fghniki · 10 months
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Image description: A digital drawing of Technoblade from Dream SMP placing his hoove on the shoulder of Miles Morales from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and saying, "I think we're gonna have to kill this guy, Miles". Miles is replying with "Damn". End of image description.
this one goes on tumblr as well
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itgirlwife · 2 years
cold weather imagines bc i felt a chill outside ❄️
your f/o helping you bundle up. zipping/buttoning up your coat, wrapping a scarf around your neck. yeah, you can do it yourself but your f/o would hate for you to get cold and they insist. deep down, they want to be close to you. 🧥
“feel how cold my hands are.” is it an excuse to hold your hand? cup your face? doesn’t matter. you are now their portable heater.🧤
hot chocolate! (or any hot drink) cuteness points if one of you goes overboard with the whipped cream and the other kisses it off their nose. ☕️
too cold out and you forgot your scarf at home? your f/o will gladly give you theirs. if you’re both cold, you can even share it. 🧣
staying home if it’s too cold out is always an option. watching the snow fall from the window while you and your f/o are snuggled up in bed. lighting a favorite seasonal candle and dancing in the living room in your pajamas. good stuff. 🏠
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oufrelou · 11 months
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ellzilla · 18 days
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Being able to use my pc means I get to redraw stuff from my sketchbook hehe I have decided the Gurasmyn name is reserved for DnD ocs a little TOO based on a pre-existing character. M, A, Y are technically part of the Gurasmyn family [gonna play her for a prequel campaign to the first 2 campaigns I played in b4 we re-play said campaigns] but um. She's a doll so unless something crazy happens in the campaign, not blood related lol. She might not even be related to Jack Gurasmyn regardless considering this campaign's taking place in a completely different realm. Who knows how this links into a prequel for Sarconis other than the bbeg for that campaign being a good king in this one
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sorry for the ramble, here's the sketchbook ver of this doodle lol
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robogalaxies · 6 days
trying to work out alt-max's knowledge of the original universe's goings-on is tougher than i thought. like would he know what happened past mid–episode 2 of Save the World if they took the elevator in the middle of it? i'm in the middle of writing something and realized that alt-max may have no clue whatsoever about anything involving episodes 3-6 of Save the World and the ENTIRETY of 1-3 of Beyond Time & Space. obviously that would throw like a big wrench in the story. that being said does canon even matter? i feel it definitely should concerning it involves & surrounds a definite post devil's playhouse thing ... huh. Huh!
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cattstep · 7 months
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Gravitational Radiation Hammer to his employees
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nucl-orange · 20 days
Hi!! This is an occ ask, hi , I love ur Austin blog :3 I do a Niki RP blog for gen loss!!! :3
ooc: ooh!! what’s it called? /nf and thanks for the appreciation haha:D
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stevieselfships · 28 days
i don’t think i’ve actually seen this episode?? if so, i do not remember. because this is fucking SICK and i would’ve remembered and liked this more for sure
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jianghuchild · 11 months
过把瘾 - 因为爱情 fanvid
Guess I've started making fanvids now. Link to YouTube version here because Tumblr was being annoying.
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a crossover after both reveals are said and done would be so fun though.
one scene that instantly comes to mind is the two settling down to see who can remember more space hero quotes (leo)
lmao yeah I can see that
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thedevilsrain · 7 months
Stop why did he immediately go cat boy mode
intel tells me he wanted to convince his boyfriend to go on a vacation so he got on all fours and started meowing. also he did this once
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identityarchitect · 1 year
oh my god i have to write a 50-ishk work by september
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itgirlwife · 2 years
are you still there?
prompt: puck doesn't like talking on the phone, but malcolm calls them instead of texting. malcolm admits it's because he wants to hear puck's voice
pairing: malcolm / puck | honeymoon suite
words: 1002
notes: takes place early relationship, i like writing dialogue so i went overboard a lil
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It's just a phone call—it won't kill me. It'll slaughter me. Malcolm means well, I know, but he's asking for a lot. The date was great, and the movie was great. It already called for minimal conversation but that didn't stop Malcolm. Being my Gemini self, I couldn’t keep my jokes to myself.  It filled the silence in-between Malcolm’s observations, followed by my nodding and ohs.
After dropping me back at my place, he kissed me like it was our last date. He wasn’t ready to leave me. I thought about how I’d eventually take my sweater off and his scent wouldn’t be there. How cold my hands would get without Malcolm holding them. I didn’t want him to leave either.
After a tight hug goodbye, Malcolm asked something of me.
“Call me before you go to bed.”
I nodded and waved goodbye, dreading his request.
I’d rather eat concrete than make a phone call.
I stalled once I entered the house. I did my nightly routine as slowly as I could. I skipped showering since I wanted to sleep in my sweater. Deciding to sleep in the sweater should’ve been the fire I needed to call him. I desired some closeness after Malcolm had left. It was him I wanted. Calling would make that easier to express. I don’t want him to think I don’t care about him. I do—a lot more than I’m willing to admit.
I’m sat in my bedroom looking at his contact info on my phone. His number hasn’t become muscle memory yet. I did add the emoji of the dancing guy next to his name. I thought it was too early in our relationship for a heart emoji, given all the things he does to my heart. Also, Malcolm wears suits and likes to boogie. It’s fitting.
My shaky thumb taps the phone icon. I can’t turn back now. 
Malcolm picks up on the second ring.
“Hey. It’s Puck.” He knows that, idiot.
He chuckles. “Hey. I was worried you wouldn’t call.”
I can’t blame him for thinking that. It bothered me that he did, though. “Why wouldn’t I call?”
“We only text.”
“Oh. Yeah. I don’t like talking on the phone a lot.” It came out sooner than I wanted it to.
“I don’t like it too much either, honestly…if it means anything, I just wanted to hear you talk.” 
It means a lot, more than he’ll ever know. I won’t tell him that, though.
“Aww,” I cooed cutely. “You’re corny.”
He laughs. I picture the lines that would form on his face. Around his eyes, the corner of his lips. All are very beautiful. I pull the sleeves of my sweater to cover part of my free hand. It’s not enough. He should be here.
“Well, one of us has to do it, right?” Malcolm says. “Be the romantic fool?”
I laugh a little too, but it could just be my nerves. “It can be the both of us. I’d be lying if I said my head isn’t over my feet right now.”
“Aww. You’re corny, Puck.”
“Shut up.” My face feels warmer than earlier. “I got it from you. That kiss must’ve knocked something into me.”
“Hey, you know what they say about true love’s kiss.”
“I’ll turn into an ogre?”
“No,” I can hear him smile through the phone. I would kill to see it, “but I can sing Holding Out for a Hero to you. All while being your Prince Charming.”
“You gotta play the piano too. We agreed on a concert, remember?” He told me about the lounge shows he’d do at the casino. He’s played piano since he was a boy. I begged for a private concert the moment he told me.
“You make the setlist. I’ll show up in my suit with my Steinway.”
“Really? That’s way too much power. I’ll do that right now. Let me grab a pen and paper. Stay on the phone.”
“You haven’t given me a reason to hang up.”
“I’m about to.”
I thought about some songs from memory but eventually turned to my Spotify for ideas. I scribbled some songs on a piece of paper, then shared it with Malcolm.
“Are you still there?” I ask.
“Well, you’re not saying anything.”
He sighs, “I don’t think I can make Cream by Wu-Tang Clan happen.”
“There’s a piano in it. I’ll rap it for you.”
“I feel like you’re setting me up here,” he clears his throat. “What were the other songs you picked?”
I go back to the paper on my bed. “The theme song from Peanuts…Megan’s Piano, which I can rap too. Also, it’s super easy to play. Then Eenie Meenie by Justin Bieber. No piano in that one, but I’m sure you’ll figure something out. For the encore, you’ll sing Holding Out for a Hero, but you’ll have to come down from the ceiling.”
“You heard me. In the part where she sings “Where have all the good men gone,” you gotta come down from the ceiling. Then you get on the piano. Also, smoke machine. And lasers.”
“Sounds expensive. Who’s going to hang me from the ceiling?”
I shrug. “You don’t have a ceiling guy?”
“No, I don’t have a ceiling guy. God forbid, what if I fall?”
“Sue the ceiling guy. It’ll help pay back all the money from the smoke and laser machines. Then you can take me to Disneyland.”
“Disney? After all those hospital bills?” I can’t see it, but I know he’s running his fingers through his hair. “I guess. Anything for my girl.”
The world stops turning. “Your what?”
“My girl. You’re my girl.” He’s smiling on the other end. I can hear it. I turn to the alarm clock on the dresser. It’s almost 11. I’m not tired, but I need a reason to hang up so I can scream into my pillow. "My girl.” Malcolm’s girl. I could melt into a puddle. I could get used to that.
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dead-petey-au · 2 months
Please show me the parent sid au NOW
I want to see Li’l sid from this au
Basically, Sid accidentally cloned themself while working on/restoring a random machine they found. The clone is a kitten, the kitten keeps thinking that sid is their parent, yadda yadda you know the rest
So there actually isn't much to this au, but I made it in late May and I wrote a small oneshot for it! (There are lots of typos + small things i want to change in it, so be warned LOL)
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I haven't made any actual art for this AU (that I remember), but if you want any, I'd be happy to doodle some! I really like when people find the AUs I make interesting, so thank you for asking about it!! :- D
Also here's the toyhouse folder for it but I literally have nothing in it right now LOL
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cubbihue · 15 days
Did Peri tell Timmy that he was planning to become a Fairy Godparent/that he was assigned a godkid? When we first see the fam reunite in the series, Cosmo and Wanda didn't seem to know.
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Timmy had known Peri might pursue becoming a godparent, because Peri had consulted with him about career tracks!! And like. Being the only one invited to Peri's college graduation tends to give Timmy more insight than his parents. Special older brother privileges.
As for being assigned a Godkid, Timmy sorta... Stumbled into it. He found out long before Peri was told he had been given an assignment!
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
Peri's Assignment: [Next]
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fernsnailz · 4 months
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hello everypony it’s time for my yearly oc redesigns/reboot yaaaay :] and by reboot i mean like. FULL fuckin reboot. basically forget anything i've ever said about these guys in the past because just about everything has changed in some way LMAO
these three are part of a story i’m currently calling Junkyard Phantoms! they're a trio of mechanics (well. two mechanics and one robot who isn't particularly good at anything) trying to rebuild their lives and explore the solar system after living as outcasts on the moon Callisto. ok cool bye (explodes)
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