#;Script Writing [Commission Promos]
autiezo · 2 years
New post on Ko-fi!
Here, I talk about "Deleted Part 2 to "Stopping your self-aware Yandere's bloodlust". I will be posting a lot more behind-the-scenes stuff about my ASMR scripts soon!
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chattercap · 6 months
Monthly Update (April 2024)
Hello everyone, it's Chattercap!
I apologize for the slightly late April devlog, but I was in a bit of a daze after the MindMindMind release! Wow, March went by in a flash for me! Let's get down to it!
I released not one, but TWO games this month! (If you missed them, you can find the links in my pinned!)
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I spent the first part of the month programming and ironing out the Kanau release. I added mini CGs to my VN framework and also added the ability to rename your save files. After that, it was full steam ahead with actually implementing everything - all of the art, BGM, SFX, VA, and GUI, including updating the gallery. I also set up the itch page and put together some social media announcements. Since the content warnings were pretty stark with this one, I also added a trigger warning screen. After that, I had the game beta tested, and it was released by the 8th!
After that I…took a few days break, haha! (I should have gotten straight to work on MMM, but alas, I always enter some kind of trance right after a game release!)
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For the first part of the month, I was mainly scripting as I needed to get the script done for the VAs as quickly as possible. MMM was my QUICKEST script to date, as I finished 20k words in less than 10 days, wow! (I think that the relatively simplistic prose, with a heavy emphasis on dialogue, helped a lot.) During that time I also reviewed the MMM voice acting auditions and made my selections; in addition, I made the promo artwork and reached out to someone for background photos.
After I was out of my post Kanau-release trance, I immediately started work on the sprites! Kalei's sprite was easy to finish, although Geist's sprite took a bit of time (I kept messing up his face…). I also finished all of the backgrounds and then started work on the CGs; I managed to finish one CG per day! While I was doing that, I also cleaned and adjusted the VA samples. On the final week of the month, I animated all of the art and then basically did the same things for MMM that I did for Kanau - adding all of the art, sound, and GUI, making the itch page, updating the gallery. I also put together a walkthrough and implemented name and pronoun selection. I managed to get MMM ready for beta-testing by the 25th, and I spent the rest of the time prepping VA announcements and putting together the artbook! MMM was released on the 29th!
With new game releases comes a myriad of little tasks! I submitted both Kanau and MMM to IMDB and updated my carrd, Tumblr, Twitter, and patreon. I also added MMM to Steam! (It's here! You can wishlist it if you want; I'll probably upload it there fairly soon.)
And then…after MindMindMind I entered my post-game release coma again. I think I did a few things (started sketching the Hanasu cover art and an updated art for Actala, started a commission for an updated Actala logo, and continued writing the Hanasu script, but I'll be honest I've been in a bit of a daze…)
I'm really blown away with the reception that MMM has received, and I'm happy that so many people have played and enjoyed it; I'll upload a postmortem sometime soon, haha!
What's on the docket for next month?
Amare Jam is going on this month, and I hope to finish The Deepwater Witch for it! There are only a few CGs (and some optional mini CGs) to do, so I think I can! In addition, I want to finish the Hanasu script this month. After TDW is finished, I'll be working on Actala - doing updated backgrounds, sprites, and CGs. I want to work on both a Hanasu release and an updated Actala demo for a summer-ish timeframe (whether I can get both done for Otome Jam remains to be seen…)
If you want to hear from me more often, I also post frequently on my Patreon with sketches, writing snippets, sneak peeks, high resolution art, and weekly devlogs.
Thank you to anyone who took the time to read; your support means the world to me! I'll see you next month!
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sorathepanfloof · 1 year
To any logo enthusiasts on how this could effects your views on the Studios during WGA/SAG-AFTRA Strike or Anything relating to controversy with in the studios...
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(Pictured: 20th Century Fox Logo/Disney+/Ice Age)
To anyone from the Logo Community who is concerned about how the companies are doing right now or potentially in the future could damage the views on how you see Logos in Movies, TV Shows or Even Streaming.
You don't need to worry at all.
The logos you see are mostly made by Different Companies or People outside of the Main Studios that are either requested, commissioned or either way around it. (Sometimes, They are made In-house but unsure to tell...)
For example, the one fox logo pictured above was actually modeled and designed at Flip Your Lid Animations Studios (Studio Productions) The same people behind graphical designs for those Nintendo Power Promos, Logos for Paramount Pictures, Universal and many others.
It is unknown if the people who made or composed the Logos they made for the Studios got paid for the work each time it was shown onto the screens but, My point being...
Those people, along with people who composed and do the Animations for these logos, Do NOT reflect the CEO's or Executives of those Companies they manage.
They are just people/employees who work to really hard and put alot of effort into the work to get paid, Just like the Entertainment Industry who work really hard on the Scripts, Animations, Directing and Writing for your Viewing Enjoyment.
So, don't let the views of the CEO's effect how you see the Logos in the Entertainment you watch or document.
If there's anything I got wrong here, Please let me know.
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inked-out-trees · 3 years
⭐ for The Keep Going Song? Thanks! :)
(anh i would die for you)
Thank you for asking! I am going to be talking about the whole thing because it's fun, and because there's not really many ~secrets~ within the text to ramble about, just little fun snippets!
I'll do it under a cut because I will definitely ramble. Woohoo!
I came across The Keep Going Song (the song) after my Lookout 3 Companion Playlist (& my spotify discovery) introduced me to the Bengsons. The effect was almost instantaneous - it's the kind of warmth I try to encompass in everything I do, and for the next few days I had it on repeat as I worked. This was around the time I was finishing my Lookout script, and I had been toying with the idea of writing a Cornleyverse fic after absolutely devouring all 10 fics in the tag. What I knew was that I wanted it to be sweet, I wanted it to pull them all together, and I wanted it to be a progression. Despite only having seen the Goes Wrong Show, jumping into the fandom made me want to dimensionalize these characters and give them a story beyond everything that had already occured.
I also watched Christmas Carol before / during the writing process, but to date I have not watched Peter Pan or the full-length TPTGW. My prior knowledge comes from Wikipedia, the delightul amateur TPTGW production on YouTube, a friend's excellent transcription of the Haversham Manor script, and tumblr meta analysis. I think I did a reasonable enough job pretending I knew what I was doing.
Let's get going!
I knew off the top that it was going to be vignettes - they would give me room to spread the story over the long period of time it takes for a group of people to grow into something resembling a family. Like I said in the original author's note, there was supposed to be more of the early, snippy days - but I got so focused on making them kinder that I found I couldn't properly write a fight. In hindsight, it probably would have been easier if I tried writing that first, but, well. Once I realized that it was too late. The alphabet idea came later, once I had them all finished: I wanted to organize them somehow, but numbers felt too open, too infinite - closing the story on an organizational endpoint was just really satisfying.
a - Every good story needs a good beginning.
c - Starting with the end of Peter Pan is my sneaky way of slipping past the fact that I haven't seen the earlier shows! The Max and Sandra storyline is just so sweet, and I wanted to let it exist a little bit in between our jump from Peter Pan to Christmas Carol. This vignette came so easily when I wrote it and I love love love the feelings and the tentativity about the whole thing.
f - This was actually the last vignette I wrote. I realized I needed some front-end padding because otherwise my angst plot came rather abruptly, and what better way? At this point, too, I was trying to bring in POVs from each one of our characters, and when deciding on Trevor's POV I thought the exasperation-excitement combination would be an excellent choice. It turns out Trevor is my favourite to write, mostly because I can find his voice a lot easier than some of the others - and probably also because I hold a lot of fondness and nostalgia for stage crew work. Also, I wrote most of this one on a long evening walk in the notes app on my phone. Fun fact.
h - I did my original idea slam in a draft tumblr post, and this one just says "birthday party but one without all the drama of christmas carol". And what do you know, that's exactly what it is! I definitely took the birthday party (in CCGW as well as in this fic) as a kind of proof that they really do like each other, if they're doing things like this and if they want to do things like this - and that theme of okay, they want to be here formed the basis for this part. I think it's exceptionally sweet that Dennis came looking for friends and ended up finding, well, something. And I popped in a little MMNI reference with "one of the Janines" - Backwards Janine? Frontwards Janine? Original Janine? Who knows! It's one of them!
l - The thing about this plot is that it's actually one of the first ideas I had when dreaming up this fic, and I couldn't quite let it go. The point was, what if I somehow split them up? How can they get on when half the society is out of commission? And the most reasonable way I could find to actually get half of them out of commission was the car accident. To be honest, this one is mostly filler - it's also the second vignette I wrote, and it found its birth in the email drafts of my work laptop.
m - Trying to map out this little plotline without overdoing it might have been the most difficult part of this fic, and I'm still not 100% sure I succeeded. This is our explanation for the unease from the vignette above, and it took me 3 rewrites before I finally found something that settled in my brain. "Dennis gets chased by a goose" might be one of my favourite lines in the fic though.
Also, putting these letters right next to each other made me feel really clever for no reason.
n - My Jonathan perspective also took a few stutter-steps in its beginning, but this one ultimately came from the promo video's reveal that Robert and Dennis live together, and me playing with the continual idea of the remaining cast members being rather unmoored in their injured castmates' absence. Robert in particular because I love his character and I love making him Feel Things(TM) (fun hint: this will also be a small theme in the new cpds fic I have in the works!) and I want to see so much from this odd relationship between him and Dennis. Obviously they have to tolerate each other if they are willingly roommates - how far can I go with that? I love how this one turned out.
o - All I have to say about this one is that I still really love the sweetness between these two, and they deserve the world. Also, at some point during writing this I was really caught up with how striking Dave's face silhouette is (don't ask) so that ended up making it in somehow.
q - Girls' Night is SO important to me. After all the work they've done to make these gals friends I needed to capture it, and a pleasant night in just made a lot of sense. This one is the home of a few of my headcanons - Annie has a chef roommate and Max does a lot of the cooking, thus the "neither of us are the usual household cooks" comments, and I also think they're at the point where they can joke about their previous failures (especially with these three together) so the nod to A Trial To Watch (my favourite gws episode) was so fun. Also, Waking Ned really is a silly pick-me-up of a movie - would recommend. Special thanks to CBC for giving us Canadians quality British TV alongside our occasionally questionable homegrown programming.
r - It wouldn't be a fic about progress and growth with this crew without a disheartening moment turned into gold. I wrote this one while barbecuing, another fun fact, and no joke the hardest part was figuring out what to name the play they were doing. I kept pace with the whole "Jonathan can't get onscreen" gag, which was personally hilarious and made me cackle as I wrote it, and the rest of it just felt good. I will always have a soft spot for comfort and reassurance in a story and getting to write it has just been an absolute delight.
t - This was one of my other unplanned vignettes. It was originally to fill out Robert's POV, but also to express a bit of how things have changed in Chris's attitude towards his cast - if there's one thing I would change from Mischief's characerisation thus far, it's this brand of almost-kindness that I consistently need to write him with. It takes the aftermath of the car accident and uses it to kind of make him understand - this is a valuable group of people and I don't want to lose it. But of course he's not the type of person to actually express that in any way, so I thought the frenetic hovering was a good way to get the point across. As well, the kind-of-bonding between Chris and Robert - the two of them are such powerhouses of insistent personality that conflict so easily but they've also got a more secret kind of friendship that deserves to be explored a little more. I really like this vignette and how it ended up portraying how they are around each other, how they really do know each other, especially when they're not fighting. Makes me soft.
w - This is the first vignette I wrote! I honestly didn't realize until writing this just how much I identify with Annie - best of both worlds re. crew and cast, a bit of tenacity regarding getting through things, overall personality - I just love her so so much. She also seems like the most sensible of the cast, so the collective "why are we really here?" moment with Trevor really spoke to me. I love their friendship, I love the kind of quiet vibe this vignette gives off - this is one of the ones I can feel most strongly, the one I can step into and exist inside. I also spent most of my old drama rehearsals and classes without shoes, so that had to make it in just by virtue of the sock brigade (me).
z - One thing I knew for sure since the inception of the fic was that it needed to end on a victory. I took the images I had of this victorious adrenaline, everyone together having a good time, kind of getting smashed, and karaoke (I really wanted the karaoke, for some reason) and went the obvious route: the wedding. Ending on Chris POV also felt so right - possibly because he's the one with the most growth in this fic - and getting to finally feel this triumph with him after all these other trials and tribulations was an absolute joy. The wedding hall, in my head, looks like the one my cousin used (it was at a zoo... my sister and I went on a night walk and heard a lot of screaming peacocks) and I definitely threw all my wistfulness, all my love for the characters I'd developed, and all my love for this fantastic fandom into this part. The incorrect lyrics that Annie sings are exactly what I think every time I hear that song, because I've never looked up the lyrics before and my brain likes to play Mad Libs with my super-questionable auditory processing. And the image of the ballroom staff getting really exasperated with them and shutting all the lights off came to me at night and is hastily scribbled on a sticky note (it's a wonder it's legible) but I still strongly believe that it's the perfect, perfect way to end. I still get the warm feelings when I reread this part, even now, after so many reads.
And, finally - our end quote is exactly what started this whole thing. What is this drama society if not a rough beginning? But the concept that we'll make it through, that we can just take a step and then another and it'll be okay because we're together... it's hard to describe just how much it means to me, to my place in the world, to the world itself. I think one of my rather consistent aims in writing, no matter what it is, is to be able to have this collective - characters that become family, people that are important to each other, this constellation to lean on - because it's all I can say for the human experience. It's probably quite a bit of wishful thinking (as I said to another friend, "I am apparently letting loose on all my repressed social feelings of the past year and shoving them into fics") and a sort of subconscious confirmation that if I write it, I can be it. So this force of understanding and kindness and ultimately good people helping each other through the world is something I can't help but include, something that means the absolute world to me.
I'm so glad to have been able to share this fic with everyone, and extra glad that it's been able to touch some people along the way. I've found such an incredible community in Mischief and coincidentally I think The Keep Going Song represents that warmth, too - the community I've been so lucky to exist inside, how we're helping each other along, step by step. What a beautiful thing to be a part of! Thank you for reading and allowing me to give you a bit of my heart. 💖💖
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herbgerblin · 4 years
Obviously you are incredibly talented and such and I've known that for a while and it's showcased in your fic and in fanart and commissions but your webcomic is truly something else. The plot IS. SO. INTERESTING. the worldbuilding???? Amazing. Your character design??? Fuck me dude. The aesthetics of the world? Incredible. Your writing....god. Compelling. Smart. Lovely. Ugh. Is there any way I can support more work like that??? TLDR: your webcomic SLAPS
:D!!!! Ways you can show support for my webcomic Spiro and Nova:
✨Bear with me! I’m 23, this is my first serialized webcomic. I am using this month as planning time to get the plot locked in. Updates will be biweekly to avoid burnout (and to protect my hand because that’s a lot of art per chapter)
✨Follow the official comic blog, @spiroandnova! There, I’m going to post links to the chapter updates, promo art, and answer questions. There’s not much right now because SnP is being judged for a short story contest, but it will kick off again starting August 1st.
✨Consider donating to my Ko-fi! Right now, my commissions are charity focused, and this project is going to eat up a bit of my time for the next year or so. But we live in a capitalist society and I do need money to live. If the next few chapters get a good reception, I am going to set up a patreon with access to more content like scripts, concept art, etc.
✨Tell folks who you think would be interested! I published this comic two weeks ago, and the feedback has been very good. It’s going to touch upon some heavy themes. But if you know me, you know I’m a sucker for sap!
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ryuukia · 5 years
[Translation] Tsukihana Kagura Message Cards
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If you’re one of the lucky people who got to buy this pamphlet, you probably got some message cards with it. I only got Hajime and Arata, but with Ruby’s help I managed to gather all the messages (thanks again).
I translated Tsukiuta, SQ and Alive, Ryota translated the Vazzrock and infinit0 messages. Enjoy~
Please don’t repost/retranslate/reuse my translations. Likes and reblogs are appreciated.
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Six Gravity
Shiwasu Kakeru:
“Kou-kun’s refreshments are so, so, so delicious……. I’m always the first one to take my share! I-it’s not like I’m waiting in front of the desk!“
Mutsuki Hajime: 
“I ended up taking a nap while waiting, and when I woke up in front of my eyes was Issa-san’s sleeping face. I was ready to get up due to astonishment, but then I realized Shun was glued to my back in his sleep. I had to ask Haru to help me out. Stop laughing.”
Kisaragi Koi:
“The costumes are once again so cool! They’re so cool I can’t help but get excited! When I’m so excited I feel the strongest! Tsukihana Kagura, Kisaragi Koi, ready to dance!“
Yayoi Haru:
“Random Tsukipro miscellaneous knowledge: Among all our idols, those who can memorize the script fast are Hajime, Tsubasa-san from SolidS, Ryo-san from Growth, Takaaki-san from VAZZY and Ruka from ROCK DOWN. I guess I should get to work too.“
Uduki Arata:
“Why can we have team muscle training, but we can’t have team strawberry milk? Because it’ll make us more thirsty? That’s not true. Would you like to have some, Ouka-san?“
Satsuki Aoi:
“Rikka-san and I engaged in this blissful discussion about herbariums while we were waiting. We promised to go to a course about it together as soon as we’re done with Tsukihana Kagura. I can’t wait.“
Minaduki Rui:
“I made Russian pudding for the first time in a long while. Roa got the ‘bullet’ and I got a nice reaction from him. Rei laughed.”
Fuduki Kai:
“Kensuke and I got so pumped up after talking about ramen that we started visiting shop after shop together! The others told us to stop because we’ve already eaten too much! All these rehearsals are making me hungry!”
Haduki You:
“This scent coming from ROCK DOWN’s Reiji…… is it, by any chance…… First Love & Rose?“
Nagatsuki Yoru:
“Eichi from QUELL taught me the recipe for his Horimiya-style dry curry. I’m looking forward to giving it a try after we’re done with this.”
Kannaduki Iku:
“When I talked to Ren-kun about how Rui's been teaching me to play the piano, he said "Let's perform together someday!"... I gotta practice more!”
Shimotsuki Shun:
“Each dance reflects its unit’s personality and charm, I guess that goes without saying. …...But among them! Hajime’s! Kagura is!! Bewitching!! Amazing!!! The best OF the best!!!! That sleeve you see waving in the air is mine!!!!“
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Ohara Sora:
“Who’s been waiting for it? The day when this guy will be performing the ‘kagura’ is coming……!! I’ll dance!! With elegance! And beauty! Achoo!“
Arihara Morihito:
“Hearing Sou during the reading practice reminded me of our school days. When we talk to each other across the desk, it feels like nothing has changed since then. “
Kagurazaka Soshi:
“While we were practicing the kagura, Sora sent his folding fan flying. “Nice catch!’ my hat. From now on we’re under intensive training. Look at Ayumu-san and Haruto-san, that’s the kind of dancing posture you should have.”
Munakata Ren:
“Talking with Sou-nii and Eichi-san about training clothes got me really excited. With their build, they’d really look good in that. I wish my shoulders were as broad as theirs. “ 
Nanase Nozomu:
“It seems in this play we have traditional Japanese instruments! I want to try playing the shamisen too~! The charismatic shamisen player (?) is here!“
Etou Kouki:
“It's really fun talking to the other units’ members whenever the refreshments I bring catch their attention. The first one to notice when I bring refreshments is…… I’ll keep that a secret (laughs).“
Yaegashi Kensuke:
“This odd group consisting of Kakeru, Koi, Iku, Naosuke, Takaaki-san and I went yesterday to a shop that sells Sichuanese food~! It was so spicy I think it made me sweat more than the rehearsals did (laughs)?“
Sakuraba Ryota:
“It’s better for you to stretch properly, Mamoru. If your body is not warmed up enough, you might end up injuring yourself.“
Fujimura Mamoru:
“Ryo-kun is a demon when it comes to stretching! But I think he’s so strict with me because he cares about me! In other words, all I have to do is give my best!”
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Takamura Shiki:
“With my other jobs’ deadlines and the stage play rehearsals overlapping each other, I’m slowly starting to feel like I’m caught on a battlefield. After I get past this mountain, I think I’ll be able to dance naturally.“
Okui Tsubasa:
“Whenever we have to wait, Dai-chan and Kai from Procella always work on their muscles, but at one point the number of members increased so much that now it feels more like a club activity~ (laughs). Kai is the head and Dai-chan is his assistant!“
Sera Rikka:
“Lately, Shiki’s been in high spirits. But considering his current work situation, that excitement came to surface because this play gives him the chance to escape from reality. Whenever he’s in a tight spot during rehearsals, he ends up resorting to ad-libs.  Right now he’s in need of a lot of attention (smiles bitterly).”
Murase Dai:
“The number of people joining us in muscle training during rehearsals has been increasing. Futaba from VAZZY and Gaku from ROCK DOWN are in really good shape.  Seeing them makes me want to practice sports.“
Izumi Shu:
“Seeing familiar faces in the training hall made it very fun. I guess it was also a good boost for Issei and Ichiru.“
Horimiya Eichi:
“The apple pie I baked together with Aoi-kun from Gravi was a delicacy! The stewed refreshments brought by Yoru-kun from Procella were also really tasty, so…… won’t you tell me the recipe after this?“
Kuga Issei:
“Since Haru-san and Morihito-san were reading something during break, I asked them to recommend some books. I want to give them a try after this. Both of them are thirsty for knowledge.“
Kuga Ichiru:
“With You, Nozomu, Issa and me part of the red team, our colour team’s dance skills level is high! I have to keep up with them!  Alright! I’ll do my best“
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Mamiya Takaaki:
“I went out to drink with a few of my old colleagues ♪ We talked a lot about so many interesting things like what parts of us have changed and what parts haven’t.“
Kira Ouka:
“I’m still in the middle of learning how to be an actor, so I observe a lot of things in the practice hall. Arata and Aoi seem to have stage experience, so I consult with them about how to conduct myself on stage.“
Kiduku Issa:
“I’m looking for a place to sleep in, y’know? They’re practically people I’m already familiar with. Sho, Hajime, Arata, etc. They won’t mind even if I sleep next to them.“
Kiduku Futaba:
“I’m training extra hard with Nao-kun and Yuma-kun for the kagura! It’s pretty difficult dancing in a kimono, isn’t it? I’m trying hard to make sure not to have my sleeves hit me in the face… (bitter smile) “
Oyama Naosuke:
“It’s so fun talking with the other units during the joint stage! I was talking about cats with Procella’s Rui-san the other day! Yay!“
Shirase Yuma:
“I’ve gotten along with Issei-kun and Ichiru-kun after we went out to eat one day. I managed to give them their birthday present, too!“
Onoda Sho:
“What I was looking forward to during rehearsals was tea time with Shun. We’ve been told that the ‘atmosphere feels weirdly white’ when we talk, you know?“
Kujikawa Haruto:
“Since the traditional costumes are very heavy, it can become taxing both physically and mentally. But since the back is not tied up, it feels a bit more loose. I'll try to do this with dignity.“
Amaha Reiji:
“Just watching the other units in their costume is fun. Koi and You and… Oh, Tsubasa, too. It seems like they were interested in other units too, because they ended up approaching me the other day (laughs).“
Tachibana Ayumu:
“The Japanese sweets I was given yesterday were so delicious they moved me. Like that one I got from Growth’s Kouki-kun. I’ll ask him where he bought that next time.“
Oguro Gaku:
“I stretch and do muscle training at our rehearsal hall. I’m next to Procella’s Ikkun a lot, so we’ve become friends ♪“
Nadumi Ruka:
“Signing the promo posters turned into a competition against Gravi’s Arata! I won’t lose~ ☆“
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Sukigawa Rei
“I was expecting the design of Mamoru’s costume to be a pachira, but I was wrong. Guess that’s obvious (laughs). I was really interested in hearing about your song-writing, so let’s talk more next time, okay?“
Mikaze Roa
“This is my first time putting on a costume like this! I’m so excited ☆ But Taka-chan, please stop tickling my sides~! If you do it to me, I’ll fight back! There!”
If you want to support Ryota and her work, you can buy her a ko-fi right [here]. I also have my own [ko-fi] page and [commission page] linked here.
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wininfluencer · 3 years
Must-Have Tools for Content Creators to Help Make Money
For many social media influencers, creating content is not an easy job. Before really posting something, you need to think about the topic of your content first, write scripts, take pictures or shoot a video, and finally edit them. And this whole process may cost you several days or a couple of weeks. So, it's very necessary to have the following tools to improve your efficiency.
1. Google Trends
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It's vital for content creators to know what's happening every day so as to keep up with the trends. So the first tool recommended is Google Trends.
This is a free tool that can help you know about the most searched words in real-time or in a day. You can also find the list of most searched words every year. With this tool, you will not miss any trends anymore.
Besides, searching keywords on Google Trends is also supported. If you are interested in a certain topic and want to make some content of that, you can search related keywords about this topic on Google Trends to have a better understanding of the popularity of these words in different areas and times.
2. Exploding Topics
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Sometimes trends may come out accidentally, and when you figure it out, it could be too late to make any content. But with Exploding Topics, you may find it easier to react quickly before trends really take off.
Exploding Topics is a tool that uses an algorithm to provide users with insights into rising and new trending topics. This means that you can predict the trends and get your content ready before it really goes viral.
It has a free version, but if you need more, you can choose the paid Pro version.
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This is a platform that focuses on micro-influencer marketing. It provides a new way for micro-influencers to find collaborations and get paid efficiently and easily. You can find paid promotion tasks by category on this platform, and get quick responses from the brands, which saves you a lot of time.
Besides, the commission for the tasks will be held by the platform until the task is really completed. This can help protect both the influencers and brands so as to reduce disputes.
Most importantly, after completing the task, you may get not only commission, but also free samples, exclusive promo codes for your fans, etc.
Recently, WinInfluencer offers a $5 bonus for new users, and no subscription fee is required. So, if you are looking for brand collaborations, try it now.
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This tool is useful for content creators on Twitter and Instagram. If you want to add to hashtag to your posts to increase the exposure but you want to know if it's popular. You can use Hashtagify.me to search this hashtag. The popularity and related hashtags will be shown. You can even know which influencers have used it before.
5. Answer the Public
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If you have no idea of which topic your next posts should include, you can try Answer the Public. After typing a keyword, you will get spider diagrams of lots of topics related to this keyword from various aspects. With these clues, you may come up with some interesting topics to talk about in your next posts.
But please note that you can only search for two words for free a day.
6. Grammarly
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You may have heard about this tool before. It's a well-known tool for writing. It can check your text and find out common and complex grammatical mistakes by using the AI technology. Besides, it can tell the tone from your text. These functions can help content creators improve the posts and make the audience feel more comfortable.
7. Canva
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What your videos or pictures look like can affect the performance of your posts as well. So, another necessary tool for content creators is Canva. It's a popular tool for creating social media graphics.
According to Canva, the free version provides more than 250,000 free templates, over 100 design types and 5GB of cloud storage. If you want more, you can go for the Pro version.
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Okay, so this time we’re getting the interview out first, and the download after. It might save a little time in the long run, so Nigella can acclimatize as quickly as possible. I’ve shuffled the questions around a touch, so they can come in a sensible order, but I’ve kept the wording near the same bar some filler words. So.
First up: name? Age? Gender? Sexual orientation? Where are you from? Tell us about you, the bare basics.
“��kay, should be easy enough. I’m The Cheat. Just turned twenty-one this past--”
Wait. What? Is that really your name? I mean, are you actually-
“Yeah.” *raises fist* “What are you gonna do about it?”
“That’s what I thought. Now let me finish.”
( @@littlemicrocosims )
“I just turned twenty-one this past April. Still hasn’t really sunk in. I’m still working this gender crap out - in terms of The Cheat, anyway. In terms of who The Cheat dates, I’m all over the lady types. They like my grill; I’ve got a pretty sick grill.” 
They like your... front teeth?
“No, my grill. My Weber. Makes good pizza; burns up real nice. If it’s teeth they want, I show ‘em my gold tooth. Wanna see it?”
In a group of people, where do you fit? Are you the centre of attention or do you prefer to observe?
“Centre, for sure. My bros the Ortizes all think they’re the head of this popsicle joint, but no - it’s me. Helps that I’ve got skills. Pretty diligent lackey, if you’re looking for that sorta thing. Fake licenses, lockpicks, lighters for arson, fake licenses to make fake licenses, rulebooks to knock rules lawyers unconscious--”
What if I want something more... legal?
“You’re no fun... I make Flash animations with my Mac; get music video commissions from time to time. I can make one for your band, if you guys don’t suck. I also DJ for Cyrus down at his joint on Friday nights. I’ll put you on the guest list if you gimme twenty bucks.”
How good are you at controlling your emotions?
*takes out a switchblade* “What, you implying I can’t?”
Not at all! Sorry, that was - I meant to say, would you say you’re a mature person?
“Depends: what’s mature? You mean do I like R-rated movies or GI Joe reruns?”
No, I mean more how you conduct yourself.
“I was gonna say, no reason you can’t like both. ”
Okay, um. This next one is meant to ask if you’ve ever cheated or been cheated on in a relationship, but - well, you are The Cheat, as you said, so--
“The name’s got nothing to do with that. I chose it cus I help my bros cheat at stuff - sometimes Ramiro, sometimes my main man Ben. Ajax, not so much. Dumpwad.”
So you don’t cheat on women? 
“I didn’t say that. I just said it’s not how I got the name... but for what it’s worth, yeah, I can be monogamous. When I wanna be. And if my dates don’t, that’s their business, not mine, right?”
Does that mean you’ve had someone else be with the person you’re interested in before? How did you play it? Were you afraid of stepping on their toes?
*only now putting away the switchblade* “Pssh, Hal didn’t have toes. Or if he did, they were where his brain was. That’s what drove Samantha to me at first: common sense. For me and her, I mean. And she’d make out with me like a bandit if I kept up her soy crisp fix. Didn’t last, though. Sam’s an activist; I'm more of a declaw-ist. Just wouldn’t have worked. Pity - it really stuck in Hal’s craw once it registered.”
What’s your relationship history beyond that?
“Oh, y’know. Ladies. Lots of them. Great looking girls, hot babes...”
The Cheat, we’re going to need, like. Specifics.
“You got a specific. You got Sam. What, you want I should print off a list? Hack into The Cheat’s Ladies database for you?”
Well, no, you don’t have to go that far... let’s simplify it. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on? 
“That’s all? That’s an easy one. I worked with this band Advantage on a promo bit. I thought the lead singer would be a good date, or at least a cool story to tell later? But it turned out, under all the makeup and leopard print, she’s hairier than the shower plug after a long morning. Way too obsessed with tiger sharks for my liking too.” *shivers*  
How adorably shallow. And the best date?
“Similar story, actually! The band was Awkward Social Sun this time. Now Stampers? She got what I like. We pigged out on skim milk and gummy bears, watched some ABA basketball. Good times. Only sticking point was, she was closeted at the time for contractual reasons. But you can’t win ‘em all.”
If you meet someone you fancy, like, um... Stampers? How do you ‘graft’ them? Are you boldly affectionate, or shyly admiring?
“I let them take in The Cheat in The Cheat’s natural habitat. If they like what they see, they can claim it. If it’s up to me to make the first move, though, I lay on the charm, fluff my hair, try a one-handed pushup. Even if I don’t pull that last one off, they’re all up ons after that.”
What’s the biggest romantic lesson you’ve ever learned from all this?
“Besides ‘check the contract’? There’s a few - every lady brings a new one. ‘Tight pants don’t accentuate all the subtleties Ramiro says they would.’ ‘No one says ‘twees’ anymore.’ ‘It’s probably not okay that he kicks you so much.’ Stuff like that.”
What would you say is ‘your type on paper’?
“Lined paper. It’s what I write my animation scripts on.” *snickers*
The Cheeeeeat...
“Okay, fine. Light hair - I like blonde best, but red’ll do in a pinch. Tall, legs like a Yello Dello. Used to loud music, loud fireworks, loud pretty much anything... ...wait. That’s just Samantha again, isn’t it?” *almost too quite to be heard* “Crap, I thought I was over that.”
What does loyalty mean to you?
*surlier for the remainder* “Like I said: I can be loyal if I wanna. I don’t always get it back, but I can be loyal.”
To mates or to dates?
Okay. And finally… why are you coming onto Sim Island?
“Same reason everyone else is, probably.”
And what’s that? What do you hope to leave with?
“What I can get. Are we done here? I’ve got stuff to pack, places to be.” 
If you insist. See you properly in one post from now, The Cheat. I hope you find what you’re looking for!
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herbariumpodcasts · 6 years
Hi! I was wondering if you're still interested in writers, actors or sound editors for your network or any specific podcast?
Out of all three, we would mainly be interested in sound editors for any of our works at the moment. However, acting positions and auditions will be opening up soon for one of our new shows, Jupiter Finch and All the Stars in the Midnight Sky, and soon after that, for the Dawson Creek Project. We always take writing auditions for any shows, but it's a little more difficult to choose for that sort of thing, since I've written everything over the past two or so years we've been around. If you're interested, just fill out the form below and send it with a sample of your work to [email protected].
Preferred Name: 
Preferred Pronouns: 
What Name You Would Like To Be Credited Under:
Tumblr/Where Can We Reach You?
Auditioning For(artist, writer, editor, etc):
Any Ways We Can Promo Your Work(like blogs, commissions, etc): 
But we also take auditions for people who would like to have shows under our name as well. For that, just use the same instructions as above, only give a description of the show you'd like to produce, and a sample of a script. The benefits of producing something under our Network would mostly be that we could help you with different aspects of the production like auditions and editing, and help get your work out there.
Hope this is useful!
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vintage1981 · 6 years
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Doctor Who & Doctor Strange: The Two Doctors?
Let us travel back in time, when Marvel UK had the rights to produce a magazine and comic based on Doctor Who.
Multiple incarnations of The Doctor showed visited Marvel's Earth-5556, one of many earths in the Marvel universe where the majority of the Time Lord's adventures took place.
The Marvel comics and cinematic universe is known for its crossovers. (For a more deep read into it, check out this page http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/doctorwh.htm). Characters like Death's Head, Keepsake, the Special Executive and the Doctor, sometimes crossed over between Marvel UK titles.
One potential crossover was going to be with Doctor Strange.. Doctor Strange.is the head Warlock of planet Earth, and is in charge of protecting earth from magical threats. Now, the crossover never happened, basically because Marvel decided to keep Doctor Who to its own continuity and not mix it with main Marvel properties anymore.
Former Marvel UK editor John Freeman lifted the lid on the mystery of The Two Doctors in a 2008 post on his Down The Tubes blog.
Early Nineties, Evening’s Empire by Andrew Cartmel and Richard Piers Rayner had tantalised readers in Doctor Who Magazine before getting lost in the post. Classic Doctor Who script editor Cartmel submitted a plot for a crossover between the Two Doctors.
While Doctor Who Magazine was being published by Marvel they had indulged in some sneaky crossovers with Captain Britain and a few other characters. Who do you think deposited Death’s Head on top of the Baxter Building?
It was TV Doctor Who script editor Andrew Cartmel who proposed a Doctor Who/Doctor Strange crossover and submitted a plot to me around 1991/92, about the same time as he was writing Evening’s Empire, a six-part story for Doctor Who Magazine drawn by Richard Piers Rayner that ran into more than a few deadline problems but was eventually released as special edition of Doctor Who Classic Comics.
As the then editor of Doctor Who Magazine, I either commissioned Lee Sullivan to do the piece of promo art below, or he did it for fun. Lee’s like that.
Marvel US Editor-in-Chief Tom de Falco, a Doctor Who fan himself and who, in the early 1990s, regularly visited Marvel UK to discuss its direction, ran workshops on comics creation and more, liked the idea of a crossover. Howver, he felt that at the time, with the reduced interest in Doctor Who that was the result of the BBC’s ‘hiatus’ for the show that effectively ended the Seventh Doctor’s period on TV, there was no advantage in proceeding with a crossover which would, in his view, benefited Doctor Who more than it would Doctor Strange.
Although the story never happened, I believe Andrew used some of the ideas in his novels.
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shirlleycoyle · 5 years
US Cities Are Helping People Buy Amazon Surveillance Cameras Using Taxpayer Money
The Ring doorbell surveillance camera sits squarely in the center of a Tiffany-blue online flyer, which provides details about a “Security Product Subsidy Event” in Arcadia, California.
“Big Sale,” the advertisement says, in citrus-colored script. “$100 off.”
This isn’t an ad from Best Buy or an electronics store. It’s an ad from the Arcadia city government. The local city government is selling discounted surveillance cameras directly to its residents, and the “discount” is subsidized by the city. In other words, taxpayer money is being paid to Ring, Amazon’s home surveillance company, in exchange for hundreds of surveillance cameras.
Cities and towns around the country are paying Ring up to $100,000 to subsidize the purchase of the company’s surveillance cameras for private residents. For every dollar committed by a city per these agreements, Ring will match it. This motivates cities to pledge tens of thousands of dollars to a tech giant that is building a private, nationwide surveillance network—which Amazon is using, in part, to secure the packages it delivers. A typical discount program will last several weeks, or until a certain number of residents take advantage of the program.
Motherboard has identified 14 American cities that have these discount programs as well as one city in the United Kingdom. However, there are probably more cities that have offered similar discount programs. Motherboard has reported that Ring courts local governments and police departments around the country to advertise, distribute, and use its products.
Got a tip about Ring discount programs, police partnerships, or something else? We’d love to hear from you. You can contact Caroline Haskins securely on Signal on +1 (785) 813-1084, or via email at [email protected].
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Image: Arcadia, CA promotional image for a Ring subsidy program event in December 2018.
Cities are paying Ring so that residents can enter a private, mostly unregulated surveillance ecosystem that includes cameras both outside and inside their homes. Ring’s products are marketed with the typical language of security services, which serves to promote fear and encourage people to snitch on their neighbors. Ring camera footage is accessible at any moment by employees in Ukraine, and all Ring owners are, often unknowingly, engaging in de facto beta testing for Ring’s facial, object, and voice recognition systems. Gizmodo reported Thursday that Ring hires “news editors” to pull 911 call data into its “neighborhood watch” app, Neighbors, for real-time, unconfirmed crime alerts.
“These deals are sinister because Amazon, a company that doesn’t need a handout from anyone, has figured out a way to get citizens to fund the very network that will be used to surveil them,” said Chris Gilliard, a professor of English at Macomb Community College who studies digital redlining and discriminatory practices enabled by data mining. “It undermines the ideas of transparency and accountability that are supposed to be the foundation of public services to ultimately mainly benefit one of the richest companies in the world.”
“At a time when many communities are questioning and democratically deciding against aggressive surveillance like facial recognition in their communities, this provides Amazon and the police a back door surveillance network that bypasses the will and oversight of the community,” he added.
Ring did not respond to Motherboard’s request for comment.
Promotional agreements occur between a city and Ring. These agreements turn city governments, responsible for serving their citizens, into literal advertisers and salespeople for a giant corporation, and at taxpayer expense.
California cities like La Mirada and Alhambra have allotted $10,000 in taxpayer money to these discount programs. Maywood and Temple City, CA have each pledged $20,000 toward a Ring discount program. Since 2017, Arcadia, CA has directed $50,000 toward Ring discount programs and La Cañada Flintridge has contributed at least $44,750. Rancho Palos Verdes approved a $100,000 program in 2017.
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Image: La Mirada, CA promotional image for its Ring rebate program.
On July 10, the San Marino City Council agreed to pledge $10,000 toward a Ring discount program. The most recent draft of the Promotional Agreement states that Ring will match every dollar that the city pays into the program. This means that for every $100 discount off a Ring product, the city pays $50 and Ring pays $50.
The agreement also requires the city to “make reasonable efforts to promote the program,” and it names several examples of how to do so: post on the city’s website, city social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, distribute brochures and flyers at City Hall, and issue a “joint press release” between Ring and the city.
Ring is also required to “provide marketing support and materials” in order to help the city market its products. Per the agreement, Ring must “collaborate with the City on the distribution and marketing” of Ring products.
The agreement also regulates how individual city employees are allowed to speak about Ring.
“Additionally, no statements should be made by any City officer or employee about Ring’s products and services, which isn’t in writing and hasn’t been approved in advance by Ring,” the agreement reads.
“This turns my stomach,” Evan Greer, deputy director of civil rights group Fight for the Future told Motherboard. “Amazon isn’t just building an unaccountable, for-profit surveillance empire, they’re getting the government to subsidize it with our tax dollars.”
Toward the end of the July 10 city council meeting for San Marino, CA, the city’s Vice Mayor Gretchen Shepherd-Romey expressed concern about the city’s potential promotional agreement with Ring.
Shepherd-Romey was concerned that not enough city residents would take advantage of the 45-day promotional period because too many people are on vacation, and concerned that people would install their discounted cameras on their vacation homes instead of their San Marino homes.
Other residents and city council members were also skeptical about entering a promotional agreement with Ring. They were mainly focused on the fact that city residents may not need a discount.
“I guess what I don’t understand is, I don’t know why the city would pay $50?” one city resident asked during the open comment period. “I don’t understand why city funds would be used on a thing like this.”
“I have the same thing, why would we pay $50?” one city council member added. “But I trust the public safety commission and I think this could be a good way to prevent and deter crime.”
The city council unanimously approved the measure to sign a promotional agreement with Ring. The 45-day promotional period, representatives agreed, would begin after September 1, after most people’s vacations have ended.
San Marino resident Andrew Ko told Motherboard that the city’s arrangement with Ring makes no sense.
“Why are we spending $10,000 when we have trouble paying for emergency services in San Marino?” Ko said. “This is troubling because the City just passed a budget and the Police Department is already asking for a budget amendment to transfer funds from the General Fund to pay for this program.”
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Image: Alhambra, CA flyer for a Ring discount program.
Promotional agreements typically apply to most Ring products, including its doorbell camera, “Floodlight” camera, and “Stick Up” cameras, which can go outdoors or indoors. According to public city council meeting notes from Rancho Palos Verdes, the agreements can even apply to a Ring solar panel. However, some advertisements for discount programs only mention Ring doorbell cameras, Ring’s most inexpensive product. Promotional agreements can fund two main types of programs: online promo codes, and in-person discount events.
Through discount programs, residents can enter a promo code during their online checkout get up to $100 off a Ring product. For instance, the City of Commerce, CA made a Facebook post in November 2016 claiming that residents can get a $100 on a doorbell camera on Ring.com.
“Just visit Ring.com and enter promo code Commerce99 for the discount on the state of the art video doorbell system,” the post reads.
This appears to be one of the most popular types of programs, as it’s taken place in several California cities, including Arcadia, La Mirada, Maywood, Diamond Bar, Lancaster, La Cañada Flintridge, and West Hollywood.
Discount events, meanwhile, usually take place at in-person somewhere in a city, often at a shopping center or community center. Although promotional agreements are approved by local governments, sometimes local police participate in the promotion of Ring products at these in person events.
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Image: South Gate, CA promotional image for a Ring discount event.
For instance, Arcadia has hosted at least two Ring Subsidy Events. One such event was advertised by the Arcadia Police Department on NextDoor. The event, which took place in December 2018 at the Arcadia Masonic Lodge, offered attendees a $100 discount on the purchase of any Ring product. A nearly identical event in Arcadia took place in 2017, and a local news report claims that about 300 people attended.
Alhambra, CA hosted an event in 2018 at the “Emergency Preparedness Fair” at the city’s Farmers Market. The South Gate, CA police department hosted an event in 2018 at a local shopping center. The event descriptions typically note that people have to provide proof of residency to be eligible for the discount.
Cities identified by Motherboard that have offered Ring discount programs include Arcadia, CA; Commerce, CA; La Mirada, CA; Maywood, CA; Diamond Bar, CA; Lancaster, CA; Alhambra, CA; Monrovia, CA; Temple City, CA; La Cañada Flintridge, CA; South Gate, CA; Rancho Palos Verdes, CA; Redondo Beach, CA; West Hollywood, CA; and Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom.
Ring has also partnered with at least 225 law enforcement agencies around the country. Unlike discount programs, which are made between Ring and a city, these partnerships are between Ring and police departments. Police partnerships sometimes require police to “encourage adoption” of Ring products by buying Ring’s doorbell cameras and downloading Neighbors, Ring’s free “neighborhood watch” app, per reporting from Motherboard.
Police use a variety of tactics in order to encourage the adoption of Ring products as a part of their partnerships with Ring, such as raffles and giveaways. Motherboard has obtained these emails, flyers, and contracts via public record requests from Wolcott, CT; Waynesboro, VA; and Lakeland, FL.
Motherboard obtained documents from the Waynesboro, VA police department, which show that the department created a raffle event shortly after it entered into a partnership with Ring. The documents include the draft of a flyer for a Ring product giveaway. The flyer has the heading “WIN FREE HOME SECURITY PRODUCTS!!!!” above an image of the Waynesboro Police logo with an array of four Ring products.
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Image: Waynesboro, VA flyer for a Ring product giveaway program obtained by Motherboard.
“To celebrate our partnership with Ring, we are giving away a home security package to ONE City of Waynesboro resident. The kid includes a Ring Wireless Doorbell 2, Ring Wireless Spotlight Camera, Ring Chime Pro Wi-Fi Extender, and a Ring Solar Security Sign,” the flyer reads.
Motherboard obtained documents from the police department of Wolcott, CT which include an extremely similar giveaway flyer. The flyer shows a local police officer holding the box for a Ring doorbell camera, and the heading reads, “WIN A FREE RING DOORBELL!”
“To celebrate our partnership with Ring, we are giving away a Ring Doorbell to TWO Wolcott resident (see below for other requirements),” the flyer reads. “To enter, simply download the Neighbors App by Ring at download.ring.com/wolcott or text wolcott to 555888 and then comment below this post that you downloaded it.”
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Image: Wolcott, CT flyer for a Ring product giveaway program obtained by Motherboard.
In exchange for promoting Ring products, the company grants police access to Ring’s “Law Enforcement Neighborhood Portal.” This portal acts like an interactive map that shows the approximate location of every Ring product in a given area. Police can then request footage directly from Ring camera owners without a warrant.
Similar giveaway programs have also been initiated by the police departments of Livonia, MI; Mahwah, NJ; Newark, NJ; and Palmdale, CA.
Activist groups like Fight for the Future have criticized Ring for creating a privatized, unregulated dragnet surveillance program, and called for cities to stop partnering with the company. However, the details of Ring partnership and promotional agreements show that the company is dedicated to legitimizing its products among local law enforcement and government officials in order to maximize the proliferation of its products.
Greer told Motherboard that although Ring claims their mission is to “make neighborhoods safer,” a world with more cameras is more dangerous—especially for people of color and activists, who are often targeted by law enforcement.
“I think we need to think about what we mean when we say safety,” Greer said. “And to me, there’s nothing more unsafe than privately run surveillance dragnet, with a very cozy relationship with law enforcement, spreading very quickly across our cities.”
All of the documents that informed this article are now public and viewable on Document Cloud.
US Cities Are Helping People Buy Amazon Surveillance Cameras Using Taxpayer Money syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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lavinaweimannus · 6 years
SQZin Leads Machine Review + Bonus & Discount Link For Early Buyers – Turn ANY Page Into A Viral Squeeze Page
SQZin Leads Machine Review & Bonus – Turn ANY Page Into A Viral Squeeze Page
SQZin Overview
Vendor: Bilal Khan Product: SQZin Launch Date: 18th March 2018 Front-End Price: $47 Our Verdict: Excellent, Highly Recommended Official Website: CLICK HERE One-Time Offers Available (OTOs)?: YES Type of Product:  Cloud Based (Saas) Bonus Available: YES, CLICK HERE Buy + Discount Link: ORDER NOW
SQZin Review
SQZin is a cloud-based software that can turn any page into a viral squeeze page. This software helps you to build your lists quickly and also get viral clicks to your offers. Keep on reading as I share with you the detailed info about how it works, the features and benefits to you as a buyer and the exclusive bonuses I have for you when you order SQZin today.
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tigonfluff · 6 years
SQZin Leads Machine Review + Bonus & Discount Link For Early Buyers – Turn ANY Page Into A Viral Squeeze Page
SQZin Leads Machine Review & Bonus – Turn ANY Page Into A Viral Squeeze Page
  SQZin Overview
Vendor: Bilal Khan Product: SQZin Launch Date: 18th March 2018 Front-End Price: $47 Our Verdict: Excellent, Highly Recommended Official Website: CLICK HERE One-Time Offers Available (OTOs)?: YES Type of Product:  Cloud Based (Saas) Bonus Available: YES, CLICK HERE Buy + Discount Link: ORDER NOW  (Get It For $37 Now!)
SQZin Review
SQZin is a cloud-based software that can turn any page into a viral squeeze page. This software helps you to build your lists quickly and also get viral clicks to your offers. Keep on reading as I share with you the detailed info about how it works, the features and benefits to you as a buyer and the exclusive bonuses I have for you when you order SQZin today.
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SQZin Description
SQZin is created by Bilal Khan.  You can instantly Turn ABSOLUTELY ANY Webpage/Link (News Article, Quiz, YouTube Video, Shopify Offer, Affiliate Link, FB post etc…) into a cash pulling, 100% viral squeeze page with SQZin.
No writing – no editing – you don’t even need to have a website – or even speak English to build lists & profit with this!
Use any link you like – or use our software to:
1) Find viral content or use any page you choose (news articles, affiliate links..etc)
You can search for videos, articles or products using our constantly growing database of content updated every 10 mins. Think ‘BuzzSumo’ on steroids, WITHOUT the $250 a month fee.
2) Turn it into an instant squeeze page with your CTA, banners or optin forms
This works for any kind of page you can think of, making ANY share you make instantly more profitable … see examples below for some real-world application.
SQZin Features
Discover viral contents
Viral Squeeze Buttons
Timer Controlled Squeeze
Add CTA’s & Optin Forms
Instant social squeeze buttons
Benefits of Buying SQZin
It’s fast and easy
Increase affiliate sales and commissions
Increase your optin leads and grow your list
Turn every share button into a Done For You squeeze page
Tumblr media
How SQZin Works
Create differnt media pages
Create several splash pages
Create many Call To Action (CTA) buttons
Watch the video below to see how SQZin howrks.
SQZin Demo Video
Tumblr media
OTOs & Upgrades AvailableLUS
OTO1 : Sqzin Pro
$17/m, $27/m or $47/mAdded Features Include: – Autoresponder Integration – WordPress Plugin – Retargeting Pixels – Custom Scripts – Custom Overlay FeaturePLUS Added Media Pages & Splash Pages
OTO2 : Agency – $97 or $197 one time payment
Agency Access giving the ability to create 10-20 client access accounts
OTO3 : Sqzin Cash – $97/yr
Covert Commissions integration unlocking their choice of done for you, 100% managed marketing campaigns to automatically monetize their leads. If they cancel after 1 year they get to keep and use everything they own.
Recommendation & Conclusion
SQZin is recommended to any internet marketerr who wants to ride on the wave of a trending or viral story to build their lists. SQZin is simple and easy to use and comes at a relatively cheap price. Get one and increase your leads today.
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[ps2id id=’my-bonus’ target=”/]
My Super Bonuses For You When You Order Today
Article Buddy Pro
Article Buddy generates 100% unique content at the push of a button.
Authority Blogging
Learn simple, yet effective ways to dramatically increasse the amount of traffic, subscribers, and revenue from the start, while also decreasing the time and energy managing your blog.
Big Traffic Firesale
This course will show you how to use multiple social network and other websites to link the desired site that needs traffic.
Content Marketing For Beginners
Easy to follow 5 day crash course you will be introduced to the power of content marketing. Learn the different forms of content that you use to grow your business.
Content Syndication
A series of 40 On-screen, easy-To-Follow video tutorials on how to market and publish your content expertly. Topics covered are Article Marketing, Reddit, LinkediIn, Facebook, Hootsuite, Twitter, Instagram, Video Syndication, Press Release, and much more.
FB VidMatic creates entire fully monetized sites out of Facebook newsfeeds!
Hashtag Genius Pro
Hashtag Genius brings you viral social media traffic at the push of a button, all with the power of hashtags.
Image Sharing Profits
In this guide, you’ll learn about some of the different money making methods, such as well as ways to increase your follower count and improve your engagement rates.
Instant Content Creator
Effortlessly kick-out articles with a proven steb-by-step software to show you how.
Link Supremacy
Link Supremacy provides the perfect balance of backlinks to skyrocket straight to #1 in Google in less than 7 days.
Logo Studio
Logo Studio creates amazing logos with the push of a button from hundreds of high-quality templates.
Social Media Boom Plugin
Turn your wordpress blog into a social powerhouse! The simple and fast way to increase social conversions. Take the social features of some of the highest like Buzzfeed or Upworthy and add tem to your blog posts.
Turbo GIF Animator
Make animated images in less than a minute.
UltraVid creates 1-click video sites complete with monetization.
VidConnect curates & monetizes videos on Autopilot so you always have fresh, high converting and easy to rank content on your sites.
Video Strike is a powerful desktop app that creates incredible presentations for your videos & webinars.
VidLock is a premium WP plugin that lets you capture leads and make more sales by “locking” your videos until visitors perform a certain action.
VidPix Pro
VidPix lets you place buy buttons, optin forms and even videos on top of your images.
Vid Promo Pages
Vid Promo Pages is a premium page builder that comes with tens of ready made template of our highest converting sales pages.
Webby App
WebbyApp turns any WP site into a fully fledged mobile app (iOS & Android)
Tumblr media
  How to claim your bonuses
Click on the buy now button above or through any of my affiliate links on this page.
Go through the order process successfully. If you buy any of the OTOs or Upsells (if available), you get the chance to get the Bonus offers above + select 1 bonus package from the exclusive bonus package.
After completion of your order, access your bonus offer from the product’s access page on JVZoo or WarriorPlus. Downloading the bonus offer above is automatic and instant. (If Clickbank, please send a message with your transaction ID to [email protected] to access the bonuses below.)
Buy more OTOs or Upsells and stand the chance to select more than 1 bonus package from our exclusive bonus packages
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The post SQZin Leads Machine Review + Bonus & Discount Link For Early Buyers – Turn ANY Page Into A Viral Squeeze Page appeared first on MarvyReviews.com.
from MarvyReviews.com https://marvyreviews.com/sqzin-leads-machine-review-bonus-discount-link/ via IFTTT
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marvyreviewsus · 6 years
SQZin Leads Machine Review + Bonus & Discount Link For Early Buyers – Turn ANY Page Into A Viral Squeeze Page
SQZin Leads Machine Review & Bonus – Turn ANY Page Into A Viral Squeeze Page
  SQZin Overview
Vendor: Bilal Khan Product: SQZin Launch Date: 18th March 2018 Front-End Price: $47 Our Verdict: Excellent, Highly Recommended Official Website: CLICK HERE One-Time Offers Available (OTOs)?: YES Type of Product:  Cloud Based (Saas) Bonus Available: YES, CLICK HERE Buy + Discount Link: ORDER NOW
SQZin Review
SQZin is a cloud-based software that can turn any page into a viral squeeze page. This software helps you to build your lists quickly and also get viral clicks to your offers. Keep on reading as I share with you the detailed info about how it works, the features and benefits to you as a buyer and the exclusive bonuses I have for you when you order SQZin today.
Tumblr media
SQZin Description
SQZin is created by Bilal Khan.  You can instantly Turn ABSOLUTELY ANY Webpage/Link (News Article, Quiz, YouTube Video, Shopify Offer, Affiliate Link, FB post etc…) into a cash pulling, 100% viral squeeze page with SQZin.
No writing – no editing – you don’t even need to have a website – or even speak English to build lists & profit with this!
Use any link you like – or use our software to:
1) Find viral content or use any page you choose (news articles, affiliate links..etc)
You can search for videos, articles or products using our constantly growing database of content updated every 10 mins. Think ‘BuzzSumo’ on steroids, WITHOUT the $250 a month fee.
2) Turn it into an instant squeeze page with your CTA, banners or optin forms
This works for any kind of page you can think of, making ANY share you make instantly more profitable … see examples below for some real-world application.
SQZin Features
Discover viral contents
Viral Squeeze Buttons
Timer Controlled Squeeze
Add CTA’s & Optin Forms
Instant social squeeze buttons
Benefits of Buying SQZin
It’s fast and easy
Increase affiliate sales and commissions
Increase your optin leads and grow your list
Turn every share button into a Done For You squeeze page
Tumblr media
How SQZin Works
Create differnt media pages
Create several splash pages
Create many Call To Action (CTA) buttons
Watch the video below to see how SQZin howrks.
SQZin Demo Video
Tumblr media
OTOs & Upgrades AvailableLUS
OTO1 : Sqzin Pro
$17/m, $27/m or $47/mAdded Features Include: – Autoresponder Integration – WordPress Plugin – Retargeting Pixels – Custom Scripts – Custom Overlay Feature
PLUS Added Media Pages & Splash Pages
OTO2 : Agency – $97 or $197 one time payment
Agency Access giving the ability to create 10-20 client access accounts
OTO3 : Sqzin Cash – $97/yr
Covert Commissions integration unlocking their choice of done for you, 100% managed marketing campaigns to automatically monetize their leads. If they cancel after 1 year they get to keep and use everything they own.
Recommendation & Conclusion
SQZin is recommended to any internet marketerr who wants to ride on the wave of a trending or viral story to build their lists. SQZin is simple and easy to use and comes at a relatively cheap price. Get one and increase your leads today.
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[ps2id id=’my-bonus’ target=”/]
My Super Bonuses For You When You Order Today
Article Buddy Pro
Article Buddy generates 100% unique content at the push of a button.
Authority Blogging
Learn simple, yet effective ways to dramatically increasse the amount of traffic, subscribers, and revenue from the start, while also decreasing the time and energy managing your blog.
Big Traffic Firesale
This course will show you how to use multiple social network and other websites to link the desired site that needs traffic.
Content Marketing For Beginners
Easy to follow 5 day crash course you will be introduced to the power of content marketing. Learn the different forms of content that you use to grow your business.
Content Syndication
A series of 40 On-screen, easy-To-Follow video tutorials on how to market and publish your content expertly. Topics covered are Article Marketing, Reddit, LinkediIn, Facebook, Hootsuite, Twitter, Instagram, Video Syndication, Press Release, and much more.
FB VidMatic creates entire fully monetized sites out of Facebook newsfeeds!
Hashtag Genius Pro
Hashtag Genius brings you viral social media traffic at the push of a button, all with the power of hashtags.
Image Sharing Profits
In this guide, you’ll learn about some of the different money making methods, such as well as ways to increase your follower count and improve your engagement rates.
Instant Content Creator
Effortlessly kick-out articles with a proven steb-by-step software to show you how.
Link Supremacy
Link Supremacy provides the perfect balance of backlinks to skyrocket straight to #1 in Google in less than 7 days.
Logo Studio
Logo Studio creates amazing logos with the push of a button from hundreds of high-quality templates.
Social Media Boom Plugin
Turn your wordpress blog into a social powerhouse! The simple and fast way to increase social conversions. Take the social features of some of the highest like Buzzfeed or Upworthy and add tem to your blog posts.
Turbo GIF Animator
Make animated images in less than a minute.
UltraVid creates 1-click video sites complete with monetization.
VidConnect curates & monetizes videos on Autopilot so you always have fresh, high converting and easy to rank content on your sites.
Video Strike is a powerful desktop app that creates incredible presentations for your videos & webinars.
VidLock is a premium WP plugin that lets you capture leads and make more sales by “locking” your videos until visitors perform a certain action.
VidPix Pro
VidPix lets you place buy buttons, optin forms and even videos on top of your images.
Vid Promo Pages
Vid Promo Pages is a premium page builder that comes with tens of ready made template of our highest converting sales pages.
Webby App
WebbyApp turns any WP site into a fully fledged mobile app (iOS & Android)
Tumblr media
  How to claim your bonuses
Click on the buy now button above or through any of my affiliate links on this page.
Go through the order process successfully. If you buy any of the OTOs or Upsells (if available), you get the chance to get the Bonus offers above + select 1 bonus package from the exclusive bonus package.
After completion of your order, access your bonus offer from the product’s access page on JVZoo or WarriorPlus. Downloading the bonus offer above is automatic and instant. (If Clickbank, please send a message with your transaction ID to [email protected] to access the bonuses below.)
Buy more OTOs or Upsells and stand the chance to select more than 1 bonus package from our exclusive bonus packages
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The post SQZin Leads Machine Review + Bonus & Discount Link For Early Buyers – Turn ANY Page Into A Viral Squeeze Page appeared first on MarvyReviews.com.
source https://marvyreviews.com/sqzin-leads-machine-review-bonus-discount-link/
0 notes
clonescript · 4 years
Features of ubereats clone
Admin panel 
Database management: Manage every single information such as the data of registered clients, restaurants, number of delivery boys etc.
Customer management: Allows the admin to check the buyer details, the number of orders, date and time of the order and amount of the orders.
Restaurant management: Lets the admin add new restaurants or eliminate the old ones, manage and maintain a flexible guide through the platform.
Offer management: Produce and deploy new deals, offers, discounts as well as permit the deals from the restaurant side.
Revenue management: Manage all the payments such as payment received from the clients, given to the restaurants, delivery boys and the commission set for them.
 Feedback management: Allows the admin to manage and view the feedback received from the clients and the answers given by the restaurant and delivery boys.
Notifications to registered user: Admin can manage SMS, Emails, App notifications for the clients, delivery boys and the restaurant owners.
Customer app
Quick onboarding: Allows the customers to get started with social login selection or through email registration.
 Search nearby restaurants: Search and find restaurants based on the type of locations, cuisines, timings, and any such particular thing.
 Browse the menu: Check various restaurant menus, their speciality and prices.
 Select your order: Choose the restaurant, select the order and place it.
 Check the cart: Add the selected item to the cart and then place the order.
 Push notifications: The information about new restaurants, new features or offers is brought into your server through the feature push notification.
 Secured payment mode: The customer should be provided with multiple payment selections such as Credit card, Debit card, Wallet, and other secure methods.
 Track your delivery boy: Track the time of your order delivery and the distance covered by the delivery boy in real-time.
 Track your order status: The delivery progress and status can be tracked through the food delivery app.
 Rate and review: The customer can rate and give feedback about the service of the food delivery app.
 Offers and promos: Offers several promos and discounts to customers to get benefited from.
Restaurant app
Profile creation: Create a profile to form a strong relationship with users through social media.
 Order alerts: Notification alerts to let the restaurant staff know that the user has placed the orders and make them prepare as soon as possible.
 Customize your menu: The customer can make any changes in the menu as per his choice through this feature.
 Order management: The restaurant can keep track of the number of orders received, delivered and the number of orders on the way.
 Payment management: Through this feature, the mode of payment made to the delivery boy is being managed.
 Customer details: Customer details are provided to the restaurant panel to confirm the order and get the location
 Track order history: The restaurant panel can track the completed and pending orders.
 Answer feedback: The restaurant owner can answer the reviews and feedback from the customers.
 Manage special offers: Allows the restaurant owner to provide offers, discounts and rewards to its customers through the on-demand food delivery app. 
Driver app
Create a profile: Allows the driver to create his profile providing details like name, documents, contact details, and payment details.
 Receive order: The driver will get the order, contact details of the customer, location of the order and delivery through the food delivery app.
 Receive delivery location: The delivery location of the customer should be accessible to the driver through GPS to reach and deliver food on time.
 View order history: This feature allows the driver to view the number and type of orders he has accomplished.
 Receive multiple deliveries: The driver can get numerous orders at a single instance to save time and efforts in delivering the order.
 Notifications: The driver gets notified of the change in delivery location or the addition of new delivery through the app.
Technical aspects and research
Technical aspects of online food ordering software are important to consider when you intend to launch an online food delivery business as competitive as food delivery app. Depending on your budget, the location of your service and business requirements from the platform. Study clone script on the following aspects to choose the best platform for your food delivery business.
Platform compatibility
Technical aspects for platform compatibility decide the extent of your business to users with different devices. Owning a food delivery website is just not enough to run successful food delivery operations in 2019. The vendor must offer support for versions of web, Android and iOS apps.
Number of applications
Key partners in food ordering business are customers, restaurants and delivery personnel. All three partners must possess a touchpoint to connect with each other when required. Efficient food ordering software will provide three different applications for three different partners in the process.
Payment systems
Main feature aspect of food delivery business is the availability of secure and multiple payment options. Having multiple payment options ensure that users don't bounce back just because they didn't find a preferred payment method on your app.
Search filter options
Make sure the food ordering script supports advanced search filters that allow users to not just search for food or restaurant but also filter search results.
Live tracking
Automatic geolocation tracking is important to display food items from restaurants that are servable in a specific location.
Ratings and reviews
Letting users write reviews or rate food you would be utilizing user-generated content for the good of your business. Ultimately it will encourage more users to use your platform with more reviews came from fellow users.
What should you take into concern for building an app?
Decide your business model
Ensure user-friendly interface
Decide your budget
Framework to choose
What is your USP
Develop a customized website
Choose your demography
Plan your launch program
The estimated cost to develop UberEats like app
It is obvious for an entrepreneur to focus on ROI and to figure out the expected turnover and investment required. Let's find out the cost of building an on-demand app for food delivery business.
Influence of features
To develop an uber-like app you might go with the most viable features, advanced features or a blend of both basic and advanced features.
Influence of operating system
It purely depends upon the customer preference and target audience of the device to select the operating system. Therefore uber app development or Ios is surely a matter of customer preference.
Influence of technology
You need to figure out your app development needs. As you know building an uber like app requires using the latest tools and technologies.
0 notes
todaybharatnews · 4 years
via Today Bharat Nani definitely makes a difference when he steps in. He's effortlessly funny, spooking people around him with his dark humour. Sowmya Rajendran Follow @sowmya_rajen Nani's V, directed by Mohana Krishna Indraganti and now streaming on Amazon Prime Video, is about a man on a killing spree who challenges a police officer to catch him. That much was apparent in the film's promos. We also knew that Nani was playing this chilling killer. The only intrigue left in the film was the whys and hows of the crime. What's the killer's motive and his pattern? V opens with a riot and dashing DCP Adithya (Sudheer Babu) coming in to control it. The sequence is built to amplify Adithya's heroism every bit, from the actor ripping his shirt off to sending men to space with his punches. As the credits roll, the newspaper clippings about Adithya reveal what sort of a man he is. He not only believes in human rights, he also walks the ramp. He not only busts drug rackets, he's also voted to be the sexiest man around. He's not, in other words, the typical movie cop who nurses a paunch and accepts bribes under the table. It doesn't take long for the first murder to take place after Indraganti sets up the stage for Adithya. But though the screenplay goes through all the motions of an investigation, you are never sucked into the proceedings. For instance, when Adithya walks into a brutal crime scene where the victim is a fellow police officer, no less, he hardly flinches. The emphasis is more on his flamboyance and heroism than what would be a natural response to the crime. His subordinates (Vennela Kishore plays Mansoor, Adithya's sidekick) and superiors too seem totally unbothered that there's a body lying in front of them, using the opportunity to crack some clever jokes. Even the most jaded cop on the job is likely to have some emotion to what they're witnessing but not these guys. And since they don't seem to take the crime seriously, neither do we. Sudheer Babu's interpretation of Adithya is a semi-sneer plastered on his face for a good part, which doesn't allow us to warm up to the character. The romance between him and Apoorva (Nivetha Thomas), an aspiring crime writer, would have been more suited to a college romcom than a dark thriller. Nivetha is charming onscreen but is stuck with looking chirpy and providing comic relief that only serves to distract. She wants to write a crime novel, so when Adithya opens a drawer in her room, he finds papers with words like 'KILL' written on them. Sigh. Nani definitely makes a difference when he steps in. He's effortlessly funny, spooking people around him with his dark humour (but you also wonder why he behaved that way after we know all the answers in the end). The reference to K Raghavendra Rao's films is especially hilarious. Playing the antagonist in a film is a brave choice for a lead actor. However, without giving too much away, one can say that V does not push him enough in that direction. Aditi Rao Hydari as Saheeba looks beautiful but the actor has been typecast in the earnest Madonna role one too many times. Her expressions in V are the same as what we saw her do in Sufiyum Sujatayum, her last release. Indraganti makes some interesting writing choices, like that scene when Apoorva's parents (Thalaivasal Vijay and Rohini) casually confess that they had premarital sex or the army man who puts his wife above the nation. But they're lost in a film where the larger premise is wholly predictable. The motive for the crime is as obvious and unimaginative as it can get, with film after film falling back on the same reason for a revenge saga. The problem with V is that it is neither a solid police procedural nor a full-fledged action film. Though the police are supposedly investigating a serial killer, there is barely any discussion on profiling or even forensics. The clues are embarrassingly old world, bits of paper with convoluted riddles. The only 'psychiatric' inputs come from Apoorva, in the middle of some flirting and cutesy meet-the-family sequences. The cat and mouse game between Adithya and the killer gets repetitive, though everything looks stylish and classy. But lighting, background score and camera angles can only add to the suspense, they cannot create it from scratch. That is the job of the script. V falters heavily in this department. Disclaimer: This review was not paid for or commissioned by anyone associated with the series/film. TNM Editorial is independent of any business relationship the organisation may have with producers or any other members of its cast or crew.
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