parallelroutes · 11 months
[ @tsukkiakarii ]
Someone brought a present. "Happy birthday, Koku-chan." ♪
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lovelikanroji · 11 months
hii lovely, i don't have a request for your main blog atm, but i would like to hear your thoughts on my beloved son muichiro with a gender neutral older sibling!reader <33
i think it would be both very cute and very sad. maybe they're super protective of him because they feel like they failed as an older sibling by letting his brother die? maybe they feel like it's their fault? hehe feel free to do whatever you'd like with this idea, it's just a silly little thing i thought about, but haven't had the inspiration to actually write about! it's also totally alright if you don't feel inspired by it either 💕
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⤷ pairing(s): muichiro x gn!reader (strictly platonic)
⤷ summary: Muichiro with an older sibling headcanons
⤷ warnings: me rambling for 1.3k words lmao, reader works alongside shinobu at the butterfly mansion, lowercase is intended, spoilers for demon slayer s3
⤷ note from author: i feel like i haven't written this much in such a short time in a hot minute
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○ i think as the oldest sibling between yuichiro, muichiro and themselves, the reader would be very protective over their younger siblings
○ at the beginning it's more of you saving them from tripping and falling over but after your parents die, you start to do more as the eldest
○ you handle most of the chores, as well as cooking just to make sure your siblings can enjoy their childhoods a little longer.
○ of course they still help you with it but you try to finish them most of the time
○ the first time Amane-san mentions your lineage and invites you and your siblings to join the Demon Slayer Corps, you're hesitant to do so
○ not only because you don't believe in demons, but also because even if they were real, your siblings are just children and risking their lives to protect people should be the least of their worries
○ you politely decline her offer, and she nods in understanding
○ later that day muichiro begs you to reconsider, clearly happy that he comes from a strong demon slayer's line and excited to continue where his ancestor left off
○ before you can explain him why you made your decision, yuichiro begins berating him, creating a rift between the two of them
○ you do what you can to get them to talk to each other again but no matter what you say or do, neither of them will budge
○ one summer night, as you're laying down and trying to sleep, you hear muichiro gasp and turn to look at what happened only to see an unknown person in your home
○ the unknown figure raises his hand as if to attack, and you're not fast enough to stop yuichiro running up to the figure
○ you can do nothing but watch in horror as yuichiro's arm gets sliced off
○ in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding, you tore off your clothes and hold it up to his arm, but it does absolutely nothing
○ the figure laughs at your clear panic and as you're trying to save yuichiros life, he strikes again, except this time his aim is at muichiro
○ you jump in front of him without thinking, crashing to the wall due to the blunt force the figure hit you with
○ muichiro brings yuichiro over to where you are, the figure close behind
○ you want to move in front of your siblings but all of your strength has left you, and your vision is getting blurry
○ you hold yuichiros other hand as you hear muichiro scream and attack the figure
○ the last thing you see after he comes back all bloodied is Amane-san, and then you let darkness take you
○ when you wake back up, the first thing you're asked is if you remember anything
○ you tell the man, Ubuyashiki, everything you remember, and immediately ask where your brothers are
○ the heartbroken look he gives you is answer enough
○ he explains how when his wife, Amane, had gotten there yuichiro was already dead, and muichiro was close although they were able to save him, and he was resting as you were
○ knowing that at least one of your brothers were alive should have made you feel better and yet all you felt was disappointment and rage, at yourself for not protecting your brothers, and at demons for hurting them in the first place
○ nichirin swords change colors when the holder gains a certain amount of skill on wielding it, but no matter how hard you train yours never changes colors, and you can only watch as your brother flies up ranks
○ shinobu offers you a job at the butterfly estate when she sees how heartbroken you are, and you accept, willing to do anything to help your brother in any means possible
○ she teaches you what she knows in medicine, and in turn you help with the chores around the estate as well as taking care of the residents and the injured slayers
○ you dont see your brother that often, and you're not sure if you're happy or sad about it. on one hand it means he isnt getting injured, but on the other you miss him terribly
○ shinobu is the one that tells you he became a hashira, and while you're happy for him you can't help but think how he's too young to be putting him in such danger
○ you hope this means you can see your brother more, but it turns out to be the opposite
○ being a hashira means getting more and harder jobs, which means muichiro is busier than before
○ as sad as you are, you continue working in the estate because if you allow yourself to think about the dangers, you feel yourself drowning in fear
○ the next time you see your brother you want to spend time with him as much as possible, so when that day comes you're shocked to your core when all he says is a simple "hi" and a "goodbye" once you're done patching him up
○ he leaves the estate without glancing your way, leaving you standing there with your heart shattered
○ amane-san had told you that he didn't remember what had happened, and his amnesia had changed his personality, but you weren't expecting it to be this severe
○ after your very brief reunion, you work even harder than before as a way to distract yourself from the pain
○ as much as it hurts for your own brother to not recognize you, you can't dwell on the thought for any longer
○ you believe in your brother, and his abilities to protect himself, so when you receive a crow from shinobu saying he was badly hurt, you start panicking
○ the second the kakushis bring him in, you start working on his injuries, as shinobu removes the poison from his body with ease
○ he's unconscious the whole time, but right as you're about to leave his side to bring him cold water and a rag to lower his temperature, you feel his hand hold yours
○ you turn around to ask if he needs anything, but he beats you to it
○ "i'm sorry," he says. "don't leave."
○ you're not sure why he's apologizing, but you sit down near his bed right after putting the wet rag on his forehead anyway
○ you're up and doting when he starts stirring, and the first thing you ask when he wakes up is if he's okay
○ before he can answer you start checking up on his injuries, rambling about how glad you were that he was alive and well
○ muichiro keeps trying to speak but you, being scared of his answer, keep interrupting him
○ this goes on for a while until your brother gets up abruptly, takes your hands in his, and tells you to listen to him
○ the first thing he does is apologize, and before you can say anything he shushes you and continues his speech
○ he tells you he's sorry for the way he behaved, for not spending time with you and most of all for forgetting everything and everyone dear to him, which you're quick to deny
○ you in return tell him that it most definitely was not his fault, and that you were happy his memories were back
○ after that he tells you he'll be more careful on his missions, and promises that he'll visit more often
○ after his injuries are all healed and he's going off to yet another mission, you're left with a sense of joy instead of dread, and you hum to yourself as you pick up your chores while you wait for your brother to return
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while i think it would be sweet of muichiro to remember their sibling, i also believe he wouldn't as he doesn't remember anything that's related to his past.
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crescentmoonrider · 1 month
Summary :
Senjurou works at Douma's office, and learns to help. Senjurou works at Douma's office, and learns that he can't do anything at all. Senjurou works, and learns that closure is something only some ghosts can give. (He wants to become more like Kyoujurou, more like Douma, more like Michikatsu. Wants to be someone the dead and the living can rely on.)
>read on AO3
>AU tag
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
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kitsune au! i only just realized i dont have to color these
basically, he gets re-alive'd a few years later with no recollection of anything- all he knows is where he woke up at felt like home, and that something deeply important to him was missing. a kasugi crow was flying overhead and he was like 'fuck it. might as well follow it' and ended up interrupting a hashira meeting :)
i actually have like 3000 words of fic written for it that i think i'll also post-
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tanjir0se · 4 months
If I don’t inflict my own brain fungus on my blorbos I’ll die one thousand deaths Sanemi hates the sound of men yelling and will visibly flinch whenever a man speaks particularly loudly or unexpectedly around him, thus sayeth the lord
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rubylarkspur22 · 9 months
Ship Swap(💕)
Me: I need to switch these characters around for them to be in the other's place.
Characters in Question: *Must be placed in a crappy situation, which was caused by their counterparts' family being awful(iykyk)*
Also the Characters in Question: *Have happy, loving families who would never hurt them of their own free will*
Me: I don't wanna make these happy families awful! And the abusive pieces of crap don't deserve to be made nice.
The Gremlin in the Back of my Brain That Likes to See Sunshine Children Suffer and Feeds on Their Pain: K i d n a p
Me: Oh, god, YOU AGAIN?! Must you always make suggestions that lead to my sunshine children (especially Tanjirou) ending up dead, tortured, turned into an "enemy", or any combination thereof?!
Gremlin: Did I stutter? Let the children be kidnapped! Traumatize them, the one isn't going to emotionally stunt himself!
Me: *unimpressed*
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levbolton · 11 months
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i cannot stopnot recommending heaven's feel to anyone because this is the best animation i've ever seen in my life, nothing has ever topped this masterpiece
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cpirits · 1 year
(( semi-prompted -- @swordsxandxsakuras said: [ Kny s3 spoilers!!!! :
The girl was heavily injured, blood streaming from her forehead. The concussion she suffered clouded her eyesight. She sees a figure standing in front of her, but it is still hard to see. But her strong sense of smell felt Tanjiro near her presence. The sun is up, he could be burning. She tries to stand up so she can save her older brother. When her vision cleared, she sees Tanjiro; with no burns or his muzzle.
🌸 → ❝ O....Oni-San.....? ❞ ]
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Even though he was a Demon, Tanjiro had gotten whipped in the battle, so he felt a little unsteady on his feet as he pulled through the area. He could smell and see blood! Nezuko!
Rushing over he saw her, and felt anger rise up in his chest, his clothes waving as Tanjiro rushed over to stand close where she was leaning against a tree. He didn't quite recall everything that happened, but his body seemed okay.
Fangs showed from his lips as a clawed hand outstretched to her, worrying and giving a whimper. It was then he shouted. He spoke. "Nezuko, don't move. Stay sitting."
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strawberrytorte · 2 years
i told myself i'd go clubbing on halloween but i don't even have a proper costume yet... the last time i went to spirit halloween the only costume they had in my size was a nun costume 😐😐
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betawooper · 2 years
ok im like doing a bit more reading and when it comes to the tsugikunis, i feel like they were either a part of the ronin/samurai class and not the daimyo class like i originally expected which i guess is fair considering that the daimyos were a big deal but also like im just gonna tastefully ignore that-
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keruimi · 16 days
Your Dream
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Pairing: Obanai Iguro x reader
Warnings: Mention of Sexual Abuse, Death, Total Angst
Note: It has a similar plot with my other Obanai Oneshot but why do I feel like this hurts more? Anyways, I am back to writing Kny especially when it's angst. And yes, it's Obanai Iguro again, my favorite character. The only reason I wrote this is because of the Obamitsu Angst in my fyp like stop reminding me, it really hurts. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it because I don't want to suffer alone.
It was a normal life I live, working as an average kakushi who is mostly assigned in the kitchen.
When an odd request from Oyakata-sama changes my routine. When he assigned me to deliver meals to the new pillar, the Snake Hashira, Obanai Iguro.
At the age of eighteen, I finally experienced the anger of a Hashira with just my presence.
Knowing I was silent my whole life, I never found the reason why the Hashira glared at me on our first meeting.
I can't even count how many meals have been ignored or thrown whenever I deliver it to him.
Feeding the Snake Hashira became part of my routine that I completely memorize the route of his manor since he doesn't want anyone to be with him.
"Y/n, please take care of Obanai Iguro's health for me"
Those are the words I hold onto as I tolerated the cold treatment of the Hashira.
I lost track of the times I stay outside the freezing cold when he doesn't want to open his door for me.
It became more torturing when my heart suddenly beat faster when he started treating me differently after a year.
When he finally started to accept the food I cooked and delivered to his manor. Even if he can't finish it, I am thankful that it wouldn't become a waste anymore.
I knew our simple interaction progressed more when he allowed me to come closer to his space. Even a job that I shouldn't be doing, I'm doing it for him.
Like cleaning his manor, grinding ink for him, and helping him sort different poetry he has written.
Those simple moments introduce me to the new side of him that I slowly fell in love with.
It made me want to try harder until the walls he built around him completely fall down.
Until he can finally open his heart to me.
But that friendship I tried to stabilize, brick by brick, became nothing when he met her in the Ubuyashiki mansion.
My effort is almost nothing with how easy she manages to make him soften to her.
And I started to look for the reasons why.
The friendship I tried so hard to build is ruined and I felt like I went back to the first time we met.
The cautious aura that made it difficult for me to connect to him.
And I knew those thoughts are really happening when the food I brought is left untouched.
"I have already eaten with Mitsuri"
It was the sentence I kept hearing but I didn't stop doing my duty of making his food for him.
Because I learned to love taking care of him.
Those tasty delicacies I used to love cooking, change when I noticed he was disgusted just by the smell of it.
I adjusted so many things that I completely forgot what I really love.
Just to serve him right.
I prevent the cough that is threatening to leave my mouth as I grind ink for the Hashira I am serving.
As he wrote the letter he always sent to her.
It was breaking me. But I have no right to feel anything for him.
I already knew ever since, that a high-ranking warrior like him is not meant to love me.
But the weak side of me silently yearn that he can return it.
But seeing how in love he is with another woman. I knew I never had a place in his heart.
But just a mere presence that accompanies him in the garden.
I was just a shadow he would never notice. A person that serves him, and he would not change his perspective on me.
I was beside him so I could serve him, not to love him.
I wipe the single tear and escape my eyes before he notices as I force my body to move according to what he wishes.
While he remained clueless of my emotion that I tried so hard to get rid of.
The emotion that broke my heart when I saw the ring in his room while I was cleaning.
I could never look at the mirror just to see how my eyes portrayed the pain I felt when I saw it.
"Obanai-san really liked Mitsuri, don't you?" I mustered up the courage to speak my thoughts with a slight teasing tone as my back faced him.
I bit my lip to stop the sob that is threatening to be heard as I heard shuffling behind me.
"Obanai-san must treat Mitsuri-san right. Marriage is a dream for every woman. Especially when they will have a good man to love" I turned to him with a smile as I slowly opened my eyes and saw how soft his eyes turned because of embarrassment.
I don't know his past. I don't know what he loves.
I don't know Obanai Iguro.
But I know he has a hard time trusting others.
"I hope you both live a happy life" I managed to let out but it came out as a whisper as I took my things and left the room.
I froze the moment I left his manor as the tears I managed to subside finally escaped my eyes as I found myself crying on the way back to the village I live in.
I knew it was coming but my heart won't stop aching. My eyes can't stop crying. My mouth can't stop sobbing.
I really love him.
But he is not mine.
I lost track of the years when the female kakushi started to serve me.
The only woman I allow to enter my manor with the excuse of serving me.
Because I thought of changing myself even a little no matter how much I feel fear or disgusted by a female approaching me.
Because she gave effort to providing me with the most comfortable thing I needed. Especially during my meal time.
Starting with a simple window being opened, creating less flavorful food that I can tolerate.
I knew she was adjusting for me so I let her presence in my everyday life. Until that became like a friendship I was thankful for.
I can talk to someone about things without including battles.
I love her like a family.
That explained how my body felt frozen when I heard the news of what happened to her on the way to my manor.
The news of her being taken advantage of by a man who manages to memorize her route to my manor due to her everyday routine of walking her way there.
The anger I felt was unexplainable that I can find myself hurting a fellow human.
I knew humans can be evil, but I didn't know I could hate them more than I hate demons.
But I thought I made a mistake too.
If I just let her stay in my manor so she wouldn't exert too much energy just for my food, I could protect her better.
I know I'm slowly losing control when my self-restraint almost fell apart when I visited her quarters and I found her silently sitting at the corner of her room, hugging her knees.
As the spark in her eyes completely vanishes.
"She refused to eat nor let another woman near her. When the others approach her, she flinches. We don't know how to approach her anymore" the Kakushi who led me to her room stuttered out as I felt my hand grip the wooden door in anger.
Yet my eyes badly wanted to cry for her.
"Shinobu tried to check on her but she started to cry whether she was near. We just confirm the situation when the evidence of the sexual abuse was present in her body when we found her unconscious in the forest"
"Stop talking" I snap at him who immediately keeps his mouth shut as my snake hiss at him who scurried away.
"Y/n, it's me" I knocked on the door even though it was already open to make her aware of my presence in the room.
I don't know how I control my voice who I thought will be expressed in a trembled tone.
I am a man.
That is the first thought that came to my mind that made me decide to sit at the floor near the door.
"Obanai Iguro, you know me, right?" I spoke again and she kept her silence making my hands tighten its hold on my pants.
I'm not used to this side of her.
"Are you scared of me?" I asked slowly as silence occupied the entire room before she shook her head a little.
"May I come closer?"
With that question, I notice how her hands tighten on the blanket surrounding her making me release a shaky breath.
I never knew I was willing to hurt a fellow human just for her.
It made me want to make the man suffer badly. Worse than what he did to her.
"I'm sorry" I was left speechless when those were left on her lips and I immediately shook my head.
"Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong. It was them that wronged you" I am not good at words but I wanted to completely express my concern and pain for her.
I badly wanted to avenge her.
"It was me who should apologize because I was not there for you"
"I am not your responsibility..." She whispered and I shook my head once again, wishing for her to look at me even once so she can see how badly I am hurt for what she has experience.
How desperate I am to show she was not alone during this time.
"You are. Because you are important to me" I felt tears in my eyes as Kaburamaru slithered his way to her and slowly circled around her shoulder in a protective manner.
"I am tainted..."
"You're not" I firmly stated. "I am the tainted one between the two of us" those words quickly left my lips without any hesitations and she finally had the courage to look in my direction.
"So don't look at yourself that way. For me, you are still the same Y/n that accompanied me" I stuttered out as I tried to stabilize my breathing.
"I will seek justice for you. That's a promise"
I saw how a tear left her eyes as she looked outside the window. Removing her gaze on me.
"In our generation, marriage is every woman's dreams. Is a symbol of acceptance. Is where you will really feel you are loved and chosen by someone" she whispered.
"But in order to be chosen, you need to be pure, compliant, and well-mannered. That's what it takes to be a good wife" she stated as Kaburamaru nuzzled his head on her cheek when he noticed her difficulty in breathing.
I badly want to lend her my shoulder to lean on, an advice to make her mind clear. But in this situation, we both knew she just needed an ear to listen to her.
Someone to comfort her with just presence.
"But if you don't meet those requirements, you will be shunned by society. You will lose the qualification that a wife has."
"Right now, I will not be the wife of someone. I will not be married to a man I will dedicate my life to. Because I don't have my purity that only my husband should have." She whispered.
It was a painful word to state out loud. But right now, I can't read her.
Because she completely closed off her emotions.
"I don't fit the standard that a wife should have." She whispered as she buried herself in her blanket that hid herself from me.
"And it hurted so badly"
I closed my eyes when she spoke those words.
And I hate myself because I can't do anything for her but just torture her attacker.
"What else is your dream other than marriage?" I ask her as she closes her eyes to rest it for a little while.
"I want to meet the one that is willing to spend their entire life with me" it was a hopeful wish.
Silence occupy the room and I thought she fall asleep until she whispered the words I never expected to hear from her.
"I love you..." It was barely heard but I knew it was the words she hide for so long.
That made it known to me that I could grant that dream to her.
But I decide to give her the time she needs to heal from that painful experience.
She needs to heal.
Those are the thoughts I could only think of as I laid her down in her bed in a more comfortable position when I noticed she had finally fallen asleep.
But I never expected that it would be the last time I would see her with her eyes open.
Because when I came back the next day, the news of her death was the one that greeted me.
It was a nocturnal death because her heart failed during her sleep.
It finally felt like my whole world collapsed and my mind completely shut down.
If it weren't for Sanemi being beside me, I would have completely fallen on the floor as I kneel in front of her room.
It hurts.
I wanted it to stop.
But I know that nothing could make her happy anymore.
Because that nightmare would continue living within her for the rest of her life.
I never manage to cherish her smiles more. I only shrugged the moments I have with her because I thought we would stay that way.
That I never knew I was running out of time.
It took every cell in my body to approach her cold body that is covered with white cloth as I kneeled beside her.
I silently slid the ring that she found on my mansion in her finger as tears continued escaping from my eyes as Sanemi just stood behind me.
I lost someone who made me feel like I have the family I never have.
In this life, we were parted to heal.
But I will make sure that her wish will be granted.
"In this life" I started to whisper as my lips lean on her fingers where the ring stays.
"As God as my witness, I promise to take you as my bride. Give myself as your other half" I keep mumbling as I squeeze her cold hand as tears continue to fall from my eyes.
"That even death can never separate us. Because in our next life, I'll make sure, that I will utter this words to you again"
And in that life, you will be alive to hear it
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parallelroutes · 11 months
“You don’t have to do this alone.”
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"Have I ever told you you're the best mom?"
Sure, she doesn't have any competition for being Byakuran's first parental figure, but he'd still pick her over any other options. No one else would respect him and treat him like the kid he's never had the chance to be. When her own kids started calling him 'Ran-nii', this outcome was inevitable, but… it doesn't make it any less sweet.
"I can say it again, if you want." ♪
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thisthirstisreal · 18 days
Do people not understand that the Infinity Castle as movies would be a lesser situation for fans??
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Each movie lasts 2 hours. Mugen Train was around that duration and it spanned 6 episodes worth of content. If there are multiple movies, say 2 movies, that will be 12 episodes of content. You guys want the entirety of Infinity Castle to be animated into only 12 episodes????Entertainment District Arc was 13 episodes long (including the 1-hour first and last episode). Infinity Castle has almost double the manga chapters of Entertainment District.
And nothing will kill the hype more if there's a trilogy of movies. Each movie for one upper moon? That's horrible pacing. I can accept waiting a year between two parts of Infinity Castle, but to wait for three parts? One of the greatest highlights of Infinity Castle is seeing the nonstop, high-intensity action and how Gotouge keeps the momentum going. One Upper Moon per movie is just too glacial a pace and it's going to feel slow and dragged out.
And even if they went down that route, Shinobu vs Douma will still need to be in the first movie because it happens before Akaza vs Tanjiro. And no, you can't reshuffle it because there's an important tidbit about Akaza not eating women that Douma tells Kanao. So the second movie will ONLY feature Douma vs Inosuke and Kanao. You guys tell me how the fuck that's going to work. The only way is by adding gratuitous amounts of filler beyond what would be satisfactory.
In other words: neither two or three movies work for Infinity Castle.
Y'all talk about Ufotable getting better budget for movies as if Entertainment District Arc's animation quality didn't easily rival Mugen Train. The budget won't make any difference -- the only difference is that the pacing is going to be fucked up and either too slow or rushed. The only genuine upside I can think of is not having to wait for episodes weekly and getting everything at once and experiencing it in a theatre setting.
But do you guys genuinely prefer an inferior product just for the brief experience of instant gratification? Why can't we be patient just for a better end-product? Once KNY the anime is finally complete, you're going to be revisiting an arc with sloppier pacing than what could have been. All because you cannot wait weekly and just so you can get a few hours of great theatre experience.
It's just disappointing and you should know that the movie is going to release first in Japan before a belated international release and our first glimpses of amazing moments may be trending potato camrip images. It's horrific.
The moment the movies are announced would be the moment of collective loss for Demon Slayer. You can fuck up any arc but you cannot fuck up Infinity Castle. This is Demon Slayer's magnum opus. Only a long season can give the treatment this masterpiece deserves.
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trancylovecraft · 9 months
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• Okay. Lucifer, King of light. This is probably the worst yandere in aoex you could get (apart from Mephisto but that’s for another time.)
• Possessive, Overprotective, delusional and manipulative TO THE MAX. Lucifer’s a narcissistic monster so you can see how this goes.
• Possessive in the way he just won’t let you go. He views you as his and nothing more. There’s no debating him on this, You have no voice.
• Overprotective in the way that he does not let any harm come to you. Health check-ups every day, Padded room you’re locked in with no sharp edges. That kind of thing
• Delusional in the way he believes the two of you are somehow bound by fate. He may be scarily intelligent but that does not make him sane in the least.
• And manipulative in the way.. Well, Come on. He’s a glorified cult leader. Lucifer controls every aspect of your life from your clothes to your schedule. All so he can display the image he wants you to see.
• I’m going to go with a Romantic route on this one. I’ll do platonic later if anyone wants it.
• Lucifer at first is shocked. Demon’s don’t feel emotions, Not the way humans do anyways. But his heart beats when he sees you. He’s confused at first, Believing it to be an ailment or illness
• However after a while he comes to terms with it, A shocking realisation. One that amazes him deeply.
• Even though love is a laughable matter for demons, Lucifer doesn’t deny it. He believes that you’re an exception and no matter what his siblings or Homare says, It wont deter him
• Being the egoist he is, He believes you must feel the same way. No matter how much you fight or argue he knows you’re just playing hard to get.
• How it started I can see it happen two ways. One, You’re a recruit in the Illuminati and you somehow catch his eye. Number two, You’re a member of the True Cross Order and you catch his attention.
• If you’re in the Illuminati then that just makes it easier for him. Lucifer is the commander in chief and their idolized leader. You and your colleagues practically worship him. (Rose tinted glasses)
• So it’s a breeze for him to get close to you. Suddenly your assigned as his personal guard or caretaker, Suddenly he requests more time off the clock with you.
• You see it as a blessing, The commander in chief wants more time with you. And from there on there really is no escape
• In the second scenario he might of seen you while spying on the order or when he was declaring war. I’m imagining him announcing his speech before his eyes lock on you from behind the mask, He pauses mid sentence to just stare before Homare coughs and breaks him out of his trance.
• He continues on but his eyes keep lingering back to you. It makes you feel uncomfortable more than you already were, This organisation was declaring war on the order and their creepy leader kept eyeing you up and down.
• I feel like Mephisto would catch on, He’d probably deduce it easily but for the sake of plot he wont here.
• When they leave, Lucifer can’t help but drift his mind off to you. He hated human beings, He envied them for their healthy bodies that they wasted doing nothing while he rots.
• And due to that and the fact that he is bedridden most of the time makes it very hard for him to do anything. Instead he relies on Shima to tell him things about you.
• You’re a teaching assistant at the academy, A middle-class exorcist with the meister of doctor and knight. The more he learned the more he felt his heart beat.
• If you have any other romantic partners or interests (even just friendships) he starts to feel another emotion. It’s not a good one, It makes him disgusted.
• Even though what he feels for you is intense and overwhelming, He will not show it at all. Cold and mechanical
• Lucifer wants to get you away from them. He doesn’t like people touching what’s his.
• After confirming this feeling isn’t illness, He has his mind set dead on you.
• Lucifer believes that you must feel the same way. This is love, Something he had never experienced before so he knows it must be mutual right?
• He has Shima gather items from you. Photo’s, Clothing and trinkets. He has them surrounding his bed.
• So when you come along with the exwires to rescue Izumo and he views you on the camera’s his heart skips a beat.
• Lucifer orders the entire staff not to lay a hand on you. If they do then they will suffer by his hand and he MEANS this.
• So when you and the exwires are separated and shoved into different rooms, There was no demon to fight you.
• You were confused. It was just a padded cell. All until a ray of light manifested on the other side of the room
• You bared your weapon. Lucifer appeared in a fresh clone body and full uniform, Wanting to look his best for finally meeting you.
• Of course you ready your weapon but its instantly dismantled by a blinding flash, Making you drop it to the ground.
• Lucifer approaches you and takes no time to proclaim his infatuation and love for you. He says it outright because of well.. He’s convinced that you feel the exact same way about him even though you only met once on really bad terms.
• Lucifer expects you to run into his arms or confess your love back. But to his shock and dismay you only scream obscenities at him, Which is a weird way of showing your love but go off I guess.
• Or not. Lucifer doesn’t like you saying that stuff. Even though he knows you don’t mean it he still takes great offense.
• Lucifer straight up offers you to join the illuminati. A pretty high position (And conveniently works close to him)  Tells you about his ideals. His goal of making a paradise, Reviving Satan and making an equal world
• You’re rightfully disgusted. You say no again and curse him out. No way are you joining some glorified cult.
• He sighs, A tad irritated as he steps closer to you. You cant do anything but back away into a corner looking terrified.
• He approaches. The distance closes and he casts a dark shadow, His eyes glowing as he looks at you.
• You’re frozen in fear as he reaches a hand out to cup your cheek. His hands are dead cold.
• “I understand your fear, But sleep well now and you’ll awaken safely in due time.” 
• He says that to you and he places a single kiss onto your lips. His are freezing similar to that of a corpses.
• You black out afterwards, Lucifer catches you in his arms as he carries you away.
• After that its the “domestic stage”
• You sleep in a room in the Dominus Liminus. It’s both warded and protected to the nines.
• You wont speak much to anyone. A few staff here or there but Homare is the one tasked with keeping you secure and safe.
• Wherever you go (If you’re allowed out) Homare will be close behind. It wont even be hidden, Saying with a cold face that she is to escort you around the place and assist you.
• But you know it’s just Lucifer keeping an eye on you.
• As soon as your on board you instantly gain the title of ‘The Commander’s Fiancée’
• Its disturbing until you find out why. Once you meet him again he explains that your days are now leading up to your marriage with him.
• He could marry you right now. But Lucifer wants to have a ceremony, An official wedding that will involve a demonic binding to him.
• You curse him out again and try to attack him in his bed. But the Lundström pull you back escort you to your cell. Lucifer calling out your praises as you go.
• You’re fed the highest class food. It doesn’t matter what you prefer since Lucifer claims “You deserve the best”
• You also get a lot of gifts like clothing and furniture. Nothing dangerous or sharp though, Cant let you getting hurt.
• If you get close to anyone but him or maybe Homare he will not hesitate. He’s jealous and will order their death, Sometimes he’ll do it himself depending on the situation.
• Health check-ups daily. Human beings are fragile and if you died he doesn’t think he could go on without the one thing that numbs his pain. 
• Unfortunately enough you’re being taken care of by a greasy little doctor Geodinn. Of whom sucks up to you even though you can tell its an act
• If you do manage to escape he will go on a rampage. It’ll be the blue night pt2. He doesn’t care who he kills or what he destroys, Only calmed when your back with him.
• Besides. His siblings as well as all their lower class demons would be on high alert, Its impossible.
• He’s always in bedrest and it annoys him. He can’t spend as much time as he wants to with you and his rotting body wont let him.
• Sometimes when he misses you too much he’ll get Homare to drag you in and lie with him. He likes holding you to your displeasure, Its the only thing that takes away his constant pain
• When his body is new however he makes it count.
• He takes you out on little trips in preparation for your wedding.
• Him, Homare and a group of his most trusted men take you dress shopping. They make you try on a shit ton until Lucifer and you find the perfect one. You both must be in agreement.
• You try to escape but you are instantly caught by Homare and co. Who drag you back to a disappointed and confused Lucifer.
• He still doesn’t understand why you’d want to leave. You’re both in love, Right?
• He takes you out to the final shop. A jewellers where he alone picks out the ring. A silver ring with a diamond centrepiece (Also one that he made a demon under him possess to tell him your location at all times)
• Afterwards its basically time for your big day. His at least, Lucifer is overjoyed and excited for once in his life.
• You walk down the isle with a veil to cover your distraught and defeated face all while carrying a bouquet of white roses. It’s a massive cathedral. The entirety of the Illuminati is there along with his siblings..
• Once you reach the altar, Lucifer is standing there in his full military uniform. For once his expression doesn’t look mechanical and dead, It has life now and his eyes look at you with an organic gleam.
• Iblis, Egyn and Astaroth are standing off to the side. They’re very confused but they don’t question him.
• Iblis thinks its cute. Egyn is confused and Astaroth just got here
• Shima is near the front row and is currently on FaceTime with Mephisto, Whose hysterical and laughing to high hell at what’s happening.
• Homare is ordaining the ceremony. She says her part and then Egyn comes up with the rings as well as a contract.
• Lucifer lifts your veil. He hands you the contract with a pen and urges you to sign it.
• You have no other choice. You sign the paper while trying not to cry. The deal is done, You’re unable to leave entirely now
• He leans down and kisses you as the crowd goes wild cheering. Through the noise you can hear him say one last thing.
• “You look absolutely stunning.. Once I get a working body and once you become a demon eater.. I hope to see you like this for the rest of time..”
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
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Sanemi & Giyuu were about 16-17 when they both individually went on an undercover mission in the Kaze no Kuni capital city, they henged/disguised as fake personas Kazura (vaguely derived from kaze, wind) and Nakuu ('to lose')
Kazura is supposed to be darker skinned + two-toned eyes like that of Kazan no Kuni descendants & is sensible and confident but lazy, Nakuu has a hairstyle + facial shape from Mizu no Kuni & an outgoing enthusiastic and pretty sly personality
Giyuu put some particular effort into his disguise and really got into the character he was playing up, he also had fun with it where he could- and thats how he met Kazura. i dont have or really want specifics of why where how or such bc it ruins the imaginative bit of it ig? but while they were on the mission they were meeting up, they both knew the other was disguised but neither pried about it. they fell in love a bit, however it means, but as Nakuu's namesake they were never going to last. it was a mission and when it was done they would leave for home and never meet again.
but then they did :)
at 19 sanemi and giyuu had a political marriage arranged(forced) by Kyogo being a greedy fuck and wanting more trade from the Tomioka, in both the Happy & Broken marriage paths giyuu's the one who notices sanemi acting the same way as kazura in some ways and realizes the two are one in the same. In the Happy marriage its a thought that brings a smile to his face and a jest about how they fell in love twice, in the Broken marriage its only twice the heartbreak after the apathy sanemi regards him with and the loneliness that consumes him
#kny clan au#kny clan au: arranged sanegiyu(Fluff)#kny clan au: arranged sanegiyuu(Angst)#Kazura & Nakuu#i like hurting giyuu<3 but i also want to be nice & im indecisive so Multiverse type shit like this happens#im trying to proper Write out the story i have but my skill isnt up to par with my vision. i'll post it anyway when im done tho bc i want t#Share the story and talk & think more about it bc its Fun#the idea for this actually came earlier before i thought of the arranged marriage bit- its the sngy mission meeting thing but changed#slightly with the timeline of the marriage(19) & sanemi murking kyogo(21)#in the orig they were older & i also didnt have the idea of major civilian cities/villages for the shinobi to do stuff in#also in the angst path sanemi isnt abusive like kyogo is hes just neglectful & since giyuu was essentially completely cut off from his#normal amount of casual affection and reassurances to Literally Nothing + the looming threat of kyogo's ire + different biology#he has no support aside from Nagisa(who is trying her damn best) and it wears on him mentally ykno?#then the one person he THOUGHT loved him turns out to actually not love *him* so it turns into a fantasy he desperately clings to.#just *someone* to love and support him for being *him* and not some character.#oh almost forgot to tag#sanegiyuu#also to be specific abt the arranged marriage part kyogo forced the tomioka's hand(marry or we decimate you & still get the trade routes<3)#but giyuu volunteered in place of tsutako. he wasnt against the idea of marrying but everyone was fearful of the shinazugawa's culture#and sent Nagisa with him as like. a helper. idk if it has a name. shes a beta well versed in medicine & secondary sex stuff so giyuu's not#COMPLETELY alone to deal with that surrounded by a bunch of people who know nothing about it. theyre formal with eachother as Tomiokas#but to the Shinazugawa they seem really close. mountain pass/southern culture is Very different. more communal and close-knit to#deal with the harsh environment of the mountains/cold
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demonslayedher · 2 months
I have a new least favorite piece of KnY merch: the sushi set.
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I can see why it was sold for such a steep discount when I ran into it so very many months ago. I finally had a chance to try it out yesterday, and I had every intention of patiently following the instructions with some beginner rolls and then work my way up to trying the character rolls.
I gave this stuff a very good try.
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I had a terrible oversight, though. I hate cooking.
I hate cooking so much that this is part of why I started making character favorite foods and character-inspired bentou, because it would force me to cook. I thought this would help, but Thunderclap and Newsflash, I don’t even enjoy making regular makizushi with proper tools.
These were not at all proper tools, it was a sticky mess than left me a huge pile of dishes to wash, the wide collection of flavors to capture the colors did not taste worth the effort when put together in these ways, and I hated every minute of it.
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It basically just tosses your ingredients together very, gently. Which really does not help construct anything, and I need to smash it together more tightly by hand before cutting it.
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I did my best trying more, but by the end of the hours-long process, I just PIG ASSAULTED my way through a character bentou mostly by hand (with a tiny bit of ham for irony's sake).
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The original plan was to take my bentou to go exploring (♪TANKENTAI! TANKENTAI! ORETACHI DOUKUTSU TANKENTAI!♪) up a nearby mountain called Mt. Demon's Castle (Mt. Kinoki), but when I looked up route details, I saw how challenging it would be on an easily lost trail, lots of boulders to scale, and lots and lots and lots of signs to watch out for wild boars... so I stayed home and enjoyed a lazy lunch instead.
Speaking of being a quitter, this sushi set? NEVER AGAIN.
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