megablade · 3 years
in a server where everything from homes to entire nations regularly ends up being blown up with tnt, something about quackity destroying el rapids, a mostly forgotten faction that quackity used to lead with his closest friends, block by block by hand is so symbolic
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 6: Fight or Flght Response
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warnings: mentions of sex and pretty much a toxic relationship
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Morning comes and Kuroo wakes up with a headache. Eyes still closed, he taps on the other side of the bed, his hands looking for your body. “Love?” He groans. “Love, can you bring me some medication? My head hurts.”
Kuroo falls asleep once again and then wakes up an hour later. He sits up, his head ringing. “(Y/N)? Love?” He leaves the bed and doesn’t feel any presence of you in the house. “Oh, it’s 9AM. She must be at work already.”
Well, Kuroo’s not wrong. You are at your office but you aren’t working. You’re weeping at your table because you can’t seem to get rid of Kuroo’s words to his friends.
“So (Y/N) and I are trying to work our marriage out for a year, and she’s taking it way too seriously. While I can’t even look at her face! She messages me all the time about where I am, what I’m doing and all of that. She begs me to go on dates and nags at me if I miss it. I want to tell her off sometimes, but she’s a really good fuck. Like she’s amazing in bed and she lets me have it anytime so yeah. I guess it’s worth to stay.”
It keeps repeating in your head like a broken track. And your tears run down your cheeks and you know it won’t stop for a while. You stand from your desk and move to the little bedroom that is in your office. You lay on the bed and bury your face on the pillow.
The moment you heard his words come of his lips last night, you wanted to slap him hard, beat him up, tear his hair off his head, but you couldn’t. You were glued on the wooden floor of Kenma’s house, not able to believe Kuroo could say that. Your heart shattered into pieces that couldn’t be even counted.
But still, you went home with him. Even slept with him.
If your friends, especially Iwaizumi, find out about this, they’ll definitely tell you to leave him. No excuses. And you don’t want to leave Kuroo.
“Where did I go wrong? Is it because I’m ugly?” You take your phone out and open the camera app. “Very ugly right now. This is why he doesn’t want me to post anything about our relationship.”
Someone knocks on your office door so you wipe your tears quickly and open the Netflix app so you can pretend that you’ve been watching a sad movie this whole time.
“(Y/N)? The flowers are here,” Terushima says as he enters your office. “Why are you crying?”
Speaking of Terushima, he and Kuroo have become friends after their fight. When Kuroo picks you up sometimes and Terushima’s also there, you always find the two talking about hair. The blonde even goes to your place sometimes so he can style Kuroo’s hair. It’s their form of bonding so you really don’t have a say about it.
“This drama is just so sad,” you lie, showing him the screen of your phone that is playing a random sad movie.
“I didn’t know you were the type to cry cause of movies,” the blonde chuckles. “Anyways, fix yourself. Because we will be decorating a big function room starting this afternoon.”
“I almost forgot. The client wanted all real flowers right?” You sigh and sit up from your bed. ‘No time for crying. You’re a busy woman.’
“Yeah, so we have to make sure that the flowers will not wither tomorrow,” Terushima confirms.
You brush your issue with Kuroo under the rag and focus on your work instead.
Evening comes quickly and it’s finally time for your team to set up at the function hall. You had to wait until late evening to start since there was an event beforehand. The bestman of the wedding, Yuta, joined your team as the supervisor.
While you are setting up on the stage, you can feel your workmates throwing weird looks at you. “What?” You raise an eyebrow at them and one of your colleagues walks up to you.
“The best man has been staring at you ever since we got her,” she whispers with a teasing smirk. You roll your eyes at her and brush it off.
It’s always like this. At every event, your colleagues ships you with every best man or groomsman that shows interest towards you. They don’t know you’re actually married and think you’re single so they tease you. In hopes that you finally get to plan your own wedding. Sadly, you already are married and no wedding will take place.
You take a glance at the said man and he is staring at you, but not in a creepy way. As soon as you make eye contact, he smiles at you. You swear your heart skips a beat but at the same time you will never admit that it did.
“Miss (L/N)?” Yuta calls you out of nowhere. Surprised by his sudden presence, you fall on the ladder you are on and land on top of him.
‘What in the drama is this?!’
“I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry!” You push yourself off of the man quickly and bow repeatedly.
“It’s alright! It’s my fault for surprising you.” Yuta stands up as well and when your eyes meet, you burst into laughter. “You’re much prettier up close.”
“So you’re the straightforward type, huh?” You let out a chuckle and he smirks at you. “I thought you’d be a shy one since you have been just staring until now.”
“Well, since you think I’m the straightforward type, let me ask you. Are you single?” Yuta smiles at you shyly this time and you feel your cheeks burn hot.
‘You’re married, (Y/N)! Don’t even think about flirting back.’ You mentally scold yourself and look away from the man beside you. “Find out yourself.”
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The glamorous wedding finally ends and it was one of the best weddings you have every coordinated. The couple is so in love with each other and they are surrounded by supportive family and friends. The guests were very uplifting and fun in general. You even made friends with some of the guests and have gotten closer to Yuta.
“Thank you for planning our wedding. This is such a dream come true!” The bride thanks you with a bow. You bow back and say your thanks as well. “And Yuta’s a good boy.” The bride winks at you before she and groom leaves.
“(Y/N)!” Speaking of the devil.
“Yuta!” You wave at him. He runs towards you and pants when he’s finally in front with you. “Can I help you with something?”
“Do you have a drive home?” He asks you so you shake your head no. You’re just being honest. “Can I drive you to your place?”
“My place is just a 10-minute walk from here, so it’s okay,” you reply. You check the time and it’s already past midnight. “I have to go now. It’s really late. Bye!”
“I’ll walk with you!” Yuta offers. “I won’t take no for an answer.”
“Okay, then. Whatever makes you sleep at night,” you joke and he just laughs.
The two of you walk home and Yuta shares random stories about his childhood. You like it. You like how he is open to you without you trying. You like how he’s initiating first. You like how gentle he is when he is talking to you. You like how he softly calls your name. You like how he’s not hiding that he’s interested in you. But you hate how you want Kuroo to be like that towards you. You hate how you’re still thinking about him.
Kuroo’s words come crashing into your mind again and you badly want to take Yuta’s hand and ask him to bring you home. But your mind is also telling you to come home quickly to Kuroo, even if you know he won’t be waiting for you.
“I’m here!” You say as you arrive in front of your condominium building. “Thank you for walking me.”
“No problem.” Yuta scratches the back of his neck. A change of demeanor happens, and Yuta becomes shy. “Can I get your number? I want to tak-”
Your world freezes as you hear Kuroo’s voice. It’s 1AM. Why the hell is he outside your building as well? You turn your head see him glaring at you with his arms crossed.
‘What do I do? Kuroo might misunderstand! And I can’t tell Yuta that Kuroo is my husband because he wants to keep our relationship a secret. Oh my gosh! What to do?’
You’re panicking. Your whole system is. You can feel your fingers tremble. Kuroo is walking towards the two of you and is already so close but you still don’t know what to do and say. The particles in your container are bouncing on the walls of your space rapidly because of pressure, and it’s making your mind go blank. Your fight or flight response is not functioning well.
Kuroo has been waiting for you at your building’s lobby since 10PM. He was waiting for your message about him picking you up at the hotel, but clearly you forgot about that. He thought you forgot because of fatigue but clearly that’s not the case.
Especially now that a man he has never seen before walked you back to your place.
“Who’s this?” Yuta and Kuroo ask in unison. Yuta glares at Kuroo, not liking how provocative the guy looks. Your husband raises an eyebrow at Yuta, his feline-like eyes glaring back at the unfamiliar guy.
“Kuroo, this is my friend Yuta,” you start to introduce but they aren’t even listening to you. They’re in this staring contest you don’t know about.
“And Yuta, this is Kuroo, my brother.”
Your reactions when you are nervous are driven by the production of hormones and equip us to fight or escape from situations that are dangerous or threatening. This is known as the fight or flight response.
Nervousness can cause stuttering and rambling.
Anxiety may be partly genetic.
People who are anxious are quicker to pick up on changes in facial expressions than those who are but they are less accurate. Thus, it causes misunderstandings.
Taglist: @postsfromthe6 @elianetsantana @chaelysian @kiyobbie @lilxstan @moonlightaangel @oh-hey-its-a-simp @kellesvt @lifeisnotdiajoubu @starry-magicshop @stantalentstanunderratedgroups @mint-mai @torilovestowrite @faithmoonxd @agaashesmilktea @birdiewolf @yeibuub @maitenight @ashhhh26 @kageyamasgirl @tnu-ree @avatarkyoshithewarrior @kurokawa-aida @dabisdominion @chanayah @sevenseoul @marissaraeblr @amlnadya @weebintheinternet @shizukusimp @madmelle @soullesstaco @merrdlp @kouholic @kiyoomi-channie @kageyuh @kaachanultra @sabzhabib @134340-cm @toripersonalacc​ @itsimjaebeomsforehead @todobruhski  @graykageyama @coconut-dreamz @rienin @dawnsbaby @kagebunshiin  @heavenini @d-efend
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hxney-lemcn · 4 years
Seven Stages (Pt. 4)
Word Count: 2.7k
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x reader
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Warning: Season 2 spoilers, death, violence
Main Master List | TUA Master List
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
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Once we got to Sissy’s house I couldn’t help but stare in awe at the unnatural weather. Snow littered the yard and a tunnel of energy formed into the sky coming from the barn. The trees bared no leaves showing how this must’ve been happening for a while now. 
“You think what ever is inside is causing the cold front?” Diego asked as we all exited the car. I mean it was obvious whatever was happening in the barn was causing the strange weather. 
“Well the correlation is high,” Five stated. I feel like sometimes he says bigger words just to make himself seem smart. I mean don’t get me wrong, he is the smartest person I’ve ever met, but still. He could’ve said something simpler than that. 
“Sissy!” Vanya shouted out. “Sissy!”
Sissy cocked her gun and pointed it at us, “Get back!” I mean a shotgun won’t do much to us but I understand where she’s coming from. “All of you, just get the hell back!”
“Sissy!” Vanya shouted once again holding a hand out. Klaus raised his hands up making me laugh to myself silently. Five was ready to do something if need be and so was Allison. I had my hand over my pistol which was strapped to my thigh. “Hey! Hey! What’s wrong?” Vanya asked with genuine concern.
Carl,” Sissy replied, looking over all of us nervously. 
“What did he do?” Vanya asked. 
“He’s...” Sissy said shakily. “He’s dead. Harlan tossed him aside like a rag doll, same way you sent those policemen flyin’. What did you do?”
“No,” Vanya said breathlessly.
“What the hell did you do to my son?” Sissy asked, I could tell she was really scared, and someone who is scared with a gun never mixes well. 
Lightning hit the barn and Diego started to walk forward, “We don’t have time for this.”
“Where do you think you’re going?” Sissy asked aiming her gun at him.
“To help your son,” He responded holding out a hand like Vanya did earlier. 
“Look Sissy,” Vanya said trying to calm her. “I found my family. These are my brothers and my sister, and our family friend.” Sissy looked at us all, slowly lowering her gun.
“Ma’am,” Luther said with an awkward wave and smile. 
“Where you lyin’ to me the whole time?” Sissy asked. 
“Of course not,” Vanya said honestly. “Look, I didn’t know who I was. But now I do. And we’re not the monsters that they say we are. We did not kill the president. We are not terrorists. We’re not here to hurt anyone.”
“Then...” Sissy panted lightly. “Who are you?” 
“The only one who can help Harlan.” 
Sissy finally trusted us and let us into the barn. Inside was a kid who was stuck in a ball of energy that he seemed to be creating. He wasn’t seem to be responding to anything Vanya said. So she stepped into the spinning energy ball. I stood next to Five who was standing in a defensive stance, ready to help his sister if need be. Poor man never relaxes. On the other side stood Klaus who...where did he...?
“Uh...guys?” Klaus asked, standing on the other side of the barn looking out at the field. 
“What?” I asked out already making my way over to him. 
“Oh fuck me,” I whispered noticing the handler and another person standing next to her. 
“What, who are they?” Klaus asked.
“One’s the handler,” I started.
“And the other’s Diego’s girlfriend,” Five finished for me. Diego has a girlfriend?
“Lila,” Diego said. “That’s my ex-girlfriend.”
“What?” Klaus asked genuinely surprised.
“You know what? Doesn’t matter now,” He said still staring at the two. 
“They both look angry,” I spoke out rocking on my feet slightly. 
“Our brother has that effect on people.”
“We’re going to go out there and find out what they want,” Five said motioning me and him. “You guys stay with Vanya and the kid.”
“I’m going with you too,” Diego said. “Come on.” With that the three of us walked out to the Handler and Lila.  
“I love that smell of fresh country air,” The Handler spoke up with a chuckle. “Don’t you darling?”
“It makes me want to vomit,” Lila replied grouchily. 
“What do you want?” Five asked, wanting to get this over with. 
“To watch you suffer,” Lila spouted making me stand in a more defensive position. Over my dead body will Five suffer any more than he already has. 
“What about me?” Diego asked like a puppy and it was clear he still liked her. 
“You’re not even worth my wrath,” She responded like that was the stupidest question asked. I would’ve high fived her for being strong but right now she was my enemy and I’m sure she also did something to Diego. 
“Easy,” The Handler smiled with a warning tone. “We’re here on official business.”
“What business is that?” I asked keeping my hand over my pistol once more. 
“As head of the commission, I’ve decided to eradicate the criminals responsible for the assassination of the former head of directors,” The handler said calmly. I looked at Five who looked even more on edge now which answered my question on what the fuck happened there. 
“Yeah right,” Diego said. “We didn’t kill the board.” Diego obviously hasn’t realized that Five did yet.
“That’s not entirely accurate,” Five said nervously.
“You didn’t tell them?” The handler asked, she seemed to be having too much fun with this. Five shrugged and she continued, “Oh Five.”
“Five what the hell did you do?” Diego asked. Is...is he really this dumb?
“What I had to do to get my family home,” Five replied and I felt my heart break a little. “Until someone regened on our deal.” He had to kill again, and the deal obviously didn’t work out or they would be in 2019 at the moment. The handler probably had something to do with it and at that moment I wanted to tear her to shreds even more than I did before. 
“Somebody wouldn’t have regened if somebody could’ve met a simple deadline,” The Handler countered, making it seem like Five was at fault. 
“You set him up to fail,” I spoke up with a glare. 
“He set himself up to fail, friend,” She smiled condescendingly and I almost launched myself at her if I didn’t know any better. “You and your brothers and sisters,” The Handler faced Five once more. “Kinda a running theme of your little life, isn’t it?” She had the gull to laugh. 
“He didn’t fail in finding me,” I said crossing my arms. 
“It won’t matter in the end,” She shrugged. 
“Dude, I can’t believe you killed the board of directors,” Diego whispered to Five. “You have no idea how messed up the commission is right now.”
“Messed up?” The Handler asked. “Who’s saying that?”
“Everybody,” Diego glared. “Christ even the janitors think it’s going to shit!”
“That’s not all he killed,” Lila chimed in. “Her too.” She looked at Five and I with a glare. 
“What are you talking about?” I asked confused. I haven’t killed anyone since I left the Commission. 
“Don’t play dumb you prepubescent piece of shit,” She growled and Five stood slightly in front of me. 
“Enough,” The Handler said. “The point is that you all are going to die today.” 
“Oh, well I don’t like your chances,” Diego stated. “Eight of us, two of you.”
“You know? You’re right,” The handler agreed, clearly something up her sleeve. “Let’s change that.”
With a snap of her fingers people from the commission started showing up. Hundreds of people all surrounding her and pointing their weapons at us. Five staggered back slightly, clearly fearful of what will happen to us all. My heart started beating rapidly and the hold on my pistol tightened. 
“What should we do now?” Diego asked. 
“Fight and die now, or run and die later,” I breathed out shakily. 
“Either way we’re food for the worms,” Five agreed. 
“Preference?” Diego asked looking at the both of us. 
“Wouldn’t mind breathing air for a few more minutes through the old wind bags,” Five shrugged and I let out a strangled chuckle of agreement. 
“Let’s get this over with shall we?” The Handler asked looking at her wrist, did she even have a watch? She lifted a red flag and I shouted out ‘run’ while we slightly tripped backwards. 
We all ran towards the barn and the sounds of people shouting followed us. They started to shoot while we were running for our lives. Five grabbed me and Diego and blinked us towards a red tractor. We took cover behind the big wheel.
“What now?” Five shouted over the sound of bullets ricocheting off the metal.
“We blink into the house man!” Diego shouted back. 
“Okay,” Five mumbled softly and tried to blink us into the house, but it wasn’t working. 
“What?” Diego asked. 
“He’s out of fuel!” I replied, joining the conversation. “He’s too tired.”
“Go, I’ll...” Diego trailed off. “I’ll cover for you.”
“Diego what are you...?” Five asked as Diego stood up. 
“Just go!” Diego shouted stopping the bullets from moving. Five grabbed my hand and dashed towards the house, taking one last look at Diego. Opening the house door he let me enter before following. I went under the table, Five joining me. He held me to his chest in a protective manner as something outside blew up. Bullets were nonstop firing into the house, the only safe spot being where we resided. All I could hear was bullets and Five’s heavy breathing. I felt tears prick my eyes, ‘This is it’. 
The sound of energy bursting emitted and suddenly the firing stopped. Five lifted his head from my neck and looked around, as did I. We hesitantly looked out the widow to see everyone dead...besides the Handler, Lila, and his family. Vanya was floating in the air, a bright beam of energy showing from her chest. Suddenly Lila floated up in the same manner, same glowing energy, and I brought Five with me back under the table. 
Luther crash landed in the living room. Five and I stared wide eyed at him for a second before rushing over. 
“Luther, you alright?” Five asked worriedly. 
“Oh, I think I swallowed my tongue,” Luther muttered out. 
Five rolled his eyes, “Luther, if you swallowed your tongue you wouldn’t be talking, you big moron.” I rolled my eyes at how Five’s demeanor changed so quickly. 
“Come on, to your feet,” I said gently grabbing his hand and helping him up. He stumbled back slightly dragging me with him, Five right behind me just in case. 
“Hey what the hell was that?” Luther asked. “What was that?” Luther held onto Five’s shoulders to stabilize himself. 
“She must’ve redirected,” I responded as Five looked back out the window. “Vanya’s energy wave.” I clarified. 
“Yeah I know,” Luther said. “But how?” 
Some bricks started to fall and Five looked up with wide eyes, “Watch out!” Five pushed me and Luther out of the way as bricks fell on top of him. I felt my stomach drop and the world around me seemingly blurred. I fell to my knees in front of the pile  and started brushing away the bricks. Luther helping me. 
Lila blinked into the house and I glared up at her, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. 
“What are you?” Luther asked. 
“A bitch,” I choked out. My throat felt like it was closing, but I had to keep my emotions under control. 
“Someone who want’s to kill your brother and his little girlfriend,” She replied nonchalantly. I grabbed my pistol and aimed it at her. 
“Well that’s understandable,” Luther said with a shrug. “Diego can be a lot to handle.”
“She’s talking about Five,” I grumbled, keeping my weapon trained on her as she made her way to Luther.
“Him too,” Luther agreed. “But unfortunately, they’re family, so you’re shit out of luck.” 
Luther went to punch her and she held his fist. I analyzed what she was doing like a Hawk. I couldn’t shoot because that would endanger Luther and I only have six bullets to spare. 
“How is this possible?” Luther grunted out. 
“Gotta believe in yourself big boy,” Lila mocked as she threw him out of the house. Lila glanced at me but decided she needed to deal with the super family before taking on normal me. I let out a breath as I realized what is going on with her. She’s super, she can use people’s powers against them. I went back to the brick pile and started digging for Five once again.
He can’t be dead, I mean he’s Five. Five the smart mouthed bastard who just couldn’t die. He couldn’t. He won’t. Not under my watch. I found blue in the pile and kept moving bricks. Suddenly Five sat up looking around. He looked at me and looked over my entire, for the most part, unhurt being. I helped move more bricks so it would be easier for him to get up. 
“Don’t do that again shit-heel,” I muttered out, once again almost crying. 
He brushed a stray tear away, “I’ll try not to.” We walked over to the opening that Luther left.
“Looking for us?” Five asked shrugging his shoulders slightly. I quickly wiped some blood from his lip as she called him a turd. “Let’s dance.” 
Five blinked and Lila did too. Shit I didn’t tell him that she has powers too. I ran into the house where they started to fight. 
“Five don’t blink!” I shouted but he ignored me as he continued. I fought where I could. Landing a few square punches, her doing the same. She grabbed a pan as Five was still trying to figure out how Lila could do what she could do. Five blinked out of the house, as did Lila and I ran out try and find them. I saw the rest of the Hargreeves out by the red tractor and  ran over to them. 
“Where’s Five?” Diego asked as I panted. 
“I don’t know,” I breathed out. We all decided to go to the barn then, since that could be the only place left. When we got there they were talking about some kill order. Yet all I could focus on was the knife she aimed towards Five. I was about to go in there, or better yet shoot the bitch, but Diego stopped me. 
“She never cared about your parents,” I chimed in entering the barn after getting Diego off of me. “She was looking for you. I was also confused on why she came on that mission with us.” 
Lila looked back at me, confusion and hurt showed on her face, “Why?”
“Cause you’re one of us,” Diego spoke up behind me, patting my shoulder, glad I didn’t immediately kill her. “The Handler stole you Lila, just like our asshole father took all of us.”
“No,” Lila denied. “It’s not the same thing.”
“You’re right,” Diego agreed. “Because he didn’t have our parents murdered. Listen to me Lila. You were born October 1st, 1989, the same day as all of us.”  
“Stay back!” Lila threated as we all were circling her. We backed up defensively as Diego continued to try and calm her down. Luther even joined in to try and gain her trust but she just faked gag.
“All right I tried,” Luther said rolling his eyes. 
“You’re right, we have to kill her,” Five said wildly. I can tell all this stress was going to snap him. Yet I kind of agreed with Five, having someone this unstable with those type of powers was dangerous on the loose. Five and I got closer to her but Diego stopped us.
“Five! Hey Five, (y/n)! Stop,” Diego shouted making us look at him. “I got it.”  Five stopped and so did I, and once again Diego tried to get her to trust us. She looked at us all and I smiled gently, hoping it would ease her into the right decision. Right as it seem like she was going to agree the world seemed to stop. 
Bullets shot into us all and I felt myself gasp as I felt my body become riddled with them. I fell backwards as I continued to gasp for air. My only thought at the moment was Five. I turned my head slowly to look at him and if I could at that moment I would’ve let out a sob. Seeing him riddled with bullets made the pain 10x worse. 
I grabbed his hand weakly as my last thought ran through my head, ‘I love you’.
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luccislegs · 5 years
Hi! Can I get a scenario for Lucci and his girlfriend? After it’s revealed that he is a CP9 agent and she asks him “was our relationship real or it was all fake?”. Happy ending please, this world is already dark and sad as it is. Also you are an amazing writer!
i’m putting the warnings that it’s 2k words, there’s cursing, angst, hurt/comfort, and possible ooc but i tried really, really hard to make him in-character but also still soft for his partner. i really like how this turned out i hope y’all do too.
That night was a blur. 
Your attention was caught between what was going on at Galley-La and setting up for Aqua Laguna, and it made you an erratic, harried, and nervous mess. You were worried for all the people you had become friends with over the last few years, but mostly you were worried for your partner, Lucci. He was one of the strongest foremen on the docks, but whoever was attacking Iceburg was clearly dangerous, and even if you knew he’d be okay, you still worried.
Sleep came in fits and, when you finally woke up the next morning, it was to the news that the attackers hadn’t been the Strawhat Pirates, but Galley-La dockworkers. Your blood turned to ice in your veins as you hurried to the docks, desperate to find Lucci, but most of Dock 1 was empty. Nor could you find the main foremen, or Iceburg. It was via a passing doctor, tending to the injured dock workers, that you got more information. It was the same time you learned that your whole relationship with Lucci was a lie.
You didn’t remember the walk home, and most of the rest of the day was a hazy mix of tears, anger, and betrayal. All of it left you feeling empty and drained, but mostly you were hurt. 
Over the next few weeks, no one knew what to say to you. They couldn’t blame you for being involved with Lucci. He had fooled everyone and no one believed you had been involved in whatever he and his cohorts had done. But condolences didn’t seem right, and there was nothing to forgive, but somehow something had changed and all of you seemed to be dancing around each other like something needed to be said.
After a while, the pain stopped, but you never really stopped hoping he would come back. What he did was awful, and he was a liar and a spy and he murdered people for a living, but even knowing all of that didn’t change how he held you at night or the way he comforted you when you were at your lowest. The way that the foremen and Franky Family made it sound, Lucci was a cold-hearted bastard who didn’t even know what the word love meant, let alone how to love someone. But that wasn’t what your memories said, nor was it what your traitorous heart was telling you. 
It was another one of those nights, where you came into your house and took in the empty space, devoid of the warmth that once made it home, and decided you weren’t going to deal with the myriad of emotions it brought with it. Mentally checking out, you threw your things to the floor, intending to just go to bed, when the creak of a floorboard down the hall stilled you.
Your heart in your throat, you called out, “Who’s there?”
In an instant, a shadow appeared at the end of the hallway, and you fell back with a shriek as Lucci’s towering figure entered the living room. How he moved so fast was beyond you, and you didn’t have time to process escape before he was squatting down in front of you.
He looked a mess. 
There were bandages on his cheek and dark circles under his eyes. His usually sleek and wavy hair was hung limp and dull around his face, which itself looked pale. Gentle hands wrapped around your arms, hauling you to your feet and before you even knew you were standing, you were being embraced. 
Your brain fought to catch up with everything you were seeing and, when it finally did, you broke.
“What the hell, Lucci?” you screamed. Or tried to. Your voice was hoarse with unshed tears, but those too were rapidly beginning to stream down your face. “What are you doing here? If they catch–” 
Why were you worried about them catching him? He deserved to be caught. After everything he did: the attempted murder, the lying, the framing, the deceit. 
He more than deserved it. 
Well, that was what you told yourself, but you never even opened your mouth to yell. 
He really looked like shit, now that you took him in. It was clear he hadn’t been having a good time of it since he left Water 7, and you couldn’t help your curiosity. 
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be celebrating your victory with the rest of the World Government?” you snap, wiggling out of his arms. He didn’t let you go without a fight, but when you slapped his hands away, he let them fall.
“That didn’t go according to plan,” he said, watching you step further away from him. He had to fight the urge to follow you, to engulf you in his arms again. He had missed you more desperately than he had realized, more desperately than he had let anyone else know. Underneath his usual aloof demeanor, he was buzzing with anxiety. 
The World Government had done it’s best to train emotions out of him, but somehow you and you alone had gotten under his skin. He didn’t know if it was your soft kindness, or your confidence, or your soundless acceptance of things life threw at you, but he had fallen for you hard. And he had hoped that in time, maybe you could be coaxed to accept him for what he was.
But the universe hadn’t given him the opportunity.
You scoffed at his words and turned from him, wanting to face anywhere but him. For weeks you had thought about what you would say to him if you saw him again, how you would react. And yet, now that he stood in front of you, you were nowhere near prepared to deal with this, emotionally or mentally, and you could feel the exhaustion just beneath the newly formed headache beating at your temples.
“Yeah? Good. How could you? I mean, Lucci, five years. You’ve been here for five fucking years and that meant nothing to you?” you asked, still holding yourself like you might fall apart if you so much as relaxed. He said nothing, and you sighed, tilting your head as if that would alleviate anything. “If it meant nothing to you, if those friendships you formed– or pretended to form, anyway– meant nothing, why are you here? You clearly don’t give a shit about me–”
That set him off. He would readily admit that there was no lingering affection for anyone else in this backwater island, but he couldn’t even lie to himself about his feelings for you.
“That’s exactly why I’m here. I do care about you, though I don’t suppose you have any reason to believe me. Why else would I come back?” he asked. He could feel anger simmering just beneath the surface, though he wasn’t sure if it was at himself or you. You deserved the world and he had lit it aflame and handed you the ashes, and expected you to accept them as a substitute for the happiness you could have had with someone else. 
 Watching the myriad of emotions flicker across your face was like a slap to the face.
Denial, hope, anger, hurt: all of it was an open book on your face and he read them easily, but you stood fast, even as tears streamed down your face. He hadn’t expected it to be easy, hadn’t expected you to come running back into his arms with happiness. It was only fair that he take your anger, because he had abandoned you without a word and left you to the wolves.
The sigh you expelled was tired, your fingers cramping from the white knuckle grip on your arms as you stared blankly at the wall. It would be so easy to give into him, it was what you wanted to do, but how could you ever trust his words again? Shaking your head, you hunched down into yourself. “I don’t think I can do this, Lucci. Three years is a long time to lie, three years is a long time to lie and then attempt an assassination and then come back and ask me to forgive you.”
Your words were barely a whisper, but Lucci caught them all to easily. He could also hear the hesitation in your voice, and he wasn’t above using it to his advantage. “_____, would you have believed me if I told you? Would you have accepted it?” He cupped your face gently and lifted your head so he could look you in the eyes. His words weren’t what you wanted to hear, but you talked about honesty, and that’s what he was doing. He was being honest. “I couldn’t trust you to keep my secret. But don’t think I didn’t feel anything for you. Don’t think I don’t feel anything for you.”
Your head was beginning to swim from an uncomfortable mix of too many emotions and too much crying. His hands were warm and real on your face, comforting you. You hadn’t even realized you were cold. 
His words stung, but they were true. You understood the need for secrecy. His job demanded it. But were you willing to accept it? Could you really be with him if that’s how it was always going to be? And what about the residents of Water 7? How could you look them in the eyes when you were sheltering the very person that had almost turned their lives upside down? Your life upside down?
But that was the thing, wasn’t it? He had turned your life upside down in so many different ways, entwined his life with yours that detangling the threads would require scissors, and you weren’t sure you wanted that. Your memories with him weren’t wrong, weren’t bad, and certainly didn’t reflect the assassin he apparently was. 
“Which is the real you, Lucci? Can you tell me that?” you asked, voice barely above a whisper. Surrounded by him, the faded scent of cologne still lingering on his crumpled suit and filling your overwhelmed mind, it was too easy to fall into his charms again.
He paused, still staring at you with those soul-piercing silver eyes as he thought about his answer. Who he is is not who is with you, and he wonders if you’ll believe that. It’s the truth, whether you do or not, and when he tells you he can see that flicker of hope again in your tired eyes.
Maybe, if you were a stronger, less selfish person, you would resist, tell him to get lost and take the time to move on. But you were none of those things, and you didn’t have the power to resist the familiar comfort of his callused hands on your skin, or the soft warmth with which he was looking at you.
Tears spilled over and gathered against his fingers, and he could see the fight leave you just before you curled yourself into his embrace. He welcomed you, relished the familiar feeling, the only person he’s ever allowed so close to him, in more ways than one. Twenty years he’d gone without needing the touch of another person, but somehow you not only wormed your way under his skin, but planted yourself there, making him crave the intimacy.
He wasn’t going to promise you that he would never lie to you again, would not entertain the notion that things would go smoothly or perfectly or on forever, but he wasn’t concerned with the future this time.
Just you, in his arms, for however long he could hold you.
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Mu-sick or Muse-ic (The Musician and The Athlete)
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This prompt is for @ssaintsuppapong​ who originally made the post about a wlw ROM-COM that I fell in love with the idea of, all credit goes to them for this idea, and for @romanceismycallingcard​ who I found the post from on their page and who also replied to be a supporting character. 
After what seems like a decade, it’s finally here! Mu-sick or Muse-ic (a play on words) is about Amelia and Julia, the female jock and the musician who were once friends before they went to college. After a chance encounter on campus due to someone bothering Julia, they begin to fall in love all over again. This scene is a glimpse into a part of their life as a couple.
I swear I can go on a whole writing spree for this idea with a whole plot, backstory, everything omg
I created random names for the main characters and even the roommate character. I added one character into the plot from my own imagination but I hope you guys like it, this is my first posted prompt on here!!
Word count: a little over 1.8k (it became 4 pages long from one idea..how lol)
Genre: Girls love, friends to lovers, romance/comedy
Warning: some swear words, slight violence, angsty at the beginning but it ended up becoming soft fluff
Enjoy! ~ Hoshi
As Amelia hastily made her way to the lockers, she could see the outline of two people against the wall. Her girlfriend’s bag and the recognizable guitar case covered in stickers Julia usually carried were resting at their feet. 
Amelia looked forward to seeing that distinct case making its way towards her at their lunch period when they would meet. 
Now, with a curious look stuck on her face, Amelia made her way silently and warily towards the two, coming to stand behind the clearly pushed together figures.
It was Aaron hovering over Julia, caging her between his arms, his face pressed to Julia’s while she seemed to cower in between him. 
A pang shot through Amelia’s heart. 
She shook her head in disbelief, a snarl making its way to her lips as she lunged forward and threw him off of the girl she was infatuated with. 
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing,” Amelia growled out, fists balled and chest rising rapidly. 
She could feel her body temperature sky rocketing, though she wasn’t sure if it was the adrenaline from the soccer game she just won or the anger coursing through her veins at this scene. 
A small squeak of a voice, seemingly calm, came out from behind her trying to explain, but Amelia quickly shot a knowing look over her shoulder and turned back to the boy who stood smugly with a smirk upon his lips in front of her.
“I figured she should try something from a real man, so I kissed her,” Aaron said with a shrug, looking cocky with his hands now in his pockets, chest puffed a little. 
With a solid punch to the face, his resolve was wiped clean, a small trail of blood came from his mouth now as he stared up at the two girls. 
Ready to say some other snarky remark, he opened his mouth but was instantly cut off, “Say something again and this time I’ll make sure I knock you out,” Amelia said with her jaw clenched and eyes slightly narrowed.
She wasn’t one to become angry without a cause.
Aaron widened his eyes and quickly wiped the blood off his lips, standing up and hastily grabbing his bag before he made his way around Amelia who was already shielding Julia behind her larger frame. 
To say she was pissed off was an under exaggeration, she was more than livid and overly protective. After everything her and Julia had been through to be in this relationship, this was the breaking point.
Her own resolve was breaking as she turned to look at the girl who held her heart in her hands.
Her hands began to shake, and hot tears lightly traced their way down her cheeks. She wiped her hands down her face, hiding the tears and the fact this broke her to her core because she didn’t want to make matters worse. 
With a broken sigh, she looked up at Julia who had her lips slightly parted, waiting to say something, but nothing came out. 
Flicking her tongue over her canine tooth, a trait Julia came to love in its own way, Amelia then went forward and grabbed her girlfriend’s bag and case in one hand while locking her other hand tightly around Julia’s wrist and pulling (more like dragging) her away. 
The normally bubbly female jock was no longer bubbly, desperate for answers and feeling the pull of despair, she let go of her girlfriend’s arm once they got into the locker rooms.
 Amelia could tell she dropped Julia’s arm more forcefully than she should have by the hurt look on the quiet and usually broody girls face. If only she was back in her dorm with her amusing roommate, Jenny, to watch her freak-out and pin over her crush that was also a mutual friend of the trios… it would be so much better. 
“Please don’t believe him..” Julia spoke out softly, snapping Amelia out of her thoughts to look up at the smaller girl before her. 
Julia was chewing on her bottom lip with her eyes lowered to the ground where her bag and case were gently placed, Amelia could see she was feeling uneasy and hurt too.
“Baby.. I.. I don’t,” Amelia paused, gently reaching to grab Julia’s hands in her own, “I trust you… just tell me what happened,” She finished before she glanced behind her, deciding to sit on the metal bench when the exhaustion hit her. 
She lightly moved Julia toward the bench, letting go of one of her hands to pat the space next to her, her demeanor changing to one that was soft and loving; her usual bubbly self was coming back a little. Julia flattened her skirt with her free hand before she sat down, immediately leaning into Amelia and turning to look at her with those doe eyes.
“You know Aaron has always been bothering me,” Julia mumbled, rolling her eyes and looking down with a small pout set upon her cute lips; it made Amelia lightly scoff with a small smile tugging at the corners of her own lips.
 Looking back on it, Aaron had made it possible for them to come together again and create a blooming love. If he hadn’t of bothered Julia that one autumn day and made her bump into Amelia, who knows what could have happened.
 Amelia still remembers it like it was yesterday, seeing Julia with her hair in loose wavy curls, eyes wide and clutching her music sheets as she looked up at Amelia from within her arms, the proximity of their faces close enough to have caused both of them to momentarily stop breathing; it was a moment she treasured dearly. 
Their eyes locked at the recollection of the memory that caused them to talk again, soft features developed upon their expressions as they looked at one another. 
“Guess I should thank that asshole then…eventually…in my own way…maybe with another punch to the face…” Amelia joked as she slightly nudged Julia who was already pressed to her side. 
After a moment, Amelia untangled one of their hands, shifting slightly to lay her hand upon Julia’s cheek, caressing it with her thumb. It was simply the small signs of affection they both loved and craved for. 
Amelia was creating time, waiting patiently like she always had. Julia knew it, leaning in to only go back to staring intently at her significant other. 
“I was waiting for you in that little corner in the hallway by the lockers where we always meet after your games and I ran into him… it felt like he was almost there on purpose,” Julia said with a perplexed look, shaking her head a little, “he tried saying something to me but I actually stood my ground against him this time, told him I was meeting up with you any minute and that I had no time to be involved in his antics. He seemed to look off when I said that and then in the next second he boxed me into that wall before.. kissing me,” Julia finished, her voice becoming quieter at the end as she now concentrated on the entangled hands resting between them while scrunching her nose in disgust at the fact it happened only about 30 mins ago. 
“He has a major problem with taking no as an answer… and it seems like he saw me coming,” Amelia glowered, “he’s always trying to steal my girl,” She finished with a playful pout upon her face as she dramatically turned her head to look out into the distance. 
Julia’s soft chuckle echoed throughout the locker room, instantly causing Amelia to smile widely at the honey sound and turn back to brightly take in her love’s beauty. 
Hands still intertwined, Amelia raised them to place a gentle kiss on each of Julia’s hands, delicately looking up before gently moving closer to Julia’s face. 
As soon as their faces met, Amelia slowly closed her eyes and gently rubbed their noses together; Eskimo kisses, an unspoken form of love she only loved to do with Julia. 
When she opened her eyes, she noticed the blush dancing prominently on Julia’s cheeks as she tried to contain her sweet smile, her eyes already in the crescents from how hard she was smiling.
Taking in this precious moment, Amelia leaned in for a kiss. It was a long kiss, lips pressed against each other softly, savoring the sweetness and warmth of the other’s lips. 
Though, Julia’s lips were a bit rougher since she had the habit of nervously bit/chewing on them, it still made Amelia’s heart flutter whenever they were pressed against hers. 
After another minute, Julia pulled away first, squeezing Amelia’s hands for split second before letting them go gently. The moment ending before it could delve into something further.
Both out of breath from the time they stayed like that, the two girls looked at each other longingly before Amelia said, “Come back to the dorm with me.” 
This made Julia blush harder, looking from her girlfriend’s lips to her eyes, “What did you just say..” She replied breathlessly. 
“I won the soccer game for you, but you didn’t see it because of jerk wad.” Amelia replied smugly, inching closer to Julia as she backed away to the edge of the bench before standing up abruptly, skirt swaying quickly in the process. 
With a light cough to control herself, Julia looked anywhere but her girlfriend who was eyeing her up in amusement at her reaction. 
Standing up, Amelia walked over to Julia’s bag before swinging it onto her back with the guitar case going right over it. Turning back to the girl who was trying to stand causally against one of the lockers, Amelia strode over and picked Julia up into her arms, shocking her and making her hold tightly onto her lover. 
“I..” Julia stuttered out while wide eyed, heart beating loudly.
“Shh, it’s okay, my prize is a night in watching movies with you in our room while we order food and try not to wake Jenny… though she’ll probably join us from her late-night nap anyway,” Amelia said with a quick peck to Julia’s lips, beginning to walk out of the locker room carrying the person she loved more than anything close to her chest. 
Julia only looked up at the girl who made her realize what love was in awe as she felt Amelia begin to jog their way out to the dorms. 
“You forgot your change of clothes just so you could show off, really…” Julia snickered as she rolled her eyes lightly before holding onto Amelia tighter, causing Amelia to laugh loudly. 
“I have more important things to take care of and besides, it’s Saturday tomorrow,” She said sticking out her tongue while looking at Julia before she continued to focus on jogging back to their room. 
As their bickering and laughs resounded throughout the neighborhood, this night was made into a memory that will never be forgotten.
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anon-luv · 7 years
I’ll Never Be Her (JiminXReader) Pt.2
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Pairing: Jimin X Reader
Genre: Angst/ Romance
Summary: You loved him with all your heart, but he could only give you half of his.
Jimin was the love of your life, your night in shining armor when she wasn’t around.
She was his ex girlfriend,  his first love, actually she was his many firsts and she kept coming back.
He had warned you she was his weakness, but you didn’t listen, because to you having him even if it was only partially was better than not having him at all.
At least for now.
Rated M: Sexual Scenes and Languages that might not be appropriate for all ages.
Word Count: 10.8K+
Author’s Note: SORRY I TOOK SO LONG!!! I have been working a lot, and to be honest I did not expect this chapter to come out so long.  I hope you guys enjoy the second part as much as you did the first. I hope it meets expectations. I am so thankful for all your beautiful messages and feedback. Keep sending them my way!! Only one more part to this fic!! Let me know what you think lovelys.
Also to  be honest when you all message me or like the story and stuff it encourages me to write lol. I LOVE ANONS hahaha
Minor Grammar mistakes possible(I am half asleep sorry !!) . I will edit more if needed.
I am so nervous to post this haha. LEAVE SOME LOVE!
You had heard rumors about the unmistakable pain that comes from that forsaken condition. The boundaries between the mental and physical pain blurred as your body weakens from the instability of emotions.
It had been a week. Just seven days, yet your whole being was already giving up on you. Your soul’s withdrawal from Jimin cursing you into a hellhole.
The nausea came in waves as you laid upon the bed you had barely had the energy to come out from. The dizziness that magnified everytime you closed your eyes, creating a similar effect as if you were stuck in the middle of the ocean on a wooden raft as a hurricane blew with category 5 winds.
Drunk you were not, actually, the mere thought of the bitter taste of it sent you right back to the toilet you had been practically glued on for the past four days.
“You need to eat something,” Jin said as he placed a bowl next to your temporary bed, “I brought you some chicken broth and saltine crackers”
“Thank you, but I think I should just go back to sleep” you replied weakly as you attempted to shoo him away with your hand.
“Stop being so bloody stubborn.” he replied ripping away the blankets now sending your body into a shock from the coldness in the room, “You need to eat. Going to work and coming home to head straight to bed is not healthy. I am worried. Please.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “Fine”
The warmth of the bowl felt amazing against your skin, you took a spoonful and smiled his way “Thank you Jin”
He smiled sadly at you, “You are welcome. I really do think you need to talk to Jimin though, he is hurting too (y/n). I went to go see him yesterday, he is not doing too well”
“Well neither am I, but I couldn’t stand by and watch any longer,” you said as tears once again spilled over your now hollowed cheeks.
“(y/n), stop stop, I am done talking. I don’t want to see you hurting. You were smiling a second ago, if I didn’t know any better I would assume you were pregnant” he said trying to make a small joke out of the situation.
Your eyes widened. Pregnant. The color drained from your face as a bit of bile rose up again from your throat. You swallowed. Jin’s clueless expression changed to one of equal horror as it clicked that just might be the reason you have been so sick lately as he saw your quick change in demeanor.
You set down the bowl and placed it beside you as you reached out for your cell phone.
38 unread messages and 27 missed calls. All from Jimin. He had been trying to reach you nonstop, but at this moment that did not matter. For the first time since you left you didn’t stop and linger on whether to respond back to his messages or not.
The calendar app was of more importance. You scrolled over through the dates, your last menstrual cycle was 2 months ago….all the commotion in your life leaving you no time to worry about mother nature and her monthly visits.
Jin peaked over your shoulder, “You know google says stress can sometimes mess around with your ...you know….thing”
You smiled weakly at him...stress….”Yes, it might just be stressed. I probably just need more sleep”
The room was silent after that, Jin had excused himself, quite uncomfortably, leaving you behind to your own thoughts to go get groceries. You laid down once again not trying to overthink the situation at hand, maybe you were just a bit late.
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  Flashback 2 years and 4 months ago
 “It is on the house,” the broad-shouldered man said winking your way.
 “Oh, Thank you,” you said shyly, you were not used to getting attention from the opposite sex, especially this early. The sun hadn't even peaked out of the horizon and you were already making your way towards class. Morning lectures were not your favorite, but your procrastination had landed you in the only vacant spot in the last subject you needed to graduate, and much to your luck it was at 7:00 am.
 “Call me Jin my name is Seokjin, but don't thank me, pretty girl. That fellow over there with the weird orange hair is the one you should thank” he said as he leveled himself with you and pointed towards a two-seater table where a lone boy had his head completely buried in a book. Said boy didn’t look affected by your presence at all, actually he seemed rather absorbed in the pages he flipped through every couple seconds.
Jin was quite tall and upon closer inspection very handsome making you a stuttering mess, “ Yeah...yeah I’ll say thanks, I guess…” you said not wanting to be rude.
Jin winked at you as you made your way over to the orange hair man, and subconsciously formulating a conversation that would be short and to the point, that would include a good enough side comment sounding grateful for his act of kindness with an attached rejection if he had any ulterior motives. As you approached you noted he looked quite disheveled and in his hand was a neon yellow highlighter.
He looked like he was studying, but upon closer inspection, you realized his book looked more like a coloring book if anything with the amount of bright yellow markings and underlined text.
“You do know the purpose of that thing in your hand is to highlight only the imperative parts right??” You said making the man jump a bit in his seat  Your deep morning voice making it sound more like a rude statement rather than the playful teasing one you were aiming for.
“Excuse me??” He said looking up at you a bit caught off guard by your sudden presence.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so…..ugly and stuff….but like my voice in the morning does this thing where it sounds like an old man going through puberty all over again….and I meant it just in a teasing kinda way. My name is (y/n) by the way... I am sorry I tend to blabber, stutter, and make a complete idiot out of myself when I get nervous" you said as you dried your sweaty hand on your pants and then put it out there for him to shake.
He looked up with an amused glint in his eye, and then a smile made his way to his features completely dazzling you, "Jimin, nice to meet you, and don't worry about it. To be honest, that is quite cute. Why don't you take a seat??"
You looked at the empty seat in front of Jimin, debating whether seating down for a few minutes would be a good idea. You still had an hour to class, and Jimin's eye smile looked more inviting than chocolate cake, "Okay, I guess only for a little. Thank you....for the coffee and stuff"
"The coffee??" he asked looking clearly confused.
"Yeah, your friend over there said to thank you...wait....you didn't …” you said your eyes now wide with embarrassment as your cheeks tinted pink.
Jimin shook his head looking quite flustered himself, “I did not, but I mean…. I wish I could’ve??” he stated more like a question than a statement.
You both turned around to look at Jin who had been cleaning the same table for over 5 minutes now.
“I am sorry. He was probably just trying..He thinks I should you know….He likes to call himself Cupid”, Jimin said as he nervously scratched the back of his head.
You laughed out loud at the shyness of the boy, it was not his fault yet here he was turning redder than a tomato in front of you, “Don’t be shy, I am a gullible person it can happen to the best of us, and look at this we made ourselves a new friend right??”
Jimin nodded sending your way another one of his breathtaking smiles, ‘Are you always this positive??”
You shook your head rapidly, “Nope, especially this early in the morning, but today feels like a good day”
“Yep, it would be even better if I could actually retain any of this,” he said looking a bit frustrated at the notes in front of him.
You eyes his paper once again, and smiled brightly at him taking out your spiral notebook, “I told you it feels like a good day. Here you go, the notes are there, highlighted in different colors by categories”
“You are taking Advanced Literature too??” he asked as he excitedly skimmed through your notes.
“Yes, I am in the 4pm lecture,” you said smiling at the enthusiastic boy in front of you.
“Me too!! I haven’t seen you there, but then again there is like 200 students in the lecture hall at the same time. I feel awful for procrastinating on my studying for the test today” he said now looking completely devastated.
Seeing him slightly pout making your heart tug a bit, “How about I stay with you here and help you study?? I need the review anyway”
“Are you sure?? I don’t want to impose” he replied as he took a sip of the coffee and the cringing a bit making him look a hundred times cuter.
You took a moment to observe the man in front of you and before your mind could speak your heart did, “I am sure, plus whether it was indirectly or not you did hook it up with free coffee”
This had been the first time you ditched a class willingly, and you waited for the guilt to kick in making you overthink all the important notes you could’ve taken, but as you sat with Jimin giggling at his cute jokes, and talking about anything but the course material you realised it had been worth it.
“So, we should probably start heading out,” you said looking at your watch which indicated that it was almost 3:15 and you both had 30 minutes to get to class.
“Yeah, we should. Let me pay first” he replied running to the counter where Jin still eyed the both of you with a glint in his eye.
Jimin paced fast back to start picking up his scattered notes when you noticed Jin looking quite annoyed behind him.
You were about to question if everything was all right, but he beat you to the punch.
“Okay now, Adults you have been together for hours, and I have been patiently waiting for a phone number exchange if anything. So far all I have seen are awkward blushes, and lame ass flirty jokes, so can you all just you know write each other's number down so I can have peace.
Jimin’s face paled at the forwardness of his friend, you, on the contrary, felt quite bad for the position the boy had been put in.
“Just to let you know, we were about to leave together for class, and then I was going to ask him if he wanted to have dinner with me, thank you very much. I do not need a relationship guru for your information” you said sounding more confident than you were.
“Woah Jimin, this girl has balls and bites. I like her….Keep her” Jin said walking away leaving the both of you dumbfounded.
Jimin reacted quicker than you this time to put all the stuff inside his bag. You both walked quietly out of the cafe, but as soon as the door closed Jimin’s cheeky smile bloomed in your direction, “So, Dinner??”
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 To say you overslept would be an understatement. The swelling along with the comforter’s red marks across your face was a clear giveaway.
You had tossed and turned for 30 minutes after Jin left, but dreamland was no longer accepting your admission.You rubbed your eyes roughly trying to ease the frustration of having to face the day with the constant thoughts in your brain running at about a thousand miles per hour. Why were you never good enough??
The reflection in the mirror had never been your best friend, you can’t count the hours you had spent from a very young age picking out flaws and finding a way to camouflage them. Most of the time your laziness won over your vanity, and that was one thing Jimin said he loved about you.
At closer inspection, you noted how much thinner your cheeks looked from a while back, along with the dark circles that framed your eyes, that despite your endless amount of sleep were more prominent than ever.
The hair that fell down in an unarranged manner from your head in a less than perfect way had always been your early morning biggest fight. Threading your fingers along the chaos to at least make yourself look more decent had proven to be a complete failure. Maybe, if your hair magically fell upon your shoulders like a yellow waterfall like Stephany things would have been different. Your self-image was poor, and you had never been one to accept a compliment gracefully from Jimin. Your put downs had become a self-defense mechanism, something Jimin always frowned upon, always answering back with a compliment that would blow you to the moon.
Attention seeker, that is what Jin had addressed your condition, but Jimin always knew better. He had seen you at your lowest when the tears fell down your face with frustration when your pants wouldn’t close and you had spent 4 hours non stop at the gym. Jimin had accepted you, and tried holding your hand through every episode of your lack of confidence.
Jimin had made you feel loved and cared for, but you had become selfish. The praise words that he whispered in your ears through the night as you both made love were screamed out loud for the world to hear about Stephany. He was not shy about the admiration for her, whereas with you he was more reserved. She was a goddess in his eyes. You could see it every time she talked and his tunnel vision focused on only her. Everything she did was compared to whatever lame attempt you could. One-upping her was out of the question for at the very moment your eyes landed on her you knew there was no competition. She had won a long time ago hands down.
What hurt the most was the fact that you didn’t have the courage to put up a  fight. Just like with everything else about JImin you had accepted her with arms wide open. She was a part of him whether you liked it or not.
Your hand traveled along your body to your bloated stomach. You had noticed a bit of cramping, but you never really paid much attention to it. You had been only craving crispy tacos with extra cheese this past week and had relentlessly blamed your fat ass for the now protruding muffin top. You caressed the top of it softly wondering if there was a little bean there like Jin had suggested. Just thinking of a mini Jimin running around calling you mom brought a smile to your face. Then reality hits and you are left feeling more alone than ever. Jimin and you were no longer. You had walked away. Had that been the right thing to do?? Yes. It had been. Even if it was the most painful thing you have had to endure in life you knew that you did not deserve being runner-up, you wanted to be someone’s one and only.
A knock on the door snapped you back to the present.
“(Y/N), I brought you something….. Are you okay in there??” Jin said from behind the door sounding concerned.
“I am all right, just give me a sec,” you said pulling down the shirt that had ridden up with the buddha rubbing you had been doing previously.
You cracked the door open for Jin to walk in.
“Did you vomit again??” he asked as he inspected his surroundings.
“Nope, just slight tummy discomfort, but so far the soup has been staying down” you replied as you gave him a thankful smile.
You had not paid close attention when he had come into the restroom, but now the plastic bag in his hand had been put up in the counter along with a jug of orange juice.
Jin’s face had turned crimson as you could see his eyes traveling from the objects to you looking a bit troubled.
“Spit it out Jinjin” you said eyeing his unusual flustered self.
“I saw this in that Juno Movie, and well...yeah,” he said as he started backing away out the door leaving you alone with the unknown items. With peaked interest, you looked inside the bag finding over 12 pregnancy tests from various brands.
“Wonderful” you whispered to yourself, “it isn't going to kill me to at least take one to have a peace of mind”
You chugged half a gallon of orange juice before your bladder had decided to cooperate with the task at hand. You pulled down your pants quickly, the sudden urge to pee becoming overwhelming. You quickly grabbed the two prepped sticks and peed on one and then quickly grabbed the other, and much to your surprise you were able to get both without getting any urine on your hand.
“Score!” You scram a bit louder than anticipated as you placed both sticks on the countertop.
Before you knew it, Jin’s head was popping in through the door looking quite panicked.
“What happened?!!” He said not really grasping the concept of privacy in the bathroom.
“Seokjin OUT!!” you scram causing him to realize his mistake.
He hurriedly closed the door as he repeatedly said “sorry” from the other side.
You giggled at his goofiness and once you were wiped clean and with your pants up, you let him in.
He paced in circles while you sat on the toilet seat tapping your foot anxiously as the minutes ticked by. For once in your two-year long friendship, you were both quiet. The phone timer beeped letting you know it was time. Jin held your hand as support as you nervously picked up one of the tests.
Jin’s arms were around you instantly “You are strong, independent, and full of life. Whether he saw it or not is not what matters, what truly matters is if you can see it. I will be there for you no matter what you choose. He is my best friend, but I know what an idiot he can be.” Tears fell from your eyes and Jin was quick to wipe them away, “It is a blessing and a curse to feel stuff so deeply. Chin up Girl, I got your back.”
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 The clinic was way too cold for the short thin robe they had given you. The smell of disinfectant burned your nostrils, making the place feel even more intimidating. Other than the white monotonous walls, there were images plastered all over the walls showing the female reproductive system in different angles making you sick to your stomach. A diagram showing the various stages of birthing in a 3d model making you tremble with utter fear from the upcoming physical pain and changes your body would have to endure, and sadly you would have to go through it all on your own.
The door opened and a tall tan man came in looking quite handsome making you quickly scramble up from the previous open legged position the doctor’s assistant had placed you in. Your face quickly turning a dark shade of red.
The doctor smiled trying to make you feel a bit more comfortable with the current situation, but his rectangular grin only making you more self-aware about the exams that were to come.
“Hello Ms. Y/N, we need to run a few tests this evening to make sure everything is going well. My name is Dr. Kim. Can you please lay down for me and make yourself comfortable, we will be doing a sonogram to figure out how far along you are today”
You only nodded, not really sure how to respond with words.
“Would you like for me to call your partner in for the sono??” he asked innocently. You assumed the nurse had told him you had been accompanied by a man.
“No, it’s okay that’s my friend Jin, the father is not…..in the picture,” you said trying to sound unaffected yet you could still hear the sorrow in your voice as you said those words.
Dr.Kim looked apologetic, “I am sorry, I didn’t know…”
“Don’t worry about it, There was no way you could’ve known. I mean I didn’t see it coming and I was with the guy for two years” you said catching the doctor a bit off guard, “Sorry sorry, too much info”
Dr.Kim just threw another of his rectangular smiles your way, “ My turn to say Don’t worry about it, or him from what I have concluded in that one sentence. How about we get on with it. This gel might be a little cold ok?”
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 You had been in a few dates with Jimin, and to be quite honest you had not expected yourself to be so drawn to such a character. He was clumsy, a bit disorganized, and he liked to be in control of the situations around him. He swept you off your feet so easily that once you had let him into your world he had conquered every corner with his eyesmile.
“So tell me again, what was your legit very first relationship?? You have this whole player vibe going on” you said drawing your words a little as the consumed wine started overpowering the blood in your veins, making the world around you a bit hazy.
“Me player?? Are you sure you are not talking about Jin?? To be quite honest, the only serious relationship I have had is when I dated my best childhood friend back in high school for like what seemed like forever...we keep in touch and stuff but she has her own family now” he said with eyes half-lidded obviously already affected from the alcohol as well “Her husband can be quite an asshole at times, but I can tell he loves her….I mean who wouldn’t love her”
“Sounds like you might still be whipped,” you said as you pretended to have a whip in your hand.
“Nahh not whipped, but she still gets to me at times you know…..” he said taking a large gulp of his wine glass leaving it empty.
He picked up the almost empty bottle and refilled his glass along with yours.
You stayed quiet inspecting his facial features. Jimin was very handsome with very pronounced cheekbones and chocolate eyes you could melt right into.You wanted to bite his neck and mark him as yours, but the fear of moving too fast and scaring him away kept you at bay.
The bluntness from the liquid courage you had allowed yourself to drown in kept making words spill out of your mouth like projectile vomiting, “Well, how many times have you had the privilege of falling in love??”
Jimin gave you a knowing side smirk. He knew you wanted him whether you were intoxicated or not. Drunk Jimin was a lot more carefree, you could tell just by the way he sat down with his legs wide open while his arm casually folded behind his head emphasizing his muscular arms. He raised a teasing eyebrow, “The smart question to ask would be, have you ever fallen out of love?? Falling out of love is harder than falling in love”
You took a sip of the remaining wine in your glass as you attempted to smirk back, “Ok then, Have you ever fallen out of love??”
He shook his head, “Nope” he said over popping his p.
“A smart girl would take that as a warning and back off immediately,” you said as you stood up slowly, His eyes traveled along with your figure as you made your way towards him. His figure looked relax against your black leather couch, and the temptation that had been building up along with your drunk promiscuity giving you the extra push of bravery to sit upon his well-defined thigh. You saw his eyes widen with surprise as you leaned even more forward pressing your ass directly upon his hardening bulge causing a smile of confidence to erupt on your face. You leaned in slowly toward his ear, close enough to surely graze it with every word that came out of your mouth, your hot breath tickling his skin causing goosebumps to arise, “Much to your luck, I am one of the smart ones that likes taking risks”
His eyes met yours, and before you knew it his lips were smashed against yours as his hands made their way to your waist as he gripped onto it for dear life. His nails digging with need and want as your figure rocked back and forth on his thigh hoping to ease the burning ache in your core.
His mouth left yours trailing open mouth kisses towards your hairline that bordered your ear, his hot breath now fanning the sensitive skin on your neck “Well aren’t I one lucky son of a bitch”
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  A repeating static thump snapped you back to reality as your eyes glued themselves to the monitor that currently displayed what appeared to be circles and squiggles. Your eyebrows furrowed confused at the image, completely frightened that something might be wrong. Dr. Kim wiggled the wand he had placed in your stomach a little more and then the image switched into two unequal looking circles along with what looked like a jellybean. The thumping grew faster along with something that sounded like an echo.
A smile appeared automatically upon your face, “Is that my baby??”
Dr. Kim rectangular grin appeared lighting up the whole room with his cheerfulness, “Actually, those are your babies.”
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  The dim light of the last rays of sun lit the way back to the place your feet had unconsciously dragged you several times before, but this time it was different. You knew where you were going. You knew you wanted to go back to him. After you had gotten a copy of your twins’ sonograms you had run out of the clinic without thinking about any repercussions. You needed him, now more than ever. A naive and hopeful part of you hoping that the growing miracles in your belly would light up a purpose in his heart to move on from what had been and run forward to embrace you and his future little family. You could already picture babies with his eyes and smile, they were going to be beautiful.  The chill in the air was dropping as the dew from the evening now pricked upon the skin on your face. The big hoodie that had once been his engulfing your frame, his scent still lingering strongly on the fabric warming you up in more ways than one way.
Your brain was still debating with your heart whether this was the right thing to do or not, but as your hand grazed the film paper on the pocket of the baggy hoodie your heart gained points only causing your feet to go on forward faster. The urge to jump into his arms and kiss his soft plump pink lips the reward you were looking forward to at the end of this journey.
Your goal was at arm’s reach. The park you had visited on several occasions during your evening walks and Nataly’s countless of visits was now in plain view. The grass looked greener than last time you had walked along this path.
The sound of a familiar giggle stopped you right on your tracks, the tree that had served as a shadow during the sizzling summer days serving now as a camouflage in order to scratch the itch of curiosity. The hoodie now covering your hair as you positioned your body to fit properly behind the tree so you wouldn’t be spotted.
Your eyes sought the source of the laugh that had triggered the uneasiness that was now clouding your previous judgment.
“You are it JIMIN!” you heard a high-pitched voice scream freezing you in place. Your heart shattering once again as you saw Jimin’s figure run around to the front of the slide as Stephany with Nataly in her lap made her way down the yellow trail only to be tackled by a careful soft hug from the man you had previously been running to. Your brain was now trying to take over your actions imploring you to go back to Jin’s and forget this stupid decision, but your masochistic stubborn heart prohibiting you to walk away. Jimin’s grin was bright, the happiness that radiated off of him as he twirled the little girl in circles as she giggled cutely. He was happy. That is all that should matter right?? He had moved on. You had been resenting him for not letting go of Stephany yet here you were holding on to him with a death grip. Missing him to you came like waves, and most of the days you felt like you were drowning. Some egotistical part of you was hoping to walk into a scene like the one Jin had painted of him suffering as if he was in the deepest level of hell without you.
That was not the case.
He was happy.
He was happy without you.
You were going to have to learn how to be happy without him as well.
You needed to be happy if not for you for the 4 little feet that will follow your footsteps in this life.
It was time to let Jimin go.
Once more you turned your back on the man you loved, but this time you had company. Rubbing your slightly swollen belly you took the first step towards your future without Jimin in it.
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  Preggo pops were the best invention created by man, whoever said electricity or the internet had obviously never been pregnant. You had declared yourself an addict after Jin had given up on his so-called “home remedies” and caved in on buying some in the pharmacy on the way home. The days had seemed to fly by as you were consumed between work, finding a new apartment, and reading parenthood books Jin had been bringing home.
Jimin kept calling. Every day you’d wake up you would seek your phone to find missed calls and texts. There was an unknown fear within you that one day you would wake up to nothing. As much as you wanted to walk away from what had been Park Jimin you hated the idea of him moving on. The small part of him that you had claimed as yours was something you were not quite ready to give up. Those mornings you had spent in bed under the blankets kissing his face all over until you were blessed by his brown irises was one of many memories you visited at times where loneliness sneaked up on you. It had been one month, and even though the addiction of having him next to you was way long from over, you had found ways to deviate the cravings from his voice….his kisses….his hugs.
“Yellow’ Jin said as he begged once again for you to accompany him to the baby store, you hadn’t even found out the sex of the babies yet he had already gone to more than one shopping spree for nursery items, “We can get yellow neutral clothes please (y/n)” he said giving you puppy eyes with a lovely pout as an add-on.
“Fine, but as soon as I see you buy something overly glittery I am walking out of the store” you replied as you grabbed your bag. Your already small protruding belly forming a cute small bump. You were 16 weeks today. It was 4 weeks ago that you had been told you were pregnant and Jin had scolded you relentlessly due to your lack of self-awareness for going so far along with the pregnancy and not knowing about it. Prenatal vitamins and birthing books were dumped in your bed the night you had found out, a complimentary gift from your temporary roommate. He had been trying to hold conversations with your belly as well stating that his nephews/nieces need to be accustomed to his voice before birth so it can facilitate the situation if he ever were to babysit on his own.
“Also, your birthing classes start tomorrow at 8am, I know you hate mornings, but they were the cheapest ones I could find” he said practically dragging you into the store that had a giant pacifier as a logo, “We have 30 minutes to shop before we have to take off to your appointment. I am so excited to find out whether you are having dudes or dudettes”
“Jin they might not even be able to tell me the sex yet, it all depends on the positioning of the baby,” you said as you browsed through the ducky onesies on the sales rack.
“I am pretty sure they will not be shy about it and just flash the sonogram camera thing whether they have a peepee or not. I mean their father is Park Jimin, and that man barely freaking puts on a shirt and let me not get started on those tight motherfucking pants…...they leave nothing to the imagination.”
The mention of Jimin’s name forming a sour taste in your mouth, the sudden urge to ball your eyes smacking you like a freight train. Jin’s face distorted as he realized his mistake.
“No no no no no, sorry (y/n) please don’t cry….I will buy you ice cream after the appointment,” he replied trying to bribe you.
The cravings for sweet cheesecake with strawberries ice cream shooing away your urge to cry, “Fine but I get two scoops”
Jin just nodded as he put a comforting arm around your frame urging you towards the next aisle, both of you completely clueless of the set of brown eyes that have followed you both along since you entered the store.
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 The fantasy that had been engraved in your head from a very young age of the future was modeled after a Disney movie. The house, job, family, and happy ending with everything and prince charming in real life was a mere figment of what society liked to claim as the norm. You tried to convince yourself over and over again that you could do this on your own, but in the mornings where your stomach decided to act up and take you straight to the toilet, you wished Jimin was right beside you holding your hair back as he would rub your back tenderly to soothe your burning esophagus. The one-sided pep talks you gave yourself had become a daily routine, and as your stomach grew the monotony of it had you desperately clinging onto your pillow screaming out your frustrations hoping Jin wouldn't be a witness of the mess that was you.
Your palms were sweaty with anticipation as you waited for Dr.Kim to come in. Jin had decided to stay outside claiming he was not very fond of medical offices. The door opened and an already smiling doctor came in, his happiness contagious as your own mouth formed into a grin.
“Are you ready for this??!” He said sounding like a cheerleader full of energy.
You picked up your shirt ready to be doused with the cold gel from the previous time.
He put on his circular glasses, scrunched up his sleeves, and right as the cold gel made contact with your skin the door opened wide.
The smiling doctor’s face contorted to one of annoyance, “What have I said about knocking??” His deep voice said sending a bit of chills down your spine. Your eyes snapped up to the figure that stood frozen in place by the door.
Surprise, happiness and hate alternatively, and complete disbelieve surged through your body. Jimin stood before you, his hair disheveled and shirt untucked, a slight smudge of blood on his collar.
He smiled nervously as he wiped his hands on his jeans, “Hi, I’m Jimin….the father?” Jimin said asking more than stating.
Dr.Kim turned to face you, the questioning in his eyes as clear as day, while on the contrary yours were muddled over between desire, fear, and aberration.
You nodded at Dr.Kim not quite sure if to trust your mouth to form coherent words.
Jimin took that as an invitation to walk in and sit on the empty seat beside you. The shift in the room was obvious to the point where Dr.Kim’s smile was not enough to lighten up the mood anymore.
Your heart was tugging you to acknowledge the man sitting next to you, the one you had been longing for weeks on end, but your brain had taken control as a defense mechanism and ignored your erratic heartbeat. Your eyes were solely focused on the monitor where you were once again going to see your two little nuggets. The wand was firmly pressing against your belly, the image on the screen this time was not in different shades of green, but instead had an orange tinge to it.
“This is called a 3d ultrasound, and this should help determine the biological sex of the babies,” Dr.Kim said as he stirred his hand around your belly. You could see a glimpse of Jimin leaning in closer to you and the monitor, but you still hadn't gathered enough emotional strength to look his way, much less make eye contact.
“Babies??” Jimin asked his eyes now staring at your belly openly.
Dr. Kim rolled his eyes at Jimin causing a small giggle to come out of your lips “Yeah as in plural”
The figures of two skinny babies popped up in the screen catching you by surprise, the image from last time was distorted and quite a challenge to decipher, but in this one, the babies looked less like blobs and more like actual tiny babies. The little arms and legs moved around wildly as if they were busting a move inside your stomach.
Tears formed unconsciously in your eyes, a warm hand fitting into yours, and just for a little bit you were going to let your heart take over. You allowed yourself to interlace your fingers around his softly enough to not make it harder for you when you would have to eventually let go.
Dr.Kim eyed your hands and gave you both a small smile, “ You see these lines here” he said pointing at the screen. Jimin and you nodded, “Baby A lady and gentleman is a girl”
Jimin squealed happily beside you as if the present situation of your relationship did not matter as his lips kissed your knuckles.
“Now baby B is being a bit shy, but…..” Dr.Kim said wiggling the wand looking object again, “ There you go….. Baby B…. Is a Boy”
“We are having a boy and a girl!!!” Jimin said no longer walking on eggshells as he captured your lips in a kiss. You froze not reciprocating, but Jimin didn't care he just rested his forehead against yours. You felt the skin tingle where his touch, but you were unsure of whether it was a positive reaction as flashbacks of him running around happily at the park came to mind. You let go of his hand and quickly faced the doctor trying to assimilate as if the rejected contact was just distancing for a question. Your hand dropped Jimin’s as if was made out of lava which he was quick to notice, unlike the oblivious Dr.Kim.
“But are they healthy??” You asked trying to make your tone sound leveled as if you could properly manage your emotions in the presence of Jimin.
“They both are as healthy as can be. Don't forget to eat properly and take your prenatal. I will see you back in 4 weeks. Twin pregnancies tend to be a bit more high risk than single, so make sure to keep in contact if anything feels out of the ordinary. My assistant up front will have a copy of your sonograms for you guys to take home. I hope you have a good day, and congrats on your baby boy and baby girl!”
Dr.Kim walked towards Jimin and shook his hand “Congrats, you have a beautiful family”
Jimin just smiled his eyes turning a slight shade of pink as he sniffled almost inaudibly, “I know. Thank you”
Dr. Kim just waved one last bye and left out the door leaving you both alone.
The realization of Jimin being here settling in and just like a bomb you started your internal countdown. You needed to get out of there before you exploded. You stood up and wiped your belly clean out of the sticky liquid. Not one word had been said since the doctor had stepped out, and even if you had rehearsed a planned script in case of a similar scenario happening you were at a blank. Your emotions tangling up inside, squeezing out any remaining air out of your lungs, making it hard to breathe. Jimin just stood in silence not really sure of how to proceed, he had definitely acted on impulse and the loving reunion he had imagined was blown over as soon as he entered the room and noticed your cold stare on him. He had fucked up, and even if he didn't quite understand what had triggered you to end things he knew he wanted you back.
You walked out of the room as soon as you had collected all your belongings and double checked you hadn't left anything behind. Jimin followed close, but did not say a word as you scheduled your next appointment, received the sonogram copies, and walked out of the building. Even if nothing was being said you could feel yourself growing more and more irritated with everything he did. Why did he make you feel like this? He had done nothing, yet you felt so small and worthless in his presence. The wound he had left had reopened and you had to muster all of your power to hold back your tears. At the same time though you wanted to run into his arms, kiss his mouth and nibble on his bottom lip, you wanted him sleeping next to you and have his hand rub your growing tummy as you welcomed sleep, but that was a fantasy…. That was a dream…
You walked out of the clinic fuming, ready to full on confront the betrayer known as Jin, only to be met by a bruised-up puppy face replacing his usual smug one.
“What happened to you??” You said as you pulled him out of the car to examine his busted nose and cheek closer. Jin closed his eyes with your soothing touch then quickly backed away looking at Jimin behind you.
“I can explain” you heard Jimin speak out finally.
You turned around to face him even more furious than before, “You better have a goddamn good explanation to why you beat your best friend up”
“I misinterpreted the whole situation. When I saw him with you at the store and then here….. I just thought the worse, but he explained, and we are good now” he said trying to reach out towards you.
You looked at him disbelievingly “We are good now??? Is that how it is??? We are anything but good Jimin. Actually, we have been bad from the start, but I have been blinded by my love for you. Making me a fool. I now have two little someones to be strong for. I am done waiting for you. I have always put you first, but to you, I was always on the sidelines.”
Jimin stepped forward trying to grasp your hand that had unconsciously turned into a firm fist. You backed away instantly.
“(Y/N), please just let me know what I can do to fix this…. fix us,” Jimin said taking a step once again towards you.
“Don't you get it Jimin??? I have given you two whole years to fix it. To fix yourself. I tried to give you all my love. My heart was in your fucking hands and you crushed and stomped on it every time Stephany called and you dropped me to go to her” you said wiping the tears in your face angrily, “ Let me go Jimin. I need you to let me go, so I can stop hurting and move on. I need to stop with the illusion that one day you will choose me over her. That you will love me more.”
Jimin was now in tears as he looked at you falling apart all because of him. You could see the internal struggle as he picked up his hand and dropped it several times, “but I love you more. I do….. I am sorry I didn't show it….but I love you (y/n) more than anything in this world please forgive me…. Please give me a chance….. Come back with me. We can paint the guest room as a nursery or even find a bigger apartment for our little family”
“No” you heard yourself say coldly not really wanting to process his words, for once everything that spilled out of his mouth was not of importance, “I am done Jimin. It takes more than just words and compliments to show someone you love them. You are not a five-year-old who can draw me a heart and make everything better.” You replied turning your back to him. You were about to walk towards Jin’s car when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. Tears falling against your bare shoulder.
“Please don't leave me again….please don't walk away” Jimin whispered continuously in your ear. Your walls were about to fall apart, you could feel yourself about to crumble. As soon as you felt your knees about to buckle in, from all the emotional stress being thrown at you, another pair of arms straightened you up and lightly pushed Jimin away.
“You are my best friend….you have been for years Jimin, but I need you to back off. You have caused enough damage with your stupid bullshit games. It takes more than a few sweet words to gain forgiveness. You don't have to tell her or scream out you love her, you need to show it. And so far, all you have displayed for her to see is how much of a fucking coward you are letting yourself be dragged along like a fucking puppy. When we first met (y/n) I knew she was special, and I knew she was what you needed to learn what something raw and real felt like…. But I was a fool. You have hurt her, and I am done watching. Jimin be a man, before someone else takes your place” Jin said as he took your small hand in his and walked you to the passenger door of his car helping you in. Jin walked back to where Jimin stood still frozen in place with a trail of tears traveling down his beautiful face. The ache in your heart growing with intensity from the incapability of soothing his pain. You wanted nothing more than to run out of the car and kiss Jimin’s pain away, but it was too late. There was no remedy for the broken heart that was buried within your chest, the antidote was the same poison that had damaged it in the first place, Jimin, and you were not strong enough to go through that again.
You could see Jin telling Jimin something as he patted his shoulder. Jimin's eyes found yours, but you were quick to turn away. Not even a few seconds later Jin came into the car, his bruised nose looking worse than it had been previously, your hands traveled once again to softly caress it, “idiot”
He chuckled, “Be nice or this idiot won't buy you the ice cream he owes you”
“Jin at this point you owe me a whole freaking ice cream shop, so shut up and hurry to the nearest creamery my kiddos are starving,” you said trying to hide the way your words wavered with unshed tears. You could feel Jimin’s gaze still on you, but you refused to give in this time.
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  It was 8am, Jin was late and the irritation from the constant invasion of space from your birthing class instructor had you on the verge of yanking your hair out. She had been rubbing your belly so often that you were wondering how a genie had not appeared before you already. The place was crowded with several couples, some whom already had started breathing heavily in a synchronized manner in the mats. You sighed completely flag stabbed at the fact that you were unwillingly taking these cheesy classes only to be stood up by the person who signed you up for them in the first place. You bit your nails nervously as everyone took a seat in their assigned spots. You walked reluctantly to your own hot pink yoga mat and took out your phone angrily.
 Jin, you are so dead-
(y/n) 8:05
 The door of the classroom opened and once again to your surprise Jimin stood there wearing comfy basketball shorts, a white shirt, and a black snapback. To say he looked absolutely stunning when he dressed laid back was an understatement. The muscles from his abdomen could be clearly seen through the translucent white shirt as he made his way towards you.
“Sorry, I am late” he whispered as he sat beside you.
You took out your phone angrily once again.
(y/n) 8:07
 You turned to face Jimin now, he could tell you were about to detonate, but before you could cuss him right there and then the instructor started the lesson.
“Welcome Mommies and Daddies to Birthing 101. I hope you all are having a spectacular day. Let’s start from the top like many of you probably did to start this journey” the blond preppy instructor said as she winked an eye suggestively to the class.
Torture. This was going to be absolute torture.
30 minutes in and you already had successfully achieved the art of ignoring Jimin perfectly.
Lie. That was an absolute Lie. You were dying internally, the urge to slap him across the face then ride him till he filled you up with his hot seed was temptation at its best.
You had not gotten laid since Jimin, and from what you have read in several websites and books it is normal to be a horny pregnant woman….something to do with hormones.
Hormones…..it was their fault, not yours. You did not want Jimin. Your hormones did.
“(y/n), How far in between do your contractions have to be, to be classified as active labor?” the instructor asked clearly noticing your lack of attention.
You nervously bit your lip and were about to answer until Jimin took over, “3 minutes apart lasting 1 minute….but that is not what concerns me….what is this about her cervix opening 8-10 centimeters….and tearing down there?? Like is that even…….that is ….. Ow!”
The instructor giggled at Jimin’s reaction the jealous green monster inside of you about to jump out to tell the instructor to get her own fucking jokester, this idiot was yours. The thing though was that Jimin was not yours. Not anymore.
“Yes, that is correct. Fully dilated is 10 cm and sometimes if needed they will cut to allow more space for the baby. Don’t worry too much about it though, she doesn’t look very phased. You have a brave girl Jimin. Now this is the end, for now, see you again same time next week”
You stood up and took off faster than the road runner. Your feet working up a step to get away as fast as possible from Jimin, but much to your already sour luck he caught up with you and grasped your wrist.
“What are you doing??” you asked as you ripped away your wrist from his hand. The spot where his hand had touch craving more than a few seconds of contact.
“(y/n), please listen to me, I really want to make us work okay?? I love you, please give me another chance” he said as he once again dived in for your hand.
“Jimin, it’s not that easy for me. You are incapable of seeing what is wrong, and I am not in the best place right now” you said trying to be civil with the boy. He had just endured the worse lecture in his life, he deserved at least that, “What are you doing here??”
Jimin looked at you confused, “They are my babies too (Y/N), I want to be there for them and you. I keep remembering everything you told me, how I acted, and I am so ashamed of what I made you go through. You did not deserve that, and I am sorry. Please, one more chance. If I can’t make you happy I will personally find a way to kick my own balls. You deserve the world. Let me give it to you” he said as his arms encircled your waist. The heat of his body against yours bringing memories, some that you wanted to treasure and some that you much rather just throw away. He kissed your forehead softly and then the tip of your nose, “Everything is going to be alright, maybe not today, but eventually. Let me try”
Tired. You were tired of fighting with your heart. The tears that spilled over were a mixture of happy and sad ones. You couldn’t start this new chapter in your life if you kept re-reading the last page. Expectations that came in your relationship with Jimin had always been flexible due to Stephany, and you realized too late that by even attempting to have them you were setting yourself and Jimin up for failure.
“If I had treated you the way you had treated me, you would hate me. Just because I let you go, doesn’t mean I wanted to. One more chance Jimin, but please I ask of you……”
“I love you, and I will make damn sure I show you how much,” he said as he finally lowered his head and attempted to kiss your lips.
Your brain decided to function at that very moment, “No Jimin, wait. Not so fast, I will move back in with you and we will see from there okay??”
Jimin backed away a bit and nodded looking a bit disappointed, “Right now I will take anything I can get”
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  To say things were awkward would be an understatement. Jimin had given you the master bedroom claiming you would be a lot more comfortable if you had your own private restroom. It had been two weeks and your relationship with Jimin felt strained. He was a complete gentleman making you breakfast and dinner without you asking. The initiative that had not been there before clearly made an appearance as he brought your favorite flowers or donuts, yet the more he did for you the more frightened you were to let him in. Sometimes at night when you tippy-toed your way to the kitchen, you made sure to check if the coast was clear, you didn’t know if your heart could handle seeing Jimin having a moment with Stephany. Your masochistic ears sometimes seeking the silence for the possibility of a secret conversation between the two of them exchanging an ‘I miss you’
Stephany was MIA. You noticed that the third week you had been back at your apartment. No calls, surprise visits, or mentions of her. The daily text messages that had become a routine activity a while back were no more. You needed a break from anything her, and finally, the heavens were listening.
Today the stress from work had gotten the best of you, a flood of tears accompanied you home. When the front door of your apartment opened to the face of a smiling Jin you jumped right into his arms, completely forgetting that it meant Jimin was in as well.
“Ohh no darling what happened to you??” Jin said as he patted your hair like a mother would to their crying child.
You hiccupped, “Would you believe me if I told you I already forgot what I was crying for in the first place??”
Jin shook his head at you while laughing, “You are even a bigger wreck than you were before, how is that even possible??”
You were about to argue back until you realized you had no clue why Jin was visiting, “What are you even doing here??”
“Thank you for the hospitality, actually I am here because Jimin did an oopsie I need to fix”
You pushed Jin away from the entrance and stomped your way into the living room where a distraught Jimin sat surrounded by light pink clothes. You recognized some as your previously white undergarments. Jimin looked frightened as he saw your presence now skimming through the disaster he had made.
“I am sorry. So sorry, please don't cry. Jin said you would probably cry all day long and I really don't want that. I'll fix them. I'll make them white again” He said trying to scoop all the clothes up causing even a bigger mess.
Before you knew it you were in a full-blown fit of giggles. Your sides aching as you saw Jimin’s bewildered face. You had not even smiled his way since you had been back and here you were looking similar to a hyena.
Jin walked towards Jimin assisting him in picking up the clothes that were sprawled out on the floor, “Yah Jimin, I’ll take care of this. How about you take (y/n) out for a date”
You were about to say no until you noticed the way Jin smirked towards Jimin. Jimin looked lost but did not hesitate to walk towards you to grab your hand and pull you through the door.
“We will be back later”, Jimin said as he pulled you away into the outside world.
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 This was a setup. You were more than sure this had been an evil scheme on their behalf. Jimin had dragged you to watch a chick flick you had been wanting to see at the movies, and he magically already had tickets for the sold-out showing.
He bought you all of your favorite snacks and carried them all for you.
Pleasant, everything had been easy going to the point of where you let him hold your hand as you walked back to the apartment. The lights flashing from the city illuminating his side profile as if he was a fairy.
You were still completely head over heels in love with him. There was no way of denying the way your heartbeat went all erratic with every smile he threw your way.
You arrived to an empty apartment, the scent of roses and your favorite Chinese dish shocking you. As soon as the door closed you turned towards Jimin only to find him on one knee.
Your heart dropped.
No this couldn’t be happening.
“(y/n), I know I have messed up time and time again, but after having to go some time without you beside me I realized one thing…. I can’t be without you. I need you. I want to be with you forever. Love is a scary thing. It changes every day. It can disappear in the blink of an eye. But I am not scared of love when it comes to you. I am willing to take this risk with you, and I know I haven’t been good at demonstrating how much you mean to me, but I promise ...no I swear I will make that my life mission. Please…..be my wife…..give me the chance of making you happy for the rest of your life. I want to have the rest of my life with memories of us together. I love you. Please be my wife” Jimin said with tears in his eyes and a soft smile on his face as he pulled out the most beautiful rose shaped ring with a red ruby in the middle.
Tears filled your eyes blurring Jimin and the dreams you had of spending an eternity with him, “No” you choked out,
Your heart shattered as you saw him looking around the room helplessly, obviously trying to gather up words to formulate a plan b to get you to say yes.
“(Y/N), I love you… What can I do? please tell me what I can do??” Jimin said borderline falling apart in front of you. Tears had started falling from his gorgeous brown eyes, and his lips were extra swollen and rosy from the endless amount of nervous lip biting.
“Nothing Jimin, You don’t have to do this. Whether we are together or not they are still your babies. I will not keep them away from you. You are their dad as much as I am their mom” you said as you made your way to the couch. You couldn’t be near him right now. You needed space, but he didn’t seem to get it as he stood up and walked towards you.
“That is not it at all, I love you. I want to be married to you because I love YOU!” he said with a tinge of sadness and frustration in his voice. He ran his hand through his hair another nervous habit of his.
You looked into his eyes, the patience that you had been able to keep up from the moment he proposed evaporated. You grasped his face in-between your hands, and then you let it all out, “Jimin, no, you don’t love me. You half love me. You only fully love me when she is not around, and even then I am pretty sure every thought in your head is not about me. I am not the one for you Jimin, I never have been. Can’t you see that?? I am not enough. Maybe one day you will find a girl who will be good enough for you to steal away all the love you have within you and only have it for herself, no one else. Every time I saw you with her I acted like it was not a big deal when in reality it was breaking my heart. That isn’t living, that is suicidal. I felt like a part of me was dying every time I saw you smiling at her. Sometimes I wish you could read my mind so you could have a better understanding of what goes through it. Jimin I am not going to say yes because I know that as much as I want the rest of my life to be spent with you by my side….. I am not willing to do it unless I won’t have to share you with anyone else. I want to marry you Jimin. I have dreamed of marrying you for awhile, but I can’t….. not like this.”
 “(y/n), is just you… I swear ...just you” Jimin said between sobs.
You tore your eyes away from his and looked at the floor, “Ruby….why a ruby?”
“Your birthstone”, Jimin replied completely sure of his answer.
You smiled at him bitterly, “Sapphire…..mine is sapphire….. Stephany’s was a ruby”
Jimin looked down at the black box that he still had in his hands, “ I am sorry I’ll change it, I am not very knowledgeable about this kind of stuff. I am so sorry.  I didn’t mean it like that”
You looked back into his eyes and held his hand in yours, you breathed in deeply, “Jimin I love you”
“I love you too” he replied instantly.
“Jimin, how many times have you fallen out of love??” you said completely serious.  Your face emotionless.
Jimin looked into your eyes with a glint of guilt you could see masked through his brown irises.
His cellphone rang snapping you both out of the minute of silence that had been haunting the apartment.
He looked from his phone to you alternatively, he shifted on the couch uncomfortably as his phone call went to voicemail.
You stood up reluctantly giving him your back as you walked towards the room, your heart aching from the flat out rejection you had given him, and yet you still had strength enough to utter one more sentence, “You should call her back”
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gutterdreams · 7 years
Like Lions, Like Lambs
As all of you know by now, I’m fully obsessed with @stevesharrlngtons. I asked her to pick a prompt because I love her. She chose “I don’t like your friends” and “She’s moving further away from you”. This was supposed to be drabble, but it’s not. So I hope you enjoy. There’s some language. It’s 1.7k. I don’t own the GIF. 
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Frustrated, Billy hung up the phone by crushing it against the receiver on the kitchen counter. He grumbled an inaudible string of curses under his breath and started to leave back to the living room where the television was on the channel he left it. On the floor, taking off her shoes after skating around the neighborhood, Maxine also mumbled quietly to herself.
“What was that?” Curtly, Billy stopped in his tracks and attacked.
Max held her breath in her throat for a moment. She debated whether or not to say anything, but she knew she couldn't back down around her bully of an older brother. So, she fixed a look of courage on her face and raised her eyes to him, “I said...of course, she didn't pick up.”
“You know something I don't?” After asking, his mouth hung open as he awaited for her to say something that he assumed would be stupid. Billy gripped the counter and stood impatiently as Max picked herself up off the welcome mat by the front door.
“I know you don't see the look on her face every time you pick a fight.” Max mused before trying to move past him. He turned as she headed to her room though, following her slowly, but surely. His footsteps were firm and wouldn't let her go away after a comment like that.
“She say something to you?” Privately, Billy quite liked that you and Max got along well. He didn't trust Susan to keep a shrub alive, let alone guide Max through the inevitable hardships that high school would bring her. He thought it was better that Max go to you with any questions or problems she had. He knew he didn't want to hear any of it.
“No.” Max shook her head, her squinting eyes suggesting his question was stupid. “While you were busy knocking that kid's teeth out in the parking lot today, I was watching [Y/N]. I saw her give up on you and start walking away.” Max had been in the backseat of the Camaro at the time. She assumed you would be with them on the way home, but before Mitchell Durtiz's first tooth had fallen in front of Billy's boots, you started walking away.
Billy looked like he was about to charge at Max for what she said, but she kept talking and held him in his place.
“She's moving further away from you because you're a psychopath.” It wasn't unlike anything she had said before. She had told him once when he lost his temper and picked a fight with you about how much time you spent with your friends over him that he would lose you. Max always stood by her opinion that Billy was all the worst parts of his dad, but with thirty more pounds of monster on him.
With that said though, Max slammed her door and pushed a chair up against it so that he couldn't cross the threshold and continue to bother her. She left Billy alone in the rest of the house to be the grump that he usually was.
Billy went back to the couch, groaning to himself about what a stupid little sister his dad had forced him to have, but he couldn't concentrate on the girls washing cars on TV. Max's words were taunting him in his head and his eyes kept looking to the phone, wishing you would just call him already. He wanted you to say that she was wrong. He wanted you to beg to see him and tell him how much you needed him now. The phone didn't ring once though. Billy sat on the couch until Susan came home, a whole forty five minutes, and drove himself crazy.
As soon as Susan was in the house with her grocery bags on the kitchen counter, Billy was out of the house. He didn't have to watch Max any longer, so he climbed behind the wheel of his car and took off to where he assumed you were. You had told him that morning that you needed to study after bombing a science pop quiz and that the only way you would be able to do that was by being on your own in the library.
Billy stormed through the place as if it wasn't universally known for being quiet. He scanned the small library twice before catching you in the very back, head in your hands, and staring frustrated at your notebook in front of you.
“Why didn't you let me drive you home today?” Billy didn't waste any time. He pulled up a plastic blue chair right beside you, his knee knocked against yours, and asked. His eyes quickly checked your notebook over to make sure it was chemistry notes and not ideas on how to dump him.
“Pardon me?” Blinking rapidly, you breathed out. Billy had completely caught you off guard and made your heart flutter.
“I couldn't find you after school. Max said you walked home.”
“You looked busy.” Remembering coming out of the front doors of Hawkins High to see your boyfriend tossing a kid from his gym class around like a tether-ball was enough to change your demeanor. You returned your focus back to the notebook and acted as if he hadn't interrupted.
“You don't like when I fight, huh?” With Max's thirteen year old wisdom ripe in his mind, Billy continued to press.
“I've told you that before.” There was a time where it felt like you were harping on him. It was every other day where you would sigh as he washed blood (his or someone else's) off his shirt in the sink, recalling what a pussy the other guy was, and you were hurting your voice telling him to be the bigger person and just walk away.
“Mitchell was talking shit, saying I'm California trash, so - “
“So, you had to punch out his teeth?”
“I had to let him know.” Billy leaned in, trying to bring your face back to him, but you were glaring at your notebook with fire in your eyes that stemmed from your heart. Studying had been a good distraction until Billy came along. It had calmed you down after being ready to dump Billy in front of the whole school in the parking lot.
“Well, I think you made your point.” Uninterested, you told him and picked up your pencil to underline a few main points on your paper.
“Can you stop studying for a second?” His voice was a sharp snap and it gave him the attention he wanted, your eyes widening over his face. You weren't smiling or soft, you weren't the girl who saw stars when she saw him. You were pissed. “What do I do? I feel like you're a million miles away.” He could see it now when you looked at him with so much disappointment. Maxine was right. You were moving away from him.
“I don't like your friends.” Tommy, Carol, Craig, and Mandy. “You try to impress them, they egg you on, they rile you up, and tell you bullshit so you perform for them. You think you're their king, but they play you. You're the jester.” It was a dangerous thing to say, but watching Mitchell bleed out while Carol and Tommy laughed against Billy's car had completely shot your composure. Billy was a monster in that moment and not the boy that promised you he would work on his temper.
“I don't like them either.” Defensively, Billy assured you. He didn't like being lonely and he liked attention, but it wasn't as if he actually cared about them. They were means for survival in Hawkins.
“I can't be with you anymore if you are going to be crazy. I can't go away to college and spend all my time wondering if I won't see you on break because you're in jail for assaulting someone.”
“I'm going wherever you go. You wouldn't be visiting me on break.” Billy ignored the hisses to be quiet from other studiers and readers in the library. He was fighting for you even if he didn't even realize it yet.
“I don't want to go with you if this is how you handle things. What happens when I piss you off?”
“Don't say that.” Billy put up both his hands, finally putting space between you both.
“What happens when you shoot first and ask questions after, but I'm the target?”
“You think I'd knock your fucking teeth out? I love you!”
Three simple words that Billy had never told anyone since hitting puberty. You had told him that you loved him once, in passing, as you two walked from Tommy's house to his parked car. In response, he squeezed your hand and kissed you with relish. Since Billy wasn't terribly romantic, it didn't hurt like your friends thought it should.
Much to the other library patrons, silence took over between the two of you. Your heart was beating rapidly underneath your sweater and making it challenging to focus on your notes. Billy was searching the side of your face as you had returned to looking at  your homework over him again. His knees were shaking under the table with his hands clutching his knees. They were all he could hold onto at the moment.
“I have to study.” As if he hadn't just admitted his feelings or you hadn't just dug into him, you clearly and casually said.
“Fuck studying. I'm talking to you.” Billy put his palm on top of your notes and pushed the book away.
“I don't want to talk right now.” You tried pulling it back by the corner.
“[Y/N].” Teeth together, Billy growled your name and held the paper down.
“I have to study.”
“Too bad.” Billy was refusing to give up. He could be like a dog with a bone at the best of times. “We're figuring this out.”
“You fucking scare me, Billy!” Screaming for the whole library to hear, you stunned him silent. “I’m scared of you.” Like you should have said the other words, you whispered so softly the words were cotton on your tongue. 
His bicep weakened and Billy let you take your notebook back. You swore you could hear pain as it grew from his stomach deeper into the rest of his body. The words had come out by accident, waiting inside to be properly repressed. You clutched your science notebook to your chest and started grabbing your pencils off the table. Once every writing utensil was in your bag, you grabbed it from the floor and rushed by Billy, leaving him in one of his least favorite places with an emotion he didn't know how to handle properly.
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Run And Don't Look Back Chapter Eight
Summary: Running from her past she finally settles down in a new town. But as it turns out, helping the wrong person will throw her even deeper in the life than she had ever been before.
Word count: 4 171
Warnings: angst, arguing, anxiety, MOC!Dean
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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Jane watched in silence as Dean prepared their breakfast. He had his back to her, but she could still clearly hear the soft melody he was humming. That made her smile a little; he was a true hunter and she could see it just from his hard demeanor, but he had a soft side, a side which he had showed her and kept showing her like an old friend. It was strange. He didn't know her and yet he and Sam took care of her like she was a part of their family.
"If you wanna keep staring, you should probably say something," Dean said suddenly. "Or it's just creepy." Jane blushed and quickly ducked her head. She hadn't realised that Dean turned around and noticed her gaze, too caught up in her thoughts. Dean shook his head with a smile and brought their plates to the table before sitting down.
Jane's eyes widened at the sight of the plate in front of her. "You don't expect me to eat all of it, do you?" she asked.
Dean laughed. "Suit yourself," he told her and stuffed his mouth with a piece of bacon.
Jane took a fork in her hand. The eggs were incredible; not too salty, moist, but not too much, and she finally had to admit that the sandwich Sam had made her was, well, less than average. Not that she would have apreciated anything at that moment in her emotionless state. Jane hadn't even realised how hungry she actually was and was suddenly glad for the large portion. They ate in silence, occasional glances their only interaction through the meal. Jane didn't mind; despite their little disagreement in the Library, Dean had been nothing but nice to her, taking care of her like they were long time hunting pals and the silence was comfortable. She stole another glance at him. Dean reached for his mug and let out an annoyed groan when he didn't find it at its normal place, the coffee forgotten in the library.
They finished at nearly the same time, Dean with a satisfied sigh. Jane chuckled and shook her head at the sight.
"What?" Dean asked, his eyebrows raised.
Jane shook her head again. "Nothing, just-" A smile overtook her features. "You remind me of my brother," she said softly, the smile not leaving her face.
Dean tilted his head slightly. "You have a brother?" he asked in surprise. Jane didn't blame him, she hadn't told them much about herself. Nothing, to be exact. But she owed them and didn't feel like she had to hide things from them anymore, at least not everything.
Her smile faded with her next words. "Had," she answered, lowering her eyes. The memories she had made with him never made her sad, but the acknowledgement that he was gone always made the old grief come back.
Dean let out a sharp breath. "Sorry about that," he said sincerely as a shadow covered his features. She knew that look. The look that belonged only to someone who had lost a loved one. And from how hard is expression got she guessed it wasn't just once. Jane remembered the shadow that had covered his eyes after they had finished dinner the day before; the pain of losing someone and the regret that comes with it. She felt her chest tightening as well as her heartbeat quickening as anxiety washed over her again. She took a long deep breath and didn't stop even once sharp pain from her broken ribs shot through her; she didn't know what made her so anxious, but it didn't matter. Whether it was the mention of her brother or just the events of the morning setting in, she had to calm down. The last thing she needed was to have a panic attack in front of Dean.
"So," Jane said to distract herself, her voice a little shaky. Dean raised his eyes to her face, the dark look gone. "What are you planning? A case maybe, or some research...?" she asked innocently.
Dean let out a barely audible chuckle as a slight smile appeared on his face. "I don't do research, Sweatheart," he told her.
Jane smiled at that. "Okay, I can relate to that." The pressure on her chest lessened, but she could still feel her heart beating rapidly.
"And we won't go hunting until you're healed," he continued seriously, his smile disappearing completely.
Her face mirrored his as frustration took over, replacing her anxiety. "Dean, I'm-"
"No, you're not fine," he interrupted her. Jane fought the urge to roll the eyes, but still let out a deep sigh. When was he going to stop treating her like she was completely broken? He was being unreasonably stubborn and she was not just going to obey everything he said; they might had saved her, but she wasn't a child. "Show me your arms," Dean said suddenly, pulling her from her heated thoughts.
"What?" Jane asked with furrowed brows. She could clearly hear her heartbeat in her ears as she pressed her lips to a thin line. But it was neither anxiety nor frustration which led to that - it was anger. That kind of anger that made andrenaline take over to prepare for a fight.
"Show me your arms," Dean repeated, firmer this time, and extended his hand towards her. Jane had no idea what he wanted, and bit back her tongue not to shout at him. She obeyed, stretching her arms in front of her. Dean took hold of her wrist and gently rolled up her sleeve. Jane hissed in pain as the fabric moved across the cuts and burns, but stayed still, not willing to prove whatever point he wanted to make. Dean did the same with her other arm and lowered her hands on the table. Jane let out a barely audible sigh; she hadn't realised how much energy it had cost her to keep them up with how weak her muscles were. She let her eyes wonder over her injuries and felt her anger disappear. They weren't serious, but it would take time for her to heal and she was well aware of it, just Dean was. Memories of her arms strapped to a chair, bleeding, flashed in front of her eyes. She tore her gaze from her limbs and looked at Dean again.
He had been watching her face, seeing how her features changed once she'd seen her bare arms. She no longer clenched her jaw and her shoulders lowered slightly. He didn't like that he had reminded her of what she had endured, but he also realised how stubborn she was; she needed to see it for herself.
"Once your arms heal, you'll get the walking sticks back," he said, leaving no room for argument, "but not before that, you understand?"
Jane clenched her teeth in frustration again. Dean was right, partly, but her stubbornness didn't want to let her just admit that. Who did he think he was to just order her like that?
"Jane," he adressed her firmly. Her eyes snapped up to his face. His features were hard and she thought that it should have scared her, but it didn't. No, it gave her a sence of comfort; Dean looked so much like her brother. He had always been furious when she had been hurt, but the anger hadn't been towards her. He had only wanted to protect her. And in the moment she realised that, she knew this argument was a losing battle.
"Fine," she said at last, anger leaving her completely. She hadn't noticed that her heart was beating slower or that her limbs had become heavier, but the weight of it dropped on her like a blanket.
"Which means you're stuck with us for a while," Dean commented. Jane only hummed in reply, suppressing a yawn. Dean didn't seem to be more happy about it than her, she realised when she noticed his tone. He was looking at her arms with a sad expression, the shadow covering his face once more. Jane quickly pulled her sleeves down and drew her hands back. She let out a long breath to take hold of her emotions before speaking again. She was tired, her whole body growing heavy, but pushed it aside.
"You may as well show me the rest of the Bunker then," Jane said, sounding more irritated than she'd ment to, but at least she caught Dean's attention. She forced herself to smile at least a little. "As you said, I'm gonna be stuck with you for a while."
They shared a long look. Jane found herself smiling more, relaxing under his gaze. He cared about her and it wasn't just because she was a damsel in distress, just as she began to care about him. She felt every injury on her body ache and throb, but it didn't matter at the moment; she was with Dean and everything would be okay.
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Jane was sitting on a wooden box in the Garage, watching as Dean washed his car. Or his 'Baby' as he had referred to it. Her earlier faintness had left her during the time Dean had been showing her around the Bunker, but she still felt how tight her skin was, the scabs threatening to open by any wrong movement. Her right knee throbbed and ached even though she had readjusted it in the brace, leaving her shifting in her seat, trying to find a comfortable position. She didn't really register what Dean was doing, too lost in her thoughts. Her lack of information was like a parasite, slowly eating her alive until there was nothing left. She shifted on the box again.
"Dean?" Jane spoke after long minutes of silence. Dean raised his head to look at her and hummed in response, not stopping whatever he was doing on the car.
Jane swallowed, trying to sort her thoughts. "What happens with Heaven now that the angels are all on Earth?" she asked. It had been worrying her for months, but she had never gotten anywhere near answering the question and only became more worried. Dean wiped his hands with a cloth, walking around the car. He rolled the sleeves of his shirt down and tossed the cloth to the side without giving it a second look, his eyes on Jane.
"You sure you wanna know that?" he asked her. His face was unreadable.
Jane's forehead wrinkled with confusion. "Why shouldn't I?" She felt her own heartbeat quickening, but paid it no mind.
Dean leaned on the Impala with his back and crossed his arms on his chest. "Like you said yesterday, we're always in the centre of things. Maybe you shouldn't get involved in this." He clenched his teeth, his lips pressed together tightly.
Jane found herself opening her mouth while no sound came out before she got herself together. "Dean," she said firmly, hoping he would know she was being honest, "what I said last night, I- I was scared," she admitted. "After what Crowley did to me..." Jane took a deep breath, forcing herself to distance from the memories. She looked into his eyes. "But that doesn't mean I shouldn't get involved." Dean opened his mouth to say something, but Jane didn't let him. "I know I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. But I grew up in this life. An- and as long as angels are down here, people are in danger. More danger than usual. So yes, I want to know that. I need to know it," she finished, slightly out of breath. Her heart was pounding and her hands were shaking, but she didn't once break the stare with him. Dean sighed with a shake of his head. He was not happy with her response and it was clearly visible as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Not all angels are on Earth," Dean said after a moment. Jane furrowed her brows and leaned slightly forward in anticipation. "The duchebag that made all this mess named himself the new God." He continued in a stronger voice. "He's recruiting angels, making an army of them. There's a portal upstairs, but it keeps moving around."
"So you never know where it is," Jane said absent-mindedly, her eyes down. She raised her head. "So who was it then? What's his name?"
"Metatron, the-"
"The Scribe of God," Jane finished for him, her forehead wrinkled.
Dean nodded. "Yeah."
"But- but what about the other angels, the ones that didn't join him?" she blurted out. Dean raised his eyebrows. "I- I mean, not all angels allied with him, right? Why would they join the person who made them fall in the first place?" Jane spoke quickly, trying to get out all of her thoughts before anxiety took over her again. She could already feel it rising in her chest.
"Yeah, well, they're trying to get back up, but-" Dean shook his head. "This is about all they know right now."
Jane's eyes widened. "What?" she bursted out. "So they know who did it and know that there is a way back to Heaven, but that's it?"
"It's not like they're not trying," Dean said, slightly taken aback by her sudden outburts. Jane shifted in her seat and bit back a hiss of pain. "We know Metatron has an inside man in the other camp, but- yeah, that's it."
"And what about your angel friend?" Jane asked. Dean raised his eyebrows. "Sam told me about him last night," she explained. It wasn't that she wanted to meet him, quite the opposite; she tried to stay as far from all angels as possible.
Dean took a deep breath. "Well, I don't know what he told you, but Cas is doing everything he can to take the son of a bitch down," he said. She nodded in understanding. Cas. Somehow, knowing his name made her feel worse; it made the whole situation more real. For a few heartbeats, silence fell on them.
Jane took a deep breath, barely noticing the pain from her broken ribs anymore. "So," she said softly, taking hold of her emotions, "what do we do now?" The sooner this whole mess was over the better for everyone.
Dean straightened up and slowly walked towards her. "We'll figure it out," he said, "but you stay out of this."
"No," he stopped her and shook his head. "This isn't something I'm gonna argue with you about, Jane. You will stay out of this." His tone was firm, not leaving any place for debate. Jane's eyes drifted between his own. He was now standing right in front of her, towering over her and making her feel even smaller than usual. Her anxiety grew as her throat tightened. Something wasn't right.
"Why are you so protective of me?" Jane asked, her voice barely above whisper.
Dean didn't answer. He only crouched down and slid his hands under her to pick her up. Jane let him, biting back her tongue so she wouldn't cry out in pain, but kept her eyes on his face. He didn't look at her once, not even when he set her down in the Library with Sam and walked away without a word.
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Dean stayed in his room for the rest of the day. He kept himself busy: he made his bed, cleaned and oiled his guns and even made the laundry. But no matter what he did, his thoughts always came back to her words.
Why are you so protective of me?
She was clever, Dean had to admit that, but also stubborn. And not the good type. That kind of stubborn that was going to get her killed.
Dean sighed and ran a hand over his face. Every time he closed his eyes he saw her small form how they had first found her. He saw how bloody she was, beaten up, her whole body covered in a sheen of sweat as she burned up with fever. He saw her head hung down on her chest, her normally shiny red hair oily and tangled, sticking to her wet skin. And then he saw the screw in her knee and utter rage took over him.
They should have killed Crowley. He should have killed him when he had had the chance. He would have sliced him, stabbed him, drawing out the pain, enjoying it, until he would have finally sank the First Blade in his heart and watched how life left him, the light in his eyes disappearing. But he hadn't and now Jane was dragged into this whole mess because of him.
He gripped the bottle he was holding tighter. He wanted to kill. He wanted to go out and savour the moments. No, he needed to. His hands started shaking. He needed to see the blood pouring out of their bodies, until nothing but cold corpse remained. He needed to feel their bones snapping in his hands. He needed to hear their breath hitching as he choked life out of them. He needed-
The bottle in his hand cracked, his fingers closing into a tight fist with the momentum. Dean shuddered before looking down. The bottle he had been holding was on the floor, shattered into pieces, the leftover beer spilled between them. There was blood dripping from his hand. He opened his fist and a few small sharp pieces of glass fell down. Dean flinched as he picked out all the shards from his flesh. He didn't bother with bandages or desinfection, only washed his hands with cold water and watched as blood slowly left his fingers until the water ran clean.
There was noise in the hallway. Dean slowly crossed the room and opened the door slightly, just so he could see outside. He watched as Sam opened the door to Jane's room and picked up something from the floor. It glistened when light from the hallway landed on it and Dean immediately recognised it as a blade. No, an angel blade. Dean didn't wait to see any more and silently slipped from his room. Sam didn't notice as Dean soundlessly passed Jane's room and headed for the Library. He just wanted to see her, wanted to make sure she was okay. At least that's what he told himself as he absent-mindedly scratched the Mark on his arm.
He spotted her right after he came through the door. She was sitting at one of the tables with her head laid down on an opened book. Her arms were on the table, stretched in front of her, the long sleeves of the hoodie covering her hands and he could only make out the tips of her fingers, clenching the fabric gently. She hadn't changed from her boy shorts she had slept in last night and Dean could see goosebumps appearing on her bare legs.
He came to her and brushed a few loose strands of hair out of her face, the rest of her hair braided. She looked peaceful. Her face was relaxed, her lips slightly appart, the bruises slowly fading into a barely visible yellow colour. A sound made his head turn towards the door.
Sam stood in the doorway, yawning. "Hey," he greeted his older brother quietly, "I didn't know you were up," Sam said and yawned again, running a hand across his face.
"I'm gonna take her to bed," Dean said.
"Yeah, um, I was just gonna-" Sam started, but yawned again.
Dean smiled. "It's okay, Sammy, I've got her," he said. "Go to bed."
Sam nodded and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yeah, yeah, I'll do that," he muttered before turning around. "G'night, Dean."
"Night, Sammy," Dean called after him. He waited until he heard door closing in the distance before he crouched down to pick her. He set her hands in her lap and frowned when he noticed what she had been reading; angel lore books were one thing, but reading them after the conversation they'd had made him feel uneasy. He would have another talk with her in the morning. Dean slid his hands under her small body and picked her up, pressing her to his chest.
Jane moaned in her sleep and Dean thought she would wake up, but she only snuggled closer to him, her fingers curling in his shirt. He stayed still for a moment, making sure she was still asleep before he carried her to her room and gently laid her down on the bed. He covered her with blanket. There was an angel blade on her night stand, but Dean knew better than to move it; he himself slept with a gun under his pillow.
Jane stirred and her eyebrows furrowed as she let out a quiet whimper. Dean knew what she was going through. He knew all about nightmares and memories keeping him from sleeping. But he couldn't protect her from that, no matter how hard he wanted.
But he could protect her from what she was slowly but surely trying to get herself into and he was going to stop her even if it ment tying her up in the dungeon.
Dean softly laid a kiss on her forehead.
He wouldn't let another kid die. Not on his watch. Not again.
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The hallways of the Bunker were empty, bathing in comforting warm light. Jane was standing in front the doorway to the library, the room seemingly empty. She looked down at herself and frowned; there was not a single scratch on her skin, her body back to its healthy weight and her skinny jeans and black button up recognizably hers.
She was having another dream, another vision.
Jane took a small step into the room, then another. The Library was filled with the same warm light as the hall, but she paid it little attention; there had to be a reason why she was seeing this, but there was nobody else in the room with her.
"Sam!" she heard Dean shout from the War room. Jane quickly crossed the Library and came to a stop on top of the three stairs leading to the other room. Dean was there, a mug of coffee in his hand. He was wearing an ugly gray robe and Jane would have laughed at him for it if they were in a different situation, but let it slide. He looked around the room and took a few steps towards her, searching the Library with his eyes. "You here?" Dean shouted in search for his brother.
As if on cue, the main door to the Bunker opened. They both shot their heads up and saw Sam coming through the door.
"Hey," Sam greeted his older brother, "good morning." He was carrying something in his hands as he moved down, but Jane couldn't see what it was through the railing.
Dean looked at his watch. "You've been outside already?" he asked in disbelief just as Sam came down. Jane moved closer to them, her footsteps echoed around the room, but neither of them seemed to notice.
Sam walked closer to Dean with a white box in his hand. "Yeah," he breathed with a smile. "Woke up, went for a run – beautiful sunrise," Sam said and Jane giggled when she saw the face Dean made. "Anyways, cleaned up, went and got breakfast-" he raised the box he was holding, "- grabbed you real bacon and eggs, extra grease." He put the box on the table. "Not even gonna argue"
"Mm, perfect," Dean hummed in appreciation and sat down. Sam took off his jacket, tossing it on a seat next to him, and followed suit. Jane smiled at the relaxed atmosphere of the ordinary morning. "Wait," Dean said suddenly, his whole body tensing. "You went running?"
"What?" Sam asked with a sly smile. "Why do you look so worried?"
"Let's see," Dean answered, slightly irritated. "There's Cas, who I told to haul ass here. That was days ago. He's still out there." He paused for a second, looking down. "Um, there's you."
"Me?" Sam's eyebrows shot up. "I feel great."
"I'm sure you do," Dean replied quickly, "but, Sam, you went through the Trials." Sam let out a low unamused chuckle and scratched the back of his head.
"Trials?" Jane whispered to herself. So he wasn't so overprotective only of her but of his brother too. She didn't know whether she should find that comforting or not. Dean continued as if he hadn't heard her.
"Okay, that put a big strain on you. I just think it's better if you took it easy," Sam's eyes flashed blue and Jane could swear she felt her heart stop, "you know, and didn't act like you were-"
"Possessed by an angel," Sam finished for him. But he didn't sound like Sam. He straightened up to his full height, his face showing no emotion.
Dean whipped his head to look at his brother, but didn't seem surprised. Jane's gaze drifted between the two men, her heart beating rapidly in her chest, before the scene started to fade.
Colours blent together, swirling round her, becoming darker and darker until blackness swallowed her whole.
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shimadatales · 7 years
Dude I love your work! Can I request Okami!Hanzo imagine, where he meets human s/o who goes into his forest everyday with their German shepherd dog. Thank you!
Aa, thank you so much! This turned out longer than expected ^^; But I do hope you like it! I put it under a read more because of the length. I also gave it a slightly different twist, but I hope it’s not too bad. Enjoy!
The Mysterious Wanderer
D/N = Dog’s name
Hurriedfootsteps could be heard throughout the woods, the friction of the thick layersof snow evident in their heavy sounds, indicating that the person they belongedto was having quite a difficult time getting to their destination. You wereterribly lost, now that a blizzard had started and you couldn’t help but feelfoolish for not watching the weather report to its end, too impatient to waitand overly excited for the journey ahead. Hiking was your passion, as was yourloyal companion who always joined you, no matter the distance you went or thehigh mountains you climbed. Your furry friend never left your side, its loyaldemeanor being inherited from centuries ago while being by the side of people.D/N had joined you in your home rather unexpectedly in the beginning, as younever really had any intentions on taking in a pet at first and often foundyourself too busy with following your passion. Thinking that having a dog wouldonly slow you down as well as your long and tiring trips probably being toomuch for the creature to handle. However, your assumptions proved to be wrong,as the devoted shepherd acclimated itself rather well to your schedule androutine. You were aware that German shepherds were known for their hard workingand following nature, but you still did not want to burden the pup too muchduring its first days and gradually built up its exercise through the time itspent with you.
The sweetthing also desperately needed a home, as your local shelter was getting morecrowded during the holiday season and your friend, being the overly-emotional-animal-loverthat they are, appeared at your doorstep that faithful day and shoved the smallbundle of joy right into your arms after not even having opened the door for afew seconds. Their words at the time were rather stern but frantic, worry moreevident in their voice rather than anger as they demanded you to take the smallcreature into your home, not listening to any protests you were about to give.At the time, you could only stare at them in confusion at their current stateof distress, but now you couldn’t help but chuckle at the memory. Your friendwas simply being too sensitive again, not being able to take the sight of sucha young and innocent critter being locked behind iron bars, invisible to theoutside world which would not spare it a single glance if possible. You couldn’tcomplain though, as the dog had given you nothing more than joy and happinessduring the time it spent with you. Even during your darkest hours, in which youcontinuously pushed those closest around you away, the dutiful being beside younever wavered and always seemed to waddle into your room where you would besulking, wagging its tail in excitement and pure adoration for you. Thatunconditional love and selflessness was something that only such creatures couldhold, you were quite sure of that now. No matter in what state you would befinding yourself, D/N was never far behind and always managed to get you out ofwhatever dark cloud you were trapped in and for that, you were eternallygrateful for your companion.
If only youcould be of the same help now as it was always for you, the blizzard being toosevere and thick for the senses of the dog beside you and it couldn’t help butwhine in discomfort as the wind started to catch more momentum. “I’m sorry D/N.”You tried to comfort the distressed shepherd with soothing words as well asgiving him a few treats for being so brave and standing strong through this disastrousweather forecast. “I promise to get us out of this snowstorm, but I’m not surehow long it will take.” You eyed D/N for any possible frostbites whilecrouching down to his level. “For now, please eat these. You need your strength.”The canine ate the small pellets in a frenzy, his hunger clearly evident aswell as the slight fear that came with the storm. “Doesn’t seem like it will clear up anytime soon… I hope I can get usboth home safely before we get turned into snow cones.” You thought toyourself as you let out a rather long sigh. Deciding that finding shelter forthe moment would be the most sensible thing to do and also the foremost thing,as time was crucial for your survival right now, you got up on your two feetagain and gave D/N a few pets between his pointy ears, a signal that you twowould be continuing on your way again.
As you keptpassing by the dying trees of winter, you noticed that there was barelyanything you could hide yourself in around you, the forest being foggedcompletely by the rapidly moving snow, making it extremely difficult to seeclearly. Anyone who would be living in this particular forest, would become thebravest of all men by far and you suddenly regretted your decision to even comeout into these woods altogether. Again, it was curiosity that eventually killedthe cat, although hopefully not, in your case. While your own mind was driftingoff towards more worst case scenario’s, your companion suddenly came to a haltand started growling into the distance. Fearing it might have smelled a bear orsomething bigger, you quickly unlocked your knife from your safety belt in self-defense,hoping it would be enough to scare it off. You knew that bears were in no wayaggressive, but rather territorial, so you had no intention of hurting any ofthem, but neither did you want them to hurt you instead if you could preventit. However, the shadow that appeared within the blizzard was in no waymatching up to that of a bear, no, this one looked a whole lot smaller andperhaps even… human? How could a person be out in this storm and still lookinglike they were unaffected by it? Perhaps, people really could live here, butthe people for sure would be having way better attire suited for this weather thanmost.
After somerather awkward time of staring at each other, the figure slowly came closer andyou kept your knife held high, in case the person had any questionable motives.Still, it was hard to focus on their movements, as they seemed to be ratherskilled in trudging through these snowstorms, experience clearly noticeable bytheir quick footsteps. They also didn’t seem to be covering their face againstthe blistering cold, like you were at the moment, your point of view being nothingmore than small slits as your arm was raised in front of you to block out thesnow. The more the person came closer, the more restless D/N became at yourside and you were for a moment fearing that it might launch itself at thestranger before you, its maternal instincts kicking in at seeing you in arather helpless state. Yet, its composure seemed to change when a hand suddenlycame to rest gently on its muzzle, strange markings visible on the owner’s handas well as their arm. With a single touch, your companion was unable to moveitself, its ears and eyes still very much alert on the intruding wanderer, butseemingly more relaxed than before and it couldn’t help but sniff cautiously attheir hand, giving it a lick in approval afterwards. How was this strangerbeing able to calm your own dog just like that? Most people would not have beenable to do such a thing, the creature being quite wary of strangers andentirely devoted to you alone. This was no ordinary person and that much becameclear as they finally stepped into your vision, their visage becoming much morevisible now.
It appearsthat the mystery stranger was a man and a rather regal looking one at that. Youcould clearly see he had been living in these woods for quite some time, hiswhole look and outfit being adapted to it. He wore a long fur coat, the shapethat of a wolf, which you assumed to be a trophy of some sort. The intricatepatterns you earlier spotted on his arm also covered parts of his face, a signhe most likely came from some sort of clan or tribe. Lastly, he seemed to carrya bow and quiver as well, a hunter perhaps? You had met a few of those before,but they were often the same boorish and mostly chatty ones as well and onlygot in your way whenever you were trying to get to your next destination, bydistracting you with their flirtatious attempts. This man however, wassomething entirely different. He looked… primitive to say the least and thefact that he was so silent didn’t put your worries more at ease either. The manjust kept staring at you, his dark eyes handsome, but incredibly intimidatingas well while he looked you over. You suddenly felt a bit self-conscious, thinkinghe must be seeing you as a complete fool for coming to this forest and gettinglost like that in the meantime. You couldn’t blame him though, perhaps youshould have taken more precautions before coming here, but right now all ofthat did not matter anymore. If the stranger was could be kind to you today,you hoped he would be able to at least lead you into the right direction, whichwould be to getting straight out of these woods. Through your shock at theperson before you, you failed to notice that you were still pretty much holdingyour knife frantically in front of you, still not trusting the man’s approachthat well.
The trophyhunter was not very amused by your display though and repeated hisministrations from earlier with your companion, as he slowly but confidently, stretchedout his marked arm towards your own, which was currently occupied with holdingthe sharp dagger. Having never actually used your weapon in combat, as it wasmore meant for survival purposes such as cutting ropes and long reeds, you werehighly inexperienced and easily scared off as well whenever a serious threat occurred.For that reason, your arm couldn’t help but shake once the wolf archer’s handcame closer to yours, not being able to move it at all due to the sheer fear ofactually hurting a person with it as well as the pressuring aura of the personbefore you. Just as he did with D/N a few moments prior, the marksman gentlylaid his calloused hand atop your smaller one and swiftly took the blade out ofyour hand, tossing it onto the ground before him afterwards. D/N still did notsense a trace of danger in the man, as the furry creature kept resting soundlyon the ground, his eyes looking attentively at the strong presence near him.Well, you could say you were screwed now and your expression matched yourthoughts quite well as your eyes seemed to almost pop out of their sockets oncethe man was able to disarm you so easily, or rather, how you were able to lethim do so in that manner. As you silently cursed yourself for your weakness,the archer spoke up, his voice gruff but oddly soothing.
“There isno need to point your weapon at me. I am not a threat.” The man spoke andpicked up your knife in the process before inspecting it thoroughly. “Besides, thisblade his highly inappropriate for combat. In fact, it could not even strikedown a bear even if you gave it your best attempt.” He once again turned hisgaze towards you, his striking brown orbs once again consuming your own intotheir deep pools. Even though the man had just expressed his disregard to yourblade, he did not hold any aggression or hatred in his gaze, it seemed morelike a roughed up attempt at giving you advice than trying to mock you. It wasclear that this man had not seen any humans passing by here in a while, hissocial ability at conversation being very limited. You were not any better atthe moment though, as you were still very much in awe over the whole situationas well as extremely cold and uncomfortable because of the cruel weather. You wereunable to speak clearly due to the frost biting at your lips as well as thesnow that was making its way through your boots little by little, the fabricapparently not being strong enough to counter such extreme conditions. Themarksman returned your dagger and stood before you again as he spoke up asecond time. “You are lost, correct?” A surge of hope made its way through yourchest and you suddenly felt slightly warmer as you listened to him, your eyeswidening at his question. Perhaps he did want to help you out and was not hereto fight you as you feared before. You prayed for the former and didn’thesitate to nod your head in his direction, the desperation being all too clearin your eyes. Even he could see that you were suffering under these conditionsand urgently needed shelter before you and your friend froze to death. “Followme. There is a den up ahead, I shall take you there. It is not far.” Eventhough you were in the worst possible situation at the moment, you had just metthis man roughly half an hour before and were not completely sure if you shouldalready go with him or not. Murderers come in all shapes and sizes and theirsweet talks can be just as deadly, so you were still on your guard when youpondered over his proposal. He seemed very serious about it though and even D/Nseemed to be calmed by his presence and people always said that you could trustan animal on its instincts, so why wouldn’t you? And even so, you would bedying out here anyway if you stayed and refused, you might as well take yourchances now and hope for it to turn out the right way.
Themarksman seemed to have taken notice of your distress and turned to you onceagain and gave you a rather soft look, his features having less of thesharpness in them as he tried to convince you he was indeed trustworthy. “I understandyour caution, but your body is in a bad shape at the moment and it needs warmthbefore you will pass out from the cold and freeze to death. The storms here arerelentless. There will be no escape if you do not get to shelter immediately.”The worry was clearly evident in his face now and it was obvious the man didnot want to see you die, even if you were a stranger. He had good intentionslike you hoped and you once again nodded tiredly as you let him lead youthrough the vast expanse of snow. D/N followed suit, his worn out legs carryinghim almost barely behind you. The dog was on its last bits of strength too andyou shot it an apologetic look for being so doubtful and almost stubbornthrough the whole situation, as every second mattered for both of your survivalnow. The hunter put an arm around your shoulder to guide you along with him, ashe feared you would lose your way otherwise and the blizzard was still hittingas strongly as when you arrived, causing the wind to be able to topple you overeasily now that you had weakened so much through your travel. Both you and thearcher were too preoccupied with the matter of life and death before, that youcompletely forgot to introduce yourself to each other and you did want to knowat least the name of the person who saved your life.
“W-Who arey-you?” Your voice coming out in a faint whisper as your teeth chatteredtogether, words barely coming out of your mouth because of the ruthless coldand your shivering. The archer still seemed rather unaffected by it all,probably because his armor and fur coat were successfully keeping him warm. Heturned his face in your direction, lowering it slightly so he could keep youclose in the process. “My name is Hanzo. I will get you to safety, you cantrust me.” Something about the way he uttered those words made you feel atpeace, the warmth he promised you earlier being noticeable, even in his ownvoice and suddenly you did not feel as unsure anymore as you closed your eyesin submission while leaning on him for support, once he offered you hisshoulder to brace you from the bitter ice in the air. “Thank you, Hanzo.”
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toobusylyintomyself · 7 years
Sinister ǀ 02
A/N: Here is chapter 2! Sorry I couldn’t get this out sooner. It may seem a bit confusing at first, but there is a lot in this chapter that is meant to set up a lot of what happens later. Things will pick up from here!
Pairing: ReaderxTaeyong , ReaderxTen
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As you sat talking to Taeyong, you started to notice a few odd things. From the way he never spoke about his family or his childhood, to his seemingly over-interest in yours. When you told him you had moved away from home to attend this school with your best friend, he acted sympathetic, but somehow it felt forced. Not in the way that he didn’t care about what you were saying, but rather that he almost seemed glad your family wasn’t around. The inflections in his voice threw you off for that exact reason. He seemed to constantly be contradicting himself with his words and tone.
Your train of thought was interrupted by the arrival of two of your close friends, Jaehyun and Johnny, the two quickly stealing your attention away from the odd boy you found now intertwined in your life. “Doyoung said you got pulled from lecture thing morning, what was going on?” Johnny asked as he handed you a notebook.
“I had to meet with the new student this morning. He’s joining the dance program, his name is Tae-“ You went to motion to him as you mentioned him, but noticed he had left the area you two had been talking at “-yong. Who apparently left.”
You noticed both Jaehyun and Johnny looking at you slightly confused. “Is he in this class? No one was with you when we came in.” The taller boy gave you a concerned look.
“He probably just went out for a minute. You can meet him later. Anyway, we’re getting partners for our term projects today.” You sighed leaning back against the bench behind you. “Given the circumstances, I was asked to partner with Taeyong, but I think he’s randomizing it.”
Johnny groaned at the new information, plopping down on your left side, while Jaehyun remained fairly expressionless, taking a seat on your other side. “I’m going to get stuck with Sana. Every time we get random partners, I always end up with Sana.”
“There are worse partners than Sana, Johnny. Besides, you could get stuck with someone new this time. I mean I’m not partnered with Jaehyun for the first time in who knows how long.” You chuckled at his whining, but quieted down when you felt Jaehyun tense on the other side of you. Turning to face him, you caught the seemingly angry glare of Taeyong, locked on the three of you as he made his way closer to your group.
Jaehyung tore his gaze away from the angrily approaching man, turning toward you. “Y/N, why does he look like he’s going to kill us?”
You shrugged, looking at the floor next to you. The next thing you knew, you felt a hand stroke your hair lightly, causing you to look up. You were met with a now concerned Taeyong crouching in front of you.
“Is everything alright? You look upset” His voice was soft and low, shocking you after his demeanor changed so rapidly. You must have taken too long to respond because he started talking again. “Are you feeling well?” He placed the back of his hand against your forehead. “Y/N… You’re burning up.” He trailed his hand down your cheek before dropping it, leaving you stunned.
“I-“ You started to talk before Johnny cut you off.
“You’ve been under a lot of pressure lately, maybe you should head back to your room.” Johnny put his hand on your back protectively, glancing warily at Taeyong. “Jae can take you back, I’ll tell Marc.”
“Johnny, I-“ You were cut off again, apparently no one wanted your opinion on the matter.
“Let’s go, Y/N.” Jaehyun curled an arm around your shoulders, pulling you away from both Taeyong and Johnny. “I’ll get her back, call Ten at some point, you know how freaked out he’ll get if she doesn’t show up to practice.”
You noticed he was supporting quite a bit of your weight, much to your surprise. What was even more shocking however was just how sick you felt, considering you’d been perfectly fine earlier. The more steps you take, the harder it hits you. Without warning your vision blurs and you collapse against Jaehyun. Fragments of people calling your name filled your ears before your consciousness left you.
When you came to, you were in an unfamiliar room, at least to some degree. You could tell you were still on campus somewhere. In your semi-conscience state, you could hear multiple voices murmuring in the background, though part of you could comprehend that they were speaking at full volume. You closed your eyes as you tried to distinguish the voices, or even the words they were saying, but it was futile in your current situation. You felt both overly warm and freezing cold, the sensation was strange and frustrating, but there was nothing you could do about it. Trying to reopen your eyes proved difficult, causing you to struggle attempt to struggle from your position.
You must have made enough commotion from your place as you soon felt a dip in the mattress beside you and a cool hand against your forehead. When he spoke, you could actually understand him, quickly recognizing it to be Ten. “You’re still so warm…” You felt him move, rustling with something beside you before a cool, damp cloth was resting on your forehead. “Just rest, Y/N. You need it.” He brushed your hair aside and lightly pressed his lips to the crown of your head, a sign of affection you’d gotten very used to from him whenever something was wrong. Knowing he was there made you feel calmer, despite your state. You settled down quickly, drifting back to sleep as he played with your hair.
When you woke up for the second time you felt substantially better, being able to fully open your eyes and prop yourself up against the head board. You looked around, seeing who you presumed to be the boys looking after you all asleep around the room. Ten was slumped against the mattress beside you while sitting in a chair, Johnny had fallen asleep in an armchair, Jaehyun was laying on the floor, surprisingly, Taeyong was resting in the window seal. You shifted to sit up straighter, stretching out your arms.
The shift in weight stirred Ten from his slumber, causing him to look up at you and break into a smile when he saw you sitting up against the bed. Reaching up, he tucked some loose hair behind your ear while yawning. “How are you feeling?” He asked, laying the back of his hand against your forehead to check your temperature. “We had a doctor come by earlier…” He trailed off, seemingly not wanting to give any more information until you talked to him.
“I...” You started, your voice coming across as weak and strained. Ten immediately handed you a glass of water, which you graciously accepted, sipping on it for a minute until you felt your throat could bare speaking. “I don’t feel great, but it’s better than earlier.” You were still quiet, but it was audible, at least to yourself and Ten.
He looked at you with concern clearly painted across his face. “What happened earlier? Doyoung said you seemed fine this morning, tired at the most. Johnny and Jaehyun both seem to agree that you looked fairly sick the second they saw you not even three hours later. The new kid is the only one who’s seen you in the time between, and he seems to be in a permanent state of panic since you passed out.” He glanced over at Taeyong, who was still leaned against the window with his eyes closed before sighing. “At least he finally fell asleep.”
The shock of everyone’s worry hit you like a brick, stunning you temporarily as you looked around the room at all of them. “Ten, I felt fine before that class started. I don’t know what happened. I felt fine when I first saw Johnny and Jaehyun, in fact I hadn’t even noticed my health had gone downhill until Taeyong pointed it out.”
Ten bit his lip, clearly unsure of how to respond. “Y/N… The doctor who came in made it pretty clear that this isn’t a single day onset type of problem…” He spoke softly, trying not to upset you. “They said you haven’t been eating or sleeping enough. You tested positive for iron deficient anemia.” His voice raised, making it clear that the topic was also upsetting to him. “You can’t do this, Y/N… I worry about you enough as it is.” His voice broke at his last statement, pulling at your heart.
His hurt demeanor was painful for you, causing you to reach out and lightly run your fingers through his hair. Something about this situation still felt off to you. You knew you didn’t typically sleep enough, but not to the extent that you would pass out in the middle of the day. For now however, you’d have to accept that it happened, and at the moment, people needed you to be okay more than you needed answers. “I’ll take better care of myself from now on, Ten. I promise.”
He pulled you into a hug, letting you rest comfortably against him rather than the headboard and you returned the gesture. “I’ll make sure you do. I should’ve been looking out for you. I’m sorry I didn’t notice something was off sooner.” He rested his head on your shoulder, voice trailing off as he relaxed against you.
You leaned into him, relaxing in his comforting embrace. “Don’t blame yourself. No one would have noticed.” You felt him hum against you, clearly drifting back off to sleep as his breathing leveled out. You leaned back again, still feeling quite tired from the events of the day. It wasn’t long before sleep overcame you as well, completely unaware of the watchful eye still over you.
Taeyong perked up from his position as he heard you and Ten start to converse, being careful to still appear to be asleep. It was hard not to show how visibly relieved he was that you were up and talking. As your conversation continued he took the time to look in your direction, seeing you now sitting up in the dark room. It was comforting to him, knowing that you would be alright after all. As he watched your friend embrace you, he couldn’t help but feel annoyed that someone other than him was comforting you, though he knew it wasn’t his place to do so right now.
He couldn’t help that he was scolding himself over your current state. He should have known better after you walked into the dean’s office that morning. Regardless of how strong you may be, spending even just a few minutes around two powerful demons would be enough to completely drain someone of their energy, the fact you’d been with them for nearly an hour was a near miracle. He should have noticed the signs earlier in the day, considering your slightly sluggish behavior and how often you had spaced out while showing him around campus. He reminded himself to be more careful as he kept you around. It wouldn’t hurt you to be with him, though he’d need to limit how often you came into contact with others of his kind.
When he looked back over at you he noticed that you had fallen asleep in your friends embrace, making him seethe internally. Whether it was the jealousy or his need to know you were alright, he wasn’t sure, but something made him leave his perch and make his way over to you. He noticed that your skin had regained most of the glow it had when he had first seen you and it no longer felt clammy. The thought brought a small smile to his lips as he leaned down to place a kiss on your forehead before leaning down next to your ear. “I’ll protect you from now own.” He whispered, mostly for himself, before pulling away. As he stood up, he swore he saw you smile, and even if it wasn’t for him, he resolved to the fact that it soon would be before making his way back to the window seal. Looking over you from his perch he let his eyes drift shut whispering his goodnight to you before going back to sleep.
From his position in the chair, Johnny watched this exchange, wary of the fact they had two demons in the room. He silently cursed as he realized what was likely the cause of your illness, though he wouldn’t be able to bring it up with you and Jaehyun in the room. Tomorrow he would confront Ten and Taeyong about it, when he could get them alone. He let out an audible sigh, looking at your sleeping form, partially glad that you now looked peaceful, but more so anxious of the turn your life seemed to be taking. He mumbled to himself as he watched you shift slightly in your sleep, “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
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