#[ Hunting Chaos: Felix ]
warsinmyhead · 3 months
omg - minho
x | meme status: accepting!
It's been a hell of a week with this one mission he was assigned to. Fury tasked him with tracking a high roller who possibly had technology from early S.H.I.E.L.D. days and it required him to use his old seduction techniques from his KGB days, mixed in with some modern adjustments to account for the target's taste. It was just him – no back-up or partner on this one. Felix had been sullen when he heard this and even tried to suggest to Fury that maybe it was better that two try their luck with the target, but the director quickly shut that down and placed Felix on a smaller mission in Spain.
Minho sent over the information he acquired to Fury and he resisted the urge to roll his eyes when he saw Redwing was sent over to retrieve any physical evidence for the mission.
"Sam, I'm not thanking your robot bird," Minho stated for what seemed like the 10th time. "Just make sure it gets back to HQ in one piece."
"Copy," Sam responded, deciding to give up on pushing the spy for a thank you. "Have a good one Min – take it easy."
"You know normal people just call or text the person they're trying to reach," Rick grumbled as he shot Felix a side eye as he turned the wheel of the vehicle sharply.
Felix returned the side eye and flatly responded that he had tried to reach Minho, but received no response. It's not like he didn't trust the spy to finish the mission and come back in one piece, but the hunter missed Minho and wished he could have bantered with his partner on his mission in Spain. He's sure that Minho would have snickered at some of the cliches Felix engaged during his time in city, but instead, he was paired with Elena who had a dry sense of humor.
Rick slowed as he neared the safe house that Fury had shared the address for and he put the vehicle in park. He turned to look at Felix and nodded at the building.
"Fury said Minho's on the 8th floor, 5th door on the left," Rick recalled. "We don't own the whole building – just a few floors. Next time, I suggest just calling, leaving a message, and Min will probably get back to you."
The hunter nodded and slung his bag over his shoulder as he stepped out of the vehicle, the door slamming shut a bit too forcefully. Minho was right about Rick – while the guy was good at procuring things you needed, he was a bit fussy if you gave him a short deadline or tight turnaround to get whatever it was you needed.
The target Minho had dealt with had a thing for listening to sounds of people having sex or experiencing orgasms through headphones or earbuds, all with a blindfold or eye mask covering her eyes. The idea was a little odd for him, but he was a bit curious to see if the trick actually could work. It's been a long time since he's even touched himself sexually, but the spy thought since he was alone, he could humor the idea and see if it was any good or not.
He tugged the eye mask he got from the flight attendant (for sleeping) over his eyes and slipped on his noise-canceling headphones, which were playing a playlist of sexual moans, gasps, and orgasms he stumbled across. He lay flat on his bed and let his head rest on the pillows as he slid a hand into his joggers and began stroking himself.
"Mmmmmph ohhh God therreeee!" a female voice choked out, followed by the heavy breathing and thrusting sounds of her male partner.
The spy was so caught up in focusing on the audio and letting his hand stroke his dick in sync with the sounds that he didn't hear the front door to the safe house being opened by Felix. The latter called out to him as he toed his boots off at the door per habit, and he wandered into the safehouse when the spy didn't answer him back.
Felix checked the living room and kitchen, then the bathroom for the spy, then he paused at the bedroom. He gingerly pushed it open and almost slammed the door shut in shock when he saw Minho lying on the bed, blindfolded, headphones on, and a hand in his joggers.
The hunter blinked and shook his head, before sticking his head in to see if his eyes were playing tricks on him. No, it was real.
Minho's breathing became heavier and labored as the audio began to build toward the couple reaching their orgasms. His dick had gotten hard from the stroking and the audio stimulation and he had a feeling he was getting close too. As the female voice shrieked as she reached her high, the spy felt a pair of lips pressing against his, accompanied by a gloved hand stroking his dick. Wait, he wasn't alone anymore!
The spy yanked the blindfold off his eyes with his free hand and he blinked, eyes adjusting to the lights again. Leaning over him with his face a few inches from his was none other than Felix.
"Hey Partner," Felix replied with a fake innocent smile. His gloved hand was still in Minho's joggers and the other removed the headphones from Minho's head. He lifted the headphones to his left ear and listened for a few seconds. "Wow, so this is your secret kink – listening to dirty sex sounds while blindfolded and jerking off?"
"What are you doing here?" Minho asked staring in disbelief.
"Why didn't you answer my phone call or texts?" Felix shot back. "Having fun without me? How could you forget about the paperwork?"
"It's not my kink – the lady I had to get information from was into this!" Minho protested. "She talked way too much about it and I was curious to know if it worked at all."
Felix put the headphones down on the nightstand and allowed his eyes to travel lower to Minho's joggers where his hand was. He chuckled lightly and wrapped his fingers around Minho's dick, giving it a quick tug. "Guess it was working, but I thought you enjoyed yourself with me."
"I'm not psychic Felix," Minho managed to get out as he tried to ignore the other's hand stroking him. "I was testing this out and thought it was a joke at first. I thought I was alone, but obviously Hill or Rick told you where I was staying."
Felix bit back a smirk as he tugged the eye mask down with his free hand and he settled next to Minho on the bed. "New experiment," he said in the spy's ear. "Let's see if my voice can make you cum, instead of a recording."
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katnisshawkeye · 2 months
The Hunt II
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Titolo completo: The Hunt II - Il Solstizio d'Inverno Autore: Charlie Moon Editore: Sonzogno Prima edizione: febbraio 2024 Pagine: 284 Prezzo: € 18,90
Vi chiedo per un istante di uscire dalle vostre menti, guardare il mondo dall’esterno e domandarvi: chi sono davvero i cattivi? Dopo il rapimento di Hailee e il tradimento di Jake, Charlie e i suoi amici Tom, Jasmine e Lance si trovano di fronte a un compito impossibile: combattere per salvare la ragazza e impedire che Padre Chaos prenda il controllo della Terra. Ma quattro adolescenti possono davvero portare sulle loro spalle il peso di salvare il mondo? Lottando per trovare una risposta, il gruppo scopre di essere inestricabilmente connesso all’antica magia dei druidi e ai loro incantesimi, ma gli ostacoli sul cammino non si fanno attendere: un giorno, all’improvviso, Charlie trova in camera sua Eve, una delle figlie di Padre Chaos. Allarmata e pronta allo scontro, rimane sorpresa quando la ragazza le offre il proprio aiuto per compiere la loro missione e liberare Hailee. Pur di rivedere il suo grande amore, Charlie decide di fidarsi: partiranno insieme per impedire a Padre Chaos di appropriarsi dei quattro Sigilli necessari al suo rituale sacrificale, previsto per il solstizio d’inverno. Charlie e il resto del gruppo saranno abbastanza forti da riuscirci?
I temi, importanti e attuali, con cui si apre il primo capitolo di questa storia — quello dei diritti umani e quello della natura — in questo libro non fanno altro che rafforzarsi, andando ad aggiungerne altri due: che cos'è il bene, e che cos'è il male? e il difficile ruolo che i genitori hanno nell'educare i propri figli.
Lo sai che non esiste un manuale su come fare i genitori? Non te ne danno uno in dotazione con i figli. E soprattutto, non te ne danno uno per i figli con poteri sovrannaturali. Ma sai cosa impari immediatamente, quando diventi un genitore? Impari che cos'è l'amore. E capisci che, qualunque cosa accada, sarà compito tuo per il resto della tua esistenza proteggere quella creatura a costo della tua, di vita. A volte, anche a costo della tua integrità. A costo di farti odiare dai tuoi figli, perché si dimenticheranno che i genitori sono umani e come tutti possono commettere errori, anche se li faranno con il solo scopo di proteggerli. Ed è vero, sì, che i genitori a volte si dimenticano cosa vuol dire essere figli. Ma è anche vero che un figlio non ha idea di cosa significhi essere un genitore. E tu hai tutto il diritto di avercela con me, ma spero che un giorno capirai che l'ho fatto solo per non perdere anche te.
Da una parte c'è Luan, il papà di Charlie, un essere umano, un mortale, che fa del suo meglio per amare sua figlia, già orfana di madre, sapendo già che i loro destini, e soprattutto quello della sua bambina, saranno ulteriormente tragici. Dall'altro lato, c'è invece Padre Chaos, un essere divino, ma forse non immortale, che pensa di sapere tutto sull'essere genitori, e sull'amore, per il semplice fatto di essere "Il Creatore".
Siamo animali sociali. Ciò significa che il nostro comportamento, e a volte anche la nostra identità, sono strettamente legati al rapporto che stabiliamo con gli altri individui. Il nostro aspetto, le nostre credenze e anche i nostri ideali sono costantemente messi in discussione dal mondo esterno, e la cosa assurda è che a volte noi stessi abbiamo bisogno di essere messi in discussione per trovare la nostra identità. Siamo gli uni lo specchio degli altri. Il confronto è ciò che ci fa crescere, scoprire verità diverse dalla nostra ci permette di guardare tutto da un'altra prospettiva.
E questo, Luan, lo ha capito bene. In quanto essere umano, e in quanto padre, cerca sempre il dialogo con sua figlia, anche se sono più le volte in cui Charlie sbatte la porta in faccia a suo padre. E in un ipotetico universo parallelo, alternativo, in cui Charlie avesse ascoltato di più suo padre, forse, padre e figlia sarebbero ancora insieme.
Dal punto di vista della scrittura, ripropongo ciò che ho scritto nella recensione di The Hunt I: è difficile scrivere un buon libro, e ancora di più scrivere un buon fantasy. Il mondo creato da Charlie Moon è un mondo reale in cui avvengono cose straordinarie, è questo l'ha avvantaggiata: non si è dovuta creare da zero un mondo, ma ha dovuto "solo" approfondire i temi da lei scelti — in primis, quello della magia druidica — per rendere realistiche le strade dei propri personaggi. E le ricerche ci sono state, lo si legge in ogni pagina, ma rimangono molto "scolastiche", così come sono state lette vengono tramandate. La cultura nerd, già molto presente nel primo volume, qui esplode totalmente, rimanendo a volte un po' troppo fuori luogo, così come non è sempre ben inserita la rottura della quarta parete. Insopportabili sono gli intercalari volgari, anche se in questo secondo volume ne ha ridotto la quantità.
Per quanto riguarda la narrazione, questa risulta scorrevole e fluida, anche se a volte risulta essere più una sceneggiatura che un libro, cosa che fa perdere dei pezzi a discapito di altri che, forse, sarebbero stati più necessari. Molto bello, anche se intuibile fin dall'inizio, il colpo di scena finale: il cattivo e il buono che sono, al contempo, loro stessi "buono" e "cattivo", dei personaggi "grigi" nei quali vi è sia una parte cattiva sia una buona, perché — per dirla nerd, con le parole di Sirius Black, padrino di Harry Potter — il mondo non si divide in buoni o Mangiamorte, tutti abbiamo sia luce sia oscurità dentro di noi: ciò che conta è da che parte decidiamo di agire, ed è questo ciò che siamo. Forse un po' troppo ossessivo e possessivo è la narrazione dell'amore di Charlie per Hailee.
Molto ben fatte sono le prime pagine introduttive sui protagonisti. Sarebbe stata utile un appendice finale in cui si spiegavano le frasi espresse in gallese, anche sotto forma di semplice glossario.
La storia potrebbe essere finita qui, ma sappiamo tutti quanti che questa storia è composta da tre parti, e una sola domanda sorge spontanea: e quindi, ora cosa succede?
★★★☆☆ 3/5
La serie The Hunt
The Hunt I - Che la caccia abbia inizio The Hunt II - Il Soslstizio d'inverno
Dellə stessə autricə
Dicono di noi, Sonzogno, 2019
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Touchstarved is a new addition to my fandom found family
(After playing the demo and listening to behind the scenes with the devs interview)
I'm glad they are getting the love and support they deserve on their own creation...they legally own now. 😤😍
I will be buying merch from them! And donating because I want this game to be developed as soon as possible.
Mhin will be my seventh emo child I adopt after Felix (last legacy), minato (p3), Virgil(sanders sides), levi(obey me), rory(lucifer), and idia(tw). They're the embodiment of "don't touch me I'm lethal and will use it to my advantage." Like a feral kitten with zoomies trying to get their prized toys which is a decent conversation with someone. A hunter that is welcome to hunt me down to get their cloak back.
Kuras got me on my knees with his healing touch. *not sexually* I mean he lit a fire in me to the point I want to see him go feral every time I toss and turn to see his true colors. His design screams "I'm the sun your a speck of dust not sit and let me observe you." Kind but aloof. Gentle but stern. Calm but will be feral if necessary. Another reason to follow him till the end of time.
Vere is THAT asshole, dick of a friend. Best friend? Frenemy?! Doesn't matter his deal I want to rile him up. Make his fur stand on end when he feels my MC's presence walk into the same room he's in just to say nothing to him and walk out. I want to fight him. Lovingly where he respects me to some degree to which were on first name basis. Bark or hiss at him at random to throw him off. Vibes are "I'll throw you across this room if you don't stop grabbing for my tail."
Ais is a hot pepper. You look at his whole design and see "Stop looking or be my guest I could care less." A man who gives you no second glance. Tames beasts. Punches a dirtbag for you because he felt like it. Named a dog demon princess.....I would like to buy him a drink. Will physically cling to him to ask him how his day went. Would make him laugh by tripping and falling to just see his reaction. Yep, that's what I was hoping for and I want more.
Leander is a wannabe hero figure/leader sort of. A man of taste in magical affairs. Could standoff as a "great smile just don't fall for the shine." Lends you a firm hand but is smooth like butter. Hype man. Heavy drinker and fighter. He a wingman but in the wrong way to where he ends up with the person we wanted to woo. Up to all kinds of shenanigans unless rent paid then he parties. I need his good luck charms to earn a lucky night out with him. Tell me everything!
Still will wait two years for this game. Want the devs to go at their own pace to not be overwhelmed. Have to redraw my oc. Love the story and how the devs said all the characters are doomed either way no matter the bad or good endings. All five individuals will be chaos. It's a case of will I make them worse or better.Instead the alternative is to make them realize you will never leave their side no matter what. Lots of death and gore. Finally! Finally!! Like a villain (mainly monsters) story where we have toxic characters and don't automatically make them good just because but actually dive into the lore and help them break a curse or live with it. Redemption? Possibly?! Althouh, I want to help them show their true colors and what their capable of even if it leads directly to a dead end. These five have no idea what's coming for them...I've ranted enough for today. Bye!
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maeleelee · 10 months
Cotton Candy Landing
What goes up must come down. And as everyone from Orbit lands, more secrets are unveiled and will lead them to run. But will this path lead them to happily ever after or should they turn around?
Welcome back to the family of stoners. They’re all grown up and settling down. Everyone’s got full time jobs and some went and got married. Life is finally looking good for most. (Y/n has been turned into Bun Bun because this story follows a different lead.)
⚠️minors DO NOT interact ⚠️
Warnings: mentions of arguments and bad feelings.
The chaos that weddings cause was never fun for anyone. Mae being the maid of honor, was the one to plan most of everything. Kayla, Cassi, Ani, and Bun Bun were bridesmaids but helped Mae with everything they could. They had just set up the appointment for the dress hunt when Mae got a phone call.
Jess watched Mae walk away and pouted. “Who do you think she’s on the phone with?” Jess asked Kayla.
“I think it’s her sister. She said something about her probably calling today.” Kayla smiled.
“Little Sky?” Jess questioned.
“The middle one. Mae has three siblings. An old brother she barely talks to, Snow is the middle sister, and then little Sky.” Cassi told Jess.
“Why does she never talk about them?”
“It’s a weird relationship. Her brother and her got into a heated argument about Snow and Sky, so they don’t talk anymore.” Cassi said.
“But when they do all it normally is, is an argument.” Wooyoung mumbled from his seat.
“Snow moved away from here a few years ago. She had a good job opportunity and took it to get away from the house. She wanted to take Sky but she’d be so busy with work she didn’t want to neglect her.” Kayla continued.
“And you know about Sky.” Cassi told Jess.
“You excited to dress hunt?” Ani asked Jess, changing the topic in the nicest way possible.
“Yes. I’m so excited. I can’t believe this is actually going to happen. We’re getting married in two months. I walk down the aisle in two months and that still blows my mind.”
“Are you ready to be with him for the rest of your life?” Yeosang asked her.
“Oh my gosh. Yes. I love him.” She smiled brightly.
“When are we going to tell her?” Felix asked Mae as they got the store set up.
“Tell her what exactly?” Mae asked Felix.
“That you have a bad feeling and when you get that feeling, it’s normally correct.” He mumbled.
“Felix. She’s happy. I’m not gonna stop her from being happy over a gut feeling.” Mae sighed.
“I think she would be better off without him. You know who would treat her better?” Felix said, putting cupcakes into the glass container.
“San.” Mae whispered.
|| Next
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loveskz143 · 2 years
Stray Kids and a spider
Seungmin: Brings the spider and puts it in front of Hyunjin
Hyunjin *jumping up*: AFAHHAVAHAGGH FUCK
Chan: What’s wrong?
Jeongin (next to Hyunjin): There’s a spider-
Changbin: WHAT
Jeongin: A spider
Changbin: *on top of a chair* YES I KNOW I HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME
Felix (eating brownies): it’s ok Binnie, it’s only a huntsman
Minho: a husband? Who’s husband?
Jisung *daringly staring the spider in the eyes*: honey you’re my husband don’t go getting confused on me babe
Chan: a huntsman. Hunts. Man. A type of spider.
Jeongin: Wait holy shit it hunts men??? Guys?? WE’RE MEN!!!! *proceeds to climb up Changbin*
Felix: *trying to hand feed the spider some of his brownie*
Chan: Felix watch out while I put a cup on him
Felix: oh good idea he might not enjoy eating out of my hand
Chan: *traps the spider*
Felix: oh
Felix: that works too I guess
Seungmin: here *tosses newspaper to Chan to slide under the cup to take the spider away* maybe he can solve the crossword for me
Seungmin: oh and since when was he a he? I was told he was a she by the shop keeper
Changbin: ahem what did you say Seungmin?
Seungmin: I said nothing.
Changbin: Seungm-
Minho: -guys I think Hyunjin fainted he’s been very quiet in this chaos
Seungmin *saved by his friends unconsciousness*: oh yeah he stopped breathing but he’s fine I already gave him CPR
Chan (returning from freeing the spider outside): he WHAT?
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northstories · 1 year
Chaos Controlled:
For all my fics find me on Archive of Our Own
Twt: @ northsstories (no minors)
My message inbox is always open for drabble requests bc I love chaos 🤟
🐿️Jilix 🐥
Rated: E
One-shot University AU
Jisung thinks Felix is very, very pretty and can't stop looking at him. Felix might be into that.
Words: 16,713
Completed: ✅
Rated: E
Multi Chapter Canon Compliant
They're in love your honor, they're just being idiots about it
Words: 32,692
Completed: ✅
Status Quo
Rated: T
Social Media University AU
Jisung is truly hopeless, hope you're into that
(because Felix sure is)
Completed: ❌
Praying At Your Altar
(if you know what I mean)
Rated: E
Sweet, Christian, innocent Jisung vs. filthy minded Felix hunting him like prey
Part 1 of Be Gay - Do Crimes (works as standalone)
Words: 17,579
Completed: ✅
I Dare You (To Be Mine)
Rated: E
University AU
Jilix vs. Alcohol and Party Games, this can only go well, right? Right?
Completed: ❌
Six Minutes 'till Midnight
Rated: T
Canon compliant, fluff, birthday traditions, soulmate au
Words: 1,153
Completed: ✅
Ashes In My Wake
Rated: E
Unhinged arsonist Minho vs. Nice Christian boy Chan. What could possibly go wrong?
Part 2 of Be Gay - Do Crimes (works as standalone)
Completed: ❌
Rated: E
University AU: Bang Chan using the cheesiest lines to whittle away at Minho's sanity and resolve. We all know Chan is a total dad, he deserves a proper dad-joke fic.
Words: 37,826
Completed: ✅
Rated: M
Police AU, Hybrid AU
Chan is a detective with an impossible case. In a desperate attempt to crack it, he ends up taking in the hybrid Felix in the hopes that he can provide any leads.
Part 1 of The Language of Flowers
Words: 49, 204
Completed: ✅
Rated: E
Set in Freesia Universe
Minho is a cop and a control freak
Jisung is a hermit producer with anxiety
Part 2 of The Language of Flowers
Completed: ❌
blushes, butterflies and heart flutters and shit...
Rated: T
One-shot University AU
Just dumb best friends doing best friend stuff... Platonically, I think?
Words: 14, 076
Completed: ✅
Sweet & Spicy
Rated: E
Omegaverse AU, Strangers to Lovers
Jeongin is generally good at minding his own business. But when he sees a scared omega pushed up against the wall of a nightclub, facing three looming alphas, his moral compass decides that he should do something. The problem is that said omega turns out be the cutest fucking thing Jeongin has ever seen in his life. Even if he is drunk off his ass.
Words: 42,983
Completed: ✅
Domming 101
Rated: E
Canon compliant, M/M/M, polyamory, getting together, practice fic
Words: 21,725
Completed: ✅
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tinnictheguardian · 2 years
Dimitri and children
So here’s something I have been thinking about. We know from Gustava’s ending, both solo and joint with Dimitri, that Azure Moon Dimitri has at least one son.
I think in Houses verse, this is a pretty simple matter. Because in Houses, when Dimitri finds out about Anselma's treachery Dimitri says, 
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On the other hand, when he finds out about Anselma in Hopes, he says:
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So here’s another point showing that Houses Dimitri is in a better place by the games end then Hopes Dimitri. Because I think Houses Dimitri would be keen to start a family and get on with living!
On the other hand, Hopes Dimitri, who is repeatedly told by Felix and others how he needs to breed asap to ensure his kingdom doesn’t fall into chaos due to his death, IMO, would be extremely apprehensive about starting a family.
Not to mention that during expeditions, Hopes Dimitri still talks about being not very good with kids. While I think Houses Dimitri became more confident around kids simply because he had a chance to interact with kids regularly at the Monastery. 
Not that his experience with the Monastery kids was all good but I don’t think that would stop him from having children.
Complete aside, I know certain parts of the Dimitri fandom believe that Dimitri would choose to adopt but leaving aside the fact that even with reforms Dimitri would be obligated to continue his bloodline by both nobles and the commoners, who would NOT want to be caught-up in another war of succession. I don’t think Dimitri would adopt.
Don’t get me wrong. He would work extremely hard to make sure orphanages were well funded and staffed with caring people. Also make sure orphans had a good chance at life once they reached adulthood. But I don’t think he would adopt himself.
I base this on his C-A support with Byleth in Houses. The gist of it is that he and Byleth give swordsmanship lessons to a group of orphans. Five years later, he is attacked by the orphans and it comes out that the kids were the children/were being looked after by Kostas and his band (second mission in all routes). Rhea took custody of them because they were innocent.
I don’t think the kids were trying to trick Dimitri when they asked him to give them swordsmanship lessons. I think they genuinely didn’t know that it was Dimitri and his friends who hunted down and killed Kostas. But sometimes during the five years they figured it out or maybe the fact that Dimitri was being supported by the church of Serios was enough for the kids to focus their hate on Dimitri. Whichever way, I think his experience with these group of orphans would dissuade him from adopting.
Kids in need of adoption are not without a past and because they have a past, I think that would stop Dimitri from presenting himself to any child as a parent. I know this is an unpopular opinion but I think that if Dimitri does adopt, it will be very, very late in life and only if there are no wars or events that mass creates orphans by his orders.
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doedipus · 9 months
Bomb rush is genuinely really good and I've had a lot of fun playing it, but in a lot of ways it feels like 2/3 of a game. Like the story is engaging, the overall presentation replicates a lot of what I like about games like twewy, and the movement and gameplay *mostly* feels really good (although I wish the air dash would behave more like a sonic homing attack sometimes).
But somehow it still feels a little undercooked?
Like I wish the characters were more differentiated. even just having them be obligate users of their default vehicles would've gone a long way there. And the vehicles themselves all work basically identically afaik, except for opening certain pathways, which I don't think was ever really explained, and isn't required often enough to really matter. I ended up using vinyl on skates for most of my playtime just because she looks cool and there was never really a reason to switch. I also really wish felix's refusal to use the boost packs had any gameplay relevance, when you unlock him he's just the same as everyone else.
The cops system in general feels half assed. Having some resistance is fine, but the implementation is mainly just a nuisance, and not really fun to engage with. Heat builds really inconsistently, sometimes you can tag most of an area before the cops show up, and other times every tag you do adds one level of heat no matter what. And since the second level is the turrets that make certain necessary jumps close to impossible, you end up spending a huge amount of playtime wandering aimlessly trying to remember where the bathrooms were.
Combat also feels really underdeveloped, against the mechs and turrets it works okay, but the random cops are really tanky and there isn't a ton of feedback from the game when you're fighting them about how much damage you're doing, and they respawn so fast that fighting them is a waste of time anyway.
If it were possible to just mod the heat system out entirely I probably would do that. Doing the regular platformer thing of just intentionally placing enemies in specific spots where they're key to progression instead of using a rockstar heat system would've been better
The last thing is that I think it could use some alternate game modes or generally more divergences from the sandbox gameplay loop. I feel like this is really where the price point becomes a factor- $40 is kind of a big ask for a game with this little going on structurally. I really wish the dream sequence stages were a bigger focus- they make great use of the generally excellent platforming and aesthetic sensibilities, but there's no way to replay them at all, they're just used as one and done setpieces instead of something you can replay over and over to master. there's also not a ton of variety in the challenges you're asked to do in each area, basically every npc only ever asks you to do score attack or go to a specific tag spot, neither of which really ask you to engage with the environment differently. the racing sections are very cool but also very short, used sparingly, and not repeatable. the main campaign is really cool and well-paced, but I feel like for this asking price there's gotta be some more extra shit going on to add replay value.
I guess in some ways I kind of saw a glimpse of a lot of stuff I really liked about the sonic adventure games as a kid, and part of me is disappointed that wasn't the direction BRCF wanted to go in at all. but I think there would've been something to be learned there in terms of extrapolating the same handful of environments into a bunch of decidedly unique gameplay modes. gimme a treasure hunting mode, no-boost felix challenges, dream stage replays, a fishing minigame and a chao garden and I'd be 100% satisfied
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readbyred · 2 years
Can I request some headcanons of how the madrigals would interact with mirabel partner?
I’m not really doing encanto requests now (specified in my request post) but I ship with mira sooo-
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Isabela is the kind of sister that will absolutely hunt you down if you hurt her baby sister. She doesn’t get to be the older sibling she would like to be. This gives her the opportunity to pull you aside and do the whole “don’t you dare hurt her or else” thing. And she absolutely means it
Luisa is busy a lot so you don’t get to interact with her often. But its clear from the looks she gives you and the way she smiles at you two that she ships it. After she gets to have more free time and you get to know her more she turns out to absolutely adore you. Very supportive. 10/10
Abuela doesn’t like you a lot at first. Mostly it’s because you distract your girlfriend and Abuela fears her grandchild acting “inappropriately” because of some “puppy love”. After the events of the movie she looks at you a bit more kindly, though she doesn’t go out of her way to form a friendship
Julieta and Augustine are a little worried because of the chaos Mirabel’s (not so little) crush creates. They even try to help Mirabel out with her first relationship, much to her horror. All in all they believe you’re a good kid and want you to feel welcomed in the family
Pepa and Felix are more neutral. They really don’t think too much of it as long as you’re good to their youngest niece. Otherwise I really wouldn’t want to be you-
For Bruno the whole family thing is very new. But he knows tropes, so he goes off of that. Tells you funny stories until embarrassed Mirabel drags you away and always makes (or attempts to make) small talk when you’re around the house
Its no surprise that Camilo teases Mira to hell and back. But he also tries to be on good terms with you, genuinely befriending you at some point
Dolores keeps her distance but she’s very kind to you. She’s another source of embarrassing gf stories, though it can work both ways
Antonio treats you like family at this point. He’s very generous and warm towards you, sometimes even clinging to you or inviting you to play in his room when you come to visit your other half
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theroseempress · 1 year
Greetings, denizens of Tumblr, men, women, and potplants!
I randomly decided this blog needed an introductory post, so here we are.
Any of my writing/art can be found at the #my writing and #my art tags respectively. My current WIP, The Golden City, can be found at #the golden city or #tgc if I'm lazy. I have any number of background projects, which can all be found at #backburner wips.
Random details about me include; I'm a writer/artist in training, self-taught for both, and a professional bullshitter. I also like cats better than dogs, drink a lot of hot cocoa and coffee, and recently discovered I might be intolerant to milk, which I am VERY salty over. I'm also a professional procrastinator, and am actually procrastinating from something by writing this very post.
I come in several different flavours of neurodivergent!
I am also a coloured pencil. No, I will not elaborate.
You can call me any variation of my blog name, R, or Rose, whichever you like. (if you somehow know me IRL and thus know my actual name; no you do not)
I'm chill with basically anyone (whatever your opinions are on anything) as long as you can be respectful about them. While I do have opinions on all controversial topics (being as I am a Human Bean and thus biased) I prefer to stay firmly neutral and out of any Important Debates/politics.
Oh, and I adore tag/ask games, feel free to drop in with anything at any time, but I am erratically efficient with answering so it maay take a while. Sorry.
Anyway! Other me/WIP-related stuff under the cut because this's a 'lil long :D
Media I like includes; Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (I'm planning to watch the 03 one at some point but haven't gotten around to it) Avatar; The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, the Reckoners series, Redwall, The Queen's Thief series, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl comics, the Agents of SHIELD tv show, and pretty much all of the older Barbie movies. (most specifically Princess and the Pauper) I'm also pretty involved in the Miraculous Ladybug fandom, somehow, despite not having watched most of it.
Favorite characters of mine include; Edward Elric, Roy Mustang, Azula, Kuvira, Sokka, Zuko, Fitz, Adrien Agreste, Félix Graham De Vanily, Kagami Tsurugi, Varrick, Zhu Li, Eugenides/Gen, Basil Stag Hare, Gonff, Ling Yao, Preminger, and Azul.
I'm not much of a shipper, but I do have a soft spot for Royai, the Love Square and Feligami from Miraculous Ladybug, and whatever Zhu Li/Varrick is called.
Anyway, here's the plot as of yet of my main WIP in newspaper-headline style because I saw someone else do it and I liked the idea.
Local Thief Gets Arrested And Then Takes Advantage of Loophole; Winds Up Going On Treasure Hunt. (Chaos Ensues)
Here's a runup of the main characters;
Felix Rose- professional bullshitter/actor/ridiculously good at being charming. Very cocky, actually has enough skills to (occasionally) warrant it. Owns four cats. Does not want to go to jail, thank you. Noble who part-times as a thief, as one does.
Shannon Rose- professional Felix's Twin Brother. At first glance seems significantly less mischevious than Felix, but we must remind you that Felix is significantly more anything than anyone. Studying to be a scholar. Would also prefer it if Felix did not got to jail, would like to prevent that.
Valentin Fleet- professional Cinnamon Roll. Wants to do the Right Thing, unsure what that actually means. Is capital-C Conflicted. Somehow managed to go from the resident Tough Person to the resident Cinnamon Roll over the story's creation. The reason Felix is in jail, would prefer it if he stayed there, please.
I also have a website, (carolinaauthor.wordpress.com) where I'll be posting my WIP when it gets to production stage, and an Etsy store (it's called CoffeeCatDesigns, I'll find a link later sorry) where you can buy stuff from me. Oh, and I started writing fanfic recently! I'm The Rose Empress on ao3 if you're interested!
If you want to ask me questions about any of my WIPs or tag me in stuff I will be more than happy to answer :D
Mmmmmmmmkay that's it thank you for reading, I'm gonna go do that thing I was procrastinating from now.
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warsinmyhead · 7 months
[Musing] Lowkey Birthday
"Welcome back Felix!" Sam said as he saw the hunter on loan to S.H.I.E.L.D. "Fury said you turned into a cat for a while but our guys figured it out!"
"Yeah, it's nice to be able to talk instead of meowing to communicate," Felix replied with an easy smile. "So, Minho's out on a mission now, right?"
Sam nodded and led Felix to the control room with the information on current missions. He tapped one of the individuals seated and asked for the file with Minho's mission. The agent handed it to Sam and Sam flipped it open to take a look.
"Yup, he's in Egypt trying to intercept some copycat serum going on the black market," Sam noted. "Surprised he didn't petition to take the day off – it's his birthday."
The comment surprised Felix and he raised a brow.
Sam nodded and explained that Minho didn't like to make a big deal out of his birthdays. He checked his watch and added that Minho would be back at headquarters around 7 PM.
"Wait, does Minho know you're not a cat anymore?" Sam asked.
Oh yeah...Minho had bid him goodbye when he was a cat this morning and it was stupidly early. Felix had been a bit grouchy being woken up so early, but he relented when Minho pet his head and put the top blanket over his body.
Shit, did he have time to do something for the spy?
"I'm done with people trying to copy Steve's formula," Minho muttered under his breath. What was so great about trying to be like him? Sure he liked Steve, but he was tired of everyone trying to copy it and obviously causing more trouble than good.
"Welcome back Agent Lee," Sam said. "You should find Felix – they cured him and he's human again!"
Minho lifted his head in surprise and Sam nodded. The former excused himself and began walking quickly to his room in the headquarters. He pushed the door open and blinked when he saw Felix standing in the center of the room with a cake in hands.
"Happy Birthday Minho," Felix murmured. "Make a wish before it melts all over."
Minho put his bag down and leaned forward to blow out the candles. Before Felix could do anything, Minho took the cake and quickly put it down on a nearby counter. He quickly stepped toward Felix and crushed him in a hug.
"I missed you voice, you сволочь."
Felix grinned as he reciprocated the hug.
"Sorry it's just the cake."
"I don't care – I'm glad to have you back."
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melynen · 10 months
Mely’s 007 Fest 2023 Masterpost
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Once again it’s the end of the Fest and time for a masterpost. As always, team Villains was a delight and I had a lovely time at the Fest. 💚 My specialty this year were the tinyfics (it’s surprisingly hard to remain under 50 words) and using prompts as inspiration, though sadly I didn’t comment as much as I had wanted to. Next year I’ll definitely work on that.
But well, without further ado…
Fics 560 pt
To Scoop or Not to Scoop - Q/Alec Trevelyan - Teen+
Q/Alec Trevelyan Tinyfics - Teen+
Double Ohs and Double Dates - 00Q - Teen+
00Q Tinyfics - Teen+
Eve Moneypenny/Bill Tanner Tinyfics - G
Drinks with a Double Oh - 00Q - G
Bill Tanner/Alec Trevelyan Tinyfics - Teen+
M/Bill Tanner Tinyfics - G
Eve Moneypenny/R Tinyfics - G
Eve Moneypenny/Alec Trevelyan Tinyfics - Teen+
Q/Bill Tanner Tinyfics - G
Eve Moneypenny/Nomi Tinyfics - G
According to Plan - 00Q - Teen+
Happy Birthday - James Bond & Q - G
Birthday Wish - James Bond/Felix Leiter - G
Birthday Presents and All That Chaos - 00Q - G
Cute Creatures - 00Q - G
James Bond/Q/Alec Trevelyan Tinyfics - G
Headcanons 30 pt
Q’s Newest Moomin Mug
Q’s New Taika Tableware
Bond Loves Making Q Happy
Q’s Gift For Bond
Bond Brings Q Maneki Nekos From Japan
Bond Relaxes By Cleaning His Gun
Memes 5 pt
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Others 10 pt
Motivational Poster
Motivational Poster #2
Scavenger Hunt 25 pt
#1 | #26 | #31: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 | #43 | #46
Events attended 16 pt
Women Talking
This Is Going to Hurt ep. 1-2, 5-7
Layer Cake
The Menu
A Very English Scandal ep. 1-3
Cloud Atlas
Cowboys & Aliens
The Hour S2 ep. 1
The Tempest
Logan Lucky
Lara Croft
Bonuses and comments
Theme days 11 x 5 p = 55 pt
Completed prompt tables 3 x 30 pt = 90 pt
Prompt sheet bonus 61 x 5 pt = 305 pt
Prompt from a previous Fest 49 x 3 pt = 147 pt
7 prompt sheet fills 8 x 20 pt = 160 pt
Rare ship 10 x 5 pt = 50 pt
31-day challenge bonus 75 pt
Comments 7 pt
Total points 1535 pt
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teddyquijadas · 2 years
+ mara.
Days blur into nights and back again in the three weeks that have passed since their arrival in Idaho Falls. With the schedule Teddy’s been assigned, there’s been so little time to do what he came here to accomplish in the first place. Alexei Volkov runs a tight ship and makes sure to keep all the petty footsoldiers occupied; with both he and Felix busied with patrols and hunting during the day, the only time to ask around for word of Mara is in the few free hours between work and dinner. Teddy thought he might manage to comb through the gossip trails of the QZ sooner, but Idaho Falls is much bigger than he expected, and the medical wing much busier. Each time he visits the old, converted pharmacy, there never seems to be a good time to interrupt another medic to ask if they know a Mara Sinclair. Besides, after witnessing the fucking dictator execute a man who speaks out about injustices, Teddy knows he shouldn’t be caught asking too many questions. He treads carefully, lies low, tells himself it’s for Felix’s sake. 
It’s the fourth time he’s been here to seek her out ( so much for third time’s the charm ), but he holds onto a small hope despite the dwindling odds in his favor. In Boston, Teddy and Mara made a list of all the quarantine zones they could escape to, and in the ten years that have passed since then, he and Felix have traveled to all of them — except here. Teddy promises their son they won’t leave until they know for sure if she’s in Idaho Falls or not. 
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When he enters the makeshift clinic, it’s quiet for once. There’s no apparent chaos or injuries or blood, only a young looking person unpacking fresh medical supplies from a crate. They meet Teddy’s eyes, though they don’t stop their sorting when they ask if they can help him. Teddy wastes no more of their time in his response. “Sorry to interrupt,” he starts, “Is there a Mara Sinclair on staff?”
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that-fandom-godess · 10 months
The Lost Queen
Chapter VI
Jacob finishes examining me and sends me on my way with Alex to explore more of the camp. When I step out of the tent, I can feel everybody’s eyes on me. I don’t like that. I wait for Alex to come out and lead the way to somewhere else. “Over there is where our tents are normally set up. Now that summer’s here, we all sleep out in the open where it’s cooler. There are boys assigned each night to guard the camp.”
“What about that?” I ask pointing to a treehouse at the back of the clearing.
“That’s Pan’s. No one’s allowed in there unless it is a life or death situation.” He pauses. “The only exception to that is Felix. He’s Pan’s right hand man.”
“Is Felix the tall one with the scars on his face?”
“Yeah. He is rumored to be the first Lost Boy. Well besides Pan.”
“How long has he been here?”
“No one really knows about either one of them. I don’t think they even know.”
“But they don’t look much older than you.”
“Here on Neverland, time stands still. I’ve been here for about twenty years myself.” I stared at him in disbelief. There is no way that’s possible. “You look like you don’t believe me.” I shake my head. “Think of it like this. Neverland is not an actual island. I mean it is but isn’t. Neverland is a star. And it’s not just any star either. The star is visible in all the realms and basically connects them all. And because all the realms are going by at different, Neverland was so confused that it just stopped.”
“That surprisingly makes sense.”
“Neverland used to be only a place that boys could come to in their dreams. Apparently when Pan came, he broke some kind of rules and now you can only be brought here. And once you are brought here, you can never leave.”
“But he wanted me to go back.”
“That’s because girls aren’t allowed on Neverland.”
“Hey, dinner will be happening soon. Do you have any questions about anything so far?”
“Where can I get a change of clothes. And maybe a bath too.”
“I’m not sure about the clothes, but I can show you where the boys and I bathe.”
“Okay.” I follow him into the woods and after a bit of walking, we come across a large lake that has a small stream leading in and out of it.
We stand there in an awkward silence until we hear a commotion coming from the camp. “It must be dinnertime! Come on.” He leads me back to camp and I make a mental note of where the lake is.
When we get back, there is a long wooden table with lots of food on it. More food than I had seen in a while. Boys were already flocking the table, but were not touching the food. I saw Peter come out of his treehouse and take a seat at the head of the table. Alex goes to the table and pushes a boy away to make room for me. Coincidentally it was also right next to Peter. “Boys!” I wince at the sudden loud sound. The boys all settle down and he continues, “Looks like you had a good hunt! I hear it was Finn that caught the boar.” There are some congratulations to the older boy and then they all quieted down. “Finally, we have one last thing. There is another person who has been added to this table and I expect you all to,” he raises his eyebrow and smirks, “mind your manners.” And with that chaos erupted. Everyone dived in and filled their plates to the brims with the hot food. I am unsure of what to do and just freeze in my spot.
I was too lost in the chaos that I didn’t realize that Alex took my plate and started filling it for me. “Here.” He handed me a tower of meat and vegetables. “You’re lucky that I’m here or else you’d be going hungry.”
“Thank you.” My stomach was screaming at me to dive in, and I obliged. I started with the meat closest to me then worked my way around the plate and finished by scraping the bottom with my bread, trying to get as much as I could.
“Wow, hungry much?” Alex says in a lighthearted way. “Don’t worry about cleaning up. Pan uses magic to take care of everything.”
Peter leans over. “Magic can do a lot. Especially here.” He suddenly stands and addresses the whole table. “How about a celebration in honor of Sierra?” The boys cheered.
“Why?” I ask him as everyone is getting up.
“Why not?” He waves his hand and the table is cleared. “It’s an excuse to dance.”
I follow him to the bonfire and within the blink of an eye, the wooden teepee burst into flames. The boys start to dance and beat handheld instruments. I sat down on a log and watched the scene. A young boy, maybe four or five, comes up to me and hands me a flowering weed. “Is this for me?”
“Yeah. You looked sad and I saw a pretty flower and thought it would make you happy.”
I genuinely smiled at him. “It is a beautiful flower. It does make me happy.” He starts to smile really big. “What’s your name?”
“Trevor!” He exclaimed. “What’s yours?”
“I’m Sierra.”
“I know.” I laugh at his response. I sometimes really love young children. He then just runs back and starts dancing. I look down at the ‘flower’ and stick it behind my ear.
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wickedsrest-rp · 11 months
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Welcome to our weekly round-up! We do these every week to provide plot drops, highlight starters posted that week, and share other information about the setting. Anyone is welcome to use these bullet points in starters, plots, anons etc. Also let us know if you want us to include one of your setting-related plots in here for next week by sending us a bullet point!
What’s new in town?:
Strange crystals have overtaken the town, and touching them creates a “link” to the doomed people of Bleak Point. Some may find they have a stranger influencing their actions, while others might find their emotions amplified. The least fortunate may transform into creatures from the mines and terrorize the town. Come join the chaos of our latest POTW!
Don't forget your bug spray, kids! It's summer time and the insect life is in full force. Especially in the Common where bloodclingers have turned into their own personal all-you-can-eat buffet.
There's a new item on the menu at Driftwood Diner! Instead of your traditional chicken wings, they have something called worm wings. Yes, they're spicy. Yes, there's worms. Yes, they only come bone-in and they are worm bones! If you find yourself with an inexplicable need to do the worm dance and nestle into soil for the following days or week, don't be surprised.
For those who enjoy the finer things in life and find themselves at the Shimmering Sky Bar--- well, they may want to keep a close eye on their possessions unless they happen to be really good at scavenger hunts.
Celebrating Speak Now TV release? Bridie is offering free entry to Tír na nÓg to anyone wearing purple
Who put a giant, smelly gym sock along Marcus' favorite path in the Common? Answers are needed
Smelly gym socks and super smelling? Yikes. Jo wants to know why all the weird stuff comes here
Leila is looking for a good jewelry cleaner so if you know someone, send them her way
Jasper is still without a face. Can someone help?
To set your mind at cheese, Beau is here to reassure the BMV is all good again so renew your license today!
Why does all her stuff say Mack? Clearly her name is Llama!
If you're good with internet slang, Lukas could really use your help
Can anyone help poor Sofie get the chickcharney out of her hair? She's having a bad time
Alright gardeners of WR, Conor's coming through with all the hot gardening tips of the summer
If Van has eaten your hay, consider this your formal apology
Please stop asking Chris to go photograph the crystals
If you have good home remedies for a broken bone, hit Teagan up
Alan seems to have lost his name. Can anyone help him get it back?
Russ wants to know if still using his zune mp3 player is weird and why he's getting strange looks
Fries? Crispy or soggy? There's one right answer, so help Jade settle this debate with her sister
Check out the new gown on display at the Party Thrifter! Leila is especially proud of this one
Can anyone help Felix find chips? The vending machine keeps spitting out random inanimate objects instead of food
Tune into Miyeon's show and enter the Fun in the Sun giveaway by sharing your worst dating stories today!
Marina is looking for someone to help her get in touch with Walt Disney. She's watched The Little Mermaid and she has some bones to pick with this Walt man
Juno wonders if the cod sandwich is really that good or if the Codfather has implemented some weird marketing ploy
While in the woods, Alex found a wallet with a tail and legs. It's a little mouthy. Please claim your cursed wallet
Have you seen this dinosaur femur? If so, please contact Dr. Regan Kavanagh
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solemn-siren · 2 years
Camp Bravery: Origin stories masterlist
Short 1-8 part fanfics explaining the origins of characters from the Camp Bravery series, guest posted on the PHB. Started out with me writing one for Alouette but decided to extend to other characters!
Gwendolyn Risk: The Monster Hunters Monsters are being slain on Monster Hunter carnival. When Gwen discovers her best friend is a monster, she does whatever it takes to help her out. COMING SOON
Alouette Rees: The Witch's Heart Discovering a dragon egg and hatching it, Alouette finds herself swept up in Fairytale island's latest crisis. Just what happened this time? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Maverick Stone: Balance of chaos Shrouded by the success of his older brother, Maverick is struggling to stand out, but when rumors of a plot to disrupt the balance of Goofball island goes around, he's sure solving this mystery will make him stand out. COMING SOON
Felix Jones: Aerie of eagles On the night of Grapple pap years ago, a hunt gone wring killed his parents. Years later, Felix sets off on a journey of revenge, not knowing the dark twist awaiting him
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