#//taken from a f2f
luukeskywalker · 10 months
wangxian 28!!
ummmm this is longer than 100 words. and i wanted this to be toxic yaoi because the song for this is F2f by That Handsome Devil but thinking about that hurt my heart for too long so this is what we have instead:
The Sunshot Campaign was a time mostly concocted of horror and grief. Death surrounded Wei Wuxian, usually of his own volition, but it sometimes seemed to cover him like a stinking cloud of rot. 
Of course, digging up dead bodies all the time tends to make you smell like that, but he’s trying for a metaphor here, so let’s try not to take it too literally. 
Comforts were few and far between for him as he marched through battles with hordes of undead at his beck and call (truthfully it was probably only like ten or twenty corpses, but hey, the emotional toll it had on people fought half the battle for him), and he had often taken to really living in the moment as best he could. After all, one wrong move and he’d be no better than the old granny at his side who’d ripped her grandson’s head clean off in the last skirmish. They were both reunited under his service at least, so he didn’t feel too bad about it. 
Anyways, he’d decided to appreciate the little joys in life before it inevitably ended bloody. And one of those little – though he really couldn’t be described as such – joys was just up ahead. 
“Lan Zhan!” Wei Wuxian called, grinning past the grime smeared across his face. “Looking good as always. Ah, I’m so jealous!” 
The aforementioned Lan Wangji regarded him and his shambling corpses coolly for a moment. “You look tired,” he said at last. “My tent is already prepared. Rest.” 
Wei Wuxian commanded his corpses to assemble his own tent (they would not do a very good job at it, but he could always fix it up later) and sidled up closer to Lan Wangji’s icelike countenance. “You really did miss me, didn’t you? Already telling me to go to bed…as if I’ll get any rest with you.” He smiled like a fox and grasped Lan Wangji’s arm. “You don’t look tired, but I think you should rest as well.” 
Lan Wangji hesitated, as if he meant to say something else, but allowed himself to be led back to his sleeping quarters. 
What they had wasn’t exactly personal. It didn’t really mean anything. How could it? Either one of them could be dead by morning. Probably not Lan Wangji – he was too powerful, too beautiful, too skilled and righteous. But Wei Wuxian had no such faith in his own fate. He was cunning and powerful, sure, and could take a hit like nobody’s business (just ask his ass after one night with Lan Zhan), but he had thrown away his destiny for his own reasons. He didn’t expect to live long. Hopefully just long enough to end this war. 
So what if he decided to indulge in a few nights of carnal lust every so often? He had the right. And Lan Wangji was more than willing to enjoy it with him. 
When all this was over, and Wei Wuxian was just another rotting corpse in the ground, Lan Wangji could easily move on from his wartime nights of passion and find himself a nice wife. He’d already be great at his husbandly duties. 
“Why don’t you get comfortable, and let me take care of you.” Wei Wuxian gestured to Lan Wangji’s bed. “You’ll feel much better in no time.” 
“I’m not the one who looks like a corpse,” Lan Wangji said. “Lie down.” 
He brokered no argument, and soon Wei Wuxian found himself nestled onto the surprisingly comfortable bed. 
“I do not look like a corpse,” Wei Wuxian said, more for the sake of arguing than actually meaning it. Lan Wangji was always more fun when he was a little mad. “I just smell like one.” 
Lan Wangji blinked at him, then reached out to wipe off some old corpse dirt on Wei Wuxian’s cheek. “Two things can be true,” he said. 
This wasn’t how this usually went, and Wei Wuxian had to admit he felt a little off-kilter. By now, Lan Wangji should have pounced on him, but he was…not doing that. “Am I really so disgusting that you won’t sleep with me?” He tried to make his offense sound over the top, but it came off as almost genuine, which made the whole thing so much worse. “I’m offended.” 
“You need rest more than I need you,” Lan Wangji replied. “Sleep. There is always later.” 
No there isn’t, Wei Wuxian wanted to say, but found his eyes drifting shut before he could open his mouth. It was so warm in there…how long had he been so cold? 
When the war was over, so was their relationship. Lan Wangji didn’t need Wei Wuxian’s reputation dragging him down a dark, single-plank bridge. But Wei Wuxian held the warmth from that night in his mind for the rest of his life (and the next one after that).
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wmufranniefabray · 8 months
f2f → rachel & frannie
It had been a relatively hectic day, thus far. In between classes, Frannie had set her mind towards trying to convince one of her professors to grant her access to one of the lab's later into the evening so she could spend extra time examining one of her current projects. Unsurprisingly, this hadn't gone to plan and the professor had urged Frannie to...gain other hobbies outside of her academics, which she had been mildly offended by. She had hobbies! Plenty of them! Her indignation was palpable as she walked - well, marched - back to her dorm, ignoring the looks of confusion many passing students gave her.
No, she did not care to slow down or wait for anyone to today. Her patience was running slightly thin.
Feeling her phone buzz in the corner of her jacket pocket, Frannie quickly reached inside to grab her phone, her brow raising as she saw Rachel's text message. See, Frannie had hobbies! She was even spending time with a relatively new friend today.
Meeting Rachel had been...definitely enlightening, to say the least. At times, Frannie had found socialising with others - especially at college - to be relatively disappointing. Nobody truly understood or could relate to her innate desire to achieve. It had been drilled into Frannie ever since she was a little child - never settle for anything less than perfection. It had taken years to try to forget some of the morals her parents had instilled in her across the years, but her ambition had never once wavered.
Rachel, however, was different. Rachel reminded Frannie of a bright burst of energy, a newfound jolt of electricity that she had never noticed she was missing until now. And part of Frannie - a small part she had been trying to ignore - hadn't been able to erase Rachel Berry from her mind ever since their first conversation.
The coffee shop was bristling with customers and was relatively busy as Frannie pushed open the door, letting the gust of wind fall inside alongside her as she walked inside. Frannie's eyes scanned the shop, her eyes darting from each individual, waiting until they landed on Rachel.
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she-likesorchids · 1 year
I'm going with anon on this although I am a regular reader of your works/blog. It's in reference to a recent blog post about feeling like people find you annoying, etc. I don't know if you're referring to online interactions or F2F with people, but I'm sorry you feel that way.
FWIW, you're being awfully hard on yourself. I suppose it's easier said than done to relax that inner voice, but at the same time, perhaps people do not find you annoying at all? Not sure of the social situations to which you refer, but those cover a lot of ground when you think about it. For example,, chatting with acquaintances about one's passions is slightly different than friends. I am awful with reading cues from people (F2F) and then in text, there is the whole issue of reading tone and intent. Perhaps in the interactions, there are contextual communications that make you feel one way but the person(s) don't believe you're that way at all. Or, there are issues of which you are unaware that are making the communication difficult (for example, I had a personal loss that I didn't feel comfortable sharing with anyone too far outside of my social circle, but it did affect my ability to be a good listener on occasion so my attention was divided. I sometimes think that the old way of going into mourning helped with such types of interactions)
Anyway, I hope you don't interpret this as me telling you how to feel. Far from it. You feel the way you feel because that is what humans do. Feel. What I am attempting to relate is to encourage you to not give up on social interactions because it could just be that there are plenty of people who share your passions or enjoy listening to you describe your passions (it can be contagious you know!) or whose cues are being misinterpreted. Or, not. I suppose there are enough assholes or people who don't listen very well--we've all run into those types. But, those people are missing out on some really great conversations aren't they?
Sorry for the length of the 'ask.' I have a friend (not on Tumblr) who frequently calls me and one of the first things I used to do (and still do although nowadays she pre-empts me with a 'I need to vent') was ask her if she needed a problem solved or if she needed to vent. The reason being was that sometimes we just need someone with which to share our frustrations but not go into the 'here is what you might try mode.' Both can be positive interactions or negative depending upon the perspective of the two and I always liked to get that squared away so we weren't at cross purposes if that makes sense.
I wasn't sure if you were venting or otherwise, but again, FWIW, you matter and so do your feelings. Take care.
Heya nonnie!
Sorry it has taken me a few days to respond, you gave me alot to think about, lol.
Honestly, since no one interacted with that post, I didn't think anyone saw or cared, so thank you for making me feel valid and seen. It means alot.
I guess it's a combination of both online and IRL interactions. It's hard to make friends as an adult, and I am at the age where everyone has kids, and I am child free by choice, so I feel excluded from my real life friends quite a bit. I know people are just busy, and that's probably it, but my stupid brain just thinks everyone hates me.
The fact is, I am just lonely. Being disabled and chronically ill is incredibly isolating, and having online friends I interact with helps tremendously, but I just end up feeling like I'm bothering people.
I appreciate your very kind words, and the encouragement. This is something I have been working through with my therapist, and it's getting better, but I still have bad days.
Much love to you and anyone reading this!
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shhthesecretdiary · 1 year
Thought Dump (Aug 6, 2023, 12:32 AM)
Go ahead, put anything.
Sorna, yan kasi nakalagay before ako magtype.
This is attempt to produce something rather than spending a shit ton of time scrolling through different social media platforms.
Currently it is Sunday midnight, so day off. And, since I can barely get my shit together, I will write something about my life so far.
It always saddens me how I always fall short of my goals for myself. I can always start, but it is really so hard for me to be consistent and to see something 'til the end.
8th of July, I subscribed to a gym membership for 1 month. I did about 3 sessions and that was it. :( I had a lot of complains, which is true that I always feel pain on my calves, making it so hard to move them. Also, one of my pain points was that I have no effin idea what to do there, I had a personal training session during the first day, but that was too tough, I wished it was a taken a little bit slowly. Feel ko nabigla katawan ko. So I rested, and that lasted for weeks. Mageexpire na yung one month bayad, it's out of my budget to go for another month, so my goal is to lose weight first through waling and AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, PLEASE, LESSEN FOOD INTAKE AND BE WARY ABOUT WHAT I EAT.
Okay next aspect, work. I had finished my probation period last 24th of July, got the salary increase notification on the 25th, I'd be lying if I said I am satisfied with the increase, but I had to take into account na 'di pa rin ako magaling, 'di ko nababalanse yung tasks ko, nahihiya pa rin ako magtanong, still have no idea with corporates, still struggle with conversations, takot pa rin sa f2f convos with client, and still not in close relations with all of them. Bano pa rin. But I just hope they consider that my pay isn't enough in the first place. Pero sabagay, credentials ko rin.
Another, life. Hay, ang inet jusko. So far neutral pa rin ako, walang travel twing weekend, wala ring masyadong mayayang friends. Pero all in all mainit rin kasi. It takes a lot of energy and money to go out. And I wanna sleep in. Hopefully I'd get to try a lot of things soon. Once the weather is fine and I have enough money. Travel galore na. I'd really like to enjoy my youth and have something to look forward to aside from sleeping. To try something new and to explore. PERO PERA!!! I am also not on track with my budget.
Next, education. Ilang buwan na ako dito sa UAE, ilang buwan na rin akong 'di nagrereview for CPALE. Sometimes I just want to move out of here and live somewhere near the office, with my own apartment. Then sing alone, exercise, make my own food, then lesser time for commute, more time for myself. But still, money, and for sure mama will not agree. I also lost my streak to Duolingo French and finding it hard to go back. Consistency issues. My Coursera certification was buried na, and for the taxes and laws here, idk anymore.
Health, I feel like this has been my shittiest physical appearance, the worst look I've ever been. 73kg with a lot of acne, no menstruation for two months, losing a lot of hair, and I'm already numb. Lack of sleep during weekdays, oversleeping on the weekends.
Creativity, I feel like I am losing touch on the things I loved to do before. Art, music. Singing, Dancing, Recording, Video Editing, trying to do photography. Will make a conscious effort to try and produce some art again.
Hay, for the wins: Got credited for a Lexis Nexis article with Daisy for UAE Corporate Tax, working on another one I absolutely have no idea about, getting a hang of my work so far, and got inspired by Bhavika to read books once again. I loved The Kite Runner so much! Currently reading The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto. Another work of Khaled Hosseini next, which would be A Thousand Splendid Suns.
I am pretty much neutral now. But at the back of my mind, a lot of my "falling short" moments haunt me. But maybe this attempt on being aware of this would be the start to acting towards it.
Create a budget tracker now, kahit through Zoho. Ipon for travel to Caucasus.
Increase steps 10,000-15,000.
Make conscious steps to edit life videos
Start reviewing for CPALE again.
Connect with people more.
Fix sleep sched, and conscious eating (but writing this @ 1am)
Oil hair and minoxidil (pls), skincare
Be organized
Try to do something new often
Embrace your feminine energy and take care of myself more.
Mindet and action.
Marami pa, and this is very vague tbh but ayon, I need to sleep na rin.
Good midnight.
0 notes
eninrac-consulting · 1 year
Hydrogen Energy Market in India 2035
In 2023, the hydrogen growth market in India is expected to present significant opportunities. Hydrogen economy market opportunity in India most of the hydrogen produced is through fossil fuel, also known as grey hydrogen with the quantum approaching 6 MMT. For realizing hydrogen’s potential as a contributor for decarbonization in the country shall require a scale up of 5-6 times the current volume at least by FY 29-30. This scale-up also would need a share from green hydrogen as well for which the renewable capacity has to go up and production pathways should see a significant reduction in cost approaching the optimal levels. The road from grey –to- green hydrogen must be traversed via blue hydrogen for a country like India, which also reduces fossil fuel emissions through CCUS (carbon capture, utilization and storage) and shall enable the country reduce the emissions by 50 MMT by 2030. The biggest enabler for this shall be the declining trend of hydrogen costs which if bought to $2 levels/kg basis shall be highly competitive.
Opportunity assessment across hydrogen production in India
End use industry wise assessment of hydrogen demand in India
Opportunity assessment across storage infrastructure for hydrogen in India
Opportunity assessment in developing hydrogen distribution network & infra in India
Partnership opportunities for players across hydrogen value chain in India
Electrolysis for hydrogen production in India – Production cost analysis
Cost built ups & benchmarks for hydrogen production in India
Identifying state wise end use industry clusters for hydrogen
Technology readiness levels  for hydrogen production & end-use
Gap analysis for India’s capabilities – green hydrogen value chain
Policies & regulatory landscape
Demand assessment of ammonia
Unlocking hydrogen trade opportunities for India
Partnerships & Deals across hydrogen segment in India & globally
Global case studies – hydrogen production, storage & distribution
Global hydrogen project database
    First hand sector knowledge and inputs
    Primary research inputs from F2F interviews with domain experts
    Experts insights and market reviews taken into consideration
    Validated data and analysis
    Opportunity mapping and market sizing
    Germinates from minds that think fresh to evolve path finding guide for all stake holders through quality information and analysis
    Free query handling and analyst support for three months from the date of report procurement
Key Highlights
    Cutting edge announcements from Government of India
    Strategic Investment in Green Hydrogen Transition (SIGHT) Program Launched
    National energy security and net-zero targets transform as GoI priorities
    India is positioned to serve both domestic & international hydrogen demand by 2030
    Existing resources and capabilities can be greatly leveraged
Report Insights
Drivers of H2 Economy in India
Hydrogen Demand in Refining Sector of India – Break – Down Analysis & Outlook  2035
Hydrogen Demand in Chemical Industry of India – Break Down Analysis & Outlook 2035
Hydrogen Demand in Steel Manufacturing of India – Break – Down Analysis & Outlook 2035
Hydrogen Demand in Road & Rail Transport in India – Breakdown Analysis & Outlook 2035
Hydrogen Potential Demand in Mining, Material Handling Equipment & Cargo Handling Equipment – Global & India
Hydrogen Demand in Aviation Industry in India – Breakdown Analysis & Outlook 2035
Hydrogen Demand in Power Industry in India – Breakdown Analysis & Outlook 2035
Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production - Global & India
Cost Built Up & Benchmarks for Hydrogen Production
Must Buy For
Wind Project Developers
Solar Project Developers
Other RE Developers
OEMs in the renewable energy space
Electrolyzers manufacturers
Chemical & Petrochemical Industries
Steel manufacturers
Liquid hydrogen transport providers
Steel manufacturers
Ammonia manufacturers
Shipping industry
Mining,Material Handling Equipment & Cargo Handling Equipment
Aviation industry
LNG players – transportation
Port facilitators
EPC companies
Consulting Agencies
Government Agencies
Regulatory Authorities
Investment Banks
Funding Bodie
Hydrogen Storage & Transmission players
Companies Mentioned
    Ballard Power System
    Air Liquide
    Air Products
    KBR/Johnson Matthey
    Fuel Cell Energy
    Plug Power
    Bloom Energy
    INOX Air
    DCW Limited
    TATA Chemicals
    Bhoruka Gas
    Air Water
    Grasim Industries
    Reliance Industries Limited
    Adani Enterprises
    Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
    GAIL (India) Limited
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utopiawx · 1 year
NM3217 - Final Project (At LAST)
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Transformation of Logo & Brand Style:
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According to the project prompt, the guide for us was: 1) What do you know about yourself? 2) How can this project best encapsulate/ represent your values? 3)How would you go about representing YOU as a brand? Or develop a brand that represents you?
and on week 11th our last F2F tutorial we were told to come up with a word cloud. Hence with that, I came up with a word cloud above. My initial thoughts were between doing a plain boring black and white (which was my most preferred colour on any day in the "introvert" me) vs something crazy that suits my extrovert days ~ from what you can see I chose the latter.
Funky & fun was the first word that came to my mind, I thought of using bright colours, neon schemes especially to create the partying vibe.
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Following on, I have searched for some images that give me the vibe that I want and attempted to draw some inspiration from them. From it, 2 colours stand out to me, Pink (Magenta) and Cyan Blue. And that's how the colour scheme for our brand style comes about!
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Sticking with the maximum 3 colour guidelines, I have also decided to make use of white to balance up the colour a little.
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For typography, I chose the Eras series, as I feel that it fits the vibe I am looking for, funky looking yet still keeping a bit of a professional look in it, as I have taken into consideration that it will be used for my resume. Now for the Logo:
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I came up with a few draft sketches for it, initially, I thought of just keeping it simple by incorporating my initials OWX into it. But after which after looking at examples online, I thought to include other traits into it as well.
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Adding in traits like birthday date 03-09 and Chinese name. I decided to incorporate my Chinese name because since it's a logo that represents me, I am Chinese and personally more fluent in Mandarin, I thought it would be cool that with one look, someone can tell that I am bilingual from the logo itself no explanation needed, which was also why I purposely left out the language section in my resume after. I was in a dilemma after coming up with the above 3 logo design, but thankfully I asked my friend for opinion for it , which brings me to the final design: With that,
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Software used when doing Brand Style:
For this assignment, I made use of
illustrator (My favourite by far~)
2. Indesign (because required to...)
This is also because I wanted to "play cheat" by tapping on the fact that elements could be copied directly from illustrator to Indesign but not from Photoshop. Also as I find the Indesign feature a pain in an ass to use, so I made use of illustrator to do most of the brand style portion and just copied it over to Indesign to do the layout.
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Initially, when I was doing the I was all hyped up about it and thinking that since My brand image, I wanted to be as bold, as loud and as crazy as I could. So as I was doing the brand style, I tried to go crazy a bit with how I presented my work. Unfortunately~~~ it got struck down during the critique, I was told that its too loud, and too bold, presentation of the work was too messy unable to find a visual hierarchy. Which at that point, I was thinking of reversing back to the plain simple and boring black-and-white style. However, since its MY BRAND, I thought that NOPEE~ I am not giving in on the colours but for the sake of the assignment criteria I will just tone down and do out the very standard and of the norm kind of presentation style which is:
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Making every background white, keeping the text colour as standardised as possible. Guess, not everybody can accept being crazy ~ or rather everyone has a different definition of crazy.
DO's :
For Do's the very first thing I thought of would be since I am using white which is a common colour for printing surfaces (White Paper). Hence, I thought to resolve it by allowing the use of black to substitute the white outline of the logo.
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Seclusion Zone:
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DON'Ts :
I also thought of 6 don'ts think of how people might commonly abuse the logo.
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Name Cards:
For the name cards, I came up with 2 variations, with it showing the variation of the logo. I purposely left out the job position because I am still exploring my options and have not selected the career path that I want in life.
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Resume on Indesign:
I created a template for the resume using illustrator first before copying it over to Indesign to add the fonts.
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As well as editing the layout for the other components of the brand style in Indesign.
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One thing I think Indesign came to use in this assignment is the fact that it allows me to set the orientation of the PDF such that there is both landscape and portrait mode.
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ramonwritesthings · 1 year
nEw NoRmAL [xx23]
I can’t think of another title, but “New Normal” just sounds so apt. Yes, it’s overused and outdated because of life’s circumstances nowadays, but it holds such a big place in our lives nowadays that you can’t just leave it out and not think about it.
I always go back and look at the new normal as a pause in life, a stop sign that prompts you to take a deep breath before you move forward. Many people I know struggled in this period, while others thrived in it. I’d like to assume that I was part of the thriving group but in the end, I believed that I constantly stepped in both sides of the spectrum.
It was during the new normal that I appreciated quiet time or “Me” time. I enjoyed just staying in my room listening to music, reading a book, scrolling through social media and doing yoga stretches. I never imagined myself as someone who just stayed put and let the world go by. In a way, it reminded me of my formation sessions back then in college, where we spent half an hour during our busy schedules reflecting on our day-to-day events. I never really appreciated those sessions until the new normal hit, where I was somewhat forced to confine myself in four walls while we reduced interaction to virtual calls and video game invites. It felt peaceful. But… As the saying goes, humans are relational beings. We crave interaction more than anything and after a year (for others it was two) of confinement and virtual meetings, we find ourselves yearning for that face-to-face interaction that we were used to back in the day. On a side note, it’s funny to hear face to face be abbreviated to F2F. It’s such a new term lol. When I first got a taste of face-to-face interaction with people aside from my mom and dad, it felt like such a long time has passed since we’ve ever talked and the funny thing is most of those whom I’ve finally seen face to face are the same people I interact with virtually on a weekly basis. It’s something we crave and something we generally miss, along with a number of activities that were considered “normal” before the pandemic hit.
I feel that I was able to relate with both spectrums, with both types of people; the ones yearning for interaction and the ones who appreciated the quiet. I balanced my introverted wishes with my extroverted thoughts and could easily cope and sympathize with the two archetypes. One thing I did discover is that the new normal isn’t for all of us. Some of us aggressively yearned for that face-to-face interaction that was taken from us. Some appreciated the quiet and would have loved to keep it that way if not for outside circumstances like work, social life, etc. Me? I loved the quiet and being in my own space, but the sudden urge to see someone you are used to seeing is also rewarding. I guess that’s what makes us all special. We want something first and then, after a while, what we want is something entirely different. That’s normal, right?
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trapstarjacket · 2 years
buy wow gold paypal
If you're a World of Warcraft Classic player, you know that having enough gold is essential for your success in the game. However, farming gold can be a time-consuming and challenging task, and that's why many players choose to buy WoW Classic gold from online sellers. But with so many gold sellers available, how do you know which one to trust?
One way to ensure that you're buying WoW Classic gold from a reputable seller is to look for sellers with five-star ratings. These sellers have been rated highly by other players and have a track record of providing fast and reliable delivery.
Another crucial factor to consider when buying WoW Classic gold is the payment method accepted by the seller. PayPal is a popular payment option among WoW players as it offers a secure and straightforward payment process. Be wary of sellers who only accept payment through sketchy payment methods or who require you to disclose personal information.
It's also essential to consider the delivery method offered by the seller. Some sellers offer face-to-face (F2F) delivery, while others offer auction buyout delivery. Both delivery methods can be reliable, but F2F delivery is generally considered to be safer as it involves meeting the seller in-game to exchange gold.
To ensure that you're buying WoW Classic gold from a trustworthy seller, look for sellers who are verified by rating systems or who use GoDaddy SSL encryption. These sellers have taken steps to protect their customers' information and transactions.
In conclusion, when buying WoW Classic gold online, it's crucial to choose a reputable seller with a five-star rating, secure payment methods, reliable delivery options, and verified security measures. By following these guidelines, you can rest assured that you're buying WoW Classic gold from a legitimate seller and can focus on enjoying the game.
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thedysphoriadiaries · 2 years
A friend of mine wants to go karting with me tomorrow. I don't know if I have the strength to haul my own ass out of the house and go with him, because stupid me decided to go out and eat, and succumb to that stupid, ever-pervasive envy of mine. He's going overseas next tuesday and it's probably the last few days I'll be able to see him f2f, but honestly i'm just so tired and i don't want to even go out of the house and go karting with him but i'll just do it anyway before i go back home and just shrivel up in bed crying about how painful life is every single day.
And yet I say I don't want help. Well. I don't deserve help. As heartbreaking as it is to hear this, I deserve every single bit of hate that comes my way, whether it's from others, or from myself, because it's all I've known. I've been called a pedophile because of my username (Fluffy The Unicorn).
Whenever I try to be me, I get a face-full of someone else's boot. I'm done. If you hate me that much and wanted me gone, I'll go. I'll fucking end it. Are you happy now? You killed someone. That someone is dead; she's just waiting to die. Happy?
Deal with that, cunts. Deal with the fact that all of you, in some way, pushed me closer and closer to the point of no return. You know who you are.
I've realized, and I'm going to try to accept, that I'll never be who I want to be, and that I'm wasting my own time. Honestly, there's nothing that anyone can say that can help me live for myself.
I only live so I don't traumatize my family.
Too much of me has died to ever have me be brought back.
There's nothing good coming out of this stupid blog. Just someone screaming into the void before they die.
I'm not going back to that community. I have nothing to offer but decades of hate, behind a paper-thin façade of a smile. They deserve help. I'm fine.
i'm so glad they banned firearms where I live.
i should have taken an engineering diploma; that way I could at least print an implement to blast my own brains out. but oh well.
I should get more sleeping pills. They make the days pass by faster.
Fuck off. Get out of here I'm trying to sleep.
I do not care how much this hurts to read.
I just hope I find peace before I go.
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suttonriverhq · 2 years
your banned FCs talks about having a variety of roleplayable gifs... are gifs required here since it's discord and most people don't have gifs mobile? also who are the taken fcs i can't seem to find that! thanks!
Hi there! So I completely apologize about the confusion. I had this main from an old Glee RP that I ran in the past and forgot to take that little part out. While gifs aren't as important here, I know some like to use gifs, roleplayable icons, etc. when doing F2F type interactions in the servers. However, you're definitely free to do F2F interactions as you please! As for the taken FCs list, I didn't realize we accidentally took that off the navigation page. I've now re-added it and it can be found HERE!
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gavin-simon · 2 years
-Aim High, Fly High-
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College is indeed a roller coaster ride for all who venture it. Like it or not, challenges will always be there to hinder in your freedom and happiness. Have you ever found yourself questioning and doubting your choices on whether to continue your studies in college, to shift college programs or whether to just accept your fate? Well, if you are, then it is with just the right moment that you've seen this blogpost.
As an STIer, It is with great importance for its students to be driven by Character, Skills and Values that they would take with them as they enter the stage of a functioning adult in the society. Let us enlighten you more here in this Blog Article as we feature Miss Gelli Fernandez✨, 24 years old and currently a 4th year Bachelor of Arts in Communications student at STI College Calamba🎓 as she tackles her experiences in college, and how STI has honed her into what she is right now.
- Was your college life smooth or a bumpy one filled with challenges?
Miss Gelli: For me, My college life wasn't smooth like what I planned it to be. The Covid-19 pandemic had taken 2 years of what could have been fun and exciting from me. Also, big adjustments were made as we transitioned from f2f to online and now from online to blended learning. So to say, it wasn't smooth but really filled with challenges mostly brought about by the pandemic.
- How did you shaped your character in order to survive college?
Miss Gelli: Actually, I haven't really figure out what I am really or to say, what my character is. Best put it, I think my character is just me being myself, but, everyday I strive to be better as an STIer and as a college student too. I take pride with the work I do and also take and accept failures and mistakes in order to further improve myself. Afterall I would need to a strong character for my future journey after college life.
- What are the various skills you picked up here at STI?
Miss Gelli: I want to be really honest here, the Covid-19 pandemic had really taken alot from me especially with skills. But, there is a particular skill in which I focused on throughout my college life, and that is dancing. I've been a student of STI College Calamba since when I was in senior high school so I joined dancing contests back then. Dancing and doing physical activities has very much been like my talent apart from being a skill.
- Alongside the skills you've honed, could you also tell us about the values you gained?
Miss Gelli: The most important value that STI taught me and gained from ever since my senior highschool days is Respect. Yes, respect. Respect to the teachers, to fellow students and also to myself. College is a very hard place to dwell in. Of course you would need the right people whom you'll be able to be comfortable with in this journey. So, respect is a must value that you'll be needing in order to gain the right people with you. Respect is gained, not given.
- Overall, were you happy that STI had shaped you into what you are now?
Miss Gelli: Hmm... well overall, I think I would actually say no for me as yeah again, the pandemic had taken alot of fun from me, those precious times that I anticipated were gone and would never come back anymore. Despite that, I still appreciate STI for doing their best to bring quality education to students despite the many problems.
We highly appreciate Miss Gelli's honesty on her experiences in STI. Though it is true that much quality time was supposed happen but was lost due to the Covid-19 pandemic, STI still tried their best to bring forth Character, Skills and Values to each and every student just like Miss Gelli Fernandez, with Vita educationem which means "Real life Education". So, If you're that college student who was doubting youself on your studies earlier before seeing this article, we hope that this was able to clear your mind and help you to be better in your next moves both in college and in life.
Be future ready,
#STI #AimHigh#STICollege
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mr-stjames-icon · 4 years
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Weekly Task: Self Para
“He tries.”
Jesse followed her gaze to see the figure walking around their bedroom. They’d been back in their New York apartment for a few days now. The national holiday had been a pleasant distraction from the worry of work and family life but now they were back to this stage. The man drew in a long breath as he watched the figure pace back and forth, chattering on about something to do with his game.
“He does,” Jesse replied. “I mean he really tries but he won’t ever understand.”
He felt his heart sink a little as he knew she was right. Like a kid blindly trying over and over at a test he didn’t know the answers to, Cooper had always done his best to help. He had a kind heart, Jesse had realised this early on.
“But you do.”
The Broadway star looked across at her from where he was sat. Elbows resting on his knees and hands held together over the empty space. He wasn’t fond of these sorts of conversations. “I do?” he asked, playing dumb to avoid it.
“You. Well, you went through the same, right?”
His eyes flicked away from the teenager. It wasn’t a topic he liked discussing. Nobody knew about this moment in his past. He tried to hide it where possible. Jesse didn’t need to be defined by his past, his weaknesses. He was more than that. It was maybe why he always strived to be the best. To prove that despite the rough start in life, he had as much in him as anyone else.
Jesse St. James was not going to be another lost cause spat out of the system.
“Not to your extent,” he finally muttered.
The teenager drew in a breath as she crossed the space to sit on the couch beside him. He could tell she wanted to talk, wanted to find some sense of comfort. It’s not like in every placement you were gifted with a foster parent who could relate to what it was like being in the system. He had to make an effort.
“I..” Jesse began before his throat closed up. Like tiny hands were clawing at his vocal chords, blocking his windpipe to prevent any of the secrets being spilled. 
He shook his head to shake those feelings. Get it together, St. James.
“I was a kid when I was adopted, I was lucky those years didn’t hinder much of my childhood. People never asked, people just accepted or even better, they didn’t know,” he admitted. “I wasn’t, it’s not that I was ashamed to be adopted or that I was ungrateful to my new family. I owe the St. James family. It’s that-”
“It’s just that poeple look at you differently,” Ramona interrupted. The small nod from him relieved her slightly as she brushed a strand of hair from her face.
“I don’t want people knowing. I just want to feel part of something. Like I belong?” Ramona sighed softly. She was appreciative of how these two had taken her in, how they had accepted her as their own from the start. She often wondered what the future held, she pondered on whether this would be forever but she also feared getting her hopes up. Hope was a dangerous game.
“You get to hide it,” she commented and it made a shiver run up his spine. He knew she didn’t have that luxury, not at the minute anyway.
“I just didn’t speak about it. Nobody asked. I didn’t tell my friends in school, I didn’t tell my ex-wife. It’s nobody’s business but my own.”
“He knows?” Ramona looked back to the laughing figure with a headset on and a cord attached to his PC. She was still thankful that Rachel had helped with designing the apartment. It had been a tough few weeks and she knew he wouldn’t have coped by himself. It was a mismatch family but she liked it. Cooper thrived on having his own space, his sanctuary. She was glad he had it.
“I told him a few days before we went to meet you,” Jesse explained. Clearing his throat, he could feel the tightness in his chest and the feeling of uncertainty while they stepped lightly over this subject. “I had a-” Jesse stopped and cleared his throat, fidgeting with his hands as he stared down at them. Good a distraction. How he deseperately wanted to walk away from this conversation.
“I had a bit of a meltdown- it’s funny, that’s when you caught us coming out of the bathroom,” he smiled slightly at the thought. “He has them all the time but my god it was debiliating. I don’t know how-” he let his thoughts finish that sentence. He never judged Cooper for when he’d spiral out of control but that had shown him a glimpse into what his partner suffered through daily.
Ramona shifted slightly as she could feel the conversation was uncomfortable. “But... you had a kid already, why did you freak?”
Jesse blew out his cheeks and clenched his hands together. His mind drifted back to the argument he and Cooper had, on the Santa Monica Pier when they arrived. The words had resonated with him since. “I’ll tell you, what I told him.”
“I love Moriah and I wouldn’t trade her for the world but I can’t help but regret not waiting to have a child with the person I want to settle down with and waiting until I was secure enough to be a stay at home dad.”
The quiet response made him nervous. He shifted his stance and straightened his back. Posture. It was the best way to prevent being seeing as vulnerable. It projected a confident stance and confident was definitely a feeling that had escaped him. He cursed how family pushed him into these waters.
“Am I a regret?” Ramona asked, the need for confirmation in her voice.
“You seriously believe I’m going to regret the Hellraiser that set fire to her last placement’s garden?” he met eyes with her and caught the blush that spread over her cheeks. “No. Trust me kid, if it wasn’t working, well, you wouldn’t be here any more,” he admitted. It sounded cruel but it was the honest truth.
“That was almost a nice sentiment,” she teased in return. “Still, why did you freak when you came to the centre? Is it because..” she trailed off. The pain in her chest wouldn’t allow her to finish that sentence. She cupped her hands as the little boston terrier wandered in. A small grumble escaping the dog as she yawned, clearly Cooper’s shouting had woken her up from her slumber.
Jesse quickly denied the suspicion with a shake of his head. “No that’s not why I had a-” he struggled on that word again. “I was-” the man sighed heavily and dragged his hand over his face. This was truly uncomfortable in every way.
“I was scared. I wondered whether I wasn’t what these kids need? What if they just want their real parents and I can’t be enough for them? Just because I saw the other side, didn’t make it any easier, it made it worse,” he confessed.
Ramona looked down at Penny, he hands ruffling through the pup’s ears. Her thoughts drifted to her old home, her old dog, Spotty. Her old bedroom. Then thoughts of his father crept in. Linda crept in. She reminded herself why home wasn’t a place to be. Why it wasn’t really a place to call home. 
“You’re doing a good job... I don’t know if that helps?” she spoke a little awkwardly. A shrug accompanied her words but she meant them.
Jesse nodded in response. It was simple but comforting to hear. 
Before he could dwell, he heard the infectious laughter of his fiancé in their bedroom. He hated how much time he spent on that game sometimes but he wouldn’t deny a small smile tugged in the corner of his mouth at the joy it gave.
“Can you get something from the store for me?” he asked, his tone a little different from the senimental one he’d previously shown towards her.
“Sure,” she lent up from her hunched over position. 
“Get some snacks for movie night,” he took his wallet out, pulled a few notes together and held them out. “Take Penny with you, Larry knows her. Just keep her on the leash and she’s fine in the store,” Jesse instructed.
Once the teenager left, he made his way down the short corridor to their bedroom. Seeing Cooper stood behind his desk, headphones on and that stupid grin on his face, he felt himself soften slightly. He was his idiot.
A look of alarm crossed his face when Jesse entered the room. “Was I-” he began to apologise for being too loud. He knew the noise-cancelling headphones had been a problem sometimes so he jumped to apologies.
Jesse frowned a little with a look of disapproval. He straightened his stance and eyed Cooper up. “I’m at the end of my tether, Cooper,” he said coldly.
Cooper’s face fell immediately at the words. What did this mean? They’d been up and down, back and forth, Cooper couldn’t keep track any more. He slipped the headset completely from his head and let it drop onto the computer chair. Fear and anxiety radiated off him as he stayed frozen like a scorned child.
“I don’t know how long I can sit out there with you giggling like a hyena without me,” he said sternly and accompanied the final words with a smile.
The musician’s face twisted quickly as he tried to understand what was happening. Slapping his arm and grumbling in frustration, he took a few steps away from him. “I hate you,” he huffed to himself, a glare fixed on Jesse.
“You’re cute when you pout,” Jesse taunted, knowing it would provoke him further. The slap on his arm hadn’t phased him as he took a step closer and pulled Cooper into his space. “A smile looks better on you, Doofus.”
Almost on cue, a smile crossed Cooper’s face with a defeated sigh. There relationship was one full of taunt and teasing. He expected it most of the time. It was their way of showing affection without getting to personal. Both of them seemed to have a phobia of emotion and letting people in too far.
“Better, could still work on it,” Jesse critqued, eyeing up the smile and got a playful push in return. Grabbing a handful of Cooper’s shirt instinctively to prevent himself from falling, Jesse returned them to that close space. One you very rarely let anyone inside. It was sacred and special for a few people.
“I hate you,” Cooper murmured as he lent in and kissed his cheek.
“I love you,” Jesse corrected with an egotistical smile. His harsh stance softened at the tenderness and the snark blipped away for a few seconds, like a computer program ran into an error and was buffering, allowing his true self through.
Cooper paused for a moment as he rested his arms around his waist. It wasn’t a phrase he often used. The actor didn’t let that word slip out of his mouth too casually, at least not with the meaning it was supposed to carry. He ofter resorted to a loving ‘I hate you’ instead. It signified what he meant without having to say it. Yet, there were moments like this that Cooper wasn’t sure if Jesse needed to hear it. If it was a silent ask to hear those words out loud.
“I love you,” Cooper said softly, his grip pulling Jesse back and forth sligthly in a sway, he was a constant fidget and neither of them liked being this exposed. Leaning in he pecked his lips before holding him. The rough stubble against his own cheek as he rested his chin on the other man’s shoulder.
The touch was tender and welcoming. A warmth filled his chest and Jesse shut his eyes slightly, giving himself completely to the moment of embrace. This was home, this was what he’d been missing during those weeks in Los Angeles, alone. He felt like he belonged somewhere in his life. Next to this man.
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“I told Ramona we’d have a movie night,” Jesse muttered, not moving from the embrace as he breathed in the scent of familiar aftershave. “But I don’t think we’ve graced her with one of our kareoke nights,” he added, feeling the rising cheekbones and the small chuckle from his partner, he knew they were on mutual agreement. That was it, their evening plans were settled.
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xdualipax · 2 years
                    F2F : 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐈'𝐦 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲
to be fair with Jacob, it had only been like 5 minutes when Dua decided it had taken him long enough to arrive to their meeting when she decided to walk out the door and ended up bumping into him. “this was pointless, i don’t even know why i’m here... why didn’t we talked it through texts?” the only reason she had agreed to see him there was that anyways she needed some air and whatever excuse would be good in that moment if it kept her from unpacking. “it was a mistake and i need to go home” @jelvrdi
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eruhatesu · 3 years
GojoHime secret relationship when they were teens. Their teasing is their secret love language:
"You cryin'? 😎" = "You ok? Let me comfort you 🥺"
"No, I'm not. Respect your elders!!" = "Don't worry, I'm fine. No need to comfort me. "
They've been dating since middle school. Their relationship level at that time is pure and innocent.
After the star plasma vessel arc, problem arise between the two, like they started to become quite distant because Satoru gets lot of missions, and with addition of Suguru's betrayal: BOOOOM!!
Utahime tries her best to comfort Satoru, but he never liked it and feels like being treated as a kid. He also add that she would never understand him because she is weak, and they fought (honestly idk how to create drama so I'll leave it to ur imagination 😅).
They broke up soon. (angst for realismness?? 😆) Gojo stays in Tokyo, while Utahime goes to Kyoto. Their communication lessens and treats each others as friends (with beef still roasting inside). However, they never met each other f2f.
When Gojo had taken the Fushiguro siblings, Utahime only knew that news from Shoko. She only meets them (and finally first met him) when Gojo asked her to take care of the kids for him when he got another overseas mission for 2 weeks (for the sake of this promt, everyone's busy aside Utahime. When I mean everyone: Shoko, Nanami (yep he too), and Yaga). They felt awkward inside, while outside they banter as usual.
When Gojo returned, their relationship starts to mend, and slowly start to understand each other again.
Do you think there would be a possibilty that they can get back together?
Also I'm sorry if my prompt is a mess 😭
HI! baby, no worries :3 we're all a mess down here but you did fine!!
I love the idea of them having a language just for themselves. They just understand each other that well (I find it really nice that we can kind of see it even in the manga)...she just knows that Gojo likes to go around things especially if it's something that affects him emotionally. Yeah, he may be crass, outspoken when it comes to his enemies but never to people he really cares about.
That's what frustrates Shoko too, his mood is bad and all over the place but wouldn't verbalize how he really feels and she's not that kind of person to probe for her him so that's where Utahime comes in. She understands and knows how to calm him and that low key scares him because of past events.
Utahime being the only other person that can understand him other than Geto is so nice and a bit sad knowing Gojo might actually try to cut her off when she hits home at his feelings. Like, yeah, she's important to him... but what if it all happens again. He just couldnt take being this vulnerable again.
Years later, yes I see them getting back together properly now that Gojo is more mature and less in denial about his feelings. They gonna end up verbalize all their frustrations while fucking because that's just how they are :3
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rahleeyah · 3 years
There have been some fics doing the round of Elliot as a mob boss and I need to share.
Elliot and Olivia meeting years ago. He's in the family business (mob) and she's a cop. An unlikely friendship starts. They fall in love but he's married and she's married to the job. Kathy divorces Elliot and he decides to pursue Olivia. They slowly start a relationship, she's willing to leave her job for him. But she makes detective and has the opportunity to work at SVU so he backs off, knows how much it means to her.
They never cross the physical line but emotionally they are so invested. He never asks her to do dirty work and she stays away from mob business.
But they talk every night, even if they can't meet f2f. He's the one who picks up the pieces after Lewis, organising some torture for him in prison. He's in the background with Noah, helping when he was a baby. Giving advice now that he's bigger. Noah doesn't know him but he's aware of the man who visits his mom late at night. Knows never to mention him to anybody. He has spied them together, seen his mom being soft and being taken care of. Can see how much this person means to her. (Maybe even wonders if it's his dad)
Nobody knows about the relationship for almost 30 years. Until the mob crosses paths with Wheatley. He targets Olivia. She's unconscious in hospital and finally Noah speaks up because the special man will make it all better. He always knows what to do. Word gets to Elliot and he doesn't leave Liv's side. (Alternate to this is An Explosion. Everything happens like you wrote except: Elliot standing outside because he couldn't see her receiving the award but he'll be damned if he didn't see HER. Nobody knows who this is but Fin has suspected that there is someone for years and instinctively knows that this is him so he allows him close. They bring Noah to see her in hospital and he's a wreck until he sees Elliot. He relaxes and when they ask him if he knows the man he says, "He's the man who fixes mommy. She is going to be okay, he always makes things better.").
The investigation uncovers all their secrets and they become NYC's sweethearts. The star-crossed lovers. The mob boss and NYPD Captain/Wonderwoman.
And I wish I was a writer because I so desperately want this story but I'll make do by sharing it with you.
Elliot the special man who fixes mommy
Olivia with this secret, knowing that it's wrong but he's hers damn it and can't she have one thing for herself?
The starcrossed lovers!! The truth coming out!!
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chabra-a · 3 years
BLOG & MOD This is an RP and ask blog for a personal interpretation of the character Chara from the game Undertale, created and written by Kodai.
The blog is:
Independent. I, Kodai, am the only writer. The character here is my own creation.
Semi-selective. I reserve the right to deny a message or RP if the concept and/or character makes me uncomfortable, or if I simply don’t feel up to the task. I imagine this will be a rare occurrence, however. Don’t be shy about sending things in!
Single-muse. Chara is the only character who will be interacting with others on this blog.
Same-muse, OC, and crossover friendly. Messages from other interpretations of Chara, original characters, and characters from other fandoms will not be denied based solely on that status. I still reserve the right to deny messages from characters whose concept or source material makes me uncomfortable, however.
Additionally, I have over 15 years of RP experience.
I also have several other blogs featuring characters from the Undertale series. These include:
@alagaster – An RP and ask blog for seven different variations of W. D. Gaster.
@angelofhyperdeath – An ask-based story blog following Chara and Asriel after their successful destruction of the barrier.
@brokenknifefrisk – A story about a Frisk who aborts their No Mercy run after encountering Papyrus, and their subsequent life in the Underground.
@its-me-frisk – An IC ask blog for a Frisk and Flowey who are trying to reconcile who they were with who they want to be.
@its-me-frisk-rps – The F2F sideblog for @its-me-frisk.
@lv8frisk – An IC ask blog for Frisk and Chara from @brokenknifefrisk.
@lv8frisk-rps – The F2F sideblog for @lv8frisk.
@pcletteswcp – An RP and ask blog for a post-Deltarune Chapter 2 Swatch.
@punkskeleton95 – An IC ask blog for a fanon-divergent Underfell Papyrus.
@theflowercrownprince – An IC ask blog for Crown Prince Asriel Dreemurr, in a timeline where humans never fell into the Underground.
@theflowercrownprince-rps – The F2F sideblog for @theflowercrownprince.
@utfile0 – An IC ask blog for Frisk and Chara from the game Undertale, in a very literal sense.
DNI Please do not interact with this blog if you:
Are uncomfortable interacting with people who are substantially older/younger than you. Currently I am 32 years old.
Are uncomfortable with the themes and/or subjects presented by the character on this blog, or displayed by the blog itself. There is a high chance that there will be some discussion of the darker themes of Undertale (e.g. suicide, murder). Posts containing such content will be tagged accordingly (e.g. #suicide mention for a post briefly mentioning that topic, #implied murder for a post implying but not explicitly describing that topic, #self harm for a post with an explicit description or discussion of that topic, etc.), and I will accommodate requests for tags if asked, so if you are confident you will be able to avoid topics that distress you, feel free to interact – otherwise, please keep yourself safe!
Hold any sort of -ist or -phobic sentiments (e.g. racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.), or otherwise hold beliefs that endanger the lives and/or freedoms of minors/marginalized groups/etc. There is nothing for you here. Leave, and reevaluate yourself.
aesthetic | a classic image. – Images, quotes, or other media related to Chara’s interests or personality.
ask | so i’ve got a question for ya. – Questions submitted through the Ask function (and their answers).
commentary | its trash. 0 stars – Commentary on posts from other blogs.
info | (this sign is written in very neat cursive.) – Posts with information about the blog, for Tumblr app users.
meme | always sending me bad puns in a goofy font… – Suggestions for questions to send in, phrases or scenarios to have Chara react to, games to play with them, quizzes they’ve taken, etc.
rp | which one of us will be undyne? – RP posts.
starter | do you want to start hanging out? – RP starters.
submit | i hope you brought a keyboard… – Content provided through the Submit function (and possible commentary).
chara | the demon that comes when people call its name. – Posts about or written by Chara.
Undertale by Toby Fox
Buttercups icon and sidebar base image by Kranich17 on Pixabay
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