#<- not even sarcastic btw im being serious
dichromaticdyke · 10 months
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myballsyourballs · 2 years
so i see that requests are openn!! my first time requesting so please correct me if i said anything wrongjehd, i want one loonng fic (if u can obv) abt reader ranting to kaeya because she is rlly close to him (and she is dating diluc btw no romantic feelings between kaeya and reader) abt how she feels like she isn't good enough or at diluc's level and thinks it's unfair for diluc for her to stick with him and diluc overhears everything and they go back to dawn winery and have a long angsty chat and comforts reader. THATS IT IDK IF IM MAKING SENSE, you can totally ignore this if you don't want to write it ofc <3
far from perfection
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diluc x fem! reader
genre: angst/fluff imagine
notes: sorry this wasn't very angsty- im not in a very angsty mood rn</3
synopsis: reader is a little insecure about her relationship with diluc. she confides in kaeya, and diluc overhears.
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“Hey,” the man in question pauses in his writing, glancing up at you with a smile. Kaeya resumes his paperwork for a brief moment, before ending the sentence he was writing with a flamboyant underline. “What’s up?” He kicks his feet onto the desk, crossing his legs at the ankles.
You sigh, slumping into the chair opposite him. “I feel like shit."
Kaeya raises a gloved hand to cover his growing smirk. "I can see that."
You frown, glaring at the cavalry captain. "I'm serious."
"Got it," Kaeya murmurs, expression switching to amused into something sincere. "What happened? Trouble in paradise?"
At the sight of your now melancholic-like expression, he sighs gently. Guess he hit the nail on the head. "What'd he do this time?"
"What?" your face morphs into confusion for a moment. It's such a foreign, alien idea that Diluc could have ever done something to upset you. "No, nothing. Diluc is perfect..."
You trail off.
Kaeya stares expectantly.
"Well that-- that's sort of the problem. Diluc is... too perfect."
The man in front of you raises his eyebrows sarcastically, looking at you like you just read the entirety of the Gliding Manual aloud and he was forced to listen. "I really don't want to hear you yammer on about how much you like Diluc. Spare me, please."
You groan, "That's not it." Your hands drag down your face, your slight irritation verging on exasperation. Kaeya gives good advice, but it’s hard to actually get that advice when he never stops talking.
"Then what is 'it'?"
"I'm not good enough for him. He's so amazing and I'm just... me."
Kaeya's eyes flicker with realisation before he moves into disbelief. "Seriously? Diluc is mediocre at best. You, on the other hand, are great. I'm very picky with those I associate with. You being one of my closest friends is not something to take lightly."
"Friends isn't even close to partners," you mutter, eyes downcast. "You're missing the point. I'm not good enough for him. That's fact, and I don't know how I should deal with it."
"How? How are you not good enough for him?" Kaeya asks, merely confused at this point. He couldn't really fathom how you could see yourself like that.
“He’s so out of my league— I mean, he’s the owner of this incredible winery, he makes up more than half of Mondstadt’s entire alcohol industry, owns a tavern, he can bartend, he’s the wealthiest guy in this region, he’s selfless, kind and sweet and— and not to mention — he’s a literal hero!” you furrowed your brows, voice cracking near the end of your little spiel. “I don’t— how do I even come close to living up to that?”
Kaeya looks mildly surprised, albeit slightly sad. “You don’t have to. You’re his lover. And—”
“But I shouldn’t be!” you shake your head, eyes watering in frustration. He didn't get it. “Diluc is perfect! And I couldn’t be farther from that…”
Kaeya sighs. You hear the floorboards creak as he moves to sit next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Now, I have no idea what got these thoughts in your head, but they’re irrelevant. Diluc is really not that perfect—”
“Yes, he is. It’s completely unfair to Diluc for me to stick with him,” you mumble, throat dry. “I’m not good enough.”
“Hey, now,” Kaeya chastises. “I, for one, think you’re fantastic. Diluc, as… mediocre of a brother he is, makes some good choices. And one of them was choosing you to be his partner,” he pauses, letting the words sink in before beginning to speak again.
“Not to mention, Diluc is his own person with his own free-will. You don’t get to decide whether he wants you or not, he does. And he’d be an idiot not to want you. Given he’s still in a relationship with you, I guarantee a lack of want isn’t the case.”
That gets you thinking. Whilst on some degree, Kaeya is making sense — everyone makes mistakes. Diluc, as perfect as he is, isn’t exempt from that. A slip in judgement, or simply not thinking things through could've caused this situation. A situation that, in Diluc’s mind, could be one that he thinks he’s trapped in. Breaking up with you could hurt his relationship with Kaeya even more, given the two of you are friends. This then makes him trapped, in a sense. Right?
You settle into a somber silence, Kaeya's hand rubbing gentle circles on your back.
"I really..." don't think that's true. Not like you were gonna say that, though. Kaeya was already dealing with a lot already -- you interrupting his time to do paperwork just so you could rant was enough.
"You really...?"
"I... ah, thank you. I really wanna thank you. You're a good friend, Kaeya."
The cavalry captain smiles, "Of course I am. I'm the best."
You chuckle, looking away. A beat passes. "I should head back, shouldn't I?"
Kaeya hums, nodding his head gently. "Probably," He moves from his spot next to you and settles back into his desk chair, sighing. Blue hair sways as he hangs his head back, eyes sliding shut.
Taking that as your cue to leave, you stand, plastering on a bright smile. "Thanks again, Kaeya.”
Kaeya’s eyes meet yours for a beat, narrowing in suspicion at your sudden change in mood. "…Anytime."
The atmosphere feels odd when you walk into the Dawn Winery.
“Diluc?” you call.
“Was that true?”
His voice responds. You look towards him. He’s got his back towards you, leaning casually on a chair with his arms crossed. His shoulders are still.
Diluc seems solemn. He still won’t face you.
“Was wha—”
“Do you really believe that? That you’re such a burden to me?” He turns his head to face you slightly.
Your body stills. You almost wait for him to clarify if he overheard your conversation with Kaeya, but it's a clear guarantee that he has. Diluc’s eyes are looking everywhere but at yours.
“Oh. That. Uh,” your lip trembles slightly, “Yeah, I do think that. B—But it’s not your fault! And, you know, it’s alright if you want to break up with—”
“How could you say that?” Diluc whispers. His eyes finally meet yours. It’s a startling sight; eyes red-rimmed and brows furrowed with such emotion. Diluc never loses his cool. Not even in front of you. “You mean everything to me. You could never be a problem, nor a burden to me. I am… not all that perfect. Not as much as you make me out to be. Don’t compare yourself to the likes of me,” he pauses, contemplative. His brows knit together further, fingers clenching and unclenching at his sides. He chuckles dryly, “You’ll only disappoint yourself.”
"You are perfect, though. It's--"
"No, I'm not. That’s delusional.”
You flinch back.
“No, that’s not what I—” he rubs a hand on his temple, “That’s exactly what I mean. Sometimes I say the wrong thing, or make the wrong choice. My money and wealth doesn’t make me better. I’m still… me. Nobody’s perfect. Especially not me.”
“But… that—”
“There’s no use trying to disagree. I am not perfect. Neither are you. Nor anyone else.”
You purse your lips, avoiding his eyes. You can hear his heavy boots approaching you, his clothing rustling and buckles clinking.
“…You don’t get it, Diluc.”
He hums, “Enlighten me, then. What don’t I get?”
“I’m not good enough for you. You deserve someone better,” you sigh, “You might not be perfect, but in my mind, and everyone else’s, you are damn near close. I’m not worth it. I’m probably one of the worst picks for you and you don’t even know it--”
“--I do know that you’re one of the best picks for me. And I think that I, as an independent adult man, would know what’s good for me. I know what I want,” Diluc pauses, grabbing your hands with glove-clad fingers, “and I want you. No one else. Just you.”
You pursed your lips. "Surely--"
"No. There are no exceptions, no 'but's, no nothing. I want you," he clenches his jaw, "only you."
"...You aren't staying with me just to keep on good terms with Kaeya, right?"
"What? No," Diluc sighs again, exasperated. He goes silent for a bit -- as if considering what to say that will convince you. "A baby is able to cry when they want food, or reach out when they want affection. If a baby can figure out what they want, why can't I?"
"Diluc, that isn't the same at all--"
"[Y/N]. It doesn't matter. Stop arguing with me. You will not win."
"Yeah, but a baby--"
"--doesn't have complex desires like--"
"Okay, fine."
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tirednshet · 2 months
Httyd, Next Gen.
After days of writing, trying to find proper names, and (trying to) make it as accurate as possible, I present to you my version of the next generation of dragon riders in httyd (in this AU)!
*(Btw, the descriptions are from a series of stories im making, so it will contain a shit-ton of lore. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!)
Zephyr Haddock - The eldest of the Haddock children, and the future heir to Berk. She reflects her fathers sarcasticness and creativity. She rides a Stromcutter she named Skysplitter. She is also the unofficial leader of the next generation of Dragon Riders, and is willing to protect all of them, especially Nuffink, when they are in danger. She often feels pressured by this new role, due to the fact she was placed in it overnight, but is guided by Avery. She feels guilty and feels as if it is her fault that her parents, and Berk, are in the state they are in in the first place. She doesn't like to talk about it all that much.
Nuffink Haddock - The youngest of the Haddock children, and while not the heir, still the Chief’s son. Unlike Zephyr, he reflects his mother’s traits of being adventurous and brash. He rides a green Nadder named Buckwing. He tries to help Zephyr the best he can on Dragon’s Edge, but sometimes goofs off with the cousins and Eira. He doesn’t like hearing about Berk, because it reminds him of his parents and the condition they are in.
Scullnut Thorston-Jorgenson - The son of Snotlout and Tuffnut (fraternal mother was Ruffnut). He inherits both of his fathers’ chaotic personalities, while also reflecting their loyalty to their old team. He rides a Typhoomerang named Glowtorch. When he escaped from Berk, Thornut wasn’t on the best terms with his parents (there will be TONS of context on that later). He feels guilty about it, and often feels like they ended up in their condition because of him. He takes his guilt out on the other riders in various forms, like questioning Zephyr’s leading, disobeying Avery and running amok on Dragon’s Edge with the cousins, and often zoning out during combat lectures. (He just doesn’t know any other way to deal with it, and certainly is not the type to talk about his problems).
Runa Ingerman - The daughter of Ruffnut and Fishlegs. She inherited Ruffnut’s chaotic personality and Fishlegs’s love for dragons, so the result was a chaotic love for dragons (I seriously don’t know how that would work out). Runa rides Fogs and Gust, a Zippleback from the Hidden World. She and Scullnut are thicker than the hairiest yak on Berk, because I mean, they are cousins, after all. They often secretly go on little adventures around Dragon’s Edge, just to loosen up a little. They also try not to think of the state Berk, and their parents, are in, afraid of what might’ve happened to them.
Arne - The eldest child of Dagur and Mala, and the future heir of the Defenders of the Wing, and the Berserkers. He reflects his mother’s traits, being calm and collected in times of danger, and knowing when the right time is to strike. He rides a Thunderdrum he named Waves, and often helps Zephyr as second-in-command of the riders, and keeps everyone, especially Eira, in check. He also comforts the riders when they feel at their lowest, and assures them that they are going to defeat Zelda and get their islands and people back.
Eira - The youngest child of Dagur and Mala. She inherited her father’s red hair and wild personality, and his fighting skills as well. She rides a Triple Strike named Wildeye. She has a hobby of chasing some of the Night Terrors around Dragon’s Edge, along with the cousins (Runa and Scullnut). Sometimes even Nuffink joins them as well. But Eira does have a more serious side to her. She looks up to both of her parents (mostly her father), and refuses to believe that he fell to a crazy lady and her dragon. So, whenever someone mentions him or anything related to him, she goes quiet and isolates herself for the rest of the day.
*I'm sorry if this isn't accurate/is cringey. As I said before, I tried to make it as accurate as possible (for this AU).
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riverpookie · 1 month
Can you tell us about your interpretations of the yellow green team and their shadows? Your art is amazing btw
HI HELLO sorry ive only seen this now lol
yes of course! anon be aware of a lot of yapping HELP #certifiedyapper
Okay so like we already know that shadow rider exists so i dont rlly need to explain that ,, so heres shadow stealth blazer and bamboo
stealth goggles seems to be pretty anxious thru the manga (it got better for him in vol 16 btw!), but he is still a kind guy and he tries his best to help his team (and his teammates) by how much he can! he is also a kind of an airhead lol, rider mentioned how he basically never uses his toxic mist in the last page of the team monarch vs yg team chapter(s)
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there are more examples but i’ll not get into that
so i like to picture shadow stealth goggles having a cocky personality, he is also very competitive and NEVER forgets to use his toxic mist!!!!!!!!! 🙄 he is also very mean towards shadow rider LMAO (shadow stealth goggles still likes airsoft btw like how shadow rider is still obsessed with his gold dynamo HELP)
okayy blazer now! honestly blazer is kinda hard to characterize since she has the most least appearances from yellow green team ☹️
blazer is known to be very optimistic and supportive, shes like the most happiest character from yg team HELP😭 this is (kind of?) a headcanon i have for blazer’s personality but i like to picture her as also a kind of an airhead who doesnt understand sarcasm most of the time like shes DEADASS saying this with a straight face😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀 (context in that panel goggles pointed out that rider’s pants are sagging)
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for shadow blazer, i like to imagine her as being very serious and selfish, she dislikes her teammates a lot ESPECIALLY bamboo hat #doomedyuri she is also very sarcastic
(ANOTHER HC I FORGOT TO MENTION but i hc blazer being a bookworm so like how i mentioned before with rider and shadow rider both being obsessed with their gold dynamo roller so does blazer and shadow blazer with books)
finally the last one we got bamboo hat yippeee
sooo bamboo hat seems to be pretty cold-faced, serious and sarcastic, but she is still very emotional which is such a cool personality for a character ngl! bamboo is so underrated ugh (for the emotional part she is seen to be crying at the end of the team monarch vs yg team match 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 girl why u crying its not even that serious)
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for shadow bamboo hat i like to picture her being like. emotionless but smiley (does this make sense?? sorry im not rlly good at explaining stuff) and she would NEVER get sarcasm. so whenever shadow blazer will tell her a joke she’d take it genuinely
(as i mentioned beforeee, since bamboo is a wood carving hobbyist, so is shadow bamboo! awesome sauce)
other shadow yellow green team stuff id like to mention:
instead of shadow rider being the captain, shadow stealth goggles kinda just replaced him on his own so shadow stealth is basically the captain of shadow yg team (the co captain is shadow blazer btw!)
since yellow green team get along very well while all of them being very different and unique from each other, shadow yellow green team are different here. bc of how different they are from each other they just DONT get along and NEVER get along which costs to a lottt of fights ☹️
shadow rider thinks shadow stealth and him are friends when in reality shadow stealth doesnt care about the other shadows 😭
shadow bamboo is obsessed with shadow blazer and shadow blazer tries to avoid her
shadow bamboo considers shadow rider as her best friend
shadow stealth and shadow blazer argue all the time!!!!!!111!!!!
shadow stealth and shadow bamboo make actually a pretty cool duo ngl
okay thats it thank you btw! 🙏 sorry for any grammar mistakes btw rnglish is not my first language/its like 12am here HELP
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tqxky · 1 year
Can I request overprotective Maggie Greene? Don’t care what it is, there’s just too much shortage of her🥲
Heyy!! I wasn't too sure if u wanted her to be protective in more of a motherly way or in a girlfriend way, but here u go!! It's also not very long bc i didn't have that much ideas🫨 so sorry if this sucks. Right now, it's 5 in the morning🐊 (Thanks sm for the request, btw😭❤️🫶)
Warnings: almost getting bitten (?)
We were out on a run, me, Maggie, Glenn, and Tara.
"Y/n, stay with me, alright?" Maggie told me, "yeah yeah" i just rolled my eyes.
It was always like this, whenever i was asked to come on a run, Maggie always wanted me to stay close so she could 'protect me', it wasn't that bad to have a personal guard, but sometimes it could be nice to be able to do something on my own.
A couple minutes later, Glenn put the car to a stop and we all got out, as soon i got out of the car, Maggie grabbed my arm and smiled, "Lets get going guys, stay with me, Y/n" I rolled my eyes again and sighed, "Yes, mom" i said the last part in a more sarcastic way, "im serious Y/n, i don't want you to get hurt" she said, still holding my arm and pulling me with her following Glenn and Tara who were already walking towards the abandoned building.
Once we were inside, Maggie pushed me down on a chair standing in the corner of the room.
"Okay, you sit here, me, Tara and Glenn are gonna see if we can find anything usefull, okay? Stay here." She pushed a gun into my hands and kissed my cheek, "Take this just incase, dont go running off, 'kay?" I sighed again, "Yes, Maggie, I'll be fine" she smiled, "good" she kissed my head and went into the other room with Tara and Glenn.
As soon as Maggie and the others left the room, i stood up from my chair and walked outside, trying not to make a sound so Maggie wouldn't notice i was gone.
I wasnt sure about the plan, but i wanted to do something, something to impress Maggie so she would actually trust me instead of being so protective the whole time.
Back at the car, i was looking around for possible walkers, after a couple minutes of nothing, i started to feel thirsty, grabbing a bottle of water from my bag, though there wasnt much left, i opened the car door to look inside for more to drink.
I heard footsteps behind me, without looking back, i spoke, "And? Find anything usefull?" I turned around, only to find a couple of walkers walking in my direction, 'dammit', i thought, quickly grabbing the gun Maggie gave me and shooting a couple of walkers in the head, watching them fall to the ground.
One more walker was left, and i stepped back, my back hitting the car, the walker kept coming closer once it was pretty much pressed against me, trying to bite me while i was trying to push it away, before i could react, a knife was drivin into its skull, falling to the ground, revealing Maggie standing behind it.
"What the hell Y/n?!" I couldn't tell whether she was mad or not, she looked upset but i could tell in her voice that she wasn't.
"I told you to stay, but you couldn't listen?" I felt myself tearing up slightly, obviously i wasnt used to getting yelled at by Maggie,
Glenn walked over to us, "How about we get back to Alexandria?", "yeah, let's go, " Tara said before getting into the drivers seat.
"Im the driver!"
"Not anymore"
Small time skip to back at Alexandria
I was lying down on the couch, facing the ceiling, I felt like i messed up, Maggie got mad at me because i didn't listen. Even though she was just trying to protect me, I thought about what happened and realised i probably wouldnt have survived if Maggie wasn't there, as soon as i got up to get a drink, i heard the door open.
Maggie walked in, she smiled at me, "Hey," I smiled back, "Hey." She sat down next to me on the couch, "I feel like we should talk." I nodded in agreement, she continued.
"Look, i know you don't enjoy me being so 'on your ass' the whole time, but i care about you, 'kay? I want you to be safe. " I nodded again, "Yeah.. im sorry, too. i know you were just trying to help. I should've listened to you, im sorry." She smiled at me again, "It's okay, Y/n, just try to be more careful, you almost got bit today, we can't let that happen, y'know?"
"Yeah, i know." I sighed and pulled her in for a hug, and immediately felt her arms wrap around me.
"I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too."
Okay i know this isn't good, its the first thing I've written, but i promise better things will come, english isnt my native language and im a beginner writer so please bear with me, everyone from western Europe, its late, go to sleep, to everyone from other parts of the world, have a lovely day, requests are open!! Love y'all <3
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pockyandsoda · 11 months
omfd s2ep8 spoilers & rant
originally posted to my twitter acc
i am genuinely so confused by the amount of pure vitriol some of you have towards izzy and izzy fans?? i get not particularly liking a character or agreeing with the way other people see them, but some of y'all are being absolutely disgusting towards others. what happened to cringe culture being dead, huh? insinuating people should be embarassed or ashamed to have a reaction to characters they like - having big emotions about media you love is part of being in a fandom! you're no better or less weird! oooh look at you being unwilling to forgive or accept character growth! wow! so morally superior and cool! just because you dont personally agree that a redemption arc was deserved or done well doesnt make it a fact btw.
ive been watching this season with casual viewers who are not a part of online fandom at all, and they have all very much enjoyed izzy's arc and him as a character, they are able to see the narrative importance of it, as are the writers and the crew. again, you dont have to agree. but dont act superior.
at the end of the day, this is a silly pirate show made mostly for 'haha's, and ALL of these characters have done HORRIBLE things, they're pirates ffs, that's kinda the whole point here guys! and those things are ridiculously easily forgiven (by our standards) again, because they are pirates and this is not a serious show.
izzy fans are sad, some are very very sad, maybe even a 'weird' amount! so? do you really need to dunk on them for lolz? make it out like they're insane for even liking a character that the show itself actively likes and supports and clearly wants the audience to like (in s2 anyway, and if you deny this then sorry but you're being willfully wrong)? idk why any of you are remotely surprised people like this character? starting to think some of you just wanna be edgy and seem sarcastic and cool and superior for your 'witty' twitter commentary tbh.
and of course sending any kinda negativity towards writers/cast/crew is disgusting and pathetic, but im seeing that from izzy lovers and haters alike on my feed, so dont you dare try and make it seem like a pro-izzy only issue here. and y'know what? it's also disgusting and pathetic to belittle and mock other members of the fandom, and im only seeing one side engaging in that behavior, please do humble yourselves and remember the times in your life when you have had a strong emotional reaction to things happening to your fav characters and ships. dont forget that you are also a loser with a fandom twitter/tumblr account.
and for the record, i thought the finale was genuinely good, as was all of season 2 in my opinion. all this immature negativity and faux superiority is making this fandom toxic. izzy is a popular character with viewers (casual & otherwise) and the creative team, who had a decent redemption arc. that is a fact, whether you like it or not. people should not have to feel hesitation about posting anything remotely positive about izzy out of fear of judgement or ridicule. save your cutting twitter remarks for actually problematic people.
im not even particularly attached to this damn character but the way y'all have been behaving has annoyed tf outta me.
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sirensea14 · 5 months
How did you actually come up with mayhem x not cup? It seems like such a weird yet canon ship I love it I want to learn more
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Oh i actually had art of that ship waaaaay back before posting on tumblr
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Made this around the middle of last year. And then i posted this when i first started tumblr (you long-time fishies/followers out there who was with me with my first post might remember this lol)
From all i could remember from my past-self's thoughts, Not-Cup was, from what i imagined, a hollow and black eyed version of Cuphead that appeared in real Cuphead's dream in the labyrinth. Which is waaaaay different cuz in the canon, its actually just the usual cuphead that we know, except evil with toungue. I was wondering why he was in the Tear—was he an anomaly like mayhem? Was he an illusion like ava and black hat? Or is he smth else like i dunno, a future cuphead that is potentially possessed by an ink machine part? (As you guys know, when a character gets possessed by this shit, their eyes turn black like Cog!Holly, Cog!Cala and Instument!boris and sarah. Except the brush with mick tho, i dunno why is that)
But anyway, this question gets unanswered leaving me to headcanon that he is an "actual" character and not just a manifestation or illusion of the labyrinth. Just like Mayhem who we thought was an illusion till she's revealed to be an actual character in the series. (This question regarding Not-Cup is still unanswered lol, regardless of an answer, im still shipping them)
Now, onto the actual question, well i dunno if u ship cuphead and holly (i do) and if you'd notice, witchbrew is (obviously) a parallel of the colly ship. Colly are in the hero side, while Witchbrew is on the villain side. I would love to see an actual couple be villains, it sucks that theyre always single XD. If Cuphead had his Holly, then why cant Mayhem have her Not-Cup, hm? Nah-uh aint gonna let that happen
And then boom! This shit--i mean ship is created. Lol i dunno if this makes any sense 😭
Also this ship has ties with my theory regarding of Mayhem's origin and if there will be a canon origin of her story thats gonna be different from my theory, well, lets say this might just be a small fanon ship that randomly came outta nowhere XD
Regarding their origin love story, it starts with my theory that Mayhem is the future Holly that is fully possessed by the cog when the questers went to the desert (forgot its name) to finf the machine. Cuphead goes desperate and asks help from a part? (Eh, i really havent thought about how cuphead got possessed lol) And then he teams up with Mayhem.
The problem is, Cuphead did it out of love, regrets (regret that he didnt manage to save holly even tho it wasnt his fault), and guilt. While Mayhem got possessed by the Cog due to her previous connection to it that got stronger. So i this ship, its painfully one-sided. Painful truth.
But when interacting, they act a bit like a bickering couple, Mayhem being the terrifying teaser she is while Not-cup is the sarcastic serious one. Tho he sometimes act like the actual Cuphead Dish from the questers. They may also act a bit like the duplicates of Colly in appearance.
Not-Cup likes to help Mayhem mess with the Questers as they try to hunt down and restore the duo.
And as for Chaos the Cat... I dunno where the fuck does he fit in lol
From what i remember i think i had a digital version of Mayhem's Tango? Its burried deep down in the ocean... Btw Mayhem's tango was inspired by the song "You'll be mine (Alice's Tango)" by Chi-Chi. I also had other songs that i associate mayhem with (mostly its just bendy fansongs lol) but i dunno if u wanna hear abt it :/
Welp i think thats it? I covered up all about teh WitchBrew origins. Send me another ask if my explanation's not clear XD
Im also glad that you love this silly lil ship i made! It was odd seeing someone like it when i expected no to actually like it XD (tho i dunno out there if anyone actually paid attention to my mayhem x not-cup ship way back then cuz it was a bit random) if u want more infos abt them, go on and ask! I have a bit more from store actually... Hidden for so long... (/jk, its just for 2 years lol)
Stars i feel like ive made an essay...
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supercutszns · 5 months
out of curiosity. are you perrie as in the platypus? or just a different perrie?
love your fics btw ur writing is amazibg
………can’t believe you have successfully discovered the origin of my name. im dead serious i chose to go by perrie on the internet because of perry the platypus i’m not even being a little bit sarcastic. phineas and ferb is so beloved to me and perrie is a cool name so i STOLE IT!! you are a genius my friend i applaud you! (pls don’t judge me) and thank you very much <3
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socheckitout-mikey · 2 years
heyyy !! i hope you're doing well! i just finished watching the outsiders movie + book (btw you're hcs for are so freaking good omg!! ><) But anywho enough of my rambling, i was wondering if you could do hc for dallas teaching you how to drive? particularly a romantic interest but it could be anyone if you'd prefer. I hope you have fun w this with this!
im doing well, hun. im glad you enjoy my hc's. yeah ofc! always up for some dally hc's >:) tysm for requesting these. sorry it took me a century to get round to writing and posting them. enjoy them tho! <3 - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Dallas Winston Teaching You How To Drive Hc's:
° This is gonna be one wild time. Dally isn’t known for his driving abilities since he’s known for being just as reckless on the road as he is on his own two feet. Think of a high speed car chase with the fuzz and you’ll have him perfectly. I mean, he turns corners at 100mph, you better say a prayer!
° You sure picked your instructor well, now didn’t you? And the chances of him taking this seriously are slim to none. However this will be eventful.
° First and foremost, you’re too on edge for his liking. “Listen kid, you’re so on edge that you’re makin’ me on edge, which ain’t good. You gotta loosen up, capeesh? I promise ya, you’ll come outta this car a pro! No one’s gonna recognise you cuz you’ll be drivin’ all snazzy.”
° “Snazzy?” You cocked an eyebrow.
° “Alright, maybe not that cuz your pop’s got you a hunk’o junk, but at least you’ll know how to make it move from point A to point B.” He grinned just as you frowned at him. He patted your shoulder reassuringly, “Y’know, it’s the little things! C’mon, what do we have to lose?”
° “Our lives and this car.” You muttered wryly.
° “Eh for this to work ya gotta have a bit of faith!”
° “Faith?! Alright, who switched you out for Jesus?”
° Dally just about pissed himself laughing at that one.
° The first thing he tries to teach you is how to hotwire a car for, and I quote, “It’s for research purposes! You never know, what if I’m not around to do it for you?”
° “Dal, we are not hot wiring my dad’s car! I just got it -,”
° “Yeah well, maybe if he thinks it’s stolen then he’ll take pity on you and give you his new piece of junk.” He smarted back at you.
° “No!”
° “Well, ain’t you a goody-goody.” He muttered sarcastically under his breath.
° But he lays off after that… a bit.
° When you and Dallas are together, there’s a slim chance of anything being taken seriously. You’re always goofing off. So when you’re trying to take something seriously, Dally’s trying hard not to laugh. It’s just the way that your face gets when you’re focusing, it kills any inkling of seriousness in him.
° “You’re not funny, Dally.” You growled.
° “I think I’m pretty funny, sugar.” He winked at you teasingly, which might have gotten you to roll your eyes and smile just a little.
° I think that Dallas is definitely a, “I’m only gonna say this once, so you better have your listenin’ ears on,” type of guy. Even though you forget it two seconds later, he’s just gonna say it again with a, “Y’know, I think you’re doin’ this on purpose, doll.”
° Whether you did or didn’t do it on purpose cannot be proven whatsoever.
° “What? Are you gonna bring me to court for it?” You sassed back.
° And Dally just did that gorgeous breathy laugh, coupled with a smirk. He straightened up in the passenger seat, staring out of the windshield before looking at you again. “You’re a pain in my ass, sweetheart.”
° There does come a point where he is semi serious, but he’s awfully disgruntled because you’re driving in the legal speed limit.
° “C’mon! All I ask is that you scratch the paint on that oldie’s bumper, for cryin’ out loud!”
° “Dal, there’s a cop there and besides, that man has more money than our entire neighbourhood combined. I’m not takin’ the heat cuz you almost got caught hot wiring his car three weeks ago,”
° “Ass kisser…” he muttered under his breath, disguised by a cough.
° “Say that one more time and I’ll-,”
° “Babe, you’re hearing things,”
° Dallas Winston has some damn road rage, especially when he’s in the passenger seat. The amount of scraps you’ve had to zoom away from is insane. He’s flipping everyone the bird and even starting things.
° Did I mention that he’s also a backseat driver? He does it mainly to annoy you, which works every damn time!
° He isn’t known for his patience, so if on the fifth time of teaching you how to parallel park and you still don’t know how to, there will be consequences. Of course in the form of playfully threatening to demonstrate how to do it for you again. And would you look at that, you did it on your own, all while shaking in your boots. He can’t help but be a little proud. So instilling a bit of fear with his driving will get you to do the hard stuff, eh?
° Now, you don’t always drive the speed limit, but you aren’t as wild as Dally. He’s always calling you gramps or grams whenever you do drive because it’s not the speed he’d choose.
° “C’mon, you gotta live a little! I’m tellin’ ya, I ain’t gettin’ any younger with your tortoise crawl. I mean, I can practically feel the grey hairs growin’ in!” He teased, bored outta his mind as you sluggishly drove down the dirt road.
° You do end up getting the hang of everything pretty quickly. You become a good driver, because Dally’s always telling you not to do what he’s doing. You’re his s/o afterall. At least one of you should know how to drive properly.
° Dallas is a good teacher — in his own way, of course. He’s not winning any awards ever, but he did well — at least for you. Afterall, if you weren’t his partner — someone he’s a little soft for, he wouldn’t have taken so much time to teach you. With all of the teasing and complaining, Dally grew to love spending these nights or afternoons with you. He wouldn’t ever admit it, but seeing you achieve things and get more confident on the road was something that made him proud. Even better when you passed your actual test! Although he rolled his eyes because you got a real license, he couldn’t have been more happy.
° “I coulda gotten you one for free,” he grumbled at you in Buck’s T-Bird, because you couldn’t drive to the test yourself.
° “And have whoever made it stitch me with a bad photo?” You said, practically outraged. Dallas just rolled his eyes.
° “You had the best teacher, of course.” He grinned in the driver's seat, and changed the subject too. He swiped your license from your pretty fingers and began inspecting it, propping his boots up on the dashboard.
° You slapped his foot down, made him laugh as you demanded it back. With a smoke between his lips, he grinned impishly at the little picture on your ID. “Man, they sure got the wrong angle that’s for sure.”
° “Gimme that back!” You grumbled, snatching it away from him and putting it in your back pocket. “Asshole…” you mumbled at him.
° Dallas just grinned, pulling the cigarette from his mouth to flick ashes at you, and blow smoke in your face — two things that you weren’t phased by any more. “C’mere,” he hummed, leaning over and planting a firm but loving kiss on your lips. “You look beautiful, sweetheart.” He promised candidly.
° “Really?”
° “O’course-,” he began passionately, but stopped himself. He wagged his finger’s with his smoke in between them at you for a moment as you giggled at your handiwork. “New rule, from now on I only say things once.”
° “Aw c’mon!” You giggled.
° I hope you know that you’re Dally’s personal taxi service now fhfhdhwjeh. He says that it’s the least you can do with all of the time and energy he spent on teaching you how to drive. He means that playfully of course; shot to you with a teasing wink. If you complain, he just says he’ll drive, which always gets you to bend and begin driving off before he can get out of the car.
° The banter is 20/10 I promise you.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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requests: closed!
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k4n4n1 · 2 years
hi! idk if your still doing matchups but ignore this if not, my name is Reece, i’m 5”8 with a brown wolfcut, glasses,(weak) muscles, and a dark academia aesthetic, i love working w/ dogs, baking, and writing, i don’t like serious situations and use humor to cope w/ pretty much everything^^; I don’t have a preference for gender, i prefer ppl being extroverted (+a bit dumb when possible👀 or just as sarcastic as me cus funny (matchup for genshin btw, ty and drink sum water!!<3)
i match u with : thoma !
i assign u : co-workers to lovers !
— the young masters have had about enough of seeing thoma’s smile wrapped taught with strain.
— of the very few telltale signs of thoma’s fatigue.
— employing another servant, ninja, or swordsman comes as easy as breathing to the clan heads of the yashiro commission.
— employing someone who could come to par w thoma’s household skill on the other hand…
— what a pressing matter this has become.
— ayaka was aimlessly skating the town one crisp evening. praise and envious mutters airing her way as they rode the winds.
— she payed no mind, the matter of thoma’s ability to separate his brain and his body in the name of his duty hanging in the back of her mind.
— this was a fated, crisp evening for you.
— you were presenting your finest, most whimsical pastries to lord kamisato today. and — despite this persistent anxiety following you through every turn like a haunting spirit — you’ve managed to paint a smile on your face.
— thank the archons for humor !
— and thank the archons for taroumaru ! oh, he’s just the cutest, goodest boy of all, isnt he ?
— the aroma of your pastries, wafting a divine flavor, has just accumulated quite the crowd…
— the kamisatos and their esteemed butler, thoma, idle at the end of the hallway.
— they seem more than excited.
— they went through one by one, tasting your pastry and by the archons, they might have fallen in love this time…
— you were hired on the spot !
— you couldn’t have asked for a better guide than thoma. the yashiro commission quarters looks far smaller than it really is…
— with this new found help, thoma’s smile reaches his eyes now.
— and speaking of ?
— they cant be kept off of you.
— well into the week, you wake up to an awfully familiar scent. your signature — it seems…
— “morning, reece !”
— “…thoma ?”
— he has set up a lovely little breakfast-in-bed for you — vibrant flowers, iridescent silverware, your dish sat directly next to his own !
— oh, is it gorgeous.
— and archons, does it tastes as good as it looks…
— thoma silently admires you from the foot of the bed and you catch his gaze within your own.
— through a mouth-full of food, you push out, “want a bite ?” you extend your hand, and he takes a bite with no hesitation.
— the eye contact he held made you blush.
— you’re finished with your meal, “thoma, i think you made that bread better than i do.”
— “no, no never !” his cheeks pale in comparison to the blush he mirrors off you, “no one does it as good as you…”
— “im not sure—“
— “of course you do !” he blurts, “from the way you tie your apron to the precise tilt of your hand when you measure your ingredients…”
— the sigh he lets out is very telling. he knows he’s been caught with the curve of your smile, “no one does it as well as you do, reece…”
— “sounds like you’ve been staring pretty hard.” you tease him with a suggestive lilt in your voice. “why dont we go out sometime, hm ?”
— “im sorry— wait, what ?”
— “lets go out tomorrow.” you smile gently at him, “ill pick you up at five, alright ?”
— he stands there, fighting for words internally. his voice continually proving untrustworthy.
— “ah, our shifts start soon.” you narrowly pass by, pressing a peck to his cheek before you leave.
— “see you soon, thoma !”
— “…wow.”
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the-spirited-one · 4 months
gonna be very honest with you, because it seems you just don't understand.
First of all: it's obviously a bit. I'm autistic as well, and also struggle with understanding if someone is being sarcastic, and I understand where you're coming from, but generally when someone argues with you and you don't listen to what they are saying they'll start making fun of the situation instead. It was incredibly funny, at the very least.
Even if you are practicing Hinduism and you might've thought they were being serious, a simple look at their page and what they tend to post can show if they are the type to joke around or not. If you didn't like where the conversation was going, it's incredibly easy to stop it with many methods, including not replying and/or blocking. Your method, of repeatedly acting like a fool, was only fuel to a fire.
if you don't want people to harass you, just. Shut up. Don't reply. Let it die, as all things on the internet do. I do not CARE that your the "confrontational type", you just look stupid. It's not worth it. You're obviously a kid, or at least have the emotional maturity of one, and you're only digging your hole further until you either get mass reported for being a meanass or get forgotten about because, let's face it, you're a mediocre artist who thinks they know everything. Not saying that to be mean, but its the truth. Your art won't progress past that unless you learn to expand your horizons and understand other arguments.
My advice? I don't think you deserve the harassment. Genuinely, I don't. I know this comment here may seem mean-spirited but really, it's just a humourous situation that got a bit out of hand. I'd suggest to you to at least try what their suggesting. Even if you can't imagine ideas for your ocs or have good anatomy, you won't learn unless you take the training wheels off. All good things come with PRACTICE. If you don't, well, nobody's actually stopping you. That's the beauty of it. Live and let live. If you see someone disagreeing with something you do or something you disagree with next time, just block and move on. Btw, yes, you can block anons. Search it up, the instructions are there. Hell, block me to practice. Im blocking you after I send this ! It's relaxing !
I hope you hear my words, at the very least, and just let it go. Laugh it off. Go get some water. Enjoy your day. And learn. That's all.
Blocking people fixes absolutely nothing and just means they keep bullying and slandering you in private, except this time you can't see it. I don't get why using an art base is seen as such a shameful thing, it's there to help! Maybe it gave you an idea for a cool pose you can't draw yourself or something. It's not a sin, it's not something worth shaming someone over or calling the art they post for fun mediocre. What about this is meant to be advice??
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llycaons · 3 years
when fics give lwj an attitude. love that. a sadly underutilized canon personality trait
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
The Apartment: part 5
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▪️for parts 1-4, click here
pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x fem! reader
rating/warnings: swearing, angst (?)
synopsis: You knew that living with your three best friends, Kuroo, Oikawa, and Bokuto, would be a wild ride. It’s never a dull moment with those three. Let’s just hope you can keep your huge crush on Kuroo a secret when he is only a room away.
a/n: hi friends✨i hope you all are doing well:)) just a friendly reminder to eat something today and stay hydrated 💕 as always, my inbox is open for anything and everything so feel free to reach out:) and the taglist for this fic is still open if you’d like to join✨ okay, enjoy xx
Five: best friends
“Okay do you have all your bags?” You asked. Bokuto nodded, holding a backpack and small suitcase.
“Yes Y/N.”
“And your phone? And your pillow, because I know you hate hotel ones. And-“
“Y/N calm down you’re going into ’mom mode’,” said Kuroo. You rolled your eyes.
“I just wanna make sure he has a good trip.”
“Akaashi will take care of him, don't worry,” smiled Kuroo.
“Do you not want me to have a good trip?” pouted Oikawa. You put your arm around him and smiled.
“Oikawa, I wouldn’t mind if you didn’t come back.” You joked.
“I fucking hate you,” he growled, pushing you away. You laughed and ruffled his hair.
“I love you both okay, now get out of here, Iwa and Akaashi are probably already outside,” you smiled. The four of you gathered for a group hug. Oikawa was off to his mini getaway with Iwa and Bokuto was joining Akaashi for his writers conference. The apartment would be just you and Kuroo.
“Hey, Y/N,” called Bokuto. He pulled you aside and whispered something in your ear.
“Remember what I told you.”
You sighed, remembering well what Bokuto had told you those days ago. You nodded.
“Farewell my lovely apartment! You two better not burn the place down while I’m gone,” said Oikawa.
“No promises,” smiled Kuroo. He pushed Oikawa out the door as Bokuto followed.
“Bye you two, we love you!” You cheered. Kuroo shut the door behind Oikawa and Bokuto, leaving you alone with him.
“You act like they’re never coming back,” laughed Kuroo.
“Not my fault I’ll miss them. I don’t remember the last time I went more than a week without them,” you explained. Kuroo nodded.
“Wanna grab some food after class?” Asked Kuroo. Your face felt warm.
“Uh yeah that sounds good.” You and Kuroo both had a lecture together today for your marketing course.
“Just give me 10 minutes and we can head to class,” you said. Kuroo nodded. You went inside your room and saw that Oikawa had left something on your bed. You picked it up and it read: “I suggest you use this before it expires”. You turned the card over, and saw that it was a coupon for 10% off a purchase at Party City. You groaned and threw the card away.
“Dickhead,” you mumbled.
“Who, me?” said Kuroo. You jumped.
“Kuroo oh my god you have to stop sneaking up on me like that,” you ordered. Kuroo laughed and sat down on your bed.
“Hurry up I don’t wanna be late.” You sighed and grabbed your jacket and shoes from your closet and slipped them on.
“Fine then let’s go.”
You and Kuroo walked a couple blocks to campus. Your lecture hall wasn’t too far away.
“A 3 hour lecture never gets easier,” you sighed. Kuroo patted your shoulder.
“Come on Y/N, don’t you just love getting all that knowledge thrown at you.” You rolled your eyes.
“Marketing is boring, even a nerd like you could agree,” you joked.
“Okay fair,” smiled Kuroo. The two of you reached the lecture hall and took a seat next to each other.
“Hi Kuroo! Mind if I sit here?” a voice said. You turned to see a girl standing next to Kuroo.
“Oh Calie, hi, yeah sure,” said Kuroo. The girl joyfully sat down next to Kuroo, causing you to clench your fists.
“Uh Calie, this is my friend Y/N, Y/N this is Calie, we have organic chemistry together,” explained Kuroo. The girl flashed you a dazzling smile. Great, she's pretty and smart. You shook her hand firmly.
“Wait aren’t you guys roommates too? That must be so fun living with someone like Kuroo,” giggled Calie. You gave her a sarcastic smile. I already hate this bitch.
“Yeah we’ve been friends forever so I definitely get my fair share of Kuroo.”
“Well you’re probably so sick of him, mind if I borrow him after the lecture?” She asked. Calie wrapped her hand around Kuroo’s bicep. You had to stop yourself from beating the shit out of her.
“Well actually-“ you began.
“Sure that sounds fun. You don’t mind right, Y/N?” said Kuroo. Is he being serious right now?
“So I’m supposed to grab dinner by myself?” You whispered, without thinking. Kuroo’s eyes widened. Calie gasped.
“You can come with us! I’d hate to leave you all alone,” She smiled.
“Yeah come with us,” said Kuroo.
“No no it’s fine, you two have fun. I’d rather be alone anyway,” you muttered. Before Kuroo could reply, your professor had walked in and began his lecture.
Your lecture felt longer than normal. Probably because all you could focus on was Calie’s giggles as she whispered with Kuroo throughout the whole 3 hours. Kuroo was always good with the ladies. His confident nature caused girls to be drawn towards him. Yes, you liked him too but you liked all of him, not just the surface level of Kuroo.
You tried to contain your annoyance with Calie and Kuroo. It was obvious she was flirting with him.
“See you next week,” said your professor as he wrapped up his lecture. You got up from your seat and began packing up your things. You didn’t look at Kuroo and headed right out the door.
You began walking back to your apartment when you heard Kuroo call after you.
“Wait Y/N-chan!” You turned around to face him.
“Are you sure you don’t want to hang with me and Calie? She’s really nice once you get to know her,” he said. You almost rolled your eyes.
“No it’s fine. I promised I’d FaceTime Oikawa now anyway,” you lied. Kuroo raised an eyebrow.
“Well if you say so. I’ll grab dinner with you tomorrow, okay?”
“Yeah sure. Make sure you have your key to the apartment or else I’m locking you out,” you said. Kuroo laughed and nodded.
“Bye Y/N!” cheered Calie. You gave her a wave and watched as Kuroo ran back towards her.
You walked back to your apartment, upset. Kuroo had every right to hang out with other girls but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. It was just another reminder that Kuroo might not share the same feelings as you.
The apartment felt weird being so empty. All dark and quiet. You threw your keys on the counter and plopped onto the couch. You checked your phone and saw a plethora of texts from Oikawa.
i've been in the car FOREVER -sent 5:35pm
my legs are cramping -sent 5:40pm
do you think if i asked Iwa to stop for a bathroom break he would be mad? -sent 5:41pm
bc we just stopped 30 minutes ago and i said i didn’t need to go -sent 5:43pm
but now i do -sent 5:47pm
update: he stopped for me🤩 -sent 6:01pm
y/n answer me -sent 6:37pm
im bored -sent 6:38pm
you better be buying that maid costume -sent 6:40pm
that coupon expires soon -sent 6:41pm
btw bokuto forgot his pillow but he told me not to tell you -sent 6:52pm
oops -sent 6:52pm
wyd -sent 7:03pm
You laughed at your phone. Good to see you weren’t the only one missing your friends.
well im currently sitting alone in the apartment as kuroo ditched me for some girl -sent 7:15pm
HE DID WHAT -sent 7:18pm
maybe im being dramatic but he’s kinda on a date with some girl from his organic chemistry class -sent 7:19pm
i bet she’s ugly -sent 7:19pm
no she’s gorgeous -sent 7:20pm
im gonna beat his ass
how dare he -sent 7:20pm
it’s fine
maybe it’s better im alone rn anyway
gives me time to get over him -sent 7:21pm
come on hun
don’t say that
don’t give up -sent 7:25pm
idk toru
i feel like it’s never gonna happen
especially when he could have someone like her -sent 7:27pm
bokuto said it best: kuroo would be stupid not to like you -sent 7:28pm
i guess he’s stupid then -sent 7:30pm
okay Iwa and I got to our hotel but I’ll talk to you later okay love? -sent 7:33pm
bye shittykawa -sent 7:34pm
why do you hurt me? -sent 7:35
You set your phone down and checked in the kitchen for anything worth eating. You weren’t in the mood to go out anymore.
Rice. We have rice. Well, rice it is.
You took out the rice cooker and began to prepare your sad dinner.
Why didn’t I just go with them?
As the rice cooked, you sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. You put on ‘Gilmore Girls’, wishing your friends were there to watch it with you.
It was late. Close to 11pm. Kuroo still wasn’t home. You laid on the couch, basking in your loneliness. A little dramatic yes but you hated being without your friends. It was a weird concept that they had friends beside you.
You heard keys jingle outside the door and you felt a wave of comfort come over you, knowing it had to be Kuroo. You got up from the couch and peaked at the door.
“I was starting to wonder what happened to you…” your voice trailed off when you saw that Kuroo wasn’t alone.
“Hey Y/N! Oh my gosh your apartment is so cute!” said Calie. Your jaw dropped and you looked over at Kuroo.
Your expression had to be screaming: “are you fucking kidding me right now!?”
“Oh uh thanks,” you muttered.
“Is it cool if Calie stays for a bit? Her roommates are having people over and she doesn’t know them too well,” explained Kuroo. Hmm I wonder what that’s like.
“You don’t have to ask me, it’s your apartment too,” you said plainly. Kuroo raised a brow.
“Just checking…”
Calie walked around your small apartment, admiring all the decorations that you had up.
“Aw isn’t this the cutest photo!” She said. She picked up a picture of you and Kuroo. It was when you had gotten dressed up together to take graduation pictures. Your smile was the brightest it’s ever been. Holding your diploma as Kuroo wrapped his arm around you. In the background of the photo you could see a faint image of Oikawa and Bokuto.
“Yeah I love that picture,” Kuroo smiled. Kuroo took the photo from Calie’s hand and looked at it.
“Best friends, right?” He looked at you. Your heart sank.
“Yup, best friends,” you whispered with a dull smile. Kuroo smiled and showed Calie to his room. You tried not to react. You walked over to your room, locked the door, and curled up onto your bed.
Is best friends all we are ever gonna be?
[taglist OPEN: @vangoghpoets @vangoghmusings @lilnuances @tetsoleil @cloudswritings @foxyyychan @tamaguchi @jessie9008 @bitandbytes @yeehawnana @166cm @bigchaosenergy @tumbledor3 @captain-janeway @answer-the-sirens @simpletype @ysatrap @stinkybitch1919 @bokutory ]
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Uh can you do a request for me were overhaul has to deal with the gross aspects of father hood because his s/o is away on a trip and won’t be back for a week and he has to like change diapers clean out the babies boogers which is always hard to do and stuff like the thank you
Loved the idea btw. Honestly I had so much fun writing these XD
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"This is going to be a disaster. I'm warning you." Chisaki said while you checked your bags one last time for the trip that your parents suddenly demanded you on it.
And the worst part... you couldn't bring your babies...
"Is not going to be a disaster Kai." You giggled as you watched your husband on the door frame, already looking apprehensive at the tiny baby beaming happily at you from his crib.
"You're his father." You scooped Kaito in your arms coing at him when he nuzzled in your neck "Kaito never gave us too much work. So I trust my handsome devil to take care of our child." You smiled sweetly at your husband, offering for him to hold Kaito.
He glared at the infant for a while before picking him up. The baby already trying to play with his piercings.
"No Kaito." Chisaki swat the tiny hand away from his ear before receiving a tiny slap on his cheek while his son made a noise of possibly protest at his order.
You bite the inside of your cheek to contain your laugh at seing your husband frowing down at the baby as he pinched his tiny nose to make him stop tryingto reach his ear.
A honk broke you out of your thoughts as Chisaki sighed in annoyance.
"Your family is rather impatient, aren't they?" He mumbled while accompaning you to the gates.
"Sorry." You smiled embarrassingly, only stopping in your tracks to nuzzle your son's chubby face and give him a kiss of goodbye.
Chisaki smiled at the scene, seing his beautiful angel treat something that came from him with such adoration... you were always like this...
You sighed sadly before bringing Chisaki's black mask down to his chin to give him a deep kiss, which he hummed in appreciation.
"I will be back in at least five or six days my knight." You said while carresing his cheek lovingly before putting his black mask on again. "Take care of our little deviant..."
"As if I wouldn't. Be safe." He picked Kaito hands and waved slightly "Say goodbye to your mother brat." The baby giggled up at his father before barbling something to you.
"We need to work on your speaking..." you laughed at Chisaki's serious comment and gave your baby a last kiss waving at them as you entered the car.
Chisaki sighed and returned inside the house with Kaito in his arms still.
"Alright. Sounds like is only mans on the house apparently..." he placed Kaito on the baby chair as he placed a bottle right in front of him.
"Let's see... your mother left some things separately for you to eat..." he looked inside the fridge before jerking away at the sudden jet of milk almost hitting the back of his head.
Thank god he had good reflexes.
He looked at the baby whose was giggling at his father surprised face while he tried to put his open mouth on the wrong side of the bottle.
"...Kaito I swear if you weren't an infant you would be cleaning this with a toothbrush..." he groaned picking something to clean the mess. Before he could even do that he heard a little groan coming from his son while he still tried to reach the liquid on the wrong side of the bottle.
"Kaito. Wrong side." He smirked placing the napkin down before picking his son and the bottle up and thankfully handing it to him.
"You're not much smart, are you?" He asked while holding him up.
Just when Kaito finished, he scrunched his face, seeming like he was in discomfort as Chisaki only stared for a while.
Oh, right, burping...
He reluctantly put Kaito on his shoulder and patted his back slightly... already cringing when he felt something wet and warm on his shoulder...
"Of course you would do that..." the baby laughed making Chisaki even more irritaded.
"Its going to be a long week..."
Shit.. Literally shit.
"I can't do this."
"Well, too bad because he is your son." Chrono sayed to Chisaki already providing any orders for him to do it.
"PLeASe JuST SOMEOnE CLeAn his ShiT! The SMeLL IS FUcKInG TerRiBle." Begged Mimic.
Even with their masks on, the three man were suffering... were babies supposed to have that much of a power?
"Kai come on. Don't tell me you never changed your son's diaper even once..." Chisaki stayed quiet for a moment before answering his friend.
"(Y/N) did this part..." Chrono looked at his childhood friend, definitely not amused as Mimic snickered.
"How the hell you two still together? Poor chick has to deal with this shit everday?" Asked the man sarcastically, already regreting when he saw the death glare of Overhaul.
"If you are so smart with words Irinaka, please teach me how to change the diaper of my own son which I made it with my wife differently from your lonely self who apparentlyits only good with money and nothing else." Mimic shivered at the dark tone of voice of Chisaki and immediately apologized.
Even marrying you and had a son, Overhaul could be scary as fuck when he wanted without any efforts...
"Chisaki the entire place is getting infected by the smell. Please, I'm actually begging in here." Pleaded Chrono as he putted closer his mask.
Chisaki send daggers at the two man before adjusting his gloves and oppening the bomb. Thankfully he had holded his breath and quickly changed the boy.
He immediately left out a long puff of breath as soon as he throwed the used diaper on a near trash... Getting a spray shortly after and desperately trying to erase the smell of the room.
His son laughed at his father's desperation, earning a glare from Chisaki.
"You're enjoying this aren't you little rascal?" He picked his son up "I have to give your mother more credit. Honestly, dont you feel ashamed of making your mother suffer?" The baby poked his tongue out at him which he only scoffed.
He was surprised to turn his back and saw Chrono and Mimic passed out on the ground.
"...Weaklings." he simply said.
They didn't had the same stragy that you did honey because if you smelled that shit you would be knocked out too.
Chisaki was tired already and was pleading to whoever was listening that you came back home earlier than expected.
"Two days Kai Chisaki... Two days..." he growled as he dodged again from a jerk of baby food coming right at his face.
"Kaito I swear to god... just please eat this." He tried carefully feed his son the apple sauce but Kaito swatted his hand away.
"You little..." he contained his urge to swear as he breath in slowly.
When he oppened his eyes again he saw his son... eating the damn apple sauce with his bare hands... making a complete mess on his chubby face and dark brow hair.
"You must be joking...." just when he sayed that the baby burbed and a little of vomit landed on his clothes.
Chisaki's eye twitched... he swears that he was doing on purpose at this point.
"Have anything else?" Asked sarcastically the tired man, shortly after regreting when he heard a faint fart.
"Kaito for the love of-" he almost shouted if he wasn't so good at self control.
The worst part is that every time he almost losed his pacience his son only laughed harder and even sometimes made more messes for him to clean up later.
You came back one day earlier; can't standing the longing for your two favorite boys; and started to look for Chisaki.
You find your husband, sitting on the couch as he sometimes rocked the crib he placed on the living room.
You sitted by his side and greeted him as you enveloped your arms around his arms. Chisaki sighed in relief and leaned his head against yours for a bit.
"How did it go?" You whispered before Chisaki looked you dead on the eye.
"Babies are disgusting... Especially this one." He pointed with his covered chin at the sleeping boy in front of you.
You giggled quietly as you kissed his cheek lovingly.
"I swear, this brat was enjoying my frustation." He rested his chin on the top of your head "Your a warior my angel... you deserved this break from Kaito honestly, but don't go out again..." he closed his eyes, smelling your sweet scent.
He missed this... 6 days were too much for him... He wanted his angel...
"My poor knight, he really tired you out huh?" You kissed under one of his eyes, before he took of his mask to kiss you properly.
"Well, at least it wasn't a complete disaster like I imagined." He said nuzzling your nose with his.
You two were interrupted by a loud yelp, Kaito happily making grabby hands at you as he pronounced some incoherents words.
Chisaki groaned as he buried his face on the crook of your neck as you eargly bringed Kaito into your lap.
"Hi my baby! Did yoi have fun with daddy?" The baby gargled a response as he tried to reach your nose "Really? Tell me more about it!" You poked his nose emiting a cute giggled from the little boy.
He honestly have no fucking idea how vould you understand what Kaito said, but that didn't stop him from smiling in your neck and oppening one eye to watch at his son playing with you.
Looking at him right there it didn't seemed like he was a ball of dirt and filth... But somehow his son looked so bright, almost reaching the light that he saw on you... but still not enough.
"What? All of that? Geez daddy is super cool right?" The baby giggled as Chisaki rolled his eyes scoffing, lifting his face from your neck.
"He did not say that."
"Of course he did!"
"No, knowing this brat, he probably just sayed something about me being a fool or how he enjoyed seing my suffering."
You burst in laughter when your baby giggled and Chisaki pinched his nose as a revenge.
The little devil had seemed to just nod at comfirmation of his father comment....
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realcube · 3 years
Random Anime Recommendations bc im dumb:
Danganronpa: OK IM GONNA START BY SAYING THAT THERE IS THIS CHARACTER CALLED TOGAMI IS SO HOT AND HE IS BASICALLY THE LOST TWIN OF TSUKKI EXCEPT THAT HE IS MORE SARCASTIC PLZ. Ok now on a serious note, the anime is really good and I love the characters sm omg 😭 I would recommendyou tho to kinda search up a bit of the anime to see if it's of your liking?? (tw: it contains death, murder, kinda gorish but not really, a bad principal??? Great characters?? The VA for the character togami has a great voice- Idk what else to say LMAO)
Kakegurui: One word: ✨Iconic✨. OK ACTUALLY THO, it's genuinely one of the greatest animes ever tbh. The characters are really great, and everyone is just so amazing in general (except the guys, the guys kinda suck in the 1st season) (tw: umm idk mature content kinda??? G A Y- the girls are really pretty and badass-)
High Rise invasion: im barely in the first episode but I already love it sm BSHABAJAB (tw: umm well it contains guns??? Blood or something- Places that would literally make me have acrophobia)
Death Note: It's pretty overrated, I don't really like it tbh, the side characters kinda have more personality than the main character 😭✋ (that's my personal opinion im sorry LMAO), tho it's really great and it's amazing!! (tw: deathly notebooks, gods of death, great side characters who are better than the main??? Mentions and insinuations of death, suicide, murder, blood ig?? Idek anymore)
so many of my friends watched danganronpa like.. just before i left school and they all were talking abt it and i felt so left out bc i was too busy studying to watch it (don’t ask me why they weren’t studying- that’s their business lmao). the spoke really highly of it though so yeah, i think i’ll watch it :)) also all the characters have such unique designs :o 
simply yes to kakegurui- i’ve not watched it bc ofc i know the basic plotline bc..pretty ladies 🥰
honestly i’ve never heard of high rise invasion but i’ll def add it to my watch list 
bestie you’re giving me mixed signals🤨 FBRSYJWTYJ IS IT GOOD OR NOT LMAO :’) but yeah i’ve heard that the main character isn’t very likable so- 
thank you so much for this 🙏🥺 i was literally running out of shows to watch that fit my taste but these all sound like they’ll hit :)) you and that one anon that sent my the mangas with dilfs are both the deities i pray to ERHRYJE tysmm!
also, there are some of my recommendations !! (all of them are comedies/have comedy elements btw)
1. Mob psycho 100: i watched it when it first came out which was a while ago. but if it’s as good as i remember, then i’d seriously recommend watching it! it’s one of those shows that make you ugly laugh one second then ugly cry the next. also it has a lot of supernatural powers involved which i thought was nice (tw blood, mob is constantly being ragdolled, death, too many weapons for me to even remember, demons, violence) 
2. Daily lives of Highschool boys: honestly it’s so funny and it’s that sort of fast-paced, zany comedy that makes you wheeze. as the name suggests, it’s about these 3 highschool boys just having fun but it’s also got a good plot and the ending just- so many emotions. (tw violence)
3. Haven’t you heard? I am Sakamoto: basically, sakamoto transfers to a new school and everyone is just in shock bc he is just..perfect at everything. ofc it makes him popular but some ppl don’t like him bc he is so popular and shenanigans ensue. i was cackling until the last episode which just- hit hard. (tw violence, kidnapping, fire, blood)
4. Monthly girls Nozaki-kun: all the characters are extremely likeable, chaotic bisexual disasters. it’s just this on girl trying to get her crush to fall for her but unlike many other romance anime, imo, she doesn’t come across as obnoxious, just a simp. another comedy that’ll (maybe) make you cry 🤠👍 
honourable mentions: one punch man, the disastrous like of saiki k, soul eater, ohshc, toilet bound hanako-kun, yuri!! on ice, my ordinary life & the promised neverland. (i just love comedies, ok? :’) )
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wolfwhiteflowers · 4 years
I found this on twitter and wanted (try) to answer them here instead. :B Great questions! thanks. @LM_Nocass twitter.com/LM_Nocass/ status/1292935841258647553
𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥/𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐥/𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 (𝐩𝐥𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲); 2:28 PM · Aug 10, 2020 --------------@LM_Nocass
1. Which part of herself does Carol see in Daryl?  ||um same brokenness past and seeing that there’s good parts in him. He’s not like Merle and Ed. 2. Which part of himself does Daryl see in Carol?  ||They both know what it’s like to be abused and have an understanding. He sees strength in her. /...I think they slowly start to think they’re not alone on feeling like the odd one out or fighting to live before Apoc. They eventually think they’re a lot alike and connected right away. s1-s2. I guess they both started to grow at the same time and look after each other’s back ever since.
3. If there was no za and they met each other, would they be so close? Why?    ||Yeah I think so. But not so close or “early” on. Probably lil glimpse of like oh they’re alike and good people. But other things in the way...like Carol or Daryl be stuck in bad situations and die or something. Y’kno Daryl would’ve been like “mini Merle” or like.... dead from stopping a fight or prison. Carol could just be dead or lost herself from being with Ed. ...Unless they got away from their abusers :) I can see there’s a chance of them getting close.   *”mini Merle” I think I got this phrase wrong. Mini Merle is Merle’s hand weapon thing. I meant that Daryl would have become more damaged,lost, and be similar to Merle then. ..like a younger Merle.
4. How do you think, Alexandria's ppl ship them or they don’t care? Why?  || BTW, I think of what the writers want or had in mind.. Anyway, when Rlchonne happened or Abe and Sasha went canon, it just seems like very neutral whatever way. Well I guess the show isn’t that .. charactery and romantic. -_-  Anyway, I think they care and are supportive and of all Team family but mind their business. I think practically everyone knows about Caryl and their close relationship. I guess they’re like in the same boat as us or general fans. We would be happy if they get together but if not then like ....hmm you guys are so together~  Um..I guess people would be going WTF if Caryl grew apart.
5. AU: real life. Which one of them is more attractive to believe in supernatural stuff? Why?   || they both seem to be into that. erm I’ll say Daryl.
6. AU: real life. Which one of them is more attractive to send a lot of Red heartFace throwing a kissSmiling face with heart-shaped eyes and etc? Why?   || Carol is more open to display of affection. But Daryl got his heart on his sleeves. He’s straightforward tells/show you how he feels and means it.
13. What would do today's Carol if she met someone like Ed?  ||Probably she be able to stand up to him when he starts to be controlling and she speak out and say it’s not right. Idk..maybe them talking it out will make Ed change himself if he wants to. And she walks away from him early on. 14. If today's Carol met past Carol, what would she say to her?   ||You’re stronger than you think you are. You are enough. These hard times made her wiser in Apoc./life. She’s always a mother..when they’re gone, they’re still with her. 15. If today's Daryl met past Daryl, what would he say to him?    ||This doesn’t always have to be this way/Merle-life. You’re not alone. Good people will stick with you. Trust them. Your goodness matters. You don’t need to depend on Merle. If Merle wouldn’t change now then he won’t later on. Idk... Daryl is so loyal and to his brother. So it’s just he gotta let Merle/his past go. 16. Why does Daryl prefer the crossbow, not a bow?   ||I guess that’s what hunters like to use most often. Idk. 17. AU: real life. Which one of them is most likely to surfing in the Internet for hours? Why?   ||Carol because she mentioned internet in s4. lol Okay um yeah Carol I guess. I think she likes to research on things. Daryl is more outdoorsy kind of person. 18. AU: real life. Which one of them will have a private acc on social medias and who won’t care?   ||I think both would be private...or heck Daryl not private but barely any content. lol Just hunting, nature stuff and games.
19. AU: real life. Which one of them will send memes?   ||Carol because she like goofy or sassy jokes.
20. AU: real life.  What profession is suitable for Carol? Why?  ||hmm housewife, teacher, nurse, or something to look after the community.. She likes to cook but Idk if she likes to do it often. Some job to care about the people and place.
21. AU: real life. What profession is suitable for Daryl? Why? ||A hunter, mechanic, or construction worker. Something like hands-on job.
22. Which of them has a black sense of humor?   ||I think Carol have a dark/black sense of humor. Daryl is ..more less humor-y. more sarcastic. idk what im saying.
23. Had Daryl ever thought about having children? If he did, he would prefer boy or daughter?    ||I think he never really thought of it till he’s away from Merle/past life. But Idk I think he doesn’t really think on it. He just wants to protect all kids. He’s Uncle Daryl. I don’t think he has a preference.
24. Is Daryl asexual or demisexual? Or other? Why?    ||Read ? #10. I say so far it seems like he’s demisexual from what Kang said and from what people/fandom been always questioning him from the show and from that 6 years in woods plot. (Also the show isn’t that showy on romance and relationships so I didn’t think they would bother to address his romance/sexuality but they did so ok.) I guess I always think of him as demisexual...or someone who would be friends to lovers kind of person. He’s the closest with Carol so..slowburn to canon, yeah? /// This makes me think of Carol’s relationships and how she is fine having sex anytime ..no emotions involved way...She doesn’t really have or know a good emotional canon relationship except almost with Zeke, I guess. 25. Carol’s fav movie genre(s)? ||Romcoms <3
26. Daryl’s fav movie genre(s)?  ||action / horror :O 27. When the show ends, what kind of ending do you want for them?   ||I want good writing and that flows right. Caryl be Caryl. I guess them riding off to the sunset to New Mexico. Or..looking after team family in ASZ or TF working together to find/help Rick and living their best lives in a community. A happy ending pls. 28. Which one of them is good at math?  ||hmm Carol. Daryl would be good at reading..science.
29. If there was Caryl movie, what song(s) would you add to it?   || hmm a song to add, I would pick ..”You and Me” by Pink I think. Or, “X and Y” by Coldplay. Or, “Cosmic Love” by Florence Machine. 30. Did Daryl help you?   ||I really appreciate the writers and the acting did with Daryl and Carol. They’re really unique, interesting and relatable characters. Daryl helped me to keep being myself and do what’s right even when you feel odd ball out. Idk I also like that we see characters like Daryl and Carol what we stereotypical think they may be like in s1 but then we see they’re relatable and we can be more open minded to other people.  I liked that we see him getting a chance to grow and see how loyal he is. 31. Did Carol help you?  ||Yeah. I really like how she’s like I guess most people in s1, quiet, timid, not quite fit into the Apoc. world, but learns to trust herself, get braver and open up. She’s like so strong and brave now but it’s not surprising to see that in a way because we see her character development and I like how writers and acting, made it so relatable and realistic to me. We all can be like Carol. //I think she’s a great character to watch for mothers who lost kids or was a abused wife/person. Same with Daryl as a abused child/brother in that Merle’s lifestyle.
32. What did Caryl give you? Hope? Strength?  ||I really like what became Caryl in the show for years. They became one of my fave ships. They’re unique and I love that we see their strong bond and connection. They’re soulmatey and angsty. Idk I feel like they gave hope that there are people that will get you and have your back. And strength, they grown so much and made me think about myself to keep facing my fears and be in a healthy relationship. 33. Carol’s fav music genre(s)?   ||Country pop. Idk.. I think McReedus are into Rock music so. 34. Daryl’s fav music genre(s)?   ||Country rock. ...Idk Metal music.
35. Describe Carol in one word. ||Brave
36. Describe Daryl in one word. ||Loyal or uh a word that means does what he think is the right thing to do...and caring. Uncle.
37. What do you expect from them in season 11?  ||Idk I’m really clueless. TWD right now is really not by the comics anymore and it’s hard to speculate now. I’m kinda hoping they have something a plot that relates to taking care of the Grimes kids and a plot/s that relates to Rick’s journey/TWD show. Idk well I guess they be figuring it out what to do with Maggie and politics with the ..spoiler- new communities.
I hope for good writing and if they go canon, I hope they write good relationship/romance writing. As in they don’t separate them and break up a bunch of times or be boring. eek. I hope it’s like they still be like the subtle canon ship..like RIchonne as there is something else they have to do together. Like they be canon but they talk about the new plots/problems/family in s11 and their relationship grows.
38. Your favorite Caryl season(s)? Why?  ||It’s season 2 or s10. I feel it’s the most Caryl interaction and them deepening their relationship. 39. When do you think Daryl was ready to start a relationship? Or do you still think he isn't ready? Or he is ready rn?    ||Whenever the writers are ready. :\  I think as a character he’s ready...yeah especially s10. He’s not hiding and being emo in the woods in s9. He’s not the (Rick’s)sidekick character anymore. He’s I think grown a lot by being with people and opening up being a leader-like now, domestic?,leading character, and I think he’s now more ready to have romantic relationship if he wants to. And for Carol ..rn is like does she feel worthy or ok to have love again. ooh angst. 40. Which of them is owl, and which of them is lark? Why?  || I think Daryl is a lark/early bird because he likes the quietness and time to hunt, and Carol is a night owl because she likes to know what else is going on when it’s the dark.
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