lcsthings · 1 year
johnny silverhand.
i probably won’t be as active on him until i’ve finished my second playthrough.
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kieranwritess · 1 year
COD MWII x Cyberpunk 2077 AU Brainrot
Fandom: Call of Duty
Characters: 141, LV, Graves, Laswell
Notes: cw for graves /lh, perhaps a bit of implied soapghost, bisexual soap, bisexual johnny silverhand, probably ooc but i do what i want ❤️
a/n: inspired by @yeyinde and my midnight-fueled obsession :) I'll probably make a part two to this because it's now my baby. knowledge of Cyberpunk 2077 is recommended because I reference in-universe characters. yes it's very niche, no I don't care.
- set in 2077
- they would all hate Johnny Silverhand. no exceptions.
- Soap's a little sad he shares a name with that fellow bi disaster bastard tho
- in a similar vein, they'd probably not be too fond of River; Price would envy him for his naivety and Gaz sees himself in River
- fanon Rogue and Price would 100% bond over being mother hens to a ragtag group of idiots
- Graves but Meredith Stout
- no questions asked
- the bitch would work for Militech or some other arms corp
- probably Militech because it is very American™ and he's a little yeeyee boy
- i might have Rudy's characterization wrong, but I feel like he'd have started in the NCPD like River
- poor boys only wanted to make the world better but instead Rudy became jaded and is sort of resigned to his job like Han
- Alejandro would be his buddy from Heywood who was always trying to get him to quit the force
- Ghost is probably the most like V in terms of skills and attitude
- but he's not some gonk kid who wants to make it big, he's made it big
- fixers either love him or they hate him
- one of those "going down in a blaze of glory" dudes
- would never work with Dex, though, and is especially relieved he never did after he hears about the Arasaka heist
- Price: veteran, but in a Mitch way and not a 6th street way. I feel like he had the potential to be a fixer, but wanted to try to have a quiet life after the war (Price bbg, there is no such thing as a quiet life in NC)
- is kind of like Takemura in the sense he'd love to run off and join a nomad clan (because fuck this place, honestly)
- but NC is all he knows and he has people he cares about there (read as: poor dude is attached to the 141 boys)
- Johnny (Silverhand) respects him, even if Price wants to rip him a new one every second they're around each other
- he could definitely become a mentor figure to V and would consider joining up with them if they take The Star ending
- honestly, i can still see Laswell working for the NUSA government
- but I'm not sure how we'd get a connection between her and the 141
- fuck logic, Price and Kate are still besties
- Soap and Panam get on like a house on fire
- a propensity for a little rule breaking and an affection harbored for an authority figure (i'll let you decide in what sense) brings them together
- I probably hc Gaz as younger than he actually is, but he gives off baby solo vibes
- brb thinking back to Jackie and V at the food stall outside of H10 and crying about it
- anyways
- Gaz would probably be the most like streetkid V
- bro knows his way around local fixers
- hc that Ghost and Gaz met on a job before Ghost made it big time
- and Ghost is all "I work alone >:(" but they discover that they work well together
- again thinking back to the streetkid intro, albeit Ghost is nowhere near the same as Jackie personality wise
- they probably grew apart after Ghost becomes a solo
- but Ghost is the first one to suggest Gaz when asked to put together a team for a big job (i.e. the heist but it doesn't go sideways)
- and yeah imo that's how c77!141 is put together
- Ghost knows Gaz, Gaz grew up around Price, and Price knows of Soap through the grapevine
- I guess to "convert" each of them into ttrpg factions, Soap is a techie, Ghost is a solo, Price is prolly a fixer, and Gaz might fall under lawman (as a PI or something)
- i am making less and less sense so I'm gonna stop here for now
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rosapexa · 1 year
Time for a proper pinned post!
I'm Rosa. I'm in my late 30s, married and i'm a Virtual Photographer. With VP i found something in which i can be creative and allthough i don't know most of the time, what i'm doing i enjoy sharing the things i manage to get out of my head and into my photos.
Tumblr is the place where i only share my Cyberpunk 2077 VP and everything what is on my mind about my OCs. And i have quite a few.
Some of them (well, the fewest tbh) have whole personalities and background stories, other's are lucky, that they barely got a name. I simply enjoy creating and taking pictures of them.
Also i sometimes post (mild) NSFW stuff. So if you're underage or don't want to see things like this, please don't follow me.
Anyway let me introduce you to my two most important and dearest OCs:
Vala Moreau-Ward
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Aldecaldos; 38 years old in 2083; Netrunner/ Techie
Ship: in a relationship with River Ward since 2077 (with a break of around 3 months short after Mikoshi per her request) and married since 2082 🧡
only one of my female OCs, who is actually V; both her and Johnny survived Mikoshi and got him his body back; has to take for the rest of her life medication and adjust her cyberware because of the damage the relic did to her body (since that her health is not the best anymore) but will eventually die because of it; made her peace with that fact and tries still to live her best life; besides River the most important people in her life are Johnny and Panam, who is like a sister to her; splits her time living in Night City with River and in the Badlands with the Aledecaldos;
shy but basically nice to everyone; a little goofy and a total nerd; collects plushies; loves flowers, especially roses and sunflowers; coffee addict; cat mom to Nibbles; she is an extremely good judge of character and learned to listen to her gut feeling, which is mostly right; allthough she never judges someone by the first impression; has basically no fighting skills and relies totally on her Netrunner and Quickhack abilities; tries to avoid killing people and only does it as a last resort;
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Maelstrom; 36 years old in 2083;
Ship: in a relationship with Johnny Silverhand since 2079 🖤
born and raised into Militech and trained as an assassin from a very early age; her full name was Alexandra Miranda Shaw but she buried it along with every part of her Militech life and almost no one knows this name anymore; joined Maelstrom in 2072 after Militech threw her out and onto the streets to die; known as Maelstrom's Ghost; loyal towards Royce (who brought her into the gang) and supported him when he took over Maelstrom; made sure along with Dum Dum (who she considers her brother) that Brick wasn't killed though; lives together with Johnny in an apartment in Night City;
very calm, basically cold and mostly quiet; people tend to feel quite uncomfortable and even afraid in her presence; cat mom to Salem; has an abolute soft spot in her closest (which are very few) friendships and her relationship; hates all corpos but especially Militech with a passion; doesn't trust many people and almost no one outside of Maelstrom; loves the typical Maelstrom activities; if it's sharp and cuts things people Lexa knows how to kill with it; loves to kill with her Mantis Blades the most; never uses guns;
I will share in the future more of Lexa's and Vala's story (if i find the courage) and link it here. Also how they are connected. Because they do exist in the same Cyberpunk universe/timeline and know each other.
More of my OCs follow a little later. I just wanted to finally get this post out 😂
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Maelstrom; 30 years old (physical age) in 2083; Netrunner
Ship: in a relationship with Dum Dum since 2080
originally a rogue AI behind the Black Wall; escaped from there during the events of Mikoshi (i put her probably into the same universe as Vala and Lexa); took over the body of an inexperienced Maelstrom Netrunner named Violet (who was at the time not yet a full member); the AI and Violet merged somehow into the personality that is Scarlet today; mentally unstable because of that; stayed with Maelstrom for obvious reasons; has an unhealthy (for others) obsession with fire; an absolute brutal and insane Netrunner (one of those, you never hope to meet during netrunning);
allthough she is capable of emotions she struggles a lot with them; gets frustrated often about that and lets her anger out in a very violent way;
Scarlet is also not sure, if she understands the concept of love; what she knows is, that she's most comfortable with Dum Dum, feels like she misses something when he's not around and loves to kill for and with him the most; he's basically the only she would never harm and who can even calm her down (which he mostly doesn't cause his raging girlfriend is one of the most beautiful things for him);
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bnbc · 1 year
I must know:
👱‍♀️🧺🦾❔(Your choice!)
and Kou:
🍙(of Kou-rse. Haha)
💴👁❔(Yorinobu. If not applicable- your choice!)
thank you so much for so many asks from Get-A-Long Ask!
For Rach:
👱‍♀️- Meredith Stout
It started with a biz! Meredith needed some not…really legal service and someone who would work with a corpo with no extra questions. She didn't want to work with Dino for some reason (read, there was a huge chance the deal would be a setup and Mer didn't want to ruin the relationship with someone serious). So, she went for some almost-no-name Charter Hill bitch.
However, the Charte Hill bitch managed to avoid the bad consiquenses of the deal with impressive ease, so she was definitely worth further cooperation… and something more. What was planned as a one-night stand became more than this, but their relationship was never easy. Meredith didn't want anything serious and tried to get their biz and their connection separate, while Rachel desperately wanted to have both sides of Meredith Stout to herself. But even after Meredith gave up and accepted the fact she does care about her fixer-lets-le-real-girlfriend, the struggle remained due to a lot of issues both sides had. They even broke up in 2077 for several years and had to use a layer to set up the conditions after they ended up together again xD
🧺- Anders Hellman
Oops, they never met. I mean she might know smth about him during her years in Arasaka, but they never met in person and had no relationship.
🦾- Johnny Silverhand
The same goes to Johnny, 'cuz Rachel interest mostly revolved around taking her place in the city's food chain, she had no idea about some not-so-dead-rockerboy.
They crossed their ways with Kou several times (one day I'll write a story of her ruining Rachel's only Jungudji dress left) but they haven't been close back then, just on friend-of-my-dead-friend level, so there was no chance Kou would talk about Johnny with her.
❔- Michiko Arasaka
And here she comes!
They become acquaintances in post-canon events. I HC that after being resurrected in Yori's body tighten the screws for anyone whom he even slightly suspected of taking his son's side. He had nothing on Michiko, yet, he made sure she's tied to Arasaka more seriously then before and tried to control her. Michiko wasn't truly fond of getting ripped off her usual freedom, so she started digging against 'her own', and eventually, she got a very long game planned. And for this, she needed an ally.
At that point, Rachel already had a solid reputation and open Wako's support. She was in the middle of a power struggle with Rogue, so when Michiko came to her they managed to help each other. The trust between them was slow to build, but on some level, they understood each other perfectly and each came to conclusion it's more profitable to play it fair with each other.
So, at some point, they came to the point that they both were really interested that their littel 'bird buiseness' ended up successfull (and spoiler, it did)
For Kou:
🍙 - Goro Takemura
Well, well, well. Let's say before Kou started seeing Goro as her friend she had so seen him as human. From the start he was nothing just some stubborn corpo suit she was forced to cooperate with, but the magic happened when he told her to go fuck herself, she even stood in the middle of the crossroad somewhere in the North Side processing this message.
He annoyed her A LOT (which was mutual xD), and she couldn't stand his attitude towards the Night City. She even started her little crusade aiming to change his mind about the place, taking him to her fav places, loading his DMs with shitloads shots of NC's beauty. It wasn't really successful, tho xD
Not long before the recon she realized she's got some extra feelings towards her friend and tried to solve this 'problem' quite straightforward and was politely rejected (because the keyword in 'idiots in love' is the fact BOTH are idiots)
Goro also went a long way from 'stupid thief' via 'the asset to achieve the noble goal' to 'a person I do really care about but not ready to accept this fact until she dies'
I also HC that game events take the whole summer of 2077 so they both have enough time for pinning and being idiots xD
💴- Hanako Arasaka
Hanako is someone… unreachable. They had little interactions, just canon ones, nothing extra, and there is no real relationship between them, esp if you ask Kou. From Hanako's side, it's more complicated tho, since she took her obligation to V quite seriously, and tried to fulfill them as much as she could.
She not only supported Kou's resurrection but also secretly covered her and Goro's escape (he is still sure Hanako had no idea about him working against Arasaka for his own plans, haha).
👁- Sandayu Oda
Oh, Oda. Unfortunately, he dies very early in my post-canon storyline, so he and Kou didn't have a chance to know each other better, and it's quite sad because they have a lot in common and could make a wonderful mix of friends and rivals one day.
But yeah, all that they had were meeting in the docks, and that fight on the parade that Kou won by using dirty tricks and unconventional psycological weapons (aka was distracting him with the nasty details of her and Goro made up sex life), and some interactions during the devil ending. Kou has a low opinion about him back in 2077, but later it changes and she even slightly regrets she had no chance to know him better
❔- Yorinobu Arasaka
She mostly known Yori by his actions and rumors surrounding him and basically thinks he's nothing but poser and moron. To have so much money and power and to fuck them up on some childish rebelion? Oh, c'mon. Even his final speech doesn't change her mind, for her he always stays some out-of-reality-wannabe-idealist whos death is only logical.
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beammeupbroadway · 1 year
Find the Word/ Manuscript Search Tag
Tagged by the lovely @setaflow (here is her post please go show her girl love Riley needs it)
Words I had to play with were wait, wind, teeth, and hope. Three are from a published fic (Fool on the Hill) and one from an unpublished longer fic I’ve been working on for a couple of years because I am very slow
Metal hand tapping against the floor, Johnny turned his gaze away from her. If she didn't know better, she'd have recognised shame on his face.
"Worst thing they can do to you, take who you are..." Johnny hit his head against the wall, metal fingers clenching in a fist. "Don't have any more answers than you do, doll. For what it's worth, don't fuckin' want this any more than you."
Johnny shifted, turning round to fully face her, steeled expression as he leaned into her space, Valerie tensing at the intrusion. "You want an out? Oughta take it now. Not how I'd do it, but you wanna go out on your terms? Do us both a favour an' make it quick." He gestured to the gun on the table beside her. An out. One last act she could make. Preserve her integrity to her last moment.
It would be easier. God knows that gun felt like it had been pressed to her head since the day she was born, always waiting for an excuse to pull the trigger. A cold, unloveable creature. Waiting for the day someone put her down. At least this way it would be in her hands. Her choice.
She'd felt the wind knocked out of her when Johnny asked to go on a date with Rogue. Which was unfair. She'd just told him how important it was to have connections with the people in your life, and now she was bitter because he wanted to fix the ones he had?
It wasn't just that though. There was something more with Rogue, the 'what if that always hung in the air around them. She wanted him to do this, to get some closure, but it felt like signing her own death warrant. She knew the moment Rogue was back in the picture she might as well be gone.
"And what, you think you're somethin'? Got news for you old man, you've been dead 50 years, nobody gives a fuck about Johnny Silverhand anymore, not even Arasaka. There's no score to settle, they've forgotten you and it's time you moved on and fucked off."
She gritted her teeth when his metal hand tugged hard on her hair, dragging her back round to face him. His face was so close she could feel his hair brushing against her, his expression menacing and teeth bared, his breath hot against her face.
"What, and you think you're gonna go out in some 'blaze of glory? Not in this fuckin' life Princess. Look at your choom Jackie-"
"Dont say his name you fuckin' asshole." She spat. The grip on her hair tightened, causing her to grimace, pushing down a small sound of pain that threatened to escape. She wouldn't give the bastard the satisfaction.
"look where he is now. Bleedin' out in the back of a cab your idea of a blaze of glory? That ain't happenin'. Not for you. You're no Night City legend darlin', you're gonna end up right there alongside your choom in the long list of nobodies who died thinkin' they could be somthin' in this city.”
"Can we stay here for a bit longer? I know we have shit to-"
He silenced her with the press of his lips against her own, moving in tandem as they twined themselves round one another. She felt him relax into the mattress and allowed herself to do the same, any desire to move from that spot vanishing with the soft touch of his hand trailing down her arm.
"Stayin' here long as you want Darlin'."
She let her eyes drift shut, tentatively reaching out to his mind with her own. What she found there lay any worry she may have had to rest, complete and overwhelming devotion tangling with her own, indistinguishable from each other.
As they lay there, basking in the faint glow of the setting sun over the pacific as it encompassed them in it's warmth, she realised for the first time since Jackie died, she felt hope. Hope for a different future, for them to stay like this forever, wrapped up in each other's warmth, feeling like for the first time, they had both found their way home.
Tagging @glitchinginthegarden @trashcatsnark @skippygiraffee @neon-pink-witch @synthsinner and anyone else who wants to give it a go! ❤️
For the words stop, alone, and warm
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dgcatanisiri · 5 months
I think once I finish out all the character questlines, plus do the parade (because I always do the parade right after River rejects my male Vs trying to kiss him, since that makes V dramatically gay by getting his heart broken and so going to do something suicidally dangerous), THEN I'll do Phantom Liberty. Then once I've gotten through that, I'll decide where it really fits for me in the in-game timeline.
I mean, the game really is hard to really figure out a real timeline for, given how some things require in-game days to pass and as long as you agree to come right away, most quests will stay active and open in your questlog and still act like you really did, even if you went and did a district's worth of crime in progress things and multiple tiers of multiple Fixer contracts.
Honestly, I think that's part of the reason that the main plot feels so weak - for all the urgency of "the biochip is gonna kill V," its effects are really only noticeable when playing plot missions, not the rest of the game, the part of the game that players will spend more of their time and energy and effort and focus getting through.
Like, if there were some more V-centric stuff, exploring V's character, that could probably help build some of that connection, at least show V doing like the kind of things that indicate that they're preparing to put their affairs in order, acknowledging that looming specter of death, but instead, the game wants to spend so much of its energy and effort basically pushing Johnny Silverhand's second chance, when... Seriously, WHY? What reason is there to say that he inherently deserves that chance?
Legit, it BAFFLES me that Rogue and Kerry are so hung up on this guy that fifty years later, they'll drop everything to dance to his tune, especially with the shitty way he treats them in his own self-serving memories - if that's the way he WANTS to remember things between them, how shitty must he have ACTUALLY been to them?
It's a fun game with good ideas, but MAN does it drop the ball in getting them to cohere together fully.
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ao3feed-silverv · 2 years
Smile on my rage
https://ift.tt/xLeGdPQ AetosForeas
by AetosForeas
V and Johnny are co-existing while trying to find a way to remove the chip and save V's life, but it's a tense relationship. V is also dating two people and trying to make a connection with a third, not that Johnny has room to talk, and a gig in Watson leads them to discover a secret Arasaka facility related to why Johnny was on that Biochip in the first place.
Words: 6499, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Bled for days
Fandoms: Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Johnny Silverhand, Panam Palmer, River Ward, Judy Alvarez, Rogue Amendiares, Yorinobu Arasaka, Saburo Arasaka, Hanako Arasaka, Adam Smasher
Relationships: Johnny Silverhand/V, V/River Ward, Judy Alvarez/V, Panam Palmer/V
from AO3 works tagged 'Johnny Silverhand/V' https://ift.tt/xLeGdPQ via IFTTT
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preemshots · 3 years
buckle up, gamers. it's time for some lore. this is a very long post. 
warning: this will contain a million spoilers. both for details of multiple game endings, a wee bit of the “where’s johnny” comic, and the cyberpunk RED book. if you want a sparknotes version this is the post for you. my main source here is the cyberpunk RED book as well as as some references to the cyberpunk 2077 world book to cross examine the lore. 
i have no idea if someone has made this post before or what anybody else has been finding in their own lore diving. this is just me documenting my own findings from the sources i’ve been using.
it would be disingenuous not to preface this with the ways in which cyberpunk 2077's telling of the arasaka assault differ from the version told in the TTRPG books. the books =/= the game. pondsmith acknowledges in the intro of RED that this is a bridge between the old cyberpunk world and the new world of cyberpunk 2077. 
we also know that johnny's an unreliable narrator and his memories presented to V are often different than real events. but on top of that we don't know if the reason why many elements are changed is simply CDPR editing/adjusting/condensing the storyline for their own canon, or if it's due to johnny's construct being manipulated by outside influences such as arasaka.
some of the main differences you need to know from cyberpunk RED canon:
in 2023 johnny doesn't bring the nukes to arasaka tower. he's solely there to free alt.
johnny and rogue and their team from the atlantis/the aldecaldos are actually hired by morgan blackhand. 
morgan blackhand is the one who plants the nuke, unbeknownst to many members of the team. 
morgan blackhand promptly disappears after this event and no one knows if he's alive or dead. (claire confirms this fact to jackie and v before the heist in 2077 canon)
johnny's silver cybernetic arm is its own character, separate from himself. it seems to have a mind of its own and johnny interacts with it and/or is influenced by it.
when he, spider murphy, rogue, thompson, shaitan, and a team of los lobos from the aldecaldos (who are there in place of santiago, as he’s busy as the leader of the aldecaldos at this point) are attacked by adam smasher, johnny and his arm actively choose to draw smasher's fire in a deliberately suicidal move. smasher downs him instantly, but the distraction is enough to also save his friends.
spider murphy shoves a mysterious chip in johnny's dying head as they escape that alt had downloaded to her a long time ago.
johnny's body is later "rumoured" to have been retrieved from the rubble by a full-body borg groupie that was a first responder to the ground zero of AHQ and then hidden away in a nearby garage.
here comes the political lore that makes my eyes cross, so hopefully this accurately summarizes it: the 4th corporate war begins to end. arasaka is ultimately blamed by the NUSA government to have nuked themselves in a political move to protect their secrets and promptly banished from the USA. arasaka denies this all the way back to japan, then eventually returns to “liberate” night city in the unification wars.
but what the public doesn't know is that kei, saburo's oldest son, had actually hidden an EVEN BIGGER MORE DEVASTATING NUKE at the bottom of the tower to, well, do exactly what they were being accused of doing, even though blackhand was the one who actually dropped the smaller nuke on them. and luckily the bigger one didn’t go off.
arasaka tries to find their nuke in the rubble so they don't get in even bigger trouble, only to discover that it was moved and hidden away to... surprise! a nearby garage.
to compare with 2077:
in RED: we have no johnny loading the nukes into the elevator. no johnny being carried off the premises. no meeting saburo. no johnny getting soulkilled.
in 2077: there's a parallel moment to RED's version of events right after johnny uploads "liberator" from alt's old cyberdeck with spider's help into the arasaka mainframe in saburo's office. adam smasher comes for him as he's trying to escape, knocking him off the second floor of the atrium into the rock garden below.
visually this is the same atrium we always meet alt in in cyberspace and also where V meets johnny for the first time. hmmm. meaningful, perhaps.
not unlike what happens in RED, johnny unloads a clip into smasher at that point, but from there the scene instantly cuts to him running to the roof attempting to board the AV with rogue, where smasher shoots him down again. it’s possible johnny actually died to smasher in the atrium and we have some fabricated memories going on. 
either way, in 2077, we lose the character beat of johnny dying for his friends, and the current-day general consensus from rogue and others is that he’s perpetually a selfish asshole with ulterior motives. 
and, just to wrap up the politics of it all: morgan blackhand is rumoured to have been secretly hired by the militech-backed NUSA government to help end the 4th corporate war by... you guessed it! nuking arasaka.
RED ends with a story called "black dog" set in 2045. black dog is the last song johnny recorded right before the assault on arasaka tower, but the final copy is a bootleg copy of the song and only a fraction.
we're introduced to a fun group of cybernetic-enhanced characters that represent the classes in the TTRPG and based on/designed by real people in collaboration with CDPR.
this group includes trace santiago, santiago's son, who is a media that is curious about the mystery surrounding the circumstances around his father and the arasaka bombing. 
just connecting lore here: if you talk to saul at the aldecaldo camp in 2077, he confirms that santiago was killed for his involvement with johnny and the bombing, something that rogue and johnny reference when they talk about their now-dead crew from the afterlife, and in chippin in, santiago is a friend that johnny lists as someone he had disappointed.
the group sets off to find any info about black dog, and meet up with a full conversion chrome woman named samantha in a garage who is blatantly a johnny silverhand fangirl. trace discovers she has a history with johnny, having rescued him from a studio fire at some point in 2015 and speculates she could have been a groupie also.
she mysteriously has a more complete recording of black dog, though not perfect, and offers to trade it for a service: she wants the group to transport a large crate to a facility in new mexico, asking them not to open it.
shit goes down. evidently everyone in night city wants to kill them for this package once it starts moving. eventually they open it. it's the arasaka nuke that had been hidden and never went off, emblazoned with warnings.
trace inquires about the circumstances surrounding the arasaka assault with an older member of the lobos who had been present with rogue and johnny. the man mentions that it was weird, because morgan blackhand organized the whole thing and then ran off immediately with a mysterious bag that we now know contained the nuke. 
michiko arasaka intercepts the gang, explaining the situation around the bigger nuke, that other factions in arasaka want to utilize it for their own goals (presumably hanako and yorinobu) and her father's legacy, that she feels responsible for. she escorts them to new mexico so that the nuke can be dismantled once and for all.
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they meet up with a woman named angel in new mexico that takes the crate from them, at a facility that specializes in nuclear material. she gives the group the full recording of "black dog". the group leaves successful.
this woman is also a johnny silverhand stan. once alone, she calls up samantha, who says, "i promised i would get him to you in the end" and reveals that she had already gutted/dismantled the original nuke and discarded the material into the bay.
angel opens the "nuke" to reveal a hidden cryochamber, and greets the face of the person inside with, "hello, my love."
i mean, holy shit. okay! so that’s DEFINITELY johnny’s body. cool!
now let’s go into all the references to this story in the actual game of cyberpunk 2077 that SUGGEST we are going to pursue this story AND johnny's body since it’s such a HOT FUCKING TOPIC. 
and i know many of the following can just be considered easter eggs. but my personal interpretation of this game is that it has a really delightful way of intentionally glossing over important story details—and not by ONLY putting them in shards (which people tend to dislike because lol reading) but by also hiding them in plain sight, constantly deferring to V's own ignorance, distracting us with shallower, shinier things, encouraging us to actually play as the fool hero of this story. 
so here's the fun list of “””evidence”””:
this one’s a reach, but fun. in the initial arasaka assault flashback in 2023: we can interact with the groupies at kerry's show as johnny. samantha doesn't appear to be present, but the first person and groupie you can encounter in the flashback has a passing resemblance to angel in that she has a cybernetic arm.
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in chippin' in, where we go to johnny's "grave" in the oil fields: if we are to take the 2077 retelling of events as truth, the story could instead be pretty easily be changed that samantha procured his body from there.
mike pondsmith, who wrote these stories and created the TTRPG can be heard on the radio narrating various conspiracy theories. and sure, these can just be easter eggs, intended to reference the differences between the TTRPG lore and the game, so take it with a grain of salt:
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johnny. bro. tell him it was morgan blackhand
to top it all off, mike also directly references the actual WORSE nuke arasaka had hid in another arasaka conspiracy: 
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in the rogue ending of the game we discover rogue has a son. it's possible her son is trace (edit: nvm NOT LIKELY, since in RED’s black dog story rogue is listed separately from santiago’s mom in conversation) OR possibly one of the other characters. she tells her son to "pull over and look at the stars" or something along those lines. maybe just details, so that screams nomad to me.
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rogue also has a photo of herself and johnny with mike pondsmith in her apartment/office in the afterlife. i initially read this as a delightful cameo but it also can mean mike the CHARACTER knew johnny and rogue, and rogue therefore has some kind of relationship to him and these conspiracies on the radio. and why the fuck not make him a full on character? we have a smattering of streamers and personalities already integrated into quests in the game. the creator of all this should be no exception. fuck it! 
rogue and johnny constantly dance around this accusation of her “selling out”. it’s repeated over and over that she and adam smasher worked for "the same people". i'm beginning to wonder if this wasn't meant to imply only arasaka since smasher mysteriously disappeared after the AHQ assault in 2023 and returned to SOMETIMES take jobs from arasaka... but possibly morgan blackhand and/or by extension, the NUSA or any other greater influences. (like nightcorp? we still don’t know where all this shit with nightcorp/the peralezes/sandra dorsett’s discovery about their research into mind control is gonna go) this also doesn’t account for the multiple factions inside arasaka with VERY different motives. 
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morgan blackhand and adam smasher are rivals in the TTRPG, a role that appears to be at least partially filled by johnny instead in 2077. in relation to the arasaka factions, it’s worth nothing that smasher specifically works for yorinobu as his bodyguard at the beginning of the game, in part i assume because yorinobu is avoiding working with arasaka security details as he stole the relic and is plotting against his father. he is then promoted to head of security by yorinobu when yorinobu assumes power. 
in the ending as you work your way through arasaka tower with rogue and shaitan and johnny, rogue remarks:
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michiko at this point in 2077 is the leader of the more “liberal” faction within arasaka, so it’s possible we’re seeing that while rogue and smasher work for the same people/family, they couldn’t be more different. 
you can also encounter rogue more than once on the phone fighting with wakako, who has apparently crossed her. wakako also seems to have her own ulterior motives and works mainly with the arasaka-backed tyger claws. she notably gives v/takemura the parade security info for “play it safe” without asking for anything in return, enabling hanako’s kidnapping. my theory is that yorinobu intentionally leaked the parade info to her to give away to put hanako in danger or at least continue to destabilize arasaka. 
in the takemura/devil ending of the game, there is a point where violence breaks out at the arasaka board room meeting when yorinobu-allied security open fire on them. one of the only people that survives along with hanako is michiko arasaka, who was at odds with hanako’s decisions, but  very involved in the preceding discussion.
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and now for is my favorite detail! in the afterlife AT ALL POINTS IN THE GAME (but it can only really be inspected in the rogue ending when we are allowed behind the bar), we can find a photo of the squad that transported johnny's body from samantha to angel on the shelf below johnny's tequila, of them hanging out in front of the afterlife sign:  
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this implies rogue has some relationship with them, and sentimentality, if we're to judge by the placement. she maybe even took the picture. i don't know, it's charming, it could be all easter eggs. who fucking knows.
either way, rogue and these kids both have in common that they worked with or at least interacted with michiko arasaka. 
and you know what my final evidence is? more wishful thinking! black dog plays on the radio in game. we got a full recorded version of it by refused. if not an oversight, i go ahead and take it to mean the final version was finally released to the public by those kids that were looking for it. 
i haven’t the slightest idea how this is gonna wrap up in future DLC. who has johnny’s body now in 2077, decades after it was dropped off in mexico? what is the truth?? where the fuck is morgan blackhand?? from the devil ending, we know that arasaka stole jackie’s body and put his soul into mikoshi, so the idea that they would just toss johnny’s corpse has always been laughable. the “where’s johnny?” promotional comic was even about thompson unsuccessfully trying to find johnny’s body. i know i am biased here but i cannot fathom all this talk about johnny’s body ending off with us NOT finding it, whether it’s just to bury it, shove johnny’s engram back in it, make out with it, or WHATEVER.
if you made it through this slog, congrats. thanks for reading! 
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skiitter · 3 years
The Cyberpunk endings are fucking stupid.
V, regardless of the life path, starts the game with a new chance at life. They meet Jackie, take this insane gig, and are aiming for the big leagues. And then it all goes to hell in a handbasket and suddenly, V is being punished for her hubris, for playing Icarus a little too well. Saddled with a nightmare engram and a rapidly approaching end, V is forced to handle these things AND work through whatever Night City throws at her.
And she fucking nails it.
Panam and the Aldecaldos are 100% better off after meeting V. Everyone is. She strives to help, to earn her place at the top, and does it with compassion. It’s not easy, either. Fucking serial killers, rogue AI, corporate espionage, and Relic Malfunctions are literally being thrown at her and V takes it in stride. She bruises and bleeds, but gets the fuck back up. 
She manages to singlehandedly do the one thing no one else could: force Johnny Silverhand to contend with what he’s done, and atone. Takes this symbol of rage and hate and violence and makes him sit there and realize that living that way is not a way to live. He doesn’t regret the places he’s burned, just the people. She teaches him humanity and humility and what it means to be vulnerable and how stupid he was for thinking he was better than those that chose to love him.
V befriends nearly everyone she meets, including a dishonored corporate body guard and a fucking vending machine. She performs emotional labor for 90% of the characters in this game, including allowing her literal, actual body to be used purely for the benefit of someone else. Changes Kerry’s entire life, sets him back on the path he lost so many years ago. Gives Rogue a chance at closure from the most destructive relationship she’s ever had. 
The only person V feels that she has ever let down is Jackie and we spend the whole game carrying that weight. Her entire quest for fame, the whole reason she keeps pursuing the Big Leagues, is for her dead partner. A partner who she never replaces, by the way. Johnny Silverhand becomes her angry, jaded and wise consciousness but never her partner. V does everything she does alone, save for her ghost who no one can see. 
It all compounds. Helping Claire with the drag races. Rounding up Delamain’s feral children. Letting River’s niece and nephew win at the stupid game. Telling the new mayor he’s actually being brainwashed by an AI. Catching SEVENTEEN cyberpsychos. All of that takes time. Time V could spend chasing down a million leads to save her life but this is a game of choices and she chooses to help others.
And this all feels normal. That’s generally what these branching, massive RPG type games play out as. It’s not new, but we all love playing a hero. And make no mistake, V is a hero. She’s not some merc, who bends her beliefs to the highest bidder (this is also why Johnny loves her tbqh. its about the conviction). V has a moral code she will not work against and we as players must work within that code, somewhat. 
The story plays out with V taking on these roles of cleaner, helper, friend, lover, confidant. Its beautiful and immersive and V feels better for it. I felt better for it. And all of that culminates in a massive Fuck You. Fuck you for thinking that, at the end of this, there was any chance of saving yourself. Fuck you for building these connections, loving these people, trying this hard. Fuck you for believing this had a happy ending.
The only person, the only fucking person, who is given a chance at salvation is Johnny. And it is exhausting watching yet another female character have to give her life away so that he can learn a lesson. Putting V back into her body to go rot from the inside out for the next six months is so insulting it borders on cruelty. 
The “best” ending, the Star, where V goes off into the sunset with Panam and her clan to hopefully find some miracle cure is such a slap in the face. Why was this option not available before V dragged her body through Arasaka and into the heart of Mikoshi? Are we to believe that suddenly Panam found something out and only now is it worth pursuing? The only “good” ending is Temperance in that at least something comes from V’s sacrifice and I hate that its to uplift Johnny. 
V did so fucking much for others, emotional, physical, and mental labor, all because that’s the person she is. Runs through the fucking gauntlet of Night City. And, in the end, she earns nothing for it. Fuck your happy ending, fuck your hopes. You can kill yourself on the rooftop, take a suicide mission into fucking space, break out of your own narrative constructs to chase a wild goose, or give your body away entirely. Unsatisfying doesn’t even begin to cover it. 
The Cyberpunk endings are Fucking Stupid.
Edit: I just wanna briefly say that I don't inherently blame Johnny for the loss of V's body in the final missions. In every instance that he gets it, he vehemently expresses not wanting it. It's not his fault that he's the Male Character all the women must die for. It's the writers who fail V, not Johnny, Silvermerc ship be damned. Johnny is canonically loyal to V and taking her body isn't something his character does lightly, at all. Just really wanna stress that here.
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setaflow · 3 years
Wonder if Johnny was so whacked out and freaky when he was alive that he just sort of became a Night City Cryptid from like 2005-2023. Like, say it's 2018 and you're hanging with a bunch of your friends at a bar. Somehow, the conversation turns into a discussion about the times you and your friends saw Johnny Silverhand live and in person. They include:
One friend who was nearly run off the highway by Johnny gunning his Porsche at 110 mph. They if no idea if he was drunk or high or crossfaded, but all they know is that Aerosmith was blaring and Kerry Eurodyne was shirtless, hanging out of the shotgun window, and chugging a 40.
Another who saw Johnny in a bar. He proceeds to buy four rounds of drinks for everyone throughout the night and gets into a shot for shot competition with the DJ (he wins). Your friend left early the next morning and returned the following night, where a big "Johnny Silverhand is Banned from the Premises" sign now hangs in the doorway. The staff won't tell you what he did to earn it.
One time, another friend saw him lying on the end of the Northside docks, staring up at the sky. They thought he was just enjoying a moment until he sat straight up and puked off the pier; turns out he'd just decided to pass out there after a bender instead of going back to his place. He proceeded to vomit five more times before leaving.
There was a night where a friend saw him arrive at a club early one evening. Said friend proceeded to watch Johnny make out with five different girls and three different guys (they counted) before he departed. He then showed up the next day with Rogue and proceeded to beat his previous nights' record by three more men and women apiece.
A friend's sitting in some bar one night. Johnny's there with some of his Samurai mates in the next booth over, drawing a crowd. But over in the corner is some dude who's being really, really disrespectful to his uncomfortable-looking date. Invading personal space, being overtly creepy, that sort of fuckboy stuff. Your friend sees it, and apparently Johnny does too, because he gets up, shoulders through the crowd, calmly removes the fire extinguisher from the wall, and uses it to chase the guy off. Later in the night, the friend goes into the bathroom and sees Johnny and the guy's date...yeah.
Yet another friend is walking through Santo at night when they get jumped by three drunk gang dudes looking for cash. Before they can rob your friend blind, a silver and black blur rushes in, fights the guys off, and fires some warning shots over their heads as they run off. It's a minute before your friend recognizes Johnny Silverhand as their savior. The first thing they notice is that he's absolutely smashed: the second thing they notice is that he's not wearing any pants. (They later learn that Johnny was playing a gig that night, which means that he somehow lost his pants after performing. Or worse-- during.)
And on and on and on.
You and your friends assume that these stories all happened weeks or even months apart, but eventually, you all connect the dots and realize they happened in the last week or so. Four of them happened on the same day. Two of them happened within an hour of each other.
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gayforkerryeurodyne · 3 years
Cyberpunk as Parks & Rec quotes part 2
"Oh my god, I'm so hungover. I've never been this hungover. Are we dead?" - V after a night of Johnny in charge
“I wasn’t listening but I strongly disagree with Kerry.” - Johnny Silverhand
“The raccoon problem is under control. They have their part of the town and we have ours.” - Mayor of Night City
“If any of you need anything at all, too bad. Deal with your problems yourselves, like adults.” - Rogue Amendiares
“I am super chill all the time.” - Kerry Eurodyne 
“We need to remember what's important in life: Friends, waffles and work. Or waffles, friends, work. It doesn't matter. But work is third.” - Jackie Welles
“V, I typed your symptoms into the thing up here, and it says you could have network connectivity problems.” - Viktor Vector
“I have no idea what I’m doing, but I know I’m doing it really, really well.” - Panam Palmer 
“There’s nothing we can’t do if we work hard, never sleep, and shirk from all other responsibilities in our lives.” - Goro Takemura
“Kerry, you're a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk-ox.” - Drunk V
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sxlverhxnd · 2 years
“you were a blonde?? aw, johnny.” vera says with a Cheshire grin, trying to picture him with a hair color similar to her own. she thinks he’d look better like that, but she might just be biased. “what made you change it? we’d look so fuckin’ alike if you were still yellow haired and bright eyed.”
Johnny was taken by surprise by her comment. He didn’t know she knew about that particular bit of his life... Only Rogue and Kerry remembered he was a blond, and even then, only Kerry really remembered those days. The Rockerboy sighed, took off his aviators and shrugged. 
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“Yeah. I was blond. And lemme tell you, V. I was smokin’ hot as a blond, better lookin’ than you, that’s for sure.” Sarcasm and mean comments were second nature to him now, but he knew she knew it was all bluster and he didn’t really mean it. After all, he’d shared most of his secrets with her, given her his dog tags as proof. Now, that second question, it was a hell of a question. He knew she would know if he was lying, their... Connection ran much deeper now, he got flashes of her early life and her mood so he assumed she got the same thing on his end. So, for once, he’s being honest.
“I uh... I had it changed after Alt. I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror, y’know V? By the time I was ready to blow up ‘Saka Tower I had already changed it, I remember Spider commenting on my hair that night. Spider had cut her braid too...” A lot more details were coming back to him, he remembers Smasher almost killing Shaitan, he remembers... 
Death. Being split in half by Smasher, falling to the ground, a surprised look on his face, the Malorian still smoking in his Fist. It only took a second. Johnny shook his head to drive those memories away. He didn’t need them right now and he was sure as shit that V didn’t need them either, she had enough on her plate without adding the pain of being split in half by a shotgun. He let out a laugh at her comment, a bit mocking but appreciative at the same time. “Please, as if I’d want to look like a merc who can’t style for shit. If anything, you’re rocking the Original Silverhand look! And I gotta say, you’re rocking that style.”
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callie-rex · 2 years
not posting all my thoughts yet bc i have to actually gather them but. may the cyberpunk posting begin
before i even talk abt the tarot stuff i wanna say like. god i fucking love johnny silverhand. so much. he’s so. god what a guy. he starts out trying to literally crazy murder you and by the end he’s almost a surrogate father. like throughout the game he serves as a sort of angel/devil on your shoulder, the voice of reason sometimes and others a voice of. whatever the opposite of reason is i can’t think of the word lol 💔 anyway i just. he has such good characterization and backstory stuff bc you get to experience it. it isn’t told to you through cutscenes or anything, V themselves (and as such the player) directly goes through it. immediately it establishes a connection (and that johnny is an asshole (as is the case with many johnnies in medias)) with the character. when you first meet him out of the visions he tries to unalive you and you barely fend him off thanks to the meds misty gave you earlier, and you’re worried you won’t last much longer.
the next encounter with johnny is after you talk w takemura abt going after hellman, and he is no longer trying to kill you. yay! he’s instead suggesting you meet up w/ rogue amendiares, an old choom of his, to make up a plan to actually get the fuckin guy, since takemura kinda left that part vague. if you have the 15,000 eddies required you move on to meet panam and do her stuff (otherwise u just. go get the money first. like a loser) and you have some more interactions with johnny, getting closer to him n knowing him better. he even offers you a smoke, which you can accept or refuse. either way, the two of you are becoming more alike one another, whether you like it or not.
in the next chunk of the game, johnny starts appearing more and more, even in random side quests. the two of you have come far, and when it comes time to make a final choice, johnny gives you a few options. 1, let him take control and go to rogue to storm ‘saka tower, 2, go to panam and enlist the help of the aldecaldos, or 3, the worst option: go with arasaka, sacrificing your morals for your safety. there’s a couple of secret endings once you hit this ultimatum though, but the important one is given when you sit on the menu to let johnny take control and go get rogue for about five minutes. he changes his mind, giving you the choice to have it just be the two of you. the quest’s name, should your choice be to accept it, is Dont Fear the Reaper, that one song by Blue Öyster cult (listen to it it’s good i promise), a song that (to me at least idk what it actually means lol) is about becoming immortalized. dftr, as a quest, is a true final ending. just you and johnny against the word, like it’s been since you picked him up and got him in your head. if you die in the mission, that’s it—game over. not to mention, in the area where you make the final decision, a tarot card looms over next to you…
the world. symbolic of the end of the fool’s journey, wherein they finally have it all at their fingertips. theyre less naive than when they started, and a whole lot more world weary to boot, but they’ve made it. all the way to the end. now V, the fool, and Johnny, represented by the magician (i believe it’s representative of like. a mentor) are at the end, together. dftr gives a final end to mentor and student, bringing a final conclusion with just the two of them.
god i fucking love this game sorry it’s so disjointed and ugly lol
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 years
where would the ros be in a cyberpunk au?
Hi there, I’m going to assume you mean Cyberpunk 2077 over perhaps a broader Neuromancer/Snow Crash/Bladerunner AU? *pedantic lit prof voice* Or, well, it’s easier for me to answer as if you meant Cyberpunk 2077, so I’m going to do that! :D
Blade: a well-dressed corpo, perhaps working for Arasaka as its top-level head of security or assassin, who wields a katana and has cybernetic implants in his eyes so that they look cyan; also has thermal mantis blades and drives a Rayfield Caliburn. Or he’d be an NCPD detective who’d later defect due to the corruption in the department!
Trouble: a street-kid similar to Jackie Welles, who was recruited into a gang (maybe Maelstrom or the Valentinos) and later left to make it on his own as a merc. Uses a sniper rifle and a tech pistol and drives a myriad of motorcycles that he fixed up himself. Wears a badass edgerunner motorcycle jacket and is a fan of Samurai. Has a cybernetic arm similar to Johnny Silverhand. In deep debt for reasons unknown. 
Tallys: a corpo, well-dressed, cold, clean, sharp as a knife-blade. Wields a sniper rifle and is undyingly loyal to the head of her organization--until she turns out to be a spy, steals important data, and sells it to the highest bidder on the Net. Also an experienced netrunner. Always wears stilettos and has an insanely sharp haircut. 
Shery: a netrunning street-kid who makes a living off of tuning virtus and braindances for seedy clients. She’s humble and unassuming in appearance, but a huge name in the Net. She’s told to alter the memories of a politician running for mayor and stumbles into a vast conspiracy that she’s not prepared for. She works in the basement of a store that offers tarot card readings for its clients, but is too afraid to get a reading for herself. 
Riel: not just a corpo, but the corpo--the kind of man behind an organization like Arasaka or Kang Tao, perhaps locked in a power struggle with his other rivals for the role of ultimate inheritor. Doesn’t fight, but invests a lot of creds in the science division of his company. Would totally be interested in the Secure Your Soul program. Moonlights as one of the greatest netrunners alive behind a secret identity, engineering daemons and rogue AIs that ultimately serve his plans for his company. 
Chase: a street-kid through and through, with big plans to take over the Afterlife as Night City’s most legendary merc. He’s definitely the guy to go to when you want to plan heists and take over casinos orbiting the Earth, or when you need to take out a hit on a rival gang member. He stakes his reputation on getting the job done, no matter what. Known to be brutally efficient with a tanto knife and piano wire. 
Red: a nomad who came to Night City in search of something that he couldn’t get from his clan’s simpler lifestyle. Gets taken in by Night City’s undercurrents of glamour and secret knowledge. Becomes disillusioned after seeing people getting chewed up and spat out and becomes a ripperdoc to try and help people level the playing field. 
Ayla: a nomad who is on the outs with her clan and is trying to make it in Night City as a merc. She uses a gold-plated, nail-covered baseball bat and is known as an intimidating enforcer who can be difficult to work with. Wears extremely flashy yet grungy clothes, has dragon and lotus tattoos all over her body, and later becomes affiliated with the Mox after she beats the hell out of someone abusing a doll. Has cybernetic gorilla-arms.
Halek: the leader of a nomad clan, even though he doesn’t want to be. He disagrees with his twin brother over the direction of the clan and believes nomads should be fighting against the corps rather than working for them. He is seemingly “killed” during a raid and later opens a small restaurant in Night City, where mercs go to meet each other without being overheard. 
Briony: a nomad who leaves her clan permanently due to disagreements, taking on merc work in Night City and desperate to find something--anything--that can fill the hole that her clan left: a friend, a family, a lover, anything. A job goes wrong and she’s betrayed and has her memories wiped. By the time her former clan catches up to her, she’s left a trail of blood and destruction throughout Night City as she wages a war against the corp who took her memories. She’s known for her terrifying, enhanced cybernetic strength and for the katana she wields that can set people on fire. Horrible at quick-hacking. Makes side money in street boxing matches across the city. 
Lavinet: a corpo and one of Riel’s rivals and leader of an opposing faction within their corp, similar to Hanako and Yorinobu. She has a fall from grace and is ousted by her corporation, going on the run and disappearing into the slums of Night City. Chase is surprised to find that she is the mysterious owner of the Afterlife and has become one of the city’s top fixers, using her corpo connections and skills to broker deals between mercs and clients. 
Croelle: a reformed cyberpsycho who’s been recruited into MaxTac. Excels at hunting down and killing other cyberpsychos and hungers for blood-spilling. Uses mantis-blades and likes to fry his enemies by jumping down on them from below. 
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tired0artist · 3 years
not enough (part three)
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>part one< >part two<
paring: female V x Johnny Silverhand
warnings: angst, fluff, love confessions, crying, near death experience, amnesia, protective Johnny
summary: continuation to the first part.
note: yes, yes there will be part four. and as always I’m describing my V <3
What the fuck does it mean?
Was it the burning feeling in his chest since he woke up? Came back to life? What ever the fuck that was.
The fucking pinch he felt when that woman left him shortly after he woke up. He was so surprised by it that he even told that ripperdoc to check his heart. But there was nothing wrong.
And that fucking pinch turned into an painful ache that was around him all the time now. Only getting stronger after she left him in her own car.
He remembers his childhood. Sure he loved his parents even through they never got along and his father was a bastard. But when he was still a kid, he loved his parents. Yet still. It was different from the feelings he had for the woman.
Maybe it was the feeling he got when he played his guitar. He was sure of the fact that he loved playing it. So maybe that was it?
He never experienced love for another human. He always thought that Alt was it. The end game. But now... he’s starting to doubt that.
Johnny stared at the pale figure and her relatively small hand that he held. Her caramel skin looking ashy and so so wrong. Yet in a way he feels like he saw it look like that once. The dark circles under her closed eyes. Hiding the pools of violet that he considered writing a fucking song about. Her black her matted, lacking the shine it always had.
“The fuck does it mean...?” he whispered, while caressing her lovely face. Stopping shortly near her nose, just to feel her breathing.
The doors opened and that ripperdoc walked in. Looking both pissed and amused for some reason. That weird girl following him.
“You know. You scared the living hell out of my client. Again. I know she needed help, but you didn’t have to throw that guy off of the chair”
Johnny only shrugged “She needed more help than that fucking old man. He’s already at the verge of flatlining so why bother?”
Victor only shook his head with a sigh “It’s a blessing that you didn’t end up being a ripperdoc”
The rock man only snorted, his eyes returning to V.
“I called Kerry and Rogue. He will be here soon, while Rogue will come by a bit later. She’s looking into something” Misty said, taking place on the other side of V.
“Her friends. Judy and Panam. They would probably want to know too” Johnny said, not realising that he never really heard the girls name enough to remember them. Yet he did.
Misty nodded and kissed V’s head, before walking away to give the girls a call.
Some time later, the doors bursted open as Kerry ran inside. Getting to V in record time.
He touched her cheek and moved his fingers to her neck, trying to check the pulse.
“She’s alive, Ker. Just unconscious” Johnny said, although he wasn’t surprised that his friend’s mind jumped into that conclusion. V really looked dead.
His heart pinched him so much that he flinched at the thought.
Kerry let out a breath that he was probably holding all this time, as he took V’s other hand in his.
“What the hell happened?”
Johnny let out a deep breath, saying “I was at Afterlife, talking to Rogue about a job. When V called her. She said that the job was done but she was bleeding out... I... I have no idea how but the next thing I know is that I’m my car driving to Pacifica while Rogue calls me to tell me exactly where V is...”
“Fuck... I told her to stay at home. I told her to do the job tomorrow... but of course she didn’t listen” Kerry said, his hand shaking as he reached to tuck a piece of hair away from her face “A fucking stubborn nomad...” he said with a small smile.
“You love her, don’t you? Rogue too... this whole relationship you both have with her... it goes outside her having the chip. Doesn’t it?”
Kerry didn’t look at him as he said “You know Johnny. I never wanted a kid. I was always looking to party and just live my life. But then. She came around, even with you inside her head. And I immediately liked her, we even fucking blew up a van together. And a yacht.
Then there was that time when she came out of Mikoshi with your engram and location of your body. The first days were the hardest for her. She stayed here, cause she was scared to go back to her apartment after Arasaka. Wanted to stay for just a while, to make sure that the apartment was safe. She had nightmares that refused to let her sleep. During the day she would walk around and do some weird stuff, looking around her like she was crazy. Started smoking and also looking around.
It freaked me out a bit but I’m not the sanest person on the planet so I let her do her thing. And then one evening, it was like a dam broke down. She started crying and saying how empty it was without you. That for weeks she was searching for you. Hoping that you would appear and make fun of her or call her a cunt. But you weren’t there. She was all alone.
Everyday she was sitting with that chip in her hand on the roof. Talking to it. Or rather to you. Once even admitted that she wanted to put it inside her head. Just to have you back... months later she and Rogue got your body back and she was better a bit. But these first few days... I never felt so helpless Johnny. Never. So yeah... I love her, like my own daughter”
Johnny was speechless by the end. He knew that the merc was close to him when he was inside her chip. But this?
All this hurt she felt... was this how love is? The pain and misery? Fuck...
“I was such a dick to her..”
Kerry snorted “More than a dick, Johnny. She was miserable and let me tell you something. You’re my choom and I’m happy that you’re alive. But fuck with her again and I will kick your ass. Also Victor was a boxer. So watch out”
Johnny nodded, guilt in him rising “Never again... I don’t know what came over me. I was just so angry. I have this black hole in my head and whenever she was around. Which was fucking always. I was getting feelings and memories that I didn’t recognise... and my chest... it’s on fire Ker. I can’t stand it... and then she left and fuck. It was even worse...”
Kerry laughed and shook his head “That’s how love feels like, you fucking gonk”
Somehow, it was like Johnny knew this all along. And the realisation was... freeing. It was like a huge weight got off his chest. And suddenly a memory got to him. Or more like shit ton of memories.
“You’re such a dick Johnny...”
“And you’re a cunt. Maybe we really do fit together”
“Don’t make me fuck a pig, V”
“Why? You’re jealous?”
“No. We both know that my cock is way bigger than his”
“Bet you anything you’re gonna scream like a little girl”
“We’ll see who’s gonna scream, asshole. Besides a rollercoaster is all about that”
“What would you put there?”
“A guy who saved my life”
“Would you take a bullet for me?”
“Johnny... I—“
“Shh... I know. Tell me up there in the world”
With a groan he opened his eyes just to see Kerry standing over him, slapping his face.
“Oh good, you’re waking up! The fuck was that Johnny?! One minute you’re fine and the other you’re on the floor!”
Johnny groaned and grabbed his head “Fuck... my head... Ker it’s-it’s the fucking relic... my memories—“
“Shit. Wait, I’ll call Victor” Kerry said and left to get the ripperdoc.
His head was pounding, memories and feelings coming at him with full force.
Every touch, every smile, every smell, every feeling all connected to one thing.
Her ink black hair shining in the sun, her violet eyes rolling, caramel arms crossed, full lips trying not to smile, as he told her another inappropriate joke.
“Shut up, Johnny... Panam will think that I’m crazy” she said in her head without any real heat.
He smirked and glitched closer to her, to pinch her side “Don’t act like you don’t love it whenever I do that”
With a quick glance at Panam, V grinned and hit him with her hib “Dick”
“Cunt” he answered with a blinding smile, feeling their heart race.
V shook her head at him and gave him a full smile.
And looking at her, he swore that that’s how heaven must look like. After all. Maybe getting killed by Arasaka wasn’t so bad, if in the end he got to see something so beautiful...
He got on his feet and stumbled over to V’s side. Carefully he touched her cheek and kissed her lips softly, whispering.
“I love you too, sweetheart...”
Then just a relic malfunction popped up, his eyes rolled back and he fell on the ground.
•there will be part three as I said above so follow me or just check the tag “Johnny Silverhand x V”
•also English isn’t my first language so sorry for any errors.
•thank you all for reading this and the last parts. I hope that you liked Johnny’s pov!!!
Tag list (if you wanna be tagged leave a comment): @dartheldur @signwriting @missweatherwax @commanding-officer @lovinghunty @the-bottom-of-the-abyss @sillysallysings @iamshisan
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solo-net · 3 years
V as a NPC
Huge thanks to @visceralcoma who came up with this and posted the template here. 
The Basics
Name: Vera Hendrix
Age: 26-27
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nationality/Race: African American
Family: The Bakkers ( absorbed into Snake Nation ), Mother ( killed by Wraiths ), Father ( killed by Wraiths )
Lifepath: Nomad
Style: Kitsch. She wears a mixture of purple and black and dyed her hair a noticeable dark purple. Violet lenses hide her brown eyes, and she wears an old left-arm prosthetic that is skeletal in appearance.
Character Arc
Where can they be found in Night City?: Vera is available in Act II. Look for her just inside the Afterlife waiting for Panam to finish her conversation with Rogue. Talk to her and ask her questions about life as a nomad, to which she’ll give curt and short answers. Extend the conversation long enough, and a drunk patron will harass her. Choosing to talk the drunk down is the only way to trigger the cutscene when she knocks the man unconscious with a punch. 
She will then thank you for giving her time to catch him off guard before leaving with Panam. She can also be found helping Panam fix her car in Rancho Coronado, the two of them bickering over each other’s mechanic skills.
Are they introduced via a gig? Or are they connected to the main story somehow?: Heavily associated with the main story as she’s a nomad who moved to Night City to investigate the deaths of her parents. 
Before Jackie met V, the two of them did a job together and became close friends, but ultimately drifted apart. Vera attends his funeral, and V can briefly see her in the back of the Coyote before slipping out through the back door in tears. Should you choose to have V follow her, she’ll roughly tell them to fuck off and get in her car, leaving V in the dust. She’ll remember V in Act II in the Afterlife but will keep her responses short and cold...only warming up to V a little if they choose to defend her from the drunk harassing her. Vera becomes an integral part of V’s story. At first, she merely helps them with the Relic to avenge Jackie’s death but soon grows to genuinely care for V and checks her remaining nomad contacts in search of a cure.
What exclusive information about Night City would they be able to offer to the protag?: Exclusive katanas and throwing knives. If V is interested, she’ll teach them how to properly craft a throwing knife and the mods they’ll need for a katana. If V successfully swiped Satori, she’ll become excited and create a unique mod specifically for that sword.
Where is their home in Night City?: Lives in a small, clean apartment in City Center.
What is their character arc?: Desperate to lay Jackie’s spirit to rest and avenge him, Vera approaches V after Panam deals with Nash and confesses that she knows about their friendship with Jackie and the Heist. She will then promptly demand to hear V’s side of the story and, after a moment of silence, decide that she wants in on V’s quest to remove the Relic so long as they do not aid Arasaka. The way Vera sees it, Jackie died because of that damn Relic, and she doesn’t want any more blood spilled over it. She loathes the Silverhand engram and fears Johnny will get V killed to relive his rocker boy glory days.
What side jobs do they have the protag help them with?: Vera will give V a small task in gathering information on a corporate agent, Simon Bradley, responsible for providing Wraiths the location of her parents and paying them eddies to ambush and kill them. 
The side job will turn into a series of more side jobs where V slowly puts together the pieces of the murder, ultimately finding out that Vera’s mother used to be a corporate teacher and an integral part of Michiko Arasaka’s faction... At least she was until she met Vera’s father, and they ran off to join the Bakkers. 
Simon Bradley was an overeager and determined to cripple the Hato faction by eliminating its key members, Vera’s mother included. It didn’t matter that Violet Hendrix left behind the corporate world to become a Bakker… She was still considered an existing threat. V can either encourage Vera’s roaring rampage of revenge or convince her that Simon’s not worth it.
If there is a romance, what is that romance like and what triggers it and does it culminate to any physical displays of affection - and if so what kind?: If you encourage Vera to go through with her plan to kill Simon, romance will be triggered, and she’ll start to text and call V more often. 
V can also pursue her with flirty responses that will make her flustered. However, the flirty banter will eventually trigger a sweet sex scene. After the Parade, Vera, realizing that V kidnapped Hanako Arasaka, will frantically text V and then track them down to the Sunset Motel after they interrogate Hellman. 
She is angry and accuses V of not thinking things through like Jackie, sparking a massive argument between them that ends with a timed choice to either pull her in for a kiss, apologize or rebuke her. If you choose the kiss option, there will be a cutscene of the two of you kissing and stumbling to her car where you will eventually have sex with her in the backseat. 
For Female!V, she’s top, but for Male!V, she’s a bottom. 
Afterward, V and Vera will snuggle in each other’s arms, relishing in the quiet peace until V seizes up again from the Relic’s effects, and Vera quickly drives them to her place to recover. V wakes up to her cooking them breakfast, and they have a long conversation about the Relic and the shortlist of Vera’s contacts who may or may not have a cure for V’s condition. Vera will then ask V if they feel what she feels for them and if you choose Yes, she’ll smile and sit on V’s lap, holding them tight and promising that they’ll get through this together. If you select No, Vera will close her eyes and nod sadly, but otherwise, respect V’s decision.
What is their phone avatar of on the protag’s phone?: A picture of a black coyote with glowing violet eyes and a snarling mouth.
What sort of phone conversations can they have?: If you’re not in a romantic relationship with her and have remained friendly, she will text you updates about her contacts and possible cures, as well as hint that she’s snagged a meeting with Michiko Arasaka. If you’ve romanced her, she’ll constantly text you hilarious memes and talk about future plans to go out on the road together as nomads or stay in the city.
And (put this under a read more for spoilers) how do they connect with the protags ending:
If romanced, she will remain loyal to V in all endings except for Devil and Temperance. If V chooses to stay in the city, Vera will remain with them and not leave during V’s Crystal Palace gig. For the Star ending, Vera is ecstatic that V is joining her on the road, and they’ll sit on the basilisk together to watch the stars.
Add any further detail you want as well!
If you follow Vera’s quests without making a single mistake, she’ll manage to get an audience with Michiko Arasaka, granting the player another choice that does not involve joining up with Hanako. It’s the path with minor bloodshed as Michiko has no desire to kill her relatives but to cripple them and install herself as leader of the Arasaka empire. Vera is unsure about teaming up with an Arasaka, but she is determined to finish what her mother started and introduce Night City to reforms that will help the people. But if you still manage to complete Vera’s quests flawlessly and choose The Nomads she will be right there to aid V.
If you damage your relationship with Vera, she will not contact you any further and leave Night City forever to pursue a new life elsewhere.
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