#/us on an easter sunday: time for a little Spice
asksam · 6 months
SAM: so, there's like a limit to how much i can send BUT i'll send u more when i can. SAM: don't fight me on this. DON'T FIGHT HIM ON THIS.
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uarmymoonlight · 2 years
"thus with a kiss, i die" - william shakespeare (part 1)
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pairing: vampire hunter!jk X vampire!reader
genre: fantasy!au, historical!au, forbidden/secret relationship!au, angst, smut
warnings: explicit depictions of murder and blood, jungkook has a panic attack (twice, actually), fluff 
summary: in the moments prior to jungkook’s first real mission, he tries hard to block out visions of his past while simultaneously, and most importantly, remembering what your kind really is. even if your lips are as sweet as honey and your smiles as bright as the sun, you’re dying just like the rest of the bloodsuckers. he swears. 
author’s note: literally not a single thing here is historically accurate and that’s where the fantasy part of this fic resides, truly, bc vampires exist (real). i slightly based some of the dialogue on william shakespeare’s romeo and juliet - and fun fact, if you didn’t catch it before, the title of the fic is a quote from that play, also. 
words: 4.5K
cross-posted on AO3: to read on AO3, click here.
previous part (teaser) || part 2 teaser || part 2 || main masterlist ||
Jungkook’s village’s festivities for Easter Sunday are the best Easter Sunday festivities that have ever existed. He’s sure of it. Because never before in his entire life has he seen so much beauty and such abundance. Granted, he only left his village one time and, yes, he knows he’s only seven years old, but still, surely no other place could top what he’s seeing right in front of him at the moment. 
Jungkook is sitting against one of the smaller maypoles decorated with colored ribbons posted on the edges of the festival, from where he can see all of the area they use for it: a small clearing that has been filled with maypoles, a makeshift stage for the musicians, and many tents for food along with big wooden tables for the feast. Enormous trees surround the area creating a ring, as if isolating that little piece of land from the rest of the world. As if, in that little area walled by trees, the only witness to their existence is God himself.
The sun shines through the trees and on the creek that runs by, the sunlight’s reflection bathing everyone in a glimmering light that feels very much akin to a holy blessing. There’s music playing and there are people dancing and running and playing around wearing the biggest smiles they’ve ever sported as if they don’t have a care in the world. As if most of these people didn’t almost starve last winter. As if most of them won’t starve in the winters that are to come. 
But that doesn’t matter, because for today they get to eat. Because for the past few days every single seed that grew to become a vegetable, every single grain that was used to make bread, every single animal that was killed to provide meat, every single spice the village had has been brought to the clearing to be part of the big feast. The entire clearing looks just like the Garden of Eden. At least, it looks like what Jungkook thinks the Garden of Eden looks like, it feels like what he thinks the Garden of Eden feels like. Beautiful. Plentiful. Peaceful. Reserved. 
“Won’t you come dance, my little bunny?”
His mother asks as she walks over, her right hand pulling his father along. Both panting a little from having just participated in one of the dances. 
“Or will you sit there the whole festival?”
“No, not the whole festival. Just for as long as I can.” 
“As long as you can, is that so?”, his father chuckles “And when won’t you be able to stay here any longer, boy?”
“When it’s time to eat!” 
“Ah, really?” says his mother while his father only smiles wider. “So only food will make you enjoy the festivities?” 
“No, mother. I’m enjoying the festivities sitting here. But only food will make me get up.” 
“Oh, I see. Very well, if that is the case…” 
The woman puts her hands on one of her pockets and pulls out a small piece of marzipan cake, smiling mischievously as her son’s doe eyes grow bigger at the delicacy, the boy’s mouth forming a little “o” of amazement. Jungkook’s already getting up to take the cake from his mother’s hand when something jumps in front of him and grabs it before he can even fully stand up.
A cat. A cat stole his cake.
“My cake! Mother, my cake!” 
“Your cake? It came from my pocket, didn’t it?”
“Quick!” his father intervenes “The one who catches the cat may eat all of the cake!” 
Jungkook has been in this family long enough to know his parents don’t really care about cake. Chase or no chase, Jungkook is the child so he is the one who gets the cake. But he knows his parents care about him and about playing with him, so he doesn’t have to hear his father’s empty challenge twice. Jungkook bolts. 
Him and his parents chase the cat while it runs across the clearing - zigzagging through the maypoles, knocking over those still dancing, going under the big tables, around some of the tents - until the cat reaches the forest. Jungkook follows it, hearing his parents' laughter and footsteps right behind him, sometimes even seeing them in the corners of his eyes. He focuses on the cat, continuing to chase after it into the woods. Jungkook jumps over tree trunks, dodges twigs, steps onto rocks, runs around holes he can see on the earth, hears the crunching of leaves beneath his feet, the birds singing above him, he hears the bees flying past him buzzing his ear, he hears deer running somewhere to his left, he hears a scream. A piercing and terrible scream. A scream so loud Jungkook’s body abruptly stops, the speed at which he was going making him fall over and roll on the dirt. 
A scared Jungkook quickly gets up and calls “Mother!”, looking around him. He doesn’t see nor hear anyone. “Father!”, he tries. But no one comes. 
Again and again and again and again he tries yelling for them. But no one comes. He’s breathing heavy now, from all the running from earlier and the effort of screaming so much. Jungkook starts to feel the pains from his fall, body aching from head to toe. He looks at his surroundings and sees only the gigantic trees, all very close to each other, the direction he had tumbled from isn’t clear to him anymore. The boy spins around wondering where the clearing’s direction might be. He is panting hard. 
Like before, nothing. Jungkook doesn’t hear them, doesn’t hear their footsteps, their laughter, nothing. He doesn’t hear them. That’s when he notices that he doesn’t hear anything at all. Not the birds, or the bees, or deer, or any other sound of the forest. It’s a complete silence. 
In that complete silence and solitude, he feels desperation become a fist around his heart. His chest is tight and his vision is blurring and he can’t move because where does he even go? Where is the clearing? Where are his parents?  
Another horrible scream behind him and Jungkook falls to the ground terrified, arms covering his head. 
The screaming stops. He hears something but the screaming stopped. 
Shaking and nearly crying, Jungkook slowly moves around to peek through his arms at the source of the scream.
Right there, just a few steps away from him is the body of his mother drenched in blood, her once lovely face twisted in agony, mouth wide open and eyes rolled back. On top of her sits a hunched figure clad in a dark cloak, its bloodied hands holding his mother’s shoulder while its face is buried in her neck. 
Jungkook lets out a grieving moan and cries. The figure turns to him. Jungkook sees nothing but a bloodied chin. Something in him awakens and he runs, he runs and runs until he trips. 
With a thud, he realizes he tripped and fell on someone, he’s about to ask for help when he sees the blood. He looks at the person’s face and makes a horrified noise when he sees it’s his father, with his face as twisted and his neck as torn as his mother’s. Jungkook’s tears fall on his father’s face as he forces himself to get up once more and keep running. He runs and he runs and he runs and he hears another scream. 
He gets knocked up again and when Jungkook lifts his head, he’s back at seeing his mother’s dead body, hooded figure on top of her. Except now he can see the figure’s blood-painted face. 
Now he can see your blood-painted face. 
So he runs again, he runs again and he trips again and he sees you all bloodied again. So he runs, and he trips, and he sees you all bloodied, so he runs, and he trips, and he sees you all bloodied, so he - 
He wakes up. 
He wakes up in their safehouse. 
“Jungkook!” It’s his brother, Namjoon, saying his name and shaking him awake. 
“I’m awake.”
Namjoon releases a breath and follows the younger one as both sit on the bed, Jungkook panting and sweating. He’s glad for the moments of silence Namjoon allows him to recompose himself before Jungkook has to deal with the questions he knows the other man already has on the tip of his tongue. 
“Go ahead. Ask.”
“Same nightmare?”
He nods, because there’s no point in lying about this. Not to Namjoon, at least, who would've seen right through Jungkook. Both of them had been in this exact position many more times than either of them can remember and Jungkook has shared with the older one more nightmares than days together. 
“It’s that same time of the year, so it makes sense that your thoughts and memories of it are resurfacing. I assume you still can’t see its face?” 
He hesitates. Because, yeah, for many years Jungkook couldn’t see the face of the monster of his nightmares. Until he met you. This is the fourth time this month he’s seen your face in his nightmares. 
“No”, Jungkook says.
Namjoon sighs, “Alright. Good. That’s good. We can’t have you distracted this week, we sent out some scouts who’ve reported that -”, he interrupts himself after taking a look at Jungkook’s state: not breathing as heavily anymore and the cold sweat is mostly gone, but his eyes are still unfocused and looking down, still breathing through his mouth and shoulders slumped. “Sorry. I…We’ll have time to talk about this tomorrow.” 
Before his brother can get up and leave, Jungkook grabs his arm. “No, please. No.” Namjoon sits down again “I-I’m just, I’m fine. I just…Just tell me.”
“Jungkook, you have to-”
“No. Whatever it is the scouts said, I need to hear it. If Easter Sunday will have as many vampires as Jimin thinks there’ll be, I need to know too, because I’ll be there too keeping watch on one of them, remember?” The older man still seems uncertain, so he adds “This is my first mission, brother, you can’t leave me in the dark. You can’t leave me.” 
His brother says nothing for a moment, then nods. 
“Very well. You’re right.”
Namjoon then goes over the information. How they’ve found more dead bodies discarded a few hours away from the city, all the bodies with the same profile - young adults, limbs torn off, broken bones, witchcraft symbols on their bodies, drained of blood. Suspicions that vampire and witches have been working together only growing stronger and more certain, even if they’ve never actually caught two of them together. 
The men then go quickly over the plans for Easter Sunday and after talking about where each hunter will be positioned, listing their weapons and supplies, Namjoon gives him one more task: get more information out of you. 
After a little debate, Namjoon succedes in making Jungkook agree to at least try to sleep a little bit more, since there are still a couple hours to tick by until sunrise. But not before Jungkook promises to go straight to your house as soon as he gets up.
Your house fits you, Jungkook thinks. Or rather, your manor fits you. 
Standing tall over the other houses, the white-stoned building was located just a few miles away from the heart of the city, a low and vine-intertwined wall of its own surrounding the area to separate your family from the commoners. Three towers emerge from the brown roof of the manor, one of them bigger than the others being the most noticeable feature. Behind the manor sits a small, but still beautiful, house for the servants and a little white chapel Jungkook knows your family doesn’t use. The scenario is topped off with a beautiful tulip garden surrounding a big fountain at the front of the house. 
It’s a place as elegant, beautiful, and perfect as you are. At least, on the outside. 
Jungkook walks to the back of your manor, where its walls are separated from a merchant’s shop by a narrow alley. After checking that no one’s in sight, he uses some of the vines to climb over the wall, landing on the other side swiftly with the ease of someone who’s done this many times already. Jungkook is careful to avoid any servants, even if he’s pretty sure your family knows already, and he’s definitely seen a couple maids awkwardly pretend not to notice him. Thankfully, at this time in the morning, only a few of the workers are up. Still, he thinks it’s always better to fall on the side of caution, especially dealing with vampires. And, well, that is part of his whole…how can he put it? Character, he supposes, that he’s been playing for you so far. So he not-so-sneakily goes around the servant’s house, hiding himself behind trees and in shadows until he reaches a point beneath what he knows is your window.
Still partially hidden in the shadows of a tree, he picks up pebbles from the floor and starts chucking them at your window, quietly singing to himself. Soon enough, you show up at the window with a knowing smirk on your face and a playful tone in your voice.
“I know this voice. Is it you, Jungkook? Or is it a busker?”
“Neither, my lady, if both displease you.” 
He hears your little giggle and it slightly pisses him off. Because it’s just so easy with you, to just giggle away everything. And it’s so hard to not giggle back. He finally leaves from under the tree, fully in your sight now.
“Are you crazy, young man? My family will run you off with their brooms if you keep sneaking in.”
“My lady, I’m sure no harm can come to me as long as I’m under your gaze.” 
“How do you even get here, Jungkook?”
“My heart leads me here everytime. Smart thing, isn’t it?” your smile gets wider as your eyes sparkle with a tinge of mischief he’s sure paints his own eyes as well. “It even taught me how to jump over these cruel walls, my lady. It wants to be near its owner, I swear.” 
“Don’t swear. Even if I like to hear it.” 
“Then I’ll take back my swears, only to repeat them again for you.” 
You open your mouth to speak but suddenly stop when someone behind you calls out your name. You turn back to him with a sad smile.
“I have to go. And you must leave.” 
Jungkook panics a little and shouts for you to wait. “Do you really have to go? Can you not come out? Let me take you out for a walk.” 
He sees you look back with a worried look before hurriedly telling him to leave and wait by the shop next to your house, promising to meet him there in a few minutes. 
Jungkook leaves the same way he arrived: sneakingly. Except now more of the household staff is getting up and, as it’s happened before, he sees more than a couple of curious eyes not-so-subtly averting his direction. 
You arrive at the shop shortly after, your maid trailing quietly after you. Jungkook wonders if she knows what you are or if she herself is one of yours. The thought lasts only for a brief moment as you’re soon in front of him , a big smile on your beautiful face. He smiles back, “Time for act II”, he thinks.
“Ready for some fun, my lady?”
“I suppose it’d depend on the kind of fun. What do you have in mind?”
Jungkook only answers with a roguish smirk and then takes your hand, dragging you away. He stops first at a florist to give you a small bouquet composed of lavender, yarrow, iris, and snapdragon. Afterwards, he says he’ll take you to a jewelry shop nearby, to which you answer in between giggles “Is this your idea of fun? Jungkook, you’ll spoil me rotten!” 
“I’ll try my very best to do so, my lady, I swear.” 
You warn him as you did earlier today about his swears while entering the shop. Your maid follows at a small distance. Jungkook knows you’ve been to this before, because he’s seen you and your family come by a few times to do business or to purchase some luxurious pieces. It’s not a particularly big shop, but the size of the building is compensated for by the big size of the gems on the products. 
“Jungkook” you pull on his arm to make him face you, a small smile on your face “What are we doing here?”
“My lady, you know, I spend a lot of time looking at you” you squint your eyes a little bit and Jungkook knows you’re already thinking of how to tease him “So I couldn’t help but notice these beautiful earrings of yours.”
He sees your eyes open and widen a bit, your smile falters a little. 
Your earrings are two bright, blood red ruby stones framed by small diamonds and pearls, all tied together by silver. Oftentimes Jungkook swears he can see the stone move in itself. It’s an alluring, mysterious piece. 
“My lady, I hope you’ll forgive my indiscretion now, but -” you interrupt him with a mock-disapproving look. 
“Jungkook, you’ve never bothered with discretion.”
He smiles and restarts “Well, my lady, you see, I did not mind the indiscretion of all the times before. Nevertheless, now, I mind it, for I do not wish to insult you” Jungkook steps closer to you, “These earrings, were they a gift from another fellow?” 
Your mouth is shaped in a small “o” form, not having expected the question. It takes only a second for you to recover.
“Because if I am to buy you a necklace that compliments these beloved earrings of yours, it’d do me well to know who else buys you jewels.” 
Jungkook sees you hesitate a little before you finally tell him your brothers gave the pieces to you. 
“They’re a family heirloom.” 
He thinks to ask more about it, but as he sees you slightly stepping away from him, gaze looking down, Jungkook decides that’s a battle for another day. 
The owner of the shop, then, comes forward and you and Jungkook get swept by the man as he presents fitting necklaces for you. After a while, you pick a delicate silver chain and a red tear-drop shaped pendant dangling from it. Not nearly as exuberant as your earrings, you, however, assure Jungkook that you like it just as much. 
“It’s extraordinary value was established the moment you meant for it to be a gift for me”, you tell him. “And…Jungkook?”
“Yes, darling?”
“I have something for you too.” You pull out from your pocket a silver locket and place it on his hand. Jungkook takes a look at it and sees that there’s an intricate art engraved on it of leaves and bushes and, at the center, a  little rabbit. Impatient for a reaction, you say anxiously “That is how your mother called you, is it not? Little bunny? I…well, I had hoped I could wait until Easter Sunday, I thought you’d need some strength, but, alas, I wanted to spoil you a little as you’ve done to me.” 
Jungkook keeps staring at the locket, your words being heard but not listened to, being pushed, instead, to the back of his mind as he tries to stay in the moment rather than think about his mother. His mother had a locket with a rabbit engraved as well. You call his name softly once. He forces himself to snap back. 
“I…I-I, yes.” Jungkook shakes his head briefly and blinks a few times “Yes, she did. I…didn’t think you’d remember all that”, he scoffs. 
“Well, I do. To have lost your mother at a young age…I’m sorry, Jungkook.” I am too, he thinks “Smallpox is a terrible disease.” He only nods. 
“Thank you, Y/N.” 
You squeeze his hand and smile at him. Jungkook takes your hand and kisses it, taking a bit longer than needed with his eyes closed.
Your maid clears her throat and he puts your hand respectfully on his arm. With the both of you now wearing your new possessions, you leave the shop. You leave smiling sweetly and he leaves with a heavy heart.
Lost in his own thoughts, Jungkook keeps walking with you by his side.
And it always hits him at the most inconvenient of times that you may actually be a good person. And Jungkook almost feels guilty for plotting your death while you're smiling so sweetly at a little girl as both you and her help a kitten off a tree. But just as soon as the feeling begins, the warnings of his brothers whisper in his mind reminding him how manipulative your kind is - how manipulative you are. His brothers have no reason to lie to him about you or about the stories he's heard since he was a child. The stories of those who took his parents from him, the stories that haunted him, plaguing his dreams with blood and death until he no longer wanted to dream. Stories of those like you.
Jungkook tries to shake off these thoughts and softens his face when he sees you coming back to his side, now that the kitten is free and the little girl is on her way.
"Fourth time this month. Same time, same tree, same cat", you tell him with a smile.
"I don’t understand why Soo-Ah doesn’t just adopt him”, Jungkook scoffs “Would save her the trouble of having to save him every other day.”
“It would. But it’d also take away his freedom of coming and leaving when he wants and of chasing that same squirrel that goes up the tree and disappears. Not to mention one more crucial factor.”
“What?”, he waits confused, eyeing your mischievous smile.
“Helping Soo-Ah with the cat uses up enough of her time that when she reaches the bakery the breads will be fresh out of the oven. She won’t need to wait even a second to get them.”
You give Jungkook another one of your pretty smiles, those he can’t help but answer with a smile of his own, and there it is again. That same feeling from earlier telling him you’re a good person, after all. Fangs and blood-sucking aside.
So Jungkook takes your hand to continue your walk together. It’s only after you’ve entered your house, leaving him with a kiss, that a shadow crosses Jungkook’s face and he heads to meet his brothers, the men waiting hungrily for the right time to kill you.
previous part (teaser) || part 2 teaser || part 2 || main masterlist ||
author's notes:
the initial point was for this to be the first and only part, however i'll right a 2nd part bc some things i wanted to put here didn't really seem right. i also have a few ideas for a 3rd part, depending on how the other parts will be received and how i’ll feel about this fic in the future. this is why i ask for you to, if possible, give me feedback or just your general thoughts and impressions of this part. reviews are a great motivation! 
also, as it was said in the beginning, some of the dialogue was inspired by william shakespeare’s romeo and juliet. i used these sources for inspiration and reference: https://pt.slideshare.net/1977LS/peca-teatralromeuejulietaparaescolas and    https://myshakespeare.com/romeo-and-juliet/act-2-scene-2 
fun fact - these are the meanings of the flowers that were in the bouquet jungkook gave to the reader: snapdragon - graciousness, deception / lavender - distrust / iris - faith, trust, wisdom, hope, valor / yarrow - everlasting love. and rabbits almost always symbolize prosperity, abundance, good luck, and fertility.
taglist: @luaspersona @kookpeas
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e-devotion · 6 months
reflections on easter Sunday
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Easter is one of the most incredible holidays that Christians celebrate.  So many emotions, so many stories, so many blessings come with our celebrations, the worship and even time with families.  Easter is so good.
But what makes it stand out is something that is empty.  That’s right.  It is the tomb.  Where Jesus was placed after He died on the cross.  The resurrection shown by the empty tomb is what seals our eternal promise as well as our daily hope.
Let’s ask the questions that others were asked.
Luke 24:1-8  NLT  
On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. 5 In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? 6 He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 7 ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ” 8 Then they remembered his words.
Why do you look for the living among the dead?
We do that.  But we shouldn’t.  It is true of humanity that we seek too often what is temporary rather than will last.  That is why life is the focus, not death.  That is why the deceiver seeks to deceive but the Savior seek to save.  Who will we seek?
May we celebrate Jesus.  He is alive.  Or, He is risen!
The following is from the writing of Henri Nouwen in his devotion “Reflections on Easter Sunday” (go to https://henrinouwen.org/ for more)
Easter season is a time of hope.  There still is fear, there still is a painful awareness of sinfulness, but there is also light breaking through.  Something new is happening, something that goes beyond the changing moods of our life.  We can be joyful or sad, optimistic or pessimistic, tranquil or angry, but the solid stream of God’s presence moves deeper than the small waves of our minds and hearts.  Easter brings the awareness that God is present even when his presence is not directly noticed.  Easter brings the good news that, although things seem to get worse in the world, the Evil One has already been overcome.  Easter allows us to affirm that although God seems very distant and although we remain preoccupied with many little things, our Lord walks with us on the road and keeps explaining the Scriptures to us.  Thus there are many rays of hope casting their light on our way through life. 
Almighty, everlasting God,
on this day you conquered death 
and opened for us the path to eternal life.
And so we celebrate in joy the feast of his resurrection.
Make us new through your Spirit,
so that we too may rise and walk in the light of life.
We ask this through Jesus Christ. 
Thank you for continuing to read and share these e-devotions.  May God help us focus on and walk with Jesus each day!
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joshuasearing · 1 year
Sunday 2nd April 2023
Hey journal, past couple days have been ok however they have been really stressful due to work. So Friday I think it was I started my shift of at work by being out on grill, so cooking the sausage for peoples breakfast, I was on this for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, then after this I went on to break and on my break I wrote in my journal and spoke with some of my colleagues. Then after my break once I got back they put me on hash browns then once it hit main menu and no longer breakfast I had to do fries. This was ok however it was really hot due to what station I was meaning it was making me feel really tired out. Anyways after a while I got taken of and they put me on instore. Anyways work was really stressful as it was really busy due to schools finishing for Easter break, also it was pay day and lastly we had new promo items. So there was loads of people wanting to come to us to get some food and drinks. Anyways after work, my mum picked me up and my Nan was in the car as well. When she picked me up me and my Nan had to wait in the car as my brother was with my mum as well and wanted a Maccies, so my mum quickly bought my brother a Maccies. Oh yeah after work I got my self the new steakhouse stack which is a new promo burger, it was nice however it was really peppery which made me think it had a spice kick to it. I probably won’t have it again however it was nice. Anyways after my mum went and got my brother Maccies, she dropped me of to the gym and so I did a push session for about 45 minutes. Once I finished in the gym my mum picked me up in her car again and we all went to fish and chips as my mum, Nan and dad was getting fish and chips. So whilst my mum went in their me, my nan and brother all waited in the car. It was stress if I’m honest as my brother was loud and playing a game however I had a 9 hour shift so I already felt stressed and all I wanted at this point was to be in my room on my own for a little bit. After waiting a long time for the fish and chips we all went home and I went into my room. I can’t fully remember but I think it just played on my pc for a little bit to make me feel better.
Now to yesterday. Yesterday was ok but one of the most stressful work shifts ever. On a good note my mum dropped me off to work yesterday meaning for once I actually managed to get to work on time. Once I got to work I was practically on instore all day. For the first couple hours there was loads of complains as someone was doing training for becoming a manager, so it wasn’t fully getting run properly. I had about 7 complaints about the macdonalds in about the first 2 hours of my shift. One of the first complaints was basically I walked outside to give people their food after they had been parked up. So I was doing that and as I was about to walk back in this women went to me wear is my food and said it in a really horrible way. So I went and checked for her came back with her food, and she went to me where is my latte and I was confused as I wasn’t instructed that their was a latte with this order. Anyways what had happened is she asked the person on headset on drive thru that she wanted a water and a latte and for some reason the colleague put it through as two waters. This means she had been given two waters and paid for two waters. So she asked me if I could replace the water for a latte. So I went inside and asked the trainee manager and she told me that I can’t do that as it means the business will be loosing money, she also told me that I need to go out their and say this to her and also that if she has an issue she is going to have to come out her car herself and come in the store. Which to be fair to her it’s not her fault that we put the wrong order through compare to what she wanted. Anyways I apologised to her and she said it is not my fault. Anyways she started being a bit nicer I think it’s only because she was frustrated, which is understandable. So she came in complained and got her latte. Then once she left I got back to work. Another issue that happened in the morning was I went upstairs to this table to give this family their food and this women went to me can a manager do anything as a sorry to the family for the long wait. So I asked when I got downstairs. Yet again the trainee manager told me that I need to go up their and tell the customer if they have an issue they need to come downstairs to talk to a manager. So I believe if I remember I went up their and she complained. It is just so annoying as I don’t understand why I have to deal the with the issues directly that is not my job that is the managers issue. Also the manager should go up their as it is are fault for their long wait. Anyways also throughout the shift I also helped with cloth washes moped up some drinks mess that has happened as someone put something in the shake machine the wrong way open meaning on the mix went everywhere.
Also near the end of my shift it started to get really busy and issue was deliver orders were being left on the screen for ages meaning they would just manually disappear of the screen without the orders being done. This means order were not being done and delivery drivers were wondering where their orders were. So what I had to do for about 2 different orders, is I had to find the receipts for these orders and I had to go into the kitchen and ask for food to be made and same goes for drinks. This didn’t help as they were already busy as it was. Anyways after a long time delivery drivers got their food and drinks. Another issue yesterday was whenever their was an issue a manager would question want I’m doing whilst I try and figure a issue/complaint, also they would start handing me new orders when I’m already trying to do something else as it is.
After to work I got dropped of to the gym and did a pull workout it went good. Then I got picked up and my mum planned for us to go Maccies. So spent ten minutes in a car park near my gym trying to log in to my Maccies app as o get discounts for working their. Anyways I had to reset my password to get in but I managed it. Anyways after this whilst we were driving I started get ate order set up on the app. Anyways there was an issue when we got their their was traffic everywhere including the car park. The reason for this is because a lane had been shut off on a near by road meaning all the roads around the Maccies were being affected and not flowing. This means we sat in the car park debating what to do and we were even stuck in the car park. So at the end we decided to get kebab instead as otherwise by the time we got the Maccies home it would of been cooled due to the traffic. We had to bring it home as my dad was at home and he was going to have some with us. Anyways it took us about twenty minutes to get out of the car park and traffic. So after this we went to the Kebab shop and it’s this new kebab shop near my house. After getting are food I had to quickly go into Tesco to get an oasis as my little brother wanted one from Maccies so if we didn’t get one we wouldn’t of heard the end of it and we would of had a very unhappy child. After this we got home an had it. It was nice then after this i just relaxed on my pc for the next few hours, FaceTimed my girlfriend and also made my documenting my mental health tiktok.
Now I going to talk about today so far. So I started the day of by getting ready to go to the gym and I was planning on getting dropped of as my parents were going out. But as we went outside to my mums car my mum couldn’t open the car. As the keys were not doing anything. So me and my dad got in he’s car and went to this shop to get the keys a new set of batteries as they needed them for the car to be able to work. Anyways after this my dad dropped me of to the gym, and I did my leg day and this went ok, however when I was doing some workout wit free weights to work out my calf’s. This guy near me was doing deadlifts and then he would just drop the massive lot of weight on the floor once he got fully it fully up. This would make a massive thumping noise and was very disrespectful for everyone around him including me. Anyways I saw this guy and this guy looked really angry with what this guy was ring which i do fully understand. I honestly though i was about to witness a fight it my gym but luckily the guy kept he’s anger to himself and nothing happened, also another thing that happened in the gym was I was about to use the leg press and then I figured it was broken and someone had left it with a piece of equipment off of the machine so I took this piece downstairs and told the gym employee and he fixed the machine. Anyways after the gym I walked home and since I’ve been home I haven’t really done anything apart from what I’m doing now. Anyways speak to you later journal when I have more to update you on. Bye journal!
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intrepidacious · 2 years
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I posted 1,534 times in 2022
That's 1,357 more posts than 2021!
376 posts created (25%)
1,158 posts reblogged (75%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,534 of my posts in 2022
#nika reads - 585 posts
#bucky barnes x reader - 381 posts
#nika replies - 371 posts
#inbox - 297 posts
#tiff 🌤 - 116 posts
#time after time - 116 posts
#ren 🐝 - 99 posts
#steve rogers x reader - 96 posts
#bookmarked - 84 posts
#sleepover time - 74 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#please reblog if you liked this whatsoever :') i'm queuing my replies so i don't clog your dashes but like. i worked hard on this
My Top Posts in 2022:
time after time - masterlist
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summary: After what starts out as a fairly normal mission, you find yourself stuck in a time loop. Which would already be bad enough in itself if it didn’t also mean having to watch Bucky die over and over again.
pairing: bucky barnes x time witch!reader
series word count: 47.7k+
warnings: f!reader; more or less canon compliant; time loops, canon typical violence, repeated major character death (in a russian doll/supernatural's mystery spot sort of way); slow burn, mutual annoyance to reluctant friends to lovers; negative self-talk; just a lot of angst (but with an eventual happy ending i promise!!)
this series is set after the events of the falcon and the winter soldier and will include spoilers for marvel projects up to and including multiverse of madness
a/n: welcome to the fic i've been thinking about for almost a year!! i am beyond excited and terrified to finally start sharing this. if you want to get notified whenever i post a new chapter, you can follow @intrepidacious-fics and turn on notifications or follow along on my ao3 💚
please mind that my blog is 18+ only, minors and ageless accounts will be blocked
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303 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
set me free
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summary: Once upon a time, a soldier fell from a train. Thankfully, this time, he is found by gentle hands, and a beautiful voice keeps him safe from the cold.
pairing: bucky barnes x nymph!reader
word count: 6.4k
warnings: bucky dealing with the loss of his arm; a pinch of angst for flavour; reader is perceived as female by men in the forties, but what does that really tell us?
a/n: hi. i really like this one. it combines two of my favourite things, fairy tales and 40s!bucky 😌 title is from the song her voice from the little mermaid musical <3
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358 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
moving on
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summary: He gets caught up in the lines and the streak of sunshine on your skin, until you catch him staring and raise a questioning eyebrow, so he looks away, reluctantly, unable to hide the small grin that appears on his face.
pairing: steve rogers x reader
word count: 6k
warnings: friends to lovers fluff, a pinch of angst for spice, heavily leaning into the fact that steve can draw and yes that’s a warning, canon compliant apart from. ya know. the moon stuff
a/n: i've been coping with the passing of stephen sondheim last november by listening to sunday in the park with george nonstop ever since. writing this was basically a love letter to that show and maybe the most cathartic thing i’ve ever done.
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396 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
Build a blurb hehehe! 🩹 tending to each other's wounds, 🚪 showing up at the other's door, begging for comfort, 🍯 friends to lovers, 🔥 slow burn - Enjoy >:3
heal me, baby
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summary: Your friendship starts with you cleaning up his wounds and Bucky paying to get the blood stains out of your couch. Something else starts, too.
pairing: bucky barnes x nurse!reader
word count: 2.6k
warnings: canon typical violence, some fluff, s.h.i.e.l.d. still exists AU, protective bucky strikes again
a/n: lisha heard me request prompts to write something short and decided to go with slow burn. thanks for that, love. happy easter and joyous pesach to those of you who celebrate, i hope you're all well <3
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466 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
not even a little
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summary: The problem of living with Bucky is that he makes it impossible not to fall in love with him. Even though you could list several hundred reasons why it’s a bad idea. And you have.
pairing: roommate!bucky barnes x reader
word count: 5.7k
warnings: pining idiots in love, slightly questionable roomie behaviour, simultaneously the softest and cockiest bucky i've written so far, blink and you miss it throwing shade at iron fist
a/n: this is my very late submission for kathie's (@pellucid-constellations) love letters writing challenge <3 thank you for this lovely idea, writing this was a challenge indeed but that is, as they say, a me problem. also huge shoutout to @barnesafterglow and @sweetascanbee, this really and truly would still not be done without you. love you both 💛
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852 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pastorwitch · 4 years
Easter In
We have come to the most holiest of Christian holidays, the day we celebrate Christ’s death and resurrection. This year though, we must celebrate from home. Here are some ideas for Thursday-Friday
Maundy Thursday
Feast! Enjoy the last supper and break bread and drink wine/juice together with your family if your sect allows you to take communion at home.
Confess one way you have prioritized yourself over others.
Stay up all night and pray as if you were with Jesus in the garden.
Good Friday
Research the stations of the cross and either pray them on your own, join in on an online experience, or create your own reflection.
Reflect on the sacrifice of life that Jesus made and pray and work magic for those who are currently putting their lives at risk to protect others.
Holy Saturday
The women were not allowed to go to the tomb on this day as it was the Sabbath. Do your best to keep this day holy and rest.
Jesus was laid to rest in a borrowed tomb. Pray and work magic for those who do not have shelter during this time.
Easter Sunday
The women woke up and went to the tomb early in order to prepare Jesus’ body. Wake up early in the morning and go to your garden, outdoor space, or space with the most windows. Enjoy the tranquility of the outdoors.
The women were taking spices to prepare Jesus’ body with. Use strong spices in your cooking today to remember that these spices were no longer necessary.
Join an online Easter service from the church or denomination of your choice.
For kids, plan a race to a designated location called “the tomb” where some extra Easter eggs are hidden. First person to arrive is the “disciple Jesus loved.” Second is “Peter.” You can plan multiple races with fun and different prizes for the winner each time.
Enjoy these little activities and please stay home and stay safe!
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fleckcmscott · 4 years
Bewitching Hour
Summary: October has been a blissfully busy month. With Halloween around the corner, Arthur and Y/N have some planning to do.
Warnings: Swearing
Words: 4,665
A/N: Special thanks to @hhandley80​ for this request! You've been so supportive and sweet. I truly appreciate you and hope you enjoy it!
On a side note, my oneshots will be more sporadic. I'm still writing but life has been life. Also, I've finished the first draft of another multi-chapter featuring Arthur and Y/N. It's going to take time to rewrite the subsequent drafts and edit, edit, edit. The chapters will go up once the story is ready. Thanks for your patience and support! 🙂 I heart you all!
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask! 
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Arthur's suggestion that they make plans to celebrate Halloween should not have been a surprise. He loved starting traditions with Y/N, and she prized adopting them with him. "It's been awhile," he'd said as they'd walked arm-in-arm to the laundromat. "I think it'd be nice."
Holidays had been a source of merriment most of her life. The beauty of red and green decorations at Christmas. Turkey and mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving. An egg hunt and chocolate rabbit at Easter. The togetherness of family during them all.
Halloween, though, wasn't a favorite.
As a child, she'd had fun trick-or-treating, riding her bike from house to far-flung house. And she hadn't minded escorting her little sister as a teenager. Y/N's homemade witch costume had been passed down. She could still recall the sleekness of the ribbon between her fingers as she'd secured the pointed hat under Mabel's chin.
But the magic had fallen away. When married to Jeff, she'd had to attend his boss's annual party. After receiving an apologetic shrug and kiss, she'd be relegated to hanging out with the other wives. They'd included her in their recipe swaps, in their exchanges of mild gossip. Her natural friendliness made chit-chat easy, far easier than having a good time. Those evenings had been spent nursing a glass of wine and willing the clock to go faster.
During the period she'd cared for her father, she'd tried to hand out candy. She liked being a good neighbor and imparting kindness in the form of bite-sized sweets. As his health had declined, the porch light had gone dark. Random rings of the doorbell would result in shouting and swearing. Repeated attempts to explain the door's lock wasn't broken. Festivity would transform into drudgery. It hadn't been worth the trouble. Instead, she'd watched terrible TV specials while her thoughts wandered to a future far from Boonville. A future she'd doubted would ever be.
"I don't know if it's your thing," Arthur had continued, bringing her back to the present. "But you might enjoy it with me." The response he longed for was evident in the worrying of his pocket, outlines of his knuckles visible through the tan cloth.
Everything they'd experienced together had soothed the sting of those wasted years. The hesitancy lurking in her was silly. Unwelcome. Less than either of them deserved. She'd met his keen eyes and half-smile. The sudden mental image of him dressed as a cowboy or pirate, eyepatch and all, prompted a laugh. Convinced her as she dug out her dry-cleaning stub. "It isn't my thing," she'd said. "But you are."
Relief had relaxed his wrinkles, save for his crows feet, which had deepened as he'd returned her happy expression. A slender arm wrapped around her waist, drew her against his solid frame. Once the clerk disappeared through the swinging doors to retrieve their clothes, Arthur grasped her chin and kissed her. The tender explorations were soon sloppy, and she'd giggled, his enthusiasm becoming her own. Their noses had met, his lashes resting on his wide cheekbones. "I think you're the sweetest treat, Mrs. Fleck."
Currently, Donahue's Department Store, Gotham's number one retail emporium (if the ads were to be believed), was bustling with last-minute shoppers. Weary mothers escorted their babbling children through the aisles. Clerks swapped out displays for the changing blue light specials. Lines went for yards. Patricia and Y/N sought refuge at a corner table in the café on the top floor. The warm glow from the pendant lamps provided a relaxed ambience, one that matched the hot cider and pumpkin spice cake they were savoring.
"I've got my grandson on Sunday," Patricia said between bites. "My daughter's going to a party with a medical records tech from Gotham General. Met him when she missed the bus. They split a cab and hit it off." Chuckling, she lifted her mug. "Speaking of, how's married life been so far?"
Memories of the past week quickened Y/N's heart, until she thought it might stop. How Arthur had gripped her replacement Social Security card, just to read her new name. The way he'd grab her for a twirl whenever they were in the kitchen. The reverence in his gaze when they'd lay together after sex, a look that both thrilled and made her blush. "The bills for his medication and appointments will no longer make us cringe," she deadpanned. She lowered her fork. "When we met, I was kind of blindsided - I'm not the type to fall in love quickly." The corners of her lips tugged up. "Being married to Arthur feels like a habit. A habit I should have learned twenty years ago."
"I'm glad you found each other." Patricia reached across the light brown table and covered Y/N's hand, gave it a squeeze. Then she wiped frosting from her mouth and nodded in the direction of the escalator. "Now let's find a costume that'll drive him nuts."
Beyond the colorful cosmetics and pungent perfume counters, they sorted through racks of vinyl smocks and plastic masks. Pop culture icons and princesses. Vampires and spooks. Knockoffs of classic movie monsters. Most were poorly made and decidedly uninteresting. Y/N pawed through accessories in a nearby basket, a cigar here, a patched hat there. "How about a hobo? I could steal Arthur's tie."
"This was his idea. Give him something a little exciting." After a roll of Y/N's eyes, Patricia held out a plastic display bag. "Found it."
The white font on its blue label declared she should "Create a unique look!" A woman in a leopard-print leotard and bow-tie wore black cat ears and a tail, the only two items included in the set. Y/N's nose wrinkled. "I don't think so, Patricia." She rummaged through another bin and examined a hockey mask. "I don't show a lot of skin."
"You show Arthur." Patricia ignored Y/N's glare, continuing to shove it at her. "Every man loves a woman dressed as a cat. Our next lunch is on me if I'm wrong."
Patricia could be relentless, but Y/N had to admit she was usually right. She arched a brow as she eyed the costume. Maybe she could find a solid body suit instead of animal print. The kit was only $2.98. And her friend had made it a challenge. "You're on. But I'm not wearing a bow-tie." She crossed her arms across her chest and tapped her mouth. "Your turn. Would Robert like you as a French maid or a go-go dancer?"
It was a busy season for performers. Arthur remembered HaHa's talent agency being booked solid for October by the end of August. Myriad functions at nursing homes, parties, and children's organizations took place throughout the city. Amusement Mile had a series of special events, allowing Arthur to work extra hours before the slowness of winter dragged in. Once the holiday was over, he'd buy make-up and props on clearance.
He'd always assumed he would like Halloween - if he'd had the chance to celebrate it properly. It was about connection, something he'd never managed. The customs gave him a pretense, a template to meet people, rather than leaving him wondering how to go about it. Provided a hiding place for his seeming inability to act normal.
Recollections of the day were few but vivid. When he'd been around eight, there'd been a party at school. The teacher had made brownies and given the students a half-hour respite from lessons. (A welcome relief, since he wasn't very good at most of them.) But he hadn't had a costume. Hadn't known how to reply when the other kids asked where it was. Not wanting to be left out, he'd pocketed a watercolor pallet and sneaked to the bathroom.
The teacher (he wished he could remember her name) had walked in as he'd smeared green and blue on his face, a pathetic attempt at a turtle. Fear of punishment had caused his laughter. But her kindness as she knelt, wiped away tears and pigment with a scratchy, brown paper towel, had calmed him. "Wait here," she'd instructed. It had taken all his courage not to run home.
After some minutes, she'd returned, an old white sheet in one hand, black marker and pair of scissors in the other. "The nurse won't miss this." She'd traced eyeholes, helped him cut them out. She'd asked questions. About his mother and what it was like at home. Questions he was at a loss for how to answer. Finally, she'd draped the cloth over his head. "There," she'd declared. "Gotham Elementary has its own ghost."
Even as he'd gotten taller and the sheet no longer went beyond his knees, that costume had remained his go-to. He'd venture out to the rest of his building, knocking on paint-chipped doors and pushing broken buzzers. Having learned to stay away from doors that yelling or funny smells emanated from, he hadn't gotten a lot of candy. What he had collected he'd shared with Penny. The wax lips became a free toy. He wasn't sure his memory of startling his mother and being tickled until he couldn't breathe was real or imagined.
At twelve, he was told he was too old to go trick-or-treating. He'd starting scrounging for change to buy hard candies at Helm's Pharmacy. They weren't particularly appetizing, but they'd been what he could afford. Only a few kids rang, a number that dwindled further every year. Most neighbors kept their distance, likely aware he was troubled. Cinnamon discs and butterscotch drops had loitered around the apartment for months. He'd sucked on them in an attempt to cut down on his smoking, just to save money. It hadn't worked.
Y/N hadn't spoken about the holiday, not the way she had other special occasions. At first, he'd thought it had slipped her mind. Work, planning their honeymoon, completing the red tape required to meld all aspects of their lives had taken up much of their time. But, given her reluctance to talk in detail about her past heartache, he'd come to assume her Halloweens had been unpleasant. He was certain he could change that.
Sitting on the dingy, dark green plastic seat of the train car, he giggled to himself, chest puffing up as he straightened. They'd been man and wife for eight whole days. Movies and songs said love was supposed to be somewhere between serendipitous and fated. A happy accident that was meant to be. Lying awake at night, he would find himself wondering where they were on that scale. If the emotions swirling through him - the excitement of belonging, the fear of fucking up - were what every newlywed felt. Then Y/N would snuggle closer in her sleep, murmur nonsense into his skin, and for a few minutes he'd be at peace.
Years had been spent trying to figure out who he was. Trying to find an identity, his role within the world. While he was still searching, it had been far easier to become accustomed to the role of "husband" than he'd dreamed.
Teaching his wife about events across the city had been a delight. Gotham Village's Annual Costume Extravaganza was a parade that went all the way to Gotham Square. He'd participated a couple of times, never formally registering but slipping into the clown section. It had been exhilarating. Had allowed him to pretend, for a little while, that he was being seen. That the crowds lining the sidewalks were cheering for him. Signs for extravagant balls were plastered on billboards and lampposts throughout the streets; he'd have gladly attended and shown her off. A haunted house was being held in a building in his old neighborhood, a fundraiser for the orphanage. He hadn't brought that up.
In the end, once he'd explained trick-or-treaters went from apartment to apartment, they'd decided on a cozy evening at home. The details had been left to her. Whatever she'd plan, he'd love it. He wondered what she'd disguise herself as. Would she be a sexy devil or nurse, like he'd seen on a sit-com? The notion sparked a fire in his cheeks.
Given how busy he'd be, he'd stay dressed as plain, old Carnival. Part of him regretted accepting two gigs, especially on a Sunday. He would have preferred her company. But he wanted to put the money towards the wedding band he'd put on layaway. (Even though they had one account, he wasn't going to let her chip in for it.) He should already be wearing it for all of Gotham to see.
The lurch of the subway prompted him to rise and grasp the pole grip. His stance widened as it came to a halt, knees bending with the instinct of a man who'd ridden public transportation since he was a boy. As soon as the graffiti-covered doors parted, he stepped out onto the platform and ascended the stairs, eager to share his new insurance information with Dr. Ludlow.
Scratchy violins and the hum of a theremin. Shrill shrieks and cracks of thunder. A cackle resounded, then a pipe organ, playing a melody in a minor key.
There was no doubt about it. Halloween spirit had saturated 4A.
NCB's Movie Marathon Mayhem had begun at 10:00 AM. Y/N had had it on since getting out of the shower, hoping to catch a horror classic while she decorated the apartment and prepared Bloody Mary mix. As she hung cotton batting between the television's rabbit ears, creating a long, narrow spider-web, she realized they were only playing cheesy B-movies. Giant insects threatening buildings. Science experiments gone wrong. Alien invasions. Oh well. At least she wouldn't have to pay much attention to get the gist of the plots.
The orange plastic platter, black bats along its edges, had been an impulse buy. She thought its array of sugary skeletons, candy bracelets, and Jolly Jack chocolate bars would be well received. But having seen only one or two kids in the lobby, she had no idea how many children lived in their building. She hoped she'd bought enough.
The cardstock window decorations she'd found were festive and matched Arthur's sweet nature. One portrayed a warted, green witch flying on a broom past a full moon. On the other, a ghost and mouse shared a pillowcase of candy and wished a "Happy Halloween." She held the tape dispenser between her teeth as she stuck them to their white front door.
Just then, the elevator dinged. Glancing to her left, she saw Arthur stroll down the cheerfully lit hallway. Buoyant expression on him, despite his white, blue, and red make-up being streaked from sweat. Striped prop bag on his shoulder and carved pumpkin cradled in his arms. "The store owner was going to throw it out," he explained with a half hug. "But he let me have it as a tip."
Classic, triangular eyes evoked the annual carving contest her parents had taken part of back home. Her father had been well-known in the community, being the town's only doctor. Entering the competition had been expected. They'd never won but enjoyed it all the same. Y/N had picked out the patterns and scooped out the squash's slimy innards. Her mother had baked the seeds. Peals of their laughter echoed in her ears, and a lump formed in her throat.
She swallowed hard against it. Dammit, Y/N. Get it together. This was supposed to be a special night for Arthur and her. She needed to distract herself. One of his curls peeked out from under his bald-cap and green wig. She twirled a strand around her finger. "With that toothy grin, it just might be your twin," she said. He pecked her temple, the kiss sticky from greasepaint. She lit the half-melted candles using his red lighter and put the jack-o-lantern just outside their door.
While he freshened his paint in the bedroom, she slinked into the bathroom to change. Arthur's and her routines were closely aligned; keeping her costume hidden had not been easy. The headband holding the furry cat ears was quite stiff, its teeth a tad sharp on her scalp. Once it was in place, she hid it under her hair. The lint on her form-fitting stretch top and leggings reminded her why she rarely wore all black. She retrieved her brown eyeliner from the nearby shelf and started in on her whiskers.
Arthur's footsteps neared, heavy due to his clown shoes, and Y/N turned to lean back on the sink. His thin lips parted as he scanned her body, forehead furrowed in pleasant surprise. His reaction planted a seed of bliss in her belly, one that bloomed every second they regarded each other. The lunch she'd have to spring for was well worth the pink shells of his ears. Eventually, she held out the fluffy, wired tail and a safety pin. "Would you pin this just below my waistband?"
Fingers grazing hers, he took it and sat on the toilet lid. He cupped her hips and pulled her closer, positioned her until the dampness of his breath hit a bare sliver of her back. "Hold still," he murmured, his voice sending a tingle through her. At his gentle ministrations, the spandex of her leggings felt snugger. "Did you- Did you read my journal?"
A faint click of metal as the pin closed. "No." She colored the tip of her nose, frowned at how lackluster the shade was. "I'd never do that. Even if I'm dying for a preview of your material. Why?"
"No reason." A soft huff, his shy smile clear in his answer. "I have an idea." He handed her a washcloth and hurried out of the room. She was patting her face dry when he returned, a fine tipped brush and pot of black greasepaint in his hand. "This'll look better."
Her brow arched. She'd only had her make-up done once; Patricia had invited her when they'd first met. Such an outing was not her preference, but Y/N had accepted, being new in town and wanting to learn about her colleague. There'd been champagne at the counter, which she'd sipped until she'd spent too much on eyeshadow and apricot scrub. The next morning, she'd put the products and a note on Patricia's desk: "I'll never forgive you. Thanks!"
The heat radiating from Arthur prompted her to close the gap between them. She craned her neck towards him, slid her palms to his yellow vest until she held him just below his ribs. His forefinger curled under her chin, lifted it slightly and angled it to the right. The cool, wet brush met her fevered skin. The dusty smell of the greasepaint blended with a whiff of stale cigarette smoke and traces of his sweat. She licked her lips.
The vibration of his chuckle was felt before heard. "I really like your costume," he said lowly. Two more ticklish caresses of the bristles on the apple of her cheek. "If you're not careful, I might werewolf and go wild."
She stretched closer to him, the fervor in his tone going straight to her center. Though he'd been growing bolder, his cocky side wasn't often revealed. She wanted it, thirsted to see more of the wild horse kicking inside him. Her touch ran over his chest, until she dipped under his black suspenders and pulled. "Are you going to gobble me up?"
Teasing strokes on her nose. "Maybe." Then his thumb whispered along her jaw and guided her face upwards. His kiss was supple, slow, a drag of his mouth as his tongue sought entry. She yielded, the simmer of anticipation bringing her to her toes. He groaned deeply and palmed her thigh, then fondled the curve of her rear-
The ding-dong of the doorbell halted them. He lifted his head and laughed, gaze sparkling. "I got paint on you."
She twisted in his arms and looked in the mirror. The whiskers caught her eye, embellished at the ends with dainty curlicues - his skill never ceased to impress her. Red brightened her lips and streaks of white were on her cheek. "It's all right. They'll just know I've been necking with a clown."
The sound of the bell continued. Over and over and over. More than it ever had in Otisburg. There were mummies, ghosts, a couple of skeletons. A superhero proudly displayed his red cape and blue tights, and a kid in her karate robe went on about her yellow belt. A tiny clown, too young to walk, was brought by her sister. As Arthur made funny faces, the baby cooed and tried to take his red, foam nose. Arthur parted with it gladly.
Only one member of the Wayne family appeared, slicked back hair and pompous pout making the disguise complete. The man accompanying the boy introduced himself as their upstairs neighbor and shook their hands. After one look at Y/N, he nudged Arthur's bicep. "So, she's the one keeping half the building up at night. Good on you, pal." Arthur blinked in confusion as she ushered the guy away, red-faced and muttering about his nerve.
Arthur was overly generous, giving out fistfuls of sweets while taking a few extra seconds to gather his nerves and compliment the costumes he liked best. It felt good to interact with strangers without constantly second guessing himself. Y/N would rub his arm or kiss his shoulder and tell him what a great job he was doing. "Kids are easy," he said, refilling the candy dish. But he reveled in her praises, anyway. And the knowledge that meeting the neighbors was going well.
Clean-up required little effort. The jack-o-lantern sat on their kitchen table, flames flickering as the wicks burned away. The door decor was packed safely for use next year. His plaid blazer was slung over the back of a dining chair and his wig was off. Y/N's decision to leave her whiskers on pleased him - she made a damn sexy cat. He pocketed the last few pieces of candy to snack on during the remainder of the evening.
The Sunday Night Special Presentation she'd picked out, a made-for-TV horror movie, began at 9:00 PM on GBC. Most of its airtime was punctuated by her tipsy snickers and legal wisecracks, which was typical when they watched something stupid. Yet, as the show went on, she grew quieter, barely speaking between sips of her third cocktail. As they sat on the sofa, her posture stiffened. Forearms crossed over her breasts. Her nails dug into her upper arm.
The change started two-thirds of the way into the show, when the plot about a doll running amok twisted into a story about a professional woman trying to assert herself against the demands of her mother. Against the expectations of availability. To fight for the simplicity of having dinner and peace and quiet. It resonated with him, which felt weird. Especially when the film cut to black, the implication being the mother would meet a violent end at the hands of her possessed daughter.
A cheerful jingle came on. Puerto Rico was a direct flight from Gotham Airport, it advertised, a flight that lasted "two hours and fifteen tropical minutes." They should get out while the weather was still good. The juxtaposition of mood broke him out of his ponderings. He flicked off the blaring television with the remote. Then he heard Y/N sniffling.
She set her glass on the coffee table, a slight tremble in her hand. "I need some air," she whispered as she rose, then went out onto the fire escape.
Arthur rubbed his thigh and pressed his lips together. He wasn't used to seeing her cry. Not from sadness. Should he follow her? Give her time? Both had worked previously, depending on the situation. But he wasn't sure what had upset her, what situation they were in now.
Exhaling sharply, he grabbed her glass and dumped the rest of the drink down the kitchen sink. Rinsed their dinner plates and put the slow cooker in the fridge. When he'd finished making decaf coffee ten minutes later, she still hadn't returned. He ambled towards the ajar glass door and stepped out.
Moonlight outlined her shapely figure and reflected off her hair, the silver a contrast to the orange glow of the streetlamps illuminating her face. Her stare seemed fixated on the street below. He followed it to see a group of ghouls and goblins spraying shaving cream on a shop window. A couple, one he'd see occasionally when out for a cigarette, walked down the sidewalk. A woman was half-carrying a drunk man towards a bus stop.
Upon clearing her throat, Y/N spoke. "I may not look like it, but I had a great time with you tonight. The movie just got to me." Relieved, Arthur sidled next to her, wrapped his arm about her back. Her head fell to his shoulder and she smoothed her hand over his stomach. "I don't mean to hide from you. Someday you'll know the details of my earlier life." She scoffed. "When I'm ready to think about them." He entwined their fingers and kissed her hairline, avoiding the wired tips of her cat ears.
Shivering, she took a shaky breath. "There are no skeletons in my closet. Only disappointments." Her voice cracked as she beamed at him, cupped his cheek, and pressed her face to his. "Knowing I'd get to have you would have made those years so much easier."
He held her tightly, massaging between her shoulders. She'd been speaking about herself, but he couldn't help thinking it was about him, too. His years with Penny. His stints in Arkham. The loneliness, the isolation, the endless anger and yearning to be more than a speck of dirt no one cared for. His journal was full of questions about where the hell his one and only was. If he'd known she'd be real, tangible instead of a figment, would existence have hurt less?
Wincing, he tried to push through those thoughts. To focus on her instead of himself. What mattered was that Y/N needed him. Perhaps a joke would cheer her. "I was thinking the other night of how easy it is to smile around you," he said. "You tickle my funny bone." Amusement bubbled in her throat, music to his ears. She released a contented sigh and nuzzled the crook of his neck.
Peaceful stillness ensued as the minutes passed. Though the breeze was chill, goosebumps forming on his pale skin, her affection kept his heart warm. His fingertips rubbed circles into her lower back, and she offered a pleasured hum. Across the way, footsteps pounded. He glanced to see a kid darting up the street, plastic pumpkin pail in tow. The boy's scream was filled with boundless energy: "Happy Halloween, Gotham!"
Snorting, Y/N took Arthur's hand and led him inside. The cheap tail she wore bounced with every exaggerated swivel of her hips. "I've behaved all evening, which your werewolf comment made extraordinarily difficult." She looped her arms around him and flashed a come-hither stare. "May I have a goodie?"
The scrape of her nails on his scalp coiled a knot in his abdomen. "Aren't you supposed to say 'trick-or-treat?'" he asked huskily.
"Your pussycat needs a petting or two." She closed the bedroom door behind them. "Maybe even a mauling."
His brows shot up on a hitched giggle. Then he palmed her hip while she started in on his buttons. Before she got too far, he traced a whisker with the pad of his thumb. Let their foreheads meet and pecked her eyelids. "Only if you give me something good to eat." He pressed into her, his enjoyment relentless, not waiting for her reply before devouring her mouth.
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​, @howdylilflower​, @sweet-nothings04​, @stephieraptorr​, @rommies​, @fallenstarsabyss​, @gruffle1​, @octopus-plasma​, @tsukiakarinobara​, @arthur-flecks-lovely-smile​, @another-day-in-chuckletown​, @hhandley80​, @jokerownsmysoul​, @mrscarnival​
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fanfictionaries · 4 years
Giiiiirl, I am CRAVING some baking with Bucky. Like some good old recipe from his mom or sisters, eating half the batter, being all innocent and goofy. Maybe Reader introducing him to the world of cupcakes with a second batch of batter they make. Just a sweeeet baking day ❤️
I made myself happy sad with this one. XD 
Might be a little more angsty than you were looking for, but all the sweet fluff is there as well! 
Inspired by my own great great grandmother’s recipe. 
Orange Rolls
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader
Words: 3k
Warnings: None, just the fluffiest fluff you can imagine; slight angst. 
Author’s Note: I loved doing this, so please people. Send me more requests! ALSO this is an actual family recipe of mine. I recommend trying it! 
I recommend listening to this song while reading this: https://open.spotify.com/track/7pR7yPgbYcipmTUHT5g68p?si=nQZeCOmoTcm43qOI1YRPNA
Step 1. Dissolve 2 yeast cakes in ¼ cup warm water.
The room was alight in the glow of soft warm sun. Nestled in your blankets, you rubbed the sleep from your eyes and yawned widely, stretching and turning to snuggle into the familiar warmth of Bucky. Firm muscle, soft skin, ticklish arm hair – all missing. Instead only cool sheets, drawn back on his side of the bed. You didn’t have to check the time to know it was early, but you rolled over to the bedside table to check your phone anyways. Five AM. Much too early to be up on a Sunday morning, even for your early bird of a super soldier. Rolling onto your back, you stayed quiet, attempting to hear any signs of life in the small apartment. Perhaps he’d only gotten up to use the bathroom. The sound of heavy items falling and a string of curses coming from the kitchen brushed away the thought. Jumping out of bed, you pulled one of Bucky’s large sweatshirts over your head and stepped into your slippers.
When you rounded the corner, the first thing you noticed was the expanse of your pantry laid out onto the floor. The second thing you noticed was Bucky, sat cross-legged in the middle of the array of flours, sugars, and spices, head in his hands. You knew this look. This crumpled, defeated look that so few had the privilege to witness. Everyone saw the stoic, cold Winter Soldier. So little saw Bucky Barnes, a kid from Brooklyn. Tiptoeing around the spilled bags of sugar, flour, and sprinkles, you stood beside him, leaning over and placing a gentle hand to his back, rubbing soft, slow circles.
“Nightmares?” you asked, moving your hand up to thread through his freshly cropped hair, scraping your fingernails against his scalp. Bucky tilted his head back, leaning into your touch like a cat leaving its scent. You could see the telltale signs; red rimmed eyes, pink tipped nose, raw bitten lips.
“No, no nightmares. I uh…I had a dream about my mom,” Bucky answered, the end of his sentence biting off in a short, harsh laugh. You held your breath. It flattered you that Bucky felt comfortable enough with you to share the gory, ugly details of his past – the things that kept him up at night. The things he thought you couldn’t love him for. But never had he talked about his family. The only memories of his past life you ever heard were the ones Steve brought up, the rowdy stories of two young men up to no good in 40’s Brooklyn. Yet on his own, Bucky remained silent about his life before the war. You never pushed him. It would be cruel of you to press a subject that was most likely too painful for him to think about. Now, the waver in his voice and the tears that welled in his eyes told you that that assumption had been correct.
“I was sittin’ in my old kitchen and uh—” he sniffed, taking a moment to clear his throat “—it was Easter. I know it was Easter ‘cause ma made orange rolls. She only ever made them on Easter. And it—it was the best damn orange roll I’ve ever had. I woke up and I remembered Steve brought over some boxes of my family’s old things, stuff Rebecca left behind I guess, and I found this.”
In his hand he held an aged recipe card, stained from years of use. The yellowed card stock was bent and torn, but the writing still held clear, thick and messy in some places as if it had been traced over multiple times. It was well used. Well loved. At the top, clearly labeled in large looped font, were the words ‘Orange Rolls’.
“I couldn’t get the taste out of my mouth. I figured I’d try to make them, but I wasn’t much for the kitchen back then, let alone now. And—and you don’t have any yeast cakes. I can’t make them without yeast cakes (Y/N). It’s the first ingredient and I can’t—” The words broke off, catching in the back of his throat. He wrapped his arms around your legs, clinging to them like a broken child. Rolling off of him in waves, the permeating sadness and longing washed over you, breaking your heart with each hit.
“I don’t think they make yeast cakes anymore Bucky—” you spoke slowly, choosing your words carefully. At the statement, you felt his arms tighten in a panic. You were quick to placate him “—but I have some dry active yeast that I think should work. Why don’t we clean this up and then see what we can do, yea?”
Step 2. Warm 1 cup milk, add ½ cup sugar, 3 Tbsp shortening, 2 tsp salt.
Turns out, a single yeast cake is equal to approximately 4 and ½ tsps of dry active yeast. After this joyous announcement and your internal praise to Google’s ever living library of knowledge, Bucky was up on his feet, standing in front of the stove over a saucepan of milk.
“How do you know when it’s warm?” he asked, looking curiously down at the pan of milk in front of him.
“Stick your finger in it, if it feels warm, then it’s probably warm,” you answered sarcastically, reaching into the depths of your pantry for the Crisco. A rarely used, but very important staple for any kitchen.
“What? I’m not sticking my finger in it,” said Bucky, watching with rapt horror as you walked up beside him and dipped the tip of your pointer finger into the warm, white liquid.
“I think it’s warm enough to put the sugar in. What?” you asked him when you saw the look of exasperation on your boyfriend’s face.
“You put your finger in the milk.”
“And? My hands are clean. You watched me wash them. Don’t tell me you’re afraid of catching cooties. Cause I hate to break it to you but, you probably already have them.” Lifting on your toes, you placed a sweet, soft kiss to his lips. Catching you around the waist before you could drop back down, Bucky kissed you back with slow purpose.
“Is that right?” he asked teasingly, breaking away from your lips ever so slightly.
“Afraid so,” you murmured against the soft, heat of his mouth.
Step 3. Beat in 3 eggs, 2 cups flour, and add dissolved yeast. Let rise for 1 hour.
The wet dough sat on the counter; a kitchen towel draped lightly over it. By this time, the sun had fully crested over the city skyline, pouring blinding light into the small space of your kitchen. The two of you sat at the kitchen island, sipping your coffee as you waited for the dough to rise. Your bare feet sat, propped in Bucky’s lap, the thumb of his metal hand absentmindedly rubbing the arch of your right foot as he spoke animatedly.
“You should have seen her. Becca was so mad; I thought her head was going to spin all the way around!” laughed Bucky, the creases at the corners of his eyes making a warm and welcome appearance as he regaled a story that you had never heard before.
“Well that’s what she got for touching your stuff,” you said, taking Bucky’s side in the long forgotten sibling argument.
“Thank you! See, you get it. I wish I could say the same for my parents. My pa gave me such a lickin’ and then ma sent me off to bed with no dinner. All for putting worms in her bed!”
“Did she get in trouble for letting your pet frog loose?” you asked, enraptured by the story.
“No! Do you know how hard it was to find a frog in Brooklyn?”
“Impossible. I don’t even know how you did it.”
“Well, really it was Steve that found him—”
“Him? Did he have a name?” you interrupted him with a cheeky smile.
Bucky scratched the back of his head, a light pinkness appearing on his cheeks, “He might of…”
“Aaaand?” you pressed, wanting to know the name even more at the prospect of it being embarrassing.
“I don’t know if I wanna’ tell you. I think you’re just gonna laugh.”
“I won’t! I promise!” you exclaimed, drawing an invisible cross over you heart.
Bucky looked at you skeptically, a raised eye trained on you before answering, “Fine. It was Mr. Ribbits.”
You tried your hardest, really you did. But a snort escaped your nose before you could stop it and then Bucky was playfully pushing your legs off of his lap and turning away from you, “See! I knew you’d laugh. You’re such a bad liar!”
“I’m sorry!” You reached for him, still attempting to stifle your giggles as you pulled at Bucky’s arm, turning him back towards you. “Really, I am. I think Mr. Ribbits is a respectable name.”
“Thank you. It is.” His tone was resolute, but it didn’t take a trained eye to spot the small smile working its way onto the corner of his lips. “But no, Becca didn’t get in trouble. In fact, my pa said I was too old to be picking up animals off the street anyways.”
“How old were you?”
“I think I was about ten.”
Step 4. Add 3 cups flour and beat in with spoon. Let raise 1 and ½ hours.
“We have to wait again?!”
“Yea, we have to let the dough rise, otherwise the rolls will be tough and there won’t be enough to roll out,” you explained, placing the towel over the bowl once again and reaching for your empty coffee cups.
“But I thought we just did that,” said Bucky in confusion. You tried not to smile at him, but the cute little scrunch of his eyebrows made you a weak and gooey fool.
“Baking is more of an art in patience than skill. Especially any kind of bread, babe. Don’t worry, once they’re done, they’ll be more than worth the wait,” you reassured him, patting his cheek gently.
“Well…can we make something else while we wait? What’s your favorite thing to bake?” Bucky asked, his innocent tone making him sound like a wide-eyed child.
You smiled, big and happy, and walked over to the recipe box that sat atop the fridge. Taking it down and setting in on the counter in front of you, you dug into the baking section and produced a handful of recipe cards.
“Take your pick soldier.”
Step 5. Roll out dough and spread on icing – 2 cups sugar, 1 orange: rind grated and juiced, 6 Tbsp melted butter. Roll, cut, and place in muffin tin. Cover and let raise 20 mins.
“Stop eating all the batter!” you scolded, whacking the back of Bucky’s hand with a spatula. The impact had no effect, the sneaking man having had the forethought to use his metal hand.
“If I wasn’t supposed to eat it this way, then why is it so delicious?” he argued, sneaking another finger into the chocolate concoction and bringing it to his mouth.
“Because it’s five pounds of sugar and fat,” you laughed, grabbing hold of his wrist and bringing the chocolate covered finger to your mouth instead. “Also – how is it gross for me to dip my finger into the milk but you can have these grubby little paws buried deep in my brownie batter?”
The question caught Bucky off guard. Raising his hand up, he wiggled the vibranium fingers in your face, “Metal arm – they’re, uh, sterile.”
You guffawed, absolutely tickled by the lame response, “Sterile. Okay. Well, preheat the oven Mr. Sterile.”
Using the spatula, you scraped the double chocolate chip brownie batter into the greased pan. Strong arms wrapped around your waist and a head came to rest on your shoulder, watching you scrape the sides of the bowl. Nuzzling his face into your neck, he placed a gentle kiss just below your ear.
“You know, you’re getting pretty mouthy these days. I have half a mind to take you over my knee,” Bucky growled playfully.
Before your brain could connect with what your body was doing, the spatula had already lifted away from the bowl and made contact with the side of his face. The wet splat of batter to skin sounded plainly through the kitchen. Releasing you from his hold, Bucky stepped back, his expression vacant and shell-shocked.  Dropping the spatula back into the bowl, you covered your face with your hands as you tried not to lose it. He looked positively ridiculous. Chocolate covered the left side of his face, dripping down from his brow bone to his chin. You watched as he brought a hand up slowly, touching his face and bringing it back down to examine it. He stared at the chocolate proof on his fingertips for a few moments as you waited with horrific anticipation.  
“Oh, that’s it, doll. You better run.”
The menacing words sent your heart rate soaring. A playful shriek escaped your lungs as you bolted from the kitchen, Bucky on your heel with a growl in the back of his throat.
Step 6. Place in the oven at 375 for 10-15 minutes. Makes around 3 dozen.
The brownies, already baked and cooling on the counter, were long forgotten as Bucky sat in front of the oven. Arms wrapped around his bent legs, he watched as the orange rolls slowly rose in their muffin tins.
“When are they gonna be done?” he asked you, staring into the depths of the oven like a fortune teller stares into their crystal ball. Like if he looked hard enough, he’d find all the answers to the universe.
“About five more minutes.” You sat down beside him, leaning into his side as the two of you watched his long-forgotten memories rise. You were excited to try the rolls. It was a recipe you had never heard of, which was a rare thing. But most importantly you were excited to try a little piece of Bucky’s life. A piece of the man, the boy, that he used to be before life happened. It felt special and intimate.
“What if they’re not as good as I remember?” The words were soft and honest. You could feel the same sadness and apprehension as earlier that morning drift from him to you. Leaning against him firmer, you took his hand into yours. Threading the warm flesh into your own, you continued to stare into the heat of the oven.
“They will be.”
Step 7. Enjoy.
The rolls were a beautiful sight. Small, golden brown swirls in a neat, compact shape. The sugar filling had melted down into the bottom of the pan, creating and thick and chewy caramel layer at the bottom of each one. A delicious detail that Bucky said was supposed to happen, but also made it incredibly difficult to pry them from their tins. Still, with the help of a butter knife and a lot of patience, the two of you were able to get most of them out unscathed. A buttery orange scent swirled through the air, causing your mouth to salivate as they sat atop of the wire cooling rack. The two of you sat at the kitchen island, staring at the rolls in silence – you with a look of anticipation, Bucky with a look of confusion.
“What is it?” you asked, wondering if he still doubted that they would hold up to his dream.
“I’m pretty sure they had frosting.”
While the recipe didn’t call for it, Bucky insisted that they always had a frosting on them. After a few minutes of questioning about what kind of frosting it was, or at least what it looked and tasted like, you came to the conclusion that it was most likely a simple glaze. A few minutes later, you each had a plate in front of you with a single, gooey, glistening orange roll sat pristinely on it.
You were starving. You’d been up for nearly five hours and you hadn’t eaten anything yet. But you didn’t dare dig in until Bucky had his first bite. Reaching out tentatively, he picked up the roll, twisting and turning it, inspecting it with a warry expression. Holding your breath, you watched as he brought the baked good to his lips and took a generous bite. He chewed, and chewed, and chewed – each second leaving you with more consternation than the last. When he finally swallowed, he set the rest of the roll down onto his plate and heaved a heavy sigh. Your heart dropped.
“No good?” you asked, fearing you already knew the answer from the way his shoulders bunched over the counter.
Looking to you, tears once again welling in his eyes, Bucky did something unexpected. He kissed you. A firm, chaste kiss that lasted only a moment but formed butterflies in your stomach before he pulled back.
“They’re even better than I remember.”
The proclamation sent your heart soaring. You let out the breath you’d been holding, feeling your own tears of relief and joy begin to well. Blinking them back, you smiled at him, blinded by the dazzling smile you received in turn.
“Well then, let’s eat them all because I am famished,” you replied, picking up your own orange roll and taking a giant bite. The mix of soft, warm bread, zesty orange, chewy caramel, and sweet frosting set your taste buds alight. As you chewed, you envisioned a ten year old Bucky sitting in his mother’s kitchen on Easter morning. Curly brown hair, all teeth and dimples in his Sunday best and as happy as a kid could be. Why?
Because this was the best damn orange roll you’d ever had.
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troybeecham · 3 years
Today the Church commemorates Good Friday, the Friday of the Crucifixion of Jesus.
Good Friday is the Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death on the hill of Calvary just outside the gates of Jerusalem. It is observed on Friday during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum, the Great Three Days leading up to the Sunday of the Resurrection, and may coincide with the Jewish observance of Passover.
The date of Good Friday varies from one year to the next on both the Gregorian and Julian calendars. Eastern and Western Christianity disagree over the computation of the date of Easter and therefore of Good Friday.
Biblical accounts
According to the accounts in the Gospels, the royal soldiers, guided by Jesus' disciple Judas Iscariot, arrested Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Judas received money (30 pieces of silver) for betraying Jesus and told the guards that whomever he kisses is the one they are to arrest. Following his arrest, Jesus was taken to the house of Annas, the father-in-law of the high priest, Caiaphas. There he was interrogated with little result and sent bound to Caiaphas the high priest where the Sanhedrin had assembled.
Conflicting testimony against Jesus was brought forth by many witnesses, to which Jesus answered nothing. Finally the high priest adjured Jesus to respond under solemn oath, saying "I adjure you, by the Living God, to tell us, are you the Anointed One, the Son of God?" Jesus testified ambiguously, "You have said it, and in time you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Almighty, coming on the clouds of Heaven." The high priest condemned Jesus for blasphemy, and the Sanhedrin concurred with a sentence of death. Peter, waiting in the courtyard, also denied Jesus three times to bystanders while the interrogations were proceeding just as Jesus had foretold.
In the morning, the whole assembly brought Jesus to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate under charges of subverting the nation, opposing taxes to Caesar, and making himself a king. Pilate authorized the Jewish leaders to judge Jesus according to their own law and execute sentencing; however, the Jewish leaders replied that they were not allowed by the Romans to carry out a sentence of death.
Pilate questioned Jesus and told the assembly that there was no basis for sentencing. Upon learning that Jesus was from Galilee, Pilate referred the case to the ruler of Galilee, King Herod, who was in Jerusalem for the Passover Feast. Herod questioned Jesus but received no answer; Herod sent Jesus back to Pilate. Pilate told the assembly that neither he nor Herod found Jesus to be guilty; Pilate resolved to have Jesus whipped and released. Under the guidance of the chief priests, the crowd asked for Jesus Bar Abbas, who had been imprisoned for committing murder during an insurrection. Pilate asked what they would have him do with Jesus, and they demanded, "Crucify him”. Pilate's wife had seen Jesus in a dream earlier that day, and she forewarned Pilate to "have nothing to do with this righteous man". Pilate had Jesus flogged and then brought him out to the crowd to release him. The chief priests informed Pilate of a new charge, demanding Jesus be sentenced to death "because he claimed to be God's son." This possibility filled Pilate with fear, and he brought Jesus back inside the palace and demanded to know from where he came.
Coming before the crowd one last time, Pilate declared Jesus innocent and washed his own hands in water to show he had no part in this condemnation. Nevertheless, Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified in order to forestall a riot, and ultimately to keep his job. The sentence written was "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." Jesus carried his cross to the site of execution (assisted by Simon of Cyrene), called the "place of the Skull", or "Golgotha" in Hebrew and in Latin "Calvary". There he was crucified along with two criminals.
Jesus agonized on the cross for six hours. During his last three hours on the cross, from noon to 3 pm, darkness fell over the whole land. Jesus spoke from the cross, quoting the messianic Psalm 22: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
With a loud cry, Jesus gave up his spirit. There was an earthquake, tombs broke open, and the curtain in the Temple was torn from top to bottom. The centurion on guard at the site of crucifixion declared, "Truly this was God's Son!"
Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Sanhedrin and a secret follower of Jesus, who had not consented to his condemnation, went to Pilate to request the body of Jesus. Another secret follower of Jesus and member of the Sanhedrin named Nicodemus brought about a hundred-pound weight mixture of spices and helped wrap the body of Jesus.l Pilate asked confirmation from the centurion of whether Jesus was dead. A soldier pierced the side of Jesus with a lance causing blood and water to flow out and the centurion informed Pilate that Jesus was dead.
Joseph of Arimathea took Jesus' body, wrapped it in a clean linen shroud, and placed it in his own new tomb that had been carved in the rock in a garden near the site of the crucifixion. Nicodemus also brought 75 pounds of myrrh and aloes, and placed them in the linen with the body, in keeping with Jewish burial customs.They rolled a large rock over the entrance of the tomb. Then they returned home and rested, because Shabbat had begun at sunset. Matt. 28:1 "After the Shabbat, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb". i.e. "After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week,...". "He is not here; he has risen, just as he said....". (Matt. 28:6).
Almighty God, we pray you graciously to behold this your family, for whom our Lord Jesus Christ was willing to be betrayed, and given into the hands of sinners, and to suffer death upon the cross; who now lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
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elizascarlet · 4 years
Part I- Spring
“Happy Easter!” Anne gave her bosom friend a hug, sitting down beside her in class.
“To you too!” Diana returned.
Anne brandished a posy of wildflowers, giggling. “For your table, Madame.”
“Oh Anne,” Diana breathed. “The trilliums are blooming! I do wish I could go with you to pick more of them, but Mother wants me to come home right after school. We’re going to Carmody tonight to spend it with my cousins.”
Anne’s countenance fell. “You mean, you’re not coming to Easter dinner?”
Diana glanced around and lowered her voice. “No. And you should’ve heard the things Father said. It made me so angry I had to go to my room to scream into my pillow.”
“They won’t allow you to come?”
“No.” Diana sounded so dejected.
“I want this Easter to be perfect for Mary. She’s made Sebastian so happy! I just wish you could make it.”
Diana squeezed Anne’s hand. “Perhaps next year things will be different.”
Miss Stacy called the class to attention and their conversation ended.
Easter morning dawned bright and clear, with the crow of a rooster and the lowing of milk cows. The Snow Queen finally sprang forth her blossoms, showering Anne’s gable room full of starry white petals.
“Happy Easter to you, dear Snow Queen!” Anne called out her window, finishing tying her braids.
Down below she noticed a horse trotting up the drive. It was Gilbert Blythe. Anne took a quiet moment to really assess her rival. He was really quite handsome, having left boyhood behind, and looked all manly at the moment astride his horse.
Gilbert dismounted, and, noticing Anne in her window, waved. Ashamed at being caught, Anne drew back and slammed her window closed.
As she made her way down the stairs she could hear Gilbert’s voice.
“I’m here to retrieve whatever  foodstuffs you are providing for Easter dinner.”
Marilla answered him back. “The shepherd’s pie isn’t quite done, so we’ll bring it along when we come over later. Anne,” Marilla said, spotting the latter as she entered the kitchen. “Will you fetch that pie I made last night? And a few of those fruit preserves, please.”
Anne did as she was bid, and quick as naught, had an old sturdy basket filled with food looped over Gilbert’s arm.
“We’ll be over there after church. Now get, get, or you’ll be late!” Marilla shooed Gilbert out the door goodnaturedly. “Are you ready for church, Anne?”
Anne twirled, showing off the new dress Marilla had made her. It was green-- a dark green like an evergreen tree-- with accents of gingham at the wrist, hem, and yoke. “I love it, Marilla.”
“I’m glad.” Marilla sighed, glancing out the window. “There’s Matthew with the buggy now. Let me pull the shepherd’s pie out of the oven and we’ll be off.” Marilla set the dish on the warm stove, covering it with a cloth. “There, that will keep it warm until we return.”
“Is it alright if I go over early to help Mary?” Anne asked.
“After church, mind you. Now grab your coat and let’s be off.”
Anne walked with Gilbert to his home. “Lovely service. I’m sad that Bash and Mary couldn’t make it.”
Gilbert glanced aside at her. “You know that it’s just an excuse, right?”
Anne raised an eyebrow, scoffing. “I remember that first Sunday. I thought the minister would die from apoplexy there on the spot! I think it so shameful that some folks discriminate. And especially a minister who preaches we’re all equal in God’s eyes! Being banned from the church just because the color of their skin... Oh and don’t get me started on Diana’s parents.”
“They sent a note declining Mary’s invitation.” Gilbert added, glowering and shaking his head. “Within all the flourishing and fancy language, it wasn’t hard to detect the real reason. We all know they won’t come because Bash and Mary are black. It’s disgusting.”
Together they trudged through the mud in the path. A silence fell on the pair, but while in the past it would have made Anne uncomfortable, right now she felt at ease. Was their rivalry truly at an end? Could they perhaps, be friends?
Somehow, that word wasn’t adequate enough to describe her relationship with Gilbert. Her and Diana were friends , and her and Ruby were friends as well in a similar way. Same with Cole and Aunt Jo. Kindred Spirits and friends all rolled into one.
She and Gilbert were friends not in that way. They were different but she couldn’t put her finger at how...
Anne, frustrated at how the right word eluded her, wasn’t watching where her footsteps were landing, and she stumbled over a hidden branch.
“Careful,” admonished Gilbert with a little laugh, catching her elbow to steady her.
“Thanks.” He let go and, strangely, Anne mourned the loss of his touch.
Soon, they made it to the Blythe-Lacroix house, which was already a-bustle with activity. Mary met them at the door.
“Gilbert Blythe! You will stay outside. I want no bad luck of yours to interfere with my cooking, you hear me? You take one step inside this kitchen and your curse will rain down and ruin all my hard work. You can clean yourself up in the barn and enter in through the other door.”
“Aye aye ma’am.” Gilbert gave a goofy salute and headed off round the back.
Anne smiled at Mary. “Would you like some help?”
“I believe I’m all about finished, but thank you for your offer. Maybe you could set the table? There’s Marilla and Matthew now. Oh! And the Lyndes right behind them.”
Soon they were all gathered together, and Sebastian said Grace.
Mary cleared her throat. “Thank you all for coming. You’ve made my heart good. It’s so nice to cook for a large gathering again.”
“Thank you for having us, Mary.” Marilla smiled over her glass.
“What did you put in your chicken Mary? It is absolutely scrumptious and divine.” Anne sighed, in raptures over the blend of spices on her tongue.
“Let’s see, paprika, cumin, tarragon, pepper, and a hint of lemon. I’m glad you like it.”
“Like it? It’s the best chicken I’ve ever tasted!” Anne caught sight of Marilla and hastily amended her statement. “After Marilla’s, of course.”
“Yes, Marilla’s fried chicken is always wonderful,” Rachel Lynde chimed in. “But your chicken, Mary, well, has an… unusual taste, that’s for sure.”
Anne glared at Mrs. Lynde, annoyed.
While the adults changed the subject and chattered about someone’s new cow or other, Gilbert nudged her arm. “Here, you can have more of mine.” He said quietly, gesturing to his plate.
Anne turned the glare on him. “Why? Do you not like it either?” She snarled.
Gilbert raised his hands to ward off her ire. “Relax, Anne. I enjoy Mary’s cooking just swell. But since I’m full and still have some left, perhaps you’d like to finish it, since you seem to like it so much.”
Anne felt chagrined, as though he’d just chastised her. “Sorry. Yes, thank you.”
Gilbert slid what was left of his piece of chicken onto her plate.
Anne quickly bit into it, half moaning at the taste. Finished too fast for her liking, another piece found it’s way into her mouth. This time, she caught Matthew’s eye over the table. He warily shook his head, reaching up and flipping his nose with his index finger, sublty pointing in Mrs. Lynde’s direction
Anne, confused, looked over at the woman.
“Oh my goodness!” Mrs. Lynde gasped, her hand clasped to her chest, her eyes large with scandal. “I cannot believe such a thing.”
Suddenly, all eyes were on Anne. She swallowed quickly, utterly baffled.
“Anne Shirley Cuthbert! I thought you knew better than that!” Marilla admonished, adding her two bits.
“What? It’s just chicken.”
“Yes, but to eat after Gilbert has already partaken of it is such a shameful thing. And you, young man,” She added, turning to Anne’s companion. “You ought to know better as well.”
Anne rose to his defense in indignation. “He offered because I enjoyed Mary’s chicken so much, nothing more. And besides, Matthew shares his food with me all the time. How is this any different?”
“Matthew is your guardian dearest, that’s understandable.” Mrs. Lynde coaxed.”But to share food with a man you’re not related to…” She shuddered, shaking her head.”How utterly shameful.”
Anne narrowed her eyes defiantly and, holding Mrs. Lynde’s gaze, took another bite of chicken.  
The entire table erupted.
Mrs. Lynde and Marilla started shouting, Anne glaring while she finished her bite, then stood, hurling words back as good as she got.
Meanwhile, Matthew and Mr. Lynde exchanged looks before escaping out the door, and Mary hurriedly started cleaning up plates. Gilbert, seeing this, seized his chance to escape as well and jumped up to help Mary. Sebastian was frozen in place, his head whipping back and forth between the two opponents as though following a game of shuttlecock.
“I don’t see why it’s such a big deal--”
“Anne Shirley-Cuthbert you will not talk to your elders this way--”
“Teenagers! Didn’t I warn you Marilla that she would be nothing but trouble, her and her red hair--”
“Why are we bringing my hair into this? It’s not like I can change it! Oh wait, I already tried that!--”
“I am not discussing this further. You have behaved rather shamelessly and now--”
“If you had just listened to me, Marilla she would’ve been brought up right but no, you listened to Matthew and now look what’s happened--”
“Nothing happened! I do this all the time! I don’t see what’s shameful about it at all--”
“We’re leaving right this instance--”
“I won’t stand for it--”
“Argh! Enough, fine!”
“Fine!” Mrs. Lynde left in a huff the door slamming shut behind her.
Marilla, cross with Anne, grabbed the girl by her shoulders and planned to march the girl straight to the buggy for an uncomfortable ride home.
Just before crossing the threshold, Anne turned back to Mary.
“I’m ever so sorry I ruined your dinner. It really was lovely.”
Mary shook her head, smiling. “Anne, it was in no way ruined. In fact, there was always a tussle or an argument anytime I held dinner at the Bog. Felt like home.”
Anne smiled and allowed Marilla to steer her outside.
As they descended the steps, they could hear Bash raise his voice. “You know better than to feed a woman off your plate. What were you thinking!?”
“I wasn’t! I was just trying to do something nice for her! I…” The rest of Gilbert's response was muffled and lost to the ears.
Anne smiled a little. At least she wasn’t the only one getting a scolding tonight, that’s for sure.
(Read the whole thing on AO3)
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hollenka99 · 4 years
The One Where Jackie Settles In
Summary: Chapter 3. Jackie gets used to life with Marvin.
Warnings: death mention, violence mention
@bupine @badlypostedeverything
In the minute it takes for Jackie's mind to wake up along with him, he becomes confused as to why his chest is in agony. More confusing than that, he appeared to be in the bedroom of someone's home. In a pile on a bean bag was a pre-arranged outfit for him to wear. Dressed, he ventures to the hallway. And things finally click. Right, he was living with Marvin now. Marvin, who happened to also be Cat. The past 24 hours had been quite eventful. He'd… rather forget it. He requests anything Marvin had on hand. If he was a superhero, surely he was no stranger to injury. Therefore, there must be something lying around to assist with pain management. To his relief, Marvin can indeed help him. In fact, he goes further and offers him whatever is required for his recovery. With the medical care over, Marvin invites his new roommate to help himself to mini Weetabix or bread. Jackie doesn't think he can manage more than a simple buttered slice of toast this morning. The Russian blue missing her front left leg observes them from her shelf. Marvin notices where Jackie's gaze is directed. "Indie's watching us eat, isn't she?" "Yep." Jackie chuckles. "Come face us, you little spy." Marvin turns around in his seat, wearing a mock scowl. "Caoimhe was like that. I couldn't eat anything at home without her staring at me until I gave her a bit of my dinner." Marvin is facing the table again. "Caoimhe?" "Oh um... she was my dog before- before all this." "Is she with friends or something?" "I guess. Them or my dad. It all happened so quickly." Suddenly, stories relating to pets fill the space between toast and soggy cereal. Jackie learns of the time Indie somehow found herself stuck in the space between the television and the wall. Likewise, he tells his friend all about Caoimhe's misadventures as a puppy, including her habit of attempting to snack on his drumsticks. This in turn leads to Jackie confirming that yes, he was a drummer and guitar wasn't his preferred instrument. The two of them chat at the table until Marvin realises in a shock that it was already time for him to get ready for work. Running late slightly, he blurts out his apologises and suggests Jackie finds a DVD to watch while he's alone. Despite how abruptly it had ended, the morning had been an enjoyable one. Joel checks up on them a couple days after the incident with Anti. He raises the issue of Jackie not having any clothes of his own. The Canadian offers to accompany him around the shops, making the point it would be a proper chance to get to know each other. With the promise expenses shouldn't influence decisions, they leave. They manage to collect a variety of tops and jeans. Apparently ripped jeans were fashionable now. Fashion had certainly changed in the past three decades. He and Joel are still able to find items that were close enough to what he used to know. The shops they visit are lacking in leather jackets but Joel is able to offer a black denim one as a compromise. With socks and underwear also in their possession, it was time to move on from clothes shopping. Almost. Doing so as discreetly as he can, Joel mutters quietly to Jackie. "I can see you eyeing the women's section. Why don't you have a look?" "No, it's weird. Trust me, men were not made to wear feminine clothing." "Listen, I have two dads and a diminished sense of gendered clothing. I am the last person who will give a damn about a guy wearing a dress. You have a similar build to my dad so..." Joel approaches the racks, flicking through them. Periodically, he scrutinises Jackie to likely determine if the dress was right for him. The most Jackie lets his new friend buy for him is a skirt that reached his knees. It seems to please him that Jackie allowed him to get even that. He supposes it was a nice garment. And a kind gesture too. With the clothes stuffed into the back seat of Joel's car, the duo return to explore the Tesco Metro. The older of the two triggers a whole conversation about Easter celebrations. Joel talks about the Beaches Easter parade in Toronto while Jackie grumbles about Easter Sunday masses. They both agree there's no such thing as too many Easter eggs. "Hey, you should get a notebook or something. It might help if you have somewhere to put your thoughts about the 21st century." "What, you want me to write you an essay about modern life when I've known nothing else? I'm 20, I was born in... 1999." "It's April so if you want to turn 21 this year, it's 1998." "Wh- 'if I want to turn 21 this year'? Can I please get through the rest of this month without having my life being threatened?" Joel groans. "No, dumbass, it was advice." He leans close to Jackie's ear. "I know about Village Square and how you were born in 1966. I'm sure you want to talk about this further but I don't have anywhere I can really take you to speak privately." "You're psychic?" "No." Joel places his bags down, resigning himself to tackle this subject while standing outside a WHSmiths. "Sure, I can create portals but I'm no mind reader." "Then how-?" "I already told you, this is not a conversation we should have in public." "What about your apartment? You don't live with Marvin and you told me you weren't living on the streets anymore." "In Canada. And I doubt it would be healthy to send you somewhere over 3500 miles away when you sustained a major injury a few days ago. Listen, how about you text- A phone, we need to get you a phone too." "Right." Mobile phones are unrecognisable. How the hell did technology advance to the point where this small slab of glass and alloy was capable of receiving calls? Not to mention the plethora of things it also offered. And controlled by your fingers on top of it all off. Joel reassures him he can take it slow with this technological leap. The main reason he bought it was for communication and it could remain so if he wanted. Jackie supposes the shiny blue back was pretty. It wasn't hard, growing accustomed to life with Marvin. His roommate would sleep in after a long night of patrolling then spend most afternoons working a shift at the local garden centre. In addition to that, Marvin would also don his Magnificent Cat costume twice a week so he could help those still on the streets. Jackie usually sat those out, feeling awkward about his new situation. Marvin was typically the one to cook. As such, Jackie felt it necessary the head of the kitchen should be aware he couldn't have mustard. If the hero could try getting into the habit of checking ingredients and being wary of anything labelled 'spices', he'd be much obliged. Marvin does his best to follow these instructions. It seemed to be working fine as there was yet to be any allergic reactions. At some point during that second week, Marvin invited Jackie to the kitchen. His plan was to bake his favourite cake, one containing chocolate and strawberries. Their joint efforts go well for a short while. Then Jackie gave himself an edible moustache upon stealing the whipped cream from the fridge. Marvin confiscated the can, only to follow suite. By the time the cake was ready to exit the oven, the duo were laughing, in need of a whipped cream restock and a change of clothes. It is after returning from a shift that Marvin introduces Jackie to an unusual pizza crust arrangement. "Pizza Hut have the best stuffed crust though. This is only the best Morrisons has to offer, as far as I've tried it." Marvin continues on, rambling about how, while studying at university, he made it his goal to find the best frozen pizza supermarkets within walking distance of his accommodation had to offer. As such, he had designated this specific pizza as his favourite. Something about the other varieties being too liquidy or whatever. He has no interest in this subject. Pizza was pizza. But... Marvin seemed very engrossed in imparting his findings to him and who was Jackie to stop him? "Oh, tell you who would go with us to Pizza Hut, my friends Henrik and Jameson. Maybe Chase too but he tends to be a rather busy guy. You should meet them. I think you might get on with those guys." Marvin makes a note as a reminder to invite his friends for a meal out. For the time being, that is the end of that. Before long, the Easter weekend arrives and with it, a chance for Jackie to finally meet Sean. It was clear Marvin looked up to his big brother from the way he spoke about him. As far as Jackie was aware, Sean was 9 years older, a video game developer and a reluctant cook, hence why the two roommates were taking care of the big meal. He can certainly see the resemblance between the brothers. Their features were very similar. The main difference between them was hair. While Marvin was clean shaven with waves descending to his shoulders, Sean had stubble and short straight hair. It was pleasant to see them have such a good relationship, complete with teasing and half-serious threats of burning the other if he kept pushing it. Jackie found Sean likeable. The whole meal, they kept themselves occupied with chatter. He learns Sean enjoyed painting in his spare time. In fact, he was creating the backgrounds for his company's new game. It is at this point that Marvin lets him know there was still a blue smudge, albeit slightly faded, on the side of his left hand. The afternoon is a good one but like all things, it comes to an end. Before too long, they are bidding Sean farewell and exchanging comments about the day's success. Night, the stranger found, was the best cover. Some dark clothes to reduce visibility and a hood to better conceal his identity from CCTV cameras. With some silent fiddling, the door grants him entry. He knows precisely which room he has to visit first. His most recent escapee is completely oblivious to the intruder. He could ensure Jackie never woke up with a single touch. But Marvin would discover the truth were that to happen. That method was too obvious. Besides, this wasn't what he was here for. The envelope slips out of his bag. In the morning, Jackie will find the surprise on his bedside table. That done, he moves on to the other bedroom. The hero is still awake, albeit engrossed by his phone's screen. Only now does Anti allow his presence to be sensed. Marvin reacts accordingly by throwing the covers to the side and defensively leaping to his feet. A palm is raised to prevent any provocative action before it could be carried out. The message is delivered. "Back off, Marvin. You should know by now what I'm like when frustrated. Let the next one slide and you won't hear from me for a good while." He looks like a three year old persevering with their poorly thought out argument. He's certainly a 24 year old man in his pyjamas rather than an on duty superhero fully in costume. "I... I can't." "One life for several. Aren't you supposed to be on the better side of the morality spectrum? Surely this is a easy choice." Anti doesn't wait for any potential response from Marvin. The serial killer leaves the way he came. The sun rises and with it, Jackie. Marvin was already awake, cradling an abandoned coffee. He gives his friend little acknowledgement as he enters the kitchen. The piece of paper Jackie is holding, however, gains his attention. Especially when he asks the dreaded question. "Uh, Marv? Do you know anything about this?" It's only a portion of an A4 sheet. A pair of scissors has been used perhaps a third of the way down. The contents is limited to a single typed line which reads: We both know he's no doctor. Maybe you should ask why he hasn't taken you to be treated by professionals. Jackie starts talking as soon as he's sure Marvin has read the message. "I- Listen, I will admit I had wondered why you never sent me to a hospital. But I guess I brushed it off as a secret identity thing. So why didn't-?" "You're new to this city, right?" "Yes." "So you don't know Anti like I do. He likes making a point of finishing what he started. I don't know how the hell he does it. But if he's the one who put you in hospital, the only place you're going after that is the morgue. So forgive me for wanting you still around. And yeah, it's true, I am not a doctor. However, books on human biology and the internet have served me fine. I've had way more injuries than Sean is aware of. Yet here I am, walking around despite the occupational hazards my hobby is littered with." "Marvin-" "If you want me to apologise for prioritising you staying alive, then I'm afraid you're out of luck." The aggression radiating from him remains for several seconds. It dissipates into something softer. "But I am sorry for putting the decision solely in my hands. If that means anything." Jackie lets the air settle between them before answering. "Alright. Listen, I am still upset-" "Fine, then I'll leave for a while." Marvin begins making his way to the shoe pile by the door. "What I was going to say was I'm still upset but I'd rather move on and let bygones be bygones for now. Just promise you won't do something that risky again." He stops completely to face Jackie. "Yes, of course. I promise." "Thank you. And, as a sidenote, if you're going to run from disagreements, at least fix that mess you call your hair. It's horrendous." The sleep deprived hero scoffs, a tiny smile creeping into existence. "Got it."
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lawrenceop · 4 years
Holy Land Retrospective - Day 6
Reminder: clicking on the link for each photo (links are all in red text) will take you to the Flickr page where you can see the photo in larger sizes.
Start with DAY 1, or catch up with DAY 2, or DAY 3, or DAY 4, or DAY 5. Or just read on!
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PHOTO 26: It was Saturday; the day of the Jewish Shabbat, a holy day when the highlight of the whole pilgrimage took place: we would have Mass at the Empty Tomb of Christ, in the church of the Holy Sepulchre. Appropriately, we made our way to the church in silence, processing through deserted city, and the church, too, was nearly empty when we arrived. After all, it was shortly after 4 a.m. (!) when we entered the city through Herod’s Gate and walked through the silent Muslim Quarter to the Franciscan monastery. 
Moving some 250 people in silence through the uneven streets of an ancient city, before daybreak, is an impressive feat! But this silence and secrecy was entirely fitting. For the Gospels, too, are silent about what happened on the Saturday, the day of the Passover, after Jesus was crucified. St John says the following about the Friday on which Jesus died, the “day of Preparation” but concerning the Sabbath, nothing is reported – it is only alluded to:
“Since it was the day of Preparation, in order to prevent the bodies from remaining on the cross on the sabbath (for that sabbath was a high day), the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away... But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water... After this Joseph of Arimathe'a, who was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly, for fear of the Jews, asked Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus, and Pilate gave him leave. So he came and took away his body. Nicodemus also, who had at first come to him by night, came bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds' weight. They took the body of Jesus, and bound it in linen cloths with the spices, as is the burial custom of the Jews. Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb where no one had ever been laid. So because of the Jewish day of Preparation, as the tomb was close at hand, they laid Jesus there.” (Jn 19:31, 34, 38-42)
From the Franciscan Monastery of the Flagellation, we began our quiet journey on the Via Dolorosa, sleepy but alert, praying the Stations of the Cross as best as we could. Somewhere in the crowd, Jim Caviezel walked with us, as together with him we walked the path of Jesus through the streets of Jerusalem. 
At around 5:30 a.m. we prayed the last three stations of the Cross in the courtyard in front of the church of the Holy Sepulchre; in the distance, a cock crowed. 
This photo was taken shortly after everyone had entered the church, looking back towards the way we had come; the minaret of the mosque of Omar looms overhead. For many of our group, it was their first time visiting Calvary and the Empty Tomb so I remained outside and I savoured the cool air of the morning; and soaked in the silence of the holy courtyard, traversed only by a cat or a monk; and I observed the colour of the sky change as the light of the new day came. Dawn at the Holy Sepulchre on an Easter Saturday: what a blessed moment!
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PHOTO 27: We had a good hour and a half before the time allocated to us for Mass: time to explore, time to pray and reflect, time for Confession and spiritual preparation for Holy Mass. Ahead of us, saying Mass inside the Empty Tomb with a small group of pilgrims, was the Bishop of a French diocese, hence the doors are closed. During this time, one of our group took photos of these closed doors and she came and showed me the photos. One of them had the clear figure of a man robed in a white Jewish prayer shawl standing in the doorway, even though none of us had seen the doors even open! Take a look here and see what you think!
"I saw the risen Lord appearing to His Blessed Mother on Mount Calvary. He was transcendently beautiful and glorious, His manner full of earnestness. His garment, which was like a white mantle thrown about His limbs, floated in the breeze behind Him as He walked. It glistened blue and white, like smoke curling in the sunshine.” - Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich’s vision of the Risen Lord. 
The photo above was taken very shortly before we went into the sacristy to prepare for Mass. I had been watching the sunlight of the new day penetrate the darkness of the Holy Sepulchre church. The rays of light enter through the smaller dome of the ‘Catholicon’ (the Greek Orthodox sanctuary in the centre of the building), and then it strikes the little onion dome and cross of the ‘Aedicule’, which is this structure that envelopes and protects the Empty Tomb itself. As the sun ascends in the sky, the rays of light then travel downwards until it reaches the doors of the Aedicule, and penetrate into the Empty Tomb. 
An hour after this photo was taken, I was standing inside the Aedicule, concelebrating the Holy Mass with my brother priests, standing around the very spot where the angel of the Resurrection had hailed the holy women that first Easter morning. And then, stooping to go into the Empty Tomb itself, I received the Eucharistic Body and Blood of the Risen Christ that was lying on the Altar, on top of the stone where Jesus had been laid and from which he had risen from the dead, alleluia!
This single moment, this sun-lit morning, all we had experienced so far on the 4th of May 2019, was probably one of the most unforgettable and spiritually intense moments of my whole life.   
“Do not be afraid... He is not here; for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead”. (Mt 28:5-7)
However, in every Mass, we encounter the Risen Lord, and we are then sent forth wherever we may be, as though from this Empty Tomb in Jerusalem, to quickly announce the Good News: Χριστός Ανέστη! Surrexit Dominus vere! Christ is risen, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
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PHOTO 28: The focus of this photo is the olive tree, for we are on the Mount of Olives, looking towards the Holy City with the iconic Dome of the Rock, the Muslim shrine built on the very site where the Temple of Jerusalem once stood until the Romans destroyed it, as Christ prophesied, in 70 AD. 
After Mass in the Holy Sepulchre, and after breakfast, we went to the top of the Mount of Olives to take in the view of the city, and then we descended the hill, waving palm branches and singing ‘Hosannas’ as we went; in a few hours we had gone from Easter morning to Palm Sunday! We made our way to the little church of Dominus Flevit where Jesus had beheld the city of Jerusalem, foretold of its destruction, and wept for its people. 
Looking towards the city, one takes in its long and complicated and turbulent history; full of human strife and violence as the One the city had once hailed with ‘Hosannas’ was rejected, taken outside, and executed as a criminal. But, as St Paul says: “In him all the fulness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.” (Col 1:19-20)
In this photo, therefore, I wanted to show the city in its splendour and in its divided history, and also to take in the branches of the trees which the people had cut and waved to hail the coming Messiah. But above all, I wanted to focus on the olive branch, not just because it indicated our location, the Mount of Olives, but because it is a universally recognised emblem of peace. 
“For the peace of Jerusalem pray: "Peace be to your homes! May peace reign in your walls, in your palaces, peace!"” – Psalm 122:6-7
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi: dona nobis pacem. 
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 PHOTO 29: Continuing to mark Holy Week in one day, we went to Mount Sion after lunch, to the site of the Upper Room, the cenacle, where Jesus had celebrated the Passover with his disciples, instituting the sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and the Priesthood. In the same room, the Holy Spirit had came upon Our Lady and the disciples at Pentecost so that “out of Sion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem" (Isa 2:3). 
So, that Saturday afternoon we stood in a 14th-century structure built on various iterations of a church building that has stood here since the earliest days, although it is now sadly just an archeological space, a museum since beneath it is the tomb of King David, a holy shrine for the Jews and I suppose they did not want a church right above. But in the 5th-century, this holy place was called “Sion, Mother of all the Churches”. 
This name is fitting since it is here that the Church was born. As Pope St John Paul II wrote shortly after visiting this place: 
The Church, while pointing to Christ in the mystery of his passion, also reveals her own mystery: Ecclesia de Eucharistia. By the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost the Church was born and set out upon the pathways of the world, yet a decisive moment in her taking shape was certainly the institution of the Eucharist in the Upper Room. Her foundation and wellspring is the whole Triduum paschale, but this is as it were gathered up, foreshadowed and “concentrated' for ever in the gift of the Eucharist. – Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 5.
The photo above is focussed on a carved stone capital from c.1335 that is part of the canopy over the platform where, perhaps, the altar would have once stood. This carving is interesting because of its Eucharistic symbolism. Over the past few days we have seen some other early Christian symbols such as the anchor, and the peacock. Here in the cenacle, in the place where Jesus gave us the Eucharist, we have the pelican. To be precise, two pelicans are shown plucking at the breast of the central pelican, and this symbol is known as the ‘Pelican in piety’. It was believed that pelicans would feed their own young with their own flesh and blood, and so this became an image of Christ feeding the Christian people: the Church receives its life from the Eucharist which is the sacrament of Christ’s Body and Blood; Ecclesia de Eucharistia. 
So St Thomas Aquinas prayed in his hymn, Adoro Te devote: 
Pie Pelicane, Jesu Domine, me immundum munda tuo Sanguine: cujus una stilla salvum facere totum mundum quit ab omni scelere.
Lord Jesus, Good Pelican, wash my filth and cleanse me with Your Blood, one drop of which can free the entire world of all its sins.
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PHOTO 30: Standing at the doorway that leads up to the cenacle, we look back towards the tallest building in the area, built on the summit of Mount Sion. This is the Benedictine Abbey of the Dormition, which commemorates the fact that Our Lady, the “Daughter of Sion” fittingly ended her earthly life somewhere nearby on Mount Sion. Psalm 87, therefore, although it refers to the holy mountain of Sion has also long been regarded as alluding to Our Lady. For the Lord has preferred her to all others and has dwelt within her; like a city whose walls are never breached, so has she remained ever virgin yet is the abode of the great King: 
On the holy mountain is his city cherished by the Lord. The Lord prefers the gates of Sion to all Jacob's dwellings. Of you are told glorious things, O city of God! – Psalm 87:1-3
Saturdays, of course, are dedicated to Mary, so within the Dormition Abbey, we had gathered to sing glorious things concerning the Mother of God.  As we headed back to the Old City of Jerusalem, passing by the Sion Gate, I stopped to marvel at the many beautiful roses that bloomed here. They were another fitting tribute to Our Lady, and a glorious end to our tour on Lady Day in the Holy Land. 
Tomorrow: Reliving Easter Sunday at dawn by the Empty Tomb; Bethesda and Mary’s birthplace; Bar Mitzvah celebrations.
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jeonsduck · 5 years
Everything Is Not What It Seems
A/N: First up for the Holidaze project is Haechan for Halloween! Yeah I know Halloween already passed but we’re doing it anyway!
Warnings: mentions of blood, demons, and witchcraft
“Haechan, sure you don’t want to come to the Halloween party with us? We could do matching outfits.” you tried again. 
Haechan had been your  boyfriend for a long time, and your best friend for even longer. You grew up on the same block, rode the same bus to school, and had even ended up at the same college together. And after all those years of friendship, you hadn’t spent a single holiday with Haechan. Sometimes on Easter or something he would come over and spend some time with your family, but things like Halloween and Christmas he always spent with his family, and only his family. Family was a bit of a loose term, because he was technically being raised by his two older cousins, Taeyong and Ten. Yeah it was weird, but what was weirder was the fact that you’d known Ten and Taeyong for nearly twenty years, and they never seemed to age a single day. Maybe they just had really good skincare routines or something.
This year you had kind of been hoping that after moving away to college (even though you were only in the next town over) that maybe Haechan would leave those traditions behind and you’d start spending the holidays together, but that didn’t seem to be the case. 
“Ten and Taeyong are expecting me to come home, you know how they are. Besides, isn’t it a bit late to get a costume?” he explained.
“Well then why don’t I come home with you?” you offered and Haechan shook his head vehemently.
“No, they’ll freak out if I bring someone over, especially you.” he said. 
“Hey, I have family back home too. Just drop me off at my place, I’ll visit my family, hand candy out to trick or treaters, see my pets. I could use a break from campus.” 
Haechan smiled at that and knocked his head against yours affectionately.
“Yeah that sounds great. We can go get breakfast Sunday morning before we head back.” 
“It’s a date.” You declared and Haechan chuckled before planting a quick kiss on your lips.
“I got class, but I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning around 10.” he says before walking off to hs lecture. 
You sigh, you had really been hoping to spend Halloween with your boyfriend this year. Oh well. You take out your phone to text Mark and tell him and the others that neither you nor Haechan will be attending his frat’s Halloween party. 
From: Marketh
He’s still going back home? What do Ten and Taeyong have that we don’t?
From: You
His allowance. I wonder what they do over there, because they don’t give out candy for trick or treaters.
From: Marketh
Maybe they’re super religious? 
From: You
You’re the one that went to 12 years of vacation Bible school, not Haechan. Besides, have you met Ten and Tae? They’re superstitious, sure but not religious. 
From: Marketh
You got me there.
From: Marketh
Lol, why don’t you sneak over tomorrow night and see what they’re doing?
From: You
Isn’t that like, stalking?
From: Marketh
….maybe, but it's for educational purposes so it’s ok.
You roll your eyes and put your phone away without replying. Maybe a little peek wouldn’t be too bad? Just to see what’s going on. 
It’s  8:00 PM, you’re dressed like a cat burglar, and Haechan’s house is two lots away. It’s time to set your plan into action. Do you feel silly? Yes. Are you expecting to be caught? Also yes. But not before making an absolute fool of yourself trying to squeeze through the barely open window to Haechan’s bedroom. At least he still leaves it unlocked, even though you’re well past the days of sneaking into each other’s houses in the dead of night. Or in the process of passing, considering your current position. This would have been way easier without the salt piled up outside the window sill. You’d found it very weird, but brushed it off (quite literally) and continued with your object. Find out what Haechan and his cousins do on Halloween. 
The first thing you notice is that all the lights in the house are off. Maybe a horror movie marathon? But Taeyong is a certified wuss so that’s unlikely. You continue to creep through the house slowly, trying to avoid all the squeaky spots in the house. 
You finally see the others when you get to the living room. All of the furniture is moved out of the way, and the rug rolled out of the way. Tons of white candles cover nearly every surface, giving you enough flickering light to see what’s happening despite all the lights being off. There’s a large pentagram drawn on the living room floor is what smells overwhelmingly like blood. At each point of the star there’s another large white candle, illuminating the objects around the pentagram. Some herbs, some crystals and stones. A very sharp and ancient looking knife. 
Ten, Taeyong, and Haecha are all there, hands clasped around the pentagram and chanting in a mysterious language you don’t recognize. 
Their eyes are rolled back in their heads so you can only see the whites of them. Then the wind picks up in the room, like a small tornado is suddenly raging through the living room only. And Haechan is kind of just, levitating, as are a few random objects around him. One of which is a necklace with a glowing purple stone in the pendant. The whole room looks like a scene from a very weird and you’ve just about reached your limit with weird things happening when you feel… something behind you. You’re not sure what exactly, like a dark presence or just something wrong breathing down your neck. 
You jump, spinning around to see a black shadow towering over you. It’s not quite human, but it’s not inhuman either, seemingly shifting between multiple forms before your eyes.  
“Thanks for leaving the door open.” it says, flashing sharp teeth dripping what could either be tar or blood on the floor. 
“How did it get through the barrier?” 
When Ten and Haechan speak its overlapping and distorted, like you’re listening to twelve of them speak underwater. The shadow moves, like a glitch in reality at the same time Haechan pulls out another terrifying looking dagger. His eyes are still white and now glowing, as are his cousins’. It seems your brain can’t take anymore surprises and confusion, because you black out. 
The next thing you know, you’re waking up on Haechan’s couch with your head in his lap. When you blink your eyes open he sighs in relief, and flicks you on the forehead. 
“You idiot, why did you have to sneak in tonight of all nights?” he scolds.
You huff and sit up, though you regret it immediately when your head spins. 
“Here, drink up.” Taeyong says, shuffling in from the kitchen.
He offers you a steaming mug of a liquid you can’t identify, and you squint at him suspiciously.
“Nightshade tea.” Haechan deadpans, flicking you on the forehead again.
“It’s apple cider.” Taeyong corrects. 
“I’m not gonna start levitating too right?” you ask, but you accept the mug anyway.
“No, you’re not. Now drink the apple juice.” Haechan says, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 
You take a small sip of the apple cider, and sure enough, it’s just spicy apple juice with a bit of an alcoholic kick. Good, you need a drink after what you just witnessed.
“So, what you guys are witches or something?” you ask, not expecting Ten’s answer.
“Survey says… yes! Good one, got it right on the first try.” he calls, coming back into the living room with some herbs on fire in his hand.
“I drove everything out, smudged the house, and re-established the barrier. We should be good now. Next time, don’t break the circle, kid.” Ten says, collapsing into his arm chair. 
“What circle?” you asked, confused.
“The two pounds of salt on Haechan’s window sill. We need extra protection on Samhain, that’s when the real baddies come out to play. Like the little visitor we had.” Ten explained, accepting a mug from Taeyong as well.
“So wait, you are witches? And what’s the Samhain? Also, was that blood on your floor earlier?” you asked. 
Your head was already hurting again.
“I’m going to sleep. Haechan, you’re dating them, you can explain everything. Goodnight.” Ten sighed, walking away to his bedroom.
“I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.” Taeyong said, also shuffling out of the room.
You turned to Haechan, motioning for him to explain. He sighed, leaning his head back against the couch. After gathering his thoughts for a moment he sat back up taking your hands in his. 
“Yes, we are witches. We always have been. Samhain is basically Halloween, the divider between the living realm and the afterlife is really weak on today, so we have to put extra protections on the house to make sure spirits and demons don’t get in. And yes, that was blood on the blood, but in our defense, it’s pig’s blood and we got it from the local butcher.” 
You sat there for a moment, soaking in the information. You’d known Haechan for years, hell he was your boyfriend. You’d never even suspected there was something like this going on. Yeah, Taeyong had a rather impressive spice cabinet and Ten’s room was kind of covered in weird drawings but it was Ten and Taeyong, so it’d be weirder if they didn’t.
“Do you guys do, bad things? To people? Like do you curse people.” you ventured. 
Haechan sighed and shrugged.
“Sometimes. You know how petty Ten can get. Hell, he cursed Johnny last week for calling him short. Taeyong doesn’t like to, but he does occasionally. It’s not as bad as you think. Most curses are just annoyances. It’s not like we sick demon on people or something.” he continued and you nodded along.
“So what about you? Who have you cursed?” You pushed and Haechan laughed.
“Mostly Mark. Anytime he lost something semi-important it was probably my fault. And that guy Trevor from middle school who used to bully you.” he confessed.
You giggled at the mention of the last name, recalling the boy.
“Didn’t he end up pissing himself during standardized testing? Was that you?” you asked, and Haechan nodded, snickering behind his hand.
“Oh, my god that was you!” you realized and Haechan nodded.
“I felt kind of bad about it, but he deserved it.” 
“What about me? Have you ever used magic on me?” you asked and Haechan smiled.
“Oh plenty. Luck charms, protection wards, sigils of safety.” he said waving his hand in dismissal, “remember that time you fell out of a tree and miraculously didn’t break anything? That was all me.” he boasted.
“And here I was thinking I just had outrageously strong bones.” you giggled.
Haechan laughed at that as well. Good. You weren’t too shaken or scared to laugh. This was going way better than he’d hoped.
“What about love spells? Have you ever used a love spell on anyone?” you asked. 
Your voice sounded light, but Haechan could hear the underlying question. Had he ever used a love spell on you? Was your relationship fabricated?
“Y/N, magic can do a lot of things. But there’s a lot of things it can’t do. And make up love like ours is one thing it can’t do. Love spells are…. Pretty terrifying to say the least. The side effects they can have are dangerous and can be permanent. We don’t need something like that. What we have is real.” he explained. 
You nodded, sighing out a breath of relief you didn’t even know you were holding. 
“Oh, before I forget. I want you to wear this, and please, don’t ever take it off. I can put the pendant into a bracelet or something if you prefer, but you have to always wear it. I was going to tell you about the witch thing and give you this tomorrow over breakfast, but you never were very patient.”
Haechan fishes something out of his pocket, holding it up in the light. It’s the necklace from earlier. It’s a simple piece of jewelry, amethyst pendant on a silver chain. It’s the necklace that was glowing earlier. You stare at it in the light, holding your hand out for Haechan to hand it to you.
“What is it?”
“A protection amulet. Witches tend to attract magic, whether it’s good or bad. This will keep you safe from anything with malicious intent, whether it be a demon or another witch.” he says.
“There are other witches?” you ask, shocked. 
Of course there would be others, but you had been so busy digesting the info Haechan was giving you that you hadn’t even thought about it.
“I think that’s enough witch talk for tonight. We can continue tomorrow over some blueberry waffles from our favorite diner, don’t you think?” Haechan says, standing up and stretching.
 He holds a hand out to you which you accept, and he leads you back to his room. You still have some of your old clothes in his dresser, which he gives you to sleep in. He doesn’t bother flicking the lights off manually, just waving his hand and the room goes dark.
Haechan chuckles at your admiration of his powers.
“Hey, can you read my palm?”
“My face?”
“What about my chakras?”
“What about we go to sleep?” 
You huff, rollIng over so your back is to Haechan. He rolls his eyes at your little tantrum, draping an arm over your waist.
“I’ll do a tarot reading for you in the morning, now go to sleep.” 
From: Marketh
So??? Read 7:39 AM
From: Marketh
What’d you find out? Read 8:12 AM
From: Marketh 
Hello? Read 9:07 AM
From: Marketh
Y/N? Read 9:48 AM
From: Marketh
Have you seen my econ textbook? Read 11:35 AM
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Okay!! I posted this on my twitter, after Taylor saying in an article that she reckons we see the album name once in the music video, but hear it twice.
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This theory KINDA is a spin from this, as others have automatically jumped to ‘Lover’ being the album name, for obvious reasons and it makes the most sense. Taylor is smart and has seemingly thought these Easter eggs out more than she’s ever done before! I took this concept to @reputations-never-been-worse and we kind of expanded on it together as we both kind of had similar inclines to this idea!!
Soooo lets get cracking!
WINTER and SUMMER, TWO different things, are together at this ONE moment in the video but, if we go further in the lyrics, WINTER and SUMMER are sang together, in a HARMONY (as duo / two), at ONE section of the song....not quite the same as what she said above, but it’s really really not that far of it!
In the beginning of the music video for ME!, when Taylor and Brendon are arguing in French, you can clearly see the Christmas Tree (Winter) in the shot . Now, from what I’ve saw, we all assumed this was a slight nudge to fact of Taylor growing up in a Christmas Tree farm, but what we didn’t do (or so I’ve not seen), is look at what is outside through the window...PALM TREES (Summer).
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It’s also worth noting here, that she also has flowers on the skirt of her dress and later in the video, Brendon’s suit, and their matching suits ...also have flowers...the SAME flowers maybe????? 
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Surely it isn’t just a coincidence with the flower aspect. I am not an expert in flowers so maybe someone else who is, can add to this part later!
To me, it doesn’t really make much sense, that they are speaking FRENCH, with palm tree’s seen outside through the window, with a Christmas tree in the corner...it seem’s too random and too specific for it to not have an underlying meaning (a little bit of a juxtaposition of summer and winter...I would be reaching to say it has something to do with how in some places, its winter when its summer and vice versa when you talk about seasons).
Back to the idea of DOUBLE ALBUM. This is exciting to me. We’ve all saw the numerous double album theories that have been kicking around forever and more recently with the pink and blue conspiracies etc.
Taylor has been really, really open with the fact that their is a huge parallel with the happy songs and the sad songs.
Now, bringing in the Summer / Winter seasons, this would have a knock on affect to how the songs sound.
Summer - When you think summer anthems, you think upbeat, feel good songs that you can listen to out in the garden with a home made cocktail, or driving with the windows and roof down blasting it as loud as you can. 
Winter - This is more around the mood that it brings etc. As the weather in most countries starts to become more dull and dreary...winter time is still seen as being a very cosy and bright era too (CHRISTMAS). So, in terms of the songs, it be the kind of songs, that aren’t the Christmas classics, that you want to be listening to whilst on a snowy walk, or in 500 layers after the snowy walk infant of the fire with a hot drink! Back to the feelings of dull and dreary weather etc, Taylor has said there are going to be songs that are ‘really, really,really sad’ but they aren't sad enough to make us cry? is this maybe a thing that could fit here?? Maybe not but it’s where my mind automatically went too.
This went well until I remembered that ME! was written over the winter? Again, it can line up if we want it to but take of this part as you wish!
So, I’m going to talk about the stamps a little bit here. We all know where and when they are and we’re all also aware of the significance of them, as Taylor likes to make countdowns for things she is excited for hehehe!!
Our SUMMER months, JULY and AUGUST both have stamps on the 13th of each of them! We’ve all saw the July 13th/26th countdown/release theories so I’ll save the length of this post and not go into that too much more than this. 
July 13th is a Saturday...July 26th is a FRIDAY (hehe hi single or album release) which would seriously line up with the SUMMER / WINTER double album theory I’ve discussed.
August 13th is a Tuesday and I have no idea where this matches up but it is there and exists and we shall see, it’s still summer though, eh?
So, there is also a gold stamp on OCTOBER 3rd, which IS a Thursday right enough but it would make it slowly more so line up with her ‘scheduled’ album release timescale. Now, the gold could mean that it is finished and when two become one (hi spice girls)...maybe? (this was ALL Emily if this is wrong lmao but the spice girls reference is all me...I’m the one with the humour in this friendship dkfvkd jk).
Since it falls on a Thursday, I automatically thought to add 13 days, as 13 tends to be significant but this took me to Sunday 13th, and since albums etc tend to me a Friday release, it kind of leads me to think that there will be something on the 4th (there’s going to be something but if its to do with us receiving new music or very important news then ya know, here we are with that)
Her 30th Birthday is also stamped because, well, it’s her 30th birthday (!!!) but this could also be the general sale for tour dates!! Maybe another reach, but it’s something!
If the SUMMER / WINTER double album is correct, which im pretty sure I’m not because I never am right with these things, then it leads me to believe that tour will still be round about the same time as we’ve had it most recently, if it’s anything to go by with the UK shows being in June for both 1989 and Reputation Tours.
Congrats if you made the end of my wildly reached theory of the album(s) being released to Summer and Winter seasons and everything that happened to fall in between this! This doesn’t make me any smarter by the way and feel free to ignore this if it’s totally wrong and pretend it never happened xxxx
@taylorswift @taylornation 
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dritiii · 5 years
An unexpected adventure in Srilanka – Summer of 2019
Like every other time, this summer, me and my parents were all set to have the time of our lives in Srilanka. Our trip lasted for 9 days. We landed in the Bandaranaike International Airport, Colombo at around 7:30 pm on the 17th of April. We had a warm welcome from our chauffeur, Satheesha. He had a nice, white Toyota Prius, our ride for the entire trip. We reached our hotel at Colombo which was right opposite the beach. We had a nice dinner and slept.
Next morning, we set off to Pinnawala, an orphanage for elephants. On our way, we did a little city tour of Colombo. We reached Pinnawala at the right time to get a glimpse of herds of elephants having their morning shower. I had never seen these many elephants at a time before. We then grabbed a quick lunch and continued our journey to Sigiriya. We stayed at a resort amidst dense forest, where we spotted a lone elephant having sugarcane. Early next morning, we reached the Sigiriya lion fortress, bought our tickets, and set to the big climb. This fortress is a UNESCO identified site atop which used to be a palace built by king Kashyapa in the 10th century BC. We climbed 1500 steps to reach the top-most part of the plateau-like structure. On our way, we also saw many fresco paintings. We then came to our resort, freshened up, had a meal, and started to Kandy.
En-route Kandy, we went to a spice garden in the town of Matale. We bought some exotic, fresh, world-famous Ceylon cinnamon. We then reached the misty town of Kandy, which’s considered to be the last capital of ancient Srilanka reigned by kings. Kandy is also known for precious and semi-precious gems. We visited one such gem factory, where we learned the procedures of gems being extracted from river beds and how they are used in the ornaments. In the evening, we witnessed Srilanka’s various cultural dances. There were many similarities of these dances with Indian folk lore. We then saw the sunset from a wonderful view point and headed to our hotel. Next morning, we went to the Temple of sacred Tooth Relic, one of the most important Buddhist places of worship. This temple is situated inside the Royal Palace. It was such a pleasant surprise to meet one of friends from Bangalore in the temple. We of course took a selfie with them, and started our ride to the so called New England of Srilanka, Nuwareliya, a beautiful hill station.
On our way to Nuwareliya, we visited the Blue Fields Tea Factory and saw how various kinds of tea powders were manufactured. The route to Nuwareliya was amazing with slight rain, chill winds, and we drove literally through the mist. We then halted at a Hanuman temple atop one of the mountains and had lunch at a typical restaurant that served south-Indian meals. After a nice, homely meal, we stopped to pick fresh strawberries. We then reached Nuwareliya filled with British-styled Victorian-type cottages by the lake of Gregory. We stayed is one such cozy, wooden cottage amidst a beautiful garden. We just relaxed in the wonderful chilly weather and left to Seethaeliya next morning. The experience at Seethaeliya was mesmerizing. This is the place where Seetha devi (lord Rama’s wife) was kept captive by the 10-headed demon, Ravana. I had heard so many Ramayana stories from my grandmom. Being at Seethaeliya brought all one such story alive… This was the place where lord Hanuman finds Seetha matha and hands over Rama’s finger ring. We prayed and sang a song in praise of lord Rama and then continued our drive to the next destination, Yala National Park.
One the way down hill, we heard one of the most shocking news on the radio. There had bomb blasts in the city of Colombo! It was the Sunday of Easter, suicide bombers blasted 3 churches and 3 high-end hotels. This resulted in several deaths and leaving many others injured. The most saddening part to me was that I had seen one of the high-end hotels during the Colombo city tour, that was now shattered. The poor lives of many innocent Srilankans unfortunately ended in this disaster. Srilanka’s main religion being Buddhism indicates peace. I really pity them, as such a calm and peaceful country had to go through this kind of loss for no trouble that they have ever caused. Immediately, Srilankan Government announced curfew for 12 hours (6:00 pm to 6:00 am). Also, all kind of social media was blocked. Our family and friends back in India were very worried as they couldn’t contact us. By God’s Grace, we were 200 km away from the impacted area.
We discussed amongst ourselves about the next steps we’d need to take. Satheesha, spoke to his people and told us that it’d be best to not panic and try to head back to home country. Hence, we proceeded to Yala National Park. We hired a Safari Jeep that took us in to the dense forest of Yala. The drive was brilliant! We spotted a few elephants, deers, jackals, wild boars, wild buffaloes, peacoks, crocs, and so on. We then checked in to our resort at Katargama. I freaked out when a lot of our relatives and friends contacted us and insisted in returning back to India as early as possible. Appa and Amma consoled me and I then slept peacefully.
Next morning, appa called the Indian Embassy to check on the situation and seek advice about our next steps. They advised us to continue our journey, but to not venture out in public places and to avoid crowded areas such as restaurants.  We then left to the wonderful, humid, sea-side town of Bentota. The drive was splendid along side the blue-green Indian ocean. We spent three amazing days in Bentota – went to the turtle hatchery, Madhu river safari, beach play, beachside morning walks, and swimming at the pool in our hotel.
Then came the final day of returning to India. We took to the express way route to reach Colombo and the airport. On the way, we picked up water bottles and some light snacks. We were just about a kilometre away from the Bandarnaike International Airport, when we were restricted by the Srilankan army from going inside the airport. None of the vehicles were allowed into the airport. We were confused and were not aware of the happenings. We then inquired an army officer about why weren’t allowed inside. He told us that one of the suspects of the recent bomb attacks had been caught. We heard from the officer that there was some firing in the airport. As we were running late, we decided to walk to the airport with our heavy luggage. Now, I was all tensed and even more scared…on our way we happened to see the army and FBI officers surrounding that looked like a corpse with hands cuffed and lying on the stomach. Later on, we learnt that it wasn’t really the corpse but one of the suspects who was shot on his leg and was still alive!! This was terrifying! There were so many detailed security checks and they checked the nook and corner of our bags. There was even one last check before we entered the flight. Finally, with a sigh of relief, we boarded the flight.  
Although the situation towards the end of our trip was intense, I thoroughly enjoyed the trip and learnt how to stay calm in such situations and do the right thing at the right time. The trip to Srilanka in the summer of 2019 is one of the most memorable trips I’ve been on, experiencing all sorts of emotions: fun, excitement, fear, sorrow, calm, satisfaction. Given a chance, I’d definitely love to go back to Srilanka for another trip, and till date I pray for the safety and security of all world citizens!
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1079mixfm · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://mix1079.net/22-corporate-april-fools-day-pranks-ranked-from-best-to-lamest/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=1079mixfm+on+Tumblr&utm_campaign=SNAP
22 Corporate April Fools' Day Pranks, Ranked from Best to Lamest
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Well, we survived another April Fools’ Day.  And, as it always goes, most brands unveiled some kind of mild, inoffensive prank for the holiday.
Here are 23 of the more notable April Fools’ Day pranks from yesterday, which we’ve subjectively ranked from best to lamest.
1.  Jagermeister went edgy with the “Jagerbong” . . . a gift box that helps you turn an old Jagermeister bottle into a bong.  It includes a pipe, a lighter, eye drops, and a hackey sack.
German engineering reaches a new high… pic.twitter.com/Az0Bf6dcQu
— Jägermeister USA (@JagermeisterUSA) March 29, 2019
2.  The “L.A. Times”parodied the “New York Times” rep for writing about the rest of the U.S. like it’s a mysterious, cultural wasteland, quote, “No one associates New York, a city in the eastern United States, with good restaurants.  That’s beginning to change.”
No one associates New York, a city in the eastern United States, with good restaurants. That's beginning to change. https://t.co/WpPyyvqKHU
— L.A. Times Food (@latimesfood) April 1, 2019
3.  This got a lot of press coverage leading up to April Fools’ Day . . . but yes, Tinder’s new “height verification” feature is fake.
4.  Honda Canada announced a new “polite horn,” where instead of honking, your horn makes a passive aggressive coughing sound.
5.  McDonald’s Australia posted a picture of the McPickle . . . which is basically a Big Mac with a bunch of pickles replacing the meat.  But it may backfire . . . because someone tweeted instructions on how to actually order it.
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Pickle lovers, it’s the news you’ve all been waiting for. We’re super stoked to announce the launch of our brand new McPickle Burger. It’s time to tuck into juicy, flavoursome pickles layered between melted cheese, ketchup sauce and toasted sesame seed buns. It’s sure to be a treat for all your senses. #dailynuggets #mcpickle #pickleoverload #maccas #imlovinit
A post shared by McDonald's Australia (@mcdonaldsau) on Mar 31, 2019 at 1:03pm PDT
6.  Popchips went edgier than expected and announced individually-wrapped chips that are, quote, “ridged for your pleasure.”
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introducing our new single serve pack – Just the Chip! now you can practice safe snacking on-the-go, anywhere, anyplace, anytime, any position. #justthechip learn more via the link in our bio!
A post shared by popchips (@popchips) on Apr 1, 2019 at 6:00am PDT
7.  The U.S. Open tweeted a Photoshopped picture of a cute dog serving as a tennis ball retriever for the next tournament.
BREAKING: The US Open to add puppies to the ballperson team at the 2019 tournament for the first time. All breeds welcome. pic.twitter.com/Yu5ySEhriF
— US Open Tennis (@usopen) April 1, 2019
8.  Mova Globes announced a new flat globe for flat earthers.
You asked. We answered. The #FlatEarth MOVA Globe is available now on https://t.co/4HtFIUr2qg. pic.twitter.com/MFrphk9UGA
— MOVA Globes (@movaglobes) April 1, 2019
9.  T-Mobile went for irony, and announced a new line of phone booths, to let you talk in privacy even on busy streets.
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Portable Public Privacy at its finest – go anywhere with our Phone BoothE Mobile EditionE.
A post shared by T-Mobile (@tmobile) on Mar 31, 2019 at 9:16pm PDT
10.  McDonald’s announced “Shake Sauce” . . . little packets of shakes to dip your fries in.  The comments are all people wishing it were real . . . it’s never good when people like your fake products more than your real ones.
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Meet #ShakeSauce — a sweet new way to dip.
A post shared by McDonald's (@mcdonalds) on Apr 1, 2019 at 5:01am PDT
11.  SodaStream announced a new plan where you can add bubbles to your soda using your own bodily functions. 
Houston we solved the problem! Burping in space is a thing of the past. Introducing our new collaboration with @StationCDRKelly, SodastreamME! Tag a friend you KNOW needs this :) pic.twitter.com/Cx3BIaickU
— SodaStream USA (@SodaStreamUSA) April 1, 2019
12.  KFC announced chicken-flavored ice cream, infused with bits of candied chicken skin in a cornbread cone.
13.  Lego announced a new “Find My Brick” app that scans a pile of Legos for the one you want.  I know brands don’t want to be TOO edgy, but this is just TOO un-edgy.
The long search is finally over… 📱 #FindMyBrick pic.twitter.com/3yBIPJ2OPk
— LEGO (@LEGO_Group) April 1, 2019
14.  Durex announced new fish skin condoms with a Mala hot pot flavor.  Never mind, you CAN take a joke too far.
Spice things up & experience the taste of the NEW Fish Skin Condom with Mala Hot Pot flavour. Packed with handpicked…
Posted by Durex on Sunday, March 31, 2019
15.  Google let you play the old school video game “Snake” on top of Google Maps.  That’s not exactly a prank, it’s more of an Easter egg they’d roll out any other day of the year.
16.  Hasbro played on the “millennials kill everything” cliché by announcing Mr. Potato Head has been replaced with Mr. Avocado Head.  But it’s not landing great, probably because millennial-avocado jokes are just so played out.
Holy guacamole! We’ve given Mr. Potato Head the sack and we're introducing his new hipster companion, Mr Avo Head! pic.twitter.com/Y9aRITCTd7
— Hasbro (@Hasbro) April 1, 2019
17.  Michelob Ultra started an online petition to create the first-ever cat park.  Not sure what that has to do with super light beer, but there you go.
Dogs have dedicated parks everywhere. Cats have 0. Let’s change that. We’re petitioning on @Change to give cats & their owners the space they deserve to exercise together—the first-ever cat park! Show support by RTing and signing the petition in our bio! #ULTRACatPark. 🐈 pic.twitter.com/A0t8jl3Bgx
— Michelob ULTRA (@MichelobULTRA) March 30, 2019
18.  Lockheed Martin announced a new fragrance called Vector, which smells like space.
19.  Dunkin’ Donuts created a “super dough holder” . . . which is just two giant donuts around a cup of coffee.
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Introducing… The Super Dough Holder! 🍩
A post shared by Dunkin’ (@dunkin) on Apr 1, 2019 at 5:07am PDT
20.  Auntie Anne’s kind of lazily announced pretzel shop yoga with a picture of a woman sitting cross-legged, holding two pretzels.
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Join us in our new hybrid pretzel shop hot yoga studios today! Nom nom namaste. Link in bio
A post shared by Auntie Anne's (@auntieannespretzels) on Apr 1, 2019 at 6:03am PDT
21.  Dippin’ Dots announced a new roll-on deodorant but, unfortunately, it appears they only spent about 30 seconds on an AWFUL Photoshop job.
Smell the fun! Starts out colorful, stays on cool. pic.twitter.com/A4SlyhZAyR
— Dippin' Dots (@DippinDots) April 1, 2019
22.  And finally, Starbucks announced Pupbucks, a store for dogs.  The video they made for it isn’t close to as funny as they think it is . . . quote, “I have a whole grain beagle for a good boy.”  Nope.
We're so excited to announce our newest concept stores: Starbucks for your best fur-iend. #Pupbucks pic.twitter.com/xgAEn0Dxss
— Starbucks Coffee (@Starbucks) April 1, 2019
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