#<br> film king of
mofffun · 28 days
Both Donbros and BBG casts got a road trip/BBQ special, King-Oh really is the indoor sentai 😂
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cosmic-navel-gazin · 1 year
Actually you know what? I’m saying it. 
Kissing on the mouth with tongue whoever did the brazillian portuguese dub for Ratigan’s song in The Great Mouse Detective. Like, I sing this to my dad whenever he’s down and it immediately puts a smile on his face and mine. It doesn’t really work when translated back to english cuz of the sound and rythm, and it doesn’t rhyme and all that but here, for your viewing pleasure:
E quando eu roubei, (And when I stole) O imenso Big Ben (the immense Big Ben) O povo chorava (the people cried) E até eu também. (and even I did too)
[rhyming “Big Ben” with “também” just ruins my dad and me like, this only works because it’s specifically br pt. it doesn’t work in eu pt]
Todos lembram (Everyone remembers) de quando, (of when) orfãos e viúvas você afogou, (you drowned orfans and widows,) quem sobrou você enforcou (those who were left you hanged)
Todos já sabem do que é capaz (Everyone knows what he's capable of) De desgosto matou seus pais (From heartbreak he killed his parents)
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wannabehockeygf · 1 month
Florida!!! - Clayton Keller
“My friends all smell like weed or little babies,
And this city reeks of driving myself crazy,
Little did you know, your home’s really only a town you’re just a guest in?
So you work your life away,
Just to pay for a timeshare down in Destin.”
Summary: On a family vacation with your boyfriend, you find him stoned with his brother, and when he gets you alone, things escalate…
Word Count: 5k
Pairing: Clayton Keller x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ NSFW! Use of drugs (marijuana), oral sex (f receiving), Clayton being an absolute munch.
- been indulging recently (it’s perfectly legal where i live, don’t @ me…) so real life projection!
- munch Clayton is finally here for my girlies who enjoy him as much as I do!
- also I’m still not over ttpd. no skip album.
- not proof read <3
*EDIT 08/15/2024 @ 8:31pm PST : His brother’s name is Jake. Not Luke. Sorry if you read prior 😭 (hughes brother brainrot)
A vacation with your boyfriend’s family? Oh, this was uncharted territory. I mean, you’d survived Thanksgiving dinner at his parents’ house in St. Louis—barely. But that was just one night. One turkey. One slightly-too-long hug from his mom. You’d only been together five months, after all.
But now, here you are, basking in the relentless sunshine of Destin, Florida, sharing a timeshare with them. A timeshare. This is like Thanksgiving on steroids, with no escape hatch. The place is stupidly nice, though. Like, if Pottery Barn threw up on a beach house, this would be it. Sure, Clayton probably financed half of it, but you still feel like you’re tiptoeing through a very fragile house of cards. One wrong move and you’ll topple the whole “good impression” thing you’ve got going on. So yeah, “best behavior” mode is fully engaged, like a 24/7 surveillance camera on yourself.
But then, the moment of truth. After a blissful solo beach jaunt—because let’s be honest, sometimes you just need a break from all that “family bonding”—you wander into the garage, nose twitching at some weird smell. Is that...skunk? No, no. Please don’t be a skunk. You cautiously push open the door, and what do you find? Clayton and his brother, Jake, in full bro-mode sitting in flimsy lawn chairs, laughing like they’re at some frat party, sharing hits from a brightly colored bong.
Well, that’s definitely a new one.
Really, Clayton? You’re on a family vacation, not reliving your glory days as "Chad, the King of Sigma Nu." Is this his idea of “relaxing with the fam?” Plus, isn’t smoking bad for your lungs? Especially for a hockey player. You stand there for a second, frozen like you’ve just walked in on a murder mystery party and are trying to figure out if you’re the victim or the detective. Your mind is a hurricane of thoughts: Should I laugh? Should I be offended? Is this one of those “testing the girlfriend” moments? Because honestly, who packs a bong for a trip to a family-friendly beach destination?
You catch Clayton’s eye, and for a split second, you see the gears in his head screech to a halt. Jake, on the other hand, is blissfully unaware of your presence, too busy blowing a perfect smoke ring that floats lazily toward the ceiling. Clayton gives you this wide-eyed, deer-in-headlights look, which would be adorable if it weren’t so stupid. Oh, sweetheart, you are so busted.
“Heyyy,” Clayton says, dragging out the word like he’s trying to slow time. “You, uh, back already?”
You blink. “Yeah, funny thing, I actually live here too. With your family. On vacation. Remember?”
He shifts uncomfortably in his lawn chair—seriously, who uses lawn chairs indoors?—and suddenly, you’re struck by how much this scene looks like a low-budget college film. The only thing missing is a dorm fridge stocked with PBR and a poster of Bob Marley on the wall. Instead, it’s all beige walls and perfectly coordinated coastal decor that just screams, “Don’t touch anything.”
Jake finally notices you and breaks into a grin, lifting the bong like it’s a trophy. “Hey, you wanna join?”
Oh, great, you think, now I’m one of the bros.
But before you can respond, Clayton is already scrambling to fix this train wreck. “No, no, she doesn’t want to join! Right, babe?”
You raise an eyebrow. “Where did you guys even get that? I mean, isn’t smoking pot like… illegal in this state?”
Clayton, bless his clueless heart, is staring at you with wide, bloodshot eyes like a puppy that just realized it’s chewed up your favorite shoes. Meanwhile, Jake— who you’re now starting to think might actually be a golden retriever in human form—waves the bong around like he’s offering you a slice of pizza at a sleepover.
“Illegal? Pssh, not if you don’t get caught,” Jake says with a wink that’s meant to be charming but lands somewhere between “bad decision” and “future mugshot.”
Clayton clears his throat and finally sets the bong down on the cement floor, like he’s slowly disarming a bomb. “It’s just, you know, for relaxation. Family vacations can be...stressful.”
You tilt your head, considering this. Stressful? You’ve been trying to make sure his mom doesn’t hate you and his dad doesn’t think you’re a gold-digger. And he’s the one who’s stressed? You bite back a laugh, because now’s really not the time to remind him that you’ve been fake-smiling so much your cheeks are about to cramp.
“Oh, totally,” you say, voice dripping with sarcasm. “Because nothing says ‘stress relief’ like hiding in the garage with your brother, getting high while the rest of your family is out there expecting you to be getting ready for dinner.”
Clayton scratches the back of his neck, his go-to move when he’s trying to avoid a conversation. It’s endearing, really. In a way that also makes you want to strangle him. “I wasn’t— I mean, we were just—” He stumbles over his words, and you can practically see the gears in his head struggling to find a logical explanation that isn’t “We’re idiots.”
You take a deep breath, rolling your eyes so hard you’re worried they might get stuck. But, honestly, are you even surprised? In the last five months, you’ve learned that Clayton’s the kind of guy who accidentally dips his fries in your ketchup while trying to impress you with some half-baked philosophical theory about life. Which, admittedly, is part of his charm—when he’s not pulling stunts like this.
“Alright,” you say, crossing your arms, “let’s get one thing straight. I’m not going to narc you out to your mom since you’re actual grown adults, but you’re coming inside with me right now, and I’m going to help you sober up before we have to go to dinner.”
Jake’s still grinning like an idiot, probably already mentally planning the next bong hit, but you’ve got your sights set on Clayton. He’s trying to look contrite, but the bloodshot eyes are sort of ruining the effect.
“Come on,” you say, reaching out to take his hand, which, by the way, is clammy. Lovely. “I don’t think anyone’s noticed you’ve gone missing yet, but let’s not push our luck.”
Clayton gives you a sheepish smile, the kind that’s got you melting just a little bit. He stands up, wobbling slightly, and you have to resist the urge to laugh. Instead, you squeeze his hand, pulling him toward the door that leads back into the house.
You’re halfway there when Jake chimes in, “You sure you don’t want a hit? It’s good stuff. I mean, if you want to see, like, colors you didn’t know existed...”
You raise an eyebrow. “Colors? Really? I thought you were more of a ‘munchies and conspiracy theories’ kind of guy.”
Jake blinks at you, clearly having to work too hard to process that sentence, and you’re actually kind of proud of yourself. Two points for you, zero for the stoner brothers.
Clayton’s trailing behind you, still holding your hand like it’s a lifeline, and you can feel him trying to gauge your mood. It’s not anger, really—more of a low simmering exasperation. You drag him through the door and into the immaculate kitchen, up the stairs, until you reach the bedroom you’d been sharing.
Clayton finally releases your hand, flopping down onto the bed like a ragdoll. “Babe, you’re the best, you know that?” he mumbles, rubbing his eyes like a kid who’s been up past his bedtime. “I mean, seriously, the absolute best.”
You raise an eyebrow, perching on the edge of the bed. “Oh, I know. But that’s not going to save you from having to drink a gallon of water and eating something before we go to dinner with your parents.”
He groans, throwing an arm over his face like he’s in a bad rom-com. “Do we have to? I was kind of hoping we could just... stay here. Forever. In this bed. With no responsibilities.”
You smirk, reaching over to poke his side. “As tempting as that sounds, I’m not sure your mom would appreciate us skipping out on dinner after she called multiple travel agents to find the best restaurant.”
He peeks out from under his arm, giving you a lopsided grin. “Come here,” He urges, obviously still trying to get out of his responsibilities. His voice is teasing, but there’s something genuine in his eyes that makes your heart do a weird little flip.
You take a deep breath, trying to muster the willpower to resist the magnetic pull of that stupidly adorable grin. Clayton’s got this way of looking at you, all soft eyes and boyish charm, like he’s just discovered the best thing in the world, and it happens to be you. It’s the kind of look that could melt the Polar ice caps, and honestly, it’s not fair.
But you’re here for a mission, and that mission is to get this man sober enough to face his family without blowing your cover as the perfect girlfriend who isn’t remotely flustered by her boyfriend’s impromptu stoner session in the garage.
"Nice try," you say, raising an eyebrow and trying to keep your resolve firm, "but you’re not weaseling your way out of this one with cuddles."
“Come on,” Clayton says again, patting the bed beside him. “We’ve got, what? An hour before dinner? We could… relax for a bit.” His voice drops at the word “relax,” and you catch the hint of mischief in his tone.
You narrow your eyes at him, feigning suspicion. “Relax? Are you sure that’s all you want to do?”
He grins, and it’s that boyish, slightly cocky smile that usually precedes him getting his way. “I mean, we could do other things. Fun things. Relaxing, fun things…”
You’re already shaking your head, but you can feel the resolve weakening. It doesn’t help that he’s giving you that look—the one that’s equal parts puppy-dog eyes and shameless seduction. How he manages to pull that off when he still smells like weed with a hint of Febreze is beyond you.
“Clay…” you start, trying to maintain a firm tone, but he’s already moving closer, his hand finding its way to your thigh. The warmth of his touch sends a shiver up your spine, and suddenly, you’re a lot less focused on the whole “responsible girlfriend” thing and more on the fact that, despite his current state, he’s still ridiculously attractive.
“Mm-hmm?” he murmurs, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your shoulder.
Oh no. You know where this is going, and while every logical part of you is screaming “this is a bad idea,” the rest of you is pretty much ready to throw logic out the window.
“Clayton,” you try again, but this time it’s softer, less of a protest and more of a gentle reminder that maybe—just maybe—you should both be thinking this through.
He nuzzles his way up your neck, planting kisses as he goes, and when his lips reach that spot just beneath your ear, the one that makes your breath hitch, you know you’re done for.
“Mm-hmm?” he repeats, but this time it’s muffled against your skin, and the way his voice vibrates sends a delightful thrill through your entire body.
“Dinner,” you say weakly, though even to your own ears, it sounds more like a suggestion than a requirement.
“Later,” he murmurs, his lips brushing against your jaw.
You let out a breathy laugh, your hands instinctively finding their way to his hair, threading through the soft strands. “You’re impossible, you know that?”
“Mm-hmm,” he hums again, clearly not caring in the slightest. His hands are roaming now, one sliding up your back, the other tracing patterns on your thigh. You feel him gently push you back against the pillows, his body pressing against yours in a way that makes it very hard to remember why you were resisting in the first place.
For a brief moment, you consider pushing him away, reminding him of the inevitable dinner with his parents where, let’s be honest, you’re still trying to score all the points. But then his lips find yours, and all thoughts of social propriety melt away.
His hand slides up to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing your skin in that gentle, affectionate way that always makes your heart skip a beat. He pulls back just a fraction, his eyes half-lidded and glassy, but there’s a warmth there—a genuine sweetness that cuts through the haze of weed and turns your resolve to mush.
“You know I’m crazy about you, right?” he murmurs, his voice low and a little rough. It’s that tone that gets you every time, the one that makes it clear he’s not just messing around, even if he’s not entirely in his right mind at the moment.
Your heart does that weird flip again, and you find yourself smiling despite everything. “I know,” you whisper back, your fingers still tangled in his hair.
He grins, all boyish charm and mischief, and then his lips are on yours again, more insistent this time. The kiss is slow and languid, like he’s savoring every second, and you can’t help but melt into it. His hands are warm, tracing a path down your sides, and when he pulls you closer, pressing his body against yours, you let out a soft, involuntary sigh.
“Mm, I’ve been thinking about this all day,” he mumbles against your lips, his voice thick with desire. “Can’t stop thinking about you.”
You’re lying there, pinned under the warm, slightly too-heavy weight of Clayton’s body, and your mind is racing, trying to catch up with the situation. Clayton’s still high as a kite, and yet here he is, trying to seduce you with that damn lopsided grin of his. You’re supposed to be the responsible one right now, the one who keeps everything on track. The one who doesn’t let her boyfriend’s cannabis-induced haze derail a meticulously planned family dinner. But, as his lips work their way down your neck, you’re beginning to think maybe you’ve lost control of this situation altogether.
“Clayton,” you say, trying to sound firm, but it comes out more like a breathless sigh. His mouth is trailing hot, lazy kisses along your collarbone, and you can feel his fingers tugging at the hem of your shirt. It’s distracting, to say the least, and you’re struggling to hold on to any coherent thought that doesn’t involve how good his touch feels.
“Hm?” He hums against your skin, completely oblivious to the inner turmoil you’re experiencing. His hands slide under your shirt, the calloused pads of his fingers brushing against your bare stomach, sending shivers up your spine. He’s not making this easy, and you know that’s probably the point.
“Dinner,” you manage to say, though it’s a weak attempt at protest. “We’re supposed to be getting ready for dinner.”
“Mm, later,” he mumbles, his lips moving lower, kissing just above the waistband of your shorts. “This is more important.”
You can’t help the small, breathy laugh that escapes you. “Is it now?”
He lifts his head to look at you, and the sight of him—flushed, with slightly mussed hair and glassy eyes that are somehow both earnest and a little mischievous—makes your heart skip a beat. “Definitely,” he says, and there’s something in his voice, a kind of sweet, dopey sincerity, that almost makes you want to give in right then and there.
You chew on your lower lip, trying to stay focused, but it’s hard when his hands are skimming up your sides, pushing your shirt higher. “Clayton, you’re high,” you remind him gently, as if he needs the reminder. “We really should—”
“I know,” he interrupts, and there’s that lopsided grin again, the one that makes your stomach do funny little flips. “But I just... I really fucking want you. And I want to make you feel good.”
You let out a sigh, glancing at the bedroom door as if it’s the gateway to the world of “responsibility” that you’re desperately trying to cling to. But honestly, that door is looking less like an escape route and more like a blockade against the pure, unadulterated temptation that is Clayton, sprawled out on the bed, high as a kite and making it very clear what he wants.
You’re supposed to be the responsible one. The one who keeps her wits about her, who doesn’t let a family vacation turn into a complete disaster because her boyfriend decided to get high with his brother in the garage. And yet…here you are, feeling the weight of Clayton’s gaze on you, his hands warm and insistent as they trace the curve of your hips.
“Clayton,” you try again, but your voice is soft, more an invitation than a protest. You should be telling him to sober up, to get dressed for dinner, to think about the fact that his mom could come knocking on the door at any minute. But instead, you find yourself caught in the way his eyes—glassy as they are—still manage to look at you like you’re the only thing that matters.
He looks up at you with those dazed, love-struck eyes and gives you that adorable lopsided grin. “Again? Baby, you don’t understand. I’ve been dreaming about having you like this all day. I just want to make you feel good. I’m so fucking into you right now. Just let me take care of you. It’s all I want.”
Oh god, his eyes are making your heart race, and every rational thought you had is slipping through your fingers. Here you are, his fingers gently tugging at your shirt, his lips grazing your collarbone in a way that makes you question every life decision you’ve ever made.
He’s literally begging to go down on you. To make you feel good, not giving a shit about himself. You’d laugh if it didn’t sound like the absolute best idea in the world right now.
But still, you hesitate. “Clayton,” you start, and even you’re surprised by how steady your voice sounds. “We really, really shouldn’t…”
He doesn’t stop. In fact, he seems to take your half-hearted protest as encouragement because he’s already kissing a path down your stomach, his fingers expertly unbuttoning your shorts like he’s done it a thousand times before. “I don’t care,” he mutters against your skin, and there’s an edge of desperation in his tone that sends a shiver down your spine. “I just need to taste you. Please, baby, let me.”
You bite your lip, trying to keep a level head, but Clayton’s hands are roaming, his fingers curling under the waistband of your shorts, tugging them down with a slow, deliberate movement. You feel the cool air against your skin, and suddenly every nerve in your body is on high alert. He’s not stopping—he’s determined, and you know, deep down, that if you don’t stop him now, you’re going to lose this battle entirely.
But then he looks up at you, his eyes soft and pleading, his lips swollen from the kisses he’s trailed across your body, and you know you’re done for. He’s high, sure, but there’s something in his gaze that’s entirely genuine—a need to make you feel good, to lose himself in the act of worshiping your body.
You swallow hard, your breath catching in your throat as you nod, just once, and it’s all the permission he needs. He grins, and there’s that boyish charm again, the kind that makes your stomach flip in the most ridiculous way.
“Thank you,” he breathes out, and before you can even process what’s happening, he’s tugging your shorts fully down your legs, tossing them aside with zero care about where they land. His hands find your thighs, spreading them apart with a gentle insistence that makes your heart pound in your chest. He’s on a mission, and that mission is apparently you.
You try to brace yourself for what’s coming, but nothing—nothing—could have prepared you for the way Clayton dives in like a man starved. His mouth is hot, wet, and insistent, and the first swipe of his tongue against you has your back arching off the bed. He’s not wasting any time, his mouth moving with a kind of single-minded focus that makes your head spin.
“Fuck,” you gasp, your hands flying to his hair, fingers threading through the soft strands as you try to ground yourself. He hums against you, the vibration sending shockwaves through your entire body, and you know you’re in trouble. Big, big trouble.
Clayton’s always been good at this—like, freakishly good—but tonight? Tonight, he’s on a whole other level. Maybe it’s the weed, maybe it’s the fact that he’s so damn into it, but whatever it is, it’s working, and you’re rapidly losing any semblance of control.
Your mind is a mess of sensations, each flick of his tongue, each gentle suck driving you closer to the edge. You’re not even sure how long he’s been at it—time has lost all meaning, and all you can focus on is the way he’s making you feel. The heat is building, a coil of pleasure tightening in your core, and you know it won’t be long now.
“Clay,” you pant, your voice shaky and breathless. “Oh god, Clayton, I—”
But he’s not stopping. In fact, he’s doubling down, his mouth working you with an intensity that has you trembling, your thighs quivering around his head as he pulls you closer to the brink. You can feel the pleasure building, a tidal wave that’s about to crash over you, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it—not that you’d want to.
And then, just when you think you can’t take it anymore, he moans against you, taking such obvious pleasure in it that the sound vibrates through your entire body, and that’s it. The coil snaps, and you’re free-falling into pure, unadulterated bliss. You cry out, your fingers tightening in his hair as your orgasm crashes over you, wave after wave of pleasure washing through you in a way that leaves you breathless, trembling, and utterly spent.
Clayton doesn’t let up, his mouth working you through your climax with a kind of reverence that makes your heart swell in your chest. He’s not just doing this because he’s high—he’s doing it because he loves it, loves you, and that thought alone is enough to send a fresh wave of warmth flooding through you.
When you finally come down from the high, your body relaxing back into the bed, you realize with a start that Clayton’s still there, still between your legs, nuzzled up to your thigh. He’s breathing hard, his cheeks flushed as if he’s drunk on you along with being stoned, and when he looks up at you, there’s a smug, satisfied grin on his face that makes you want to smack him and kiss him all at once.
You can practically see the gears turning in his head, and despite everything, you can’t help but roll your eyes. The man just gave you the kind of orgasm that makes you question your life choices, and now he’s looking at you like a puppy who’s proud of himself for learning a new trick.
“Clay,” you start, but your voice is weak, more of a croak than the firm reprimand you were aiming for. You should be getting up, throwing on some clothes, and dragging him to dinner with his parents. You should be the responsible one. But you’re not moving. In fact, your legs feel like they’ve turned to jelly, and all you can do is lie there, staring at the ceiling, trying to remember how to function as a human being.
He hums, lazily kissing your inner thigh, clearly not in any hurry to move. You would take him a lot more serious if his lips weren’t glistening, with, well, you. “Yeah, babe?”
You close your eyes, taking a deep breath. He’s still down there, between your legs, like it’s the most natural place in the world for him to be. And maybe it is, but right now, all you can think about is the fact that you have dinner with his parents in, what, forty-five minutes? An hour, if you’re lucky? And here you are, half-naked on the bed, with your high-as-a-kite boyfriend nuzzling your thigh like it’s the most comfortable pillow he’s ever found.
“We really need to get up,” you say, though even you can hear the lack of conviction in your voice.
“Mmm, don’t wanna,” he murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to your skin. “Wanna stay right here.”
You let out a groan, not entirely sure if it’s from frustration or the lingering pleasure still coursing through your veins. “Clayton, we have to go to dinner.”
He finally lifts his head, looking up at you with those hazy, love-drunk eyes that make your heart do a ridiculous little flip. “But I’m not done,” he says, as if that’s a perfectly valid excuse for skipping a family dinner.
You blink at him, trying to process what he just said. “Not… done?”
He grins, that boyish, slightly cocky smile that usually precedes him getting his way. “I mean, I could do this all night. I really, really like doing this for you. Makes me feel all… I dunno. Good. Happy.” He’s rambling now, his words tumbling out in a way that’s both endearing and a little infuriating. “You taste so fucking good, babe. Seriously. It’s like… fuck. I don’t even have words for it. I just wanna make you feel good. Again. And again. Until you can’t even think straight.”
Oh, you’re definitely not thinking straight. In fact, you’re pretty sure all coherent thought has flown out the window the moment he started talking about how much he likes going down on you. And the worst part? He’s completely sincere. This isn’t just the weed talking—this is Clayton being his ridiculously sweet, overly affectionate self, and it’s making it really, really hard to be the responsible one.
“Clayton,” you say again, trying to muster up some authority, but it comes out more like a plea than anything else. You should be getting up. You should be dragging him to the shower, dousing him with cold water, and forcing him into some semblance of sobriety before facing his parents. But instead, you’re lying there, letting him nuzzle your thigh, his breath warm against your skin, and all you can think about is how good it felt to have him between your legs, how good it would feel to let him do it again.
But you’re supposed to be the responsible one.
“Babe,” he murmurs, his voice low and a little rough, “please let me. Just one more time. I promise I’ll be good after. I just… I can’t stop thinking about it. You. How you taste. How you look when you come. God, it’s like… it’s the only thing I want right now.”
Your breath catches in your throat, and you have to bite down on your lip to keep from moaning at the sheer desperation in his voice. He’s practically begging, and it’s doing things to you—things that are making it very, very difficult to stay focused on the whole “responsible girlfriend” thing.
You swallow hard, trying to gather your thoughts. “Clay,” you start, but before you can get another word out, he’s already leaning in, pressing his lips to the inside of your thigh in a way that makes your toes curl.
“I’m really good at it, right?” he mumbles against your skin, his voice muffled but still clear enough to make your heart race. “You like it when I do this?”
You want to say something—anything—to stop this before it spirals completely out of control, but all that comes out is a breathy whimper as he trails kisses higher, his tongue darting out to tease you in a way that makes you want to scream.
He grins against your skin, clearly pleased with himself. “Yeah, you like it. I knew it.”
“Clayton, we can’t…” You try again, but it’s a losing battle. Your body is betraying you, every nerve ending screaming for more even as your brain tries to remind you that there’s a dinner reservation looming over your head. But then he’s licking a slow, torturous line up your thigh, and any hope of rational thought flies out the window.
“Just one more time,” he murmurs, his voice soft and coaxing. “Please, babe. I just… I need it. I need you. Let me take care of you, yeah?”
And that’s it. Your resolve crumbles, and you find yourself nodding, even as your brain tries to scream at you that this is a terrible idea. But right now, with Clayton looking at you like you’re the most important thing in the world, you can’t bring yourself to care. This man is thorough, methodical, and once he sets his mind to something, he’s like a dog with a bone—or, in this case, like a stoned hockey player with a serious oral fixation.
“Okay,” you whisper, and the word is barely out of your mouth before he’s diving back in, his mouth hot and insistent as he picks up right where he left off. You’re gasping, your hands flying to his hair as you arch into him, all thoughts of dinner, responsibilities, and anything outside of this room fading into oblivion.
And as he works you over with a kind of focused intensity that leaves you breathless, you can’t help but think that maybe—just maybe—being the responsible one is overrated. At least, that’s what you’re telling yourself as he sends you spiraling into another earth-shattering climax, your mind going blissfully blank as you lose yourself in the overwhelming pleasure.
So much for being responsible. But honestly? You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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hustledimension · 1 month
The Cast of The Road to El Dorado
From here
KEVIN KLINE (Tulio) has been honored for his work on the stage and the screen. He won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the comedy "A Fish Called Wanda." More recently, he was recognized with the IFP’s Gotham Award for "The Ice Storm," and a Golden Globe nomination for "In & Out." He had previously received Golden Globe nominations for his performances in "Dave," "Soapdish" and "Sophie’s Choice."
Kline is a two-time Tony Award winner for his work on Broadway in "The Pirates of Penzance" and Hal Prince’s production of "On the Twentieth Century." He also garnered Drama Desk Awards for both productions.
A graduate of the Juilliard School of Drama, Kline is a founding member of John Houseman’s The Acting Company, with which he made his Broadway debut in Chekov’s "The Three Sisters." His additional theatre credits include "Arms and the Man" and "Loose Ends," both at Circle in the Square; the title role in Chekov’s "Ivanov" at the Lincoln Center Theatre; the title role in the 1986 and 1990 productions of "Hamlet" at New York’s Public Theatre, the latter of which he also directed, both for the stage and again for PBS’ Great Performances series; and the New York Shakespeare Festival presentations of "Richard III," "Henry V," "Much Ado About Nothing" and "Measure For Measure."
Kline made an auspicious feature film debut in Alan Pakula’s "Sophie’s Choice," opposite Meryl Streep. He then joined the ensemble cast of "The Big Chill," which began his long association with writer/director Lawrence Kasdan. They have since collaborated on "Silverado," "I Love You to Death," "Grand Canyon" and "French Kiss." Kline’s other film credits include "A Midsummer Night’s Dream," "Wild Wild West," "Fierce Creatures," the voice of Captain Phoebus in the animated musical "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," "Looking for Richard," "Princess Caraboo," "Chaplin," "Cry Freedom" and the screen version of "The Pirates of Penzance."
KENNETH BRANAGH (Miguel) is an award-winning actor, director, writer and producer. He adapted, directed and starred in 1989’s "Henry V," which brought him dual Academy Award nominations for Best Actor and Best Director and for which he won BAFTA and National Board of Review Awards for Best Director. He was more recently Oscar-nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay for the 1996 release "Hamlet," which he also starred in and directed. Branagh also received a SAG Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor for his role in "Othello," and produced, adapted, directed and starred in "Much Ado About Nothing," which earned an Independent Spirit Award nomination for Best Feature. His upcoming film credits include a musical version of Shakespeare’s "Love’s Labour’s Lost," which he adapted, directed and stars in.
In addition, Branagh directed and starred in "Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein," which he also produced, "Peter’s Friends" and "Dead Again." His other credits as an actor include "Alien Love Triangle," "Wild Wild West," Robert Altman’s "The Gingerbread Man," Woody Allen’s "Celebrity," "The Theory of Flight," "Swing Kids," "A Month in the Country" and "High Season." He also narrated the Oscar-winning documentary "Anne Frank Remembered," and, in 1993, received an Oscar nomination for Best Live Action Short for "Swan Song." That same year, he was honored with the British Academy’s Michael Balcon Award for Outstanding Contribution to Cinema.
Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Branagh studied at England’s Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, and made his professional stage debut in "Another Country." Joining the Royal Shakespeare Company, he was seen in such plays as "Love’s Labour’s Lost," "Hamlet" and "Henry V" before leaving to form his own successful theatre company. His other stage work includes sold-out productions of "Hamlet," "King Lear" and "A Midsummer Night’s Dream."
ROSIE PEREZ (Chel) received an Academy Award nomination and a Golden Globe nomination for her work opposite Jeff Bridges in Peter Weir’s "Fearless." She was discovered by Spike Lee, who cast her in "Do The Right Thing," and she subsequently starred in such films as Ron Shelton’s "White Men Can’t Jump," Jim Jarmusch’s "Night on Earth," Tony Bill’s "Untamed Heart," Andrew Bergman’s "It Could Happen to You," Alexandre Rockwell’s "Somebody to Love," Seth Zvi Rosenfeld’s "A Brother’s Kiss" and Nancy Savoca’s "The 24 Hour Woman," which she also co-produced. She will next be seen starring opposite John Leguizamo in Seth Zvi Rosenfeld’s "King of the Jungle."
Perez began her career as a choreographer for such artists as Bobby Brown, LL Cool J and Diana Ross. She went on to choreograph and direct the Fly Girls on Fox TV’s "In Living Color."
She made her first foray into producing with "Rosie Perez Presents Society’s Ride," which ran as three parts on HBO. She conceived and executive produced "Subway Stories," an anthology of short films by prominent and new directors, which also aired on HBO. Most recently, Perez entered into a unique deal with Artists Television Group (ATG) to develop, star in and executive produce a television comedy series.
ARMAND ASSANTE (Tzekel-Kan) has most recently been recognized for his work in a number of acclaimed network and cable projects. He won an Emmy Award and garnered Golden Globe and SAG Award nominations for his portrayal of John Gotti in the HBO movie "Gotti." He also earned a Golden Globe nomination for his performance as Odysseus in the miniseries "The Odyssey," and both Emmy and Golden Globe nominations for his work in the miniseries "Jack the Ripper." Most recently, Assante starred as the Confederate commander of the first submarine in TNT’s true-life Civil War drama "The Hunley."
On the big screen, Assante received a Golden Globe nomination for his work in Sidney Lumet’s "Q&A," and won a Special Jury Prize at the USA Film Festival for his performance in the title role of "Belizaire, The Cajun." Among his additional film credits are "Striptease," "Judge Dredd," "Trial by Jury," "The Mambo Kings," "Hoffa," "1492: Conquest for Paradise," "The Marrying Man," "I, the Jury," "Little Darlings," "Private Benjamin" and "Paradise Alley."
A native New Yorker, Assante graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. He made his professional acting debut on the stage in "Why I Went Crazy," under the direction of Joshua Logan. His subsequent stage credits include the Broadway productions of "Boccaccio," "Comedians," "Romeo and Juliet" and "Kingdoms."
EDWARD JAMES OLMOS (The Chief) has received honors for his work in films and on television. He garnered both Academy Award and Golden Globe nominations and won an Independent Spirit Award for his portrayal of inspirational teacher Jaime Escalante in "Stand and Deliver." He more recently earned acclaim for his role in Gregory Nava’s biopic "Selena," in which he starred as the Tejano singer’s father. He had previously worked with Nava in the film "My Family/Mi Familia."
On the small screen, Olmos won a Golden Globe Award and earned an Emmy nomination for his performance in the HBO drama "A Burning Season." He had earlier collected his first Golden Globe for his starring role in the series "Miami Vice." This season, Olmos appears in the recurring role of Judge Mendoza on the new series hit "The West Wing." He has also starred in such longform projects as "Bonanno: A Godfather’s Story," "The Taking of Pelham One, Two, Three," "12 Angry Men," "Hollywood Confidential," "Dead Man’s Walk" and "Menendez: A Killing in Beverly Hills."
Born and raised in Los Angeles, Olmos first gained attention for his performance in the Broadway musical "Zoot Suit," for which he received a Tony Award nomination. He later recreated his role in the film adaptation. His film credits also include "Wolfen," "Blade Runner," and five films for director Robert M. Young: "The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez," "Saving Grace," "Triumph of the Spirit," "Talent for the Game" and "Caught."
In 1992, Olmos made his feature film directorial debut with "American Me," in which he also starred. He also executive produced the award-winning documentary "Lives in Hazard," which addressed gang prevention.
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atinydetective · 2 months
ATEEZ Universe part 3
▴Diary Film
“The universe is divided into many dimensions. This is the story where their dimensions are split into eight pieces again.”
So I can assume that they already split the dimension and when the book this girl reads ends , they will once again split their dimension.
►Black Fedora’s Entrance
With radio sound, the man covered all by black enters the factory as usual. Even though it's a dream he gives the key which connects worlds to Hongjoong. This man somehow looks like Hongjoong but in a different hair color, like his outfit; Black.
Because he comes from another dimension-world he spreads these signals louder as soon as he gets closer to Hongjoong. And after Hongjoong wakes from the dream, the key is still there. You would expect that sand flows down with gravity but it flows as if it’s upside down.
This can be a side effect of someone coming into the current dimension. Anomaly in gravity.
►Hongjoong’s Dream
Like he said in his Diary, he wants to become a star as you can see in the tv. But between these singing people that have fun and fame and Hongjoong there is a wall like glass; you can see through but can’t pass unless you break it.
When he goes back to the factory after this scene and the dream I just mentioned, you can see this anomaly in gravity repeats. Someone also entered this world..
►Seonghwa’s Memory
While he struggles with his to-do list-responsibilities he remembers the day he met the girl dancing freely, like he tells us in his diary.
Say My Name Mv which was released before this album even though it’s about the future is also played in the back, on tv. Is this a message from the future then?
Also in the room we see Seonghwa there is just one lamb and its shadow.
In Seonghwa’s memories when he sees the girl, Inception starts as if it has a meaning, connected to this girl.You can also hear horn trumpet sound in the beginning of the sequence. A wind instrument.
►Wooyoung’s Choice
As he said in his diary he has some problems while dancing in front of the people, which he beats his fear with memories with his friends. When he returns to the old factory, he sees a sign that the factory is now closed down. But in Diary’s intro we know that there has always been a sign like “No Entry.” The thing that made Wooyoung choose the dark side is the member's absence. The first separation in the world, when members separate into their own universe.
►Yeosang’s “Time”
Yeosang’s time, which is actually a well chosen name. Because the uniform he wears despite other students having no logo on their outfit, has much deeper meaning than it seems.
Kronos is symbolized by the SATURN. And as you see here we have a hexagon on his uniform which is the symbol for Saturn and naturally Kronos too. KRONOS (Cronus) was the King of the Titans and the god of time, in particular time when viewed as a destructive, all-devouring force.
And this sequence is named as Yeosang’s time. He blinks his eyes and he flies through to the place where he feels to belong from the place he caged like a bird.Because of his Father.
Yeosang’s parents, his father, Yunho’s brother… Story gets deeper and more.
►San’s Resolution
He needs to move again, separate from his friends and dream once again. In this video you can see his consciousness where you can hear the same radio sound as we heard in Black Fedora part. So the thing is clear, this space we see is a dream and members' consciousness.You know that dreams actually show our deeper mind.
So if there is a gravity anomaly it is the sign if anyone enters the world. Not the radio sound!
►Yunho and His Brother
Yunho blames himself for what happened to his brother. We still don’t know what exactly happened to him but he is still here cause Yunho scares if he disappears.
In his studio we see an enormous amount of butterfly figures.
I think probably 5.07 time will have meaning in future albums but it has no specific meaning here. Because we don’t know if this phone is Yunho’s or his brother’s.
And you can also hear the wind bell but even though I know current album’s and storyline, I can’t put this in any meaning.
►Jongho’s Wanderings
Like he said in Diary he lost one of his dreams, basketball. After Mingi decided to quit making music he both felt angry and frustrated.
►Mingi’s Diary
Because Mingi thinks he is a guy who can’t have dreams he wants to quit making music with the group. If he puts his headphones on, he can stay in his own world which is his consciousness. The Radio sound is also able to be heard here.
⋐After members back to old factory as outro says the cromer in Hongjoong’s hand started to shine. And they just popped into somewhere that exactly liked the same.
First of all, the lyrics of this song is basically about the situation they had to face when they had dreams. Adult’s keep telling them to do this or do that but they just want to experience things by themselves and have their dreams.
But mv has more details than you think!
I will write down all details no matter whether they have meaning in this album by themselves or things that have possible connections to the next album.
◦The bus which they showed us in the preview of the album. It’s like the vehicle they use for now.
◦They hold the Diary that the little girl reads. In ATEEZ Fever Performans they show her appearance, the one little girl’s. And Hongjoong gives back Cromer to her, as if he used it for himself and returns it to the real owner.
◦Yeosang is the leader here. We don’t know what happened after members teleported to another world but they call Yeosang leader who knows the way and lead them in Thanxx Reaction.
◦There are some “Street racing cars” in the scene when we see the Pirate Ship. We saw a poster of one of them in Diary Film when Mingi and Jongho were arguing.
◦In the ending, we see this pirate ship fly upward with the melody we will see in next album.
Apart from this song we see Yunho with different pink hair. In Thanxx he just has pink extensions other than our next song Inception. Also the one Yunho we see in his brother’s studio wears a shirt but the one who helps Wooyoung wears a band group t-shirt. Just wanted to add this if this detail shines out one day.
※For once in the albums, I will pass two songs from this album which are To The Beat and One Day At A Time. Because To The Beat is a diss song and One Day At A Time (also Celebrate) is a song just made for ATINY’s.
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lazytitans-world · 6 months
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/51925660"><strong>Disney's Wish: Reimagined</strong></a> (24375 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/CartoonFuel"><strong>CartoonFuel</strong></a><br />Chapters: 10/10<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Wish%20(Movie%202023)">Wish (Movie 2023)</a><br />Rating: Teen And Up Audiences<br />Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply<br />Relationships: King Magnifico/Queen Amaya, Amaya/Magnifico of Rosa (Disney), Asha (Disney) & King Magnifico, Asha & Magnifico of Rosa (Disney), Asha (Disney)/Star (Disney: Wish)<br />Characters: Asha (Disney), Star (Disney: Wish), King Magnifico, Queen Amaya, Valentino the Goat (Disney), Magnifico of Rosa (Disney), Amaya (Disney), Dahlia (Disney: Wish)<br />Additional Tags: Asha is a princess, Valentino doesn't talk, Evil Amaya (Disney), Star Boy (Disney: Wish), Reimagining of Disney's Wish, Luci the Cat, Asha is Magnifico's apprentice, Dark Magic, Wish is a bit of a fixer upper, Disney Songs, Magnifico’s a BAD dude, Angst, Fluff, Rewrite, Starsha - Freeform, Canon-Typical Violence<br />Series: Part 1 of <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/series/3991192">WISH: REIMAGINED</a><br />Summary: <p>Come join me for a fully reworked, reimagined version of Disney’s 100th anniversary film, Wish (feat. scrapped concepts and ideas, further developed characters, a TRUE villain w/a backstory, romance, AND MORE)!</p><p>SYNOPSIS: Princess Asha makes a wish so powerful that it's answered by a cosmic force called Star. With Star's help, Asha now faces the daunting task of saving her kingdom from the malevolent King Magnifico and the manipulative Queen Amaya.</p><p>Feel free to allocate approximately 2 hours for uninterrupted reading, as I purposely designed the story’s length to mirror that of an animated movie.</p><p>PLAYLIST: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVWkR_gRgMqQJxpoB1j8gQxnqoqegsQsI&amp;feature=shared</p><p>[COMPLETE]</p>
I want to give a shoutout to CartoonFuel for writing my other favorite Wish re-write. I like how this work sticks to canon while still adding it the cut concepts we all wanted.
It’s boldest, and my favorite choice was making Starboy nonverbal. A non verbal Starboy seems to be a rarity in the re write community and it can be hard to pull off but Fuel’s descriptions help paint what this character is feeling.
If you want to give them a follow they are on instagram, twitter and YouTube: cartoonfuel
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guerrerense · 1 year
Pioneer BR Standard Britannia Pacific no 70000 "Britannia stands in Cambridge station as it prepares to haul a train to King's Lynn on 19th October 1991 during a Fenline Steam Weekend
Pioneer BR Standard Britannia Pacific no 70000 "Britannia stands in Cambridge station as it prepares to haul a train to King's Lynn on 19th October 1991 during a Fenline Steam Weekend por Ian Duffield Por Flickr: 70000 - Cambridge 19-10-1991 R1530 Olympus OM40 (film) Fujichrome colour slide scanned to digital Fenline Steam Weekend
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that-irishman-fan · 9 months
dr. strangelove or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb as an 80’s dark fantasy movie headcanons!
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This is definitely going to be the most niche thing I’ve written across all my blogs and in my time posting fan content; but I felt the need to do this deep down in my soul. In this new year, I wanted to take one of my favourite films of all time, Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb, and fuse it with one of my favourite genres of film, retro dark fantasy( by that I mean movies like Labyrinth, Legend, The Princess Bride, Neverending Story, Willow, etc. )
Quick note that NONE of Dr. Strangelove belongs to me whatsoever, full rights go to Stanley Kubrick and everyone involved there. I’m only writing based on these brilliant characters and stories, not claiming them as my own in any way. This is merely an alternate universe take, not canon.
These are going to be small headcanons to establish a ground zero idea for what I would love to turn into a full fledged fanfiction, but I wanted to get the general consensus on whether or not it was something worth pursuing. I’m going to tag my favourite human being in the whole world and best friend, @itscrimsonsixx and the absolute goddess that is @jaethebloody in this post!
Thank you everybody for your continued reblogs, likes, comments, and support on my posts, you guys are literally the best and I appreciate each and every single one of you!
FANDOM: Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb, 1964
GENRE: Alternate universe, headcanons, medieval au, and whatever else this could be classified as!
SYNOPSIS: My headcanons of the cast of Dr. Strangelove in an 80’s dark fantasy style world!
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of angst, swearing, info-dumps I apologize in advance for, and just general weirdness as a whole that I don’t know if I regret or am proud of…
Let’s start by establishing the general plot and who’s who in this demented chaotic bin on fire of a story.
There are two kingdoms in a magical realm who have been warring against each other for eons, as far back as history goes. The purpose for the battle isn’t really known anymore, but these kingdoms fight to carry on their legacies. In the west is the land of Cybele and in the east is the land of Vanth. There are many planes of existence in this world, but the story takes place on the middle plane where humans, magical creatures, and forces of good and evil spirits reside. The metaphysical beings can cross over, but not mortals.
King of the Cybele in the West is Merkin Muffley, late in life to the throne after the sudden passing of his father. He’s a humanitarian, philanthropist, and a good man who cares for his people and wants the best for his land. It is him who has pushed the concordance between both kingdoms despite protests from his court. The character of Staines becomes his Royal Advisor and they are good friends.
The Archlord of the Vanth Kingdom is Dmitri Kissov, a royal who came from a long line of warlords, generals, and intellectuals. Like Muffley, he’s also a benevolent ruler not wanting to sacrifice his men to a war he deems to be useless bloodshed. But pressures from his court mean he’s got a hell of a time trying to make cordial decisions and relations with his ‘sworn rival.’
To cement this alliance into permanency, Dmitri has pledged his sister to marry Merkin for them to unite both the Cybele and the Vanth houses. While Dmitri’s younger sister is a woman of good character, Merkin does not love her. Rather, he is in love with Dmitri, the forbidden love between the two rulers going way back to their youth. They pine for each other afar, not able to express their love.
In this instance, I would prescribe the classic role of the innocent princess to Muffley whereas his love interest can be the noble prince from a faraway land or the outcast he’s prohibited from marrying. I want to switch up gender roles with this story, giving the characters broader spectrum to express themselves without ideas of stereotypes or patriarchy being a dominant force.
The Royal Guardsmen of Cybele are led by the High General Buck Turgidson, a militaristic and uncouth old soldier who was once apart of the crusades of the Lady of the Moon, the Cybele deity. Since such wars were outlawed, he craves the thrill of battle and thus opposes the union of the Cybele and Vanth kingdoms. ( Quick note, the Moon Goddess is Cybele’s deity whereas the Vanth are atheistic, also similar to how the Americans and Russians were in the original movie. Of course, there are always exceptions, the goddess is universal, but the Vanth tend to be skeptics and the Cybele more spiritual )
He is having an affair with the dark witch, Madame Scott, in the enchanted forests bordering Vanth and Cybele. She promises to keep eyes open for any rebel forces in the woods if he does not turn her coven in for practicing the dark arts. In return, the two have a passionate albeit dysfunctional relationship.
Overseer of the court of Vanth is the Duke Alexei de Sadesky, a diplomat and merchant appointed to the role after many years as a successful broker. He is well-educated, reserved, but with a fiery and passionate side like most people of Vanth. His love interest is also an ‘enemy’ who is in the court of the Cybele, with the exception that they are together show love in correspondences.
This love interest is none other than the famed sorcerer, alchemist, and learned man rumoured to not be from their mortal plane—Jürgen Merkwurdigliebe or Doctor Strangelove. He has tremendous powers, protecting the kingdom of Cybele with his technological skills of infused magical weaponry and machines. It is him who gave flight, weapons of warfare, and many more amazing inventions to both sides of the war by his genius. He is much like High General Turgidson, opposed to unification but having to put on a public face. And he’s very versed in magic and the dark arts, once being a dark wizard of the Supreme Nox before defecting when it was locked away by the heroes of many years before. But with a new generation and the peace talks, it has broken free—and Strangelove may or may not be involved.
Strangelove would be the classic Merlin archetype, sort of the Gandalf-slash-Dumbledore character with his mad genius. de Sadesky is a villain who’s more of a hero than anything else in this story. Him and Strangelove regard themselves as married, their love covert and secret so as not to cause scandal over two rivals being together. A male identifying person being a bachelor isn’t uncommon in this world and neither for a female identifying person, but marriage is considered to be important—almost necessary to royals and aristocrats. And of course, genderqueer, non-binary, fluid, and agender folks are fully accepted too, this is a world where the binary doesn’t have a hold on the minds of the people. War, famine, dark magic, pleasing the gods, and being of good character are far more important than what pronouns a person uses. Its just considered acceptable and normal.
Now, those who oppose the unification who aren’t in the aristocracy have banded together to form the vagrant rebel forces. Looming over the peace talks between these two kingdoms is the Supreme Nox, a being only spoken of in only the darkest of circles. It is a being of pure darkness, pure sin, and pure diabolical evil, the very incarnate of everything frightening, harmful, and broken in the cosmos. The minority of subjects and officials who break away from their kingdoms because they don’t like the idea of the war ending fall into two categories: they either join the Supreme Nox and its growing armies of shadows, or they integrate into a new group of people hidden deep in the woods.
This new backwoods commune is lead by a former wing pilot for the Cybele kingdom named T.J. Kong. While he isn’t hostile nor wanting to be subservient to Supreme Nox, he refuses to go back to the villages and grand city of Cybele. This story revolves around nationalism just as the original source movie does, and I wanted to keep those elements in my little fic here. To get rid of it would strip the characters of this important detail. Kong is devoted to his new found family, knowing all their names, stories, and backgrounds, and he is as kind a leader as Muffley and Kissov.
I would love for Kong to be the quirky sidekick, much like Brown Tom and Screwball in Legend or Vizzini’s crew in Princess Bride. I can imagine him being so off-kilter and just hilarious, but with a heart of gold. Keep him in the back of your mind as we progress, he’s going to show up shortly.
On the opposite spectrum, there’s the turncoat Jack D. Ripper of the Cybele kingdom. Once a middle ranking guardsman, he became aware of the unification talks between Cybele and Vanth. He’s fought in many of the wars between the two powers, staunchly pro-Cybele. Conspiracies, lies, and disgust all boiled over into him going rogue, and joining the Supreme Nox. Because he has national secrets and knows the weaknesses of the kingdom, he is given a bounty and becomes the most wanted man in the lands of the Moon Goddess and in the Vanth lands too.
Now who should chase after Ripper but courageous Lionel Mandrake of Cybele! He’s of middle class blood, the reject of six other brothers and was the rightful governor of his village until it was stolen from him by his younger siblings. As such, Mandrake became a guardsman. This offended his family so much since they dislike the upper eschalons, that he was cut off. When Mandrake learned of Ripper’s desertion, he took it upon himself to go after his former commander. He journeys through the plains, mountains, and woods towards the dreaded Castle of Doomsday of the Supreme Nox in the badlands to retrieve Ripper. He’s become a classic Dungeons and Dragons style ranger mixed with the nomadism of Aragorn from Lord of The Rings. Along the way he meets T.J. Kong, who joins him to stop Ripper and the Supreme Nox.
Mandrake is most definitely the chosen one archetype, the scruffy hero who rises up to the challenge of good versus evil. It’s in a long lost prophecy for him to join forces with Kong, Ms. Scott, and de Sadesky to conquer the forces of darkness that would destroy the universe; so think Legend with Tim Curry, basically, but with the aesthetic of Labyrinth and Willow, and the type of humour of The Princess Bride.
I’m gonna throw in the character of Colonel Bat Guano ( oh my god, his name ) as a folk hero of his village in Cybele, famed for his valour and his nobility. He’s not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, but he can fight and he’s respected by his countrymen for it. He comes from Mandrake’s village and joins him at the final battle against the Supreme Nox.
So yeah, the basic premise is that Cybele and Vanth are in the process of making peace and possible unification whilst having to contend with the very real threat of the Supreme Nox. It’s a clusterfuck and amalgamation of everything I love about Dr. Strangelove and about retro dark fantasy, and it’s honestly weird even for me—but I feel as though it could be really good? I don’t know, time will tell.
Thank you so much for reading if you got this far, I am BEYOND grateful and appreciative for you reading my thoughts. Please let me know what you think, if this is something you’d be interested in seeing or something I should just keep to myself. Have a great rest of your week everyone and Happy New Year!
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bisamwilson · 2 years
mak’s 95th oscar picks
i have somehow managed to watch all 54 films nominated for an academy award this year (!!!), so here’s my #1 pick for each category and my runner up! this isn’t what i think the academy will choose, but what i think personally deserves it
(note: these don’t necessarily represent my favorite film in each category, for example my runner up in best picture is not what i enjoyed second most, but what i think is second most deserving of the oscar)
some categories will also have a “i will be actively angry if this wins” pick and also some major snubs (only of films i’ve seen though. for example, many agree danielle deadwyler was snubbed for Till but i have not seen it so that snub will not be listed)
to find my review out of 5 stars for all these films, and also a list of 2022 feature length films (non-documentaries) ranked in my personal favorite order, check out my letterboxd!
best picture:
winner: everything everywhere all at once
runner up: the banshees of inisherin
second runner up (bc this category is huge): all quiet on the western front
will be actively angry if it wins: tr*angle of sadness, t*r, avatar: the way of water
snubs: the woman king, NOPE
best director:
winner: steven spielberg, the fabelmans
runner up: the daniels, everything everywhere all at once
will be actively angry if they win: t*dd field, t*r; ruben ostl*nd, tr*angle of sadness
snubs: park chan-wook, decision to leave; jordan peele, NOPE; gina prince-bythewood, the woman king
best actor:
winner: colin farrell, the banshees of inisherin
runner up: austin butler, elvis
will be actively angry if he wins: br*ndan fr*ser, the wh*le (do NOT @ me for this if you haven’t actually seen the movie. i love him as a person and an actor too but that movie was a dehumanizing spectacle that shouldn’t have been nominated for anything, and his performance wasn’t great bc the script wasn’t anything that lent itself to a good performance)
best actress:
winner: michelle yeoh, everything everywhere all at once
runner up: cate blanchett, t*r (blocking this out bc i’m otherwise really negative about the movie)
will be actively angry if she wins: an* de arm*s, bl*nde
snub: viola davis, the woman king
extra note: whatever the FYC said, michelle williams was not a lead in fabelmans. her performance was fantastic, but she deserved a best supporting nom, bc the solo lead was gabriel labelle, but we don’t appreciate young actors enough to acknowledge that
best supporting actor:
winner: ke huy quan, everything everywhere all at once
runner up: barry keoghan, the banshees of inisherin (though a very close runner up race with brian tyree henry for causeway)
snub: paul dano, the fabelmans
best supporting actress:
winner: angela bassett, black panther: wakanda forever
runner up: stephanie hsu, everything everywhere all at once
will be actively angry if she wins: jam*e lee c*rtis, everything everywhere all at once (if she wins over both bassett and hsu i swear to GOD)
snubs: keke palmer, NOPE; lashana lynch, the woman king
best original screenplay:
winner: everything everywhere all at once
runner up: the banshees of inisherin
will be actively angry if it wins: tr*angle of sadness
best adapted screenplay:
winner: women talking
runner up: all quiet on the western front
best animated feature film:
winner: puss in boots: the last wish
runner up: marcel the shell with shoes on 
best international feature film:
winner: argentina, 1985
runner up: all quiet on the western front
snub: decision to leave (dir. park chan-wook)
best documentary feature:
winner: all the beauty and the bloodshed
runner up: fire of love
will be actively angry if it wins: nav*lny (which will most likely actually win)
best documentary short subject: 
winner: the elephant whisperers
runner up: haulout
will be actively angry if they win: stranger at the gate, how do you measure a year? (not bothering to block these out bc stranger is actively infuriating, and how do you measure barely anyone saw)
extra note: i didn’t super care for any of these, but i found the elephant whisperers cute and heartwarming, so it definitely gets my vote
best live action short film:
winner: the red suitcase
runner up: an irish goodbye
will be actively angry if it wins: night ride (please don’t watch this. the vast majority of the film is just a bunch of transphobia couched in a “happy” ending to make it apparently okay)
best animated short film:
winner: ice merchants
runner up: an ostrich told me the world was fake, and i think i believe it
will be actively angry if it wins: honestly anything in this category that isn’t ice merchants bc it deserves it that much, but particularly the flying sailor and the boy, the mole, the fox, and the horse
best original score:
winner: justin hurwitz, babylon
runner up: volker bertelmann, all quiet on the western front
snubs: michael giacchino, the batman; harold faltermeyer, hans zimmer, lady gaga, and lorne balfe, top gun: maverick
best original song:
winner: “naatu naatu,” RRR
runner up: “lift me up,” black panther: wakanda forever
will be actively angry if it wins: “applause,” tell it like a woman
snub: “i ain’t worried,” top gun: maverick
best sound:
winner: top gun: maverick
runner up: the batman
extra note: the academy needs to split this one back up into best sound mixing and best sound editing
best production design:
winner: elvis
runner up: all quiet on the western front
best cinematography:
winner: all quiet on the western front
runner up: bardo, false chronicle of a handful of truths
will be actively angry if it wins: t*r, emp*re of light (this category SUCKS this year)
snubs: decision to leave; NOPE; top gun: maverick; the batman (this category SUCKS this year!!!! the only one of the nominees that should be there is all quiet and these four should’ve gotten the other spots)
best makeup and hairstyling:
winner: all quiet on the western front
runner up: black panther: wakanda forever
will be actively angry if it wins: the wh*le
best costume design:
winner: black panther: wakanda forever
runner up: mrs. harris goes to paris
will be actively angry if it wins: babylon (those costumes are NOT period accurate!!!!)
best film editing:
winner: everything everywhere all at once
runner up: elvis
will be actively angry if it wins: t*r, the banshees of inisherin, top gun: maverick
extra notes: literally the other three don’t come anywhere near fucking close to the top two. i switched back and forth between my winner and runner up a decent amount tbh, they’re both fantastic editing wise)
best visual effects:
winner: avatar: the way of water
runner up: top gun: maverick
will be actively angry if it wins: anything but avatar. the movie sucked but it’s the obvious winner here. the special effects are insane
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Week 3
This week’s film was The Conversation, and it was one heck of story! Directed by Francis Coppola and released in 1974, the film focuses on a wiretapper for hire, Harry Caul (Gene Hackman), and the conversation he records for a powerful client. Further involving himself and subsequently sinking deeper into a deadly, moral predicament, Harry ultimately finds himself on the other end of the mic and forever living in his biggest fear: being spied on himself.
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Harry spends most of the film looking over his shoulder and keeping people out as much as possible. Because of his profession as a wiretapping specialist and the reputation he’s built from it, along with the powerful clients this reputation attracts, Harry makes a less-than-honest living. One of the films major driving factors is the deaths of three people in one of Harry’s previous jobs, resulting from the audio recordings he created. This indirect involvement weighs heavy on his mind throughout the film and leads to him toward his own undoing by the end.
Though tame by today’s standards, the violence of the film’s climax was amplified by the generally quiet tone up to that point. The best way I can describe this moment is by calling it a perfectly executed “jump scare,” for lack of a better phrase. The anxiety and lethal possibilities running through my mind, built up throughout the film, detonated in a chilling mix of noise and violence on screen. Having read the film’s synopsis and being a psychological thriller, I assumed a complete lack of physical violence. All-in-all it was a disturbing surprise, though a welcome one!
Box office info
Pulling in 4.4 million and having received several nominations and awards including three Oscar nominations, The Conversation disappointed at the box office but release to critical acclaim. Although featuring now well-known actors like Harrison Ford and John Cazale, the film’s main attraction was Francis Coppola directing it. Unlike The Godfather and its ‘R’ rating before it, The Conversation is more subtle in its approach to its characters’ conflict. This may be a reason for its lower performance upon release.
Historical Facts
The Conversation was released the same year President Nixon resigned for his involvement in the Watergate scandal. Though the film’s release was timed well in relation to the scandal, it was also completely coincidental and not a reaction to Watergate. Regardless, it still spoke to the paranoia of surveillance many felt at the time.
Another culturally significant moment for 1974 was Stephen King publishing his first novel Carrie. Along with the films released during the New Hollywood movement between the mid-60s and early 80s, its premise focused on darker subject matter, indicating a growing change and embracement of these types of dark narratives.
Before beginning research on the film after my first watch, I wanted to address my feelings toward Harry. Put simply, I felt I missed something important about the character. As a result, I rewatched the film two more times. In the end, while I felt bad for what became of Harry’s life, remembering his line of work wasn’t “clean” to begin with, this was the consequence of those actions. Adding it all together revealed the film is a tragedy, specifically for the character it’s centered around.
What truly makes me feel bad for Harry is despite tearing up his home, the only place he felt safe in the world, where he could be open, he doesn’t have anything meaningful to hide. Being as private as he is, both with his work and personal relationships, there’s nothing for Harry to reveal, making his fear of being spied on both ironic and tragic. And the irony doesn’t stop there. Along the same vein, Harry is well known in the wiretapping industry, even considered one of the best in it. However, he tears his home apart unable to find where they’re listening in through. During his rampage, even, he breaks apart the Virgin Mary statue only to find nothing inside. Given the confessional scene at the church, it turns out his torn statue near the end doubled as a reflection: Harry’s own faith is hollow too. The tragedy of The Conversation is Harry himself.
Now, imagine my joy and feeling justified in my analysis of Harry when I pulled up Roger Ebert’s review of The Conversation addressing him as “an expert wiretapper named Harry Caul is one of the most affecting and tragic characters in the movies.” Succinctly put by Mr. Ebert, the film really boils down to Harry being the focus rather than wiretapping itself.
Harry is a well-written, complex character; very much human and even relatable. His fears aren’t unfounded and the torment he puts himself through because of them is a logical reaction. More recently, Catherine Shoard put it well in her review by saying “he bears the guilt of the culpable outsider. He is silent witness to atrocities he knows are likely going on next door, but is paralyzed when he tries to act.”
To wrap up, this was a solid choice for the week’s film and I thank Coppola for a wonderful film!
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hospedagempelomundo · 3 months
Hotel Fazenda perto de BH
Procurando por um hotel fazenda perto de BH? Nós temos uma seleção de hotéis perfeita para suas férias e finais de semana relaxantes e inesquecíveis.
Apresentamos as melhores opções de hospedagem que atendem a todos os gostos e bolsos.
Estes hotéis fazenda próximos a BH oferecem tudo o que você precisa para uma experiência incrível. Seja em um ambiente All Inclusive ou com preços acessíveis, você encontrará o local ideal para desfrutar da natureza e se desconectar do estresse do dia a dia.
Hotel fazenda próximo a BH All Inclusive e baratos
Aproveite esta experiência que combina a tranquilidade do campo com a sofisticação dos melhores resorts. Uma escapada perfeita, onde você pode relaxar em um hotel fazenda acolhedor e acessível ou desfrutar do luxo de um resort all inclusive, tudo isso a poucos quilômetros de Belo Horizonte.
Uma viagem repleta de momentos especiais sem precisar ir muito longe da capital mineira.
Hotel Fazenda Vale Amanhecer
Ele conta com uma completa estrutura de lazer com piscinas, recreação infantil com muita diversão. Oferecem suítes confortáveis com ar condicionado e opções com jacuzzi.
As acomodações possuem banheiro privativo, estacionamento, TV LED, ar condicionado, frigobar e mesa de trabalho. O apartamento luxo possui banheira de hidromassagem.
Valor das diárias a partir de R$ 1.100;
Nota dos viajantes 9,2 em 57 avaliações;
Distâncias da propriedade: Localizado a 50 km de Belo Horizonte, em torno de 1 hora de carro;
Destaque nas notas da hospedagem para Funcionários 9,8, Localização 9,4, Limpeza 9,1, Comodidades 9,1 e Conforto 8,9.
Endereço: Rua Teofilo Otoni, 91, Igarapé, Minas Gerais.
Planeje suas férias agora e garanta sua reserva no Hotel Fazenda Vale do Amanhecer, veja os valores
Hotel Fazenda Igarapés
Você pode apreciar a bela paisagem formada pelo lago do hotel e a encantadora Serra de Igarapé. Na unidade casa amarela, tem o grande conforto de ter uma piscina privativa com hidromassagem.
Valor das diárias a partir de R$ 1.350;
Nota dos viajantes 9,1 em 21 avaliações;
Distâncias da propriedade: Localizado a 50 km de Belo Horizonte, em torno de 1 hora de carro;
Destaque nas notas da hospedagem para Funcionários 9,6, Localização 9,6, Limpeza 9,2, Conforto 8,8 e Comodidades 8,6.
Endereço: BR 381 KM 513 Estrada do Retiro, 1000, Igarapé, Minas Gerais.
Não perca tempo e aproveite para fazer sua reserva no Hotel Fazenda Igarapés, confira os valores
Parque Do Avestruz Eco Resort – All Inclusive
São 4 bares, 2 restaurantes e 1 cafeteria em todo o resort, um dos quais é uma cantina italiana e outro é uma hamburgueria. Há pelo menos um lugar em funcionamento para comer a qualquer hora do dia.
Possui salão de jogos com duas mesas de bilhar profissionais, futebol de mesa de alta qualidade e ping-pong. Tem também uma sala de games.
Neste hotel fazenda próximo a BH All Inclusive, faça passeios de charrete e passeios a cavalo. Para os amantes da pesca, há um lago para pesca esportiva.
Além disso, um cinema e um teatro proporcionam muita diversão para a família.
Os quartos possuem ar condicionado, frigobar, cama king size e wi-fi. A opção super luxo possui banheira de hidromassagem.
Valor das diárias a partir de R$ 1.150;
Nota dos viajantes 8,9 em 82 avaliações;
Distâncias da propriedade: Localizado a 60 km de Belo Horizonte, em torno de 1h20 de carro;
Destaque nas notas da hospedagem para Funcionários 9,0, Localização 9,0, Comodidades 9,0, Conforto 8,9 e Limpeza 8,6.
Endereço: Rod. Dep. Lúcio Souza Cruz s/n Campo Alegre, Esmeraldas – MG.
Garanta um ótimo descanso e muita diversão para toda a família, confira os valores para o Parque do Avestruz Eco Resort
Tauá Hotel & Convention Caeté
Este é um hotel fazenda próximo a BH com piscina aquecida bem conhecido, nele você pode jogar boliche ou futebol, assistir a filmes no cinema ou descontrair no salão de jogos.
Os quartos têm ar-condicionado, frigobar, Wi-Fi, TV e cofre. Alguns quartos têm banheira de hidromassagem.
Valor das diárias a partir de R$ 903;
Nota dos viajantes 8,8 em 252 avaliações;
Distâncias da propriedade: Localizado a 50 km de Belo Horizonte, em torno de 1h15 de carro;
Destaque nas notas da hospedagem para Funcionários 9,6, Conforto 9,0, Limpeza 8,9, Comodidades 8,7 e Localização 8,5.
Endereço: R 381, KM 44,5, Caeté, Minas Gerais.
Faça como muitas outras pessoas e reserve sua estadia no Tauá & Convention Caeté, verifique os preços
Hotel Fazenda Pirapetinga
Nele, você pode aproveitar para andar a cavalo, área para churrasco / piquenique, sala de convivência com TV e Wi-fi gratuito.
Neste Hotel Fazenda próximo a BH barato aproveite para fazer trilhas e visitar as cachoeiras. No lago, pode fazer passeio de barco a remo e pescaria.
Na fazenda, há a produção artesanal de cachaça orgânica. Com visita monitorada ao Alambique de Cachaça Artesanal Orgânica (somente aos domingos). Conhecendo todas as etapas de produção, curiosidades sobre a fábrica e a degustação.
Valor das diárias a partir de R$ 450;
Nota dos viajantes 9,0 em 41 avaliações;
Distâncias da propriedade: Localizado a 155 km de Belo Horizonte, em torno de 2h40 de carro;
Destaque nas notas da hospedagem para Funcionários 9,7, Limpeza 9,1, Localização 9,0, Conforto 8,7 e Comodidades 8,5.
Endereço: BR-482 s/n Zona Rural Caixa Post 23, Zona Rural – Piranga, Minas Gerais.
Sua hospedagem tranquila no Hotel Fazenda Pirapetinga, confira ótimos preços
Hotel Fazenda Horizonte Belo
A área de lazer possui piscinas com cascatas para adultos e crianças, jacuzzi aquecida, sauna, academia, salão de jogos, parque infantil, área poliesportiva, lagos para pesca, pedalinhos, trilhas, cavalos e toda a infraestrutura de uma fazenda.
As acomodações possuem banheiro privativo, varanda, TV a cabo, Wi-Fi, ar condicionado e frigobar. Há também a opção de uma suíte com hidromassagem.
Valor das diárias a partir de R$ 600;
Nota dos viajantes 8,2 em 167 avaliações;
Distâncias da propriedade: Localizado a 60 km de Belo Horizonte, em torno de 1h30 de carro;
Destaque nas notas da hospedagem para Funcionários 9,1, Limpeza 8,1, Localização 8,1, Conforto 8,0 e Comodidades 7,8.
Endereço: Estr. Brumadinho-Toca s/n, Zona Rural, Brumadinho, Minas Gerais.
Planeje-se antes e fique hospedado no Hotel Fazenda Horizonte Belo, veja os valores
Ville Real Hotel – Com opção Day Use perto de BH
A área de lazer conta com piscinas externas e internas e quadras esportivas.
Há um spa com uma variedade de atividades terapêuticas.
O Ville Real tem opção de Day-Use. Este hotel fazenda day use perto de BH lhe dá acesso a todo o complexo da propriedade: piscina, piscina térmica, sauna, área de fitness e inclui o almoço.
Valor das diárias a partir de R$ 350;
Nota dos viajantes 8,8 em 562 avaliações;
Distâncias da propriedade: Localizado a 85 km de Belo Horizonte, em torno de 1h30 de carro. A cidade de Ouro Preto fica a cerca de 27 km e o centro de Mariana a 40 km distância;
Destaque nas notas da hospedagem para Funcionários 9,1, Localização 9,0, Conforto 8,9, Limpeza 8,8 e Comodidades 8,8.
Endereço: Rua Antônio dos Santos, 5, Santo Antônio do Leite, MG.
Faça como muitos outros e faça já a sua reserva no Ville Real Hotel, veja os ótimos valores
Fazenda Pedra Lisa Hotel Boutique
Neste hotel fazenda em Minas Gerais perto de BH aproveite ótimos momentos na piscina ao ar livre com área gourmet e na sauna.
Dispõe de um restaurante com cardápio à la carte.
Valor das diárias a partir de R$ 860 (Somente café da manhã neste preço);
Nota dos viajantes 9,1 em 102 avaliações;
Distâncias da propriedade: Localizado a 65 km de Belo Horizonte, em torno de 1h30 de carro. Fica a 9 km de Inhotim;
Destaque nas notas da hospedagem para Funcionários 9,6, Limpeza 9,4, Conforto 9,3, Comodidades 9,2 e Localização 8,4.
Endereço: Estr. Pte. das Almorreimas – Zona Rural – Brumadinho – MG.
Reserve sua hospedagem com tranquilidade para o Fazenda Pedra Lisa Hotel Boutique, confira os preços
Hotel Fazenda Paciencia
Como atrativos interessantes tem o boliche, touro mecânico e espaço de meditação. Possui piscinas abertas e uma fechada.
Aproveite para fazer caminhadas e passeios na natureza. Possui wi-fi e estacionamento gratuitos.
Valor das diárias a partir de R$ 910;
Nota dos viajantes 9,9 em 19 avaliações;
Distâncias da propriedade: Localizado a 120 km de Belo Horizonte, em torno de 2h15 de carro;
Destaque nas notas da hospedagem para Funcionários 10, Limpeza 10, Conforto 10, Comodidades 9,9 e Localização 9,4.
Endereço: Paciencia s/n, Zona Rural, 36430-000, Santana dos Montes, Minas Gerais.
Garanta sua hospedagem para o Hotel Fazenda Paciencia, verifique os valores
Hotel Fazenda próximo a BH barato
Para quem busca o conforto e as comodidades de ficar hospedado em um hotel fazenda e economizar, a boa notícia é que não é uma tarefa tão difícil, existem boas alternativas de hotéis:
Hotel Fazenda Horizonte Belo – Diárias a partir de R$ 600 com Nota 8,2;
Ville Real Hotel Fazenda – Diárias a partir de R$ 350 com Nota 8,8;
Hotel Fazenda Pirapetinga – Diárias a partir de R$ 450 com Nota 9,0;
Hotel Fazenda próximo a BH all inclusive
Se você busca um conforto extra de um Hotel Fazenda próximo a BH All Inclusive tem a opção de um ótimo Resort, confira:
Parque do Avestruz Eco Resort All Inclusive – Diárias a partir de R$ 1.150 com Nota 8,9;
Hotel Fazenda próximo a BH para casal
Sempre é uma boa pedida passar alguns dias relaxantes e curtir suas férias em um Hotel Fazenda próximo a BH para casal com diversas atividades, veja opções:
Hotel Fazenda Igarapés – Diárias a partir de R$ 1.350 com Nota 9,1;
Parque do Avestruz Eco Resort All Inclusive – Diárias a partir de R$ 1.150 com Nota 8,9;
Fazenda Pedra Lisa Hotel Boutique – Diárias a partir de R$ 860 (Somente café da manhã neste preço) com Nota 9,0;
Dúvidas frequentes sobre Hotel Fazenda perto de BH
Qual é um hotel fazenda próximo a BH com piscina aquecida?
As boas opções para hotel fazenda próximo a BH com piscina aquecida são: Tauá Hotel Convention Caeté e Ville Real Hotel Fazenda.
Qual opção para um hotel fazenda day use perto de BH?
Uma boa escolha para um hotel fazenda day use perto de BH é o Ville Real
O post Hotel Fazenda perto de BH apareceu primeiro em Hospedagem Pelo Mundo.
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
Arthur 2: On the Rocks (1988) - The Party's Over Scene (3/8) | Movieclips
and it is supposed to be us no repreasents us and our son is going to marry lisa meneli his auntie who abusedhiim when he was young.  and wont did not wont do a thing with her.and Hera did intercept tons know it no.
but it is distrubing.  he is firing  a weapon and saying he has to divorce and marry her to get money. and to leave his mutnt kind and to marry the baby and it means the concept. and she had a red dress on. and he got it and  yeh king arthur. and ok. he started drinking. saw it all was horrified.  and they were ok. but bad off and surrounded by psuedo empire. and that is who they are yes. and a general of mike t. and the anolgy theirs. and say it too. bind with   it or cut off. and it is a theme in the movies.  and to dierty up the psuedo empire. and he thuoght on it no. is the answer it always is..and our son left got it too. they are at us and he saw a bit. 
and he is on the line said we wer eup there and the macs planned it and isolated attacked and we fell. rode tommy f and trump.  it is harsh now for all.  might not hold it. need to see them.  coudn not aruthur got him code.and that is the anology. and worked.  mike t and got it to him.  and tons of it. and flowed. and worked and they were in trouble but saw them.
now we see it ok. and h e say every single bill turns on them a bit and it was bg and on the empire not the spudo and looked them and told and it worked and for some time too.  and later on it is worse but we see it. worse. and then this forg his dea need it now.and jet li said it i do have the feeling but yeh see that as possibe and it nevr was. now they fight and are int i and bg got it going. after this.
our son opts for Ellie no for Hera and at times called sister in Christ and she  says ye lives in a run down abpartment now but ok nyc no.  and we see it.  small and bigger same time.  not bad amount.  and more stuff.  it has two br and two bath no but two rooms. ok lol. is a dump but high rent area. and he too is in it shorty but has more money.  but it is an equivalent no. she carrie it. they see it.  3 5 0 and arthur laughs.  and then again.  and it means she supports him.  and our Empress does. she is smiling and be good and will. that one room and ok. dinenr alone and we see need a tv in the kitchen and laughs good going i do that ok lol.
buy a big one finally and watch films with the hpone and good.
now we  roll but thsi is important. the empire wants it badly to rub it in.  we wiht money and so on. and he asks it.
if they pay them up fornt ss they will seek them.  and i wont have much but they will be in jeapordy. and we see it coming.  says i think first and we agree.  and it is bad news too.  and these see it too. o urs out too and by proximity and we wont be out but yeh theyssek us and use your notes.andthey are flustered. and the ss payout due to being qualified. and they see it yes.  and then this it is overdue.  true.  but they do it later.  they want psuedo empire in the ss office to actually trace. we see it now yes.  got their mo and more
Thor fReya need them smaller too
Olympus and verbage we fix and held it from corrections until later
and we do thi s now yes
0 notes
[Regarder] Sur la branche Streaming VF (FR) en Français
Sur la branche (2023) Streaming Film Complet en ligne Gratuit.Voir HD!! Sur la branche Streaming Vostfr (FR) Complet en FRANCAIS Un autre site de Sur la branche streaming de films en ligne gratuit Voir Film Sur la branche Streaming Vostfr (FR) Complet en FRANÇAIS pouvez également essayer est Dans cet article. Ce site propose de nombreux films classés en plusieurs catégories comme drame, action, comédie, science-fiction et bien d'autres.
Regarder ➡ Sur la branche | Film Complet [2023] Streaming vF Français
Telecharger ➡ Sur la branche | Film Complet [2023] Streaming vF Français
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Comment Voir Sur la branche des films gratuitement en français complet ? Sur la branche un film sur internet gratuitement sans télécharger bonne qualité HD.
Sur la branche (2023)
Titre original: Sur la branche Date de sortie: 2023-07-26|(91 min) Genres: Comédie Qualités: 720p – 1080p
Synopsis:Mimi a presque trente ans et rêve toujours à ce qu'elle pourrait faire quand elle sera grande. Alors qu'elle se décide à chercher du travail, elle fait la connaissance de Paul, un avocat sur la touche. Ensemble ils vont tenter de défendre Christophe, un petit arnaqueur qui clame son innocence. Si Paul voit dans cette affaire un moyen de se refaire, Mimi y voit, elle, une mission, un chemin vers la justice et la vérité.
Sur la branche is a 2023 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Black Panther. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the sequel to Black Panther (2018) and the 30th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Directed by Ryan Coogler, who co-wrote the screenplay with Joe Robert Cole, the film stars Letitia Wright, Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, Winston Duke, Florence Kasumba, Dominique Thorne, Michaela Coel, Tenoch Huerta, Martin Freeman, and Angela Bassett. In the film, the leaders of Wakanda fight to protect their nation in the wake of King T'Challa's death.
Ideas for a sequel began after the release of Black Panther in February 2018. Coogler negotiated to return as director in the following months, and Marvel Studios officially confirmed the sequel's development in mid-2019. Plans for the film changed in August 2020 when Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman died from colon cancer, with Marvel choosing not to recast his role of T'Challa. Other main cast members from the first film were confirmed to return by that November, and the title was announced in May 2021. Production initially took place from late June to early November 2021, in Atlanta and Brunswick, Georgia, as well as around Massachusetts, before a hiatus to allow Wright to recover from an injury sustained during filming. Production resumed by mid-January 2023 and wrapped in late March in Puerto Rico.
Sur la branche premiered at the El Capitan Theatre and the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood on October 26, 2023, and was released in the United States on November 11, 2023, as the final film in Phase Four of the MCU. The film received positive reviews from critics, who praised the cast's performances (particularly Wright's, Huerta's, and Bassett's), emotional weight, Coogler's direction, action sequences, musical score, and tribute to Boseman.
Sortie du film Sur la branche : Date de sortie?
L’intrigue du film Sur la branche
Queen Ramonda, Shuri, M’Baku, Okoye and the Dora Milaje fight to protect their nation from intervening world powers in the wake of King T’Challa’s death. As the Wakandans strive to embrace their next chapter, the heroes must band together with the help of War Dog Nakia and Everett Ross and forge a new path for the kingdom of Wakanda.
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Retournez voir une seconde fois et faites attention. RegarderIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat Movie WEB-DL Il s’agit d’un fichier extrait sans erreur d’un serveur telLe Voyage du Pèlerin,tel que Netflix, ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. Il s’agit également d’un film ou d’une é Sur la branche ion télévisée téléchargé via un site web comme on lineistribution, iTunes. La qualité est assez bonne car ils ne sont pas ré-encodés.
Les flux vidéo (H.264 ou H.265) et audio sont généralement extraits de iTunes ou d’ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video,
puis redistribués dans un conteneur MKV sans sacrifier la qualité. DownloadMovieIp Man 4 :Le dernier combat L’un des impacts les plLe Voyage du Pèlerin importants de l’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du streaming vidéo L’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du DVD a connu un véritable succès grâce à la vulgarisation en Le Voyage du Pèlerinsse du contenu en ligne.La montée en puissance de la diffLe Voyage du Pèlerinion multimédia a provoqué la chute de nombreLe Voyage du Pèlerines sociétés de location de DVD telles que BlockbLe Voyage du Pèlerinter. En juilletIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat, un article du New York Times a publié un article sur les SerLe Voyage du Pèlerins de DVD-Video de Netflix. Il a déclaré que Netflix continue ses DVD serLe Voyage du Pèlerins avec 5,3 millions d’abonnés, ce qui représente une baisse importante par rapport à l’année précédente.
Quelle est la différence entre le téléchargement et streaming ?
La diffusion après téléchargement requis la récupération de l’ensemble des données d’un film ou d’un extrait vidéo, cela prend du temps et de l’espace sur votre disque dur. L’avantage du streaming vous n’avez rien à télécharger, il permet la lecture d’un flux audio ou vidéo que vous pouvez lire directement depuis un lecteur proposé le plus souvent par des plateformes qui proposent plusieurs films, séries ou morceaux musicaux.
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guerrerense · 1 year
Pioneer BR Standard Britannia Pacific no. 70000 "Britannia" stands in King's Lynn station as it awaits departure with a train for Cambridge on 19th October 1991 during a Fenline Steam Weekend
Pioneer BR Standard Britannia Pacific no. 70000 "Britannia" stands in King's Lynn station as it awaits departure with a train for Cambridge on 19th October 1991 during a Fenline Steam Weekend por Ian Duffield Por Flickr: 70000 - Kings Lynn 19-10-1991 R1533 Olympus OM40 (film) Fujichrome colour slide scanned to digital Fenline Steam Weekend
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nikologyindia · 1 year
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 1.7
49 BC – The Senate of Rome says that Caesar will be declared a public enemy unless he disbands his army. This prompts the tribunes who support him to flee to Ravenna, where Caesar is waiting. 1325 – Alfonso IV becomes King of Portugal. 1558 – French troops, led by Francis, Duke of Guise, take Calais, the last continental possession of England. 1608 – Fire destroys Jamestown, Virginia. 1610 – Galileo Galilei makes his first observation of the four Galilean moons: Ganymede, Callisto, Io and Europa, although he is not able to distinguish the last two until the following day. 1738 – A peace treaty is signed between Peshwa Bajirao and Jai Singh II following Maratha victory in the Battle of Bhopal. 1782 – The first American commercial bank, the Bank of North America, opens. 1785 – Frenchman Jean-Pierre Blanchard and American John Jeffries travel from Dover, England, to Calais, France, in a gas balloon. 1835 – HMS Beagle, with Charles Darwin on board, drops anchor off the Chonos Archipelago. 1894 – Thomas Edison makes a kinetoscopic film of someone sneezing. On the same day, his employee, William Kennedy Dickson, receives a patent for motion picture film. 1904 – The distress signal "CQD" is established only to be replaced two years later by "SOS". 1919 – Montenegrin guerrilla fighters rebel against the planned annexation of Montenegro by Serbia, but fail. 1920 – The New York State Assembly refuses to seat five duly elected Socialist assemblymen. 1922 – Dáil Éireann ratifies the Anglo-Irish Treaty by a 64–57 vote. 1927 – The first transatlantic commercial telephone service is established from New York City to London. 1928 – A disastrous flood of the River Thames kills 14 people and causes extensive damage to much of riverside London. 1931 – Guy Menzies flies the first solo non-stop trans-Tasman flight (from Australia to New Zealand) in 11 hours and 45 minutes, crash-landing on New Zealand's west coast. 1935 – Benito Mussolini and French Foreign minister Pierre Laval sign the Franco-Italian Agreement. 1940 – Winter War: Battle of Raate Road: The Finnish 9th Division finally defeat the numerically superior Soviet forces on the Raate-Suomussalmi road. 1948 – Kentucky Air National Guard pilot Thomas Mantell crashes while in pursuit of a supposed UFO. 1954 – Georgetown-IBM experiment: The first public demonstration of a machine translation system is held in New York at the head office of IBM. 1955 – Contralto Marian Anderson becomes the first person of color to perform at the Metropolitan Opera in Giuseppe Verdi's Un ballo in maschera. 1959 – The United States recognizes the new Cuban government of Fidel Castro. 1968 – Surveyor Program: Surveyor 7, the last spacecraft in the Surveyor series, lifts off from launch complex 36A, Cape Canaveral. 1972 – Iberia Flight 602 crashes near Ibiza Airport, killing all 104 people on board. 1973 – In his second shooting spree of the week, Mark Essex fatally shoots seven people and wounds five others at Howard Johnson's Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana, before being shot to death by police officers. 1979 – Third Indochina War: Cambodian–Vietnamese War: Phnom Penh falls to the advancing Vietnamese troops, driving out Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. 1980 – U.S. President Jimmy Carter authorizes legislation giving $1.5 billion in loans to bail out the Chrysler Corporation. 1984 – Brunei becomes the sixth member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). 1985 – Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency launches Sakigake, Japan's first interplanetary spacecraft and the first deep space probe to be launched by any country other than the United States or the Soviet Union. 1991 – Roger Lafontant, former leader of the Tonton Macoute in Haiti under François Duvalier, attempts a coup d'état, which ends in his arrest. 1993 – The Fourth Republic of Ghana is inaugurated with Jerry Rawlings as president. 1993 – Bosnian War: The Bosnian Army executes a surprise attack at the village of Kravica in Srebrenica. 1994 – A British Aerospace Jetstream 41 operating as United Express Flight 6291 crashes in Gahanna, Ohio, killing five of the eight people on board. 1999 – The Senate trial in the impeachment of U.S. President Bill Clinton begins. 2012 – A hot air balloon crashes near Carterton, New Zealand, killing all 11 people on board. 2015 – Two gunmen commit mass murder at the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, shooting twelve people execution style, and wounding eleven others. 2015 – A car bomb explodes outside a police college in the Yemeni capital Sana'a with at least 38 people reported dead and more than 63 injured. 2020 – The 6.4Mw  2019–20 Puerto Rico earthquakes kill four and injure nine in southern Puerto Rico.
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