scullys-girl · 5 months
how about an msr warm up prompt? mulder and scully sometime during the beginning of their sexual relationship:
(I haven’t written in over a year, bear with me.)
She’s mere moments from sleep when she feels the sensation of soft, grazing fingertips along her skin. Feather-light and tender, they brush heated wildfire in a few gentle strokes. For a split second, she’s convinced she’s dreaming, on the precipice of waking and finding herself alone in an otherwise empty bed, but then his fingers dance along the taut muscles of her abdomen, gently pulling her closer and sending a thrilling shiver throughout her body. She’s had many dreams about moments like these – fantasies. However, they pale in comparison to the electrified current that is presently holding her body hostage, tethering her to the man who is spooned up right behind her.
No, this was no dream. But she doesn’t dare open her eyes just yet to the precious moments unfolding.
He moves languidly, almost frustratingly slow, beginning his lips’ journey with open-mouthed kisses against the back of her neck. A soft breath of pleasure leaves Scully’s lips just as he suckles at her pulse point, teeth grazing the pounding artery beneath her dampened skin.
“Mul…” It’s a quiet, strangled gasp. “Mulder.”
Mulder hums against her spine, and she can feel his smile. “Is this okay, Scully?” he asks as the hand along her belly slowly moves upwards.
Scully nods, trying not to show just how desperate she’s becoming. But as soon as she feels the slightly calloused pad of his fingertip brush against her nipple, she can’t help but squirm under his touch. Arching her back, she nestles her bottom into the curve of his lap as he shifts with her, fitting their bodies together like two puzzle pieces. In this position, she can feel how hard he is for her, making her mouth water with anticipation and need. Oh, how she wishes there wasn’t a stitch of clothing between them.
“Yes,” she chants under her breath with another pass of his fingers under her sleep top; she just can’t help the way the breathy syllable leaves her lips.
“Scully,” comes Mulder’s heated reply. Kneading her breast tenderly, he nibbles on her earlobe, sending more jolts of pounding excitement to her center. Squeezing, flicking, pinching; he trails a single finger down her sternum, dipping it into her navel, before teasing the waistband of her pajama bottoms. “Scully,” he says again, deeper in vibrato.
Slowly opening her eyes to the quiet glow of yellow spilling in from the hallway, she turns her face to meet his eyes. They remind her of secret kisses and worn-out leather sofas. They remind her of home, of safety. Her heart thumps loudly.
Mul-der. Mul-der.
He smiles, lovingly stroking her rosy cheek. Scully smiles back, feeling a warmth radiate through her chest. This is still very new to them, having only made love a handful of times, and it still warms her heart that he takes the time to prioritize her feelings and makes sure she is fully on board with what they are doing.
Mulder nuzzles her nose and places a chaste kiss on her lips. “Hi,” he mumbles as they part.
Turning to fully face him, Scully wraps her top leg over Mulder’s hip and plays with his hair, scratching her nails against his scalp the way she knows he likes. She can feel his body shiver from her touch, his hard cock mere millimeters from the radiating heat between her thighs.
“Hi,” she whispers back, holding Mulder’s heated and loving gaze until she can’t handle the anticipation a second longer. Scully parts her plump lips, languidly swiping her tongue between them.
She needs him.
She loves him.
Flipping her lover onto his back, Scully hears the excited breath that leaves his lungs. Goosebumps spread across her skin instantly as her body reacts to him. She rocks her hips forward, gushing with sweet, sweet arousal. A moan leaves Mulder’s beautiful lips and she can't decide which she’d rather do next: kiss him or make him moan again.
“Scully.” He waits for her, whispering her name in awe.
Feeling bold, Scully nibbles on her bottom lip, maneuvers her hand into the front of his boxers, and grips his cock firmly. She leans in, almost whispering their lips together, but not quite close enough to touch. A deeper, longer moan fills her ears and that’s when she knows she’s made the right decision.
“That’s it, Mulder,” she praises with a purr. She begins pumping him up and down, his precum slick and needy like she is. “Let me hear you, baby.”
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audiofanficpod · 1 year
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AFP S3E9 Dope Ass Recs with @msrtheatre0223
Puff, Puff, Kiss by @thebobblehat
Interlude in a Miserable Year by @slippinmickeys
Dry Humping & Pizza by @stellaxxgibson
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Melt With Me
Author: stellaxxgibson
For: @stellasxscully​
On an X-Files stakeout, Stella and Scully battle the weather, each other’s emotions, and the sexual tension they’re both unwilling to admit exists aloud. 
Link Here
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Art: @the-pink-posse​
#StellaScully2022 4/23
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crescentmoon223 · 2 years
Anyone here remember me?! 😉 I’m back, and I wrote a fic for the @xfilesfanficexchange 2022 Stella/Scully Exchange! It’s maybe the fluffiest thing I’ve ever written (and also very smutty!) 🔥
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For: stellaxxgibson
It’s a night of firsts for Stella and Dana: their first night out since the baby arrived, Dana’s first time in a gay club, and a special surprise Stella never expected.
Read Shimmer on AO3 here!
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scullyverse · 2 years
Hey! You’re one of my fave x files blogs! I was just wondering what fanfics do you think are the most famous/best/well known in the x files fandom?
Thank youuuu :)
Oh that’s tricky! I’ve only really been a part of the fandom for a little while (even though I adored the x files in my childhood etc.) so I can only really judge the fics that I’ve read (so I haven’t really had time to delve too far back!) but I will link the ones I personally love the most and have stuck with me 😊
Most of them will probably be Explicit 😂 and some of them will also be crossover (with Stella from the Fall - but I will make them a seperate list)
The X Files Fics:
Fox Mulder, Closet Romantic - SilhouetteOfACedar
When Two Women Collide - CultureisDarkBeer
Omens - lepusarcticus
The Science of Sex - if_the_seas_catch_fire
Pearl - SilhouetteOfACedar
Waldron Island - SisterSpooky1013
The X Files Crossover Fics:
When The Ink Dries - somekindofseizure
I am Scully - JaneIsles
Two Worlds Collide - crescentmoon223
Stella’s Rules - DanaScully77
Laws of Motion - suilven
Aureate - palepinkpores
a love forbidden - stellaxxgibson
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monikafilefan · 4 years
8, 26, 33 ☺️
8. David or Gillian?
OMG you’re really pullin out the big guns with me! Fuck... I guess I have to say Gillian, only because I was obsessed with EVERYTHING she had done in the 90’s/2000’s and not just TXF. I shamelessly bought a black duster jacket in middle school and wore black heeled boots that clicked on down the halls so I could pretend for just a millisecond that I was Scully walking the Hoover😅
26. List some s7 MSR headcanons
Shit ok. Well they never fucked until “all things.” Mulder’s brain disease actually makes sense. They never kissed until Millennium and then had soft, stolen moments of intimacy sprinkled throughout the season until ‘all things” when they finally went all in. They had great fuckin sex because THEY DESERVE IT. They wordlessly said “I love you” with forehead kisses, thumbs brushing lips, finger combing each other’s hair, and worshiping one another’s body with tactile admiration.
33. Fave season finale?
As much as I LOVE the suspense of the cliffhanger season finales, my fave is the season 8 finale. Mulder and Scully finally holding their miracle while openly loving one another for what they believe is THE REST OF THEIR LIVES is just too fuckin much for my heart to handle🥰
Thank you so much for the ask!
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scullysexual · 4 years
For the five sentences: “Mulder, the baby is crying again.”
Rules? What rules? This is clearly more than five sentences and not that good. It’s also set in the ABIF universe because I had a sense that’s what you wanted :)
- - - 
He knows. He can hear her mewling in her cot less than five feet away. It was probably time for her 3am feed.
He opens his eyes and meets Scully’s. She looks to have been awake for a while maybe…
“You want to give it a try?
She shakes her head. “She doesn’t want me.”
Mulder sighs and stretches. Yeah, because you won’t even try, he thinks but doesn’t say then he’s met with immediate guilt at the thought. She just needs time.
Emily’s cries get louder by the second and if he isn’t quick the whole house will be awake.
Mulder throws back the covers and makes his way over to the cot. Upon seeing him, Emily’s quietens down. He smiles, his finger coming down to stroke across her cheek.
“Hey, baby girl,” he says, bending to pick her up.
“I pumped out a bottle earlier,” Scully tells him. “It’s in the cooler.”
Emily starts rooting for her chest, as she always does, and Mulder chuckles.
“Sorry, won’t find any of that from me, kiddo.”
He opens the cooler and takes out the bottle, carrying it and Emily over to the couch.
“You should go back to sleep, Scully,” he calls softly as Emily latches onto the teat. “There’s no reason for you to be awake.”
He gets a mumbled response and the bed shifts as if she’s turned to the other side.
Mulder looks down at Emily, still tiny in his arms, her eyes closed contentedly.
He loves that he gets to share these moments with his daughter but he wishes Scully would at least try to bond with her, it’s all he’s asking for.
- - -
I could also just be wrong and that’s not what you wanted at all :)
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emmapills · 4 years
Birthday countdown!!!
Days until bday: 6
Sharing this AMAZING edit by @stellaxxgibson!!! WE BETTER SEE PREGNANT JEAN IN S3 I SWEAR TO GOD
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leiascully · 4 years
You give off a green vibe to me 💚🤗
Thank you!   💚 💚 💚
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dnscully · 4 years
33, 38 ☺️
33.  Favorite season finale?
answered! it was anasazi
38. When do you think Mulder and Scully first slept together? What was it like?
between gethsemane and redux, and it was sad and happy and loving and beautiful all at the same time 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
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sapphicscullyy · 4 years
Doctor’s Care
73. “You don’t have to stay.” 91. “Can I hold your hand?”
Thank you so much for the prompts @stellaxxgibson, and for your patience. I’m pretty sure it’s been sitting in my inbox for at least two months. This can also be read for your convenience on ao3.
Tagging @today-in-fic
The monotone room looked as though it was being viewed through black and white film; there was no colour except for a yellow sticky note placed on the desk covered in doctor’s scrawl. It was impossible to determine whether that sun had set since they had been there; a timeless void contained within four walls. The air was filled with the sterile smell that Mulder had long ago associated with hospital trips just like this one.
The chair he was sitting on was covered in a grey material that seemed to have the ability to make his skin itch through the fabric of his pants. Mulder shifted in his seat, nursing his left arm in his lap, unable to relax. The prospect of being treated by any medical professional other than Scully unnerved him. She, on the other hand, seemed perfectly content in the situation, sitting unmoving in the scratchy chair beside his. 
“Scully,” his voice was whiney, dragging out the syllables of her name. “Why couldn’t you have fixed it? Doesn’t it just need to be popped back into place?”
“I said before, Mulder, I suspect that you’ve dislocated it.” She twisted in the seat to look at him. “And if I’m right, there’s a chance that there may be fragments of bone which I can’t fix. Especially without taking an x-ray first.” She paused, then a small smile appeared on her face. “Besides, you forget I deal mainly with dead bodies; they can’t feel pain.”
Mulder huffed a laugh, then grimaced as the movement caused a sting of pain in his shoulder. Scully’s half-smile faded, revealing the worry hidden behind her cool facade, and she added quietly, “I didn’t want to make it any worse.”
He was about to respond, make a quip about her dead patients to make her smile again, when the doctor walked into the room carrying a folder. 
“Hi,” he said, too cheerfully for Mulder’s liking, “I’m Dr Brennan. You must be Fox Mulder. And you’re here for a suspected dislocated shoulder.” Mulder nodded, unsure if the doctor was asking him or telling him. He turned to Scully for help, almost feeling like a little kid again, silently asking her to take over. It was just easier, she knew how to talk with doctors, he didn’t.
“Yes, the joint is swollen and painful and he’s having trouble moving it. Some bruising has also appeared on the skin.” She spoke as though he was not in the room, a level of detachment that only doctors are able to achieve, but her eyes betrayed her concern for him when she met his gaze.
“And you are?” There was no malice in the doctor’s voice.
“Dana Scully, I’m a medical doctor,” she paused, “and his partner.”
Dr Brennan nodded a few times before replying, “You’re most likely right, Dr Scully. I will have to take a quick look myself, though.” He indicated to Mulder. “Would you mind removing your shirt?”
The doctor turned around to grab something from his desk and Mulder raised his good hand and attempted to undo the first button. His fingers fumbled over his shirt, failing to slip the suddenly too-large button through the suddenly too-small hole. He sighed, closed his eyes in defeat, then turned to look at Scully, who had been watching his attempts out of the corner of her eye, and silently asked for her help.
She hid a smile behind her hair, but she couldn’t cover the blush that reached her ears as she stood in front of him and reached for his buttons. She made quick work of his shirt and he pulled his good arm out of the sleeve before she gently slid the other over her swollen shoulder. He winced when her fingers brushed his bruised skin and she whispered an apology.
Dr Brennan’s fingers were icy as he squeezed and prodded at his shoulder. Mulder winced occasionally when he hit a tender spot, and every time he did so, he could feel Scully tense beside him, as though she were ready to rip the doctor’s hands away. He attempted to shoot her some reassuring smiles, but they turned out as more grimace than smile. 
After a few minutes of prodding, Dr Brennan pulled away. “I have to agree with you, Dr Scully,” he said, nodding to himself. “We just need to take a quick x-ray to ensure the bone hasn’t fragmented, although it’s unlikely.”
He could feel Scully’s patented ‘I-told-you-so’ look boring into the back of his head.
Mulder got up to follow Dr Brennan out of the room but paused at the door, turning back to look at her. “You don’t have to stay,” he said softly, “I’m a big boy, I can handle it.” He displayed his ‘big boy’ muscles for her with his functioning arm. 
To his credit, Scully chuckled slightly before the smile slipped from her face, but her eyes remained warm. “I’m staying, Mulder. Of course, I’m staying.” Then her smile returned. “How else will I make sure you do exactly as the doctor says?”
He grinned at her and slipped through the door.
Mulder reentered the room a few minutes later and joined Scully where she was sitting on the bed. He sat close and bumped her shoulder with his uninjured one. Her lips curved in a hint of a smile and she lightly bumped him back. They didn’t talk. They didn’t have to. They remained like that, silently pressed together, until Dr Bennan returned. 
“I’ve got some good news,” he said as he entered, paying them no heed as they shifted apart on the bed, looking almost like guilty children. “There are no bone fragments in the wound, meaning it should be a clean fix and won’t require anaesthesia.”
“Shouldn’t that be considered bad news?” Mulder mumbled and Scully smirked.
The doctor continued, unfazed, though smiling faintly. “You will, however, have to wear a sling for a few weeks to aid recovery.” Mulder groaned loudly and this time both Scully and Dr Brennan laughed. 
“I’m glad you find this entertaining,” he grumbled.
Dr Brennan informed him on what he was about to do, a procedure which entailed massaging his shoulder then popping it back in when he was least expecting it. The process would hurt less that way, apparently. Mulder still flinched when cold fingers landed on his shoulder once again, poking and prodding. He looked at Scully, giving her his best pout. She almost smiled.
“Can I hold your hand?” he asked, pretending that the gesture wasn’t simply for him, but for both of them. She didn’t answer him verbally, simply grasped his hand tightly in her own. She ran her thumb over his knuckles once and then squeezed. He squeezed back, then turned to Dr Brennan, tempted to ask why he was taking so long.
He heard it before he felt it. A resounding mixture between a pop and a crack that sounded around the room before the pain seared away almost any conscious thought. He cried out, but his voice stuck in his throat, refusing to escape past his lips. He gripped Scully’s hand, grateful for the anchor it provided. He faintly felt her running her thumb over his knuckles. Her voice murmuring in his ear became more and more clear as the pain faded. 
“It’s okay,” she soothed, “it’s okay. It’s done now, it’s over.” He gasped and panted as breath returned to his lungs, loosening his vice grip on her hand only slightly.
“Can you try to move it for me?” Dr Brennan’s voice came through his haze. Mulder hesitantly rolled his shoulder, finding not only that he could move it, but that there was only a small amount of pain as he did so in comparison to previously.
Dr Brennan began to inform him of how he should care for his shoulder in the next few weeks while it was still healing, but he zoned out, knowing Scully would be listening to every word. He knew that she would make sure that he was doing exactly what the doctor ordered, that she would take care of him. He looked over at her and watched her nod along to whatever the other doctor was saying. Sometimes, he was struck by just how lucky he was to have a person like her in his life. She had saved him so many times and continued to do so every day. Her existence was his antidote to the poison of the world.
Suddenly, she was standing before him and nudging his leg with her knee, “Mulder.” He blinked, then stood, nodding his thanks to the doctor as he followed her out of the room. Scully paused to wait for him as he exited, and they walked side by side down the corridor.
“Mulder?” she asked innocently, though she already knew the answer. “Did you listen to anything Dr Brennan said about taking care of your shoulder?”
He tried his best to look sheepish. “No.” 
The false guilt on his face didn’t fool her for a second.
She let out an exasperated sigh, but she was smiling. “I guess I’ll just have to make sure for myself that you’re following the doctor’s orders, won’t I?”
And, once again, he found himself grinning at her.
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Confessions in her Divine Embrace
Author: @scullyverse​
For:  @ee-ombra-ombra​
"I’ve never been privy to a holy event; no witness to otherworldly ascension, no barer of some gracious miracle or revelation — but I’m suddenly thrown into His divine embrace -- No, Her divine embrace." 
Link Here 
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Art: stellaxxgibson
#StellaScully2022 5/23
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mrsspookyslc · 4 years
The fact that there are weirdos & romantics like myself, that are just as obsessed with X-Files & Mulder & Scully (& MSR!) as I am... Thank you to ALL of you awesome people & to whatever deity (or not), that you believe in... Love & Appreciation to all of you!
@msrheadcanon @msrafterdark @mldrgrl @baronessblixen @kittenscully @wtfmulder @stellaxxgibson @storybycorey @mrandmrssculder @sarie-fairy @admiralty-xfd @slippinmickeys @season4mulder @f-u-carter @gaycrouton @contrivedcoincidences6 @catarinquar @cultureisdarkbeer @ihadyoubigtime @ofmulder @peacenik0 & Sooo many others, (forgive me for not tagging u!) 🙏🏻💜👽💜
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audiofanficpod · 4 years
Two Worlds Collide Chapter 18 by @crescentmoon223
Read by @enigmascully
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Please leave the author a comment if you enjoyed their story 😘
📸 by @stellaxxgibson 💗
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scullysexual · 4 years
What is your favorite fic that you have written yourself? And what is your favorite fic written by someone in fandom?
For the longest time I was A Jewel Beneath The Moonlight and while that will always be my precious baby it’s time to move on.
Now I’ll have to say Rain and Metal. I’m really proud of that one and it went exactly as I wanted it to.
A close contender has to be the epilogue to A Baby Is Forever. Purely because it was 5k words and I am not known for writing that many words. I’m still hurt that it didn’t get as much attention as I wanted it to. I think that might have been my last real note hole I fell down.
I try not to have favourite fics because I know it was unintentionally upset people. Normally the first fic I read in the fandom tends to be my fave simply because it’s the first fic and that one is Glass Walls by Skuls / @how-i-met-your-mulder (correct me if I’m wrong on that one) That fic really stuck with me and I remember not being able to find it for the longest of times. The first xf fic I read at 4am and I love it
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monikafilefan · 4 years
Six Sentence Sunday
I was tagged by @gaycrouton and @slippinmickeys to post six sentences from a WIP. Haven’t worked on this in SO long but I’m co-writing it and really want to get back to it!
The rain whooshed around the building and pinged angrily against the glass windows. Stella Gibson weaved through the library’s second floor aisles, insomnia holding slumber hostage once again as gory facts and murderous madmen whirled in her brain. Her newest research assignment to delve into the murky minds of serial killers held an enticement she just couldn’t push aside. Even through the lolling sheets of rainfall, sleep was beyond grasp. The dreams could go fuck themselves tonight.
The ornate library’s all-night hours were tailor-made for people like Stella: wandering insomniacs drifting through the surreal world when the real one was sleeping.
I’ll tag @peacenik0 @stellaxxgibson @admiralty-xfd @fragilevixenfic @sarie-fairy @frangipanidownunder
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