titans-daily · 2 years
The videos from New York Comic Con. Titans Season 4 will air on November 3th.
Titans Season 4 Teaser (HD) HBO Max
Lex Luthor Wants To Meet Superboy
Mother Mayhem Fights The Titans
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
NYCC 2022: Titans Season Four Debuts November 3
NYCC 2022: Titans Season Four Debuts November 3 #hbomax #titans
Azarath. Metrion. Zenthos. Part 1 of Season 4 of Titans premieres November 3 on HBO Max. The fourth season debuts with two episodes, followed by one episode weekly through December 1. An additional six new episodes from season four will be released in 2023. Having saved Gotham, the Titans hit the road to head back to San Francisco. But after a stop in Metropolis, they find themselves in the…
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lunarconjure · 1 year
First Post... Shit that's on my mind.
Whew... 24 going on 25 in just a few days and the trauma KEEPS popping up. I really thought I'd dealt with most of this shit, but if I'm being triggered then I guess not.
To start this blog off right, I should do a basic proper intro yeah? I'll introduce myself as Red. Age 24 (25 on 7/16). Black. Male.
I don't know how to describe myself these days other than eccentric, yet strangely grounded. I decided to start this blog because... well... niggas need to express themselves. And I, for one, have not been able to properly cultivate that space for myself in my life. In fact, this blog is the start of a new journey of self-acceptance and shame-ridding for myself.
I think the typical Black queer boy growing up in the South has had similar experiences to mine. I wasn't totally rejected by my family when it came time for "coming out", but I definitely wasn't accepted either. I spent most of my life being the smart, quiet kid with a small circle of friends who knew me to be anything other than quiet. I was the odd child in my family that was strangely obsessed with esoteric topics & books from a YOUNG age. I think my first "witch awakening" came with either seeing that one Scooby Doo movie with the Wiccan gworls or seeing bad bitch Raven knocking these hoes out with a quick "AZARATH METRION ZENTHOS" you feel meee. My first gay awakening came when my neighbor's son and I were in his room watching porn together and I noticed I was paying way more attention to him & his lighter-skinned meat than the videos on screen.
Obviously, being both gay AND an aspiring witch was a big fat no. It very much gave "Bitch ya already going to hell, you just WANT to do the absolute most huh?!"...and did! But it's not like I *wanted* to be disobedient... it's just that I've been able to see through the flaws & holes in organized religion from a young age and I've BEEN had questions! Like firstly... y'all really feel comfortable with the idea that after dying we'd be in either Heaven OR Hell for ETERNITY? Like... forever? Forever, ever? All depending on what we "did" during our measly (if even) 70ish years on Earth? Didn't sit right.
And so... I grew up feeling somewhat detached from my family & others around me. It was as if I'd already lived this part of my life and I was waiting on others around me to "catch up", but that never came. I explored different spiritual avenues on & off throughout my adolescence and experienced some good & some downright spooky shit (and since this is MY blog, I'd love to talk about that woowoo shit more). At some point, I was so fearful that I'd "never have a normal life" (cue Normal Girl - SZA) and thus began to denounce some of my more esoteric ways and leaned more into Christianity as a safety blanket from the world I was drawn to but didn't quite understand. I'm sure if I had a guide back then to help me understand my gifts and natural inclinations, then things would have progressed much differently for me... but I didn't.
It's always ironic though how the things that you need to be doing? The things that your soul craves & constantly sends you lil reminders? They will find a way back to you.
And so, my spirituality did return.
And that was about 3 years ago that I started rediscovering that part of myself. I stumbled across Hoodoo and my world began to open up & ancestral memories began to flow. I began to remember the power that I've always held & lowkey feared using.
No journey comes without it's trials though. And in true spirituality, you must come face to face with your shadow. Modern spirituality will try & tell you that your shadow is something to be conquered, smothered out. No, your shadow is meant to be heard, seen, and validated. You know... kinda like how you weren't as a child? Exactly. In fact, I believe that if we could literally bring light to the face of our "shadow", it would resemble a younger version of ourselves. The you who wasn't heard when you tried to express yourself. The you who learned from emotionally absent people how to mold & craft yourself to be worthy of love & acceptance. Your shadow is there to remind you of the wounds you still carry, ignoring them doesn't make them go away.
And one of my greatest wounds is that I've never felt like my voice mattered. Expressing myself came with the threat of the absence of love. So now, with my disorganized attachment style, INFP, type 5W4, and all other things I've researched and researched to better help me understand why I feel so broken... I'm coming back to claim myself. To reclaim my power. To reclaim my motherfucking voice.
As to not drag this first post out, I'll leave y'all with these last couple sentences. I'm a firm believer that until the blood runs cold in my veins, I am VERY much capable of making change in my life. And you are too. This is a step for me, and I want to hold myself accountable to continuing this online journal of sorts... if not for me then for someone else like me.
We'll chat soon. <3
~ Red
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cultfaction · 2 years
Titans Season 4 teasers released
Titans Season 4 teasers released
Azarath. Metrion. Zenthos. Part 1 of DC’s Titans Season 4 premieres November 3rd 2022 exclusively on HBO Max.
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tomorrowedblog · 2 years
First look at Titans S4
A new trailer has been released for the fourth season of Titans, which is set to release November 3, 2022.
Azarath. Metrion. Zenthos.
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apocalypsxmaidxn · 3 years
[The blue butterfly and the Nevermore Raven]
  It was true that Raven could’ve met him at the train station and told him about her coming to visit but she wasn’t very good with communication or well..conversating at all . When it comes to Minato , she didn’t know why but everytime seeing or speaking to him her heart and stomach feels a different way . Making her talk less than she already didn’t do so why not do what she does best and just wait for her to be noticed and then go from there ? Better than trying to speak and then something not come out ? So that is what she did , standing in the alley way noticing him and feeling her presence so she said nothing and watched him walk right to her under the flickering light of the alleyway. 
  Slowly she lowered her hood since no one could see her and despised when others stared at her like no ones ever seen someone wear a cape under the sunlight before. “What can I say , I’m the type to be noticed or spoken to when being approached .” She said with a slight grin , “Starting a conversation isn’t really my style.”  She said to him , though still getting used to being affectionate Raven slowly leaned in and gave in a light kiss on his cheek . 
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"Azarath Metrion Zenthos! " Trying to hold off the creature as long as she could, was this town haunted or something? Where were they coming from?
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“You all aren’t getting away!” Danny calls after the hoard of ghosts invading his lair. He soars swiftly, a streak in the sky as he moves after the trespassing specters on his home turf.
Using his senses to guide him after the cold, ectoplasmic souls that didn’t belong in the living world, he makes quick work of tracking and catching every specter he can find.
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apocalypsxmaidxn · 4 years
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Awakening by the sound thunder only to see herself in a bundle of trees , the gray clouds hovering over her . Seemed a storm was brewing , her eyes averted around to see if she could catch a familiar sight but nothing was making sense so she must be lost or in another realm somehow. 
Her body had the momentom and got up to take a small walk around but her senses picked up someone nearby, “Whose there? Show yourself.”
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apocalypsxmaidxn · 4 years
continued from here :
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“Okay let me say it in a way you will understand, I came out of my mother with gray skin.” Crossing her arms with an eye roll, “It is a real color on me.”
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apocalypsxmaidxn · 4 years
Strike a Deal and All Is Healed
It was midnight and the rain was pounding on her door , it was a storm. Perfect weather for some experimentation . Maybe something to get her mind off  her birthday that was happening in a week and dreaded every second of getting the reminder of her friends planning to do a party , happy that she was born. They meant well and were wonderful friends to keep her concerns at bay but there was no stopping her thoughts from believing that she would bring the end and fire upon the earth. So to keep her mind off it , she decided to practice some potions and books she bought from a library. 
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Placing the book on her pedestal and flipping to the page that has the ritual and directions. Making a pentagram placing the candles in the proper places , she began to do the incantation.  “ Azarath Metrion Zinthos…Kalazon Racashos Endarath…Vasirix Zendrien Azarath…Azarath!” The ground began to glow as something was happening however something was happening, something wrong. Something was coming from the white void or../someone/ , who or what was it? She backed up a bit shielding her eyes from the light. 
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apocalypsxmaidxn · 4 years
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It was the evening around eight and nine and the park looked a little dead so she took the spot on a bench , had her book with her since it was a little too loud at the Titan Tower and she couldn’t peacefully read like she planned to all day. Staying in her room was preferable anyway , even she had her moments where she wanted to be alone. In the course of reading she saw a Raven perched next to her which made her slightly smile . So she kept on reading hoping no one was out this late at night that would be bother her.
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apocalypsxmaidxn · 4 years
 Stepping into the light of the portal hoping she did the chant correctly this time and shielded her eyes bit when the light hit her, wait..this place wasn’t Azarath nor did it look nothing like it! Maybe her touch was starting to fade because Raven just couldn’t seem to get the spell right. Among examining the realm , it was quite beautiful , there were so many trees, butterflies and the sun was shining like in the summer back in Jump City. 
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If only there were more clues , maybe if she wandered around for a minute maybe she’ll get an idea . Just as she started to walk, she felt or thought she heard someone around her. “Whose there? No point in hiding.”
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apocalypsxmaidxn · 4 years
||Into The Void ||
The boom of the thunder and the pounding on the rain was pretty relaxing for Raven , making it easier for her to fall asleep faster. Sound asleep she was tossing and turning due to having some visions for some reason, sometimes her dreams will turn to visions if  her thoughts would try and mix in with her almost peaceful dreams, it was all darkness and nothing she could see so she couldn’t make out what she was dreaming out however within her dream, she felt like something was pulling her trying to hang onto something, she was pulled in screaming before waking up after falling hard somewhere. 
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Her violet hues wandered the area but couldn’t seem to find any familiar places or locations that she knew of, until she finally began to put it all into place it wasn’t a dream, she was being pulled in her sleep . “Hello..? Anyone here..?! “ Calling out but no answer however noticing where she was , “Grey poppies..?” Picking one to take a better look at it , dropping it on the ground when looking up to see what looked to be a building or home of some sort. “What is this place..? Why am I here?” Was this vision dream she was having , had something to do with this? 
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apocalypsxmaidxn · 4 years
||Pentagram City ||
Pentagram City , a city that Raven has stumbled upon after finally escaping her father when she was dragged down by a sudden portal drop in her room while she was reading a book peacefully and now she was back to where she’d never thought to imagine that would possible again. But there she was , her and her bad down in hell . Able to escape to another realm of her only to find herself in a huge pentagram that a city was smack dab in the middle and it seemed like a pretty big city to say the least however knowing Raven, she was still pretty hesitant about even remotely in a realm that still had anything to do with Hell. 
Her plan was to try and get back up to her friends before they found that she has been gone longer than she usually was . Whilst wandering the streets, it seemed like it was night time since she saw not a single living soul anywhere which was no pun intended not making this situation funny at all plus the sky was red so she couldn’t tell if it was day or night. She noticed a limo pull up beside her , a confused look on her face waiting to see who it was . She was silent , she was careful not to lower her hood for anyone considering her name was pretty much a target and her father made it clear that either rule by his side or die by whoever finds her not worth the breath , breathing. 
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apocalypsxmaidxn · 4 years
| Continued from here |
 Seems that he didn’t know after all but there was no doubt that Robin has been here but seems to have left this area so it was well enough that he wasn’t in any danger by this man. It was very cold here , this must be something he was used to unless he was mattered surviving by cold temperatures . 
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  “This is your home? Can you not survive in normal temperatures ?” If not then his whole body must be made of ice or snow?
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apocalypsxmaidxn · 4 years
Raven has been in this city known as Pentagram City and so far it wasn’t entirely all bad however she hasn’t really seen a friendly face, which wouldn’t happen anytime in a million years, this was Hell so no getting her hopes up . Getting the cold shoulder was something she was already used so she wasn’t really offended and kept on taking a stroll through the city , the red sky shining upon everyone with the Pentagram Moon showing it’s dominance in the sky. 
Raven had to admit that her feet were killing her but luck maybe have rung upon her because she saw a large building that was..a hotel? Slowly walking up the stairs and slowly entered in to see there wasn’t really busy with souls. “:..Hello..? I’d like to ..I don’t know, stay a night?” She sounded unsure because there didn’t seem to be anyone around at the desk or anything. 
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