or not, we're stuck with our binding vow.” His chest pressed to your back, his arms slipping around your waist as he leaned down to nuzzle into your skin. “Mated for life.” He couldn't help the smile that branded into your neck. 
You cleared your throat and snatched up two mugs. “There're surgeries–”
“How do you take your coffee again?” Hah. You didn't even try to argue it.
Sukuna's ego boomed. His scent grew more dominating and demanding in tow. “You know how I like it. You know the way I like everything.”
You scoffed and slapped his hand away, the sweet, teasing omega that happily marked him up and scented him to high heaven gone, now replaced with your annoying, bratty self. Ugh. He loved it as much as he hated it.
“You used to be cuter,” Sukuna commented, quiet and breathy, so out of character. His hands retreated back to hold your waist instead of keeping you trapped against him. “What happened to–”
“You know what happened.” You sounded tired, too. Angry. But not at the Sukuna standing with you right then and there. 
Sukuna's old friend, unyielding frustration, bore down on him. He sucked his teeth and beat down the urge to snap, to yell and scream, claim it wasn't his fucking fault and that you never filled him in, so how could–
His forehead pressed against your shoulder. “I don't,” he sighed. “I don't fucking know, (Name). We lost our kid, I know that much, so what the fuck else is there?” 
For a moment, he thought he'd lost you again. He expected you to whirl around, throw a cup at his head and curse him to hell to start off another fight; instead, you slipped out of his hands gently, and replaced your warmth with a cup of coffee. 
“Come sit.” 
Sukuna complied. 
You tucked your legs up under you when you sat down. Your own mug was held snugly with both hands, yet your fingers fidgeted, twirling around whatever rings you had on while you thought of what to say. 
“So,” you started. “How much do you know?”
Sukuna leaned back and thought. “Uraume called. Said something was wrong.” He could remember their voice ringing in his ear, that usual, frigid demeanor exploding into something panicked and tortured as they tried to comfort you, order idiots around, and explain the situation. “They didn’t know what, but said you were bein’ taken to Ieiri. I met ‘em there, Gojo wouldn’t let me come in.” He sighed, the memories pricking his nerves. “Told me you miscarried, and–well, that’s more or less it.” 
You nodded a little, digesting the scraps of knowledge that’d been given to Sukuna. “I was alone,” you breathed. “I was–I’d been cramping. A lot. I thought–I didn't know–I just–I thought it was normal.” You cleared your throat, fidgeting more and only stilling when Sukuna's palm rested on your leg. You covered his hand with one of yours. “There was a lot of blood. I thought I was dying. Uraume and Yuuji took me to Ieiri.” 
Sukuna remembered that, too. He remembered catching sight of you just before his brother carried you away from him. It was hard to forget the sound of your wailing amidst all that red–that damned noise came from hell itself, from the burning, fetid pits of agony and despair and up through your beautiful voice. For something so foul to touch you was nothing but blasphemous.
Sukuna tried to follow you in, but that moron Gojo wouldn’t let him in, spouting some bullshit about how he’d make things worse. Needless to say, Sukuna snapped, and Ieiri suddenly had more than a mourning omega to deal with.
“I pinned it on you to cope. I didn’t know what else to do.” You spared a shy glance at him before staring down again. “...Uraume filled me in, though. You were dealing with so much shit. All that crap with the Zenins. And you didn’t even–you didn’t even know I was knocked up until I wasn’t.” You sighed and sipped your drink before setting it aside. “Guess it was easier to blame you for everything than it was to just accept I got unlucky.” 
“‘Unlucky’?” Sukuna repeated lowly, void of mirth for once.
You nodded. “Chromosome bullshit, garbage genetics, a shitty cervix. Coulda been anything.” Sukuna watched your expression shift from desolate to bitter. “And if you fuck up once and lose your pup, odds are it’ll happen again.”
“Says who?”
“Science. Doctors.”
“You really gonna take their word like that?” Your eyes met his, doey and expectant. “I'll gut ‘em myself if they say that shit next time you're knocked up.”
You looked a bit bashful then, looking away from him with pursed lips and glossy eyes. For a second, Sukuna thought you were about to snap and argue with him about how you vowed to never get pregnant again (which he'd indulge in), or maybe even bolt for the door (which he wouldn't allow), but instead, you grabbed the remote. 
“Tch. Don't say such stupid shit. It's annoying.” 
Sukuna could only grin to himself as you settled in beside him, tucking up against his side. Neither of you could swallow your pride enough to properly apologize for anything ever, but that wasn't necessarily needed–understanding was what was needed. Things had just become a little bit clearer. 
For once, the alpha found himself at ease. Sure, you had your petty and some less-than-petty spats, but there was a coil of contentment that stayed at the forefront of Sukuna's mind through it all. Now, he no longer fumed nor bristled, no longer wondered if you really belonged to him, no longer thought about how to trap you if he wanted to keep you around. 
Because you made more of an effort to see him, to call when you couldn't, to set his vicious wolf's heart at ease so he could rest soundly. He rested the most when you were so gracious as to curl up in those black, silken sheets with him, too.
Don't get too excited. It's just because we're mated; we'd go insane otherwise, Is how you rationalized it. And, honestly, it was cute to see you act so flippant and uncaring when Sukuna knew you were so the opposite. 
Little liar. Loves playing pretend. He gently tucked stray hairs behind your ear as you snoozed soundly beside him. It was unlike you to sleep in so late (“late” meaning past 6am), and it was unlike Sukuna to wake up before you, so it must have been kismet. 
Because this moment was the first in a long time where he got to touch you. Beyond the playful ass slaps and grabs at your hips, you never really let him feel you. Or did he just never try to touch you like this? Gently, just for the sake of feeling your skin and your warmth? 
Sukuna was a brutal man. He didn't often have a chance to be careful. If he'd had that kid, then he might've learned how; he could've learned not to throw glasses at skylines, not to lash out at his omega, not to expect you to still love you when he broke you. 
He brushed his thumb along your cheek and down to your jaw, admiring the soft skin and strong angle that led him to the curve of your chin, and your perfect lips. God, he wanted to kiss you. It'd been an eternity since he had a taste of you. Maybe if he was gentle–
I can do gentle. Sukuna shifted the slightest bit towards you until his nose lightly brushed against yours, until he felt your light breaths fan against his skin. Ah, why was his heart beating so fast now?
He did his best to ignore the way his pulse thundered in his ears when he brushed his lips against yours once more, before he kissed you softly. Gently. Perfectly. And he took his time parting. He had to savour the taste of your lips against his because who knew when he'd get to kiss you again? 
I love you, he heard echo in his memories when your lips parted. But he never heard himself reply. 
“Love you too, brat,” he murmured. “Don't you dare think otherwise.” 
Your eyes opened a moment later. “You mean that?” came your reply, just as light and whispered. Sukuna felt waves of heat come off your skin–were you blushing?
Crimson eyes flickered from your bashful look to the slight parting of your lips and back again. “Always.” Even though he never said it. But he let you get away with everything to show that love–credit card theft, cracking him upside the head with a bottle, abandoning him for months on end.
A soft ‘hm’ hummed through you. Your sleepy gaze melted from Sukuna’s, and down to his lips, too, while your own pursed, pensive. Thoughtful. Christ, you were really something else–just a single look from you had his mind reeling, his chest easing into a warmth so reminiscent of a campfire, the sort you both used to sit around when you’d bullied Sukuna into buying one for his too-big balcony. 
Back then, you were just “friends,” though the flirting and meaningful touches said otherwise. You were still a street doctor, introduced to him by Yuuji of all people, but you had more pep in your step, especially when you worked to try and swoon the hardened, deranged alpha you’d decided belonged to you. You’re mine, you said simply after shooting whatever whore the big, bad boss had hired for the night. The look in your eyes, cold and determined, got Sukuna achingly hard in an instant. He never wanted you to look at anyone else like that–your rage, your obsession, it could only ever be for him.
“‘M I still yours?” You still want me? You still love me? Am I still just for you?
You looked a little sentimental. A little sad, too, maybe. But maybe it was just the culmination of your fears and worries, your wants and desires finally breaking through your solemn being. 
“I'm a minimalist at heart. I've only got room for so much.”
“Don't tell me you're back on that Kondo Marie kick–” 
“But you're something I can't do without.” Yeah, I love you. I want you. I don't want much, but I want you. You're mine. “You bring me joy, or whatever the saying is. But I wanna beat the shit outta you sometimes for being a dumbass.” 
Sukuna laughed and nudged your nose with his–a small, primal gesture of fondness. “Yeah, yeah, I'm aware. Tch. You're gonna have to be careful--you're gonna send my old ass to an early grave if you keep up with all this fiery youth shit.”
“Then I can inherit your fortune,” you offered airily before kissing him teasingly. Sukuna growled when your small fangs dug into his bottom lip playfully. “That'd be nice.” 
“Hah. Everything's going to family–Yuuji, the old fart.” Sukuna pulled you in closer and purred as you complied. “You'd have to–”
“I'll marry you if that's what it takes,” you cooed, and Sukuna froze. You paused for a moment, too, before lifting yourself up to look down at his dumb face. “Oi.” You pat his cheek lightly but he scowled at you, half-cranky, half-defeated. “Eeeh? You mad?”
“Awe, big alpha's mad.”
“Don't.” A command. A warning. One that had your subgender reeling and whimpering behind you, but your human side smiling, ready to mock. 
You slid on top of him, straddling his waist and splaying your hands out on his broad, solid chest. Sukuna still kept his gaze elsewhere. Honestly, you couldn't blame him--you were in a mood. 
“Oi,” you prodded, poking at his ridiculous pecs and tracing over the dark lines of his irezumi. “Hey. Don't pout.” But he grabbed your hands when your stupid fingers threatened to assault his nipples, and he continued to pout. “Come on, I said I'd marry you.” 
“Tch.” You've said that before. 
“I mean it.” 
“Tch.” You’ve said that before, too.
You leaned down, and nuzzled the hollow of his cheek while he grumbled and grumped. “You don't like the idea of breeding me anymore? You don't want me to yourself, all caught up in your bedsheets with you between my legs? Hm? You don't wanna fuck me through my heat, knock me up a few more times, make me bare your children for the world to see how I belong to Ryoumen Sukuna? You don't want me to be drenched in your scent–” 
You squeaked when your man flipped you around, pinning you before ripping off the sleep shorts keeping your skin from him. His rough fingers dove deep into your slicked up hole (apparently your long list of hypotheticals had worked you up into a soft, wet, pliant thing) and hurried to stretch you wide. 
“Such an annoying little shit,” Sukuna grumbled. And you laughed, lightly and so achingly genuinely through your fluttery mewls and moans. “If you try ‘n back out this time, I'll break your fucking legs and tie you down to the bed, you got that? I'm not gonna be so fucking nice this time.”
“Eh? You were being nice last–” you whined when his wet fingers jammed into your mouth. But you obediently sucked and bit at them, holding onto his muscled arm for leverage while he kicked off his bottoms and pressed his sweltering tip to your soft entrance. 
“You got no idea, princess.” Sukuna pushed in, groaning with ancient, cursed need as your insides welcomed him and obeyed, letting his uncomfortable size push you open. Seemed your body still remembered him. Wanted him as much as your stupid pretty mouth claimed. 
You were gasping, your molars chewing into his fingers as your missing piece slid back into place, filling you up until it hurt to breathe. Strong thighs clamped down against Sukuna’s sides as he dragged you down, forcing the last bits of his cock into your very depths, squeezing a reedy whine out of you, before he pulled out and slammed right back in again and again and again.
Your cry nearly sent him over the edge. It was a loud, bassy thing, something like a cello toppling or having its string plucked too hard by a callous touch–a sound Sukuna reveled in. You were the only partner he'd had that was like this, so demanding and bitchy, absolutely horrible and as poisonous as alphas were, and he loved it. He lived and died by your gospel, by the very life that thrummed underneath his touch.
And you promised to be all his. Sukuna could have everything, anything and anyone, and that apparently included trapping and claiming a god. One that only he prayed to. One that'd only smile upon him. One that only delivered to him divine blessings. 
What a divine gift.
He folded you in half with ease and blanketed your trembling body with his own. The fingers fucking into your mouth slipped out and down to your throat where they squeezed lightly; then, they traveled to the back of your neck, found your cute little nape, and squeezed. 
Your eyes rolled back as your body arched up into him. Words left you in some ancient tongue neither you nor Sukuna could decipher. But it was a language of love and pleasure, the sort that brought delicious submission coiling through your blood in offering to the lowly creature devouring your holiness. 
“Sukuna,” you choked out. Your fingers dug into his shoulder and fisted in his hair, pulling him closer to the old, scarred mark left there by him a decade ago. “‘Kuna, I need–” 
The boss laughed low, but with fluttery, manic high tones warped throughout. “Need me to bite you? Mark you mine again?” He taunted. His nails dug into your soft side as he fucked into you harder, lifting your waist up to meet his brutal angle as his base started to swell. “I wanna hear you say it–say you need it, you want it. Say you need me to fill your guts every fucking night. Say I'm the only one who can get you there. I'm the only one–” his other hand grabbed your nape harder, forcing your submission further, forcing your neck to the side to present it to him. 
Then, with a snarl, he added, “say ‘I do.’” 
Your arms wrapped around his shoulders as you murmured those very words into his ear. 
I do. 
Sukuna's heart howled with the beast living inside him. Blood flooded his mouth when he tore into your shoulder, digging deeper than needed to brand you his again just before his pulsing knot squeezed into you and locked into place, stilling his wild rampage and holding you hostage beneath his hulking body. 
You shifted and writhed against him, so obviously overwhelmed by such an archaic, crazed union–your omega must have been going wild, willing you to fight against the monster pouring his seed into you, locking you in place, taking away your autonomy. But a short, rough warning growl settled your inner self the slightest bit and straightened out your thoughts enough for your human pettiness to urge you, too, to sink teeth into flesh and mark up your alpha to complete the re-bonding. 
Good boy. Sukuna's hips rutted against you in light pulses, attempting to jam his knot further into you to ensure you'd take everything he so graciously offered you. But every little move your bodies made together tore more hot strings of cum out of him and into your core. Apparently an eternity of not having you was culminating into this one moment. 
You were the one to let go first. You collapsed onto your back with a loud sigh, and the crushing constriction of your thighs laxed just slightly. 
“Fuck,” you gasped, wholly content and pleased. Your hand wiggled between your bodies and rested on the still-inflating curve that your partner had oh-so loving built out of cum and obsessive dedication. “That's gonna make a mess.” 
Good. Sukuna's chainsaw purr reverberated against your bloodied skin. He chewed into you further and relished in the taste and smell of you, the way it mingled with his own scent of existence and made him feel so irrevocably whole. 
Your fingers laced through his hair as you laughed. “Oi, let go already. Your knot's not gonna go down for like thirty minutes. I'm not going anywhere.” 
Your mate obliged, dislodging his chunky fangs from you and lapping at the wound dutifully until the bleeding staunched. Next, he got to work leaving an array of dark hickies and light bites all over your neck and shoulder, just in case the gnarly bite mark wasn't enough to ward off idiots who thought they had a chance with you. He grumbled at the mere idea of it. 
“So?” You cooed, running your hands up and down his muscled shoulders. “What do we do for half an hour?”
Sukuna scoffed. He tried to pull out just a bit, just to see if he was seriously locked in there, and you spat a vile hiss his way, your nails digging into him at the same time. And, fuck, you were tight–
“Fuck.” He didn't think this through.
“You're dumb as fuck, you know that?” 
“Ah, such romantic words to hear from my wife.”
“Husband, jackass.” 
Sukuna managed to open his eyes through the pounding of his head. God, he felt like shit. But that probably came with the territory of getting shot point-blank before bailing out of a moving car on the highway. Honestly, he was lucky only one car hit him when he hit the pavement. 
Still, it was bad enough to warrant him a ticket to the hospital. Uraume worked behind the scenes, ensuring their boss got a private room and that the police would stay the fuck away if they knew what was good for them, and it all somehow worked out. Uraume was definitely a sorcerer of sorts.
“Can you save it for home? Fucking hell,” Sukuna groaned, letting his eyes fall shut again. “Too tired to argue.” 
“That's a first,” You huffed, and marched up to his side, sitting down in the cozy seat waiting for you. Your careful touch prodded at his hand gently, as if assessing the damage, guestimating if you could hold his hand without hurting him, but he made the choice for you. He caught your hand weakly, and you held him safe with both of yours. 
“Missed you,” he grumbled, squeezing back lamely. “Have fun on the trip at least?”
“Yeah, until I heard what happened.” You sighed, watery and warbled. “I shouldn't have left. You're too stupid to survive alone.”
Sukuna laughed, then coughed. He felt you tense. “F-Fuck you, little shit. I'm fine.”
“You got shot.”
“Been shot before.”
“Jumped out of a car.”
“I've jumped outta faster.”
“Then got hit by another car.”
“That was a first.”
You sighed to fight back either a sob or ill-placed laughter, or maybe both. “This is so fucking ridiculous. Never make me take a vacation again. I can't be off fucking around in Hawaii when my baby daddy's getting hit like it's GTA.” 
“Christ, I already–” he paused, though, and cracked an eye open to look at you. “What did you…” 
He lost his words when he saw you. Your skin glowed in a way he hadn't had the luxury to see before. Your face looked rounder, too, like you'd put on a little bit of weight since you'd been gone. But your scent–your usual sweet, full-bodied scent of flowery coffee was cranked up to a trillion. If Sukuna's nose wasn't busted, he would've noticed the way it filled up the room, and he might've noticed how his own scent rose to meet it in greeting. Something strange was happening. 
“Oh. Right. Uh…” you cleared your throat and hastily tucked some hair behind your ear. You looked a little bit lost for words too, in all honesty. “I’m pregn–”
Sukuna sat up. You barked at him to lay down, your voice rising a few octaves when something that was probably important dislodged from his wrist as he reached forward when you stood. And you froze when his palm pressed against your stomach–a natural, maternal thing to do. Sukuna remembered when he caught your cat for you when she was trying to dart out the door whilst pregnant, and how she froze dead in her tracks when his hand caught her by her kitten-filled stomach, and let him carry her back inside. 
But this was different. This wasn’t his partner’s cat’s kittens he was feeling, it was yours. His. A shared little nugget doing its best to grow big for its expectant mama–and now expectant papa. 
“How long?” Sukuna rasped. When did his throat get so dry? 
“Two months. Ish.” You rested your hands over his again despite the awkward angle he caught you at. “I didn’t know until last week. I tried to call, but–” You got obliterated and couldn’t answer your phone.
“I get it. Don’t gotta explain.” Sukuna gazed at your stomach a moment longer with droopy, half-lidded eyes before looking up at you as nurses burst into the room. “You’re moving in.”
And for once, you didn’t argue. 
“Dude, you guys can't fuck when he's pregnant! You'll crush the baby like a tin can!” 
You snorted and tried to cover your mouth as your tea shot out your nose. You coughed and wheezed, turning away and waving at the brothers in a desperate plea for them to not look and continue their petty argument.
Sukuna, caught between the urge to mock you and kick the shit out of his annoying little fucknut brother, sighed and rubbed his face before handing you his fancy handkerchief he kept tucked in the breast of his jacket for nothing but looks. These days, though, the damn thing had been paying its dues. 
“You think I'm gonna listen to a fuckin’ virgin about this kinda shit?” Sukuna quipped back as he watched you clean up before trying to take a sip of your drink again. 
“Hey, man, I'm just saying. Your dick is like a third leg.” 
You slammed your hand down on the table after spitting a mouthful of tea back into your cup. “Yuuji. Please. Why do you even know that?” 
Yuuji pouted and scooted closer to you under the kotatsu. “Wh--we're brothers! It's not even that weird!” 
“It's weird as shit,” Sukuna offered as he reached out to rub your back. 
“So not weird.” His honeyed eyes locked onto the small affection the older showed you. “Man, so not fair you guys are ganging up on me now that you're, like, a thing,” Yuuji whined and let his arms and chest flop across the table like a petulant child. 
Sukuna smirked. “Jealous?”
You grumbled. “Sukuna. Don't start.”
Yuuji's ears turned bright red. “Jea–what?! No! I like girls like Jennifer Lawrence, not--I don't–”
“N'awe, little pup's tryna cope with losing.” Sukuna grinned wildly when Yuuji's head snapped up, pinning a deadly stare onto the older alpha. “Oh? Finally grow a pair?” 
“Sukuna,” you warned again.
“You better shut it, dude,” Yuuji threatened next, and you knew it was a lost cause; two alpha brothers, both incredibly competitive, both pining for the same omega, spelled disaster. 
Your partner laughed that familiar, ugly laugh–the sort that was too genuine and sounded borderline insane. “Or what? You gonna make me cry–” 
Yuuji launched over the table in an instant, tackling his brother to the ground with a bratty snarl. You watched on, unimpressed, waiting for any signs of their wrestling turning into a serious fight, but it never came. So, you enjoyed it a bit. It wasn't everyday the two idiots played nice. 
You rested your hands on your curved stomach while the two growled and snarled half-heartedly in their dumb attempt to subdue the other. Sukuna could've won in an instant, you both knew that, but he'd let Yuuji think he had a fighting chance for a little bit. It was part of the fun for him, letting his little brother gnaw on him like it'd do anything, letting him try to use his horrible jiu-jitsu skills on his older, bigger brother. It reminded you of–
“Oh,” you peeped when a rowdy kick jostled your hand. It didn't come from the boys, no, it came from the tiny tot inside you. 
The boys froze and stared at you.
“Huh? What's ‘oh'?” Yuuji asked through his panting and straining. Sukuna had him in a headlock, one of his hands giving a brutal noogie to the younger's head. 
“No, just–I think she kicked. Maybe not, I don't–” but your expression brightened with delight when another little throw hit your hand. 
“No shit?” Sukuna grinned, waves of excited alpha scent rolling off of him. He face-shoved Yuuji away before sidling up next to you and pressing his palm against your stomach. You guided his touch to rest over the kicky hotspot, and sure enough–
Thump. Thump.
“Two kicks for your old man, hey?” Sukuna hummed, looking so damn triumphant. 
“Hey, hey, I wanna feel!” Yuuji scrambled over like a nightmare and wiggled up on your other side, pointedly ignoring the snarl Sukuna sent his way. “Come on, it's my niece, chill out.”
Sukuna growled again, but you pulled his hand off to let Yuuji feel the little life making herself known. His eyes, too, lit up when those tiny thwacks battered his palm. 
You looked up at Sukuna dreamily, making the other's ticked expression smooth down into just mildly-annoyed; if your omega wasn't threatened, then he wasn't going to threaten. Sukuna didn't think Yuuji would hurt you, absolutely not, but anyone who came near you, or so much as accidentally bumped into you, pissed Sukuna off, sending his over-protective instincts into overdrive. He always had to rely on you to know when not to react.
“That's so cool!” Yuuji squeaked. “She's seriously in there!” 
“Where the fuck else would she be,” Sukuna grumped.
“Don't ruin his fun, Sukuna.” 
“Yeah, don’t ruin my fun!” 
“Yuuji’s banned from the house.”
“What about gramps, then?” 
Sukuna paused. His heart stopped for a long, long moment. 
“What about him?” He answered, nonchalantly as possible. “Old fuck cut me off years ago.”
“He still cares,” Yuuji offered with a shrug. “And I told him about the pup ‘n everything.”
Sukuna frowned. “Yuuji–”
“You seriously think he doesn't give a shit? Dude, be real, the guy raised us.” 
“That's generous.” 
“Didn't you say you were leaving everything to Yuuji and ‘the old fart’ originally?” You cooed, unhelpful as ever. 
Carmine eyes found yours. “...If he actually wants to meet her–” 
“Awesome, I’ll let him know!” 
“Oi, runt–”
But Yuuji jumped up and pulled his phone out, leaving Sukuna to wonder what he’d just gotten himself into while you laughed at his misery. 
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Writer's Note: I was watching One Piece & came up with this. Please enjoy! -Jazz
Warnings: Reader is mentioned as having thick thighs and ass w/ brown labia
This man is downright confused. 
He doesn't even realize that you did this on purpose to get him riled up. Luffy was never the one to successfully be seduced though. You could stand naked in front of him and tell him to fuck you, and he’d still wouldn’t get it. When the man gets horny, it’s at the most random of times, like when you’re sunbathing with Name or reading a book. 
You figured you’d at least give it a shot though. It starts when you two are lounging in your bed in the girls’ cabins across the ship, chomping on some watermelon and honeydew as an afternoon snack. With your feet in his lap, you go to pluck the last piece of watermelon out of the bowl between you, but his whine of protest stops you. “What, Luffy?” you sigh. 
Luffy stares at you with big, pitiful eyes, begging you not to eat it. You do your best to keep your eyes on his instead of his toned upper torso and X-shaped scar that peaks beneath the flaps of his red vest. “Pleeeease, Y/N?” he whines. “It’s so good! I didn’t even eat that much!” 
You scoff, wondering if he’s serious. “Luffy, boy, you almost ate the entire bowl!” you argue. “I had to slap you on the head to stop you from eating everything!” You go to pop the watermelon into your mouth, but Luffy’s arm extending and slithering across the bed toward you stops you. 
“No, Luffy!” you protest, but you’re cut off with laughter as he begins tickling your side. The captain laughs at your torture, tickling you senselessly until you drop the watermelon on the ground.
By now, he isn’t paying attention to it though. He jumps on top of you, his fingers moving furiously across your sides and stomach much to your dismay. “L-Luffy, stop!” you gasp. “I-I can’t…b-breathe!” 
“Huh?” he teasingly asks. “Sorry, Y/N, but I can’t hear you over the sound of your laughter!” His hands then move down to tickle your legs, but he doesn’t count on accidentally flipping your sundress up to reveal your bare pussy to him. 
His fingers pause as he stares in confusion down below your stomach. You begin to grow hot with embarrassment, realizing what has happened, but also hopeful that this lighthearted moment shifts. For a minute, Luffy is completely silent and you can see the gears turning in that head. “Uh…Y/N?” he innocently questions. “Why aren't you wearing any underwear?” 
The room suddenly grows hot and heavy as you lay there on your back with your boyfriend staring down at your pussy. “Um,” you hum, “w-well–“ 
“Did you lose ‘em in the laundry room?” he interjects. “Did they end up in the sea? Why didn't you tell me? I would’ve gotten 'em for you!” 
“No, Luffy–“ 
“Or did you take ‘em off ‘cause it’s so hot today? Doesn’t that feel kinda weird? Or does it make you feel cool? Maybe I should try that too ‘cause sometimes I get–“ 
“Luffy!” you exclaim, stopping him short. “I didn’t take them off ‘cause of any of that.” He stares blankly at you, waiting for you to continue to explain the method to your madness. You clear your throat, feeling more embarrassed because of his cluelessness. “I did it to seduce you,” you softly reply.
Again, he just blinks at you. “You know,” you sigh, knowing damn well he doesn’t. “You have easy access to me now for…you know…play with me.” 
Then, finally, a lightbulb flickers in Luffy’s eyes. “Oh!” he giggles, realizing what you mean. “You mean for sex? I can fuck you without worrying about your panties now?” He practically yells this shit, by the way, which means anyone on the ship definitely heard. 
You facepalm yourself, groaning. “This was a bad idea,” you lament. Luffy is suddenly moving to hike your thighs over his shoulders, his entire demeanor changed. You squeak in surprise as he looks up at you from between your legs, a mischievous yet sexy look in his eyes. “You want me to fuck you, Y/N?” he hums. “All you had to do was tell your captain so.” 
When he finally eats your pussy and fucks you into the mattress for nearly an hour until you have four orgasms, leaving your body twitching and your pussy filled to the brim with his cum, you realize that maybe you should go without undies more often. 
To say he isn’t pleased isn’t enough to describe what Zoro is feeling. 
He knew something was off when he saw your asscheeks jumping a little too much when you walked around the ship today. He noticed immediately when you went into the kitchen to help Sanji with breakfast to which he eyed the blonde down for staring at you in your pretty little sundress. 
But then you bent over the counter a little too far, luckily without Sanji watching, to reach for a glass for your iced coffee. There, he saw it: a sliver of those bare cheeks that he dreams about smacking and lays on as pillows just because they’re so plump and pillowy soft. As the hem of your dress rose over your thighs, his eyes widened at your ass and the crevice of your thighs where your bare pussy lied in wait for him. 
When you finally got your glass, you peeked over your shoulder at him, your eyes meeting his. And then you laughed. You laughed. It was small, light, and sexy, but just as wicked. Zoro gripped his fork so tight that he nearly snapped it. ‘Oh, this little brat,’ he thought. You were gonna get it later. 
So when he finds you reading a book and lounging in the sun moments later while the crew is doing their own thing, he wastes no time discussing these important matters with you. He stands in front of your view of the sun, becoming a big, hunky eclipse. You stare up at him from behind your sunglasses. “Yes?” you ask innocently as if you’re not wearing panties under your dress right now. 
“You wanna tell me what the fuck you think you’re doing?” he asks, his voice barely above a growl. You stare up at him, confused. “Uh...reading and sunbathing?” you suggest as an answer. You offer your book to him, showing him. 
You don’t expect him to pluck the book from your hand and toss it to the side. “Not that,” he impatiently replies. “I mean the fact that you’re goin’ commando today.” You raise an eyebrow at him. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Zo,” you lightly laugh. But he sees the playfulness in your smile. You’re trying to tease him to get what you want. 
Lucky for you, he’s on your type of time today and is more than happy to give it to you. 
That’s when you find yourself in his room, bent over his bed and his thick cock stuffed deep in your wet pussy that he is quickly turning into a gushy mess with how fast and hard he is fucking you. With every slap of his balls against your clit, his hands grip your hips and your voice rings out in moans against his bedroom walls. “Z-Zoro!” you whine, your face in his pillow. “Slow down or I’m gonna cum too quick!” 
He feels you squirming about, but holds you firmly by your hips, even giving you a sharp spank on your jiggly ass. “Nah, baby,” he hoarsely says. “Stop runnin’ from me. You begged for this shit, and now you’re gonna take it, you little brat.” 
He leans over to press a chaste kiss to your ear, making you pitifully whine into his pillow as your ass bounces off of his cock. “I’m curious though,” he whispers. What made you suddenly decide to flash your pussy for all of our crew members today, huh?” His hand moves to roughly grip your ass, toying with the soft flesh. “I know you know I noticed,” he growls. “What, you want Sanji and Brooke to get an eyeful of what’s mine, huh?” 
With no answer, he spanks you again, drawing a whine out of you. “Huh?” he bellows, his voice bouncing off of his bedroom walls. 
“No!” you sob, gripping the sheets beneath you. “No, Zorro, I promise I’m yours! I-I just wanted to tease you! I’m sorry!” The rest of your words turn into whines and sobs of pleasure as he continues to fuck you sore, plunging his cock deep into your pussy until you’re screaming for release. 
Guess you got what you wanted, right? 
Sanji is BIG HORNY. Don't even try to play with him like that. 
It is just a simple morning that turns into something else entirely when you wake at the crack of dawn to find your bed empty. The spot where your boyfriend once was laying is still warm, meaning he hasn’t been away all that long. 
You get up and put on an halter aquamarine-blue dress that is shows off the curve of your back and stops at the tops of your thighs, giving just a little peek of the bottom of your ass. It’s one of Sanji’s favorites. Anytime you wear it, he either has a major nosebleed or gives you a blush-worthy compliment and then has a major nosebleed. It also gives him the perfect access to your panties…only this time, you leave them in your drawer. 
With a smirk playing on your lips, you walk out of the girls’ cabin to the ship’s kitchen where you find your man and the crew’s chef cooking up some breakfast. He hums a tune as a cigarette dangles from his lips as his hands multitask between cracking an egg with one hand and flipping over some bacon in a pan with the other. Sanji has always been great with his hands. You should know––he’s used them on you many, many times. 
You come up behind him and wrap your arms around his toned body. “Good morning,” you softly say, ruining his concentration in the best possible way. He looks over his shoulder, smiling down at you. “Good morning, my love,” he coos, taking his cig out to press a kiss to your forehead. “Did I wake you, baby?” 
You lean against the counter, admiring his biceps, veiny hands, and his toned body beneath his apron and wrinkled shirt that he hastily tossed on earlier. You want him. Now. “You know I can’t sleep without you near me,” you reply, your voice airy and soft. 
Sanji doesn’t quite catch on to your tone, but presses a hand to his heart, touched at your sweetness. "Aren't you just the sweetest thing ever?” he tuts. “Well, I’ll make sure to make up for leaving your bed with an amazing breakfast from yours truly! Here, pass me the blueberries so I can make this pancake batter.” 
You turn around, looking at the carton of blueberries. “These here?” you ask. 
“Yeah, right–“ Sanji’s sentence takes an abrupt pause when you suddenly lean over the counter next to him to get the blueberries. As you do, your dress rides up, giving him an eyeful of your luscious, bare ass. You smirk at his silence, realizing that your plan to seduce him worked…as usual. It doesn’t take much to make Sanji incredibly horny. You could simply smile at him and he’s ready to eat your pussy for days. 
You turn around to face him, your dress dropping back down against your hips. “Here you go, honey,” you coo, passing him the carton. He takes it from you, eyes wide and mouth parted, his cigarette falling to the floor at his feet. You giggle, teasingly toying with the hem of your dress. “What’s the matter, honey?” you tease. “You like this?” 
Sanji’s eyes follow your hands and the hem of your dress that continues to lift up, showing him a little of your skin each time. “Uh-huh,” he dumbly answers. 
“You know, we’ve got some time until the others wake up,” you purr. “And you’ve got easier access now.” You lift your dress up the rest of the way, revealing your naked pussy to him. “Wanna take advantage?” you ask, a sexy glint in your eye. 
You swear that Sanji has never had a more violent nosebleed. That shit gushes everywhere, but luckily not on the food or on you. It drips all over his clothes, his pretty apron, and the floor below, making you squeak in shock as you jump onto a chair to avoid getting wet. When poor Luffy and Usopp enter the kitchen seconds later, they slip and slide all over the blood, knocking into each other and falling out on the floor. 
It’s hilariously embarrassing on Sanji’s part, especially when you help him mop up the floor. But you think it’s flattering that your boyfriend finds you so attractive. 
He shows you just how much hours later when the crew is eating breakfast in the other room while he has you bent over the counter and his cock stroking the walls of your pussy, nice and slow. “You’re so sexy, baby,” he groans, your soft moans filling the kitchen. “I don’t deserve you. You know that, right?” 
The only answer you can give him is clenching around his thick, curved cock and creaming all over it minutes later. 
Usopp is truly a special case.
You think you just about killed him when he realizes you’re completely naked under your skirt. 
You’re just fooling around in his tinkering room under the ship’s floors, dancing to his playlist that he has set specifically for his tinkering and inventing process. You twirl around in your flowery mini skirt and white crop top while your man crouches over a table, focusing on working a gear into some new contraption he’s working on. 
You hear him sigh from his post, exhaustedly so. “Y/N?” he asks. You twirl towards him, your eyes trailing along his back muscles flexing under his white white beater and brown skin tanned even more from the sun. “Hm?" you hum, still swaying to the music. 
“If you’re not gonna help me, what are you doing down here?” he asks, but not unkindly. Kind of in that way where you’re fed up with your lover’s antics, but you secretly love them. “Just to dance to my music?” 
“It’s not my fault you’ve got excellent music taste,” you giggle, moving towards him. You wrap his arms around him from the back, pressing a kiss to his broad shoulder. “C’mon, dance with me.” He groans in protest, his hands covering yours. “You know I don’t dance, sweetheart, especially when I’m in my zone.” 
You cluck your tongue indifferently. “You’ve been in your zone for hours now!” you argue. “Just to one song.” You begin to sway, forcing him to sway with you. You lay your hands flat against the hard planes of his chest, feeling his heart beating against your fingertips.
“Pwease?” you plea, making your voice soft and high-pitched. Usopp once again groans, but sways with you anyway, moving away from the table to turn his entire attention on you. You release him, allowing him to turn around and face you, a smile playing on his pink lips that you just love to kiss. 
You take his hands into yours and begin moving your feet anywhere the beat takes you, leading him towards you and back again. He begins to laugh along with you, moving his feet in his boots and his legs in those baggy, yellow overalls that you’re itching to get off. There’s just something about him being down here, so completely in his element with his skin glinting in sweat and motor oil streaks on his face. 
He surprises you by suddenly taking your hand and twirling you around, making your skirt billow around you. You giggle as you spin and come to a halt with your back to his front. You lean your head back into his chest, humming appreciatively at the feeling of his rough, calloused hands gliding down your sides to your hips and accidentally slipping under your skirt. “Oh, sorry!” he gasps. "Your skirt was still up and…” His sentence takes a pause, making you smile. 
“Everything okay, Usie?” you ask, using the pet name you gave him on him. You turn around to face him, finding him gaping down at your skirt. “Uh,” he breathes. “W-Wha…why…why aren’t you…underwear?” 
You nearly laugh at his stutters and gobsmacked expression. “You like it?” you giggle, toying with your skirt. “I figured it’d get you away from your tinkering for a minute.” 
You lift your skirt up, revealing your bare pussy and tan lines from the sun to him. His brown eyes nearly bug out of his skull at the erotic sight. The man is totally frozen, barely moving a muscle…except for the one down under which has begun to make its appearance, protruding from beneath his pants. 
“So you wanna take a break with me, Usie?” you purr, smirking up at him. You press a hand to his chest to feel him up, but as you do, Usopp teeters backwards and falls flat onto his back. “Usopp?!” you shriek, alarmed. You crouch down beside him immediately, checking for any damage. “Are you alright?” 
Usopp stares up at you, his eyes wide like he just saw the entire Grand Blue beneath your skirt. “Y-Yes,” he croaks out. “To the break, not if I’m alright.” You sigh in relief, shaking your head at your idiot boyfriend. 
But he makes up for it by fucking you silly against his tinkering table minutes later and making you cum all over his thick cock. 
“You wanna get fucked?” 
That’s the question Shanks asks you when his hand slides a little too far down your backside and finds that your skin is completely smooth. Too smooth. Usually, he’d feel the rough edges of your lace panties or a thong if you’re feeling frisky. But tonight, there is nothing. 
He should’ve known something was up. When he was walking behind you tonight to go to the bar with the crew. Your ass was jumping way too much! Not that he minded because his crew and every other male in here knew better than to look at you in such a way, but he couldn’t pop a hard-on in front of his crew mates. It was quite embarrassing. 
And now you have the gall to act like you have no idea what he’s talking about. “What, boy?” you snort, shoving at his chest. “C’mon, we’re not even back at the ship or at a hotel.” 
You go to scoot over, but the booth you're sitting in only allows you to go so far. Shanks is sitting with you thigh to thigh, hip to hip, with one arm slung around the back of the booth. Something about being protective of you. Though you like it, him being so close is starting to make you hot combined with the alcohol traveling through your body. 
Like clockwork, Shanks follows you, scooting even closer to you and not allowing you any kind of personal space. You can see that he is tipsy, his cheeks and ears flushed pink and a hooded look in his eyes. “Shit, baby,” he chuckles, “all you had to do was say that. We can leave right now and go to a bed ’n breakfast right down the way.” His hand moves from your back to your knee, squeezing it. “You didn’t have to go commando tonight, though I appreciate the gesture.” 
His hand begins to scoot up to your thigh, squeezing the thick, juicy flesh there. You can feel your body temperature rising as his hand gets dangerously close to your pussy as he sneaks it underneath your skirt. “So what made you wanna lose the panties tonight, baby doll?” he whispers, his lips at your ear. He smells of whiskey and mint gum––a combo you have come to love. 
The sound of a bottle shattering and a roar of laughter makes you realize that you’re still in public. “S-Shanks,” you stutter, gulping. You go to move his hand, but he grabs your wrist, stopping you. 
“Uh-uh, baby,” he tuts. “Can’t decide you don’t want it now. You’re the one who came off the ship without your undies.” Your breath hitches as he releases your hand and goes back to scoot his up your skirt until his fingers begin sneaking between your thick thighs. “Tell me, baby doll: what was your plan tonight? To make me so hard that I bend you over this table and fuck you in front of all of the nice folks at this bar?” 
His naughty question and raspy voice in your ear makes you pathetically whimper. You then feel his fingers begin to play with your pussy lips, making you bite your lip. His other hand moves to the back of your neck to tug lightly on your hair, drawing a moan out of you. “I need an answer,” he growls. “Or I’ll make you cum right here. Don’t try me.” 
Through quivering lips and hitched breaths, you answer him. “N-No,” you whimper. “I just felt sexy tonight and I wanted to tease you.” You have to clench your teeth to avoid moaning as he begins to play with your clit, coaxing your legs open a bit to watch his fingers toy with the brown hood. 
“Well, little lady,” he chuckles, “consider me teased.” He leans in and presses a rough, whiskey-soaked kiss to your quivering lips before pulling away. “So now let me give you what you’re after.” 
That’s how you find yourself up against the wall of a bathroom stall in the bar with Shanks’ hips furiously thrusting as he pounds his cock deep into your needy, wet pussy, giving you no choice but to clench around him. Your legs are wrapped around him, one hand gripping his shoulder while the other is running through his red hair, your moans ringing out above the bar’s ruckus. 
“This is what you wanted, right?” he huffs into your ear. “You wanted to be my little slut tonight?” He fucks you harder, faster, getting you both closer and closer to your explosive orgasm of the night. “Cum for me,” he demands. “Be a good girl and cum around your captain’s cock, baby doll.” 
And you do. You don’t have a choice but to do so. And when he finally cums deep inside of you, he makes sure you give you enough so it’s dripping down your thighs when you walk out of the bathroom minutes later, Shanks laughing while you’re an embarrassed, fucked-out mess. 
“Girl, don’t play with me,” he firmly says. “I mean it.” 
You blink at him, confused for a moment. all you're doing is sitting cross-legged next to him, sipping on your cocktail, looking cute and absolutely scrumptious in your yellow mini-dress that brings out the color of your skin and the deep brown of your eyes. Ace has been telling you that you look like the prettiest sun he's ever seen ever since you stepped out to join him at the club. 
“What?” you ask. “All I’m doing is sitting here.” Ace eyes you from beneath his hat, his eyes trailing down to your thighs. “Yeah, without somethin’ underneath,” he replies. Your heartbeat jumps when you realize he’s caught on. “What?” he chuckles. “You think I wouldn’t notice when I can see that ass?” 
And he can. From his angle, he has a clear view of your bottom cheeks as you sit with your legs crossed. “Maybe I was just hot,” you argue, holding back a playful smile. “There has been a heatwave for a couple of days. Plus, it makes me cooler.” 
“Cooler, hm?” Ace scoots closer to you, his hand sliding up your bare thigh. “Don’t get too cool now, darlin’,” he whispers in your ear, his voice sending shivers up and down your spine. “I need you hot and bothered for this next part.” 
That’s when his hand begins to slide between your thighs, coaxing them open to reveal a sliver of your shaved, bare pussy to him. “Fuck,” he hisses, ogling at your sex. His reaction makes you flush, the idea of doing something so naughty in such a public place enticing you so. “So now what?” you purr. “You just gonna stare at it? As flattered as I am, I– oh, fuck!” 
A gasp escapes you as you feel your boyfriend’s fingers begin to toy with your pussy, his thumb gently rubbing your clit. Right there in the club booth! “Hm, you’re already wet for me, mama,” he appreciatively hums, watching your face intently for your reactions. “Were you this wet when you were changing earlier, thinkin’ about me doin’ this?” 
“Ace,” you whisper, your eyes leaving his to assess the club. Luckily, everyone is too busy dancing and drinking to notice your boyfriend playing with your pussy, but the idea that someone could see turns you on even more. “Don’t be shy,” he chuckles, an evil glint in his eye. “You can let that voice out more. The music is loud enough.” 
He begins to press his finger very lightly against your entrance and you’d just about cry out in pleasure if it wasn’t for his little brother dancing up to them to the reggaeton beat playing from the speakers above. “What are you guys sittin’ down for?!” Luffy yells, drunk with his hat tipped sideways and those hips moving. “C’mon and dance with me! The music is great!”
You try to move away from Ace, but his finger sinking into your pussy stops you. You have to bite your lip to keep from moaning as he begins to slowly and torturously finger fuck your cunt, gliding against the underside of your clit as he does so. “Oh, we’ll be there,” Ace reassures his brother with a smile. “Right, Y/N? You love this type of music.” 
You can barely breathe, let alone speak. Fortunately, Luffy is dancing away to join his crew on the floor, leaving you and Ace alone. You turn to him, glaring daggers at him. “I fucking hate you,” you growl. 
Ace chuckles as he starts to thumb your clit, emitting soft moans from your lips. “I love you too, mama,” he coos, kissing your neck. “I’ll treat you to a dance after I make you cum, m’kay?” 
And he does both: he makes you cum on his fingers right under the table and buys you a pretty drink to go with a pretty girl like you. 
He is befuddled. Confused. And completely alarmed. 
Because why the fuck are you just walking around his ship with no panties on? He realizes this when you first come sauntering into his bed chambers one night and sit in his lap. He’s at his desk, looking over a map and circling some hotspots to stop at for food and supplies. “Hey,” you coo, wrapping your arms around his thick neck. 
“Shouldn’t you be sleep?” he grumbles, doing his best to not admire you in your pink mini dress with the flowers printed on it and how the hem stops at your thighs. “We pull into port come dawn.” 
You hum in acknowledgement. “I know, but you’ve been sitting here almost all day. And plus, I need you in order to sleep.” You lean in to kiss along his thick neck and shoulders, cooing softly as you do. The scent of your perfume and your soft voice in his ear are enough to make him bust, but alas, he has work to do. “Well, try,” he deadpans, giving your thigh a pinch. “Now c’mon, I have work to do. I’ll be there in a bit.” 
You whine in protest, wiggling around in his lap and causing his cock to stir. “But you said that an hour ago!” you argue with a pout of your soft, glossy lips. “Come on, Law, snuggle with me!” But when he gives you one of those stern looks, you sigh and scoot off of his lap to sit on his bed, pouty and mad. 
He���s supposed to go back to his work. Keyword: supposed to. But all of that goes out the window as he watches you lean back and open your legs in the mirror behind his desk that faces you. Your eyes stay posted to his as you do so, the hem of your dress riding up to reveal your naked thighs and ass. “Da hell?” he asks, confused. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask innocently, even as your thighs slowly move apart. Law swears he nearly has a heart attack when he realizes that there is nothing covering your pussy, revealing all of you to him. “Where the fuck are your panties?” he asks, glaring at the sight. 
“It was hot today,” you answer simply. “So I went without.” You lean back farther onto your hands, causing your dress to ride up onto your naked stomach. Law can't take his eyes off of your pussy though. It looks so pretty; so brown; so delectable.
“Were you just…walkin’ around like that all day?” he asks barely above a growl. “Without any panties?” He doesn't realize that he’s gripping the map until he hears a slight tear in the paper that makes him stop. 
You shoot him a scowl. “Why do you care?” you retort. “You weren’t payin’ any attention to me, so don’t act like you do now.” But obviously, you’re lying. You want him and you knew exactly how to get him. That’s why you made sure to skip out on wearing undies today. 
Nothing more comes out of Law except for groans and grunts of pleasure when he is on top of you minutes later, his clothes off and his hands gripping the hem of your dress as he fucks you in it. He has your legs up by your ears and his cock sunk deep into your pussy that makes such nice, squelching noises for him every time he thrusts into it.
“Now,” he huffs, staring down at your pretty face and jiggling titties, “any mouth you got for me now? Huh, little girl?” 
You don’t give him anything but a sob, your pretty face contorted in sheer pleasure as his cock strokes your insides. Law chuckles and sinks his two thick fingers into your mouth for you to suck on, right down to his knuckle tattoos.
“I didn't think so,” he groans. 
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interestellarprincess · 11 months
The 1
Pairing: Lance Stroll x Reader
Summary: After two years, destiny put them together to fix things out.
Warnings: none, just a poorly written english (not my first language) and sad swiftie's drabble. Also some personal words i'd like to say to him.
A/N: It took me some time to finish this one, but when I was writing the part 1, already knew that part 2 would be with this song.
TYSM for being here tolerating my bad writing :)
Now to the good stuff, SUMMONING ALL LANCE GIRLIES!!!!
This oneshot has a part 1
Taglist: @motorsp0rt, @mirrorball-6
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2 years have passed since the last time they saw each other. Two years since y/n had her heart broken by one of her favorite persons in the world. She took six months to finally get through what happened at the cafe with Lance. She got back to work and tried to live through it, because deep down, she knew that he was out there living his life with the other girl he took home and it wasn’t fair for her to be the only one frozen in time.
After those six months, y/n’s boss got her a recommendation letter to work as a social media in one of the formula one teams. Later, she found out that the job was at Mercedes and she couldn’t be happier. Y/n thought that her life was finally getting into the right course and nothing could stop her, not even the possibility of meeting him during one of the race weekends.
So it happened. Everything was fine, until Spain 2023.
It was Friday, before FP1, y/n was on her way to the Mercedes hospitality. The paddock was kinda full of people, mostly staff giving the final touches for the weekend, since it was a bit early for the gates to open . Y/n was trying to get through the people carefully enough to not spill her cup full of coffee. She failed her mission. Steps away of her destination, someone bumped her and the only thing she saw at that time was the green blur going through her. “Hey you! pay attention next time!” she yelled, not expecting for the blur to turn and come back close to her, not expecting for it to come back as a ghost that she’d been avoiding since the beginning of the season.
“Oh my god, I’m sorry, did you got burn…” Lance’s apologies stopped when he notice who was the person with the white shirt covered in coffee. ‘‘Y/n?, w-what are you doing here?’’ he shouldn’t be that surprised, but for a moment he wasn’t imagining that it was her in front of him, not after all these years.
After a few moments of processing, she finally managed to say something. “I work here, Lance.” She said trying to fix her shirt but it wasn’t worth it anymore. Meanwhile, he was just there, frozen looking at her. “Are you going to stay there looking like a statue or you’re going to apologize? I don’t have all the time and I imagine that you don’t have it too.” She was cold, but she needed to be. He blinked going back to reality.
“ y/n, I- I’m really sorry for ruining your shirt and your coffee… It’s just that I’m surprised by seeing you here.” He said scratching the back of his neck “look, can I get you another coffee? For, you know…” he was still thinking about what to say to her, she had no idea but she also haunted him after what happened. He felt like a piece of garbage for treating her that way and he wanted to apologize some day, but he wasn’t planning that this day would come so soon.
“Fine!” She agreed so fast that anyone would say it was because she was excited for it, however, all she wanted was to finally end this embarrassing and slightly stressing scene and go back to her normal day with not meeting her ex best friend and definitely without any coffee spilled all over her shirt. “Just dm me when and I’ll come, but now i need to go and get all of this coffee away” her hands were floating in front of her stained shirt during the last part of the sentence.
“Okay, see you later then!” he didn’t even finished his sentence when she was already leaving to the hospitality.
When Y/N arrived at the building, her friend Maya stopped her immediately. “Oh my god,Y/N! what happened to you? and why you’re looking like you saw a ghost?” she said already taking her friend to the nearest bathroom to get cleaned “Tell me everything!”
“If the ghost’s name is Lance Stroll, then I indeed saw one” Y/N was trying to dry her shirt with some paper towels while telling the whole thing to Maya, of course it didn’t worked, so the friend went out to get a new shirt for her. While Maya was out, Y/N noticed the notification on her phone.
@Lancestroll: I hope you’re ok and not burned
@yourusername: I’m fine, and the coffee wasn’t that hot
@Lancestroll: again, sorry for the shirt
@yourusername: it’s ok
@Lancestroll: btw, what do you think about today after debrief?
@Lancestroll: the “I’m sorry for ruining your morning coffee”? For what I remember, you’re not one of those with a bad memory.
Shit, he was right. Truth is that she just wasn’t ready to face him again.
@yourusername: oh right! After debrief is fine for me, see you there.
Y/N completely ignored his comment, but deep down, it still got her that he still knew her well. Maya came back, Y/N changed her shirt and the day went by as normal as possible.
Y/N was on her way to meet him at his team’s hospitality, when she finally entered the place covered in the team colors she saw him. He was there already on a table and waiting for her with her coffee, just like he did on the last time they spoke, just like he did on the day she left. For a minute, she felt like it was going to happen again, but the feeling passed when he said her name and waved at her.
“Different times now Y/N, different situations.” she said to herself inside her head.
She sat at the table, he smiled at her and handed her coffee. “I think it tastes better when it’s not all over you, right?” he tried to break the tension between them, because he knew that this meeting wasn’t because of the earlier accident, but because of the accident that happened two years ago.
“yeah sure it does!” she gave him a small smile after noticing how nervous he looked. “So, how are you doing? It’s been a while since we’ve last talked” Lance’s voice while finishing the sentence was almost a whisper.
“Oh, I’m good! On some new shit now as you can see” she chuckled while pointing to the silver star on her shirt.
“Yeah, this is so cool, I’m happy for you.” he took a sip from his cup “Did you started this year? I- I thought I saw you at Abu Dhabi last year.” Lance was nervous about her answer, because he could swear he saw her. Or maybe he was just missing her too much to the point of seeing her everywhere.
“Hm, sorry but it wasn’t me” she stared at her coffee “I started this year, John got me a recommendation letter. Anyways, tell me, how are you doing? How’s Juliana going? I didn’t saw her at the paddock” she knew she was a bit rough the moment she saw him look down.
He got surprised at how direct her words were, it was like ripping off a BandAid. He sighed “I think she’s fine, we broke up before last year’s summer break.” he stared at his coffee.
“oh, I’m sorry, you two looked happy together” she knew that they weren’t happy, but she was trying to be optimistic.
“No need to be sorry Y/n, actually, I’m the one who owns you an apologie.” he looked at her deep in the eyes and, for a second, she felt her body shiver. “I’m sorry for being an ass to you two years ago. You didn’t deserved to be treated that way, especially by someone you liked and who liked you back. I’m really sorry.’’ he said putting his hands over hers on the table.
Y/n sighed and looked at their hands together. " It’s okay now, Lance. If you never bleed you never gonna grow, right?” she gave him a soft smile.
After the apologies, the atmosphere between them got a bit lighter. “So, tell me, how are you doing? You’ve been doing great on the past race weekends.” she gave him a smile.
“If you say so, thanks!” he chuckled “But I know I need to work harder If I want to be quarter the driver that Fernando is.”
“Oh Lance, I guess you still the same when it comes to being too harsh on yourself.” she gave him a kind look " I know the media haven’t been the best with you, but you need to know you don’t need to be quarter of anyone than yourself. You’re still young and there’s plenty of time to improve your driving, and I trust you.”
“I guess I needed to hear that, thank you Y/n.” He smiled at her. “So, how about you…” he was about to finish his sentence when he looked down at her hands and saw the ring. “You’re engaged?” he was surprised.
“Guilty” she chuckled “His name is Travis, he’s one of the Mercedes engineers. My friend presented us last year by coincidence, before I got my job.” she smiled.
“Well, congratulations! I’m happy for you.” he said, but inside, his thoughts were screaming that it should be him. And he couldn’t help being mad at himself for it.
“Oh, thanks Lance” she was indeed happy with her life, but she couldn’t hold the thought that if her wishes came true, it would’ve been him. His ring on her finger, him wanting to spend a life with her. She knew it was wrong thinking this, but deep down she also knew that sometimes it was impossible to defend herself for never leaving well enough alone.
They chatted for a while, before their phones started to ring and they had to say goodbye. They promise to keep in touch because they missed each others friendship.
And in that moment, when they were leaving and following different ways, both of them started to think of what could’ve happened if that one moment had been different. Would everything be different between them now in the present? They felt the need to ask this burn inside their heads, but none of them were strong enough to ask it.
What they knew is that definitely everything would be sweet, if they were each others One.
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sugar-glaze-donut · 8 months
Hii!! <3
If it's alright with you, could do some drabbles/small hcs of the devil butlers who have an aruji-sama who is a long dragon/Chinese dragon? I've been thinking about this concept for a while, I still haven't seen any sort of supernatural MC in this fandom😭 I mean it makes sense since the game MC is supposed to be basically just a self insert of the player, but it would still be nice to see an aruji who's like nonhuman and stuff •w• sorry if I rambled a bit there (T_T)
Why hello Anon! I see you have an interesting request!
In my past few works, I wrote about Aruji-sama who's a devil, an angel and a fairy. But an Aruji-sama who's a Chinese dragon? I LOVE YOUR IDEA!!!
I did a lot of searching about the Chinese dragon, here are the sources I used! - Here! (Please let me know if some information is fake or isn't true!) (Also PLEASE tell me if anything I wrote here is offensive in any kind of way! I don't want to accidentally offend anyone here, I want my readers to feel comfortable reading my writing)
Headcanons under the cut!
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First of all, I'd like to imagine that Aruji-sama has eyes with a gradient of colours and slitted pupils. Colourful eyes are extremely unusual in the Human world, so Aruji-sama has to hide their identity by wearing colour contacts.
Ever since going to the Akuneko world and seeing the butler's MAJESTIC eyes, Aruji-sama probably thought that taking their contacts off would be a good idea...
But even if colourful eyes aren't unusual in that world, slitted eyes sure are!
▪️ ❤️ ▪️ 🐲 ▪️ ❤️ ▪️
Nac 🗝️: Oh Aruji-sama! Your eyes are stunning as always!
Aruji-sama ❤️: O-oh thanks-
Lucas 🍷: Is this some sort of unusual genetics from your world, Aruji-sama? May I have a closer look?
Aruji-sama ❤️: Yes, of course-
Lamli ⭐: Aruji-sama! Your eyes are sparkly... like, like stars!
Aruji-sama ❤️: *sobbing internally from embarrassment* (from my research, apparently Chinese Dragons are shy? Oh my! I suppose we have another case of slightly insecure and shy Aruji-sama, oh no!)
▪️ ❤️ ▪️ 🐲 ▪️ ❤️ ▪️
Scales and Tails
Just another note about Aruji-sama's appearance! Once they open up to the butlers, I'd like to think that they'd let their appearance slip through their human looks. From their tail suddenly popping out when they're happy, to showing their canine teeth when they're angry.
Think of it as... those Zhongli (from Genshin Impact) or Dan Heng (from Honkai Star Rail) in their half-dragon forms! That's what I imagine Dragon Aruji-sama to look like!
▪️ 🐲 ▪️ 🪭▪️ 🐲
Aruji-sama: Guys... I have to tell you something...
Berrien: Yes? What's wrong Aruji-sama?
Aruji-sama: I'm not human... *shows their dragon features*
The butlers: *gasp* 😯
Miyaji: Aruji-sama...
*insert Miyaji turning into his half-animal form after Aruji-sama unleashes his demon (why the fuck does that sound so wrong??)*
Miyaji: Me too...!
Aruji-sama: aww! *on the verge of tears cause they feel safe in the palace*
(if you know this meme take this 👑)
▪️ 🐲 ▪️ 🪭▪️ 🐲
Fortune and Rain
Last but not least, as Chinese Dragons represent "Good Fortune" and "Strength", I think that Aruji-sama's presence would give extreme luck to every butler in the palace
It can be small, unnoticeable things to unusual and terrifyingly weird events. Like Ammon's roses growing unusually well in bad weather, Nac feeling energized even after he only had a few hours of sleep, and... Haures actually succeeding in making something edible!?
The butlers might freak out (especially because of Haures's case).
And with the power of Google, I have found out that Chinese Dragons are usually associated with water. Occasional rainclouds here and there... oh and nobles slipping on puddles here and there... why is that noble drenched? Wasn't today sunny all day?
▪️ ⭐ ▪️ 🧧 ▪️ ⭐ ▪️
Boschi: Hey Ammon, don't you think things are going a little too well these days?
Ammon: Now that you mention it, that's kinda true...
Fennesz: It's not bad though... we should be on guard in case something happens-
Haures: Hey everybody look! I actually succeded in making cookies :D
Fennesz: I'm hallucinating, I'm definitely hallucinating...
Haures: ...do you want to try my cookies at least? :(
The rest of the butlers: I feel a disturbance in the force...
Aruji-sama ❤️: a-ACHOO!
▪️ ⭐ ▪️ 🧧 ▪️ ⭐ ▪️
Some random noble: You and your butlers suck! *walks away*
Berrien: Are you alright Aruji-sama? Please don't listen to that noble. I'm sure they-
*Berrien hears a scream in the distance*
Berrien: Oh my! Was that the noble... why are they drenched?
Aruji-sama: *looks away awkwardly* Maybe a puddle just fell on them...
Berrien: Ah, of course, that makes sense- huh? Wait that's not right..
▪️ ⭐ ▪️ 🧧 ▪️ ⭐ ▪️
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🍩Side note for anon: I hope I was able to get your request right! Sorry it took me so long to write this... 🍩
Last edited - January 29th 2024
✦ Want to read more of my works? Come and take a look at my Masterlist! Have a nice day, toodles! ✦
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miuszn · 1 year
Ok i Just found my new fav writer 🤍so i NEED to ask this ( do It only if you want)
What about an ellie x fem!reader where they go out on Patrol ,they run into a lot of zombies of every type , ellie gets bit and reader sees It so now ellie needs to explain the whole immunity thing and reader believes her ,
They go back to Jackson where Joel (lets Say he skipped golf lessons this time) finds out and freaks out and gets mad at ellie cause She wasnt supposed to tell anyone so he wants ellie to break up with reader but ellie doesnt want to so they fight and ellie goes back to reader for comfort
Its up to you if Joel and ellie fix this whole argument thing
(also Sorry if my english Is perfect🤍)
hiii anon <33 first of all i’m so honored u consider me ur fav writer i never expected to get so much love from the community so fast im rlly grateful to all of u hehe <33 . anyway , i rlly love ur idea !! i decided to write a short drabble instead because i’m working on another fic but i still wanna post some stuff while i’m working on that , hope ur fine w that 🥹🩷 ( note : this is an alternate universe where ellie already forgave joel and they were starting to fix their relationship .. also this might be kinda ooc especially joel bc i’ve never written him before eheh )
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you weren’t sure how it happened. you were only gone for a second, you swore, and somehow ellie got bit. you knew it was a bad idea to leave her in a room full of clickers, but you knew she was strong and should’ve been able to clear them out with ease. the second you saw the small bite mark on her hand, you realized what had happened. your heart sank. in a panic, you burst into tears and kept apologizing over and over for about 15 minutes until ellie was able to calm you down and explained to you that she’s immune, leaving out the details of the whole situation with joel and the fireflies. of course, you didn’t believe her. it seemed ridiculous. how the hell would someone be immune and not be out there in some lab being researched or whatever, like in movies?
it took you a while to believe her, but eventually, you did. you helped wrap her hand with bandages so no one would see the note mark, because the less people knew, the better.
you were distraught for the rest of the day. you felt horrible. she kept telling you there’s no need to keep apologizing, but you still felt the need to. what if that had been someone else? what if ellie wasn’t immune? how the hell was she immune in the first place? so many questions ran through your head.
later that night, you laid awake still thinking about today. you were disappointed with yourself for what you did, yet still so confused.
you heard some knocking on your window, and looked out to see ellie. you opened your window and let her in. she sat on your bed next to you.
“what’re you doing here?” you asked.
“just wanted to check on you,” she replied, “and. uh. joel’s kinda mad.”
you were confused. you wondered how he even found out, but it’s like she read your mind and answered.
“i told him about what happened today. just casually. and he completely lost it.”
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
“i can’t believe that girl let you get bit.” joel wasn’t even looking ellie in the eye. he was extremely disappointed in both of you.
“it wasn’t her fuckin’ fault, joel! i didn’t think anything bad would happen either! if you’re gonna blame anyone, blame me-“
“i’m blamin’ the both of you! what the fuck did you think was gonna happen back there? leaving you in a room full of clickers to fend for yourself? now one more person knows about you bien’ immune and all. god knows if she can even keep a secret.”
“what the fuck makes you think shes just gonna tell everyone? she’s not like that at all. why the hell are you acting like you don’t know that-“
“why the hell are you actin’ like that girl’s any good for you? all she does is get you into trouble.”
ellie went silent. she was shocked at how different he was acting. all this time he had been so nice to you, not once showing a sign of not trusting you or disliking you. she was conflicted, and in the heat of the moment, she just turned around and left, fuming with anger. she was starting to wonder if joel was actually right, but realized that was such a stupid thought. the worst part is, she wasn’t even sure if he meant it. now she didn’t know what to do. just as they were starting to fix things, life threw another curveball at them.
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
you were hurt by what ellie was saying. his words just further fueled the thoughts in the back of your mind saying that this was all your fault. but ellie realized this and tried her best to comfort you. she kept saying it wasn’t your fault, that she fucked up too, that she’s sure he didn’t mean it and he was just angry. while you were hurt by his words, that wasn’t your main concern. you thought about how this incident just further damaged their already broken bond that they’ve been trying to fix these days. you felt like because of you, all that progress was thrown away in less than 24 hours. and it was an ugly feeling. you felt even worse than you did before, and you didn’t know what to do.
“ellie..” you placed your hand on hers, “i’m sorry.” you started to tear up.
“hey..” she pulled you close and hugged you.
“it’s just.. i don’t know what exactly happened with you and joel. you don’t have to tell me. and everything is getting better now and i’m just scared i’ve ruined it and i just-“
“hey,” she interrupted you, “don’t worry about that, okay? it’s not your fault. i’ll.. i’ll figure it out. you don’t have to worry about me and joel. we’ll be fine.”
“are you going to forgive him for it?”
“i’m not sure,” she sighed. “if he didn’t mean it, maybe. but if he did, i doubt i can.”
“i don’t want you to lose progress with him just because of me..”
“we’ll be fine. please.. just.. stop worrying, okay?”
you nodded hesitantly.
while the guilt of possibly extending the process of ellie’s forgiveness of joel would continue to exist within you, at least for as long as it took her to finally reconcile with him, you were grateful to have her by your side. and you were sure to be with her every step of the way.
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 5 months
Hello and sorry for the delay, in regards to the ask I sent in a little while back. What I meant to say was timewise; can you do a drabble where they're (Comicverse A and B) in-between after the Joust incident but before their reconciliation? It would be in the middle of those years where they had a kinda undefined relationship (Not canon but as canon compliant as possible). Could you have it where A maybe takes care of B for an unrelated injury or consoles him thru something mentally? Just something that A does to help B without wanting to gain something from him. Which then that unintentionally builds a little bit of trust back. I hope that helps, sorry if I came across jumbled or made it worse (Lol and my crimes against punctuation). Anyway thank you so much for your time and wanting to clarify w me! I appreciate you so much :)
Hiii!! Thank you so much for clarifying your request, this was a very cute idea and I really enjoyed writing it!! It's a bit on the longer side for a drabble but I hope you like it!!
“God damnit!” Ballister spat, limping towards his hideout. This latest attempt to infiltrate the castle had proven far less successful than he'd hoped. The Institution put in a bunch more booby traps than the plans he'd intercepted showed. His leg was ensnared in barbed wire, as he'd abandoned his armor to fit through the narrow drainage gate. He ended up bloodied before his nemesis even got a chance to show up. He really hoped he wouldn't find him and rub his face in this now.
“Need a hand?” Said a voice from the woods. Ballister narrowed his eyes. “Come to gloat, Goldenloin?”
There was silence and then a rustling of leaves as the shiny, bronze-clad knight stepped out of the shadows. “Come on, don't be like that. I didn't set those traps, I didn't even know they were there! Nobody expected you or anyone else to try and bust in that way.” He looked at Ballister's leg. “You're hurt.”
“Oh gee, I wonder how that happened?” He replied sarcastically. Ambrosius rolled his eyes. “My horse is tied a bit further back on the path. He's good for double-riding, we’ll get you home.”
“I am not escorting you back to my house, have you lost your mind?”
Ambrosius crossed his arms. “Well I can't well let you stumble back there on your own in this state! But fine, I anticipated you might be stubborn about it, so I brought a first aid kit.” He rifled through his pack. “There's a clearing just up the road here.”
Ballister swallowed. Damn, he really didn't want to take help from Ambrosius, the bastard probably had some scheme planned. If he wasn't gonna arrest him, it'd be something else. But what choice did he have? He couldn't get back home in this state, not without getting patched up first. “Fine.”
Ambrosius smirked triumphantly, which was infuriating, and tucked an arm up under Ballister's shoulder on his bad side. Surprisingly gentle, he supported his weight while they limped to a nearby clearing off the road, where they wouldn't be seen.
Ballister hissed looking at his leg when he sat down. It would heal, but it was definitely sprained and torn up.
Ambrosius lit a lantern and took out his medical supplies. So far, Ballister didn't see signs of funny business. He insisted upon inspecting the iodine before allowing Ambrosius to use it, but there appeared to be nothing amiss.
Ambrosius donned a pair of gloves and wire-cutters and began carefully snipping and pulling away the barbed wire. Ballister fought to remain composed, but damn, it hurt like a bitch. For once, Ambrosius was quiet, not mocking. “I know,” he said softly. “I know it hurts. I'm almost done.” He dampened a gauze rag with iodine and dabbed the area.
Ballister’s eyes snapped wide and he bit hard on his tongue to stop from screaming. That shit always burns something awful. He briefly thought maybe Ambrosius was doing this to get pleasure from hurting him, but the way his brow furrowed said something different. “Shhh, take deep breaths. I’m sorry, I'm sorry, almost done.” He examined the leg. “It doesn't look like you need any stitches, so I'll bandage this up, okay?”
Ballister nodded stiffly, and he watched as those hands, bare from the scaled armor that usually concealed them, wrapped clean gauze bandaging around his calf with all the care and precision in the world. His eyes were focused, not manic as usual. He almost looked like the young man Ballister once loved, when he would ice his sprains and stroke his hair. Almost.
Ambrosius tied off the bandage and patted the leg. “That ought to feel better.”
Ballister pulled his leg away and tucked it under himself. “Why are you doing this?”
Ambrosius looked at him, almost puzzled. “What do you mean?”
“Oh please. You know it's weird! Why patch me up? What's your angle?”
Ambrosius shrugged. “You know my angle already.” He looked away, and the cocky veneer glossed over his face again, accompanied by a toothy grin. “You're my nemesis. If anything bad happens to you, I'll be out of a job!”
“Ugh!” Ballister rolled to his feet and began limping back to the path.
“Ballis– Lord Blackheart, wait!”
He swiveled. “What do you want, Goldenloin? What do you actually want?”
“Oh! Um–” he played with his hands. “You should take my horse. It will be hard to walk. Just send him back tomorrow.”
“Oh, you got a tracker on him or something?”
Ambrosius rolled his eyes. “I already know where your fortress is! Why would I even– just take him, okay? Just send him back, he'll get sad without his friends at the stable. He can find his own way home, he's done it before.”
Ballister took a deep breath, but he relented. He looked over the beast once Ambrosius retrieved it and as he claimed, there was nothing nefarious that stood out. Looking at that face, the face he once loved so deeply, saying goodbye, it felt somehow different.
Maybe the Ambrosius he loved wasn't all gone, maybe parts of him remained. There was an understanding between them. Maybe not quite trust, but there was something, like it or not, and there always would be
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W o w
2 more stellar chapters!!!!! I can’t wait for our fav receptionist to try out being a ring girl! (Is the asshole guy gonna try something and we get to see Frankie/the guys jump in? Bc protective men is 😭😭)
Anyway I love love love how you wrote the guy’s relationships with each other!!!!
If and only if inspiration strikes, I would love a scene from a “guys night”
Either before our girls comes into their lives or after, just then having fun and being them 🥹 bc I feel a lot of fics over look the importance of their friendship esp in regard to Frankie like Frankie fics will sometimes act like he has had no support until the girl comes in his life but yours just shows how much they all love each other
Doesn’t gotta be long (or even at all!) maybe just a nice lil thing 🥰
Ily have a wonderful day!!
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Best Friends, Beers, and Bets - Through the Scope Drabble
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Rating: everyone (just the boys being silly and goofy together)
Word Count: 1K
Notes: hi everyone ! i know i have been gone for a hot minute and i am deeply sorry about that. there has been a lot of not so fabulous things going on in my life and in my mental state that has left with with little motivation to write. the worst part is? im 3/4 done with chapter 11 ... like girl plz just finish that hoe DAMN ! but i found the motivation today to write for this lovely ask i received a little bit ago (: i love the idea of getting to take a peak inside how the TF boys are before Estrella came into the picture. so a very big thank you to @romanarose for this !! chronologically, this takes place before chapter one.
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Frankie, Will, and Santi sit together in the back of The Barrel at their usual table. The bar isn't particularly full this evening, but the comforting hum of conversations emitting from the regulars fill the empty chairs. They talk and laugh amongst each other as they wait for their last member to arrive: Benny. It had been only four days since his receptionist quit, but the hurt was apparent to everyone. Usually, she was the one to help him clean up after they close the gym down for the evening. Both of them managed to get it done relatively quickly too. Unfortunately, in her absence, Benny had to do it all himself. The other guys had repeatedly offered to give him a hand in the evenings, but Benny refused. He said that he had it covered and that they should just wait for him at the bar. Not wanting to press him further, the trio would retreat across the street. 
“Here he is! We all thought you fell into the washing machine and couldn’t get out.” Santi claps Benny on the shoulder as he makes his way to buy a round for everyone. 
“You were 15 minutes slower than yesterday.” Will says, tapping his watch while his brother takes a seat next to him. 
“Gee, that makes me feel great! Fish, do you want to rub salt in my wounds too?” 
“I’m just happy you’re finally here, man.” Frankie’s eyes convey sincerity. “But you’re going to run yourself ragged doing all that clean up by yourself. Why don’t you let us help?” 
“Yeah.” Santi rejoins the table and passes out the bottles. A few seconds of silence go by as each man takes a moment to wash away the stress of their day with deep gulps of chilled liquid. “We are offering to help you clean. It’s not like you’re forcing us.” 
Will nods in agreement and tips his bottle in both Frankie and Santi’s direction.
“I just hate the idea of y’all doin’ work I’m completely capable of.” 
“It doesn’t make you any less of a man if we help you clorox a few work benches, Benny.” Frankie says gingerly.
“I know, I know. To be honest with y’all?” Benny scoots closer into the table. “It’s kinda lonely there without someone to talk to in between clients.”
“My bed is going to be kinda lonely too if it makes you feel any better.” Santi offers. 
This manages to get a laugh out of the very tired looking Benny. “Oh is it now? Poor you.”
“Poor me is right! Your receptionist may have kept you company during the day but she kept me company during the night. Now that she's quit, that means I have to as well.”
“That’s not what that means at all, Pope.” Will says with a raised eyebrow. “You can still see her even if she doesn’t work at Brass Knuckles anymore.” 
“Well she also started talking about getting exclusive…”
“And there’s the real reason!” Will laughs. 
“Can we get back to my issue?” Benny begs. “What do I do? No one has answered the ads I’ve posted online. I don’t know how much longer I can handle juggling training clients and taking care of the in between tasks.”
“What about good old fashioned paper flyers? You could give some to me to hang at the auto shop. Will could take some to the VA?”
“Absolutely not.” Santi says with conviction. “I will not have a man take this job and ruin my chances of meeting another beautiful woman.” 
“Fine.” Frankie rolls his eyes. “What about a bookstore or a coffee shop? Does that sound better to you?”
“That’s not a bad idea, but do people even read those flyers? I know I don’t.” Benny shrugs.
“Well you’re not the one that's desperate for a job. I would just make sure you print out the ads on bright paper so it catches peoples eye.” 
“That’s not a bad idea either.” Benny says to his brother. “Still, who knows how long it's going to take before someone calls about it?” 
All four men are quiet as they brainstorm possible solutions to the problem that's currently plaguing them.
“I’ve got it!” Santi snaps his fingers. “I bet you that you can’t find another receptionist within a week of the last one leaving.” 
“Pope, what the fuck?” Benny looks shocked.
“Yeah, why are you actively saying he can’t do it?” Frankie questions. 
Santi only chuckles and Will shortly joins him when he puts the pieces together in his head. 
“You cabrons aren’t listening to me. I bet you that you can’t find another receptionist within a week of the last one leaving. You’ve never backed away from a bet as long as I’ve known you, Benny.” 
“He does love to prove you wrong, Pope.” Will has his arms crossed over his stomach and they rise and fall easily as he begins laughing again. 
A look of realization settles over the two other men.
“Alright, I’ll take you up on that.” Benny and Pope shake hands across the table. “You’re a dick though. She’s been gone for four days now. I only have three days to find someone else to hire.” 
“Damn.” Pope takes a sip of his drink. “I guess you better get your ass into the printer shop tomorrow and make some flyers. If you don’t, drinks are on you when the clock runs out.” 
Will and Frankie cheer knowing that no matter how this bet ends, they will be getting free beer. 
“What happens if a man calls before a woman does?” Benny looks smugly at Pope. “I’m not goin’ to tell him no if it’s in my three day window of search time.”
“Won’t happen. I can feel it in my bones.” 
“Even if, what did you say before, a beautiful woman calls about the job, that doesn’t mean she’ll want to immediately hop into your bed.” Frankie states playfully.
“You think she’s going to want to hop into yours, Fish?”
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{tag list: @cutesyscreenname @rsquared31 @smol-beb @bitchwitch1981 @avastrasposts @hoeslingz @saltybutteredtoast @javicstories @c-justhere @pimosworld @modernperplexity @beboldbebravethings @mxtokko @moonliqhtszn @tanzthompson @megcads @myloveistoolittle @casa-boiardi @jitterbugs927 @partyofone3413 @pedrit0-pascalit0 @golden-library @pati-et-vivere @mashomasho @lilmizmoz @angstylittlepascal @sofiparallel @selflcontrol @adriennemichelle98 @painitemoondust @pedritosgirl2000 @tpwkmera @romanarose @missbabyjay @missgurrl }
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elsblunt · 9 months
u fully stole astralnymph’s gaming ellie idea… and
chai-berries diner w abby like hello
your stuff is good and i understand inspiration is one thing it’s just kinda like as soon as they post u post something very similar
i’m sorry if the gaming thing came off that way but there’s been many gamer ellie concepts that pretty much are the same scenario as mine, so the little drabble thing was inspired by many i’ve read. if she has a problem with it i will for sure take it down! i really never meant it to seem like that.
also i just went to chai-berries acc and looked at the diner thing! its cute and i love it but i had watched hot summer nights with my mom the night before and got an idea, i didnt see the post until you mentioned it. again if they’re bothered by it ill be happy to take it down. i apologize if it seemed like i was copying peoples work <3
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lovelynim · 2 years
Aaaahhhh, I'm kinda late, but congrats on your milestone, m'lady! You absolutely deserve your followers, and we'll always love you and your content <3 ✨🌸
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(And also, if you're still taking requests, maybe something with lee!Vox and ler!Ike, if you want? I've been craving it, okay, now I'm feeling nervous to send this, anywaynowi'mgonnagohideagain, ly 💖)
Thank you so, so, so much! It means a lot when it comes from an amazing artist such as yourself!!
Also, my dear, even if my blog was deactivated, you are one of the people I would NEVER turn a request down. I'd come back from the dead just to write it.
So, that being said, I humbly offer you this drabble. Hope you enjoy and, again, tysm for the support <3 <3 <3
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Ike took a sip from his drink while he heard Vox talking about his last stream. As much as he enjoyed the demon’s company and didn’t mind being his listening, most of that information would simply fall on deaf ears.
“...but then Mysta came out of nowhere and tickled me…”
The novelist used the straw to stir his drink, moving the small blocks of ice when that particular sentence struck him. Ike raised his eyebrows in curiosity, slightly turning his face to Vox. “Sorry, Mysta did what?”
“Oh, like, he came from behind and wiggled his fingers over my waist. It made me let out a really awful squeal,” Vox said, between chuckles, “he caught me off guard and I-”
“I didn’t know you were ticklish, Vox.” Ike interrupted his colleague, placing his glass down while a slight smirk formed on his lips.
“Well, to put it like that it’s an overstatement. I was simply scared wh-”
“Then…” Ike interrupted him again, this time the novelist could tell that Vox knew where he wanted to get with those comments. “Can I test it out?” He spoke softly, holding his hand in front of his chest and slowly wiggling his fingers.
The demon felt a shiver run down his back, swallowing dry at the idea. Yet, he tried his best to put up some calm facade, hoping to talk the novelist out of it. “I don’t see the need for that.”
“And why not? If you are not ticklish, there is no reason to fear.”
“I’m not fearing anything, it’s just thaAHA- Ike! N-nohoh, s-stop it!” Vox choked on his laughter when Ike ignored his words and reached for his waist, pinching it skillfully. As the tinglish feeling spread across his body, the demon quickly held the novelist’s wrist, trying to pry it off of his body.
“Huh… so, Mysta “scared” you like this?” Ike teased, managing to switch to Vox’s side despites the other man’s attempts to stop him. The change of spots made him twist and turn on his chair, trying to battle both the urge to laugh and Ike’s tickling.
“Y-yehehah, now s-stohop it! AhaHAh, e-enohough!” Vox pleaded, trying to lean away from Ike’s hand to the point he was almost falling from his chair. 
“Already? I thought you were not ticklish, Vox. Were you lying then?” Ike pressed the man further, cornering him both literally and metaphorically.
“O-of cohohourse not! Ahahaha, I-I’m not tihihicklish!” The demon protested, being forced to use one arm to support his body while the other kept trying to fend Ike’s assault off.
“Sure thing,” Ike chuckled, finally giving Vox a break. The novelist smugged, picking up his glass again and beginning to stir his drink. “Anyway, finish your story. So, after that, what did- ahm… Vox?”
As he turned to face his colleague again, Vox had a clearly annoyed smile on his face. Ike couldn’t help but slightly lean away from him. “Is… everything ok?”
“Oh, I’m perfectly fine, Ike, but since we are on the topic… how ticklish you said you were?”
“W-what? I- AHAh, V-Vox! WAHAIT!!”
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downwhorendous · 7 months
hello hi, new anon here. i've been a follower of yours on jai since like before you had 100 followers but i've just never left a review or anything really.
i have this really weird thing where even if something is totally anonymous I'm still kinda afraid to say anything. idk if that makes sense but yeah..
the only reason i'm here now is because it's 1 AM and i'm high off my ass on edibles and have had many ideas running through my mind.
perhaps it could give you inspiration for things and stuffs. but here.
- satoru thigh fucking the user
- user cock warming satoru while choking him (saw this drabble on here but forgot who wrote it, it was like 2 months I saw anyway)
- au where satoru isn't a sorcerer but can see curses and knows about them, comes across user saving some random person and basically questions why they bother w it. (I saw this on Twitter and it's been living in my head rent free. I can't remember the artists name mb.)
- au where instead of suguru defecting and killing a fuck ton of people it's satoru and user leaves w him. because feral villain satoru is incredibly sexy. and i will accept no criticism on this
sorry for the late ass reply 💔
THIGH FUCKINGGGG is always a fav, I'm suprised at myself that I haven't done something like this yet, same with cockwarming—now that I think about it I believe I have one in the drafts 🤔 I need to look through 😭
thank you for the suggestions boo 🫶
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raz-writes-the-thing · 9 months
ahh sorry for jumping to conclusions, it's just I saw you replying to compliments to your fics posted after I sent the ask and I know I have zero social skills + am not even a native speaker of English so offending someone unintentionally seemed like a likely explanation to me.
I fully understand that responding to prompt/request asks takes much longer than convo ones so it makes sense for stuff to get lost among those. btw I am in awe of how fast you write to be posting stuff so often; it always takes me like a fiscal year to finish a one-shot lol
as for the actors I was referring to: yup David Tennant and (please don't laugh at me) Charlie Day. in my defence iasip was not the first thing I saw him in I had no idea what I was getting myself into -🌒
No, no- no need to apologise at all. : ) I'm sorry if I upset you by not replying faster oops. Your English is really good imo- better than some native speakers that's for sure.
I have no idea how I manage to do it tbh. A lot of the stuff I post are shorter drabbles, and they're easier to pump out, but still. I try to post at least one thing per day but I don't always get there.
CHARLIE DAY!!!! OH!!! I love, love, LOVE Charlie Day. He's so,, cute in like,, a dad bod,, sweetheart kinda way. I'd fuck him no question. I'm in that boat w you don't even worry.
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minniepetals · 1 year
long msg (maybe?):
AHHHH so glad cmar is back 😭😭 been baking all day for family and cfriends so i wasnt able to see ur post abt its release AND when u released cmar💔 j so glad ur back and cmar is back🩷 cmar has me feeling so many emotions but ngl sometimes i also feel a little desensitized from reading sm angst in cmar😭(?)
alexander reminds me sm of my grandpa, he gives off such a warm vibe. A little prediction for alexander: i think hes the man standing behind karl ( hope m not wring and got the context clues right bc this would be v embarrassing rn😅) if oc acc kills karl right then and there or hurts him, alexander wouldnt say a thing and would have trusted him right there that he would do anything to her (if theres a plot twist and u acc make him hate oc i will be crying !!).
and if so !! i imagine oc going back to korea barely scathed and would take alexander’s adivce and get a dog. i would see her get a cutesy little puppy maybe to heal her inner child (like she gives in a little to her past self and lets go a bit j as alexander says) and absolutely adores her pup. THATS WOULD BE THE CUTEST THING EVER. but i also see her getting a big dog to keep her yk baddie energy through and through (but within the walls of her house or when no one looks she would probably baby her big pup).
I can see her abs loving her pup and probably going berserk on anyone who would harm her pup. u would prob do smthing like kill her pup off j to make us feel smthing.. and she would 100% go on a rampage after finding put who killed her pup🫡
and ofc this wouldnt be a cmar ask w/o tellings u that i hope the boys and oc makes up in the future. doesnt have to be soon or anyt i still have the urge to choke the cmar tannies (j a little). AND i hope they find put abt mc soon and go through abs hell as everything unfolds infront of them little by little. THE GUILT THAT I WANT THEM TO FEEL. yk. i acc imagine them finding everything out through a risky mission through their inears or smthing but idkidk its all up to beloved author (u, ily.)
if any of this. ur acc planning to write m sorry ill stop talking mb.
but on that note !! hope ur doing the best !! hope u feel amazing !! i want to tell u that ive probably read everytimg on ur masterlist alrdy and have repeatedly gone over “a thousand springs” and cried everytime.. i also abs miss ur drabbles ahuhu. but ur health and happiness is what matters most !! take ur time writing !! we wuv u (*˙˘˙)♡
okay i'd like to first point out that the man "standing" behind karl is not alexander but actually y/n's father oop-
"It feels like being in the presence of your father all over again, in the face of danger, of a manipulator, of a gaslighter, of an abuser. He returns hard and so vividly in the form of anger, in the form of a ghost, a spirit whom you see standing right behind Karl. He stands as still as ever, hands held behind his back, simply watching."
to explain, it's basically y/n hallucinating her father being there in front of her again the moment karl laid his hand on her.
will she kill him? will she not? i mean either way, he's dying so... 🫢
also the idea about her getting a pet sounds good lmao. i even thought about it while writing but suffice to say, we won't be introducing another animal character into the mix. the idea is really nice tho, like i just imagine her getting a big black dog who looks menacing, kinda like the way y/n in until the last star falls had cerberus (though in the of kai lmao). BUUT, when you think about it, her "guard dogs" are basically the reapers and i don't really feel like adding another concept into cmar's complicated character building lmao.
also you're getting some one-on-one with jk next chapter who yay for that 🥳
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rrxnjun · 1 year
oh my god thanku really love the date cuz its a national holiday here so every year i'm getting fireworks🤭🩷💗also can i ask when is ur birthday or is that top secret information?👀
oo i'm really glad u were able to keep the idea🥳🥳(but really cuz other wise i might have not found ur page and that is just heartbreaking when i think about it💔)
tbh i'm down if u end up coming just tell me cuz i'm 80% sure i will go🫡 i don't understand why they are not going to vienna like i remember it being so popular for concerts cuz i was so salty about the fact that it's just the neighboring country and they couldn't have come a little bit closer🤣 AHH MAN NOOO THATS SO SAD☹️☹️☹️I HOPE U WILL BE ABLE TO SEE THEM ONE DAY!!!!☹️
U ARE JUST AMAZING FOR THAT!! best tendencies 🤣 yeah i was very shocked as well but i didn't get edits about it luckily cuz i think that would have made me so much more sad🫡 I UNDERSTAND THAT SO MUCH I WAS THE SAME FOR AGOOD WHILE MANS WAS ON MY MIND 24/7 (and still he is very much there although not as much as he used to:/)🤭 IDK I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY THERE ARE BASICALLY NO TREASURE WRITERS HERE??? but i really think u would be an exceptional writer for them👀sooo i'm waiting for a treasure fic if u don't fall out of them ofc (although that is kinda hard to imo) ooo u know i think just a drabble couldn't hurt anyoneeee🤗 THEN IM WAITING FOR UR FIC EVEN MORE🥳
HOOE UR DOING WELL AS WELL!!! and i'm not too sweet u are too sweet!!!!!🩷💘💘 (and sorry again for the very late reply school sucks☹️)
(and i also wanted to ask that should i send u asks on ur other acc if i see something that i would bring up here just so i don't pollute this page anymore than i already did🤣like i just keep bringing up random topics here so sorry)
(liebestraum anon🌷💕💞)
omg thats so cool???? fireworks on your bday every year must be so amazing woah,,,, my bday is not a top secret dw 😌😌 its quite literally in 2 days (apr 16) lmao i feel very old and i also forgot its my bday this sunday so when my mum mentioned it i was like what already???
hhhh i am too!! i am currently actively writing it just so you know<33 if school doesnt kick my ass as hard (which it might bc i have my first final in 10 days LMAO) i think it should be done before summer AHAHA
have fun if you end up going!!! i had a talk w everyrone and came to the conclusion that i just cant go this year so thats :// maybe next year.... manifesting vienna fr that way i could be home the same day if i tried hard enough. VIENNA USED TO BE SO POPULAR W CONCERTS i swear every pop punk band and their mothers back in the day had a concert there. what happened im gen so confused i keep searching for it on every tour but nowadays no one goes there
you know the song TV by billie eilish??? thOSE edits make me so heartbroken. like 'dont know where you are right now, did you see me on TV?' bitch stop puting mashidam onto those lyrics i will have a full on meltdown. but anyways my man jihoon is still on my mind 24/7 and its gotten even worse man i need serious help i think. somebody call an exorcist. and stop supporting that drabble i will nOT write it (i am trying really hard to contain myself rn)
school sucks and it should be cancelled. >:(( i hope youre doing well i enjoyed hearing from you,, hope life treats you good in the next couple of days!!! mwah
also you can send asks whenever you want!! honestly this is my space and i dont mind clogging the dash djfkdlj if anyone minds these they can just block the tag, they curate their own tumblr experience :p but if you ever wanna send anything to mosviqu or my other blogs i honestly welcome you everywhere!!!
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flyingspicerack · 2 years
NO YEAH I TOTALLY AGREE W U... I'm a transmasc who's kinda squicked by pregnancy (I've gotten incrementally better abt it through writing a small set of drabbles abt trans pregnancy whips and nae naes. Fanfiction to the rescue!!!) And while I'm still kinda grossed out about the idea of ME being pregnant I think mycs dream of wanting a lil baby is so cute I would do it 4 him. Raise a kid w him i mean. I LOVE lil kids I used to work with toddlers assistant teaching them ballet they were the best lil hellions and I declared war on one of their parents for being an asshole to one of them. But like babies,,, ouwagh I do not think I could handle it LMAO. But like you said baby mushroom spores would prolly be different in development than human babies LOL.
SORRY FOR RAMBLING SUEBDB I like talkin about my old kiddos I've missed them since I've been at college lol.
ANYWAYS I think it's really interesting how he wants to be a mom. Like considering how much of an asshole he was to the kids in the brettfast club /affectionate. Granted he had some amnesia but it was so goofy LOL. He gives me the vibes that he would hate everyone else's kids but his own as a mom. He would've been a great momma everyone can fight me on this 😤 JDDJBS
I should note that I have never seen sex in the city so I didn't know who the character was HEISJ ALSO I FORGOR ABOUT HIM SAYING HES A TOTAL SAMANTHA EHEHEK with how many times I've rewatched this show you'd expect me to be better about remembering dialogue. I'm such a fake fan /j
Also me and one of my friends were chatting about random ass headcanons the other day and he said "Honestly just breed him he wants a kid" AND IT MADE ME LOSE MY SHIT RIFBD
There may be a second ask coming ur way I have to remember if there was anything else I wanted to say
Yeah i agree with what you mean about the supporting him with the kids but not wanting any urself, like, physically being preggo, but mushroom babies.... UwU
I think after the hive reunion ep we learned so much about him but subconsciously, like how sensitive and vulnerable he is... How he put up walls so he wouldn't get hurt again... Jesus christ i could go on about him for years
And I've only seen the movie but the show was a bit before my time so im not too familiar either
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imnotwolverine · 3 years
About kissing
1139 words - A quick cute Henry Cavill x reader drabble 
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Christmas night, Marianne and Colin Cavill’s backyard, 23.12pm.
‘Have you ever thought of what it would be like if we were together?’ Henry asked. The both of you sat huddled together on a bench, watching the stars. 
‘Us?’ You quirked an eyebrow, but kept your gaze locked on an airplane that was flying overhead. As a child you always thought those blinking, moving lights were falling stars. But boy had you been wrong. Like many things in life, the magic was now long gone. 
Henry shifted his weight and the iron bench wobbled. ‘Mhm.’ 
You shot him a curious look. His lips had curled up slightly and even without Marianne’s fairy lights, you could have probably seen the mischievous little sparkle in his eyes. Ah, he was jesting. You sniffled. 
‘Oh sure, of course. We’d have like.. super nerdy babies who read fantasy novels to escape the dreadful existence of math class. And we’d have a whole lot of hobby rooms..and animals. Mm what a life!’ You let your wandering eyes roam back to Henry. His mirthful look had melted away. He nodded quietly before quickly looking back up at the stars. 
‘Yea. Kids..hmm?’ 
You frowned, but decided against asking what was up. Perhaps it was the break-up with his last beau. Like so many before, the relationship had crashed and burned just before christmas. And so Henry had asked you to tag along to his parent’s Christmas dinner instead. And here you were. Again. Like so many Christmases before this one. 
Henry continued: ‘But are you seeing anyone?’ 
‘Me? Oh you know me. I’m more of a summer lover kinda gal. The winter’s no good time for finding hot guys to be disappointed by. Can’t even see their abs in those thick ol’ sweaters.’
‘Never thought you an ab kinda girl.’ 
‘Oh you’d be surprised Cavill.’ 
‘Neill didn’t have abs though.’ 
You rolled your eyes and gave Henry a look. He laughed, winking terribly. 
‘Oh you know..he just kept it a secret from the rest of the world. Safely hidden beneath a comfy little belly.’ You shrugged.
‘I see.’ Henry yawned and stretched his arms up overhead, one arm making its way to looping around your shoulder. You grinned. 
‘Veryyy smooth Hen.’ 
‘You know me. I’m smoothness!’ 
You offered him a look, but all he did was shrug. ‘Come on, can’t I keep you a little warm?’ 
‘Hey! It was your idea to go outside, mister.’ 
‘Yep..’ He nodded and turned his head in your direction to follow the noises inside. Some of the other family members were probably heading to bed now. You turned your head too, curious to see what attracted his attention. 
‘Want to go back?’ You asked, turning back to face him, only to realise how close he’d gotten. With a quick blink you worked through what was happening. His warm breath fanned over your face and his arm tugged you nearer. 
He didn’t kiss you though. He just closed his eyes and sat back a bit, shaking his head. ‘I’m sorry.’ 
‘W-w..’ You looked at him with large eyes. Had he just almost kissed you? Buddy Henry? Henners? The guy you’d called your friend for years? You stood up and tugged your jacket straight, cheeks running hot. 
‘What was that?’ You asked, but Henry didn’t respond. He sucked in his lips, before looking away in agony. 
‘I’m sorry.’ He mumbled. 
You looked at him a moment longer, before you let your eyes roam to the lit windows of the main house. Marianne stood in the kitchen, turning down the stove where a stew had been brewing all day. Behind her Colin stepped in, bathrobe on, ready for bed. With an intimate little flick of his hand he tucked some of her hair behind her ear, lips kissing her on the cheek. She smiled and reciprocated, her lips finding his. Gods what a sweet couple they were. 
Henry also stood, shoulders drooping with guilt. You looked back at him, realising that you were in a very confusing situation right now. 
‘Hey, I’m so sorry. That was..that was uncalled for. I should’ve..’ 
You blinked at him, but couldn’t find the words. In fact you probably looked rather perplexed. With raised eyebrows you let out a little puff of air. ‘You like me?’ 
Henry frowned. ‘Ye-- hey of course I like you. We’d not be friends if..-’ 
‘You like me-like me? As in…’ You stepped towards him and just hugged him. Henry hugged back. You weren’t sure if this was an appropriate moment for a hug, but it felt right. Especially with Henry’s arms looping around you, and his eyes for a moment not piercing into you. 
From within the hug you tried to get your mind working. You felt like you were thinking three thousand miles an hour, and not at all. Heat had spread all over your cheeks and your fingers tingled. 
‘Holy shit.’ You muttered, voice muffled by his thick scarf. 
‘Is that a good holy shit?’ He asked, continuing to hug you. 
You laughed, shaking your head. ‘I don’t know. I--’ You leaned back and looked at him, still very much confused. He was so close, so warm, so beautiful. So...argh, no, this could not be happening. This was..bizarre! This was.. you studied his face for another moment. 
‘You okay?’ He asked, holding onto you lightly as he watched you have a tiny existential crisis. 
‘Okay, okay. You can kiss me now.’ You nodded, shaking yourself from being completely perplexed. 
‘Sure..?’ Henry raised an eyebrow at your fully focused gaze. You were all but staring at every hair, dimple and pore on his face. He probably thought you a complete looney! A silly, silly --
He leaned in and placed his lips on yours. 
Oh, that’s nice. 
That’s warm and soft and..You closed your eyes. The cognac..the …
He leaned back again and looked at you expectantly. 
‘Are you sure you’re..--?’
You crashed your lips back to his before he could continue. He chuckled into your kiss. 
‘Okay okay.’ He laughed and used his large warm hands - even without gloves - to cup your face. You looked back into his eyes. 
‘Oh I’m a bad kisser huh?’ You said, feeling your heart drop. Neill once said that and the idea never left your mind since. 
‘What? No..I..’ Henry sighed and pressed his lips to yours again. This time even more tenderly, more calmly. 
All of a sudden all the thoughts just evaporated and there was only just Henry. Not even the airplanes up above, or the freakish cold. It was just Henry now. 
You sighed as he released the kiss. 
‘I don’t really have abs at the moment though.’ He said, eyes twinkling with mirth. 
‘Bother.’ You chuckled, throwing your arms around his shoulders and kissing him again. 
Bother, indeed.
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