Thank you for your interest in the Distant Stars: Women in Star Wars Challenge! Your enthusiasm and passion will be a wonderful way to celebrate the silent and forgotten women of the Galaxy Far Far Away, and we are so thrilled you’re joining us on this adventure.
The character you will be creating for is: Frog Lady https://starwars.fandom. com/wiki/Frog_Lady
We hope you will love her and have fun showing us all how lovable she is, too!
When you have completed your work, please feel free to post it on tumblr and tag @distantstarssw, and submit it to the Distant Stars: Women in Star Wars Challenge collection on AO3. It can be found here:  https://archiveofourown. org/collections/DistantStars_WomeninStarWarsChallenge_2023/profile
This challenge runs from March 1st-March 31st at 23:59 PST during Women’s History Month.
Please note: If you are unhappy with your selection and would like an alternative, just message the mods on tumblr @distantstarssw.
Got it done! It's short, but here's Frog Lady's Fishcake Recipe.
The tadpole stage is intense, everyone tells you that. You wake up ten times a night just to check that their little gills are still fluttering.
But just wait, because when they start hopping—that's when the REAL trouble starts!
I'll admit right now that I'm something of a "mamacore mama". My little one was the only to hatch from my last brood cycle—and that was a story of its own, see my recipe for "Authentic Mandalorian Pog Soup"! So of course I'm protective, but like my husband always says, children only learn by experiencing the world for themselves.
I believe in letting a child take the lead when it comes to climbing out of the kiddie pool, and that's how I'm trying to raise my own.
I also think it's important to grow up with friends of different backgrounds. My husband and I spent time on a number of worlds before we came to Trask, and I just feel that experience really helped us stay open to making connections with all kinds of people. Sometimes a stranger becomes a lifelong friend after just ten minutes—like me and Peli Motto.
You never know when someone will come into your life and change it forever.
So I've been taking the little sprog to a community pool for story hour, to hear tales from different traditions and languages, and to make friends. Well, we sure got a story the other day! The pool cleaner droid malfunctioned and started up a cycle with everyone still inside. It's a good thing I worked all those years in a droidsmithy! I was able to get to the deactivation button, although I had to use my tongue, which was a little bit embarrassing in front of everybody.
Anyway, after that the sproglet asked for fish for dinner, so I picked some up on the way home for fishcakes. The way I make mine is simple: about a one pound fillet, skin and bones removed, and coarsely chopped. Also half a cup of herby greens and another quarter cup of paleshoots. Last, a quarter cup of fresh bread crumbs, and two tablespoons of mustard. You mix all those up in a bowl, add some salt and pepper, and then divide it into four equal portions and mash them into patties.
Fry the patties on a hot skillet with a little oil, over medium heat. You'll want to cook them about five minutes on a side, and try to turn them only once because they do have a tendency to fall apart if you're not careful. But they're tasty, and kid friendly—my kid likes them, anyway!
For a side dish, I sometimes like to make a veggie relish while the fish is cooking. It's best with fresh veggies (everything's best fresh!) but you can also thaw some from frozen. You'll want about two cups of something sweet/starchy, like cob-kernels, and a couple of tangy fruits, like tomatoes. And you'll need a second skillet. Heat up a little oil and chop up an onion, your tomatoes, and a quarter cup of basil. Put the onion in the skillet first and saute it for about five minutes before you add the cob-kernels. That'll only need a couple of minutes to cook. Put the tomatoes in last, and give it just another minute to all cook together. Then add the basil off heat with some salt and pepper and your relish is ready. It goes really nicely with the fish cakes!
Notes: The recipe given here was adapted from "Shogun Salmon Cakes with Corn and Tomato Salsa," in The San Francisco Ferry Plaza Farmers' Market Cookbook. "Herby greens" = cilantro, "paleshoots" = scallions, "cob-kernels" = corn, and basil, onions, and tomatoes are just themselves because it got tedious translating everything into Star Wars-speak. Use salmon for the fish and olive oil for the oil.
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distantstarssw · 2 years
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DISTANT STARS: WOMEN IN STAR WARS a fan work challenge
With something like 95% interest expressed in votes, and through engagement on Twitter, we’re happy to announce the Distant Stars Challenge is a go! Running from March 1st-31stthis challenge invites all fan creators to contribute work featuring their favourite women in the Galaxy Far Far Away.
Due to feedback we’ve received, and the breadth of interest expressed, there will be multiple ways to participate in this event.
Primarily, our goal is to increase the visibility of women in the fandom, and to that end we encourage people to make work for ANY female character they want to. Yes, including the big three: Padme, Leia, and Rey.
However, the heart of this challenge was meant to really boost the signal of those women that are forgotten. We want to see your favourite ghosts! Give us Tahl, give us Nomi, give us Aisala, and Jesmin, and Fema Baab!
The details are currently being ironed out, but expect the possibility of EITHER:
Choosing your own lady blorbo
Submitting your interest, and being randomly assigned a blorbo (either from a list of your top five preferences, or as a complete surprise)
Keep and eye on this space in the coming days! And thanks so much for your support!
#distantstarssw to track
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smilebackwards · 2 years
So take your best shot.
For the @distantstarssw women in Star Wars challenge!
Warnings for quick cuts/flashing lights, violence, suicide missions
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incognitajones · 1 year
Distant Stars
Seven drabbles & short ficlets featuring 8 women of Star Wars, written for the @distantstarssw challenge!
[ read on AO3 ]
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alexversenaberrie · 2 years
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Versé joined Senator Padmé Amidala's new cohort of Handmaidens. She was a top-notch slicer and used her talents in Amidala's service in more ways than one.
She served her lady till her death, when Padme's ship was assassinated by Zam Wesell.
@distantstarssw #star wars paintings  |  SW Paintings
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the-cloudwatcher · 1 year
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A healer, fighter and diplomat. My entry for the Distant Stars challenge :) @distantstarssw
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sapphicstarwars · 11 months
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PAST EVENTS events that have passed, but may happen again in the future. if an event becomes active again, it will be moved to our upcoming list.
Ahsoka Week - Last Held: November 20 - 26 2023
Barriss Day - October 1 2023
Barrissoka Week - June 24-30 2018
Bo-Katan Week (annual) - August 14-20 2023
Ketbine Week - Last Held: December 14-18 2018
PadMay (annual) - May 1-31 2023
ReyRose Week (annual) -  June 25 - July 1 2023
SabeDala Week - October 17-23 2018
Sabine Week (annual) - October 15-21 2023
Satine Week (annual) - November 14-19 2022
Star Wars Femme Frenzy - May 1-31 2023
Star Wars Femslash Week 2017 - August 13-19 2017
Star Wars Rare Pairs Exchange (annual) - Sept 2023
Star Wars Sapphic Week - May 1-7 2023
Star Wars WLWeek - August 8-14 2021
Smut Wars Exchange (annual) - September 2023
Trans Clone Week - June 25th - July 2nd 2023
Velcinta Sapphic September - September 2023
Wolfwren Week - November 6-10 2023
Women of Star Wars Appreciation Week - May 9-15 2016
INACTIVE BLOGS old accounts that previously showcased women in Star Wars, sapphic relationships, and related content. check out our active community page for current accounts.
amidalagirls (deactivated)
@jynleia (deactivated)
@reysma-sunshine (deactivated)
@sabinelovesketsu (deactivated)
@swsapphistss (deactivated)
@starwars-meets-raginglesbianism (deactivated)
Have we missed an event, blog, or server? Send us an ask to be added to the list! We also track #sapphic star wars ♡
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pumpkinata · 1 year
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"Are you not sticking your neck out, Pilot Solo? Why are you here, if not to become something more? Something as great and sublime as the stars themselves?" -Loo Re Anno
My drawing for @distantstarssw 's Distant Stars: Women in Star Wars challenge! Apologies for being slightly last minute
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distantstarssw · 1 year
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Thank you so much to all our contributors, and supporters. This truly, has been a really lovely event and we've been bowled over by the interest and support. We hope everyone enjoys the beautiful fanwork that has come out of this challenge, and we look forward to seeing you again next year!
***Reminder that the collection will remain open for any additions at any time during the year. It's never too late to participate!
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distantstarssw · 2 years
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Post your work here on tumblr, or on twitter, or whichever platform you like! Be sure to tag us here @distantstarssw and #distantstarssw, or @distantstarssw on twitter so that we can retweet/reblog your creations! There is also an OPEN COLLECTION on AO3 living HERE. You may submit your work at any time throughout the month of March.
It is currently UNREVEALED, and --
We're running a POLL!
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alexversenaberrie · 2 years
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Ellé served as an aide to Governor of Naboo Sio Bibble. During the early stages of the Clone Wars, she became one of Senator Padmé Amidala's handmaidens.
Ellé helped when Sabé, Amidala's decoy, filled in for Amidala, shortly after the outbreak of the war. In the beginning , Ellé took on a more traditional role of a handmaiden, serving Amidala, but not working as friends and confidants, due to Amidala's secret marriage to Anakin Skywalker.
#star wars paintings  |  SW Paintings | @distantstarssw
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distantstarssw · 1 year
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Hello friends, and CONGRATULATIONS!
We've completed the inaugural Distant Stars Challenge. Hopefully everyone had fun, and we'd like to thank everyone who took part in reading, writing, drawing, creating, supporting, loving, and taking part in this challenge in whatever way they have.
Truly, we are touched by the generosity of creators. You've given so much time and heart to this!
The collection will be opened at 9am PST on April 1st.
And while the challenge is coming to a close, we are going to keep the collection OPEN so that if you are running late (me!) you will always be able to contribute your work. There is never a bad time to bring more women into the Galaxy Far, Far Away!
Thank you to all. THANK YOU!
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alexversenaberrie · 2 years
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Umé served as one of the handmaidens of the planet Naboo's Royal House and at some point she was Amidala's handmaiden as well.
Umé attended the funeral of Naboo's senator, Padmé Amidala, shortly after the end of the Clone Wars. The handmaiden took part in Amidala's funeral procession through the city of Theed, walking alongside Queen Apailana of Naboo and another handmaiden.
#star wars paintings  |  SW Paintings
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alexversenaberrie · 2 years
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Where is Ellé in E3? (Cut Scenes)
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distantstarssw · 2 years
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Hello everyone! Just wanting to give a quick update to those who have submitted for a character assignment --
In an effort to make the random assignments as random as possible, we are making a little math machine to help! But it will take us one extra day. Therefore,
Don't panic! We've not forgotten! A little bit more time and we will be contacting you to introduce you to your new best girl!
Thank you!
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alexversenaberrie · 1 year
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Moteé served as a member of the Naboo Royal Handmaidens protecting Padmé Amidala during the final days of the Clone Wars.
She was discreet, able to keep the secret of the relationship between Amidala and the Jedi Anakin Skywalker.
#star wars paintings  |  SW Paintings | @distantstarssw
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