#;; reposting with new name and fc!
iluvzz · 1 year
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RASHAN  .  MH   /   ✿ 
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tooswcctx · 5 months
open: f/nb ( 25+ if romantic, age gaps welcome ) muse: anthony afzal, novelist
Anthony gave them a warm smile, meeting the eyes of his best friend who he was entirely head over heels for…not that they knew that. “You can do whatever you set your mind to…even if that’s staying up all night long to watch some ridiculous reality TV show that makes me question humanity. I will still support you.” He teased, chuckling softly as he poured them both a glass of wine.
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accio-victuuri · 6 months
BXGs + IQIYI night ( and other fandom issues ) 🍵
11/25 is upon us and i’m personally excited to see WYB at a public event but my expectations are in check. He is obviously there because of his work with Chang Feng Po Lang and he has some obligation to promote it this way. He has no drama that aired with them this year and he has virtually no ties with them like he would Youku or Tencent even if the latter was in the past.
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So i’m not expecting him to be fighting it out with other celebrities present for the spotlight. He doesn’t need it, the attention will naturally fall on him anyway. He also doesn’t have to try so hard to be relevant because he is already WYB. As much as I would love for him to perform, I don’t think it’s gonna happen but I hope i’m wrong.
Anyway, since the event will have lots of celebrities, the fandom activities are on. As expected. Online, it will be making sure your bias will be on top comments about IQIYI night related posts. Or when the individual photos come out, most likely 11/24, WYB should have the highest likes or shares.
Sohu’s weibo account shared what offline activities fandoms are doing and the first one is WYB. ✌🏼
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( caption: Fans of male artists on iQiyi’s Scream Night support offline. There are large-screen displays on various transportation and landmark buildings in Macau, exclusive customized banners, etc. the fans are so attentive. )
What I love about the post is the project they shared there is by BXGs. ☕️
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It’s a ad screen to be played in two ports close to Macau. IQIYI night is gonna take place on the same venue where YH concert took place this year. So that’s a memorable place for BXGs too. This is not something new. If you’ve been into fandoms like this before, then it makes sense. It’s actually standard and pretty simple, nothing extravagant. There are even companies that will do voting polls and the winning fandom will have their faves on LED Ads.
Video below is how it actually looks like in Gong Bei port. So many foot traffic omg!!!! They even used an edit by Stardustkii who is everyone’s fave. && The video is focused on his Movie Era 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
If you look at the main post of Sohu, all the top comments are BXGS. Passion Fruit supports WYB! 💪🏼
The drama ( sort of ) comes from one of the “fanclubs” of WYB sharing and commenting on that Sohu post.
Wang Yibo Cool Leopard Club and all fans responded to the Cyberspace Administration of China's "Qinglang" series of special action calls to guide the positive development of the fandom and have always put an end to any irrational support behavior.
Reject any consumption and gathering behaviors in the name of artists; reject any irrational support and other illegal fandom behaviors; put an end to any extravagant and wasteful support habits!
Let’s all work together to do more things that are of positive significance to society and jointly maintain a harmonious online environment.
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My first reaction to this, aside from heavy eye rolling for sure 🙄🙄🙄, is utter confusion. This is because as soon as WYB was announced, even before that, another WYB fan group was telling fans what time WYB will be announced so everyone comment. They were also doing test posts and preparation to make sure WYB has good KPI numbers online and offline for the event. Even WYB’s FC Guangdong Group was calling on people to meet in Macau.
So everyone was like ?????
and how some so/os were supporting that repost. I mean come on. this has nothing to do with qinglang. they are rejecting that post cause it’s a BXG project and once again, it’s a shame for so/os. it’s giving them flashbacks to what happened in YH concert in Macau where they utterly failed to show up for WYB. Tho I have to give it to them, pulling Qinglang and acting all high and mighty compared to other fandoms is an infuriatingly genius route to go. I’m in a different fandom, I don’t know what happens in the inner circle of WYB’s so/o fandom in CHN but this incident gives me the clue that they are once again uncoordinated. He has a couple of “fan clubs” and groups per city and that has always been the reason for lack of unity. I mean, hate the 🍤🍤🍤 all you want, but those bitches are coordinated as fuck. They listen to one account only. There are no scattered fan clubs. It is cult-ish in some ways but it works when it comes to making sure everyone is doing the same thing and working on the same goal.
WYB so/o fans in CHN should get their act together. I know they work so hard ( that green banner for GRA was so sweet ) and I see it, but the lack of planning and coordination in times like this is hard to watch.
Now I don’t know what SOHU’s motive is only that they wanted to cover fandom projects for IQIYI Scream night. Maybe whoever it is just saw Yibo and Green and thought that’s it? They didn’t know BJYXSZD? Who knows. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I’m seeing BXGs who are going to Macau and are organizing together. I would think it’s harder to get tickets for this cause you are competing with other fandoms too. I just hope they have fun! I’m so excited for fansite photos too!
I was actually not supposed to share this cause it contains fandom “issue” which is sensitive. but the purpose of my tumblr have always been to write my thoughts… As much as cpfs are supposed to hate so/os and vice versa, I have never wished or hoped for their respective so/o fandoms to fail and be humiliated. Because they represent the boys and we support the same person.
Let’s just see what happens on 11/25 ✌🏼
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stephdragonness · 3 months
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(sequel scene off from "Broken Heart 💔 valentine AU", try intrepid how 👀 - "look at me." / "let me look at you." so go with me on this just idea i came up with, just write out scene)
"The two Had their Valentine dinner, it was decided to continue the date to a local club where had special "valentine couple discount happy hour/dance". the two had few drinks before doctor gave signal he wanted to take his date onto dance floor.
Dr Cortex "Shall i have this dance" pulling out all charm he could.. he was enjoying the night with his unexpected blind date and like show more appreciation for her, he present her his hand out to take like a gentleman.
Steph: "hmm alright" she giggles at his manner "So Doctors know how to dance hmm?" she went take his hand and got up from her seat to join him.
Dr Cortex: he gave a smirk back at his date, his ego charging up. "im very adequate with many forms of dancing.. i used to be quite Hip back in the 80s (disco cortex skin)." he takes her into simple waltz with slow music played in the club.
Steph: she thought to herself how sweet the doctor been, they chatted over dinner there occupation, hobbies and general life things...she maybe new to wumpa islands/ Wumpa Town and have heard of some notorious story's of the Mad Doctors lived on the wumpa islands, so hearing him say his name was a surprise, she was not going judge the man from rumours, he happen be rather awkward mostly at the start but then relaxed and show more his better side, no mad doctor malice then his ego to gloat of his work but she didn't mind him, she like nerdy types anyway.
Two took time to dance and sway to music, 'bee gees -how deep is your love' played in background and was soothing to souls of the room, even there were few passing glances from people who knew the mad doctor and gave a scowl of dislike.
Steph: "Very smooth Doctor... you got some moves on you i didn't think someone of your state could do, hope your full of more surprises tonight to enchant me."
Dr Cortex: "Hmhmhm A Scientist like me always have few tricks up his sleeve, tho You are the one Who is Enchanting tonight." it was cheesy of him bounce back the
Steph: she could feel her cheeks warm up at his compliment, her heart swelled she locked eyes with the doctor Infront of her, she lit out soft snark from her lips" if you keep making smooth moves like that.. im not going able to walk soon." she smiles softly to doctor she whispers low " im glad my other date ditched out, cause i got better deal right here with a handsome Doctor"
Dr Cortex: he could only chortle softly from his throat and stared back at his date, her smile made him melt away any malice/grief of his other date cancelling on him cause seem found someone better, "just beautiful night with a beautiful lady" he return the compliment.
Thier night was going on very sweet and maybe just be more in making between them.💘
©toysforbob©SIERRA-Activision/Vicarious Visions©spyro ©ToyForBob©Beenox©Activision© Crash Bandicoot Doctor Neo Cortex ©OC/FC/ART©StephDragonness© Tools~ClipStudioPaint|X-Do Not Steal/Trace/Repost my Art-X| https://stephdragonness.carrd.co/ Links to my Other Medias
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SHIPPING INFO:// Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog
(Including Remy in this for the sake of simplicity)
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I don't have many because I'm a multishipper. For like, fandom, non-rp content, you have R.omy and A.nidala. That's it. A better question is notp and that's r.ogueneto, I will not be writing it, I filter it to keep it off my dash. But there's all kinds of options for shipping with my muses because I don't have a 'i will only write this one ship' for any one character.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
A lot. It really just depends on how comfy I am with the mun and how much we've developed our muses' relationship. Sometimes the muns I've known for a while can just chuck new ideas at me and we just go head first without development but that's a case by case kind of deal. Brakes start pumping for pregnancy stuff mainly because I don't do fetish content for free, that's a paid service you will not find here- long time partners only. Cheating is a nope, just have no desire to write it. I don't mind other toxic situations, or messy open situationships, but flat out cheating just rubs me wrong. And nothing involving a.b.o. Just, no thank you.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
I ship r.ogan, so clearly age gaps don't bother me lmao. It's more power dynamics, and it's all fake anyways, just depends on the situation. Most of the muses aren't going for anyone much younger than them anyways, it's more older where they might raise eyebrows.
Are you selective when shipping?
A little bit yes, a little bit no? So I do like my ships of all types, not just romantic, but the ones that tend to the more steamy I am most comfy with established with for a variety of reasons. That's not to say sometimes I can't plot for more specific ship types early on with the right person, it just very much depends. Like, Sara/Warren with @wingedwarren was literally started off by a smut meme out the gate. I have never claimed there aren't exceptions they are just Rare AF and Highly Conditional.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
I tag consertatively. Meaning if someone's boss or mom were to peep over their shoulder and might be scandalized, I've probably already tagged it as 'nsfw ish' unless we're talking Prude of the Year levels. Usually once things underneath clothes are being given attention, whether or not said clothes have hit the floor. I don't use the rating toggle because it can shadowban your blog and/or make it impossible to cut the thread. But I do tag.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Oh dear. There's so many. If I missed someone I swear it wasn't on purpose. These are all the ships be it familial, friend, hate, romantic, we don't fucking know yet cuz we're still writing it out, you name it. There is no rhyme or reason to the order so do not read into any of that.
Rogue- @meretrixious, @ifyoucatchacriminal, @suffcring, @iomadachd, @revenantinflames, @thefastestaround, @bothsidesofaquestion, @fatummortem
Gabriel- @nacreousxhearts
Sara- @wingedwarren, @meretrixious, @shizumaikushima
Cisco- @brooklynislandgirl, @meretrixious, @morgansmornings
Farrar- @nacreousxhearts, @iomadachd
Nilza- @iomadachd, @suffcring, @meretrixious, @kylo-wrecked, @bothsidesofaquestion, @brooklynislandgirl, @astral-athame, @halliwellauto
Harry- @reallifejedi, @brooklynislandgirl
Kaylee- @nacreousxhearts, @meretrixous, @arthurthefaceless
Padmé- @mynameisanakin, @brooklynislandgirl
Remy- @brooklynislandgirl, @ifyoucatchacriminal, @nacreousxhearts, @abrushwithdeath, @fatummortem, @bothsidesofaquestion, @down-home-charm, @suffcring
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
At least with a small check-in. A fast way to get blocked is start reblogging my fc posts 'xyz's girlfriend' before we've ever started a thread (yes that's happened in the past).
How often do you like to ship?
Shrug, -waves vaguely at the replies that occasionally grace the dash-
Are you multiship?
I am the captain of an armada, and the ships do not ever cross paths unless there's a lot of chit chat between all muns. Which apart from Armin and some other xpeople has been...never. Namely because once I do a three mun polycule ship, someone blows it up. I've learned it's best not to lmao.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
More-or-less. I’m here for juicy writing of all types. {<-stolen}
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Uh...most of my ships are crossover or oc. Current implies I would ever leave X-Men, which...no. Obvs r.omy. I don't much engage with the a.rrowverse fandom anymore. D.resden files would probably be Susan/Harry. That's about it for canon stuff. If this question meant rp stuff, I don't feel like listing favorites there.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Send memes, signal flares, a chancla. Some amount of ooc chitchat is usually helpful (by that i mean about the muses, if there's one thing I don't like doing it's delving into the question "how are you" from someone i barely know cuz it's usually uh...well...it's my life)
tagged by: Taken from @kylo-wrecked and there was probably many others at the time but it's been a minute
tagging: be gay, do crime
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femalemonsterhunter · 1 month
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27/04/24 EDIT: Sorry for reposting this same yesterday's pic of my PT OC for the third time, because some of the textures in the picture have various errors, and even, I often forgot to show Peppino's blush. So, whoopiee 🙃.
Ughhhhh, man! But, after all, at last! It was literally lasted 19 days long, since I sometimes turned away from it as unfinished with sketchy details, until a few days of this week and even now I managed to complete it in terms of line drawing, coloring along with detailed schemes and even more texture applications, with barely diligent effort.
And even more especially, before the artistic work on the phone, I was thinking all the time in the invisible deaf about coming up with the idea to make an OC (or maybe FC, so I don't know for sure) for Peppino from this game, Pizza Tower as a new OCXCanon ship even now, because after the last year I watched some gameplay videos on YouTube and started to like this game so much, first of all, like others do, I started to have the most delicate crush on him together with others like the Noise and Fake Peppino (as for Fake Pep, I would rather consider inventing the idea of creating another but non-Peppino-related OC clone as a new OCXCanon ship only in the future).
Plus, regarding the name "Gommaticarer" I came up with it myself for this OC, I just accidentally connected it so automatically from between the two Italian words "gomma" and "masticare", mostly borrowed from the Italian-translated description on Google Translate website such as "gomma da masticare", which simply means "chewing gum" or "bubble gum".
But on the contrary, she will still fit in case I rather draw her more, say with her pose on the term, her physical abilities, even her side with Peppino in a romantic relationship, etc., whatever I do.
And I hope you really enjoy it.
Art and Lady Gommaticarer belongs to me (C)
Peppino from the Pizza Tower belongs to McPig/Tour De Pizza (C)
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lunarruled · 2 months
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Knowing Your Partner Can Make Writing Together Easier! - repost-y, no reblog-y
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Name? Rose
Pronouns? She/Her
Communication Preference? Ims on here are just fine!
Muses’ Names? Kyleigh Marie Thompson (Morningstar)
Best Experience? Meeting the amazing people that I write with (and looking forward to some new ones). Getting to know new muses and new worlds!
Pet Peeves? Not reading a mun's rules or just completely ignoring them. Saying that you're OC friendly when you ignore them totally. Only using someone for their FC. People that take RP way too seriously. When you write a good, full reply and only get a few sentences in return. Getting mad when someone unfollows or blocks you (what's the point? It's their blog, they run it how they want!)
Muse Preferences? I've always written females, I just feel I'm better at it honestly.
Plotting or Winging It? Both. Or a light plot that can be expanded by winging it. Or a general idea that can go in any direction with a basic end goal.
Long or Short Replies? Either one, but more than just a few words lol
Best Time To Write? For me probably afternoon or night time. It's just quieter then, and I don't have a bunch of shit to do.
Are You Like Your Muse? We're both passionate about the people we allow to get close to us. We both curse a lot, are short and very angry about it lmao
Tagged by: @myriadxofxmuses (yesss thank you!) Tagging: All of you if you want to do it!
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buglesbetty · 4 months
— betty's character info sheet.
(repost, don’t reblog)
name: elizabeth brant
name meaning: based from the hebrew name elisheva, meaning god's promise
alias/es: betty, ms brant, mrs brant-leeds
ethnicity: white
one picture you like: for both my younger and older fcs :D
three hcs you never told anyone:
i really feel like i post most thoughts that come to my mind about betty but i'll see what i've got. i have probably told someone.
betty's first story was undercover at a cult, she was still recovering from ned's death and it got dicey. though she got out with her life and a great article it definitely made her more careful approaching undercover opportunities.
when she little (as in preteen) she used to pretend her dad was a spy and that was why he couldn't live with or stay with her mum.
betty's own internal thoughts on her sexuality and gender where very affected growing up by the desire for an easy/stable/white picket fence life it's not until after ned's death when she's in therapy that she begins to consider it fully as an actual option
three things your character likes doing in their free time: 
knitting / sewing, she's a big fan of habits that keep her hands busy
movies, watching must involve masses of food and snacks
reading, it was always escape for betty as a kid and she still loves running away into a story
eight people your character likes / loves:
eleonore & bennett brant. they both had their faults, but there will never not be a day she wishes they were still with her.
peter parker. she was a bit of a lonely kid during high school and it only got worse once she dropped out, the friendship she has with peter is one of the most important to her.
j jonah jameson. very much a love hate relationship, she recognises the great things he has done throughout his career and is fairly sure she will never be able to repay what he did for her by giving her a job but cannot stand his personality.
robbie robertson. the dad she never had.
kate cushing. took her underwing when she was first starting as a reporter, since she was new to the bugle she respected betty's experience and didn't baby her the way some of the others did which betty values.
glory grant. secretaries got to stick together. the extrovert to her introvert. the best flatmate she ever could or ever will have.
mary jane watson. the bravest person she knows. constantly in awe of her confidence and insight.
two things your character regrets:
dating gordon
marrying ned
two phobias your character has:
gambling / addiction
tagged by : @arachnidiots (this is from so long ago my god) tagging : @diaboluse @watsonjackpot @lvebug @ncmad @inhcritance
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arcanescholxr · 6 months
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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NAME: Dwight Blackburn
NICKNAME: "Witchling" or "Little Witch."
AGE: 23
SPECIES: witch
SEX: trans-male
INTERESTS: Dwight enjoys reading on his free time, he makes tea and sets up a comfortable space and reads for hours. Baking is another hobby of his, he loves to bake for his friends and is always trying new recipes when he sees a chance. He takes up gardening too, at his home he has potted plants and out in the woods he tends to the things he's planted.
PROFESSION: bookstore owner and college student
EYES: brown
HAIR: black
SKIN: tanned
POSTURE: regularly slouches
VOICE: same as his FC
SIGNATURE OUTFIT: Dwight wears a simple collared shirt with a cardigan over it. (It changes frequently) but the most common cardigan being his signature light brown one. He dresses in slacks and shoes. On his right hand, he wears the ring that can summon his magical staff. Dwight also wears glasses.
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: (verse dependent) in his lore, he's dating Harvey Mackey and Nikolas Dimitru. (poly)
COMPANIONS: Gwen Cross, Estrella Tempest, and Rowan Villalobos.
ANTAGONISTS: Everett Blackburn, Kazimir Blackburn, and Draven Mallory
STRENGTHS: an unshakeable optimistic view and pure belief in the goodness of the world, powerful magic at his fingertips, and great ability of creating allies. Also resistant but not immune to things like; vampirism and lycanthropy. Dwight is fire resistant.
WEAKNESSES: naive and dimwitted, uncontrollable magic, much too trusting, makes decisions with his heart and is easily frightened. Hellfire is the only fire that can burn Dwight.
FRUITS: strawberries!
DRINKS: teas and coffee
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: doesn't drink regularly but enjoys a glass of whine or those hard lemonades.
SMOKES: nope
DRUGS: nope
DRIVERS LICENSE: do not let him drive!
Tagged by: @gunslinginnhogtyin
Tagging: @undeadunalive @troublewithvampires @draggeddowntothedark @crimson--corvid and anyone else who wants to do it!
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dani-dimitrescu · 1 year
RULES.  repost, don’t reblog. tag ten.
TAGGED.  Stole it.
TAGGING. Just do the thing if you want to.
FULL NAME.  Daniela Dimitrescu (former:  Valeria Lois Lupei)
NICKNAME.   Dani, Fruitfly, Firefly
AGE.  90+
BIRTHDAY.  April 1931/January 1950
LANGUAGE.  Romanian, Italian, English, German, French
RELATIONSHIP STATUS.   Single (except in one verse)
CLASS.  Upper class
HOME TOWN / AREA.  Unnamed Village in Romania
CURRENT HOME.  Castle Dimitrescu
PROFESSION.  Spoiled youngest daughter (xD)
HAIR.  Red
EYES.   Gold, with hints of Green in her right eye (former blue and green)
BLEMISHES.   Heterochromia
SCARS.   Long scar on the left side of her heads
TATTOOS.   Rose on her forehead
HEIGHT.   5′5″ (human)  7'2" (Current)
WEIGHT.   confidential
USUAL HAIR STYLE.   Straight/Sidecut
USUAL CLOTHING.  Dresses,  High Heels
FEAR.  Death, losing control,  abandonment
ASPIRATION.   Marry a beautiful girl to share her indefinite love with. (hopeless romantic)
POSITIVE TRAITS.  Humorous, Loyal, Imaginative, Adventurous, Romantic
NEGATIVE TRAITS.    Possessive, Nosy, Jealous, Rebellious, Reckless, Scatterbrained
MBTI.    ENFP:The Enthusiasts
ZODIAC.   Aries
TEMPERAMENT.    Your temperament is sanguine. The sanguine temperament is fundamentally spontaneous and pleasure-seeking; sanguine people are sociable and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social gatherings, making new friends and tend to be boisterous. They are usually quite creative and often daydream. However, some alone time is crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguine can also mean sensitive, compassionate and thoughtful. Sanguine personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as soon as it ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much people persons. They are talkative and not shy. Sanguines generally have an almost shameless nature, certain that what they are doing is right. They have no lack of confidence.
FATHER.  (former:  Alexandru Lupei)
MOTHER.   Alcina Dimitrescu / (former: Dakaria Lupei)
SIBLINGS.  Bela and Cassandra / (former: Fabiu Lupei)
EXTENDED  FAMILY.  Mother Miranda, Donna Beneviento, Angie, Karl Heisenberg, Salvatore Moreau
NAME MEANING.    God is my judge
BOOKS.   Romances
MOVIES.  Has never seen a movie
MUSIC.  Classical and Jazz
DEITY.   Venus
MONTH.   June
SEASON.    Summer
PLACE.  Library
WEATHER.   Warm and sunny
SOUND.  The sound a body makes when it falls from great height, Rain
SCENT.   Blood, Lavender, Roses, 
TASTE.   Blood, Fruits, Cake
FEEL.   smooth marble, warm skin
ANIMAL.   Bats
NUMBER.   11
COLOR.   Green
TALENTS.   Singing
BAD  AT.  Dancing, Hunting, Empathy
TURN  ONS.   Blood, neck kisses, hugs from behind.....
TURN  OFFS.   rude behaviour, being ignored......
HOBBIES.   Reading
TROPES.     Alliterative Name,  Beware the Silly Ones,  Evil Cannot Comprehend Good,  Flirting Under Fire,  Psychopathic Manchild,  Villains Want Mercy,  Actually Not a Vampire,  Ambiguous Situation,  Artificial Family Member, Alphabetical Theme Naming,  Assist Character,  Blonde Brunette Redhead,  Cute Monster Girl,  Dark Action Girl, Daywalking Vampire, Delinquent Hair,  Excessive Evil Eyeshadow, Facial Markings,  Flies Equals Evil, Happily Adopted,  Humanoid Abomination,  Leitmotif,  One to Million to One,  Shout-Out,  Sibling Team, Sinister Scythe,  Statuesque Stunner,  Synchronized Swarming,  Villainous Breakdown,  Was Once a Man,  Weaksauce Weakness,  The Worm That Walks
 AESTHETICS.  Vampire, Victorian Goth
MAIN  FC. Nataliia Kubyshyn 
VOICE  CLAIM.   Nicole Tompkins
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comiiical · 2 years
knowing your writing partners can make writing together a lot easier.   repost, don’t reblog.
NAME: Javi
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Tumblr IMs, discord if we already are in it.
NAME OF MUSE(S): Im a muse whore, i have too many. I’ll name Stephen and Peyton and those should be enough lol
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG: about to make 20 years rping
BEST EXPERIENCE: When I began on tumblr and everything felt new and exciting and there weren’t as many limits, kink shaming, or control. or toxicity for that matter.
RP PET PEEVES: pfft.... excessively tiny icons, shaming people while doing the exact same thing, forcing situations that i am not comfortable with and i have established it in every single place, “I dont know your fandom, so I ain’t rping in it” while also praising “GET TO KNOW MY OC!!! RESPECT MY WORLD BULDING ASK ANY QUESTION!”, coming at me just for the FC and obviously moving to the next muse with the same FC that pops up that’s more accessible than mine, adding characters with the same fc than i do after seeing me using or adding them, among many others lol
MUSE PREFERENCES FOR ANGST / FLUFF / SMUT: eh what’s a preference? I just don’t enjoy angst most of the time because it puts me on a bad mental spot, i am here to have fun not to get moodier, so when i go for angst i like angst, when i am not? I am not in the mood for everything to turn into it.
PLOTS OR MEMES: memes. rping is about improvisation, not planification, the more planned it is the less likely i am to enjoy it, and the more likely people are to go against said plot without realising causing me to be all “Pass.”
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: i am a second language speaker, in terms of english, writing in spanish makes me write very long replies even though i have always prefered one paragraph with 8-10 lines as much, so i do prefer short replies since they’re also faster to reply to. do i mind longer ones? No. I adapt.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I have no life.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: there’s a little of me in every muse i create and i tend to write those canons i can identify with minimally.
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praemoniitus · 1 month
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted. Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Monroe OOC Contact: honestly the best way is inbox, or tumblr i.m. Since I don't have a discord
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
in the simplest way, Zed (born name Rachel Laura Finch), after one too many encounters with The Entities or things associated with them. Learned too much and was "banished" to a world that is doomed to end. A human who learned "secrets" the Kryptonite of these powerful things, and instead of killing her. One, or it sent her to another dimension
Points of interest:
Due to the encounters she had, she devolved P.T.S.D., took up smoking cigarettes. Also does not do well underground ,or small enclosed spaces. At least small spaces she cant get out if. Wears 90s grudge style. Her eyes are gray unlike the FC's natural eye color. Not big on strangers either. Which is a battle when your work in a shop. She prefers people she knows to strangers
What they’ve been up to recently:
Zed's been trying to stay out of the spotlight. Trying not to get noticed by any powerful supernatural being. This cuts into any dreams ,or future plans In her free time she is learning how to crochet. And learn ancient Greek. And she is still reading about the supernatural and paranormal.
Where to find them:
At The Bell , books, and occult shop where she works, the nearby coffee shop on a corner called Coffee Corner, not aware winning coffee ,but it sure is good. And also can be found in the apartment above the shop. w
Current plans:
Survive ,that its in its simplicity. She has no desire to return to her "home" dimension. The horrors' in her new one are easier to handle. At least in her mind. Basically the phase of "rebuilding" her life in what ever dimension she was "banished" to
Desired interactions:
Found family , she is not interested in having enemies ,though she understands that's unavoidable. But rebuilding her life. Though throwing her into supernatural situations where she has to come face to face with things that either want to harm her, or to wish her good will.
Offered interactions:
• looking for supernatural/paranormal items for the shop, or prevent an innocent person from being harmed by it • am entities (or avatar) cross her path and something meaner that saves Zed from it • slice of life, in a supernatural world
Current open post/s:
open starters || starter calls || interest checker
Anything else?:
I primarily have her in the 90s to early 2000s era, check verses for more specifics
Tagging: @hiraethpariah , @dreameasel (tagged by: @obscurushydrae)
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hxdrostorms · 7 months
Muse Things~
Feel free to steal it!
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1. Name of your muse: Deathmask, his actual name is kept a secret from practically everyone. Barring only a select few.
2. One picture you like best of your muse’s FC: 
Hard to pick ONE tbh. I quite like his scruffy Soul of Gold's look, meanwhile I've come to appreciate his manga's design as well.
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3. Two headcanons you have for your muse that you have never told anyone: 
Now that I'm officially writing DM as a trans man over here. I can safely say just how important it was for him, to end up having Deathtoll as his former master. While most gold saints just barely connected with their former masters, DM was amongst the very few who actually DID click with them. Even though, technically speaking, they were only brought back specifically to train the new generation. For once, DM actually had surrounded himself with a genuinely positive influence, in his personal life.
DM was one of the select few that really didn't find in Aiolos, the image of their leader. The title of pope is passed down from one to another, as per the current pope's decisions. So there isn't any form of outside influence on the matter. The fact he didn't recognize Aiolos as their leader, shouldn't be mistaken with him not recognizing the Saggitarius' skills in battle, which really wasn't the case either.
4. Three things your muse loves doing in their free time:
Gambling or playing games;
Spend time with Aphrodite.
5. Four people that your muse “loves”:
Aphrodite (Friend? Something far more than that? Who knows at this point? But clearly, he holds an immense significance almost as big as Athena herself, to DM.)
Deathtoll (refuses to admit he deeply cares)
Athena/Saori Kido (Does his faith in Athena count as love? I'm saying yes LOL. He proves himself to be extremely faithful to his Goddess, in an attempt to repent for willingly serving Saga.)
Shura (He was constatnly grouped together with DM and Aphrodite, ever since they all had a hand in chasing after and executing Aiolos. Although, DM was completely unaware of what exactly, Saga had submitted Shura to.)
6. Three fond childhood memories:
First time meeting Aphrodite, they both hit things off almost instantly;
The time he blew his master's wig into the Yomotsu, while he was training. First time he used that technique, and he learned that his master was bald;
The extreme and harsh training he endured back in the Sicily island, on top of going in and out of the Yomotsu realm. He lived through all of these things, of course he would develop the mentality of 'only the strongest should really matter'.
7. One thing they’d go through heaven or hell to save/change:
As per his Gold saint's upbringing, training and order. He must always put Athena and her wishes above everything, and anything. Which is something he shows, to take very seriously.
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anderson-residence · 2 years
A-Z Getting to know the blog/muse
repost. Fill out with your answers. Cross out/ skip anything that might not apply to your character.
Character: Lana Curtis
A. What was the inspiration for your character? At first, in her orginal verse, she was lightly inspired by a character from a show I saw. A girl that turned out to be an alien robot but lived her first 8 years thinking she was human. From that idea as a base I took it and changed it around to a girl on the run knowing what she was but not wanting to hurt humans. Then she moved to a fully human kind of story for a more flexible main verse (after a stent of a human built android) all those verses and more are still available
B. How/why did you pick the name that you did for your character? I don't remember I think I just heard it/found it and it stuck.
C. How/why did you pick the birthday for your character? Almost all my muses I just roll randomly for their birthday so I put 1-12 into a list randomizer and from there whatever month it gives me I run it again with the number of days for that given month. Lana's rolls landed on 5-24. May 24th.
D. What is your character’s full name? Lana Margaret Curtis
E. When is your character’s birthday? What is their zodiac sign? How old is your character?
May 24th. Verse dependent: 2014. She is 7 by default. She is a Gemini.
F. What is the meaning behind your URL? What was your inspiration for the name? A lot of the characters here are members of the Anderson family. Hence this blog is their home. It's the Anderson residence.
G. Was this your first pick for a URL? Technically, yes. For this multimuse but a few muses came from other single blogs if you want to count that?
H. Have your change your URL? Would you ever change your URL?
No to both.
I. How tall is your character?
Lana is a very small little thing at only 3ft 6in!
J. How much does your character weigh? 43 pounds
K. Does your character like their name?
Her first name, yeah. But her middle and last name reminds her of Sarah. She doesn't like Sarah.
L. Does your character go by any nicknames?
She was called Lana-Banana in two different verses by teo different dads! It's a good one. She likes it enough. Makes her giggle. Lan is another option.
M. What is the highest level of education your character has officially received?
She's a child, only in elementary. She is in 3rd currently.
N. What is your character’s current job? What is your character’s dream job?
Currently that would be none or elementary student depending how you look at it. Dream job if you ask her what she wants to be when she grows up is "a baby doctor that pulls babies out of mamas"
O. What is your character’s favorite color?
She loves anything purple but can go for a good pink too.
P. What is your character’s favorite number/lucky number?
12 don't ask her why she doesn't know. She just likes it.
Q. What are some hobbies your character has?
Playing in the dirt and mud, drawing, coloring, crafting, dress up, pretend. I roleplay someone roleplaying
R. Where does your character live? And with who?
Detroit. It varies by verse. Main/default is my other muse Sarah. But she also has verses where she lives with Hank or Niles. And of course the verses with my friends ya'lls muses all are ready to adopt her or already have so she lives with her adoptive parents too.
S. Where is your character from?
Heavily verse depending. Ranges from Michigan, Maine, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland. A little bit of all over she was seemingly born. But she was raised in Detroit mostly.
T. Does your character have a face claim? if so who? How/why did you pick this face claim?
Alana Mansour. No the fc name did not affect the muse name lol it just worked out that way. And I was just looking through a face claim index when I came across her at it just fit for the age/gender I was planning for this muse. There wasn't a lot of options with icons ready. I wanted at least some for myself but didn't want to make them all at the time.
U.Does your character have a voice claim? if so who? Is it the same or different than their face claim? How/why did your pick their voice claim? Describe their voice.
It is difficult from her face claim because of where her fc was born and raised she has a lovely accent that Lana wouldn't have been from where she is. Alexa Swanson is Lana's voice claim. I was watching a show with her in it and it just clicked with me, it was what I already had heard for her when writing Lana.
V. If your character was real what would they be doing right now?
I would hope Lana would be in bed. It's 11:20 pm rn as I write this. Too late for a little kid.
W. What time does your character go to bed?
8:30 pm about, that is when Niles sends her to bed. Sarah doesn't give her one per se but will demand her to go away at some point yikes. I'm sure the answer would be different for all her adoptive parents too.
X. What is your character’s bedtime routine?
She doesn't have any solid routine when she was with Sarah, its usually a mad rush to get out of sight. But otherwise she's the type to brush hair and teeth and bathe all before bed. She likes to do a little prayer even though she wasn't raised, in any verse, for any religious upbringing but she saw kids do it in books and on tv. It feels right. It helps her feel better sometimes. She doesn't know what she's doing or what to say but she gets to her knees, folds her little hands, closes her eyes and asks God if she can meet an angel to protect her from Sarah.
Y. What time does your character wake up?
Depending on the time of year and if it's a school day or not she generally is up too early for her age but she needs to get ready for school early and doesn't like to be late.
Z. What is your character’s morning routine?
Similarly, to her bedtime routine she brushes her teeth and hair, changes outfits, and gives a small prayer for the day.
Tagged by: shhh myself
Tagging: @wxnted @lavishbylaw @itsagraywcrld @godccmplex @wynterlanding @creation-is-chaos @facxted @brokenlittlesweetheart @exploratorymuses (muse of choice) @anthologyoflucas (Ilia)
I mentioned a few of you in Lana's information but did not want to tag you up there as I knew I'd be tagging you here and I didn't want tumblr to do anything stupid. It can only handle so much. But you know who you are when you see it uwu
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ricochetingtears · 2 years
*  knowing  your  partner  well  can  potentially  make  writing  a  lot  easier,  repost,  do  not  reblog.
name: angela or angie pronouns: she/her preference  of  communication: discord because tumblr never notifies me of new IMs :( name  of  muse(s): well.... i keep on adding more because i love too many fictional characters but the one i ALWAYS have muse gotta be lois lane experience / how  long ( months / years ? ):  hmm going on 12 years maybe? i’m so old best  experience:  this is gonna be weird to some people but the dc fandom was such a home to me for so many years, same as tvd. but best of all are the people you get to write and befriend and follow your endless new blogs throughout the years rp  pet  peeves / deal  breakers: don’t message me “wanna plot?” if we’re not mutuals pls i get so uncomfortable not knowing how to turn down people lmao. also super tiny icons i can’t recognize a damn fc in. also people who complain all the time about not having partners/thread but put no effort into reaching out either, we’re all anxious people with rl problems janet, that’s why we’re here preferences;  fluff,  angst,  or  smut:  angst!!!!!! like i’ll find a way i am very sorry but i also like fluff a lot more than i used to. i’m a sucker for angst with a happy ending if you know what i mean. smut is something i don’t write best  time  to  write: when my brain allows me :))) it can go from early in the morning when the dash is quiet to evenings when i have time
TAGGED BY:  stolen from the dash TAGGING:  anyone who wants to do it!!
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prcttylittlethings · 2 years
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                            meet the characters ; charlotte angelica jackson                                               the jackson family
                                                 reposted & updated from former blog.
                   father ( not pictured ) - charles james jackson // mother ( not pictured ) - cynthia marie jackson ( née holiday )
from oldest to youngest, with charlotte’s base age of 26*.
christopher charles jackson - age 32
portrayed by @mctionsick with a ben barnes fc
brewer / bar owner
connor michael jackson - age 30
portrayed by @evocatiive with a nick robinson fc. 
caroline marie jackson - age 28
portrayed by @prcttylittlethings with a phoebe tonkin fc
human rights activist
lesbian - married to cecilia ( open ) with an adopted daughter cameron
charlotte angelica jackson - age 26
portrayed by @prcttylittlethings with a nina dobrev fc
artist / gallery owner / art teacher
verse dependent, always something to do with painting / art
chloe rose jackson - age 24
portrayed by @evocatiive​ with a ciara bravo fc. 
clara louise jackson - age 24
portrayed by @prcttylittlethings​ with a ciara bravo fc.
carson james jackson - age 20
portrayed by @mctionsick​ with a fc tbd. 
student / guitarist
courtney sophia jackson - age 16
student / one day politician
npc with a fc tbd. 
*ages vary from verse to verse, merely using her usual base as a jumping point for age gaps in children.
further headcanons below the cut ! 
the family has always been fairly well off - they come from ‘old money’ and live in the same house ( though renovated ) they’ve held since the 1600s. 
located in natchitoches, louisiana, charles was once mayor of the quaint town before running for higher political positions, now comfortably in a senate position. cynthia is a school teacher. 
charles & cynthia met in college - they got married after only six months, and less than a year later christopher was born.
the parents have always supported all of their children, whether their interests lay in academics, art or otherwise.
giving all of their children the CJ initials started as a joke when they gave birth to connor - their original intentions was to have three children, a small unit of five altogether. charlotte and subsequent children ( specifically courtney ) were surprises. whoops !
they have a huge extended family. charles is the middle of four brothers, and cynthia has two sisters and three brothers. occasions - holidays, parties, etc. - tend to be hosted at the jackson family home, as they have the largest family out of all the ‘first generation’ children.
combined, there are probably around thirty cousins from all sides. now that they’re all in their 20s / 30s, the second generation has begun having children, creating the third generation.
the ‘cj’ name is limited to specifically charles/cynthia. other family members are normal.
christopher & charlotte have always been very close - while connor is closer in age to charlotte, chris was the one who looked out for her and the two tend to travel together when one moves somewhere new.
connor & caroline are also very close - while christopher and charlotte were the ‘wild children’, the two of them took to their studies and planned to change the world, just in very different ways.
there’s a slight disconnect between the ‘original four’ and ‘new four’. while charlotte is close to the twins, carson and courtney are so much younger than christopher and connor that while they love one another, they don’t know each other very well.
that being said, absolutely any of them would go to war for the other. though there may be a 16 year gap between christopher and courtney, they’re siblings and family has always been incredibly important to all jackson children.
caroline was the first to marry - she met cecilia while protesting in washington dc, and the two adopted a child from africa while traveling the world trying to help where they could.
cameron, or ‘cam’, is the only next generation jackson child thus far.
caroline is also the only vegan in a family of carnivores - she tends to rant about the meat industry during barbecues, which usually results in christopher and carson teaming up to dunk her in the pool.
the twins left the south as soon as they could. they traveled to manhattan to attend nyu together, and do moderately well on their own in the photography and modeling industry.
the family is big on travel. while they didn’t get a chance to go many places as a family unit when the kids were growing up, all of the children love to explore and travel.
charlotte prefers the mediteranian area of europe, and goes there frequently for inspiration for her art.
caroline and her wife cecila often go to developing nations to lend a hand where they can.
the twins will go anywhere once - they’ve taken on their fathers ability to network easily, and have been around the world just by making new friends and connections.
carson prefers to travel by car, and loves going cross country to visit family and friends during summer breaks.
carson plans on being a guitarist in a band. education is very important to cynthia, specifically, however, so he’s begrudingly attending ug before he can go live his rock star life.
charlotte understands his pain, and while she attended pratt in new york, she too just wanted to ‘create’ instead of suffering through school. however, the contacts she’s made have helped her, and she tries to tell him this to encourage him staying in school.
courtney was an absolute surprise. cynthia and charles believed carson would be the last, but they’re happy with their daughter who’s determined to follow in charles’ footsteps and eventually become ‘the first female president’.
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