#downer endings are dumb as fuck
taesanrot · 6 months
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[love these days] eunseok x f!reader | 3.3k best friends to lovers, implied college au, making out, alc consumption, mutual pining, mls are both a lil dumb, cute n fluffy w a lil smut n angst syn. in which you drunkenly attempt to prove to your friends that you have absolutely no feelings towards your best friend (spoiler alert... you fail) note. storyline is based off of the manhwa these days love special! it's a super cute one shot and a comfort read for me so you guys should check it out. ++ thank u so so much for the support on the teaser, i honestly wrote it on a whim but i'm v proud of this fic so i hope u guys like it as welll <3
you winced at how loud your friends were yelling, sipping on your drink in a weak attempt to calm your nerves. you'd foolishly thought that coming out to drink with your friends would lift up your mood after your terrible week.
you were immediately proven wrong, chaewon and anton's loud arguing was making your head hurt and you just wanted to go home and snuggle into your blanket.
staring at the table top, you lost yourself in your own racing thoughts. you were pulled out of your trance as shotaro nudged you. you looked up at him drearily, and he gave you a sad smile, ruffling your hair.
"what's up? you seem downer than usual." you gave him a weak half smile, opening your mouth to answer his question. you were interrupted by a loud outburst from sohee.
"what do you guys think about guys and girls being best friends? do you think they can stay platonic?" the entire table erupted with noise, everyone drunkenly chiming in to answer his question.
"what on earth are you saying sohee? of course they can!"
"don't you know if you like someone the second you meet them? how can you catch feelings after being friends?"
"kissing my guy friends sounds fucking disgusting, yall stay safe."
you stayed silent, knowing better than to respond -- you already answered sohee's question with your own traitorous heart. you glanced at the table next to yours, eyes landing on the reason you were keeping your mouth shut.
your best friend, song eunseok.
who you were, unfortunately, in love with.
you and eunseok had met in during your college orientation, finding that your personalities clicked quite well as you discussed your respective majors and classes. the rest was history, you two bonded fast, and you quickly became one of his closest friends. it didn't help that the two of you lived in the same apartment complex, meaning that you basically ended up walking home together everyday.
it became a routine, even if the two of you had separate plans you'd meet up somewhere and walk back together
if you were being honest to yourself, you'd been attracted to eunseok from the day you'd met him.
sometimes, you'd think back to the early days of your and eunseok's friendship and wondered how you'd manage to not confess right then and there. chasing the high of the closeness of your friendship had satisfied you somehow.
these days, though, you started to think that you were losing your mind. your feelings for eunseok have only grown stronger as time has passed, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain your usual subtlety.
you felt like you were at your wit's end, ready to confess and be over all of this. and a couple days ago, you had been planning to do just that.
you reread eunseok's text in confusion, hoping you were walking in the right direction.
you had just gotten out of your last class, and eunseok had texted you to meet him and some other friends on the building's rooftop. you walked around a corner, recognize the back of eunseok's head and his terrible posture.
he was sitting at some picnic tables with two underclassman. just as you were about to wave, you hear one of the other boys speak.
"y/n.... as in kim y/n? you two are pretty close huh, eunseok?" you immediately darting back around the corner, hoping they hadn't seen you yet.
you pulse thrummed under your skin. they were talking about you. you felt your breath hitch as you heard eunseok's tired voice.
"cmon, you know it's not like that, sohee" sohee's loud laugh rang through the air.
"you wish it was though, don't you seokie?" a third voice, hong seunghan, chimed in. you cupped a hand over your mouth to suppress your nervous laughter. you heard eunseok shift in his seat before he spoke the words that would ruin your week.
"y/n.... she's nice and i like her. she's not even close to my type, though."
your face twitched and you clenched your hands into fists, nails digging crescents into your palms. you had to get out of here, and get out of there you did.
turning in the direction you'd come from minutes ago, you disappeared down the stairs, bolting to the comfort of your apartment. you shot eunseok a text later and make up an excuse, saying something came up on the way there. he never questioned it, thankfully.
remembering it made your shoulders sag, and you sighed for what had to be the 30th time that night, taking another swig from your beer.
of course you of all people would get rejected before you even had the chance to confess. you finally tuned back into the conversation. to your dismay, sungchan had begun to gush over his girlfriend of five years.
"it doesn't matter what i think, i'm already locked in for good." everyone rolled their eyes as he turned his phone around to show you guys pictures of his girlfriend, jiwoo, pictures that everyone had already seen a million times.
"isn't she so cute? i miss her, she's so busy these days."
huffing slightly, you felt your eyes waver over to the table next to yours. to certain brown haired boy, more importantly.
normally, eunseok would be drinking with you and your friends, but he was supposed to be getting to know some of the people in his major department better.
one of the students in question was doe-eyed underclassman sullyoon. your stomach turned uncomfortably as you watched her prettily laugh at eunseok's quips, covering her mouth politely and crinkling her eyes ever so slightly. it was impossible for you to look away as she unabashedly flirted with your best friend; the sight was almost nauseating.
jealousy tore through you, an eerie sadness filling you up from bottom to top. she was just his type, you realized, the epiphany making your mood even worse than it already was. today was the worst.
sullyoon's advances and your completely-not-subtle staring didn't go unnoticed by shotaro either.
"guess she's laid her claim on eunseok, huh?" he joked, nudging your side playfully. you dreadfully gulped down the last of your beer.
"how would i know?" you spoke gloomily, and a frown slowly etched itself onto shotaro's face as he put together the pieces in front of him.
his gaze remained on your dull figure for a moment longer before he suddenly sat up and gasped, grabbing your attention.
"guys, we're forgetting about the closest guy and girl here! aren't you best friends with song eunseok, y/n?" your eyes widen as shotaro's words boom through the bar. after a short pause, your friends went into uproar.
"hey, you're right, taro"
"do you like eunseok, y/n?"
"oh my god do you think they've kissed"
the words coming out of shotaro's mouth reached your ears almost in slow motion. your posture stiffened and you coughed roughly in shock, looking over to make eye contact with an unamused eunseok. his table had fallen into silence as well, everyone listening and waiting for what you had to say.
oh god, does he think i told him to say that? he's gonna think i like him. fuck fuck fuck.
alcohol tainted thoughts ran through your head as you panicked, trying to think of ways to shut down the conversation as quick as possible.
"you guys are crazy. me and eunseok could shower together and i still wouldn't catch feelings" seriously? that was the best you could think of?
berating yourself internally, you tried your hardest to fake nonchalance and act like that blatant lie wasn't tearing you in two. you glanced over at your best friend again, his expression unreadable. there was no going back; you really had to get over eunseok now.
tearing your gaze away from him, you downed the rest of your beer and glared at osaki shotaro's back.
"it's too earlyyyy we can't go home" chaewon half spoke and half shrieked, arm wrapped around sohee's shoulder.
"let's go to karaoke!" seunghan chirped, his suggestion earning cheers. you and eunseok both stepped away from the group, saying quiet goodbyes and excusing yourselves to walk back home. your friends cheered seeing the two of you walk away together, and you wished a hole would open in the ground and swallow you whole.
"god i feel like shit" you groaned, rubbing your forehead drearily. eunseok chuckled at your frazzled state, tugging the sleeve of your jacket and pulling you closer to him.
you held your breath as he playfully tugged the hood of your zip up over your face, laughing at the way you sputtered curses at him. the two of you bantered like this almost all the way until your place. when the two of your finally fell into a peaceful silence, you spoke.
"sullyoon seemed pretty into you." you craned your neck and tilted your gaze to the dark sky, hoping the boy next to you wouldn't be able to notice the sadness in your eyes. eunseok rolled his eyes at your question and coughed.
"did she, now?" playing dumb, he smirked at the way your gaze whipped to his face, staring at him incredulously. he hadn't helped himself to nearly as many drinks as you, a slight buzz coursing through his veins.
"i mean i found it pretty obvious." this time, eunseok laughed loudly. you really couldn't hold yourself back at all when you were wasted. your eyebrows furrowed and a blush ran across your cheeks at his laughter and response.
usually, you were pretty careful with how much you drank around your best friend, not wanting to unintentionally expose the feelings your fought so hard to hide from him.
unfortunately, past you did not anticipate shotaro's quips or the events of the past few days, the frustration leading you to allow yourself more drinks than usual.
the front door of your apartment complex came into view before eunseok could answer you. looking at your flushed face and droopy eyes, he decided it'd be best for him to help you to your place. the two of you rode in the elevator in silence, opening to your floor. you're face contorted in confusion as eunseok stepped out as well, hand coming to rest on your back as he led you to your unit.
"what're you doing?" you slurred at him. the fresh air had done nothing to sober you up, and eunseok rolled his eyes with a smile.
"making sure you actually make it to your bed." he fished your keys out of your pocket for you and opened the door to your small apartment. slightly tripping over your feet, you walked in and kicked off your shoes.
before you could even think of slumping onto the floor or your kitchen, eunseok grabbed your shoulders and led you to your room, laughing as you swatted his hands and sat on your bed.
you groaned as you leaned back and laid on your bed, exhaustion catching up to you. you brought a hand up to shield your eyes from the dizzying ceiling light. feeling the bed dip slightly next to you, you turned your gaze to eunseok. he was sitting right next to your laying figure, hand coming up to rub your shoulder lightly.
"cmon, you gotta actually get ready for bed." eunseok sighed and shook his head, pinching your neck and earning another groan.
after a painfully long amount of time, eunseok had managed to get you off your bed and into the bathroom. he helped your wipe off your leftover makeup and made sure you took out your contacts and brushed your teeth.
routine complete and pajamas adorned, you stood and stared at your awaiting bed, something stopped your from getting in and slipping underneath the covers.
eunseok turned off the lights in your bathroom and the rest of your apartment before returning to your bedroom with a glass of water.
"here, have some water." after seeing your stilled figure still standing next to the head of the bed, his eyebrows furrowed.
"are you okay?" the boy inquired. he reached his hand out to rest on the small of your back, but you turned and sat down on the bed before he had the chance.
"seokie..." you mumbled softly. eunseok felt his cheeks burn at the nickname the rolled off your drunken tongue. you'd only used it a few times -- almost always when you were intoxicated. eunseok never found it in him to tell you he loved it.
"i lied earlier, i'm sorry." you stared at your socked toes and eunseok's brows furrowed in confusion. lied? what is she talking about?
"about what?" you looked up to meet eunseok's eyes. they bored into you, sending a shiver down your spine as your mouth suddenly dried up. clearing your throat slightly, the secret you had been keeping for so long slipped from your lips.
"i can't shower with you." well, not quite. eunseok chuckled lightly at your serious tone.
"what? why does that matter?" he pried further, chuckling at your pout. you didn't find this situation amusing, all of the memories of eunseok rejecting you flowing back into your mind. letting out a tearful sigh, your face fell into your hands with a loud smack.
"i can't because i already have feelings for you!" eunseok's lazy smile dropped immediately, not only at the fact that you just confessed to him, but also because you were now crying into your hands.
"i like you so much, i'm sorry seokie. sohee was right about me." you sniffled and cried even harder into your hands, not realizing eunseok kneeling in front of you. your crying subsided as eunseok's hands wrapped around yours, pulling them away from your teary face.
"you're seriously something else." your best friend smiled at your teary eyes and red nose. even while crying you looked so adorable to him. you opened your mouth to whine at him but he placed a finger over your lips, continuing.
"i can't shower with you either, y/n" your face crumpled even more.
"because i'm not even close to your type! i already know that, you asshole." it was your turn to stare in confusion as eunseok laughed and shook his head.
"no, don't you get it?" a thick silence hung in the air as you racked your brain for any possible explanation.
because he wants to keep things platonic? no, that can't be it. or maybe ...
does he... like me?
eunseok watched the gears turn in your head, seeing your face fill with realization before you spoke.
"do you l-" eunseok didn't give you a chance to finish your question, moving forward and swiftly capturing your lips in his own.
you made a noise of surprise before shutting your eyes, reaching for his shirt to pull him on top of you. eunseok was gentle as ever with you, laying you down on the bed slowly. hovering over you, he let his tongue run across your bottom lip, coaxing your mouth further open so he could taste more of you.
you sighed out in satisfaction as you felt his warm tongue explore your mouth. you don't know how long you'd been waiting for this moment. running your hands along the blades of his shoulders, you pressed them into his back, hugging him close as if he might disappear.
entangling his legs with yours, breathing the same air as you, eunseok wanted to capture this moment and lock it in his memory forever. he decided instead to let you know how he felt through his lips and hands, easing his fingers through your hair and sucking your bottom lip.
as he pulled away and the two of you watched the string of saliva connecting your lips, you wondered how you managed to bottle up your feelings for the boy above you for as long as you did.
twisting the hem of your shirt, eunseok looked into your eyes with a hooded gaze, drunk off of you.
"can i?"
opening your eyes slowly, you registered your surroundings. you were snuggled in bed, wrapped in your comforter.
as you mind flashed with the memories of the bar last night, you shot up in bed.
"morning." you screamed at the greeting, turning to see eunseok laying next to you in your bed, scrolling through his phone lazily.
"what are you-" you question was interrupted by a loud noise from the boy's stomach.
"ugh, i'm so hungry, lemme go pee and let's get something to eat, yeah?" eunseok fought to hide his laugh as he watched you scratch the back of neck in confusion.
you stared at eunseok intensely as he ate his burger and fries like a starved man. you and your best friend were seated in nearby diner. you wished you knew what eunseok was thinking; he hadn't brought up the events of the night before and you were starting to think they didn't even happen. not to mention your memory was pretty foggy following eunseok helping you to your room anyways.
you hoped nothing happened past the two of you making out; you'd really want to remember sleeping with eunseok if you did. looking up at eunseok nonchalantly sipping on his coke, your patience ran out.
"we didn't sleep together, right?" eunseok swallowed his drink slowly, letting your question hang in the air for the moment before answering.
"what do you remember?" he inquired and you exhaled shallowly.
"kissing. and you took off my shirt i think." the boy in front of you smiled. he was secretly very happy you remembered the night before. he'd be a little bothered if he was the only one who remembered your first kiss together.
"yeah, you passed out like right after that." he chuckled, watching your face turn bright red. chewing your bottom lip, you turned your focus back to your food. eunseok smiled softly at you. he thought you were too cute for your own good.
walking back to your apartment, you turned to eunseok.
"you never told me if you liked me." eunseok stopped in his tracks, turning to look at you in disbeilef.
"the making out wasn't enough of an answer for you?" he laughed as you smacked his arm, hoping no one passing by heard eunseok's crass answer.
"song eunseok!" smiling like you were the only person in the world, eunseok grabbed your hand and laced his fingers with yours.
"y/n, i like you too. will you go out with me?" swinging your arms, he pouted at you, waiting for answer.
"ugh, you're so corny." snatching your hand out of his grasp, you jokingly walked away from the boy, giggling.
"hey! you're the one with a crush on me!" he chased after you, laughing as he wrapped his arms around you and locked you in his grasp. turning in his arms to face him, you met his brown eyes and smiled prettily.
"i'd love to go out with you."
[bonus — the day eunseok "rejected" you]
"y/n.... she's nice and i like her. she's not even close to my type, though."
eunseok's words hung in the air as he searched for the right way to express his thoughts. just hearing your name made his cheeks flush pink. balancing his chin in his hand, he continued.
"somehow though, she seems prettier every time i see her." this earned a loud cheer from the two boys.
"eunseok hyung, you really surprised me." seunghan laughed at the eunseok's dopey smile.
"could you guys please keep it a secret for me?"
taglist: @shnnzsworld @beomgyusonlywife @pompompush @forrds @yoursyuno @snowyseungs @dreamiestay @taeraeverse
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
This is what gets me when people write in depth analysis about how dumb they would be to not go there with queer Eddie and with Buddie. Like yes, I agree it would be incredibly stupid and bad writing - unfortunately as much as I want that to reassure me(and I’ll admit some days when I’m sad and need to not be I pretend to let it), it doesn’t. Just because it would be stupid and bad writing doesn’t mean they won’t do it. We’ve seen this show repeatedly make bad writing choices before. I’ve watched TV shows time and time again screw things up in the eleventh hour, I’ve seen so many shows set things up and then take a hard left turn into the dumbest plots in existence. And they get backlash for it but still do it. So as much as I want to believe that because logic and basic literary analysis says Eddie is queer and Buck and Eddie are each others’ best match - that isn’t a guarantee of anything. I’m also preparing myself that if we actually do get a queer Eddie storyline and buddie canon - there is a high possibility that they stumble through it in a ridiculous and poorly written way. I want more than anything for that not to be true but it is still a very distinct possibility.
this is exactly my feelings- like one of my biggest pet peeves are people making posts as if buddie is 10000% happening and there is absolutely zero possibility of it not going that way which i’m sorry to be a debbie downer once again but that’s just not true
what kills me is everyone in the fandom keeps talking about “it’d be so ooc for _______”, seemingly forgetting the fact that s7 was ooc for so many of the main characters to the point that we were all ragging on the writers about it… like if they were able to write a season so sloppy and terribly ooc what makes you think they won’t continue to do so, especially after tim just said “i don’t like to plan out seasons”
ooc writing happens in tv shows all the time. just because something wouldn’t make sense for a character/plotline doesn’t mean they won’t just do it anyway. like I’ve said before, tim has shown us that he only cares about shock value and drama- telling us himself in a interview that “i can’t just let them be happy, then no one would watch” (which is such total bullshit but this is the man who decided to make eddie have an emotional affair with a doppelgänger of his dead wife rather than just, yk, confirm his queerness)
i get it. it’s disappointing. you don’t want your favorite shows/characters to tank and go off the rails. but unfortunately, it has happened time and time and time again in network tv, and 9-1-1 is not immune to this.
i fully agree with the posts and analyses that detail how the show has set up buddie being the only satisfactory endgame relationship between them, and how it would be foolish and bad writing for them not to, but unfortunately (as you said in your ask) this show has made god awful writing choices frequently (literally the entirety of s7 is proof of that) and they have jumped through hoops to avoid buddie canon countless times— there is nothing stopping them from doing it again.
and this idea that just because they’re talking about buddie openly must mean they’re going canon is ridiculous. the short is reaching the end if it’s run; if it even gets renewed past s8, it’s very unlikely that they’ll go past s10 at the longest. they just moved to a new network, baited the fuck out of buddie pre-s7 and then didn’t give us anything and people are still watching. they know that as long as people think there’s a possibility of buddie canon that they’ll watch the show— it’s textbook queer/shipbaiting. 9-1-1 is not immune to this just because they’ve said “we don’t want to be accused of queerbaiting” in the past. we’ve reached a point where the network queerbaiting won’t cause enough backlash to warrant them being cautious anymore. it’s a dick move, yeah, but these creators are in this job for one thing: money. they have proven they don’t actually give a fuck about meaningful storytelling. it’s why they rely on cheap drama and shock value to get by bc they know people will tune in anyway.
i completely understand wanting to be hopeful and optimistic. i will forever be hopeful for the day that buddie finally go canon (although i hope they ditch the mustache before then because i don’t want to think of my alcoholic uncle when i see eddie kiss buck for the first time) and when it does i will be so fucking happy after waiting for 6 years.
but that’s the thing. i have waited for 6 years. i’m tired of getting my hopes up each season bc “guys this is literally the closest we’ve ever been there is no way they aren’t going to go there now” just to get slapped in the face by the showrunners and writers. i’m not going to get my hopes up about it just to be let the fuck down once again. and frankly, i don’t wanna see the fallout when we are let down again because people decided to convince themselves that it was 100% for sure set in stone happening when in reality it’s really not.
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davekat-sucks · 5 days
im so mad at myself for not liking the eariler acts until after homestuck ended i was a dumb ass i should have celebrated it instead of hold act 5 up so much... part of me wishes the trolls werent even in the story because the beta kids are tons better than they are
If they had to keep the trolls in, they could at least just reduce the cast to the only ones that are important. Not have a dozen set ready. Maybe in the narrative, the trolls would then be killed off as they would be the stepping stones for the Beta Kids to rise and win. Then we can have the story of Hivebent as a separate piece to go find out about the trolls after the game is won. The real focus had always been on the 4 kids, their experiences, and the close friendship between them. It sucks that bond is now broken and missing now within Homestuck by Post Canon. If one argues that relationships change overtime and that's how real life works, then I'm sorry, but I don't want a downer ending into something like this. Why have moments or arcs of the characters going through struggles and being able to be reach out to someone they care about, only to drop it at the last moment once everything is over because their relationship only mattered when the plot was happening? It fucking sucks.
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moviesludge · 2 months
finally scrounged up the nerve to watch SPEAK NO EVIL. actually it was more like a FUCK IT! situation because I didnt really want to make a whole thing out of choosing a movie to watch on the treadmill.
I had a sense from somewhere that it would be a rough watch, and I wasn't wrong. really compelling. really good performances. if you haven't seen it, there's mild not-really-spoilers below the break
there's a scene that breaks the tension that has been building and releasing through the whole movie and it was pretty devastating in the moment. I had a feeling like my heart was falling/dropping off a building. That never really happens to me but it passed and once the shock wore off and I got what the movie was going for, I felt a lot better. But yeah, super dark.
I was reading reviews of the movie afterward and saw a lot of people comparing it to THE STRANGERS and FUNNY GAMES.
I don't agree with either of those assessments. My most liked review on LB is my screed about how much I hated FUNNY GAMES because the point of it is so dumb and obnoxious and insulting to the audience. The most SPEAK NO EVIL really has in common with it is a downer tone and maybe like one other thing that I won't say because it's a (real) spoiler.
But SPEAK NO EVIL actually tries to make a valid point and it seems to make more sense the more you think about the movie. And then of course it isn't deliberately trying to piss you off all the time.
I get why people compare SNE to THE STRANGERS but I don't think there's much of real connection between the thing people point out about both movies. It's hard to make my point without giving something away, but I'm sure you know what I mean if you've seen both movies.
I would say SNE is more like Brice's CREEP or Kusama's THE INVITATION if anything. And it also brought to mind spineless suffering protagonist comedies like MEET THE PARENTS.
but anyway yeah. I just found out recently they're doing an american remake. I wonder if they'll change the movie significantly
The whole thing got me thinking about sad vs happy endings and how important it is to have one or the other. From a writing perspective I don't think it's all that important as long as you make your point resonate.
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peachym00 · 2 months
4 Minutes stream of consiousness...
spoilers below for yet more of my dumb thoughts for ep 3 lol
If I were Korn and Great called me asking what the time was I would think he were crazy ngl
But 11:01 obviously seems significant
Poor Great all he can think about is the time…and Dr.Tyme..hehe
I think he must be living through multiple timelines…is he reliving the past so that this time he can change it..because whatever has already happened is…bad…??????
Is Tyme stalking him or something?? he got a cruuuusssshhhhhhh
OH WAIT??????? why is he reliving this again?
Oh shit he’s telling Tyme he can see into the future. I wonder if he thinks he’s batshit… or if Tyme is living on a future timeline and already knows this…….so many questions
OOP Great’s asking him to dinner this time
Den is so fucking funny. Job is such a cutie pie.
And their first date is playing with arcade claw machines. What in the romcom is this I LOVE IT. Tymes like bitch let me do it. You’re doing it WRONG
Omg they’re so adorable together😭😭😭 pls let them be happy before they inevitably die😭😭Also side note—it must be so weird for Great every time he talks to Tyme and gets to know him more when he’s had those really graphic sex visions of them together. He’s like I have no idea what your favourite colour or hobby is but I know what you look like when you’re inside me🤣
Tymes parents died when he was young, which is why he lives with his grandma. Great’s parents were rich as fuck and spoiled him rotten but have clearly never loved him properly. Cool cool cool. Excuse me while I store this info away for future fic purposes😀
I do have money. But I’ve never been happy that’s genuinely heartbreaking. (Ideas of lonely Great longing to be loved and meeting Tyme who has more than enough love to give are BREWING I TELL U)
Omg the hand touching…..omg YES KISS KISSKISS…omg the flashback…..NOOOOOOOO GRANDMA THE COCKBLOCK WTF… that would have been so sweet
Aw, Great’s so happy he might finally get some answers. CUTEEEEE THE LITTLE CAT TOY. Great is so fucking cute I’ll say it again
Ok who is this woman and what is she stealing..oh a key???? A safe key……oohhhh shes been caught. And she’s been shot nice
Tonkla😭😭 getting high is not going to help you feel better in the long run bby☹️ THAT WAS FAST JESUS they didn’t waste any time lmao loving the show of lube and condoms. Okay not to be a Debbie downer but I rly think this is a bad idea because TONKLA IS GRIEVING he is so vulnerable rn. A bad time for fucking people we barely know I fear
The amount of bare butts in this is truly amazing
The cat toys holding hands is the cutest fucking thing and then BAM a sensual shot of Great in his tighty whiteies looking all moody, smoking on his balcony at night
Jesus Christ, those thigh tattoos will be the death of me
Great: rich boy student turned detective lol
Korn my dude…you’re giving Kinn vibes, and that’s not a good thing at this point lmao
Great, I know you want answers but you have GOT to be careful about who you tell about your seeing into the future problem
and of course that’s the end…only seven days to go until the next ep lol
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persephone-uwu · 2 years
With Fallen getting a tv show, I thought I’d make another Fallen rant. (Am I still going to watch the show? Absolutely.) the actors look nothing like the book description, But I’m not going to focus on that, but rather, parts of the book I didn’t like and what I hope they fix in the show.
First and foremost, Luce is a Pick Me. The way she refers to others girls as looking “squat” and “lethargic,” is just gross. The only girl she ever calls pretty, she hates for no real reason. And it’s not just Luce, but Arrianne also has a Pick Me moment when she refers to Molly as a “downer”
Yet when men, especially Daniel or Cam, are downers, it’s “broody” and “sexy.” (She doesn’t say this about them, but it’s their descriptions) Daniel acts like a sad puppy, and no one calls him a downer. Speaking of Daniel, he and Luce (especially him) are the most self-absorbed and shallow people. Luce admits she just likes good looking guys, they’re her weakness. It’s the only reasons she likes Daniel, or Cam, or Lucifer.
Like the author tried to portray Lucifer as this toxic, abusive boyfriend because he wanted Luce to declare their love in front of God, and she didn’t want to. She then cries, and Daniel does the bare fucking minimum and comforts her, and she kisses him and they’re like, “true love!!” And then they declare their love in front of God?? The whole reason she was mad at Lucifer??? I kind of get his beef with her. Like goddamn.
Also, why did God curse Luce just because Lucifer asked? You’d think if Lucifer was like, “she’s my ex! Curse them!!!!” God would be like??? Aren’t you??? Trying to rebel against me right now?? Fuck you. Instead he’s like, “alright bet” it just makes no sense. Or how they went through all of the work to find the relics just for God to be like, “enough!” You couldn’t have done that sooner, my guy? Or he just makes everyone pinky promise to leave Luce and Daniel alone as humans, and the Devil just agrees. Even though his entire point is disobeying God. Like what.
Also Molly and Gabbie die for Daniel and Luce, and the only person who cries is Luce. Daniel doesn’t say a soft thank you, or anything nice to these two people for giving their lives for Daniel’s girlfriend. Or how about him never thanking Cam, Roland, and Molly for going against THEIR SIDE to help them break the curse. Also I like that that gets ignored. Even in Unforgiven, Lucifer just seems to have forgotten that Roland and Cam went against him lmao.
I also don’t understand what happened with Cam. He went from the main villain in Fallen to suddenly being on Daniel’s side. That’s never explained why he changed sides, and what his weird relationship with Luce was. I feel like the author liked him too much and just created these new villains, the Outcasts, for Torment. That whole book could’ve ended so much sooner if they just asked the Outcasts why they wanted Luce. Even though their reason was stupid too. They never explained why it HAD to be Luce. She just asks God, who cursed this dumb bitch, to “pretty please let these people who betrayed you back into Heaven uwu” and he’s just like, “omg okay, because you asked so nicely” and even says it’s because it’s “selfless”?? WHAT.
Also, the way Cam and Daniel baby Luce is so annoying. They tell her how brave she is, but yell at Shelby and Miles, two Nephilim who help Lice uncover her true self, and teach her how to travel through Announcers. In fact, they get yelled at. They’re so fucking brave and they don’t get acknowledgment.
Like when Todd dies in Fallen, Cam comforts Luce, and Luce takes off after Daniel; and it’s like, girl. Penn has had your back this entire time, and the boy she likes just died, and you take off? And cry? And make it about you? And Trevor, who she didn’t know, she’s so upset about. It’s traumatic, sure. But the way she talks about it like they were lovers for so long. It’s so annoying.
I also didn’t like the way that Roland was downplayed. Luce only refers to Daniel and Cam as sexy. She says Shelby isn’t “beautiful like Daniel or Cam, or have the energy of Arrianne and Roland” UH. MISS??? Roland has big dick energy and he sounds hot as fuck. Watch your goddamn mouth. And she’s just so arrogant, especially when Cam comes to save her and she says, “it’s like he still couldn’t get over the fact that she chose Daniel over him.” He didn’t even say anything. He didn’t even like you. He only ever loved Lilith (which fuck that abusive bitch)
Like the end of the book just felt rushed. Just for it to end with God coming in at the last second, they didn’t even need the relics, and God just turns them into humans. And they don’t weigh the consequences of this?? Like Lucifer could decide to disobey God. He could get revenge by getting Daniel to sin and end up in Hell for eternity. Their relationship could be doomed. But okay, yeah. They can meet at 17, because omg so cute uwu
Daniel and Luce are such unbearable main characters. Luce is shallow, and a Pick Me. Daniel is self-absorbed, codependent, and ungrateful to his friends who’ve always stayed by his side. Even Cam.
Cam gets his heartbroken by Lilith, and Daniel makes it about him and Luce. All Cam needed was for his favorite brother to say, “I’m here for you,” and instead, says, “all I need is Luce”
Cam says, “I’m lonely” and it was Daniel’s chance to BE there for him, and he wasn’t. He gets mad after Cam for saying that he and Luce are only together because of the curse. (1500 languages and he chose to speak facts)
And Daniel gets mad, and lashes out at him, and says he’s better off without him. Like bro, you started that fight. I have no sympathy for you.
And then in Unforgiven, Lucifer just agrees to let Cam try to win Lilith back? And the entire reason she’s in Hell is because she kill herself. But Daniel said she became a “dark thing” after her split with Cam. That makes more sense why she’s in Hell, but okay. And Hell just seems like another Tuesday for me. Poor family with a sick brother? She steps in dog poop, and she can’t wash it off, so she gets bullied. But like, you can walk your dog. That’s on you. Just walk him. Her brother’s Hell seems worse than hers. Imagine you’re sick for eternity to make someone else’s Hell worse because their brother is sick. That’s all you’re reduced to. And Cam healing the kid, in HELL, makes zero sense. Your mere existence is a plot device, kid. To make Cam look like he’s becoming a good guy.
While Lilith gets zero character development. Lucifer tells her that Cam’s ex killed herself because of him, and she gets so mad at Cam. How is that his fault?? That’s so manipulative. Any adult would know you can’t blame him if she killed herself because he LEFT. After she abused him. Or Lucifer stealing her song book and spreading it, and blames Cam, and she just??? Believes it?? And kicks him out of the band that was his idea. I’m so confused why she just believed that with no evidence. I just hate how much she and Cam fight too. It’s so unhealthy. He does so much for her, and the relationship is so one-sided. He gives her a romantic date, but she never does anything nice for him. He gives more than he gets. It’s just so unhealthy. (That’s why you shouldn’t date teenage girls, creep) It also just ends with Cam taking Lilith out of Hell and two things:
One: you can just take souls out of Hell??? Whenever you want???
Two: she’s fine just leaving her brother and friends in Hell, knowing they’re suffering? I could never. It would kill me to know, that even though they weren’t my real family, they were suffering. And I wasn’t. I left, because I lucked out and had a fancy boyfriend.
Okay, rant over. I have more, but this is the main points. I do love Fallen BTW!
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Okay, I’ll try to be quick about this. I’ll do it in list form to set some ground rules and get my analysis going.
(I am arguably very frustrated overall about what I’m about to write, because of how excellent The Eighth Sense was, and watching this was just a bit of a downer, man.)
1) I will own that at this point, I might be the only The Promise apologist on this site. I might have led friends astray at this show. For that, I offer a 90-degree wai of apology. I gotta check the tag, but I wouldn’t be surprised. 
(Senpai @respectthepetty...I’ll watch The Shipper as self-punishment.) 
2) Yes, Phu DEFINITELY sucks. BUT, there’s a but that I’ll get to in a sec.
3) For the first time in this show, I am actually frustrated by the pace. 
4) Party definitely rules, Mr. Sassy.
Alright, all that out of the way, get ready to hear why, once more, even I surprise myself by saying, I STILL like this show, but we’re on shakier ground. The Promise, episode 7, here we go:
We’ve now established two social rules by which Nan and Phu operate: 
a) Phu is afraid of loss, 100%. He’s scarred by his father’s death, and doesn’t want to lose anymore people in his life, especially his best friend. 
(HOW that equated to him RUNNING AWAY for 10 YEARS is STILL unclear to me, but I SUPPOSE that if Nan can STILL wait for an answer, then WE, as the audience, are expected to wait, TOO, which I THINK, dear director Khom Kongkiat/Uncle Tong, is ASKING a little MUCH of US, BUT ANYWAY)
b) Nan has said this shit in the past and present about how he wants FRIENDS, and separates that from LOVERS. And Phu is all up in his confusion about that.
I mean, I think I can get that those are legitimate reasons why Phu continues to hold back from revealing his truth to Nan.
But, fuckin’ GO PARTY. Party is like.... what the fuck, dude? Just come out and say it!
AND: Party put himself out there! He put himself out on the line! He revealed himself to Nan! Nan rejected him. But guess what? They’re still gonna be friends! PHU SAW ALL THAT!
Will Phu NOT be satisfied IF Nan rejects him? I mean, Phu will be sad, but... can’t they be like Party and Nan, and still be friends? NO? 
On the one hand, I say: WHAT THE FUCK? Phu -- you are REALLY hyping this up! Why should everything be 100% with you?
On the other hand, I say: My socio-emotional read is that because Phu experienced the death of a loved one at an early age, things might HAVE to be 100% with him. 
I just don’t know if Uncle Tong is weaving this complicated and emotional story as well as he could be at this point. I don’t know how efficient each episode is at selling the skincare. I absolutely loved the focus on the coffee farm and the process of the beans and everything. I love, love those slices of village life. It very much harkens to P’Khom’s actual role in Bad Buddy, and obviously goes to show how much he wants to profile these slices of Thai village life. I love those parts.
But at this point, as I said last week, we’ve waited too long. We need clarity. I get we have three episodes at an hour each, but the pace has now started to drag. I love what this show gives by way of a respect of the rural life these guys come from, but the imbalance is there among Devonte commercials/life in Chiang Mai/Granny and how she’s there to explain who Phu really is/Nan’s patience. 
It’s not quite working anymore. I’m gonna stick out this show, because who knows if Uncle Tong can give us a huge and surprise ending, and there are only three episodes left, anyway.
But seriously, Nan is getting fuckin’ seriously played, and like, I think Phu is not as dumb as he’s being written. Maybe Phu’s read is that he thinks Nan is a lot stronger than Nan actually is. I don’t know. I just don’t know why Phu would play his homey like this for SO LONG. WHY DID PHU COME BACK, ONLY TO ATTEMPT TO RUN AWAY AGAIN. 
Yes, you’re held back by your demons, but -- maybe it would have been best if Phu had just permanently stayed away. 
Come on, Uncle Tong. PLEASE clean up this mess. I HAVE HOPE.
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nervousron · 2 years
Where do you stand on shipping Michael and Trevor? Pre-prologue did they have an established relationship, an unlabelled "thing," or just ridiculous romantic tension? How about post-canon?
i flip-flop on where I stand a lot. Especially with the pre-game stuff. I don't think it was ever an established relationship, but there are a lot of little comments in the game that make me think they had something going on between them.
(Post Deathwish conversation)
"we're back baby! Mike and Trevor - top of the world."
"T, come on."
"Trevor Philips and Michael... De... *fart sound* together again!"
"Yeah. We're together at this moment, but... ahh... you know it's not..."
"I know, alright? Shit, you're such a downer. I don't even feel drunk anymore."
"Well, you are still drunk. So cheer up."
"Nah, you ruined it."
(Drunk conversation)
(T) Fuck you, actually (M) Dont you wish
(Cutscene in By the Book)
(M) hey, fuck you (T) You know? I'm beginning to think that's exactly what you wanna do (M) Yeah, Jesus. I just said the same fucking thing to my wife
Trevor's attraction towards Michael seems to have been there from the get-go. Lamar jokingly refers to it as "love at first sight" and i dont think he was very far off. When Trevor blew their first robbery together, he was sent to prison for it. By all accounts Michael should've skipped town and continued on his way. But he didnt. He waited for Trevor, a man at this point he hardly knew, and that decision changed Trevor's life irreversibly. I think thats where his infatuation begins.
As for Michael I think the attraction to Trevor comes on slowly. He doesnt realize its happening, and when he does, he makes up excuses for himself so he doesnt have to worry about being a queer. Buddies jerk off together all the time. If your best friend is willing to go a little farther than that and doesn't make it weird in the morning, why not go with it? And if Michael loves him a little, so what? Who doesn't love their best friend. They're Bodhi and Johnny Utah. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid. That's all.
I think they had a good thing going for a while, up until Mandy got pregnant. Then they had an on-and-off thing for years that got more and more volatile as their friendship fell apart.( I wrote like 6 paragraphs about that but it was getting really lengthy so that's a post for another day lol.)
Or maybe they just never acted on it and the farthest they got was weird flirting, drunken three-ways with call girls, or jerking off to the same skin-flick. I can see em' all happening and its a horrible back and forth on my end of which makes the most sense canonically.
No matter what I think they had something really deep and guttural together before the Ludendorff heist
As for post-game i have my realistic idea of what would happen, and my idealistic ideas of what would happen.
Trevor is done pining after Michael. He still loves him, that will never change. But he's done with the heartache. They made up, and they'll hang out from time to time, but Trevor is never going to let his heart be broken by Michael again.
Michael is trying with his family. He wants to make his marriage work. He continues to fuck up, probably still sleeps around from time to time, but he's genuinely trying to stay with Amanda. He doesnt think about his past with Trevor very often, because if Trevor doesnt want to bring it up, neither will he.
They have a strained fucked up friendship, but a friendship nonetheless.
Abso-fucking-lutely. They figure it out. They're a goddamn mess together, but they're happy. They fight like they always do, but at the end of the day they're both trying
(im working on a post about my ending C Trikey thoughts that was supposed to be a reply to iagami a while back. i have so many ideas for a post-C ending for them and most of it is just dumb "lol thatd be funny" type stuff, but a lot of it has genuine thought put into it too. This post is already too long lol. thanks for reading through it!)
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crazy56u · 1 year
Happy season finale day. Let's dance.
Last week on Quantum Leap, Ziggy may or may not have nuked the Project in the future.
Watch as they don't explain Martinez's deal this time, and they save that shit for next season.
Welcome to the future Ben. Nuclear winter's a thing, and according to an episode of the anthology horror series Monsters, vampires are running around now.
And back in the present day, Janis just suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
And Ben is now Missingno.
2051. A horrible year.
"I'm the only one from Quantum Leap who survived." So, yeah, take that everyone who hated Ian.
"Ben told me his final destination is in the past. So don't fucking ask me why he's in the fucking future."
"Time travel changes things." Fucking mic drop.
Okay, so, the series started with the timeline altering. That's actually fucking sick.
Gotta get back. Back to the past, Samurai Ja- wait, no.
I chose to believe Ben forcefully leaping out of 2051 caused another nuke.
Meanwhile, in 2018, one of the last good years.
… … …if they find a way to have Dean Stockwell secretly cameo in this…
And Ben leapt into himself.
"I leapt into myself in the past." I just fucking said-
Okay, Ben somehow managed to memorize the code despite going Code Blue, impressive.
"Okay, cool, future code from Future Me, I don't fucking understand this."
Look, Ian, you took ten years to write that code, it's not like you had time to be clear.
"Why would you help him leap if those were the risks?!" "Because fuck you!"
And there's your meet cute, Ben.
"There's something different about you. Why are you five years older?"
Okay, so, what if it turns out Ben needed to go to Trivia Night?
"Ben, if you fuck up this date, you fuck up history." "But if I don't fuck up history, Martinez fucks this up."
And there's the rub: Ben is doing Back to the Future 1, and this date is the Enchantment Under the Sea dance.
Addison, stop being a third wheel on your 2018 date with Ben.
"You seem nervous." "That obvious, huh?"
Ian invented a dating app while working on Quantum Leap. Maybe that explains why he took 10 years to invent future code.
"I like you, too." And Addison vanishes from the Imaging Chamber-
"Why can't I figure this out?" Hey, look, sometimes I can't decode my own bullshit, it's not that uncommon.
Plot Twist: The key to saving the future is fixing Ian's 2018.
And Ben decides to fuck up 2018.
Welcome to Quantum Leap, what you thought was Back to the Future is actually Terminator Genisys, get fucked.
Addison, you work on Quantum Leap, please understand that Ben isn't lying?
"Dear God, was I really this much of an idiot in 2018?"
"How much damage did he do?" "Yes."
"Look, I know the timeline is imploding, but I gotta figure out my bullshit code."
Butterfly effect. Not even once.
"Ben and Addison don't end up together." And an annoying portion of the audience just pumped their fists into the air.
Ben, I saw the trailer. Addison gets shot. She doesn't listen to you.
"Hey, Magic. Ben may or may not be having a mental breakdown."
Ben is going to lock Martinez in a broom closet.
"Hey, come on, I know I'm breaking the timeline, but don't be a Debbie Downer."
"Look, I think the universe will let one bad date happen." "Surprise, motherfucker."
"Talked to Magic. He said to shoot you."
…what if Martinez leapt into Magic?
Great job, Ben, you made yourself sound insane- and why the fuck is Addison seeing 2023 Addison.
And Ben now has to explain why the Waiting Room no longer exists.
"Wait, why the fuck did I just activate Lockdown?"
And Jenn tag-teams the leap.
That delivery guy indirectly saved Ben's life.
They are going to feel so fucking dumb when they realize the guy who leapt into Ben is Ben.
Okay, no offense, but how much under until the red lights go away.
Also, I fucking called it.
"Addison, shoot Magic!" "Addison, shoot Ben!" "I enough bullets, guys!"
And Ben's bad memory bites him in the ass at the worst possible fucking moment.
And now Ben's in the broom closet.
At least Martinez wants to keep the timeline alteration secret…
If that's the fucking gun Martinez uses to shoot her later…
And the timeline has been cracked in half over her knee.
And now Magic's in the Imaging Chamber, finally…
"I just don't get it. I thought I did everything right!"
"I really messed things up." "No shit."
"Look, I dropped the ball with saving Sam, but I'll be fucking damned if I drop the ball helping you. Vandalize that wall."
"Hey, Ben, see you're talking to Magic."
And now 2018 Ian sees the bullshit code.
"Look, dude, I stabbed you in the neck, why don't you go away?"
"Look, I have to kill everyone to save the future, I am the good guy here!"
If it fucking turns out Martinez killed Sam…
"Wait… cigars?"
"Turtle Time?" "Ben never saw TMNT, this is serious!"
Bet you guys feel stupid now, huh?!
"So, guess what, Magic got leapt into, and he's about to nuke the Project."
"Wait, Ben, this code-" "You wrote it in 2051, I gotta fucking go!"
Plot twist: Ian reinvented the Konami Code.
And Ben comes to save the day!
And now there's a fucking fight scene in the Accelerator, 1993 Quantum Leap wouldn't fucking dare to be this metal.
And now we're just fucking up history entirely, time for a fight scene in a mental hospital!
MORAL OF THE STORY: Cheat codes are always morally acceptable.
If this episode ends by setting the plotline back five years…
And now Ben and Martinez are about to cause World War III.
"Damn, they really are 'the Terminator'." CALLED IT!
Luckily, Ben remembered how to box!
"Luckily, this will fix everything!" "And if Ben dies?" "…everything asterisk."
An error message across two time periods, that might be significant…
"I used cheat codes for a co-op video game I was playing single-player, what of it?"
"We're back where we started, with me shooting you in the Old West."
And Martinez has been removed from the plot.
Meanwhile in 2051, Ian is tripping out.
…was the decision to have each separate time period colored red, white, and blue intentional, because I just realized that…
Addison, that wasn't fucking funny. [I type, as I chuckle.]
"We did it. Now we need to figure out what the plot of Season 2 will be…"
Ben's reward for almost breaking the timeline? A third take on that first meeting.
"Hey, I know we never met yet, but (SMOOOOOOOTCH)"
And everyone applauds. I fucking love this show.
And that's not Ben in the Accelerator. Who is? Well- [END OF SEASON]
Once again: NBC, renew this show for Season 3 already.
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arunneronthird · 1 year
Hey, anon on the Jay Nakamura topic again, I definitely agree on the fact that Jay doesn't really add anything if he is overpowered and equal to Jon. What I'm trying to say is that Tom Taylor in Son of Kal El made it seem as the story was going to be about Jon struggling with trust after the events in the volcano. He was going to be more closed off and cautious of others because it made it seem as though as Jon didn't feel like he could trust people to have his back, especially the fact that with as you said, Jon realizing how powerful he is, feeling like his allies are more of a liability than backup. Sounded like it could be an interesting and reasonable flaws for Jon. We could've seen how this affects Jon's relationships, especially with non superpowered friends and family who before have had his back before and even saved him in his younger years (ex. Lois Lane and Damian Wayne) and have seen Jon learn to trust people again and be able to rely on them again. But Tom Taylor's solution to this instead was Jay, a "straightfoward romantic relationship". I've tried liking Jay as I am always curious and excited for new superheroes but as you said in previous posts, he is originally created to be Jon's love interest. Not to mention he began to annoy me as the comic is supposed to be about Jon but Jay is seemingly taking up space with his story and arc as the role of supporting character. It made it seem Tom Taylor took the advantage of writing his original character and forcing him into Jon's spotlight in any and every way possible, at least to me. If anything, we could have used more non superpowered supporting cast for Jon to give him a sense of normality, he is half human after all. What do you think?
okay i got it now sorry, reading comprehension is slipping through my fingers
valid! i think tom had good intentions and wanted to write a good, happy and mentally stable superhero to counter the bat family maybe, and in doing so he missed so many shots, i think jon struggling to put his faith in people who he believes are weaker than him is such a fun angle, him learning to come to terms with humans with no powers again would have been a great read
i also think addressing the years of prison would have been the correct thing to do, thats why im excited for this new series, cause fuck if he did something with it in son of superman
full honestly after reading most of son of superman and getting bored i genuinely cannot tell u anything about jays story like wow i did not care, hes easy to ignore i think, which is his first flaw, like yeah he was around too much maybe but even then he was such a non presence
i compare him to bernard a lot in my mind cause in the end they are the "bf i made up for representation with a complicated life story for drama" and like... i look forward to bernard being around, i find him hilarious and hes dumb and fun and thats enough, meanwhile jay is just such a downer and feels incredibly patronizing sometimes
all in all i just think tom tried but it didnt work out, which is a shame cause hes the one writer that made me cry several times so im looking forward to him putting those abilities to work with jon
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existentialflirt · 1 year
tag 10 people you want to get to know better
favorite color(s): purples and reds (though I can't wear a large amount of red because I have a pink undertone in my skin and it just doesn't reflect well). Personally, I wear too much black but black isn't a colour but the absence of it. Or it's all of them. I can never remember the difference between black and white anymore in that sticky colour wheel way. song stuck in your head: uhhhh......I've had Boy Harsher's Pain stuck in my head off and on since Thursday night. last song you listened to: Gay Bar // Electric Six (yeah, yeah I think they're kinda cringe these days, but honestly, I'm not sure they were ever not cringe.) dream trip: Europe now that I'm not a dumb kid experiencing culture shock. Alternately, I'd like to go to one of the other Disney parks (listen, I'm not a lame Disney adult, I'm a cool and hip and clinically depressed over how they've destroyed Epcot). Really they've been laying waste to the American parks over the past several years and I wonder if the other ones have retained thematic integrity like do not get me started I need someone to fucking explain Galaxy's Edge to me. It's just this gorgeous waste of space. anything i want rn: my hair to grow faster because I am unwell and my current hair aesthetic that I'm trying to ape requires it to be at least shoulder length. add on: So like I'm so tired of the modern conceit that SOCIAL MEDIA IS EVIL AND DESTROYING OUR COLLECTIVE MENTAL HEALTH. It's so much more complicated than that.. The concept of the internet is not inherently evil, it's just that unregulated capitalist greed had transformed it into the horror show it currently is. Blame the machine that is grinding everything into a fine powder, mashing it into a paste, and feeding it back to us. Of course everything's starting to taste shitty.
(wow sorry to end it on a downer)
tagged by: @overclocks tagging: idek idek I'm so bad at this. if you see this do it and tag me in it.
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hauntedheroines · 1 year
Shipanalysis: Ruth and Scout
So Significant Other has been around for a while now, but was unfairly kept off radar by most of the villain x heroine community. I’m here to make amends to that.
Significant Other follows a young couple who take a remote backpacking trip through the Pacific Northwest and face sinister events leading them to realize that everything about the place is not what it looks like.
It’s better to go blindly into this movie, so beware the spoilers below:
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To me, Significant Other was the villain x heroine movie of it’s year because of it’s suprise twists which implies so many things about love, or a twisted idea of it. The alien’s ability to copy someone’s biology, including their memories, was explored fully in the context of his love for the protagonist.
The fact Scout tries to kill Ruth in the end should be a downer, but surprisingly wasn’t so. The reason is that it came of as a poor decision made out of love by someone who has no experience with the feeling.
He had an idylic vision of a deeper love after being repeatedly rejected and he has to kill her to keep the illusion of possessing her alive. By knowing all her memories and thoughts and becoming the object of his affection he is trying, in a clumsy of someone who had never experienced love, to possess her fully in a way that she can't escape him. To keep the true Ruth alive would be a reminder that he was not loved.
By living through her and, in a way, helping Ruth overcome her traumas by becoming "a great person" as he said, he is building the illusion of having a relationship with her.
And never experienced love before, he doesn't know how one feels when losing a "significant other" LOL
So my headcanon is that, after not only knowing her thoughts on an intellectual level but living her emotions, and after seeing her potential for both violence and compassion, he is even more in love with her and would not be able to kill her now.
This movie ended exactly how I'd like most villain x heroine to end. They are not together, but they are not really apart since no one died. They will live on forever as they were on that moment: she running and he just a few feet behind. TRUE LOVE.
And this is what he said on his marriage proposal: "do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?" Now she will LOL
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A few other things I wanna point that truly captured my heart:
1) They fucked
2) She tecnically agreed to marry him
3) When he wants to take her away in his spaceship, he says "We'll go to some quiet planet where no one will find us and we will start over". He is not trying to take her to his homeland. He is giving up his entire life to be with her.
4) Both her real boyfriend and him wanted to help her by taking her somewhere far and quiet LMAO
5) The fact that he has never loved before and does so many dumb things because of it makes him look like a puppy T_T
6) It's really hot when he gently askes her "I don't understand Ruth... don't you want to be saved?" while mind controlling her
7) For real, the two times in which he is running after her shouting "Stop! I love you" was really cute like a puppy and someone who is alergic to dogs. Also such a mood for so many of my ships, could visualize many in those scenes LMAO
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virtualdiary98 · 10 months
attempting my jenna hamilton era.
I will never understand how girls can just willingly take someone back who has wronged them MANY times in the past. I'll admit that it is definitely extremely difficult to let go of something from the past, but it is always healthy and beneficial to learn to let go. Though, I have it on good record that you never forget your first time.
I have a friend, who I met back in high school, who lost her virginity to a guy I later befriended. she lost her virginity in the back of a movie theater, which is fucking weird to say the least. til this day, I dont really see the appeal about him, but then again, you never really forget your first time. when I started to become close friends with this guy, I learn that he has a girlfriend in another county who he's been with for a little over 2 and a half years. of course I ran to tell my friend about this, knowing this would break her heart. How could I not? What kind of a friend would I have been if I never said anything.
so as expected, they ended things and the guy was still happily dating that girl who lived in another county.
fast forward to today, where they are officially in a committed relationship. what the fuck? before that, after we all graduated high school, I learn that they hook up from time to time, but for my friend, it means much more to her than just a hook up. to him, that's all it is. Isn't it always?
back to today's forecast, they have been in a committed relationship for about a couple months. I was telling my boyfriend (not to be a bitch) but let's see how long this will last. The guy hard launched my friend on his insta, which he never does so that was a huge gesture.
I discover that they broke up, and they broke up because HE CHEATED. how many times does someone have to get their heart broken by the same person for them to realize that they're just simply a piece of fucking shit?!?
Don't get it twisted. My friend and I drifted apart as people from high school do, but I still care for her. Clearly not enough to shit on her parade when I first discovered that they were dating. I never want to come off as a "debby downer" and even though we drifted apart doesn't mean I dont care about her anymore. How do I tell my old best friend that she's dumb for talking to him still? just because you guys have a few great months together doesn't mean it's worth it....
but does that make me a bad person? do I reach out to see how she's doing?
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chicken2potato · 1 year
Don't get me wrong, I love Mk. I really do. But sometimes man... she just kind of makes me hate myself a little.
The day that I applied, I had gone over to her apartment that night. I was so excited. I always knew that after leaving CBC that I would want to go back some day. I don't want to be stagnant and stay at Sam's Club for the rest of my life. I want to grow and help people. I was so excited. After I applied, Bailey and Hana cheered with me and gave me high fives. Even baby James gave me a high five and then the cutest fist bump ever. They were happy for me and excited along with me.
But not mk...
I sat down on her couch and excitedly asked her to guess what I did. She asked what? I said "I applied to college!!". She just snickered and said "With what money?"....
Instead of being happy. Instead of being proud of me. Instead of being a good friend. She was a pessimist. She was already being a downer and not believing in me. That really hurt...
So many people don't understand the fucking strength and balls it took to get away from CBC. I was in a fucking cult. I was brainwashed. Like I literally ruined so many fucking relationships for that religion because I really thought I was doing what I was supposed to. Both in high school and in college. I have some relationships that will never be the same because of my position in the church.
So I was fucking emotionally exhausted, more than ever, once I left. I knew in the back of my mind that one day I would go back to college and get better and do better. I just needed time to figure out what I believed and to rest from being so burnt out.
And now I feel like is time. I've had over a year or so to live and do and breath how I want. I don't feel exhausted nearly as much and I finally have a ferver back to do more.
And she just said "with what money?". Like... girl there's grants and scholarships and FAFSA... why is that your first fucking thought? Why would you say that? Why not "oh my god, I'm proud of you", or "awesome, when are you starting", or "oh that's awesome, I'm sure you'll do great"???
And she does this all the time with any big life thing that happens to me.
Last year, when John and I were talking, we had been talking for almost three months when she mentioned her Halloween party. I had talked to him for a bit now and things were kind of looking like they were going into a relationship. I had asked her if I could invite him to the party. I wanted my friends to meet the guy that I had really liked and really wanted them to get along and such. And she said, "I mean, I guess, if you guys are still together by then."
Like, girl what???
I'm not the type of person to just jump from fucking guy to guy. Before John, my last boyfriend was FIVE YEARS before that. Like what do you mean?? She said some other things too that made it seem like I'd be onto a new guy next month. Like girl??? I don't give my fucking heart out like that. Five years!! Since I've even told a guy that I've liked him. And you're making it sound like I'm a fucking pussy play or something.
Even after John, there was Rowan, and then Nate. And I don't really count Rowan. Not because I didn't like him this time around or any dumb shit like that. But because I had loved him still, ever since high school. To me, that wasn't new. But Nate was. So in the last 6 years, I've liked two other guys. And I've only had two boyfriends. And even with girls, there's been a few flirty flings here and there but like... I'm not a hoe??
She just makes me feel like she thinks I'm ruining my life all the time. And it makes me sad. When things ended with Rowan this last time, she really made me feel like shit...
When Row and I started talking at the beginning of this year, I just knew something was going to happen and a part of me knew that if we had dated, it probably wouldn't last long. And after he broke up with me in May, I knew I didn't want to tell Mk.. she would have made me feel like shit..
When we got back together later on, I knew it was going to be longer, but I still didn't feel like he was going to stay that long. That night, after the letter, when I went over to his place, I knew we weren't going to last. I can't tell you how I knew, I just did... so, the next morning when I woke up before him, I decided to myself, that no matter what, no matter how long the relationship was going to last or not last, no matter what was going to happen, I wasn't going to enter into this with a naive heart. I wasn't going to enter into it thinking we were going to last forever. I wanted us to. I really loved him. But sitting there and looking at him, knowing him, knowing how he had left before, I knew it was only a matter of time before he left again. But I told myself during this time together I was going to love him and cherish him and be everything I possibly could for him while I had the chance.
A week or so after he broke up with me, I was sitting in the car with Mk talking about Dy and her new man and stuff and how she's just kinda making bad decisions. Mk said "You know I hate to say it, but I'm getting tired of saying 'i told you so' to everyone. To Dy, and James, and Will, and I hate to say it, but to you, too." I told her to hold the fuck up. She was trying to fucking say that she "told me so" with the whole Rowan situation. Bitch????? I didn't even tell you we were dating until like TWO WEEKS after we started. Girl.. and like I said earlier, I wasn't going into this thinking it was going to be all sunshine and rainbows. I knew eventually he would leave again, but I was going to enjoy it while it lasted. I told her like you can not tell me you told me so because I knew from the beginning and I didn't go into it thinking he was going to be changed. I was so fucking pissed.
Why does she act so fucking entitled and indignant? Why does she think she's better at making decisions about my life than I am?? It's just so infuriating how she treats me like a fucking child sometimes. Like she doesn't even know me. I have so much I want to accomplish and do. And going to college is the first thing. I have so many aspirations and it's like whenever I tell her them she just shoots me down with doubts and what ifs and koda you can't do that. Fuck her, man. Fuck. That's so mean to do to your best friend.
There is so much I want to do. I want to go to college. I want to go into the Air Force. I want to do the Peace Corps. I want to impact others and live a meaningful life.
I want to mean something to others, too...
I thought he was so awesome...
It's kinda ironic. The night before things happened with us, I told him about how my ex left me so many times for other girls and how it impacted me because I truly thought I was going to marry him. And Nate was like "oh, you don't deserve that you're amazing" blah blah blah. And then dude fucking went and left me for his fucking ex. Foreshadowing much?
He had told me he wasn't ready for a relationship and then like four days later his ex girlfriend posted a picture of them together on his Snapchat..... after he had told me he couldn't go see her. After he had told me he was done with her. After he had told me he wasn't ready for a relationship. And then fucking told me he was talking to her again and trying to work things out.. Only to come over the next day to help me with my Xbox and proceed to fucking make out with me and put his hands down my spandex. Like bro??? I was so dumbfounded when he kissed me. Like didn't you just tell me you were trying to fix things with your ex???
This boy starts putting waters in the fridge at work for me.. AS IF THATLL HELP
Like sir. Wake the fuck up. You fucked me over. You lied to me. You think putting waters in a fridge a couple times a week is going to just like smooth it over?? And then he told Meghan that he liked me as a friend. Funny cuz just a week before he was making out with me and idk about other people but I don't go making out with my fucking friends???
I'm just so tired. Literally every person I've ever loved or liked has left. Even family.
Mom. Dad. Ryan. Rowan. Jacob. Nate. John. Abby. Luc.
It just hurts, man. Like, I'm trying so hard to be enough. I'm trying so hard to be the good person and loving and shit. I'd give my all to anyone and I have done my best to do just that... only for them to break everything off in a single conversation... why am I so disposable? Why am I so easy to forget? I try to be the happiness they need. I try to be the thing that keeps them going. I try to be the good daughter. I try to be the good sister. In the end, it amounts to nothing. I'll never be good enough. Perhaps thats why Mk always says those things. Maybe she knows I won't be any good at college again. Maybe she knows I'm no good for anyone. I want to be. I want to go home at night, to the person I love, and be held in their arms, and feel perfectly safe and loved.
I've been drowning myself in books. Trying to escape, because I know if I sit with my own thoughts, it won't be good. I keep thinking about Rowan. And I'm trying so fucking hard not to. I truly can't seem to get him out of my fucking mind. I wish that I could just go over there, give him a hug, and we'd never let go. I miss him. So fucking much and I don't know how to make it stop. I don't know how to move on. And I get this makes me sound pathetic and stupid to be so caught up in someone who hurt me so much. But hes the only person who I've ever felt loved by. Truly. Especially in high school. When I lived with him, I've never felt that before or since. I don't know if that loves still there. I miss it. I miss him. The old him. The old us, before all this fucking complicated history shit happened. Back when he was my besterest friend. Back with I could trust him with anything. Back when we confided in each other bout the deepest parts of ourselves. I miss someone loving me, seeing me, knowing me. I miss being open and honest to someone like that. I miss the love. I miss the friendship. I miss his fucking laugh so much. 😭😭
I know I wrote him saying fuck him and fuck this and fuck that.. I know.. I was so fucking mad.. it was like the millionth time he had done that to me and I was so angry and hurt and I wanted to make him hurt, too. I shouldn't have done it. I should have let some days go by so we could cool off and potentially talk about it or something. I don't know. I worry about him. I've had a bad feeling about him this past month or so.. I've looked at his Tumblr before and didn't see anything.. but each time I go to look, I'm scared at what I might see? I haven't looked in awhile.. I just want him to be okay. I wish he could find happiness. I miss him and I hope he's doing well.. maybe I am pathetic and stupid for saying this... I can't help it.. he was my everything at some point or another.. I can't just make that go away..
I need to go to bed.. I need these thoughts to stop. It's like they're encircling me. That's why I read. I can escape. I can pretend that I'm not actually one bad day away from doing nothing for forever. Books are my solitude.
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skiitter · 4 years
The Cyberpunk endings are fucking stupid.
V, regardless of the life path, starts the game with a new chance at life. They meet Jackie, take this insane gig, and are aiming for the big leagues. And then it all goes to hell in a handbasket and suddenly, V is being punished for her hubris, for playing Icarus a little too well. Saddled with a nightmare engram and a rapidly approaching end, V is forced to handle these things AND work through whatever Night City throws at her.
And she fucking nails it.
Panam and the Aldecaldos are 100% better off after meeting V. Everyone is. She strives to help, to earn her place at the top, and does it with compassion. It’s not easy, either. Fucking serial killers, rogue AI, corporate espionage, and Relic Malfunctions are literally being thrown at her and V takes it in stride. She bruises and bleeds, but gets the fuck back up. 
She manages to singlehandedly do the one thing no one else could: force Johnny Silverhand to contend with what he’s done, and atone. Takes this symbol of rage and hate and violence and makes him sit there and realize that living that way is not a way to live. He doesn’t regret the places he’s burned, just the people. She teaches him humanity and humility and what it means to be vulnerable and how stupid he was for thinking he was better than those that chose to love him.
V befriends nearly everyone she meets, including a dishonored corporate body guard and a fucking vending machine. She performs emotional labor for 90% of the characters in this game, including allowing her literal, actual body to be used purely for the benefit of someone else. Changes Kerry’s entire life, sets him back on the path he lost so many years ago. Gives Rogue a chance at closure from the most destructive relationship she’s ever had. 
The only person V feels that she has ever let down is Jackie and we spend the whole game carrying that weight. Her entire quest for fame, the whole reason she keeps pursuing the Big Leagues, is for her dead partner. A partner who she never replaces, by the way. Johnny Silverhand becomes her angry, jaded and wise consciousness but never her partner. V does everything she does alone, save for her ghost who no one can see. 
It all compounds. Helping Claire with the drag races. Rounding up Delamain’s feral children. Letting River’s niece and nephew win at the stupid game. Telling the new mayor he’s actually being brainwashed by an AI. Catching SEVENTEEN cyberpsychos. All of that takes time. Time V could spend chasing down a million leads to save her life but this is a game of choices and she chooses to help others.
And this all feels normal. That’s generally what these branching, massive RPG type games play out as. It’s not new, but we all love playing a hero. And make no mistake, V is a hero. She’s not some merc, who bends her beliefs to the highest bidder (this is also why Johnny loves her tbqh. its about the conviction). V has a moral code she will not work against and we as players must work within that code, somewhat. 
The story plays out with V taking on these roles of cleaner, helper, friend, lover, confidant. Its beautiful and immersive and V feels better for it. I felt better for it. And all of that culminates in a massive Fuck You. Fuck you for thinking that, at the end of this, there was any chance of saving yourself. Fuck you for building these connections, loving these people, trying this hard. Fuck you for believing this had a happy ending.
The only person, the only fucking person, who is given a chance at salvation is Johnny. And it is exhausting watching yet another female character have to give her life away so that he can learn a lesson. Putting V back into her body to go rot from the inside out for the next six months is so insulting it borders on cruelty. 
The “best” ending, the Star, where V goes off into the sunset with Panam and her clan to hopefully find some miracle cure is such a slap in the face. Why was this option not available before V dragged her body through Arasaka and into the heart of Mikoshi? Are we to believe that suddenly Panam found something out and only now is it worth pursuing? The only “good” ending is Temperance in that at least something comes from V’s sacrifice and I hate that its to uplift Johnny. 
V did so fucking much for others, emotional, physical, and mental labor, all because that’s the person she is. Runs through the fucking gauntlet of Night City. And, in the end, she earns nothing for it. Fuck your happy ending, fuck your hopes. You can kill yourself on the rooftop, take a suicide mission into fucking space, break out of your own narrative constructs to chase a wild goose, or give your body away entirely. Unsatisfying doesn’t even begin to cover it. 
The Cyberpunk endings are Fucking Stupid.
Edit: I just wanna briefly say that I don't inherently blame Johnny for the loss of V's body in the final missions. In every instance that he gets it, he vehemently expresses not wanting it. It's not his fault that he's the Male Character all the women must die for. It's the writers who fail V, not Johnny, Silvermerc ship be damned. Johnny is canonically loyal to V and taking her body isn't something his character does lightly, at all. Just really wanna stress that here.
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datastate · 4 years
i genuinely don’t know WHY i get upset over writing. i love doing it! i love being able to explore characters, i enjoy being able to break them down and figure out what makes them Work, what has made them as they are. i do love crafting characters and scenes and i am occasionally even proud of my work the few times i do finish things enough to share! but it’s beginning that writing, continuing to get myself to write, that just. hurts. i can’t even begin to get the words out on the page. it’s so, so frustrating. // dnot rblog
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