#;ohana squad
brumatifl · 1 year
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the post where kagami runs out late at night to get yuki her favorite snack, i just...speechless 
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the-pyooster · 5 months
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I thought of completing the whole "trio" thing Odd Squad has going on, so... everybody say hi to Ohana!
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feykrorovaan · 1 year
Taliesin:*casually mentions something about apples*
LDB:*gives him all the apples*
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TG:M Headcanon
There was a few days between Iceman’s funeral and when Simpson talked to Maverick about taking time off. During those few days, the Dagger  squad basically lived at Maverick’s house.
It started the evening after the funeral, when Rooster told the guys (while they were at the bar toasting the Admiral) that he was going to Maverick’s place to check on him. Pretty much the whole group volunteered to go with him because they cared about Maverick too.
They found Maverick in his hangar (the side door had been locked but Rooster knew where the spare key was). He was sitting in his plane, beer bottle in his hand, drunk and miserable.
Rooster got him down out of the plane and Hangman helped him support Maverick as they all took him back to the house to get some sleep.
After they got Maverick into bed, Rooster assured the others that he could handle it from here; thanks for your help, but you can go.
None of them budged, except to find pillows and blanket and call dibs on good spaces to sleep in the living room.
When Maverick woke up the next morning, Coyote and Hangman were making breakfast, Bob was setting the table, Fanboy was making coffee, Payback was just getting out the shower, and Phoenix and Rooster were watching TV because Coyote had banned them from the kitchen.
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callsigndragon · 1 year
me: i can't start another series- @purplevortexx: don't overwork yourself please me: no, i won't
*ten seconds later*
me: hey, what kind of job would make this guy have a live-in nanny @purplevortexx: musician, small town lawyer... @daughterofautumn: mafia boss me: .... fuck here we go with another series-
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novastories · 2 years
She made me and @purplevortexx our own! She saved the little stuff we said and made this beautiful creation! 😭 Even included my Rooster stuffie!
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Heh also “sleep is for the weak” is in response to when Bean and Jenn tell me to sleep at 3am 🤪
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itzmikaella · 1 year
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Let’s go back to Hawaii
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purplevortexx · 1 year
So apparently SpongeBob and I share the same eye colour?
(Thanks for that bit of information Jenn @callsignmeiga )
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mydreamlightvalley · 1 year
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1. Stitch is too damn cute
2. I love our little band
3. I wish they’d let us actually make a band and play 🙈
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shakaola · 1 year
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One of our morning walks to the school bus.
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alohamyka · 1 year
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Just chilling 😎with my baby girl on my day off from work
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brumatifl · 1 year
i’m almost always torn between: should we laugh with yuji, or be sad with yuji or keep pushing him till he finally breaks and is welcomed to the club of (we all need therapy but it’s too expense)..
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call-sign-shark · 2 years
I love your stories! Could you please write some more father figure mav and platonic dagger squad? Xx
awwww thank you so much anon, this one is for you! Me love cute platonic fluff, it's just so heartwarming ;w;
✨ Ohana Means Family ✨
Summary: During a movie night, the Dagger Squad fights over which movie to watch. While observing them, you realize that you, who never had a family, finally found one.
Words: 1k
Tags: PURE FLUFF, Platonic love, family fluff, DadMav and his Dagger kids // reader super close to Hangman
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“But I don’t want to watch a horror movie!” Hangman complains, crossing his arms on his muscular chest. Bob lowers his head, disappointed. 
“You never listen to any of my suggestions anyway.” He says with a little voice, readjusting his glasses on his nose.
“Bob, you ALWAYS suggest horror movies. Last month we did a Saw marathon. And you were the only one enjoying it. Payback almost fainted.”  
“That’s not true! I was just… Just tired!” Payback retorts from below. He is sitting on the floor, holding the bowl of popcorn between his legs. He has already eaten half of it, even if the movie had not started yet.
“What about a Disney?” Phoenix suggests.
“To hell with Disney, it’s been two weeks we only watch Disney movies.” 
“Come on, everyone likes them.”
“The problem is not the movies themselves. It’s Rooster constantly singing the songs during and after the movies.”  Hangman rolls his eyes,    laying on the sofa with his head on your lap and his legs on Coyote's.
“Fuck you, Jake. At least I don’t choose spaghetti westerns.” Rooster growls, also sitting on the floor. He is braiding Shark’s long blonde mane with surprising patience. 
At one point you stop listening to the argument. When a dagger suggests a movie, another one immediately complains. This is a vicious circle. Yet, your Y/EC eyes carefully observe everyone while your hand absentmindedly pets Hangman’s blonde hair. He had just closed his eyes, almost purring at your touch. Sometimes he winces when he hears a movie title he does not like. 
“Star Trek?”
A pillow flies across the room and hits Fanboy right in the face. The WSO shakes his head, looks dagger at Shark, and throws it back. You don't need to listen to the conversation: you know he probably suggested the old Stark Trek movies. After all, that is why you all call him Fanboy. The pillow flies again yet Rooster and Shark slightly tilt on the same side simultaneously, avoiding the pillow. 
“And what about a musical?” 
Judging by the storm of protests, Coyote understands that his tastes in movies are far from winning unanimous support.  You cannot help but smile, your fingers still massaging Hangman’s head. A faint and amused smirk appears on your beautiful lips: It is the same hilarious struggle each night. The Daggers would reunite in the living room and fight over the movie to watch, while Maverick would prepare snacks in the kitchen. Popcorn, nachos with guacamole and cheese, and fresh beers.
You suddenly feel a cold and wet muzzle sniffing your free hand. You take a quick look at your left side, only to see Crashtest’s big face looking at you with his shining beady eyes. His large mouth is open, tongue hanging. You chuckle when looking at the dog and finally run your free hand through the pale fur of his neck. Here you are, forced to pet both Hangman and Crashtest.
Crashtest is a big beige American Pitbull whose owner is Shark, but he quickly becomes the family’s dog. She called him so because, when he was a puppy, he would run everywhere and bump against the walls.
A soft sigh escapes from your lips as you realize that you have found a family.  A broken, small, and weird family… But a true one.
“So, what are we watching tonight?” Mav’s voice echoes in the living room and snatches you from your thoughts. He obviously knows that no one managed to reach agreement. He lays the plates on the table and raises an eyebrow while looking at the young pilots scattered in the room, “Are you serious? Alright. Since you can’t decide…” He pauses and his emerald eyes fall on you, “Y/CS? What do you want to watch? You have the last word.” 
Surprised, you look at Mav, then at the Dagger Squad, and then at Mav again. To be true he had caught you off guard. 
“So?” Hangman asks. He had just reopened his eyes and is now looking at you with an adorable yet slightly cocky grin, his head still comfortably resting on your lap. 
“Lilo and Stitch.” You say out of nowhere, suggesting the first movie that had crossed your mind at this moment. “I want to watch Lilo and Stich.”   You repeat, and this time you are delighted with your choice. It seems like a perfect movie for your adoptive family.
“YESSS!” Phoenix and Rooster exclaim. The dog barks happily, wanting to join the party. Surprisingly enough, everyone kind of agrees with you. Even Hangman, who has complained about Disney movies twenty minutes ago.
“Lilo and Stich.” Mav concludes, visibly satisfied with your decision, before letting his body fall on the huge L-shapes sofa he had bought to welcome all his kids at home. Doing so, he forces Hangman to move in order to avoid getting crushed by him. The blonde pilot growls and, sitting next to you, wraps his muscular arm around your shoulders. The feeling of his warm skin against yours is soothing. With butterflies in your stomach, you snuggle against him. You and Hangman have been closer these past few weeks since you saved his life during a mission. 
As Maverick grabs the remote and scrolls to find the movie, all the daggers join him, Hangman, and you on the couch no matter if they have to snuggle against each other to all fit. Lilo and Stitch’ s intro starts and fills the room with the sweet melody of He Mele No Lilo. Before focusing on the movie, you take a quick look across the room.
Phoenix’s head rests on Bob’s shoulder.
Payback, Coyote, and Fanboy are nudging each other, trying to hold their laugh.
Rooster keeps playing with one of Shark’s braids while her hand gently strokes Mav’s thigh. 
As for you, Hangman keeps you in his arms. Hugging you as if his own life depends on it. His sweet and masculine fragrance tingles your nostrils. 
Another bark: Crashtest climbs on the couch and the gentle brute rests his head on your lap. 
A soft smile stretches your lips. 
They are your Ohana.
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chaoticdumbsorcerer · 2 months
I'm currently playing BG3 and it's amazing to see how friendly my team is. Like I saw the conflict between Lae'zel and Shadowheart and Astarion was not very well liked in the group at first. But now the whole team lives by the rule “Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind.” My NWN2 party by that time just wanted to kill each other. Everyone hated each other and half of the squad was ready to betray you. DA2 also had companions who couldn't stand other party members.
But the most amazing thing is that they are all family to me. A little dysfunctional, but still my family
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ellena-asg · 2 years
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When he was five years old, I asked my son Steve what he wanted to be when he grew up. He said, "I want to be a cop, dad, like you." I told him to be anything but that.
(John McGarrett, 1x02)
Danny: Steve?!
Steve: Hey, babe.
Danny: Wh-what... You're gonna drive me to work with a squad car? Why and how you... hey, where's our car, where's Misty, huh? And where are your cargo pants... Steve... Why are you wearing HPD's uniform?
Steve: Cause I'm a cop.
Danny: No! Huh, yes... I mean, of course you are. You're Five-O, right? Five-O, Steven, not HPD.
Steve: Yes, I am.
Danny: What's that answer? Geez, Steve, what...
Steve: I mean you're right, Danny. I'm Five-0. And I'm a cop cause I'm Five-0. I'm a cop cause I feel it in my heart. But, you know, technically I... I was a Navy Seal just called a cop by people and...
Danny: And?
Steve: I did it.
Danny: You did what?
Steve: I passed all HPD's exams.
Danny: ...
Steve: Don't worry, I don't have to attend the Academy. Governor said that Five-O was my school of life and the best FTEP.
Danny: Whoa, whoa... Governor? Exams? Why the hell I know nothing, ha?! And why... Why, Steve? You know you're the best, you know we love you, I LOVE YOU, you know you don't have to prove anything... you know, right? All people call you a cop cause... you're a cop. As you said, your heart is blue. So... why? Please, don't say you needed another diploma on your wall cause I'm not gonna believe in that shit.
Steve: Okay… You wanna know the truth?
Danny: Yeah, please.
Steve: I… Remember that tape? My dad's confession?
Danny: How could I forget.
Steve: You know… He was right. Five years old me wanted to be a cop, so badly, for… for him. But he didn't want me to be a cop. He… didn't want me. You know the story, Danno. He thought Navy would be better. More safe? I don't know what was in his mind but I know he was wrong. Remember? I told you I started hating Navy after Freddie's death. But it's not a whole truth. I, um, let's say I hated Navy all the time. Yeah.
Danny: But…
Steve: Yeah, Super Seal. I was that, why not. What else I had to do? I… Look, Danny… I was a shit. A mess. A lonely Navy boy with his sad, very sad life. I was… empty. I was sure I would die like that. But once I found you and our ohana and… I wasn't empty anymore. And I became what I once wanted to be, a cop. But…
Danny: Yeah?
Steve: I became Five-O for him, for my dad. But soon I became a cop for… for myself. I love that job, Danny. I need it. It, it gave me a life. My feelings. All these people we've met, whom we've helped. Ohana. It gave me you.
Danny: *heart-eyes*
Steve: Yes, I'm a cop. And these exams… You know, I thought it would be nice. Like a… final touch. I know, it's stupid but… I wanted to do that. Hell, I want to wear the same uniforms as you! I want to represent you, my life, not my past, for all these festive days to come. And I… I wanna be a cop like you, Chin, Kono… Okay, mostly like you. You gave me so much, detective Williams, you teached me so much. Look, I will never be such a Sherlock like you but… You made me a cop, Danny. A good one, I think. These exams, um… It's like, um… a child-made card for you. This HPD uniform, this car... It's just for a while, it's a surprise, oh, that's why I told you nothing about it. It's just a one ride. At the office I'll become your Five-O neanderthal animal, promise.
Danny: Oh, Steven, Steven.
Steve: What?
Danny: What? I love you, you big child - that's what!
Steve: Hey, I'm not... I love you too.
Danny: So...
Steve: So?
Danny: It's a child-made card for me, yeah?
Steve: Yeah.
Danny: So I, um, I can drive, right?
Steve: NO! I mean... No, honey. Let me be your escort today, my sweet VIP!
*A few minutes later*
Danny: You know, just wondering... Why on Earth did they let you take these exams... You know: traffic violation, speeding citations...
Steve: Citations?! I never got one!
Danny: You should.
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callsigndragon · 1 year
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One hundred likes and I block @purplevortexx
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