#/ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ anon
bamnamuu · 5 months
31. with lee know? <3
if your oky with it can i be /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ anon?
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w.count 578 | warnings typos mentions leeches | em’s note so so so sorry it took me so long to respond anon :( and of course, you can be /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ anon <3
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You two had been driving for what seemed like forever until your boyfriend Minho said something knocking you out of your daydream, '' we’re here babe.’’ you turned to face him, “Don’t jump into any random bodies of water this time okay.” you replied, causing him to start laughing at your request. “No promises babe!” This was an annual trip for the two of you. It all started about five years ago when your friends decided to go out into the wilderness for a camping trip, and you left with a pretty boys number. ever since then you and Lee know decided you would make it a year-round tradition to go to the place where you met. Last year on your 3rd anniversary Minho and you had just finished setting up the tent, both sweating bullets from the hot sun beaming down onto you. ‘’It's so hot I'm gonna die!’’ you said dramatically while your boyfriend went to the car to get you his tiny fan you had made fun of earlier that day, ''thank you’’ you said while reaching out to take it before he moved it away from your reach ''Nuh uh first apologize to my stupid fan’’ he said with air quotes. ''I'm so so so so sorry I called your fan stupid, can i have it now?’’ you said, giving him doe eyes. ''here.’’ he said, giving you the stupid fan and a sweaty kiss on your head. The two of you finished setting up and hiding in the shade till the sun calmed down, having enough of doing nothing lee know reached for your hand saying ''let's go on a hike!’’ groaning as he helped you up, you got your backpack and went on your way. It's customary for Lee know to point out random things he sees on the trail and tell you things about them, without actually knowing anything about wildlife creatures. ''that is a bird that lost its wings in war.’’ he said pointing at a small animal, ''babe, that's a squirrel.’’ you stated ''Agh same thing !’’ he said offended but then started laughing ''ohh that is the fountain of youth’’ he said looking over at a small waterfall, it's pretty to the point that you actually think he's right. ''I was giving you a 1 out of 100 chance of being right, didn't think you’d beat the odds!’’ rolling his eyes ''of course i’m right love, i come here all the time how else do you think i'm so handsome?’’ ''genetics.’’  ''i'll show you right now.’’ you were confused about what he meant by that till you saw him take off his shoes and walk off the trail to the pool of water and leap into it. You held your breath hoping he didn't hit his head on any rocks until he popped out of the water smiling ''aren't i even more handsome now?’’ He said his hair covering his eyes but he heard you laugh so he's taking it as a yes. ''minho there's a leech on you arm!’’ ''WHAT!’’ you were lying but it was funny to watch him freak out, and splash in the water like a cat. On the walk back to the tent you were holding your cold wet boyfriend who was now upset at your attempt at a joke but with a  couple kisses and millions of apologies later he forgave you on the condition that you had to drive the entire way home.
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baby-yongbok · 6 months
Yay~ ty for letting me be /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ anon. I hope you are having a good day.
This got lost in the tumblr void 😭😣. Sorry! Love ya /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ anon. I had a great day today and I hope that you did too!
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hiiii~ how are you today?
- /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ anon
i'm VERY tired because yesterday i went out and socialised and did a lot of physical activity lol
but i'm fine emotionally i think!
how are youuu????
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omg i have found a stay kinda like me. i am ambiam and bi. lmao
can i be /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ anon?
Of course you can! ♥️♥️
I’m glad you found me! 🥰
Welcome to the crazy house! 🤪
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number1jeonginstan · 7 months
oky so ik u got an ask from ddyskz  about a similar thing but can you do some of the following (seungmin, han, lee know or bang chan) as perv best friends???? idk... its fine if not but i just love your work <3
also can i be /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ anon?
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A/N: Hi hi!! I loved this request, so let me know if you want a part two! I’m so thankful that you are loving my work!!! Ofc you can be /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ anon!!!
Minors don't interact, 18+
Pairing: BestFriend Perv!Seungmin x Reader
Warnings: m!masturbation, pervy Seungmin, that’s basically it!
You and Seungmin had been close friends ever since you both debuted. You had accidentally run into him, head-first behind the music bank stage. You ended up profusely apologizing, feeling so embarrassed and he just laughed, saying it was alright. 
From then on, the entire week of promotions, you both were hanging out in secret. It was like a new friendship blossomed between the two of you. You both had similar interests, causing you both to talk a lot more. By the end of the week, you two had exchanged numbers. 
As the years went on, you and Seungmin got closer, constantly hanging out with one another in secret. Sometimes it was just getting coffee, other times you were asking each other for advice on your vocals. One thing no one could take away from you was your guys’s Sunday drama watches. 
You would either go to Seungmin’s dorm, or he would come to yours and the both of you would binge-watch whatever new drama came out. This month was Daily Dose of Sunshine. You ended up coming over to Seungmin’s dorm seeing as the boys had gone back to their houses for the weekend. Seungmin’s family was out on a trip, so he stayed home. It worked perfectly for you as well because your group's new promotions had finally ended, meaning you could indulge in being lazy for a few days. 
You knocked on their dorm door, waiting for Seungmin to open it up. “Open the damn door!” you whined, pounding on it a bit more harshly. He finally did, rubbing his eyes. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, only some plaid pajamas. “Put some clothes on you weirdo,” you said, walking to his room, taking off your jacket, and lying down on his bed.
You were dressed in just a tank top and pajama shorts, knowing that you both would be glued to his bed for hours.  
“Why are you here?” he groaned, putting on a shirt from his cupboard. “Did you forget?” 
“Oh shit, what drama were we supposed to watch this month?” he asked, sitting on the bed, putting your splayed-out legs on his lap. “Nuh uh, it’s a secret” you giggled getting up and taking out your laptop from your bag. “Now please go get some snacks,” you said, pushing him lightly off the bed. 
“Okay your highness” he groaned, getting up and taking a good look at you. You were curled up at his headboard, your knees pressed against your chest while your laptop was splayed on his bed, ready to start the next episode. You looked good, too good. No makeup on your face, your hair a bit crazy, but still looking as pretty as ever. 
Every time you guys did this, he always had to jerk off after you left. The scent of you in his bed was too overbearing, and you always pressed against him the entire time you guys watched the show, never leaving his side. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could take it. 
He came back with a handful of snacks and some drinks, knowing that you would complain about being thirsty and then he would have to get up again and it would cause a whole fiasco. “How much longer Minnie?” you groaned, growing impatient. “Coming, you weirdo” 
“I was wondering, what do you want to eat for lunch, my treat,” you grinned at him. While you were gone, you stole one of his hoodies, it was already over-sized on him, but on you, it looked like a dress. He could feel his cock twitch in his pants, you looked so fucking good in his clothes. 
“Whatever you want,” he said, getting into his bed next to you. He slipped his legs under the blanket, you following suit. You curled up next to him, starting the show. It was peaceful, three episodes went by like this, your koala bear wrapped around him, your head in his lap while his arms were wrapped around yours. 
What you didn’t feel, was his cock slowly getting harder at every movement you made around him. “Hey, I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick.” You got up from his embrace, accidentally falling directly on top of him, your cunt brushing against his clothed cock. You didn’t think much of it, but Seungmin was trying his best to not let out a groan. It was getting to be too much for him. 
As you went to the bathroom, he tried re-adjusting his cock in his pants, trying to hide his growing boner from you in fear you would think it was weird. You came back without his sweatshirt, making an excuse that you were getting too hot, and the blanket was enough. 
As you got back into the bed, you curled up against him, your chest pressing against the side of his body. He began feeling hot, there was one thing when you were wearing a hoodie while hugging him, but wearing just a tank top was too much. He tried not to shift a lot, barely paying attention to the show playing in front of him. 
Before he could say anything, he heard your snores coming from beside him. You began moaning in your sleep and he could no longer take it. He looked over to see your tits spilling out from the shirt you were wearing and gently got up, not wanting to disturb you. He rushed to the bathroom, not knowing how long he had until you woke up and tried taking full advantage of it. 
He locked the door, double-checking to make sure you couldn’t come in, and slowly took out his already hardened cock from the confines of his pants. He slowly began stroking it, using the pre-cum the tip of his cock as a lubricant. All he could think about was your tits, and how good they would look with his cum covering them. 
How he would fuck you so well while you were wearing his hoodie. He would fuck you anywhere you asked, even in his changing room during promotions if you asked. That made him think back to the outfit you were wearing for your most recent comeback. You pulled off the girl crush clothes perfectly, what he would do to fuck you from behind in that mini skirt you were wearing. When you were learning the new dance for the tiktok you both made, your tits were bouncing perfectly in your top. 
He groaned, putting the bottom of his shirt in his mouth, scared that you might hear him. You ended up waking up from your nap, getting up, and knocking on the door to the bathroom, thinking he just got in there. “Minnie, are you okay?” you asked your voice still groggy from your nap, and it made him groan. The way you said his voice was enough to make him cum. 
He began stroking his cock faster, needing to feel some sort of a release. “Yeah, I’ll be out in a minute, I just am feeling kinda hot, I’m trying to cool down.” 
“Okay Minnie” you giggled from behind the door, “I’m going to order some food for us!” 
You went back to the bed, while he finally found his release thinking about your moans on his bed, cumming all over his stomach. Thank god he didn’t get caught, or did he?  
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maymeowmoo · 6 months
How would SMG3 react to SMG4 wearing a dress after getting forced to wear one?
Here you go fellow Anon >:3! [->The comic they were referencing<- Ig u can call it a Part 1?]
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Also added some commentary/ behind the scenes? Whatever issa called >.> below if u wanna check that out ^w^ OH and the full version without the cuts. It woudn't have a nice resolution so I had to chop it up :/ Sadge
Imma actually a lil embarrassed of Part1[?], that comic issa still my creation so I love it ether way~ Issa funny looking back at it (yes I know this was like a month ago and not THAT old). I was still figuring out how to draw Four and Three. The way I draw Three's facial hair now is so much better issa unreal X_x
It was also fun making up a continuation that was somewhat sensible. Making a part 2 also meant I could fix some things I wasn't into much. Like actually making Four suffer some consequences!
Oh and lil fun facts: The og/pt1 was colored on my ACTUAL tablet unlike other drawings I posted here! /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
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lwuvicidal · 9 months
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♡︎﹕ADORALETTIA﹒﹒ a gender connected to ( anonymous ) letters of adoration.
. . . coined by me /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ requested by anon
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[PT: adoralettia, a gender connected to (anonymous) letters of adoration. coined by me, requested by anon. end PT]
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wc-confessions · 11 months
@ Tawnysquirrel/Bramblesquirrel anon who mentioned the fandom's hypocrisy with age gap ships, I agree. I'm tired of people condemning age gap ships but then turning around and being fine *with the exact same age gap* if it is a gay ship. As another sapphic, I agree with your take. It's hypocrisy at best and needs to be addressed. You cannot go around saying you hate age gaps and then make the *exact same age gap ship* but now "it's okay because it's gay." It makes no sense in my opinion.
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yanderegrizzsworld · 2 years
hellloooo love your stuff may i humbly ask for what if for sonic, shadow and sliver when they're s/o is kidnapped/ and or in danger thank you have a nice day- /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ anon
Imagine: Romantic Yandere Sonic the Hedgehog, Shadow the Hedgehog & Silver the Hedgehog where the reader is kidnapped
TW/CW: Mentions of abduction/bruises/death
Sonic the Hedgehog:
Any thought of you being captured rarely crosses his mind as he believes that he can keep you secure from any form of danger. He often claims to be your guard, keeping any menace away from harming you & that with him, fear will never pester in your mind.
Whether he witnesses the abduction himself or gets word of it, his reaction is alike. This breaks the blue blur's fantasy of being your advocate in which he immediately rushes to your rescue, even if ordered or advised not to by Amy or Tails.
His recklessness earns him a scolding from Amy, stating that he could've attracted more enemies because of his actions. Sonic would be nimble at declaring that your safety was at risk & if anything were to have happened to you or worse, he'd never forgive himself.
Shadow the Hedgehog:
With his time working for GUN, Shadow has seen the horrors of what one is capable of when pushed, pressured or given the opportunity to attain their goal, even if the action(s) is/are dubious. Work there has taught the hedgehog that exhibiting even the smallest bit of vulnerability is like throwing a rat in a pit full of famished vipers, waiting to be unexpectedly consumed by those who'll exploit it.
Your lack of presence already has him a bit irked, but when he gets words of your abduction, not even Rouge can cease him from utilizing chaos control to find you. Every worst case scenario plays in his mind like a projector, from lapis & amethyst bruises coating your body to a broken bone or leg to your corpse, destitute from any life left & this just frustrates Shadow more & more.
The ultimate life form is off on a pursuit for vengeance, whether you're injured or not doesn't matter to him. In his eyes, he failed at upholding your safety above all & deems this one of his greatest failures, no matter how much you try to reason with him, spilling the abductor's blood is how he believes to redeem himself.
Silver the Hedgehog:
Paranoia & dubiety are no stranger to the otherwise upbeat hedgehog, allowing him to give others the hope that he lacked back in his timeline. Silver is very much aware of the horrors that one can do, whatever the reason may be, & while some he considers worse than others he still strives to make sure Sonic's future isn't as bleak as his own.
No amount of reassurance from Blaze can calm the telekinetic hedgehog after he learns of your kidnapping, delirious questions being thrown at Amy, Rouge or Tails of your whereabouts are enough to want whoever hears to rip their ears off. If taking too long, he deems it necessary that he locates you himself despite Blaze's warnings & Amy demanding he be patient.
Prepare for not having any personal space for the next few days/weeks when you're saved, he constantly looks like he's about to cry or breakdown at any moment, making you feel as if walking around eggshells with him. He doesn't mean to distress you, he swears! He feels like his soul got crushed when he heard of the abduction & much worse if he were to have found any injuries on you, he'll refuse to leave you alone unless you get Blaze to aid.
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Hello! Anon, because I don't want any friends to know. Actually, that's what I wanna talk about. I don't want to let anyone know, because I'll have to say "oh, I'm not like those ones". It feels unfair. I am Those Ones. The ones who yip and bark and run on fours. Who owns a tail and loves having visions from my past lives. But I keep it secret, because it's safe for me. Wishing others a wonderful day -🦊/ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
I feel that I really do. We deserve a world where we can bark and howl and run on all fours in peace. Have a wonderful day yourself!
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viaoverthemoon · 1 year
Welcome!! ☆*: .。.
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Hi! Thank you for visiting!
My name is Octavia. But please, call me V or Via!
Pronouns: She/They/Them | Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Age: 19
MY ACCOUNT SHOULD ONLY BE VIEWED BY THOSE 16 AND UP!! If I write something that is 18+ I will mention that it is.
☆*: .。. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK .。.:*☆
Here's something that may help explain the lengths of my comfortability!
Fandoms I feel I specialize in:
Resident Evil
-Leon S. Kennedy
Attack on Titan (ADULTS ONLY FOR NSFW)
-Verosika Mayday
Fairy Tail
Jujustu Kaisen
Please let me know if there is a fandom that you want me to write about that is not on my Masterlist! I (possibly) will try to get into it as soon as possible.
Please be patient with me, friends. I'm a pretty busy person, getting ready for college and all. But I am sure to do my best! If you have any issues with any of my writing, please let me know! And if you fear I may be uncomfortable with writing something, please don't be afraid to ask! I will not judge you!
Also, please do not bombard my inbox if I take longer than you would like to complete your request :( It makes me very upset and does damage to my mental health! Thank you in advance!
Anon emojis:
☀️🌑🍎🍭😈 or whatever you want!
If you want to be an emoji anon, just ask! ❤
I hope we can all get along!
Be nice to others! <3
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
🍓 ; DELIVERY !! ♡ As the days pass Cupid's dilemma increases; I wonder is anyone else will join our little crew ! ♡ Kind of curious how long it'll take for Cupid to go feral /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\, let us see! Miss Cupid still denies all claims of 'simping', and continuous making bets, that she will surely lose, in hopes of winning.. it's quite pitiful if I'm being honest..
— Anon co. office reporter .. Cinnamon ♡ 🥧
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baby-yongbok · 7 months
hiiiiii <3 i love your blog :)
if its oky can i be /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ anon?
Of course you can, bby ❣️ I'm glad that you like it here! Happy to have ya 🤗
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moonjxsung · 6 months
hi. i love ur work sm~
also can i be /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ anon pls?
Hi my lovely! I think you might’ve sent this request before but I can’t see the emoji you requested to use! ☹️ do you want to send another one or use a word instead (like “heart anon”)? Let me know bc I’d love to get you on the anon list!!
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channieandhisgoonsquad · 11 months
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🖤 Welcome to my page! The name is Ivry, and I tend to do a little bit of everything on here. Feel free to message me as I love to talk to everyone! 🖤
“Little Bit About Me” post
🔞Please 18+. I will be checking for ageless blogs on my follows every now and then!🔞
I love writing and coming up with crazy situations. ALL TYPES OF SITUATIONS. 😙 SMUT, FLUFF, ANGST, SELF INSERT, QUESTIONS. I love it all. ♥️
Han is bae, Lino, Channie, and Jinnie constantly battle for the top spot, but I will also write for any of the SKZ men as they are all amazing and adorable and delectable in their own ways! ♥️ MASTERLIST BELOW THE CUT!!!
My Spooky Pookies (AKA Tag List): @lyramundana @2chopsticks2eyes @sweetracha @moonlightndaydreams @linlinaert @caitlyn98s @stolasisyourparent @queenmea604 @diorrxluvskz @noellllslut @queen-in-the-shadows @antoniorhinothethird @chaotic-world-of-the-j @itshannjisung @thightswideforhanin @bethanysnow @chansmanda @mae-is-cute980 @idkluvutellme @newhope8 @sunshinebarbie
•Asks are always open!•
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Warnings: Smut 🩻, Angst 💀, Fluff 🦷
Han Jisung gif of the day
Pretty Kitty and his Gifs
Gifs of Sexy King Hyunjin
( Just some cute gifs of the men themselves in random moments <3)
Picrews (if you're into that kinda thing)
My Anons: /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
•Unplanned Events•
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As any excited Stay would be, you were thrilled to be finally attending a Stray Kids concert. But, when your friend abandons you in a big city, hours from home, and, the day before the big show, what the hell are you supposed to do? And why the hell is the Han Jisung consoling your sobbing self?
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•Winter Blunderland•
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Your family is the worst. They gave you no heads up about spending the holidays in Phoenix, AZ. So, on Christmas Eve, you find yourself on the last possible flight to make it there before Christmas Day. But of course the snow storm had other plans. So you are stuck in the airport with your phone… and a Korean god with purple hair.
Part 1 🦷 Part 2 🦷 Part 3 🦷 Part 4 🩻🦷
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Best Kisser?? - OT8 x f!reader (2/6/24)
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Bang Chan:
Untitled - Bang Chan x f!reader (12/18/23)
💀🦷 "I swear I'm not the jealous type, but..." - Bang Chan x f!reader (7/8/23)
🦷 Ice Cream Date - Bang Chan x f!reader (7/5/23)
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Lee Know:
Our Tsundere's List!
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Seo Changbin:
🩻💀🦷 I had a dream... (a literal dream I had)- Seo Changbin x me (6/3/23)
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Hwang Hyunjin:
Unplugged and Untouched - 5 members & f!reader (12/18/23)
"RINGS" - Hwang Hyunjin x you (11/27/23)
🦷🩻"Another Dream" - Hwang Hyunjin x you (9/28/23)
🩻“Red Lights Wallpapers” - Hwang Hyunjin (9/11/23)
🩻🦷“Hyunjinnie Thoughts” - Hwang Hyunjin x gn!reader (9/8/23)
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Han Jisung:
Hannie's Masterlist!
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Lee Felix:
Je t'aime - Lee Felix x f!reader (12/21/23)
Unplugged and Untouched - 5 members & f!reader
🦷"Lixie Birthday Message" - Lee Felix (9/14/23)
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Kim Seungmin:
Unplugged and Untouched - 5 members & f!reader (12/18/23)
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Yang Jeongin:
Unplugged and Untouched - 5 members & f!reader (12/18/23)
🦷Cute Wallpapers of the Maknae (8/15/23)
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tobyghost · 2 years
˗ˏˋ꒰ ☕️ ꒱ ˗ˋˏ°• Coffee Stimboard !! •°₊˚✿੭
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「🧸」 REQUESTED BY : Anonymous 「☕️」
┍——————— /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ ———————┑
-ˏˋ Coffee Stimboard for Anon, sorry I've been so sick and haven't gotten to many requests ˊˎ
╭┈──| Links Listed Below !! |── ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ
╰┈➤ ❝🧸 🐻 🧸 🐻 🧸 🐻 🧸 🐻 🧸
⊱ ━━━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━━━ ⊰
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