#<- does that need a content warning?
goldfishontheceiling · 6 months
no context somewhat total drama/disventure camp related screenshots because silly (its all roblox except for one-)
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aroaceleovaldez · 8 months
reminder/tip, particularly for newer pjo fans: do not crosstag!
for those who don't know, crosstagging is tagging irrelevant tags on a post, usually popular tags to try and get more views on the post.
Tumblr doesn't work the same way instagram or tiktok or twitter does. Crosstagging is considered spam, and your blog will be flagged if you do this.
particularly in pjo fandom, crosstagging includes tagging characters that don't actually appear in the post, tagging books or series unrelated to the post (like tagging "TSATS" on a post not specifically about TSATS, or tagging HoO on a post about first series specifically, etc.), tagging "pjo fanfic" or "pjo headcanon" or similar on a post that, obviously, isn't that, and/or tagging irrelevant ships. More recently, this also includes tagging the show (PJO TV, etc) on posts that are completely irrelevant to the show.
This mostly only applies for original posts - Tags you put on reblogs only apply to your own blog's organizational system, and has no bearing on the original post itself. But it's really annoying to the original poster if you spam tags, because it will appear in their notifs. It's pointless to spam tags in reblogs for these reasons regardless, so it's best not to.
just remember: crosstagging is not allowed on tumblr, doesn't work that way here anyways, and is just generally rude. so don't do it.
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piggiebonez · 9 months
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favorite cartoon doob
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longlostlobster · 24 days
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I fucked with forces that our eyes can’t see…
…Now the darkness got a hold on me…
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as a creator it is not your responsibility to not make something because a certain group wouldn’t like it or it’s not appropriate for them, but it Is your responsibility to label it correctly so that people know what they’re getting into. it’s the relationship between creator and consumer to explicitly go “hey this has [X] in it i make [X]” so that they can go “i don’t like [X] therefore i will not look at this. thank you for the warning so that i am not consuming [X] that i don’t want to consume”
this applies to art and memes too. label your creations properly, it’s your responsibility, Don’t stop making what you want to make but Stop throwing it into the wild with no tagging or warnings where anyone. Anyone. can see it Thanks You
also stop putting straight up nsfw on main tags for fandoms of media that isn’t already rated 18+ please please Please let teenagers and kids be able to be safe in fandom spaces i’ve seen this a little too much as someone who is only recently 17 You need to be the responsible adult and , yes, we need to be the responsible teenagers. but it starts with you. Be kind and courteous to the young
this post is not about minors putting themselves in places they aren’t supposed to be this is about adults Properly Labeling those places. so that it IS the minor’s fault when they are there. and also not hijacking places that are for the minors
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edda-grenade · 7 months
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horrifying shit barash has said during sex, part 1
(he does take her up on it, eventually)
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an-albino-pinetree · 7 months
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I am most proud of this face -v-
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mlpoutofcontext · 1 year
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kiwisandpearls · 3 months
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bishopony · 5 months
I'm about to have problems with sheezy if their mods are gonna make me put a substance warning tag on my Nettle piece because they're holding a cup with no visible contents
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nadekofannumber1 · 6 months
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Real otori novel moments 2014
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naughtybg3confessions · 6 months
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raeman-ray · 6 months
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Showing up to the function in the naked Spongebob dress
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kyuhu · 2 years
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today in Kyuhu tries to draw stuff they usually don't.
these were completely unrelated but I noticed they kinda fit together so I'm posting them like this.
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avirael · 20 days
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FFxivWrite 2024
Day 03 - Tempest
(Content warning for slavery and violence)
It was the sound of the pouring rain that brought A'viloh back to his senses in the middle of the night.
Even down here, lying on the dirty old floorboards of the crew‘s quarters, he could hear the heavy raindrops drumming against the hull of the ship.
For some reason the slavers hadn’t locked him up again with the others as they usually did when they were done with torturing one of them. Vaguely he remembered how he had gotten here and immediately wished the rain hadn’t awoken him from his stupor.
He pressed his eyes shut hoping to go back to that hazy numbness, that somtimes graciously spirited his mind away when the monsters returned to fetch him from the cell. He didn’t want to be here and if he couldn’t change physically being here, he at least wanted to be elsewhere mentally.
He was so tired. So exhausted. But he knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep, not here. Sometimes he thought he would never be able to sleep again at all.
In the distance he heard the creaking of a wooden door and with it not only footsteps appeared but also the noise of howling wind outside. Heavy boots made the floor tremble right beside his head and he prayed to remain unnoticed, as if a naked Miqo'te with long tangled fire-red hair sprawled all over the floor was something that could just turn invisible. Maybe if he prentended good enough though they would think he was dead and throw him overboard or at least leave him alone for a while.
The man who had entered the room however didn’t pay any attention to him. Nonetheless his angry deep voice startled A‘viloh as the man began to shout.
„Get yer asses o‘ hammock ‘n onto deck! The Seven Hells be breakin‘ loose up thar! The cap‘n wants all o‘ ye ugly bilge rats t‘ muck in!“
A few ill-humoured groans echoed through the room and after another impatient yell by the first mate the remaining crew members reluctantly crawled out of their hammocks and up the stairs leading to the deck of the ship.
One of them stumbled over A'viloh in his drunken half-sleep but luckily just got up again with a string of profanities on his lips but without really taking notice of him.
Then the Miqo'te was left alone in the dark stuffy room and finally dared to breath again. And as the thunder outside began to growl and everything turned silent apart from the muffled sound of the storm, he allowed himself to cry. For a long while his pained bitter sobs where all he could hear until with a deafening crash another lightning struck down from the sky and made the whole ship tremble.
Alarmed A'viloh shrieked and stared up to the ceiling with his arms raised in defense. This sound had been too loud, too close, and the yells on deck got louder and more nervous too. For a a few moment he just lay there and listened, trying to understand what was going on.
Something was wrong.
This is your chance!, a voice whispered in his head but he knew better than to listen to it. The first time he had tried to flee - or whatever you would call the only way to escape from a ship in the middle of the ocean - he had been caught quickly. Immediately they had noticed him running over the deck and before he could even get one leg over the railing they had grabbed him. Their punishment had been severe and the black and blue bruises all over his body still reminded him never to misbehave again.
But what if you all break out at once?, the voice whispered. Now they are distracted. There won’t be a better opportunity.
Weakly A'viloh tried to sit up but every single part of his body protested. He hadn’t eaten anything in days except for a few crumbs of moldy hard bread they had thrown to their captives. Neither did all the bruises covering his body help, nothing dangerous that wouldn’t heal but it hurt nonetheless. He remembered the captain ordering his crew not to damage his cargo beyond repair, after all he still planned to sell them all. And yet A'viloh was quite sure one of them had broken his tail earlier that evening and apart from this he also felt pretty much beyond repair too.
Suddenly something upstairs creaked dangerously followed by a loud crash and more shouting. Whatever was going on there, seemed to be more than a small problem. Maybe no one would see him distracted by the turmoil…
With his eyes always fixed on the doorway he wrapped himself in the tattered rugs he had been given instead of his clothes and slowly crawled towards the stairs. He used the doorframe as support to get onto his feet but his legs felt so wobbly he more stumbled up the staircase than walked. However when he saw the chaos unfolded outside he froze in his his steps.
One of the the two masts had broken and fallen sideways, maybe struck by the lightning A'viloh had heard earlier, causing a great amount of damage to the ship. There was fire, bright and hot, greedily spreading itself over the deck of the ship and everyone seemed to run around without coordination, trying to put out the flames or pulling on some ropes, to at least keep the rest of the ship working. For a moment A'viloh just stared in disbelief before one realisation flared up clearly in his mind.
The ship is going to sink.
He whirled around in panic and ran down the first and also the second pair of stairs as fast as he could, down to the cargo hold of the ship. Weakly he threw himself against the heavy wooden door and rattled at the handle. A face appeared behind the little barred window. He couldn’t recognise it in the dark but the voice sounded familiar.
„A'viloh? You are back! What is going on? Are you alright?“
He didn’t answer the question and instead kept pulling on the doorhandle with as much energy as he still possessed. Of course it didn’t open.
„It is locked“, he croaked and noticed how thin and hoarse and miserable his own voice sounded to him. Disheartened he added, „I think the ship is going down…“
Wasn’t that what he had wished for? For these monsters to get their rightful punishment? Hadn’t he been willing to welcome death gratefully if it meant for him to get away from here?
Why did he still feel so terrified then?
„Do you know where the key is?“, the voice on the other side of the door asked. Nervously A'viloh searched the room in front of the door for any clues but could only shake his head.
„I think the guy with that ugly scar on his face has it.“, another voice called from inside the cell. „You have to get it, A‘viloh! You have to get us out of here!“
Horrified he stared into the darkness of the cell. He would never be able to steal the key from one of these men, especially not if he had to search for him in that chaos upstairs first. And what if they caught him?
„Please!“, one of the Ala Mhigan girls cried in fear but to A'viloh it felt like a slap through his face.
They were all going to die unless he did something. So he nodded and turned around, running up the stairs again. He at least had to try.
When he arrived on the deck wind and rain greeted him, but despite the rain the fire had already gotten worse. Hesitantly he stayed hidden in the half-dark of the doorframe and tried to find the man the woman had spoken about but with smoke and chaos everywhere this wasn’t an easy task.
After a few moments that felt like an eternity his eyes finally landed on a man at the front of the ship, pulling with all his power on a rope attached to the front mast. A'viloh thought he recognized his hair and his clothes even without seeing his face and indeed he spotted a key ring fixed at the side of his belt.
As quickly as he could he sneaked along the side of the ship, trying to stay unseen and avoid running into any of the pirates. But they had different things to worry about anyway…
Carefully he climbed the handful of steps leading up to the front deck, not that anyone would have heard the boards creak through the noise of this tempest.
There right in front of him the man stood with his back turned to him, focused on his work, and at his belt the wanted key ring.
Slowly he stretched out his hand.
Just a little more.
Then another loud crash split the air.
For a second A'viloh thought he had lost his hearing but then he heard the man in front of him scream.
Panicked he jumped backwards in fear but the scream hadn’t been directed towards him. Instead the man retreated while he stared up to the mast, which had apparently been struck by another lightning. Slowly the material cracked and the mast started to tilt. A'viloh could see the thoughts racing on the man‘s face, as he quickly dropped the rope and tried to run away. He wasn't fast enough though. In a slow but unstoppable movement the mast fell towards the back of the ship burying probably a dozen of men beneath it. The weight of the impact tore a gaping hole into the deck and made huge chunks of broken wood fly in all directions.
For a moment most of the screams apart from the wails of wounded had gone silent. Then through the noise of thunder, wind and rain the ship started to groan. A deep, ominous sound that made A'viloh shudder.
Luckily he had remained unharmed by the accident and briefly he wondered if he could reach for the keys still at the belt of the man who lay buried beneath the front mast a few yalms away from him.
But then with another ugly crunching sound the hull of the ship, weakened by the fire and the damage, broke apart.
The whole vessel tilted dangerously sideways.
For A'viloh on his shaky legs it seemed impossible to remain standing.
With a yelp he fell to the floor and began to roll over the wet planks of the more and more tilting ship.
He tried to hold on to something but before he could find anything his back painfully hit the railing of the ship.
For the tiniest moment he was flying.
Then he hit the water.
Shocked he gasped for air but instead swallowed a mouthful of sea water. The ocean felt cold but the salty water burned. In his eyes, in the scratches all over his body, in his lungs. He had never learned how to swim, not that he would have had the power to do so now. Instead he helpless struggled against the waves and tried to reach for a piece of wood that swam in the water beside him.
But the slippery surface escaped his fingers and another wave of angry water hit him, almost pushing him under. Gasping and coughing he thrashed around, trying to stay afloat.
Then finally he got a grip on the broken piece of the ship’s hull. With the last bit of his energy he pulled his body onto the lifesaving piece of the wreckage, before he fainted.
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