#<- im cryign how did this get so long
suntails · 1 year
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a father's love
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dwter · 2 years
Want to do a little essay andying? From a c!tommy person how much do you think c!tommy breaking c!george's house had an affect on things with c!dream compared to if he had broken someone else's home or something that isn't as important to c!dream?
if you ask me, i think it's been proven that ctommy burning down cgeorges house had extremely little to do with why cdream exiled ctommy/why exile was the way it was. it was just an excuse and easy scapegoat for cdream to play up and exercise his power over new lmanburg + ctubbo + ctommy by doing so. ccdream said himself he liked the power having ctommys best friend exile him gave him and also said that exile's purpose was to bring ctommy to a point where he only saw cdream as his friend and would follow him blindly. revenge or justice for the sake of cgeorge was not on his mind, at least not in my eyes. griefing is extremely common in the smp and fawking george suffers so much in terms of losing his shit to others/circumstance 😭😭😭 like i just do not think it was a large aspect of what led dream to doing what he did.
now if it was ANOTHER person ..... hmm ..... i think cdream, while still not caring, would maybe have to find another scapegoat bc his supposed rage and anger towards ctommys actions would feel unjustified and strange. like say ctommy accidentally burned like. cpuffys house. if cdream went coocoo bananas over that i think ppl would be more inclined to go like ????? rather than rationalizing his thoughts and seeing his emotions as valid/coming from a genuine place. more importantly, i think CTUBBO would be less inclined to rationalize cdreams thoughts and requests which was cdream's goal in the wall building + villaining ctommy, bc it is ctubbo rationalizing and BELIEVING cdream (that ctommy was the problem, that he had to go for new lmbg to be safe, that what ctommy did was unacceptable etc) that leads to his decision to exile ctommy. this was basically a long-winded way of saying that despite the fact i dont think cdream gaf about the fact it was georges house ctommy accidentally burned, it needed to be georges so there felt as though there was actual justification/rationality behind his choices and supposed emotions for others to see
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asthmark · 4 years
❝ chemistry ❞ o.st
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synopsis → osaki shotaro moving to town means trips to the dance studio, boba dates, and the perpetual teasing of lee donghyuck. 
pairing → shotaro, reader
requested? → yes! based off @onlyjihoons​​’s shipping game answer ♡
word count → 5.5k (this was supposed to be 1k.... goodbye.)
a/n → i enjoy writing texting scenes WAY too much ;; tbh this is like 50% texts im cryign but i had to convey how much i love 00 line .... and also how firmly i believe in lee donghyuck devil supremacy. as always, feedback is greatly appreciated and enjoy! 
if someone were to ask you how you felt about your friends, you would without any hesitation, answer that you loved them to death. of course, if you were being completely honest, you would also have to add that you experienced the urge to strangle them from time to time. that might earn you a couple odd stares but you’re sure people would be more understanding if they knew who was in your inner circle to begin with.
for starters, there was lee jeno — tall, handsome, and the textbook definition of a gentleman. then, na jaemin, who you would consider to be the yin to jeno’s yang. an extremely energetic guy and, in your book, a total freak of nature ever since you found out that he inhales four shots of espresso on the daily. liu yangyang was a more recent addition to your group but, being as quick-witted as he was, he quickly fit right in. he also had a habit of going on somewhat aggressive rants in german which renjun found to be extremely amusing. speaking of, huang renjun was another one of your close friends — the shortest of the group, actually. (and, much to renjun’s dismay, that’s exactly how donghyuck liked to introduce him to people.) he was the type of guy you could trust to keep everyone in check which consequently made you mildly terrified of him.
however, it could never compare to the perpetual fear you have of lee donghyuck. 
of course, you love him to pieces but sometimes you really wish he didn’t find so much joy in, well, making everyone miserable. you couldn’t deny it was funny to watch him tease and taunt your other friends. you still remember him purposefully messing up renjun’s game at the local arcade just when he was about to reach his high score — and also the way renjun had tackled him to the floor right then and there, resulting in the six of you being banned from the place. or, that time he offered to pay for everyone’s starbucks orders only to tell the barista that jaemin’s name was ben dover. (to no one’s surprise, yangyang had found that joke particularly hilarious.) you can also clearly recall how hard you had laughed in both of those situations.
but, donghyuck never let anyone laugh for too long.
according to him it was ’only fair’ to make sure each of his friends was at the receiving end of his gags. so, despite laughing at his latest victim’s expense, each of you knew that donghyuck would make sure you were in the same position sooner or later.
you definitely weren’t expecting it to be your turn one dull friday evening.
things are going slow for you as you sit at your desk, typing away on your laptop. school has been out for hours and your professors have decided to be saints and leave you little homework for the weekend. beside you, your phone dings, alerting you of the new text message in your group chat.
[4:23 pm] hyuck: i’m bored 🥺
[4:23 pm] you: plz never use that emoji again
[4:24 pm] nana: it’s misleading dude
[4:25 pm] yangx2: yeah like when have u ever made a face that isn’t this 😈
[4:25 pm] renjun: donghyuck is the devil = confirmed
[4:25 pm] nana: CALLED IT
[4:26 pm] hyuck: u guys are literally so evil
jeno laughed at “u guys are literally so evil”
[4:27 pm] jeno: look who’s talking lol
[4:27 pm] you: dangg u know it’s bad when lee jeno disses u
[4:28 pm] jeno: ...ngl it kinda feels like ur shading me rn
[4:28 pm] you: u would be correct :)
[4:29 pm] hyuck: um HELLO can u guys go back to paying attention to me???
[4:29 pm] renjun: what do u want, diva?
[4:29 pm] hyuck: i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(
renjun disliked “i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(”
yangx2 disliked “i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(”
you disliked “i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(”
nana disliked “i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(”
jeno disliked “i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(”
[4:30 pm] hyuck: OH COME ON
[4:30 pm] yangx2: i think what u meant to say is that u wanna make one of us very miserable today, right?
[4:30 pm] hyuck: .....no comment
nana renamed the group chat “hyuck hate club”
[4:31 pm] hyuck: ok i’m honestly feeling so attacked right now
[4:31 pm] jeno: well now u know what it’s like to be friends with u
[4:31 pm] you: so true king omg ur on a roll
[4:32 pm] hyuck: hmm okay so either jeno or y/n is gonna be today’s target, got it
[4:32 pm] hyuck: anyway can u guys come down to the dance studio now??
[4:32 pm] you: what makes u think i would go anywhere near u when i know ur plotting ur revenge on me as we speak
[4:32 pm] hyuck: because maybe i’ll have mercy on u and just terrorize jeno instead
[4:33 pm] you: good enough for me! thnx bestie, see u soon!!
[4:33 pm] jeno: HEY
nana laughed at “good enough for me! thnx bestie, see u soon!!”
[4:34 pm] yangx2: u literally cannot trust anyone in this friend group
[4:34 pm] renjun: ikr isn’t it great???
you might have been slightly out of your mind to willingly go see donghyuck knowing you had teased him in your group chat earlier. although, if there was a slight chance he would show you mercy if you did hang out with him, you were going to take it.
the studio was where you had first met donghyuck, along with the rest of your friends due to the dance classes you attended. after bumping into each in between classes and during practice, you began to get well acquainted. turns out, the six of you actually got along incredibly well and after a while, you began to share routines and tips, even choreographing together from time to time. obviously, this led to the infamous group chat being formed and lots of time spent outside the studio as well.
but, none of you had lost that love for dancing. in fact, forming your little clique had only made it grow. as you opened the front doors of the building you had made so many memories in, you wondered if donghyuck wanted your insight on a certain routine or needed some help choreographing. of course, there was also the possibility that he really was just bored and wanted you to suffer with him.
what you did not expect, however, was to see him caught up in conversation with another person. you couldn’t clearly see them with donghyuck in the way; all you knew for certain was that your best friend’s mouth was moving a mile a minute. you tentatively tiptoe into the room, hoping to not intrude on their discussion. but, at hearing the doors creak open, donghyuck puts his rant on pause to enthusiastically wave you over.
you sigh, putting your belongings down and approaching the pair. as you near, you notice that hyuck has a huge smile — no, smirk — on his face. you internally curse yourself for believing that he would ever pass up an opportunity to torment you, especially in front of a stranger.
“this is a very dear friend of mine,” you hear him introduce to his acquaintance. “her name is y/n. she dances, too.”
“oh, that’s really cool!”
the stranger’s unusually cheery tone prompts you to finally peek behind donghyuck and put a face to the voice.
and what a face he has.
“this is shotaro,” donghyuck informs you. “he’s new to town and quite the dancer. caught him in the middle of a routine.”
your knees almost wobble as you take in the stranger — shotaro’s — kind eyes that almost sparkle. (you aren’t sure if it’s because of the fluorescent lights of the studio or just part of his charm.) his lips are curved up into a friendly smile that makes you feel slightly giddy. his hair falls into his face almost perfectly, not a strand out of place and you’re uncertain as to how that’s even possible since, as donghyuck had said, he was dancing. not to mention, there’s not a bead of sweat on his face. did this guy come straight out of a disney movie or something?
“excuse her,” donghyuck chuckles. “good looking people tend to make her freeze up. don’t worry, this happened when she met me, too.”
you offer your friend a glare and an elbow to the side and you swear you hear shotaro chuckle. you turn to him instead, putting on a welcoming smile.
“my bad, i just—”
“got lost in his eyes?”
you pinch the bridge of your nose. “donghyuck, please don’t make me have to attack you in front of our guest.”
more giggles escape shotaro. (you swear it’s the prettiest thing you’ve ever heard.) you curiously tilt your head at him.
“sorry, it’s just that, you guys are too funny,” he admits with a sheepish smile.
you mirror his grin, slightly relieved he was amused instead of weirded out. “yeah, well, just wait ’til you meet the rest of us. it’s like a circus show, you’ll love it.”
“hello, clowns!”
“speak of the devil,” donghyuck murmurs, watching as yangyang and renjun enter, followed by jeno and jaemin.
“woah, who’s the cutie?” yangyang asks renjun, in what you presume he thinks is a whisper. however, yangyang has never spoken quietly a day in his life. renjun simply shrugs at his question.
having clearly heard the compliment, a faint blush creeps onto shotaro’s cheeks.
“guys, this is shotaro,” donghyuck answers, tugging the sandy blonde forward.
he gives a somewhat shy wave. “hi, y/n’s friends.”
jaemin erupts into laughter. “uh oh, looks like he likes y/n more than hyuck.”
“don’t blame him,” jeno mutters.
shotaro’s forehead creases, face suddenly twisted in worry. “oh, i’m sorry, was i not supposed to say that?”
“oh no, don’t worry,” donghyuck denies, quickly. “i’m sure y/n doesn’t mind at all, right?”
if you could crawl into a hole to avoid the embarrassment, you would. of course, donghyuck was 100% right; you really didn’t mind shotaro calling the group that if it meant you could hear him say your name over and over again. in fact, his sweet voice could probably make the dictionary sound like the most addictive song. but, donghyuck had no right putting you on the spot like that.
jeno suddenly speaks, catching on to your flustered state and donghyuck’s evil grin. “so, it’s y/n’s turn today? sweet, i’m off the hook!”
shotaro furrows his brows slightly. “huh?”
“oh, it’s just an inside joke,” jeno says, smile reaching all the way up to his eyes.
you wish you could strangle him right then and there for finding amusement at your expense but the last thing you want is for shotaro to think you’re some sort of psychopath. (although, with a friend group like this, you’re definitely beginning to think that’s where you’re headed.)
“got it,” shotaro responds, breaking out into a grin himself. “you guys seem like a really close bunch!”
“the closest,” donghyuck corrects, overly sweet, as he wraps an arm around you. (you resist the urge to shove him off.) “you’ll fit right in!”
you believed that the torture was over the day donghyuck introduced shotaro to your group. you would probably just see him from time to time and the studio (hopefully without hyuck around) and it would all be downhill from there, right? the latest notification on your phone alerts you that you are absolutely wrong.
hyuck has added one (1) user to the group chat
[1:05 pm] hyuck: welcome shotaro!!
[1:06 pm] unknown: oh hey guys! :]
the emoticon almost makes your heart beat right out of your chest. you roll your eyes in frustration at how easily affected you were by this guy. seriously, why did everything he do have to be so cute? regardless, you quickly add his number to your contacts.
[1:06 pm] hyuck: why don’t we do a little roll call so shotaro can save ur numbers to his phone
[1:07 pm] yangx2: YANGYANG
[1:07 pm] yangx2: HA I WAS FIRST
[1:07 pm] jeno: ...
[1:08 pm] jeno: anyway this is jeno :)
[1:08 pm] nana: jaemin present!
[1:08 pm] renjun: hi shotaro, this is renjun
[1:10 pm] shotaro: haha cool thanks a lot, i just saved all ur numbers!
[1:10 pm] shotaro: but quick question, is y/n in this group chat? :0
you almost drop your phone at reading shotaro’s message although you’re unsure why. he just typed your name, get it together, you urge yourself.
[1:11 pm] you: heyy shotaro! i’m right here :)
[1:11 pm] shotaro: oh yayy! i’m so glad ^^
hyuck disliked “oh yayy! i’m so glad ^^”
[1:12 pm] hyuck: shotaro plz return my love what does she have that i don’t T-T
[1:12 pm] nana: a heart
[1:12 pm] yangx2: a brain
[1:12 pm] jeno: a conscience
[1:12 pm] renjun: a functioning moral compass
[1:13 pm] hyuck: wtf
[1:13 pm] shotaro: ahahaha it’s like i’m watching a comedy
[1:14 pm] you: told u it’s a circus
[1:14 pm] you: i say get out while u still can
[1:14 pm] shotaro: whaatt and leave u behind? no way!
nana renamed the group chat “shotaro x y/n supremacists”
[1:15 pm] jeno: my thoughts exactly
[1:15 pm] renjun: took the words right out of my mouth
you cringe at your friends’ blunt behavior, praying shotaro didn’t find their antics to be too strange.
[1:16 pm] shotaro: 😳
[1:16 pm] nana: aww someone’s shy
[1:17 pm] renjun: he wouldn’t last a day in itzy
[1:17 pm] yangx2: HELPP
you shake your head, laughing silently to yourself as you mute the group chat and place your phone back down. although, moments later, you receive a direct message. you presume it’s one of the boys trying to rope you back into the chat but the moment you see the contact name, you’re forced to do a double take.
[1:21 pm] shotaro: i hope i’m not bothering u but i just wanted to make sure ur okay .. you kinda went quiet in the gc :>
[1:21 pm] shotaro: it’s shotaro from the dance studio btw!
you can’t help but find the fact that he seriously thought you wouldn’t remember him adorable. how could you ever forget a face like his?
[1:22 pm] you: that’s so kind! i’m okay, i promise. i’ve just had to put up with those dorks for way too long, sometimes i just ignore them haha
[1:22 pm] shotaro: lol yeah they do seem like a handful! but i look forward to getting to know them better!!
[1:23 pm] shotaro: and u too ofc~~
it takes all your willpower not to spam dozens of heart emojis in an attempt to show shotaro just how he has reduced you to a lovesick fool. instead, your response is short and sweet.
[1:23 pm] you: right back at u, taro! ♡
“okay, take five,” donghyuck pants, pausing the music blaring from the speakers.
you gladly obey, wiping away the light sweat you had worked up from the latest routine you and hyuck were constructing.
you both belonged to the same dance class and frequently paired together for partnered projects. the rest of your friends attended different classes, which you constantly joked was for the best since there was no way one dance instructor could possibly handle the six of you together.
“how do you feel?” donghyuck asks you, running a hand through his tousled hair.
“the choreo’s great, i’m proud of what we got so far,” you reply. “of course, i would be happier if i didn’t have to get so up close and personal with you.”
donghyuck scoffs at your joke. “i can’t do anything about that. the teacher said the whole concept of the routine is supposed to be is intimate.”
you fake a gag, failing to contain a laugh when hyuck playfully shoves you in offense.
“i’m sorry i can’t be shotaro,” he adds, a smirk forming on his lips.
you roll your eyes. “oh, very funny.”
“c’mon, you’re acting like you wouldn’t kill to have him as your partner, especially with choreo as spicy as this.”
“well, it would beat being paired with you,” you remark, picking up your water bottle and taking a swig.
“hm, then looks like today might be your lucky day,” donghyuck replies, eyes trained somewhere behind you.
you follow his gaze, nearly choking on your water as soon as you catch sight of shotaro entering the studio. he meets your eyes, plucking out his earbuds and offering you a small wave.
“oh, hey guys!” he exclaims, cheerfully.
“hey ’taro,” you greet, rather quickly, earning you a knowing glance from your partner.
“’taro?” hyuck repeats, amused, as he folds his arms over his chest. “you guys are already on cute nickname basis?”
shotaro giggles, eyes squinting adorably as he does so. “it is a pretty adorable nickname, right? she’s the only one who calls me that!”
your heart beats faster when you see how oddly excited that seems to make him. did he somehow find it endearing?
“seems like the two of you are becoming quite close, hm?” continues hyuck.
shotaro nods enthusiastically before glancing at you tentatively, as if to check for confirmation.
“yeah, you could say that.”
your agreement causes yet another smile to grace shotaro’s lips — this time he seems relieved. you briefly wonder if the kid ever stops flashing those pearly whites of his. you certainly hope so, or else your heart may never catch a break.  
“well, since you’re comfortable enough with each other,” donghyuck begins, flashing you a grin.
you’re not even sure what he’s gonna say but you already feel the need to put an end to it. after all, nothing good has ever come of donghyuck’s mischievous grins. you subtly purse your lips and narrow your eyes in an attempt to get him to stop whatever chaos he’s planning to ensue.
nevertheless, he proceeds. “maybe you could help me out with this choreography?”
you want to facepalm at donghyuck’s lame excuse of a lie. however, on the other hand, shotaro’s face lights up in delight.
“you’re working on choreo? what for?” he inquires, curiously.
“for our dance class,” hyuck explains, motioning towards you. “i have a couple ideas so i was thinking you two could maybe try out some steps i’m planning to include. you know, to help me... visualize.”
“that sounds awesome,” shotaro responds, oblivious to your friend’s untruths. “i would love to help you guys out.”
“great!” donghyuck claps his hands together. “just a heads up, the theme of the routine is intimacy, so i wanna see all that charm of yours, shotaro. it’ll, uh, help me choreograph.”
you cringe at the obvious fib. meanwhile, it’s as if a switch has gone off in shotaro’s mind. his smile fades and his eyebrows knit together. “hold on, i-intimacy? does that mean—”
“that you’ll have to get a bit touchy-feely with her? yeah,” donghyuck interjects, innocently.
“y’know... i’ve really been wanting to dance with her.” he faces you, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. “just never thought it would be like this.”
you offer him an apologetic smile. “i know, it might be a bit... uncomfortable. you can back out if you’d like. i promise hyuck and i won’t mind.”
shotaro’s head shakes, vigorously. “no, of course not!” he must realize how quick he was to deny your offer, making him suspiciously eager to be close to you as he immediately adds, “i mean, it’s good practice.”
you suppress a giggle. “sure thing. hyuck, should we get started now?”
the boy in question dramatically picks at his nails, acting as if he had been waiting on you both for hours. “if you guys are done flirting, then, yeah.”
you roll your eyes, shooting shotaro a mildly annoyed stare. he grins, finding it to be equally amusing as it is endearing. (what can he say, the faint pout that appeared on your face was cute.)
“shotaro, how about you get in position right behind her.”
shotaro obeys, making sure to leave a significant amount of space between the two of you. however, donghyuck doesn’t seem to approve.
“closer!” he commands. “the concept is intimacy, not social distancing!”
shotaro shuffles forward, pressing his front into your back. you can’t help but notice how firmly toned his chest is. curse his dancers body, you think.
“okay, now, lemme see your hands on her waist!”
you feel the breath of shotaro’s shaky exhale on the back of your neck as he obeys, sliding apprehensive hands around your midsection. there’s silence on donghyuck’s end and through the mirror you watch him observe the two of you, no doubt acting way more pensive than he truly is. you know he’s just prolonging your flustered state by keeping you in this intimate position with the younger boy.
although, shotaro himself might know it too, considering the fact that he begins to rub comforting circles into your sides that he’s currently gripping, as per donghyuck’s request, in an attempt to calm you down. you nearly melt right then and there. at the same time, you hope he doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
donghyuck calls out your name, successfully startling you and putting an end to the peaceful atmosphere. “why don’t you go ahead and lean on his shoulder. just lay your head back nice and easy— good, very good! look at that chemistry!”
if you’re being sincere, reclining on shotaro feels way more natural and enjoyable than it should. he steadily holds you in place, almost as if he secretly wishes to never let go. you wouldn’t be completely opposed to the idea either.
“alright, last thing, guys! y/n, how about you hook your arm around shotaro’s neck?”
you do so, fingers brushing softly against his jaw. he shivers beneath your touch, erupting into giggles when you shoot him an odd stare.
“i’m ticklish,” he confesses, in a whisper.
you can’t help but smile widely. “is that so? hm, i might have to exploit that information sooner or later.”
“as long as donghyuck doesn’t find out,” he replies.
his comment certainly gets a chuckle out of you. “did you finally realize how evil he is?”
“if the torture he’s putting you through right now is anything to go by, then absolutely.”
“only a matter of time before it’s your turn,” you reply. you lean into his ear to add, “by the way, this is anything but torture for me.”
“hey! no whispering!” donghyuck reprimands.
for the first time, shotaro goes against the older boy’s orders to whisper back, “it’s mutual. if anything, i think this is the best thing i’ve done since i moved here.”
your heart melts at the sincere admission. you stare at shotaro in what you’re sure is a very obvious case of heart eyes. you’re taken aback to find that he, too, returns the lovesick look. perhaps he was immersing himself a bit too much in the intimacy concept...
“stop! pause! cut!”
you and shotaro (reluctantly) untangle yourselves from each other to face a seemingly unhappy donghyuck.
“can you guys please just focus on my instructions without falling in love with each other?” he pleads. “i mean, you haven’t even gotten out of the starting position yet.” he groans, exasperated. “actually, you know what, just take five.”
[2:03 pm] hyuck: good morning
[2:03 pm] nana: it’s 2 o clock in the afternoon but ok
[2:03 pm] hyuck: i just woke up, therefore it’s morning
[2:03 pm] shotaro: good morning :3 did u sleep well?
[2:04 pm] hyuck: i slept a wonderful 27 hours, thnx for asking!
[2:04 pm] yangx2: ?????? THERES NOT EVEN 27 HOURS IN A DAY IM SCREAMING
[2:05 pm] renjun: i was just gonna ignore him but i am genuinely concerned now
[2:05 pm] shotaro: woww,, well at least you’re well rested now! :]
[2:04 pm] nana: shotaro, i am begging u not to encourage him
[2:04 pm] you: all it takes is one (1) supportive person and he becomes an unstoppable force of evil
[2:04 pm] shotaro: o_0
[2:05 pm] jeno: besides ur like the only other person here with common sense besides myself and maybe renjun. i can’t lose u to donghyuck :(
[2:05 pm] renjun: ykw i’m not even gonna argue with that
[2:05 pm] yangx2: yeah shotaro is a good guy™
[2:06 pm] hyuck: i hate u guys and ur goldfish attention spans
[2:06 pm] you: sigh what do you need hyuck?
[2:06 pm] hyuck: i want boba :(
[2:07 pm] you: that actually sounds really good but idk if it’s worth being around u
[2:07 pm] hyuck: i’ll pretend like u didn’t just say that <3 what if i paid?
[2:07 pm] you: ....
[2:08 pm] renjun: ikr it’s making me super uncomfortable rn
[2:08 pm] hyuck: can’t i do something nice for my friends? :/
[2:08 pm] jeno: no
[2:09 pm] nana: nope
[2:09 pm] yangx2: nah
[2:09 pm] renjun: absolutely not
[2:09 pm] you: never seen it happen before so no
[2:10 pm] hyuck: u guys are so fake :( shotaro do u wanna hang out with me? if u say no i’ll scream :)
[2:11 pm] shotaro: yeah i guess i could :]
[2:11 pm] renjun: oh this just got interesting.. i guess i could tag along
[2:11 pm] yangx2: me too, i gotta be there to record whatever happens
[2:12 pm] nana: i’m in
[2:12 pm] jeno: same
[2:12 pm] you: hhhhh okay fine.. only to ensure taro’s safety
[2:13 pm] shotaro: (^з^)-︎♡
due to the fact that you believed donghyuck was going to try and officially initiate shotaro into your friend group with one of his infamous pranks, you decided to head to the boba shop. you hoped that if you showed up, you would be able to prevent whatever mayhem he had planned or at the very least, provide some damage control.
you pushed open the door to the quaint building, the bell dinging to announce your arrival. your eyes immediately lock onto the table in the far back since it was where you and your friends always sat — you had practically claimed it. you expect to see all the chairs filled but, to your surprise, only one person occupies the space.
osaki shotaro.
he beams, probably relieved to finally have some company in the otherwise empty shop. (after all, you weren’t sure how long he had been sitting there all alone.) nevertheless, you allow yourself to wonder — just for a second —  if maybe he was just that ecstatic to see you. the way he enthusiastically waves you over seems to be in favor of that theory. it’s almost confirmed when you reach he table and he pats the chair beside him.
you let out a soft laugh. “the whole table’s empty, ‘taro.”
“i know,” he admits. “i just really want you to sit next to me.”
you swear you could break down in tears simply from the way he’s looking at you; like you’re all he needs. it’s pure adoration.  you wonder if that’s how you look at him too. you can’t help but ask yourself if he, too, notices your longing stares.
you decide that you would be a monster if you denied shotaro his wish, so, you internally prepare yourself to sit next to possibly the sweetest boy you’ve ever known. yet, that proves to be difficult as said boy stands up to pull out your chair like the gentleman he is. you shoot him a grateful smile, mentally dethroning jeno as the most well-mannered person you know and passing the crown on to shotaro.
“so, how long have you been waiting for?” you ask, resting your elbow on the table and leaning into your palm to stare attentively at the boy to your right.
“actually, i only got here a couple minutes before you. we did agree to meet up here a quarter before three, right?” he asks, slightly confused.
you nod in confirmation. “honestly, i think we got set up.”
shotaro tilts his head. “really? why would they do that?”
“might have something to do with our ‘chemistry’,” you explain, quoting donghyuck.
the japanese boy’s mouth falls agape, as he comes to the realization. “oh, so they literally set us up.”
“mhm,” you agree, smiling ever so slightly.
shotaro must be paying closer attention than you thought because he picks up on your grin. “what’s with the smile?”
you shrug, feigning uncertainty. “i guess i just don’t feel so bad about being set up if it’s with a certain cutie i know.”
“oh?” he raises a brow, cheeks growing as he too mirrors your lovestruck look. “should i be worried about this guy?”
“certainly not,” you reassure him. “i’ve only got eyes for one.”
you see a faded tint of pink rush to his cheeks and you find it adorable how your confession flusters him. you can’t help but caress the supple skin as gently as possible. shotaro leans into your touch, his own hand coming up to cup your own, almost as if he were holding you in place. after a couple moments of basking in the intimate moment, you retract your hand.
“maybe we should try and get hyuck to include that in the choreo, huh?” you suggest, a teasing smile on your lips.
shotaro chuckles, “sounds good to me. i might even ask if i can fill his position, too. if not, i just might get jealous.”
you playfully shove him and he raises his hands in surrender. you chuckle, grabbing one of the menus that litter the table, planning to offer shotaro some help choosing an item from the list that is surely unfamiliar to him but it seems something outside the window behind you has caught his focus instead.
“looks like we have an audience.”
you take a deep breath at his words, preparing yourself for whatever it is you’re going to see upon turning around. when you finally do, all you manage to catch is five heads ducking beneath the windowsill, in a weak attempt to not get caught.
“of course,” you nearly laugh. “they’re so predictable.”
shotaro seems to find the situation humorous as well, if his amused tone is anything to go by. “to be honest, we should be thanking them. they got us together.”
“oh, so we’re together now?” you inquire, raising a brow.
“w-well, i mean, if you want to. i-i definitely want to.”
“no need for stuttering,” you reassure him, reaching over to stroke that one ticklish spot on his neck. “to quote a very wise — and handsome — young man, ‘it’s mutual.’”
he smiles at his own words being recited to him. “i don’t know about you, but i think we should seal the deal.”
“interesting. how do you suppose we do that?” you ask with faux curiosity. you certainly had some ideas of your own.
“maybe... a kiss?” shotaro leans forward, eyes closed expectantly as he taps his cheek. you resist the urge to pinch his lovely, round baby cheeks. he peeks one eye open to add, “for the audience, of course.”
you giggle, completely and utterly love-struck by the boy before you. in fact, you are so enamored by him that you decide to go the extra mile and press a sweet, chaste peck to his lips.
it seems as if he himself didn’t expect it as his eyes snap open, hand coming up to cup his lips in shock. when he finally uncovers his mouth, you see there’s a dazed, giddy grin on his face that let’s you know the smooch was very welcome pleasant surprise.
your phones simultaneously go off, alerting you of incoming messages. it’s a given that it’s none other than the group chat.
[3:15 pm] nana: that smooch was romcom worthy i’m so impressed right now
[3:15 pm] jeno: shotaro is living proof that being a gentleman has its perks! everyone in this gc should take notes!
[3:16 pm] yangx2: attachment: 1 video
[3:16 pm] renjun: can we get boba now?
[3:16 pm] renjun: oh wait my bad, congrats to the new couple :-)
[3:16 pm] renjun: to celebrate they should pay for everyone’s drinks.. just a thought
[3:17 pm] hyuck: ur welcome, y/n and shotaro ;)
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hqrbinger · 3 years
Was it her hair? Her eyes?
What about them did you like better than hers?
An unabating ache lingers in the back of her mind, only seeming to get worse as the days pass. She had been away from you for a myriad of days, islands away during the war, but it wasn't the same. When she was away, she knew that you were waiting for her. You would be at the docks, searching for her as the boats unloaded. And you would embrace her, with your arms wrapped tight around her waist. When you would make the world stop to greet her and tell her how much you've missed her. How enraptured she would be, unable to hear the crowd's voice trying to drown you out.
You were there. You were always there. She could always rely on you to be the one to accept her with open arms, even if it felt like her world was coming apart at the seams. And look where that's gotten her?
She shakes off those thoughts, tightening the grip on her bow. What matters most now is training. She must improve, even if it means countless sleepless nights training under the moon. Maybe if she were stronger you would've stayed. She would devote herself entirely to the Shogun. No relationships. No distractions. How could she ever compare to a demigod?
Electro energy pulses throughout the freezing night air. It was silent, save for the constant, dull humming and the occasional tock of an arrow hitting the wooden target. Her fingertips brush over her forearm, where a slight bruise is beginning to form. This is... less than perfection. Unacceptable.
She stares at where the arrows embed themselves in the target. You would always make her get them when you trained together. Her gaze trails along the cracks and burn marks in the wood from where the arrows split it open. It's barely usable now, it'll have to be replaced before dawn.
It was clear from your returning letter, you didn't want to see her anymore. If this was just a game, then why does it feel so... real? Was it true that you've wiped her from your memory within a day?
Her chest burned. A suffocating, dull ache that stretched on for days. She had devoted herself wholly to the Raiden Shogun now. The Shogun's will was hers to carry out, she had no time for frivolous feelings or to dawdle on memories of you. No matter how she longed to feel the warmth of your arms around her again, to comfort the pain that seemed to seep into her bones with every movement, she could not. She was alone again, and the tears on her pillow were proof enough.
She really is replacable.
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aangfanclub · 4 years
s3 ep17: ember island players audio & thoughts!!
audio!! a Lot of ppl asked for our thoughts on this episode and honestly they’re right bc this ep gave us everything we could’ve ever wanted,, id like to apologize for all the key smashes but there was no other way to convey how we were dying of laughter the entire time. anyway iroh definitely wrote the play and full transcript under the cut jdfjks
[levi clearly  has the braincell today. He has like 3 remotes in his hand and is maneuvering them to unmute and play the video in a way i dont understand bc i still can’t turn on a tv except he immediately chucks his braincell out the window and turns off the tv a moment after he unpauses it and i take back every nice thing i said about him ever.
Abby: where’d you get your braincell, the dollar store???]
Me: you’re not even paying attention to the theme song they’re explaining the premise of the show
Levi: oh DUDE i FORGOT
Are they gonna talk about the kiss??? Are we getting kataang content????? Omg
Oh the boys are FIREBENDING they’re doing the DANCE they’re so CUTE
Djksfjdsdkl there’s a PLAY about them??? That’s what this episode is about???
play Sokka looks like handsome squidward jdkjfj
“They butchered love amongst the dragons every year” DJSFLJKSD theater kid zuko returns
Omg baby wanted to sit next to katara ,,,, he wants this to be a date im gonna cry
“Who is the boy in the iceberg” aang said ive got a HUNCH
Aang is so offended fjfkdsdsadjks and toph is having the best day of her life
Zuko sounds like bill/ted omg
Watching a play of your cringe past self..... Zuko im so sorry honey
This is a LONG play are they gonna do the whole series???? Pls do the whole series i will give anything
I like the zuko actor actually. Hes doing a great job
THE BLUE SPIRIT FJDKJKD they didn’t know it was him omgggg,, I feel bad for everyone watching this but zuko might have it the worst 
Abby (sees jet): walmart peter pan....
YUE’S IN THIS????? (commence levi screaming)
Oh my GOSH sokka’s crying watching this,,, the yukka content just keeps on giving,,,,,
This is literally more accurate than the live action movie
Aang’s glider is so small jfgdjdskldf
Where is toph?? Did they write her out??? OMG WAIT TOPH FDKHJGJKSDJKSDF SHES SO RIPPED
toph is so into it,,,,,, and aang is so MAD im living for this
[we’re all dying. we’ve passed away. this is so funny we can’t handle it]
Iroh A MILLION PERCENT wrote this play. this is the only truth I know
All of these actresses are ty lee. We accept no criticism
That slit in katara’s dress,,,, aang is so mad at the zutara content fjgjskdfkjsd HONEY
Abby (after azula tells zuko he can choose between honor and treachery): cmon troy. Which is it
Ohh aang honey,,, he’s really upset oh no :( zutara isnt canon babe!
Suki is SUCH cutie omg
Iroh definitely wrote this play. There is no way iroh didn’t write this play
Awwww toph and zuko bonding??? This is all i want omg toph is so sweet to him
Wait sokka’s just giving him jokes??? Are you KIDDING oh my gosh
“Did you mean what you said in there” AANG FJDKSA WHATTTT
Woah snaps!!! Snaps for katara!! You ARE in the middle of a war now is not the time to start a relationship!! Snaps all around
Ohh yikes. Not the right move aang buddy :((
Abby: lets remember he’s 12 tho
Ohhhh aang honey,, he regrets it immediately he’s having such a bad day oh no :(
Fdgjjkdskjsfdl sokka dying laughing at his OWN joke,, and he’s right
me: these effects are kinda cool tho. Like they had a big budget
Levi: better than the MOVIE
Oh noooo they killed zuko?????? No babyy
This is horrible!! I dont want my kids to watch themselves lose no!!
Abby: they’re very impressive actors
Me: yeah honestly
Levi, solemnly: and he became..a fire...sushi.
“The effects were decent” fjdkskjf sokka that’s right
They didn’t tell us if iroh wrote the play???? Ok he definitely wrote the play in my heart. This episode was truly everything i couldve ever asked for I am reeling 
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ursifors · 4 years
im watching the new among us vid and i cant stop giggling the way the edited this is AWESOME. im gonna just liveblog my stream of conciousness while watching so i dont blow up my tl on here or twitter lmao this is so long bc the vid is long no one has to read this im just yelling bc i love this game
first round: YES JEWEMY IMPOSTERRRR he did such a good job wtf he killed so many ppl how did they not report a single body.... and also jack’s FACE when he was so close to being done with the simon says reactor task and then got interrupted is such a mood that always happens to me when i play
second round: MATT TRYING TO PROVE HIS INNOCENCE AND GAVIN JUST KILLING HIM AND ITS SO FUCKIGN FNNY I CANT. oh my god the overlay of fiona being like “i have to stay somewhat distant from gavin” and then gavin just being like “yeah.. she knows its me” jack just trusting gavin bc gavin didnt kill him when he was alone with him is so funny bc gavin just had a killl cooldown and was waiting to kill him. JEREMY FINDING A BODY AND JUST BEING LIKE. OKAY. OKAY. LISTEN YOU PINK FUCK. AND GAVIN JUST PLAYING DUMB THIS IS TOO FUNNY. fiona just yelling to herself in the ghost chat is such a mood.
third round: jacks face everytime he gets killed is so fuckign funny. is it weird that im like extremely proud of how good of an imposter jeremy is god i wanna play this game with him so BADLY. GAVIN JUST RUNNING RIGHT OVER A DEAD BODY AND JEREMY JUST SQUEALING AS HE RUNS THAT WAY. “im voting gav-” “DONT VOTE ME YOU BITCH. VOTE FOR JEREMY HE’S- THE DEVIL.” 
fourth round: FRIEND MATT I’MMM FRIENDS WITH MATT MATT AND I ARE FRIENDS TIL THE VERY ENNDD HE’S GOT A BEAR LOOKIN HAT AND I KNOW HE’S GOOD LIKE A GOOD FRIEND SHOULD, BE. fiona’s SCREAM when she finds gavin body. “it’s really unfortunate that everyone is running around holding FUCKING HANDS”
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seongwhy · 5 years
ateez reaction the their crush making the first move
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hongjoongie !!! would be so happy !!! that you felt that way about him !!!!
he didnt make a move bc he didnt wanna make u uncomfy :(( so he disregarded his feelings for u
unknowingly to him, u like him back !!!
but since this lucky man didnt get the hint (and with all the touching and attempted flirting you're surprised he didnt)
you decided you had to make the first move
but being all nervous and shi ,, you gotta plan it out
just like hongjoong u dont wanna make him uncomfy !! yall the same mfs
so what u planned to do was grab some takeout and bring it to hongjoong when hes producing an chat him up an shit
and once u get to his place and have him all alone your heart starts racing
and so does his !!
and you're eating and laughing and has showing you a beat he just made
and you put your hand on his leg and hes like big eyes blushing and his mouth drops a lil
and you're like 'this is rlly good hongjoongie' bITHX HES CRYIGN
and you lean in and kiss him on the corner of his mouth and hes just
'o-oh thank you' he says
and u smile at him and ask him to show you more
he takes a second to recover but blushes even more
and ur ready to kiss him til he stops blushing
so u do
but he doesnt
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seonghwa tries his best ok
he just really likes you
so he ends up stuttering and tripping and literally falling for you
like oh one time he was trying to bring you water and he got too excited and was running and some of the water from the full glass fell on the floor and he just slid right on that shit
thank god you had your back turned talking to yunho bc holy shit he didnt know what hed do if u saw that
but the rest of the boys will never let him live that down
'hyung, remember when u fell trying to get water fo-' 'shut up wooyoung'
but seonghwa is just a shy lil boy around you fam
and it's not like you didnt notice bc hed be rlly chill rlly calm and funny when he doesnt know you're around
and then he sees you and hes all 'o-oh hi I'm going to go w-wash the dishes' he cleans when hes stressed
and when u ask the boys what's up w him they're like '..... are u dumb'
anyway after that it was just so obvious
youd catch him staring and make eye contact and hed look away so fast
but you didnt miss dem red ass cheeks
and you honestly like the attention he gives you
and when he gains a little confidence around you and makes a joke or does girl group dances or smth
you cant resist him
so one day you go over to the dorm and tell all the boys that they're all gonna have to leave so that u can get seonghwa to yourself
and they reluctantly agree bc 'but I'm tireddddd'
and when seonghwa gets home hes like . where is everyone.
and you're like 'oh them??? they just went to the store to get snacks I'm sure theyll be back soon come watch this show w me'
and hes like ,,, right
and you're just smiling and nodding and patting the seat next to you
so he sits obviously sweating
and you're watching this show and hes watching you
with every laugh nd movement his stomach coils a lil
and after a bit you look at him
and you're looking at each other
and you're eyes are watching his lips and you just say yolo and go for it
hes taken aback at first but leans into it
and you're a rlly good kisser
then you pull back nd hes looking at you with the prettiest smile on the prettiest face you've ever seen
'thank u' he says 'for what?' 'for that'
'just kiss me again dummy'
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puppy!! lil baby boy!!!
ok so like the first part , let's say you two have been besties for a while now
and it's just a mutual attraction and mutual liking ykno
but yunho doesnt want to mess up the friendship you guys have by trying anything
the members are all 'bruh she likes you back' and hes like 'nuh-uh you're lying'
like.... they told u sis
and one day wooyoung tells you like.. listen sis yunho has a crush on you but he refuses to do anything abt it bc hes worried itll ruin your friendship that I wouldnt even call a friendship bc of all the sexual tension but wtvr
and you slap him across the chest for that last part but
wait,,, yunho has a crush on you ?????
'are u sure ???' 'yes, bITCH ARE U BLIND'
blind w love babyyyyyyyy
this is groundbreaking news bc what the heck your longtime crush and bff likes you back !!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
so one day bc you guys are honestly just so comfy around each other and you've been holding back for so long theres no reason to delay this any longer
you walk up to his room where the door is closed and knock on it (u guys have a special knock)
and he opens and you latch onto him and kiss him
tangling your hand in his hair and clutching the shirt hes wearing
and he immediately kisses you back
no hesitation
but then
'guys. I'm still in here. like im happy for u but god just do a quick room check next time will ya' san says walking out of the room shaking his head
you both blush and turn to look at each other
yall laugh then shrug your shoulders and yunho says 'are u sure abt this? I dont want to wreck what we have'
'I'm more excited about what we're gonna have baby' you say, and he smiles, nods and leans in to kiss you again hehehehehe
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ok dis man loves his chocolate
and you know that so .. you decide to make him sum desserts!! a whole bunch
bc you LIKE HIM
and u want him to LIKE YOU
and the best way to get yeosang to fall for u is by giving him chocolate right
but what you didnt know is that he already likes you (shocker!!!)
so you bake up some brownies and cookies and cupcakes and idek other chocolate tings
and bring them all over to the dorm for him to try
and hes so excited !! 'chocolate!!! for me !!!!'
'yes !! all for u yeosangie'
he just looks as you in awe and love
and picks up a fork ready to take a bite
he stops tho and looks at you and licks his lips
and you blush but laugh
and he puts the food in his mouth and just dies because its SO GOOD
and hes just mouth open eyes wide 'holy shit'
'what?? you dont like it'
'nonononono I LOVE IT'
and he runs around the kitchen counter and hugs you so tight
'thank you!! this is amazing!!' he says looking directly into your eyes
'youre amazing' you say
'what?' he says 'o-oh nothing nothing I didnt say anything'
',,,, you just called me amazing !!! omg YOU JUST CALLED ME AMA-'
hes cut off by you pressing your mouth against his
he pulls away and says 'what was that for?'
'I had to get you to shut up somehow'
yeosang laughs and leans down towards you but gets cut off again!!!! this time with a 'omg are these cookies??????'
',,, get out mingi'
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bruh yunho looks so funny wtf
sannie is such a happy boy :(
his life goal is making you laugh or smile
he just wants u to be happy!!! and his smile is so contagious!!!
and that's why you fell for him
and now everytime he makes u laugh or smile or smth a lil bit of a blush creeps up your cheeks
san doesnt seem to notice tho but you're ok with that
n e way
yall get along rlly well
hes the reason you're at the dorm every friday night for movie night
and someone chooses a horror movie
its scawwy
and san (tho also scared) sits next to you so he can whisper jokes to u throughout the movie
through hushed giggles and smiles at one another u realize u wanna be in a relationship w this guy
and the next time you're at the dorm, you decided nows the time to make it happen
but when u see san he doesnt seem like himself hes slouched down on the couch cuddling with his stuffed animal staring at the tv screen with nothing playing
when he sees you walk over to him he perks up a lil but not like he usually would
so u sit next to him and ask what's wrong
he fiddles his thumbs and doesnt look at you
so u rub his shoulder and put your other hand on his thigh and ask him again
this time he just looks at you
'I'm sorry' he says
'for what?' 'you're not smiling and it's my fault'
'san!!!! it's ok you dont have to be happy all the time!!!! especially not for me'
his head hangs and he sighs
you lift his head and kiss him slightly
'its ok' you whisper
instead of saying anything back, he leans his forehead to yours
you kiss him again
and again on his lips cheeks forehead nose hands
and by the end of it hes shyly smiling
'there it is!! theres my boy'
he hugs you and for the rest of the day you stay snuggled up on the couch
that day it was up to you make him smile
and you did !!!
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mingo mango
the gif is what he looks like whenever you're near him
hes always whining for you whenever you're not
and when hongjoong sent you a video of mingi doing just that you though it was the funniest thing ever
'I wish y/n was here you're all a bunch of losers' 'you guys suck!!! I miss y/n'
freakin hilarious
this is something u love making fun of him for
liek damn mingi am I that special? I didnt know u liked me that much? u got a crush on me mango?
and u notice that whenever you ask that question, no matter how much of a joke it is, he never gives you an answer
but u dont rlly think about it until you start developing a crush on him
at first it's like,, oh what a baby hes so cute eating the food I made for him
and then it's like wow I wish he would dance on me like dat me too sis
and then u start complaining whenever hes not around 'wheres mingi?? I've been waiting for like an hour' nd 'ykno what would make this even better? mingi'
and everyone is like ok we get it u like mingi
and when mingi catches whiff of this oh boy it's over for you
'so ig it's me that's special now huh?' he tells you one night
'what?' 'u gotta crush on meeeeeee y/n's gotta crush on mingiiii'
and you roll your eyes because . idiot
but then step closer to him and say 'maybe I do'
and that's when his eyes go wide 'wait rlly???' he asks and you can hear the hope in his voice
'all I'm saying is that if you kissed me rn I wouldnt be opposed' is what you say back
and kiss you he does
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ok so wooyoungie and u
have such blatant chemistry
yall are constantly flirting and idk yall just click
but u dont notice it
I mean u see the eyebrow wiggles and sly smiles some of the members give u
but all that does is confuse you
one day when wooyoung is in the washroom yunho says 'so you nd wooyoung huh?'
and you're like ...huh
yunhos like 'u dont like him? all yall do is flirt'
and when he says that a whole wall came down in your head
a wall blocking you from accessing emotions of attraction and love and shit you're emotionally scared sis
and you turn firetruck red
yunho just laughs and says 'I knew it'
wooyoung comes back and asks what's going on
'I'll just leave u two alone' yunho says chuckling
you glare at him as he leaves youre gonna get him back for that
but wooyoung doesnt sense anything and swings his arm around your shoulders pulling you into him
and he asks what you wanna do for the night
but you're quiet and distracted with these new feelings you've just found out you have
wooyoung asks if you're okay
and you look up at him but suddenly cant look at him in his eyes. his really pretty eyes
so you turn around and go to grab your stuff bc you 'forgot abt that... thing' you have to do
wooyoung, confused watches you scurry across the room
'uh.. ok.. I'll see you tomorrow?'
'yeah yeah see you' you say not looking at him
you just need to figure your feelings out and then you can see him again
so back home you're racking your brain tryna figure out if theres anything you can do to stop yourself from falling in love w wooyoung
and speak of the devil, u get a call from wooyoung
u contemplate not picking up but decide that wooyoung is still your best friend
'hello?' 'y/n!!! are you ok?? you left really suddenly earlier' 'yeah wooyoung I'm fine dw'
'are you sure? we dont want the prettiest person alive to feel sad now do we?'
you open your mouth to say something back but nothing comes out
you feel the heat rise to your cheeks as you ask 'are you still free?'
'uh for u? always'
blushing even harder now you say 'I'm coming over' and end the call
once you get there you're knocking on the door frantically
wooyoung opens up with a 'jeez y/n what's the ru-'
you basically jump on him and kiss him hard
you latch your hands onto his shirt nd he wraps his hands around your waist
when you pull away for air, wooyoungs looking at you with a smile on his puffy red lips
you smile back and say 'that was the rush'
wooyoung smiles harder and pulls you back into him
'took you long enough'
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jongho cant believe u two have met
you're one of his favourite new idols
and you met at a show
and you told him how amazing ateez's performance was
blushing, he tells you how much he likes your music
you ask him if hes hungry to which he says yes bc 1) hes always hungry and 2) he cant say no to u ever
so u buy him one of those sandwiches w the jam and the coleslaw or wtvr you know what I'm talking about
and you sit to talk and eat for a while before you have to leave
you ask for his number and tell him you'll call him sometime
and you do
all the time
at first hes shy and boyish which makes you laugh
but after a while he gets comfy and will brag and sing to you and joke
you guys catch each other up on everything
he tells you all about the boys and the boys all about you
and you realise how good a listener this guy is nd how handsome!! and cute
and so at the next show you see him at you walk up to him
and with your heart doing flips and take his hand and tell him to walk around with you
he does and you lead him to a less busy hallway where you just look at him and say 'I like you'
jonghos like... wait. huh. what. wait i- and hes blushing so much even his ears turn red
'me? you like me? bc I like you too and if you're joking or something I would be really sad and I've told the members that I like you and they made fun of me so this would be great of u did like me but if you dont and this is a joke id be really upset' and hes rambling and not looking you in the eye
so you lean in and kiss him
'it's not a joke' you say
'its,, not a joke? are you sure?' 'I'm sure'
'you're sure' 'are you going to keep repeating everything I say? or are u gonna kiss me again?'
jongho, blushing even harder now, chooses the second option
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autisticstarseed · 4 years
if u could, perhaps, bless us with all the applicable symbols from that fic ask for hvh 👀
ooOoOOOoOO Rub s gay hands togehter omg ty friend 😍;;;;;;
💡 - What was the motivation behind the story?
hHH i hadnt written in 10+ years so when i latched onto this plot idea i just thought itd be a good time to jump the shark and try it again !! i just wanted smth really edgy and depthful bc im emo and the rest kind of snowballed
💎- What was your favorite part?
osdlfksd;lf it’s hard to pick a fav but the drunk scene was definitely the most fun to write at least
⛰️-  What was the hardest part?
THE SCENE WHERE THE GANG IS KIDNAPPED BY ENKI,,,, i debated toning down the violence but in the end i knew where the story was going (and where its still going) and that its gonNA be kinda dark so why hold back now ig
🎭- What was the feeling or mood you were going for?
BITTERSWEET AF,,, sort of just treading the line of ‘hopeful’ and ‘hopeless’ at all times to fully portray the feeling of being at your lowest, but with that classic tss ‘silver linings just around the corner’ kind of undertone
🏟️- Who was your intended audience?
mostly all the adults that watched tss as a kid and felt like spirituaLLY MOVED BY IT cuz i really tried to tap into that Emotion Tee Em we all felt when we found out that zak was [redacted]
🔬- Was there one scene you were building up to/knew you had to get just right?
hHH theres actually a LOT of scenes like that and i think a lot of my general motivation to keep going comes from that ‘WAIT FOR IT WAIT FOR IT’ vibe slkdf:SDF but the Plot Twist tm in the latest chapter was definitely a big’n, and theres a few more of those still to come :^)
🗝️ - What were you thinking when you wrote it?
kjdjFSDs:DF tbh whenever i start really writing, [’im shifting into soup mode’ seinfeld meme voice] im shifting into maladaptive daydreaming mode
🎥- Were there any tv shows, books, or movies that influenced this verse, if any?
:^) devilman crybaby pls forgive me for everytHing
📈- Was there a clear character arch you wanted____ character to go on?
i actually have a short list of what i somewhat consider to be the story arcs in my notes !! mostly just for organization and obvs i wont list the future ones but so far we’ve seen the kushtaka arc, the enki arc, and now we’re in what i call ‘the annunaki’ arc.
🎢- Were there any scenes you were nervous about? For audience reception or otherwise?
ALL OF IT JSHDJSKD, but again a lot of the enki scenes i was worried would be too edgy TM, and the whole annunaki plot as well i was worried might be too ‘out there’ for ppl, but it takes the story exactly where i always wanted it and lines everything up perfectly so i went for it lol. i was also ofc worried if people would like ila or not bc oc but most ppl love her actually which is so 😭❤️
☠️- Did you consider killing off any of the characters? Did you?
8^) [mickey mouse voice] this is a surprise tool that will help us later ,
✉️- Did you title your chapters? What title do you like best?
yes! the next one actually has my favorite chapter title yet, but so far i like ‘so strikes the harpoon’ since its a throwback to the first couple chapters
☀️- Was there symbolism/motifs you worked in?
o every single paragraph is an overly thought out middle school poem im entering in the talent show actually
🎵- Did you have a playlist/piece of music that went with this story?
Yes !! i have HVH insp part 1, Part 2, and an extra one for all those songs that have the vibes but just dont fit enough to make sense in a playlist
📜-Do you want to write something like this again in the future?
probably ! ive learned i definitely like the edgy/darker and emotionally driven stories with ongoing plot, so that trend will almost definitely continue. idk if ill write a dystopia again anytime soon, but i think my future stuff will at least retain that long and heavy vibe
💁- Did readers influence/change any part of this story?
oh yEA like basically i was ready to quit after the very first chapter before it was even written and kinda just got it all out on a whim of motivation but was expecting to flake on it like i tend to do with projects, but the invested response to it was just so uplifting that its what ive been riding on all ten chapters and im so grateful for it :’)))
✏️-Would you go back and change anything if you could?
hHHHHHHH yes and ok this is terrible but i actually tend to avoid re-reading my older chapters until i hAVe to bc i suffer from that sO much ,,, , its just little things like tiny words i wanna change or bits i wanna take out/put in and once or twice ive even caught a mistake or plot hole/smth i forgot to add that i rly do have to go back and edit and i just turn to dust every tim e
⭐- What’s a scene/paragraph you’re proud of?
i really liked the northern lights scene!! it was meant to be a pivotal moment of that ‘bittersweetness’ vibe i was talking abt and it was another one of those scenes i had been planning for a while;;;
“ I think of how much the rest of the family would love this. This isn’t like the moon and the sun, where I can see it and know that even if it looks different, they’ll see the same one soon enough, wherever they are. This reminds me only that I am not with them. It stings. It seems unnatural for something so gentle and natural to appear before us as if we aren’t in complete, total fucking chaos. After all we’ve been through, and the sky still dances. “
📣-What was the best piece of encouragement you got?
🔦-Did you learn anything while writing it? About yourself? Writing?
isdfhSDF YEs, part of my hesitation to write came from this thing where i always just assumed there was a wildly high standard of writing in fandom spaces like in original literature spaces, where you had to have like 10+ sentences to a paragraph and you had to describe every tiny detail of a setting and you had to follow every single grammar rule or it was unreadable but like. genuinely its like sculpting with words as long as you have a shape ppl get the idea which is such a weight off my shoulders lol, its still a lot of work but so much fun to know i can to an extent do what i want and ppl actually like it like that. i also learned that like most other writers i have to cause my favs emotional and physical pain,
🎁- Any writing advice for people who want to write something like this?
hhHHHH 1. please do it its so fun just give in to the edge my guy , 2. try to get comfortable re-reading your chapters, for me its like when ppl listen to themselves sing/act but im trying to do better bc its so much more consistent when i keep it fresh in my mind and it also boosts confidence when u can pick out the things u like instead of the things u dont, 3. trying to have at least one scene in mind for each chapter that ur excited to write so u can have motivation to update faster! for me it doesnt have to be smth i think would excite the audience either like it could be the most basic thing but just having an idea of it and knowing i want to see it come to life rly helps me stay on top of it all
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
Watch “Love O2O” with Me!
Episode 9
Sorry i just read the episode summary
before we get into that
i have my water, i have my ramen, the show is pulled up
as the man who cant get either nct unit (dream and 127) to listen to him when he says quiet down, mark lee would say, lezgeddit
ok we start this episode WAIT THE SUMMARY
fuck photo boy.
we start this episode off with the moment september tells the xiaos what happened
mrs. xiao really looked like she was gonna disagree with her husband just then
not at september really do be falling for nai pulling his leg
not at september blaming kodak for thinking of the game
akldfjasldk his parent walked in on them talking about mrs. nai
aslkfjdaslk his dad is sending me
also im dying at the fact that people keep talking about fish head soup
september really did just oh
oh he’s paying for the bill for the hospital
if i do cry it is going to be sucking
september is gonna say that he’s indebted to nai for the rest of his life
oh its beena few days ok
its good that hes able to get this out tho
if hes been holding this in for that long
i like that we’re getting more character development for the #Squad tho
i hope the other two get a chance to have an episode to expand on their characters
i appreciate kodak and mirror fish cheering him up and like comforting him
once again i love the friendships in this show
erxi is gaming while wei2 is just listlessly studyign?
alskdfjas weiwei is gaming and being mean
she lost?
oh wowowowow
she really do have been going thru it bc of naihe
oh wowowow wei2 is bringing up the idea of meeting him
to erxi
but still
erxi is like understanding but not understanding
but why do i feel so panicky this time?
*you in love bitch*
check the game
see if any of the #Squad has said anything to you
ok the way shes overthinking?  mood
shes afraid to log on
and is crying watching the video that they made
inchresting how things occurr
“Oh no...im being sentimental”
oh damn nini just told him what’s up
ooohhhh she lay on the guilt hard
oh bitch what the fuck how do you know
ok lowkey
lowkey creepy
bud the eye strain
she really do just be watching naihe mcmurder her character huh
alrighty then
yeah you should be in pain sir
you cant just expect to be fine after being in a coma for a few days
aish aint no one in this have any gd sense
good rest sir
maybe put on some socks
her light is so bright how are any of her roommates able to sleep w/o an eyemask
i do not understand
walking thru dead leaves in sandals
baby girl that is NOT the move
god i love that she juast walks away
ooh film class again
does he really think that a yakult is going to make up for it
god i love her
ma’am just walk like a normal person
but poor erxi i feel bad for her
i love her
why did you suddenly find a conscious
i love that shes sus af
she has every right
she thwacked him with her backpack
shes so iconic
your intentions werent good you wanted to use her
in her nightmares im marrying her
she really do be conniving incredible
oh no she didnt realize that he was doing that to see 2 BREAKFASTS I LOVE HER SO MUCH
throw your drink
throw your drink
dont help him hes a creep who cant take no for an answer
oh god
oh god erxi have some confidence T.T
i swear to god if they get married in game im going to shut my computer off
ok thank god they just went to a field with lightning bugs instead
this is excessive
i hate it here
fireworks too?
seriously im sick of this shit
also without the editing this mustve been such a funny thing to film
stop that
stop walking no
oh dear
hes picturing him and weiwei
as if
erxi seems to be having fun tho so
why are you so romantic all fo the sudden im so weak
im going to kill a man
he really did propose
ma’am its an in game marriage under false pretenses on his end
weiwei really do just be in the library watching the video over and over
yes do log in
oh my god
sack up girlie
wait no studying for your exams is better actually
i support this more
ooohhh who plays violin?
oh shit she just got a BIG call
now she has to log on
sidenote i highkey want erxi’s shirt
she’s herself again
literally sisi i am in love with you
your outfit is so pretty
ooohhhh naihe is back O.O
september sweeiteie
woke up after a day
damn shes pissed now
it stems fromm worry yes but still
you see
stop this is so
im gonna cry again
say youre not mad if youre not
bitch he really
oh thats fucking RIGHT
her phone was stolen
i really do be forgetting things
he’ll pick her up
bitch the romance of it all
uni east gate at noon
east gate at 11:35 yaaaasss bith
she really did just yeet herself out of that situation increciley
i cannot wait to watch the next episode hhhh
but it’s almost 5 am rn so thats a #nogo
i’ll see you guys soon!
thank you for reading!!!
stay safe and stay healthy <333
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possiblypeachy · 6 years
i was tagged by @deviantramblings so thank you!!!
Drink: a funky lil' fizzy drink called 'Rio'.
Phone Call: my friend last week bc i changed her contact photo and i wanted to laugh about it when it came up on my screen :,)
Text: to the same friend. i sent her a screenshot of angsty ship things and said exactly: "neiryn and,,.. erleas with the hhhhh 'i thought i lost you' hug....,, im cryign"
Song: 'How Could You Leave Us' by NF, i think? song makes me cry :(
Time You Cried: uhhhh at above friend's house bc we were getting real at 3am jdjdjsj
Dated someone twice: yes. unfortunately /:
Kissed someone and regretted it: no???
Been cheated on: nope.
Lost someone special: not really? my parents and i don't talk to a lot of our family anymore so i have very few special people to lose in the first place lmao
Been depressed: sad, yes. depressed, no.
Gotten drunk and thrown up: hahah nope!
Favorite colors: my absolute favourite is a pale orange/peach (thus my theme) but i also adore sky blue, lilac, and gold.
In the last year you have
Made new friends: i'm unsure?? i think so!!
Fallen out of love: not as far as i'm aware.
Laughed until you cried: of course.
Found out someone was talking about: yep.
Met someone who changed you: i didn't MEET anyone who changed me but i got closer to someone who did.
Found out who your friends are: i hope so.
Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list: hah no.
How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl: all of them. facebook is for family mostly.
Do you have any pets: a norwegian forest cat called Mojo :)
Do you want to change your name: not particularly. Alicia is kind of poncy but it's nice enough. the only annoying thing is when people pronounce it A-lee-sha over A-lih-cee-ya.
What did you do for your last birthday: had a sleepover with friends?? drama happened on the night of my birthday and it involves people i dislike now so it was a big meh day for me //:
What were you doing at midnight last night: yapping on to @deviantramblings about my story (thank you :,) ), getting sad about said story with the friend i made it with, and on-and-off watching youtube i think?
What is something you can’t wait for: i'm actually pretty excited for my birthday this year (sep. 23rd, kids, mark it on your calendar) bc i get a new phone and enough money to buy a kitten :))
What are you listening to right now: the gentle whirring of my fan but it's a little muffled bc i have my earphones in.
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: indeed. there's one in my form.
Something that gets on your nerves: when people are rude to be relatable?? like "oh well that's the tea 🐸☕️" kinda groups?? don't get me wrong, i use that phrase A LOT too but yknow when people are just nasty so that others laugh idk it pisses me off like there's a certain audience for certain jokes and ripping it outta people shouldn't have an audience whatsoever.
Most visited website: youtube? tumblr? does instagram count as a website?
Hair color: naturally a mousy blonde but i've dyed it ginger.
Long or short hair: short! i want to grow it out again but i have like these little middle parted curtains rn and sometimes they look cute so???
Do you have a crush on someone: eh? the way i work with crushes is confusing for me so i legitimately have no idea lmaoo
What do you like about yourself: the fact that i'm generally just easy to talk to i think :)
Want any piercings: i have two lobe piercings already but i wanna get an industrial bar and a septum piercing.
Blood type: AB +
Nicknames: i don't have any cute nicknames but i have many variants of Ali to roll with (Ali, Allie, Ally, Aly, etc.). this is a psa to give me cute nicknames.
Relationship status: v single :)
Zodiac: virgo/libra. i was born on a cusp, as far as what im told.
Pronouns: she/her.
Favorite tv shows: god umm? Dirk Gently's Hollistic Detective Agency, The Tudors, Paradise PD, shhhsouthparkshhh
Tattoos: none but i'd like some!! o super want flowers/a snake/BOTH on my right thigh.
right or left handed: right for the most part.
Ever had surgery: nope.
Piercings or ear piercings: ear piercings.
Sport: i don't? lmao oops
Vacation: i haven't been on holiday in actual years :(((
More general
Eating: i just had a filthy takeaway burger ;)
Drinking: as i'm writing this line now, i have a new drink: a glass of vimto.
About to watch: youtube? shitty videos on ig? the winds will guide me.
Waiting for: the morning so i can get my art sketchbooks done.
Want: for someone to be all domestic and cute with
Get Married: certainly some day
Career: student /:
Which is better
Hugs or kisses
Lips or eyes
Shorter or taller (my bi ass likes shorter or my height girls and taller guys oops)
Older or younger (quite frankly, i don't really care, as long as it's not too big of an age gap. at my age now, however, i'd prefer and older/my age partner)
Nice arms or stomach
Hookup or relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant
Have you ever
Kiss a stranger: no.
Drunk hard liquor: no??
Lost glasses: never and even so i have my trusty contacts.
Turned someone down: yes jsjsjs
Sex on first date: n o
Broken someone’s heart: probably? im not sure i don't talk to them anymore
Had your heart broken: no.
Been arrested: no.
Cried when someone died: in reality, no.
Fallen for a friend: almost definitely.
Do you believe in
Yourself: on rare occasion, yes.
Miracles: no.
Love at first sight: no; love occurs over time. you can desire someone at first sight but you should fall in love with a personality.
Santa Clause: when i was a wee bab.
Kiss on the first date: if i like them, why not?
Angels: no.
Best friend’s name: georgia georgia georgia. whenever i mention 'a friend', it's probably her.
Eye color: blue/green. i have central heterochromia so i have a ring of yellow/orange around my pupil too.
Favorite movie: Shaun Of The Dead?? i think?? i love that film tbh i would watch it with anyone lmaoo
Favorite actors: ummm??? basically all of the actors in the MCU?? simon pegg?? henry cavill?? alicia vikander?? armie hammer?? sandra bullock?? lots more that i can't think of??
Tagging: @wayablack , @deviantsendbyreallife , @sadmine , @plushdechart + literally anyone else who's interested :)
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swyllh · 7 years
i spent a ridiculously long time agonizing over this, but 2 + minghao for the 100 ways to say i love you thing!
(2. “this reminded me of you.”)
premise: minghao can’t let go.
pairing: minghao x reader
genre: angst, textfic
tw: major character death, lots of swearing.
10 february 2018
minghao [1102]: hey
minghao [1102]: img1834.jpg
minghao [1104]: i set your phone to silent
minghao [1104]: this doesnt work when ur phone is ringign
minghao [1105]: haha
minghao [1105]: thats actually q funny wtf
minghao [1106]: like
minghao [1106]: lets pretend to talk to u like ur alive
minghao [1106]: while ur phone is ringing next to me
minghao [1107]: ………….
minghao [1110]: yeah i don’t kno wwhy im doing this
minghao [1111]: dr lee said i t would be good
minghao [1111]: oh 11111
minghao [1111]: 1111*
minghao [1111]: u used to wish on them
minghao [1112]: i thought it was so stupid
minghao [1112]: still think its sutpid 
minghao [1113]: man its so hard
minghao [1113]: m so used to u biting my head of f
minghao [1113]: i miss you
minghao [1115]: i miss you so much
minghao [2032]: k SO
minghao [2032]: i finally got to finidhign
minghao [2032]: all the fuckdifnf funrrrl 
minghao [2033]: moeny
minghao [2033]: haaaaaaaaaaaaahha
minghao [2033]: djd y inow funerla s cost soc much
minghao [2033]: 3000 %94_43?@589;@(p;%
minghao [2033]: ‘’’’’’’’
minghao [2034]: $7_*
minghao [2034]: $7__________________________*
11 february 2018
minghao [1422]: fuck
minghao [1422]: seems like drunk me couldnt turn back
minghao [1422]: the keyborad
minghao [1422]: keyboard*
minghao [1422]: lmao
minghao [1426]: this is actually fucking funny
minghao [1426]: but what i wanted to say was
minghao [1426]: cremations cost like 100000
minghao [1426]: ……………..
minghao [1426]: did i extra type
minghao [1427]: u dont even give shits about numbers
minghao [1427]: rmb that time
minghao [1427]: you like,, frget the decimal
minghao [1427]: we ended up donating like half our rent
minghao [1430]: about rent
minghao [1431]: do i sell this house now
minghao [1431]: i mean i like it
minghao [1431]: its close to the metro, theres two supermarkets, a library
minghao [1432]: but its also hell to get to work
minghao [1432]: mine not urs
minghao [1432]: ……..technially its not a house
minghao [1432]: god how do u still osund so bitchy after death
minghao [1443]: also moving out will mean moving your stuff too
minghao [1447]: idk i dont want to think about that
minghao [1820]: img1886.jpg 
minghao [1821]: the sunset today is so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
minghao [1821]: fuck
minghao [1822]: img1887.jpg
minghao [1822]: img1888.jpg
minghao [1823]: img1889.jpg
minghao [1823]: which one
minghao [1823]: for insta
minghao [1824]: should i do a collage
minghao [2311]: 1111
12 february 2018
minghao [0608]: going out fr a run
minghao [1050]: ur mum wants to meet
minghao [1050]: think she wants to get ur stuff back
minghao [1111]: 1111
minghao [1111]: your mum says youre in heaven
minghao [1112]: she misses you a lot
minghao [1115]: ha fuck
minghao [1115]: next thing i know im gonna be waiting for you to text back
minghao [1251]: what do i say
minghao [1251]: screenshot_89.jpg
minghao [1251]: “sure!” ?
minghao [1252]: is it too morbid to add an exclamation mark
minghao [1252]: ???
minghao [1252]: sure.
minghao [1253]: the fullstop looks mean
minghao [1253]: ………………
minghao [1255]: god why cant she just
minghao [1255]: i said ‘sure’ w the fullstop
minghao [1255]: screenshot_90.jpg
minghao [1256]: what do i say now?????
minghao [1256]: why cant she get her own imaginary u
minghao [1256]: smh
13 february 2018
minghao [1637]: just got out of therapy
minghao [1637]: dr lee was talking abt the 5 stages of grief
minghao [1637]: kind of zoned out
minghao [1638]: was cool tho
minghao [1638]: youd like that psychology talk
minghao [1639]: can u imagine someone
minghao [1639]: a scientist
minghao [1639]: just going up to grieving people
minghao [1639]: like “hey can i know how ur feeling”
minghao [1639]: checking in every five days
minghao [1640]: or getting them to jorunal
minghao [1643]: kind of what i’m doing
minghao [1644]: but fuck if i let u become a memopad
minghao [1648]: anyway the bus is here
minghao [1648]: think ill sleep 
minghao [1946]: how the fuck
minghao [1946]: do u eat so much rice
minghao [1946]: i cooked exact as usual
minghao [1947]: img1890.jpg
minghao [1947]: r u fcuking kidding me
minghao [2313]: soz i missed
minghao [2313]: 1113?
minghao [2313]: at least its not 1112
minghao [2313]: 1113 is like a deliberate delay
minghao [2314]: a statement against the futility of numbers. freewill vs fate, control and determination. 
minghao [2314]: ok im sorry thts bullshit
minghao [2316]: i wont miss it again
14 february 2018
minghao [0028]: fuck
minghao [0028]: its valentines day
minghao [0028]: fucccccccccccck
minghao [0028]: everynes gonna be gross
minghao [0029]: ugh
minghao [0029]: like us
minghao [0029]: sto p soudnign so smug.
minghao [0812]: i still cant believe they skated to yoi 
minghao [0812]: what a time to be alive
minghao [0816]: ur probably so pissed that ur missing the olympics
minghao [0819]: i just checked, mens singles is on the 16th 
minghao [0819]: bet u chen rekts hanyu 
minghao [0820]: actually, no
minghao [0820]: youll cry if he does
minghao [0824]: god how many posters of hanyu do you have
minghao [0828]: youll cry if i take them down
minghao [0828]: p sure if u had any say
minghao [0828]: ud want them to paste it all over ur tomb
minghao [0829]: ………………
minghao [0830]: right now im really really hoping you dont hav some weird will that wants me to do that
minghao [0831]: ur so gross
minghao [0831]: ur room is so gross
minghao [1215]: i cant do this
minghao [1215]: ur room smells like you
minghao [1216]: fucking nivea extra fresh
minghao [1216]: cant believe im cryign over deoderent 
minghao [1217]: deodorant
minghao [1217]: even the word is gross
minghao [2311]: 1111 
minghao [2311]: i miss you. 
minghao [2312]: spent the day in your study
minghao [2312]: your mum is coming over on saturday so i packed a bit
minghao [2320]: ok i lied
minghao [2320]: i cried all over your things
minghao [2321]: how
minghao [2321]: how do you just keep crying
minghao [2321]: i should be dehydrated by nw
minghao [2322]: fuck
minghao [2322]: think im crying again
minghao [2322]: is it possible to die from crying so mcuh
minghao [2323]: i miss you
minghao [2323]: the bed is so cold
minghao [2326]: i miss you. so much. all the time.
15 february 2018
minghao [1128]: they’re going to terminate the contract on your phone
minghao [1128]: and then i wont be able to message you like this
minghao [1129]: i panicked and called dr lee
minghao [1129]: she said it was a good thing
minghao [1130]: fuck this
minghao [1130]: i know it isnt like ur gonna text back
minghao [1130]: but 
minghao [1131]: i hear your voice and it makes me safe
minghao [1131]: like youre here
minghao [1132]: fuck.
minghao [1516]: so i forgot to water your cactus
minghao [1516]: its dead
minghao [1516]: sorry
minghao [1517]: maybe oyull take better care of it now
minghao [1517]: actually
minghao [1517]: do plants go to heaven 
minghao [1518]: they can right
minghao [1518]: since they were once alive
minghao [1518]: lol
minghao [1520]: that means books cant
minghao [1520]: god it must be so boring up there
minghao [1522]: unless heaven has their own publishing company
minghao [1538]: or phone service
minghao [1540]: is that why you cant text me back
minghao [1540]: cos im texting the wrong number
minghao [1541]: i swear if u pull a new phone hoo dis
minghao [1542]: …. i cant even kill u
minghao [1542]: or its like overkill
minghao [1543]: jesus
minghao [1546]: youre always one step ahead of me huh
16 february 2018 
minghao [1741]: happy lunar new year
minghao [1741]: i went to your mum’s. we watched yuzuru hanyu.
minghao [1742]: ok FINE he won okay
minghao [1742]: nathan chen fucked up 
minghao [1742]: did u mess with him from above
minghao [1743]: thats not a fair win ok
minghao [1750]: your mum started crying in the middle of lunch.
minghao [1750]: she cooked all your favourite foods.
minghao [1751]: fuck you.
minghao [1803]: im sorry i dont mean that 
minghao [1803]: i love you
minghao [1804]: i love you
minghao [1804]: i lov eyou 
minghao [1804]: i love you 
minghao [2203]: ive been thinking
minghao [2204]: its getting hard to
minghao [2204]: talk to you 
minghao [2204]: at you, like this
minghao [2206]: im not
minghao [2206]: this sounds bad
minghao [2207]: it probably is 
minghao [2207]: every time. i do. its like.
minghao [2207]: i know youre not going to reply.
minghao [2208]: i knw youre dead
minghao [2213]: youre dead
minghao [2218]: but i miss you so much and it doesnt stop there and i still love you but your phone is still lighting up i still keep it charged and every time i try to talk about you its hard to not feel like im being ripped out from inside and i lov eyou still 
minghao [2224]: i dont want to forget you.
minghao [2248]: i dont want to wake up one day and not think of you and meet someone else and fall in love with them and throw all your things away and forget how you look like
minghao [2255]: i forgot wwhat you looked like this morning
minghao [2256]: i was looking at a photo of us
minghao [2256]: and for a moment i thought you looked strange
minghao [2257]: like, was your nose /that big
minghao [2257]: HAHAHAHAHA jk
minghao [2259]: i almost lost it. i wanted to break things and 
minghao [2302]: i dont want to say it
minghao [2311]: 1111
minghao [2312]: good night.
17 february 2018
minghao [1050]: your mum’s here
minghao [1050]: im so nervous haha wtf
minghao [2047]: the whole house is so empty wow
minghao [2047]: it’s so crazy 
minghao [2048]: but ur yuzuru posters left marks on the wall 
minghao [2048]: :p
minghao [2051]: its so weird 
minghao [2052]: its like youre not here
minghao [2055]: dr lee says its a step forward but i feel like somethings missing. and that things are going to fuck themselves up now.
minghao [2104]: its like i can hear everything now that all ur files and stuff are gone
minghao [2110]: this house is too big for me
minghao [2111]: shold i get a dog?
minghao [2111]: what if it dies
minghao [2111]: your plant died
minghao [2112]: bc i didnt water it
minghao [2114]: did you die because i didnt love you enough
minghao [2115]: the last thing we fought over was so stupid
minghao [2115]: it was about bills right
minghao [2117]: are you still pissed about that
minghao [2118]: im sorry.
18 february 2018
minghao [0233]: im unplugging your phone.
minghao [0234]: the contract’s expiring soon anyway.
minghao [0234]: so.
minghao [0240]: you’re at 76%. 
minghao [0240]: so this is kind of anticlimactic
minghao [0252]: i think ive spent too long holding you back
minghao [0252]: your mum gave me that look when she found out i was texting you.
minghao [0254]: im just scared. 
minghao [0255]: i dont want to forget what its like to love you
minghao [0301]: 49%
minghao [0510]: i had a nightmare
minghao [0511]: almost recharged your phone on auto
minghao [0512]: tired.
minghao [0512]: love you.
minghao [1110]: youre on 1%
minghao [1110]: i love you.
minghao [1110]: i love you.
[!] message undelivered - [1111]: i love you.
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cultgambles · 7 years
Could you write some headcannons for RFA +V and Saeran with a chronically ill MC? Possibly with MC feeling guilty about being sick so often? ;-;
T_T nonny i’m so sorry this took so long, but here it is! i hope you enjoy!
word count: 1,250
Masterlist | Requests? open
“MC? Are you okay? It’s past noon by now…” Yoosung knocks at your door.
You moaned as you turned to a more comfortable position.
“MC?! Is something wrong? I’m coming in!” He burst in to see you in the fetal position on the bed. He sat on the side, rubbing your back.
“No, I’m okay… I’m okay. I think it’s just one of those days,” you replied.
“One of those days? What do you mean?”
“I have chronic back pain and sometimes it just flares up. I know we planned a date today, but I think I have to take a rain check. Sorry Yoosungie.” :(
“Awe, you should have told me… I planned so many walking dates… I should be the one to apologize!”
“No, I should have told you sooner, I guess. Just-it wasn’t really hurting before.”
For some reason, it started flaring up more than usually, you having to cancel a couple of dates. 
Yoosung says not to worry, and he pops in a DVD and you both watch movies
“See, MC, we’re still having dates. They’re just movie dates now.”
Eskimo kisses!
9/10 he doesn’t understand what you’re going through but god does he try
bless him T_T 
it’s not even that he thinks that you’re weak or anything, it’s more of that he heals so fast lol
he senses when you’re not up to par and will make you breakfast in bed!!
Carries you bridal style of course
sometimes you do go out tho
just sitting in silnece under the stars wrapped up in a blanket
“Zenny, I’m sorry…I’m such a burden. I bet you wanna go out” :(
“What? Babe? You’re not burdening me at all. I’m glad we can just take a break and just sit in silence”
bruh your theme song would be quiet by lights
“But I still feel bad,” you frown
“MC, you supported me with the whole Echogirl fiasco, and now it’s my turn to support you”
She feels foolish that she didn’t know before.
You feel guilty that you’re sick so often, not coming to the cafe as often as you’d like.
Jaehee nags Jumin to let her see one of his doctors. He does, of course, because you’re his friend
“MC, are you feeling well enough to come to the cafe? I want to show you something.”
“Of course, my love.”
Curiosity killed the cat
Jaehee had designed a menu special in your honor
she calls it the MC-Deluxe
It has your favorite coffee/tea, madeleine cookies, and LOVE
so touching
start cryign on the spot omg
you have a surprise for her too
whole cafe is applauding ya’ll
“Thank you for supproting me, Jaehee.”
doctors come to check you out
“I’m sorry, sir, it’s chronicle. There’s nothing much to do except to use these pills appropriately.”
“Jumin, it’s okay. I’ll live with it (like I have been all  my life…)”
“But I want your life to be pain free, MC. It’s important to me.”
He stayed home more often, especially if the pain was too much for you.
He always awoke to Elizabeth the 3rd curled up on your chest.
tries to take pictures and gets a lil jealous
You still urged him to go to work, thinking of Jaehee and how much stress she must be in
“Don’t worry, Jumin. Elly will keep me company”
Reluctantly, he leaves. He knows you’re sad about something, so he tries to spoil you the best he can.
You were in the apartment, freaking over some small thing that seemed huge to you.
707 is calling
You groaned, but you cheerily answered anyway. “Hey, Seven!”
“MC? You don’t seem very bubbly today… Is there something God Seven can do for you?!”  ▀  ▽  ▀   
“Oh, you know. The usual.”
“I’m coming over.”
“What? Aren’t you, like, not allowed to come over?”
“Well I’m coming anyway. See you in ten!” And with that he hung up.
Looking around the apartment, you see that it’s a FUCKIN MESS and you start stressing even more
“DADDY’S HERE!” he burst in, arms full of robots and candies and sodas, spilling every which way. “Don’t worry, I brought my maid to help clean up!”
“Dammit, Saeyoung, I am not your maid!”
You both sit on the floor and pass the time, him trying to keep your mind off of anything that’s stressing you.
Sometimes, you both have depressive episodes and it’s terrible. He tries pushing you away, while you need the company. 
But in the end, he realizes how it would help you (therefore making himself feel better) and you both talk it out
totally thinking of here comes a thought
he knows all too well
one day, when you were taking care of him, he asked you about your life 
“What do you mean? You’ve already researched me…”
“I mean your day to day life. Why do you take care of me so?”
“Well, I know how it feels to be constantly falling in a dark hole. And…And I want you to experience the joys that were stripped from you.”
he doesn’t know what you mean at all.
Another day, Saeyoung had told him that you weren’t coming.
His first thought: had MC abandoned me?
“Naw, just go over to the apartment,” his brother replied. So he did.
When you didn’t answer the door, he became worried. “MC?”
He tried the lock, finding it to be open. Slowly, he pushed it open, locking it behind him.
Saeran found you huddled on the couch, staring blankly ahead.
“MC? What’s wrong?”
“Oh…Saeran…It’s you. I’m sorry I couldn’t come today,” you gave a small apologetic smile. 
And then it finally hit him: You were going through the same things as him, albeit a little different, but he understood.
He sat with you on the couch and tried to be as comforting as he could. 
V is discovering who he is
He doesn’t want to make the same mistake as he did with Rika, so he takes the relationship with you very slow.
Just as he’s getting comfortable around you, you break the news.
“V, I have cancer,” you say one night at dinner. 
He’s shocked, how could you keep it from him so well? 
He sits with you and cries. He holds you and tells you that you’ll get through it with him by your side.
It’s all you could ever ask for, really. Someone there for you unconditionally. 
You’re on your last breaths, and he’s been right by you the whole way.
“I’m sorry, Jihyun, we couldn’t build a family…together.”
He clasps your hands between his, pressing them to his lips.
“MC, this is the most fun I’ve ever had. Being with you, growing, and living who I am? It’s all thanks to you. And I’m so happy. I’m so happy that you won’t be in pain anymore, but god, it’s going to hurt like an sob.”
“I love you, V. Thank you for letting me help you,” you smiled shakily.
you looked to the rest of the RFA. “Thank you for giving me this chance.”
You died with love in your heart, and an impression to last a life time. 
V hadn’t sunk into a deep depression, instead focusing on the memories you left. 
im so sorry i had no idea it was going this way ;-;
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delirium-drk · 8 years
RULES: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write 11 new ones. Tag 11 people to answer your questions, as well as the person who tagged you.
Tagged by @daxiia thank you so much ;o;!!!
warning, fma spoilers!!!!
1. Who do you think has the best character development in the series?
not sure but off the top of my head gREED SOBS i cried SO HARD when Ling had him realize thAT HE JUST WANTS FRIENDS also now that i’ve rewatched beasts of dublith and he was like they’re my possessions!!! I was like cryign GREEED YOU’RE WROOOONNGGGG AND HE DOES REALIZE IT WITH LING’S HELP!!! AND HE ACCEPTS IT AND DOESN’T SEE THEM AS POSSESSIONS ANYMORE!! and then he dies and thanks them SOBS god i watched that last scene SO MANY TIMES so many tears
2. Tell me about your FAVORITE character and your LEAST favorite character? Why do you love/hate them?
my favorite character is LING!! He is so adorable, smart, and amazing!!! Realized how deep his character is after reading people’s analyses. That and i’m just rewatching from the beginning and actually noticing things that i forgot lol he’s not constantly portrayed as dumb, it’s made pretty clear its a facade at the start. at least i think so. he’s also fricking badass. if i could be him, that would be awesome lol.
hmm my least favorite character...first ones that come to mind are kimblee and father, but most likely father/dwarf in the flask. i guess it’s kind of obvious but he’s like the only character that doesn’t have any profound epiphany or remorse. which is a given i guess lol
3. If you could change one thing in the entire series what would it be?
I’d have Greed stay alive and with Ling SOBS 
4. QUICK! Give me a really cute headcanon about your OTP/fave?
oh god this one is going to take me the longest and i’m saving it for last bc i have literally no idea i just feed off other people’s content and don’t really think of things myself I’m not very creative lmao maybe when greedling lies to sleep at night ling won’t shut up and greed complains and calls him a pissant and tells him to shut it but he secretly likes the company lol idk
5. What is your favorite arc and why?
oh god my memory is awful so this will be hard lol i’ve only just started rewatching and im only on ep 16-17 and when i finished the series i started at 36 so... i guess, for now, the arc in the north? it was really interesting seeing the dynamics with the chimeras joining the protags after kimblee left them for dead and of course olivier is badass also miles is super cool a lot of interesting stuff happened in the north and it’s probably what i remember the most right now lol
6. What character do you think is under appreciated?
hmm i really like jean havoc but i guess i don’t see much for him in the general tag? it was a LONG time ago i saw that part of the anime but i remember being really sad when he went out of commission but i think i really got excited at the end when he helped a lot with ammunition or something
7. What is your sin?
probably greed bc i can be selfish and i have so many material desires and i am so spoiled by tyler lmao
8. If you (and someone close to you) were in Ed and Al’s place, would you be okay with using the stone? Why or why not?
 i definitely would not be okay with using it, because it would be turning those human lives into just a number and a tool for one’s own gain i’m not one to use others like that without anything in return
9. Is there any villain you feel sympathy for and can fully understand their motives? Do you think what they did was justified?
Hmm...not really. I’d say the closest would be Scar but I really don’t condone his murders. I can kinda understand him murdering alchemists that took part in the Ishvalan Civil War, but still don’t think it’s right. What kills it is how he tried to kill Ed, who had NO part in the war at all. Like I can understand going after Mustang bc he killed many people, but Ed didn’t do anything. Also why am I suddenly typing with good grammar and stuff. This is the second to last thing I answered lol.
10. Which would you rather eat, Winry’s apple pie or Gracia’s quiche?
oh GOD can’t i just eat everything lmao jk i guuuessss apple pie bc i love pie lol
11. And finally, what is your FAVORITE moment in the entire series? oh god let’s see
also hard bc i don’t remember everything but..i guess when Ling helps Greed realize thAT HE JUST WANTS FRIENDS creys
oh boy time to think of 11 questions lmao im sorry if these are lame your questions were so good, daxiia lol idk what to put
1. would you ever want to live in the fma universe?? (why? o:) (if not into fma pick your favorite thing rn!)
2. do you want to marry anyone from fma/fave show/book/etc.?? who??? (if you want them to murder you that’s fine too LOL)
3. do you play any video games? if so, what’s your fave rn?!!
4. is there a character who’s died that you wish didn’t die, but their death added so much to the story and other character(s)’s development(s) that them staying alive would detract from the story?? (cough cough im trying not to spoil anything)
5. do you ever stop watching something halfway through, even as it’s getting good, for no goddam good reason???
6. what’s your favorite animal and why?? o: genuinely curious and totally not struggling with questions lmao
7. do you tend to like male or female anime characters more?
8. what do you think is the best and most meaningful anime op or ed, including the animation itself?
9. what scene made you cry the MOST in fma (or other fave interest)??? (i’m sure you can tell what made ME cry the most...)
10. if you could make your faaaaaavorite fictional character real, WHAT WOULD YOU TRADE??? ( i am proud of this question. )
11. what would your style of alchemy be???? (ALSO PROUD OF THIS QUESTION!!!!)
i def do not have 11 people to tag so i tried lol. also if you don’t wanna do this feel free to not!
@swimforfish, @raggle-fraggle , @kagerou-daze, @lilygigg, @daxiia
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franeridart · 8 years
So they are like all like together now right?! (Bo kuroo and teru?) Kuroo's expression in the middle of the comic was making me so saddd. I'm glad Teru cleared it up 😭
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH well, more or less - I did say the last three panels were supposed to be in the next strip after all, the scene isn’t totally over just yet, but yeah we’re more or less there 👍
AND I LOVE YOU TOO OH MY GOD!!!!!! It’s always so nice to find more people that ship my poly ships~❤️️
Anon said:I love your Bokuroteru comic!!!! I legit snorted when Bokuto made that Suga joke
Anon said: I'm not usually a fan of ot3s but your bokuroteru is so cute and I love it!
THANK BOTH OF YOU SO MUCH!!!! I’m super glad you’re liking it oh mAN !!!!
Anon said:Im cryign "his favorite sport isnt volleyball its jumping to conclusions hes really good at it" ur tags are gold
lMAO I’m happy you enjoy my being silly anon hahaha
Anon said:HEYYYY JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW I STARTED BNHA THANKS TO YOUR ART!! AND!!!! I LOVE IT OMG THE MANGA IS KILLING MEEEE (also, your art about all of them is so cute!! you're great man!!)
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! And holy sHIT AM I GLAD YOU’RE LIKING IT it’s such a great manga aaaaaHHHHHHHHHH
Anon said: sigh, i just wanna thank you so much for your poly couples, thank you for letting them love each other and not get all jealous boyfriend crazy bc the point of the whole thing is thAT THEY'RE IN LOVE AND THEY CARE AND I APPRECIATE YOU FOR THIS KEEP DOING YOU MY LOVE
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW RIGHT there’s so much love and trust and understanding and happiness going around in poly relationships I just!!!!!!!! they make me so happy oh my god !!!!! I’m happy you like how I portray them!!!!!! ❤️️❤️️❤️️
Anon said: Hey poly dude again! I'm honestly so happy you drew another soon to be (I hope) poly relationship! They always make me so happy since most people don't really accept that poly relationships are real I guess, you're honestly making my life much better
HI!!!! Hello again and super thank you again *O* !!!!!!!!!! I !!!!!!!!! am so so so so happy you’re liking my stuff oh my god I hope you’re doing fine and that you’re happy and that you find money in your pants pocket today (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Anon said: Idk why but whenever i imagine your face i always imagine you looking like kuroo in your icon?
That’s gOOD Kuroo’s gorgeous and definitely a way better thing to imagine than my actual face lmao
Anon said: it was so refreshing to see your la.ven sketch? I haven't seen those lovelies in awhile! have you been a fan for awhile or did you recently get into dgm?
Thank you!!!! and oh my gOD dgm was one of the first fandoms I ever got in??? That’s about a decade ago I think... Lavi’s been one of my top two fave characters and la.ven my #1 otp for such a long time now hahaha
Anon said: Omg, I love d-gray man, thank you for drawing it!
Anon said: !!!!!! everytime you draw la.ven my heart SIIINGS I love it somuch and you do them so well!!!!!!!!
gAH thank you both sO MUCH for liking my stuff for it!!!!! dgm means a lot to me so knowing I’m doing the character even just vaguely okay is !!!!! GAHH
Anon said: Your draw is just so lovely like you! And yes I love your 3 kidd of BNHA!!
Oh my gOD thank you so much??? You’re super lovely too anon!!!!!! ❤️️❤️️❤️️
Anon said:I just wanted to say that I really love your art!! I screamed a little bit when I saw Yowamushi Pedal .. just everything about that post was beautiful. Your art style makes me super happy and checking your blog has kind of become a part of my daily routine. Thank you so much for sharing your work it really means a lot it makes me happy :)
Holy hell no anon thank you for liking my stuff and actually letting me know with such a kind and nice message?? I swear this kind of ask is the reason why I keep drawing so much ahhhhhhhh
sCRE THANK YOU FOR LIKING HIM!!!!!!!!❤️️❤️️❤️️
Anon said: Daaaamn, your art is so cute! Well, not exactly cute, but it gives of this comfy and welcome feeling and it's amazing and I love it! You and your style are amazing!
Comfy and welcome!!!!!! those are SUCH NICE FEELINGS!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!!! I’m so happy my stuff can give off that kind of feel aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
Watch “Youth With You” with Me!
Episode 10 Part 2
long time no see?
but ok we are back  to the races so to speak alkfajlsd
im sorry for being not as responsible as i couldve been for this show
truth be told i kiinda....
idk i kinda got sick of them?  like..i love them
we know i love them
but like i think maybe the pressure of knowing what would happen got to me?
idk but its fine im back now you know
according to e10 p1, we left of with mings going to his spot as ... third?
I have my water, i have water boiling on the stove for pasta, my phone is plugged in
so as mr sm leaked tiger inside and then realized before cutting out as soon as he started his versse mark lee would say, lezgeddit
oh fuck i forgot xixi was crying a lil bit oh we starting out in pain, lads
wenxuannnieee ah
guan yue and hanhan
god yixng looks so good
wenhan looks so good
wenxuan is so happy for his gege T.T
2 mill difference in votes
my jaw is dropped
da-ge and han-ge
he said some poeple here are elderly hmmm
oh shit the subtle shade thown at his company i am
jiayi baobei,,,,
i will force good luck to ccome to you sir
yixing looks v proud i do feel god in this chilis tonight
zhanyu black hair my third eye is WIDE THE FUCK OPEN
wangzhe lifting guan yue
yuehua sucks but yuehua bros are forever
who is the last to make it
ball pit?
junjie and hanyu im dufadkfaej;
wenxuan is so cute im so in lvoe
i am propsing
youwei i look
the soound effects oh my god
 aflaksdjfas theyre having fun i love it
shenshen baobei
hauiwei just cautiouslfalksdjfaewjkf
youwei and his long ass fuck model lets
youwei am i propoisng still?
unforntuanetly i am in love
please be understaning in these tyring times
sun zelin’s oh may gah
i love
i love that htey keep disappearing
its so funny
zhanyu i am proposing
jiayi you babieeee
mr. tyger bros T.T
oh i should check on my pasta brb
ok oh fuck yao chi looks SO good with this hair
but his current longer hairstyle???
chef’s kiss
ok time to check on pasta
fr this time brb
ok my pasta is bowled and coolign sligthly
shall we continue with these dramatic chinese men doing their best?
aslfkasdk the blatent ads i hate it
that looks so faake i cnannot stand them
junjie looks like a mushroom i love him
yeah that means nothing wehn i cant read chinese but okay
oh no longhan baobMINGZE BAOBEI PELAE
sidenote longhan is currently on the variety show gagman so support him a lot
mingze plesae
the yaoshi friendship means so mcuh to me no one look at me i am sobbing
zhanyu profiel ugh
shao haofan had aaldkfa;sd
he was going to hand the mic over instead of giving the high five i love men
22nd is....wenxuan
yangyang looks so distaurght
hanhan looks so upset
shut iup i am cryign at how he calls yangyang er-ge
fuck off everyone no one look at me
you may not cry so i’ll cry for you babe
hanhan looks so disappointed in himself i dont like it here
its between gu landi and chen tao for 21st and 20th spots
oh they get to go up to the lil podium stage thing omg
fancy fancie
yao chi looks so intensely hopeful
chen tao is 20th so he gets to keep moving forward
yixing dimple
i love that chen tao remembers to thank the staff
junjie be crying hmmm
huaiwei no please
all my boys are crying and so am i
this song theyre playing sucks though
oh yeah the senior seniors
lowkey highkey forgot they can have a say too
also no one talk to me about how hot huaiwei was in his performance
i think all three are gonna be arleady called names
plases just let another one of my boys makeJUNJIEEEEE
im so happy for ihim
i love his and huaiwei and hanyu’s friendship so much
okay the next trainee to make it is....already been called
and it was shiyuan
i do be love him though
last envelope
oh god...
i am so nervous
third pick is.....shao haofan!
do is the next episode the mentor stages?
please let me see that
i know longhan does yixings song and i despereately need to see that in hd
zhanyu is so pretty i miss him
god theres so few of them i
im hate how dsad yangyang looks
yes longhan you do make people laugh i love you so much bleasee
the way that yangyang looks so desponalfkjalsdkjf
ohhhh the fucking running to wenxuan im
yangyang pelase
show me the mr. tyger boys
let my heart be destroyed by zhanyu
hanyu and wenxuan fuck
aww wang jiayi and hauiwei
fuck this fucking show
and i already knew the outcomes for most of my picks too
how dare i get attatcehed
final mission
yao chi has cookie monster
next  mission is
hidden from us??
i literally cannot wait to see jolin and yixings stages
oh and we’ve reached the end of the episode
i am emotionally distraught
everything hurts
and i feel like sobbing
how are y’all doing?
im gonna be real i really dont rmemebr a lot of the performances from the previous stage
i knwo mingming’s bc the fantatic fucking suit but like
what else hppened you know
maybe bc it’s been so long for me
but yeah anyway this is the end of the episode
thank you for reading!!!
make sure to support the boys in their current endeavours!!
stay safe and stay healthy <333
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