skullsandsteel · 8 months
[Closed! For @little-blog-of-horrors ]
Rumlow lay in the sterile hospital room, body swathed in bandages, the acrid smell of antiseptic stinging his nose. His mind was a swirling vortex of anger, resentment, and frustration. He could do no more than stare at the ceiling and think of the events in DC, the final mission. The one that had gone so disastrously wrong- It blew up in his face like a goddamned inferno. It was almost poetic, really.
SHIELD, Rogers, the Soldier— Wilson. They were all to blame for this mess; blame for tearing his world apart, and he couldn’t let that slide. No, he couldn’t let it go.
He flexed his jaw, burnt skin pulling painfully tight. He was probably the last man standing, he thought, and that did no more than fuel his anger further. Rumlow muttered curses and promises under his breath, venomous words that dripped with resentment. He was going to make them pay, every last fucking one of them.
He imagined the pain he'd inflict on Captain America and the others, the satisfaction of seeing them suffer. His mind whirled with plans, strategies, and the burning desire for revenge.
He just needed to get out of this damn hospital bed— He was recovering, just not fast enough.
Weeks past and he was finally released, nearly into police custody, but he’d had a plan for that. Now he searched for anyone from STRIKE, or HYDRA, that remained. The results were, expectedly, not good. A majority of them had died, either during the attempted SHIELD takeover, or to avoid capture. A percentage was AWOL, and the rest imprisoned.
Ru mlow couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of relief, seeing one name in particular on his ‘Locked so far underground, not even god can see them’ list— Leo.
Rumlow had thought Leo was dead, but he was alive, albeit in prison. His anger shifted to determination. He had a purpose now – to break Leo out of that hellhole and get back to business. It wouldn't be easy, but nothing worth doing ever was.
With a mix of anger and determination burning in his chest, Rumlow made his plans. He'd tear that prison apart if he had to, just to get Leo back. Revenge was a dish best served violently, and Rumlow was hungry for it.
Days turned to weeks as he planned, plotted— Calling in a few favors and burning many more bridges to gather the information and supplies needed.
Finally, the day arrived. Rumlow had received a tip about a security breach in the prison's surveillance system. It was his window of opportunity. Dressed in his shiny new suit, he blew through the prison in a deadly whirlwind, leaving a trail of bodies behind him.
He made quick work of the cell door, knocking it off it’s hinges. Suit spattered with blood, he stepped into the cell, tugging the helmet off his head as he did so.
His attention locked onto Leo, and with a wicked grin, he rasped, "Miss me, sweetheart?"
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jazze-bee · 3 months
Magical Girl Sansformation ✨very silly animation
TS!Underswap AU by @tsunderswapofficial
^ Play this fangame or i'll eat your car
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skeletonlover69 · 4 months
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punchingmoths · 2 months
its not funny anymore guys
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fallbabylon · 11 months
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Gravestone with memento mori- Newcastle Cathedral, UK
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minthy · 3 months
The Star Sanses,
with the Map of the soul: 7 song that I think it fits with them, Because I miss 2019.
(forgot to post these doodles here, yay)
Persona: Swap.
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"Actually I’m real good but a little uncomfortable,
I'm still not so sure if I'm a dog or a pig or what else,
But then other people come out and put the pearl necklace on me"
(Truth to be told, I have no idea what "swap sans" really is, He's just... well.. A swap, He doesn't even have a personality the silly, He just is there to fit for the plot of your AUs, heheh, Relatable)
Ego: Dream.
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"I go back every day, To me of yesterday,
To the life of giving up, I let myself go away,
But in this world, you know, There are truths unchanged,
Time rushes ever forward, There's no ifs, buts, or maybes"
(I don't think he can get over what happened, his heart is big and his ego is bigger than to let him ask for guidance and support, man release us)
Shadow: Ink.
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"I wondered everyday how far I'd go,
I came to my senses and I find myself here,
Yeah, hmm, shadow at my feet,
Look down, it's gotten even bigger"
(No matter how great high and mighty he's getting, the more the shadows of his past and constant need for stimulation are driving him to a point of despair and unsatisfaction, get a grip)
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thestrongestjewel · 2 months
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crossbones art i never posted here,,
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thekirb23 · 2 months
Crossbones Rivals concepts ive been workin on
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I actually dont know how to make rivals of aether mods atm so dont expect more of this lol
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zedleaked · 2 months
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b0ne-m3al · 16 days
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A starlight Savior! (woaahh double post??1?1?)
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jazze-bee · 21 days
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Watched Cibles TS!Underswap playthrough with dev commentary and now i have twice the brainrot.
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skeletonlover69 · 4 months
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CROSSBONES ☆⌒ヽ('、^)chu
and that one guy who sells merchandise
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sandeewithtwogaye · 3 months
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I’m a big fan of them 🦴
(No text version under cut)
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kirbygirl20 · 4 months
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ermmm I drew all of these way back when the first demo came out and I played it but I always forgot to post them
from @tsunderswapofficial
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akanemnon · 3 months
Ever played TS! Underswap? If yes, can you draw Chara and Crossbones?
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While I haven't played TS! Underswap, there's a playthrough that's been sitting (mostly) unwatched in my youtube watch later for weeks now. Really should find some time to watch it fully.
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marshber · 3 months
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they're flyin!
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