#> quackity visits el rapids; destroys it
megablade · 3 years
in a server where everything from homes to entire nations regularly ends up being blown up with tnt, something about quackity destroying el rapids, a mostly forgotten faction that quackity used to lead with his closest friends, block by block by hand is so symbolic
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barbiegirldream · 3 years
Can we talk about how this was clearly such a well planned out stream and the way George is able to utilize dream logic so well. Because okay people who aren’t cc!George fans might not know how much he sleeps and how vividly he dreams to the point of waking up and still seeing things from his dream or waking up and realizing he slept walk and performed tasks in his sleep. Like he’s so familiar with dreams it only makes sense his character is like this. But okay here we go:
-the entirely empty server until he needs to talk to someone
-asking questions he clearly has for c!Dream such as why didn’t you break out of the prison yourself if you’re so smart? Why would burning Kinoko get your armor back? Which c!Dream didn’t give him a real answer because it’s c!George’s subconscious and these are things he can’t make sense of.
-encountering c!Techno who was barely in character because c!George knows nothing about him except some clearly underlying bitterness over his bond with c!Dream so of course they appear together. And of course him 2v1ing them as they suddenly forgot how to fight
-c!Techno had so much tnt and so many ender pearls on him only a dream would give him that
-the rain turning on and off as c!George pleased
-c!Quackity’s threat to Kinoko being so absurd that c!Sapnap probably told c!George he’s a threat too. The clear animosity for Las Nevadas most likely as it’s an El Rapids replacement and the thing keeping c!Quackity away from him. So he wants it gone
-wanting to destroy the prison but remembering the guardians even though he’d be using tnt and wouldn’t need to mine anything. clearly something about his subconscious still has issues with the prison like think of all those times he stopped to stare at it and his clear guilt over never visiting c!Dream
-c!Karl giving him so many warnings about what losing your attachments can do to someone… does c!George think these things about his friends who keep leaving him? Not to mention he keeps having c!Karl in his dreams confess to being a time traveler. Again the ridiculous item drops
-being able to goad DreamXD into a fight he won same with Callahan as well
Everything the other characters said fit perfectly into how you’d imagine c!George would understand things. That paired with cc!George asking everyone to stay off for a few hours he clearly planned this out and I wonder how much he told the others about what he wanted to do with his dream.
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teddy06writes · 3 years
You Didn't Need Us Then, We Don't Need You Now
Requested by this anon: "Okay I thought of this idea during Fundy's stream. Quackity and reader were engaged to Karl and Sapnap, but they left because of Karl losing his memory and Sapnap paying more attention to him. Quackity and reader then created Las Navadas to try and cope with everything that's happened to them. They created a little wedding area where they planned to get married with Sap and Karl. Flash forward to a year or two later, Karl and Sap stumble across Las Navadas and their two former fiancees. And they see everything they've done, including the little wedding area. which is perfectly designed as to how they wanted their wedding together. That's is as far as I got to the imagine in my head. If you could make a fic out of it that would be cool. If not at least you have this cute imagine in your head! 😊"
{Okay, so- so man feels, so many ideas. I haven't seen all of the Los Nevadas streams yet because I've got a lot of school stuff going on, but, I think I have a pretty good idea of what's going on. [also Slime from The Ground my beloved]}
Quackity x reader; Past: Sapnap x Karl x Quackity x reader
trigger warnings: maybe some swearing, slight descriptions of a panic attack, slight drinking
premise: After L'manburg was destroyed, two of your fiancées seemed to disappear. With just Sapnap left, you had been scared, but he assured you that the right thing to do was split up to try and find Quackity and Karl. And, well, you found Quackity, but when He found Karl.... something else had taken over, and suddenly Kinoko Kingdom was more important than finding you and quackity again. But thats fine. You and Quackity had been together in the begining, so what did you need from the other two? Las Nevadas could fill the void they left,,, and it did, until they happened to come knocking, right as you were finally moving on.
{Also, parental unit for everyone in Las Nevadas, I love it, brain is going brr so hard}
{also also, purpled is the forgotten eldest child of the server and no the ufo does not get blown up}
"It's gone, (y/n) it's all gone," You said with disbelief, staring over the barren, ashy place that had once been L'manburg and El Rapids, "We couldn't stop him."
Sapnap took in a shaky breath, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, "We were never could have. Even if the supplies weren't destroyed."
The remaining people had already cleared out, but you had only now come to see the damage, having been forced away from the battle by your fiancées.
"I could have helped." You fell to your knees, still staring at the wreckage.
Sapnap could only sigh at the broken look on your face. You had lost the only home you'd ever known, but what had he lost? Well, for one thing, Karl.
Karl was still no where to be found, and now it seemed that Quackity had disappeared.
He fiddled with the purple band that circled one of his fingers, "Look- we- we need to find Quackity and Karl. Q looked pretty bad the last time I saw him, and Karl-"
Resolutely you nodded, dragging yourself to stand, "Karl is Karl. He'll be happy that his statue missed being blown up. I think its Q we should be worried about. This place- El Rapids- that was everything to him."
"Well- how about you go find Quackity, and I go find Karl. We're bound to find them eventually if we split up." He offered.
You studied the look on his face, "You're covering for him. What's going on?"
Sapnap only shook his head.
Crossing your arms you turned toward the hill, and what was left of the prime path, "Quackity has the deed to some land. North of Spawn. Meet us there once you kind K, alright?"
"Okay." He said softly, leaning over to press a soft kiss on your cheek.
"Be safe." You advised, already starting away.
It didn't take you very long to track down your Fiancé, in all the time you'd known him (much longer than you'd known the others), he hadn't changed too much.
So, when you made your way through the twisted paths near Pogtopia, he was up on the ridge, sitting on the rock that had for so long, doubled as a bench.
"It's good to see you're safe." You hugged your arms to your body, trying to keep your voice from shaking.
As soon as you were sitting next to him, he was leaning on you, "He destroyed everything- all that work- El Rapids-"
"I know." You wrapped your arms around him, finally letting your own tears fall, "I know."
"What are we gonna do? I just wanted a place for us- I just- I wanted to make a place for us- all we asked for was recognition- and now the only place that saw was recognizing us is gone."
It had taken a while for Quackity to stop talking about everything that had been destroyed. Even then he kept asking, "But- Just wanted to make a place for you guys, how are we gonna do that now?"
"We can still make a place," You assured him, even as you yourself were unsure, "We'll make our own little country. So far out where no one will be able to blow it up."
He seemed to take to the idea quickly, and that night, as the two of you sat together in the camp that had been made within the caverns of Pogtopia, he talked feverently of the country you two would make.
He talked of buildings, of businesses, and of wedding venues. The plans he made up that night, they were almost enough to make you forget about what had happened to your home.
"What about that land north of spawn?" You suggested, letting your head rest back on his shoulder.
Quackity thought about it for a moment, "I mean- its just some desert, but I think we could make it work."
"Good, I told Sap to meet us there once he found Karl."
He nodded, "We'll head up there, and start getting everything ready, and then when they're ready they can come up."
~~ This was how three months came to pass, with the busyness of planning the new city, the beginning of construction, the meetings with Sam to plan for the new economic system that the new country would spread through the lands.
Yet you still felt off. It had been that long and Karl and Sapnap had never returned, something must have gone horribly, horribly wrong. It nagged at you, constantly, Drove you sick with anxiety somedays.
You looked up from the designs for the next casino you had been going over, "Sam! I didn't know you were visiting today! What can I do for you?"
"Uhhh, I wasn't planning on it, you better come out here- it's Quackity, we had been discussing- some things. I don't know what happened but when he passed back through-" The creeper hybrid trailed off.
You quickly stood, rushing passed him and through the hall to the courtyard where Sam had left him, gasping for breath and tugging at his hair.
In an instant you were kneeling beside him, "Breath baby, breath."
"They- he- George- Kinoko- Sap- left- on purpose-" He blubbered.
"Hey, Q," You took his hands as gently as you could, "look at me. Breath, breath with me. Come on, breath."
Slowly, he began to calm down, and by the time Sam was long gone he slowly began to explain what happened.
"I was heading back from talking with Sam, I saw George outside the prison. He kept talking about something- about- Kinoko Kingdom..." He sighed.
"Kinoko- what?" You asked, confused.
He let his head drop into his hands, "Karl and Sapnap.... started another country- called Kinoko Kingdom... they didn't even wait for us."
You felt your heart drop, if you hadn't been holding his hands yours would've been shaking, "What-"
Quackity could only nod shakily as he pulled you into his arms.
"I told him to come back here- I told- why didn't they-" You muttered absently.
The only noise in the courtyard was from the fountains, and the small sniffles from the two of you.
You were still in a state of semi-shock and sadness when you felt his arms tighten around you.
"We don't need them anyway. Las Nevada's can prosper without them."
~~ "Purpled? You want to get him in on this?" Quackity frowned.
You shrugged, "He's a mercenary, he could be of some help around here."
Your fiancé studied your face for a moment, "No, that's not it. Why do you really want him here?"
"Look, he's-" You sighed, "The kids been through a lot. He doesn't really have anything anymore, he needs somewhere, someone at least. We owe that too him at least."
After a moment, he nodded, "I haven't spoken to him since I paid him for his help with that egg mess. He- didn't seem to like me being around."
"I'll try to find him, he'd talk to me, I'm sure of it." You stood up from your seat at the table.
"You're going now?" He asked, following you across to the coat room.
You nodded, tugging on your boots, "If I want to make it through to the Greater SMP before it gets dark. I'll see if Eret will let me stay the night, then I'll head out again."
"Be careful." Quackity advised once you were ready.
You pecked at his lips, "I always am."
The journey to the Greater SMP went quickly, and after a nights stay in Eret's castle, you had made your way to the UFO, disappointed to find it seemingly abandoned.
"How the hell am I supposed to find him if the one place he ever seems to be is empty." You muttered, glancing around the base of the UFO.
You shrugged off your knapsack, dropping it to the side, followed by the sword that had been at your hip, and then you began to climb.
Even the inside of the UFO was completely empty, devoid of any chests, crafting tables, or furnaces.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
You jumped, turning to find Purpled, in full netherite, sword gripped tight in his hand.
"I- We've been looking for you." You fumbled for an explanation, holding up your hands in a sort of surrender.
He scoffed, "I already did a job for you people, I'm busy now."
"Not for a job Purpled!" You couldn't help but exclaim, "Some people actually try to find you for more than just that."
"Then what do you want?" He snapped.
"Did Q tell you about Nevadas?"
Purpled frowned, "Yeah, he mentioned it."
"Well, I think you should join. Come in on the project."
"Why the hell would I do that?"
You sighed, "Look, Purpled, you- everyone here, in this smp, they don't care, they don't bother to know you. You- you don't really have a place here-"
"You think I don't know that?" Purpled's grip on his sword tightened.
"So, If you come with us, join Las Nevadas, you can have a place- have people who care. You need people, Purpled."
"I don't Need anyone." He insisted.
You sighed, "Someday your going to have to see that that's not true. Please consider joining Las Nevadas, no one here cares, but we do."
"That's not true," He said bitterly, "You just need me to do another god damned job."
With a shake of your head you turned, preparing for the climb back down, "Purpled, this smp isn't kind to children, but I think it's been the most unfair to you. Out here your being forgotten, but you might not be if you join us."
At the base of the UFO you were surprised to find a strange, slimly looking boy digging through your bag.
"Hey!" You yelled, "Don't touch that! It's not yours!"
He looked up and froze, realizing he'd been caught.
You snatched your things away from him, quickly unsheathing your sword, "Who are you?"
"Uhhhh, I'm a meat person- same as you!" He offered.
"You- you're- uh-" You sputtered for a moment confused, "Why were you touching my things?"
"Uhhhhh, Dap me up!" He said avoiding the question.
You stared at him for a moment, "I don't have time for this."
As you started back toward the prime path you heard him call, "Nice to meet you (y/n) from Las Nevadas!"
"How do you know my name?" You demanded, whirling around.
"Oh, I know a lot of things." He laughed, "I see lots 'a stuff."
You frowned, "Uh huh. I'm gonna- walk away now."
~~ A week had passed, and there was still no signs of Purpled, nor Fundy or Foolish, (both of whom Quackity had gone to speak to whilst you were away), coming to Las Nevadas.
You were sure that Purpled would come around eventually, but had no faith that anyone else would join Las Nevadas, until you had heard a strange noise in the night.
It had been a cross between a clang and a yell, and then almost like something being dragged.
You had been going over some of the contracts you had been preparing for if anyone ever did show up when you'd heard it, and your fiancé seem to be gone from his own office, and your bedroom even, so quickly you armed yourself with your sword before hurrying out after the noise.
The streets of Las Nevadas were still partially lit by street lamps as you hurried along, it didn't take you long to find your fiancé, just outside of city limits, pacing In front of a strange looking hole.
"What the hell are you doing?" You hissed.
"Hey! It's (y/n) from Las Nevadas!"
You jumped at the voice, turning to see that no, the hole wasn't green, that the same slime boy from before was sitting in it.
"You! What are you doing here?!" You exclaimed.
"Quackity from Las Nevadas put me in this hole!" He said cheerfully.
Quackity grabbed your shoulder, turning you away from Slime and the hole, "You know him?"
"He was trying to look through my stuff after I talked to Purpled," You explained, glancing back over at the hole, "Said he sees just about everything, uhh, as far as I can tell, he's like the hybrids- but- weirder."
"Nope! I'm just a totally goopless guy! I'm bones and stuff!" He called from the hole.
"Oh god we have crazy people here." Quackity muttered scrubbing a hand over his face.
You moved to crouch next to the hole, "What- uh- What are you doing here buddy?"
"Oh I'm just oozing around. Dap me up!"
Confused, you complied, nervously laughing as he grinned at the handshake.
"I found him spying in the restaurant." Quackity sighed.
"What's spying?" The boy in the hole asked, "I just listen."
"Yeah well tell me exactly what you heard or I'll ill you right now!" Quackity threatened, pulling out his sword.
He hummed, "Well, I saw you, and I saw (y/n) from Las Nevadas. And there was a green guy, and a purple guy. I know of a Red guy, dead guy but he's not dead anymore-"
Your breath hitched, "Dead guy?"
"Yeah, looked real ashy- maybe even ...sooty?..." He confirmed.
Quackity glanced back at you, "And he's not dead anymore?"
"No. He's weird now. Got gray hair instead of grey skin. Used to run a country- got blown up though."
"How much have you seen man?" You asked, incredulous.
He shrugged, "I mean, I move slow but I've seen a lot. Lately a lot of conversations about taking advantage of the ever so fragile human psyche through gambling."
"Holy shit." you muttered.
Quackity glared up into the night sky, almost looking for an answer.
Shifting closer too look at the boy you frowned, "What's all that green stuff?"
"Oh- those are just- my totally normal- human parts! I'm a person!" He grinned.
You sighed, "Uhh, look, what's your name? Like how I'm (y/n) from Las Nevadas, who are you?"
"Oh, I'm goop from the ground!" He smiled for a moment before realizing his mistake, "I mean- I'm a meat person!"
Quackity still seemed to be praying to the sky, not paying any attention.
"Goop from the ground," You muttered, slowly connecting the dots, "Well, uhh, goop, how bout I give you a regular person name?"
"A person name? Oh boy!" He laughed.
You thought for a moment longer, "How about- Charlie?"
Charlie grinned, somehow even wider than before, "Woah! I have a real human name! Like any other regular human meat person!"
"Yep, you do." You chuckled.
"And, to be clear, I definitely am one of those, and not a piece of goop, that's slowly come to the surface, hiding as a person!"
As you continued to talk with Charlie, Quackity seemed to come to a realization, "He's like an accidental spy!"
And, when you helped him out of the hole Quackity was quick to say, "Well, this- this- was- was uh a formal greeting! Yeah that's what we call them!"
"Wow!" Charlie mused.
The walk back to Las Nevadas was quiet, until Charlie turned to you, "(y/n) from Las Nevadas, if I'm Charlie- where- where?"
You smiled, "Do you want to be Charlie from Las Nevadas?"
By the end of the same week, after having gotten Charlie fully on board, and slight agreement from Foolish, word finally came from Purpled.
You'd been working on the next phase of the whole Nevadas Project when Charlie rushed in, "(y/n) from Las Nevadas! There's someone here!"
You frowned, "Who?"
"Purpled from UFO!" He practically yelled.
Standing, you tucked your papers away, "That's perfect Charlie, thank you. Do you want to come with to help show him around?"
He nodded, following you out of your office.
Outside, you found Purpled, along with his dog, looking up at the casino in awe.
"Purpled! You came!" You called cheerfully.
The boy turned, a strange expression you couldn't read on his face, "What? No 'I told you so'? No 'I knew you'd come around eventually'?"
You shrugged, "I'm just glad you finally came."
He sighed, "It's not like they needed me anywhere else."
You put a hand on his shoulder, "That's alright, We need you here."
"They- I went to tell Ponk I was leaving," Purpled sounded too broken, too tired, "He said he was too busy to talk to me."
Before you could say anything, he continued, "I had a house, near L'Manhole. I- I uh blew it up, to see what would happen," His shoulders began to shake, ever so slightly, as he finished in a whisper, "No one even noticed."
In one quick move you wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pulled him into a hug, "It's okay Kid, it'll be okay now."
That was how your fiancé found you, standing outside the main casino, a teen all but sobbing into your shirt, Charlie looking on confused.
And so, the time passed, Las Nevadas grew, and you and your new little family did along with it.
Quackity found it funny, really, your ability to bring people onto your side be connecting with them emotionally, and as he put it, all but adopting them.
Charlie still took up a room in the apartments you and Quackity staid in above the offices. Purpled would come over when things around the country weren't so busy, and you'd talk for hours, Foolish joining in some of the time.
Fundy, on his first night in the city, had broken down to you, the same as Purpled, but you'd helped him put himself together. Though Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo didn't have official places in Las Nevadas, it seemed a chunk of their time was spent there.
Yep, that was your new strange family. You, Your fiancé and the kids but not really young enough to still be kids you accidently adopted.
Now, you reflected on this quietly, from the top of the needle.
"You okay?" Quackity asked softly, looking over at you.
You chuckled softly, "Can you believe that it's been two years?"
"No, can you?"
You shook your head, "You know, I've been thinking. A long time ago, you told me we were better off with out Karl and Sapnap."
He watched silently, as you pulled the other two rings that you had kept, holding them up by the chain they were strung on.
"Maybe- you were right- and maybe it's finally time to get married. Just us. We didn't need them to get here, we won't need them for anything else."
A small smile slipped onto Quackity's lips, "Would you marry me?"
"You already know the answer to that." You chuckled.
"So it's a yes?"
"Obviously." You scoffed.
"When should we have the ceremony then?" He asked.
"Right now," You mused, "We opened that wedding hall for a reason, right? We could get married proper, right now. It's already decorated the way Tubbo originally planed."
He laughed, "Let's do it tomorrow that way we have time to get like, notices out and shit."
You smiled, "Of course."
The sun had begun to set during this discussion, and you looked out over the peaceful landscape with a soft sigh, yes, this, this was home.
And even as you heard Charlie tripping and crashing his way up the stairs, the thought still filled your head.
"Quackity and (y/n) from Las Nevadas!" He exclaimed, "Purpled from Las Nevadas found some people by the border!"
In an instant, both you and Quackity were standing, "What were they doing?"
"Looking around, real weird like. Fundy From Las Nevadas said they might be here to attack us! I hope they aren't."
You followed Quackity past him and back down from the tower, drawing your sword as Charlie called out where he had left Purpled and the mystery people.
What you found was not what you expected.
Purpled stood, sword drawn and pointed at the men you least expected to see now.
Karl looked scared, tucked back behind Sapnap who was moving to draw his own sword.
Not another move!" You barked, moving to stand in line with Purpled.
Karl's face light up upon seeing you, "(y/n)! Quackity! I missed you!"
"Did you?" Quackity spit.
"Sapnap drop your sword." You commanded, not paying attention to the strange look on their faces, no one, and I mean no, pulled a sword on your family.
He frowned, "Wh- (y/n) don't be like that. I get it- but- why..."
"What are your intentions? Why have you come here?" You asked.
"We wanted to find you!" Karl said, "We missed you (y/n)."
"Uhh, that's (y/n) from Las Nevadas to you." Charlie said.
Quackity sighed, grabbing Charlie by the collar and pulling him back, "Sorry- he's been learning sass and sarcasm lately."
"Still, what are you doing here?" You pushed.
"We wanted to find you! You've been gone so long, we thought we'd go looking." Sapnap explained.
"We've been gone?" You scoffed, "You were the ones who disappeared."
Karl moved forward, grabbing your left hand, and Quackity's right, "We just wanted to come back, to finally get married."
You pulled away, slowly sheathing your sword, "You can't be serious?"
"What do you mean?" Karl asked, the smile just beginning to drip off his face.
"You fucking left us- We were just trying to make a place for the four of us to be safe and you left us! And now you want back? Out of the blue?" Your voice steadily grew louder, "You cannot show up here after abandoning us like that!"
Quackity gently took your hand, murmuring, "(y/n)..."
"No. They don't get to do this!" You turned to him, watching his face change upon seeing the mix of anger and sadness in your eyes.
"W- We'll talk about this tomorrow, away from the kids," He asserted, for once not earning any protest about age from Purpled or Fundy, "Charlie, you think you can take these guys on a tour of the place?"
He nodded eagerly, "This way this way!"
As Sapnap, Karl, Purpled and FUndy began to trudge after him, Quackity turned to you, "(y/n)?"
You just shook your head, pulling your hand out of his and starting away.
~~ Purpled had followed the tour party quietly, taking a page from Charlie's book and watching, observing everything.
He had seen the pain in your face at the suggestion of marriage, and the anger in Quackity's just upon seeing them.
So, he followed the men warily, watching the way Karl exclaimed about how he had built an Effile tower just like the one in the city in Manberg, and the way that Sapnap mentioned fondly how the décor at the wedding hall matched the ones you two had always spoken about.
Hearing it nearly drove him mad. Did they not realize that it had all been for them? That dreams of them arriving were the only thing that had ruled Your and Quackity's minds?
When Charlie had directed the group, which by now included some of the other tourists, past one of the bars, he stopped.
Inside, Quackity was slumped at the bar, a bottle of whiskey in hand.
"Drinking away your problems won't solve them." Purpled sighed, pulling the bottle away from him.
"We were doing so good without them. You know that Purp. But here they are, back and ready to fuck things up again. That's how it's always been." He muttered.
The boy shook his head, "They don't realize how destructive they are? Do they?"
"Never have." He sighed.
"Lets get you back home."
Quackity allowed himself to be manhandled into standing, and then led out of the bar, back toward the offices, and toward the apartment.
"(y/n) will figure it out. They always do." Purpled assured him, pulling open the apartment door and ushering him in.
"But they shouldn't have too," He sighed, running a hand through his hair, not bothered by the way his beanie fell to the floor, "They've dealt with so much without help. Yet they're always the ones to help us."
Once he had wrangled Quackity into the bedroom, Purpled headed back out, finding Fundy at the base of the Needle, "They up there?"
"Yeah," The hybrid sighed, "Quackity?"
"Got drunk. He's- painfully coherent though." He winced.
Fundy ran a hand through his hair, "It's hard to believe one of the nicest people around is the one to fuck them up like this."
"Makes perfect sense to me," Purpled said as they began to make their way toward the stairs, "My first night here- I was having a hard time, because- the whole server acted like I didn't exist. (y/n) told me about how Sapnap and Karl had abandoned them."
"Did it seem this bad though?" Fundy asked.
"No- but that was before they turned up again talking about marriage."
By now they had reached the top of the tower, and Purpled could see where you sat by the ledge, feet dangling over. Quietly, they both sat down on either side of you.
"How's Q?" You asked quietly after a moment.
"Drunk, but back at your apartment, well supplied with water." Purpled reported.
You nodded, "And K and- Karl and Sapnap?"
"Waaay to blissfully ignorant." Fundy said.
Quiet held you three in silence for a moment, until at last Purpled sighed, asking, almost bitterly, "So- are you gonna marry them? You were going to once."
"Even if I did it wouldn't change anything here." You mumbled.
"Sapnap was talking about how cool it would be to come back and visit from Kinoko after the honeymoon." Fundy admitted.
Before you could say anything Purpled drew one of his knees to his chest, "I- don't- it feels like they'd be taking you away from us- I like it the way it is. Things are nice, and they're just fucking it up."
Fundy nodded, "As much as I hate to say it, he's right. If you people all get married nothing will be the same. I kind of liked having parental figures, I don't want them messing that up."
"They won't." You promised softly.
By god, if you hadn't already made up your mind, their words would've swayed you.
~~ After a while, you stood, "Let's go home."
They followed you tiredly, Charlie joining the mini procession at one intersection, telling you that Sapnap and Karl had gone to get a hotel room.
At the apartment, Quackity was sitting on the couch, already seeming more sober than Purpled had told you. When you sat next to him, his arms were quick to wrap around you, holding you like a lifeline.
Charlie took his place on the other side of the couch, Purpled curled up in the armchair, and Fundy dug around until he found one of the old projectors he'd left there, queuing up a movie.
"Hey, just like on Nightmare's days!" Charlie laughed, referring to the infamous 16th, where, just about every month it seemed you, Fundy, Quackity and sometime Purpled would have nightmares of the Manburg Pogtopia war, and everyone would congregate in the living room to watch one of Fundy's movies.
"Sure as hell feels like one." Quackity muttered.
And so you watched the movie, though your thoughts drifted, thinking of how you would deal with your reappearing ex-fiancés.
As you thought, you created a mini script in your head. Exactly what you would say came you.
"You didn't need us then, and we don't need you now."
Yes, you thought, leaning more into Quackity's side, thats what you'd say, after you talked about your new family.
(and the next day, you did just that)
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fl0ating-tree · 4 years
(this is all /rp and unless i specifically use cc! assume i am talking about the character)
when i watched the ending roll for quackity’s latest stream (03/16) i was struck with something that i just couldn’t articulate. there was just an air to the entire episode, especially in those last 10-15 minutes, that really hit me. it felt almost like how i felt watching wilbur’s “let’s be the bad guys” speech.
but after rewatching the clips, seeing some analysis and reading different opinions, i realized what i was feeling was just genuine sadness for quackity. what we all watched yesterday was a tragedy.
no matter your opinion on whether or not dream deserves torture, if you think george, karl, and sapnap left quackity for kinoko or quackity left them from las nevadas, if quackitys means justify the ends; this stream was a turning point for quackity that is the culmination of hurt and loss. this was us seeing quackity finally crack under it all and stoop to new moral lows (because no matter if dream deserves it or not, resorting to torture is undeniably a moral low for a character). it felt like wilburs speech because in a sense it was. both were moments where we watched characters that have given and loss too much finally loose themselves too.
quackity has always been a very conniving character. the deal with schlatt to win the election, switching sides to pogtopia when it became clear that schlatt was keeping all the power for himself, talking tubbo into executing technoblade, using tommys death to convince sam into letting him torture dream, making el rapids (as much as it seemed like a joke) to be able to directly speak out against dream without hurting lmanberg. quackity might not be great at pvp but he is really good at getting what he wants.
he’s also a very deeply hurt character. whether you see quackitys relationship with schlatt as romantic or purely business, it’s a canon relationship and it was toxic at best, abusive at worse. he was refused entry into lmanberg when he arrived. he’s died once or twice (which of his deaths are canon are up for debate but at the very least his death to techno in the final control room is canon). he genuinely sees tommy as a friend and had to grieve him, for about a week he believed that the man who he has been actively fighting from the beginning beat his friend to death. he cared for lmanberg and has seen it fall twice, the small semblance of any home destroy. he might not have “as much” trauma as say tommy, but that doesn’t invalidate it in the slightest.
and rather than being able to come back from these losses and rebuild he finally snaps; just like wilbur. it hurt to watch because we saw a character who’s faced hardships not come back from it. quackity ripped up his relationships with his close friends and fiancé’s, destroyed his country, tortured dream and manipulated a grieving and guilty sam into getting what he wants. it was tragic to watch in the most well executed ways.
the last scene, the IRL one with the calendar and poker chips, is what really sold it. the desperation in that scene, quackity throwing the calendar filled with a manic “visit dream” on every single day, the notes of “torture him” and “retrieve the book” showing just how dedicated he is. the forceful throwing up the poker case, his business venture yet another attempt for some kind of power that doesn’t come from pvp to keep himself afloat.
cc!quackity made a tragic masterpiece with yesterday’s stream. it was so well executed and perfectly thought out, discreetly tying into the rest of the servers plot while being distinctly his own story, and im literally never gonna shut up about how amazing it is.
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cmyknoise · 3 years
whats sapnaps lore?
I've talked about this before, would heavily recommend just reading his wiki tho.
This is long, all the info under read more :P this is basically c!sapnap loveposting or whatever you call it.
But! Here's some cool stuff about c!Sapnap.
He originally wanted to fight on L'manburg's side, his history of being friends with the OG L'manburg crew goes back awhile, especially Tommy.
He's always been highly protective and defensive of his friends, especially his fiances.
After the end of the pet wars, and his talks with Tommy, he's not killed an animal intentionally since. He has stated he regrets hurting others in the way he did.
The dreamon hunter arc with him joining was super cool.
Although not explicitly stated, it is highly likely Sapnap, unintentionally, caused the egg's vines to spread. He 'cracked' the egg when trying to destroy it/free BBH really early on. Directly after it'd started to spread worse and worse.
He's canonically some sort of demon, or netherborn being. He's 'born from fire', and BBH is canonically his father.
He's the first out of him and George to have started seeing Dream for who he is- I'd say this roughly began at the start of Tommy's exile, but the feelings had been growing for awhile. He'd talk to Tommy in private about things Dream said, such as not caring about anyone/anything. When it came to the El Rapids fight, and the huge DTeam fight, he called Dream out on B.S.. He fought on the side of Tommy in Doomsday, not only because Tommy asked but because he also knew Dream was wrong and would do awful things.
During Doomsday, Technoblade had started to attack Quackity. Sapnap screamed for him to get away and they started to PVP. Sapnap got Techno about only one hit away from dying that day, Techno had to pearl away and eat a god apple.
During the final disc confrontation, he immediately places himself between Tommy, Tubbo, and Dream, defending them directly. He continues to do this nearly the entire time. He also helped put Dream into the prison.
When visiting Dream in prison, he tells Dream he still recognizes him as a friend but he can't excuse his actions, as they were downright awful, and he can't forgive him. He still loves him as a friend, but no amount of love for his friend would let him excuse things he'd done. This is why he is willing to be the one to kill Dream- because they're friends, and he wont let him hurt other people.
Sapnap is in constant support of Tommy and has been for awhile. He would've let him move into Kinoko Kingdom if not for Wilbur hanging back around (nothing directly against him, but he can't risk Kinoko or George & Karl's safety). When Tommy told him about Dream post-prison break, he immediately believed and trusted him, no question, unlike some other people.
Sapnap thinks the reason Karl is forgetful is because of the high exposure to mushrooms constantly.
Sapnap is currently stuck in the middle of Karl and Quackity fighting. He loves both of them, but doesn't know what to do.
Sapnap helped make Kinoko in hopes of having a safe place for his fiances & George. This is the exact reason Quackity made Las Nevadas (as well as wanting to try and have some sort of wealth/power for them for once)
Sapnap was originally on the invite list to the Red Banquet, but didn't come. As we saw what happened, that means BBH (under the egg's influence), would have sacrificed his own son to the egg.
Also here's some fun hypotheticals/other stuff!
IF Tubbo hadn't gone through with the exile of Tommy, and Dream had gone through with plan B, which was to build L'manburg's walls to build height and make sure they couldn't leave for supplies (like food, wood, stone, etc), it is very VERY likely that Sapnap would've been on their side. Dream said he would've had Sapnap & Punz patrol the walls, but at this point Sapnap already had taken issue in Dream's actions, he was heavily involved with Quackity, and had even been hanging out with Tommy on the side. It's likely there would've been some sort of smuggle plot where he would've taken people in/out of the border, or taken supplies in.
If it wasn't for Sapnap introducing Karl to the egg shortly after cracking it, when Karl went to the TFTSMP The Masquerade like a week later, he wouldn't have known the egg was still present on the server until it was too late. It's because of this, that Karl knew the egg was on the server before seeing it in Masquerade. When he'd caught wind of BBH trying to get Quackity under the egg's influence, he'd saved Quackity and threatened BBH. If this didn't happen, it's very likely Quackity would've been taken by the egg and been apart of the OG crew.
If Sapnap would've been able to kill Technoblade on Doomsday, Jack Manifold wouldn't have died. We also don't know how Phil or Dream would've reacted, but it could've stopped Doomsday prematurely (especially if Techno has planned to have the one life since the beginning, and thats not just a new development now).
If the Dreamon Hunter crew still existed, it's possible they would've looked into the egg, being that it was of questionable background and a supernatural entity. This would've had Sapnap once again have to face his father about the egg.
Also, Sapnap is one of the few people who have had a "finished" character growth/arc. He went from being someone who worked under Dream, hurt people and animals, to not wanting to do that anymore/regretting it and actively making a change to do and be better. This still happens, where he not only tries to make up for it, but continue to do good.
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Dream SMP Recap (December 6/2020) - End of Week
What started as a sad but calm day ended with a revolution where morality was questioned and blood was shed. The server’s first canon death since the three lives rule was implemented occurred, and all hell broke loose.
Dream’s motivations have started to be laid bare, but whether or not he’s in the wrong or right remains foggy as ever in a world where everyone’s morals are gray.
Also, the prison’s construction continues and some strange red corruptions called “Blood Vines” have sprouted up on the server.
A short summary of the week’s total events is at the end of the post.
- HBomb hosts Niki and Wilbur’s L’Cast
- Fundy continues work on the chess board
- Ranboo is leaving a book with messages to communicate with Tommy
- Fundy and Ranboo visit Tommy and help him through the Nether to find blaze rods. It’s a very...interesting...time... Fundy fills Tommy in on the fact that Dream is officially recognizing L’manburg as a country.
- Tommy falls in lava and loses all his stuff
- Then he burns to death
- Then he falls in lava and loses all his stuff again
- He FINALLY gets an ender chest
- Lazar asks him for help since he’d fallen in lava and needed help getting out. As Tommy does so, Lazar questions why Tommy hasn’t turned against L’manburg. Tommy says it’s because Tubbo is there, but Lazar points out that Tubbo was the one who exiled him.
- Ghostbur comes on and says he has a gift.
- Tommy attempts to rescue Lazar from the depths of the lava pit. Techno starts arguing with him.
- Tommy falls in lava and loses all his stuff again. He gives up on helping Lazar, who is understandably annoyed at him.
- Philza joins the call wondering wtf is happening and why Tommy keeps dying, but Tommy just ends stream
- Psyche! After credits scene. Ghostbur asks Tommy to return to Logstedshire so he dies in lava to fast-travel back. Ghostbur gives Tommy a lodestone compass named “Your Tubbo” that points back to L’manburg at all times. Tommy puts the compass in his ender chest right next to the discs, saying he’ll keep it close to his heart.
- Thunder’s frustrated that Tommy got exiled exiled because the Prank War he was setting up between Dream and Tommy can no longer happen and Thunder’s great villain arc has been cancelled - he is no longer a villain now.
- Now, he wants to do the clay prank to George instead to try and get Dream and George to turn on each other as revenge for Dream burning his house.
- Puffy builds Tommy a second Christmas Tree.
--- Note: From this point on I tried to include more specific details than normal since it’s an important and confusing event ---
- Quackity declares war on the Dream SMP from Mexican L’manburg. He gets George, Sapnap and Karl on to help. He’s rigged TNT under Eret’s castle bridge and wants to invoke the same ideas as the Mexican Revolution. He wants to put M.L. on the map by staging an assassination and using George’s dethronement as an excuse to start a political movement.
- Sapnap wants to take on Technoblade but Quackity tells him that they have to take things step by step and that it’s an extremely bad idea to do it now.
- Eret asks Hbomb to be one of his knights. HBomb agrees.
- George wants his kingship back 
The explosion goes to plan with H and Puffy as witnesses.
--- ---
Cause: Death by explosion and falling
--- ---
- George distracts Eret while Quackity, Sapnap and Karl steal his throne. Punz joins Eret’s side as one of his other knights.
 - The M.L. side reconvenes in L’manburg and drink invisibility potions. Dream is in Mexican L’manburg. He is tearing the dirt to shreds. Meanwhile, Eret gives a speech to his Knights as they head to Party Island. Dream, alone, is invisible in Boomerville.
- Sapnap gets Dream to log (he says it’s lag). The Dream SMP faction blows up M.L. with TNT. The Mexican L’manburgians kill Puffy. 
- They want to head to the Holy Land. Dream says he wants to talk. They collect at the Church.
- They argue. Dream threatens to kill Quackity permanently and make sure Mexican L’manburg can never rise again. (Also Karl’s acting is genuinely good holy shit)
- Sapnap tells George that he thinks Dream has completely turned against them, and that they’re better off disowning him.
Dream: “You’re painting me as this tyrant when I’m just trying to maintain peace.”
He refers to it as his castle, his throne. He calls the people of M.L. “terrorists.”
He says that in his eyes, Mexican L’manburg does not even exist, and that he’ll speak to Tubbo about making sure he sees that it doesn’t exist as well.
M.L. argues that putting a human life above a few blocks of gold is more important.
Dream refers to himself as the “ruler” of the Dream SMP, the “leader,” letting it slip that “king” is a meaningless title.
He says that Quackity is causing the most problems, the number one “enemy” of the SMP right now. Similar to how he referred to Tommy defying him.
He says that Quackity is not like Tubbo, who is a “fair, just ruler” and that is why New L’manburg is recognized and Mexican L’manburg is not. Tubbo would never do what Quackity did. Wilbur and Jschlatt and Tommy would. He says that he waited until New L’manburg had a reasonable leader to recognize it.
- “Un-killing” is implied to be a thing, where the person who gave you your canon death can take it back. 
 Dream: “The king is a figurehead and he knows that!”
Eret: “I do.”
Quackity: “So that’s what you are Eret -- a puppet--”
Dream: “Yes! -- no he’s not a puppet-- h-he has no power and I have - and - it’s the same thing and--”
(Dream proceeds to deny Eret being a “puppet”)
- Quackity decides to dissolve Mexican L’manburg for a clean slate and call it something else. He wants the server to have a precedent of establishing new countries without having to go to Dream for recognition every time.
- Eret agrees to recognize Quackity’s new country if they apologize and return the throne.
--- ---
* Dream says that the death is still canon later since plot was based around it. I don’t know what Karl considers his death count to be? 
--- ---
- Sapnap declares that he no longer wants to fight Techno but Dream instead. He says he wants to slay Dream in front of everyone.
- Overall, Dream and Eret declare it a “failed coup” and say that the destruction is just a consequence of “what happens when you don’t plan anything” but Quackity is satisfied that his new country has been “put on the map.” 
- Quackity declares the country to be named “El Rapids” in honor of Cedar Rapids.
- Punz no longer wants to be an official Knight.
- Quackity misses Ghostbur and wants to speak with him. He tells Ghostbur about the war. Ghostbur asks if it was a revolution - Quackity says yes! Ghostbur also informs Quackity that he burnt the sacred texts - How to Sex 2 - in lava.
- Karl streams with the intention of rebuilding and preparing for Pokimane’s visit
- Karl steals Eret’s Museum Llamas and gets caught in the act. Fortunately this doesn’t spark up the war again. They take a llama to Party Island.
- They get into trouble at Boomerville and Lazar joins.
- Dream comes online and asks Sam about the prison’s progress. Bad gets annoyed at Sam for destroying the beachfront property value, and he didn’t authorize the seizure of the land. Dream is there helping to shovel but Bad wants him to stop. Bad is angry about the prison being built and starts shouting at Sam.
- Bad tries to negotiate with Dream. Dream refers to the prison as containing a “prisoner.” Singular. And that the prisoner would have nothing, and Bad would be in charge of helping to guard it. There are going to be multiple “layers.”
- The prison will be in the middle of the ocean bit, and Bad would have a terraformed beachfront property. All of the land would be considered property of the Badlands - including the prison.
- People are going to have to go through PORTALS to escape the prison.
- Bad starts to come around to the prison idea. Dream tells Sam he thinks they need more hands to help, potentially Ant and Eret.
- A strange, giant red “egg” has appeared in the corner of Bad’s statue room. He feels a strange aura coming from it, and he’s unable to bring himself to break it.
- Dream says Eret can’t help with the prison but he can help make the beach nicer. Bad says he might want to put Tommy in the prison but Dream says no, Tommy’s already exiled. So the prison isn’t for Tommy.
- Once the prisoner is in there, Dream says they would only be able to be let out “by the server.” It’s got certain secrets that only Dream and Sam know about. Sam says that he could potentially escape from it, but it will be so impenetrable that even if you know the secrets it would still be difficult to escape from.
- Bad shows Dream the Egg. Dream gets creeped out by it.
- Another Red Corruption has appeared near Hutt’s Pizza, and another at the Mansion. Everyone swears that it wasn’t there before, and there wasn’t enough time for someone to place all of it manually in the time that they were down there.
- Bad stabs Dream for trying to “hurt it.” He likes it for some reason.
- Bad asks Dream about who the prison’s for. Dream says “if you can’t kill somebody, you need to lock them up.” He mentions that it’s one of the more powerful people on the server, someone who either provides a threat now or in the future. He has someone in mind.
--- ---
Dream explains to Bad and Sam that the reason he switched sides in the Manberg-Pogtopia War was because Schlatt gave him something.
And that thing is “a card up his sleeve” until he needs it.
A book of great value.
It puts Dream in danger if people know of it, but also gives Dream power.
The “most valuable thing on the server.”
Something pertaining to the prison.
Something where they wouldn’t believe Dream if he told them what he was given.
--- ---
- The corruption grows AGAIN despite Dream, Sam and Bad all being in the middle of the ocean
- Another corruption appears on Tommy’s Power Tower
- The water level in New L’manburg has risen again, covering George and Quackity’s mushroom house
- The prison is going to be as tall as a MOUNTAIN
- Dream proposes the idea of Bad giving him the disc to piss off Tommy. Bad says that Skeppy has it so he’ll have to ask some other time. He might trade some information about Schlatt’s book in return for the disc.
- Bad says he likes the name a dono came up with for the corruption -- “Blood Vines”
- Dream and Sam removed the Blood Vines on the Mansion to Bad’s dismay. Sam burns the Vines and Bad goes on a murderous rampage against him.
- Technoblade got a “Bee our guest” achievement
- Dream burns down the Eiffel Tower again.
- The prison will be reinforced with 15 layers of obsidian, and the guards will have Ender Pearl Stasis Chambers that are alarm-activated.
- The Blood Vines have sprouted up from Schlatt’s Grave.
The prison’s unofficial name as of right now is “Pandora’s Vault,” but it is subject to change.
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Upcoming events:
- Karl will be touring Pokimane around soon
Potentially Scrapped:
- Elytra Challenge
- Bad and Skeppy’s plan to burn the disc *
* Bad mentioned it on stream, but it’s unclear if it’ll still happen
11/30: Fundy bonds with Wilbur, Cursed Lore Day
12/01: Creation of Mexican L’manburg, Girl Dream visits, Mexican Manhunt
Note: not sure what’s up with 12/02. Probably messed up the dates? Whoops.
12/03: Sleepy Bois Family splits in half, dethroning of George
12/04: Day of the Exile, Badlands start to divide
12/05: Tommy’s first full day in Logsted, Sean’s visit
12/06: The Mexican L’manburg Revolution, end of M.L., start of El Rapids
- Wilbur had two special lodestone compasses in his inventory. He didn’t want HBomb to see, but H looked anyway.
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starwither · 3 years
quackity’s lore stream (ep.2)
a recap of what happened during quackity’s big 04/12 lore stream.
this stream takes place before his prison visit to dream
72 hours before prison visit
Quackity visits Sam on a small island. Sam is guilt-ridden after Tommy’s death. Quackity tries to convince him that Tommy’s death was not his fault, but manages to use his grief against him and convinces him to go to the prison and kill Dream-- if he is dead, he can’t hurt anyone. 
Sam changes his mind. Quackity understands, but says that one day someone will have to teach Dream a lesson, and it will be him who does it. Las Nevadas will have no place for emotions or personal feelings, and Sam as his business partner needs to get it together. 
48 hours before prison visit
Quackity digs downward from a marker, which leads him to a passage to the egg. He covers the egg in TNT. BadBoyHalo and Punz arrive and threaten him, saying that there will be consequences if he does it. They chase him back into the passage. 
Quackity apologizes to Bad, and places the redstone torch. The TNT blows up, but it starts from the egg room (it was lit from the other room)
A first-person cut scene: Quackity (?) holding only a redstone torch escapes the throne room, which is destroyed a dripping with lava. 
24 hours before prison visit
Quackity rides to the prison. George is hanging out in front of the prison, and they greet each other happily. Quackity wants him, Karl and Sapnap to join Las Nevadas
George tells him about Kinoko Kingdom. Quackity did not know about it. Karl was supposed to tell him, but he did not (memory problems). They are no longer a part of El Rapids. He is hurt that they made a country without him. 
Far in the past, before the elections
Quackity meets with Wilbur, after the presidential debate. 
Quackity is convinces that everyone has a good side. They argue, and Wilbur says that in order to show your good side, you have to use violence. 
Present day
Quackity is in front of Wilbur’s memorial. He write a book to him, telling him that he was right all along, and that he won’t make the same mistake twice. He leaves the book and rides off on his horse as alarms blare.
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codyjey · 3 years
small CW for suicide
alright let's talk about this.
we start off with sapnap and george in the community house which in and of itself I find interesting. like do they just hang out there?
anyways, sapnap says he hasn't seen quackity in forever. that he wants to know where he's at. saying last time he saw him was in like, el rapids. george says practically nothing (a theme you'll find the whole way through this stream) which is strange considering he HAS seen quackity recently . and he knows where he is (maybe not directly) . but perhaps he thinks that was a dream and doesn't want to misinform sapnap? who knows.
they go to el rapids looking for quackity, and find mexican dream crying instead and a destroyed el rapids. sapnap assumes it was destroyed by dream, (because why would he think that? he has every right to believe it was him) and he tells that to mexican dream. they go visit the prison bc mexican dream is freaked out and wants dream dead, and a bunch of just stupid shit happens. also, during this bit I'd like to mention sapnap reiterates that he wants dream to stay in the prison, that he deserves to be in there. idk why I'm saying that I just think it's important to note for his character.
but then mexican dream remembers that QUACKITY destroyed el rapids. he relays that to them, and sapnap doesn't believe it. (once again, why would he?) george is dead silent the whole time. I have a feeling he can't tell if he's dreaming or not, hence why he was either silent, messing around, or not really caring.
back to sapnap tho, we go through this whole dumbass bit with mexican dream turning american and stuff and the whole time sapnap is just BEGGING him to take him to quackity. literally so desperate to find him, and neither mexican dream nor george cooperating. that is until mexican dream is towering up, about to take his own life, when he sees las nevadas in the distance.
the three of them walk to las nevadas and sapnap seems frantic and wants to make sure quackity is there, very very clearly wanting nothing more than to talk to him. but, mexican dream starts freaking out, being scared of quackity and las nevadas and sapnap sighs, taking him to kinoko.
sapnap tells him he will be safe in kinoko, and that he isn't going to let shit happen to that place. it's his home. he mentions how the community house was destroyed, and mexican dream asked who did it, wondering if it was quackity and saying he would kill him. sapnap says no, he was pretty sure it was dream who destroyed the community house, and promptly tries to move on. I won't ignore the little ".. what?" from george after he said that though. it just hit me in that moment that george doesn't know dream was the one to destroy the community house... can't imagine how he's handling that info. (espically considering he continued to be silent after that)
sapnap shows mexican dream to a place he can stay and swears to protect him and the land, but to no avail. mexican dream jumps, dying and logging out of the game. sapnap seems shocked for a second, but then he immediately softens. like he's numb. like he's used to the feeling of those around him just leaving. even when he gives his all to try and help. the stream ends with sapnap asking george to catch him as he jumps, and that's it.
sapnap wants to find quackity. he wants to find him and he misses him. I noticed he was avoiding calling quackity his fiance, and maybe this is just me over thinking or maybe he thinks quackity doesn't think of him like that anymore since they haven't seen each other in so long. but regardless of all that, he wants to find quackity and the next lore stream will be their confrontation. that is going to be a sad fucking mess and I cannot in anyway predict how it will end up. let alone how karl will play into all of this...
In conclusion, people who say sapnap doesn't care about quackity I'm gonna need you to shut the fuck up and use this stream as even further evidence that ur wrong. and at the end of the day, c! sapnap is still one of the most tragic characters and I cannot fucking wait for more.
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cdroloisms · 3 years
imagine though... a confrontation between sapnap and quackity when he finds out what he's been doing to dream...
ohhh man i REALLY hope we get smth along these lines soon ,, especially with that c!sapnap lore teaser ,, but at the same time im so SCARED ,,, c!fiances *holds gently while sobbing*
hope you enjoy this !! it’s a bit shorter than usual AJSDLKfas but yeah :D 
tw: mentioned torture, abuse, violence, dehumanization, abuse apologism, emotional distress, toxic relationships, prison arc/pandora’s vault, c!quackity critical ? kinda ? they’re both unreliable narrators HsHSH 
Quackity can’t beat Sapnap in a fight.
It’s a simple fact, and a hardly shocking one. Quackity knows that he’s lacking, to put it lightly, as a fighter, and Sapnap is among the most skilled people he knows on the battlefield, wielding a sword and axe and shield with ease. He’s a force of nature, a firestorm, and Quackity had admired him, once, and the blaze-bright fury that had swirled around every lash of his sword. Staring at the opposite side of his Nether-forged anger, smoke shaking through the air off the skin of his hands, the sight is far more intimidating than it is beautiful.
“Sap-“ he tries, wincing hard when Sapnap answers him with little more than an axe swinging down towards his head, only barely blocked by the shield he had managed to snag from a chest just before the fight, the wood creaking dangerously in protest. The axe in his own hand feels strangely heavy and unbalanced; he’s become much more comfortable with one in the last few months, thanks to his visits with Dream, but- he hisses, rolls out of the way of the next strike, shield hanging uselessly as his arm struggles in the aftermath of the last blow - as he’s found, here, using one against a defenseless, unhealthy opponent is much different to one that is hale and very, very armed.
“Sapnap,” he shakes his head, words reedy in a near beg, and sucks in a gasp that leaves him lightheaded when a sword lashes forward fast enough to catch the fabric of his shirt, carving a tear in the fabric. “Sapnap!”
“What?” Sapnap snarls, drawing back into himself in preparation for the next strike. Embers fall from his mouth at the words, smoke curling from his flared nostrils. His eyes, narrowed but still shining with tears, seem to glow golden. “What the fuck do you want, Quackity?”
Quackity’s chest seizes at the hatred that coats his fiancé’s - are they even fiancés anymore? - call of his name, thick and bitter and awful in a way that sends a spear of pain in his chest greater than the burning of his lungs from exertion. His eyes heat with tears that he stubbornly blinks back, and he pulls his shield back in front of him, heart in his throat at the sight of the enchanted netherite sword Sapnap has held between them.
“Please- just let me talk-“ he tries, scrambling back, and Sapnap’s expression darkens.
“Talk? About what?” The words are harsh, spit from the back of his throat in a spray of sparks and contempt. “About how you left me and Karl for months for some fucking plan to scam everyone out of their money? About how you ignored us completely, not knowing if you were alive or dead, for some harebrained shitty vision of glory? About how you’ve been apparently torturing my brother for ninety fucking days?”
The words leave his lips without thinking, rising with a swell of acrid indignation at Sapnap’s self-righteousness - how dare he act like he was in the right, when he didn’t even try to check in once? How dare he pretend to care about the monster locked in the vault where he belongs and had only ever gotten the punishment he deserves, when he only visited him once? How dare he pretend to be a hero, how dare he act like Karl and him ever gave a single goddamn shit when Quackity had done it all for them? Las Nevadas, El Rapids, Mexican L’manburg, the revive book - it was always for them. He gave his entire goddamn world to them, carved his heart out of his own damn chest to give them as a gift and trusted them not to let it break, how dare they how dare he-
“You did it for us?”
Sapnap’s voice has gone deathly quiet, hand tightening on the handle of his sword until his knuckles turn white. Quackity shakes his head, breaking him out of the swirl of angry thoughts that had begun to circle his head, suddenly unnerved at the tone of Sapnap’s voice, foreign in its cold.
Sapnap laughs.
“You did it for us-“ His sword disappears in a flash of light, palms going up to dig into the sockets of his eyes. His shoulders shake and Quackity hesitates, not knowing whether to move closer or step away, Sapnap’s laughter warbling and scattered and off. “Prime, you sound exactly like him.”
“Let’s get this straight, Quackity,” Sapnap growls, stalking closer. “You didn’t do jack shit for us. Making your mark on the world was for you. Obsessing over a stupid legacy was for you. Getting your sick revenge on Dream, torturing him every single goddamn day-“ his voice breaks off, breathing ragged. “That was for you. That was because you wanted it. You’re fucking selfish.”
Quackity shakes his head, unable to think past the denial rearing up in his head, “No- no you don’t fuckin’ understand- I made a whole wedding venue, I made an Eiffel Tower, we were going to be great together, all three of us and George-“
“I don’t want to be great, Quackity!” Sapnap screams, tears falling down his face, hissing at the contact with his skin and rising in threads of steam, “I don’t want to be great. I- I didn’t- want anything but what we already had. I wanted you to be with us. I wanted you to come home.”
The words freeze in Quackity’s throat, a thousand scattered thoughts making themselves known but refusing to leave his lungs. Sapnap steps back, wiping roughly at his face.
“I- I can’t look at you right now. I’m not sitting around and waiting for you to destroy yourself like Dream did.”
I’m nothing like him, Quackity nearly shouts, but Sapnap turns away, already walking back on the worn wooden path. There is something dark and thick lodged in the back of his throat, impossible to swallow around, and for a second, Quackity wonders if it’s guilt.
“I’m going back to Karl. Don’t- don’t come back.”
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lucemferto · 3 years
Hey girl, don’t mind me, I just quickly went and rewrote Dream SMP Season 2.
I’m focusing on the big plot stuff from Season 2, which makes it really easy for me to make it good, because I don’t have to contend with all the hard parts like dialogue and scene pacing and stuff. As an additional challenge to myself, I try to change as little as possible. If I don’t mention stuff (like the Egg-Arc) then that means I’m fine with them the way they are.
I wrote this in an hour, so don't expect it to be good, pls.
Whether you agree or think this is trash, I'd be so interested to hear your thoughts!
Fundy’s early arc with Ghostbur, Eret and Phil is great and should stay the way it is. It sets up the character relationships and potential for conflict that we can explore in the future.
Similarly, I wouldn’t change too much about the conflict during Exile with one exception: Both Tommy and Quackity don’t want to include Technoblade. Instead, they believe that they can take one Dream by themselves – this is important for Techno’s, Tommy’s and Quackity’s personal journey later on. In this rewrite, Quackity also didn’t found El Rapids, but instead recruited George & Sapnap to L’Manburg – because his stated goal is to make L’Manburg the strongest nation on the server, so why would he make a rival nation with a plotline that goes nowhere?
What’s also important is that it’s revealed that Dream has a spy in L’Manburg around here. Maybe Tommy confessed his burning of George’s house during a cabinet meeting and word still got out to Dream. Who knows, but it’s important for later.
Something big that I would change about this Act I is that I would give Techno an actual B-plot. As it stands, Techno’s early plotline was just “Grrr, I’m angry that Tommy would use me like that! Someone killed my cows and robbed me! L’Manburg will know my wrath”
3 weeks later
“Nevermind, I’m a pacifist now and live in the arctic”
Instead, we pick up where S1 left off. Techno is intent on destroying L’Manburg and instituting anarchy. During that time, he comes into conflict with Quackity’s henchmen (Fundy, George, Sapnap, etc.) to establish that L’Manburg could be an actual threat to him.
We also have some conflict with Phil. They’re old war buddies, but Phil’s son built L’Manburg and Phil himself is unofficially Tubbo’s advisor. I think them reconstituting their friendship will take up this early part until Tommy’s exile – it makes for a nice foil to Tommy’s and Tubbo’s friendship falling apart.
Technoblade also tries to recruit people like HBomb and Niki to his cause, but they’re hesitant, because, you know, he sent Withers to destroy their home. Not the best first impression. Techno is hurt, but convinced it’s because of L’Manburg propaganda and they don’t want to work with him, because they don’t see him as useful.
ACT II Part 1
Exile-Arc basically stays exactly the same – with one notable difference. When Technoblade comes to visit Tommy it’s not to mock him – it’s as a final attempt to convince Tommy to join him. It’s a first culmination of Techno’s character journey so far: His previous interactions with the citizenry of L’Manburg has left him shaken, but not shaken enough.
Tommy truly does need “The Blade” right now and he has no reason to further believe L’Manburg’s propaganda. So, by Technoblade’s inner logic, Tommy should accept.
But he doesn’t. Tommy viciously rips into Technoblade and gets very personal (he’s in a bad space, understandably) – Techno can play it off nonchalantly, but either the cinematography or some later moment shows us that he was hurt by this.
Nevertheless, he gives Tommy a compass that points to his HQ, showing us that he cares about Tommy, like he did during their early days in Pogtopia.
This is where we implement some big changes. The story of Technoblade and the Butcher Army becomes the A-plot, while the Exile becomes the B-plot.
It makes perfect sense. The Exile-Arc is a very inward-focused, almost a character study of Tommy and Dream. It doesn’t have a lot of big narrative movement – so the perfect time to execute on that narrative movement in the storyline that has a lot of moving pieces.
So, after Tommy chewed him out, Techno is hurt and meets with Philza. Techno then explains that for him anarchy always was the natural order of things – to fight for a world where only the strongest survive – but pursuing anarchy like that has left him empty. Philza then explains that anarchy should be more about helping people and building an equal community.
We’re all but stating a major thematic conflict of this storyline: Fighting those who wronged you vs. Helping those in need. All this while also exploring the philosophy of anarchy with Techno and Philza serving as symbolic stand-ins for some different thoughts on the matter.
So, while Tommy’s Exile is going on, Techno refines his approach. This goes hand in hand with Quackity using his henchman to turn L’Manburg into a totalitarian police state in order to root out Dream’s traitor (told you it would become important later).
This will be the main conflict here in the first half of Act 2. Quackity and Philza will play shoulder-devil and shoulder-angel respectively for Tubbo and Fundy, pulling them in different directions. Ghostbur also hangs around L’Manburg – a constant reminder for Tubbo of the most sanitized version of President Wilbur and the lofty ideas he stood for.
This is another big thematic conflict for this storyline – externalized in part through Ghostbur’s presence: When do the ends no longer justify the means? It also feeds into the motif of Tubbo and Tommy becoming like Schlatt and Wilbur respectively (even if that’s still mostly superficial).
During this political turmoil, Niki is getting into Quackity’s crosshairs. She opposes his policing and brutal methods. So Quackity really focuses in on her and she has to live with constant surveillance, searches, etc. Niki tries to talk to Tubbo about this, but he says it’s necessary to keep L’Manburg safe. Slowly, Niki grows disillusioned with L’Manburg.
It is during this time that Niki gets into contact with Techno and the two start to form a bond and helping the citizenry hold out hope during this time (I don’t know who would be the citizenry, probably people that don’t have their own storyline going on such as HBomb, Vikkstar, Lazarbeam, etc.)
And we can have a few lorestreams like that, where the conceit is that Techno’s sneaking into L’Manburg to help people and there’s actual tension.
All this culminates in Hog Hunt. Fundy sees Phil, Niki and Techno team-up. He confronts them after Techno left and Phil begs Fundy to not out them – but their divide has grown too deep (and we’ve actually shown that during Fundy’s streams this time).
Quackity has Phil and Niki incarcerated (L’Manburg has a prison now, it’s not as good as Pandora’s Vualt). Tubbo is deeply disturbed that Philza and Niki would betray him by working with the man that took one of his canon lives and finally gives the Butcher Army his presidential approval. Quackity was already prepared and the events of Hog Hunt play out as we know them.
ACT II Part 2
Again, plays out relatively similarly, except for one major difference: Tommy comes to Techno with the explicit purpose of asking for his help. Exile has left him really hardened, probably more so than we have currently.
This would a.) make Tommy a bit more proactive in his partnership with Techno and b.) actually gives some weight to Techno’s later beef with Tommy, because now it’s based on more than just some flimsy phrasing during S1.
Otherwise, this plays out relatively similarly – Techno and Tommy maybe share a few more character moments, just to drive home that Techno cares about Tommy. Also, none of that dumb keeping it a secret whether or not we destroy L’Manburg – that’s some contrived nonsense and I hate it.
Tommy knows that Techno wants to destroy L’Manburg and while he’s conflicted, he ultimately goes along with. Once he gets his discs back, everything will be over after all. The destruction of L’Manburg will have been worth it.
Part of the rising action will be breaking Phil and Niki out of prison instead of the petty bullshit about Techno’s items that he doesn’t need. This is where we have the initial confrontation between Tommy and Tubbo (and Techno doesn’t ruin the moment by being his worst self).
Other plot points include: Techno receives the Wither Skulls over the course of him and Tommy working together by some mysterious benefactor. This is after he and Tommy confronted Dream. He doesn’t tell Tommy who the benefactor is, even though he knows (spoilers: it’s Dream).
Meanwhile, Tommy, Techno, Niki and Phil are secretly rigging New L’Manburg with TNT a la Wilbur, just to really drive that comparison home. Niki is getting really angry; she has suffered enough and she’s really gonna get revenge.
One of her big moments of terrorism before the Green Festival is burning down the L’Mantree (maybe we can include some character conflict Fundy, so we have these two people who were once really close friends now so warped and torn apart by these two sides at war).
Meanwhile, Quackity has figured out that Ranboo was the traitor and is pushing for Tubbo to execute Ranboo for the greater good of L’Manburg. Tubbo is hesitant, but as there’s no moderate voice in the cabinet anymore, he concedes to the idea.
Finally, the Green Festival is here. This part is really … tough to rewrite, because you have to accommodate so many different character arcs, but I’ll try my best.
In a move not unlike during the Red Festival, Ranboo is revealed as the traitor and put in the execution cage (because those parallels). Tubbo feels really bad about it.
This is when Tommy and Techno start their assault and unleash the whithers. L’Manburg is under attack and we have the big fight between Tubbo and Tommy. We get the big shout-out “The discs were worth more than you ever were” and the ensuing epiphany on Tommy part.
Techno’s calling for him to explode the TNT, but he doesn’t do it.
Quackity is calling for Tubbo to execute Ranboo, but Tubbo has an epiphany himself and refuses. Both their personal conflicts are resolved here. Also, we have some nice parallelism between Quackity and Techno as Tubbo’s and Tommy’s respective bad influences.
Techno – understandably this time – feels betrayed and hurt. He and Tommy have their shouting match. Quackity tries to attack Techno, but during their match they accidentally trigger the TNT. Quackity’s hunger for power has created the grave of his ambitions.
(Niki is also pissed at Tommy and Fundy is fully distraught, because L’Manburg was everything he had left from Wilbur).
Dream steps out of the shadows and reveals that he was Techno’s mysterious benefactor. He gets his hands on the second disc and gloats to Tommy. The scene from Doomsday plays out only that Techno shows some stings of remorse for helping Dream accomplish what he wanted. (Quackity flees the ensuing chaos).
Dream tries to goad Tommy with the discs, but Tommy doesn’t bite, because he has resolved his Want vs. Need now. Dream is frustrated, but retreats for now.
In the aftermath of ACT II, I think it’s very important to hammer home that this wasn’t a win for Techno, Niki or Phil. For that to work I think it’s important to make clear that Tommy’s and Techno’s bond was genuine and that they really cared for each other during the Bedrock Bros thing. Neither of them is happy for how this turned.
Niki is plagued by nightmares and sleeps in a prison cell like in the current canon. She stands in symbolic for the emptiness that vengeance brings. Phil is shaken from his talk to Ghostbur and he’s the one who brings up that maybe what they did wasn’t for the best.
Then Techno and Phil have a discussion about the nature of anarchy again, calling back to that earlier conversation at the beginning of Act 2. Techno also feels empty – his vengeance and the destruction he wrought left him no happier.
Meanwhile, Punz and Tommy are actually spending some quality bonding time. Thanks to the medium, they could simulate that pretty well. Punz actually gets attached and when Dream mentions his coup-de-grâce, the cinematography shows that Punz isn’t too happy about it.
Tommy and Tubbo prepare to fight Dream on their own terms. They know, they have to stop him lest he hurts the people they care about (this makes both of them a bit more proactive in the finale). Punz (as per Dream’s orders) tells Tommy where Dream is hiding. Tommy thanks him, oblivious that Punz is a traitor, but Punz feels bad. He has grown attached to Tommy.
During the Final Disc War we actually get two perspectives: One is Tommy’s and Tubbo’s as we know it (only without the constant “Your discs or Tubbo”-stuff) and the other is Punz’s. He has decided to help Tommy even though there’s nothing monetarily in it for him.
First, he goes to Quackity, but Quackity says that Tommy has betrayed him and L’Manburg and that he gets what’s coming to him.
In a last-ditch effort, he goes to Techno. Here’s where we resolve that thematic conflict (Vengeance vs. Charity) for the Techno-Butcher Army storyline: Quackity has chosen to perpetuate the cycle of vengeance (because he will be the villain in S3), but we want some nice character development for Techno.
Niki is against it and stays put, but Techno and Philza ultimately decide to go with Punz and the others to help Tommy.
Finale plays out the same. Stuff’s still awkward between Techno and Tommy/Tubbo; they haven’t resolved all their problems, but it’s a first step. Some good set-up for S3.
And that’s my basic rewrite. It’s long and probably not the best.
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ramzawrites · 4 years
BigBrother!Dream and Reader - Answers
Pairings: none
Characters included: Quackity, (mentioned) Dream
Warnings: spoilers for Quackity’s newest stream (The visit), blood mention, hinted at violence, cursing
Series: A small drabble since that stream didn’t let me sleep and it is my attempt to calm down my mind
Summary: Y/N found Quackity covered in blood near El Prapids and they needed to know what happened but he refuses to answer.
Words count: 1012
Authors Note: It’s just something really small and simple since that stream absolutely destroyed me, after this I will concentrate on requests again! I just needed a way to somehow deal with the new lore.
„What are you doing? “ Y/N’s voice was wavering. Barely audible between the hard pitter patter of the heavy rain.
Somewhere lightning struck, soon followed by thunder.
Quackity standing on a bridge. His clothes disheveled. Bloody. The only emotions readable on his face was that of determination. His eyes dark and filled with a kind of malice that made Y/N shiver.
He wasn’t looking at Y/N but instead was staring at the wet wood of the bridge. Continuing to watch as the water crashed onto the material.
Y/N was shivering. Was it the rain? The cold? Or was it the fear after all? Both of their hands firmly placed on their biceps. Fingers digging into the flesh, waiting for an answer from the other man.
But he wasn’t talking, nor was he moving. Quackity just continued to stare at the ground.
“Quackity. I know- I know you went into the prison. You visited him. You visited my brother. What- What happened? What are you doing?” Between clattering teeth their desperation came out. Tears running down their face, but it was barely visible beneath the rain.
Last time someone visited their brother, the visitor died.
And now Quackity stood here, covered in blood.
Their fear was that Dream did something horrible again. That he committed another atrocity.
For the longest time Dream managed to keep Y/N away from all the trouble of the SMP. Visiting them whenever he could but one day the visits suddenly stopped. So, they ventured out only to learn that their brother, their only family member whom they loved so much, was the most hated person among the people. A criminal locked up in the maximum prison cell. The residents cheering for his imprisonment.
The people immediately defaulted to distrusting Y/N after learning of their existence and after hearing what has happened over the years, they couldn’t fault them. They understood and yet they wept at night, missing their older brother who used to protect them. Together they built stupid nonsensical builds, trained together, ate together, they grew up alone together.
But after Tommy died and Dream revived him Y/N finally made a decision. They had to visit him. Confront him. Hear the truth from his own mouth.
Before this moment they were simply too scared, felt too hurt and betrayed to be able to stand in front of him. Not strong enough to meet his gaze.
Though after Tommy’s death something in Y/N’s mind changed and they concluded that maybe they could reach him after all. Perhaps they would be the only person to reach Dream. To do something! Anything really. Get to the ground of whatever is happening.
Then they heard that Quackity visited Dream from a very quiet and somber Sam. When he wouldn’t tell them more about it, Y/N ran around hoping to find him.
Which they finally did.
On a bridge next to a half broken down El Rapids.
More lightning followed by thunder that broke up the silence once again and Quackity still refused to talk.
Y/N stepped closer to him, hoping he would finally look at them, but he was steadfast with his gaze to the ground.
“Tell. Me.” While sadness was still audible in their voice, it was clear that this time it wasn’t a question anymore but a demand.
When Quackity still refused, Y/N slowly moved closer to him and one of their trembling hands flew towards his sleeve, trying to gain his attention this way.
As they stood closer to him, they inspected his clothes. Trying to find the wounds. The wounds where his blood was coming from. If Dream caused it, it was their duty to at least try to help him.
But something seemed off. It was a bit difficult to see since his shirt clung to his body due to the rain but there were no visible wounds. There was enough blood on there that it should have beeen visible a little bit, right?
“This-This is not your blood.” Y/N realized. A shocked gasp left their lips, and they took a step back again. Letting go of his sleeve in the process.
Finally, Quackity looked up. His expression hasn’t changed at all. Still determined accompanied by dark and empty eyes.
“You hurt him?”
“He wouldn’t tell me.” His voice was quiet but strong. Whatever he did, he didn’t feel remorse or sad about it. He sounded angry if anything.
It scared Y/N.
Y/N’s brother wasn’t a good person, but he was stuck in a prison. He was paying for his crimes and as far as they have heard his mental health seemed to be rapidly declining.
The idea that Quackity walked into the prison and hurt their brother? While he was in a state where he couldn’t defend himself?
This was unfair.
It was horrible.
After a few moments of shocked silence there was suddenly a soft thud. Followed by another.
Y/N’s fists softly collided with Quackity’s chest in a slow rhythm.
For a moment Quackity looked surprised only to return to his frown as Y/N continued thrumming on his chest with what he assumed were weak attempts of trying to punch him.
“You hurt him.” This time it was a statement.
The punches increased in strength but not by a lot.
“You hurt him!” Y/N cried out between sobs.
With a yell they slammed both their fists down and this time Quackity ended up taking a step back due to the power of it. It didn’t hurt but it was a surprise nonetheless.
“This is all so unfair!” Another soft punch. “Why is this happening” Another one. “Why did he have to do all this horrific shit?” And another “He is my only family! And you hurt him! Why would you do that? He can’t defend himself and I’m too weak to protect him! Why? Quackity, why? Why did it have to end up like this?”
The man took a deep breath in and took a second to look into Y/N’s crying face.
“Because he wouldn’t give me the information I needed. Simple as that.”
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megablade · 3 years
us: hey quackity it would be really cool if you gave us fiancé lore since we haven’t had any updates since february
quackity: bet
quackity: [c!quackity is left behind by his fiancés & best friend and finds out that the nation the four of them built together was abandoned after quackity left to work on las nevadas, which was supposed to be something quackity could give to them and maybe even get married there, and it turns out that the three of them made a whole new nation without him without even telling him, confirming his insecurities about being an outsider in his own relationship and probably what drove him to visiting the ghost of his emotionally abusive ex and also what caused him to destroy el rapids block by block, blotting out the images of not only his friends but also himself on the banner of the nation, signifying a loss of his sense of self that is especially signified by the change of his demeanor with sam and his reinvigorated goal to kill dream]
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warped-stem · 4 years
so. my post about writing this at 3 am fighting off melatonin got exactly 2 notes. enjoy my sleepy angst :)
warnings for mentions of mutilation, vomit, and torture. wordcount 1.6k
When Sapnap goes to visit Dream again, he notices something off about Sam. He's flightier, less talkative. He barely meets Sapnap's eye the entire walk through the prison. When they finally get to the main cell, Sam warns him that Dream might not talk again. Sapnap nods in understanding, remembering the last time he saw him. 
He isn't expecting Dream, once someone who stood tall and proud, whose presence demanded all of the attention in the room, to be curled into a shaking ball in the corner next to his chest. The shaking gets worse the closer the platform comes to the cell, and Sapnap can see the way Dream's jumpsuit is torn, the way there's blood staining parts that should by no means be bloodstained. Dream doesn't look up when Sapnap steps foot onto the obsidian, doesn't look up when the Netherite barrier drops, continues to not look up until Sapnap's hesitant voice bounces off the walls. 
This finally gets his attention, his head snapping up and dull green eyes meeting sparking red. Now Sapnap can take in the details that were hidden in Dream's arms. How his cheeks are hollow, how new scars trail across his face, some wounds barely healed from the poor environment. 
Sapnap takes a step toward Dream, and his heart stops in his chest at the way Dream violently tries to sink into the wall behind him. So, Sapnap sits on the floor where he stands, keeping his eyes on the crumpled, shivering form of the once most powerful man on the server -- of his friend. 
He doesn't move, even as Dream stops trembling again and looks back up, waiting for force that will never come. Slowly, once it seems Dream realizes Sapnap doesn't want to hurt him, he starts to unfurl from himself. His arms and legs are lacking the muscle mass Sapnap knew he once possessed, and the skin that's exposed is covered in dirt and blood and poorly healed injuries. It makes Sapnap sick to think about the damage he can't see, what's covered by layers of fabric, or worse, what's covered by skin and muscle. 
It takes the better part of an hour for Dream to speak up, and Sapnap's heart splinters. 
"What d'you want?" He sounds like he hasn't had anything to drink in months, his voice creaky and dry. His words, however few, are slurred and misshapen. It takes a second for the reason to click in Sapnap's head, having heard one of his own fiances have to adjust to his new speech impediment and lack of teeth on his own time. It makes his stomach churn. 
"I wanted to see you. Check in on you, y'know? See how you're holding up." His voice is softer than he intended for it to be, more somber. 
Dream looks like he doesn't know how to respond, so he doesn't. He just lets his body slump against the wall, bringing his legs back up to his chest and wrapping his arms around his knees. It’s as he's staring off into middle space that Sapnap realizes one last thing about the way Dream looks, and it genuinely makes him want to throw up, or scream, or cry. Probably all three at once, if possible. 
Several of Dream's fingers were reduced to stumps. 
The entirety of his right pinky was gone, and he was missing about half of his right ring finger. The other three remained intact, but it was obvious he'll never be able to hold an axe again. His left hand was worse off. His ring finger was gone, and the pinky was cut down to the second knuckle, almost in a sick reverse of his right hand. He was also missing the tip of his middle and pointer fingers, his thumb spared yet again. 
Sapnap chokes back a sob and has to turn away to keep his composure, forcing his tears and vomit back down. It takes him a few to steady his breathing and look back to Dream, only to find Dream looking at him first. 
"What happened to you?" Sapnap sounded even more broken, a quiet plea slipping into his words. He wanted nothing more than to hold Dream like he did when they were younger, before all of the war and strife and bloodshed. Back when they were allowed to call each other brothers.  
"Someone wanted information. I didn't give it up right away and he got violent." Dream tries to shrug, but the tremble in his shoulders makes it look more like a sick, shuddering laugh. Sapnap reluctantly notes that his earlier suspicions were correct, that Dream is now missing several of his teeth.
The temperature in the lava-covered room spikes as Sapnap's temper flares for a moment, before calming right back down into another unsettled roll of his gut. 
"Who?" His response is choked, and he doesn't think he wants to know the answer. 
Dream shakes his head frantically, tensing back up. The answer would destroy Sapnap, and Dream doesn't want that, so he keeps his mouth shut and his head down. 
Sapnap wants names, though, and he's not leaving without one. He makes up his mind right then and there that there's something fucked up going on in Pandora's Vault, and he wants to get to the bottom of it. Even if Dream grew into a monster, he knew that no one deserved whatever physical abuse Dream's been going through. 
"Is it Sam? Has he been doing this to you?" His voice shakes with fury, with sadness. Dream shakes his head again in response, before briefly shrugging.
"If it's not Sam, then he's at least letting this happen to you. Who the fuck would he let in here with- with whatever can do that much damage?" 
"You don't wanna know, Sap." The 's' is whistled through the holes in his grimace, and he still refuses to meet Sapnap's eyes. 
"I do. I need to know. I can't let them keep doing this to you." There's a few suspects running through his mind, but none of them beg for the anonymity Dream's allowing them. 
Techno wouldn't torture someone, he's not that cold-hearted, and he'd have nothing to gain from repeatedly hurting Dream. Bad could easily do this damage, but even as he's controlled by the Egg, Sapnap knows he'd never lay a finger on Dream. Wilbur and Schlatt are dead, and Ghostbur wouldn't hurt a fly. Tommy'd pussy out before doing any serious damage, and even then, the kid was so heavily traumatized by Dream that all it would take for him to back down would be a threatening smile. He also can't see Ranboo hurting anyone intentionally, or Fundy coming back from wherever he'd run off to just to hurt Dream. Nearly everyone else was left untouched by Dream's influence. Foolish barely knew him, Connor was almost completely clueless, and Puffy thought that Dream didn't deserve to see her. Everyone else was too caught up in their own business to care, so that only really left a few possible people.
Sam, Ant, Punz, and Sapnap's least favorite answer, Quackity. 
Dream already said it wasn't Sam, Ant was too busy with the Egg, and Punz was too apathetic to really care about what Dream had done to be motivated enough to mutilate one of his friends like this. That meant-
"Quackity. Is- is Quackity hurting you?" Sapnap's voice is far away, even to his own ears. He barely caught Dream's slow, shallow nod before he hides his face back in his knees. 
It made sense, unfortunately. He hasn't seen Quackity in a while, spending most of his time building Kinoko Kingdom with Karl and George. It only really just hit him that they abandoned El Rapids to hastily move to the flower forest on the outer edge of the Dream SMP, leaving Quackity alone. No one had really heard from him in a long while, and Sapnap hadn't thought to keep tabs on him, trusting his fiance to keep out of trouble.
Apparently, that was too much to ask. Sapnap knew how ruthless Quackity could be when he wanted something bad enough, knew that he was an unstoppable force. 
Dream's ragged breathing snaps Sapnap out of his thoughts, bringing his attention back to the present. Dream hadn't stopped shaking, but at least he was now looking at Sapnap again, gauging his reaction. Based on his breathing, he found something he didn't like. 
"Fuck, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Pandas." His voice shook, tears threatening to spill out of dead eyes.
Sapnap doesn't respond, only standing. His shoulders slumped and his fists shaking at his sides. He takes a few strides across the cell before dropping down to his knees next to Dream, wrapping his arms around him. 
They sit there like that for a while, crying and shaking. Dream was far too light for Sapnap's comfort, but that just made him hold on harder. Dream even snaked his arms around Sapnap's back in return, the dull nubs of his fingers trying to grip as much of his shirt as they could. Sapnap sobs.
He pulls back first, after both of them had spent all of their tears. 
"I'm getting you out of here. Fuck what I said about taking your last life, you don't fucking deserve this." Sapnap knows his voice is rough, but the intense set of his eyes gives Dream enough reassurance to let go. 
Sapnap stands, leaving Dream on the ground, and calls for Sam to let him out. He doesn't step away from Dream until he has to, and he makes a silent promise to make sure someone pays for this.  
He ignores Sam the entire trip back through the prison, and his first thought after stepping back into sunlight is find Quackity.
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carpedzem · 3 years
I know I said no discourse but the power of lore is too strong and I keep having thoughts tm so please let me ramble
so quackity failed yesterday, spectacularly so, with killing techno and it wasn't the first time. on top of that, the moment he enter the cell techno and dream started noticing holes in his plan and that made me thinking.
because quackity is losing A LOT. first of all 'dream destroyed my conutry once' lmao, l'manburg never was quackity's they didn't even let him in. he almost lost the election, then he made a deal with schlatt that backfired at him, then, when tobbo was a president he was one of the other 10 vices. the butcher army was a total failure. so was el rapids. or his king eret assassination. techno straight up said 'i know this prison visit is a trap'. dream never gave up the revival book no matter what quackity tried.
i'm not telling he is stupid. but dream, techno or wilbur, who keep succeeding for a long time feel like real threat for him
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enderwoah · 4 years
these were my live-written notes from the quackity stream last night
visiting dream
schlatt wants to be revived
quackity still doesn’t really like schlatt
dream comes down to hadestown (lmao) and just looks at em
schlatt can’t really remember manburg, implying that none of that was...at all happy for him :cryboo:
he remembers quackity & all the fun times they had
making risk[y] bets and this is 100% rigged in [his] favor
“shake my hand...wont u shake a poor sinners hand?”
“shake my hand...we got a deal? good, cuz now it gets real”
just ‘hey little songbird’ed schlatt LMAO
sam awesamdude my beloved,,,
wait no im angry @ him whoops
quackity manipulation arc??
pullin a lady macbeth rn lmao
guilt tripping, reverse psychology, oh god he did the “answer my question/further my train of thought without meaning to,” ANGER, pressuring, literally leave sam alone
“ur my business partner” LITERALLY LEAVE HIM ALONE
schlatt doesn’t remember tommy. YIKES.
“u can trust me” MAN quackity learned from schlatt
the pressuringgg
quackity is so cold this is chilling man
honestly good 4 him he’s so good at rp ive missed good ol’ c!quackity
but he’s so scary now [scribbles that represent an on paper keysmash] LMAO
then i drew the “smiling face with three hearts” emoji as quackity with the caption [manipulates u cutely] with a wide-eyed, confused sam next to it saying “...”
this is not at all going to go well
dream wondered if ppl thought...him murdering tommy...and bringing him back...was cool?
okay well dream burned the book
oh my g,,.,.o....,,,,;sh
oh my gosh what
so. quackity is scary. dream screaming for help? im only human man that was. whoomf. yikes.
that was so good
:clap: :clap: :clap: :]
and then i drew a little chibi, bloodstained quackity smiling with an axe in his hand! end notes. :)
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Dream SMP Recap (July 20/2021) - Meeting an Old Friend
Sapnap and George go looking for Quackity, who they haven’t seen in ages, but come across someone else instead along the way.
Captain Puffy
- Sapnap is at the Community House with George. George asks where Quackity is. Sapnap hasn’t seen him in a long time
- Sapnap asks George where his Netherite is. He gives George Tommy’s armor and a Totem
- He wants to go looking for Quackity. He asks George if he remembers El Rapids, the “precursor” to Kinoko Kingdom
- George performs the “Jump of Faith”
- They start walking down the Scenic Route. Sapnap hasn’t seen Quackity in a long time. They make it to the old Party Park area and Sapnap wonders who took their faces off of the El Rapids sign. George fixes it
- On top of the hill nearby, they spot someone: the ghost of Mexican Dream, crying
- They tell him they’re looking for Quackity. Mexican Dream is self-conscious about how he looks
- Sapnap gives Mexican Dream the head of Susan, a carved pumpkin
- Mexican Dream tells them that he looks like this because he’s dead. Sapnap asks who killed him, and MD says it was Dream while he was visiting Tommy
- Mexican Dream asks what happened to Mexican L’manburg. Sapnap says their “unfinished symphony” was destroyed by Dream as well
- Sapnap starts taking them to where Dream is. He asks MD what the afterlife is like. There’s a British guy, another British guy and a guy who drinks a lot
- Mexican Dream opened an OXXO in the afterlife
- MD gets incredibly turned on by a sheep
- They reach the prison. MD is in awe of the prison and wants to live there. Sapnap explains that they can’t go in to kill Dream since he’s in prison
- Sapnap says maybe one day he can come out and be better, but for now he’s behind bars
- MD asks who owns the prison. Sapnap says Awesamdude does. MD has an idea to go in there to visit, and once they’re inside they can kill him. Sapnap says someone already tried that, and when he visited Dream, Dream wasn’t doing too well
- He asks MD if he knows who Quackity is. MD has heard of him, but he’s never met him. Sapnap says Quackity was one of the leaders of Mexican L’manburg
- They try to get MD to take the Bite of Truth, just like old times
- Sapnap tells George to give him the Totem of Undying, having the idea to revive Mexican Dream. MD is tired of the afterlife. Nobody comes to his store except the alcoholic every night
- In the afterlife, Mexican Dream has dreams. He gets tired and sleeps in the afterlife and he had a dream that he went to visit Mexican L’manburg, and George was there, and the country was destroyed but he learned that it was Quackity who did it, and he went to Quackity’s house and burned it
- Mexican Dream woke up, and he came to Mexican L’manburg and he started crying because his dream was true and the country was gone
- Sapnap is confused. Was it Dream or was it Quackity? He assumed it was Dream, but maybe it was Quackity...
- They try to bring Mexican Dream back to life using the Totem. MD starts running, not wanting to get hurt, and Sapnap shoots him with an arrow to kill him
- Mexican Dream’s death activates the Totem and he pauses. He asks what this place is, walking into McPuffy’s. He doesn’t remember either of them or where they came from
- The new person is from America and currently going through divorce. He wants gluten-free and dairy-free food and relates to Jim Halpert from the Office
- They try to get him to take the Bite of Truth again. He does, and goes silent for a moment, but he still doesn’t go back to normal
- Next, they try to get him to snort a line. He finally does after some pressuring, then starts crying and moping away...then he asks to take their order from McDonald’s
Mexican Dream: “Welcome to McDonald’s how may I take your order? Welcome to McDonald’s how may I take your order? Welcome to McDonald’s how may I take your order? Welcome to McDonald’s how may I take your order?“
- They try to get him back with drugs again and finally, Mexican Dream comes back to normal, saying he had another dream
- Mexican Dream had visions. He thinks the dream about Quackity is true. Something about money...Quackity has money. He was poor, like his visions tell him. MD wants to go to Las Vegas, wants to go to a casino
- MD starts walking down the path, saying he smells the machines. They make it to Spawn and Mexican Dream stops at George’s blue bed, where George had his dream
- Mexican Dream doesn’t feel good. They keep trying to get him to do another line, but Mexican Dream thinks he has to go back to the afterlife and starts towering up. But at the top...he sees it. He thought his dreams deceived him
- They get up to the outpost and spot Las Nevadas. But Mexican Dream says something doesn’t seem right
- They see the toll booth but Mexican Dream starts running away. If Quackity killed Mexican L’manburg, he might kill MD too
- Sapnap assures him Mexican Dream can stay somewhere safe, at his home. They start walking to Kinoko Kingdom
- Mexican Dream doesn’t have to go, but Sapnap has to. He needs to find Quackity
- They reach Kinoko, Sapnap saying MD will be perfectly safe here. Sapnap takes him to the mushroom house, the most beautiful spot
- Mexican Dream has to go back to the afterlife. He jumps off and disappears
- Sapnap knows where he needs to go now
Upcoming events remain the same.
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