#;will be getting to replies again soon
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deerspherestudios · 3 months
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Hi hi hello! Sorry for lack of posts and updates recently, been dealing with a lot of stuff irl; but it's my bday today (8th April) so thought I'd make a quick doodle to celebrate! <3
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alectoperdita · 6 months
Heeyyy there, can you do 36, 30 or 7 from the ask game???? Joukai of course. Thank uouuuuu!!!
From Put That Guy in a Situation(TM) Ask Game
36. Avalanche/huddle for warmth & 30. Only one bed
Ahhhhhh! Sorry this one took so long. It's longer than usual, though, so I hope that makes up for the wait. Thanks for your patience. ;;;_;;;
tags: hurt/comfort, minor injury word count: 3,265 words
Skiing was stupid. People who skied were even dumber.
Case in point, rich, arrogant good-for-nothing assholes skied.
Kaiba skied.
Jounouchi's argument was ironclad. Unassailable even.
"Watch it, you oaf," a voice colder than the biting wind howling around them snapped in his numb ear.
"I should leave you to become a popsicle," he grumbled, firming his stance in the soft, powdery snow and readjusting his grip on Kaiba, careful not to jostle the other man and set off another tirade of complaints.
"I could say the same."
The fingers burrowed under the fold of Jounouchi's scarf bit into the nape of his neck. Hard to tell if it was because of an involuntary reaction to pain or a deliberate warning. Either way, it and Kaiba's words took the wind right out of Jounouchi's sails.
Yeah, skiing might be stupid, but it was even dumber to attempt a slope above his novice ability only to get lost off the trail. Especially as a winter storm brewed. But he couldn't stand how effortlessly Kaiba made everything appear, so suave and eye-catching in his ski gear. Or how he turned up his nose at Jounouchi.
It inspired a familiar feeling, one that drove him to act recklessly.
So it was Jounouchi's rotten luck that Kaiba, as the most experienced skier in the group, ultimately tracked him down. Kaiba predictably berated him for his idiocy, Jounouchi snapped back, and they fought. And then, in a begrudging attempt to extract Jounouchi from a ditch, the man fell and busted his leg instead.
Out of the corner of his eyes, he studied Kaiba's beet-red face. Kaiba wore his ski goggles atop his head like a hairband, pulling back his bangs and exposing his forehead. So it wasn't hard to spot the pained grimace wrinkling his brow. Flurries clung to his long lashes, no matter how often he tried to blink them away. He was sweating buckets despite the frigid temperature.
Jounouchi sympathized with that. Underneath his thick winter coat, his own clothing stuck uncomfortably to his skin. He'd kill to be back at the lodge and enjoying a hot shower.
"We need to get out of the open," Kaiba declared.
Jounouchi swept a critical eye across the windswept landscape. There were trees and snow as far as he could see, but his range was limited. Visibility plummeted as the storm intensified.
"Can't you, like, call for help? Doncha have a satellite uplink on you all the damn time?" asked Jounouchi.
"Atmospheric conditions affect satellite communication," Kaiba sneered, as if it were the most obvious fact in the world.
It probably was to a guy like him. Jounouchi merely rolled his eyes and focused on their terrestrial concern, repeatedly putting one foot in front of the other to make the most painstaking progress. It was the only way they'd get out of this if they couldn't count on rescue incoming.
"Who would've guessed you had such dainty ankles?" he said, then winced when it sounded like a shout as the howling wind died down at that precise moment.
"Excuse me," hissed Kaiba, tightening his grip. Ouch, ouch, he was definitely squeezing his neck on purpose.
Jounouchi had already dug his hole, so whatever. "I think you need more calcium in your diet, dude. Ya twisted that ankle like nothing. If you're not careful, you're gonna start breaking your hip like 'em little old ladies."
"First of all, it's not a fractured ankle, it's a fractured tibia. Second, my calcium intake is fine. Better than yours, given the trash I've seen you shovel into your mouth. And third, I'm taller, which means I have a higher center of gravity, which affects..."
Jounouchi tuned out the rest of the rant. He could feel the nervous energy flowing from Kaiba to him. As long as Kaiba kept running his mouth, it meant he stayed awake and alert. It meant he kept working with Jounouchi to cross the increasingly treacherous and snow-blind slope.
A stark shiver wracked their bodies. Jounouchi paused to assess his companion again.
Kaiba's teeth chattered. Sweat blanketed his forehead. Neither were good signs.
"You okay? Cold? In pain?" he asked softly.
"Yes," was Kaiba's reply. Which was as clear and helpful as mud.
Jounouchi sighed and urged them onward. He could only guide them toward what he hoped was the downward direction and pray that they stumbled back onto the trail.
After limping for what felt like hours, their footsteps dragged heavier and heavier behind them as snowfall and fatigue weighed them down in equal parts. That was when Jounouchi spotted what he prayed wasn't a mirage beyond a thicket of trees.
Slanted rooftop, horizontal wooden slats, the glint of glass windows—a cabin!
Giddy from the sudden shot of adrenaline, he nudged Kaiba. "Hey, hey. There's a cabin up ahead!"
Kaiba blinked blearily. He'd grown strangely quiet during the recent stretch. Now, he squinted, scrutinizing the building in the distance, perhaps wondering like Jounouchi if it was real.
The decision made itself.
"Let's go. You know what? I'm gonna carry you on my back. It'll be faster." Jounouchi was already carefully lowering Kaiba onto the snow-blanketed ground while keeping the weight off his injured ankle.
"No," Kaiba snapped. He clung to Jounouchi's biceps.
"It'll be fine, ya stubborn bastard. I swear I'll never tell another living soul so your damn pride can stay intact. I dunno about you, but I wanna get out of the cold ASAP."
"And if you drop me? Or you break your ankles next? What then?" challenged Kaiba. There was an increasingly frantic light shining in his eyes.
"Trust me. I don't wanna die out here any more than you do!"
For several terrifying beats, Kaiba stared at him. His claws were locked in rictus, threatening to rip into Jounouchi's padded winter jacket.
"C'mon, we're both freezing our butts off."
Jounouchi didn't know what convinced Kaiba in the end. Maybe the poor bastard was too wrung out to pick a fight.
"You drop me and it'll be the last thing you ever do." The threat lacked teeth, though.
Kaiba's hands trembled as they released Jounouchi's sleeve. They shook when they planted themselves on Jounouchi's shoulders. Kaiba was heavier than anticipated. Turns out there was meat on those bones after all. But it was a weight Jounouchi could shoulder.
The strangest sensation by far was the hot and heavy feeling of Kaiba breathing down his neck. Yet it was a soothing reminder that Kaiba was alive. Jounouchi huffed and puffed the final stretch to the tiny cabin, but he never dropped Kaiba.
Once they climbed onto the raised porch, Jounouchi deposited him against the railing and shook the accumulated snow from his gear. Eyes drilled into his back as he pulled off his beanie and brushed his hair clean.
The dog comparison he was certain was incoming never materialized, though. Kaiba must really be tired.
Hobbling on his feet, Kaiba's gaze stayed fixed on the door. "How do you propose we get inside?"
"Uh... Key under the mat?"
Kaiba leveled a disgusted look at him. He banged twice on the door with his fist. "Hello? Can anyone hear me?"
Right. Also, wouldn't hurt to check if there were already people inside. Preferably someone who could help them and wasn't going to hunt them across the mountainside for sport. He blamed Bakura for that last thought.
Leaning close, Jounouchi peered into the window, straining to see through the gap between the curtains. It was dark inside. There was no movement. No one was home. That made sense. The ski racks out front stood barren.
They'd long abandoned their equipment, too. No point in dragging extra weight along when Kaiba was already injured.
"Stay here. I'll check around back," ordered Jounouchi before hopping off the porch.
He circled the perimeter. It hardly took any time. To call it a cabin was probably generous to someone like Kaiba. But it looked sturdy, and it offered shelter from the storm. As he passed one window on the side, he noticed a small sign in it that read "Ski Patrol."
He jogged back to Kaiba. "Cabin belongs to ski patrol. There might even be a phone inside!"
Kaiba turned and greeted him with a key ring dangling from his index finger.
"Where'd you find those?"
"Hideaway inside a fake rock." Kaiba gestured to a pile sitting in the porch's corner.
Jounouchi laughed. "So I was right. That's basically under the mat. God, I hope they're the spares to this place."
He was glad they didn't have to go with his backup plan of busting through a window.
Braced against the doorframe, Kaiba went through two keys on the ring before he unlocked the door. Jounouchi whooped in celebration. Then, he moved forward to shoulder Kaiba's weight and usher them inside.
To Jounouchi's relief, the cabin came equipped with indoor plumbing and even a gas stove in the open kitchen out in the main room. There was a small round table and several chairs, but nowhere to lie down. But in another interior room, he found a bed.
One cramped twin-sized bed squeezed between the wall and a narrow nightstand. There wasn't room for much else.
He went back to the main room to report his findings. Kaiba sat at the dining table where Jounouchi left him, but he had his injured leg propped up on a second chair, ski boot and all.
"Phone's down," Kaiba grunted. "There's electricity, but there's no telling how long the generator will hold up. It's best if we don't use it until we must."
Jounouchi groaned. Guess it was too much to hope for. "Cool, well, there's only one bed."
Kaiba stared at him, unblinking for long lengths. Yeesh, did the bastard really think he was going to fight an injured person for the sole bed?
He approached the table. "You should take it. You're the one with the busted ankle. Want me to carry ya, princess?"
Laughing, he barely dodged the ski goggles Kaiba flung at his head. Somehow, that restored the equilibrium between them.
"Make yourself useful and find a first aid kit," barked Kaiba.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah."
Inside a kitchenette cabinet, he located a red bag with a white cross.
"Found it!"
A soft swear answered him from behind. He glanced over his shoulder and watched as Kaiba hunched over his elevated foot, struggling with his bootstraps. Jounouchi heaved a sigh, and on his way back to the table, he grabbed an afghan blanket folded on a shelf. He deposited the first aid kit on the tabletop and the blanket onto Kaiba's head, where his hair turned damp from the melting snow.
Kaiba cursed, louder this time, his limbs flailing under the blanket. Jounouchi kneeled down next to him, shed his gloves, and started working the snaps open. Above him came a snarl. He peered up just in time to see the outrage on Kaiba's face melt into shock after he ripped the wool away. Fighting a sudden wave of self-consciousness, Jounouchi lowered his gaze and kept going. His fingers, slowly warming, fumbled briefly on the next catch.
He waited for Kaiba to say something. Anything. Bark an order. Throw an insult. But Kaiba had gone deadly quiet, howling in his silence. The behavior was so strange Jounouchi wondered if Kaiba also hit his head when he fell.
Either way, Jounouchi felt the other man's stare drill through the top of his head.
Next came the hard part: getting the boot off without further agitating Kaiba's injury.
Again, his eyes flicked up to Kaiba's face, where he noted the almost contemplative expression that now dominated its planes. "Ya ready for this?"
Kaiba squared his shoulders, then nodded.
Yet afterward, the man's forehead was drenched with sweat, his face stripped of all color. Jounouchi went straight to the first aid kit and fished out the painkillers. With trembling hands, Kaiba snapped up the packet, tore it open, and swallowed two pills before Jounouchi could ask if he wanted a glass of water.
Figures Kaiba was the kind of freak that could swallow pills dry.
As Kaiba slumped forward and placed his head down atop the table, Jounouchi helped him out of the other ski boot as well. He set the footwear, both emblazoned with fancy KC logos, aside.
"Thank you."
The words stunned Jounouchi. His head whipped up, and he gawked at Kaiba. He couldn't see Kaiba's face, but the tips of his ears blazed bright red.
After several seconds of awkward silence, Jounouchi replied, "That should be my line. You're the one that found me after I got my dumbass self lost. So thanks for coming to get me."
To his surprise, Kaiba didn't lift his head. His bangs smeared across the tabletop as he nodded, though.
"And sorry you got hurt because of that," Jounouchi added quietly. His eyes darted back to Kaiba's elevated leg, but the thick pants made it impossible to gauge the severity of his condition. "How bad do you think it is?"
The table muffled Kaiba's reply. "Are there scissors in that kit?"
"Cut the pant leg up to the knee."
Knowing that the alternative was somehow peeling Kaiba out of said pants, Jounouchi obeyed without complaint. He worked carefully, though, not wanting to cut Kaiba. A gigantic bruise sat halfway up to Kaiba's knee, right around where his ski boot ended. The entire area was swollen, but there was no sign of blood.
"No bone pushing through the skin, so that's a good sign." Kaiba said, suddenly right next to Jounouchi's ear. His warm breath puffed over Jounouchi's cheek.
Jounouchi jerked back, grabbing the chair's back to steady himself.
Thankfully, Kaiba was too preoccupied with examining his leg to notice his overreaction. "I should splint it."
Jounouchi jumped to his feet. "Splint, yeah, makes sense. Ya need a stick or something, right? I'll look for one."
As luck would have it, he dug up segments of PVC pipes already cut in half. Kaiba also appeared pleased when he presented them, kindling a warm glow within Jounouchi's ribcage.
"Can I help with anything else?" he asked, despite not knowing how to make a splint.
Kaiba hesitated before replying, "I have it handled. But I'll let you know if I need anything."
Jounouchi nodded automatically. He bounced between one foot and the other as Kaiba worked. But when Kaiba peered up at him for a second, something inside him snapped. He spun on his heels before declaring, "I saw a firewood shed out back. Gonna see if I can get a fire going for us."
Without waiting for a response, he fled the small cabin. The cold hit him in the face like a slap. It was invigorating. Got his blood pumping in a good way.
It wasn't until he dropped several split logs that he realized he'd left his gloves inside. Instead of going to retrieve them, he sank to his knees and cupped his numb hands to his mouth, blowing hot air over him. He couldn't say how long he stayed like that before the chill finally drove him back into the cabin.
Kaiba barely acknowledged him when he returned. That made Jounouchi feel simultaneously better and worse. The bastard hadn't even waited for Jounouchi to return before he somehow hobbled his way over to the loveseat close to the fireplace.
He focused on the fireplace instead.
Once the fire got going, the temperature inside warmed considerably. Unsurprisingly, Kaiba had to be bullied out of his outerwear before he could be swathed with blankets over his shoulders and his newly splinted leg.
Save for the seldom pop and crackle of the fire, it was silent.
Kaiba glared at his smartphone, occasionally adjusting its position as if that would catch a stray signal bar. Jounouchi also checked his phone, but he was sure his coverage was shit compared to Kaiba's.
Jounouchi also hung up his jacket to dry and shed his ski boots by the door. He didn't hesitate snatching the quilt off the bed in the other room, huddling under it while standing next to the fire.
"You stand any closer and you'll catch fire," came a dry quip from behind him.
He turned to face Kaiba and found the man with his phone facedown on his lap while squeezing the bridge of his nose. He lay lengthwise along the too-small loveseat with his legs elevated on the armrest and his sock-clad toes peeking out from under a blanket.
Despite that, Kaiba looked cozy? Shit, Jounouchi felt a bit insane even thinking about that. But Kaiba appeared comfy. His sharp angles and harsh lines blunted under woolen curves.
Disarmed. Soft. Jounouchi had never seen him that way before.
"What?" snapped Kaiba, jerking Jounouchi from his hazy thoughts. When he shivered, though, the entire fabric mass shook with him.
"Still cold?" Jounouchi asked as he padded closer.
Kaiba dropped his gaze to his pale hands clasped on his lap. "Nothing to be alarmed about. I've always had circulation issues."
Jounouchi laughed. "Cuz you're a skinny beanpole."
Kaiba glared, but he didn't argue.
Another insane thought crossed Jounouchi's mind. One he shouldn't dare entertain, but being cold probably wasn't good for Kaiba's leg in his current state. He had already dedicated himself to Kaiba's well-being to this point. Might as well ensure neither of them became popsicles before Kaiba could get proper medical attention.
"Alright, budge up."
Kaiba should hurry. Before Jounouchi lost his nerves.
"Excuse me."
"Ya heard me. Make room. We're gonna share body heat."
"Why?" Kaiba's voice rose an octave. He gave Jounouchi a frantic once-over from head to toe.
"So we don't freeze, duh."
Kaiba looked at him as if he was insane.
Jounouchi felt insane.
"Look, you're still cold, and I'm not giving you this blanket too. It's the last one," he argued.
For a moment, Kaiba looked as if he might eject Jounouchi from the cabin entirely, busted leg be damned. But then a miracle happened. Kaiba, after lowering his gaze, scooted forward, leaving space for Jounouchi to join him on the furniture. With his heart in his throat, Jounouchi squeezed in, carefully wiggling until he bracketed Kaiba's tense form with his legs. Without asking, because he was positive the answer would be no, Jounouchi pulled the other man's back flush to his chest.
Kaiba stiffened. He froze as if he had been left outside in sub-zero temperatures. That gave Jounouchi an opening to slip an arm around Kaiba's waist, but he left the limb atop a layer of quilt.
From this angle, he could only make out the back of Kaiba's head and the tip of his flaming ears.
Kaiba remained strangely mute. Only the steady rise and fall of his chest signaled his consciousness. Another shudder wracked through his body, and Jounouchi could feel it, from the hissing inhale to the tensing of back muscles to the exhale and shoulder slumping under the woolen weight.
Kaiba stopped shivering afterward, though. So that counted as a success, right?
"Don't worry, I don't mind sharing the bed with you if you want a space heater there too," Jounouchi joked. A hard lump formed in his throat, and he fought the urge to tighten his arms.
In response, Kaiba elbowed him in the stomach. But it was a light touch for him.
Jounouchi wouldn't admit it out loud, but he was content to remain here. Just the two of them huddled under blankets until the storm finally passed. And when Kaiba leaned back against him, he gave the impression he didn't mind either.
Read other prompt fill ficlets here
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restinpeacesensei · 2 months
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traditional style 💖
#akoya gero#gero akoya#cute high earth defense club love#binan koukou chikyuu bouei bu love!#boueibu#my art#my akoya wanted to join in the vintage dress-up party too!! \;;w;;/#ognvuhgh i wanted to have this done earlier bc other people were doing art so fast for the new outfits but it got dragged out#it was Mostly done a few days ago and i made final edits and was going to post it just before i rushed out to work#i put it up then i was like '??? wait there's a color blob in the wrong place i thought i fixed that???'#i was down to my last minute and didn't have time to do it so i was like auuuughhgh and took the whole thing down#on the Next day i opened the file again to see what was wrong and the color blob was NOT THERE#so im like ??? why did it suddenly appear again in the png. so i looked and i made an error in naming my files#i accidentally named one of the versions 30 instead of 03 so it sorted into the last place instead of the actual most recent version (07)#so that is the reason i ended up being 1 minute late to work. and the lesson to me is i should not try to post at the absolute last minute#(i say this but if i don't get smth done i can't stop thinking about it. it bothers me constantly to have something almost finished but not#(and then it's difficult for me to focus on other tasks so this is why i feel like i have to just get it done before i switch tasks)#anyway i wasn't totally sure what era the traditional outfits are supposed to be from. im not knowledgeable about fashion actually T.T#i googled 'when were suspenders popular' and ended up just looking at old photos and clothing patterns from the 30s-40s#photos from back then were black-and-white can you believe it.. you have to actually look at drawings and paintings to find color#everyone who left me messages elsewhere: THANK YOU SO MUCH!! \>/////</ i will reply soon!! \;;W;;/
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seryotonin · 5 days
Do you have any fuzzy octoling ocs?
If so. Can I draw them and hear about them?
(this is me also asking you to info dump) ((I also really love your art, I also have a fuzzy octoling OC)
Heeey… not *yet*, I’m still designing and making up their lore, and also because I have this urge to create 100 ocs at the same time. I will soon have one though.
Perhaps I could info dump about other ocs I have? Maybe you could choose someone to draw from those!! Thank you for your interest and all that too, appreciate it.
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fredgar · 4 months
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redraw of an older fredgar piece 😊
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hersweetrevenge · 4 months
Hi there! <3 I re-watched Halloween Ends yesterday because I was upset and I needed Corey to save me, lmfao, and I wanted to ask you something that I've been wondering about. So, I have no way of getting the novelisation of the movie anytime soon, and you're kinda my only frame of reference for it; so I hope you don't mind me asking you this. When Corey is on his revenge killing spree, he kills those bullies at the mechanic shop. And Ronald is there. And then Ronald comes out to help the kids because of Terry. And only because of that. So, that makes me wonder... Did Corey plan on killing Ronald after he was done with the kids? Is that something that was elaborated on in the novel? Because I keep wondering about that, since Corey pretty much killed everyone that ever wronged him during that night, and Ronald was right there; but Corey didn't kill him (or didn't get the chance to, at least). Terry shot him by accident. But Corey killed his mom, of course. So, it'd make sense if he had at least planned on going after Ronald as well; even though he never actively wronged Corey (only passively, if we look at the way he just sat and watched while Joan abused Corey right in front of him, for example). But more so for completion's sake, y'know? They were on generally good terms, after all. I mean, in your latest post about the novel, you quoted that Ronald is "the loveliest thing" in Corey's life, according to Rohan. So, that makes me wonder all the more. OH, and... I fought with myself to include this point, but anyway- Corey takes the mask off when Ronald comes to help the kids, so that Ronald can see his face and know it's him. And it clearly disarms Ronald immediately and is the reason why Terry accidentally shot him instead of Corey, because he shielded him instinctively. Thus, I keep wondering if Corey meant for that to happen or if he took the mask off in order to assure Ronald that he wasn't actually in danger... It's such a seemingly insignificant thing that I'm thinking about far too much, but it's been bothering me that I don't know, and I was curious if the novel said anything about that at all, or if they just brushed over it there, as well. If they did, I'll just make up my own mind, of course, hdsfdjkfsk Anyway, I'm very sorry for rambling on about this, gosh! I love your blog(s) and everything you have to say about Corey and Rohan, you're awesome!!! Thank you for your detailed posts all the time, they keep me going! Take care! <3
ahhh hi !! thank you so much for sending this ask !! i love talking about this sort of thing more than anything lol and i’m sorry this took a little longer than i expected to reply, i was double checking like every ronald scene in the novel and cross-referencing that with behind-the-scenes details from making of, and re-watching the movie (i didn’t have to do that last one but like you, i needed emotional support from corey too 💗)
WARNING for discussions about (canon-typical) violence, murder, child abuse, abusive households, mentions of suicide and self-harm, and spoilers for the novelisation.
TL;DR – the novelisation does not elaborate on corey's intentions in any huge amount of detail, but it does provide some insight into a few different possibilities for ronald and corey’s relationship and what that would mean for corey's intentions.
general relationship
the novelisation actually gives some really specific details about the cunningham-prevo backstory, but also leaves a lot of aspects vague too.
joan married ronald when corey was 15, and she made it clear to ronald that he would "remain firmly on the sidelines when it came to corey's upbringing" which ronald "gladly" agreed to. so from the very beginning, ronald accepts he isn't going to be an active parent to corey, which maybe means he didn't believe he would do a good job anyway, or maybe he agreed it wasn't his place to parent corey in the same way joan does.
also, corey was already a teenager, he didn't need parenting in the same way a younger child would, which is partly why i think joan waited until corey was older to get remarried, because although being a single parent is difficult, she wouldn't want someone else in the picture as a father-figure for corey.
i don't personally see corey and ronald having a super close relationship, but there are multiple instances that show they are at least comfortable and familiar with each other (in line with what rohan said).
corey had a job before working for ronald, so we know ronald didn't have to give him a job. i hc that corey really wanted to do something stimulating instead of call centre work, and ronald agreed despite joan's grievances over it.
ronald doesn't seem too angry at him for being late, even though it is a regular occurrence (third time in a month).would he be so lenient on anyone who wasn't his stepson?
the gifting of the motorbike is a huge moment of course. that's a big gesture which, in the novelisation, also comes with some stilted bonding when ronald reminiscences that he used to "get laid [...], if you can believe it".
they have their united front moment over dinner when joan is trying to work a reaction out of them and neither gives her what she wants.
a smaller but still significant gesture is that corey uses dumbbells and a pull-up bar in his room to workout, which ronald bought him for christmas. very much feels like an attempt to help corey rebuild his self-confidence.
honestly though, rohan's comment about ronald being the "loveliest" thing in corey's life is probably right, especially as corey's life has been incredibly insular. as the town pariah with an abusive mom, his stepdad being cool about him being late for work is probably one of the best parts of his day.
but then on the other hand, there are moments which do not characterise their relationship very well, including multiple instances of ronald "ignoring" joan's abusive behaviour and not intervening.
to reiterate a previous point: ronald very willingly obliges joan's wishes of not "interfering" with corey's upbringing. her unfounded criticism and distrust of doctors, the school system and anyone other than her taking care of corey should have been a huge red flag (if, of course, any of that behaviour could have been inferred prior to their marriage).
ronald's passivity at being side-lined by his wife, allowing her to continue an unhealthy and unbounded relationship with corey.
when joan is berating corey for "sneaking around" and seeing allyson (the slap/kiss scene), she questions ronald as to whether he knew about the motorcycle, to which ronald stays completely out of it and doesn't answer her, despite her being furious with corey.
however it is a really difficult family dynamic to navigate, with so much nuance. i'm reluctant to say if ronald is a "good" or "bad" stepdad, or whether their father-son relationship is "good" or "bad", simply because their circumstances are so trying and complex. yes, joan has abused corey for a long time, but that abuse also extends to ronald in many ways too, resulting in him allowing (or enabling) joan's abusive behaviour in a flawed attempt to maintain the (toxic) status quo of the household.
did corey intend to kill ronald?
like i mentioned, there isn't any elaboration about corey's intentions in the novel, either through narration or extra dialogue. the scene happens almost exactly as it does in the film, with a few alterations and added background details. it's the surrounding details and plot differences that change my opinion.
i think movie!corey would have killed ronald if he had to. he knew ronald would be at home or at the yard, both of which were places he intended to go (to kill momma and the bullies). i'm not sure he had the same desire to kill ronald as he does the others, especially if he sees ronald in a good light, but to tie up loose ends he might do what is "necessary". i do find it very interesting that he lets ronald see his face though, and i can't decide if that is as a reassurance (he wouldn't kill ronald and ronald should know that) or because it just didn't matter (he's going to kill ronald so even if he sees corey's face, he won't be a liability to worry about).
however, i don't think novel!corey intended to kill ronald. in the novel, despite all of the extensive set-up of joan being abusive and corey's repressed desires to hurt her (and arguably ronald), there's no suggestion that corey planned to go back home as part of his spree and kill joan. if he wasn't going to kill joan after everything she did, i really don't think he'd have plans to kill ronald.
that's not to say there aren't implication in the novel that corey would hurt ronald too. there's a scene after the slap/kiss where corey can hear joan and ronald arguing about him, and once they've gone to bed corey gets a knife and stands outside their room, but ultimately doesn't go in. it isn't specified whether he wants to hurts just joan, or ronald as well.
michael's mask
ahh so when i was re-reading the scrapyard massacre in the novel to try and answer whether corey letting ronald see that it is him was a way of corey saying "you don't have to be scared of me" or even "you should be scared of me", i've come to a different conclusion about the mask.
“Who did this to you?” [Ronald] asked. “Him,” Margo said, pointing across the street. Ronald turned to find Corey twenty feet away on the other side of the fence, pulling Michael’s mask over his head. "Corey?" he muttered in disbelief.
the way the novel reads, i think that when corey puts the mask on in front of ronald, it's the first time he puts the mask on at all. if that is the case, it adds a whole other level to the transition between corey's kills as himself (or as the scarecrow) and his kills "as michael".
earlier, billy's sees "corey's shape wearing his prevo jumpsuit". it's fair enough that billy would assume it's corey without seeing his face, because they know that corey is there, but there's no mention of the mask either.
then, the way it describes ronald seeing corey put on the mask doesn't really indicate that corey was making sure ronald saw it was him. he's already "pulling on the mask" by the time ronald looks over at him; he wasn't waiting for ronald to look he was already doing it.
alternatively, the movie shows corey very deliberately stood there, waiting for ronald to see him and recognise him before he puts the mask on. i'm leaning towards it not being a gesture of reassurance but more of a last show of humanity to someone corey cares about -- "it's me, and i appreciate that you always treated me well, but this is the monster they've made me into".
in both versions, ronald jumps up to stop terry shooting corey. whether he was intending to shield corey or was just getting up to try and talk terry down, i think it says a lot about ronald as a character. he has been very passive this whole time, especially in scenes that take place at home, but in this moment he takes an authorative position to try and diffuse the situation. there's a scared kid with a gun, and his own stepson who he's starting to think might have done something awful, but this doesn't have to continue -- they can talk about it and calm down and whatever it is that has happened can be worked out.
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waterfallofspace · 2 months
i’ve missed seeing you on my timeline so much and i was just thinking of you so i wanted to pop in and say i hope you’re doing okay and taking care of yourself <3
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omg thank you so much!!! 😭💗🫂 real life has been getting in the way a bit, but i've been checking in when i can, and always happy to see your (picrew ;3) face around!~
aghaihgahugh i don't really know what to say other than this is so sweet, and I miss getting to interact more too!~
Hopefully in a few days life is gonna calm down again, but as for now!! I hope you're taking care of yourself too, I know it's been so hard for you, and I really hope it starts to get easier <3 You're such a ray of light, you deserve so many good things~ 🫂🫂
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proqhetic · 3 months
you’ll never guess who fell sick AGAIN…
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mcnuggyy · 3 months
[blinks sweetly] hows cryptid crush going teehee
I’m not gonna lie Mani it’s been rough these last few weeks I haven’t been able to work on any bit of it ough 😭😭🥺 oopsie… I spread myself too thin w commissions and immigration paperwork and a bunch of other promises I probably shouldn’t have made a week before leaving the states but it’s too late to back down now 🥲💗
but I promise!!! As soon as I’m back home I am getting back to it!!! I miss my silly guys, I haven’t drawn anything for myself in weeks so I’m really looking forward to just focusing on c♡c again as soon as I get the chance 🙏💗 especially since this and the next few issues feel extra fun to me for a lot of reasons and I’m really excited to get to work on them and share them w everyone 🥺
thank you for always cheering me on by the way 😭🙏💗 I know you know just how tough you have to be to try and do comics long term and stick with it so your support means the absolute world ty ty ty I hope all is going well with your projects I’m always so excited to see what you’re up to!!! I’m rooting for you!!! 🥺🙏
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seiwas · 1 month
just a little update !!
been kind of on and off this past week because things have been busy (and i've just been too tired bfjshf 🥲). i'm not sure how this week will look but i'm hoping to get some reading done and a bit of writing too!! (currently working on: gym toji for my start of the year event).
i've been feeling a bit meh with my writing lately, but i'm trying to write through it 🥹 in the meantime, i finally got my custom theme working again!! it gives a more complete search when you look through tags, so if you're interested in some fic recs, you can look through my tags page for reference hehe.
that is all!! i hope everyone has a lovely week ahead 🥹
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moxtoons · 6 months
I think it's different now, but a few weeks-a month ago, when I'd search up HenchDice, your art would be on top. A lot of it was also blurred, too?? Idk why
That's really odd, I haven't done anything to cause a change in my Henchdice work, it should still be up like normal 🤔
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the-final-sif · 2 years
So, Ponk needs to leave, and Sam is the only one who can watch Dream while he’s gone. There’s absolutely nothing that could go wrong with this plan, and Dream just needs to somehow convince Ranboo and Punz of that. He’s really not having much luck.
Ponk asked several times to make sure Dream was... well comfortable was a hell of an ask, but at the very least sure in his choice to let Sam watch over him.
The two of them managed to figure out the terms of what Sam could be told. Dream assented to Sam being told that he was having temporary balance and hearing issues related to the Warden’s sonic attack. It’s important to Dream that Ponk stress that this is all temporary. And that Dream is still capable of doing stuff himself if he needed to, it’s just that Ponk couldn’t ethically leave him alone as a doctor.
Ponk agrees to all of that, and tastefully doesn’t point out that there are risks of long term damage, and that Dream absolutely could not be left alone without the risk of that long term damage increasing.
Sam’s job will just be bringing specific food (no more soup, only things that Dream can eat on his own, and from a specific list of rabbit safe items which pointedly does not include potatoes) help with Dream getting over to the bathroom for at least a few days, and help administer the ear drops.
Ponk also gives Dream like three knives with special handles just in case, because like, yeah good mobility is great but a sharp knife swung wildly will still do a hell of a lot of damage to someone whose unarmored, which is a requirement for Sam to be anywhere near Ponk’s house. Sam has been told there are safeguards in place, but not given any more details to prevent attempts to circumvent them.
Ponk himself has heavily mixed feelings, but it’s the only real option they have since the only other person staying behind that he could even think to ask is Punz, and Ponk is sure that Punz would sell Dream out. He already did it once, clearly he’d do it again. Sam hasn’t sold Dream out despite already knowing where he is and at the very least that he wasn’t in great condition, so despite his apprehensions, Ponk makes the call to leave helping Dream up to him.
 Ponk tells the rest of the server that he’s getting packed up to leave, and that Sam will be staying at his house to recover safely. Nobody should bother him since he needs lots of rest and is nervous about having other people around while his vision is still healing. Message ahead if they need to visit.
Ponk leaves that evening, hoping everything will be okay when he gets back. If nothing else, he’s got a special upgrade for his communicator that will allow for check ins every so often.
Meanwhile, Dream sits and stares at his communicator for about half an hour, trying to decide how to break the news to Punz and Ranboo who heard about Ponk going on the trip and were making suggestions for plans.
He considers lying, he really does, but if he says he’s unsupervised then they’ll want to come by and discover his lie.
So he decides to just say fuck it.
“slight change of plans. ponk has to go to the raid. cant really walk rn, or balance. will be better soon. sam already knew and on truce bc of hunters, offered to help while ponk has to leave. should only be for a week. safeguards in place. everything should be back to normal in two weeks. will resume contact at that point.”
He really wanted to just leave it there and refuse to respond to messages after that, but he knew that was liable to end very poorly.
It took about 10 seconds for punz to reply, followed directly by Ranboo.
“absolutely not.”
Dream started trying to type out a response, only for Punz to cut him off.
“i’m coming to get you.”
Fuck, no, they absolutely could not do this. Dream was fine. Nothing was going to go wrong.
“dont you dare, it’s fine, there’s safeguards and we’re on truce because of the hunter’s involvement. i won’t let him do anything. ponk gave me weapons and a few special potions. it’s totally under control. i did not go through pandora just for you to ruin your cover now.”
It was a low blow, but hopefully one that would get Punz to listen.
There was a long, long pause. Finally, Punz replied.
“you check in every day, twice a day. if you miss either check in, ranboo kills him and we get you to safety.”
Okay, thank god, Dream could work with this. He almost agreed right away, before pausing to consider feasibility.
“if i miss a checkin, ranboo can check my room at ponks. im sleeping a lot and tracking time is hard right now. theres no reason for me to be out of the room without checkin though. if one of you can sneak a tracker in here, i can stick it on my comm if that’ll convince you. if anything goes wrong, ill send a message for help.”
The message for help would be going to Foolish, not them, but Dream didn’t need to clarify that. It was a valid technicality. There was another pause, before finally he got the response he was hoping for.
“fine. ill drop off a tracker in a bit.”
A beat, and then another text followed.
“please be safe.”
It left a lump in Dream’s throat, it made all the anxiety about Sam being anywhere near him, let alone in charge of bringing him food and fuck, his knife wasn’t enough, this was such a stupid fucking idea-
For one singular, terrible moment, Dream almost caved. He reached out, wanting to send a message asking for Punz to come get him. To get him somewhere safe and far away from Sam, because he couldn’t do this again.
But his hands were shaking too much to type. Whether from his most recent damage or that from the prison, he couldn’t tell, but it reminded him of how much he’d already given up. He’d done so much to get to this point. He couldn’t waste everything now. It would be worth it in the end. When things were okay again.
He bit down the urge to ask for help like a child and instead focused on the rational. The logical. If Sam wanted to take him back to the prison or hurt him, he would’ve just called Quackity from the start. Not Ponk. He would’ve just told the server where Dream was before a bunch of people left.
Clearly, Sam felt indebted and like taking advantage of something the hunters had caused was unfair. Dream could use that for now, and once he was well enough to run, he would do so and then things would go back to exactly how they were before. Both of them could forget that anything ever happened here. It was invalid. Struck from the record.
So he took a deep breath and got himself under control. After a moment, he managed to steady his hands enough to type.
“i’ll be fine.“
With that, he shut off his communicator and flopped back on the bed. Exhausted as he repeated that one little phrase over and over again in his head, hoping to find a way to make it stop tasting like a lie.
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elbdot · 1 year
We know you´re doing a lot of things here and there. Comics, drawings, commissions, animations, voice-acting, you name it.
We see how much love and devotion is shown within every artwork you do and it´s all worth waiting for each time. You don´t need to worry and hurry up on that awesome work you make and do. Take your time, rest out when needed, don´t rush and keep up this awesome work on your own tempo 😘😘😘
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Thank you all for being so understanding and patient with me!! Knowing just how many of you still follow the comis and all my other work as well to this day, still being excited for new updates whenever they drop?? It means THE WORLD to me, I'm so happy to have such a passionate and supportive community like you guys 😭😭😭🥰💖💕💖
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
As always, feedback is very much appreciated! Feel free to voice your thoughts in the replies of this post, or send them to my inbox if you prefer to remain anonymous! <3
Things I've already finished:
Managed to write 14k words for Day 2 and I'm not even finished yet...... (bro this was just the outline.... I still need to flesh everything out......... why are there so many words........)
All of the backgrounds needed for Day 2 are completed
All of the main sprites for Day 1 and 2 are completed
All of the missing scenes from Day 1 are now restored
Bug fixes and spelling/grammatical issues from Day 1 have been implemented
Finally added the relationship meter and Ren's (hidden) sanity meter
Added unique dialogue at the start for when the player inputs the name "Angel"
Fixed Teo's long ass neck (I'm offended that nobody told me /j) Now he's the same height as Ren lol
Fixed Ren's clips because my dumb ass somehow flipped the canvas without even realising it
I made a 14dwy discord server???????? that's kinda pog i guess
Things I still need to work on:
Flesh out and proofread the script for Day 2
Playtest the script for Day 2
Add separate pronouns + genitalia options
Update the old UI interface and CG art
Re-write a few sentences/scenes from Day 1 because I am simply Not Vibing with them anymore
Draw potential CG art for Day 2 (I kinda wanna redraw the old CGs first for the sake of art-style consistency)
Would people be interested in:
Another woohoo scene in Day 2? (see more below)
Community cameos? Y'all make such amazing content for the game and I wanna show my appreciation ;v;
Voice acting? (Similar to the style of these games: one, two, three)
Merch? Because I've got a few lil renren charms designed!! (If people are interested in this, I'd have to set up a Patreon in order to make/ship them though ;v;)
The option to top Ren? (For the sake of my sanity I might just make this a unique scene in a future Day, instead of re-writing different variations for all of the pre-existing woohoo scenes ^^;)
How do y'all wanna celebrate reaching 1.5k+ followers on Tumblr, (almost) 2k followers on Twitter, and 10k+ downloads on itch.io?
If I missed any of your suggestions, please let me know!
ok angels!! how do we feel about another woohoo scene in day 2? There's a few opportunities within the game where I can add one in, but I personally think that one woohoo scene directly after another would be a bit much and might throw off the pacing a little bit... ^^; let me know what y'all think though!
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