thegayfromrulid · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sword Art Online (Anime & Manga) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eugeo/Kirigaya Kazuto | Kirito, Asada Shino | Sinon/Shinozaki Rika | Lisbeth Characters: Eugeo (Sword Art Online), Kirigaya Kazuto | Kirito, Asada Shino | Sinon, Alice Zuberg | Alice Synthesis Thirty, Yuuki Asuna | Asuna, Shinozaki Rika | Lisbeth, Tsuboi Ryoutarou | Klein Additional Tags: SAO Pride Week 2019, Day 8, Free day, AU, Mecha Au, One-Shot, The Sinon x Lisbeth is very small in the background but they're gay trust me Series: Part 8 of SAO Prideweek 2019 Summary:
Written for SAO Prideweek 2019's Day 8 prompt: Free Day.
Eugeo can't help but feel just a LITTLE frustrated when his boyfriend takes things into his own hands. But...can he really say no to that face? It's a pretty serious issue, after all.
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zybilna · 4 years
Aw hell yeah
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nyotasaimiri · 6 years
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she’s a bandit alright ‘cause she stole my heart. I remembered that I love Hadley so there u go
(art by @camomilafil; your art is fabulous as ever~ she blep)
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vanquishedvaliant · 6 years
camomilafil replied to your post: Are you pro or anti SAO as a whole? I've never,...
I’m a big SAO fan myself and I agree with most of your points! About skipping arcs: I think SAO is the kind of show where you can skip an arc without getting *too* lost, but it does work better if you watch the story as a whole. That said, I thought the question asker meant GGO as in GGO Alternative the new spinoff anime as opposed to GGO the third main arc when they asked about watching it on its own? Which I would say that yes you can, no problem.
They did mean Alternative on it’s own, and I forgot to add that into that response, but clarified afterwards!. Alternative GGO can easily for sure be watched alone, and I think it may actually be okay to start with Arc 3 if they have a general knowledge of what SAO is, but I definitely would recommend watching Arc 1 myself. Even it ‘working better’ i just find it really hard to actually advocate watching Arc 2. It’s really such a slog and there’s not a lot of emotional weight there that you can’t infer from reference.
Besides, going from the emotional high of the end of 14 when Kirito leaves the hospital right into the timeskip for Gun Gale Online and the opening of new worlds just... feels better to me. Other than the important continuity details like the SEED, to me ALO really just feels like an extended sidequest to do some chores and fill in some blanks that Aincrad could have done before moving back onto the main course.
But it’s much more comfortable reading a summary than 12 episodes with Asuna in a literal cage if you ask me.
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legendlarkpod · 7 years
A quick question: is fanfic okay, and what would be the best way to submit it to you guys (I tried the submit box but it seems to be closed)? It's okay if that's off limits BTW! I know how protective some people can be of their DND characters.
FANFIC IS 100% OKAY!!!  In fact, Noel said if she doesn’t read dames fanfic soon she’ll die so there is that to consider.
We don’t plan on opening up our submission box just because that’s a can of worms we don’t super want to deal with, but please feel free to post fanfic on ao3 or tumblr or wherever the fuck the kids are posting these days and send us a link because we DEF all want to read it!!!!!
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acetone-free · 4 years
Getting the Dames and Dragons wiki up and running proper
So I’ve been editing and adding to the Dames and Dragons fan wiki for about a year now. I’m an admin and bureaucrat and all that jazz but to be honest the wiki totally needs a revamp and I would really love some help with it!! If you would be interested in writing or editing some stuff please check out the bit under the cut! 
Thank you! :D
First off: Transcripts
@camomilafil got the ball rolling on the transcript front in 2018, but since then only 19 have been completed. I’ve done a couple myself, so I know that they can be pretty high effort and time consuming. But at the rate that they’re going right now Torva will have been defeated and the Guardian’s will have started their true quest of destroying Dawson before episode 50 even has a google doc.
Creating transcripts not only makes the podcast more accessible, but they also make a super good information base for pages on the wiki. Writing episodes and character pages is made so much easier when you can CTRL F for keywords on a transcript doc, rather than having to re-listen to specific episodes. 
At this point there are only four more episodes to transcribe for Into Avelis, but I think it would be really good if people were to begin transcribing later arcs as well. I would love to be able to stay on top of current episodes.
If you are interested in transcribing, you can find a guide on how to format here and the master doc of all episodes here. I’ve only added a little bit to the original rules of the transcribing doc, but I think they were helpful additions :). Keep in mind, you don’t have to transcribe a full episode, or even format any of it. Every little bit helps and even just doing a minute or two is awesome of you!
Secondly: Wiki Pages
Arc and Episode summaries
So far I am up to episode 16 for the summaries. I’m trying to transcribe a few episodes ahead because personally I find it way easier to write a summary with a transcript than while listening to the episode. However, you absolutely don’t have to have a transcript to write an episode summary. On the wiki I have created a page for every Arc so far (except for The Survivor's Ballad, I’ll get on that soon hehe), with an episode table so it should be pretty easy to see episodes that need summarising. 
If you don't want to summarise an entire episode but do want to help, please, please, please feel free to go back and edit episode summaries from Arc 1. I made those about a year ago before I really had a good idea on how to summarise and trust me, those bad boys are rough to read. I’ve been planning on going back and redoing those for a while now lmao. 
Otherwise, whole Arc summaries also need to be written. I’ve already done one for Arc 1, so that should give you a good idea on the type of detail needed. 
For writing episode or arc summaries, I would say try to keep them around 1000 words and generally don’t write anything too meta. Try to keep it as in the world as possible. That being said, it’s totally cool if the summaries aren’t Serious Retellings. I usually try to do jokey subheadings and stuff like that. 
There are a few more things I think are important to keep in mind while writing episode summaries, and if people express interest I am totally down in writing a guide to how I have been doing it. The best thing I think to do would be to go and read a couple of the summaries already on the wiki. Preferably from Arc 2 because I wasn't kidding about the quality of the ones from Arc 1. 
Place and People pages
Hehe alliteration.
Just to get it out there: The main Guardians’ and Maeri’s pages totally need revising. They need summaries for their actions in each arc, as well as updates on their personality sections because these dudes have gone through character development. So if you wanna start somewhere, I’d say go ahead and do that. 
Otherwise, here's what I think you should do if you want to write a character or location page: Choose your favourite character or location or item or whatever. Figure out exactly what episodes they are in, listen to them, take notes, and then write the page. If you’re feeling frisky, even transcribe the parts of the episodes that they appear in. 
Once again, I think the best thing to do is to read a few characters or location pages to get an idea of the amount of detail needed as well as what type of sections you should write. Like, their personality and appearance and whether or not to separate their page into episode summaries or arc summaries for that location/character. If people want, I can also make a more thorough guide on how to write these pages. 
To be honest I haven’t done many of these because I’ve been more focused on getting transcripts and summaries out. So far, however, I’ve been doing these pages as I go. If a new NPC is introduced and only appears for an episode or two, I’ll write those character pages as I’m writing the episode summaries. That being said, if an NPC is introduced and I know they’ll appear later down the line I’ll usually compile all information I have on them in a separate google doc and wait until later to write they’re page. The same goes for location pages, really. For example, I have a google doc full of a half-written page on Danmar that I haven’t published yet because I know that in about five transcribed episodes the party will be back there and I don’t want to have to edit it a whole bunch. 
Thirdly: Editing
If you don’t really want to write an entire summary or don’t feel comfortable enough to do so but still want to contribute the absolute most helpful and important thing you can do it edit. The wiki is like, full of typo’s my dude. (Totally my bad, I’m really bad at catching them hehe). Not only that, but it would be really good if people were to fix any grammar issues or any incorrect information within the pages themselves. Broken links, missing info, inconsistencies in categorisation, all that good stuff. 
You could also go through and double check transcripts that have been deemed ‘complete’ for any typos or formatting issues, if you wished. Absolutely anything and everything helps and it’s always good to have a second or third pair of eyes. 
Fourthly: Where to start
Here’s a list of wanted pages on the wiki. For anyone unfamiliar with how fan wikis work, a red link indicates that the page hasn’t yet been written but has been linked in another page, and that’s where you come in, my dude. 
You don’t have to write a full on, in depth complete page. Even just creating the page and beginning to summarise is great. That creates a basis for other editors, allowing people to build on what you have started. 
If you want to start a transcription you absolutely have to read the formatting and editing guide, linked here once again. Do your best to follow those rules, but it’s okay if you forget or miss some here or there. That’s why other people double check your work! This is collaborative and you can’t be expected to do everything right in the beginning. 
A Final Word
I think it would be cool if we got a few more people to semi-consistently edit and add to the wiki. I don’t expect many people, but any addition to it makes it a better compendium. 
If anyone wants to start writing stuff for it but feels like they need direction please message me! I’m sure I can find something fun for you to do :). Again, I think I’ll write some more in depth guides for how to write pages on the wiki, but if you want to do transcriptions the instructions are already in place and good to go.
That being said, I don’t completely know what I’m doing. I don’t know how to write any of the cool formatting code and stuff that some wiki’s have, so if anyone is interested in helping create a more fancy-schmancy lookin’ wiki and knows how to do all that, it would be really cool if you could get in touch with me as well. 
I would love to hear any other questions or suggestions! To anyone who chooses to help, thank you in advance!
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esdeem · 5 years
Short Requests #1
For @camomilafil - Lisbeth/Asuna, happy mood, pink
It looked like her. Mostly.
The new avatar looked older, reflecting the two-plus years since she'd been trapped in her NerveGear. The digital version captured her face almost perfectly, the biggest differences being the pale blue hair and sapphire eyes. Lisbeth put a hand on her hip, the other cupping her chin, a focused look in her eyes.
“It feels like you're appraising me like a weapon in your shop,” Asuna said, a frown tugging at the corners of her mouth.
“You wanted an honest opinion, remember?” A few more seconds and Lisbeth cocked her head to one side. “It suits you.”
“You think so?”
“Yep.” An impish smile crossed Lisbeth's lips. Asuna's grimace meant she knew her friend well enough to recognize that as a warning. “Better than the cherry pink back in SAO.”
Asuna's cheeks turned a similar shade as she remembered the experiment. “Um, yeah. That sort of color looks way better on you.”
“Wow, scoring a compliment from the Vice Commander. I'm gonna have to mark the day.” But her smile softened as she took a step closer. “But... I'm really glad to have you back. I missed spending time together like this. After you didn't wake up with the rest of us, I...”
Asuna reached out and scooped Lisbeth's hand into her own. Strange, Lisbeth thought, how such a gentle touch could make her want to hold on forever. “I missed you too, Liz. The thought of seeing everyone again... seeing you... that's helped me push through on the worst days.”
“And now you gotta see me in this game and at school. Lucky you, huh?”
“Very lucky.”
“Look at you, getting all blushy and flustered again,” Lisbeth said, even though she was acutely aware of the heat in her own cheeks. “It's kinda cute.”
Kinda really cute, Lisbeth said to herself.
“H-Hey! You're teasing me now, aren't you?”
“Maybe. Just remember, you said you missed me.”
“Perhaps I'm starting to rethink that.”
“Uh huh.” Lisbeth took another step closer, all but closing the distance between them. “So, now that you're back... I seem to recall you wanted to tell me after you got back from that last boss battle. I've been wondering about that for six months. And then the game ended. And then...”
And then. And then Lisbeth awoke, the only thing on her mind finding Asuna. Seeing her still trapped in a virtual world, holding her hand with no response. Dealing with that horrible man. Protecting her. All the while, her heart aching to know what Asuna wanted to say at that moment when they stood near each other, both the virtual and the real world fading away.
She needed to know, even if the truth might shatter her.
“Can you tell me now?”
“I had a lot of time to think about it, and everything that's happened since has only convinced me I was right.” She closed her eyes, took in a deep breath. “There's something I need to ask you.
“Um.” Asuna paused, pressed the tips of her fingers together, unable to make eye contact. “After class tomorrow...”
“Would you... like to get crepes with me?”
The question deflated Lisbeth. “...crepes. You were going to ask me if I wanted to get crepes with you.”
“Yeah.” She sighed. “I originally wanted to go to our favorite spot in Aincrad, but I thought it would be even better in the real world. You know. Just... the two of us.”
Lisbeth's eyes went wide as the real meaning of the question sank in. She leaned forward to catch one of Asuna's long sky blue locks between her fingers, twirling it lazily around her finger. It took every ounce of resolve she had to tease just a moment longer rather than scream yes.
“Miss Asuna Yuuki,” she said, “Are you asking me on a date?”
At first, Asuna could do nothing more than nod. “Y-Yes. That isn't a bad thing... is it?”
Lisbeth leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on Asuna's cheek. She wished she could capture the perfect blend of surprise and delight on the Undine's face in a frame on her bedroom wall. It was adorable.
“Of course I'll go with you.” The impish smile returned. Lisbeth couldn't fight her nature forever. “As long as you're offering to pay, that is.”
“It was just a joke. You realize I've had a massive crush on you almost since we first met, right?”
“Y'know, for a smart girl? You're painfully oblivious sometimes.” Lisbeth pulled her into a gentle hug. “But we'll work on that, Together.”
Asuna rested her head on Lisbeth's shoulder and rewarded her with a contented sigh before answering.
Notes - Given this also seems to be something of a rare pair, I decided to go shippy with this, with a minor AU where the relationship between Asuna and Lisbeth was headed into something beyond friendship. This was a lot of fun, especially since Liz can be such an evil goblin at times. I still think they’d be a pretty good match!
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foppishaplomb · 7 years
camomilafil replied to your post “me: (accidentally looks at an su critical blog) me: well I disagree...”
sorry you're feeling that way! a lot of SU critic is honestly a huge mess because it ranges from "writing and art in the show have been deteriorating" to "[dril voice] racist. racist. none of you are free of problematics" and "I want to shiv Regina Glucose behind an olive garden parking lot for bubbling bismuth". like jesus christ
that’s poetry fil
but yeah basically! i have no problem with criticism but jesus christ stop yelling at me.
though it’s not like this shit isn’t in the entire garbage fandom
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 6 years
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@camomilafil the blog spawns from a joke but in the unlikely event that I come across gay SAO content I'll definitely reblog it there. So it probably won't be very active.
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thegayfromrulid · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sword Art Online (Anime & Manga) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eugeo/Kirigaya Kazuto | Kirito Characters: Eugeo (Sword Art Online), Kirigaya Kazuto | Kirito Additional Tags: SAO Pride Week 2019, Day 7, AU, One Shot, Pining, Bisexual Kirito, Bisexual Male Character Series: Part 7 of SAO Prideweek 2019 Summary:
Written for SAO Prideweek 2019's Day 7 prompt: AU.
He's an exchange student from Aincrad studying abroad in Underworld. He came to study magic- nothing more, nothing less. That was his goal. That was his purpose. But now, he can't focus. He's distracted. His heart's just...somewhere else.
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zybilna · 5 years
Oh fuck yeah!
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nyotasaimiri · 6 years
💅 and 💄 for Nyota, Hadley and Sonny
💅 What are some things they have strong opinions about?💄 Do they care about their physical appearance? What’s their routine like?
Nyota has very strong opinions about information, government, and caring for people, all of it born from first-hand (usually negative) experiences. Oddly enough, she also has very strong opinions about realism in film/media, especially combat realism. She’ll correct movies with running commentary (Isobu and Marcy found this hilarious).As far as appearance, she does like to stay relatively tidy, but that’s mostly because her fur is so dense that she can’t do otherwise without her hygiene rapidly descending into appalling. Her fur will never be properly neat no matter what she does. Saimiri family trait. Her morning routine usually involves grooming any sleeping partners, then getting up and giving herself a good brushing wherever she can reach before finding her uniform.
Hadley has strong opinions about a whole lot of things ^.^;; Her big ones are when it’s acceptable to kill someone (this was a big debate in her mom’s bandit clan thanks to her grandmother’s rather bloody policies), who should enforce laws overall, animal conservation, and Letheia. She hates Letheia. She tries not to show it, but Hadley actually does care quite a bit about her appearance. She’s also one of those lucky people who doesn’t have to do much to maintain it. Her hair gets a good combing every morning, right after she washes her face. Being out in space means she has access to more ‘toys’ than she did back home, so she’s been experimenting a little bit with makeup lately. Just light details, seeing what colors suit her. The whole process rarely takes more than 15 minutes.
Sonny is a fairly carefree soul and doesn’t have too many strong opinions yet. The only major ones are cheating during gambling (acceptable only in friendly games), animal care (gets in long talks with Hadley), the Occasus (loathed), and the quality of certain well-known Novakid brewers. She’s been known to get in heated debates with Lumen over that.Sonny likes looking her best at all times, though she doesn’t have the patience to spend hours working on her appearance. She’s got a good knack for picking colors and styles that suit her, which serves quite well. The only thing about her appearance that she really doesn’t like would be her “freckles” (the four free-floating brand-metal pieces around her starburst brand). Her morning routine is really simple: get up, maybe try a new way of hiding the freckles, and then just toss on whatever outfit feels right for the day. 
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vanquishedvaliant · 6 years
shoeknight replied to your post: camomilafil replied to your post: ...
For the record, ya, I totally had no idea GGO was an arc of the original, and I guess GGO:A? Is totally different
Oh, lol. That’s kind of funny.
Yeah, Gun Gale Online is the third game in the SAO main series, and serves as the core of the third main story arc, “Phantom Bullet”, which has Kirito serving as a decoy in order to investigate the disappearance and alleged murders of several high profile players by a player named, well “Death Gun” who claims to have a gun that kills people through the game in real life.
The mystery of course being that GGO is decidedly not a death game like SAO, and there shouldn’t be any way for that to happen, even on a smaller scale. So they have to figure out who, how, why, etc. To do so he enters a Battle Royale tournament with all the top players, and teams up with the sniper Sinon; a girl who has totally devoted herself to the game as a form of ill advised immersion therapy to address her traumatic fear of firearms or anything resembling them.
She carries the arc, basically. 
It’s also known as the arc where kirito; is a twinky femboy, uses a lightsaber, and does a shitload of unnecessary backflips because hes too lazy to figure out how guns work
It’s great
Alternative Gun Gale Online takes place after that, featuring the same game (Which was very popular despite it only appearing in that one arc) with an unrelated set of characters, vastly different tone, and makes occasional references back to the original series.
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camomills · 7 years
tagged by @phosphoradorableflower and @helicoidcyme to do this meme thing
Sign: Aries Height: 5′8/175cm or so  Last thing googled: "175cm in feet” Favorite music artist: Panic! at the Disco I guess? I’m not too big on music Last TV show watched: Boku no Hero Academia if anime counts When did I create my blog: 5 years ago or so What kind of stuff do I post about: Mostly memes and stuff from my fandoms. Shitposting is my passion. Lately I’ve also been trying to queue more stuff for my positivity tag. I try not to post mean-spirited/negative posts because I want my blog to be a chill place! Do I have any other blogs: I have three SAO sideblogs. Do I get asks regularly: I get asks semi-regularly on my other blogs; not so much on my main. I use the IM function to talk to other people more than asks though! Why did I choose my url: camomilafil a dumb pun only I was meant to get and now it doesn’t even make sense anymore; “camomila” is portuguese for cammomile, people say I’m a calming person (like cammomile tea), I was planning on changing my name to Camila after I transition, adding “mo” in the middle of it meant I was hiding the new name there (Camo also being a pun on itself) and my current name is Fil. It’s needlessly elaborate and I was thinking of using it as a pen name for a while too but now it’s just this kinda cute username, I guess! I’m not so sure about changing my name to Camila anymore because the reason I picked it was kinda random. Gender: Lady Pokemon team: I’m kinda confused if this is meant as a “what is your current Pokémon team” or  “what kind of Pokémon team would you have if you were in the Pokémon universe” thing, so I’m going with the latter because I talked with Sam about that multiple times: Magikarp, Crobat, Torkoal, Magcargo, Petilil and Torchic. I’m a fire-type specialist and I’m sweaty all the time. Favorite colors: Black and yellow is my favorite color combo! Average hours of sleep: I’ve been getting a good 7-8 hours of sleep lately. Favorite characters: A non-exhaustive, in no particular order, list: Sinon (SAO), Asui Tsuyu (BNHA), Rose Lalonde (Homestuck), Chau (Shootaround), Tali (Mass Effect), Natsuo Ishido (Teppuu), Bunnit Rabbot (Archie Sonic Comics) and Kyouko Kirigiri (Danganronpa)! Dream job: I’ve been set on being a clinical psychologist since I was 13 or so and I’m on my third year of university for that right now! I really want to work with CBT and maybe focus on either gender counseling or helping patients dealing with chronic pain. I’m really interested in studying more about anxiety disorders! I’m hoping to move to Canada a few years down the road (for a bunch of reasons, the fact my job is more valued there being one of them), so doing that work in Calgary would be ideal! I just want to help people
I ain’t tagging anyone
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legendlarkpod · 7 years
me listening to the ep 22 part where laika trusts the goddess with cutting off her manacles: "relatable because i, too, trust maeri with my life"
feel safe in the knowledge that all three of the dames once swore a pact in front of me that if anything happens to maeri they will kill their characters to end the podcast, and so have effectively shackled me from doing anything bad to maeri
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camomilafil replied to your post “Someone translated the lyrics to adabana necromancy and yeah… if that...”
Can you share where you found that translation? I've been looking for one for days
I found a translation in the comments here. Scroll down to FIA Video (about 15th down) and it’ll be a full translation.
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