#<- bringing this tag back to keep all these girlies together haha
mrs-luigi-vargas · 10 months
Lost and Found
Chapter 1 (of 2): Wherein Mario doesn't know where his brother is
Rating: General Audiences Characters: Mario, Peach, Luigi, Bowser Relationships: Mario & Peach, Mario & Luigi Tags: Minor Bowser/Luigi, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Nonverbal Mario
Summary: Sunny skies and friends by his side...in Mario’s opinion, it was all the perfect setup for a perfect vacation! ...Too bad his brother up and disappeared partway through it. Word Count: 2,608 words A/N: This fic's Mario's POV of An Egg in a Trying Time! So it would be helpful to read that one first, but i can't tell you what to do so do whatever!
[AO3 Link]
Mario woke up an hour or so after sunrise.
He shuffled about his and Luigi’s hotel room as quietly as he could as he got ready for the day. Luigi was usually a pretty heavy sleeper, but nonetheless Mario had accidentally woken him up yesterday morning and he still felt a bit bad about it. And Luigi had stayed up late last night, so he really needed the extra sleep this morning.
Tiptoeing out of the room, Mario closed the door with a near-inaudible click and headed out of the hotel down to the nearest beach. He took off his shoes and dug his toes into the sand, watching the sun climb higher and higher into the sky with the seagulls’ cries and the salty breeze and the sound of the ocean waves keeping him company.
A tap on his shoulder brought him out of his tranquil state; it was Peach, arms laden with beach-going supplies and smiling at him. As Mario hurried to relieve her of her bag she passed him another, smaller paper bag in which Mario could smell something from the nearby bakery. He smiled thankfully at her. His smile turned sheepish when she reached into her bag he was holding and took out a bottle of sunscreen to wave in his face with a raised eyebrow.
The two sunscreen-laden friends ate breakfast and watched the sunlight reflect on the ocean’s surface until more people trickled onto the beach, at which point they went to claim a good spot to spend the rest of the morning. Neither of them were at that spot now, with Peach kicking a ball around farther down the beach with some friends and Mario sitting on the edge of a dock a ways away from her, feet kicking absently in the chilled water and humming quietly to himself while watching them.
He could join them. In fact, he was planning to, soon. But the water felt nice, and — he cast a glance at the sky, shielding his eyes with a hand — Luigi was probably due to wake up soon, if he hadn't already. Peach had sent him a text earlier telling him they were at the beach, and Mario kind of wanted to sit in a highly-visible-from-the-sidewalk place to catch him as he arrived.
Mario remained there until a little after noon, when he couldn't quite ignore how hungry he was anymore. There was a hot dog stand within sight, and Mario weighed his desire to fill his empty stomach against his desire to not miss Luigi’s arrival. The hunger won. Surely Luigi would understand.
But as he ventured to the stand, something felt...off. Beyond how hungry he was. Mario stood halfway between the ocean and his pending lunch, trying to parse the uniquely foreboding feeling he was suddenly flooded with. It felt like...he frowned. He changed course entirely, to the road that would take him back into town. It felt like where he should be going right now.
The universe had other plans, however, as at the exact moment Mario took one step off the sand onto the concrete the ground shook with the rumblings of an explosion from somewhere behind him. Mario spun to find the source and locked eyes with Peach as she stood amidst beachgoers who were beginning to react in alarm. “Over there!” she called to him, pointing further up the beach and darting in that direction. Mario scrambled to follow her. By the time he and Peach pushed through the crowd to truly behold the chaos at the root of it all, Mario’s earlier foreboding feeling had faded to nothing. By the time they finished dealing with the consequences of said chaos, Mario had forgotten about the feeling entirely.
At dinnertime, Peach returned from the overflowing buffet table to find Mario fiddling with his phone, looking downcast. He'd been slowly deflating all day, for all he tried to hide it. Case in point, he tried to smile at her as she approached, despite hardly touching his food since they’d arrived in the restaurant.
It took a bit of needling, but Peach finally got an answer as to what was bothering Mario in the form of him handing her his phone. It was open to its messaging app, to Mario and Luigi’s messages specifically, where there was nothing sent all day aside from the periodic picture from Mario.
“That’s odd...” Peach frowned and checked her own phone. “He hasn't responded to any of my messages either.” She messaged him again right then and there; with each minute of no response Mario drummed his fingers on the table a little bit faster, a little bit harder. It wasn't necessarily bad, he told himself, that Luigi wasn't using his phone. He was hardly beholden to checking in with his brother every once in a while.
But...the entire day?
Mario shook his head. He didn't want to jump to any conclusions just yet. No, Luigi was probably out having fun somewhere else. So much fun that he didn't have time to text his brother. Or the Princess. Which was fine! Totally fine. Mario wasn't worried about it. Not one bit.
Peach reached across the table to put her hands on Mario’s, finally stilling it. “We’ll go look for him after dinner,” she said, and Mario slumped in both embarrassment and relief.
So after finishing dinner, Mario and Peach ventured around the central hub of the island. They searched the beach and didn't find Luigi. They ran into Yoshi at about the same time Mario remembered Luigi had been walking the nature trails recently, and Yoshi volunteered itself and its friends to scour them for any sign of him. They asked the Toads working the amusement park gates, and they told them they haven't seen a “Loogey” around anywhere. They searched the beach again and didn't find him. The sun finished setting, and the two of them took the hotel stairs down to the casino, where the owner told them he didn't see “that green-hatted upstart” that’d been on track to bankrupt the entire establishment last night. Peach dragged Mario out by the arm before he could do anything about how his brother was just spoken about. Peach made a mental note to lodge a complaint to someone higher up before she went to bed.
Trekking disappointedly back up the stairs, they almost collided with Rosalina. “We’re looking for Luigi,” Peach told her when she asked them what had them so down. “We haven't seen him at all, today. Have you?”
Rosalina tilted her head in thought. “I did see him earlier today,” she said, to Mario and Peach’s delight. “Yes, in the part of town with all the restaurants, having lunch in the one with the large windows. He had an object underneath his shirt. But I don't know where he went afterwards.”
Outdated info, but they at least had a lead now. Mario practically bounced in place, eager to chase it. Noticing this, Peach hurried to say a farewell to Rosalina before he ran off. “And thank you so much!” she added.
Rosalina barely had time to wave after them before they were gone, up the stairs and out of the hotel, beelining towards the restaurant in question. A darkened interior and a locked door greeted Mario as he ran up first, despite the buildings on either side bustling with activity. When Peach approached, her attention was caught by the paper sign taped to the inside of one of the windows; though it was a bit hard to read, scrawled hastily as it was, she could at least tell it was an apology that the restaurant was closed, and a promise to be open at the usual hour tomorrow. Mario wilted as she read it aloud.
“Well,” Peach sighed. “At least we tried...Hopefully Luigi will come back to the hotel tonight so we won't have to come back here tomorrow and ask about him?”
Hopefully. The frown didn't leave Mario’s face as they trudged back to the hotel. While Peach retired to her room, Mario parked himself on one of the plush chairs in the hotel lobby, with a full view of the entrance doors. He sat there for an hour or two, fiddling with his phone and his hat and the hem of his shirt, until the receptionist began to side-eye him. Mario decided to wait for Luigi in his hotel room instead, half-hoping he'd snuck by him somehow and was already waiting for him there.
Mario opened the door to his and Luigi’s hotel room. It was empty, and the silence was deafening as Mario quietly clicked the door shut. Mechanically, he got ready for bed; but instead of getting under the covers, he sat with his back to his headboard and waited and waited and waited. His usual bedtime came and went, and every time he snapped himself back awake from dozing off he sent yet another text message to Luigi that had no answer.
A knock sounded at the door. The thought didn't occur to Mario that if it was Luigi then he would have heard the beep of a keycard instead — he was the one out of the two of them who never forgot it — until he threw the door open and was face to face with Peach.
“Luigi hasn't shown up yet, huh?” Peach asked, seeing Mario’s face fall.
Mario shook his head, feeling silly.
“In that case” — Peach pushed her way into the room, wearing one of the hotel-provided bathrobes — “you don't mind if I wait with you, do you?”
Even if she hadn't already entered the room, Mario would have gladly invited her in. She perched herself on the other bed and turned on the TV as Mario sat back on his. Though she spent a non-zero amount of time tuning the TV to a channel serviceable for late-night background noise, she wasn't really watching it, too busy shooting Mario worried glances he didn't catch because he was too focused on watching the door. In the end, despite Mario’s best efforts, he couldn't ignore how tired he was any longer, and as time continued to pass his eyes unwittingly slid shut.
When Mario next opened his eyes, it was dark. He turned his head to the side and there was a shape resting on Luigi’s bed. He woke up the rest of the way with a jolt. Was that...?
...No, it wasn't. The shape was too still, too quiet.
Mario’s heart sank as he got out of bed. That shape was actually Peach, who had evidently elected to not return to her room for the night. A seemingly impromptu decision, considering she wasn't under the covers. Mario pulled the comforter off his own bed and carefully draped it over her.
Mario drifted to the window, peering through it up at the moon high in the sky. Luigi was still nowhere to be found. This was late, even for him. And in this continued absence Mario was forced to truly entertain the possibility that maybe there really was something wrong. Was Luigi in trouble? Unable to contact him somehow, even if he wanted to? The thought of it had Mario pacing, pinpricks of anxiety buzzing underneath his skin. He needed to do something about this.
Mario shuffled about the room as quietly as he could, as if he was getting ready for the day. He and Peach had already checked all the likely places Luigi could be, but it wouldn't hurt for Mario to check again. Just to make sure. Even if it was the middle of the night. He reached for the door and —
Mario froze.
Peach raised her head, blinking sleep out of her eyes. She squinted at the scene before her. “...where’re you going?”
Peach frowned. She kept frowning until Mario’s hand guiltily inched away from the doorknob, to which she sighed, getting out of bed. Mario’s comforter sat on her shoulders, and as she rubbed at her eyes and yawned Mario felt worse for waking her while trying to sneak out than for the sneaking out itself. He couldn't muster up an explanation for doing so as she waited for one, either — or at least, he couldn't come up with one that wouldn't put all his anxieties on full display.
Still, Peach’s face softened in sympathy, because why else would Mario be awake? “I know you’re worried,” she said, putting her hands on Mario’s shoulders. But it’s late, she didn't say, though it was clear in the undercurrent of her words.
Mario shrank in on himself, chewing the inside of his cheek. There were so many things that could have happened to Luigi — bad things — that Mario had no way of knowing about. He could have gotten lost, he could have gotten hurt somewhere...heck, what if Bowser had done something?
“If he did, we can hardly confront him about it this late at night,�� was Peach’s response to that last part, and Mario was forced to admit she had a point. Especially when they hardly had any information to work with regarding whether Bowser was even involved in the first place. “Luigi will be fine, regardless of what happened,” Peach continued, voice filled with confidence. “He’s capable in his own right, and he’ll keep the egg safe, too!”
Mario knew that already. But nonetheless it was so, so difficult to shake off all the worst-case scenarios. If Luigi was upset somewhere and Mario wasn't there to help him...but Peach was right, Luigi could take care of himself. But what if this was the one time...no, even if it was, Luigi could definitely handle it. Although, he could've...no, he’ll be...well, maybe...
Around and around Mario’s brain spun, caught in its fretful loop. Until something suddenly bumped against his forehead and surprised it into stopping. He stared cross-eyed at the hesitant look on Peach’s face.
“Um. I know you and Luigi do this to calm each other down.” She smiled unsurely. “Is...it helping?”
It — Mario blinked. Well, he thought to himself. The faint smell of her shampoo wafted about them, floral where he might have expected fruit when he closed his eyes. There was the lack of mustache hair, and the absence of a nose pushing into his. Also the angle was wrong because she was over a half-a-head taller than Luigi was. And she’d come in too fast to begin with, as the smart of the red mark that surely existed on his forehead from the impact could attest to.
Curtained by blonde hair and bracketed by the comforter, Mario breathed in, then out, near-sagging against her. It — did help, in its own way. Enough that Mario’s mind quieted, enough that he started to doze off.
As he slumped further, Peach huffed, straightening and shaking him a little bit. “Back to bed with you, mister,” she declared, to which Mario blinked owlishly.
With a bit of nudging, Mario dutifully returned to his bed; Peach was close behind, and she lay down next to him when he settled. “So you don't try leaving again,” she said by way of explanation, and Mario was just barely too tired to be sheepish about it.
Of the two of them, it was Peach who fell back asleep first. Mario watched her face go slack, watched her burrow into her pillow. Too still, too quiet. But not quite as discomfiting anymore. So he watched her, and it was only as the sun started to dream of rising did he, too, finally drift off into dreams of his own.
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naofairy · 7 months
Haikyuu!! February fic recs
I’m a bit late but still I’ve bookmarked a lot of fics last month and once again I’m happy to share, because these fics definitely deserve even more love! I’m putting links to the originally posted fics so pleasy be mindful of the tags!
Miya Atsumu's Guide to: What NOT to Do in the Workplace by sumuviolet
Although there is one more chapter to go I’m putting this fic here, because I loved it so far and it brings out the things I love most about this ship (also I may be in love with boss Sakusa)
hope is but a heartache by sonhoedesrazao
Once again, CEO Sakusa. I love fics where he finds his comfort in Atsumu and this is definitely one of those fics. One of all time faves. (Also check other works by this author, it will be worth it)
three roses and a smile by strawberrycitrus
This is for my biochem/med girlies. Reading this felt like a memoir from my university time, the drama felt too real haha
Revenge Together by UnicornFlowers
Atsumu catches his (soon to be ex-)boyfriend kissing a stranger (a very beautiful one)
it drives you crazy getting old by atsumusbiceps
Teen Sakuatsu waking up in their older bodies and finding out the truth what’s really between them. I loved it so much!
your heart on my sleeve by winterwaltz6
This one is definitely one of my fave tattoo artist fics.
headlights by mysterious trumpet
Sakusa Kiyoomi hopes he’ll never find his soulmate. (I haven’t read soulmates au in a long time but this one was chefs kiss)
Foxes Under Saturn by yuuki
This was (almost!) painful, but ended so sweet!
Stuck in the Sunshine by thesweetestnerd
Atsumu shares his firsts with Sakusa
to dream of honey and light by yee_haw23
Sakusa is lonely and finds his comfort in Atsumu
Overflow by UhohShouto
This was so sweet it might as well be canon.
accidentally in love by youraveragedegenerate
Post time skip idiots in love with pining Akaashi? Yes please. Or in other words, the fic in which Akaashi doesn’t realise they’re dating.
Stranger My Beloved by Paintbrushyy_Ducky98
Alternate universe: I met you at a train station and fell in love. (I keep thinking about this fic a lot, it definitely holds a dear place in my heart)
Invariably Imperfect by UnicornFlowers
Bokuto is sad beacause Akaashi has a date (and sadly it’s not with him)
Just Another by Mooifyourecows
The one angsty daisuga fic I will always come back to aka Suga confesses and gets rejected by Daichi (but what if…)
heart's calling by TripsH
Iwaoi through the years, it feels like reading a love letter
fic rec masterlist
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maadorii · 4 years
Kuroo, Kenma, Atsumu & Osamu + a tall female s/o
request: Hello! Uhm i noticed that the request is open and this is kinda my first time to request something but, can i request a headcannon for Kuroo, Kenma, Atsumu and Osamu with their tall fem s/o who’s really boyish and carefree, please? <3
max.note’s: hi, thank you for sending this in! this sort of became self indulgent for me cause i sorta fit the description you sent in so i portrayed a lot of me into this haha ain’t that funny.  i hope i did justice and that you enjoy!! uwu
warnings/tags: tw: bullying, dealing w/ insecurities & fluff
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- your in for a ride with this one
- the first time he met you, he was a bit starstruck. he didn’t know whether it was your height or the fact you were wearing the male uniform… he thinks it’s cute and honestly refreshing compared to majority of girls he interacts with on a daily basis. it takes a while for you to warm up to him but when you do, y’all just click… if that makes sense? he basically unlocks a new side to you that you really don’t show anyone and that’s when he falls in love (he’s in for the long run) you both love to joke around and just do dumb shit together liking pull pranks on his fellow teammates or your friends (unfortunate for kenma.) he’ll still tease you believe it or not, whether it’s the fact he’s still taller than you or just the fact he has that privilege to do so.
- kuroo believes you’re on of the stylish people he knows, which is kinda sad but at the same time sweet? the fact that majority of your closet is mostly male clothing, expect him to steal some of your clothes. shirts, pants, jackets and hoodies. you name it. and you’ll steal some of his clothes in return sense your basically the same size. he’ll also want to match outfits on occasions. like from the shoes to same hair accessories. 
- “tetsu, do we have to wear the same headband?”
- “uh yea! it is a very vital piece of our outfits.”
- he’s such a cutie pie :((( kuroo stans come take your man away before i do
- he’ll never say it, but he loves the fact that you’re taller than him, your not too much taller than him but it’s still a noticeable difference between you two. he’s got his own personal body pillow, as you like to put it (much to his demise.) when’s he playing video games, either on a hand held or console, he’ll silently press his back to your chest with your arms wrapped around him. doesn’t say a single word at all, he just does it whenever. you’ll actually go in and join him when he plays (we get, y’all are cute asf.) but the funny thing is that you play all the opposite of what he normally plays. and what i mean by that: call of duty, mortal kombat, god of war, resident evil… yea the list goes on.
- “you really play these… violent games (y/n)?”
- “i mean, they’re a great way for me to release stress–– AW YOU SON OF A BITCH!! I COULD’VE GOTTEN THAT—”
- you may or may not have broken a few controllers… or gotten into a few arguments with kenma about the matter. like kuroo, he’ll steal your clothes too. but mostly your oversized hoodies and shirts for lounge wear. you think he looks absolutely adorable all swallowed up your clothes. and mostly, cuddles are a must! especially when he’s the little spoon. just being entangled with up brings him a sense of comfort
- when you two first began talking, he didn’t take notice to your height or anything for the matter. he just found you really cool to hangout with whenever he could, considering how you had no problem joining along with his dumb antics and jokes. until he saw you outside the school uniform in your casual clothing.
- all atsumu ever saw you in before was the “dreaded” girl’s uniform everyday, the skirt just hanging mid-way up your thighs, adored in the prettiest tights, but now… jeans that looked like they gone threw a shredder more than enough times, hoodies, chains, chunky sneakers (ya know, those fila shoes that everybody wants to hate?) you’re the epitome of a tomboy “aesthetic” (i don’t understand how this is an aesthetic cause it’s more than just wearing guy clothes but whatever.) he was surprised at first but grew to like this new angle of you. later on, he eventually asks why you dress more like a guy rather than the opposite.
- “i’ve never really been… connected to my femininity. all the things girls do, i just didn’t feel right. you’ve seen what i look like, i’m almost as tall as you and osamu-kun! i just don’t feel very beautiful, so why make myself?” atsumu couldn’t stop the next sentence that came out of his mouth
- “shut yer mouth, so what you’re tall? so what you’re you like dressing like in men clothes? i think you’re beautiful just the way you are! you still a girl in my book, you got the bits to prove it too.”
- “t-tsumu, don’t say that!”
- goes out of his way to make feel comfortable in whatever way you want to express your femininity, cause he’s a good boy and he loves you just the way you are (and so do i!!)
the first time he mets you, it was in the inarizaki hallways after school. he happened to come across your path, seeing as you surrounded by a group of boys around the same height as you in conversation. he thought nothing of it and continued on his way to practice until he happened to catch a bit of the “conversation” you were having.
“are you sure you’re not one of… those guys? there’s no way a girl can be as tall as you.” and watched as you made yourself appear smaller in front of them, listening to them laugh. how you were on the verge of tears. that very sentence lit something in his stomach, he couldn’t just walk away.
after asking if you’re okay, even though you said you were, he decided to skip practice that day and took you out to eat ice cream (cause it’s my comfort food.) and even walked you home afterwards too, cause he’s a gentleman. you give him your number so you keep in touch. when he got home, atsumu was already home waiting for him on the couch all showered from practice.
“if ya were going to skip practice today, could’ve have said something ya know?”
“sorry, i had bussiness to handle.”
you guys began to talk regularly not long after the incident, whether it was him hanging out with you at lunch or he’ll walk you home before he has to leave for practice. eventually, he asked you out. which had caught you by surprise. you proceeded to ask him why, his answer shocked you.
“i don’t care that you’re tall or that you aren’t very girly either. i like you for you… hey, why are you crying?”
“o-osamu, that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to m-me! of course i’ll go out with you,” you wailed, gripping onto him for dear life.
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copyright © 2020 maadorii. all rights reserved.
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luciana-galvez · 5 years
A Night Of Surprises
Fandom: The Dirt
Words: 3.2k (i got carried away oops)
Pairing: nikki sixx x reader
Warnings: none i think
Notes: this doesn’t quite fulfill the last request but i hope you like it anyway anon. also if you want to be added to the taglist or be taken down for specific stories (because i get confused about who wants to be tagged in what haha) just let me know!
Request:  Anonymous Could you write an imagine for Nikki sixx where he falls in love with a girl who wears a lot of pink and is really girly and maybe not into the same scene that he’s into!? I like the soft-hard dynamic😂 I love your writing by the way and I’m so glad you’re writing for the dirt😭😭💖
@miserablecunt Can you write an imagine for Nikki?! Literally anything!! I just need more of him and I have no ideas😂
Anonymous  can u write something about nikki being with a girl who is actually quite girly and everyones like ?????? why ????? 💞
Backstage at a heavy metal concert was the last place you had pictured yourself ending up in. The more you thought about the, the more unlikely it became, but here you were, part of the team to get Mötley Crüe ready for their first American tour on a daily basis.
“Vince, where’s your choker?” you asked pointedly.
“What choker?” he retorted with a confused look.
“There’s a choker that goes with your outfit,” you said, already mentally going through the last hour to see where it might have become lost in the process.
The whole band was about to go on stage, and Vince had showed up late already, and now a piece of his outfit was missing, and the perfectionist in you was suffering. This whole rock and roll business really wasn’t for you.
“Give me two minutes,” you said as you already turned around and jogged back down the hallway, trying to check all the dressing rooms before they had to go up on stage.
When you had studied fashion and costume design, this really wasn’t what you thought you’d end up doing. You had pictured yourself working for a big designer, or even played with the idea of working for Hollywood, but designing costumes for a metal band hadn’t occurred to you even in your wildest dreams.
But then Tommy had offered for you to give it a try. You two had gone to high school together and kind of lost touch afterwards when you went off to university and he did whatever allowed him to rock and roll. His words, not yours.
And then a few months ago you had run into him again, and he had told you about this band he was in, and you had told him about finishing your degree, and he had ecstatically told you about how his band was looking for over-the-top costumes. You had laughed it off at first, but Tommy had been so persistent that you eventually agreed to at least meet the band.
You went into the meeting expecting to meet a rowdy bunch of guys that deemed themselves too cool for school and that you would part ways acknowledging on both sides that it wasn’t the right fit, but when you did meet them, things turned out differently.
Yes, it might not have been the right fit, especially when you showed up to the meeting in an outfit that was the exact opposite of what was considered metal. But when Mick and Nikki doubted your ability to make costumes for them so vehemently (“We’re not going to perform in pink fucking ruffles” you remembered Nikki saying), you were determined to prove them wrong.
And that’s how you ended up as Mötley Crüe’s official costume designer.  
Now, you were desperately rummaging through each of the dressing rooms in order to find Vince’s choker. Luckily, you eventually found it in Vince’s dressing room and cursed him out under your breath for being a slob. At some point they really had to start making your job easier.
You hurried back out of the room and jogged down the hallway until you found the band. They were standing at the stairs to the stage, ready to start their show any minute now.
“Okay, got it,” you announced and walked up to Vince, easily attaching the choker as he craned his neck.
“Let me have a look at you,” you said when you had finished, and the whole band stood up a bit straighter for you to inspect the outfits.
You tweaked at Tommy’s outfit, readjusted Mick’s harness, and eventually stopped in front of Nikki, searching your pockets for the black paint you knew you had in there somewhere.
“Your paint is smudged. Hold still,” you said and carefully held on to his chin so he wouldn’t move. “Hold still.”
You used your thumb to try to wipe away the smudged edges of the lines, but the paint didn’t come off. You sighed. “How did you already smudge this before the show even started?”
Nikki simply shrugged.
“Lick this,” you said, holding out your thumb to him.
“I’d do it myself, but that’d be weird,” you said, and when he didn’t move, added “Just do it.”
He eventually licked your thumb hesitantly, and when you tried to get the smudges of this time, it worked without a problem.
“There we go,” you said more to yourself than to him. All that was left to do was reapply another layer of paint, and Nikki patiently let you.
“Alright,” you said, letting go of his chin and taking a step back to look at your finished work. “Try not to ruin your outfits tonight, will you, boys?”
“We don’t make promises we can’t keep,” Vince shrugged, and you rolled your eyes, but your gaze stuck to Nikki, who was looking at you with a peculiar expression.
“What?” you asked.
It looked like you had startled him out of his train of thought, because he simply shook his head in confusion and mumbled “Nothing.”
And then it was time for them to go onstage. You stayed long enough to watch them play Shout At The Devil and then retreated to one of the crew’s backstage rooms, which was now peacefully empty as most people were watching the concert.
You found your backpack in the corner, pulled out your sketchbook, and made yourself comfortable on the couch. You spend the next forty minutes playing with new ideas for costumes until the noise level outside started rising up again, which told you the show was over.
You went out into the hallway just in time for the band to turn the corner, and your eyes started scanning their outfits for damage.
“You guys listened to me,” you said in surprise as you noticed that they were, except for a few tears here and there, mostly intact.
“We have our moments,” Vince shrugged.
It was your job to make sure all the costumes were ready for every show, and on particularity bad nights it had happened that that you stay almost all night after a concert in order to fix the damage. Sure, they had multiple costumes and could afford to lose one or two, but if you wouldn’t spend so much time cleaning up after them, they would run out of outfits two weeks from now.
You waited until they had all changed out of the costumes and collected them to bring them to the bus. Seeing as they were in pretty good shape, you could take the night off and fix them up on the bus ride to the next stop tomorrow.
You knocked on Nikki’s door last and waited for him to let you in. Instead of his glamorous black costume, he was now in black leather pants, a white-and-black striped shirt, and a leather jacket. The paint on his face was still there, and you smiled as you saw that, naturally, it was smudged again.
“You’re staying to watch Ozzy?” he asked as he handed you his stage outfit and you threw it over your arm with the others.
“If I don’t watch your show, what makes you think I’d watch the prince of darkness?” you grinned.
“You don’t watch our show?”
You laughed. “Sorry. I watch bits of it, but it’s not quite my scene.”
He sat back down on his couch and gave you an inquiring look. “So, what kind of music do you listen to?”
You shrugged. “I like ABBA, Fleetwood Mac—”
“Evidently,” Nikki smirked and gestured towards your outfit. You were wearing your flowery jumpsuit with a pink belt that made you look particularly hippie.
“Evidently,” you agreed and pointed at it.
“So, what are you up to instead?”
“I’m gonna drop these,” you held up their outfits, “on the bus and then I’ll find a quiet diner and work on my sketches. And I’m starving, so I’ll head out now.” You started walking back to the door and added, “Enjoy the concert and your afterparty. Or strip club. Or wherever you end up today. Just don’t let it be jail,” you turned back around for a moment and gave him a playful wink.
“Actually,” Nikki started as you were halfway through the door. You stopped and looked back at him, and he looked like he was still contemplating what he was about to say.
“Do you mind if I join you?” he added after a moment.
You leaned your head to one side and narrowed your eyes, trying to figure out if he was fucking with you. The band was notorious for their wild afterparties, so that Nikki wanted to skip it and instead accompany you to a diner seemed entirely out of character.
“Okay,” you said, but it sounded more like a question.
He didn’t seem to notice. “Cool,” he said, took another swig from the whisky bottle that was standing on the coffee table in front of him, and then got up. “Ready.”
You lifted an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. When you left his dressing room, Tommy was excitedly jumping towards the two of you from the other side of the hallway.
“Dude Ozzy is about to start, let’s rock and roll!”
“We’re actually gonna head out to dinner,” Nikki said simply and Tommy’s expression turned to confusion for a moment. His gaze wandered from Nikki to you and back again, and then he broke out into a big grin and clapped Nikki on the shoulder. “Alright man, make sure to use protection.”
“Jesus Christ Tommy,” you uttered exasperatedly and he laughed, already skipping further down the hallway to get the others.
Nikki and you walked to the crew bus in silence, and he stood back and waited while you handled the outfits. Then, you were on your way. It didn’t take you long to find a diner that wasn’t too busy, and you sat down in a corner booth and ordered waffles while Nikki simply opted for a drink.
“Go ahead,” Nikki said as the waitress disappeared.
You simply looked at him questioningly.
“You said you’d come here to sketch,” he explained.
“You came with me to….watch me sketch?” you asked.
Nikki shrugged. “I’m curious to see what you have in store for us.”
You looked at him for a moment longer, trying to gauge what had gotten into him today, but then decided to go with it and pulled out your sketchbook.
“I don’t have anything finished but I’ve been playing with a few ideas,” you started as you flipped through the pages until you found the one you were looking for. “Like here,” you said and pushed the notebook over to Nikki, “I’ve been wanting to introduce a bit more color, so I thought something like this for Tommy. You’ve seen him sport leopard print pants, so I’m thinking to get a bit more pattern into his look.”
“And here,” you said and flipped the page over for him, “I really like Vince’s look with only the harness and no shirt, but I want to mix up the pants a bit. So instead of having him in plain black leather pants, I want to experiment with introducing the color scheme from the harness into the pants as well and get some red patches in there.”
You paused for a moment, but Nikki remained silent. “Like I said, none of these is finished and they’re just ideas I’ve been playing with…” you trailed off and looked up at him. He had a concentrated look on his face as he studied your sketches. You watched him start to flip through the pages and realized you were anxious to know what he was thinking. The longer he remained silent, the more you thought he hated them.
“What do you have in mind for me?” he asked eventually, looking up at you for the first time.
“I haven’t gotten to it yet, but I was thinking of puffy shoulder pieces.”
You could see that he was about to protest, so you quickly added, “No, not like you think!” You laughed. “Something like this,” you trailed off and pulled the notebook back to yourself and flipped to an empty page. You rummaged in your bag for a pencil and started sketching what you were thinking off.
“See, not like housewife-puffy-shoulders,” you continued while sketching, “but more like ‘Sydney-opera-house puffy. And then add some chains or studding.”
Nikki craned his neck to watch you sketch and nodded, contemplating. “Yeah, I like that.”
You smiled. “Good.”
It was another fifteen minutes before your food arrived, and you spent it in silence as you continued sketching and Nikki watched. When he had announced that he wanted to join, you had expected it to be awkward, but you were surprised how comfortable silence was with him.
When the waitress brought your food and his drink, you put your sketchbook away and hungrily started digging into your waffles.
“So, do you do this every night?” Nikki asked. “Go to a diner after the show and sketch?”
“Mostly,” you said between bites. “When I’m not stuck fixing your costumes I tend to look for a quiet place to be alone.”
“Why?” he asked, but there was genuine interest behind the question.
You thought for a moment. “Your lifestyle can be quite overwhelming,” you shrugged eventually, “sometimes I just need to get away from it for a while.”
“My lifestyle?”
“You know, sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll,” you smiled.
“It really isn’t your scene, is it?”
“Then why did you agree to do it?”
“To prove that I could,” you replied honestly. “You were so disbelieving that a girl that likes pink can design costumes for you that I made it my mission to prove you wrong. I like a good challenge.”
Nikki grinned. “I can appreciate that.”
“So,” you leaned forward, “what turned you into the badass rockstar that you are?”
“An unfit mother, a non-existent father, and a revolving door of asshole stepfathers,” he shrugged it off, but you could tell there was real pain behind his act of not caring.
“Ah, the classic story,” you replied, not unkindly. “So you fill that hole with sex and drugs?”
“And I assume you are the cheerful girl that you are because you had a rosy childhood with a picket-fence garden and Sunday night family dinners,” he challenged you, but there was no hostility in his voice.
“Well, we didn’t have a picket-fence, but our Sunday night dinners were lovely,” you grinned and he laughed.
“No wonder everyone in your family is a saint.”
“Well, my bother used to live the rockstar life,” you said. “He wasn’t unlike you. Lots of alcohol. Lots of drugs. Lots of getting arrested.”
“Oh, and he didn’t manage to influence you and pull you to the dark side?” Nikki smirked.
“No,” you replied matter-of-factly, and your expression turned serious. “Because he overdosed and died.”
Nikki’s face fell. “Shit.”
“Yeah,” you replied. “Shit indeed.”
Nikki thought for a moment. “Then why would you agree to come on tour with us? And spend all day every day around people that constantly do drugs and party?”
You shrugged. “I stayed away from it for a long time, and cut everyone that did drugs out of my life. But to be honest,” you paused, trying to find the right words, “I don’t know, it just became easier to be around it? I know the warning signs of when it turns from normal partying into an actual issue. I couldn’t save him, but maybe I can save the next one.”
You were silent for a moment, contemplating on how to formulate your thoughts. “Listen, I know you think I’m this naïve, gold-hearted girl from the Valley without a worry in the world, but I know how dark life can get. I’ve been in a really fucking dark place after he died, and it took everything I had to crawl back out of it. I’m kind to people because I know what it’s like to wish you were dead every day.”
Nikki stared at you for a long time after that, with an expression you couldn’t quite read. Eventually, he cleared his throat. “You really have your shit together, don’t you?”
And with that, the tension was broken. “Not really,” you laughed.
You ended up spending five hours in the diner, talking about anything and everything. Nikki told you about trying to get his mother arrested, about running away from home without a place to go, about coming to LA and unsuccessfully trying to make it with a bunch of bands before he finally found Tommy, Mick, and Vince, and you told him about your family, about working two jobs when you were in college because you were determined to pay it off by yourself, and about your high-school prom where you ended up having to take care of your drunk date all night.
When you walked back to the hotel, Nikki gave you his jacket, and you gratefully wrapped yourself up in it. You could see that a bunch of people that passed you gave you curious looks, surprised by the miss-matched pair of a mean-looking rocker next to the girl in the flowery jump suit, and you had to smile at their irritation.
Nikki accompanied you all the way to your room, and when you got there, he was visibly unsure about what to do. If you were honest, you were absolutely enjoying seeing Nikki Sixx, who was usually so smooth with women, be nervous.
Apparently, when you didn’t make a move, Nikki decided not to push it and awkwardly took a step back. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”
You couldn’t supress a smile as you told him he would, and then you turned around, opened your door, and leaned against the doorway. Nikki had already turned around and was heading back to his room, you assumed. So he really was going to just leave, huh.
“Nikki,” you called after him and he turned around. You rolled your eyes playfully, pushed the door behind you open further, and made a gesture with your head towards your room. “Get in here,” you laughed.
Nikki was clearly surprised, and he dropped his head and smiled before making his way back to you. He stopped when he was opposite you in the doorway, and the proximity of your bodies made your heart beat a little faster. He was close enough that you had to glace up to look at him.
“Are you always that smooth with the ladies?” you grinned.
“Shut up,” he said and didn’t wait before pressing his lips to yours.
The kiss was intense and sloppy and wild, and you enjoyed it more that you had enjoyed anything in a long time. You were so entangled in each other that you stumbled into your room and almost took out a small side table and two lamps, and when you took of his shirt, you were grinning to both ears.
This night really was full of surprises.
tags: @supernaturalvikingwhore  @miserablecunt  @sighsophiia  @fandomshit6000  @flizaa @hi-my-name-is-riley  @electradestiny  @starlalove  @kingbouji3  @sweetshutter  @baiabouk 
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newhopegeorgie · 5 years
reunited I r.b
(hello! i’ve been away on vacation but i’m finally back with another one shot. this one was based on a request from the very kind @wallows-spring. i hope you enjoy it! if it isn’t exactly what you wanted or envisioned then feel free to send in another request with some more details and i’d be happy to rewrite it for you! anyways, hope you all like it, feedback is always appreciated and requests are open if you’d like to send one in <3)
When New Hope Club announced that they were finally doing a show in your home country you were ecstatic. You’d been following the band since the beginning and only been able to see them perform live once. That was a year ago. You’d begged your mom to let you travel to a different country to go see their show and thankfully she decided to let you. Of course, you’d interacted with the boys on social media, they even followed you, but it wasn’t anywhere near the same as seeing them in person, and you really missed them.
But they’d just released some new tour dates and finally, your country was one of them. It took you no time at all to secure your tickets, making sure you were going to the meet and greet as well. You posted a screenshot on Twitter, tagging the boys and expressing your excitement for the show.
A few minutes later your phone dinged. You didn’t really think anything of it until it started blowing up with notifications. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and went to see what was going on. Your mentions on Twitter were going insane with your followers and some friends congratulating you. You wondered what it was you did that warranted congratulations, but then you realized. A few minutes ago, Reece had replied to your tweet about your tickets.
@ NewHopeReece: So happy you’re excited love. Can’t wait to see you it’s been so long xx
You’d be lying if you said your heart didn’t jump as you read his tweet. You were surprised by his message, definitely not thinking he’d ever remembered having met you before. The butterflies in your stomach were going crazy and you only felt more excited to meet the boys, despite your show being about two months away.
As the day got closer you posted updates on Twitter, not being able to contain yourself. Every few days you’d send out ‘29 more days!’ or an ‘only 2 weeks left !!’. And every time, without fail, Reece would like your tweet. He almost seemed more excited than you were, not that you were complaining. 
Your show was the next day and you felt bits of your excitement turn to nerves. You’re overthinking had taken up most of the space in your brain, meaning to have posted a ‘tomorrow!’ update on Twitter but completely forgetting. A notification on your phone broke through your loud thoughts and you went to see what it was. A new tweet from Reece.
@ NewHopeReece: one more day! @ yourtwitter x
You swore felt your heart stop for a second. Had he been counting down too? You quickly retweeted it and sent it to your friends, being met back with ‘he’s def in love w you’ and ‘you guys are my faves’. You laughed softly at their responses before continuing on with your day. Your mentions were full of other fans saying how cute they thought it was or how they couldn’t wait to see videos of you and Reece meeting. All the kind words made you smile.
That night you couldn’t sleep. You were way too excited to shut your eyes for more than 2 minutes, let alone enough time for you to actually drift off. You’d already spent much of your time procrastinating sleeping. You’d picked out what you were going to wear, practiced your hair and your makeup. Hell you’d even practiced faces to make in your pictures with the boys, you told yourself it was so you didn’t have to worry about not liking your pictures, so you felt less silly about the whole thing. You really didn’t want to be tired though, so you willed your body to sleep despite your racing thoughts trying to keep you up.
The next morning was kind of a blur. You were practically on autopilot as you got ready. All your brain could seem to do was theorize every possible way you could screw this up. You tried not to dwell on it but the thoughts kept nagging you at the back of your mind. You friends had come over not too long ago to get ready with you, as you were all going to the show together. They’d helped put your mind at ease, telling you Reece was probably even more nervous than you, making you chuckle a bit.
“Seriously Y/N, I’m pretty sure you have nothing to worry about,” one of them reassured you.
“Yeah, literally listen to what he just tweeted. ‘@ yourtwitter todays the day x’. Even he’s counting down,” another said with a laugh. Their words made you feel a bit better about the situation and you decided to stop worrying and just let yourself enjoy the night. 
After everyone was finished getting ready, you all headed out. The meet and greet didn’t even start for a few hours so you and your friends decided to go get lunch first. You took a picture of your meal, and your friends sitting across the table from you and posted it to Twitter. 
@ yourtwitter: concert pregame with these girlies lol
A few minutes later you got a notification. And, yet again, Reece responded to you.
@ NewHopeReece: Didn’t even invite me? I’m hurt @ yourtwitter
You gaped at his message, quickly turning your phone to show your friends what he’d said. “What am I supposed to say?” you asked them. Your friend took your phone from your hands, typing out a response and sending it before handing your phone back to you.
@ yourtwitter: haha i’ll bring you something i promise xx @ NewHopeReece
You laughed at her message, thinking it was funny and that’d be the end of the conversation. But not even a minute later Reece tweeted at you again.
@ NewHopeReece: I’m holding you too that ;) @ yourtwitter
“I was kidding when I put that but now you really have to get him something,” your friend said laughing. You rolled your eyes at her, making a mental note to buy him a cookie on your way out of the cafe.
It was finally time for the meet and greet and you and your friends had just entered the venue. You definitely weren’t the first ones there but you also weren’t too far back in line so you were happy. You felt your excitement rising as you waited, gradually moving closer to the boys. You chatted happily with your group, the cookie you’d bought for Reece held in your hands. The boys were stood in order of George, then Blake, and Reece at the end so you were going to meet him last.
As you got to the front of the line your friends hastily pushed you forward to go first. You approached George with a wide smile on your face. He welcomed you with open arms, saying hello to you. You hugged him tightly and asked him for a picture together. He was incredibly sweet just as you’d expected. The two of you got to talk for about a minute before you were ushered to move on.
When you got to Blake it went about the same as with George. Hugs and pictures and getting to chat for a bit. “Reece is very excited to see you,” he said, handing your phone to you after getting a couple pictures. You let out a giddy laugh, “Seriously?” you asked him. He nodded his head quickly at you. “Hasn’t stopped talking about it. You might wanna go say hi before he shouts at me for taking up all your time.” He said lightheartedly. He gave you one last hug before sending you on your way towards Reece.
His face brightened as he saw you, immediately scooping you up into a tight embrace. “Reunited at last!” he shouted. A few fans that were in line laughed at your little reunion. “It's been so long, I’ve missed you, love!” He let you out of his hug and held your arms, keeping you close as he spoke to you.
“I know, it's been forever!”
“Do you want a picture?” he asked, gesturing to your phone. You nodded and he took it from your grasp, throwing his arm around your waist to take a few photos with you. You thanked him once he was done, shoving your phone into your pocket. “Now if I’m not mistaken, you promised me something earlier.” He said in a teasing tone. 
“I did promise you something,” you laughed. You handed him the cookie that you’d gotten for him, “I don’t break promises Bibby,” you said, teasing him back. His face lit up as he took it from you.
“I thought you were joking! Wow, you really are the best,” he said to you, pulling you into his side for another hug. You smiled brightly at him, gladly accepting his warm embrace.
“I’m kind of sad, I don’t want to wait another year to see you again,” you frowned, a half-hearted laugh escaping your lips. Reece placed the cookie on a table not too far from him, frowning at your statement.
“Awe, love I don’t either. I promise we’ll figure something out, I won’t make you wait long.”He looked you in the eyes and for some reason, you trusted that he meant it. One of the event coordinators was trying to move you along, saying you were out of time. Reece hugged you one last time before you had to leave. “The boys and I have a free day tomorrow before we leave, I’ll dm you,” he whispered to you. The coordinator was now rushing you off, getting impatient. You smiled at him, saying goodbye as you left, not before seeing Reece send you a subtle wink.
After the meet and greet you got to enjoy the concert. It was amazing, exceeding all your expectations. It went by far too quickly for your liking and before you knew it, you and your friends were leaving the venue. You all talked a mile a minute, recounting everything that's gone on the past few hours. Your Twitter was flooded yet again and you wondered what's happened.
You opened the app to find countless videos of your interaction with Reece. People were tagging you and him, saying how they shipped you two or thought you guys were adorable. You smiled at the messages, liking and retweeting a few that made you laugh. You wondered to yourself if Reece was actually serious about dming you like he said he would. Of course, you wanted nothing more than to receive a message from him, but then again he was Reece Bibby so you didn’t get your hopes up.
 The next day you woke up to the sun shining in your eyes. You smiled to yourself, replaying the previous day over in your mind. You rolled over in bed to go through your phone, much like you did every morning. You’d gone through most of your social media, tapping on the Twitter icon last, opening up the app. You saw a dm notification and furrowed your eyebrows, confused. When you clicked on it you felt your heart jump to your throat, not believing what you had just read.
From @ NewHopeReece: Hey love, it’s Reece. You busy today? x
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hebblog · 7 years
Tumblr media
#WalingReview S7E12+13 *Disclaimer I wrote these forever ago and forgot to upload them. There’s a lot, ‘cause I’m pretty sure I’ll be wrapping this up after this season. I’ve just overall lost interest, which sucks. I’d rather spend more time paying attention to what used to  be my favourite show, then dissecting every moment. 
So I heard the finale has aired, and they’ve already started introducing “main” characters for next season. So…kay? Spoilers? This is the first season where it hasn’t all been totally spoiled for me. Is that because everyone’s being nice…or because no one’s watching? Previously
we can beat them
tell us where not to look
wait for the right moment
we need guns
they have a deal
ooo silent impactful raids for, probably those guns.
ooo silent impactful sex because, raiding together is hard work
So let me get this straight. They have to raid for supplies to appease the Saviours, and raid for weapons to please the garbage folk. That sounds like so much dang work dude!
Awe they’re happy ‘cause their finally away from home and all the burdens they left behind.
WAIT! Did they just jack EVERYTHING from those golfers?? Holy shit dude…did they kill them?? Geez man, was that very quick scene, and now this “just a little more” talk emphasis to show that the Group is becoming Saviours themselves?
what was that!!! Why open with that???
I know we’re always balancing on that knife, but wow guys
Rosita (that’s her name right?) has really become a pain. Characters do that so quickly when they start down the “I must kick ass” route. I get it, you’re pissed off, but take a chill pill. No one wants to be the next Shane right?
Rick’s pretty quiet in those leaves for a scruffy dude trouncing about
I love the survival-pack-get ups these guys put together when they go raiding. Where’s the episode where they break down the things you need to survive? Where are the episodes detailing the steps taken to be a survivor? Not this emotional baggage bullshit, I want hard facts on how to pack and prepare!
OH MY GOD THAT’S ONE UGLY …eeeeeeeewwwwwwww….puss ’n blood dude…
Remember the shopping mall roof caving in back in Season…one?
There is NO WAY they’ll just stumble upon a huge cache of weapons like this without any kind of trap being in place. Obviously. Someone set this all up OR something bad happened during a fight that backfired and caused everyone here to turn. OR the Saviours already know about this and…yeah…bad things.
*Pizza’s here!*
HA! Did I just call that or what!
holy shit that stash!
Like, they hit the mother load here, and they’re having far too much fun, some shit is about to go dooooown
Yeah girly YOU walked into the church, no one makes you go back to Gabe over and over
“You don’t know shit about shit”
“Anything is possible, until your heart stops beating”
That’s actually a really great quote
All these damn candles make it look like the set of an afternoon soap opera
RICK should be the one to mould the wold in his image? NAH SON! Gimme King Darryl, everyone’s quiet and keeping to themselves…
There it is “we can go another day” …..*rrrrr*…put the breaks on dude.
Alright, chill and mac’n cheese together IS worth putting all your friends lives at risk for another day
Can you imagine if Rick was just like “fuck it, let’s just keep going” and decided everyone else wasn’t worth it anymore
One of the best dialogues of the season, and it’s with a baby…
Couples that slay together
dude is it just me, or is the gore going up and up this season
What is haaaaappening with these two? This seems like a joke episode hahaha
and in this episode, zombies have a hard time with a board.
Are they having sarcastic banter while a group of zombies bares down on them? They are getting WAY too cocky
The dear! You owe her a dear dude. But also, no dear would ever, EVER come near any of this!
The most CG dear that ever lived
see, that right there, it would run away long long LONG before any of these things could get that close. The writers don’t know how animals work
They’re eating the dear…
We all know this show would totally do that to us.
That’s a lotta guns
No one cares what you like dude, your girl is shook about you being dead, just go home
Michone’s gonna die this season, that’s the next thing I’m calling. They are far too close, she is far too crucial to his character.
This garbage queen is tough, but I see where she’s coming from
Wait, what cat?
hahaha I think she likes Rick
What’s going on with the Saviours while Rick is questing for the Garbage Folk? Like, days and days have gone by right? No pick ups?
A sniper rifle IS way smarter than any other tactic.
So old Abe’s exes are going to go take on a legion of blood thirsty rape hungry mongrels in an attempt to bring down their leader - the most destructive force in the show thus far?
#WalkingReview S7E13
i bet this will be the epi where the Kingdom finally grows up and agrees to fight
one melon?
I don’t think Carol having nightmares should be a big deal. With the world the way it is people should be crying themselves to sleep regularly
Pretty sunrise
did she just deliver a non-killing blow to a zombie? What is the poooiiiint carol
and now she sets it up so the walk into the pole, but she doesn’t actually kill them
and walks into town like she friggin owns the road she just clears haha
ok i kinda like Morgan a liiiiittle bit more now
This dude and his secret stashes…
ooooh i get the one melon now
Gerry is the best one in this town
OH! This roadblock was setup by guy with stashes!
Stash dude chucked a melon when they were clearing the road, he’s setting this allllll up so that the Kingdom finally has a reason to fight back.
but no one thought they would shoot a KID!
So what this dude is saying is that this kids life is worth ONE MELON???
And he’s just realizing that his move might cost a kid his life
OOOOOOKAY FIRST OFF…Morgan has such a crazy rage inside him. I had forgotten about “clear” I had forgotten about his multiple transformations. Morgan really IS the most interesting character on the show but they’ve muted him for SO DANG LONG! Second; really? you hid the melon under a bright yellow bin on the side of the road? Really?
Why is noooooo one stopping Morgan??? Like, what? No one???
fucking hell Morgan, everything that guy just spent half a season setting up, you wrecked.
oooooh, I get it, Morgan’s finally flipped. He’s picking up the baton and running forward with “the plan”
He’s back to being a zombie samurai!!!!!! Bout damn time!
“Do you want to know what happened in Alexandria”
oh my god Carol…
wow this really ended up being a bummer of an episode
“We have to fight” “We do, but not today…”
So Morgan’s sharpening his staff, which means he’s finally ready for killing blows. All it took was a lot of people to do, then finally for a leader to break and kid to die…and for Morgan to break…and for Carol to break…holy shit dude this has been a lot of build up. I swear, the way this show is going nothing will happen until the final episode AND THEN something stupid will happen like Rick getting shot or some shit.
0 notes