#;; chatzy log
fakade · 2 years
name: lucy pronouns: any except they, i also have neos but im shy LOL preference of communication: discord genuinely soooo much easier name of muse(s): larry :) experience/how long (months/years?): ...9 years at least platforms you’ve used: tinierme, gaiaonline, chatzy, then moved to tumblr! best experience: i do not have a best experience i merely have "funny moments" and "cringe moments" . my roleplay experience is a blur fluff, angst, or smut: i'm so shy about smut (discussions are the only way i can even touch the subject without being TOO embarrassed) so fluff and angst are the best but also i just love whatevers the funniest whether itll hurt me or not is up to god plots or memes: i like plotting so much more than memes like memes are fun but i like using them for drabbles more than. roleplays. long or short replies: um... i have an easier time with short replies but i like long replies more even if i take for-fucking-EVERRRRR best time to write: there is no best time to write for me every day i log on and play with god on whether or not i'm actually going to fucking write something and start screaming and punching walls and eating drywall are you like your muse(s): we're both sooooo normal (pov you are confronted by one who tells the truth and one who tells a lie)
tagged by: (robs you) tagging: your lesbian father and gay mother
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paperw0rmz · 1 year
wut's a trend from the 90s/early 2000s u wanna see make a comeback? :0
Tumblr media
For those who don’t know Hi I’m Grave and I am obsessed with 90’s-2012 things and have archives and logs of media, specifically web, of things from those eras
1:Radio shack
As someone who is getting into ham radio and also just misses being able to get funky little add ons to computers and shit, I think we should all as a collective demand a radio shack. “Oh bUt yOu hAvE bEst bUy” I will literally slit your throat if you are dumb enough to think that that ugly wanna be ikea shit is anything remotely similar to big daddy Radio Shack
Was I way too young to be on them back when they were popular? Yes. Did that result into trauma? Yes. But I’ve learned my lesson and now I want this shit back so bad. I LOVE chat rooms. “YeAh wE hAvE dIscOrd aNd DMS” ITS NOT THE SAME FUCKING THING AND YOU KNOW IT.
Bring back chatzy, bring back IRC (I’m active on a few), I’m even on Wireclub if anyone wants to join my chat rooms there!!! And pesterchum
3: physical copies of media
I hate streaming services. I hate it. There is nothing but zombie glossy eyed, let’s market to the brain dead, shit on there. Like yes, I love some of the shows, but we have lost so much shit from moving to streaming services. Remember on a VHS or DVD where you could watch behind the scenes, bloopers, play movie/show related games all on a tape/disk???? It’s the same with any physical music media too. I think it makes you more so focused on what entertainment you actually like. Too many people just like things because it’s popular or trending, which is fine, but when it comes down to it do you actively want to OWN something physical from the media? If not then is it something you’re willing to put time into then? Why not do something else?
I’m not talking about that Dave and buster shit. I’m talking not scam (at least not as bad as it is now) arcades that was on every Main Street, in every mall, like in a mall now of days is a small as shit arcade if it’s NOT Dave and busters. I hate Dave and busters mainly bc they ruined a genre. It was marketed as a arcade for adults but then they added kid I pad games and now it’s just an awkward overpriced place to be where you can see a seven year old play cross road or angry birds on a glorified I pad and also see grown men get shit faced drunk.
Literally so hard to find good magazines now of days. Especially for a cost that won’t fucking kill you. I managed to get most of mine second hand, but it’s so hard to find anyplace that sells magazines especially ones that are to kids without being too babyish. I go to a grocery store and if I look for a young girls/boys magazine it’s about very YOUNG things to the point I don’t think the market audience can even read??? That or it’s just guns or gardening. Which is cool, but there isn’t anything for teenagers really anymore. Like yes there are, but you have to sign up online for it which is fine, but I miss being excited to go to the corner store to see if there is any latest addition of the magazine I loved there.
6:social interactions
You would jus stay outside or inside right next to your phone/computer waiting for someone to come by and tell you where everyone else is at. Like having to go walk to every gas station and corner store to see if your friends are there and getting excited when they are actually there. I am thankful for being able to easily like meet up with people, but like the feeling you get when you run into people and then go fuck off is so fun
7:The video games
Video game quality has gone down hill. I’m not talking about highly detailed story based games, no. I’m talking about app games, free to play games, all that shit. It is now a click bait, league clone, or clash clone. And it’s BORING. It’s all ad based and trying to suck as much money from you as possible and it’s all so ugly in that ugly 3D art style.
*insert the tweet about how if you say you like waffles people will just assume it means you hate pancakes* people today do not have common sense anymore.
9: sense of community
#coquette #grassfromthegardencore #corefromcore
Like yes, back then was also elitist, but not as bad and forced as it is now. So many people today are so focused on aesthetic labels instead of just focusing on what they just like. Like yes, labels are comforting, but to the point you’re desperately asking what aesthetic this is so you can then throw out and change your aesthetic to match it and then repeat over and over? Gross.
10: early web memes
Memes arnt long lasting today as it was back then. There aren’t even memes today. Just a tiktok video that was posted on Twitter. I hate it.
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screechfoxes · 2 years
that poll reminded me that in theory somewhere (they're not on this laptop, but they must be on an old hard-drive/back-up somewhere), i have a few thousand pages of Word files that i used to back up Chatzy roleplay logs from a decade ago with a friend group that uh. no longer exists, to say the least
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avengxrp · 7 years
As usual we got super into the chatzy and it ran about 3.5 hours. We decided to call it for tonight but we’re going to try to finish it up in two weeks, on Saturday, November 4th at 3:00 PM (if I made any mistakes with the date please let me know).
Here’s the transcript for today. If anyone would like to join us next time let me know it will be easy to bring you in.
Moderator left this message 55 seconds ago:
You open your eyes to find yourself in an unfamiliar setting. The sky stretches out above you. Vast, unending. Your ceiling, the familiar view you fell asleep under last night, is gone. You move slowly, testing your limbs. You are unharmed. You look around and see a vast maze before you, thick walls of greenery stretching as far as you can see. Around you others are waking.
Moderator joined the chat
Moderator: Begin.
Bobby Drake: "I get the feeling we're not in Kansas anymore..."
Tommy: Tommy sat up with a grimace, rubbing his temples. He knew from the moment he felt the wind on his face that something wasn't right, but this...what the hell was this? He scrambled to his feet, looking around at the others nearby, suspicion all over his face. "What the hell is this place?"
Alison Blaire: Alison felt groggy, like a concert after party gone horribly wrong. At least there were a few familiar faces around her. It was better than facing whatever was coming next alone.
Darcy Lewis: "Hooooly fuck I need to lay off the hooch." Darcy groaned as she sat up. She covered her eyes with her hands, keeping the light from bugging her. When she heard other people speak, she looked around, brows raised. "What the fuck?!"
Bobby Drake: Bobby was among the first to his feet, taking his organic ice form out of pure instinct and shattering his pajamas in the process. If something was going to happen, he had to be ready.
Loki Laufeyson: The moment Loki opened his eyes his senses were sharp and awake. Quickly rising from the position he had no memory how he ended up into his gaze went around and took in the people around him. By their reaction it seemed that they too were confused by the situation.
Tommy: Tommy's eyes darted in the direction of the familiar voice. "Darcy?" he asked, taken aback. Of all the people he would have expected hear, she was not one of them. He darted over to her. "What are you doing here?"
Alison Blaire: "Bobby? Wade?" Alison said pushing herself up. "Where are we?"
Wade Wilson: Wade woke with a gasp, patting at his face to make sure the mask was still in place. He grimaced a little when he felt a few gaping holes. Nothing too serious, but still there was some open spaces. Springing up to his feet, he gave himself a quick pat down to make sure all of his gizmos and gadgets were in place. Looking around, he whistled lowly when he saw everyone around him. "Hey peeps. What kind of game show did we get ourselves into?"
Darcy Lewis: Darcy grinned when she saw Tommy, waving at her friend. "Hey. Yeah. No idea. I decided to have a Tequila Darcy night and then I fell asleep somewhere and apparently that somewhere was here?" Grabbing hold of Tommy's hand, she gave it a squeeze. "What are you doing here? "
Loki Laufeyson: Gathering his feet under him, Loki stood up and shook his head, light ache pounding against his temples. Where was he and why were these mortals here as well? How did he end up there? The last thing he remembered was a silent street and an odd feeling that someone had been watching him. Other than that... nothing.
Alison Blaire: "Game show?" Alison said, cringing. Mojo? Was this his handiwork or was Wade joking? He had more insight than he often realized.
Tommy: Tommy looked around at the others. There was nobody else he recognised, except—oh, yeah, he knew Wade. And...wait, was that the Dazzler? The singer? Plus, he was pretty sure he recognised Loki at a glance. Battle of New York and all. Okay, that was definitely suspicious. "Hey," he said, directing that at Loki in an accusatory tone. "This is you, right? What is this?"
Bobby Drake: Bobby took a few steps away from the group, trying to see what he could without venturing too far. He could see a huge maze of greenery before him. Game show might not be too far off, he thought. But this wasn't flashy enough for the likes of Arcade or Mojo.
Moderator: "YOU AREN'T SO FAR OFF." A voice echoes around them. High, half manic sounding. The sky shivers, stretches, a face forms. A man, youngish, with red hair. His grin arcs across the horizon.
Moderator: "Welcome to my little death trap. Or, well, not so little this time."
Bobby Drake: "Ahhh shit," Bobby said. "Aren't you tired of trying to kill me?"
Tommy: Tommy started at the new noise, whirling around and then craning his head up at the noise. Before he could stop himself, he shouted, "Thanks, I hate it!"
Loki Laufeyson: The God of Mischief looked at the young man, knowing the tone was directed at him when hearing it. He was already going to answer but was interrupted by the booming voice.
Alison Blaire: It was only Arcade, Alison thought. A strange sense of relief came over her.
Wade Wilson: "Woooooooah. Someone tell me I'm not the only one that hears the big voice in the sky. Jay Z is that you?" Wade called up before he moved to where t seemed the group of people came together. "Okay cool. This is cool. We get to play through a booby trap."
Remy LeBeau entered for the first time
Tommy: "Who's this clown?" Tommy asked, directing this at nobody in general. A few of the X-Men seemed to recognise him.
Darcy Lewis: Darcy grabbed hold of Tommy when the voice sounded from above her, jumping dramatically. "If I click my heels do you think I'll end up back in the lab with Jane?" This had to be some sort of nightmare. Then again with who she'd been hanging around with as of late, she knew the chances of that being true were slim to none.
Bobby Drake: "It's Arcade. He's basically like the killer in Saw, but he looks like a Ron Weasley reject," Bobby said.
Tommy: "Worth a shot, right?" Tommy said to Darcy in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere. She was the only one here without powers. He couldn't imagine what some...crazy sky demon would want with her, but since this was their lot they would have to make the most of it.
Moderator: Arcade's smile morphed into a frown. "We'll see who's laughing at the end of my maze, frosty."
Loki Laufeyson: Loki's eyes looked at the new individual, scanning the man and rising one eyebrow. Arcade was this man's name obviously by the way the mortals spoke about him. "And who might you think you are by sending us here?" he finally spoke.
Moderator: The smile was back, as fake and malicious as ever. "My name is Arcade and in a way...I suppose you and I have quite a bit in common. You're the god of lies, you might call me the god of games."
Wade Wilson: "Ooooh. Arcy dude. How goes it my mans?" Wade called up to the sky, waving at him. "Tell me why you picked this motley crew to come here? Cuz I mean, while some are fun as fuck, Hey Bobby!, others are all broody and grumpy. Not fun right? Lookin at you tall Dark and Asgardian."
Remy LeBeau: Remy let out a small sigh of annoyance. Of all the things that could happen they'd ended up in another death trap. Wonderful. "Dr one saving grace is dat it ain't Viper or Mojo," he grumbled. Remy stood and hugged his jacket tighter around himself, thankful that he still had his hear with him. "But I t'ink I'd take Viper over did clown."
Darcy Lewis: True to her word, Darcy clicked her heels, if only for the easing of the tension. She was terrified, naturally, but she stuck on her brave face and pushed her glasses up her nose. "Yep. Nope. Not working. This is balls."
Moderator: Arcade face palmed at Wade's antics, unable to keep his cool in the wake of absolutely no one taking his most impressive death trap seriously.
Tommy: Tommy still wasn't convinced that Loki wasn't somehow a part of this. He could just be trying to throw them off. But hey, who was he to pass judgement. "This is stupid," he announced. "There has to be a way out of here, right? That's the idea. I'll just go and find it. Wait here, Darce," he added, patting her once on the shoulder before taking off in the direction of the nearest exit.
Loki Laufeyson: "Hmh," Loki let a sound pass his lips. "I don't see anything that would make you a god. Building a pathetic little scene does not make you one." With that he rolled his eyesand crossed his arms in front of his chest.
Alison Blaire: "Remy?" Alison said, turning to see the Cajun coming from behind them. She smirked. At least she had a few teammates to coordinate with. She wasn't so sure she'd have managed with a pack of strangers. But what were Arcade traps if not just a not-holographic version of the Danger Room?
Bobby Drake: "A speedster?" Bobby said as Tommy flew past.
Moderator: "Powers might make for a god on Asgard, but on earth its money. Something I have plenty of."
Darcy Lewis: "Hey! Don't leave me!" Darcy called out, but he was already gone. Wrapping her arms around herself, she looked for someone she could buddy up with. "Hey uh. Anyone need a cute brunette to take under their wing and keep safe as she's just a wee human intern?"
Alison Blaire: "Why can't you just finance Republicans like normal maladjusted billionaires?"
Moderator: Arcade sighed loudly. "Predictable." He waved his hand and walls came up ahead of and behind Tommy. Trapping him in a small coridor.
Wade Wilson: Wade moved to the group of people, smiling as he saw Bobby and Remy, and even Alison. "She's funny." He said, pointing at The Dazzler. "But he's psychobabble crazy. Trust me. I know. Takes one to know one. I mean, this is kind of genius. We're like his little ant colony."
Moderator: Arcade's glance tracked back to Alison. "That is a gross overgeneralization. I felt the Bern."
Remy LeBeau: Remy smiled at seeing Alison. "Good ta see ya, cher," he greeted. He wrapped one arm around her shoulders. "Dis looks like it might be fun, no? Sure as hell beats dealin' wit' someone scary." He motioned for Darcy to come closer.
Loki Laufeyson: "Aha," the prince nodded, still not looking at all impressed. "And what are you then trying to prove with this?" His arms spread a little to point out the scene around them. "If you wanted, you could be using that money to make you powerful instead of making yourself look like a fool."
Moderator: He shot an irritated glance at Remy. Then Loki. "I'm not trying to prove anything. I'm trying to kill you, and be entertained in the process."
Remy LeBeau: "An' you ain't de only one wit' money, Arc! You jus' use it fo' dumb games. Least de likes a Viper had style!" He didn't care that he was amassing Arcade. He had a few friends around him. They'd be okay.
Remy LeBeau: *sassing
Loki Laufeyson: "Well we are not going to entertain you, so feel free to let us go right now," Loki replied quickly back. He would not be a toy this madman could play with.
Tommy: Tommy ground to a halt, spinning around and looking back in the direction he'd come. Crap, so a shifting maze? Like in the movies? He knew he could keep going, but he needed to test the walls first. Frowning, he placed his palms against it, starting to vibrate. If he could break the wall down or pass through it, this would be easy, but it was make of some kind of weird material. His speed wasn't affecting it. Not good.
Darcy Lewis: As soon as she heard the familiar Cajun accent, Darcy was right over to Remy, practically super gluing herself to his side. "Hey so you're totally gonna blow this motherfucker sky high with your boom boom shit right? Cuz I don't know how confident I am about my tazing abilities right now." She mumbled. "And I'm really really scared."
Moderator: That startled a laugh out of him. "That isn't hwow this works, Trickster." Another part of the sky showed Tommy attempting to vibrate through the walls of the maze. "You either play my game, or you die." He didn't mention the fast that they would die regardless.
Remy LeBeau: He held Darcy close. "No worries, Darcy. I ain't gonna let dis fool hurt you. Might have ta see exactly what we dealin' wit' befo' I make it all go boom."
Alison Blaire: Alison and Bobby glanced at each other and to the closed off corridor where Tommy was being held. Alison nodded, taking off toward the enclosed walls while Bobby covered her flank.
Wade Wilson: "So I've played a lot of games. And I've died a lot of times. So I mean, I'm practically a master at this by now. Right?" Wade asked, still looking up at the sky to where Arcade's voice was coming from. When he saw what was going on with Tommy, he inserted himself with Alison and Bobby. "Hey. X-Dweebs. I'm comin' too!"
Tommy: Tommy scoffed. He'd heard plenty of that before, at juvie. He could explore this maze, but he had a feeling that if this guy was serious then they'd have more than walls to worry about soon enough.
Alison Blaire: "Hey, kid," she said as she neared the walls. "Pound hard so I know where you are."
Loki Laufeyson: "You wish," Loki sneered. This one was such an annoying imbecile that it was not worth it to stay and talk with him. With a challenging look in his eyes, Loki gathered his magic and prepared to teleport himself away.
Bobby Drake: "Dweeb? I thought you said I was a queen," Bobby said to Wade, shooting him an icy grin.
Darcy Lewis: "So, Magic Sky Man? Boy? Person? Quick question. Why are we all here?" She asked, grasping Remy's jacket tightly. Her head snapped to Loki when she heard him speaking. "Hey. Listen dickhead. Not a good idea to piss of the magic voice in the sky with the ability to make us all die here with a little twitch of his nose."
Tommy: Tommy stopped vibrating for a second. Oh, crap. The Dazzler was talking to him. Despite everything, he had to remind himself to play it cool. "Hang on," he said, backing up and then running at the wall, hitting it in the centre. He didn't really have super strength, but a certain amount of it came with his powers—mass times acceleration, and all that.
Alison Blaire: When Alison heard a hard clang, she aimed at a different part of the wall with her hand a let loose a shot of light energy in an attempt to blast a hole for Tommy to escape through.
Remy LeBeau: "Jus' keep watchin' yo'self, Wade! Dunno what's gonna go on in dis so called death trap," he called out. He knew Wade could take care of himself, but he still worried about his friend.
Moderator: The walls were thick, as least three feet of what looked like dense foliage, but the shine to the leaves, the shade of the vines, something wasn't quite right.
Moderator: The hard light blasted a hole through the wall, but the vines rippled and slithered, rapidly closing the hole.
Wade Wilson: "You're my ice queen definitely. But an X-Dweeb is an X-Dweeb." He teased, winking at his friend before he turned to the wall. "Just be careful with the powers. You don't know what kind of shit this guy has around here. He's got us all here for a reason. He knows what we can do."
Alison Blaire: "You'll have to move quick," Alison said, attempting to blast another hole in the same place as before.
Moderator: While the others were distracted with freeing Tommy, Loki was left outside the maze. "Have you ever heard the phrase 'magic is just science we don't understand yet', trickster?"
Tommy: Tommy saw the hole, but he hadn't been expecting it to appear. He was just about to ask her to try again but she beat him to the punch. This time, the hole remained open for a fraction of a second longer, but that was all Tommy needed. He dived for it, but the vines started closing again just as he was passing through, snagging his leg on the way down. Tommy let out a startled noise as they wrapped around his foot, causing it to twist as he hit the ground. "Crap," he muttered, untangling it from the vines. It ached. Seriously? Now?
Loki Laufeyson: The green gaze was sharp. "Mortals seem to keep repeating that, yes," he replied, voice calm but ready to call his magic in case he needed.
Moderator: "Let's just say that I have a better understanding than most. And that your powers wont be worth much here."
Darcy Lewis: Darcy grabbed hold of Remy's hand, interlacing their fingers. He was a good anchor to have. "So uh....are we supposed to just sit here, or are we supposed to like....you know, walk through the maze? Try to beat it?"
Loki Laufeyson: Loki almost laughed at that. "Many mortals have said the same, what would make you different," this was just a clown trying to be something he was not. Pathetic.
Bobby Drake: "Ouch," Bobby said, looking at Tommy's leg twist as he sprang out from behind the wall. "Better put some ice on that. But where will we find ice in a place like this?"
Moderator: "Let's just say that some Asgardians are more impressed by money than you are. By the way, Lorelei says hello."
Wade Wilson: Sliding out the katanas from behind him, Wade made quick work of the vines that were wrapped around Tommy's leg, helping the speedster get free of them. "So these vines are definitely fucked. Like, some crazy shit." Wade mumbled, grabbing hold of Tommy's hand to help him up. "Come on Speedy Gonzalez, let's gimp you back to the group."
Alison Blaire: "Cool it on the ice jokes, Bobby. Arcade's a B-villain but that doesn't make him any less dangerous. Can you move your leg, kid?"
Tommy: Tommy looked at Bobby pointedly, wondering if that was a joke. "It's fine," he muttered, ignoring Wade's hand and getting to his feet. And yeah, it was mostly fine. He could stand by putting his weight on the other leg, but he definitely couldn't run, at least not like he usually did. "Let's just find this guy and punch him. That's how this works, right? Make our way through the maze, boss fight?"
Loki Laufeyson: This time there was a small pause before Loki replied. But during that pause there went probably a thousand different thoughts in his head. Lorelei? By Norns, what did that sorceress do this time? "What does she have to do with this?" he asked with lightly bored tone.
Remy LeBeau: Remy squeezed Darcy's hand. "Guess we gotta play de game if we wanna get out. Can't say I'm eager ta do so, but I don't t'ink we got much choice here. Stick close, cher. We'll be okay."
Alison Blaire: "I can think of a few things more than punching, but yeah. What's your name? Or your alias if that's what you're more comfortable with."
Darcy Lewis: "Okay. So Mr. Arcade guy? Hi. Darcy Lewis here. Extremely ordinary, okay maybe not s? Io much, but extremely ungifted human here. Y'know, intern for a genius. So quick question. Is this a real thing? Or like, are we in a virtual reality and we're actually just sleeping. Cuz this is really too movie-like for me and I'm about pissing my pants." She said, squeezing Remy back. "Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Let's play? Okay. But like, can we all do this together? Strength in numbers and all that jazz?"
Moderator: Arcade just laughed, a crazed a gleeful sound.
Tommy: Tommy scratched the back of his neck. "I'm Speed, basically an Avenger. Hi," he said nonchalantly. Nailed it.
Wade Wilson: Wade's eyes rolled under the mask, but he let Tommy do as he pleased. Slinging an arm around Bobby's shoulders, he realized it was maybe not a good idea since the man was in his ice form. "I think I could go for a good boss fight. What about you?"
Loki Laufeyson: It unfortunately seemed like his teleportation would not work right now, right here. Maybe in some other part of the place. Or maybe not. But by the way this fool was acting he was not going to make a show and simply stay here. So instead, as much as he disliked it, he walked where others have gone, deciding to join them for now. Though in the same time the same thought repeated in his mind: what did Lorelei had to do with this?
Bobby Drake: "I'm definitely down for giving Arc a lil frostbite," Bobby said, forming and dropping ice cubes from his palm.
Moderator: When Loki entered the maze the wall closed behind them, boxing them in. now the only way out was through.
Tommy: "Yeah, and I'm down for giving him a—speedbite," Tommy said, cringing internally. Oh, thank god none of the Young Avengers had to hear that. "They say always stick the the left wall, right? Eventually you'll make it out."
Moderator: The walls that had closed around Tommy dropped and they were left with two options. Turn right or head straight where the cooridor ended in a left turn.
Loki Laufeyson: The prince did not look behind his back. By the sound he could tell that there was no way he could walk back anymore. How annoying this person could be?
Alison Blaire: "It doesn't matter which route we take,"    Alison said. "There's deathtraps waiting on either end. We need to    stick together if we're going to survive."
Wade Wilson: "You can give me frost bite, or any bite, that    you want." Wade openly flirted, despite the situation. "I say we    just march head on. You know, go with the simplest route. I like simple. I    feel like simple causes some kablooey."
Remy LeBeau: "Jus' don't tell me we're gonna split up    here," he said, eyeing both paths. "Dat's how all horror movies    start an' dey always end up wit' ev'ryone dead."
Darcy Lewis: "I'm done. I'm fucking done." Darcy said,    throwing her hands up in the air. "This is crazy. Like. I'm here with Deadpool    Ice man, An Asgardian Prince and god of magic. I'm out of my element    and a sitting freaking duck. I don't even have my tazer."
Tommy: "And me," Tommy said, winking. /And really,    me's all you need./ "I'm going straight ahead," he said, starting    forward. He was limping, yes, but he was /power/ limping.
Loki Laufeyson: "By splitting up we only increase the chances of    letting this fool humor himself," Loki spoke as he reached the group.    "Whatever direction we choose, we're going to go there as a    group." Hearing Darcy almost scream her frustration there was a light    smile tugging the corner of his lips. "You might be out of your    element but you can always make this your new element. Take what you have    and use it as your weapon. Don't let that idiot scare you."
Remy LeBeau: "I can give ya a knife if it makes ya feel    better. Or my bo staff. Y' can hit anythin' dat comes at ya," he    offered. Remy started walking after Tommy. "Will ya wait two seconds?    Ya gonna hurt yo'self rushin' along like dat. Arcade might be a hack, but    dat don't mean he ain't somewhat dangerous."
Moderator: Straight ahead leads them to a left turn. That leads    them a short way before forcing them left again. From there they can go    left (to a path that runs paralell to the path they entered on), or to the    right.
Darcy Lewis: Darcy nodded at Remy's offer of his staff, making    grabby hands at him. "Yep. Always wanted to play with it." She    joked half heartedly. "Speed Boy you better slow your roll buddy.    You're not leaving me in the dust. Nope nope. I'm surrounding myself with    my guys. Mmkay?" As Loki spoke to her, she looked at him, chewing on    her lip. "Yeah, well, that Idiot runs this joint. And I'm already    freaking scared. But uh. Thanks. For the words of encouragement."
Moderator: For his part, Arcade was watching them, a pleased    smirk on his face and his chin resting on his hands.
Alison Blaire: "Let's take a right turn. If he's trying to    wrangle us in to the center for a showdown, then I think this path should    lead us there. Stay alert. There's more traps here than an Indiana Jones    opening scene."
Tommy: "Hey, so am I," Tommy said, still walking.    They'd already established that it didn't matter which way they went.    Still, after two left turns it looked at though they were going in a    circle. Maybe this wasn't his brightest idea. He came to a halt, looking back    at Darcy and then sighing, leaning against one of the vine-covered walls.    "No offence, but why are we still teaming up with this guy?" he    asked, glaring at Loki again. "How do we know you're not behind this    whole thing?"
Moderator: The right turn leads them to a dead end. They have to    backtrack snd go left.
Moderator: It leads them to a long path. They hit a turn that can    take them right, or they can carry on until the path forces them right.
Wade Wilson: "Because this is Arcade and he's kinda his own    little lone wolf. He likes to play his games on his own. You know. Like    that dickhead that has to have the highest score on Dance Dance Revolution.    He doesn't let anyone play because he has to fill up the scoreboards."    Wade said, shrugging a little as he looked at Tommy. Looking at the    speedster, he didn't take note of the wall in front of him until he was....    well acquainted with it, his face hitting against it solidly.
Remy LeBeau: Remy pulled out the collapsed staff from one of his    many coat pockets, extended it to its full length, and handed it over to    Darcy. He hoped it would make her feel at least a little bit better.    "There. Now ya can beat de shit outta Arcade once we find 'im. An'    believe me, cher, we're gonna find 'im." Remy ruffled Tommy's hair.    "Jus' deal wit' it right now. Loki might be an ass, but in somethin'    like dis it's best ta at least try an' trust 'im." He gave Loki a    stern look. "B'sides, he probably wants ta leave, too. So he'll be    good. Ain't dat right, Lokes?" he asked with a small smirk.
Bobby Drake: Bobby snickered as Wade planted face first into the    wall. Maybe someone else should lead, he thought. Alison wasn't Ororo or    Scott, though at times she certainly tried to be.
Loki Laufeyson: Loki nodded his approval when Remy let Darcy have his staff.    Any kind of weapon would be better than nothing at all. Hearing her speak    he looked at Darcy. "Being scared is normal, though you can't let him    see it. It only makes him feel like he is winning." Starting to walk    then he managed to take only a couple of steps before hearing Tommy speak.    Loki's expression turned into one of annoyance. "By Norns..." but    Remy was faster this time. Letting the man speak, Loki considered the words    before finally replying: "If it was my plan, I would not be here but    up there somewhere watching this scene. So yes, I am merely wanting to    leave this place."
Tommy: "Yeah," Tommy said, "but how do we know    Arcade's even part of this at all? It does all be one of his tricks,"    he muttered, turning a little red when Remy messed up his hair. He hated    being treated like a kid, especially by Clint's sexy roommate, but it did    seem like he was the youngest person here. Maybe he was posturing just a    little bit. "Let's just go," he muttered. "Let's go straight    ahead."
Darcy Lewis: Darcy curled around the staff like it was a lifeline. In a lot of ways, it was. "Okay uhm. Yeah. Thanks. Loki. Maybe you're not too bad." She mumbled. He was actually kind of good with this whole support thing. And knowing that he had powers made it a little bit more....comfortable in the maze they were stuck in. "I'm not making any decisions on the direction we go. I'm just following."
Wade Wilson: "Because the guys a wackadoodle. And so is Daddy Issues over there. But they're two different brands of crazy. If he was gonna run this game, then we'd be fighting a hell of a lot more than the vines at this point. We'd be exploding and decomposing and blah blah." Wade said, waving his hand. "But I like what you're getting at. A good dose of paranoia is good for the soul."
Loki Laufeyson: "He might or he might not be," Loki replied mysteriously, leaving out the possibility that Lorelei was part of this right now. He couldn't be sure and Arcade might be only playing tricks when mentioning the sorceress. Then the idea came to him. If teleportation wasn't possible, then maybe just maybe he could turn into a bird and see where they should go. "Perhaps there's a way to find a way faster," he voiced his thought.
Tommy: "This guy gets it," Tommy said, pointing at Wade. "How's Ellie, by the way? She like that hat I got her?" Tommy added lightheartedly, realising he'd never asked.
Remy LeBeau: "Cher, even Loki's tricks ain't dis messed up an' ridiculous. Trust me, dis is de real deal." He noticed Tommy's little blush and smiled, though he didn't bring any attention to it. "Best we jus' focus on survivin' dis maze an' not fightin' each other right now." Remy looked around, still not liking the way the walls shone and... moved. This was all unsettling, but he reminded himself that he'd dealt with worse before.
Wade Wilson: "Wears it every day." Wade grinned. The mere mention of his daughter making him light up underneath the mask. "She loves it. Thanks." Rubbing the back of his head, he walked on, pausing only when Loki said he may have a faster way. "And what way would that be Rudolph the Green Nosed Reindeer?"
Darcy Lewis: "Hey...uh....Loki? Be careful. Okay? You're uh....you're not too bad. And uhm....Thor would be sad if you kicked the bucket. So can you please just uhm, be careful and okay?" She called out, gripping the staff until her knuckles were white. "Uhm. Which way are we going?"
Loki Laufeyson: Blinking a couple of times Loki looked at Wade. "Have you spoken with Stark since you too are fond of using the name 'Reindeer' on me?" he asked, not at all getting the reference.
Tommy: "You guys are killing me," Tommy said, rolling his eyes and starting to walk again, making a management decision and going straight. The others would follow, he was confident.
Loki Laufeyson: Shaking his head as if shaking the confusion away, Loki started speaking: "I could shapeshift and see which way we should go. That could save us time and effort, and prevent us from meeting this fool's traps."
Moderator: going straight leads them down a winding path that takes them past a visable dead end to a branch where they can go straight or to the right.
Tommy: "Sure, do that," Tommy said, over his shoulder. He didn't care if Loki left the group, whether it was to go up or back.
Moderator: As Loki transformes the high walls begin to arch inward above them, vines weaving together, sealing them off and blocking the daylight.
Wade Wilson: "Probably gonna get fucked up." Wade said, more to himself than anything. If Tommy had already gotten his ass cornered going as fast as he was, then he was pretty sure that Loki flying around as a magic bird would have the same thing happen to him. As the vines weaved together and made it dark, he sighed and took the mask off, needing to have his vision cleared of all obstacles in order to stay as sharp as possible. The damn thing was ripped up anyways.
Alison Blaire: Alison created an orb of light, using it as a lantern to light the now darkened path.
Loki Laufeyson: It was not their acceptance he needed. This was just to get himself out of here as fast as possible. Or so he told himself. So he focused on the shape of raven and let the transformation take over. Wings spreading and his form getting smaller the bird shot up from the green glow and towards the sky. Only to be met by vines that blocked his way. There was a lightly frustrated sound that escaped his beak.
Tommy: Tommy hoped he didn't come off too smug as the attempt failed. The little ball of light that Alison made, though, that was pretty cool. "Which way, bird boy?" he asked loudly.
Darcy Lewis: "Okay. So little known fact. I'm scared of the dark. Crazy I know. But I am. So you, pretty lady,-" She cut of to point at Alison. "You're my new favorite." She sighed in relief, moving closer to the orb of light. "Tommy! Be nice. No inner fighting. Have you ever watched a horror movie?"
Remy LeBeau: Remy blinked at the sudden bright light emitting from the orb Alison made. "Ow... Little bright there, c her. Warn a guy next time, oui?" It hurt but Remy wasn't mad at her for making it. As far as he knew he was the only one of the group who could see in the dark. He was also the only one with photosensitivity. But he supposed they all needed to see, and Alison's orb was brighter than Remy's energy charging a card. He watched Loki fly off, really hoping the god found something good. "What d'ya see, Loki?"
Loki Laufeyson: With his beak he tested the vines, wishing he could perhaps go through those somehow. But no, not with such a tiny weapon could he make any good progress with these. Frustrated was a little bit understatement. So Loki let himself drop and landed to the ground, green glow surrounding him as he changed back. His jaw was mildly tightened. "Nothing," was the answer.
Wade Wilson: "I think maybe I should go up front?" Wade said, covering his eyes with his hand as he walked past Alison and her orb. That was way too bright for his tastes. But he'd live. "Cuz you know. If I die I get to come back. You guys....eh not so much."
Moderator: When Loki transformed back, the vines parted again and sunlight poured back in.
Alison Blaire: Alison released the light energy from her hand as the    walls parted above them, letting the sunlight in.
Tommy: Tommy gave an exaggerated shrug, blinking at the    sudden change in lighting. "Worth a shot," he said, looking    between the two paths. His instinct was to keep going straight, but by now    he'd lost all sense of where they were relative to their starting point.    "It's been a while without any more traps. That seem weird to any of    you?"
Loki Laufeyson: There were many things Loki wanted to say when seeing    the vines part again. But he was taught by the Queen of Asgard, Frigga, and    he would not voice his thoughts right now. This maniac was definitely    getting to his nerves. But could he get even a short glimpse if he was    faster? Now at least he knew what would happen.
Darcy Lewis: Darcy relaxed when the light flooded back in.    "This guy is totally getting his rocks off on freaking us out. And I'm    totally gonna taze him in his balls for this." /If I make it out of    here/ She thought to herself, holding tightly onto the staff. "yeah.    It's really weird. And I don't like it."
Remy LeBeau: "I don't like it an' I don't trust it. Dis is way    too calm an' easy. Don't make sense of Arcade's jus' tryin' ta kill    us." The lack of traps was putting Remy on edge. Things were never    this calm, at least not in any of the death traps he'd been in before.    Something was off, but he wasn't sure what. Part of Remy hoped he was just    imagining things.
Bobby Drake: "Do we keep going straight, or make a right at    the fork?" Bobby asked Wade since he was walking at the head of the    group.
Wade Wilson: "He's getting the suspense going. He wants us to    get comfortable just to fuck us over. I think. That's what I'd do    anyways." Wade shrugged. "Uhm. Let's gooooo RIGH"
Moderator: Right leads them to a dead end.
Loki Laufeyson: If Arcade was controlling these things, then he was    probably watching them. So... Loki let his posture relax, looked around    like he was looking at the group and started to walk where others were    going. But after like six steps he called his magic again and let it    surround him, flashing green light coloring the scene for a second before    he shot upwards again in his raven form. If he just could be fast enough    and see something up there.
Darcy Lewis: "I really hate you." Darcy groaned. Whether    it was directed at Arcade, or Wade, she didn't know. But either way she was    tired of walking and she was tired of being scared. "Remy do you want    to piggy back me?" She joked, putting herself under his arm. "Just    kidding. I don't want to get in the way of your boom boom stuff."
Wade Wilson: "Shitballs." Wade mumbled, shaking his head.    "Okidoke. Do a U-Turn people. Completely legal in these parts. I'm the    law now." He joked. "Bobby babe! You got my six right?" He    asked as he walked forward to the head of the group again.
Tommy: Tommy rolled his eyes as they turned around again, and    then turned his head sharply in Loki's direction as the guy suddenly    changed again, darting upwards.
Moderator rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 15
Bobby Drake: "I've got you," Bobby said to Wade, forming    an ice javelin between his hands as he followed behind the group at Wade's    lead.
Loki Laufeyson: It seemed to do the trick, the vines didn't start    closing right away and soon Loki was up at the level of the top of the    walls. As fats as he could he took in the scene, turning and memorizing as    well as he possibly could. He doubted he had much time.
Loki Laufeyson: *fast
Remy LeBeau: Remy was grateful for Darcy's jokes at a time like    this. He eased up a bit, doing his best to relax as he walked with the    group. It was interesting how quickly Wade and Bobby were taking command.    Remy had to smile. "Mebane once we're outta here, Darcy. Gotta keep a    few cards ready jus' in case." He pulled out two, but didn't charge    them just yet. "What's it lookin' like up front, Wade?" he called    out. They weren't very spread out but maybe Wade caught something that Remy    might've missed with being in the middle of the cluster.
Wade Wilson: "Like where we just were." He called back to    Remy. This was a little crazy. Even for him. But instead of being afraid,    he found it oddly amusing. He wasn't sure he was afraid of much of anything    anymore. "Hey! Asgard! You wanna tell us what you saw up there? Which    way should we head babycakes?"
Moderator: "Very clever, trickster. I can promise you, that    wont work again."
Loki Laufeyson joined the chat 5 seconds ago
Darcy Lewis: "I love you." Darcy said to Remy, kissing    his cheek. It was definitely helpful to have him around. He was a good    support system. "Quick question, in the event of booby traps, what do    I do?"
Loki Laufeyson: If birds could form a sneer, this bird definitely    would have done so. But when the vines started to close again, Loki let    himself fall towards the ground and transformed in the process, landing on    his feet and quickly rising up. "We have to return a bit, not long way    though," he replied, pointing at the direction where they had come    from. "Better be quick, so that the idiot won't get so many ideas    during the time."
Moderator: They come to a four way intersection. Which way do    they go?
Tommy: Tommy didn't say anything at first, considering the    massive tangent he'd led them off on last time. He still wasn't sure he    trusted Loki's directions, but they had no other options at the moment. If    he betrayed them, they'd deal with it. "We want to get to the centre,    right?"
Remy LeBeau: "Love you too." He really did love Darcy.    She was a little spitfire and more capable than she realized. "Don't    worry. Jus' stay alert an' be ready ta move outta de way. If anythin' I'll    jus' carry you away from danger." He winked at her. Remy then scoffed    and glared at the ceiling. "Gettin' lazy, Arc. Thought ya had mo' fo'    us, since you braggin' about bein' so amazin'. Nothin' but amateur hour if    ya ask me." Remy figured that annoying and frustrating Arcade might    get him to make a mistake that would help them escape this labyrinth    sooner.
Wade Wilson: Wade nodded. "Yeah. Let's get to the center. Then    we can figure out where to get from there." Since when was he a    leader? He didn't know. But, he would feel bad if some of the people    in company would get hurt. He could come back. They couldn't.    "Alright. Let's get a move on kids. Daylight's a wastin'. Actually I    don't know if this is daylight or not. Hey Arcade, what kind of light is    this? Real or nah? Just give me a little hint bud?"
Loki Laufeyson: "Yes, that probably is the best idea right    now," Loki replied back to Tommy, not turning to look at him but    trying to remember the best direction. Brows furrowing a little he was not    sure what the clown would attempt next or would he make them pay for his    little stunt.
Moderator: "If you're asking if this is the sky, clearly    not. if you're asking if you can die here, you'll find out soon."
Tommy: Tommy huffed. "I say we go left," he said, since nobody else was. "It's the longest visible path."
Darcy Lewis: "You know, I'm getting really sick and tired of you." Darcy grumbled to the guy above them. "You're ridiculously cocky and annoying and you know what? You aren't even cute. Look at Loki. He's a villain. He's cute. You look like the Joker and a Weasley tried to procreate." To say she was irritated was an understatement. Whether it was the hangover, or the impossibility of the situation that was getting to her, she didn't know.
Alison Blaire: "I'm with Speed. Let's hang left, Wade."
Moderator: Arcade's grin faltered for a moment.
Wade Wilson: "Left it is!" He turned as directed, keeping himself ahead enough that if something were to pop out, he'd get the brunt of it, but close enough behind that if something were to happen to the group behind them, he could join in.
Tommy: Without waiting to see if the others followed, Tommy powered on, trying not to let the discomfort of his sprained ankle show. He got tons of scrapes and bruises, virtually every day, and they always healed quickly. They reached a corner, which turned to the right, and he paused, looking over his shoulder.
Moderator: They turn left and head down the path until it forces them right. With Loki's knowlege they make it to an impossilbly long path.
Loki Laufeyson: In the middle of his concentration and attempts to remember what direction could be the best Loki almost missed Darcy's words. A look of utter surprise flashed on his features before he was able to mask it and return his expression to neutral again. Despite not being exactly sure, he followed the group. After all, there could be multiple ways to the center.
Moderator: The path seems to cut across nearly the entire maze and it looms before them, somehow sinister even in the summer light.
Remy LeBeau: Remy looked over to Loki, noting the God's surprise. It wasn't every day that Loki was surprised. "Guess we're growin' on ya a bit, Lokes," he muttered to the god. "We ain't so bad, an' neither are you, cher."
Loki Laufeyson: If only they could move faster, someone could attempt trying to go ahead and see what's in front of them. Though last time someone attempted... Loki looked at Tommy. Would it be wise to try it again?
Wade Wilson: "I can run ahead if you want. If I come back, then we know to go on. If I don't, assume I died and I'll be back in ten. Well. Depending on how fucked up I get." Wade offered. Scratching the top of his head, he stepped closer to the path and unsheathed the two swords behind him.
Moderator: Wade makes it a couple feet before he begins to sink into the ground, the grass and dirt beneath him turning fluid.
Tommy: Tommy had a better idea of his bearings now; he was about to power on ahead before the sudden quicksand made him grind to a halt. God, though, this would be so EASY if he had full use of his powers, but as it was, he had to reluctantly admit that they were better off together. He'd already gotten sealed off once and he couldn't guarantee he'd be able to find them again. "
Remy LeBeau: "Shit, Wade!" Remy moved closer, staying just on the edge of the fluid ground and doing his best to get Wade free. It wouldn't be good to just let him sink, even if he did have a healing factor.
Darcy Lewis: "Hey hey! No! I read this in an article! Don't move! Grab this." Darcy extended the staff Remy gave her out to Wade. "Everyone grab the fuck on and pull ."
Tommy: Reacting quickly, Tommy darted forward and grabbed Wade's arm as well. "Everyone pull," he said, wincing as he was forced to brace himself on the ground with his sprained ankle.
Bobby Drake: Bobby quickly grabbed hold of the staff and Speed, pulling to keep Wade from sinking even deeper. Alison did the same, keeping a careful eye out to be sure there wasn't another trap activating around them.
Darcy Lewis: Darcy tugged, and because of how nervous she was, felt her hands slick with sweat, slip from the staff, causing her to fall backwards and smack her head, rendering her unconscious for the time being.
Moderator: They are able to pull Wade free.
Loki Laufeyson: Taking a hold of the staff Darcy was holding as well, Loki pressed his heels to the ground and with his stronger-than-human strength pulledas well
Wade Wilson joined the chat
Tommy: As Wade came free, Tommy fell backwards, landing on his butt a few feet from the sinkhole. "Well, we're probably going in the right direction," he pointed out. Maybe that was why they didn't encounter any traps on the other route. "How long do you suppose this goes for?"
Bobby Drake: "Arcade's Murderworlds tend to be quite, uh, elaborate," Bobby said.
Wade Wilson: "I always did fantasize about everyone having a hand on a staff while im rendered immobile." Wade smirked, wiping hinself off. This was gonna be fun. "The traps or the path? The traps, definitely until the end."
Alison Blaire: Alison bent down to Darcy, making sure she didn't have a concussion. "She's out cold. Think you can carry her, Remy?"
Remy LeBeau: Remy swore when Darcy fell back. She was out cold but otherwise unharmed. He put away his staff and slung Darcy carefully over his shoulder. "Oui, I got her. Hopefully she ain't gonna be too annoyed wit' de bump on her head."
Tommy: "Figures," Tommy muttered, wondering what Kate would do. She would probably have some kind of grappling hook arrow to make a zipline. "We just need a..." he paused. "Hey, I'm borrowing this," he said, plunging the staff into the quicksand to see how deep it went. "I might be able to dry it out," he suggested. "Assuming this place obeys the laws of physics."
Loki Laufeyson: Loki shook his head. "Not certain, I was merely able to see a part of the labyrinth and it is hard to figure out when you've seen the place from the sky." Turning to Remy and Darcy he saw that there was no visible signs of injury on her so he hoped it was just a brief timeout.
Moderator: [This place totally obeys the laws of physics]
Wade Wilson: "Alright. You got the girl. Lets figure out what to do." He could probably scale the vines if he tried. But Tommys idea sounded better. "Sounds good. Justbe cautious."
Loki Laufeyson: "Whatever you do, you better do it fast. The element of surprise seems to be the key here," Loki said, eyes looking around and feeling annoyed that Arcade could be watching them from anywhere without them seeing him.
Tommy: Frowning, Tommy withdrew the staff, and then, ushering everyone to stand back, knelt and stuck his hands into the quicksand. Agitating it would raise the viscosity, but if he did it enough the water in it should turn to steam and evaporate. Vibrating his hands, Tommy watched as the ground started to bubble, steam rising off the surface. Grinning, he moved forward, stepping into the quicksand while still vibrating enough that he resembled a blur. The heat from the friction didn't bother him—it never did—and he started wading out a little. The temperature was definitely rising though. Barely a minute later, he was standing in the edge of a shallow pit of dry sand.
Bobby Drake: "Nice one, dude!" Bobby said, fist pumping.
Moderator: There was an irritated noise from Arcade above.
Alison Blaire: "Alright, let's move quick before Arcade has a chance to set something loose on us."
Remy LeBeau: Remy smiled. "Tommy, you're a genius." He patted the younger man's shoulder. It really was amazing what he could do. "Alison's right. Best ta get movin' b'fire Arcade gets wise an' throws somethin' else at us."
Tommy: Tommy grinned, looking down briefly. He still had a few tricks up his sleeve, after all. "How's Darcy?" he asked, looking back over to the unconscious woman. They'd have to carry her the rest of the way.
Loki Laufeyson: There might have been a light smile tugging the corners of Loki's mouth but that was just maybe. Now they could continue on their way. "Quickly, lets continue moving," he replied and started to walk forward again, hurrying past the pile of sand.
Wade Wilson: Wade walked ahead, grinning like the loon he was. "Good job dude. That was awesome. Now lets move out." He said, walking ahead, maybe a little more carefully than before.
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pistolslinger · 3 years
u ever just look at ur writing from years ago and kinda just
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brightwood-duchess · 5 years
Night Swim | Chatzy Log
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Katell, Magnus and Coe. Katell has a realization that rocks her world.
Katell: Katell didn't often swim. She found the bathing suits revealing and as a Seelie court Fae on an island of sexual deviants, that could spell trouble. Night time, however, when all the others had gathered in clubs and bars, was when she felt safe to swim and enjoy the cool water on her skin. She laid back, looking up at her beloved stars in the silence.
Magnus: One of the great things about having his own place next to the ocean was that he could head down to the beach whenever he wanted. Heading down to the beach in just his shorts, Magnus chuckled as he saw a familiar figure floating in the water. "Well, well, well. I didn't expect to see anyone on the beach this late."
Katell: Katell gasped as she found her footing on the sandy bottom. Her arms instinctually wrapped around her chest and stomach as if she'd been caught naked rather than in her recently purchased bikini. Her eyes locked on to her new teacher and she felt her heart race the way it always did in class, a class she wasn't doing very well in. "W-what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at your club?" she asked in a breathless voice
Magnus: With a grin on his face, Magnus shrugged as he slipped into the water, feel the warm water on his skin. His eyebrow cocked upwards when he sawt her try to cover herself like she was naked. "I don't spend every night at my club. Besides, it's a nice night to go skinny dipping."t
Katell: "Skinny dipping?" She questioned incredulously. "Will that be on the next test then?" She questioned with a bit of sass. He'd been kind to her before and she respected his authority as a King, but Katell was still a little bitter that she was forced to take yet another class that she was near failing. A class that set her cheeks aflame and her heart to race at the scandal of it all.
Magnus: A quick laugh and Magnus shrugged. "I wasn't planning on it but I suppose I could make it an extra credit assignment." He remembered that she wasn't doing well in his class, but he kind of expected it from her.
Katell: "Very funny," she spoke and had the audacity to roll her eyes... at a King no less. One could watch her expression change as she realized what she'd done. She bowed her head and told herself to stow her attitude, she had manners after all. With her head still bowed, she lifted her eyes to his majesty, hoping to see if he'd noticed or felt disrespected in any way.
Magnus: Magnus snorted a laugh and shook his head, a grin on his face despite her attitude. He had always been amused whenever she caught an attitude with him considering how formal she tried to act around him. "How have you been Katell?"
Katell: "I've been..." she wanted to say fine but Fae could not lie. "... shaken. I'm taking a new dance program, and now your class. I swear, the earth shattering changes just never stop coming in this place." Her eyes looked over him, so at ease in the same place that had her so on edge. "What about you?" Maybe she could figure out his secret.
Magnus: "What's wrong with my class?" Magnus asked, confused for a moment. He tried to keep things fairly equal in his class, never picking someone to the exclusion of everyone else.
Katell: "The topic is...." She bit her lip before explaining. She wanted to say that it wasn't proper talk for a duchess but in reality, she hadn't been with anyone or even felt her own hands since May of last year. She was pent up, by her own protest, but the class wasn't helping. Her things squeezed together at the thought. "I just wish I wasn't forced to discuss and listen to such salacious conversations."
Magnus: His eyebrow rose as he waited for her to explain to him her opinion of his class. "Salacious conversations huh? Tell me Katell, how long have you been at the Institute?"
Katell: "A year and 4 months," she answered, a little unsure where he was going with his questioning.
Magnus: "So in 16 months, you still have not yet come to grips with what this island is about?" Magnus asked, his eyebrow rising incredulously. "The fact that you cannot seem t hold a discussion about these topics without wishing to have it into the dark recesses of your mind is part of why my class is so important."
Katell: "I know what the island is about, but I didn't ask for that. I thought I was getting a diploma and a way into the mortal workforce. Otherwise I would never have come here." She sighed and tried to explain. "I just... I don't indulge in that discussion as acts like that can cause rumour and scandal, things I avoid at all costs. It's why my protest is..." Katell stopped. She'd never admitted to anyone that she was holding her own protest. She blushed and wished she could take back those words. If she was asked about them, she couldn't lie.
Coe: Coe wasn't sure what it was about the beach, but sometimes when he was having a restless night it just calmed him down. He never really slept, being a hellhound, but it let him relax when he needed it. But when he realized that he wasn't the only one here, Coe smirked and waved. "Hello!"
Katell: Katell's gaze lifted to the distraction from her verbal blunder. Thank the realms! Although her arms tightened a bit more where they wrapped around her own body, at least this could distract from her accidental admission.
Magnus: "Look, I get it. You were exiled from the one thing you knew and thrust into a world that didnt make sense to you. Unfortunately, if you're gonna make it in the mortal world, you need to stop acting like you're still a Fae noble." His head cocked to the side at her comment. "Your protest?" Looking up, Magnus nodded to the newcomer. "Hi."
Coe: Coe felt like he interrupted the conversation when he entered and he ran a hand through his hair. "Ah. Um. Do you need me to go?" He pointed a thumb over his shoulder. "I feel like this is a serious conversation. I hope I'm not intruding."
Katell: "But I'm not going to be here forever, I'm going to go back home and whatever I do here could ruin that. I can't live for the now, I have to live for my future." She winced a bit when he questioned her protest. "I... I swore to myself that.... that I wouldn't... find.... release..." before she could admit anymore she latched onto Coe's entrance. "No, it's fine. We weren't discussing anything important."
Coe: Coe smiled when he saw Katell. "It seems like whenever we see each other, we aren't completely dressed. Hi Katell. I hope you've been well." He said as he walked towards them into the water.
Katell: "Right," she remembered the lack of attire when they'd met during the Winter break. She was beginning to deeply regret buying the bikini but she'd little money for herself and it was a costly option. "We were just discussing the new class Magnus is teaching," not a great segue away from her admission of celibacy, but she didn't have a better idea.
Coe: Coe nodded. "And you still look just as good as before. I like it." He gave her his normal goofy smile. "It looks amazing on you." Coe nodded. "Ah yes. That's why he looks familiar. I knew I've seen you somewhere. Hello Professor." He held his hand out. "Nice to officially meet you and not just see you in class." Coe smiled. "I'm Coe."
Magnus: Magnus raised an eyebrow at Katell and shook his head in exasperation. "You are missing the point of the class dear, but then I suppose I can't be too surprised. Most people do." Turning to the newcomer, Magnus nodded his head in greeting. "Hello Coe. Please, call me Magnus. I don't worry about titles in settings like this."
Katell: Katell bowed her head at Magnus' words. She was missing the point of a lot of things it seemed. Everyone she spoke to these days was telling her how wrong her approach was. It was wearing on her a bit. How could they all agree she was wrong?
Coe: Coe nodded. "Nice to meet you, Magnus." He corrected himself. "I've had fun in the class. It's been really helpful. I like it. If that is any consolation." He shrugged.
Magnus: Chuckling, Magnus nodded. "Well, I try to make it both fun and informative. I figure if I can make the topic more fun then I might actually get some real information to sneak in."
Katell: "Real information?" Katell asked, quieter than before. What real information could come from learning the difference between a foot fetish and a hand fetish?
Coe: Coe nodded. "I would say so. I've never done anything before I came here, and I've learned a lot. Definitely been a helpful course. I've had a lot more fun recently."
Magnus: Nodding his head, Magnus smiled. "Yes. The whole point of my Sex and Kink class is to teach proper kink so that hopefully proper techniques will be applied and there will be less injuries amongst the grant students."
Katell: "Abstinence would do the same thing, wouldn't it?" It was working in her favour at least. She'd been 8 months without orgasm herself. Then again, all of her friends would likely have told her the opposite.
Coe: Coe shrugged. "I would assume even if you were abstinent here, it would come in handy at any point in your life. Even if you left the island, it could come in handy if there is anything you ever want to try with a willing partner."
Katell: That was a good point. She wasn't just living for the future, she was living for one goal in her future. "Still, its just... so much to take in..."
Coe: Coe smiled and grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze. "Even if you are choosing to be abstinent, as hard as it is while here, I would say it's still something to try to at least soak in the information. Better to at least have the knowledge, than not have it at all."
Magnus: "I'm not teaching abstinence. The idea of trying to rely solely on abstinence as any kind of control factor is outright ridiculous."
Katell: It shocked her how easily he called out her little game, and Magnus putting down her plans brought her near to tears in a way she'd never been on the island before. "So what, I'm just supposed to lose myself in the arms of anyone who wants me? Jeopardize my future to survive in a place I don't even want to be?" She bit her lip to stop herself from crying in frustration. "What if my court finds out I'm sleeping around on a sex slave island?" She honestly didn't know what they'd do but she often had nightmares about them finding out which usually ended in the loss of her title and eternal banishment.
Coe: Coe knew how hard it was to be abstinent, but he wasn't one to talk. He liked sex and it was something he discovered with himself once he got here. And it seemed like a lot of people wanted him in that way. So if it made others happy, he didn't mind sleeping with them. He loved it. But he sympathized. He didn't want anyone to do anything they didn't want to. Though that wasn't what this island was about. So he kept ahold of her hand as she got frustrated and gave her hand a squeeze. "That sounds tough. But it also sounds like you're putting a lot of faith in things you can't control. And it seems like those who you belong to outside of the island control you just as much as this island does. Why choose either?" He asked curiously. "I've chosen my happiness. And it has seemed to help. Myself is more important than anyone trying to control me."
Katell: "I don't belong to-" her tongue stopped her, unable to tell a lie. Of course she belonged to someone. She belonged to the Seelie Court. She lived for them in every aspect of her life. They had as much control over her as the collar around her neck. Her shoulders sank and the arms that were wrapped around her fell away, one hand remaining in Coe's. She felt defeated as she saw just how long she'd lived with chains around her.
Coe: Coe pulled her into his arms and gave her a tight hug, like he was trying to hide her away. Like he was trying to block her from being seen from anyone. It seemed like there was many issues at play here and sex was just one of the factors. He rubbed her back with one of his hands. "It's okay."
Magnus: "Did you not chose to come to this school?" Magnus asked quietly, trying to tamp down his natural aggression. "I'm not trying to say you chose to be a sex slave, but last I knew the Institute was not in the habit of kidnapping people and forcing them to come to the island. You may not have wanted to leave the court, but you were made to leave and you chose to come here instead." Dunking his head in the water, he pushed his hair back out of his face before continuing. "As for what your court does or does not know, I think you have a mistaken idea of what they will or will not be ok with. The Seelie Courts are not the mortal royal courts for as much as the royals try to emulate the Fae." He could see that this was not a topic Katell was interested in talking about and so shook his head. "It seems my presence has upset you so I will bid you both good evening."
Katell: Katell hardly felt the embrace at first, she felt tricked, lied to and betrayed by the last people she held dear in her life. Would everyone she cared for only use her in the end. Eventually she registered his comforting and gave Coe a short hug back. All the while Magnus spoke and made her feel even stupider for her choices.
"No, It's fine. I'm the one who should go. I..." she had some thinking to do over this and perhaps some tears that she didn't want to shed in front of anyone else. She gently removed Coe's arms and gave both of them a head nod before heading out of the water, grabbing her things from the beach and heading off. She needed to assess so much now.
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ephrampettaline · 5 years
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chatzy autumn fair log with @ephrampettaline, @freddiewatts, @ianncardero, @mayaparker, and @scarlettxruby
Maya walked through the autumn festival with Hermes still by her side. Aside from that first night at carnival, things had been pretty calm. Although she was still a little on edge. But she was determined to have fun, which explained why she was already two drinks in. She had just bought another one when she spotted a chalkboard sign for a hayride. "Oh shit," she glanced down at the husky at her side, "What do you say? Hayride time?"
Ephram watched as the couple behind him in line peeled away for some reason, conferring intensely between themselves as they left the hayride area; he caught sight of Maya waiting behind them, and said, "Oh, hey! Or should I say hay?" Ephram chortled, despite the fact that this joke didn't really translate well out loud.
Maya looked up at the sound of someone calling out to her. Or at least calling out in her general direction. It took her a second to register the joke. Her brow briefly furrowed. Hermes stood by her side, watching Ephram carefully. "Oh," she said, shaking her hand and taking a step forward, "Hay as in hayride. Sorry, I've caught up."
Ephram scratched his elbow, saying, "Aaaaaah, it was corny, I don't blame you. But at least you'll probly get on this trip, though, now that those folks moseyed off for whatever. Let's hope it ain't because they know somethang that we don't, eh?"
Maya shrugged. She didn't mind corny jokes. But he was right that the homophone pun hadn't come across immediately when spoken. She took a sip of her hot toddy and nodded. "Yeah, think I will," she agreed before adding, "Assuming they let dogs on." Glancing in the direction of the couple, she shrugged, "Nah, they were 'not fighting' about something else." She put heavy air quotes around not fighting. She hadn't been eavesdropping on purpose, but voices carried in the chilly fall air. It had been kind of hard not to.
Ephram himself had a bright pink travel mug of hazelnut hot chocolate -- pay one price and it would refill itself automatically so long as you were on the fairgrounds -- and he drank deeply from it, bound and determined to get his money's worth. "Of course they'll let dogs on! In this town? They'd find themselves slapped with a discrimination suit if they din't allow animals of any and all form."
Maya had to give him that. With so many familiars about, it would be hard to refuse animals on any ride. "True," she said, "Forgot it was Soapberry for a second there."
Ephram looked at her curiously at that statement. Historically, his asking Maya any questions about herself hadn't gone well, but ... things changed, right? So he ventured, "...you been ruminating on other places to be lately?"
The furrow in Maya's brow returned. "Have I what?" she asked, genuinely not understanding the question.
Ephram gestured vaguely with his cup. "I dunno, just ... you said you forgot it was Soapberry. In the middle of the Autumn Fair's a pretty hard place to forget you're in Soapberry, is all." Considering all the Soapberry-grade shenanigans going on everywhere they looked.
Maya shook her head. While she had been thinking about returning to New York or maybe just moving somewhere else entirely, she and Ephram were hardly close enough that she would mention that. "I just lived the first twenty four years of my life in places where pets were just pets," she explained, "I'm still not quite in the Soapberry state of mind."
Ephram nodded politely. "Ah, gotcha. It's different for me. I mean I lived thirty years in the Outworld not knowin' bout magical stuff but I sucked up all this Soapberry state of affairs like a sponge in a bucket. Funny how that works."
Maya considered before replying, "Probably just depends on the person. I've never really been the soak it up like a sponge kind of person." She nodded towards the growing space between Ephram and the line in front of him. The next cart had been loaded up and trundled off, leaving Ephram at the front of the line.
Ephram obligingly moved up, wondering aloud, "Do they got more'n one cart? Or do we gotta wait until that one finishes its route and dumps them people off first? I mean I been on hayrides, but those times was always just the one cart. Small town style."
Maya wasn't sure if Ephram was really asking her or not. Hermes had followed them up and was now watching the crowd to their right. It seemed he had smelled them. "I've seen two different drivers, so they probably got two different carts," she offered, "Although it could've just been the other guy went on break."
Ruby had left the petting zoo with a pocketful of something small and fluffy. She thought it might be a chinchilla, but she wasn't sure. She was sure that it liked churros. Which she was currently feeding into the pocket of her hoodie as she moved towards the line for the hayride.
Hermes barked once in greeting. Maya's head whipped to see what he was barking at, almost spilling her drink as she did so. Every one of her muscles tensed, ready either to run or to fight. But then she spotted Ruby walking towards them. Relaxing, she smiled, "Hey Ruby."
Ephram lifted his pink cup at Ruby too in greeting. "Hey-ooo!"
Ruby looked up from feeding her pocket to wave at the others. She gave Hermes a pat on the head as she came over, offering the dog a piece of the churro if he wanted it. Her hoodie pouch wiggled, and Ruby gave it more food before it fell still again. "What kinda hayride they got goin'?" she asked, realizing there didn't seem to be many other waiting. "Not haunted is it?"
Maya tilted her head a little as she caught Ruby looking up from her pocket. Hermes wandered over, having long since decided that Ruby was a friend. He snapped up the offered churro. "I think just a regular one," Maya replied, "From what I heard tonight's more about cozy than spooky. Gotta let people calm down a little before the main event, you know?"
Ephram sipped at his hot chocolate. "Are they gonna turn it haunted after?"
Oh. Well, okay then. Don't really feel up to anythin' scary." Ruby fed a bit more churro to Hermes and to her pocket - apparently the churro kept slowly renewing itself - before frowning a bit. "What's the main event? And you think they will?" she asked as an addition to Ephram's question.
Maya found herself distracted again by Ruby's pocket. Her eyes narrowed a little, but she said nothing. Not yet at least. "Assuming you mean the main event tonight, it's a bonfire," she said instead and with a shrug she said, "And I think its shutting down for the night after that." She took another sip of her drink. Glancing down at Hermes, she mouthed, "What's she got in there?" Hermes just looked up at her, wearing a dog's smile. Maya shook her head, clearly the husky was easily bribed
Ephram hung back a little, watching Maya and her dog and Ruby and her pocket animal without much interest. He'd already spent an afternoon at the fair with Ciara and the other witch being distracted by Molly and the gitturns; it seemed like everybody was surrounding themselves with pets lately. Ephram pondered to himself if it was a feature of small-town osmosis, or some new stranger Soapberry thingamajiggy.
Freddie, having left Ollie chatting with Marita Cooper, caught sight of his husband across the fairground - big blond yeti-boys were hard to miss - and made his way over to the queue his sweetheart was standing in; smiling and chatting and glad-handing his way up through the waiting crowd until he came to a stop behind his darling and slipped his hands into Ephram's pockets. "Hello, love", he said, "What are we in line for?"
"So no, I guess, to properly answer your question," Maya said, "I think it's not supposed to be haunted after."
Ephram extended a leg to tap the sign with his toe, summarily having to hustle to lean forward and prevent it from falling over. "Whoops," he huffed, rubbing his nose in momentary contrition before bumping against Freddie. "Hayride, to answer your question. And a not-haunted hayride at that! You ever been on one?"
"Never in my life," Freddie said, "What do we do? If anything."
Ruby liked bonfires, and made a mental note to try and make it out. She was about to say something to Maya when her pocket gave a might wriggle and the little chinchilla leapt out and onto the ground, darting away and into the crowd. "Shit," Ruby said to herself, giving a hasty wave goodbye as she darted after it into the crowd.
Ephram handed Freddie his hot chocolate. "Hazelnut," he said by way of explanation, and then, "we sit in the cart, on a bunch of hay, while they drive us around. Hey, Maya -- d'you know if there's any special sights or anythang? On the ride?"
"Um, hi," Maya said, "And nah, you just sit and..." She weighed her next phrase before saying, "I mean, in high school we just made out so." She offered a shrug. As far as Ephram's question, she answered, "I only know what's on the sign." She turned her head as Ruby darted off. At least the small chinchilla, as far as she could tell, running off explained what Ruby'd had in her pocket.
Freddie took Ephram's cup and sipped his rather nice hot chocolate before wrinkling his nose at the lacklustre report on an activity apparently worth queuing up for. "We just sit in a pile of hay?" he asked, "Why? And where are they driving us?"
Ephram hummed. "Maybe you missed the 'making out' part of the explanation," he teased, before shaking his head. A public Soapberry event wasn't exactly Ephram's preferred place for making out, especially as the sheriff. "It's a thing to do! At fall fairs and whatnot." He looked around for one of the Carnival volunteers in their flashing green vests, hailing one and asking, "Anything special about this hayride? Afore we commit ourselves to it for twenty minutes."
Freddie pouted for a moment, knowing his husband well enough to know that he likely wasn't going to be doing any making out here amongst Soapberry's family fun contingent. "My arse is going to freeze off, isn't it?" he grumbled. "I'll need to glamour us a blanket."
Maya nodded as Freddie didn't acknowledge her greeting. She took another sip of her hot toddy. As Ephram asked if there was anything particularly special about this hayride, she listened, curious. The attendant grinned, "Of course there is. But if I tell you that'd ruin the surprise." Maya had to laugh at the over the top salesmanship of the attendant. "Alright, well that sells me," she said before climbing up on the cart with Hermes.
Ephram pointed at the attendant, looking at Freddie. "See? There's some specialness on the ride! Come on, there'll be blankets provided, I'm sure. It's a ride, not a trip to market to try and sell Pa's turnip crop." He thanked the attendant and shoved Freddie towards the cart. "You two've met, right? Maya this is Freddie, Freddie this is Maya. Just in case." Ephram grinned and settled down into the hay as well.
Freddie smiled, extending a hand to Maya, even as he laughed and playfully nudged Ephram back. "Maya," he said, "-hello, love. I'm sorry I didn't say hello sooner; it was just that your name had escaped me and I was hoping it would come back to me. How are you?"
Maya shook Freddie's hand, not entirely believing him. In her opinion, it seemed like a pretty flimsy excuse. But she wasn't about to make any indication she thought so. Instead she shrugged, "Can't complain. And you? Other than the not being overly excited about hayrides." She draped a blanket over herself and Hermes, making them comfortable as the cart started off.
Ephram tended to blanket tucking-in for Freddie and himself before taking his hot chocolate back. "This hayride's gonna change your mind on em, jes you wait and see!" he declared, despite having no evidence to back him up just yet.
"I'm wonderful," Freddie said with a warm grin. "I mean, I'd be more excited about the hayride if the making out like teenagers bit was still on the table," he teased, tickling Ephram a little as he settled into the hay beside him, "-but I'm up for anything, me. And it's a lovely night, so as long as I'm kept warm, " he paused, poking at Ephram, " - that bit's on you, sunshine - I think it might be fun."
Ephram moved closer to Freddie, wrapping an arm around his husband's shoulders. "One six-foot-two hot water bottle comin' up," he said, kissing Freddie's cheek.
Freddie grinned, leaning into the kiss. "Well, there," he said, "-now I'm already having fun."
Maya scratched behind Hermes' ears. She glanced behind them, having thought she heard rustle in the woods. But Hermes was calm and she didn't see anything. She brought her attention back. "At the very least, we should be able to see the stars out here," she said, casting her gaze upwards. The light pollution wasn't nearly as bad as New York, but even just the festival had drowned out some of them.
Ephram leaned back somewhat so he could properly stare up at the night sky. "Did you know that Soapberry has impermanent constellations?" he said. "Yeah! They show up like once every three months or somethang, a couple at a time." He lifted one arm to point, fingers describing a crescent shape. "The one right now looks like a wedge of orange. At least it does to me."
Freddie shot a little burst of fairy dust up into the sky over their heads, giving the impression of animating the constellation - the wedge of orange joining another collection of fruit to form a Carmen Miranda headdress for Cassiopeia. "Is this cheating?" he asked, "Or are we allowed to participate in the stargazing?"
A smile crept over Maya's face. She'd always like stargazing. A long time ago she used to do it with her parents from the top of Salem's lighthouse. The far away pinpricks of light reminded her that, in the grand scheme, she was small. "I think you can only cheat if there's competition involved," she replied.
Ephram crowed over Maya's comment. "I like that!" he declared. "That's a good definition. I wish I had an orange now, though. Good game, good game," Ephram said, slapping imaginary hands like it was the precursor to being handed post-match orange wedges by his little league coach.
Freddie leaned a little closer into the warmth of Ephram's body. "So what else has everyone been up today?" he asked, "Ollie and I have done rather a lot of wandering, but we haven't committed to too many activities yet."
Maya kept watching the sky pass. Partially because she enjoyed it and partially to avoid the third wheel feeling she was 95% sure she'd have if she focused inside the cart. She shrugged, "Some painting at the bakery, nothing terribly exciting." But thinking again that she heard something, she glanced behind herself into the dark woods. There was nothing. She must be hearing things. She wrapped her blanket a little tighter around herself before turning Ephram, waiting for his answer.
Ephram asked, "The bakery?" before scratching his chin in thought about what he wanted to report. "I wanted to get my face painted, but there was like an entire school fulla kids in front of me at the stall," he bemoaned his luck. "So I just did some bobbing for candy apples. I think they was candy apples. I wasn't allowed to keep the one I got!"
"Two questions, sweetheart," Freddie said with a smile, "First, what would you have had painted if you could, and second, why couldn't you keep your apple?" He turned to Maya then. "What bakery is that, love? Anything we'd know?"
"HEAD'S UP --" Iann yelled suddenly from above the slowly trundling hayride. He was half-clinging to a speeding broomstick, that was giving off sparks from the sweeping end. Iann and the broom crashed right into the hay, the cart tipping and rocking from the impact, hay tumbling everywhere. Not just that, but the sparks from the broom also caught on the dry hay, which easily and gleefully lit up as the magical cart slowed to a halt, sensing its demise. Iann went tumbling ass over tea kettle through the field, still trying to control the spasming broom.
Ephram yelped, "Jesus Christ!!" and immediately shoved Freddie, Maya, and her dog out of the stopped cart, grabbing a blanket to slap at the flames.
"Oh, sorry, I'm opening a bakery with Tuah," Maya explained. Having worked on it for months, it seemed like common knowledge to her. But of course she'd really only talked about it with friends. She was about to explain that she was working on a mural when her attention was grabbed by someone shouting. As Iann made impact, Maya barely managed to leap off before it tipped over. Hermes too jumped off. "Shit," she swore under her breath as the cart caught fire.
Iann threw himself on the wild broomstick, trying to stop it as he yelled to the other three. "It's - like - a - bucking - bronto - " No wait, that wasn't right. "Bronco! Broncoooo-oo-o- whoa whoaaaa broom whoa!!" Somehow, the broom didn't seem to obey Iann's instructions.
Freddie once he'd gotten his bearings again, sent a stream of fairy dust to surround the broomstick, glamouring it into a toothpick. "There we are," he said, smirking at his friend, "Try not to get a splinter, darling."
Ephram finished slapping out the flames with the help of a burst of silver-green magic that ate up all the oxygen around the flames, forcing them to snuff out with a resounding bang that rang in their ears for a few moments. "Dammit, Cardero!" he bawled at Iann. "Where the hell did you even get that thing?"
Maya watched as the broom tried to buck Iann off before Freddie turned it into a toothpick. "Jesus Iann, you okay?" she asked. She realized belatedly that she'd spilled her drink on herself while jumping off the cart. Luckily, there was going to be a bonfire later. She looked for Hermes, who came trotting up to her from the other side of the cart.
Iann was still laying on top of the broom when Freddie glamoured it, and so Iann could still feel the tiny thing magically bucking under him which ended up just sort of giving the impression that he was...well, humping a random rotten field potato. He shot Freddie a glare. Damn cheeky fairies. "Oh much better now, Didi!!" Rolling onto his back, Iann finally just gave up, and released the toothpick, which went zooming up into the night sky. "Okay see you bye." He looked over at Ephram, and the fiery mess he'd caused, and grinned. "There's a place giving broomstick rides for kids. I just sorta....amped up the juice on mine. Just a bit."
Ephram leaned over and slapped at Iann's hair with the singed blanket. "Goddamnit. You wrecked up the hayride cart! They're gonna take it outta your ass, these Carnival folks don't joke around with destroyin' their property."
Maya had to laugh. Of course, Iann had amped up a child's broomstick. She turned her attention though to the cart. It was indeed ruined. At least it was just hay, she supposed. Well, hay and wood.
"And how exactly did you manage that?" Freddie asked, caught somewhere between exasperation and fondness. "Do I even want to know?"
"I got this charm..." Iann started explaining to Freddie, giving Maya a nod to say he was okay. At least he thought he was. He reached up to catch the blanket that Ephram whapped him with, but then gulped hard, turning sweaty and pale immediately. "Oh. Shit. I think I dislocated my shoulder...fuck, shit, god-fucking-fuckity-dammit it, ow ow ow..." Iann rolled forward, gingerly holding his arm. "Okay, who's the lucky duck who gets to pull it right again?"
Ephram grunted, kneeling down next to Iann and reaching for his shoulder before pausing and looking up at Freddie. "Actually," he said, "probly Freddie should do it. Iffen you want your shoulder popped back in painless, that is."
"I got you," Maya said, "Give it here." She had put more than a few shoulders right in her day and now that she knew about her literally magic touch she could help with some of the pain too. She knelt and took hold of his arm. "Ready? On three. One...two," she popped it into place
Freddie would never stop wondering why so many witches eschew fairy healing for their own less-capable varieties, but to each their own. At least Iann's shoulder was fixed again.
Ephram sat back on the grass, secretly sort of pleased with this outcome. Iann deserved a little bit of discomfort for shenanigans. "Oh, shoot," he said as brightly-glowing green vests began to make their way out into the field. "Here come the volunteers. And it's a hayride, Cardero -- you best hope they don't got pitchforks."
Iann groaned and landed face down on the field when Maya popped his shoulder. "Ohhhhhhh god that feels good and awful at the same time," he said, voice full of dirt. He looked up when Ephram mentioned the green-vests, and gave a weak one-shouldered shrug, reaching out to be helped up. "You're the Sheriff - surely I'm in company that keeps the pitchfork crowd at bay, am I right?" Iann looked around, then looked at Freddie, stricken. "Where's Ollie?" His gaze slid towards the burned hay and side-turned cart.
Ephram grunted again, somewhat mollified that at least Iann showed concern for the possibility of Ollie having been hurt. "I reckon I might could tell em it was an accident," he started to say, before suddenly leaping up to his feet in shock, shouting, "My hot chocolate!!" and loping back to the burnt cart to locate his unending hot chocolate pouring out into a sticky puddle under a charred heap of hay.
Freddie followed Iann's gaze - and his train of thought - over to the decimated hay cart, and pulled a mock affronted and horrified face. "Excuse you," he said, "-but he's not bloody trapped in there! I'd have expired by now, if he had. He's having an apple cider with a mate of his. I'm to meet him later at the pumpkin contest."
"Doesn't it always?" Maya agreed. Having never experienced it, she didn't think about fairy healing. Just that Iann needed someone to pop his shoulder back in and she seemed like the best person at the time. "I've got like couple of ibuprofen worth of magic, but Ephram's right," she added. Her attention turned towards the approaching volunteers. Considering they were with the sheriff, it didn't worry her. "You do owe me a hot toddy though," she said as Ephram scooped up his hot chocolate, "I didn't spring for the self-fill upgrade."
Iann was ready to go diving into the hay to save Ollie, but was immediately distracted by the idea of Ollie having his own friends. Which Freddie had informed him of before; but honestly, every time it came up, it delighted Iann as if it was the first time hearing it. "What contest?" He looked over at the helpful volunteers, and pointed an accusing finger. "It exploded on its own! You guys should really make sure these things aren't hazardous, safety first. Think of the children - god, won't someone please think of the children." Iann tutted at the green-vests, before haughtily nodded at Maya and then Freddie. "I agree Freddie, we absolutely will not be directing our guests to the hay ride tomorrow night. Let's go now that our inspection's over."
"I put your shoulder back into your socket, I can take it out," Maya jokingly threatened as Iann referred to her as a child.
"The talent show," Freddie said before Iann was off on a tangent, distracting the poor volunteers from his own misadventures - and dragging Freddie right along into his mess. The fairy turned to the green-vests apologetically. "He gets a bit disoriented at night," he told them, "They call it sundowning. So don't mind him, yeah? We'll be recommending the entire carnival to our guests."
Ephram handed off his seared pink travel mug to Freddie, making imploring eyes-- "can you fix it, honey, please?" before nodding along with Freddie's swiftly-performed damage control, straightening and holding his arms out to herd the green-vests away from the little group. "It's fine, no harm done," Ephram said briskly. "Might wanna look into who gets their hands on those broomstick rides, though, huh?"
Iann looked innocent, if soil-stained, as Freddie and Ephram both did damage control with the politely confused (but quite used to seeing disasters and putting out fires - both literally and figuratively. Oh, the life of a volunteer) volunteers, who went to attend to the toppled hay cart. "I just realized that thing isn't actually drawn by anything," Iann murmured, noticing there was no horses attached, or tractor. He looked at Maya. "Who owes you a drink? I do, or Pettaline? Pettaline, right?" He nodded about the talent show, and then he had to ask, "Is Ollie in the talent show?"
Freddie took Ephram's mug and gave it a quick once-over - the replenishing magic was fae, so he didn't see any harm in applying a little dust of his own and glamouring it back to the way it had been before Iann Knieval had crash landed. "Here, love," he said, watching as it refilled itself, "Good as new."
"No," Freddie said, "-it's for pumpkins. People have made those horrifying pumpkinhead creatures from Return to Oz, and the talent show is for them. Ol and I are just going to watch."
Iann huffed on Freddie's behalf. "Just watch? They should've asked you and Ollie to be judges. You're esteemed members of Soapberry society and all that!"
Maya let them handle the green vests. It was usually better to let other people talk to authority. "Ephram didn't make me jump off my cart and spill three quarters of a hot toddy, soooooooo."
Ephram took his mug back with a pleased buzz, only to have it turn into a whine of protest. "I loved that pumpkinhead guy from Return to Oz!" he protested. "Him and the moose were the best. And no, Cardero, I don't owe nobody nothin' except maybe you a cuff in the head." He nodded enthusiastically at Maya's correction of Iann's willful misconception. "See?"
"Apparently we made the shortlist," Freddie said, shooting Iann a smirk, "-but Nutkin's a judge and he got us blackballed."
"Listen, I already got whapped by you in the head with a flea-infested horse blanket," Iann said as he started to distance himself from the burning ruined hayride. He glanced at Maya. "And okay then, hot toddy it is. If only to...make you stop saying 'hot toddy'. Sounds like we're in a ski lodge or something." Iann halted though as Freddie broke the news, staring in utter shock. "That fucking Bugle editor?! Oh Freddie...Freddie, that's my fault," Iann said it in a generous, magnanimous way, as if everyone didn't already know who's fault it was that Nutkin had its vendetta. "I should write a apology to that little peanut-brain..." A scathing, ranting, apology full of vitriol.
Freddie laughed, slipping his hand into Ephram's. "Oh, I think you've done enough, darling. Don't you?"
Maya laughed, "You know I have to keep saying it now, right?" She had no intention of following through or of really holding him to buy a drink. But it was kind of funny. She didn't know anything about this Nutkin, but evidentaly no one was a fan. "Sounds like you'd rather write him a strongly worded letter," she commented, "I know some strong words if you need them."
Ephram took his husband's hand, squeezing it and tugging Freddie in closer, not having forgotten his mandate to share the heat he tended to radiate in all seasons. "You watch yourself, Cardero," Ephram said, just a teensy bit nastily since he knew where he was heading with this comment: "Maya here's startin' a bakery with Tuah, so if you don't play nice with her you'll find another place you're blackballed from."
"I've written that little bugger plenty..." Which was precisely why Stonefruit Inn was in the semi-predicament it was in already. He cast Freddie another apologetic glance, pushing his hands into his pockets as they strolled out of the field, back towards where the food stalls were. "Ohhhh ah ahaha, yeah if I get blackballed from their bakery, it wouldn't be by Maya's doing. I haven't been performing very well on the ex front," Iann said with a wistful grin, and another half-shrug, not particularly minding Ephram's little jibe. It was genuine and inadvertently accurate, and for Iann that was what mattered. "But who knows. Maybe we'll be back on good terms by the time the place opens though, hm?"
Maya laughed again, "Yeah you probably got plenty on that one." Even with Tuah as her business partner and all her friends support her, she still felt nervous about the whole thing. "But, I think Tuah's too nice to ban anyone and I'm too interested in getting rich to not take anyone's money," she added. The first part was true and the second clearly a joke.
Ephram returned Iann's half-shrug, his spurt of meanness nullified by Iann's good-natured acceptance. Ephram couldn't stay poking at somebody -- even Iann -- in the face of such openness. "After the painting's done, I reckon?" he speculated, looking at Maya to say yay or nay on when the place was opening. He drank from his mug and remarked, "--that Nutkin feller's mighty hard to shut up. Although at least lately he's stopped referring to me as Typhoid Billy."
Iann grunted noncommittally about Tuah, pulling out his wallet when they got to the stall featuring all manner of cheery fall-related beverages. Some cold, some hot, all special in some way of course. "Well you're a married man now, it would be gauche or something, I guess," Iann said, squinting at the menu board. "Okay a hot toddy for you, and - what'd you have Pettaline? Hot chocolate? Spiked or not?"
Maya smiled and nodded, "Yes please."
"Oh, no, I'm fine -- mine's self-refilling." Ephram nursed it thoughtfully. "I reckon if Nutkin's stopped jabbin' at me it's got somethang to do with me bein' Sheriff now, not whether or not I'm married. The Bugle don't seem overly concerned with gauche."
Iann got himself a coffee - just normal, no funny business, Iann instructed the server - and handed Maya her hot toddy. "So what you're saying is..." Iann said, just as thoughtfully. "Is that if someone finds some reason for our esteemed Editor to be liable for...oh I don't know. Slander or libel or - oh! - harassment, then the Sheriff's Department can intervene on the injured citizen's behalf?" Because if there was anything better than skirting around the law, it was exploiting the law.
Maya took her new drink, still smiling, "Thank you." She took a sip, feeling immediately warmed by it. "Don't you have to like lawyer up for that?" she asked although she didn't really know. Plus things worked differently here in Soapberry anyway.
Ephram hemmed and hawwed a little bit before answering. "Well, yeah," he said, "but you'll have a hard time proving true ill intent. I mean it ain't harmed the Stonefruit any, the feud you'ns got going, and the Bugle's got free speech on their side. Even in Soapberry, some things still stand."
Iann blustered an imitation of Ephram, Kentucky accent and all, as he danced his arms op and down, frowning sternly, "Oh even - even in Soapberry, oh, hm, some things still stay-yand."  Really, he just sounded like Jeff Goldblum with a bad Kentucky accent.
Maya took a sip of her drink and chose to stay out of this one.
Ephram sipped his drink too, placidly; Freddie, after giving Iann a bit of a stern look, said, “And on that note, loves, I’d best see what Ollie’s up to. If I’m late and he misses the pumpkin judging I’m in for a bollocksing.” The fairy gave Ephram a kiss, lingering a little, before saying his goodbyes to Maya and Iann and setting off.
Ephram cleared his throat and turned to Maya. "So you're obviously handlin' the baking part," he said, "are you'ns gonna be havin' coffee and all that too?"
Maya nodded, "Yep, the whole works. We talked about maybe getting a liquor license too. Nothing better than late night cake and champagne." She couldn't help the almost secret smile that curved her lips as she thought of the last time she'd had cake and champagne.
Iann looked dismayed, giving a short wave of goodbye as he went after Freddie. "Freddie! C'mon man..." he pleaded, disappearing from the sight of Epham and Maya.
"Cain't argue with that," Ephram said, watching Iann bolt off after Freddie. "Well, that must be pretty exciting for you both! A new venture like that, especially with somebody. Not much fun starting new enterprises on your own."
"Well that I've got about seven dollars to my name, so it'd be a bit difficult," Maya replied. She was excited, but most days she was more nervous. And with everything that had been happening lately, she wasn't entirely sure she'd make it to opening day. But she just smiled and took a sip of her drink,
Ephram made a noncommittal sound, not really sure if Maya meant that as a joke or something more serious. "Thought of a name for the place?"
Maya shook her head, "We're still working on it." She took another sip of her drink. "How're things at the station?"
"Good, good. Just signed on a new Deputy, a Joey Voeman, you know him?" Ephram found it best to assume that people hadn't met, rather than the other way around.
Maya nodded, "Yeah, we've met. He seems like a good guy."
"Very good." Ephram opened his mouth to continue, but his phone buzzed, and he checked it, clucking his tongue. "Speaking of which," he said, "I'm gettin' called back to the station for a situation. It was good to see you, though! Send the Department a flyer or somethang when you open the bakery cafe. We're always on the lookout for new places to buy baked stuff from."
"Will do," Maya replied with a wave.
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ladymccbeth · 4 years
just sitting here remembering the days of chatzy lmao
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thegrimdarkoffice · 7 years
Icarus joined the Story
Icarus: *appears in the grimdark Office*
Icarus: *his form is unsteady like curling smoke* *is the color of the sky right before a huuge storm*
Icarus: *forces Alice to appear before him*
Icarus: *is furious, but doesnt radiate violence or hatred*
The Acolyte: *lets him*
The Acolyte: *███████ stays peaceful and inactive for now*
Icarus: Bait, huh?
Icarus: Do you think this is a kind of game, Alice?
Icarus: That you can go around hurting whoever you want as long as you have protection?
The Acolyte: .........
The Acolyte: *crosses her arms*
The Acolyte: *smirks*
Icarus: Because I hate to break it to you, but you will not evade the consequences, whether you have something twisted and powerful protecting your soul, or not.
Icarus: ......
The Acolyte: Ick, a shattered mirror can't hurt us~
The Acolyte: You can threaten us aaall you want, but no one will ever do anything
The Acolyte: You're not powerful enough to defeat my soulmate~ - meaning both ███████ and Maelle, by the way - and those who are....don't give a shit
The Acolyte: In fact, I'm sure Conflict think this is rather funny...if It has a sense of humor
Icarus: .......
Icarus: *calmly* Bring Maelle down here
The Acolyte: .............
The Acolyte: ......why
Icarus: .........
Icarus: ......
Icarus: I am not going to ask twice
Icarus: *radiates the perfect calm before the storm*
The Acolyte: ............
The Acolyte: *reluctantly sends Maelle a message*
Maelle joined the Story
Maelle: *appears next to Alice*
Maelle: *looks completely unbothered by Ick's presence*
Maelle: Hello, Icarus. What a pleasant surprise.
Maelle: If we would've known you stopped by, surely we would've prepared something
Icarus: ........
Maelle: Would you care for a cup of tea in the Lounge?
Icarus: Don't mock me, Maelle-
Maelle: *teleports them all into the Lounge*
Maelle: *Eileen's "flowers" still decorate the room*
Icarus: ......................
Icarus flickers
Icarus: *the sight of them aggravates him even more*
Maelle: *sits in an armchair gracefully and spawns in a cup of tea*
The Acolyte: *keeps standing*
Icarus: *sits down anyway*
Maelle: *sips her tea*
The Acolyte: *pulls her veil back down over her face*
The Acolyte: *watches silently now*
Icarus: Now. Since last time we came to a rather peaceful agreement, I will attempt to reason with you
Icarus: ......
Icarus: Maelle, I'm giving you one last chance to cancel your atrocious deeds and right what you did. If you refuse-
Maelle: I refuse
Icarus: ................
Icarus: It's in your best interest to hear me out. Your very fate relies on this conversation 
Maelle: ........
The Acolyte: ......
The Acolyte: *hides her hands in her pockets*
The Acolyte: *fidgets*
Icarus: If you refuse, I will destroy you and everything you have built up the last year.  If Alice wont unfuse with her companion, she will simply be locked away for the rest of eternity
Icarus: The same goes for your 'servants'. Either they let me change them or they will be dealt with
Icarus: ........
Icarus: *sighs*
Icarus: But if you choose to take this second chance I'm giving you, you will be spared and while I will still destroy everything you've made, you can work for your forgiveness. You will be a normal powerless mortal again but....no one will chase you or attempt to hurt you. You will gain something better than all the dark magic you could ask for.
Icarus: Peace and forgiveness.
Icarus: .......
Icarus: *desperately wishes they will snap out of their power hungry craze and just listen to him for once*
Maelle: .........
Icarus: I can even attempt to talk to Mother Nature and ask her to reduce the severity of your punishment, if I sense you are truly honest about repenting-
Maelle: *chuckles*
Maelle: Alright, Icarus.
Maelle: I am flattered you can still find it within your heart to try and save me. And my Acolyte.
Maelle: However, I stand with what I said before. I refuse to settle for less than what I want.
Maelle: And what I want is not slinking to your good side
Maelle: What kind of coward do you take me to be?
Icarus: ..........
Icarus: It's not cowardly to be a good person.
Maelle: *raises her eyebrows* Are you suggesting that being selfish is?
Icarus: Yes. Yes, it is.
Icarus: It is weak and shameful to never think about others, to close yourself off from their pain for the sake of your own good. It takes so much more courage to be loving and soft in a merciless world
Maelle: I don't agree. And furthermore, I don't care
Icarus: .......
Icarus: *sighs*
Icarus: Then I will punish you and your crew
Maelle: How exciting
Maelle: *sips her tea*
Icarus: *gets up*
The Acolyte: ......
The Acolyte: *███████ remains inactive*
The Acolyte: *like It couldnt care less*
The Acolyte: ......
The Acolyte: *glances at Maelle*
The Acolyte: *stays on her spot*
Icarus: ......
Icarus: 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚙𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚠𝚘 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜
Icarus: *his form is less stable now*
Icarus: 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝, 𝙸 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚑 𝚙𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝙾𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚎. 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚋𝚎 𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚙𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚛 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎.
Icarus: 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚒𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎, 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚕𝚢, 𝙸 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙴��𝚌𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚜 𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚖𝚎. 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚛𝚒𝚍 𝙰𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚕𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙺𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚗.
Icarus: 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚜.
Icarus: 𝚄𝚗𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜, 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙸 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚝𝚘 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚑 𝚛𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚌��𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜.
Icarus: *wryly* 𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚏𝚛𝚞𝚒𝚝 𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚎. 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚎𝚡𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜.
Maelle: ........
Maelle: *places her tea down* The Ecclesiastics, Icarus? They could not care less of what you believe is right or wrong
Maelle: And seeing how I worked to preserve a Universe, I doubt they will see me as a-
Icarus: 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚊 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚄𝚗𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚜
Icarus: 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙸 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚕𝚊𝚋𝚎𝚕 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚞𝚌𝚑. 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚗𝚘 𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚢 𝚗𝚘𝚠, 𝙼𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚎.
Maelle: ........
The Acolyte: ........
Icarus: *forces the Office closed*
Icarus: *and locks Maelle and Alice inside of it for good*
Icarus: *now they can’t teleport or try to escape*
Icarus: *takes away their admin statuses as well so they can't rely on It helping them either*
Icarus: *destroys all the contracts they made, voiding all of their deals*
Icarus: *no more power for you*
The Acolyte: ........
The Acolyte: *you piece of shit i worked hard on those*
The Acolyte: *do you know how many hours i spent on fucking paperwork*
Icarus: *blocks the folks they made deals with from the Office and contacting them*
Icarus: *then turns to Alice*
The Acolyte: *glowers at him from behind her veil*
The Acolyte: *I dare you to touch me*
Icarus: ........
Icarus: *the sound of snapping fingers*
The Acolyte switched name to Alice
Alice: *stands before him now in her oold Mariella clothes*
Icarus: *took away her sigils and her protection*
Icarus: *and her magic*
Alice: ..........................................................
Alice: How DARE you, you gross needy do gooder-
Icarus: ............
Icarus: *bans her voice*
Icarus: *I am not in the mood, Alice*
Alice: *fumes*
Icarus: *███████ is still there*
Icarus: *Ick decided its better not to see what happens when he messes with It*
Maelle: ........
Icarus: *glances at Maelle*
Icarus: .......
Icarus: *has not enough power left atm to take away her abilities but*
Icarus: *makes sure they stay contained within the Office*
Icarus: *so they're useless*
Icarus: ......
Icarus: *actually*
Icarus: *blocks Maelle's natural powers as best he can*
Icarus: *though he still cant meddle with the powers she gained when merging with the gods, as they're a complete different level*
Icarus: *...for now at least*
Icarus: .......
Icarus: *disappears*
Icarus: *appears to every servant and sends them away*
Icarus: *some of them he sends to a peaceful place, like Lullaby, since they're not going to do evil*
Icarus: *others he sends to someone who will watch over them and make sure they dont get in trouble*
Icarus: *also blocks them from entering the grimdark dimension*
Icarus: *and blocks all Office dwellers from entering*
Icarus: *...including you, Neil*
Neil: *:3*
Maelle: .......
Maelle: *has picked up her tea again*
Icarus: .......
Icarus: *after stripping the grimdark Office of the Vault and any unnatural rooms, he returns to the Lounge*
Icarus: *takes Eileen's flowers*
Icarus: .........
Icarus: 𝙸 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗 𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚜 𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙴𝚌𝚌𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚜.
Icarus: *gives Alice her voice back*
Icarus: *and then disappears out of the grimdark Office, locking it for good*
Icarus: ..............
Icarus: *takes a deep breath*
Icarus: *feels a lot better*
Mother Nature joined the Story
Mother Nature: .......
Icarus: *disposes of Eileen's 'flowers'*
Icarus: .........
Mother Nature: * 𝒯𝒪𝒟𝒜𝒴, 𝒯𝐻𝐸𝒩. *
Mother Nature: ....
Mother Nature gives Maelle a Look from the somewhere.
Icarus: *A victory for Hope*
Icarus: *smiles a bit*
Mother Nature simply finishes Icarus' work, aka bans those powers.
Maelle: ..................
Icarus: *disappears off, to find Cygnus, and then schedule an audience with the Ecclesiastics*
Maelle: ........
Maelle: *finishes her tea*
Maelle: *places the empty cup aside*
Alice: ..........
Alice: ........
Alice: *glances at Maelle*
Maelle: *returns her gaze*
Maelle: .......
Alice: *smiles*
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shrimpsodas · 2 years
when i was a kid i had unsupervised access to the internet until age 11 when my parents found out i was roleplaying fnaf on chatzy and they went through the logs and saw someone say “fuck”
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walker-journal · 3 years
Extreme Noodling (Dave+Adam)
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Timing: Near Winter’s end, before Dave got bit
Summary: Dave and Adam wrassle some giant catfish (the google searches for this chatzy changed us as people I’m pretty sure. I know too much) 
Content Warning: lots of fish gore
The frost-flecked marsh water sloshed around Adam’s boots as he waded through the mire. Feathery moss hung in pale sheets from old maples and gnarled gum trees. Vertical clumps of reeds and cattails marked where the sparse islands of solid ground gave way to sluggish swamp water. This particularly frigid winter had touched the murk with thin sheets of ice, the fragile pristine white breaking under the slightest pressure for brackish mulch to pour through the cracks.
Adam was out in the frigid marshland today at the behest of David Herring, a sailor whom Nell has possibly summoned from hell as a birthday stunt. Adam was trying to take his return to Hunting gradually. His powers were slowly returning day by day, although resurgent strength and sharpening senses hadn’t brought any answers along with them.
Even more grueling training and keeping busy at work would have to suffice now, resolved  Adam as he held his rifle dry across his shoulders and waded towards where Herring was waiting.
Dave had braced himself against a nearby tree, his bag hooked over some higher up branches. Despite the frigid early spring weather, he stood in shorts and watershoes, already water and mud logged, but like this he could feel everyone and everything coming, no matter how big or small.
It was always a smart idea to have your back braced against something when you weren’t sure exactly where you stood with the person you’d called for back up. Dave wasn’t the type to calculate who owed who after surviving something together, and you never knew exactly what flavour of hunter you were getting until they had their knife against your throat. Most of the time, it had been alright, but considering the blood that stained Dave’s hands, he wasn’t surprised when things went the other direction fast. But the water in the marshes was even more still than the lakes, so he felt the ripples of Adam wading through the water long before he saw the young hunter approaching, so he was ready and waiting by the time Adam had slogged close by.
“Walker,” he greeted, raising a hand in greeting. “You gone up against a prodigium catfish before?”
Adam had to give mad props to the titanium viking balls this dude must have to go all beachwear in an ice swamp. However, as Adam might still want to have kids someday, these waders were staying on. Manly bayou bonding would have to wait.
“Read about them, never hunted them before,” the young Hunter admitted, the hot hills of California and the holy land having been more alghoul country then noodling holes.  
Dave nodded, watching Adam intently - mostly to be able to read his lips to make sense of what he could hear. At least the swamp was quiet, in the harsh way that winters often were. He didn’t have any kind of teeth guards on this time, his long canines exposed as he talked.
“This’ll be my fourth,” he replied, “but most of the others were juveniles. Feels about… fifteen feet, at a guess. Right now it’s about sixty feet that way.” He pointed deeper into the marsh land. “Fortunately, they ain’t agile creatures at that size, but they’ll crush you if they can. If you’ve read about them, I'm figuring you know about the barbs and arms.” He shifted, unstrapping a machete from the bag he’d hung from some tree branches. “If you think you can land the perfect shot, take it. Otherwise I’m thinking it’ll be better to get it in shallow water and incapacitate its arms for an easier kill.”
“Gothya, watch out for the barbs and baby Kermit arms, we gotta beach it in the the shallows unless there's an opening,” Adam reiterated, looking out at the hushed landscape of frost and brackish silt.
“But before we start I gotta ask,” the Hunter insisted as he knelt on the soggy crust the snowy embankment. He leaned the nonessential gear against the grey trunk of a willow.
“So...are you like sensing the fish right now? Do aquaman powers come with the whole wereseal thing?”
“Selkie. Something like that,” Dave replied, with just one eyebrow raised at Adam, unsure if he was missing out on some youthful slang or that Adam was not as informed as some of the other hunters around. Wereseal. The damn nerve. Not that there was anything wrong with being a werewolf, but Dave didn’t lose control like he’d gotten rabies once a month. It was all this damn tv, now everyone thought that just because you could change forms you’d have to be some cheap knock off were-
Dave hmmphed. Tiny pulses of water against his skin warned him of the large, slow being stirring in its tunnel, its mouth resting nearby the surface, waiting for prey to come nearby. “Any other questions? Ain’t exactly your college classroom.”
Ok, wait...so like, could Dave sense fish? If he could, was that a Dave-Selkie thing or a Dave-Dave thing? A tinge of frigid heat flickered in the back of Adam’s skull as something grew near, farther and larger than the palpable “otherness” that radiated from Dave. The Hunter tensed, but wasn’t going to pass up his last chance here.
“One more question….did uh….a hot Turkish motorcycle chick call you from a Hell Dimension for her sister’s birthday?”
The frosty mire stirred with an upwelling of bubbles that brought the brackish scent of rotting things with them. The dirty ice cracked upwards as an enormous bulk  briefly surfaced fifty feet away.
“Its like..ok if its yes, just been bothering me.”
Dave just… stared at Adam.  Had he heard that right? The words were distinct on the lips, but the sentence made no sense, not even when Dave happened to know there was a Turkish spellcaster who summoned things from hell dimensions. He wasn’t sure if he should be offended or complimented by the idea. “A hell dimension?” Dave repeated, just to make sure he’d heard right.
“The fuck are they teaching hunters these days? No, Walker, unless you consider Texas a hell dimension.” He cocked his head, considering. “Guess that wouldn’t be too far from the truth.”
The turbulence of water under the surface against his ankle had Dave looking around suspiciously, but the giant catfish was just reasserting itself in the water bed much, much to the starting of many smaller fish nearby, that darted away, including in their direction. Whether or not Texas was a hell dimension would have to be debated another day, preferably over a chilled beer.  “If we steer it a little to the left, the water there’s pretty shallow, and lots of land for you to use.” Not sure he was prepared for whatever other questions Adam might have, Dave began to wade deeper into the water, looking to get much closer before he caught the catfish’s attention.
“Not gonna lie,” Adam began with cheerful candor as he parkored his way between the more solid clumps of sodden shallows. “Texas sounds like a rough time for anybody who likes water.”
Dark hazel eyes glanced again towards the breach of a large slick mass against the ice, glimpsing what might’ve been a piscine whisker, before they focused back to Dave, crinkling with suppressed mirth around the edges.
“Waaaaaait,” came the dire moment of revelation. “If you have magic skin...in Texas, did you like accessorize it?”
“Dave, my dude...did you wear sealskin chaps?”
Adam was just in the start of pantomiming the Dave sauntering around Huston in this deviant form of cowpoke asswear when bulky shape burst from the icy murk.
“Hell yeah!”
Dave’s eyebrows raised right into his hairline as he looked over  at Adam, deeply unimpressed at his realisation. For a brief second, he almost knocked Adam into the water to quiet the kid, before remembering what they were here for. Maybe later.
“You’re lucky that thing works better dry,” Dave retorted, looking down pointedly at Adam’s rifle, but the tiny quirk at the corners of his lips belied his grumpy demeanor.
It was one thing feeling it stirring in the muck, and another for the large form  to crash through the crackly thin layer of ice. Dave grinned, his canine teeth bared as the form surged through the water, its wide mouth gaping for prey, not realising that it was no longer the predator. In the water, Dave was the more obvious target, so he started backing into the shallower waters, letting it think it was hunting him.
Considering how big the damn thing was, Dave hadn’t really expected it to be able to grab a nearby tree and use that to propell itself at Dave, barely diving out of the way before its jaw shut around him. When it’s body crashed through the water again, it sent waves of water and mud flying, but in missing it had given Dave an opening to drive the machete into its back, hoping to slice through the spine. The catfish flailed in protest, grabbing Dave with an arm like a tree trunk and dragging him under water.
“Aw shit,” Adam laughed as he tried to get a hold on the slick flailing creature that was driving Dave down into the murk, “it's trying to send you back to Texas!”
The icey bog water stung Adam’s bare arms with a cold burn that was soon replaced with an oiliness that seeped between his fingers. Adam gritted his teeth and lips shut to try to to get any of the frigid brackishness in his mouth as the catfish bucked and flailed beneath him.
Adam plunged his combat knife into the creature’s side, grime mixing with pale blue blood and the sudden reek of raw damp chicken. Trying to keep hold, Adam yanked out the blade and brought it down again and again, attempting to get the catfish to favor its wounded side and hopefully roll Dave out of the water.
It was fortunate that Dave was both hard of hearing and currently being wrestled by an enormous catfish underwater, because if he had heard Adam’s comment, there might have been a sea creature versus hunter alliance. The heavy set slime on his skin kept the catfish’s hands sliding off him, but as he was knocked deeper and deeper into the dirt, the chance of dying from being crushed by catfish was increasingly looming.
Dave bared his teeth and bit into the scaled underside of the catfish with little success, unable to open his mouth enough to get any kind of hold, but the overhead action above the water seemed to have more of an effect. Dave kicked himself out from underneath the catfish as the catfish trashed and tried to reach for the human above it, more interested in a prey that it could actually drown.
It curled its other arm around Dave as it reached for Adam, distracted by the dagger slashing deeper and deeper into its side. It wasn’t watching as Dave opened his own maw and bit down on its arm, bone snapping under his canines.
When Dave emerged from the water, it was with one of the arms firmly between his teeth, torn off the body and dripping blood into the water, he grimaced, dropping it onto the roots of a nearby tree that had started to sink into the water as the soil beneath it had given way to watery mud.
“Holy shit,” Adam effused in admiration of such unmitigated badassery, a grin brightening the Hunter’s grime-covered face as he climbed up the side of the flailing catfish. He hoisted himself up with each deep stab of the knife into the catfish’s spongy flesh as if it were a rock-climber’s spike. “That was fucking ace….hey what’s it taste like? Bet you got like Marsh-Mono now or something…”
Adam’s preliminary diagnosis on what disease Dave had doubtless contracted was cut short as the Hunter accidentally stabbed too deeply and pierced an organ. Greenish black fluid hemorrhaged from the wound and Adam let out a stream of gagging curses as the slimy knife slipped from his fingers into the acrid effluvium.
That momentary loss of purchase was all the catfish needed. Adam plunged into the marshwater as the fish spun into a deathroll and opened its toothless maw wide.
Adam’s world became warm and damply dark.
“Ah, fucking hell,” Dave groaned, wading deeper into the water. He couldn’t see where Adam had gone, but he couldn’t feel anything human sized with flailing limbs moving around in the water. If he’d been knocked out, it was a matter of moments before the human risked drowning. You couldn’t heal an absence of oxygen in your lungs. Thick blue blood pumped out of the catfish’s side, murking up the water, but it was still kicking, moving towards him with its still remaining arm. This was going to be tough just by himself, and without Adam moving around in the water, Dave had no fucking idea how to find him.
The catfish swiped, and Dave dodged out of the way with a slash at its side, seeing where Adam had been hacking deep into it, where it was also bleeding and oozing viscous pus into the water, stinking up a storm. Still no sign of the wayward hunter. Shit, shit. Hoping that with its movement he might get a better feel of where Adam was. “WALKER!” He barked, watching the catfish and staying well away from its brutish arms.
Which was when he realised there was something else moving inside the catfish and he realised exactly where Walker was.
“Jesus Christ.” He drove his hand into the deep gash in the catfish’s side, causing it to spasm in pain, hoping he could distract the catfish long enough for one of them to think of a plan to get Adam out of the monsters without… risking killing him while fighting the catfish.
Adam’s silver knife appeared from the catfish’s belly, a brief protrusion of metal followed by an upwelling of dark blue ichor. The enormous fish thrashed as Dave’s hand in its wound exacerbated this new pain burrowing out from the inside. The catfish bucked in spine-twisting arcs on the frosty mire as it instinctively tried to get free of whatever invisible thing was tearing at it.
The knife blade surfaced again when the panicked  flailing no had briefly subsided, the incision growing into a long fleshly tear that spewed gummy stomach lining. Long strips of blue-tinged mucosa and yellowish subcutaneous tissue spurted from the wound each time the blade retreated, staining the marsh ice in a splots of organic dyes.
Adam’s gore-caked right arm snaked through the widened opening, trying to find some kind of grip outside as the fish’s frenzied motions turned his world into a dark barrel-roll hell of sloshing fluids and pythonic stomach muscles. It was a dicey business as the fish’s jostling and this cramped space made accidentally stabbing himself a real possibility. The Hunter had nearly opened up a vein when he’d had to fold into the fetal position to retrieve the spare silver knife.
It was times like these where being trained to abandon thought and focus only on each incremental steps of survival came in handy. The horrid smell, the acrid taste of bloody filth in his mouth, the vertigo of the fish’s thrashing, the burn on stomach acid in his skin and eyes, and the rip-popping compression of the catfish’s spasming stomach messes would’ve made it easy to just panic.
Luckily, Adam had spent enough time being taking  doses of ever-higher concentrations demonic Terevi venom as a teenager that being digested  was no longer an excuse to slack off. It’s really those salt of the earth family values that build character y’know?
Adam stuck out one leg through the widened opening and placed it again one fleshy end of the wound for leverage as he pressed the knife’s blade upward, sawing his way through sinews and fat as frigid marsh water poured in through the opening.
Something suddenly gave and the world spun. Adam hit the squishy sod with a groggy oof but convulsing to hack up catfish blood.
The first time the catfish tried to roll, Dave punched it in the eye. The second, he sliced off one of its barbs and it knocked him into the water with its remained arm. Dave’s head smacked into a tree branch and he briefly saw stars. He got out from under it, and saw a shape tearing through the scaled belly. A leg. Walker. He almost wanted to surge forward and grab him, but the bleeding hole wasn’t enough to fit a whole man through, and yanking Adam out of place might trap him and make him suffocate. Dave couldn’t let the catfish roll  again, or Adam’s leg would snap like a matchstick. Dave hacked at its back with the machete again, blood spewing his body with every swing, now he knew where the hunter was cutting his way out from, keeping the catfish from grabbing at Adam or rolling again. With a final hack and a burst of bloody flesh, its intestines spilled out into the water in large ropes and bobbing in the water like grotesque pool floats. Adam along with it. The catfish spasmed, and twitched, its gills trembling, before at last it became still.
“Jesus fuck,” Dave said, rushing over to Adam’s side. He paused, waiting for the worst of the convulsions to pass before bending down, picking up Adam’s arm and swinging it over his shoulder. If the kid passed out, Dave was worried he’d faceplant into the swamp and breathe water. “Easy does it. Easy does it now,” He muttered, lowering Adam to sit on some firmer ground. “Keep your eyes shut, I’m gonna get this crap off your off your face so you can breathe,” Dave said, not being precious as he wiped the acidic gunk from Adam’s face, pulling a flask of water out of his belt and using it to rinse Adam’s face. He held his hand so that the water wouldn’t go into Adam’s nose nor mouth. Wasn’t looking to waterboard the guy afterall, just make sure that the acid didn’t cause permanent injury to his eyes or anything.
Pressing the half-filled flask into Adam’s hand so that he could drink or wash himself as need be, Dave stepped back, giving Adam space to catch his breath and assess his own wounds. He leant against a worn out tree, feigning a casual demeanor so Adam didn’t feel as intensely scrutinised as he was being. The thick sludge of blood and grime covering Adam from head to toe was mixed with stomach acid, and the little skin that Dave could see was turning pink where it wasn’t battered blue. “Always thought hunters had a flair for the dramatic, but you really take the cake,” he joked with the hint of a smile on his features, but the worry was there. Adam’s injuries would heal faster, but Dave wasn’t the one who’d just been eaten. He just remembered the feeling. “When you’re ready, you’re gonna need to get back in the water to wash the rest of it off.”
He didn’t ask, are you alright. He didn’t ask whether it hurt. He didn’t need to. He knew how trauma was what each hunter collected by the armful, this just another harrowing near death experience out of dozens that Adam had walked away from. This one might not even leave a scar, just a story to tell over a beer. Tomorrow, Dave would feel like he’d been hit by a truck, and in a week his muscles would still give him hell. In a week, Walker would likely be right as rain. But healing hurt, both the mental and physical sort, so he waited for Adam’s cue before coming in to help him get on his feet again. His own legs began to protest under both their weights, his ribs creaking. For right now, the adrenaline rushing in his weathered veins made this just about bearable, but they needed to make a move before the tides turned against them.
“I’ll tell you what, Walker. Once we’re both patched up, I’ll buy you dinner and a beer just to celebrate you not being dinner.”
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a wild chatroom appears
hello anons and other friends,
I am stuck in my house, it’s cold and wet, so I have a surplus of time today.  Since we all know some writing problems require back and forth conversation to resolve, if you see this on Saturday (US EST) I’ve created a chatroom that requires no log-in info beyond a username (for all your anon needs).
It’s right here! On Chatzy
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bumblingbrujo · 6 years
Los Tres Hermanos || Lilo + Miguel + Iann || Chatzy Log
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Iann and Miguel have a surprise for Lilo. 
@ianncardero @lilo-el-lobo
Iann "So? Did you call him?" Iann asked, as he barged into Miguel's place. Well he knocked first, but then just tried the front door and it opened for him, as Miguel was expecting him. And if they were going to be brothers or whatever, Iann figured barging in without waiting was par the course. As was, Iann belatedly realized, leaving the front door unlocked. Iann came over to the side window, peering through as if he could catch a glimpse of Lilo living his life. Iann had no issues with being a peeping tom. "Is he coming over? You realize this is going to be fucking nuts, right? If he reacts worse than I did, don't be surprised. Or upset."
Miguel made a small surprised gurgle noise and jumped a little as Iann opened the front door wide. "Yes, yes I called him. He seemed a little confused but he said he'd come over. I said it was neighbor stuff... that's not a lie right?" Miguel had nervously cleaned the whole house. The idea of telling someone you were long lost siblings going badly didn't occur to him until Iann had done it - but now it was all he could think about and he was worried. "Why would he take it worse?" Miguel asked sadly. "Of course I'll be upset if it goes badly. I like Lilo. I was devastated when I thought you didn't want to be my brother." He pouted a little, playing up the little brother thing just a bit. Though... he was the middle child. Technically. Of the three of them. Of the three brothers. Wow three brothers. It was so new and exciting and Miguel didn't know why everyone was taking it so badly.
Iann "No not a lie," Iann said with a slight smile at the smaller man. He did appreciate that at least, that Miguel wanted to let Lopez know as soon as possible. No lies from him, and he never felt upset about Miguel taking a while to come tell him either. Particularly as Iann didn't take it very well at all. He shrugged at Miguel's question. "Everyone's got their reasons, Miguel. Especially when it concerns family issues. You don't know what his life was like." None of them really knew what their lives were like, and yet here they were, thrown together by genetics and one horny fucker. He did note the pout though, and clapped Miguel's shoulder. "Place looks clean, smells like Pine Sol."
"I just want everything to be... okay, it doesn't have to be perfect, just not bad." At the clean comment Miguel scoffed. "What am I? A gringo? It smells like Fabuloso, not Pine Sol," he said 'Pine Sol' in the most white nasal American accent he could do. "I know where to get it in Washington even." Might as well start deflecting his feelings with humor. He stopped joking when he heard Lilo walking up the front steps. "Okay okay, be nice," he said pointedly at Iann.
"Fabulosooo," Iann sighed, chucking a fist into his open palm. "I knew it smelled familiar." Of course Miguel managed to find it here - but then when they heard the door, Iann held his hands up in deference. "I'll be super nice. So nice, I'll let you do all the talking, hm? I'll just stand behind you and glower."
Lilo walked up to the front door of his neighbor. Not suspecting anything life changing he has some makeshift Tupperware in hand. Had he suspected more for tonight he may have noticed the shifting body of Iann trying to get a look at him before, or Miguel's strange caginess. Lilo tried the door, unlocked of course, opening it more gently as he called out. "Oye! Amigo, we made some soup and had extra? You want soup? It's got kale and meat in it and stuff... soup stuff..." Lilo sniffed the air and blinked in confusion before even laying eyes on the other men there to greet him. "Sooo... neighbor stuff?"
Miguel glared quickly at Iann. "No. Glowering." Before he walked toward the door to greet Lilo. "Hey, amigo. Soup sounds great thank you." Cassie and Lilo had been spoiling him with leftovers, especially when they knew he was on call for the ER, which made his life so much easier. He loved his neighbors and he really didn't want to upset Lilo. "Yes well... a little more than neighbor stuff... magical neighbor stuff." He glanced again at Iann, he could expect no help from the gruff older man. "You might want to sit down for this. I mean it's not bad, but it's a lot to take in and... I don't want to upset you."
If only because Iann knew something that Lopez didn't, instead of glowering the human couldn't help smirking, just a bit smugly. He folded his arms, and sat on the armrest of the couch, and stared at the werewolf. "Hey pal," Iann said, not intending his greeting to sound like a taunt but...he really couldn't help himself.
Lilo frowned. Iann was looking smug, and if there was one thing he hated it was a smug Iann. The man was already too clever then he had a right to be and Lilo hated that it looked like the human knew something he didn't. "Okay..." To preserve the peace Lilo handed off the tub of still warm soup. He sat down on the couch, gently as if there might be something hiding in it that would bite at him. "Uhuh, hey," He eyed Iann, the pulling his face to one side. "So what kind of magical neighbor nonsense did you get the nice town doctor into anyway? And why's it involve all of us here?"
Miguel couldn't bring himself to sit on the couch with them.... with his brothers. Instead he stood in front of Lilo and wrung his hands. "Well, Iann didn't get me into it so much as, I got him into it. Or we're all in it and I just... figured it out uhm." He needed to stop stalling and just spit it out. So he closed his eyes tight and let it fly out of his mouth. "We're half brothers!  All of us. The three of us. We have the same dad. I found out with magic."
Iann was grinning so tightly his jaw was flexing and twitching, teeth clenched as he watched Lilo react to this. To add an extra measure, Iann unfolded his arms and spread his hands out. "This isn't a joke, no prank. Unless Miguel's lying or something - I haven't found a way to verify this claim, and he's the doctor and the witch, so. Hermano."
Lilo went to open his mouth, eyes darting from the grinning Iann to the hand wringing Miguel, then closed it and thought better of it. He sat for a while, letting the sudden shattering revelation settle in. He stared forward and shook his head. "I... I mean. No. That's" He shook his head, laughter spilling out in breathy awkward bursts. They said it wasn't a joke, but Lilo just couldn't manage to take it seriously. "Seriously? Guys? You call me over here, to what feels like a very weird and sad intervention at first with just two guys here. And tell me this?" He laughed again, head shaking as he moved to stand. "Okay, sure sure. Hermano, that I don't believe."
Lilo didn't believe them... and Miguel didn't know if that was better or worse than taking it badly. Maybe denial was a form of taking it badly. "No, Lilo. En serio." He sighed. "I started to suspect some things when a magical tome that's attuned to my family accepted Iann as one of its owners. I asked a blood witch to do a spell to let me find blood relatives and it said you two, and Addie of course, but less for her. And even then I wasn't sure, I thought the other witch might have messed up the strength and it was just showing me the closest Chicanos but... then I did a paternity test spell from my abuela." He put down the glass that Lilo had used the night he was drunk and talking about his feelings in Miguel's house. "I used my blood and your spit," he explained. "We're brothers. All of us."
Lilo shook his head, standing but shifting back and forth from his prosthetic. "Okay, hermano. I believe you." He looked at Miguel, taking his words more seriously. The doctor seemed adamant and animated as he spoke, and it was hard arguing against that kind of energy. "You, I can understand. Miguel. I can wrap my head around you and me, long lost finding each other here sure. But Iann?" His laughter pitched higher. "This guy?" His thumb gestured back to the couch. "I know this guy, known him for years. There's no way. I mean we can't be. I would have... I feel like I would have picked up on something. I mean look at him! He's gigantic! So tall" His hands gestured up and down wildly, as if measuring his fellow chicano in the air. "How is he related to us shorties, huh? Is his mother huge?"
Iann "You haven't known me for years, stop being dramatic," Iann said, standing up and scoffing at Lilo. "....okay you do kind of know me for a couple years, I guess, but not well, Not since - well - that time - you know what I mean," Iann waved a hand in the air, simultaneously calling up the past and dismissing it in one fell motion. Iann was so far highly amused at all of Lilo's confusion, and ironically he also agreed that yes - Miguel made sense for Iann too. But Lilo Lopez?? Then Lilo had to go talk smack about Mala and Iann's face got an immediate mottled red. "My mother was perfect!!" he hollered. "I can't help it if I got all the good genes."
Lilo threw up his hands, shoulders following suit. "I'm not saying anything bad about your Mama. I was just wondering if she was also six foot maybe."
Iann pointed a finger. "You just watch it Lopez or you'll get six feet up your ass."
Miguel had thought that Lilo and Iann got along. But apparently that wasn't super correct. He glanced between the two of them and had a selfish thought about how it would probably be okay if they both liked him but didn't get along with each other. He sighed and shook his head. "Already fighting like siblings I see," he tried to force the mood to be light, even though they looked ready to pitch two fits. "I would have been tall if I was cis," he mumbled softly, more to himself than to Lilo, but the wolf would hear him. "Okay okay okay," Miguel said as he put his hands up too, but he put his hands up between the other two. "Stop."
Lilo jutted up his chin just a bit, an ingrained reaction to Iann's tone. "You just try it culero. Try it. I would like to see." He was prepared to stare Iann down, but Miguel was being much more practical and calm. It shamed Lilo into backing down slightly, head nodding in agreement to stop. Picking up partly on Miguel's admission. He looked more thoughtful, a look that belied his concern but not that it was more directly related to being the shortest cis-man in the group of brothers than anything else. Concerns could be petty.
"Okay we're all brothers and I think it's great and I like you both a lot. I'd like it if you'd get along with each other but I'd settle for you not fighting until you get out of my house,” Miguel warned them. 
Iann was all smiles and terse cheer when Miguel intervened, and he shoved his hands into his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels. "Who's fighting? We're just having a nice talk," Iann stated, giving Lilo a wink over Miguel's head. "So what do we do now? Have a beer and...make it official?"
Lilo settled down, wanting to sit. It was actually starting to sink in that he had more brothers, of course he did, but- "Oooh wow. This is real? This is really real, huh?" He breathed out, eyes widened, head shaking. He took a long look at Miguel. No longer using his easy irritation at Iann distract him. "We're related? We are like that joke, about chicanos not being all related but now are all related and oooh wow. This is exciting? It feels exciting? But also maybe making me a little dizzy-sick. Sick and dizzy" His eyes darted to Iann, stomach threatening to flip.
Miguel chuckled a little. Lilo was so sweet, and relief was washing through him, making him a little giddy. "You sit, Lilo. I'll get you a water. Iann and I can have the beer." He bumped Iann's shoulder on the way to the kitchen.
Iann "That's a joke?" Iann piped up, looking to Miguel for confirmation. If it was, it certainly wasn't one Iann had heard, oddly enough...but not really that oddly. Iann lived a large part of his life white-passing and code-switching depending on the company. "Why don't you take a seat, guey. Before you upchuck kale meat soup all over Miguel's nice clean floor."
Lilo first reaction was to glare at Iann's suggestiong, and stay standing just to spite him. Some part of this announcement felt like it flung him back into childhood, when he was a lonely moody teen just finding his standing and dealing with his mom having more kids with a step-dad he hated. Lilo hated this feeling, but not upchucking kale soup was good advice. He sat. "Ay, thanks Miguel. A big water if you got it..."
Miguel just laughed some more, grinning even, two brothers and they were all joking and grumbly but they were there, with Miguel. "I mean, you know how we joked about the gringos mistaking us for each other just because we're chicano? Kind of like that I'm assuming." Miguel shrugged. "Just cleaned," he said with a nod. "With fabuloso," he added with a smirk. He got the water for Lilo (a big water) first and handed it to him.
Iann returned to the couch armrest, watching as Miguel returned. The grin on the witch's face, Iann had no idea what to do with it. Granted, at least Lilo handled the news better than Iann did...so far anyway. Iann guessed that Lopez would have his meltdown later, once it all sunk in. For now the werewolf would just keep face. "Ah, I gotcha. Gringos," Iann said, taking the beer. He didn't drink immediately, and just fiddled with the label, thinking about Miguel so tastefully saying 'the other witch' when he explained the spell. Ciara, of course - Miguel told Iann, but maybe Lilo had never met Ciara. Why would he. But Iann's thoughts were digressing. "So...what now?" he asked, looking up between the two of them, suddenly serious and grim.
Miguel opened his own beer. He glanced at Iann and took a deep breath. "I have no idea."
Lilo shrugged, water in hand and threatening to spill on the freshly fabulos-ed floor. "I mean what now? What are we supposed to do? Go on a brother vacation? A brother journey to discover lost treasure? What should we do..." He paused to take a couple gulps of water. Wiping his lips with the back of his hand. "I mean... anybody actually know our dad. What he's like besides the fact that he gets around a lot..."
Iann "Who cares," Iann dismissed the dad question brusquely, then got up to look out one of Miguel's windows at the birds in the back yard. He took a swig of beer. "I guess we just go back to normal life. You tell Pegs, I tell...Bellamy, well. I've already told Bellamy. And Miguel - you tell that kid of yours at the University? Then that's that. What more is there for us to do, I don't - I don't think we need to find out more. " Iann glanced over at them both, then back out the window. "At least, I don't want to, personally."
Miguel pursed his lips. He already knew how Iann felt about it, but it sounded like Lilo was a little more on his page, a little more curious. It was odd, and Miguel wanted to know why it had played out the way it had. He was also a little surprised by how close Iann thought he was to Hawthorn, they may have been in the same coven but the only reason they were getting along was because the kid had a concussion and needed coven help, at least that was what Miguel had assumed. The idea was enough to send him into a spiral. He didn't have a fiancee or a best friend even, he had a coven member. There wasn't a way to tell Lilo that they could talk about it after Iann left, at least not a polite way. "We don't need to, but..."
"But it might be nice to know." Lilo finished for Miguel. Stopping to take another drink of water. "You can't tell me you are not at least a little bit curious. C'mon Iann! You're the human out of us. Aren't you worried about heart disease or baldness. Horrible things like that." He shrugged, unaware of Miguel's spiraling or the source of Iann's tetchiness about their shared father. "It's a fucking mystery. Three guys, all different, all in the same town. How does all of these coincidences not worry you?"
"Nope," Iann said firmly, but with that forced chipperness. He didn't want the beer anymore, but he dutifully chugged it so it wouldn't go to waste, and then went to Miguel's kitchen, seeking and finding the recycle bin. He returned, dry washing his hands. "Well, I'm going now. Surprise over. You two can sort whatever else you want, hm? I'll see you both around, I gotta, ah, I have things --" Iann looked at his watch (thank god he remembered to put it on this morning or he'd look pretty dumb looking at his wrist). "-- things I have to do, goodbye." Iann nodded at Miguel and headed out.
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hotgirlrpt · 4 years
what do you mean throwback twitter rp? i'm interested
- real drama, plotted and natural.
- drama that doesnt result in 10 “/ im uncomfortabke im logging off / leaving” tweets.
- fun events and plot drops where people actually participate.
- gossip where members participate and send things in that doesnt result in a tl full of speculation tweets because those are 100% meta and never a genuine reaction
- a good classic gossip girl or like the hills or any good 2000s pop culture inspired plot
- chatzy or more interactive activities and events
- tasks that members actually take seriously and participate in
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seashq · 3 years
do you have a log of the chatzy from last night's event, by chance?
yes we will be posting it !  but i have to wait until im done at work. also, admin c is on leave rn due to personal issues so im trying to keep up with everything by myself at the moment. sorry everyone ! 
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hollywoodfamerp · 3 years
do you guys allow people to para off dash like in messages or a sb and then post the log? i know some groups are picky about that. interested in joining but nervous about writing in front of this many people
Oh, yeah, without a doubt! A lot of our members do paras and texts on discord/chatzy and then post it under a read more :) If you need us to link any examples just send us a message and we’ll gladly help out! Also, don’t be nervous! I know we’re gonna love you! <3
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