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nook-kid · 2 months
Crediting Gifs — A Guide
nook-kid's guide for the agere community !
tagging @bunnelbaby for reach, hope that's okay, Bunny ! :)
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Heya everyone ! I know the agere community is big on giving credit when using people's icons, banners, etc. but I've noticing a lack of the same effort/energy when it comes to crediting gifs, and as someone who runs a stimboard blog it kinda irks me, so here's my attempt at a guide for how to properly credit gifs !
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❓️ — Why Should You Credit Gifs?
- Because those gifs were created by someone in their own time with their own energy, just like a piece of art or a moodboard.
- Stealing isn't okay, and that includes stealing gifs !
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❓️ — You Don't Have An Excuse.
• "Credit to the creator / credit to Pinterest" ARE NOT okay to do. All the gifs on Pinterest are already stolen (most from here) and the creators themselves are also from here, so there's no reason to use that for sourcing !
• "I couldn't find the source" then either don't use that gif OR go to a reliable blog (see❓️— good blogs for sourcing) and search for it / a similar one there !
• "I'll post now and credit later" NOOO. As someone with memory loss/issues, trust me when I say you most likely will not remember. Keep that board in your drafts until you've credited all your gifs or don't post it at all.
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• "I don't have the spoons / am in a smaller headspace / etc." As a disabled regressor myself, neither of those are good excuses. If you can download a gif and insert it into a post, you can copy a link and give credit. /gen
• "People are harassing me to credit the creators, so I refuse!" Harrassing others isn't nice, but neither is stealing. If someone tells you to credit a gif, or even tells you it's theirs, then listen to them ! Be the bigger (haha) person and show kindness and respect to those who create the gifs you use !
❓️ — How To Save A Source
• save them in your notes app, a Google doc or in your Tumblr drafts !
��� To copy a source, click the three dots at the top of a post, then click 'copy link'
• insert the link into whatever you're using to save them, and either add the gift or make a note so you know which one it belongs to !
• See the links under "❓️— More Reading" for more detailed / better worded guides
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❓️ — Good Blogs For Sourcing
• Here are some blogs that post gifs they make + include the sources they made them from, as well as a few archive blogs made specifically to help source !
• @/heartnosekid, @/bloomics, @/gaystims, @/talos-stims, @/stimboardboy, @/gottastim, @/snakes-stims, @/helium-stims
• @stimsblr (me), @/stimgifarchive, @/thegentlesourcerer, @/old-web-stims
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❓️ — More Reading
• Here are some other posts from stimblr creators going over this same topic + some of their guides for sourcing !
• @/sillystimmings sourcing guide
• @/deadboystims tips + @/heartnosekid's add-on
• @/stimboardboy's video tutorial on how to source on mobile
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If anyone had any questions about this, my inbox + messages are open ! Just keep it polite !
If any of this is worded weird or comes off as rude, I apologize ! I'm not great with words but this problem has been bothering me for a while and I wanted to try and get the word out !
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Track Marks And Dial Tones I
Summary: A late night call from your informant sets off an unexpected avalanche of gut-wrenching events…
Pairing: Clay Roach x fem!cop!Reader
Word Content: ~ 2.5k
Content Warnings: Dead Dove Do Not Eat!, 18+!, Lots Of Hurt And Hardly Any Comfort, Slow Burn, Addiction (Duh), Substance Abuse (Obviously), Used Needles, A Belt Used As Tourniquet, Clay's Disgusting Living Situation, Clay Being Absolutely Fucking Miserable, Crying…So Much Crying, Talk About A Wilfully Induced OD, ANGSTY AF
A/N: The dove isn't just dead anymore, it actually started decomposing a while ago…
I'll add the appropriate content warnings with the progress of this story!
For anybody interested: I've made a Spotify playlist to go along with the fic!
Find Part II here!
Tagging the horde:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-luvr @icarus-star @milaeth @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @blueberrypancakesworld @rocketqueen-world @r0ttenmess @doddernix @svgarcaine
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Somewhere darker, talkin' the same shite
I need a partner, well, are you out tonight?
It's harder and harder to get you to listen
More I get through the gears
Incapable of makin' alright decisions, and havin' bad ideas
- Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High? By Arctic Monkeys
"Shitbum." Pale, white letters on the screen of your vibrating phone proclaimed for the 3rd time tonight.
With each new buzz of vibrations passing by, your eyes narrowed down on the display. There wouldn't be anything good in store for you if you picked up, that much you knew for sure, but him calling three times in the span of an hour and not in one manic rush of back to back calls that ended in nothing but halfway nodded out gibberish on your voicemail was something new. Not one singular voicemail had been left so far and after your mobile phone fell back into motionless silence you waited for a notification to pop up, for the screen to inform you that "You have one unattended voicemail by Caller ID: Shitbum." But nothing like that happened. Just another unanswered call in the purgatory of your push-up notifications.
With curiously arched brows, you forced yourself to take your gaze from the phone and redirect it to your bedtime read. It wasn’t an entirely fruitless attempt, you even managed to read half a page before the screen of your phone flickered up again. You saw the display glowing in the corner of your eye and all of your attention shot right back to the device.
"Jesus, fuck…" You muttered under your breath as you rolled your tired eyes at yourself while practically snatching the phone from the nightstand.
"I need you, please." The message read as soon as you unlocked the display.
For a moment you just stared at the words, frowning and your lips subconscious pursing slightly.
"Help." The cold casing vibrated again in your touch and you felt your stomach dropping.
Clay had never asked for help before, never, not once. He might have been a dope-sick informant but he always carried his head high in his very own way of snarky arrogance and stubbornness.
"Shit, Clay. What did you do?" It shot right out of your mouth as you slid out from underneath your warm duvet and reached for your thick police jacket.
Right now you couldn't be bothered to change out of your checkered PJs, everything happened automatically; your phone got shoved into the jacket while your other hand searched through a drawer as your feet pushed themselves into a pair of sturdy winter boots.
Your fingers held onto as many clean rigs as they could while your pockets got stuffed with FTS kits, the usual you brought with you when you stopped by to check in on Clay. It happened maybe once or twice a month and absolutely nobody at the Boston PD would be pleased with knowing about it but you didn't really care. You saw something in him, something more than just a fucked up addict.
The pockets of your jacked nearly teared open with how full you had stuffed them as you leaned down to tie your shoes before rushing downstairs to grab the keys to your car from the kitchen table. Your mind was almost blank, no thoughts just operating as you threw the door behind you shut and nearly ran towards your car.
At this time of night the streets were practically empty and you very clearly speeded down the set of blocks separating you from Clay's flat...if you could even call it that. His housing situation was that of a stuffy, damp bunker that's been trashed and vandalized for god knows how long. Clean or organized were attributes that didn't exist in his realm of clutter, debris and moldy dishes.
Cold wind hit you right in the face as you left the comforting warmth of your car and hastily stepped down a flight of stairs to the subterranean flat.
"Clay? It's me. Can I come in?" You spoke through the old, creaky door and knocked loudly to make your presence known.
No response. You knocked again.
"Clay?" You heard the tremble in your own voice and you were met with nothing but silence again.
"Fuck that shit." You huffed, took a step back and kicked your heavy boot against the door with such vigor that it easily cracked out of its lock.
The fact that your intrusion wasn't accompanied by just any reaction whatsoever had your stomach dropping and twitching in every possible direction. Jumping right into that nervous cramping right beneath your lungs, a pungent yet sweet stench of decay swept out of the open door right into your nostrils.
"Oh god..", You gagged and dry heaved, stumbling back and coughing a lump of saliva onto the wet pavement, "Oh fuck…ew."
You tried to cover your mouth and nose with the sleeve of your jacket but it was little to no avail, the foul odor nearly burned in your nose as you took careful steps through the trash filled hallway.
"Clay?" You called out again, receiving no answer once more.
As soon as you turned a corner into the hellhole that could be described as his "living room", you learned why.
"Oh no! You better fucking not you fucking idiot!" It rambled out of your trembling lips as you saw his statue propped against the wall, head dangling to the side, unresponsive.
With your heart hammering against your ribcage, you practically jumped over all the rubbish piles and crouched down in front of him.
"Clay! Hey!" Your hand touched his sweaty, cold to the touch cheek before all your self-control left you and you smacked him right in the face. No reaction.
"You better fucking talk to me, Clay!" Your fingers searched for his pulse point under strands of knotted, unkempt hair as your professionalism crumbled into nothingness and a flash of tears dreaded to erupt from your lower lash line. You forced them back with every ounce of countenance you could gather whilst a sharp breath escaped your mouth as you felt his pulse. Low and slow, but still very much there.
"The fuck you think nodding out on me like that, shitbum?" You scoffed, plopping down on your ass with a heavy sigh, a bunch of music and TV magazines crumpling under you.
"Let's get this mess here sorted out.." With a wrinkled nose and furrowed brows, your gaze wandered to his left arm, the sleeve being rolled up until above the crook of his elbow.
"Okay, here we go…" You murmured, hoping, imagining that he could hear you as you raised your fingers to slowly loosen up and carefully pull the black leather belt, he had used as a tourniquet, off his arm.
"Almost done…" You placed the belt next to you before you turned back to him and drew the plastic body of an empty syringe out of his arm.
For a brief moment you just looked at it, in anger and in fear to equal parts, fighting the inner urge to just smash the needle into the ground until it would break. Instead, you placed it with the belt and sat back down, taking a look around. The flat was…bad, even for Clay's standards downright messy. It gave the heavy impression that he'd lost the plot since the last time you had seen him about 2 weeks ago. Your mind hardly knew how to respond to your eyes recognising his floor being littered with used fentanyl test strips but it brought an awkwardly lopsided, faint smile to your lips. At least something. He was using them for a minimum of harm reduction.
As you let your eyes roam through the room, you eventually discovered the source of the deathlike stench filling the flat. Even from afar you saw a thick layer of not only green but black mold practically growing out and eating through the thick paper package of some Chinese takeaway you'd brought him 2 weeks ago.
"I paid for those noodles, asshole." You huffed under your breath, a desperate attempt to ease yourself from some of the relentless anxiety raging in your chest.
The box of rotten noodles wasn't the only thing that doused this room in its odor. Countless small cardboard boxes of strawberry milk with their counterpart straws were piled up high in a corner close to the open arch leading into the dirty misery that had been something resembling a kitchen once.
From early on, you had learned that cheap stir-fried noodles and strawberry milk of all things acted as the two main pillars of Clay's cranky diet and you never really tried to change anything about it. Who were you to tell him what to do only because he worked as your informant? Overall, you just felt content knowing that his still severely malnourished body got any sort of culinary input at all.
"What am I gonna do with you now, huh? Jesus, Clay. Freaked the shit out of me." You turned your body back towards his statue, your fingers carefully rolling his sweater back down to his wrist, your fingertips lingering on his sweaty hand for a moment before pulling back.
For a good few minutes, you just looked at him and pondered over what to do now. He'd freak the hell out if you'd drive him to the ER and the ER would most likely just not give much of a fuck since he wasn't straight up ODing. You also didn’t want to leave him here like that. There must’ve been a reason for him to call and text you the way he had and you'd do jackshit before you knew what all this was about.
"Mhmmm…." Your ears perked up the very second you heard the dragged out, low groan trickling out of Clay's mouth.
"Hey there…" You practically whispered to him, careful not to spook him.
"The fuck…are you doing here?" His speech was a little slurred but he seemed to come back slowly.
"You called and texted me, Clay." You answered to him calmly whilst pulling your phone from your pocket.
Before you turned the unlocked display towards his face, you tuned down the brightness.
"Remember?" He swiped his hair out of his face and squinted at the screen, pupils blown out wide.
Clay didn't answer right away, his fogged up mind trying to piece together what had happened during the last 2 hours. The expression on his face told you that he clearly didn't like what his jumbled thoughts came up with.
"Oh….oh, no…." He stammered, sluggishly trying to sit himself up straight again, the features of his face contorting into a pained frown.
While still holding up your phone, you looked at him attentively, following how he clenched his jaws as his eyes got covered by a watery sheene, indicating the growing distress he found himself in.
"It's okay, I promise. I'm here now and I'll help you." You sought to calm him down as you put the phone back into your jacket and tried to smile at him.
It wasn’t a happy smile by far but one of affirmation and understanding.
"No…no, no…" Clay suddenly started to scurry away from you, unaware that his back was already pressed against the lifeless concrete wall.
"No, what? Please talk to me." You felt your brows arching up in worry.
"This is pathetic.", It ruptured out of his mouth in a choked back sob, "You shouldn't…I wasn't…fuck."
"Hey, now.", You carefully scooted a little closer to the dirty mess of a mattress he was sitting on, "Clay, take a breath and please talk to me about what's going on."
"Fuck off!" He spat back, turning his head away from you but you still could see a few vagrant tears running down his cheeks.
"No." You stated bluntly, stopping in your movements to give him room.
"I-...I can't do this shit anymore..", Clay's voice rendered sore and out of breath with every word, "Fuck…I-...I wasn't supposed to wake up."
At his sudden confession all the pieces in your mind fell into place and you were painfully sure to feel something breaking inside of you. A jolt of emotional hurt and plain dread ruptured through your chest, threatening to knock the air out of your lungs as the man in front of you lost his posture entirely and slumped into you, wailing and crying violently.
You caught him in a loose embrace, you recognised your body doing it but your mind could hardly catch up with what was happening.
"Oh God…I should've texted you back. Should've picked up the damn phone. Fucking hell, shit, Clay, I'm so sorry." Your own voice started cracking and flailing dangerously as the weight of what had presumably happened doubled down on you.
"No…no. I'm not your…not your problem." He sniffled into your shoulder, his weak body shaking with every heavy sob erupting from the depths of his lungs.
His croaked out words served yet another fatal hit against your already rapidly crumbling composure. You felt like simply breaking down right here, too, the need for crying and screaming all the pain and guilt out of you growing stronger with every desperate whimper of his that cut right to your bones. However, you forced yourself to keep your shit together, simply had to for Clay right now.
"Issok…", You hummed into the crown of his head, carefully tightening your embrace around his slender shoulders, "You're not a problem or a burden to me. Don't you ever think that, Clay."
Your tender words were only met by a new, reckless wave of breathless cries.
"Help me, please, help me." He whined out, the realization about the reality of his own situation heavy in his voice.
"I will, I promise. You heard that?! I promise!"
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a-mere-dream · 2 years
Arranged marriage where Shen Yuan is send of to be married to Emperor Yue, and he has to be dragged off kicking and screaming.
And he arrives there, desperately trying to wipe off the scowl on his face when he knows, he knows why he was the one chosen to be send, how everyone knows of the king's childhood fiance who disappeared one day and was never seen again, and of how the Emperor has never stopped mourning him, not really.
The fiance who looked a startling amount like him, the servants send to doll him up whisper.
So he's dressed up in red and so is the Emperor, they bow -- once, twice thrice -- and before he knows it, Shen Yuan is a married man.
And then comes the wedding night.
The wedding night, in which he remains untouched, the Emperor having collected all their heavy robes and made a nest for himself in the far corner of the room, explaining sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean for this to happen, I was just searching for any trace, any hope, and they took that as interest in you.
And left alone in the sprawling bed, Shen Yuan thinks about his parents, who jumped on the chance to marry him off, who have incredible political power for all that they are, technically, merchants. About how to spurn them would mean them selling their wheat and rice and everything to the kingdom next doors, who always welcome more food for their hungry people. Not a lot of produce gets grown that doesn't pass through his parents' hands.
And so he becomes Empress. He makes friends with his husband, who really is startingly pathetic and a little bit of a doormat when it comes to Shen Yuan demanding things, but is kind and knows how to keep the common people happy, how to keep away hunger and disease and war.
And he makes friends with his servants, one boy -- a young man, really -- in particular, who seems like he takes on more tasks every day, cooking and cleaning and everything that Shen Yuan needs done. He worries a little for him -- doesn't he need rest? -- so he asks, Binghe, come sit, look at this, what do you think? Play a game with me.
And one day Binghe comes in while he and Yue Qingyuan are having tea, when Shen Yuan is making a joke about how lucky he is that heirs are not required, when he's got two major barriers to that task.
And he goes wide-eyed and later asks, in hushed whispers, has he really not touched you? And Shen Yuan never wanted anyone to know, not when it would reflect badly on him, on his worth, but he tells him anyways, because it's Binghe, about how Yue Qingyuan can't bring himself to pretend when he knows it's not true.
And Binghe narrows his eyes, halfway caught between offended that Shen Yuan would ever not be enough for someone, and determined. Determined enough, in fact, to ask for all those vacation days he has never taken advantage off -- months, now -- and leave.
Shen Yuan pines a little, while he's gone, of course without ever noticing he's doing it. There are many mournful sighs over slightly too cold cups of tea.
And then he returns with a man spitting expletives, covered in scars and seemingly missing an eye below that snarled mess of hair.
He looks, Shen Yuan is somehow shocked to notice, a lot like him indeed.
Apparently, the man explains once he's calmed down a little, glowering at him from the corner where he stashed himself in, his old teacher got tired off him, and threw him into a pit. It took him five years to claw himself out of it, but not without leaving some bits of himself behind.
Shen Yuan stares at his thin robes, laying flat on the floor where a leg should be.
This point is when the doors are thrown open and the Emperor hurries in, throwing himself on top of the man without hesitating. Shen Yuan is tempted to retrieve his knife to take part in what looks like a vicious fight, but after one uncertain look at a very satisfied Binghe, he thinks that might not be what is happening.
So they leave the two alone, but not without a hissed order from Shen Yuan to use your words, for fucks sake, since he knows his platonic husband can get a little bit caught up in actions over words and forget that other people might actually like to hear things. That idiot.
Shen Yuan slams the door closed behind him, and breathes out a sigh and sags into the wood. Then loud noises carry over, not all of them of a conversation, and he decides he should actually, uhm. Go. Anywhere. As long as its not here.
Binghe follows him, of course, and they're not even a hall away before the boy asks if Shen Yuan thinks he'll get a divorce now. Shen Yuan squints at him. He sounded rather eager. Either way, he answers that politics fucking suck, and that divorces are Not Done in royalty like this, but that knowing his husband's skill at diplomacy, he'll find a way to do so that makes them come out of this all smelling like roses.
Binghe seems content with that answer.
Shen Yuan sighs a little, and remarks mournfully that now he'll have to get a job, ew. Maybe he'll even, horror above horrors, have to make his own food.
Binghe seems a little less content with that.
And that is the story of how Shen Yuan got divorced and engaged in the same day.
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So I was inspired by @mrpenguinpants (go check out their work I'm referring to below this paragraph) and wanted to do another genshin fic. The interactions here can be anything you want it to mean (besides qiqi ofc). Also this is very self indulgent.
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Self hatred, self loathing, blood, depressing thoughts ig(?), momentary oblivion of you squint.
Also I'm on mobile so I'm so sorry for not being able to add a read more option!
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Somehow you knew without knowing. You said things without needing to say it. A vessel of purity and wholeness. You had so much to give.
But how much was too much?
Qiqi called yours name on a rather sunny day. You were just about to head to Bubu Pharmacy when she ran up to them.
"Could you help me pick herbs? We always go together."
You knew what she meant in ways she couldn't convey. You were special to her, to everyone. You weren't aware of it though.
Knowing the worth of others was easier than knowing the worth of yourself.
"Of course, Qiqi, I'll always have time for you."
Qiqi loved your smile. It felt familiar. Qiqi saw you as an older sibling. She loved you in ways she couldn't express.
"I'm only good to be your ladder though! You know I'm not good with naming herbs!"
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On a cooler day, Zhongli called you to have some tea with him. The both of you sat at a teashop watching the harbor through the open window.
The gentle breeze touched all uncovered parts of your skin. The smell of the sea dancing underneath your nose. The sunset painting a melancholic picture.
"The ocean looks sad today."
Zhongli looked at you rather confusedly. After promptly sipping his tea he responded.
"How can an ocean look sad? Something so old shouldn't be humanized."
The last sentence was more for himself than anything. You didn't know, but he sometimes loathed himself for all he'd done. He wondered if all the blood spilt was worth it.
You reminded him of Guizhong, so ready to see things in a new light without judgement. He often hears you sing to glaze lilies around Qingce.
"How could we forget what all the ancients did for us?"
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A day after some much needed rain, you spotted Ganyu. Busy as ever, she was handling the unending work she often received. You decided to help out.
"Good morning, Ganyu. You seem to be someone who'd appreciate and extra pair of hands."
The joking atmosphere seemed to help lift the weight more than your hands. Ganyu giggled a bit.
"Some help would be much appreciated."
The rest of the day didn't feel like work. Ganyu felt the days of her childhood rushing back to her. Days without worry or work. Everything felt warmer, the sun began peeking its head out of the clouds.
"I'll do my best."
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You visited Hu Tao on a gloomy day. The clouds were gray and it looked as if it was about to rain. You entered the doors of the funeral parlor with the permission of the ferrylady.
Unfortunately, Hu Tao wasn't feeling very Hu Tao that day. Walking into her office, she seemed lost in thought.
"Hu Tao?"
The gift of candies laud forgotten on the desk. You moved to place a hand on her shoulder. A gesture of your listening presence.
"They're just pranks, and I'm just trying to get business. Like everyone else, its just...different."
Pulling her in for a hug, just being a strong unbreakable pillar for her sake.
"They don't see all the things you do behind the scenes. That makes them immature, not you. I don't think they know why you do the things you do, and you know what? That's okay. You know what you're doing, and that's the best thing you could do. You're doing so well."
Liyue knew you so so well. An unbreakable pillar. A foundation that so many people needed.
What would happen if you ever crumbled? Well, that could never happen.
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You visited Xiao on a rainy day. No heavy downpour, just a normal pitter-patter kind of rain.
You held a new dish in your hands, thinking that Xiao should try a new dish. Not to 'be more human' but to just try a different taste of life.
"Why are you still coming here? Its a long way from the harbor."
You simply smiled at the ground and put down the dish. Too afraid to sit on the railing, you opted for the floor.
"Being lonely isn't fun."
"As I thought, you're still so blind. Loneliness is my only company."
You laughed for a moment.
"Guess I should change my name to loneliness then."
You dared not to look at the mighty yaksha. You were just a pathetic human after all. Letting the dish sit in your lap, you outstretched your arms behind you.
"And you can't go around telling people they're blind! We all see things differently. You might think you need to spend eternity in loneliness, but we all crave to be loved or appreciated. Xiao, you're stuck with me."
You closed your eyes and turned towards Xiao, giving him a smile.
You felt the dish being taken from your lap and heard him sit next to you.
He began eating the warm soup.
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Today was a bad day to go out. Heavy rain and a dark atmosphere. But you had commissions knocking against your income. You were preoccupied with something else though.
Everyone's busy. I really need some help but everyone's busy and I don't want to bother them.
You admired Qiqi for braving through her life as best as she could.
You admired Zhongli for his wise and comforting views on life.
You admired Ganyu's persistence in her work, but most importantly in herself.
You admired Hu Tao for being herself even when others shamed her for it.
You admired Xiao for living through such mundane life, day after day.
You wanted to be just like them, but you just couldn't do it on some days.
You wanted to hide. You wanted to bitch about your day. You wanted to give up. You wanted to hide yourself to avoid judgement. You wanted something different. Someone different.
Someone who wasn't you.
You never looked as good as everyone else. Your voice never sounded right. Your never seemed to be mentionable or noteworthy. And on some days you were okay with that.
Am I really going to be another grain of salt?
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You trudged through the thick mud, ignoring the blisters on your feet. The rain seemed to taunt you as it settled in your clothes, your bones.
All you could taste was steel. You couldn't remember the last meal you ate. You felt so tired. You wanted to just stop everything.
But how could you? How could you when everyone else went on? It was just one last commission. They all have so much on their plate, you couldn't burden them anymore.
But your lungs burnt, you couldn't feel your fingers on your right hand. Where was your weapon? When did you lose your bag?
Why were your eyes so blurry? Everything sounded so loud. You just wanted to sleep. You were tired. You were trying so hard.
Why was it so fucking hard?
Why couldn't you do it? Why were you always so unsure? Why didn't you work as well as the others? Your feet moved by themselves. They weren't going fast enough. Your body wasn't good enough.
You're not enough.
You think you're at your destination. You don't know. Everything feels so unclear. Everything feels wrong.
Then there was warmth on your back. It was so warm, so comforting. It finally lulled you to sleep.
The millileth pulled the mitachurl's firey axe from the back of your corpse.
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You were confused when you woke up. A girl with brown hair and a hat was frantically calling someone. You were in a lobby of sorts. There were others talking about people who left. They didn't look like people. They were see through.
See through just like you.
"Aiya! Why aren't you listening to me you idiot! You scared us! What happened?"
The girl seemed to be the only normal person here. Suddenly you felt like you've been ripped from that foggy place.
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People were calling the same person's name again. Over and over. You were just trying to continue sleeping when you were violently shaken.
"Hey! Whats your problem!"
You shook the person off of you. A young man with a green tattoo and dark hair. A taller man with amber eyes and brown hair. A woman with horns and silky looking blue hair. That girl from before who wore the hat. A small girl with light purple hair and had a talisman on her hat.
"You're alive! Thank the archons! We were so worried when we heard the news! " The lady with the horns looked as if she was about to cry. You felt bad but the tension was awkward.
"I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are."
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Ty for reading! Leave a like and a comment if you enjoyed it! I hope some of yall picked up the hidden meanings hehehe~
Part two here:
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i-choose-liam · 5 years
Stress Buster - King Liam x MC
A/N: I apologise for the length of this post for those who want to scroll past. I wrote this on the fly and I'm posting it from mobile, so I couldn't add the "Keep reading" line. Sorry! 💙
Hello! This is my first time posting a fic in quite a few months. So any feedback is appreciated. It's sort of a continuation (with a major leap in between) of my TRR Chapter Tie-Ins series. You don't have to read the previous parts to make sense of this story. For those who haven't read the previous parts, my MC in this series is Riley Spencer, a law school dropout and twin sister to Dani Spencer, the MC from Lovehacks. So this is actually a The Royal Romance and LoveHacks crossover.
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This is for the anon who asked me to write a fanfic about Liam teasing a tired Riley. It's a bit different than what you asked for, but I hope you like it, anon! ☺️
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It was the end of a long, tiresome week. Liam was holding himself back from grabbing Riley and jumping into bed together. He took deep, calming breaths as he sat on the ottoman and took his shoes off, watching his Queen fire away some rapid texts on her phone. He wondered how it was possible that she grew more and more beautiful with each passing day. There she stood by their bed, holding her phone up at eye level.
"Constantly looking down at the phone causes neck and spine problems, babe", she had told him once.
A small smile curved the corner of his lips, as he took in the sight of her. Those silken locks in ombre, which he had curled around his fingers nearly every night since their wedding. The graceful bearing with which she carried herself, even as she stood still. And that face - the one which had illuminated his life, like the moon did to a clouded night.
"Are you texting Madeleine?", Liam teased.
Normally, that name was enough to make Riley roll her eyes or crack some joke about the Countess. But she kept typing away, filling in Liam about some event she had to attend on Monday and how important it was for the apple export. It didn't sit well with Liam to see his lovely wife in her Queen mode when they had done with their duties for the day and were now alone in their bedroom. He shed his coat and unbuttoned his collar as he walked to her. The fading smell of her shower gel and deodorant, with just a smidgen of that womanly musk, was what greeted him first. Liam placed his chin on Riley's shoulder from behind, letting his arms wrap themselves around her. He closed his eyes as he kissed her cheek, gently rocking her sideways in his snug embrace.
"Honey, not right now. This is important stuff", she said, without looking back at him.
Liam didn't get upset or angry. He smiled in defeat as he recognised what was happening. He let go of her, but couldn't help putting his hands on her shoulders. He said,
"Do you realise what's going on?"
Riley said, still looking at her phone screen,
"You're pulling a Riley"
That earned him a tired glare from over her shoulder. Liam grinned.
"I'm sorry but that's what this is. You have been doing so much these last few weeks. And unlike a normal person when overworked, you just jump deeper into the deep end"
She said, pouting a bit at her phone as she typed,
"This is not a "Riley". I'm just... just busy"
"Darling, you remember what happened the last time you got overburdened and wouldn't let anyone help you?", Liam reminded her, "You ended up eating all the cake at Maxwell's birthday, you called Drake a denim whore, then you wept while hugging both our corgis, and kept saying "It's a cool name, Mr. T! Mr. T's a cool name!*"
Riley's shoulders stiffened a bit under his hands. Liam smiled and massaged them.
"Do we want an encore of that?", he asked, trying to keep the smile out of his voice.
His wife was stubborn as she was beautiful. She said,
"There's not going to be an encore cause I'm not overworked. I've got everything under control. Totally"
She shrugged his hand off her shoulder and took her phone to the bathroom. Liam decided to let her have her privacy. But he was worried about her now. She had confided in him about her law school days, and how she had been put on "leave" by the school for reasons concerning her own mental and physical well being. That was when she had started working as a waitress and met him.
'Ah, fateful night', Liam thought.
How fearless and carefree she had seemed to him then. In a way, she was still all that. But her type A personality reared its head every now and then when the going got tough. If she kept throwing herself into work 24x7 like she had been doing lately, Liam was sure there would be repercussions for her health.
'If only there was someone who could...'
Liam smiled to himself. There was. There was someone who could pull Riley out of her workaholic spiral. The only person who could do it in fact.
Liam checked the time, and making sure it was still daytime in San Francisco, he called.
"Liamm, hii!", answered the voice from the other end.
Liam grinned at that enthusiastic tone and the thumping sound of music coming from somewhere behind his sister-in-law. He said,
"Hello, Dani"
Riley had back to back appearances scheduled before apple picking season. As a suitor for Liam's hand in marriage, she had hated the Cordonian obsession with apples. But as the Queen of her people, she had come to realise that the apples were a symbol of the Cordonian spirit. The Cordonian Ruby was one of their most valued exports and she knew its importance to the Cordonian morale and economy quite well.
"Riley, this is such a lovely dress. I didn't know you had something from Ana de Luca's summer '19 collection", Hana said.
Riley had to turn her head to look at Hana, who was sitting next to her in the car. At first glance, she saw a large apple in place of Hana's face.
Overworked for the last few days, she had to shake her head to clearly see the winsome face of Lady Hana Lee.
"I haven't even seen Ana's summer collection this year, let alone buy something. What are you talking about?", Riley said.
Hana showed her the webpage on her phone, the picture just taken that morning... of Liam and Riley leaving the Parliament.
Her mind was so bungled with apples and all the bullet points on her schedule for the day that she had to take a minute to think. Hana pointed out,
"This was taken a few hours ago. But you've been with me since morning"
Riley asked, clearly confused,
Hana looked concerned. She said,
"Riley, you were photographed with Liam outside the Parliament this morning. But that can't be you cause you have been with me all day. So who is this? And what happened to you? Are you okay?"
In a quick snatch, Riley had Hana's phone in her own hands. She speed-read through the article and slowly scrolled past the three pictures. Only her side profile was caught in the pictures, most of it hidden by a gigantic hat. Riley scowled, angered but not scared. She handed the phone back to Hana.
"That's my twin sister", Riley said, "And she and Liam have a lot to answer for when I get to them"
Come evening, Riley nearly stormed into the palace, followed by her assistant who frantically tried to keep in pace with her. She had confirmed with Liam's assistant that he was at home after the day's work. Dani she hadn't bothered calling because her head already felt like it would burst. If she had to argue with her reckless, impulsive sister for one...
"That's one big butt to carry on your neck, butthead"
Riley turned around at the call that had come from behind her. Dani stood laughing in the distance, in casual attire that made her stand out even more amidst the palace interior. She met Riley halfway, hugging her tight.
"Oh Riiless, it's been sooo long!"
Dani hugged her tight, shaking her a bit. Riley would have offered an even tighter hug which her family, the Spencers, were known for. But she remembered what had put her in a bad mood for the entirety of her day.
"The photos this morning", she said, without any emotion.
Dani drew back, still grinning,
"Your press secretary didn't tell you? I was on my way to surprise you here at the palace. She... what's her name... like that cookie Mom likes?"
"Yeah, that one. So she saw me and she was like, "Ah the twin sister". I tried to be polite and all but she didn't seem to have time for that. She asked me if I'd be okay to stand in as you for a few pictures for the paparazzi. I thought what the hell, and did it"
Riley folded her arms and asked, raising her eyebrows,
"Oh really? You just conveniently happened to run into Countess Madeleine and she asked you, even though I was just a phone call away, to take pictures with Liam? And for whom, the paparazzi? Dani, I know this is some stupid prank of yours but you've really lost your touch. That is so absurd I can't even..."
"I'm not kidding, seriously", Dani explained, with an earnest expression, "I told her that someone might notice the slight differences in our features. You know, twins being mirror images and all. She said that your face was plain enough to not warrant such close scrutiny. Yikes"
Riley bit her lip. She said,
"Fine. That does sound like something Madeleine would say but it doesn't make any sense why she would want me and Liam to be photographed together by some paparazzo"
Dani explained,
"Right? I asked her the same thing. She said it was because rumours have been going about your marriage losing its spark cause you two are barely seen together in public anymore"
It took Riley a moment to counter that. She tried,
"But... it's not... it's just because we've both been busy with our individual duties. There's nothing wrong with our marriage. We love each other"
"I'm sure you do, Riles. Don't listen to what the haters say. They have nothing better to do", Dani assured her.
Riley couldn't stop thinking about it though. Had it really been so long since she and Liam had been seen together in public? She couldn't recall the last time they had had a private moment together let alone one in front of other people. She had thrown herself into the role of the best Queen she could be and yet...
"You okay?", Dani said, "If I had known it would bother you so much, I wouldn't have done it. That Madeleine said she would let you know and you'd be okay with it"
What hurt her - more than the speculation about her marriage - was the fact that Liam had gone along with this scheme. He had let himself be photographed with Dani as a substitute to his lawfully wedded wife.
Riley had to ask,
"What did Liam say? He must have felt pretty uncomfortable pretending you were me"
"I don't think he noticed it was me and not you. We didn't say anything to each other. We just walked side by side, not even holding hands. And that was it", Dani shrugged.
'No way. Not in a m...'
Riley shook her head, giving a little laugh of disbelief.
"Now that's taking it too far. Liam would have immediately known it was not me. Or Madeleine must have told him it was you. Yeah. That's why he..."
Really? She thought to herself. Did Liam really not care or notice that the woman next to him wasn't his wife?
It hurt. But Riley endured. She put on a smiling face for her sister and saw her to the guest chambers.
Riley dropped the impassive act when she walked into her own bedroom that she shared with Liam. He was sitting on the settee, reading a book. Like a child in want of attention, Riley walked over and stood right in front of him. Liam looked up at her from his book then, asking,
"When did you get in, my love?"
Oh the nerve.
She folded her arms across her chest, trying her best not to let her cheeks swell in anger like they always did. And which was enough to make Liam not take her seriously as he kept trying to "puncture" her cheeks instead.
"Did you seriously pose with Dani this morning and not know it wasn't me?", she asked.
Liam closed the book, his perfect eyebrows furrowing just a bit. He asked sweetly,
"Dani? Your sister?"
"You posed for paparazzi bait shots with her this morning. Did you really not know it wasn't me?"
Liam stood up and peered down into her face. He said sincerely,
"Riley, I really didn't think for a moment that it wasn't you. And Dani... when did she arrive? And why was she the one posing with me?"
Riley recapped for him what Dani had told her. He sighed, scratching the side of his brow.
"That's too much, even for Madeleine. I'll talk to her"
"I'm not jealous or something that you posed for a picture with my sister. It's not that", Riley said in small voice.
"What is it then?"
She could feel her stupid cheeks inflate as she spoke.
"It's just that... you couldn't even tell that it wasn't me. I know Dani and I are identical twins but I thought...", she mumbled, "I thought you would always be able to tell"
That's it? Oh? That was what he had to say in his defence?
Liam said, a bit sheepish,
"Well, to be honest with you, we didn't talk during the photos. She was wearing a very... interesting hat that hid nearly half her face from me. I supposed that you were busy and didn't want to talk, that's all. I didn't want to annoy you"
This wasn't something she had expected to hear from her Liam. Riley gripped his arms with her hands, saying,
"You don't think I'd ever be so mean and want to avoid you? Not you, Liam. You're the only reason I'm even here. You know that, right?"
He took her in his arms. But cautiously, she noted.
"I know. I'm sorry", he said, "It's... you have been so busy lately. I know how hard you try to give your best to everything you are called upon to do as the Queen of Cordonia. I just didn't want to annoy you when you have been working yourself to the bone lately"
That sure did it. Riley could feel the tears murking her vision. She had been so occupied with being a good queen lately that she had forgotten who she was doing it all for. The man who was holding her in his arms like she were made of fire and would burn him any instant.
She didn't want to know the answer to it but she asked anyway.
"Yes, dear?"
"You're not scared of me, are you?"
He stroked her hair away from her forehead, smiling.
"Of course not, my love. I'm in awe of your strength and your courage every day. But you have never given me any reason to fear you"
Throwing herself into his embrace, Riley muffled her face against Liam's shirt. He seemed to panic.
"Hey. You okay? What's wrong?"
Riley mumbled,
"I pulled a Riley"
She could feel the laugh reverberating through Liam's chest. He kissed the top of her head, saying,
"There, there"
"I'm so sorry", she said, sniffing.
"Don't be. I appreciate how much effort you put into being a good ruler. You have no idea how grateful I am for that", Liam held her face so she was looking up at him, "But nothing's worth the anguish and damage to your health. You are the most important person in the world to me. And if anything were to happen to..."
Riley sniffed petulantly, interrupting him,
"Why am I like this?"
Liam kept reassuring her, kissing her tears away.
"There's nothing wrong with you, my love. I just wanted to remind you to take it easy"
She wiped another tear falling down her cheek. The exhaustion of the past few weeks was catching up with her. More than that, she was chiding herself for reverting back to her old workaholic ways. She didn't need all the stress when they were trying for a baby.
Liam looked at her like a sad, guilty puppy, which just added to her confusion. He suddenly pulled her closer.
"Oh my darling, I'm sorry. Don't cry. I'm so sorry", he said.
"Why?", she wondered.
"If I had known it would make you feel so bad, I never would have agreed to Dani's plan"
Hold up.
Riley looked up sharply through tearful eyes that were now blazing with a slow fury. She repeated,
"Dani's plan?"
Liam confessed,
"Yes. I asked her if she knew how I could stop you from overworking yourself to a burnout, and she said that she would fly to Cordonia and help. She didn't tell me much. She just said that I shouldn't speak a word to you or her today if we met in public, and that she would handle the rest. I knew it was not you with me this morning outside the Parliament, but since she had forbidden me from speaking to either of you, I didn't say anything"
Liam was startled when a woman's voice in an American accent called him "Tattle tits!". Both he and Riley turned to see Dani standing in the door to their bedroom, with her hands on her hips.
"For the record", Dani said to her sister, carefully taking a step backwards, "Lady Hana and Madeleine were in on this too. So you can't just punish me for the whole thing"
Riley gave her husband a sweet smile that spelled murder. She said,
"I'm going to deal with you tonight, right after I kill my sister"
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She could tell from Liam's eyes that he was up for whatever sexual punishment she had hinted at. He said softly, so only she could hear,
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me"
She shook her head at him in horror, saying,
"Oh my god. You only spent like half a day with her... Jesus Christ. Dani!"
Liam couldn't help but grin as he stood there watching. Dani dashed out of their rooms with a laugh, followed by the Queen of Cordonia and her shoe.
"Oww!", he heard Dani yelp from somewhere outside, "That hurt, you jerk!"
The loud bickering he - and the guards - could hear outside reminded him of similar occasions from his own childhood.
Not wanting to get in Riley's way when she was in an avenging mood, Liam took his phone and dialled a number.
"Leo?", he smiled on hearing the voice, "Hello to your filthy self, brother"
He sat down to catch up with his own sibling while Riley punished her imp of a twin outside.
*That line's from a Key & Peele sketch. God I miss that show.
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colourmeastonished · 5 years
This is a long, true story about street harassment.
(Edit: I couldn't figure out how to add a read more link on mobile, sorry!)
This happened less than an hour ago and I'm still teary and shaking.
There's these two old men who I've encountered at the bus stop coming home from work before and last time I just stared pointedly at my phone as they loudly talked about me, my being glued to my phone, and joking about how they shouldn't harass the 'pretty girl'. I didn't engage and I just sat on the bus as far away from them as I could when it came. Luckily they got off before my stop so I didn't have to walk near them again.
Tonight I was waiting at the stop along with two other girls who seemed to be a few years younger than me and who were chatting between themselves, and I was on my phone checking flat listings when I heaed the voices of drunken men come booming down the street. I didn't immediately clock them, but when they got closer they walked really close by me and I kinda shrank back, assuming they'd just keep walking past the stop. But one of them leaned in really close to me and said really loudly 'can ye beam me up wi that' right in my face.
So I was like, 'pardon?' and he repeated himself, so I just kinda glared at him and said, 'naw, now leave me alone' and walked over to stand away from them
Now that would have been that, but then they started laughing to each other and mutterin hings under their breath and lookin pointedly at me, and when I glared at em the one that got up in my face looked me dead in the eye and said, 'bitch'. So I told him to fuck off, obviously. And went back to my phone.
But then these guys start bothering the other girls sayin 'do ye know that girl' trying to drag them into it, so I was like, 'oi, they don't want tae talk to yous either, leave em alone'. And it kind of worked because it drew their attention away from these girls, who looked a little shell-shocked. English wasn't their first language so getting harranged by arsewipes wi broad scottish accents seemed to be extra intimidating to them so I was like, gotta protect these girls from these fuckers cos I may be used to drunken scottish men yelling hings at me across the street but these girls definitely weren't.
So it worked, and they turned their attention back to me. And they were jeerin and mutterin again so I figured in for a penny, and I was like 'don't yous know it's just plain rude to try an talk to strange girls late at night' but at this point I'm clearly pissed off and my bravado has taken over, and these arsewipes are all 'do many people talk tae you?? I bet no many people talk tae you cos you're a bitch'
And I'm soldiering on being all, 'it's fucking creepy when yous approach strange girls late at night and get aw up in our faces, like just leave us alone' and they're all, 'you shut up, leave us alone' and am like, 'yous started it gettin aw up in ma face, like honestly that gied me the absolute fear when you did that, that shit is scary'
And they keep trying to engage they other girls by sayin 'do yous hear this?' and one of them is like 'well we agree with her' and they seem like they're gonna start laying into her, so a keep trying to draw their attention back until the bus comes, and they're goin aff on wan bein aw 'have you got mental problems honey, a bet you've got mental problems' and for some unfathomable reason wan o them is like 'you've got a boyfriend a can tell, a can see it in yer mind' and am like, 'what's that got tae do wi anything??' and they keep on like 'ye've goat mental problems hen'
And at this point the other girls have moved sose that they're on the other side of me with me between them and the men which am glad for cos I'd rather get the brunt of it than these girls cos am the one who aggravated them. They just kept yellin so a even threatened tae call the police but tbh I doubt they'd do anythin and it'd just have made the situation mair stressful.
Eventually the bus comes and they get on first and I honestly almost didn't get on even though it was the last bus and my aching joints couldn't handle the hour walk back. But they got on and I got on behind them, and one of the girls got on behind me, the other one heading in a different direction. And one of the men buys his ticket and sits down wiout fuss, but the second one says to the driver 'driver watch out for this girl behind me she's got mental problems she's been attackin us'.
So I butt in all, 'don't listen tae him they've been harrassin us and gettin all up in ma face an scarin me' an the driver seems to see it from ma point of view. So a walk past em onto the bus and flip em the bird and they laugh at me. The girl sits towards the back o the bus too a few seats down fae me and it seems like the men are done bein bothersome. But a do keep hearin wan o them bein all 'she's mental' an 'she's a proper ice queen in't she'.
The louder wan went tae get off the bus and the driver to his credit responded to whatever the guy said to him with 'a heard ye were harassing they girls at the bus stop' but his heart didn't really seem to be in it and he kinda joked with the guy. Before he got off the guy was like 'goodnight hen' proper shoutin it doon the bus in a mockin tone o voice and I was like 'fuck off'. The other guy was quiet after that and got off no long after.
But I was not dealing with this situation well, and I started cryin a bit an shakin outa fear and stress like. And the other girl noticed and she came over and sat next to me and offered me a hug and told me I was brave. And she sat with me to the end of the journey and just chatted and reassured me and told me how she wished she was brave enough to say something and she agreed with everything I said to the men. And we swapped names and she told me that hers meant 'soft' and honestly I've never met anyone more aptly named. She was just such a beautiful and kind soul.
The second we parted ways I started sobbing again, like full on, hysterical, can't help it, ugly sobbing. In my head it's cathartic and powerful to stand up to harassers. In reality I got into a shouting match with a pair of drunken old men and ended up making them more aggressive.
There isn't a moral to this story. I just had to type it out. I guess if there's any take away it's that street harassment isn't necessarily always catcalling or even sexual in nature, it can be dirty old men who patronise and antagonise you into engaging with them sose that they can make fun of you for 'overreacting'. It's admitting that you're scared and angry and being told you've got 'mental problems'. It's men thinking your relationship status is relevant to an argument.
The moral of the story is that now I'm scared to take the only bus home from work. The moral of the story is that at least I distracted them from the other girls. The moral of the story is that if you say nothing and ignore them they'll do it again, and if you say something, they'll only get worse.
The moral of the story is that I'm terrified, and I'm not brave, I'm just impulsive, and it's probably going to get me killed.
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