vieramars · 3 months
Mag 12 is probably my favorite Gerry episode because this man is covered in hours-old burns zonked out of his mind on painkillers limping around in a hospital that is actively turning into a slow cooker and he still puts in the effort to say mysterious shit and serve cunt
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thefirstihateyou · 4 months
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Saw this trend going around and immediately thought of my favourite siblings
Oh and i just love twelvegate and willel twins theories like ik it might not happen in canon but its such a cool concept (tho ofc el would never want her brother to suffer like she did)
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asuyaka · 5 months
Heyy, idk if u're still taking requests or not but if u're not just ignore this!
TikTok really came to drag me down the Satosugu hole by the foot this week goddamn. Anyways, I'd like to request my favorite sad gay boys with a m!reader who's a effeminate soft boy and is usually pretty quiet and cooperative but the second someone says something remotely negative about the two m!reader is already throwing hands and burying the offender's head onto the ground. Bonus point if he's from the Zen'in clan!
No one's ever calling Geto's bangs 'weird' with m!reader around lol.
- '🌈' Anon.
★ - yes! reqs are open !! when the first (yippie!!) one piece one shot comes out s'when reqs are gunna close briefly cause 've got other things m'needa work on! (❁´◡`❁)
☆ - Satosugu x M! Zen'in clan reader!
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Lulling chirping sounds sounded through the second-year classroom as the sun began to rise. The sound of sweeping and the screech of desks moving across the table sounded through your ears.
With a gentle hand, you plucked the dead leaves off the bouquet of flowers that usually resided on the window sill next to your seat; plucking off the leaves as well and shaking it so the petals could become more pronounced.
After cutting the stem so water could flow through them, you placed the flowers in their vase and put them in their designated position, a pleased smile on your face when you realized that was the last thing you needed to do for cleaning duty, even though it wasn't your turn.
The door slid open behind you as a tired-looking Yaga walked into class. His eyes widened for a bit when they saw you before his expression turned sour. "Good morning, [Name]. I thought Satoru had cleaning duty for today?"
You bowed politely in greeting. "He asked me to do it because he had to get limited edition crepes today."
Yaga sets his things on the table with an annoyed mumble. "Thank you, please make sure he gets to class on time."
You nodded as you left the classroom. The sun shone down on your face through the windows as you made your way to Suguru's and Satoru's dorms.
You pass by Shoko in the kitchen who was hunched over the counter making a cup of coffee. "Want a cup?" She asks, biting and finishing the remaining pocky in her mouth.
'If Suguru woke up a few minutes ago, he'd want some. Maybe Satoru would like some hot chocolate too.' You thought briefly before turning your attention back to the brunette. "Yes, please. One hot chocolate and black coffee."
Shoko grins at that instantly recognizing the order. "You've got it Mister Zen'in."
You wave goodbye and continue your journey. Suguru's dorm isn't that far from the kitchen so you got there in a short amount of time. You knocked, politely waiting for an answer.
"[Name]-chan? If it's you, you can come in!" Satoru's voice answered.
You open the door to see two bags of delivered crepes beside Satoru, who is painting Suguru's nails black. "See? Got some for you guys 'cause I'm such a nice person!"
Suguru rolls his eyes. "You only got them because you remembered flunking on cleaning duty."
You take a seat beside them, staring at Suguru's black nails. "Yaga says I should make sure you two get to class on time."
Satoru snorts, the tiniest bit of blue peeking out from his glasses. "Yeah, and when have we ever listened to what Yaga says?"
"You don't. Maybe Suguru, but I actually enjoy not getting punched in the head every time you do something stupid." You interject, causing Satoru to gasp loudly.
"Suguru! Do you hear this? I do everything I can to make sure you two are well fed and all I get in return is bullying!" Satoru whines as he sets the nail polish aside to let Suguru's nails dry and picks up the bags with a bright smile on his face.
Shoko kicks the door open with two mugs in her hand. "Here you go losers. Zen'in blink twice if they're forcing you to be here."
Suguru and Satoru stare at you expectingly, an exaggerated gasp when they see your eyes close twice.
Shoko giggles, patting the top of your head affectionately. "Yeah, I'd be scared if I was forced to hang out with them too."
She walks out of the room with a reminder that class starts in a few hours. Satoru brought out the crepes and immediately started eating them as he read the Digimon manga, periodically sipping his extra-sweet cocoa.
"[Name], why didn't you get a drink?" Suguru asks, picking up a crepe carefully so the paint doesn't smudge.
You shrug. "The place I normally get my drinks at is too far to walk in the morning."
Satoru looks at you blankly as he stuffs his face with more food. "I could've teleported, dummy. C'mon, road trip time!" He exclaims as he grabs you and Suguru.
"Satoru, no— you haven't even mastered it yet—"
You feel reality split and your stomach churns uncomfortably for a brief second before everything stills again. The sound of cars blaring runs through your ears as a familiar sidewalk reflects through your eyes. "See? easy!"
"[Name]? Are you okay?" Suguru asks, squatting in front of you with worry all over his face.
Taking a minute to breathe, you feel everything finally settle. You have no idea how Satoru can do that without throwing up. "Yes, I am... okay. Just a little disoriented."
Suguru shoots a glare at the albino who rubs your back apologetically. "Well, my apology is your drink! So come on, I wanna get back to the crepes before Shoko's fat ass eats them."
"Shoko doesn't even like the crepes you order. It's always too much sugar." Suguru defends, slapping Satoru upside the head as the three of you walk into the shop.
It's a small cafe situated inside a bookstore with soft Lofi music playing in the background. The three of you get in line. It's short, most likely due to how early it was but that only meant you could get back to the dorms on time.
You hear snickering behind you but pay no mind. After all, it was a public place, and whatever affairs other people had wasn't your business.
Then, you hear something about how a guy has his nails painted. In the corner of your eye, you can see them pointing at Suguru.
Either Suguru and Satoru notice and they don't care, or they don't notice. Either way, you weren't going to let them poke fun at your friend (boyfriend?) and get away with it.
"Is something the matter?"
They stare at you, visibly sizing you up. "Wondering why your friend has nail polish on, isn't that only for chicks?"
Satoru taps you on your shoulder. "Take it outside, don't want you to beat their ass and get banned, yanno?"
You acknowledge him but keep a sharp gaze on the two of them. "Giving gendered terms to inanimate objects is an extremely stupid thing to do. It is not on you, so why should you care what he has on?"
The implication of calling them stupid seemed to hit a nerve because a vein pops in their forehead and their fists clench. "Cause it's fucking gay. What? You like taking it up the ass too?"
"If a fight is what you want, then that is fine with me. Do not let your petty ideals and quite frankly shitty opinions mess up my morning."
They keep talking as you make your way outside. The instant the door chimes close, a loud groan rips through one of their mouths.
They hold onto their nose, now streaming blood and broken. "Dude, what the fuck?!"
"You wanted a fight, did you not? Now, I am quite busy at the moment so if that is all, then I bid you a good rest of your day."
As you were about to walk back into the store, Suguru and Satoru came out with your drink in hand. "Yo! Here, got the kind you like cause I loveee you so much!" Satoru kisses your cheek and hands you your order, especially as you like it.
"Thank you, Satoru. Would you like to go back to the dorms now?"
Suguru stuffs a cake pop in your mouth, handing Satoru one and eating one as well. "Thanks for... that, by the way."
"It's no problem. You are my... partner, after all."
Satoru grins as he latches onto the two of you again. "Teleportation time, let's go!"
"Satoru, no—"
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uinre · 9 months
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She has no time to deal with his dramatic ass.
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ethernalium · 2 months
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cultreslut · 5 months
secretary (2002) dir. steven shainberg / leonard cohen's i'm your man
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every-kakashi · 6 months
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akimojo · 6 months
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Dissidia blessed me too much
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daily-xisuma · 5 days
Since it's Pride Month, is it ok for me to ask for Xisuma with the Aroace flag?
Or Xisuma drawn using the Aroace color palette? /nf
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[012] Sunset colors my beloved <3
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httyd-art-requests · 5 months
Hello! I love your art style, it's been a delight to see all your dragons :D Could you draw the woolly howl? It's my favourite species, it shows up in rise of berk and SoD
Thank you so much <3 I'm glad you're enjoying the blog ^^
We got so few Night Fury shaped dragons, it's honestly a travesty. Woolly Howls deserve more attention fr
Dragon #12 - Woolly Howl
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kgmilgramau · 25 days
Kg Minigram🩷
part nine : hot!🔥🔥
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onecharaaday · 5 months
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012 || Tin
Original meme
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deer-a-day · 5 months
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short (affectionate)
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MAG012 - First Aid
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uinre · 11 months
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ethernalium · 1 year
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