disneytva · 28 days
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Walt Disney Animation Studios Gives Small Tribute To Disney TVA On Donald Duck X Hot Ones Short.
Disney Television Animation get some cute references on the "Donald Duck X Hot Ones" by Walt Disney Animation Studios, the short directed and written by Eric Goldberg gives a few nods to "DuckTales (1987)", "Darkwing Duck" and "The Goofy Movie".
Walt Disney Animation Studios Chief Creative Officer Jennifer Lee and Walt Disney Animation Studios animator Eric Goldberg have been very vocal on their love for Disney TVA productions over the years
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antifainternational · 3 months
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Sad news to report: Julien Terzics, the French anti-fascist, former Red Warrior (legendary crew that fought against neo-nazis in the streets) and drummer for world-renknowned oi! band, Brigada Flores Magon, has succumbed to cancer. Rest In Power, comrade. REMEMBERING MEANS FIGHTING!
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mikyapixie · 3 days
Ducktales premiered 37 years ago today!!!😁😁😁
My mom & I just sang the intro when I told her it their anniversary today!!!🤣🤣🤣
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Julien Terzics was one of the founding members of the Red Warriors, an anti-fascist skinhead gang in France in the 1980’s. He later went on to form the infamous anarcho-Oi! band Brigada Flores Magon, who recently had reunited to release and tour for their album Immortels (2022). Julien Terzics passed away in late June 2024, leaving behind a legacy of committed militant anti-fascism. This zine is a small contribution to the decades of work Julien put in to rid the streets and punk scenes of Nazi scum, and an effort to make sure his memory lives on in the generations of punks and skins to come after him. When it comes the time, hold the line.
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thatshowthingstarted · 11 months
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Mask of la Roche-Cotard,
Also known as the "Mousterian Protofigurine", is a purported artifact dated to around 75,000 years ago, in the Mousterian period. It was found in 1975 in the entrance of a cave named La Roche-Cotard, territory of the commune of Langeais (Indre-et-loire), on the banks of the river Loire.
The artifact, possibly created by Neanderthal humans, is a piece of flat flint that has been shaped in a way that seems to resemble the upper part of a face. A piece of bone pushed through a hole in the stone has been interpreted as a representation of eyes. 
Paul Bahn has suggested this "mask" is "highly inconvenient", as "It makes a nonsense of the view that clueless Neanderthals could only copy their cultural superiors the Cro-Magnon".
Though this may represent an example of artistic expression in Neanderthal humans, some archaeologists question whether the artifact represents a face, and some suggest that it may be practical rather than artistic.
In 2023 the oldest known Neanderthal engravings were found in La Roche-Cotard cave which have been dated to more than 57,000 years ago.
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victusinveritas · 3 months
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Members of the legendary Parisian band 'Brigada Flores Magon' have just announced the death of their drummer, Julien Terzics, also known for being the leader of the anti-fascist 'Red Warriors' in the 1980s.
Rest in power, comrade.
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monologhidiunamarea · 2 months
Oggi vorrei un diluvio di quelli estivi , dove ad un tratto tutto diventa cupo e all'improvviso goccioloni dal cielo. Gente che corre per strada con gli asciugamani sulla testa. Quell'odore di sabbia bagnata che ti riempie le narici. Nelle mie estati da piccola rimanevo ferma sul bagnasciuga ad aspettare che la spiaggia si svuotasse per buttarmi in acqua . Attendevo la fine della pioggia ,aspettando l'arcobaleno, con pazienza e fiduciosa del fatto che sarebbe comparso, giocavo ad indovinare da che parte sarebbe spuntato.
L'ironia della sorte mi vede ancora ad attendere ,chi l'avrebbe mai detto che io la regina del chiudere le porte ,sarei rimasta a fissare quella porta, chiusa non da me. E scoprire che l'appartenenza quella vera non conosce barriere, ostacoli , domande , incertezze. Lei ha il libero arbitrio e non si ferma davanti a nulla.
Aspettiamo l'arcobaleno . In tua assenza i colori perdono tonalità.
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nando161mando · 3 months
It is the duty of us poor people to work and struggle to break the chains that make us slaves.
-- Ricardo Flores Magon
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randomwriteronline · 2 years
“Almighty Sinnoh above, below and all around me.”
Palkia hears the human, although that is not their name; but when one can see all places all at once, it is easy to understand when their attention is called.
“I apologize for the intrusion. I come to pray to you.”
Palkia listens. They always do, when they are called: Parent allows it, and Parent has taught them to hear closely when called by what is much, much smaller, and much, much frailer.
“I pray for your guidance and your gaze upon me.”
Palkia listens. This human does not simply think his prayers like others do. This human murmurs beneath his breath, as his thoughts are far too loud.
“Please, I beg of you. I ask for a glimmer of clarity.”
Palkia is as shifting as the waters: in the same manner as liquids do, they coat all that their infinity can touch. It is a small infinity, compared to Parent’s - but it is vast and wide nonetheless.
“Please, I beg of you. I fear this is not where I want to be.”
Palkia can reach as far as the oceans expand, below and above the ground. But they are not Parent; they cannot know all.
“Please, I beg of you. Please. Lead me home. Please.”
Palkia could ask for their sibling to answer the human, as they certainly could help. But what then? Humans are much, much smaller, and much, much frailer. If Dialga answers them, will this one be shunned by their people?
“Please, I beg of you. Please, lead me home, please, please, please. I beg of you, please, lead me home. I beg of you. Please. Please. Please.”
Palkia cannot do so. They cannot help, for they must only listen, not lead. Humans make their own fortunes, Parent said, and intervening may turn quite dangerous for them, as they are much, much smaller, and much, much frailer.
“Please, I beg of you... Please... Please...”
Palkia rubs their muzzle on the human’s shoulder; that is how Parent comforted them, when they and their sibling were still expanding so soon after their births.
The small, frail thing will not know it is them: it will be a trickle of water melted out of some snow, seeping into the dark cloth they never part from, sending a shiver down their arm.
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ask-artsy-oncie · 8 months
i would like to hear what Kit Cloudkicker's birthname was, with ur evidence
This is entirely me, overanalyzing what was, in fact, just Jymn Magon reusing a name that didn't get used for a character from an earlier project. Like I don't think a lot of thought went into his first name as opposed to his last name explicitly being something he made up, but I just Have Some Thoughts. And my evidence is mainly just analysis of the character, namely the way he's characterized in the pilot.
I think Kit is a rare case of having what is usually a nickname as a given name.
And this is because Kit is demonstrably a character who, literally from the moment we meet him, does not like being considered a child. This is not something he grows to hate, it's something he consistently showcases throughout the series and only really eases up on later.
So why, if he had every option to choose to nickname himself had he known his full name, would he go with the nickname that sounds exactly like the word "kid" when he could easily just insist people call him "Chris"? It just doesn't make sense to me, like I constantly hear Baloo say "kid" when the subtitles say it's meant to be "Kit", I thought he was calling him a pet name.
I also looked up the popularity of the nickname "Chris" versus "Kit" in the 1920's and 1930's (the decade Kit was born in and the decade Talespin takes place in) and, while "Kit" definitely used to be more popular than it is now, during that time, "Chris" is still undoubtedly more popular throughout history. If he was left with the name "Christopher", given what we know about how stubborn, immature, and independent Kit was when he met Baloo, I just don't think that would be the nickname he would have given himself.
I also think Kit was abandoned. Although the 1920's are generally characterized with capitalistic idealism, there were still plenty of recessions and poverty, including in the US and especially in US territories, post WWI, which is canon to the Talespin universe. Birthrates declined and it was not uncommon for people to abandon kids they could not afford to take care of. I think Kit was given a name but abandoned, as if one or both of his parents cared enough to name him, but couldn't keep him. I don't think Kit was left with a last name, and it's possible he just went around without one until he made it up, himself.
And this is only taking the show into consideration regarding his character and the setting. I could go on about how the context of Long Flight Home supports him having been abandoned but that would make this post even longer and also wasn't what you originally asked about lol.
I just think, if given the choice, this character would have chosen to call himself something else. And I also think that, just because of how clear so many points of the show make it that Kit "secretly" (or, I guess, inwardly) wants to be a part of a family despite outwardly desiring to be independent and recognized as an equal among adults, that it does make sense that he'd hold on to the single, solitary thing he has from his birth parents. Like, something that proves he did used to have a family. (Also like, if he did chose both his first and last name it would be even weirder if he deliberately chose to go by "Kit", you feel me?)
I'd bolster all this with direct references to specific episodes and clips or gifs or whatever but I'm on my phone and that's something I'm way more comfortable doing on a computer. Also the edibles are kicking in.
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disneytva · 2 months
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DuckTales (1987) Is Back In New Series Of Comics By Dynamite Entertaiment
Get ready for some classic derring-do, bad and good luck tales! Woo-oo! 🪙💰🦆
Dynamite Entertaiment is celebrating #DisneyTVA40 with an special announcement as the original DuckTales from 1987 is back in comic form.
Dynamite will be expanding its existing partnership with Disney specially with The Disney Afternoon brand ("Darkwing Duck" & "Gargoyles") to include the fan-favorite DuckTales, the core Duck title featuring Huey, Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge and the rest of the cast.
The title will launch before the end of the year, with the first issue featuring a cover by legendary Disney illustrator Ivan Bigarella. Stories in the duck mythos were the keystone of Disney’s iconic, best-selling comics from the 1940s through the early 1970s, and Dynamite says it hopes to extend the legacy of creators like Carl Barks and Don Rosa in the upcoming series.
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90smovies · 1 year
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altrovemanonqui · 9 months
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…è che non mi hanno amata mai!
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spettriedemoni · 2 years
Un paio di giorni fa uno degli alunni di mia moglie si è operato al cervello.
Una lesione tumorale (se ho capito bene) che ancora si sa se benigna o meno, si aspetta l'istologico.
Ecco, io dopo aver sentito di drammi simili non riesco proprio a lamentarmi di nulla.
Mi vengono solo i brividi a pensare a quella famiglia e a un bambino così piccolo che deve già affrontare una cosa simile.
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love-me-some-mcog · 1 year
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Mysterious Cities of Gold S04E22
"The Gate to Hell"
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Per colpa delle cose che mi sono state dette oggi mi è venuta un’ansia assurda, le mie paranoie sono aumentate e non ho ancora toccato cibo da stamattina.
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