batmanmadhouseau · 1 year
If Batman found a broken time travel device, re-made it, traveled through the time stream to a few minutes before his parents were murdered, stopped Chill from killing them by violently punching the thug, but not killing him, went back to the time stream before he vanishes and ended up in a different present time line than the one he'd existed in (with another Bruce there), what would the Dark Knight do next? Btw, this scenario takes place shortly after his first outing as the Bat.
In general? He'd probably just watch over the city or change his name or something, maybe even try to find a way back to his own timeline.
My man most likely goes full stalker mode on his own family - he keeps the Batman identity, still watching over the city and seeing how things are different because he fucked up time like a dummy and now has to see just how bad the damage is, but when he realizes there's another version of himself and his parents are alive still he gets obsessed with just watching them from a distance. He basically stalks them 24/7, following them around from a far distance and just staring like a weirdo.
As for this AU? He sees how the city has changed, sees the things that are different and what is the same. He sees how he himself has changed. This time, he doesn't stalk his family like a freak because he knows they aren't his. But he does know what is his - his rogues gallery. He hunts them down one by one, seeing what and who they are in this timeline and how their lives are because there is no Batman in this world. Most of them are the same as they were in his time before he stepped in, but some are very different, in both good and bad ways.
Most shockingly: Joker, who is just regular old Jack Napier here. He never fell into the acid, never became Joker, never lost himself. He never became Batman's greatest failure. And the idea of that is something Batman obsesses over - he needs to see what Joker was, who he was. He needs to see what life was like before. Batman has never been able to figure Joker out, the guy has always been a mystery, so now that there was a chance to really solve that case Batman wasn't going to just turn it down.
So, instead of stalking his own family, he stalks Joker (or, Jack Napier, really).
As he watches this poor guy he still tries to figure out how to get back to his own time. By the time he does, he's learned enough about all the rogues - Joker in particular - that he can't really look at them the same. Whenever he looks at them he sees what they could've been if he hadn't stepped in. The mantel of Batman is now stained by the perception of what could've been. He starts to see everything different; he starts to see things the way Joker would. "We're the same, Batsy, you and I. We both know what it's like to suffer, we both have the power to ruin this world, and we could if we really wanted to! But, we don't, because that'd ruin our fun. Our mistakes guide us in this never ending dance. Each turn and each twist. We both know what it's like to ruin. And, in truth, we find comfort in the ruin. We thrive off of it. Isn't that right, Batsy?" (Yeah, rambled coo-coo bullshit, but still somehow poetic I think.) He feels the need to give up the cowl, to start over.
I wanna say this leads to him taking a long look at himself and becoming a new man who is even more bent on saving these people, but we all know character development isn't Bruce Wayne's strong suit. Most likely he gives up and retires the cape and cowl, disbanding the Bat Family and leaving the Justice League, becoming a recluse in Wayne Manor that no one really knows the reason for.
The rogues run rampant on the city until they get bored. Some of them leave, some of them stay and turn to either smaller or larger lives of crime, and others do all they can to get Batman's attention - that's why they became villains, after all, what else do they have?
So, really, no happy endings for anyone! Yippee!
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redcell6 · 9 months
TumblrFrostbite: If the accident that turned Victor Stone into a cyborg never happened, would Vic Stone had someday made a name for himself as a professional athlete if he was picked up as a top eligible draft prospect first? Or would Vic's dream had came crashing down around him afterwards? Note: This alternate scenario could happen in any DC universe. ANY DC universe.
I think he would have been drafted and become a very successful professional football player. I'd like to think he'd eventually find a wife, have some kids, have a long successful career and most likely he'd coach his kids in pewee flag football once he retires from the league.
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DC AU Question: If Batman forbid Robin from ever seeing the (first incarnation of the) Teen Titans again or to even be a part of the team after his first adventure with the costumed teens and made the Boy Wonder devote his time to him and Gotham City during his teens until adulthood, would things turn out well for the Titans if Robin weren't with them for their other adventures? Note: This alternate scenario would take place during Dick's days as Robin and could also happen in any DC canon.
Inchresting [eats oatmeal] in my humble opinion, if you take into consideration the original teen titans were robin, aqualad and kid flash, methinks removing him form the equation would be dissolving the entire team because its not really a group if there's just 2 people, it's a pair. idk i think neither of them would be motivated to recruit other people the way robin would, but maybe im biased.
that said, if we're just gonna assume batsy pulled robin by the cape mid teen titans meeting, and the group would just lose robin, i think they'll be fine. i mean depending which version of the team you have, i think cyborg or aqualad could be the leader. they wouldnt helpless but ya know it would be apparent they're missing someone, especially if robin's already established a dynamic with them and stuff
kinda like if you take out batman from the jla, ofc they wouldnt be helpless but everyone would be aslkhasda ??? where's batman ??? i wish batman was here ))): and when he does make his dramatic return everyone's like 😫😫 finally
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virtual-minotaur · 1 year
Oh, well what about this question.
If Batman found a broken time travel device, re-made it, traveled through the time stream to a few minutes before his parents were murdered, stopped Chill from killing them by violently punching the thug, but not killing him, went back to the time stream before he vanishes and ended up in a different present time line than the one he'd existed in (with another Bruce there), what would the Dark Knight do next? Btw, this scenario takes place shortly after his first time as the Bat.
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nightfurylover31 · 1 year
If Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog was cancelled by issue fifty and was years later replaced by the Sonic X comic book before that too would be replaced by another Sonic comic title, that being the Sonic Boom comic, how different could the landscape of comicdom (comic fandom) be with Archie Sonic ending it's run in 1997? And what if the 48 page Sonic Super Specials were canned too back in '97?
Well, I'm not really a comic expert. So I'm afraid I can't offer much insight on this. Sorry.
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nulvuu-2 · 5 years
If Sam Wilson became the Batman's partner (after firing Dick Grayson's) and the former man, Falcon, worked side-by-side with the Dark Knight in keeping Gotham safe and fighting against anyone who would want the city to be anything but, how well would he and Batman do in that field? Note: This scenario would happen in a world in which Marvel and DC chars existed together, Jason Todd never became Robin and Sam never met Captain America.
I think they wouldn’t agree with each other’s methods. I feel like it would most likely lead to another knighwing situation like from Batman tas.
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shinigami-timelord · 5 years
What was your reaction/s when you saw the Generation X team in the X-Men ‘92 comic?
Firstly, thanks for the question. I was super excited to see Generration X; especially my girl M (Monet St. Croix). She has a special place in my ❤, well next to Storm of course. Because it's a known fact that Storm is the best thing that's happened to the X-Men!! Sorry this took a strange tangent 🤔. But I hope that your quriosity has been satisfied!
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agent-nebraska · 6 years
@frostbite883 Daisy the hedgehog is curious about her new sister, but not enough to deal with Lucky’s antics!
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TumblrFrostbite's AU Question: If Harvey Dent NEVER had his face scarred, no thanks to unfortunate circumstances, how different would Harvey's life be if he's still a district attorney and ally of Batman and Gordon now? Note: This scenario could take place in any DC canon. ANY DC canon.
Ok. This is literally the first ask I ever got on this blog, and there’s a reason it took me so long to answer. This is like, a huge question. So apologies for putting it off so long, and I hope this answer satisfies, @frostbite883.
Note: there are a couple of my own assumptions in here, but don’t let that detract from the main point.Note Note: im on mobile and can’t create a cut off, so long text incoming.
Harvey Dent before getting scarred was a tenacious dumbass. He was the DA, and he did his very best to clean up the crime in Gotham, despite being threatened with bodily harm multiple times. This is the dude that purposefully snapped photos of known Mob people’s license plates, despite being warned Not To Do That by the Gotham crime families. Fuckin wild man.
He was like. Batman If Batman operated in the daytime and lawfully. As DA, he had a high conviction rate cause this guy!! Had!! Evidence!!! He was against wrongful convictions and he did his gosh dang best to keep criminals behind bars, and the innocent on the streets.
A regular rising star! He was insanely popular (amongst the normal, non criminal people), and he was a very good friend of Bruce Wayne. The world was his oyster. Then he got scarred and it all went to shit.
But suppose he didn’t get scarred? Suppose he didn’t have that mental break? Well let’s discuss.
Firstly, I don’t think he’d like. Immediately ascend to position of mayor or something like that. He’s a popular dude, but I genuinely believe that he would want to stay in law, where he could measure his own impact in the city. Conviction rates and evidence? That’s all tangible.
Harvey is a tangible dude for sure, let’s be real. Part of the character’s appeal is his intensely held beliefs of right and wrong. As his darker inclinations are not given a Literal Face like in canon, I think it’s fair to say that he’d still have a bit of an internal crisis morals wise.
The interesting thing about Two Face was that he wasn’t an alien. He wasn’t some dark force. He was Harvey, the parts of Harvey that he always tried to suppress. Just because Harvey wasn’t scarred doesn’t mean that Two Face wasn’t lurking beneath the surface.
So let’s break this down:1. Harvey Dent has a high profile, high pressure job. It’s hard for him to ‘turn off’ work mode- we know this because people close to him are constantly telling him to tone it down and take a dang break.2. We also know that the Sal Maroni case (where he was scarred in canon) was an especially important one. He would have been more stressed than usual.3. In this hypothetical scenario, we’re gonna say Maroni still attempted to throw acid on him. We’re also gonna say he’s either a terrible shot or Harv was just able to dodge the shit out of that.4. Either way, there was still an attempt on Harvey’s life. He’s already in the public eye (which can be stressful for anyone- Harvey included), and now that his case has been partially derailed by the shit show that is him almost dying. Not to mention the fact that he’s already under a lot of pressure to do well due to his position as a rising star who’s yet to have a scandal. That’s. Really overwhelming.5. Two Face’s appearance in canon is directly linked to Harvey’s own mental weakness (read: stressed as fuuuck), but he only got as much power as he did because he was physically there, a literal manifestation.
But for this AU, he’s not scarred. So let’s analyse this new behavior:1. He’d be irritable following the attack. Two Face is repressed emotion, and while he remains safely locked away his influence would still be felt. Harvey would probably be grappling between keeping up his public ‘golden boy’ persona, and dealing with an onslaught of negative emotions that of fucking course he’s feeling! Dude probably has some form of PTSD and I’m not even getting into that!2. His relationships with the people in his life would be strained. He and his wife (I don’t think they’re fighting or anything) are talking less, he’s isolating himself. He and Bruce are still friends, but Harvey would try to keep Bruce from worrying by over compensating how 'fine’ he feels. 3. He’d be reckless too. From the very beginning this man has been reckless but this takes it to a new level. His sense of self preservation is all over the place. He’s paranoid (that people will realize that he’s not as ok as he shows himself to be), but he’s taking tremendous risks all the time. His conviction rate goes up, as does his tendency to courtroom drama. Two Face was always the one with an eye for the ridiculous, and I think this seeps into this Harvey.
Eventually Bruce and the others close in his life are gonna meet up and be like: 'yo Harv’s acting bananas’. It’s intervention time.
So Bruce, Harv’s wife, Gordon, and some of the people in Harvey’s office trap him one day and there’s a huge intervention. Everyone can tell that Harv’s been off since the failed acid attack, and they’re worried as shit. Harvey would try to deflect and deny, but that wouldn’t last long.
The dude likely breaks down, and there’s a big group hug or some shit, and they all get Harvey to promise that he’ll go to therapy to deal with all of these things he’s feeling. And to to therapy he does! Cause his friends and family aren’t dicks and there’s no mental health stigma!
And then shit starts to look up. Harvey goes to see a therapist twice a week for a few months (and then once a week for longer after), and he learns healthy coping mechanisms. Two Face (or rather the emotions associated with him) are not repressed, but they’re dealt with in a manner that is healthy mentally.
Harvey starts to keep a journal or something so that he has an outlet for his emotions, he talks things through with people he trusts, he tones down some of his nonsense at the office and in court, and he works with Gorden and Batman when he has the time.
That’s another thing he works on- he has to learn not to overwork himself. He keeps a schedule. One day a week he forces himself not to do anything case related. Usually he spends it with his family or Bruce. Beyond that, he keeps the amount of cases he takes down to a sane level.
All of these things make for a healthier, happier, and more productive Harvey Dent. But Harvey does keep up his old tricks. He’s still after the crime families in Gotham, and he’s still dedicated to improving life in the city. He is by no means not a threat to the evil in the city.
Working with Gordon and Batman, the trio’s success rate for exposing and dealing with extreme criminals raises exponentially.
Maybe I’ll write something on the politics of that in another post, but I’m keeping this Harvey centered.
Tl;dr: Harvey Dent may avoid scarring, but Two Face is more than the scars. He’d have to go through therapy before reaching his full potential, especially after a life threatening even like an acid attack.
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tony-freaking-stark · 6 years
Iron Man, if Stane returned from the dead and decided to go after you while you're patrolling NYC, what would your reactions be to seeing him again? Would you be able to fight your former mentor, who'd wear his armored suit, again? How would you react to him telling you that the deceased enemies of the other superheroes are back from the dead too? Finally, what happens if you found out that a person could only kill the resurrected the same way as before?
I….*takes a deep breath, pinching his nose bridge* I do detest hypotheticals. There are too many variables. Let’s put it like this.I wouldn’t take it well. He is where he belongs. Solidly in my past. As with all dead, friends and enemies alike…The only solace there would be killing them the same as before. It wouldn’t be hard to return them to the same peace of death. I need a drink now.
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TumblrFrostbite's Public AU Questions: What happens if Vegeta and Rick Sanchez accidentally fused together into a new person who's not only a mixture of both men in body...but, also a new person in intellect? What if they became...Vick Getchez? Note: This scenario would take place shortly after Rick and Morty were almost killed by one of the Vindicators, but during Goku and Vegeta's fight with Buuhan.
so i haven't watched dragon ball z since i was a kid but i just want you to know this is the most in depth and though out ask ive ever revived and i love it thank you
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redcell6 · 9 months
Aquaman AU Question: What would happen if Orin was born with brown hair instead of blonde hair (Atlanteans for a long time had been superstitious towards blonde haired Atlantean babies no thanks to Kordax who they saw as deformed and would abandoned the infants on the ocean floor) and was born and raised in Atlantis alongside his mother Atlanna the queen of the kingdom? Note: This scenario is based on the Aquaman story, "Aquaman: Time and Tide".
Perhaps might be raised to learn to hate/fear surface dwellers?
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phasingoutfromthis · 4 years
Thanks for answering. If the six members of The Illuminati formed again Post-Secret Wars (with the five founding members AND Xavier, who would turned up alive again somehow, joining up), how would they conduct themselves and their group? Also, how do you think the X-Men would reacted if Wolverine told them about Xavier’s lodge brothers (lol) after three Avengers teams teamed-up with The Illuminati to repel The Hood?
The first question is easy: they're all about that...brain. Really, feeling themselves smarter than others (yes, they had their reasons, still quite egomaniac) is at the core of their group, I don't think that anything in the world can change that.
For the second one: I think that at this point the X-men knows that Charles isn't happy if he doesn't shitty things behind their backs, so this isn't. . .a big surprise. Cyclops probably would be the one more hurt about this.
Wolverine:"Ehy, do you know that Charles has got a supergroup of nerd who try to control reality?"
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virtual-minotaur · 1 year
DC AU Question: If Batman forbid Robin from ever seeing the (first incarnation of the) Teen Titans again or to even be a part of the team after his first adventure with the costumed teens and made the Boy Wonder devote his time to him and Gotham City during his teens until adulthood, would things turn out well for the Titans if Robin weren't with them for their other adventures? Note: This alternate scenario would take place during Dick's days as Robin and could also happen in any DC canon.
I'm sorry I don't know........ anything.............. about Teen Titans......
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mud-muffin · 2 years
How good would Batman (Bruce Wayne) be as a Voltron pilot?
That is such a random question?? 😅
But he would do p alright i guess?? i don't remember what the different lions wanted in a leader but now that i think of it.. the main robins of the batfam basically makes the whole team?? 😏
Ofc with bruce running the Black lion !
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EAH AU HCs: Imagine after successfully conquering Ever After and other lands after a long time fighting their enemies, Evil!Apple White & Evil!Raven Queen became the queens of them (they would go on and marry each other a day later). A few years after their wedding, the two queens have a baby daughter together, but their child was stolen from them by Giles and Milton Grimm. Despite her evilness, Apple was devastated that the two men had token her and Raven's little early bird away.
S-SOMEONE WRITE THIS AND TAG ME Brilliant idea as usual, my friend!
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